Proclamation Recognizing Evan Jager, Two-time Olympian

WHEREAS, the Village of Algonquin is the proud hometownof accomplished athlete Evan Jager, son of Joel and Cathy Jager and brother of Mallory;and

WHEREAS, a 2007 Harry D. Jacobs High School graduate, Evan is a four-time State champi­ on in track and cross-county; and

WHEREAS, Evan has turnedhis childhoodpassion forrunning into fulfillingch allenges and goals he set for himself as a professional long-distance runner forthe sponsored by Nike in Portland, Oregon; and

WHEREAS, Evan regularly competes in national and international races andowns multiple records including breaking the American Record fort he fastesttime in the event;and

WHEREAS, the Steeplechase is a race in which runners must jump over four hurdles and a barrier beforer unning through a pit of water, a race that men have run in the Olympics since 1920; and

WHEREAS, Evanc ompeted in the20 12 Olympics :finishing in6 th place with a time of 8:23. 87 in the Men's 3,000-meter Steeplechaser ace; and

WHEREAS, Evan competed in the 2016 Olympics, finishing second with a time of 8: 04.28 for the Men's 3,000-meter Steeplechase, winning the Olympic Silver Medal on August I7,2016;and

WHEREAS, the President and Trustees of the Village of Algonquin would like to extend a special thank you to the family, friends, and coaches who have helped Evan achieve success.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT PROCLAIMED by the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Algonquin, McHemy and Kane Counties, Illinois that the Village of Algonquin commends Evan Jager for his outstanding achievements in the sport of and wishes him well on future races and there­ fore proclaims Evan Jager as Algonquin's Olympian.

