Conversation in a Clothes Closet
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LEDGER Odds mul Ends ENTRIES Here mid There and ALTO SOLO Pithy Poiuti Picked Up and Being • Collection of Various Patiy Put By Our Peripa- Topics of Local and FORTY-FIRST YEAR LOWELL, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 19,1933 tetic Pencil Pusher General Interest NO. 22 Carlton Runciman, son of Mr. RLTHI-KSS HUNTER'S DEED Rock ford Bank Loses Three Fingers and Mrs. C. 11. Runciman has had TV tHILE going through his LIS. GRIDDERS To Reopen Soon SMALLER SPUD In Hunting Accident Potato Farmers Boys Farm Club the honor of being elected one of \\/ sheep pu.slure yesterday I the members of the student sen- morning Clarence Klahn of ale, a student governing board of South i.owell found one of his The work Incident to getting May H. Whiteside, 26, of Flint, ()livel college. fogistered ewM lying deadt ihol GLORIFIED IN all the certificates ready for the AND BEAN YIELD shot and hadl.N mangled his right Trying Irrigation On Soviet Pattern through the eye. Every Indira reopening of the Rockford Slate hand Monday noon while hunt- The Prince of Wales sold his Mank has made it necessary to ing on Ihe Whiteside farm about farm because he could not afford tion mrints to the deed ns that of One Grower Rpports His Yield a ruthless hunter, postpone the opening until some- four miles southwest of Lowell, And Every Member Is An Officer. lo continue losing money on it. It is no wonder that fanners HOLLAND GAME lime in the week of October 23. IS ESTIMATED He was taken to St. Mary's bos Doubled Five Members al Present he said. A lot of American farm- grow righteously angry over the II had been conlidenlly expected pita). Grand Rapids, where it ers would like to have him ex- that everything would he read) plain to them bow he was able cruelty and wanton destruction LOCALS BATTLE BRAVELY IN was found necessary to amputate Montcalm County farmers are by the loth bat the details bnve OCT. CROP REPORT SHOWS three lingers. Ihe thumb and in- Cedar SpriiiKs has it boys' club to sell it. by a certain type of hunter. The out to whip Ihe drought by irriga- which is different. great majority of hunters respect SUPERIOR GAME WITH mounted more rapidly than was BETTER THAN SEPTEMBER dex finger being saved. The ac- tion. Two farmers have carried anticipated. cident occurred when Ihe gun The members of the Boys' It cost Kmil Lockeman and Hen the properly rights of e thers and ( LASS A SCHOOL —LOSE BY ESTIMATE, HOWEVER —AP- on successful irrigation this year Sportsmen Chill —all five of It is to he regretted that a few of Not only must the stale ap- was accidentally discharged us on small potato fields and Ihe Bosch, nf Detroit, 1112.70, a new SCORE OK 13-3.1 —ONLY DE- irove the segregation of assets PLE GROWERS IN FAVOR- the young man picked it up by them — believe that their duly is Iseda n and two shotguns to shoot the ilk described above are rap- movement for irrigation is lo lead and enlighten and nol idly making it necessary for all FEAT IN 32 GAMES. tml also the bank must be entire- Ihe muzzle. spreading rapidly Ihrough the pheasants illegally in Lapeer ABLE POSITION. merely lo do the conventional County. Marion Butler, arrest- farmers to post their lands in ly prepared for each depositor county. things. order to protect their pro|)erty on opening day. There are to An eighty-acre |)otalo field ed with them, was fined *IIH). To be glorified in defeat Is be live certiflcales for each ac- Improvement in fall crops was Officers of the dub are presi- and their livestock. A lady from owned by Dr. L J. Schermer- dent. Jimmy Skinner, son of Mr. Bowne-li). called at the ledger most unusual, and yet that Is count and this alone is a tre- quite general IhroiighouL' the Both while folks imd darkies what has hnppened to the High Civic Flower the horn, (irand Rapids physician, and Mrs. James A. Skinner; vice otlice a few days ago and told of mendous task of bookkeeping and Stale during September, accord- and located three miles north of of South Carolina are having an School football team after their clerical work.—Rockford Regis- ing to a statement issued from president. Junior Watson, son of opportunity this week at their a hunter who had clipped wire Greenville, will be irrigated Mr. and Mrs. Tom Watson; sec- fencing on their farm in order defeat by Holland last Friday by ter. Ihe office of the Agricultural next year by water from two Stale Fair al Columbia. Ihe cap- the score of 33-13. To accept re- Statistician. The past month retary. Gordon Miller, son of Mrs, ital lo enjoy a delicious North- to let his dog through. Sheep Subject of Study deep wells now being drilled. Esther Miller; treasurer. Don later went through the same op- verses graciously and in a sports- was unusually warm and with Herbert Moore, manager of the ern delicacy. William Chris- manlike manner is the manly Russell, son of Mrs. Elsie Russell ening und many hours had to be rainfall fairly well dislribuled. farm, estimated that 30 acres of tiansen's ice cream truck, in thing to do. and this is being conditions were very favorable Garden Lore Club to Discuss the and keeper of the gale. Fay Loo- charge of Ed. Jensen, left for spent searching for the stray ani- Pomona Grange potatoes could be given the man, son of Mr. and Mrs. George mals. done by the boys who hud won for bringing late crops lo full ma- Iris in all Phases at a Meeting equivalent of one inch of rain- that point Friday, loaded with a 31 consecutive victories. To for- Looman. thousand dozen |iaddle pops. The U'dger suggests lhat Low- turity. In the case of field Next Tuesday. fall In 24 hours. The water will The live members have various ell sportsmen form an organiza get disappointments and to press beans, Ihe reported gain in pros- be piped to the field ami flu- on and on is the pathway of ev- means of obtaining money. Re- Five-year-old Barbara Bishop tion admitting to membership on For Special Session peels is quite marked since there rows irrigated by duck irrigation cently they staged the "World's eryday life, und that is what the was an unusually large percenl- Tuesday, October 24, Ihe Low- of Like Odessa, was the Iwo- ly those pledged to support the hose, which would be moved Fair" and added $3,35 to their! property rights of rtthers. Hunt Lowell football fans and the team age of late-planted llelds this ell Gardei, I^ore club will meet at from row to row every 20 min- milllonlh child visitor al the are going to do. There is no Seek Exemption From Sales Tax year. The condition of Ibis the home of Mrs. N. E. Borgerson treasury. Frequently on Satur- World's fair Saturday. "Is thii rrs wearing a badge of member utes, day and Wednesday nights, if the ship in such an organization disgrace in defeat, if in meeting Provisions — Officers Elected. crop on October 1 was reported lo discuss and study their civic Christmas," she asked her father, it one has done his best. And Fred Pakes, owner of an 1,100- treasury is low, the boys put would likely be given hunting at 66 per cent, an advance of 10 flower, Ihe Iris. The develop- acre farm in the eastern part of Frank Bishop, as exposition at- Ibis is especially true if the op- points over Ihe September 1 ment of Ihe modern Iris has been I heir "reginaphone" on a coaster taches filled her arms with pres- privileges by most land owners Kent County Pomona Grange Montcalm county, used a similar wagon and as they haul it up and after reqUHl for such privilage ponent has all of the advantages. figure. As this is much more so rapid, Ihe procession of new ents and souvenirs, and present- We are proud of our hoys and met in Courtland Grange hall last system on a fifteen-acre tract down main street merchants, had been made. than the average improvement in varieties that moves across Ihe this year, drawing Ihe water from ed her with a tiny key good for we congratulate them In their week Wednesday afternoon and gardening stage each year, both shoppers and tourists may be entrance anywhere on the condition which is allowed for in a lake, and he reports that his seen slipping out of the stores to defeat. evening. There was a very Ihe earlier estimates, the October of American and foreign origin grounds. UNCLE SAM GIVES 30ri large attendance and a line pro- crop doubled on Ihe irrigated drop a penny, dime or nickel in Holland Starts Fast I indication is for a materially is so numerous that Ihe naming tract, compared lo that on non- LL OVER Michigan - all gram was presented. The body better yield than was expected a of certain varieties as Ihe best is a cup lo Ihe tune of "When th- The bird hunting season op- over the United Slates for Lowell received the ball on the adopted resolutions asking the irrigated bul well-fertilized Organ Played al Twilight." 30-yard slripe and fumbled on month ago. The Michigan crop a subject to be approached dif- soil. Pakes' experiment this year ened last Sunday with a bang — Athat matter — villages, cit- governor to call a special session lldenlly.