!TIiE WAR FKE8B. (PUBLIBHBl) WEEKLY.) Em Wa» Paass wUi bff neat to sabsorlbera by mcU (per annum in advance) at., ...... S3. Of * SOOTH FOWIH STREET, Three Qopleu «: «< ...... i^O*1 , ill Flv» m. « « „»».,..,..•..* 8.0P "T^r PRESS, Sen « a tt . 1...... 18.0© ^ Larger fl putable' to the Oarrier. dnbe wHI b« charged nt tbe eama rate—thai * pa« Wsbkot , at Six SO oopiea wiU oost oni the Oity »omo^a»8 f34 ; eo oople*will cost »60, »nd 1W P *" °l^n tam oojlee 8130. W H81 to BSt h w.Bl ^ " * ^ »^ « ° * * »«»*»•«» Or 0T8T, W8 WBl B6M m ^ m* Mosr ~tovttriabl5r *** mxtm Copy to tha getter-np of the f»» *°* * ' OInb. ^ USrPostmastera wre requested to act aa Axenta m Turn Wab Pbibb. ' " mt Advertisementa Inserted at tha % the City ftt TH88B p ou- usual rate*. «£ fiawribera out of Unsa oonBtitnte a BaBara. '0 dTanoe. - jjjfirf oM ina dollars and a half a day Reply appearances, as any white person that asks and far come down from her stilts as to join us m some often earns his master two Ex-President Buchanan's to Geu. ry on the part of General Scott. .It is scarcely fer was not the quasi, but the actual truce of arms MACHINES. Scott. credible that this very joint note, presented in such concluded at Charleston on the 11th January, ^ SEWON* receives half a dollar for a small loaf of bread is, sentimental duets and trios. The hatred of the for months at a timeV and all he gets for his labor 1861, oon- is an occasional beating because he don't earn more. To ihe Editors of the National Intelligencer : odious colors, was submitted to General Scott on the between Governor Pickens and Major Anderson, emphatically speaking, no friend to the Union or South for the Northern people is, abstractly On Wednesday last I received the National In- day it was prepared (29th January), and m«t his without the knowledge of the President. Chivalry I No wonder the old lady was so anxious * It was oa its supporters. A Union man rarely requests a sidered, a " big thing." I think that if I had telligencer containing General Scott's address to entire approbation. I would not venture to maks the 8th of January that the Star of the West, un- sported a pair of shoulder straps I should have not to part with her " family," that she was so foud the public This is throughout an undisguised this assertion if I did not possess conclusive evi- der the American flag, was fired upon in the har- V guard upon his premises—a rebelalways; andihe ^BBRATBD FAMILY Won" prevailed on Miss Betty to try a waltz with a of I What a blessed]tbing the patriarchal institu- censure of my conduct during the last months of dence to prove it. On that day Secretary Holt ad- bor of Charleston, by order of Governor Pickens. worst feature of the case is they attain one. the Administration in regard to the seven Cotton dressed me a note, from which the following is an Immediately after this outrage , Major Anderson ders never cease. . " hated vandal," and I think she would have sur- tion is! Aleck's ideas of the cause of the war, its the best mode of action for the States now in rebellion. .From our past relations I extract : I'J have the satisfaction ofsayziig that on sent a flag to the Governor, stating that he pre- iould not be finer for an advance, rendered at discretion. All things must end, and probable results, was greatly surprised at the appearance of such a submitting the paper to eah sumed the act bad T<3- MACHINES, The weather present change in General Scott he been unauthorized, and for that rrN and the" roads are in an excellent condition. The so did our jolly evening, and one by one our party negroes, and the real value of tho paper. In one aspect, however, it was highly gra- pressed himself satisfied with it, saying that reason he had not opened fire from For fc Sumptar ^ FROM GEN. M'CLELLA N'S ARMyT fact of everything relating to tifying. It there could be no objection to troops, enlivened by the cool, invigorating atmos- ¦lipped off to feed . The bed In the parlor was as- tHeir situation, and in has justified me, nay, it has rendered it the arrang ement in on the adjacent batteries ; but demanding Its dis- TO ALL OTHERS. the war were remarkably shrewd and mature". Al- absolutely necessary, that I should no longer re- a military point of view or otherwise." This re- avowal, and, if this were not sent in a reasonable gUPSBl0B A Skirmish with the Rebels. phere, march up lively, and with a spirit we have signed to me, and the landlord , with Ms two little , main silent in respect quires no comment. That the eck does not look like anegro He is not darker than to charges which have been General had every time, he would consider