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Energy Rating for Acs Soon BUSINESS | Page 1 SPORT | Page 1 Al-Attiyah completes stage sweep Jordan INDEX DOW JONES QE NYMEX QATAR 2 – 12, 32 COMMENT 30, 31 Moody’s affi rms REGION 13 BUSINESS 1 – 8, 21 – 24 Rally 17,671.00 9,748.78 44.66 ARAB WORLD 14, 15 CLASSIFIED 9 – 20 QIIB rating at ‘A2’ +97.00 -106.07 +0.34 INTERNATIONAL 16 – 29 SPORTS 1 – 12 +0.55% -1.08% +0.77% with ‘stable’ outlook Latest Figures published in QATAR since 1978 SUNDAY Vol. XXXVII No. 10082 May 8, 2016 Sha’baan 1, 1437 AH GULF TIMES www. 2 Riyals Sheikha Moza attends Fez music fest opening Energy In brief REGION | Reshuffl e Saudi Arabia names rating for new energy minister Saudi Arabia, in a major reshuff le, yesterday appointed Khalid al-Falih, chairman of the state oil giant Saudi Aramco, as its new energy minister, replacing Ali al-Naimi, who had ACs soon held the post since 1995. A royal decree said the petroleum ministry The measure will be introduced In accordance with the Qatar Na- had been renamed to become the as part of Kahramaa’s National tional Vision 2030 goal of maintaining ministry of energy, industry and Programme for Conservation and the country’s resources and attaining mineral resources, and that Falih Energy Eff iciency called Tarsheed sustainable development, Tarsheed would give up his other post, that has succeeded in accrediting technical of health minister. New ministers tarting July this year, the General specifi cations and standards to measure were appointed to run the water, Electricity and Water Corpora- the effi ciency of all the energy-saving transport, commerce, social aff airs, HH Sheikha Moza bint Nasser and Princess Lalla Salma of Morocco at the opening ceremony of the 22nd Fez Festival of Stion (Kahramaa) will implement ACs in the country. These start with a health and pilgrimage portfolios. World Sacred Music. HH Sheikha Moza watched the opening night premiere, A Sky full of Stars, in which the women of the the Energy Star rating system to en- rate of three stars and upwards for Win- Page 13, Business Page 24 Orient lead the audience on a journey of discovery into the history of Morocco and the myths of the East. The Fez Festival hance the power effi ciency of air con- dow ACs with an Energy Effi ciency Rate of World Sacred Music, an annual event, off ers an anthology of musical expressions of diff erent cultures and traditions. ditioners (ACs) in Qatar. (EER) estimated at 8.5 to be the low- PICTURE: AR Al-Baker/HHOPL Page 3 The measure will be introduced est allowed in the country. The lowest BRITAIN | Politics as part of Kahramaa’s National Pro- EER permitted for split-unit ACs is 9.5, Khan sworn in as gramme for Conservation and Energy which start with a four-star rating. Effi ciency (Tarsheed), in co-operation Soon, the Energy Star system will be London’s mayor with the Ministry of Municipality and applied to more electrical appliances Sadiq Khan was sworn in as London Environment. such as washing machines, refrigera- mayor yesterday after being New health centre for workers opens Energy Star is an international stand- tors and heaters, Kahramaa said in a elected the first Muslim leader of ard for energy-effi cient consumer prod- statement. a major Western capital, as the ucts originated in the United States. It The system gives the potential buyer Conservatives defended attempts new Labour Health Centre and and an additional 11,000 visitors in many healthcare projects for single was created in 1992 by the Environmental a reliable and easy method to compare to link him to extremism during the a Medical Commission unit the medical commission unit. The workers. These projects include four Protection Agency and the Department among the various types of air con- campaign. Page 21 A that together can cater to more centre is operated by Qatar Red Cres- health centres, three modern hospi- of Energy. Since then, many Western ditioners available in the market and than 40,000 people a month has been cent under an agreement with the tals, as well as medical commission countries have adopted the programme. make a judgement based on their en- opened at Mesaimeer. Ministry of Public Health. units. Devices carrying the Energy Star service ergy effi ciency. CANADA | Calamity HE Dr Hanan Mohamed al-Kuwari, Al-Kuwari said that Qatar was keen Mesaimeer’s Labour Health Centre mark generally use 20-30% less energy A public campaign to introduce the Canada wildfi re Minister of Public Health, inaugu- on providing the best treatment and consists of 12 general clinics, special- than required by federal standards. system will be launched through vari- rated the Mesaimeer Labour Health preventive healthcare services for the ised clinics in the fi elds of occupa- The standard is endorsed by putting ous media platforms. explodes in size