Provo River Suitability Evaluation Report (SER)
Provo River Suitability Evaluation Report (SER) STUDY AREA SUMMARY Name of River : Provo River River Mileage : Studied: 19.8 miles, from Trial Lake to U35 Bridge Eligible: Same Location : Wasatch-Cache National Forest, Kamas Ranger District, Summit Congressional District Provo River County, Utah 1 Start End Classification Miles NE ¼ NE ¼ Sect. 6, T 2 S, NE ¼ SW ¼ Sect. 15, T 3 S, R 7 Segment 1 Recreational 19.8 R 9 W, Uintah Meridian E, SLM Physical Description of River Segment : Elevations range from 8,700 to 9,500 feet. The channel is generally confined in a narrow valley. Some floodplains and low wet terraces exist. The gradient and energy are moderate. The channel is incised somewhat into glacial and alluvial outwash materials with large substrate. The channel and floodplains are severely scoured and permanent vegetation and structure are often lacking as a result of the Trial Lake dam failure in 1985. The upper portion of this segment is dominated by lodgepole pine with mixed Appendix A – Suitability Evaluation Reports A-550 conifer (lodgepole pine, subalpine fir, and spruce). Further downstream upland vegetation is dominated by lodgepole pine and aspen with openings of sagebrush. Riparian communities generally occur as narrow stringers with conifers, willows, and alder dominating. The area is more or less natural in appearance with some localized dispersed recreation and grazing impacts. No threatened, endangered, or sensitive plant, fish or animal species occur in this area. It does contain some prime moose habitat. The State of Utah classifies the upper reach of the river as Class II, of great importance to the state fishery.
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