it war, and fire on any ves- as yet to see excelled. But few, if any, " strag- boys and a small nigger boy, very kindly remained long vaguely circulating; but are now endorsed by reason to be satisfied with the arrangement will ap- sel that attempted to leave the harbor. and his features have but little of Two days [Special Correspondence of The Press.] glers" are to be noticed, though heavy rear guards in the room until I had and gone to bed, many white men, the responsible name of General Scott. pear from the following statement : after this occurrence, on the 11th January, Gover- want to see this' , uUon la called to the fact that, besides Headquarters Gen. McClei.la.k, follow each brigade to prevent falling to the rear. when they put out the light and left me to my the negro cast. Said he, "I country I. The first and most prominent among these A revolutionary outbreak had occurred in nor Pickens had the audacity to demand of Major r * ¦• " ¦ ¦ ' ' ¦ ¦ - " ' .,jrlift:l« , wo manu- ¦:¦ ¦: " ;¦ ¦: - ^; * - ¦ . ¦ : -: ing them down Mr. -— charges is my refusal immediately to garrison nine Florida ; the troops of the United States had been our celebrated stitch dream e. ,:¦: , . . :. , . . .. ,; . come down. You can't br Anderson the surrender of the fort. In Ms answer ftlilng Berlin , Oatobor 29, 1882. A complete " telegraph corps," with apparatus, enumerated fortifications. expelled from Pensacola and the adjacent navy J clll ° iety of styles , nuperior A START FOR BROWNSVILLE. without sou ruin them. Pride built them lip, and Scattered over six of the of tie same date the Major made the following pro- V " rtit var THE MOVEMENT OF BTJRN3IDE. are with the advance, while an " engineer corps" Southern States, according to tho^recommendation yard ; and Lieut. Slemmer, of the artillery, with, position : 'J> S ¦ bright and early nothing but poverty will bring them down. You " Should your Excellency deem fit, pre- V^'' Part of Slocum 's army corps, with that of Wil- are " around in spots." You will see them • repair- The next morning we started of Gen. Scott, In his " views" addressed to the his brave little command, had been forced to take vious to a resort to arms, to refer this matter t» LOCK-STITCH MACHINES. for Brownsville. About four miles this side of the may take away everything they have but War Department on th« 29th and 30hh of October refuge in Fort Pickens where he was in imminent 01]Ly oox, having moved from Pleasant Valley by Mon- ing, a bridge in one place, and filling up a rut, or , , WasbiBgtoD, it would afford me the sincerest plea- levelling a steep bank in another. The pontoon place is a high hill alongside the road , from whioh their darkeys, and they stand it very well, but as 1860. Anii it has even been alleged that if this had danger every moment of being captured by a vastly sure to depute one of my officers to accompany any -will bo cheerfully day night, early yosterday morning Burnside broke regu- , grilles of each stitch our approach can be distinctly Eeen for some dis- soon as you take a nigger they begin to weep and been done it might have prevented the civil war. superior force. Owing to the interruption of messenger you may deem proper to be the bearer ie f^" chasers, and tuoy hsve the oamp, and, mounting his old horse, " Colonel," train is still on the banks of the Potomac in charge This refusal is attributed, without the least cause, lar communications Secretary Holt did not receive of your demand. l , jj iftined to pu r tance. The captain, who was on the watch for this wail and gnash their teeth. You take the ground " This proposition was promptly &f * being able to eeleot from our stook moved his headquarters to the neighborhood of of the three bridges they have constructed—one to the; influence of Governor Floyd . All my Cabi- information of these events until several days after accepted by the Governor, and, In pursuance there- f[. r0f9 Of plan, rode to the head of the column ju efc in time tt right out from under them. If you take cotton was the President their occurrence : ! * " kin tuB Lovettsville, four miles from the;-Potomac,-on - the above and below Harper's Ferry and one at Berlin. net must bear me witness that I , and then through a letter ad- of, he sent on his part Hon. J. W. Hayne, the At- S " M«lii n« m» S start at a gallop take horses and the acts of the Adminis- dressed to a , third person. Ho instantly informed Virginia side, and about six miles southeasterly Whether these bridges will remain at these points see a man jump on his horse and they can plant more. If you myself, responsible for all torney G eneral of South .Carolina, to Washington, for Brownsville. Two men were sent after him on mules, they can get more. So with corn and all kinds tration ; and certain it is that, during the last six the President of the fact, and reinforcements, pro- whilst Major Anderson deputed Lieut. Hall, of the & BAKER BTITOH, from Harper's Ferry. this winter is doubtful, as the ice will scarcely per- months previous to tbe 29Ui December, 1860, the visions, end military stores were despatched by the Usited States Army, to accompany OVKB double quick, and soon overhauled him. He was of produce. But you take a nigger and you out off ¦ him. These 0B ivriRNSIDE' S WAB.