LEDGER Odds mul Ends ENTRIES Here mid There and ALTO SOLO Pithy Poiuti Picked Up and Being • Collection of Various Patiy Put By Our Peripa- Topics of Local and FORTY-FIRST YEAR LOWELL, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 19,1933 tetic Pencil Pusher General Interest NO. 22 Carlton Runciman, son of Mr. RLTHI-KSS HUNTER'S DEED Rock ford Bank Loses Three Fingers and Mrs. C. 11. Runciman has had TV tHILE going through his LIS. GRIDDERS To Reopen Soon SMALLER SPUD In Hunting Accident Potato Farmers Boys Farm Club the honor of being elected one of \\/ sheep pu.slure yesterday I the members of the student sen- morning Clarence Klahn of ale, a student governing board of South i.owell found one of his The work Incident to getting May H. Whiteside, 26, of Flint, ()livel college. fogistered ewM lying deadt ihol GLORIFIED IN all the certificates ready for the AND BEAN YIELD shot and hadl.N mangled his right Trying Irrigation On Soviet Pattern through the eye. Every Indira reopening of the Rockford Slate hand Monday noon while hunt- The Prince of Wales sold his Mank has made it necessary to ing on Ihe Whiteside farm about farm because he could not afford tion mrints to the deed ns that of One Grower Rpports His Yield a ruthless hunter, postpone the opening until some- four miles southwest of Lowell, And Every Member Is An Officer. lo continue losing money on it. It is no wonder that fanners HOLLAND GAME lime in the week of October 23. IS ESTIMATED He was taken to St. Mary's bos Doubled Five Members al Present he said. A lot of American farm- grow righteously angry over the II had been conlidenlly expected pita). Grand Rapids, where it ers would like to have him ex- that everything would he read) plain to them bow he was able cruelty and wanton destruction LOCALS BATTLE BRAVELY IN was found necessary to amputate Montcalm County farmers are by the loth bat the details bnve OCT. CROP REPORT SHOWS three lingers. Ihe thumb and in- Cedar SpriiiKs has it boys' club to sell it. by a certain type of hunter. The out to whip Ihe drought by irriga- which is different. great majority of hunters respect SUPERIOR GAME WITH mounted more rapidly than was BETTER THAN SEPTEMBER dex finger being saved. The ac- tion. Two farmers have carried anticipated. cident occurred when Ihe gun The members of the Boys' It cost Kmil Lockeman and Hen the properly rights of e thers and ( LASS A SCHOOL —LOSE BY ESTIMATE, HOWEVER —AP- on successful irrigation this year Sportsmen Chill —all five of It is to he regretted that a few of Not only must the stale ap- was accidentally discharged us on small potato fields and Ihe Bosch, nf Detroit, 1112.70, a new SCORE OK 13-3.1 —ONLY DE- irove the segregation of assets PLE GROWERS IN FAVOR- the young man picked it up by them — believe that their duly is Iseda n and two shotguns to shoot the ilk described above are rap- movement for irrigation is lo lead and enlighten and nol idly making it necessary for all FEAT IN 32 GAMES. tml also the bank must be entire- Ihe muzzle. spreading rapidly Ihrough the pheasants illegally in Lapeer ABLE POSITION. merely lo do the conventional County. Marion Butler, arrest- farmers to post their lands in ly prepared for each depositor county. things. order to protect their pro|)erty on opening day. There are to An eighty-acre |)otalo field ed with them, was fined *IIH). To be glorified in defeat Is be live certiflcales for each ac- Improvement in fall crops was Officers of the dub are presi- and their livestock. A lady from owned by Dr. L J. Schermer- dent. Jimmy Skinner, son of Mr. Bowne-li). called at the ledger most unusual, and yet that Is count and this alone is a tre- quite general IhroiighouL' the Both while folks imd darkies what has hnppened to the High Civic Flower the horn, (irand Rapids physician, and Mrs. James A. Skinner; vice otlice a few days ago and told of mendous task of bookkeeping and Stale during September, accord- and located three miles north of of South Carolina are having an School football team after their clerical work.—Rockford Regis- ing to a statement issued from president. Junior Watson, son of opportunity this week at their a hunter who had clipped wire Greenville, will be irrigated Mr. and Mrs. Tom Watson; sec- fencing on their farm in order defeat by Holland last Friday by ter. . Ihe office of the Agricultural next year by water from two Stale Fair al Columbia. Ihe cap- the score of 33-13. To accept re- Statistician. The past month retary. Gordon Miller, son of Mrs, ital lo enjoy a delicious North- to let his dog through. Sheep Subject of Study deep wells now being drilled. Esther Miller; treasurer. Don later went through the same op- verses graciously and in a sports- was unusually warm and with Herbert Moore, manager of the ern delicacy. William Chris- manlike manner is the manly Russell, son of Mrs. Elsie Russell ening und many hours had to be rainfall fairly well dislribuled. farm, estimated that 30 acres of tiansen's ice cream truck, in thing to do. and this is being conditions were very favorable Garden Lore Club to Discuss the and keeper of the gale. Fay Loo- charge of Ed. Jensen, left for spent searching for the stray ani- Pomona Grange potatoes could be given the man, son of Mr. and Mrs. George mals. done by the boys who hud won for bringing late crops lo full ma- Iris in all Phases at a Meeting equivalent of one inch of rain- that point Friday, loaded with a 31 consecutive victories. To for- Looman. thousand dozen |iaddle pops. The U'dger suggests lhat Low- turity. In the case of field Next Tuesday. fall In 24 hours. The water will The live members have various ell sportsmen form an organiza get disappointments and to press beans, Ihe reported gain in pros- be piped to the field ami flu- on and on is the pathway of ev- means of obtaining money. Re- Five-year-old Barbara Bishop tion admitting to membership on For Special Session peels is quite marked since there rows irrigated by duck irrigation cently they staged the "World's eryday life, und that is what the was an unusually large percenl- Tuesday, October 24, Ihe Low- of Like Odessa, was the Iwo- ly those pledged to support the hose, which would be moved Fair" and added $3,35 to their! property rights of rtthers. Hunt Lowell football fans and the team age of late-planted llelds this ell Gardei, I^ore club will meet at from row to row every 20 min- milllonlh child visitor al the are going to do. There is no Seek Exemption From Sales Tax year. The condition of Ibis the home of Mrs. N. E. Borgerson treasury. Frequently on Satur- World's fair Saturday. "Is thii rrs wearing a badge of member utes, day and Wednesday nights, if the ship in such an organization disgrace in defeat, if in meeting Provisions — Officers Elected. crop on October 1 was reported lo discuss and study their civic Christmas," she asked her father, it one has done his best. And Fred Pakes, owner of an 1,100- treasury is low, the boys put would likely be given hunting at 66 per cent, an advance of 10 flower, Ihe Iris. The develop- acre farm in the eastern part of Frank Bishop, as exposition at- Ibis is especially true if the op- points over Ihe September 1 ment of Ihe modern Iris has been I heir "reginaphone" on a coaster taches filled her arms with pres- privileges by most land owners Kent County Pomona Grange Montcalm county, used a similar wagon and as they haul it up and after reqUHl for such privilage ponent has all of the advantages. figure. As this is much more so rapid, Ihe procession of new ents and souvenirs, and present- We are proud of our hoys and met in Courtland Grange hall last system on a fifteen-acre tract down main street merchants, had been made. than the average improvement in varieties that moves across Ihe this year, drawing Ihe water from ed her with a tiny key good for we congratulate them In their week Wednesday afternoon and gardening stage each year, both shoppers and tourists may be entrance anywhere on the condition which is allowed for in a lake, and he reports that his seen slipping out of the stores to defeat. evening. There was a very Ihe earlier estimates, the October of American and foreign origin grounds. UNCLE SAM GIVES 30ri large attendance and a line pro- crop doubled on Ihe irrigated drop a penny, dime or nickel in Holland Starts Fast I indication is for a materially is so numerous that Ihe naming tract, compared lo that on non- LL OVER Michigan - all gram was presented. The body better yield than was expected a of certain varieties as Ihe best is a cup lo Ihe tune of "When th- The bird hunting season op- over the United Slates for Lowell received the ball on the adopted resolutions asking the irrigated bul well-fertilized Organ Played al Twilight." 30-yard slripe and fumbled on month ago. The Michigan crop a subject to be approached dif- soil. Pakes' experiment this year ened last Sunday with a bang — Athat matter — villages, cit- governor to call a special session lldenlly. The best of this year "What do you do with all your in fact, thousands of bangs. Al- the llrst play, the ball going to is now estimated at 2,930,000 hags has been watched with interest ies, counties and slate govern- to remove from the operation of which compares with the 1932 may be Ihe second best of next. money?" the president recently though there have been probably the visitors. The Dutchmen, the sales tax all those articles by scores of farmers in this sec- was asked. ments arc taking advantage of plavlng by far the best game of production of 4,254,(MM) bags and However, a few Irises stand out several hunters in Ihe Held for the federal government's ex- used in manufaclure or assemb- tion and many of them plan to "Well," he said, "our club is their careers, went over the goal a 5-year average crop of 2,806,- and endure from year to year. irrigate next year. every bird since the season op- tremely liberal public works ling of another product. They It is of these lhat we want to kinda social in its make-up. ened. many report securing the line on five plays and converted 000 bags. Some fields were When anyone joins we give him plan, points out the Clinton also asked for the passage of the damaged by excessively heavy learn of and of their culture and legal limit. Pheasants are fairly County Republican-News. Over the extra point. Score 7-0. milk bill which the governor ve- an office and make him promise Lowell again received and rains late in September, bul Ihe care as well. We want to know plenliful, although pretty wild. three billions of dollars are being more about Ihe early and very- under oath lhat whatever money Duck hunters have nol fared so distributee to create employment. cracked Holland's line for two ' Tlri'MnJor i ii i i .. j'n'proveinent in'yield prospects he earns must be divided up first downs. The ball was in uite unlform ,hroi h lute blooming kinds that extend New Nazarene Ch. well. The bird season ends Oc- Thirty cents out of every dollar master I)Dick Boile,o r beS^ka " ? ,r,ani bein pr,)ducin'« oul Ihe season into July. equally with the rest of us. tober 26, comes as an outright gift from Lowell's possession on Holland's Then each of us spends his 4.') yard line but the advance was r^r. tdg: ^ta^ ^bnti"r - ' We want lo knuw about Ihe the government. Certain re- 5 'graceful Siberians and the gor- share like he wants lo." Game birds will fly lo ths slopped and Lowell was forced r,"™.'.! The United States bean crop Is "Bul what if one of Ihe mem- strictions surround these federal steward; Mrs. Elizabeth Clark is estimated at 3 per cent less than geous. latest of all—Ihe Japan- Dedicated Sunday tallest trees in the densest awards. In other words, the to punt. The kick was hurried the chaplain; Ina Bowler of Al- bers didn't try to earn any ana the oval went less than ten the 5-year average production ese kinds —* wjth their flowers swamps and game fish will seek municipality which applies must goma township and grange is Ihe money?" the executive was the deepest waters when a parly yards before going out of bounds of 1926-30. some limes ten inches across. Dedication services will be prove that it will be able to fin- secretary and Harm Alles is Ihe We want lo know about the asked. from Lowell lands in Mecosta on the 35 yard line. On the llrsl While the condition of the held in the new church of the "Oh, we watch lhat pretty ance its 70 per cent of the total treasurer; Fred Simmons of A1 Michigan potato crop improved little yellow, white and blended county today, armed with shot cost. The point we wish to em- play the lleel-fooled, elusive goma is the new gatekeeper; the Nazarene Sunday, October 22. at closely. No slackers can join Irwin dashed 05 yards for an- somewhat during the past month, dwarfs and lots more about the guns and the latest fishing lures. phasize is that the 30 per cent new assistant stewards are Sir. 2:30 p. m. Work on Ihe church, Ihe club and if they do we just Those composing the party are other touchdown and the scorc Ihe gain was not nearly as pro- newest of all — Ihe Fall bloom- which is located at Ihe corner of is going to be paid by all the and Mrs. Carl Hessler, Mrs. Lulu ing kinds. It is for this reason kick them out." Mr. and Mrs. Howard Bart lei I, was 14-0. Shortly after receiv- nounced as in Ihe case of lield Washington and Avery streets, Which perhaps explains why country. Every village, city, Elshy is pianist. Flora is taken beans and only slightly more that the "Iris Study Group" has Mt. and Mrs. Frank Freeman, Mr. ing the kick-oIT, Bergin, Chris:- by Ix)is Darling. Pomona by was begun May 8. of Ibis year, Ihe club has only five members. county and slate will pay its than Ihe average for September organized and on Tuesday will and Mrs. W. E. Hall, Mr. and Mrs. share — whether they get any of off, Schwarha and Scott reeled Zella Keech and Ceres by Hattic and has been progressing rapidly off several first downs and it was in past years. Poor stands, lead a discussion on Ihe develop- Peter Fineis and Mr. and Mrs. Al- the money or not. We here In Crowley. LM^ilcolm Eyer is Ihe since. The church is now com- bert Duell. The parly will oc- Lowell's ball on Holland's 27 heal damage al setting lime, and ment, varieties and culture of plete with the exception of some Michigan will pay more than our member of the execuiive com- cupy a cabin on Chippewa I-ake. yard line when the first quarter the fact that in the southern part this, our Civic flower. decorating yet to be done. It share — we always have paid a mittee and Mr. ami Mrs. Charles All members and others Inter- Famous Expert ended. Keech, Mr. and Mrs. John Crow- of Ihe Slate much of Ihe acreage has a sealing capacity of 250. The heavy federal tax. It would was close to maturity before Ihe ested in this subject are urged lo Second Quarter ley, Mr. and Mrs. John Hessen- basement is to be utilized as Sun- A pageant depicting the part seem only smart business to get fall rains occurred all prevented come. The hostesses are Ihe science and industry have played what can properly and prolltably On the first play Schwacha ius and Mr. and Mrs. Joe May dty school rooms. A heating any marked increase in yields. members of Ihe Iris study group plant has been inslalled and the in motor car development since be used. We will pay the thirty dashed 25 yards to the 2 yard are delegates to the state grange as follows: Mrs. B. JI. Shepard. Coming to Lowell meeting. The October 1 estimate of the po- seats are in. the advent of the first automobile cents whether or not we get It. line and Bergin soon sneaked tato crop for this Stale amounts Mrs. Raymond Bergin, Mrs. Clyde is to be presented in a national The village of Lowell should a! All of Ibis shows a steady de- across for six points. Score 11- lo 19,r)35,0(M) bushels as against a Collar, Mrs. N. E. Ilorgerson, Mrs. An opportunity which will Ford Exposition of Progress least give this matter thorough (I. On an exchange of punts Hol- velopment of the local church 1932 crop of 29.<.NM},IN>0 bushels William Doyle, Mrs. Elizabeth since its organization here nearly doubtless be taken advantage of which will open in Detroit next consideration. If there is land took possession in mid-fleld. and a 5-year average production Lalley, Mrs. George Lee, Mrs. public improvemeht that should At this point in the game Bill ten years ago. by many people in this com- Saturday in Convention Hall. Grand Opening of of 21.891,000 bushels. Bruce McQueen, Mrs. H. Peck- munity will be presented when The Exposition, which will be be made, now is the time to do Clark recovered a flying fumble The dedication program is as The October I report of I ho ham, Mrs. A. Walker, Mrs. Thos. follows: Dr. Aronson, a nationally known free to the public, will continue it when so large a percentage of and, tucking the ball under his Wykes. the cost will be given outright, Crop Reporting Board at Wash- (Congregational singing led by tuberculosis expert from Ihe Ihrough October 28. Not only wing, he scampered 50 yards to Price-Rite Hardware ington places Ihe prospective instead of a few years hencc Rev. E. L. Buck, the first pastor Rockefeller Foundation, comes to the Ford Motor Company but a touch-down and Schwacha United Stales potato crop at 14 more than 175 other industries when we would have to stand plunged for the point. Score of the church, and who is now Lowell to give free tuberculin There has been great activity per cent less than Ihe average living in l^owell. tests. These tests are lo deter- —some of them among the great- the whole cost. 14-13. The half ended with this week as Lowell's newest es- production for Ihe five years. Holland on Lowell's 12 yard line. Officers Chosen Prayer by Rev. Fuller of Jack- mine whether or not the individ- est in Ihe industrial world — will tablishment, the Price-fUte Hard- 1926-30. A WAY TO BETTER TIMES son, who was the second pastor. ual may develop tuberculosis oi- participate. (Contnued on Page Two) ware Co., has been placing lis Windstorms and hail caused Special music by Ihe (iaddis- ls being exposed lo Ihe disease. HiERE is a great deal more mammoth stock of new goods in some losses in various parts of Moser party. This is valuable information for One of the big mail order hous- to the N II A "Buy Now" its new and more central loca- Ihe Western Michigan Fruit Hell By L.H.S. Classes In memory of the late Rev. E. if one finds that he is afllicted es which has a branch in Flint Tprogram than appears on the tion in the Negonce block, next during September but favorable J. Stevens, who was Ihe third with tuberculosis he may direct circulated several hundred dodg- surface. It is n means to an end Art Exhibidon door easl of Henry's drug store. growing conditions more than pastor of the church, by Rev. 0. his method of living accordingly. ers around Holly Ihe past week — and the end aimed at is pros* The new firm will hold a grand offset Ihe effects of this damage Lowell High School classes J. Finch of Lansing. Dr. Aronson will be in Lowell in which the pictures and dope perilv for each and all of us. To opening on Saturday of this week in Ihe case of apples and pears have organized for the school Special music by the Gaddis- al Ihe City Hall Monday, October on electric toasters and women's year 1933-34 with Ihe following Buy Now, means to pay less — to which everybody is cordially Michigan growers are in a more Moser party. 23, at 9 a. m. and at the Byron rayon undergarments had been much less — than we will have to Was Appreciated invited. Scores of special bargains favorable marketing position this officers: Dedication sermon by Rev. R. Center Public school Tuesday. mixed. Under the toaster it pay later. in all kinds of household necessi- season than last. The commer- Seniors — (President, Harry V. Starr, the district superintend- Oct. 31. at 9:00 a, m, Dr, Aronson says: "Panties, bloomers, gowns, It is the purpose of the gov- ties are being offered Saturday cial crop of apples for the entire Eickhoff; vice president, Charles ent of the Stale of Michigan. will visit but four or five counties !step-ins, shorts, combinations; ernment to make the "Buy Now" An excellent exhibition of paint- and the following week. Every country is estimated at 15 per Houseman; secretary, Kalherine in the Lower Peninsula of Michi- ings and drawings were on dis- Benediction by Rev. T. J. Clem- sizes 34 to 44; some extra sizes: pro'iram one of the outstanding lady attending the opening on cent less than Ihe 5-year average Sleed; treasurer, William Clark. ens of Elmdale. gan and Lowell and Byron Outer flesh, nile ami peach; 4 styles." fentires of the recovery plan. play at the Lowell IHigh School Saturday will be given a beauti- production. Representatives on Student should indeed feel honored to last week. It was the work of And under Ihe picture of the un- The program, which is now un- ful ring free. The Michigan pear crop is es- Council—Ruth Converse and have such a distinguished physi- dies it says: "Made of heavy- derway in I^owell and will con- Fred Hoyl, a former student of Messrs. (1 W. Cook and A. F. timated at 31 per cent below the Morse Schwacha. cian render service lo their peo- Lowell High School and at pres- Noted Stars On gauge sleel and chromium plated tinue until January 1. It is the Armstrong, the proprietors de- 1926-30 average crop. Juniors—President Kathryn ple. in the modern manner; llip-llop ent a Senior art student at Car- Schneider; vice president, Elton desire of the government to have serve much credit for their enter- Final reports on the Stale's Parade at Strand Dr. Aronson is highly recom- type; 2-.slice capacity dependable every city and village In the negie Institute of Technology in prise in adding this fine store to Linsday; secretary," Dorothy Pittsburgh. peach crop place Ihe total pro- mended by Ihe Kent County mica element."—Holly Herald. country to take part in the pro IX) well's mercantile establish- duction at only 9 per cent, Ihe Limpkin; treasurer, Ethel Ann Health Department which is gram believing that it will be of Many types of pictures were ments. second smallest crop in 45 years Thomas. "Broadway to Hollywood,' 1 included in this exhibition; such sponsoring Ihe clinics. general benefit to the public. of record, Representatives on Student glittering pageant of Ihe theatre, Eaton County coal mines have Government officials point out as portrait, still life, landscape, DIRECTS COLLEGE PLAY Council—Gerald Yeiter and Marie comes Sunday lo Ihe Strand reported greater activity within design, poster work, lithograph, Grape prospects have declined that America is ready to swing sharply as a result of severe in- Cordtz. screen, bringing a dazzling cav- Harvest Festival recent weeks than at any other into another great movement to mural and others. These were time since coal was discovered Miss Janet Hill, graduate of sect damage in many commercial Sophomores—President, Rob- alcade lhat ranges from Broad- combat the forces of unemploy- done in pen and ink, oils, char- vineyards. ert Ellis; vice president, Hetty way of the "Gay Nineties" lo At Cong, Church in lhat section. Better prices ment, and for the next ten weeks coal, crayon, and water colors. liOwell High School and daugh- forced by N R A codes and ter of Mr. and ttfrs. Arthur Hill Sugar beet harvest started in Hill; secretary, Lucy Paulinkas; modern Hollywood with an all- a nationwide program will be One of the most interesting treasurer, Gerald Rollins. slar cast which includes Alice strikes in the Eastern and South- pictures, to the students, was an of Lowell, was recently appoint- central counties during the la.il The Congregational church under way to speed up the mo- week of September. Notwith- Representatives on Sludenl Brady, Jackie Cooper, Jimmy ern fields have contributed to the mentum of the ousiness machine. oil painting of "Fallasburg Cov- ed lo direct Ihe Homecoming will hold its annual harvest sale stepping up of activity in this play at Alma college. This work standing the drought earlier in Council—Helen I^ampkin and Durante, Frank LMorgan, Madge Just how these farllnng plans ered Bridge." This, with five Frank Monkowski. and supper in the parish house area. The fields in Ingham and will make her eligible for mem- the season, the yield prospects on Evans, Eddie Quillan, Fay Tem- will be carried out was outlined other pictures helped to win Freshmen — President, John pleton. May Bobson and Bussell next Tuesday evening. The sup- Shiawassee Counties also report Fred's scholarship to Tiffany bership in Alpha Psi Omega, na- this crop have improved steadily per starts at 5 p. m. and Ihe sale in last week's U'dger. since July 1. Michigan's ton- Thorne; vice president, Cassi ifhrdie. increased business. Farmers and This project quite naturally Foundation on l,ong Island, New tional honorary dramatic fralern- starts at 7:30. Everything in others living in Ihese districts jty. Miss Hill has been active nage is now estimated at only June Lee; secretary, Evelyn Col- The new picture is a drama of follows the Blue Eagle program York, in the summer of 1933. lins; treasurer, John Jones. three generations in the thealre. the line of farm produce, canned can haul their own coal thus sav- Perhaps the most outstanding in student social affairs. Last about 4 per cent less than the goods, etc., will be sold at auc- which has captured the imagina- near-record figure of last year. from the colorful days of Tony- ing freight charges is an added in- tion and the enthusiasm of the production was a modernislic oil year she was secretary of her tion. Those having articles lo ducement lo make people in Ibis sorority, Alpha Thela, and this October I reports indicate Ihe Pastor to the modern super-pro- entire nation as nothing has painting of "Cannas." Fred did ductions of Hollywood, with a donate will please phone Floyd section buy Michigan coal. While this while at Tiffany Foundation. year she is again an officer in following production for Ihe' var- Sleed. phone 242. and same will done si me the stirring War days ious grain crops of Ihe Stale. The C. 0. Hill Came theatrical family trouping proud- the fuel mined locally cannot be of 1917 and 1918, according to It hung on exhibition for a year this group. She is a Senior al be called for. used in all heating units it is giv- Alma College this year. 1932 production figures are given ly Ihrough a cavalcade of Ameri- N R A officials, the Rlue Eagle in Pittsburgh, then for a month ca's progress in enlerlainment. A. W. Hilzey, Ihe well-known ing satisfactory service in house in the Grand Rapids Art Gallery. in parentheses: corn, 41,632,000 auclioneer, will cry the sale. drive, including the codillcation bushels (454169,000 bushels); oats, furnaces and has been used suc- activities of the N R A has re- There were some line scenes Here 66 Yrs. Ago cessfully by the City of Charlolle of Pittsburgh. Hilderley Staging 22.9K0.0(M» bushels (34.10UMMI bu- sulted in placing more than 90 shels); barley, 3,497,000 bushels Three more days of Coons' 41st Coons* 41sl anniversary sale in operating its municipal water- per cent of the business of the The students showed a keen in- Clarence Orrin Hill, who came anniversary sale. closes Saturday, Oct. 21st works planl. terest in this exhibition. Mammoth Ic Sale (0,560,000 bushels); buckwheat, lo l^owell township 66 years ago. country under the President's 294,000 bushels (290,000 bushels). Agreement. The entire display was of the died Friday, Oct. 13, at the home type to make us believe that Fred Celebrating the anniversary of of his daughter, Mrs. Frank W. will be a tremendous success in its first year in business in Ix)w- MRS. RUTH M. BENEDICT MEANS MUCH TO MICHIGAN Taylor of Chicago, where he had his profession. ell, 'Hilderly's Drug Store is stag- been spending the winter seasons VERY person in Michigan ing a mammoth One Cent Sale this Mrs. Ruth Mercer Benedict, 40, for Ihe past nine years, alternat- tiled Wednesday in Ihe home of CONVERSATION should be deeply and per- week. At Ibis sale you get two ing by spending the summer sea- Esonally interested in the Improving Things articles for Ihe price of one, plus her parents, Mr. ami Mrs. T. G. jsons in Lowell-tp., al the home of meeting of the Great Lakes Hai 1 cent. Toiletries of all kinds, Mercer. She was born in Sara- his daughter. Mrs. Will Klahn. bors Association in Detroit personal and household articles nac and lived there until 5% The body was brought to Low- North iMonroe-vAve. is doing its years ago, when she married Joe Thursday and Friday of this of all kinds are included. The ell Saturday and funeral services share of repairing, building and P. Benedict and went to live on IN A CLOTHES CLOSET week. The meeting is the open- Improving. William Buck is add- sale closes this week, Katurday were held at Ihe Yeller ing shot in the battle for the rati- night and we suggest lo our read- the Mercer farm in South Boston ing a fine enclosed porch on the township. chapel Sunday afternoon, the FIRST COAT-HANGER: "I wish SECOND COAT-HANGER: "Say, fication of the St. Lawrence ers that they take advantage of Rev. S. B. Wenger ofliciating. The east end of his cottage. Chas. Surviving are her husband; a waterways treaty, which will this money-saving opportunity. burial was in Oakwood cemetery Ihe boss would get a new over- you're lucky—I've been hanging Mclntyre is re-roofing his resi- son, Richard, 4; a daughter, Mar- mean much 4o Michigan's future dence and otherwise adding im- adv. p22 under auspices of Ihe local Ma- coat—I've been holding this one here without holding ANYTHING prosperity. lon, 2; her parents and two sis- sonic Order, the Masonic funeral provements, and B. E. Quick of ters, Mrs. Esther Brundquist of for him a terrible long lime." for almost four years!" When ocean ships can come up Grand Rapids is re-roofing his PLAY KEENO oration being delivered by Wm. the Great I>akes and load with Denver and Rachel Eddy of Sara- C. Hartman, Past W. M. FOR TWO, three years you've retailers couldn't sell, they labor . . . worth something tenant house at 419 and making The Lowell American legion nac. She was a member of Re- the products of. the middle west Mr. Jiill was born in Cherry been saying, "This overcoat's couldn't buy from the manu- •Rain. extensive improvements inside Post is sponsoring keno, playing bekah lodge and Saranac Ladies' in fair shape —guess it'll do for the far corners of the world, and giving the exterior a needed Creek, N. Y., in 1850, and was facturers. Because Ihe manu- Wool , , . yarn . . . cloth every Saturday night, beginning Literary club. Funeral services another winter," or "I think then will be found the readiest coat of paint. October 21 in Ihe building next therefore 83 years of age at the facturer had no orders, he had . . . clothing . . , all are nec- and the most accessible markets will be held in her parents' home time of his death. iHe came with I can get along without buy- to slop buying cloth. Because lo the ledger office. A door Saturday at 2 o'clock. Burial essary lo cover our nakedness, for the surplus products of Michi- his parents to Lowell-tp., in 1867; ing a new suit." the clothesmakers had no busi- prize will be given each evening will be in Saranac cemetery. and all need human labor to gan farms, factories and mines. Continued from preceding column and groceries, vegetables, poullry during his more than half century And probably you could slill ness, they slopped buying yarn. produce. Therefore the final SJanroe, Detroit, Muskegon, Pe- and other articles will be present- residence here had made many make them do a while longer Because Ihe yarn spinners were cost of Ihe finished product is toskey, Mamstee, Port Huron, "This opening shot of the rati- ed lo Ihe winners. Adv. c22 friends. Mr. Hill was united iii . . , bul should you? Isn't this idle, they slopped buying wool. bound to go up. Escanaba, Sault Ble Marie, Sagi- flcatlon battle is being listened Auction Sale marriage to Miss Frances J. Allen the time to give your clothes All along the line wages were naw, Bay City, tMarquette, Hough- This process is now under for throughout this country and New Books of Lowell-tp.. May 21, 1881. Mrs. closet a "new deal"? Is there cut, labor was laid off, and the way. Since February pay ton — every port along the 2,000- Canada; it will attract attention An auction sale of household iHill passed away ten years ago. any real economy in looking worth of a man's head or mile shoreline of our state, will throughout the world. It will Following is a list of the new rolls in the clothing industry- goods will be held at 1 p. m. on Surviving are the daughters shabby? hands kept shrinking away. It have increased 32^%. Wool beoome a seaport. "We can have initiate a concerted and contin- books ready for circulation at the Lowell Public Library: Saturday, October 28, at the resi- mentioned above, and three Certainly, so far as price is was a situation in which has gone up 49 Cotton goods no full conception yet," declares uous drive that will end only grand children, Carroll H. Klahn concerned, you couldn't choose Ufe Begins at Forty—Pitkin. dence of Bert Carr, 913 Monroe neither a human being nor his are up 90%. Other materials C. W. IHungerford, "of what that with the end of the tight for the avenue. Win. Frey, auctioneer. of Belding, Mrs. T. J. Flower ol a belter moment. For cloth- handiwork had any true value will mean to the future of Michi- deep waterways on the lloor of As the Earth Turns—Carroll. have kept pace. But now . . . Read the full list in Ihe adver- Flint and Clarence Klahn of West ing prices today are lower than any more. today . . . there are slill new gan, and to her industries and the in Jan- Forgive us Our Trespasses— Lowell. they are ever likely lo beaicain! Douglas. tisement on another page of this Now Ihe tide has turned. winter slocks to be had at her people, in the way of new uary. It is admitted that it will issue. In the past four years every- Under Ihe terms of Ihe NBA and greater markets. Our in- be a hard battle and that those Miss Bishop—Aldrich. amazingly low prices . . , real Enchanted Ground—Bailey. VILLAGE TAX NOTICE thing in the clothing industry- code a worker has lo receive bargains for keen buyers. land towns, as well as our ports, senators favorable to the treaty CAME TOO LATE has been topsy-turvy. Be- a fair living wage. The Cov- will benefit, because of the short must have the backing of all our Mother and Four—Wilder. By order of The Village Coun- Only remember Ibis —such Personality of a House—Past. cause people were making their er nmer.c has set out lo make opportunities are limited. hauls to the hulls of the seven people. It is suggested that all News letters from the follow- cil the time for payment of Vil- old clothes do, retailers could- / Librarian. ing points arrived al The Ledger everything , , , both a man's seas that will dock in Michigan's citizens write our Michigan sena- lage taxes has been extended to n't sell their stocks. Because lime and Ihe product of his Now is Ihe time to buy! harbors. Every man, woman tors, expressing themselves as office this week loo late for in- October 31, 1933. and child in our state will be regards the necessity for treaty Another Big Hale dance in sertion: North Bowne, Keene Personal taxes should be paid While you have this paper in your hand, look over Ihe ad- touched by the development. ratification. I Lowell City Hall Thursday night Breezes, La Barge Ripples. by October 15th. vertisements for overcoat and suit bargains that are still to be with the Pepper Boys. Every- W. C. Hartman, (Continued in next column.) had. Then act now to take advantage of present favorable Additional Entries on next page.) body welcome. Job printing—Ledger office. c20-4t Village Treasurer. prices. THE LOWELL (MICH.) LEDGER and ALTO SOLO Till TODAY, OCT. 19, 1933. THRKB TWO THE LOWELL (MICH.) LEDGER bu4 ALTO SOLO TlflKSJUY. OCT. 19. 1933. This and That SPECIAL Record Holders I-chuuch i the Cowdl Ctdgcr Use Trench Silos 74th Anniversary Montb From Around FOOTBALL GAME to Save Corn Oop Satirrfiy, Oct. 21st Sp ecial Low Prices and jilts Solo the Old Town Fresh Home Msde For Attendance (Continued from First Pagi ) CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SOCIETY Values Christian Science services are For A Limited Time Only Ptiblished every Thursday n lorning at 210 East Main Street. Third Period Juicy Feed Can Be Stored Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hill of Grand PUDGE HONOR ROLL Lowell, Michigan. Entered at Postoffice at Lowell, Michigan, as held every Sunday morning al It appeared lo be anyone's to Provide for Live- OFFERED THIS Rapids were Sunday guests of Grade H—Belh liurdick, Thela j eleven o'clock over the Lowell Second Class Matter. game for I>owell had stopped Mrs. James Muir. Ann Clark, George Cook. Veniia Slale Rank. Colgates Ribbon Dental Cream the vaunted passing attack of Ihe lb 12c stock in Winter. 41st Miens' or hoys' winter weight W ' Fisher, Mac Fonger, Dorothy Subject of lesson sermon for 25c tube 19c; 2 for 37c R. G. JEFFERIES, Editor and Publisher. Dutchmen and Ihe center of the elastic ribbed unions UXc al Jean Goul, ClilTord lloolseinn, October 22. "Probation After line had withstood all thrusts. B? T. O. SUwart. Eit*niloa Afrono Week-End £? H. C. SCOTT Virginia Hosley, Rulli Houseman, Death. Member Michigan Press Association Colorado Agricultural Colltf*. ANNIVERSARY SALE Coons' 41sl anniversary. Giant size, regular price 45c now 35c Holland opened the third quarter Member National Editorial Association WNU Barvlc*. Clarice Kaufman, Doris Mae Tav- A Christian Science service is by receiving but was forced ' Miss Elsie Kerr of Fallasburg Home of Good Home- ist!. Audrey Powell, Marie Prager, Thousands of acres of drought- Is Offering Made Candies broadcast over WJJD (11:30 K. kick. Lowell was soon forced WHEN COMPAaiNO PBICE8 . . . ALL PKICU s attending to the house hold Anna May Rickner, Hazel Rick- C.) every morning from 7:30 lo Palmolive and Colegates Shave Cream Subscription Rates Payable in Advance: lo punt and lost 27 yards in the •trlckea or Immature corn on Colo- rado farms need not be counted a IN THIS AD INCLUDE THE S% MICHIGAN SALES TAXI duties of Mrs. William CosgrifT. ner, Dorothy Robinson. Jane Sey- 7:45 o'clock. regular 35c now 25c Year $2.00; Sii months IIWO. exchange. Again Irwin dashed forth, Doris VanWormer, Vada total crop failure If this corn is Mrs. Gertrude Carson of This program is presented un- Three months 50r; Single Copies 5c off lackle, reversed his field and Walker. der the auspices of Ihe Christian ran 45 yards to a touchdown stored as winter feed for live stock Whitehall was a Sunday dinner guest of Mr. and Mrs. M. 1). Ia-c Dint of Delroit was a week- Grade !l—George Gotfredsen, Science committee on publication Palmolive Shampoo, large 50c size 25c The Lowell Ledger, established June, 1893; The Alto Solo, They kicked for the point. Score In trench silos. Corn which may end guest of William Warren. Phlorus Hale. Cassie June Lee. for Illinois in co-operation with tablished January, 1904. Consolidated Jnne, 1917. for Lowell 13, Holland 21. After hare no chance to mature a grain New Fall Suits, Overcoats, Shoes, Rubbers, Hoyt. Cheese 17C SAunie Qlerwin, i^is Reynolds, Christian Science churches an I receiving, Lowell punted lo mid crop, may be saved at low cost by Mrs. Cora Jay of Ionia spent lA'ather cloth Zipper Cossacks, Alice Bichards, Anna Rogers, Ida societies in Ihe State of Illinois. COCOANVT COBN CaiSP phg.Ms $2.05 at Coons 41st anniversary. Colgates Dental Powder, large size 23c field and Ihe visitors passed lo packing the whole green stalks In a lb. lie the flrsl of the week with her Speerstru. Ihe 15 yard line. They advanced CHOCOLATE DROPS WarthaMre trench silo. Trouen, Rib, Gift, Sbirb, Sims, Iwrilb, Pajimt, Hosiery, Elt. daughter, Mrs. Howard Hurl and Mr. and Mrs. E. (). Wadsworlh Grade 10—Dorothy Billinger, LOWELL BAPTIST CHURCH Ihe ball lo the 5 yard slripe and family. Member of the A trench silo Is a hole or trench were visitors in l^insing last Fri- Sumner Cramton, Robert Ellis, Bible school—10:00. had four chances to put it over dug lo the ground at a convenient day. Barbara Fletcher, Catherine Hoo- National Recovery Lowell held and took the ball on Easy Ta* *g Mr. and Mrs. Rulton and daugh- Preaching—11:00. ^ W. C. Hartman location with plow and scraper. Dl- at pricei bated on last •ummer't market when the Rood* were bought-and much CoaaChiis 27c ler Luthera of Otsego were guests N. L. Avery and family of ver, Evelyn Hotchkiss, Madeline B. Y. P. U., 6:30. Administration downs. Our boys then proceed H Phone 38 menslona of a medium slsed trench S phgs. lie Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ionising were visitors in Lowell Kyser, Pauline Kyser, Anna Mer- Preaching: "Evangelistic, 7:30 2IS W. Msin St. ed down the field to the 50-yard lower than present replacement value. SALT 's / win, Frank Monkowski, Lucy line making four consecutive first may be six to eight feet deep, with IONA APRICOTS ig. sail lie Brown. Sunday evening. Mid-week prayer and praise sloping sides, about eight feet wide Paulinkas, Janet Bickner, Irene Wednesday evening. 7:30. downs, they then lost the ball Mrs. Ed. Easlerbrook was the Mr. and Mrs. Claude Thorne Speerstra, Ruth Vandenhoul, Bea- failing by inches to make their at the bottom and twelve feet wide guest last Friday of her brother, Young People's Bible study and family visited friends in trice Yeiter. Friday evening, 7:30 p. m. BACKING THE RECOVERY yardage in four downs. at the top. The length of the silo Ntima NUT MARGARINE lb. J. Carey and family of (irand Mulliken Sunday. will be governed by the amount of 10c Rapids. Grade 11—Norma Ashley, Vivi- Due lo the meeting at Three Ledger Entries PROGRAM Fourth Quarter Mr. and Mrs. Loren Rusco of an Cole, Bobert Courtright, Eliza- Rivers this week Young People's corn to be stored and the size of Sale Closes Saturday, Oct. 21st 1 lbs. Me Again Irwin stepped out for MATT BRANS Mkhtgaa Hand Pteked Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Howk were Grand Rapids spent Sunday with beth DeYoung, William Doyle, night will be held on Friday in- Roth & Brezina ilK F1ILST public utterance long gain, this time for 40 the live stock herd to be fed. COBN Coatry 'lentlemeii Med esa S esaa tie (Continued from first page) of Ex-Pres. Hoover was lhal guests of Mrs. Howk's mother, Mrs. Gladys Hartley. Dorothy Lampkin, Ellon Linsday, stead of Thursday. yards, and one of his mates car Whole stalks of corn may be cut Mrs. Jennie Dows of Ionia, last FURNITURE THAT MEMORABLE DAY Tadvising Ihe .American peo- iNlrs. Gregory of Grand Rapids Perry Peckhum, Fred Rickner, Next week, Oct. 24, 25. and 26. with a sled cutter, mower, or by ple to support Ihe recovery pro- ried the ball over from the 10- Thursday. Kathryn Schneider, G I cn d o n special meetings will be held un OME few weeks ago, fol- yard stripe. (Score Lowell 13, hand, and thrown Into the trench was a week-end guest of her sis- Perfection Oil Stoves, Circulating Heaters, Dining gram of President Boosevelt, and Mr. and Mrs. Howard Bartleit ter. Mrs. Mary Stinton. Swartnout, Gerald Yeiter. der direction of Rev. G. Knol of lowing Ihe signing of a lease (Holland 27. There was an ex while green. Water Is added, espe- Ifatley Marearfae 3 ^ 25c Grand Rapids. Theme will be Room, Living Room and Bedroom Suites Sbetween stale offldals and a it has been very interesting to NOW^IS THE TIME TO BUY of Soulh I^owell were guests of Grade 12—Ann Allhaus, Gladys change of punts, with Holland cially near the sides, and the silage f BAISINS Seedless 4-lb. pkf. tSe Mrs. T. R. Millar of Saskatoon, Armstrong. Maryan Ashley, Bill "The Abundant life." racing syndicate, a slate oflicial note that since the tatter's inaug- S can* tie his mother, Mrs. iHannah Bart- at lowest prices in years. uration over seven months ago gaining much yardage in each may be packed and cut by driving a DOGGIE DINNER Prt Fond Canada, called on her aunt, Mrs. Clark, Ruth Converse, H a r r y Meditstion For This Week declared that August 9 would exchange. Advancing the ball leit Sunday. he has had Ihe active support of sharp disc harrow over the stalks In Katie Wilson, Saturday. EickholT, Dora llrushka, Fred go down in history as a memor- in this manner lo Lowell's 35 Frank Howk. local distributor The end of self is the begin- W. A, Roth, Funeral Director Republican Senators and (Con- the trench. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Williamson Both. Jane Buneiman, Kalherine ning of God's work in us. God able day for on lhat day some yard line, Holland then proceed- jopulsUoo. These ststes srs North The Lowell Ledger and the for the Sinclair Oil company, has Prompt, Careful Ambulance Service Honorable So-and-fio signed bis gressmen and of Bepublican The filled trench silo may be Carolina. Maine. Michigan, Indiana, "Hie wise person is one wh spent Sunday in Hastings with Steed, Eleanor Vandenlloul. takes ns up where we leave off. leaders throughout the country, ed lo make three first downs and Grand Rapids Herald, both for trains himself to do more been confined to his home Ihe Store Phone 500 Night Phone 330 name to a document tbat would aealed by covering it with chaffy Wisconsin, Ohio, Ids ho. North Da- l_ tha 8 O'Clock Coffee 3 lb. bag 49c lb. 17pasc t week with illness. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Jones. Lord, lake all of my eccentri- and that this has been the first their last touchdown. Score, •6.50 on H. P. D. routes. All one thing8 well, thus providin prmil pari-mutuel belting on Lowell 13, Holland 33. straw which is wet down, snd upon kots, Nevads, New Hampshire, snd Herald clubbing offers are good Navy melton all wool zippers PERFECT ATTENDANCE cities; harness Ihem to the oars one races al the slate time, since we have been old which a four-Inch Isyer of dirt li additional outlets for his abiU EGGS Balk dot. 27c Guests of Mr. and Mrs. F. A. of Ihe Old Ship Zion, and us. E Comment Utah. The last two states qualified at The Ledger office. ties. $3.45. Boys' sizes *2.71) :il South Ward grounds in Detroit. enough to remember, that an in- thrown. Plenty of high qoslity. Juicy Gould Saturday and Sunday were them for Thy Glory. for accreditation ou July 1. lOSS. Coons 41st anniversary. Grade I—Bobby CJirouch, Pa- ZION M. E. CHI RCH The stale official who made the coming President has been ac- Lowell made 11 first downs to feed for convenient use during Jsn- Iheir cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Har- A. J. Hoolsema, pastor. corded such unanimous support 12 for Holland. Several others. It is expected, will GRANDMOTHER'S old Tugh of Battle Creek. Arthur Avery and family of tricia Jones, Charles Melle, Belly rHf .statement should have used the uary storms will result compared Kread 6c Miller, Glen Miller. John Rich- German preaching Sunday all " !n stunt Lig/i/uig It has been the nearest thing lo a One mother, recognizing her qualify for simlisr recognition by Grand Rapids visited his mother, plural instead of the singular for with very little feed to be gathered NJkC. lb. lie Mr. and Mrs. Frank M. Newell ards. CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE 10 o'clock. political moratorium ever wit- son on the field, remarked that the end of the year. CBOOOLATC CIRCLES Mrs Helen Avery, Sunday. Bible school at 11 o'clock. the second memorable day has by farm animals If the present crop GET PULLETS INTO PEACHES Del MsoU Hslres esa lie were among those who ul tended Rev. Vernon Shirley, pastor. arrived. Federal officials made nessed in America. We cannot she did not know that he could Grade 3—William Stephens. You are cordially invited. Coleman | ron of corn la allowed to stand and Is the U. of M. and Cornell football Miss Ruth Wynans of Grand public Monday Ihe charges that help but wonder what might run so fast WINTER QUARTERS game in Ann Arbor Saturday. Grade 4—William Hawk, Clif- Sunday school, 10:00 a. m. John Claus, pastor. have happened if Ihe opposition grased In the field. Rapids spent Ihe week-end with 25 horses entered in races at the Bill Clark looked like material Cash From Forests Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Tucker. ford Klumpp, Anna Sherman, Our goal is 200. Come and Detroit fair grounds were doped had given equal support to Mr. for the track team. He should Immature sorghums are reported Forest products ranked fourth In 3i.»— 29c Mr. and Mrs. Neil Cameron vis- James Stephens, Marion Richards, bring your friends. UNITED BRETHREN CHURCH with narotics so that the public IFoover during his term instead of make good in the dashes. by some farmers to make silage of vslue among all farm crops In the Time to Prepare for Young i Ptetdraf ited at the home of Mrs. Cam- Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hahn are Richard Young. Do not forget ralley Day, Oct. of WEST LOWELL hampering him at every oppor- The yell leaders did a fine job IWfcC l-lb. ikr lie eron's sister, iMTs. J. R. Wick- visiting Mr. Hahn's mother and Grade 5—Virginia Young, Erma 2!Mh. At II a. m. Rev. T. Gaddis could be more easily fleeced. good quality, althongh sour. If sor- southern states In IPSO. Woods Birds' Comfort 'pBQQUM SODA CBAd Edward Gamble, pastor. Federal agents charge that tunity, for it is a fact he had not — it sounded like old times. ghnm has an opportunity to bead, ham of Grand Rapids Sunday. other relatives in Kansas Ibis Jean Belles, Nellie Richards. will bring Ihe message. products cut snd sold from south- Sunday school—10:30 a. m. strychnine, nitroglycerine, strong only half-hearied support from Bergin was hurried so that he the silage Is leas sour and of great- Mrs. Jennie A. Arthur and week. High School 2:3(1 p. m., dedication service. some of those who were elected ern farms brought farmers a cash Now Is the time to mske flnsl Rev. B. V. Starr, of Lansing, will Morning service—11:30 a. coffee and whiskey were some did nol m&ve a fair chance to er feed value. The greatest feed daughter, Mrs. Maryon Powell of Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Webslei Kindergarten—P a u I Bergin, as Republicans but had their own complete his passes. iMr. Finch Income of more than $82,000,000 and prepsrstions for the winter egg MEDICAL ADVICE be the speaker. Subject, "Spirit of Faith." of the stimulants used to make value from millet and sudan grass Wayland are spending the week spent Sunday in Fruitport with Charles Doyle, Joan Ellis, Marcel individual political axes to had expected to make much were exceeded In value only by cot- supply. It should be remembered, 7:00 p. in. Junior N. Y. P. S. U. B. C. E., 7:15 p. m. the long shots beat the favorites. Is believed to be secured by cutting If you mmi to with Iheir molher. Mrs. A. M. An- her brother, A. Q. Janes and Kropf, Doris Jean Poller, Richard Evening service. 7:4.') p. m. Alas, for the sport of kings! It grind.—Cassapolis Vigilant ground via the air but Holland's ton, tobacco, and potstoes. Approxl- ssys a writer In the Mlsaourl \ r FOOD STOIU S 7:00 p. m., N. Y. P. S. service snd curing these crops for hay. drews. family. Priebe, Jane Ritlcnger, Ruth ling- Nubject—"The Blood." has become Ihe means of support line was too fast. For the same mstely one-fourth of the fsnn area Parmer, that the great bulk of win- ... katp tba bowel aetloii rttnlar turf comlortablt Special music. 7:4.") Evange- Instant Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Morse re- ers, George Thebo, Ralph War- for crooked gamblers, race track reason Christoff was not able to of the South, or 70,00,000 acres, is ter eggs come from pullets hatched ... mako cooatipatod ^wlla ma rare m coida Mr. and Mrs. Hoyden Warner ner. listic service. Ugh tint turned home ISaUirda&i after a and family spent Ihe week-end CASCADE CHI RCH OF CHRIST louts and drug peddlers. The get distance on his punts. He in forest or woodlsnds. To increase last spring—assuming they were Special revival services every Free Want Ads 1,626 Counties in U. S. ... avoid daatM-of bowal ttraln week's visit with their children. in Mulliken with N. Y. Warner (irade I—Merle Alexander, Bar- evening al 7:45, Ihe (iaddis- L. C. Doerr, paslor. fitale is lending its assistance in was lucky to gel them off at all. the income from fsrm woodlsnds hatched early enough so that they Schwacha was a bear-cat, es- • III I Mr. and Mrs. Guy Lewis of Grand and family. bara Beebe, Richard Bieri, Irwin Mosher parly will be in charge. Sunday school, 10 a. m. trimming the foolish public Free From Bovine TB snd forests, the forest service ad- are now practically mature—so i a lantto Bristol, Hvlen Cahill, Rex Collins, which patroniies the belling Until further notice The Led- pecially on offense. Rapids. Revival meetings by the Gad- Church services, 11 a. m. ger will give 50 cents worth of More than half of the counties In vocates the sdoption of selecUve while the older hens should not be It'pHE UNITED STATES has given more consideration Mrs. E. Richmond of Pleasanl- William Cook, Richard Fonger, NEW LOW booths. And now slate and rac- Oiristoff made some beautiful Mrs. Abbey Layer is spending dis-Moser parly are now in pro- M. E. CHURCH—ALTO CHARGE free advertising in the Want Col- the United States sre now prscti- cutting methods for sustained an- neglected the ponltryman should f to building and loan associstions than any other Ave., spent the week-end with Rosanna Haglund, Frank John- ing association officials are so runs. He is fast and a driver. Ihe fall and winter months with gress at the Church of Ihe Naz- Rev. C. A. I-ohnes, Pastor umn for each year's subscription cslly free of bovine tuberculosis, nual yields of high quality, and the pay special attention to the puUetai Can coostipation be I The right bqoid laxative will bring her daughter, Mrs. Earl Vosburg son, Robert Peckham, J o a n naive they would have the peo- Clark was a tower of strength "YesP say madfeal mea. ~Y«r type of an institution and for the very good reason that her daughters, Mrs. Edwin Doyle of near Ada. arene. Great preaching and Alto Church—10:00 a. m. Pub- PRICE paid. A card will be issued, sccording to s msp issued by the improvement and extension of lire a perfect asoveaeat. with no db- Phelps, Virtfuiia Quillan, Mary wonderful singing. Come and ple believe that the charges of in the line. Every effort should be exerted to declare thonsands who have fol- eonfort at the time, or afterward. these associations hare accomplished the meat wholesome and Mrs. Paul Towers, both ol lic worship. Preaching by the good for use any time within the Doyle, Houseman and Eickhoff United Ststes Department of Agri- control. State foresters, state col- bring them Into laying at earliest Boys* horsehide Hi-cut boots Rittenger, Anna Shriver, Arthur bring your friends. the federal agents came as a sur- lowed their advice and kntm. results in thrift sod home ownership, snd the promotion of Detroit. Sneli, Horace Summers, Roy pastor. prise. year. stopped all attacks at the center culture. Various degrees of shsd- leges of agriculture, the United opportunity. One of the Importsnt You are net apt to « The wrong cathartic may keep $1.76 and $1.92 at Coons* 41st This STOVI COt Mr. and Mrs. Frank Taylor. the game if they meet better MISS MYRTLE A. TAYLOR, RepresenUtive, Lowell, Michigsn. went an operalI>n at St. Mary's Kyser, Richard Lewis. Bichard Zone President. WUM* Km* Ptn^MpU. Pa, anywhere by wailing. Doing! 5 per cent of the flock are laying, Peckham, Pearl Peckham, Gloria Rev. J. G. Bailard, paslor. something, even if you do it! Mr. and Mrs. Will Klahn teams. hospital. Grand Rapids, Saturday Week-end guesls of lNPt. and and Family. (p22 The Holland Icam was the bcsl but generally speaking from now for appendicitis. Mrs. F. H. Swarlhout were Mr. Pennock, Janice Poller, Ethel wrong — is better than doing' on the earlier the pullets are FIRST METHODIST CHIRCH ADA CONGREGATIONAL CH. nothing at all. ever seen on Ihe Lowell field. and Mrs. Ward Swarlhout and Powell, Ward Rogers, Robert housed the better. By early hous- Mr. and Mrs. Vern Armstrong Steward, Lillian Stonnzand, Sim- Ray William Merrill, Minister Rev. H. A. Lulen, Pastor. ASK YOUR DEALER "I am reminded of a college The Holland fans, who were and family attended a pot luck daughter Barbara of Jackson. No. McCords-East great in numbers, showed a very ing the pullets become adjusted to on Swart z. List Sunday evening a good Sermon at 11a. m. •"1 president who says Ihe trouble supper in Cedar Springs last Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Quick of fine spirit. their new quarters before starting Grade 4—Charles Barber, Ger- crowd approved the presentation All are welcome to attend. today is everybody is waiting,! Cascade Tuesday evening at the home of Chicago and their mother. Mrs. of the "Beligious Message of from college students to business' The Holland paper, in describ- In on their year of production and Mr. Armstrong's brother. aldine Bristol, Robert Cahoon, Wedding invitations and an- By Mrs. Effie Cox ing the game made the following Bertha Quick of Elgin, called al Homer." IStindav Dante, Ihe great- ALTO BAPTIST CHURCH executives. A lot of seniors are In addition they will probably be the I.ce Walker home Sunday af- Cleone Collins, Shirley Denick, liiouncements printed at The Led- remark about Lowell fans: "The D. G. Look and eight other Harold Dollaway, Jacqueline est L-itin, will be given similar Bible school at 10 a. m. r:,,,U e OUrs or Mr a , less susceptible to fall colds which ternoon. ger oflice. Your choice of a var- K •! , r..! - "« Mrs. George Miller and Lowell fans are some of the fin- To the Public Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and members of the Legislature are Fahrni, Jack Green, Zoa Green. consideration. All interested in Preaching service at ll a. m. Tety of beautiful type faces lo se- always cut down production. tiini.c nn T i ti u r belter daughter of Leigfaton spent Sun- est that have been encountered Davis Lake Mrs. Ross Stauffer. Mr. and spending a few days at the cot- Word has been received here Carl Kerekes, Bertha Koewers, these great religious backgrounds ,ncesforjobs ,,a a[ ,he Ar,h,,r homt In the housing of pullets empha- every Sunday. lect from. If fTLir i - > Vrrt '- in years. Not drunk with suc- In aiiuming ownership of the busi- By Mrs. Wm. Schrsder iMks. Warren Hunter and family tage of l^n Feighner on Thorn- announcing Ihe serious illness of Bobert Moore, Edward Myers. are invited. The pastor will hSJ r. m y bovs "0< 10 comc Mr. and Mrs. Ward Willette of sis should be placed In the prepara- preach and special music of wor- # 1 cess and consecutive victories, were afternoon callers. apple Ijike in Berry county. F. W. Davey, a former resident Leslie Poller, Bose Mary Rickner, SNOW M. E. CHURCH n i ;.n,i h n Ik ,hc,n t0 gft ()tst,«0 spf"' Sunday at Ihe Tyll- tion of the winter qnarters. First neis formerly known as the Hoyt ship will he rendered at 10:30. Want ads bring results. L the people of the Kent County Mrs. ClilTord Proctor called Mr. and LMrs. Warren Hunter The greatest Rexall 1c sale of here, but now living in Holly- Glen Rogers, Helen Rogers, Rich- oul and hustle the way their er home. of all plans should be made to and family of Grand Rapids Bible school begins at 11:45. Preaching 10 a. m. town are friendly, hospitable, Lumber Co., we with to state that on Mrs. Andy Stewart Thursday all is now in progress. There is wood, Calif. ard Sisson, Ardis VanWormer. Sunday school 11 a. m. Thnu'/h r Robert Cox spent Saturday and sportsmanlike in defeat. house the pullets in separate called on Mr. and Mrs. U. S. Kenneth Wingeier. The Epworth league which ver> es nce of ol r alflernoon. still an opportunily lo make big Roger McMalion of Ann Arbor Bible study at church each ir. MhlJ . .' i - .^ ? "'Khl Sunday at Ihe Jean enru wianu houses or pens as pullets fail to our policy will be to serve our pa- Mr. and Mrs. William Schrader Hunter Sunday evening. had a fine meeting last week troubles of today in Ihe economic Palkha home. Rockford Here Friday savings. Let us have the pleas- and Bruce McMahon of M. S. C., Grade 5—Raymond Barber, will meet at 15:341. Thursday night at 8 o'clock. To .make satlsfacory development If spent Monday afternoon with Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Curley of Corrine (killier. Richard Gazella. ™ ;, . o many people are John Cox had his house wired The last game of Ihe season trons to the very beat of that ability ure of serving you. iHifderly East Lansing spent the week-end Mid-week service is Wednesday James G. Baillard, Pastor. mixed with older hens. The pres- and (Mrs. Frank Huiiinga. Caledonia, Miss Eva Ruegseggcr Lorraine Haglund, Betty Haines. parting to be re-horn with a the past week, Richard Wind- will be played Friday night and Albert Curley attended a Drug Store. with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. at 7:30. Sp00n ,n , he r mou hs ence of older hens not only exi>oses Mr. and Mrs. Hay Mohoffcy of June (Havens. Edward Havlik, t™ .. , '. ! - slrom of Grand Rapids and Ches- when Rockford comes to town. which comes from many years of ex- Century of Progress Exposition Mrs. H. P. Gotfredsen left Wed- Frank McMahon. A large mnnber from the church loo many joung folks are justjter Swonson doing Ihe work, Rockford has a new coach and the pullets to diseases to which the Lansing are spending the week Gordon Hill, Shirley U'e, Eliza- South Lowell Cream will hear Dr. E. Stanley Jones at hens may have become Immune and perience aa with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. this week. nesday for Delroit where she Mr. and Mrs. Vern Ashley and beth Myers, Marion Peckham. resting up till a good job shows Mrs. Clarence Tyller is on Ihe the boys are behind him. They IMTS. Nick Pilsch accompanicd will spend several days in order Ihe Grand Rapids Civic Auditor- By Mrs. Charles Yeiter up. Quite too many older ones.'gain yet may be able to transmit to the Ed. Und. daughters, Maryan and Norma John Phelps, Fred Pinckney, have not been defeated in the Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bieber of lo complete her year's work as were week-end guests of Mr. ium. 0 vernm pullets in which immunity has not Mrs. Ward Stewart and son Janet Pletcher, Mary Putnam. SSnlli «. . «'nl Clarence Tyller was in Grand county and are bent upon an- Luuibur aud BuiWug Supply Merebauls were in Grand Rapids Wednes- Kellogsville to Detroit Monday. departmenl president of the and Mrs. F. A. Madigan at their The men of the church have sel Mr. and Mrs. David Sterzicki Wanted filling to give (hem aid, are sit- Rapids Monday on business. nexing the title. The teams been established. Then, too. there Beatrice Schneider, Jack Simon, day. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Grillin and American Legion Auxiliary. camp at Shinglelon. the first Tuesday in November as were in Grand Rapids Monday. • 'J ir' aeeepting a dole and liv- Harry IJ Hie of Grand Rapids will be about evenly matched in la always the danger of the pul- Bichard Speerstra, Robert Stiles. Ihe date for their roast pig pub- ,tM We are not in the contracting busi- Mr. and Mrs. Carl Gress and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Curley and Dr. and Mrs. F. A. Marker and i Ik?. o 'rs who are bearing lis papering al Ihe home of John weight lets becoming Infested with ex- The Misses Anna and Kathryn The merry hum of a buzz saw Donna Stornizand, Janetle Swaiiz. lic supper. at the son Merritt of Grand Rapids wer.' daughter of Grand Rapids were I^lley and brother Loyal have Mary Thompson, Roy Webster, daughters, Frances and Sarah ofj inus a double burden — accept- Cox ternal parasites. Again the pres- neaa but when it comes to lumber Sunday guests of Mrs. Kate Cur- was heard by dwellers near Mar- Ionia visited her parents, Mr. and mg alms when they should be Sunday guests at Ihe William closed their home on E. Main-st. Gerald Wood. Typewriter paper, 8%xll size ence of old hens causes the pullets ley. sac slreet Saturday as the ma- Vergennes M. E. Church Mrs. Charles Yeiter Sunday. ashamed to do so. and forming and builders' supplies our patrons Schrader home. and will occupy an apartment in chine made ready a fine lot of Grade (5—Shirley Bannan lo- 20c the pound at the Ledger to be reluctant in frequenting the iMrs. Nick Pitsch and son Rog- Preaching Sunday at 2:00 bv Mrs. Joe Kterzick accompanied the fixed habit of becoming a office. Grand Rapids through the winter wood for winter use. lene Beebe. Tom Bowen, Theo- New Cream Statioi leaner." feed hoppers and consequently will receive all the aid and assist- er attended the euchre party al NOTICE, LEDGER READERS months. The young ladies are the pastor. Mr. and Mrs. David Sterzick lo dore Bristol, Inez Cole, Agnes C. I). Hill's funeral in Unveil with limited feed consnmption the Gene Bruton home Thursday teachers in the schools of lhal Miss Ella Ross, who returned Located at The Down Town The doers of today will rule ance that painstaking service can home last Wednesday from Blod- Condon. John Cook. Tom Cook. Sunday afternoon. the world tomorrow. — Repubil- Henry C. Rowland growth and maturity are retarded. evening. city. CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH Friends of The Ledger and Al- gelt hospital, where she under- Charles Dawson. Janice Denny, Mr. and Mrs. Vern Yeiter of I Dairy on Riverside Drive, con-Leader, Salem, Ind. LOWELL PIBLIC LIBUIT give and at prices that will compare Ed. Jackson spent the past King Doyle, Marjean Fonger. S. B. Wenger, pastor week al Remus. to Solo having business in the In n letter received by Mrs. went an appendicitis operation is These are great days to be at Grand Rapids were Wednesday just north ef Chapman's GRAHAM BLDG.—WEST Slot Faut-Growing Chickens Probate Court of Kent County John Layer from her son Elmer, rapidly regaining her strength. Robert Flynn, Joyce Frost, Char- evening supper guesls of his] •HE DIED IN A BARN " For the past twenty-flve years favorably with other markets. Mrs. Kate Curley and Miss EVH les Hill, Berlha Holland. Bobert church when God is so good. Red and White store Henry 0. Howland's short stories, -OPEN- Ruegsegger were Grand Rapids will confer a favor on the pub- who is attending Covena prepar- Now if ever we can meet him and mother, iNPrs. Charles Yeiter. Eat More Than Unthrifty lisher by requesting the court to tory school al Covena, Calif., it Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Sigler, Mrs. Jackson. Henry Koewers, Carroll Mrs. Ella Tufft and son-in-law AHjROAD JACK" Cooper, serials and novel* have occupied Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday Thrifty, fast-growing chickens est visitors Wednesday. F. F. Bosewarne, J. M. Ilutehin- Kyser, Edyth Merwin, Clayton praise him. do nol fail to attend You are cordially invited to call and Robert and Walter Ross and order probate notices published was learned lhal he is progress- and daughter of Grand Rapids known lo most of Michi- a prominent place in the literary from 2 to 8 p. m. more than the unthrifty. Heavy son and George Gotfredsen visited Pennock, Thelma Powell, Alice his temple. WE PAY CASH "Rgan'i s populace as the man Mr. Frederick and son of Grand in this paper. The Court will be ing splendidly in his studies and were Monday visitors of Mr. and worljJ. He ha# contijbute^ to all AUDIE E. POST. Librarian see us. the Century of Progress in Chi- Lou Racine, Florence Reynolds, Church school at 10 a. m. Wil- who could remember thousands layers eat more than poor layers. Rapids spent Sunday with Mr. glad to comply with the request tbat he is taking an active part Mrs. Fred Sterzick. of the leading magazines, many o? In neither esse, however, Is the dif- when made. Respectfully. in the athletics of Ihe school. cago Ihe fore part of the week. Gordon Ridgway, Gail Rozell, liam Warren, superintendent. Mrs. Joe Sterzick and Mr. and of historic dales and names pass- and Mrs. Arch Ross. Dorothy Scott, Kenneth Smith. Morning worship at 11 a. m. of historic dates and names, pass- bis serials having appeared to the ference In the qusntities of feed Mr. and M-s. U. S. Hunter and R G. Jefferies. Pub. Ledger. Mr. and LMTs. Will Glacier of Mrs. David Sterzick attended I. f. MTFIENEI Mrs. Elmer ShalTer and son Aletha Sweet, Miartha Stevens, Subject: "A Satisfying Drink." church in Alto Sunday. RALPH WHIHERY body was found in a barn in Saturday Evening Post Collier's, consumed as great as the differ- daughter visileu Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Raymond, Mrs. W. H. Pardee of St. Johns, called al Ihe A. R. Baptism for infants and adults. Red Book, and other prominent Pkysicias aid Bargeoa ence In the results obtained. Poor StaulTer Saturday. Authority can be conferred up- Smilh home Sunday. Mr. and Grade 7—Lucile Armstrong, Coldwater, (Michigan, where he Lowell Limkcr&SuppiyCa. South Bowne; Mrs. Owen Nash Calendar Phone 127 Prop. was wailing repairs to his "trav- publications; and his published birds eat much more proportionate- Mr. and Mrs. Jay Smith and on you, but not wisdom. It has Mrs. F. E. Burley of St. Johns Marjorie Rergin, Dick Bowen. Typewriter paper, 8^x11 size, OVER CITY STATE BANK and daughter, Mrs. Charles Dem- William Christiansen, Florence eling equipage.'* This man books, many of them best sellers, ly than good ones. The reason Is family of Grand Rapids were to be earned. were their guesls Saturday eve- Pioneer boys meet each Tues- 20c the pound at the Ledger LOWELL, MICHIGAN E. C. HARDY, Manager ing of Dulton; Mr. and Mrs. Ar- Dowling, William Frost. Robert day evening at 5 p. in. amazed everyone with his ability number twenty-fire or more. Among thur Declair and son Fred of ning and Sunday. office. because chicks that grow well and Gazella, Richard Kerekes, Betty Yardley group will meet with to record and recall; his mem- them are "Sea Scamps," "The Office Phone, 222-2; House, 222-d hens that lay well are birds which Irving and Mrs. Ellen Bannon of Mrs. C. L. Morse and (laughter, ory-phase of mind was tremend- Jane Klumpp, Bernard Kroph. Mrs. Hoyden Warner Friday, Conntess Diane," "The Apple of constitutionally are able to make Ionia were week-end callers at Mrs. Helen Brown and son Billy, Margaret Myers, Ruth Peckham. October 27lh. ously developed. In five min- Discord," "The Iteturn of Frank full use of all feed taken Into the Ihe Wm. CosgrilT home. arrived Saturday from St. Louis, utes he could memorize things II. I. T. LKTII Hoyt Phelps, Elsie Richards, Hear ye! All Community Harvest Clamart," and other well-known system, while much of that eaten Mo., lo spend a couple of weeks Grace Roberts, Kenneth Robin- and Home Festival at Parish that an ordinary person would OSTEOPATHIC The many friends of Mrs. Olive with their parenls, Mr. and Mrs. require several days lo accom- titles. by those which are Inferior In tbla Butler will be pained to know son, Ardis Schneider. Barbara House, Oct. 24. Floyd Steed, man- Physicisn snd Surgeon W.J. Gibtoi's Cash Market W. J. Morse, also Mrs. Morse's Sherwood, Lloyd StaufTer, Thurs- ager. Program consists of pub- plish. Doctor Rowland Is that rare In- respect passes through the system that her health has failed and GenersI Prsctlce undigested parenls at Muir. ton Tidd, Lillian Vandenlleuval, lic sale of all donated materials, Get Your Protection We don't know much about dividual, a native born New York- Specisl Attention to Rectal that she is sufTering with heart "Railroad Jack's" happiness and The fundamental principle In Real Estate trouble. She, with her son, Mary Ann Weaver, Gladys Wis- all community church supper, er. He was educated for the prac- Disesses Everett, moved to Berrien Springs ner. and miscellaneous booths of var- sorrows, as he lived out 7!) years tice of medicine, his knowledge of (Prepared and equipped to treat modern poultry feeding Is to feed Morae Lake In the largest farm mutual fire insurance company WN.U a year ago, where he might have Grade 8—Beth Burdick, Thela ied descriptions. upon this great gob of whirling Piles, Prolapse, Fissures and a so liberally that not a bird In the Farm four miles from Lowell, 80 ^ Pr/OM On* By Mrs. Frsnk Houghton in Michigan. which has proven of distinct value For W—k Only advantages of the college there, Ann Clark, Grace Dennie, Bay- Alton Community Church earlh. Some may say lhat, to his country In Its various wars Fistuli without hospitalization). flock will ever be unable to get all since he died alone in a barn, he acres, seven room houae, no bam, through which he is successfully mond Dennie, Gerald Ellis, Bob- Be prompt and enjoy the new Assets and Resources of almost $500,000.00. since Mr. Rowland grew up. He 1174 Madison Ave., Grand Rapids the feed It wants. In doing this Dr. and Mrs. R. T. Lustig and was a distinct failure. They feed Is kept before the flock prac- good productive orchard and 20 acrea working his way. ert Fineis, Venila Fisher, Mac Sunday school in charge of Del- may be right. But just dying entered the navy as an able sea- Phones: Oflce 88702; Ees. 38019 Beef Steak, all kinds lb., 15c daughters of Grand J\apid.s and Fonger, Dorothy Jean (ioulAlice bcrt Ford, superintendent; Izetla Policies written to amply cover the fire insurance man during the Spanish-American tically all the time. In renewing of timber. Priced very reasonable. Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Johnson and Sally Ixju Gano of Alto were Sun- alone in a barn doesn't make one supplies of the different kinds of Haines, Virginia Hosley. Ruth Frost, secretary. There will be needs of the average farmer. Our blanket pol- war and became acting assistant son Frank were Sunday dinner day guests at Charles Smith's. Houseman, Eva Johnson, Clarice | for you, 7:30, followed by a failure. For was nol a Great- feed st regular intervals. It Is often Choice Baef Roast lb., 10c-12c a c ass icy on personal property is unexcelled and mer- er One born in a barn — later to surgeon, U. S. A., In the Philippines SIEPUI, M. I. Good dairy farm, small house and guests of the former's sister, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Yeiter and Kaufman, William Kollar, Doris worship at 8:15. noticed that the consumption from Ferris Oberlin and family of pass on to infinite reward be- campaign. At the outbreak of the Phon* 47 barn, 112 acrea aituated 2 miles from daughters and Dorothy Clark MacTavish, Donald Merrill, Mor- Note! Sunday evening, Octo its your investigation—nothing else like it in day to day or from week to week Picnic Hams, boned and rolled lb., 13c Belding. Mr. Oberlin reports he spent Sunday in Grand Ledge. tween two thieves? Farewell, great war he gave his services as Out of the ingredients of sunken treasure Lowell. is Merwin. Mabel Osborne, Clare her 29th, following Sunday the Michigan insurance field. Jack Cooper; may you take a J. I. ALTLAII, M. I. Is vsriable. This Is most notice- has his former position in the Mr. and Mrs. Howard Houghton Phillips, Audrey Powell, IMnrie school. Vane Wotring, skilled physician to France at Vermenton Fancy Ribs of Beef. lb. 7c silk mill as assistant foreman in of Detroit spent Monday and chair near the Angel Gabriel, lo and Accolan, becoming director of able with adult stock. It Is apt to Prager, Anna (May Rickner. Hazel chalk artist will lecture und For 24 years this Big Company has promptly settled off the Maine coast, an unusual will that be overlooked In chickens because ExceNent home, six rooms, dandy his department Through the Tuesday with their parents. Rickner, Dorothy Robinson, Mel- x assist him in the correct record- the local military auxiliary hos- Negsnee Block, LowelL make pictures of "Life of Christ" every legitimate loss, totaling nearly \ /i mil' they constantly require larger barn and 80 acrea of land over half of Hamburg and Sausage, lb. lOe 3 for 25c kindness of Miss Myrtie Taylor Mrs. J. L. Kopf, Miss Annie vin Rogers, Robert Sayles, War- ing of affairs relating to God's pitaL Still later he engaged In al- Office Hoars, 2 to 4 and 7 to 8 p.m. quoting great passages and sing lion dollars. footstool! — Birmingham Eccen- prevents Jessica Poole marrying the man amounts until full grown. Because the Mesdames Kate Oliver, Emma Easterby, Frances and I^ewis ner Scott, Jane Seyforth, Doris ing his own accompaniment. Sil- lied publicity and propaganda work Office Phone 36 which is good second growth wood. Gunn and Nellie Andrews were Houghton spent Thursday after- tric. of this variability close weighings Pork Shoulder Roast lb., lie Stornizand, Darrel Swanson, Dor- ver offering. In the Dnited States, and then be- of her choice unless he can match her Sunday afternoon callers at the noon in Grand Rapids. of feed consumed In short periods, A wonderful opportunity for some is Van Wormer, Vada Walker. Ford Wants Railroad Jack's came war correspondent for Col- Oberlin home. See one of the following agents or write the home when taken ss the basis of compu- one. About 6 miles from Lowell. Picnic Hams, shankless lb., 10c The Clark Circle of the Alto Robert Warner, Marguerite Wat- CATHOLIC PARISHES Outfit lier's Weekly and was special agent snriEi own fortune, the efforts of Tom Jordan to Aid will hold the October meet- tes, Arthur While, Allen Wlsner. office. joii i. tation for the full period of growth, Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Nielsen and St. Mary's—Lowell 'Henry Ford has asked Cold- for the Intelligence department of ing at the home of Mrs. Glen —DENTIST— or for laying hens for a year are Nice modern home on village limita, Oysters pt., 30c children of Greenville, Mr. and Rsv. Fr. Jewell, pastor. water authorities to turn over to the Dnited States navy In France. defeat the efforts and purposes of others Yeiter Thursday, the 26th for Lowell—O. A. Wingeier, Harry Day, R. E. Springett, Grant Phone 216 Hoora I to I seldom accurate. Mrs. Arthur Nichols, Mr. and Mrs. The Lowell Ledger and your 8:00 a. m.. Low Mass, sermon. him the "house on wheels" in nine rooms and 10 acres of land. Fly Spray 1 qt., 35c dinner. The members are to Warner. which "Railroad Jack," used to We have arranged to publish se- Open Wednesday and Saturdaj C. P. Canning and son Billy of choioe of either the Grand Rap- 10:00 a. m.. High Mass and ser- seeking the sunken treasure and secure This must be seen to be appreciated. Grand Rapids, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd bring their experience money lo ids Herald or the Grand Rapids travel. It is explained that Mr. rially the latest of Doctor Row- Evening, 7 to 9 this meeting. mon. When peopl. e tell an editor Gold Medal Salad Dresaing 1 qt. 21c GolT of Saranac and Mr. and Mrs. Press, one year for $5.50. This Cascade—John Watterson Vergennes—William McCarthy Ford presented him with the out- land's stories, entitled, "The Guns Office closed Thursdsy sfternooni St. Patrick's Psrnell 1 it for himself and so secure Jessica, has they want him to print the truth Harold Buck and daughter were Mr. and Mrs. Floyd I*ambson offer good only on R. F. D. routes fit many years ago and lhat he of the Holy Trinity.' It Is an es- and son spent Sunday with rela- Rev. Fr. McNeil, psstor wishes to place it in his museum they mean the truth about the Best Foods Mayonnaise Dressing pt. 13c recent guests at the home of their or where there is no newsboy pecially good piece of fiction with been builded a story of exceptional See ua about that Automobile Insurance. tives at Kent City. delivery. Send all orders to The 8:00 a. m. Ix)w Mass and ser- at Dearborn, Mich., as a memor- lOHLM H. OATLEY other fellow. The principal parents, Mr. and Mrs. Will Buck. a historical background, and you drawback to printing the truth 5 lbs. Soap Chips 26c They came to say good bye lo Funeral services for C. O. Hill Ledger. mon. ial to the remarkable wanderer. will like It —DENTIST— Be Prepared. 10:00 a. m. High Mass and State MutualRodded Firelns.Co. —Portland Review. interest that will run serially in these is invariably when it is done their brother Howard, who left were held at Lowell Sunday. Mr. Monday morning for Camp Cus- sermon. Home Office: 702 Church SU Flint, Mich. Turn lo page six and read the Office aver Hodges Grocery somebody's toes get stepped on. Tasty Cup and King Coffees, 16c lb., 2 lbs. 30c Hill passed away at the home of Your choice of either the ter, where he will take examina- The Lowell Ledger and the opening chapters of this interest- Office Hours: 9 to 12 snd 1 to 6 columns. You will want to read it. his daughter in Chicago. Morse Michigacni n Farmer or the Ohio Cascsde snd Bowne W. V. BURRAS, Pres. H. K. FISK, Sec'y. Grand Rapids Herald, both for ing story. Open Wednesdsy snd Sstnrdsy tion to enter the reforestation Lake friends extend sympathy to Farmer in combination with The Rev. Fr. E. H. Racette, pastor. t No man can tell what Ihe fu- V. E. Ashley camp. the family. 55.50 on It F. D. routes. All Evenings, 7 to 9 Turn to page 6 for the opening chapters of this ture may bring forth, and small King Block Lowell, Mich. Ledger for 12.25 per year. Services at 9 and 10:30 a. m. Herald clubbing offers are good To Buy, Sell, Rent or Swap, Closed Thursday afternoon rtunities are often the be- at The Ledger office. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmPkaae SO hninri g of great entojgrises^^ E • - THE LOWELL (MICH.) LEDGER and ALTO SOLO THURSDAY, OCT. Ifl, 1033. 'VB FOUR THB LOWRLL (MICH.) LKDGER aid ALTO SOLO TtHU««)AY, OCT. 19. 1933. Keeneland Hills FOR SAM N" 2 grade Spy ap- ples, 4(K- por boi. Kribgg'•II. s Whites Bridge Fallasburg Park A U7 UU 7 CY rwMw: By Mrs. M. F. Fashbaugh WANT Cider Mill. (p2l-22 By Mra. C. E. Rowen By Mra. Harry Richmond »» • lllLeLjIjI Siperior Grain Driili FOR SALK—About 4(10 bushels ALTO DEPARTMENT ADA DEPARTMENT Primary Notes (iood Will Club 'Mr. anol Mrs. Ray Ingersoll ami IHor many frienols will be glaol good Yellow Dent corn. Price children spent the first oif llio- The Auctioneer (MM. Fred Pattison) (Ry Mrs. Rattle R. Fitch) Since school started we have For Extra-Fast Oct. 4th Mrs. Moe Fashbaugh to) know tbat Mrs. Priscilla Rich- 2!tc per crate. Iiiquire at low- week with relatives at Kvart. Beat Harvesters entertained the Good Will cinb of COLUMN rnonol is comvalo-scing nicely from Dutton, Mich. had the folowing visitors: Mrs. eii Slate Hank. (c21-22 Mrs. Ridgoway is spending a teao>••»»»•••»»»»»»#a Keene. Twenly-flve were present ho-r ro cent serious illness. .Sunday Wallace, Mrs. McCormick, Mrs. few weeks with Mrs. Oma Shear Averill and Mrs. Svoboda. There wus u business meeting, 25e FOR ANT WANT AD UP FOR SALK—A gooid grade o»f visitors were Mr. anol Mrs. Will and family. Porter nnol obuighter Ellzabolh of Services lhal Salinfy and Terms (Golden Wedding Annivernary Mrs. Viva Hazel and son Dale Team Haness Annual Shoot Will be Held by Ada Locsls. The second grade this week Relief theoo u fine program. TO 25 WORDS. NONE TAKEN conking applo-s. Northern Spy. Sunday ollnner guests at C. K. Granol Rapiols, Mr. ami (Mrs. Mil- That are iteflHonable. The f»(Mh wrddiiiff anniversary spent Monday with Mr. and Mrs, Officers Sunday dinner guesls of Dr. and studied and wrote stories about After the meeting and program OF ANY LENGTH FOR LESS. King. Ilalolwin. etc. Phone 130- Boiwens wore Mr. anol Mrs. M. an Richmoinoi of Smyrna, anol Mr. of Mr. mid Mrs. Snmncl .Snyder IM. O'JIarrow. Annual pistol malches for re Mrs. Charles Freeman were (Mr. Lerollis' picture "The Shepherd." io flue |M)i luck supper wai served. NO MATTFR HOW SHORT. 2Se F-l-2. Kmerson Davenport. Hook date* wilh D. A. Wingeier J. Richmond oif Rartonville. Ao'- anol Mrs. T. W. Head ami Mrs. C. was celebrated Saturday night. Mr. and Mrs. Klmo Dygert and Forks, Shovels serve officers in the Grand vRap und Mrs. Leon Freeman and sons, We are also learning the poem. A very iilensunt uflernoon was CASH or STAMPS WITH ORDER (pMl if al Ihe Lowell Stale Bank. lornoion guests wore Mr. nnol Mrs. K. Rowen oif Keene. Oelober 14th nt Whitney villi' four children were Saturday ids zone will be held on Satur Wesley and Bobert Freeman of "October's Party." Demand And Get enjoyed By ioii present. So many K. K. Bowen ami I»uise oif Kasl- Mr. and Mrs. Rill Rollock hiioI Sat., Oct. 21—A. L OTool, Sand Gran He Jlnll. Miss Thelma Sny- night guests of Mr. and Mrs. day afternoon, October 21st, at (irand Bapids. A number of the Kindergarten oof the members related Iheir ex- WANTED—Roomers, also sew- FOR SALE—Fall and winter ap- ples all graoh's. 35c a bushel on. olaughtor Peggy Ann. were all- l.ako-. (ionoral sale with House- der, Knmddinmhter of Mr. iimi Claud Silcox, they are leaving in Col. Clyde Gibbs farm al Ada Mr. and Mrs. George Silloway folks received gold stars for good periences ul Chicago ul the fair, ing. Indies' and men's mats Ban EqiiMMl anol up. Pure grapo' Juice. Mr. anol Mrs. Schricfmn o»f olay Sunolay guests oif Mr. ami hoilol goioiols. iMVs. Snyder played the weddinK a couple of weeks for Canton, Maj. G. W. O'Boyle, 337lh In and son Claude and daughte'r coloring today. The class de- which made it very interesting relined, neat and prompt. One Call 118-F-5. Frank Daniels. Granonnoll Rapiols wore dinner gno sis Mrs. Jerry Dovino ami family oif Monolay, Oct. 23.—Ron l^will, mareh. Mrs. Al Wells of HeldinK III., where Mr. Dygert hns a po- fantry Reserves, announces. Clara, motored to Grand Bapids cided Joyce Pfrang's coloring to the resl who were nol so for- block mirth oof Weaver's mar- at Tool VanOckor's last Tlnirs- Smyrna. Kast (irand Rapids, Knapp-Avo. sition as executive Vice-Pres. of All reserve ofllcers, with their on Sunday and visited Mr. and was Ihe best. lunale as to be able lo go. ket, 206 Avo-ry, Lydla Smith. (p21-5l proceeded the wedding party, fieniae Oliver, Joha GENUINE day. (Ionoral sale with 15 goioiol Guru- bank. Indies, have been invited to at Mrs. William Lock wood. Our next meeting will be wilh (1122 23 Mrs. Lena KickhofT was ploas- slrewing dahlia jH'dnls in their Music Notes The Marble schoool is closed | soys. nath. Mr. Snyder in silk nhift Mrs. Dell Silcox and duughter, tend, and Mrs. Gibbs will be bos Arthur Winters of (irand Bap- lli-\ * our Mrs. David Gurfleld ul Fallasburg, antiv surprlseol om her birUiolav Deere, Syranse and The music classes had written FOR SALK—Apples. Both hanol this wo'ek foir poitaloi oligging. lint and Mrs. Snyder in Ioiik Mrs. Carl Reiser, caled on Mrs. tess at bridge, while the officers ids called at the home of Mr. and November I. All members please anniversary last Weolnosolay Thursolay, Ocl. 26—Charles lessons this week covering their •Ii i*rr"* limisi*'/ licked und wind full. Spies, Lowell MarketReport hridnl veil and earrying a hoii- Kd. Thomas of Freeport Sunday. are on the range. Honors for Mrs. A. E. Winters on Monday BAYER BAYER come. when ho-r m-ighboirs ami relalivos Wiley & Son, Kent City. General class work thus far: laldwin and King. Price IOC- auet, eonsisting of a rolling pin Dr. iiingii Kennedy of Grand Moore Plow Poiits bridge have been arranged and morning. I ii'il ii|i ii|| *imr f The Ixiwell Leoiger anol Ihe came in the evening to pbiy sale with 15 ro gistoro'ol (iurnseys. One of the girl's gave as her o-oording loo qunllty. Phone l.'l!)- deeorated with gold and white Hapids held 1st ouarterly con- Col. Gibbs has selected three Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Winters had The Miller family on Ihe Hunl Corrected Oct. 19. 1933. (irand Rapiols Herald, both for cards nnol enjoy a modesl lunch. (loioiol bull. Team oif colts. definition of a half rest as a ••jirs iiml ii'im'I,s'f streamers. ference in Alto M. E. church Sat- turkeys from bis llock to go to as Iheir guest on Sunday Mr. F-l-2. Emerson Davenpoort. (c32 <5.50 on R. F. 1). routes. All Many beaiilifiil gifts were left "knot" above the line. ASPIRIN place are under quarantine for Wheal ..« .(Mi urday night, and also preached at the ones that lead in the pistol Herald clubbing offers are gooiol the guest oif honor who hereby The bride was attended by Fly Spray ii the bilk Winter's mother, Mrs. Eunice scarlet fever. FOH SALK—Nanny goat about 2 Rye ... .45 To Buy, Sell, Rent or Swap. South Uiwell Sunday afternoon. matches, which will begin at I Intermediate Room at The Ledger oflice. thanks her friends foir Iheir klnol- Mrs. Charles Camphrll und Mrs. Winters, and in Ihe afternoon Ernest Miller and family have years oold. Measonabie price. Flour, per barrel ....6.0(1 jUse Ledger Want Celumn. Mr. and Mrs. Herger of •lludson- p. m., and a dinner will be served Last Thursday Ihe Intermediate moved eight miles soulh of loniu nosso's. Kd. Higler carried the wedding they all went to Riverside Park Because of a unique procesi in 210 N. Washington. J. H. Ro- Oats, per bu ... .32 vllle called on Malic Stone Sun- at 5:30 p. m. by the Ladies' Aid room which has thirty pupils on u farm there. ring in n head of cabbage. Mr. Slill Biylig Cream lo visit with Mr. and Mrs. John manufacture. Genuine Bsyer Aspir- 7.ell (|i2L! (loirn ... .40 day afternoon. society of the Ada Congregational Quiggle. only had four on Ihe "Black Boll" Mne Fashbuugh returned last Ed. Higler acted at best man. in Tableta are made to disintegrate does nol harm the heart. So If you Corn and Oal Feed, cwt. ....I.2:o Mr. and Mrs. 0. E. Meyer and church. Sunday from Delroil after spend- r Hrnest Hoark in a Tuxedo, imi- Mrs. Emma I^iwrence and Mrs. which consists of those who re- -or dissolve- INSTANTLY you want QUICK and SAFE relief tee FOR SALK—Apoles, 2. )c the bu- 4lorn 'Meal ...1.2(1 i formed the ceremony, after as- iMr. and Mrs. Edward Pattison Ike old staid ceive below eighty in spelling. ing a week there visiling the Dan shel. Pick tnem up yourself. Olive Ward are visiling relatives lake them. Thus they start to work lhal you gel the real Bayer article. Cracked Corn cwt ....1.25 and sons enjoyed a game supper Egypt Hunt family and sight seeing. suring himself that the couple Grange Holds Annual in Lansing this week. There were Ihlrteen who had MICHIGAN'S riNANCIAL lUPONSIIILITY LA* Also hand picked npples, firsts Rran, per cwt with iMr. and Mrs. Fred Pattison 100. inttanlly. Start "taking hold" Alwayof s look for the Bayer cross or ...AM RED LETTER DAYS were of legal marriagahle age. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Morris Son o ludgmtHt of U00 or mort for She was nccompanied by her and seconds. liCon Hale, one Monday evening. Meeting even a severe headache; neuralgia every tablet as illustrated, Middling, per cwt ...1.25 After the ceremony, congratnln- and son und daughter and Mrs. The third grade learned Ihe dootS, Injoflt(loti or |prooort y t grundoluughter, Grace Jones, of mile soulh and mile easl of Mr. und Mrs. Glen Salmon and W. E. HALL The animal meeting of the « tHKfc Mon to mm vltMa I'en Heans .... I.INI tions were in order, then all Tom Morris were visitors of Mr. poem, "Little Papoose." They neuritis or rheumatic pain a few above, and for the words Ionia. Keene church. (p22 Phone 324. Lowell. Mich Egypt Grange was held at Grange it dart or YOU ifoo dtlTltij and YOU* Light lU'd Beans ... .3.50 marched to the dining room, son of Middleville, Mr. and Mrs. made very good pictures repre- minutes after taking. GENUINE BAYER The Richmond family had the hall on Friday evening and the and Mrs. John Murphy of Belding eon or tradu Hoy off Iko mod unlll Hm Cranberry Reans ... 4.2U where a hountiful supper was Clayton Dygert and family and on Sunday, senting lines in the poem. Itpaldl I Oct. 17, IMJ. And they provide SAFE relief—ASPIRI N on every botUe Dell I^ee folks ns guesls Satur- FOR RKNT—'My home, corner Mr. and Mrs. Elmo Dygert and following named ofllcers were Dark llo-ol Heans ... .5.25 served. Those from Ada who attended Edward Dekker has had more (or Genuine BAYER ASPIBIN or package. day evening, und Sunduy com- Monroe and North streels. Very family of Lansing were Sunday elected for the ensuing year OUR INSURANCE assurts your Eggs, per dot ... .24 The tables were beautifully dec- the Rural Mail Carriers' meet I00's in spelling than any one else pany from Heloling. desirable. Lots of shade and visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Master, Willard Mosher: Over financia/ athty and satisfies ALL Hutlerfat ... .23 orated with gold and while held at Cedar Springs on Salur- in the room. The last two weeks Murble school is having a po shrubbery. Moolern, except Dygert. seer, James iMicCornuck; lecturer demands of Michigan's Motor OINUINI iAYIR ASPIliN DOIt MOT MAIM THI HIAIT Butter ... .22M| streamers, and a large whitt Bowne Bugle Notes day al the Methodist church were he hail misspelled only one word. Into digging vacation this week. furnace. Phone 332, al my Leona Bryant spent the week- Gertrude Meyers; Steward, Al Vehicli Financial Reiponsibility Hogs, dressed .. 7.00 wedding bell hung above the By Mrs. Myrtle Porritt Mr. and MVs. Charles Nellist and The first and second graders residence, 307'/j K. Main. Mrs. end with Mr. and Mrs. Vern See- bert Bolt; assistant steward, Neil law, and such laws in othar States. Hoigs, live ....6.10 bride and groom's table. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Winters, who are making a leaf book in Nature Will Pullen (ptt-tt ley in Grand Rapids. VanderPeerle; Chaplain, Olive COST IS LOW. Insurt in this Calves, live ... .7.0!! The hall was artistically decor- accompanied them. They re- study. They have had an Elm strong, legal reserve Company. 300 Howard Bussell passed away Mr. and LMh». Orley Burns spe Ward; treasurer, Mary Linkfleldt WILL TRADE—75 It) capacity, Reef, live 4 ated with Autumn leaves and port a fine supper and an excel- Hazelnut, Oak, Boxelder, Maple agaats in Michigan. 7,000 in U. S. IStanday night. Mr. Bussell, form- Tuesday evening at Corwin Po secretary, Alice Anderson; gale while enameled ice box for re- Reef, olrcsseol ....5-1(1 flowers. ritt's. enl entertainment was enjoyed. und Aspen. erly of Middleville, and .Mrs. Bus- keeper, William McCormick; and ST ATI FARM MUTUAL AUTO IMS. CO. peaate r shot gun or deer rille. Fowls, poounol 7-8 Miss iMelha Snyder sang two Stanley Coles and family spent Mrs. Alia Smilh was a supiipe r ytuuut EXTRA lavmi sell moved lo the Helen White lady assistant steward, Mrs. Neil High Room llMmhtfteii, IN. Phoon e 322. (c2J Wool ... .30 solos which were much enjoyed. the week-end at Henry Johnson's. guest of Mr. and Mrs. John Kofnn - Tke Loweii Ledger VanderPeerle: ceres, Margaret During the first six weeks of MtcklfM Hm lorooo, Stoto Aft., Lomlofl, Mick Potatoes, per cwt .. .83', Several others on the program McNaughton home recently. His n g on Mbnday evening. Ail prices in this advertisement include the Michigan 3 par cent Sales Tax daughter, IMrs. Ernest Bosenberg Will Flynn and family were McCormick; Pomona, Carole Mc- school there were fifteen in the FOH SALK—iHubbard sopiash by helped to make a very enjoyable Pcerc y Heaton of Hostwick Lake and family have the sympathy of Sunday callers at Floyd Flynn's. Cormick and Flora, Beatrice An- ninth and tenth grades who were pound or toon. Paul 1). Mil- evening. Mr. and Mrs. Snyder is spending a couple of weeks at LOCAL AGENTS their many friends and neigh- Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Johnson derson. A membership drive neither absent nor lardy. ton, two miles west of M-fifi Alaska Atoms received 930.00 and several beau- the home of Mr. and Mrs. Boyd bors. and Mr. and Mrs. Corwin Porritt conducted by the Grange under Robert M. Ferrall. .(id. Rapids, R-3 Just odT M-16. (p2l By Mrs. C. W. King tiful gifts. There were about Smith. Charles Locke of Vandyke vis attended Pomona Grange id the leaders, Mrs. Olive Ward and Don McPherson Lowell, R. 4 130 present, and all wish them The new opera chairs purchased FOR SALK—Hani coal C.olol Coin Courtland. Mrs. Carole McCormick conclud- many more happy years. Red Mr. and Mrs. Charles Foote by the Ada Board of Trade to be So. Keene-No. Boston healer. Goool condition. Price Mrs. James Fox anol son Harold Thursday evening. Paul and Bichard Johnson ed at Ihe annual meeting. The used at the weekly motion pic- By Mrs. Bd. Potter •To.00. William llesche. Tele- anol father, A. T. Dean, also) Mr. Mr. and Mrs. George Skidmore spent Saturday night with Mr. losing team was to serve a dinner ture show given each Friday eve- phone 149-F-2. Lowell R. H. anol Mrs. Hilbert Moflit attendcl Alto M. EL Church were Sunday dinner guesls of and Mrs. Harry Bough ner of to the winners and IM^s. Carole molher and aunt, Mrs. Sarah Freeport. ning at Ihe Ada rink were used Horn, on the Rert Carnahan Hickory Corners No. 2. (p22 the .50th wedding anniversary oof HAMS The "Good Fellows*' of the Motie Stone and all called on Mr. McCormick and her committee Johnson and MVs. Hayden. Mr. and IMVs. Lyle Armstrong for the first lime last Friday. farm, a pair of twin calves. By Mra. Joe Yeiter Mr. and Mrs. ISam Snyder held at Goodfellowship Class held their and Mrs. Fred Smith in the af- won the membership drive and Miss Sally Lou Gano spent Sun- Ft M^SALK—Fiorenre heater No. of Detroit spent Sunday at Ar- The chairs proved to be very The Cutler PTA will be held the Whitneyville (irange hall. ()ctober meeting last Friday eve- ternoon. the dinner. day with Virginia and Carroll 45. or will traole for young thur Porrilts. comfortable and give the pat- Wednesday evening, Oct. 25ilh. A Mrs. R. Frank Hilton spent sev- Mrs. Alice Proctor ami 5011 SMOKED - SWIFT'S NO. 1 ning in the church. About fifty Mr. and Mrs. Milton Gildersma Smith of Morse I^ake. WAl# pigs or whatever you have to Sunday guests at Corwin Por- rons a much better chance to see program is being planned. Please eral days in Grand Bapids laat 1 WWW* MIMWWI L~WVWT VWTVTFI end pet he pi ntvtf •fain Harry of (irand Rapids calleol at were present and after an ex- of (irand Bapids were Monday Mr. and Mrs. Ward Boulard of offer. E. Fullington, River- ritt's were Howard 14c spent Sunday at the Dudley Fos- flrst meeting held at her home on and Mrs. Harold Andrews and The occasion was in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Blough of phone I50-F-3. (p22 ter, (Howard Zoet; with violin Perry Damouth, I^eo Luxford of Ethel Yeiter. Mrs. C. W. King spent the past 10 ter home in Gaines. Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Mki- children and Harry Hartmann of Mr. and Mrs. Balph Hunter. Pe- Clarksvillc took Sunday dinner wwbm'o WwM, 1 Yt. solos by Mr. Meyers accompanied (irand Bapids was a Sunday guest. Mr. and Mrt. Pat Lewis arc week al the bonne oof Mr. anol Mrs. Miss Thelma Wingeier of Low- ble Freeman was assistant hos- Grand Rapids. dro was played the early part of and spent the afternoon with FOR SALK—Apples of all kinds by Mrs. Meyers at piano. Rev. Perry Damouth joined them moving from the Madigan oil sta- HsmImM Meteilae. I Yt, Harry Wood. Harry was feel- 1 ell spent the week-end with Hel- tess. James Furner met with the un- Ihe evening, and dancing after their molher, Mrs. Ethel Yeiter and graoles. Prices right. M. Lohnes gave a talk on "The Ideal for u week's hunting al Croswell, tion to Grand Bapids this week. Owd liartae, I Yt. ing sonne belter when she re- Pork L!v«r ib. 6c Spart Ribt «»• 6 /2C en Johnson. The meeting opened with a fortunate accident of severely the lovely pot luck supper until 3 and children. W. Blue, 3Mi miles north and Sunday School Class." Rev. Reck- Mich. Larry Kaltz of Detroit spent turned home. Or HEARTS Mrs. Henry Johnson was treat- short resume of the club's activ- lacerating the middle finger on o'clock in the morning. Mrs. Marie Mattern spent sev- Oeaimeoaee Mefeelow, /ML west of I>owell. (p22-23 ett, a former pastor now located Mrs. Bose Bryant, son I^o and Friday and Saturday at the Rus- Sunolay callers al the H. Moflit ed to a genuine surprise Satur- ities by Mrs. Mabel Freeman, who his right hand, when he caught Saturday the following ladies eral days last week in Detroit on ft* Hmm, 1 Yt, at Fennville. was scheduled to Lillian 'Hunt were in Grand Rap- sell-Mattern home. r0i FOR SALK—10 Khropshire ewes. home were Mr. anol Mrs. Frank day evening when she returned was chairman of Ihe year book it in the meat grinding machine helped Anna Denton celebrate business. TI* Fern 1 Yt. address the "Good Fellows" but ids Saturday. Charles Harris, Alto, Mich., Pattison ami LMV. anol Mrs. Will home from Grand Bapids and committee. al his father's store on Tuesday her birthday, Helen Klaason, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hilton en- was unable to be present. Mr. Mrs. Frank Fairchilds spent MV. and Mrs. Walter Blakeslec TH# NCWVAPCR, OOM Ym ONLY phone I3-F-2. One-half mile Riddle oif Grand Rapiols. found the house filled with her Mrs. Alice Morris, the club's afternoon. It was necessary to Bird Thompson, Laura Wilcox tertained company from Grand LAMB ROAST . and Mrs. George Houghton will Saturday and ISunday at a Cen- spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Rapids Sunday. soulh of Alto. B. F. 1). No. 1. Miss Grace Hale spent several 10 children and neighbors who resident for this year gave a have his finger dressed at St. and Eve Baimer. GENUINE SPRING—Shoulder cuts act as host and hostess for the tury of Progress, Chicago. Will Fox of Lowell and in the (p22-23 days last week with her friend. came lo remind her of her birth- irief talk on her responsibilities Mary's hospital. John Yeiter and Mr. and Mrs. next social meeting and Mr. and Mrs. Laura Underbill spent Fri- Charles Vandenhoul spent afternoon attended the funeral of Bargains OUR RURAL SPECIAL Mrs. Karl Colby of Alto. day. The evening was spent as president and pledged her ef- Mrs. Bena Keeler is spending a Clint Schwab of Elmdale motor- Mrs. Ernest Clark have charge day with her daughter, Mrs. Dale Thursday and Friday in (irand Mr. Hill at Yeiter's chapel. FOR SALK—8-piece mahognny Mrs. Malie Mure of Grand Ra|i- jlaying progressive pedro. A forts to help Ihe club achieve an- few days of Ibis week as a guest ed to Jackson Sunday and spent Lamb Chops tie Lag O" Lamb »>• 18c of the entertainment. Curtiss. Bapids with Charles Norton and Dr. Cecil Warner took supper olining rooun sel wilh blue jols spent Sunday with her cous- MHintiful lunch was served, fin- other successful year. of Mrs. Walter Aflon. the day with their brother, Amos Pktoriel Rtvitw, 1 Yt, Rib or Loin Choic« cuta I^ist Sunday Mr. and IMVs. Dale Mr. and Mrs. Charles Foote was also in (irand Bapids Mon- wilh Mr. and Mrs. Waller