CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 155, Pt. 14 July 21, 2009 Mr
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July 21, 2009 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 155, Pt. 14 18525 CONRAD DEROUEN, JR. POST World War II, serving with the 1st Bat- b 1915 OFFICE talion, 2nd Marine Division. While fighting against the Japanese Mr. LYNCH. Madam Speaker, I move In July of 1944, after serving overseas forces in Saipan, Mariana Islands, on for a few months, Second Lieutenant to suspend the rules and pass the bill July 3, 1944, Lieutenant DeRouen en- DeRouen was involved in the Battle of (H.R. 2972) to designate the facility of dured continuous exposure to enemy Saipan in the Marianas Islands. Re- the United States Postal Service lo- fire in order to guide tanks into areas grettably, Second Lieutenant DeRouen cated at 115 West Edward Street in of combat; and when the communica- was gravely wounded in the neck by Erath, Louisiana, as the Conrad tions systems failed, DeRouen seated enemy forces and subsequently died DeRouen, Jr. Post Office. himself behind the turret in order to from his wounds at the age of 23. continue the resistance. The Clerk read the title of the bill. In recognition of his distinguished In another assault on Japanese forces The text of the bill is as follows: service, Second Lieutenant DeRouen later on July 8, 1944, Lieutenant H.R. 2972 posthumously received the Navy Cross, DeRouen, despite being wounded in the Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- awarded for extreme gallantry and risk neck by shrapnel from an enemy gre- resentatives of the United States of America in of life in actual combat with an armed nade, refused to leave his post with the Congress assembled, enemy force and going beyond the call 1st Battalion to seek medical assist- SECTION 1. CONRAD DEROUEN, JR. POST OFFICE. of duty. (a) DESIGNATION.—The facility of the As noted by the accompanying cita- ance and, instead, continued to fight at United States Postal Service located at 115 tion, Second Lieutenant DeRouen, de- his station. DeRouen eventually col- West Edward Street in Erath, Louisiana, spite his wounds, ‘‘gallantly refused to lapsed due to pain and loss of blood and shall be known and designated as the ‘‘Con- was carried off the field of battle by his rad DeRouen, Jr. Post Office’’. be evacuated and remained steadfast in his station until he collapsed from pain comrades. He finally succumbed to his (b) REFERENCES.—Any reference in a law, wounds on his ship and was buried at map, regulation, document, paper, or other and blood loss.’’ record of the United States to the facility re- Additionally, the citation noted that, sea. ferred to in subsection (a) shall be deemed to ‘‘By his initiative, courage, and devo- Lieutenant DeRouen’s actions were be a reference to the ‘‘Conrad DeRouen, Jr. tion to duty throughout these haz- an inspiration to the marines he fought Post Office’’. ardous operations, Second Lieutenant beside and were a contributing factor The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- DeRouen upheld the highest traditions in the success of the campaign in the ant to the rule, the gentleman from of the United States Naval Service.’’ Mariana Islands. Because of his heroic Massachusetts (Mr. LYNCH) and the Madam Speaker, Second Lieutenant death at the age of only 23 years of age, gentleman from Utah (Mr. CHAFFETZ) Conrad DeRouen’s life stands as a tes- he was posthumously awarded the each will control 20 minutes. tament to the bravery and dedication Navy Cross for his bravery in a combat The Chair recognizes the gentleman of the heroic men and women who have zone, the second highest decorated from Massachusetts. offered the ultimate sacrifice in service Medal of Honor. Today I join the town of Erath in honoring this fallen hero GENERAL LEAVE to our Nation. with the dedication of their post office Mr. LYNCH. I ask unanimous consent Let us together honor this distin- to the name of Second Lieutenant Con- that all Members may have 5 legisla- guished Marine through the passage of rad C. DeRouen, Jr. for being the high- tive days within which to revise and this legislation to designate the West est decorated veteran in its history, a extend their remarks. Edward Street Postal Facility in his real hero and someone we should all The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there honor. honor. objection to the request of the gen- I urge my colleagues to join Mr. BOU- STANY, the lead sponsor of this resolu- As we honor Lieutenant DeRouen tleman from Massachusetts? today, we also must recognize our There was no objection. tion, in supporting H.R. 2972. I reserve the balance of my time. present-day heroes in Iraq and Afghani- Mr. LYNCH. Madam Speaker, I now Mr. CHAFFETZ. I yield such time as stan, those who have fallen and those yield myself such time as I may con- he may consume to my distinguished who continue to fight, and we thank sume. As chairman of the House sub- colleague from Louisiana (Mr. BOU- them as well as their families and the committee with jurisdiction over the STANY). families of all of our troops who put on United States Postal Service, I’m Mr. BOUSTANY. I thank my friend a uniform. pleased to present H.R. 2972 for consid- and colleague from Utah and my friend I now ask my colleagues to support eration. This legislation will designate from Massachusetts for this courtesy. this resolution. the United States Postal Service Facil- Madam Speaker, I rise today in sup- Mr. LYNCH. Madam Speaker, I have ity located at 115 West Edward Street port of House Resolution 2972, to des- no further speakers at this time, but I in Erath, Louisiana, as the ‘‘Conrad ignate the facility of the United States will continue to reserve the balance of DeRouen, Jr. Post Office.’’ Postal Service located at 115 West Ed- my time. Introduced by my colleague, Rep- ward Street in Erath, Louisiana, as the Mr. CHAFFETZ. It’s an honor to resentative CHARLES BOUSTANY of Lou- Conrad DeRouen, Jr. Post Office. I’d stand and rise in support of H.R. 2972 isiana, on June 19, 2009, and reported like to thank the Oversight and Gov- and the great American hero that we out of committee on July 10, 2009, by ernment Reform Committee for bring- know as Conrad DeRouen. I appreciate unanimous consent, H.R. 2972 enjoys ing this bill to the floor. bringing this to our attention, and we the support of the entire Louisiana Today, it’s really a distinct honor for look forward to having this post office House delegation. me to celebrate the life of United named after him. It’s the least we Born on February 12, 1921, Conrad States Marine Corps Reserve Second could do from a country that’s so ‘‘Snookie’’ DeRouen graduated from Lieutenant Conrad C. DeRouen, Jr., an grateful. Erath High School in 1937, and subse- extraordinary hero in World War II. I yield back the balance of my time. quently attended Vanderbilt Univer- A native of Erath, Louisiana, a small Mr. LYNCH. I yield back the balance sity, graduating with a master’s degree coastal town in my district, DeRouen of my time. in health and physical education. graduated from Erath High School, The SPEAKER pro tempore. The At the age of 21, Conrad DeRouen then went on to Southwestern Lou- question is on the motion offered by volunteered for service in the United isiana Institute, and subsequently re- the gentleman from Massachusetts States Marine Corps and was commis- ceived a master’s degree from Peabody (Mr. LYNCH) that the House suspend sioned as a second lieutenant at College in Nashville, Tennessee. the rules and pass the bill, H.R. 2972. Quantico, Virginia. Following addi- He married Marguerite Domingues of The question was taken. tional training at Camp Pendleton, Abbeville, Louisiana, and at the age of The SPEAKER pro tempore. In the Second Lieutenant DeRouen was de- 21 he volunteered to serve in the opinion of the Chair, two-thirds being ployed to the Asiatic theatre during United States Marine Corps. in the affirmative, the ayes have it. VerDate Mar 15 2010 08:23 Jan 13, 2012 Jkt 079102 PO 00000 Frm 00056 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR09\H21JY9.001 H21JY9 erowe on DSK2VPTVN1PROD with BOUND RECORD 18526 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 155, Pt. 14 July 21, 2009 Mr. BROUN of Georgia. Madam Lakers guard Kobe Bryant, who played all in the consideration of H. Res. 566, Speaker, on that I demand the yeas but 8 minutes of the game; which provides for the recognition of and nays. Whereas the Lakers were able to defeat the the National Basketball Association The yeas and nays were ordered. Magic in Game 4 despite a 25-point perform- Champion Los Angeles Lakers for cap- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- ance by Magic forward Hedo Turkoglu; Whereas the Lakers won Game 5 against turing their 15th NBA championship. ant to clause 8 of rule XX and the the Magic by a final score of 99–86, clinching House Resolution 566 was introduced Chair’s prior announcement, further a historic championship, Kobe Bryant’s first by Representative MAXINE WATERS of proceedings on this motion will be championship without Shaquille O’Neal, California on June 19, 2009, and cur- postponed. Head Coach Phil Jackson’s 10th title as a rently has the support and cosponsor- f coach, and the Lakers organization’s 15th ship of 50 Members of Congress, none of championship; whom are from the city of Boston, CONGRATULATING NBA CHAMPION Whereas the Lakers recovered from a dev- courtesy of Chairman TOWNS.