-H0BJE. mit thona. to remain unmolested. day on which he resigned his office , after my re- Brooklyn to Fort Pickens without a moment's ' un- gentlemen arrived together in Washington on the a villainous-lookiPg rascal enough for a Sscession- their supply. The nigger is the producing machine. As all relating to this ideal soldier is of interest, Will we have a fight? The probabilities are quest, he exercised less influence on the Adminla- necessary delay. She left Fortress Monroe on the evening of the 13th January, when th© President; ist ten times over. The captain now ordered a de- He turns out every thing. If you take him away tration than any other member of the Cabinet. Mr. 24fh of January. «« an ideal war-horse, deserras a passing thought to be in favor of such a programme. One obtained the first knowledge of the transaction. LOOK-STITC H , Colonel," tachment of forty men to go forward and post it is like taking the principal, and if you only take Holt was immediately thereafter transferred from Well-founded apprehensions were, however, en- But it will be recollected that no time intervened mention. Ho is a bay, with a compact, heavy thiDg we are certain of is: We came prepared for tertained at the time of her departure that the pickets at all the roads leading out of Brownsville, cotton it is like taking only the interest; more wilL the Post Office Department to that of War ; se that, re- between the return of the Star of the West to New ' Mochino St itches In practical body, and short, stumpy legs, being thus well calcu- such an emergency, and, if the army oomes in ool- from this time until the 4th March, 1861, which was inforcements, with the vessels of war at no great York and the arrival of the messenger bearing a ... T,iiaabte Sewing and shortl y after , another .detachment of forty to come next year. Then their pride is in it too. jyj'-i' lated for the weight of his doughty rider. lision with some one's friends and sympathiaersj , by far the most important period of the Adminis- distance from Fort Pickens, could not arrive in copy of the truce at Washington, within which it dash through the town and guard the roads on the They hate to lose a slave, it makes them mad. tration he performed the duties of Secretary of time to defer.d It against the impending attack. In 11* " Colonel" is twenty years old, and carried Ms the question to be decided will be, " Who whip- , would have been possible to send reinforcements to ! far ther sid e from our approach , lest the firs t might They tell (usall sorts of fooliBh stories about the War to my entire satisfaction. this state of suspense, and whilst Lieutenant Slem- Fort Sumpter. Both events occurred about the sama ' ¦ ' depended '' ¦ ¦ ¦ " ' ¦ ¦ ' " ¦' ¦ were ¦ ¦ Antietam " immediately after ¦ war ped 1" The men of ¦ ¦ , " - : ¦ ¦ ¦¦ ¦ ¦ - ¦ ' Mfsioan ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ the • ¦ rnaater during not have been able to get to them. Tho balance Yankees. But I tell the nigger folks about But why did I not Immediately garrigon the3e mer was in extreme peril, Senators Siidell, Hanter, Ime: - in 1847. He is still full of spirit, upon to decide the important issue on that hard- and Bigler received a telegraphic despatch from. he graduated, followed leisurely, and at 11 o'clock we picketed me that they aint true Why, the nine for tifications, in such a manner, to use the lan- Thus a truce, or suspension of arms, was con- FfiOM 140 UPWAKD3. but tranquil as a stone under ire, which he eyes contested field ; they will maintain their oredit in guage of Gen. Scott, as to make any attempt -to Senator Mallory, of Florida, dated at Pensacola, cluded between the parties to continue KS ¦ " , until the pJilC ' ¦ " ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ' * our horses in the court-house square. Yankees are the smartest people In the world. future.; - . - V, ¦ - - ' ¦ take any one of them by surprise or coup-de-main on the 28th January, with the urgent request that