Blakes- leather seats. Mrs. V. A. Snell. in, Mrs. Klla Rowianol. ished by a beautiful birthday Following a brief business ses- Yeiter and family. Mr. and Mrs. Curtiss acted as reception com- took Mr. Konkle to his home in Mr and Mrs Leonard Kerr and day. lee one evening lust week. «W. WoiU, 1 Yt. 328 Washington-st. (c22 Mrs. Robert Sherrington at- cake made by Mrs. Johnson's sion Mrs. Qiarlotte Svoboda, L. J. Howk accompanied them as lb mittee at the Church. Mr. and IHaslings Sunday evening. children of I^nsing were week- Mrs. Vandenhoul, Charles. Oood StoHtt, t Yt. lendeol a meeting of the Ameri- daughter, Mrs. John Watts. Mrs. chairman of Ihe day's program, Mr. and Mrs. C. K. Coons and far as Holt and spent the day FOR SALK—New milch cow. Lamb Broaft 5c Long Horn ib. iSc Mrs. Valda Watts will act in this Mrs. (i. M. Thorndike and Mrs. end guesls of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Eleanor and Bulb spent Thursday can Legion Auxiliary al Zeeland Johnson was then asked to open then took over the meeting. The Mfrs Corn Miller of (irand Bapids wilh friends. Tlw Country Hemt, 1 Yt. Cheap, Mi mile north of Maoli- For bralalni CHEESE capacity October 22nd. Fred Pattison were in Middle- Mueller. evening at the Poller home. last Weolnesday. She was .o her gifts. She received some topic for study "A Centudy of spent Saturday night and Sunday SwcctMht Farminf, 1 Yt. gan's oil station on t'S-IO, Al- Four members of the Sunday ville Friday. delegate from the Caleolonia Aux- very pretty and useful gifts, after Progress Exposition." Byron Potter of Grand Bapids wilh Mrs, Johnson and daughter. Today ,here is scniimcnl to phone, 34-F-2-2. Mrs. Joe .school enrolled in the "Cultural Vern Bryant and family and Typewriter paper, SHxllsite, THIS NEWSPAPIR, Oh Ym SUCCESSFUL iliary. Mrs N,:,rv which the guests departed wish- Mrs. Svoboda first gave a gen- assisted nt the Bickerl apple or- Mr. und Mrs. Bussell Maxson and brolherly feeling manifested 1). Yeiter. (c22 Institute" of East Congregational - Bryant were Sunday 20c the pound at the Ledger FARMING (Mr. and Mrs. Floyol iliunt and , ,uu,r ing her many more happy birth- eral talk on the Exposition and chard Friday and Saturday and and boys of I^well took supper in the world than for many gen- church, (irand Bapids. Mrs. " of Mr. and Mrs. Lc-.' office. stayed at the Ed. Poller home. WANTKD—Alfalfa hay! Deliv- son Maynard anol Mr. Noah Wen- SLAB BACON > 12 He days. then by means of illustrations Sunday evening with their grand- eralions. Glenn Yeiter and Mrs. Qiarles! ger of Nashville visited at the l r I,m ,s Bowne Center Home Extension ml small models of Ihe various ered in Lowell. Wm. Filisim- ARMOUR S MELROSE — 3 to 4-lb. pieces Smith are studying "Applied . ^ - ' ^ - Frank Bartige of Sherrington home Sunolay. Kve- class held their first meeting Fri- exhibilions and descriptions of mons, 125 Division-Ave.. soulio Psychology" under Mrs. C. H. Vermont vi lie spent Thursday MORI FOR YOUR MOHE uing callers were Mr. and Mrs. day evening under the leadership them, members saw Ihe fair al- Ledger Phone 172. (p22 Hoirman; Mr. Glenn Yeiter has with Mr and Mrs. George Skid- of Mrs. Ix'one Dean and iMrs. Owen Albriglil of Grandville. enrolled in "New Testament" un- more. and all called on friends most as they were actually tour- GRAPES—For sale, 40c a bushel. Lucy Huntington. Fourteen ing the grounds. WWIIUMNEWN. Sunday evening callers al the der Rev. Mead. Mr. Charles H. in Lowell in the afternoon. Concords. Jake Staal, phone home oif Mr. and Mrs. Ray Lock COUNTRY 24> C, a ss Mrs. Alice Morris discussed thi C Smith is interested in "Atheism Mr. ami Mrs.' itussell "carr vis- "^! " VT'' . . . - • L T1 » - Pltm wnd net your l3<»-F-2. (p22 were Mr. and IMVs. Carl Lafayette I ne first lesson dealt with re- Hall of Science and Ihe Travel sack and Its Answer" in Dr. E. Albert ited Mr. and Mrs. Earl Vander- • Bif 7 Cub • Rural Specie I anol chilolren. lip Sunday. modeling of clothing. and Transport Buildings and Mrs. FLOUR CLUB Cook's class. O ^ (CW CU ) FOR SALK—100 acres. A-l soil, Mrs. Roy Knight accompanied Florence Cramton told of the'Hall 89 Progressive plans for carrying Out of town visitors at Hay- good roads, eleclric light avail- Mr. ami Mrs. Ray Lock to Granol Laboratory tested wards last week were Miss Grace of Religion. Readers able. Will take in small home out suggestions made during Rapiols Sunday. They called on Ware Center The midway with its tinsel and "Bally Day" are being carried Hale of Alaska, Anna Ellis and Nema- in Lowell, free and clear, or Mr. Knight at Sunshine hospital. 24 ,b By Mrs. C. Wittenbach gaiety was ably described by- All purpoac flour ^- - TO#/ JT ^* out. We are counting on the daughter Joan. Verle Burras and 4°* nearly so. as down payment. Also Ross Knowles anol Mrs. Goo. KING'S FLAKE Mck Mrs. Claire Limpert. wbo also loyally and cooperation of every Ellen Coger of Seeley Corners. Stot or R.F.D, Healh-Geib Co. Call LMrs. Colvin. Wo are glaol to report Jolly Jar Jugglers held Iheir gave a description of Ihe jewel- member of the Church School. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Duell vis- BRING YOUR PRODUCE Florence Miles, phone 385-F-2. they are all doing nicely. last meeting at Gene Tucker's like effect of the night lighting al Special music numbers will be ited at the ('lark and Williams Town and Slatt- (C22-23 Mr. and Mrs. C. W. King. Har- Fancy home Saturday. Games and the fair and also told of the given each Sunday. home Sunday. old anol Miidreol Colvin anol Joe e weinie roast were enjoyed by all. fountain of music. FOR SALK—Rambouillel sheep, Country Club Mr. and Mrs. Liwrence Bich- and Vera Rrower calleol at tho PUMPKIN Floy Kyser spent the week-end Mrs. Svoboda then told of Ihe al the farm Vi mile east of 3 - 25 ardson gave a dinner Sunday in Wood home al Home Acres Sun- Alto Locals with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. General Motors building and of NOTICE—In order to take advantage of the above offer orders Pratt Lake viaolucl on US-10. New Pack—Delicious Yellow Pumpkin—Enough in each can for two large pies honor of the former's brother olay, also called at the home of Boy Kyser. Ihe complete assembling of an roust be placed with The Ledger. Alss, be sure to state wheth- Frank IS. Freeman. (p22-3l Mr. and Mrs. Val Watts and son |and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Everett Mr. anol Mrs. Kenneth King of Large No. 2 ' •> cans Bonajd, spent Thursday in Grand Bichardson, who were married Miles O'Harrow is baling straw automobile. er your subscription la NEW or a RENEWAL. % FOR SALK-Young Guernsey heif- Gaines. Bapid and hay near Sparta. He spent Mrs. Ann Curtiss gave a brief in Lowell Saturday evening. The Mr. and Mrs. II. Poslmn and Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Wills of Sunday with his family here. talk on the Horiculture Building • NEW • RENEWAL er calf, also a pure-bred Brown Coffaa Ib. tin 85c Frtfh Bread wb-ioai 9c following guests were present: little baby of Grand Rapiols spent Plymouth called on Josephine and Mrs. Florence Cramton con- Swiss bull 0 months old, or Country Club - rich, diatinctiva Country Club - plain or tlicod Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Bichardson Congratulations to Mr. and TO LOWELL Sunolay at the homo of their woulol trade for goool Ciiiern- Salsbury Monday. of Elmdale and their sons, Orley cluded Ihe program with a talk Mrs. Glen Parsons on the arriv.il sey, Jersey or Brown tSwiss brother. Henry Rich anol family. Basil Hayward spent Sunday and Forrest and friend. Miss Ev- on the Agricultural Building. of a baby boy. cow, fresh or soon lo freshen. Harold Kostor was in Granol with Wilbur Schantz of Hastings. elyn iSchwab of Campbell and . Boil call was responded to bv Soulh Bell and Ware And Get the Cash Fred Fuss, Loweii. (p22 Rapiols Monday evening to attenol AHD e 'Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Bich- Harold Brewer. Khool, I filin_ IPHg ..HWha i Interested Me had a ball game Thursdayi . Ware \i„ci „( a meeting oif the A. & P. Grocer- BEANS ardson attended the former's The chicken dinner served by Most at the World's Fair." PORK 2 19 beat. LOOK HOE FOIENOSlAtAra BXGHANGB — Will exchange ies. can8 brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. the White Circle Wednesday The hostess, Mrs. Ann Curtiss Country Club—In delicious tomato sauce—Large ZS'^-o** Maurice Quigley of Grand Bap- Durham beef cattle at my farm Everett Bichardson at their mar- noon was very well attended. A and assistant hostess, Mrs. Mobel for cattle feed. Lew Sterling. riage. which was performed by business meeting was held in lb'- ids spent Sunday at Carl Witten- Freeman served a dainty lunch. bach's. Uikeview, Mich., eight miles Elmdale Bev. Buck at bis home in Lowell afternoon, followed by a pro- The club will meet with Mrs. south-east. (22if By Mrs. Ira Sargeant Olto 3 '*»•• 85c Tomato Juica 8 85c Saturday evening. gram consisting of a vocal solo, Florence Cramton at the meeting We||Will Buy Eatmore Brand Country Club - pur* juice - 26i£-os. cana Mrs. Fred Pattison and Mr. and Bernice Yeiter. and a reading by- on October 26lb, subject for FOR SALK OR KXGHANGE: Two Mrs. Hilbert Moflit were in Grand Mrs. Albert Duell. A new mem- study: "A Trip up the Amazon Shrop rams. Pure bred from Sam Voder was the Sunolay guest of his cousins, Steve Cus- Bapids Saturday and called on ber. Mrs. Minnie Carlson was en- River," with Mrs. Hatlie Filch as Powell's strain. Frank Dan- ter anol family. Mrs. Will Herpolsheimer anil rolled. chairman of program. Bespouse By Special Arrangements with the Leading Magazines of the iels, Lowell, Mich., phone 118- c Dan Weaver anol wife were sons in the afternoon. Mrs. Ernest Colby was hostess at roll call, "Name an Industry F-5. (c2J Country We Bring You the Biggest Bargain of All Time .... given a pleasant surprise Sunolay MACARONI 2 - 15 Dr. und Mrs. Perry and iMr. and to Ihe teachers of the children's in South America." Beans, Or SPAGHETTI—Bulk, fine quality when Mrs. Andy Ganger anol Mr. Mrs. Al Besmer called on Mr. and department of the M. E. Sunday FOR SALK—White Ughorn pul- Subscriptions To 3 Famous Magazines with A New or Renewal anol Mrs. Ernest Moyea, all of Mrs. Fred Pattison and Dr. and school Friday, lo a pot luck Treasures! Ada Locals lets, 5% months old. Phono New Paris, Ind., came and spent Mrs. G. M. Thorndike Sunday af- luncheon. A report and discus- Order for This Newspaper. I54-F-3. M. D. Court. (p22-23 Nivy Boans 4 "* 15c Catsup tJiS.I5c ternoon. Mrs. Verne Furner, organist the day wilh them. Other guests sion of George Belt's book, "How for the Kent County Association. — • • Michigan—Fancy hand picked Fancy Country Club Mrs. Boger McMahon spent the WANTKD—Girl or woman for during the olay were IMrs. Loon to Teach Religion," followed by Gold and a Girl O. E. S. attended the meeting of ALL4. ONLY- week-end with her husband in luncheon and plans for the en- Potatoes and MAKE UP YOUR OWN CLUBI ^ leneral housework, no wasti- Howk of Freeport, Mrs. Kflie Cyclamen Chapter, O. E. S., with Ann Arbor. ng or ironing. 317 K. High Harris anol friend. Bee Wilcox suing quarter were made. Those other Kent County Association f Mr. and Mrs. Swift Winegar present were Mrs. Val Watts. slreet. (tf of Grand Bapids, anol Mr. and AVONDALE c officers on Friday evening. CHOOSE Mrs. H. K. Krauss. are spending the week in Wind- Mrs. Emerson Weiland. Marian PEACHES sor. Ontario. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Morris en- M VV GRATES FOR SALK—Nailed up ^ The friends of Mr. anol Mrs. 2 - 27 Colby and Mrs. Elmer Yeiter. tertained with a game dinner on 1 Magazine Prom Group A Halves—In heavy syrup Mr. and Mrs. B. 1). Bancroft or in the knock down. Poplar Everett Richardson arc extending Mr, and Mrs. Bert Sydnam spent Tuesday evening, their guests be- aujintl were Sumhiy dinner guests of Cloverseed quantity 2 Magazines From Group "B* slats, 2Mi inches wide nailed hearty congratulations to the Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. J. ing Leroy Morris and Mr. and newly weds. Mr. B. ami bride, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bancroft Trowbridge. to oak frames. Or made to Chocolato *• 19c Crisco lb. can SOc Mrs. Harold Gillispie and daugh- Ami (nee Kthel Hughson) were quietly and IMV. and Mrs. Herbert Cron- Mrs. Estella Cress and son « order. Earl Vosburg, Ada. ^ CARAMELS - taaty chocolate with del- ter Crystal of Grand Bapids. ingcr and family were afternoon Hunting for treasures off •Michigan, R. R. (p21-5t united in marriage by Rev. Buck icto n a chewy centera The quality vegetable ahortening Howard, were supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Beams mo- and TNIS NEWSPAPER (1 Full Yoar) WHY PAY of Lowell Saturday evening. callers. the Maine coast, gold and a Mr. and IMVs. Frank Bunker Fri- tored lo Flint on Sunday to visit Mr. ami Mrs. Charles Foole an- girl. Tbat is finding the MOQE7 FOR SALK—Good work team Addison Krb ami wife accom* day evening. Mrs. Reams' brother and wife, 100-lb. nounce the marriage of their gold will make securing the nnol harness, two cows giving panied Leo Krb and family on an Mrs. Alice Slater and Mrs. R. and Mr. and WVs. Floyd Scherm- auto lour lo Ramona anol White niece. Miss Eldora Ix)cke to Jesse girl possible. milk and a cream separator. bag D. Bancroft were in Grand Bap- erhorne, and from Filnt the Cloud, where they spent the day SCRATCH FEED Powers of Vandyke last Tuesday. ids Saturday. That is the fonndation on Your Choict of AnIyV OnUt e Your Choict of Any Two Joihn Mathews on IM-2I—three party motored to Detroit lo visit with relatives. Miss Grace 'Hale of Alaska vis- Mr. and Mrs. Bay Union spent which Henry 0. Rowland Onions, Beets and Magazint in Tliit Group miles west of I^well. (p21-3t their uncle, John Schermerhorne. Magazintt in Thii Group ited Mrs. Earl Colby a few days haa builded a clever and in- Mrs. John I.otl and Mrs. Susie Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Mrs. Rex Anthony and her moth- Canvas Glovos 10c Pancako Flour 2 15c and called on Eleanor Hayward tensely interesting romance GROUP A GROUP B FOR SALK—Apples. Hand picked iMiller anol olaughtor Kloise. Sieve Thaler of Green I^ake. er, Mrs. Eflie GifTord accompan- Cloeely knit wriata Country Club - 5 Ib. sack 2»c and Mrs. Fred Pattison Saturday entitled, "The Guns of the and sprayed. Baldwins, Spys, Custer anol wife. Mrs. Ira Sar- Mrs. Glenna Hughson and fam- ied Mr. and Mrs. Reams and they • McCalTs Macasint 1 Yr. • Better Homes ft Gardens..! Yr. I afternoon. Holy Trinity." Kings, Greening, Mcintosh, geant anol olaughtor Giaoiah were ily accompanied Mr. and Mrs. slopped at Fenton and Owosso, • Woman's Home Conp.„l Yr. | • Woman't World. 1 Yr. Mrs. Charles Freyermuth has Wagners. Seek no further. Ionia business callers Saturolay. Frank Kline to Hartford Sunday The French corvette, "Four- returning home on Monday eve- Carrots in Carioad Lots • Pictorial Revitw 1 Yr. • Household Magaiine 1 Yr. Harley Ixnharol anol daughter. Take Advantafe of These Low Soap Prices — Stock up Now ! improved her house with a coat quet," went down off the Henry Klahn, 8 miles S. K. of to visit Wilbur Keeny and found ning with Mr. and Mrs. Reams. Retly Joan, also their housekeep- of paint. Maine coast over two hun- • Screen Play 1 Yr. • Needlecraft 1 Yr. Lowell. (p2I-22-23 him very low. Game dinners were enjoyed in er. all of Howell wore Sunolay Neva Vanderlip spent the week- dred years ago. Down with • Hollywood Movie Maf.-l Yr. • Good Stories 1 Yr. I Lillian and Agnes Johnson and a number of the Ada homes on guesls of his father John I.en- 50 per cent more Suds meana end in Grand Rapids. her went treasure and many • Open Road (Boys) 1 Yr.) • Country Home.— —..2 Yr». WANTKD—In order to settle af- Guslaf Bencker spent Friday in Sunday and Monday for Ihe op- fairs in connection wilh an hard. 47 per cent leaa work Mr. Simmons and Mildred Syd- bronze guns that had never • Pathfinder (Wkly.) I Yr. | • Succeisful Farming 1 Yr. I OXYDOL 2 39c ening of the hunting season sent ^Storjes] nam of Detroit spent the week- Grand Bapids. been recovered. estate, the administrator de- Mrs. Grace Craker anol sister Mr. and Mrs. I^awton Cole were most of the Ada men out for We Pay Highest Market Price sides to borrow $800. Secur- of Kalamazoo spent several days end with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Syd- Jessica Poole was heiress And Yomt Choict of Any Two And Your Choict of Any Qm cmk % Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and rabbit, pheasant or squirrel. Wil- ity will be given on unincum- last week with Rebecca I^ong. nam. to a fortune to be hers pro- Mooatims in CrouP B. Uaejatint is Group A. Camay 4 19c Ivory 4 * 19c Mrs. William Fairchild. lard Marks. Roy Richardson and bered property worth $5,000 al The young people of the Church Mrs. Norman Ferguson is work- vided she married a man The aoap of beautiful women 99 44-100% pure Frank Svoboda went to McBain present day prices. Intere.st ing in Grand Bapids and spent Charles Volkert, sons, Guy and with a fortune equal to the THREE IN ALL THREE IN ALL oif the Brethren of Grand Rapiols, on Sunday; Robert Morris, Joe at 7% will be paid. Apply to presented the play of "An Olol the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Glenn and son-in-law, Mervin one left Jessica. Frank Bunker. Svoboda, Leo Pepper and Glenn R. G. JolTories at Lodger oflice Fashioned Mother" to a full house Cbipso 8 ^ 33c PAG Soap 5 fi,".' 19c Applegate of Hicksville, Ohio, Jacobitz made up another party Mr. and Mrs. Henry Slater visited Mr. and Mrs. George Tom Jordan wanted Jessi- for further particulars. (c21-22 at the local church Sunday night. Make* clothea wear longer Rintea faat - never gummy were Sunday dinner guesls of ca and Jessica wanted Tom, on Sunday, and Shirley Ward, Gcntli Skidmore Wednesday. Don Ward, Robert Ward ami Edson Grant anol wife onlor- Mir. and Mrs. Frank Freeman. but Tom did not have the FOR SALK—-About 2fi Plymouth We are glad to report Hazel Verne Faulkner also went bunt- tained as their Sunday olinner Mr. and Mrs. Frank McNaugh- fortune. I enclose %~ Please send me the three magaxincs Rock pullols. Mrs. Polo Ril- guests Mr. and Mrs. Max Grant Dintaman is some belter today. ing. Waller Aflon, Chan Ward, ton spent the week-end with Mr. The solution of their lorsoloirf. Smyrna. First house- Clifford (xmrlright and Otto Hess There are no strings attached to this checked with a year'a tubscfipUon to your newspaper. anol three chilolren of Battle and Mrs. Boy McNaughton. problem lay in finding the north of Marble cemetery. (p22 Crook and Miles Grant and fam- and Al. Kaufman of Grand Rap- i. Mr. and Mrs. Dale Curtiss were treasure buried beneath the offer I Every magazine subscription ily o>f Lansing. SWEET POTATOES > 2 ids went up to the vicinity of Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. waves with the old French Name WILL THE PARTIES who bor- Hardy dam lo bunt on Sunday. will be filled exactly as represented. Wesley Wilson "ml wife of Virginia — U. S. No. 1 quality Whitman Keil. ship—if Tom could find it CJ. rowed my stove lifters, my f* CARDS OF THANKS ^ MT. and Mrs. Clark Nellist bad double cutting tin shears, also) Grand Rapiols visiteol the lattor's Mr. and Mrs. Claud Silcox en- before others did. If any of your subscriptions are re- salb J1>49 as their dinner guests on Sunday. Street or R.F.D. my compound lover tin shears, molher, Mrs. Rebecca Long Sun- joyed a game supper with Mr. We wish to thank the many That in brief is the new olay. Potatoes b.. Cranbtrries 2 "> • 23c Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Nellist and newals the time will be properly ex- and also my jack piano please and IMVs. George Houghton Mon- friends and neighbors for their serial we are going to print Phones 34 or 152 Michigan - U. S. No. 1 Quality Early blacka Kenneth Nellist. Loweii, Michigan return lo my shop next lo> Ray Weiianol and family of day evening. kindness during the sickness and It is an excellent story, and tended. Town and State.. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Filch and Strand and oibligc R. T. Ford. Freeport. IMV. anol Mrs. Mark burial of our loved one, and to one you will enjoy. List Tuesday Mrs. Claud Silcox daughter Charlotte Filch and (p21-22 Troyor and Mr. and Mrs. Manuel Bananas 8 »>• 15c Apples 'j0 2Sc and Mrs. Lawrence Bichardson. Rev. Merrill for his comforting Wellington Filch spent Sunday Troyer, all oif Grand Rapids, words, to the singers, and for the Golden yellow fruit WAGNER - For cookin-; ana eati i* acting as substitute leaders for afternoon in Grand Rapids at Ihe FOR SALE—Mortgage. 7«*, 9600 spent Sunolay with Sam Rouola- many floral ofTerings. Ihe Alto group of the Home Turn to page 6 for the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Weber. Row Is The Tioooe To Buy—Now Is The Tine To Sell NOTICE—In order to take advantage of the above offer orders must be placed with The Lowell mortgage on $3,000, property al bush anol family. Economics Extension Class, at- Harlev Vanderlip and Family. Mr. and Mrs. Linson Kootsier (c22 Ledger. Also, be SURE to state whether your subscription is NEW or a RENEWAL. edge of Lowell. Write Rob- Mrs. Sam Rouolabush and chil- WE ACCEPT KENT COUNTY WELFARE ORDERRS tended the Home Economics opening chapters of this and son hjave moved into the ert G. Palmer, Belding, Mich. dren, Virgil and Lorna spent Leaders Training meeting at Low- Mary ZeUinger house in South • NEW Q RENEWAL (c21-3t Tuesday in Grand Rapids. ell Tuesday. Ledger Want ads pay. absorbing story. Ada. THE LOWELL (MICH.) LEDGER and ALTO SOLO TiHURSDAY, OCT. 19, 1933. ^FVR.N SI* THB LOWELL (MICH.) LEDGER and ALTO SOLO TTIttmsiXAY. OCT. 19. 1933. tunntely we do not seo her until too tic to sell. Some of us were Jolly through the woods to the house. tion. "What's the uso of my plu#- of Ihe week, returning to their derson home, also called on oth- last Friday that her nephew, Stop hoarding—there is no late. You will permit we Introduce hard hit by the war, y'know. Well, Lowell Center S. W. Bowne respective duties Sunday. Doctor White and the count de Cor- glng along as a pretty poor reporter er friends. ilfarold H. Thompson of Harrah, longer any reason for il. Be ourselves? I am the Admiral Comte It seems this ancestor of ours had By Mrs. L. T. Anderson Misses Phyllis, Mary Burns and an optimist—and act as you Legal Notice lay went on oheod, Tom ond Rob- when I've got to make a hundred Thursday evening, October 12, Wash., son of Mr. and Mrs. Kll- de Corlay, of the French navy, re- quite a tidy bit of his own private M. M. Goblc and wife and Read This Gripping brother Bobert, were Grand Hap- wood Thompson, formerly of preach. The sun of prosperity ert, who hod lingered to corry the MICHIGAN BELL thousand dollars In a hurry or lose Ihe first euchre party of the sea- THE GUNS tired, and this Is my son Robert, loot on the Fourquet that he hadn't daughter Irene of Chicago are Thomas (iriflin, (laughter, Mrs. son was given by Mr. and Mrs. ids visitors Saturday, their aunt. Cascade, was seriously injured in is chasing the clouds away. boat's kllllck above high water Jessica? I think her father was MORTGAGE SALE lieutenant of the French navy, on time to salvo before she went down. spending a few days at Ihe Burch- Zclha Anderson and Iwo children Kugene Bruton for Ihe benefit of Hose Graham of Cascade, nc- an auto accident. A friend rid- mark, followed. TELEPHONE CO. right In asking you to carry out that Default having been made in six months leave." You scarcely could hove heard Slocum home. und John Haclsburg of Grand Si. Patrick's church. Sixteen companied them. ing wilh him was killed instant- OF THE Tom said as they started, "Do you the conditions of n certain mort- Krnest Aldrich and wife, dnugh- decision. He showed sonso. lie Hlipids were Sunday guests al the tables were in play. All are sel We could easily see Ihe hunt- ly. Doctor White returned the Intro- that?" Robert's light harel eyes rest- know, this thing's beginning to get knew that she was bound to be the I,eon Anderson home. ing season opened Kunday as gage dated January 22, 1927, exe- duction. The younger Do Corlay, ed a little challenglngly on Tom; ler Rose, and Mrs. Ed. Easier- for another, Oelober 27th, al Ihe Mr. and Mrs. Evan Fuller and my goat. Lieutenant I guess the brook, spent Friday in Grand wonder girl she Is. and ho didn't In- long before Ihe peep of day cars cuted by Floyd A. Dollaway and HOLY TRINITY who had a rather merry, mis- but their gaie was met steadily Miss Margaret (iougherly made Clare Gless home. family of Hastings spenl Sunday next I'll learn Is that we've bit on Bapids, and called on Mr. and were luunming in every direction Watch Donna Dollaway, his wife, ten- enough. tend that she should be a poor n business Irip to Grand Hapids (Mrs. Burns Anderson ami evening a I the Cole home. chievous face, snill»d. When he the some gear to locate the wreck." and we hope Ihey all got their ants by the entireties, of I>owell, Mrs. J. A. Carey. man's drudge, If he could help It Monday. daughter Alice, spenl Sunday ul By Htnry C. Rowland spoke It was In perfect Kngllsh, with "No," Tom said slowly, "1 thought share of the game. (Mrs. Ubbie Beynolds and son your Kidneys Kent County, [Michigan, lo the "Shouldn't wonder. Great minds, James Carey enterlained com- For my part, If I can't have Jessica Mr. and Mrs. Henry Cooley Ihe W. C. Anderson home. Af- Merlon, were dinner guesls Sun- an extraordinary snd at times com- there might be ship's money or plate you know. Mine's a galvanometer de- pany from Grand Hapids .Sunday. NEW SERIAL Mr. and ftlirs. Win. Bruton and l the hundred thou. A shot of dyna- and family. Bev. Father Bryant of Grand startling. Robert and his fsther "Not If you found It first," Tom and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Tredt n Hesche. Doans evening guests of Mr, and Mrs. thereto forfeited; and box compass In both hands, while the principles of his own wreck mite laying bare the vein, or the ro- Waller Flynn of Grayling and Bapids, Bev. Father Bacette, Mrs. exchanged a glance of sstonlshment assured him, "or the guns either, Karl Kinyon. mA ick and baby spenl Sunday wilh The Wanamaker Booflng Com- PILLS Said mortgage in its entirety the elder was examining, with In- finder. f tary drill down to pay sand. But sister. Miss Bernice, of Grand Branigah and Kalherine Brough- Mr. and iMrs. Frank Petersen of pany of Grand iBapids, has been being now due and payable, and and dismay. Roth faces seemed to for that matter. In that case I'd Klizabelh Nellson called on A 'K f 'Hi MDM ' 1 tense eagerness, a half-rolled chart. Robert drew out a gold cigarette nothing like this blooming old wreck Hapids were guesls of Iheir par- an of Cascade were Thursday af- Sidney. doing much repair work in Ibis on which said mortgage there harden. Robert's whitened a little haul out" Miss Gladys Kinyon Saturday af- $ OF THE enls a few days Ihe latter pari Oatchlnc sight of Doctor White case with family arms engraved that's been sitting on bottom for ternoon visitors al the L. T. An- Mrs. Claude Cole received word vicinity. is claimed to be due at the date under Its ollre tan. Then the count "And If you found her first?" ternoon. and Tom they raised their hats In upon It, offered It to Tom, then, two hundred and thirty odd years. of this notice for principal Four asked slowly, as If with some effort, "Well, Lieutenant I'd have to Joe Green and wife and son s a formal, courteous way, exchanged when both had lighted up, said Bobert were visitors at Mr. and That's Just a wild grab at a grub- Hundred Fifteen and Sixteen "And why should you think such a think that over. I'd say I'd have a ^ HOLY One-hundredths, ($416.16) Dol- a word or two, then began to make cheerfully, "It's rum, like all this Mrs. Krnest Aldrich's Monday. stake. What I'm thinking of Is her thing, monsieur?" heavy salvage claim on whatever lars, interest and penalties of One their way to the shore. about thought transference. All the Marion Kinyon and lillle son forty brass guns." "Well, Count, I guess It's because was recovered" Hundred Four and Fifty Onc- As they drew near. Doctor White same, there must be something to It" Billy, was a dinner guest of Clara "Brass guns?" I happen to be looking for her my- "But she Is a French ship, Mr. Jor hundredths ($104.50) Dollars, perceived that the elder wore the •That's right," Tom agreed Aldrich Wednesday. IT COSTS ALMOST AS MUCH TRINITY "Brass or bronze. She had them. ielf." dan," the count protested. "More They started to walk on again. In I ' taxes and insurance paid by the If she was the Fourquet, as I have mortgagee plus inlerest thereon Doctor White, observing the con- than that she was a government silence for a little way. Robert NOT TO HAVE A TELEPHONE dij Henry C.Rowland reason to believe. She was sent of One iHundred Thirty-one and sternation In both of the strangers' ship." paused presently. "This Sebastlen Moseley-Murray Lake up there by the French government Fifty-four One-hundredths ($131.- faces, gave a short laugh. He was Tom shook his head. "She be- Is a bad egg. Worse than that he's By Mrs. W. Engle v Add up the monlhly coul to you of mefwageH that L - • to seize the colony of I'emaquld that Motorists. •. 54) Dollars, a total amount due rsther glad that Tom had laid this longed to the French crown. You've an efficient man, trained diver and a had been founded by CapL John and unpaid at the date hereof of flrst card on the table. since abolished that" crack on deep ground currents and must be sent... of calls you make at public Six Hundred Fifly-one and Dan Byrne is trucking apples Smith. On her way north, off Eleu- "But why should you want to lo- "But we Inherit Its properties, Mr. all that sort of thing. He was de l(\ Grand Bapids. WNU StaVICL ^ Twenty One-hundredths ($651.20) telephones ... of lime, rarfare, driving and park- thera Island, she had captured and cate this messy old hulk?" Robert Jordan." This from Robert tailed to one of our mine sweepers Alvin Davis and Clare Alchin Dollars, to which will be added ing that a telephone al home would have. CyyfU /Jf HG CX^%aaj -m burned a vessel that was formerly asked. "She must be the barnacles' "Well, then," said Tom, "In that were in (Irand Bapids 'Sunday an attorney's fee of Fifteen ($15.- based on St Nasalre, and served the Spanish caravel Purlslma Con- breakfast food by now." CHAPTER I marry, I'd have to do all my charm- 00) Dollars as stipulated for in case you Inherit Its liabilities with aboard her until you Yankees took afternoon. Then consider the advantage of being able to cepclon, but which shortly before "Maybe for the same reason that George Frost spent Monday af- ing In the baldheaded row. Of course said mortgage, and the costs of them. The Fourquet as you know, over the bulk of the Job. Then they had been cut off by buccaneers and you do. Lieutenant," Tom answered, was ordered here to grab the col- ternoon in Grand Bapids. receive messages from friends, relatives and KVENTY hours of hard nor'enster 1 don't—and then, even If my foreclosure; and no suit or pro- gave him to ma. I aent him down was being operated by them pi- then, with sn afterthought added, ony of Pemaquld, over yonder across Mr. Cook of (irand Bapids i.s business associates, and invitations lo social had tied up marine activities In Lochlnvar cnme out of the West ceeding having been instituted at once to look over our propeller after S ratically. There was a rumor that as a sort of volley of grape or can- the bay. Looked at from that slant assisting Ted Klharl wilh his ap- and about the little llahlnK port on with saddle bags full of gold, there law or otherwise to recover said I had wiped It on a rock off Qul- affairs you would regret missing. the booty taken off her by the Four- debt or any part thereof, by rea- nlster, "and this third outflt" she Is an enemy ship, and you will ple harvest. the Maine coast, and now on the are two pretty long Ifs, even then. THE NEW LAW beron." Miss 'Henrietta jSwaggerman of quet was considerable." son of which default the power "What's that?" Robert gasped Remember, loo, that in cas-e of fire, sickness, warm hazy day that followed, work My guardian's consent—and mine." have to admit you haven't the "How did he get wise to this (irand Bapids spent Saturday and of sale contained in said mortgage •'Oh come, you don't mean to say and play began to carry on again. "I'll cross those bridges when I "Well, If there should be a rival shadow of a claim on any part of thing?" Tom asked Sunday at Ted Klhart's. accident or other emergency, just one telephone crowd, that would make your news- has become operative; that there are still others In the her." LobHter men put out to haul and come to them," Tom said doggedly, "My darn* fault I was In my George Lewis and daughter call for aid may be worth the cost of the service paper story all the more Interest- Went into effect Monday, October 16th / Now Therefore, notice is here- •how?" The baffling logic of this point was bait their pots. Small Inshore sein- "but I'll cross 'em!" by given, that by virtue of the cabin with my father. There's a Laura, spent Friday afternoon in ing," said Doctor White. "You could "Looks that way. Lieutenant For received by a chuckle from Doc- for a lifetime. ers stood on and off. masthead look- "Yes, that will be time enough," power of sale contained in said speaking tube to the wheel, where Grand Bapids. work In this Idea of radio telepathy several days past I've noticed three tor White. The count muttered "Sa- Mrs. Clare Ford spent Friday outs on watch for the llrst run of Jessica admitted. "Gardy says my mortgage, and In pursuance of Sebastlen was on duty. Papa's voice Is we've mentioned. I am willing to •en in a half-decked motor aeml- prlstir—and tugged at his Imperial afternoon with Mrs. Geo. Lewis. You can order a telephone from any Telephone mackerel reported. A scanty sum- fortune Is about one hundred thou- the statute in such case made and very clear and distinct so all Sebas- admit that the possibilities are fas- cabin cruiser drifting round off here. with a bewildered look. George Frost spent Saturday BuaineM Office. Insullation will be made promptly. mer population, for the place was sand dollars. Do you think you can provided, the said mortgage tlen bad to do waa to clap a lug to cinating I Let's walk to the point At flrst I thought they might be Then Robert burst Into a rollick- night in Smyrna wilh Guy Purdy remote and thus far unexplolted, hook that much off bottom, Tom?" will be foreclosed by a sale of his end of It It wouldn't have mat- i and see If there Is anybody out there the premises therein described, bootleggers from Nova Scotia or ing laugh. "Looks as if we were and wife. ventured forth In pleasure craft, "No. But, with a little good luck. tered If it had been one of our Bre- Mrs. Iva Fritz spenl one after- now." at public vendue at the north maybe Mlquelon, but now I have Jolly well sunk, papa." skirting the rugged storm-beaten 1 might book up the key to open the tons, but these Infernal provincials noon in Grand Bapids last week They rose and walked to the end front door of the Courthouse in come to believe they're something Tom relaxed enough to smile, him- coastline enjoying the smell and vault to It" are devilish keen. That's bow the with her aunt, Mrs. Lizzie Davis. the City of Grand Rapids, Kent worse—pirates I" self. "Cutting out all this bunk. I feel of the sea breezes. Jcssica stared at him with a puz- of the porch In a world of sand and scoundrel did us. No doubt his plan Mr. Huntwork of Ponliac is County, Michigan, that being the "Mlquelonr The count's fsce was can't honestly see Just where you A furlong off a rocky point where zled curiosity, though Tom appeared sunshine. At the corner of the house # T is to study the currents a bit then spending a few days with his they saw Jessica coming toward place of holding the Circuit Court transformed suddenly from that of gentlemen have a look-in. Here we the sluggish swell mounted more suddenly to have lost Interest In in said County where the prem- go down In the most promising brother-in-law Chris. Kropf and them through the woods, by the an amiable elderly gentleman to the have an ancient wreck on bottom In- family. steeply over a sunken ledge known the pleasant and easy task of look- ises are situated, on Saturday, places and trudge 'round bot- Frost, Charles Davis and Mr. and of his beautiful walnut tries as path from the little cove. She had side the three-mile limit which Is to Mrs. Abe Verwys and son and as Pollock rock, a young man In a ing at the girl, llislng In the dory- December 23, 1933, at 10 o'clock fierce sea fighter of the race of Bre- tom." Robert's dark fringed eyelids Mrs. Will Engle and son Clayton. they drain so much from the Mr. and Mrs. Guy Purdy spent thrown a long white coat over her in the forenoon, eastern star .lard ton nobility from which he sprang. say, on American soil As non-dtl- narrowed a little. "Now If we could Mr. and Mrs. Guy Schroeder of soil. fisherman's dory was shoving his he shaded his eyes with his band, to Sunday, October 8th at Will Kn- bathing suit and against the dark UNDER THIS LAW AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE time. rens of the United States you manage somehow to discourage the Belding spent Sunday at George The Ladies' Aid was held at boat slowly and to all appearances glars at a motor cruiser tbat had •eth Strangers Were Neatly He looked at Robert and shot out gle's. rich background that held on the Said premises are described in haven't even the right to fish com- rotter—" Kellogg's. Ihe home of iMts. Lyle Bovee last aimlessly about. He stood facing come from the little fishing port and Dressed, ae If for the Deck of an the name, "Sebastlenl" MT. and Mrs. Leonard Andrews hazy afternoon she looked like a said mortgage as follows: mercially In these watera." Tom's Jaw hardened and his eyes Mr. and Mrs. Clare Alchin and Thursday. forward and thrust at the oars with was heading out around the eastern Oeean Liner. Robert nodded coolly. "Ths same of Lowell were guesls of Abe Druid priestess coming from her re- The west sixty-eight (68) feet "But treasure Is much different" looked Into Robert's. "Let's go over son IHarold of Kelloggsville spenl Jennie Filkins has gone to easy strokes. end of the Island from which Jes- GIVES YOU TWO-FOLD PROTECTION: dog-eared blighter, papa." Verwys and wife one day last lasl week at George Kellogg's. Grand Bapids again for treat- ligious rites under her sacred oak. of Lot twenty-three (23) in objected the count "A foreigner and see about It tonight Are you Passing fishermen sighting hlra sica had rowed. rosette of officer, snd the younger Tom In hla Interest forgot his own week. ment. At sight of her guardian and Tom, Block five (5) of Richards and may hunt for treasure. Just as be thus employed were mildly curious "There they are again," he growled, the red ribbon of chevalier of the suspicions and animosity. "Some game. Lieutenantr' Mrs. Mike McAndrews had the J. N. Hubbel has nol been feel- Jessica swung forward eagerly. Wickham's Plat of the Village of may look for gold or precious "Rather," said Lieutenant Vis- East Lowell about the object of his efforts. as If to himself. Lowell, County of Kent, and Legion d'Honneur. skunk that got hep to your plans misfortune to fall last Thursday ing so well of late. "Gardy, there are two Frenchmen stones." By Mra. J. N. Hubbel "What's Tom Jordan doln' over "There who are?" Jessica demand- 1 Protection against suspension of your driving license Slate of Michigan. Coming close, they paused, and and Is trying to beat you to itr comte Robert Jean-Marie Raoul de and cut her face quite badly. Mr. and Mrs. (Hoolsema, Clif- yonder ?•' over In the cove. They asked me— Dated September 1, 1933. the elder of the strangers said in "Rlght-o," Robert said- "This Se- "Well, I guess that's right, sir," Corlay. "As your Alabama colo- George Frost and Will Engle ford and Eunice, and Mr. and ed In surprise. The woods were full of hunt- politely—If they might land and and car registration, under this law. The Condensed Financial Statements below Lowell Building and Loan bastlen was quartermaster aboard Tom admitted, "but In either case nials all aay, 'Hot dawgl"* spenl Friday evening with Mr. Mrs. McBoberts of l^owell were "Dunno. Tryln' to sweep up an "Those foreign lookln' guys. They scarcely accented English, "I hope, ers Sunday, as it was the open- walk out on the Whale." Association, the destroyer I commanded during findings Is keepings, with a rakeoff Mrs. Mike McAndrews. callers at J. N. Hubbel's Sunday. anchor, maybe. There's plenty of 'em were out early this morning fishing reflect the financial strength back air, that we have not done so much ing of Ihe season. Doctor White frowned. "That Mortgagee, to the government In the case of (Continued Nexl Week.) Miss Kllura Frost was home L. I). Warner of Grand Bapids daown there." over the Corvette ledge—or takln' wrong in trespass'?" the war, and a Mlquelon man. He Mr. Thomson is enclosing his shall be promptly discouraged. I of The Travelers policies By Frank F. Coons, Secretary. treasure. That puts us all on the from Kalamazoo over Sunday. was al his farm here lasl week. This theory was as good as any soundings," he muttered. Jessica "No, you are entirely at liberty to must have overheard my father new garage. 2 Protection against claims and iudgments for injury, Gerald E. While, some mark. Suppose we leave It Mr. and Mrs. Dell Ford and other. But It was not enough to sat- draw the line at any sort of Intru- land, gentlemen," responded Doctor when he came aboard at Brest to tell said nothing, but turned, scanned Attorney for Mortgagee, Many men seek fortune in or- daughter spent Sunday al the Vin Hunt of Lowell is culling sion while you are bathing, espe- me about this old Fourquet She that way." wood for Harry Kinsley. II takes 15 days for the aver- isfy the curiosity of a girl who since the cruiser with Its foreign-looking Business Address: White, albeit In a tone that bespoke der lo be independent; they Clare Ford home. cially when you are alone. Alto- death or property damage. THE TRAVELERS was commanded by our ancestor, Doctor White Interrupted at this F. A. Putnam has a man work- age human body to recover from early morning had kept Tom under crew long and with a little frown 445 Michigan Trust Bldg., more courtesy than cordiality. should ralher seek a characler, Sunday guesls of Mrs. Lemuel gether too many rough characters INSURANCI COMPANY Juncture to Invite the foreign treas- ing for him from Grand Bapids. observation from the porch or win- of anxiety on her face. Grand Bapids, Michigan. "But we must apologlre for hav- and papa found his diary in an Ihe only* true source of inde- Davis and family were Mr. and the lost of two consecutive hereabouts, to allow anything like ure seekers to his home. Walking Mrs. Guy Purdy of Smyrna, Geo. C. Oberly is culling down some nighls' sleep. dow of a long, rambling house that Suddenly, coming out of her lUxtr-filarti •iuhwI (C18-12I ing disturb* the youni: lady. Unfor- escritoire, he hauled out of the at- pendence. that." was set on a knoll under the oaks brown study and with a glance at AVE you stopped to consider the which appear daily in the papers prove Aueti of Deoembar 31,1932 toultd 1674,492,525.31 of a wooded Island about a furlong the curious-looking apparatus which "But these dldnt really Intrude," iaeludinl over $95,631,000 of cash and U. S. Government Jessica protested. "They stopped H responsibility fixed upon you by the neea for this protection. bondi and, in addition, lubatantial amounts of other market- away. The young man once or almost filled his dory, she burst Into the new Michigan Financial Responsi- twice had caught the hellographlc a ringing laugh. "Tom—you old their motor, and one of them, who If you should drive your car in any of able tecaritiet. Theie are held to meet the Company'i van- oui obli|ationt promptly ai presented. flash from the fore lenses of her silly! I actually believe you are was elderly, stood up and took off bility Law? the other states or Canadian Provinces glass; he smiled to himself, a little trying to locate the sunken cor- his hat and asked In a nice way if If you violate certain of the motor that have Financial Responsibility Laws, Liabilities aa of December 31,1932 they might land when I had finished Capital 120,000,000.00 sheepishly. vette.' a Travelers policy will meet all the re- my bath." vehicle laws, or if an unsatisfied, final Surplus 18,139,869.67 He smiled still more when pres- "Well, what If I am? What's more, quirements of such laws. A RING Doctor White raised his eyebrows tntshot" Continfenoy and Special Reserves... 15,817,551.50 ently he saw her go down the wind- I'm beginning to believe tbat I'm not 1 dam at Other Rciervet and Liabilities 620,535,104.14 ing steps, big slabs of stone, and the only one. There are others on and glanced at Tom. "What did you The Travelers originated automobile injury or death, ui uccausc ui u«uif Total Liabilitiea $674,492^25.31 walk out on the runway to the float. tell them, my dear?" liability insurance. Since writing the first the same Job—that pair tbat Just the property of others in excess of . Paid to Policyholders io 1932 $112,996,437.14 Getting Into a rowboat she shoved passed, and another outfit from New "I called back that they could policy, it has continued to write more come ashore whenever they liked, (arising from the operation of a motor FRE E Harbor. Look like Canucks. What automobile insurance than any other as I was going out The older man gets me, though. Is why after all vehicle), your driving license and car company. Today a vast army of auto- THE TRAVELERS these years there should be three thanked me and begged me not to registration will be suspended until you mobile owners, more than 500,000 in INDIMNITY COMPANY To Every Lady Who hurry. But I had already got of us with our thoughts apparently give proof of financial responsibility. number, place their automobile insurance (Twentyieyem*! annuel ettemewtl •"""aSLi enough, so I went up Into the woods suddenly turned to the same Job." Attends Sale The easiest and best way to show finan- with The Travelers. Here are a few of the Asiets as of December 31,1932 totaled $20,120,434.94 Jessica gave him a pitying look and watched them from behind a little flr tree. cial responsibility—as well as the most reasons for this continent-wide preference. includin| over $3,483,000 of cath and U. S. Government First Day which was not quite all feigned, "The young man sculled In the economical—is a certificate of insurance bonds and, in addiuon, substantial amounts of other market- shook her head, then dipped her 1. The Travelers has paid claims in able securities. These are held to meet the Company's vari- Lowell's Newest, Up-to-Date Hardware Store boat like a sailor and helped bis oars. "I'm afraid you're quite un- from an insurance company licensed to excess of a billion dollars. In 1932 alone. ous obli|ations promptly as presented. father ashore. I heard him say, promising, Tom. Can't waste any do business in Michigan. The new law The Travelers paid $3,439,723.44 to Liabilities as of December 31,1932 "Doucement, pupa." They had a Something Special more time ou such a wild-eyed bach- requires a minimum amount of financial Michigan policyholders. Capital $3,000,000.00 elor. Aunt Martha's ashore and I chart and what looked to me, from responsibility of $5,000 for injury to, or Surplus 4,289.107.90 the distance, like a compass with must see to luncheon. Better come death of one person; $10,000 for injury 2. The Travelers has 194 main claim Cootin|enoy and Speciel Reserves.. 3,769,367.99 Every Day an azimuth. They started to walk over In an hour or so for a bite." to, or death of two or more persons; and offices strategically located in this coun- Other Reserves and Liabilities 9,061,959.05 over the Whale, as I watched. Total Liabilities $20,120,434.94 New Location, Negonce Block "No, thanks. 'Frald I wouldn't be try and Canada to render prompt service Saturday, Oct. 21 $1,000 for damage to the property of "Oh, don't frown at me that way, Paid to Policyholders in 1932 $3,927,284.47 good company. You might tell the others. wnerever you travel. doctor I'll be over a little later for Gardy! I can take care of myself, you know that, even If my money 3. The financial strength of The The people of Lowell and surrounding territory are moit cordially Invited to call and inspect this brand new a consultation." This is the minimum amount specified Travelers is a guarantee that the protec- THE TRAVELERS "All right, and I'll tell him to pre- and my 'hordes' of possible beaux by law—and far less than anyone who stock of light and heavy hardware, kitchenware, stoves, ranges and the thousand and one articles that go to scribe the best tonic for your trou- are laid out wisely and drawing values his peace of mind will carry. And tion provided by the policy will be avail- PIRI INSURANCI COMPANY bles, and that's good, steady work." about the same amount of Interest it costs very little to carry more. Agents able when needed. (Mil*, i make up a modern, up-to-date store. This opening in a larger, more central location has been made neces- for me and from me—and four and of the Travelers will be glad to give you 4. TheTravelers has 1,265 salaried em- Assets as of December 31, 1932 totaled $16,054,586.48 three-fourths per cent I includin| over $4,931,000 of cash and U. S. Government sary by the expansion of our business since starting four short months ago—evidence that the public appre- CHAPTER II quotations for your particular needs "I almost eloped with a pirate yes- ployees who devote their entire time to boadi and, in addition, substantial amounts of othar market- terday. Yes, 1 did! Ileal pirates al- the settlement of claims under Travelers able securities. These are held to meet the Company's vari- ciates the efforts we are making to serve them efficiently with the best of merchandise at prices that will T FOUR of the afternoon Tom ways are ballasted with doubloons, Wherever you drive, policies. ous obli|stions promptly as presemed. A called It a day, a twelve-hour ! compare with any competition. This Grand Opening will also be celebrated by aren't they?" whenever you drive 5. The Travelers has thousands of Liabilities as of December 31, 1932 day, and leisurely rowed over to the Both men started. "You?" cried Capital $2,000,000.00 agents throughout the United States and Island. He had seen Doctor White the doctor. "What? Where?" He Even if there were no laws requiring Surplus 1,548.110.18 watching him from the porch, where moved as If to start In Instant pur- financial responsibility, common sense Canada, any one of whom will gladly as- Cpntinlency and Special Reserves... 1,952,305.12 Willow Clothes Baskets Other Reserves and Liabilities 10,554,171.18 Harvest Specials for One Week Only he sat smoking and resting after suit. Tom said nothing, though tha would dictate the wisaom of automobile sist you in case of accident while touring. some widely scattered professional set of resolution In bis clean Jaw Total Liabilities $16,054,586.48 Oval Shape Standard Grade liability and property damaBc insurance. Ask the nearest Travelers agent about Psid to Policyholders io 1932 $4,019,759.02 calls—altliough he had turned over deepened and an anxious light So Many Good Bargains we can only mention a few in this limited space, but we want you to come and see All White Willow Randed his practice for the summer to a The accounts of automobile accidents, the Travelers Instalment Premium Pay- Getting Into a Rowboat She Shoved played for a moment In narrowed damage claims, and heavy judgments ment Plan. young colleague, and supposedly was eyes. for yourself. A ring free to every lady who attends the sale the first day. Something special every day. No. 1 Small — Off and Pulled In His Direction. Each DOC "-"ss 69c on vacation. "L Yesterday. Out there," she an- off and pulled In his direction with The great trouble with the doc- swered demurely. "I was swim- a stroke tbat was of the longshore- tor's alleged rest was that he took ming, when along cnme a semi-cabin One Lot Ivory, Green Trimmed man rather than of the athletic oars- It too near his base. cruiser fairly scooting. She was a Lanterns woman. "Doctor," said Tom, as he made rakish Utile boat, too. If I hadn't Roasters Airtight Heaters Coming alongside she rested on his comfortable berth iu a big porch moved Tast she'd have gone straight COLD BLAST Enamelware her oars. rocker, "do you believe it's possible Speckled Blue Enamel 1 enRth 18 in. over me! THE TRAVELERS 15 in. High Below Our Regular Cost Width 13 in. '1.87 "What In the world are you up for a man to think so hard about "Of course I trudgeoned out of Highest Grade to, Tom?" something that other people might the way as fast as I could, but No. 2 Rising Cone First grade, regular 75c A Q Length 21 in. "Call II treasure hunting, Jessi- get It oft his mental radio?" would you believe It, that bloody pi- Burner. Burns 35 hrs. Width IS in. '2.39 ca." His voice had the local accent, The doctor nodded. "It happens The Travelers lisiraiee Company The Travelers lideiiHy Coapaay on one filling. value 12 qt. DISHPAN No. 028 rate hove over his tiller—tried to Length 25 in. old English with a slight drawl constantly," he said. Medium 85c run me down I It was a narrow Ivory, Green Width 18 In. "Some day," Tom complained, '3,69 "What sort of treasure?" squeak, but when I was up from my $1.20 Trimmed Enamel "Your sort. You." "there'll be no more privacy of mind. HAJ The Travelers Fire lisiraiee Ceapailf No. 029 .Made of Smooth Refined Steel sudden diva I certainly told him Same as above but "Me, Tom? Where do you think I We'll all become abstractionists or what I thought of him. 7-Quart Large '1.10 Designed to Heat Quickly. Has with extra large fount Bolted-on Feel. A Big Improve- am?" A twinkle appeared In the EInstelns In self defense!" "He was a swarthy chap, from Hartford, Ceneetiesl Burns 48 hours on No. 030 ment Over Other Types. dark eyes. "Well, perhaps by lhat time Mlquelon, I suppose. I wonder one filling. TEAKETTLES "All around me, Just out of reach. there may have been a mental In- what particular business he could Ret. 11.25 value Extra Large •1.25 Up overhead, or down below there sulator Invented." have had In that lonely spot" # $1.49 Tbat seems the handiest place to "Let's hope so, doctor. There •The frog!" growled Tom with PAR VALUE SPECIAL look for you Just now." ought to be some way to negative all his native coastwise Intolerance. We Supply BRANCH OFFICE Ironing Tables "Down there—?'' quizzically. your thoughts, or shuffle 'em. I'm And before he could speak to ask Electric Light Bilbs DE LUXE "Down there." He pointed to her not worrying about this simple de- further Just what aha meant aha bad Grand Rapida Savings Bank Building D. A. WINGEIER, Agent Food Choppers 48x12^ Ironing Surface colorful reflection In the still water. vice for locating the wreck. It may 90c flicked op the skirt of her robe and Your Hunting Needs "But yoa said you were after be used, for all I know. Just a big GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. Telephone 3 or 420 LOWELL, MICH. 15, 30 or Household Scales paased Into the house. No. 1 Universal Family Size compass dragged along the bottom 1 Qt. Milk Pans, each treasure I'd never have thought "If I ever—see—him I' growled Capacity 24 pounds, by ounces SHELLS AND dUNS tod wired up to a galvanometer 60 Watt Complete with Cutter* you a fortune hunter, Tom." Tom slowly and distinctly. 2 Qt. Milk Pans, each "I am, though. Only It's not your thing, another compass, really, that H«ndMm«ly finished. Enamelad dial. All Standard Makes Doctor White looked at Tom. registers any sudden oscillation of 3 Qt. Milk Pans, each $ fortune I'm after. One to match 1L" 'That will certainly have to be Suel platform. the one below when It fetches np 4 Qt. Milk Pans, each 1.69 12 gauge Shotgun Shells Jessica nodded, and her long looked into," he aald. "Meanwhile To get the free digest of the new Law, fill in this coupon and mail to nearest against a mass of Iron." lashea drooped. She knew his mean> let'a see about these others," and Send Ihe ooupen to Trsvelers agerit or office. from 62c box up "But the corvette must have been Ing—and secretly wished that some- set off on a path that skirted the 9G 97c how he could reach auccess. Be- a wooden ship, Tom." top of the low, sunken cliffs along your nearest (Imtrl mtmi •/ niMnil Travihn aftnl ir if a hirt) Single Barrel Shotguns "There would be Iron enough tween the two of them—or between the shore. Coming presently on the from $6.95 up Jeaalca and any suitor, as far as about her to set the needle chasing Mad* in U. 5. A. corner that presented to open sea {Uurl hli dJdnu ktri) - Its tall. We've got authentic record Travelers agent or that went—bulked a conditional In- and In alght of the big rock called PRICE-RITE HDWE. CO. Double Barrel Shotguns that she's down there, somewhere." FREE! Preserving Kettles Made of Selected Kiln Dried heritance of one hundred thousand 'The Whale" from Its resemblance Please send me a free digest of the Michigan Responsibility Law. Also send "They failed to locate her after offloe for this digest from $16.45 up Wood Top and Folding Legs. dollars. By the terms of her fa- to a stranded catacean, they discov- repeated efforts twenty years ago,1 rates on my 19 ryllnHfr Qiality Screwdrivers 8 qt. Kettles.. 49c ther's will, In order even to seek her ered the two men whom Jessica had .car. LOWELL, MICHIGAN in marriage, a man would have to objected Doctor White dryly. of the new Law! 10 qt. Kettles. S9c Camp Axes and Hunting described, standing on its rounded own that amount. "Sometimes I "Faulty methods, sir. Settling My nsmt it Burnett Addrttt back. The tide was out, ao that Assorted Sizes 9 c 12 qt. Kettles. 69c C. W. Cook Phone 61 A. F. Armstrong Knives. wonder if money Is worth that slowly she might have drifted a long 98c the rock could be reached dry shod much," she questioned demurely. way before fetching up." He went Home Aiintt. .TtUfhont Ni_ '"Xou see, if ever I did want to on with a sort of hard determlna from the shore. (Continued on Page Seven.)

•V' 1 EIGHT THE LOWBLL (MICH.) LEDGER uri ALTO SOLO THURSDAY, OCT. 19. 1033. More Local News Groaa Consignment EGG PRICES Ride Safe and Moseley Gleaners dues, due. Mae B. Mills, Sec'y., Smyrna, Extra firsts 28 Save Money ^ -Wea^ rer's— SetetMiaas?t Michigan. (c22 —put on now Firsts 21 Miss Elizabeth Stonnzand and Highest Quality Assured-—Lowest Prices Always Helen visited relatives in Detroit Medium, 19 oz 18 several days last week. Trade 12 GOODYEARS

Mr. and Mrs: Edgar Quick of Subject to chant* without not Ic* Chicago called on Mr. and Mrs. Now! A11 Fre,h Beef Nothing Added lb. 3C Hamburg Charles Kraft Saturday. WE CALL FOR EGGS • Slippery roads, colder Mr. and 'Mrs. Fred Scoll of weather, more driving on l^ansing were week-end guests of CHROUCH Phon* 279-F3 dark roads — Fall and F h ,b 2 |b i c lb Mr. and Mrs, Ferris Taylor. Winter make smooth, VOUP Opportunity Side Pork "» - 12c Slab BacoB -» -P« " - 12o thin tires more danger- Mr. and Mrs. Will Haysmer and ous. Get safe-gripping Mr. and iNlrs. C. A. Stone were new Goodyear* while BUY NOW visitors in (irand Rapids Sunday Social Events prices are low. enjoy Lean lb. 0C afternoon. their protection all <4 Boiling Beef Winter ~ they'll still be In keeping with the Buy Now Spirit" Another Rig Hale dance in The Garden I^ore club will meet almost new neit Spring ^ I am giving for a limited time lb> I^owell City Hall Thursday night Tuesday, October 24, al 3:110 al . . . More people prefer Sllllgg Grade No. 1 lb. IQq Voal Hearts 3 - 19c with the Pepper Roys. Every- the home of Mrs. N. E. liorger- Goodyear Tirea than the body welcome. son. neit three largest-selling A Special Lor Price on liniets Glistet makes combined — more Miss Evelyn Rollins has re- Mrs. Vern Armstrong enter- people buy Goodyear Both aingle and double vision. turned lo her home in South tained the Goofus club 'al her Tires than any other Picnics Lean Mild Cure Ib. 7C I^owell afler an eight weeks home last Wednesday afternoon. kind — you, White gold framea at low at $2.60 nursing case in Grand Rapids. Honors went to Eleanor Jewell, too, will find Miss Doris MacFarlane relurned Katie Carr and Myrtle Sinclair. Goodyears Snerfcrail N.wp.ck 15« lo her leaching duties at Do- beat In val- Span libs 5 "*• S9c ue. Buy and E. SIGLER, Optometrlat, Lowell wagiac Monday, after spending Among Ihe I^owell people who el Ihe week-end al her home here. heard Guy Lombardo and his Royal Canadians at the Civic iViss Rerenice I^ee, daughter of Choice Cuts Ib. 0^ auditorium in (irand Rapids last Beef Chuck Roast Mr. and Mrs. George Lee was Thursday night were Mr. and To Buy, Sell, Renl or Swap, Mr. and Mrs. George Lee, was • Vergennes Center Mrs. Edward Reynolds. Paul I'se Ledger Want Column. lo Rlodgelt hospital for observa- GOODYEAR By N. M. K. 1 lb Wachterhauser. Miss Maxine |jf4 home rendered 3 Ibt. 25C tion. PATHFINDER Bool Pol loatl M" * - 7e Simon and Harold Wardell. XurtfTtwhi Cord Ttr*f Mr. and Mrs. I-eonard Kerr and ••MMMM>Mfcao