Centre and the Medical Commission people residing in the country. She tional medicine, internal medicine, a sticker on electrical appliances to Meanwhile, Tarsheed and Carre- A raging Canadian wildfire grew Unit attached to it. A number of of- stressed that workers were provided ophthalmology, ENT, chronic diseas- indicate their rate of energy effi cien- four have reached an agreement to explosively yesterday as hot, dry fi cials from the Ministry of Public with healthcare services of a high es, dermatology, cardiac diseases and cy. The more the number of stars, the spread awareness about the campaign winds pushed the blaze across the Health and Qatar Red Crescent at- standard. lung diseases and fi ve dental clinics. higher the energy effi ciency of the ap- at various shopping malls. There will energy heartland of Alberta and tended the function. The minister pointed out that the The centre includes a bandaging pliance. When the product lacks the be stands to disseminate information smoke forced the shut down of a The health centre has the capacity inauguration of the centre at Me- and minor surgery room, and an acute Energy Star sticker, it is considered to to the public. The campaign will be major oil sands project. Page 17 to receive 32,000 visitors per month saimeer was one of the Ministry’s cases section that has 12 beds. Page 12 be a high consumer of energy. launched in more centres soon. Gulf Times 2 Sunday, May 8, 2016 QATAR Al-Mahmoud hails Qatar’s progress in education QNA Al-Mahmoud said the confer- in achieving sustainable human Doha ence was important as it provides development. an opportunity for exchanging Dr al-Hammadi said the scientifi c expertise and experi- theme of the conference affi rms E the Deputy Prime Min- ences. Qatar’s belief in the importance ister and Minister of He said through workshops, of education leadership. HState for Cabinet Aff airs papers and discussion panels, He said the Ministry of Edu- Ahmed bin Abdullah bin Zaid al- participants will arrive at impor- cation and Higher Education HE the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of State for Cabinet Aff airs Ahmed bin Abdullah bin Zaid al-Mahmoud and HE the Minister of Education Mahmoud yesterday inaugurated tant decisions. strives to refi ne the scientifi c and Higher Education Dr Mohamed Abdul Wahed Ali al-Hammadi look at some of the exhibits on display at the conference. the Education Conference 2016. The Deputy Prime Minister personality of students and its The two-day conference, lauded Qatar’s progress in edu- foundation of logical thinking, held under the patronage of HE cation under the leadership of analysis and brainstorming, far the Prime Minister and Minis- HH the Emir Sheikh Tamim bin from the traditional methods ter of Interior Sheikh Abdullah Hamad al-Thani, and recalled which are based on memorisa- bin Nasser bin Khalifa al-Thani, the Emir’s speeches on the im- tion of information. is organised by the Ministry of portance of improving educa- The Minister said Qatar’s eff orts Education and Higher Education tion in the country. He said the can be measured by the facilities it at Qatar National Convention Qatar National Vision 2030 was has provided including buildings, Centre under the slogan ‘Learn- clear in its objectives in terms services, public sources of learn- ing Leadership: Contemporary of the development of educa- ing, programmes, initiatives, com- Visions.’ tion and human wealth and for petitions and awards. Al-Mahmoud also opened the developing knowledge, through The Education Conference this ‘professional teaching’ exhibi- which, society can bring about year focuses on a number of im- tion, which off ers educational progress. portant issues, including modern solutions to teachers in accord- He reiterated Qatar’s leader- educational leadership and its ance with modern teaching ship attaches great importance role in quality management, the trends. to education and stressed the concept of education centred on The Deputy Premier accom- need to work on the development the 21st century skills for enabling panied by HE the Minister of of society as stated in the Qatar and developing teachers’ roles and Education and Higher Education National Vision 2030. proposals for the application of the Dr Mohamed Abdul Wahed Ali Addressing the opening ses- current education system, educa- al-Hammadi went around vari- sion of the conference, the Min- tional solutions applicable in the ous pavilions of the exhibition ister of Education and Higher classroom, and special education. and was briefed on its contents, Education hailed HH the Emir’s The conference features some including teaching aids, techno- outstanding and continuous 104 training programmes, nine logical solutions, programmes support to the education sector.
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