question of the surrender of the with supreme indifference. His dignified com- . ; . . . , • ; . . . . . • . • fort should be de- of the Northern population AN A UAB WELC OME. They make everything we get—all our tool a and ridiculous ?" There is one answer both easy' and they should lay it before the President. This de- cided by the President. Until this decision Major 730 Chestnut St. posure is ruffled only by any attempt at f amiliarity Some, if not many, spatch expressed an earnest desire to maintain the Office to open a newspaper, for fear that the We found no Seeesh soldiers hero. T#o had clothes and furniture and everything." " Do you conclusive, even if other valid reasons did not Anderson had placed it out of his own power to ask _ ¦ ¦ on the part of a stranger . With kindled eyes, he are dreading exist. There were no - available troops within peace, as well as the most positive assurance that for reinforcements and t tr _ — —— passed through the town a few hours before our think you would be any better off ," I asked, " if the , equally out of the power of ^ then starts back and strikes at him horiaontaUy army will be noticed as going into ". winter quar- reach which could be sent to these fortifications; no attack would be made on Fort Pickens if the the GrOveTBment to send them without a violation of WILLOOX & GIBBS advanced guard entered , tut rone were left. We Yankees should conquer and occupy this country?". preserved. JUJK with his forefoot. McClellan rides a dark-brown ters.'' Now, for comfort, it's rather too cool about To have attempted a military operation on a present status should be public faith. This was what writers on public law ij * FAMI LY a lieutenant who Well, I don 't know," said he, " wo ca.n'tbe any This proposal was carefully considered, both with ittAOBINMB lithe and iaultless proportions, called the Potomac for quarters in the season fast ap- foun d one of Jackson's cavalry, , " scale so extensive by any means within the Presi- denominate " a partial truce under whioh hostili- * SEWIN G animal of off. I tell all the colored people about hero a view to the safety of the fort and to the unhappy .rAntl v impioved, making it proaching. The idea is to get as far South as pos- had been oaptured and paroled by Major Mudd worse dent's power would have been simply absurd. Of ties are suspended only in certain places, as be- bW.« r8B T ™ ' " Pauiel Webster." This embodied compliment been convin- effect which an actual collision, either at that or tween a town and Wii J N LBKLY NOMJBLH8B, weather comes on. We therefore two days befor e, while he was at home on a fur- if they have got good homes that they had better this Gen. Scott himself seems to have the army besieging it." It ia &djnfltlnc Ham mers, are now ready for to the k< great expounder " and advocate of the sible before cold ced , for on the day after the date of his first "views" any other point, might produce on the Peace Con- possible that the President, under the laws of war, fitt goii. ¦'¦¦ lough. On conversing with him I found that he stay where they are till tno thing is settled. They Fugitive Slave law, desires, like his master, un- predict but a sjiort delay in the advance movement he addressed (on the 30th Ostober) supplemental vention then about to assemble at Washington, The might have annulled this truce, upon due notice t* it f FAIRBANKS * SWING, and kicks his heels frantically in so auspiciously and quietly commenced. When had been educated in my native State, and knew can't be any worse off , and if they run off they have views to the War Department, ia which he states : result was that a joint despatch was carefully pre- the opposite party ; but neither General Scott nor , 715 0HB8TNUT Street. controlled action, and perhaps can't get any work and if ^ each ni next we write you, it will be from some point far- esveral of my friends. Ho invited me and Lieu- no homes, , " There ts one (regular) company in Boston, one pared by the Secretaries of War and Navy, accept- any other person ever suggested this expedient. a field adjoining the camp, ght as he -re- ing the proposal with important modifications tenant Sherloch , of the body guard, to dine with they go North they don't understand the country, here , (at the Narrows), one' at Pittsburg h 07te at , , This would have been to cast a reflection on Major & WILSON. turns from water. .The groom respects Ms aspira ther South than our present location. Considerable one at Baton Rouge —in all which was transmitted by telegraph on the 29 th Anderson who beyond ^EELEB and as the cravings of the flesh had become and it is too cold." After Aleck had carried us Augusta, (Ga ), " , , qnestion, acted from tho tion for enlarged freedom , and he returns to his inconvenience is occasioned by the lack of pay- him, f ive companies onlyivithtn reach to garrison or January, to Lieutenant Slemmer, and to the naval highest and purest motives. Did General Scott ™ we gladly oonsented. He as far as he could , tho captain told him ho might go 5 BHWINa MACHINES, stable " when he's ready ." Goneral Maroy has a masters honoring the camps with their presence. somewhat Importunate, reinforce the forts mentioned in the u t?*e«w.' commanders near the station. It is too long for ever propose to violate this truce during its exist- circus proclivities that kneels and lies To ' a'large portion of the troops four months' pay was a very pleasant fellov^, expressed tho most back or stay, as he chose ; but he concluded to come Five companies—four hundred men—to oetupy transcription ; suffice it to say, it was carefully ence ? If he did. I am not now, and never was, horse of awhile and try it. When he wants to guarded at every point for the security of the fort H£STNUT BTBHBT, down when desired. What can I do but talk non- is now due, while some have received no pay for vindictive hatred of the North, but,didnj5 see why to Jackson and reinforce nine fortifications in six highly excited , aware of the fact. Indeed, I think he would have m 0 that should prevent us taking a drink together ; go back he can, and then, he says, they will think Southern States ! The force " within reach" was and its free communication with Washington. been one of the last men In the world to propose sense at this quiet moment? over six. The families of the men at home are in so entirely inadequate that nothing more need be The result was highly fortunate. The Brooklyn such a measure. „ . PHILADELPHIA. g desire to drink our heart's a- good deal more of him, since they will have THE SEJJDIHG 0 1 NEWS. reduced circumstances thereby, and it occasions intimated a burnin said on the subject. To have attempted such a mi- had a loDg passage. ; Although she left Fortress Col. Hayne did not deliver tho letter which he a0»*Z£!&? £ - * the battle-field , but saw no learned his value. Monroe on the 24th of January, she did not arrive ¦"" There is little use in sending the meagre news some great inconvenience, as they are in a great blood if we met on litary operation with so feeble a force, and the Pre- bore from Governor Piokens, demanding the sur- "" IJUY-tJOOJlS JOWMfeK*?. his coffee and tasting his THE COTTON CROP . sid ential election impending, w«uld have b Jen an at Pensacola until the 6 th of February. In. the mean- render of the fort to the President through brilliant post office measure dependent on the '* thirteen dollars a objection to our drinking , until the 31st of- afforded , for my letters, invitation to collision and secession. Indeed, if the time Fort Pickens with Lieut. Slemmer (whose con- January. The documents containing the reasoas WM WKS1. RY KI7&TZ " month" for their support . As the cold weather cheer under his own roof. When we were fairly Many other things of note occurred during our CiM? Bla» . arrangements, reach you two days after they are whole American army, consisting then of only six- duct deserves high commendation), and his brave for this worrying delay were flX table, Lieutenant Sherloch remarked trip, but my letter is already too long. We found communicated to Con- written, and are, therefore, anticipated a day be- approaches, and their expenses become more seated at the teen thousand men. had been " within reach, " they little band, were placed , by virtue of this arrange- gress in a special message of the 8th of February, , his wife that he should think sha in some localities a good many small farmers. tjUSH & KURTZ foreh and , by the telegraph. A train leaves Har- heavy, it will be a source of anxiety to the families very politely to would have been scarcely suffieiontfor this purpose. ment, in perfeot security until an adequate force to which I refer the reader. On the 5th of Febru- and Government should do all in its would prefer that her husband should stay in so They were all Union people. Wherever you find Such was our want of troops that, although Gen. had arrived to defend it against any attack. The ary, the Secretary of War, under the instructions ^ SutotstWi to T. W. Baker eft Co.) per's Terry at 2 P.M., which connects in Baltimore of the troops, { evil. Though the pay is but comfortabl e and happy a home as he hadt here, large plantations you find the people Secessionists. Scolt, believing, In opposition to the opinion of the fort is still in our possession. Well might General of the President, gave a peremptory refusal to thta F0KMB2U .Y BUNH. SAMUEL , A 00. at seven o'olock with that for the North . Another power to lessen the , Scott have expressed his satisfaction with this ar- on the wages received rather than suffer the dangers and hardships of Most of those have lost nearly all their " negroes ; committee raised in the House of Representatives, demand in an able and comprehensive letter, re- train leaves at 3.30 P. M., which connects with no small, some save money , that the inauguration of Mr. Lincoln might be in- rangement. The General was correct in the sup: ¦yiewing the whole subject, explaining and are "shrewd enough to stay , but a good many justifying ,v is: NORTH THIRD STREET, train at all and leaves all letters to be forwarded and support their fatsilies beside. Let the ply- war ; whereupon Mad am arose', and with the air of some teirupted by military fo*ce, was only able to assem- position that this arrangesaent was to expire on the the conduct of the President throughout. Its con- 0 , country is suffering for the want of the next day. The post office selects the latter. rolls be squared up, and the army will advance a Pythoness, a Sid dons, and an Audrey, all in one, go off. The ble at Washington, so lata as.;the., 4th March, six lermihation of the Peaea Convention. cluding sentence Is both eloquent and emphatic : PHILADELPHIA, In one place we found some sixty rank and file of the V. But we now come to an important period, ts May I again ask why ? Twice have I already ad- with twice the animation. shouted , with firm and awkward gesticulations, good laborers. hundred and fifty - three iftj sti, lf, (says Mr. Holt,) with all tha multiplied proofs ^ ! Never-r-r- r! So long as foot of or seventy bales of cotton, of the last year's crop, aimy. And, to make u> this number, even the when dates will be essentially necessary to dis- which exist of the Presid ent's anxiety for peace, and o£ verted to this glaring mismanagement, which in- The axes of the " pioneer corps" are busily en- '' Never- r-r-r thf entangle the statement of General Scott. The the earnestness with which he has pursued it ROUTERS AND JO BBERS had neither been ginned nor baled , but was sappers and minera were brought from West Point. , the autho- conveniences many thousands for no apparent gaged providing the material for fuel and shelter, the hated invader pollutes our soil, I say he it worse which But why was there no greater force wifchm reach i South Carolina Commissioners were appointed on rities of that Slate sht.ll assault Fort Sampter and im- the storehouse and rotting. The IN object. as the weather at present &as ev*ry appearance of than a coward who suffers his patriotism to be lying loose in This question could be better aaswered by General the 22d , and arrived in Washington on the 27th peril the i'ves csf the handfnl of brave and loyal men ehat was a widow lady, who was afraid to gin it, up within its walls, and thus plunge our country into the GEW . JT' CLEILAN's HEADQUARTERS MOVED. a rain. In the shelter-tents this occasions conside- seduced by the blandishments of home, and wife> owner Scott himself than by any other person. Oar December. The day after their arrival it was an- horrors of civil war, then upon them and those they re- FANCY SILKS, for fear it would be taken and burned small regular army, with the exception of a few nounced that Major Anderson had removed from BLACK A1TD General McClellan moved his headquarters yes- rable discomfort and long faces, and is never wel- and ctildren," etc., etc., etc. I must say I was or press it, present must rest the responsibility." at this, but I soon found guerillas. The cotton-burners are very un- hundred men, were out of reach, on J our remote Fort Moultrie to Fort Sumpter.\ This rendered terday, aboufeleven o'clock, to this neighborhood. comed by soldiers. We are advancing, ''Father rather " took aback " by the they addressed an The tru.ee was then ended, and General Soott is ENGLISH AND for sincerity Even the Seeesh hold on to their frontiers, where it had been continuously stationed them furious. On the same day, incorrect In stating that it lasted to the end o£ i'KE iNGH, , Berlin is a dirty little collection of houses, border- Abraham," " six hundred thousand more." that I must give the woman credit at popular here. for years, to protect the inhabi ants and the emi- angry letter to the President demanding the sur- " John Phsjnix, least for she was so full of talk that she could cotton , and the moment the road is clear rush it " The President answered that Administration." AMERICAN ing the Potomac on the Maryland side, which cor- Je. , . grants on their way thither against the attacks of render of Fort Sumpter. An expedition was auletly fitted tho corned' market. About one-fourth of a crap has been hostile Indians. All were insufficient , and both this letter on the 30th December by a peremptory out at New responds admirably with the many :t Dogtowns" hardly find time t» help us to mutton into York, under the supervision of General Seott, to be turnips and so full of venom that she could this year, but it will be worth, if it can be General Scott andinyself had eadeavored. in/vain, refusal. This brought forth a reply from the Com- DRESS GOODS, of the West. Its post office name is Barry, and and , planted en the 2d January, 1861 of such an in- ready f«r any contingency. He arranged its de- LETTER FROM JACKSON. TENN not refrain from abusing tto Yankees. One/ re- as much as a full crop formerly was. We to prevail upon Congifess to raise several additional missioners , tails, and regarded th« reinforcements thus all letters should be directed, else they are picked , regiments for this purpose, In recommending this sulting character that the President instantly re- thus provi- CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, AND VESTING^ ¦ ¦¦¦ '¦ ' mark she made which I think worthy of pre- passed many cotton fields where the ootton was in turned it to them with the following endorsement : ded as sufficient. This was ready to sail for Fort taken to another Berlin of more ancient date in [Special Correspondence of The Fresa.j . *:'-; . augmentation of the army, the General states, Sumpter on five hours' notice. It is of this oxpe.- Western Maryland. Ihe headquarters resb in a servation. " Why," she said, " your Northern suffering to be picked, and would probably rot on his report to the War Department of November, " This paper, just presented to the President, is of LIKENS AND WHITE G0OD8, Jackson, Tenn., Oct. 29, 1862. such a character that ha declines to receive it." dition that General Scott thus speaks ; delightful grove on the farm of an old gentleman papers acknowledge that a force of Northern men the stalk. ' The negroes have nearly all run away, 1S57, that "it would not more than furnish the re- « LiOSS AND KMBBOIDH1BIKS, In my last I wrote you of an expedition from Bo- inforcements now greatly needed in Morida, Texas, From that time forward all friendly, political, and At that time, when this (the truce) had passed away, can't whip an eq*al force of Southern men. I and in most cases taken mules and wagons with Secretaries Helt and Toucey, Captain Ward, ONS, TBIMMINGS, over eighty years of age, named Graham. As cold livar, commanded by Major Muddj in which some " ]ST ew Mexico California Oregon, Washibgtonj (I.) personal intercourse finally ceased between the re- of the CIBB replied that she must have read that in the Chicago them. , , navy, asd myself, with the knowledge of the President, HQSIEBY, GLOYKS, NOTIONS, &0. weather approaches, camp-moving has its objec- of Jackson's cavalry had been oaptured. " The Kansas, Nebraska, Minnesota, leaving not a com- volutionary Senators and the President, and ha was Bevtkd upon the employment, under the Captain, of three for there was an article in that paper RESULT OF OUR TRIP. tions. The human components arrive irst, and, whole number of prisoners taken by him was forty- Times, to pany for Utah." And again, in;his report of No- severely attacked by them in the Senate, and espe- or four steanaerB belonging to the Coaat Sarvey, bat ha , . .. cially by Mr. J efferson Davis. Indeed, their in- after ascertaining the spots marked for their tents, that effect. " Yes," she said " she did ; and was So you see our trip was productive of nothing but vember, 1858, he says : wbs kept back by the truce." SHAWLS. fiv e, mostly from Heywood's company, of Jackson's "This waat of troops to give reasonable security to tercourse had previously been of the coldest cha- , stand uncomfortably, swearing at the wagon* for not that a Northern paper ?" "No," I told her, one prisoner, hard rides; long fasts, cold nights, A strange inconsktency. Tha truce had expired regiment. These men were raised in this immedi- our citizens in distant settlements, including emigrants racter ever since the President's anti-ieeession with Mr. Holt's letter to Colonel Hayne A complete assortment of being dilatory with the equipage. "it was printed in a Northern city, but was acd a good deal of fun . All the rebel cavalry had on the plains, can scarcely be too strongly slated ; but message, '^the commencement of the usssion of on the 5th. at " ate neighborhood ¦ ¦ ,, and had been engaged in " ' ' ' hunting ; . ' ' "" ' ¦ ¦ of February, ¦ ¦ ; ¦ ' ¦ and General Soott : ¦ ' • in his statement :i , - ¦ , I will only add , that as often as we have been obliged to ¦ ¦ hly Secession in its sentiments. . . - . ¦ • . THE SCENE ON PUTCHIN Q TENTS. thoroug " "Oh ," gone South, and, in fact, as soon as we arrived at Congress. T : ffOOL LO.tfG AND SQUARE SHAWLS up and burning cotton. On receipt of the despatch- withdraw troops, from one frontier in order to reinforce says " it would have been easy to reinforce this she said , " then we have a plenty in the North, we found an alarm raiied about an intend- . Under these changed circumstances, General Of tha following well- known mutes : TheEO last finally arrive with all neoossaries, in- es from Major Mudd, Gen. Grant started on an ex- Jackson, another, the weakened points have been instantly ai-, f#rt down to about the 12th of February." W hy, and the Yankees are divided against themselves." ed attack on Corinth . A large cavalry force had tucked or th reatened with formiv able iiiTasion." Scott, by n©te on Sunday, the 80th December, ad- then, did not the reinforcements proceed ? Taia UI3DLE3EX , WASHINGTON, WATBBYLIET, cluding the tents, which are speedily pitched, and pedition from this place to go oyer a portion of the 1 dressed the following inquiry to the President : Oh," said I, " the division don't amount tomuoh ; betn sten hovering about Grand Junction. The These " views ' of General sbott exhibit thei crude was simply because of communications from Major PEACE DALE, &0. a summary process ensues of cutting down all same ground and capture the stragglers ; for it is a " notions then prevailing even amoDg intelligent arid " Will the President permit General Scott; without and it is an evidence of our strength that we can information we had gathered explained all this. It reference to the War Department, and otherwiie as sa- Anderson. It was most fortunate that they did not neighboring trees for firewood , which are suf- custom of these flying warriors to out through the patriotic men on this subject of secession. In the proceed ; because the three or four small steamers ALSO, afford to let such little curs bark at us, while in the was merely the concentration of the portions of cretly as possible, to send two hundred and fifty recruits ficiently small to give little trouble in their woods and return to the rear of our column as we first sentence the General, whilst stating that "to from Hew York f arbor to reinforce Port Sumpter, to- which were to bear them would never have, reached fel ling and splitting. Cedars and young loousts, South you don' t dare to tolerat e any freedom of Faulkner's and Jacksen's cavalry, which had re- save time the riglriupf secession may be conceded," gether wish Bome extra nmskots or rifles, ammuuition, the fort, and in the attempt must have been cap- 3B0CHE , LONG AND SQU ARE ; return from a scout, and continue their depreda- yetimmediately saj s this is instantly balanced by valuable for mechanioal pupo3O3, share the fate opinion. " "A h," she replied, " it is a spark now, cently been over the ground wetravers;d in this trip, " and subsistence 1 It is hoped that a sloop-of-war and tured or destroyed. The vast inadequacy of tha of tions. Gen. Grant has pursued the policy of sand- tbe correlative right on the part of the Federal cutter may be ordered for too same¦ purpose 'to-mor-¦ STE LLA; JtKD THIBET, LWNG AND 8QUABE, but it will soon kindle tp a flame. Wo can ,wajt. but I think many day s cannot elapse befor e we ¦¦ ' ' ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ' ¦: force provided to accomplish the object was de- the less costly oak and hickory, but as green wood ing out detachments of cavalry at unexpected times, Government against an interior State or States to row.'" -- . . • <- \ " • . •. monstrated by information received from Major You Yankees will find that you cannot piosectfte , have a fight. iKosscrans will drive Bragg but of attention of 0A8H and 8H0BT- is full of sap and burns slowly, kindling must be and thus keeping the rebels in a constant state o£ re-establish by force, if necessary j its former contin- The General seems not ; to have then known that Anderson at the War Department on the last day oC i'c rtlch we hrlte tha this unholy war, &c, &$., Ac, without exciting and reinforcements will be sent to Price ; TIME BUTEB8 8024- uiurt 2m had. An idea suggests itself ; there are fence rails alarm and uncertainty. In this way this depart- