East Texas Historical Journal Volume 47 Issue 2 Article 10 3-2009 True Believers: Treasure Hunters at Hendricks Lake Gary Pinkerton Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.sfasu.edu/ethj Part of the United States History Commons Tell us how this article helped you. Recommended Citation Pinkerton, Gary (2009) "True Believers: Treasure Hunters at Hendricks Lake," East Texas Historical Journal: Vol. 47 : Iss. 2 , Article 10. Available at: https://scholarworks.sfasu.edu/ethj/vol47/iss2/10 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the History at SFA ScholarWorks. It has been accepted for inclusion in East Texas Historical Journal by an authorized editor of SFA ScholarWorks. For more information, please contact [email protected]. 38 EAST TEXAS HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION TRUE BELIEVERS: TREASURE HUNTERS AT HENDRICKS LAKE By Gary Pinkerton* The front page of a local newspaper on any given day is a barometer of current events. On November 7, 1957, the Beaumont Enterprise provided compelling insight into the times. Front-page stories reflected worries about racial strife, dangers from hazardous chemicals, and the communist "Red threat." The paper described the rehef of a Tennessee boy and his dog who managed to avoid abduction by aliens, who landed in the pasture in front of his house dressed like "Germans". On that same front page. a tale almost as far-fetched brought an old East Texas legend back to the surface. A group of Houston oil men began a search for Spanish silver-the legendary treasure of Hendricks Lake.! Hendricks is an oxbow lake near where Rusk, Harrison, and Panola coun ties meet a few miles north ofTatum, Texas. Oxbow lakes result from a river's course change, in this case the Sabine River just to thc north. Hendricks Lake is an arc of dark water almost a mile long, about one hundred feet wide, and forty feet deep in places. Sloping banks shaded by low hanging oak and cypress limbs draped with Spanish moss dominate one side. Marshy lowlands on the other side drain off toward the current course of the Sabine. Trammel's Trace, the first road into Texas from the United States territo ries to the north, passed right by Hendricks Lake in the early 1800s.1 Trammel's Trace was a backwoods trail for smugglers and horse thieves, including Nicholas Trammell, Jr., the man for whom the trail is named, was a secretive trader and the subject of many tales linking him with thievery and contraband. During his short stay near Nacogdoches, Trammell became involved in events leading up to the Fredonia Rebellion in Nacogdoches in IR26.J Hendricks Lake made page-one news at the end of 1957 due to a linger ing treasure myth. As early as 1884, locals actively searched for treasure based on the persistent retelling of an account fil1ed with detail but short on evi dence. The legend told of the pirate Jean Lafitte and how his men plundered the Spanish brig Santa Rosa in Matagorda Bay in 1816. The buccaneers reportedly loaded six wagon~ with pure silver bars and struck out for St. Louis, where the silver could he pressed into coins for easier disposal. According to some accounts, the pirates joined with one of Nicholas Trammell's caravans of stolen horses while transporting the silver. The band of thieves were camped near Hendricks Lake on their way up Trammel's Trace when a scout alerted the band to Spanish soldiers fast approaching to recover the silver. To try and preserve their spoils for another day, the men rolled the wagons to the edge of Hendricks Lake, cut loose the mules, and sank the wagons loaded with silver in the murky depths. So the story goes:~ Stories about lost treasure hidden during pursuit are common across the Gary Pinkerton is a native ofEa.H Texas and i.~ ('omplering a hook O1J Trmmr/('l\ Trace. EAST TEXAS HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION 39 Southwest.5 Many treasure myths included similar decisions by cornered thieves to abandon or bury their loot to return another time. Of course they never do, and the reported inability to find their haul allows myths to persist. Two such myths are cOllnected to Nicholas Trammell. Rumors about treasure he supposedly buried at the site of an old Choctaw village along Trammel's Trace farther north resulted in the founding ofHughes Springs in Cass County. The legend of Hendricks Lake evolved and grew over the years, varying often in its details and unsubstantiated by verifiable facts. Dates range from 1812 to 1818. The treasure was a leather bag full of coins in some versions. In others, it was three, six, or nine wagonloads of silver, along with a hogshead (a barrel) full of gold nuggets. Gaspar "Hot Horse" Trammell is also associated with the talc, though no other mention of this Trammell name has been found outside the legend. Reportedly a man named Robert Dawson survived the attack and reported the story in a St. Louis newspaper, but no source has been found. More recently, details about three fishermen hauling up a bar of silver in the 1920's revived the legend, but again, no substantiation has been found. A Spanish vessel by the name Santa Rosa did indeed operate as late as 1821 between Cuba and Spain, after the reported dates for the plundering. but the ship's log accounted only for trade goods, not silver." A recent comprehensive history of the brothers Lafitte names many vessels that came under their con trol, but does not mention a brig named Santa Rosa as part of their plunder.? A shortage of verifiable facts has not prevented the interest of treasure hunters. The earliest documented search for Hendricks Lake silver was by a son of the founder of Tatum, Texas. Paul "Uncle Fox" Tatum and his family settled south of Hendricks Lake in 1865. Paul Tatum was described as eccen tric, creative. and somewhat of a trouble-maker in spite of his prominence. In 1884 Uncle Fox had the right combination of ingenuity and resources to con duct a search for the Hendricks Lake treasure. Stories about his attempt described his construction ofa steam-operated conveyor with buckets attached with which he intended to baH water out of the lake and expose the suspected treasure.8 In spite of his resources, Uncle Fox was never taken seriously. The Galveston Daily News poked fun at his focus on the treasure. The Henderson Times says the visionaries who have undertaken 10 pump the water ofout ofHendricks lake. in order to recover fabulous wealth from the bottom, are still at work, though the water has not been lowered to any considerable extent. They should tramjer their operations to the Gulf of Mexico. A good deal oIwealth has heen l.eji under its waters by shipwrecks.q Apparently it was not just a distant newspaper writer who made light of Uncle Fox's attempt to find the treasure. Only two weeks later, Paul Tatum clubbed a man to death in a quarrel about the draining of Hendricks Lake.1iI It is likely there were other undocumented attempts to find the treasure after 1884. A richly illustrated, fuH-page wire service story in 1935 related the legend in great detail, and described how a new highway bridge over the Sabine had obliterated all evidence of the treasure. 11 The fact that the bridge was actually miles downstream from Hendricks Lake would only have 40 EAST TEXAS H1STORICAL ASSOCIATION deterred those who did not know the area. Hendricks Lake was undamaged. The treasure legend surfaced again in 1957. Harry E. Rieseberg, a self described treasure hunting expert, inspired a search reported by the BeaumOnT Enterprise in November 1957. Riescbcrg had published numerous books and written hundreds of articles for adventure magazines such as Argos)' and Esquire beginning in the] 930s. A prolific writer but a suspect diver, Rieseberg was prone to exaggeration in his tireless efforts to promote his projects. A 1939 article described how he had been attacked by a giant octopus. He claimed to have applied for patents for mechanical tongs that could bring a sunken vessel to the surface, as well as a vehicle he described as an underwa ter tank. His writing career reached its pinnacle in 1953 when Universal Pictures produced a film called "City Beneath the Sea" based on one of his treasure stories.12 Rieseberg made a living embellishing and publishing tales of undersea exploits read by a growing number of people eager for adventure. Hc may have learned about the Hendricks Lake treasure legend from the broadly distributed wire story in 1935, or could have even been the unnamed author. Rieseberg lived in Galveston for a short time and repeated the legend in a 1936 Galveston Tribune article he authored. Rieseberg hoped to attrdct the interest of potential investors for his own underwater treasure expeditions.L' A similar search for investors in Washington DC the previous year resulted in much publicity, but ended with Rieseberg breaking his leg onboard the pro~pective treasure ship while docked on the Potomac.I-I Tn his 1942 book, I Dive for Treasure, Hendricks Lake was listed among hundreds of other treasure caches just there for the tak ing.'j it was one ofRieseberg's magazine stories in April 1957, however. that led directly to the expedition on Hendricks Lake the following November. Rieseberg's story titled "Sunken Galleon Silver" made Hendricks Lake the object of national attention.'~ Treasure seekers flooded True West maga zine's office~, all asking for the location of the treasure lake in East Texas, According to one local treasure hunter, "all he)) broke loose" after the article was published.17 Obviou~ outsiders appeared in Tatum and Carthage, asking questions and looking for inside information.
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Treasure Hunters: Peril at the Top of the World Free
FREE TREASURE HUNTERS: PERIL AT THE TOP OF THE WORLD PDF James Patterson | 384 pages | 14 Jul 2016 | Cornerstone | 9781784754310 | English | London, United Kingdom Peril at the Top of the World by James Patterson Uh-oh, it looks like your Internet Explorer is out of date. For a better shopping experience, please upgrade now. Javascript is not enabled in your browser. Enabling JavaScript in your browser will allow you to experience all the features of our site. Learn how to enable JavaScript on your browser. James Patterson. Kids' Club Eligible. NOOK Book. Home 1 Kids' Books 2. Read an excerpt of this book! Add to Wishlist. Sign in to Purchase Instantly. Members save with free shipping everyday! See details. Overview Join the Kidds on their trek to exotic Russia and the dangerous Arctic as they outrun the bad guys in their search for stolen treasure. After their adventures in China and Germany, the Kidd family is ready for some rest and relaxation. But when you're an ace treasure hunting team, there's always another adventure waiting around the corner! This time, the Kidds head to Russia where a set of priceless paintings by Leonardo da Vinci and Rembrandt has gone missing. Hot on the trail of the daring thieves, the Kidds race through the sinister streets of St. Treasure Hunters: Peril at the Top of the World and the wild Arctic tundra to track down the stolen treasure. The action never stops with more chases, sneak attacks, spy missions, and doublecrossing than anyone can handle. Product Details About the Author.
JAMES PATTERSON Is One of the Best-Known and Biggest-Selling Writers of All Time. His Books Have Sold in Excess of 375 Million Copies Worldwide
JAMES PATTERSON is one of the best-known and biggest-selling writers of all time. His books have sold in excess of 375 million copies worldwide. He is the author of some of the most popular series of the past two decades – the Alex Cross, Women’s Murder Club, Detective Michael Bennett and Private novels – and he has written many other number one bestsellers including romance novels and stand-alone thrillers. James is passionate about encouraging children to read. Inspired by his own son who was a reluctant reader, he also writes a range of books for young readers including the Middle School, I Funny, Treasure Hunters, House of Robots, Confessions and Maximum Ride series. James has donated millions in grants to independent bookshops and he has been the most borrowed author of adult fiction in UK libraries for the past eleven years in a row. He lives in Florida with his wife and son. Also by James Patterson COLLECTIONS Triple Threat (with Max DiLallo and Andrew Bourelle) Kill or Be Killed (with Maxine Paetro, Rees Jones, Shan Serafin and Emily Raymond) The Moores are Missing (with Loren D. Estleman, Sam Hawken and Ed Chatterton) The Family Lawyer (with Robert Rotstein, Christopher Charles and Rachel Howzell Hall) A list of more titles by James Patterson is printed at the back of this book WITH DOUG ALLYN, CONNOR HYDE AND DUANE SWIERCZYNSKI 1 3 5 7 9 10 8 6 4 2 Arrow Books 20 Vauxhall Bridge Road London SW1V 2SA Arrow Books is part of the Penguin Random House group of companies whose addresses can be found at global.penguinrandomhouse.com.
TREASURE HUNTERS a High-Seas Adventure Series from JAMES PATTERSON
educator’s guide TREASURE HUNTERS A high-seas adventure series from JAMES PATTERSON Thematic connections D Family D Courage D Betrayal Curriculum connections D Science D Language Arts D Writing D Art Grades 3 – 7 Illustrated by Juliana Neufeld TREASURE HUNTERS BEFORE YOU OPEN THE BOOK Inside Treasure Hunters is a reference to the famous children’s book Where the Wild Things Are by Maurice Sendak. Read the book to the class and ask students what characteristics the animals possess that could be transferred to children. In the book, which animal activities could also be activities for children? Have students predict how the book Where the Wild Things Are will connect to the characters and situations in Treasure Hunters. CURRICULUM CONNECTIONS Science Writing Divide students into small groups and ask each group to In small groups, ask students to research the story of one of create and write a newspaper. Each student can choose one many famous shipwrecks caused by weather conditions. Ask of the following to include: weather report, advice column, students to develop a short digital presentation to convey the front page story, missing persons notice, classified ads, or information they find including: the name of the ship, year of others. Students should give their newspaper an appropriate the shipwreck, and specific weather conditions that led to the name and use the characters and events in the book to create shipwreck. Students should also analyze whether or not the the articles they use in their newspaper. Post newspapers in shipwreck was avoidable based on the technology available at the classroom.
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2021-09-30 Treasure Hunters Treasure Hunters: Quest for the City of Gold: (Treasure Hunters 5) James Patterson Bryan Kennedy List price £9.00 Product Details Format: Downloadable audio file ISBN: 9781473554078 Published: 11th Jan 2018 Publisher: Cornerstone Digital Dimensions: Series: Treasure Hunters Children's, Teenage & Educational / Children's Teenage Fiction & True Stories / Adventure Stories / / General Fiction / Humorous Stories Description Random House presents the audiobook edition of Treasure Hunters by James Patterson, read by Bryan Kennedy. The Kidd family discovers an ancient map to the lost Incan City of Paititi. But when the map is stolen, the Kidds have to rely on Storm's picture-perfect memory to navigate the dangerous Amazon jungle - until she's kidnapped! To save Storm, the Kidds must locate the fabled city ... before the bad guys find it first. The race is on! Includes a bonus PDF of illustrations! Author JAMES PATTERSON is one of the best-known and biggest-selling writers of all time. His books have sold in excess of 400 million copies worldwide. He is the author of some of the most popular series of the past two decades - the Alex Cross, Women's Murder Club, Detective Michael Bennett and Private novels - and he has written many other number one bestsellers including stand-alone thrillers and non-fiction. James is passionate about encouraging children to read. Inspired by his own son who was a reluctant reader, he also writes a range of books for young readers including the Middle School, Dog Diaries, Treasure Hunters and Max Einstein series. James has Treasure Hunters: Quest for the Scotia Books Ltd, 17 Register Road, Kilsyth, North Lanarkshire, Page 1 of 2 City of Gold G65 0DS, Scotland, Tel 01236 826041 2021-09-30 donated millions in grants to independent bookshops and has been the most borrowed author in UK libraries for the past thirteen years in a row.
{Dоwnlоаd/Rеаd PDF Bооk} Maximum Ride: Manga Volume 6
MAXIMUM RIDE: MANGA VOLUME 6: VOLUME 6 PDF, EPUB, EBOOK James Patterson | 208 pages | 17 Jan 2013 | Cornerstone | 9780099538455 | English | London, United Kingdom Maximum Ride: Manga Volume 6: Volume 6 PDF Book Series was designed to cover groups of books generally understood as such see Wikipedia: Book series. It just occurred to me that I will be an adult before all of these books come out. This book takes place in Europe six months after Max and the flock started their journey. Sep 30, Kedronskiles rated it liked it. Want to Read Currently Reading Read. I like it! It's not e. This is one of my favorite books because it has action in it. The flock members try to live normal lives by going to school and making friends while they search for their parents, but when the Erasers return, the group must escape again and Max finds that her destiny is to save the world. Read more Max, Fang, Iggy, Nudge, Gasman, and Angel have always worked together to defeat the force The time has come for Max and her winged "Flock" to face their ultimate enemy and discover their original purpose: to defeat the takeover of "Re-evolution," a sinister experiment to re-engineer a select population into a scientifically superior master race Fang got p. This idealistic, "yeah let's do this! Not the best Max Ride book, but fairly good. Book 10 of In some cases, as with Chronicles of Narnia , disagreements about order necessitate the creation of more than one series. James Patterson. The Complete Maus.
Suggested Summer Reading List Gifted and Talented Students
Suggested Summer Reading List Gifted and Talented Students Rising 5/6th Grade Students From the Mixed-Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler by E.L. Konigsburg Bored with her life, twelve-year-old Claudia Kincaid is ready for a big change. In fact, she wants to run away from home. Instead of running from somewhere, she decides to run to somewhere — some place comfortable, and preferably beautiful. Where else, but the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City? But she and Jamie's vacation from their "real" life turns into an adventure when Angel, a sculpture rumored to have been carved by Michelangelo, arrives. Will they solve a mystery that even the experts can't solve? Treasure Island by Robert Louis Stevenson Billy Bones' old map shows a small island with a red cross marking a dead pirate's buried treasure. Young Jim Hawkins knows that a fortune in gold lies waiting for him. Aboard the Hispaniola with his friends Dr. Livesey and Squire Trelawney, Jim sails toward Treasure Island. The Call of the Wild by Jack London Buck, a dog that has been forced into the harsh life of a sled dog, befriends a man seeking his fortune in the Klondike gold fields, and must ultimately decide whether to stay with his master or obey his instinct to join the wolves. Mockingbird by Kathryn Erskine National Book Award YPL winner 2010. 10-year-old Caitlin has Asperger’s Syndrome. She is struggling to understand and reach closure after a tragedy affects both her family and the whole community.
Treasure Hunters: Danger Down the Nile Pdf, Epub, Ebook
TREASURE HUNTERS: DANGER DOWN THE NILE PDF, EPUB, EBOOK James Patterson | 480 pages | 09 Apr 2015 | Cornerstone | 9780099567653 | English | London, United Kingdom Treasure Hunters: Danger Down the Nile PDF Book Wilkie may be the greatest storyteller alive. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Educational Value. I completely agree. Sep 09, Darian rated it it was amazing. Kirkus Reviews gave the novel a starred review and writes that it "promises to be filled with more danger, more espionage, more plot twists and of course more snack cakes. IF you don't, you won't understand a lot that is happening in this one. The illustrations are amazing. The best way to read this book is to take it slow and not rush to finish the book all in one sit. Sign in. After months of anticipation, Mr. She hacks the computer system at NYU to attend classes, builds inventions to help the homeless, and talks to Albert Einstein! Appalasia Farm How old is your kid? Also, they do kind things along the way, such as feeding a bunch of street kids they meet in Egypt. Parents' Ultimate Guide to Kids' quest for missing parents goes to Egypt in fun sequel. Treasure Hunters is about 4 siblings that look for treasure. Treasure Hunters: Danger Down the Nile: Booktrack Edition adds an immersive musical soundtrack to your audiobook listening experience! But after their parents disappear on the job, the kids are suddenly thrust into the biggest treasure hunt of their lives. Publisher's Summary Treasure Hunters: Danger Down the Nile: Booktrack Edition adds an immersive musical soundtrack to your audiobook listening experience! Overview The sequel to James Patterson's Treasure Hunters is another hilarious, hair-raising and highly-illustrated adventure for the First Family of Action! They go on an adventure through africa.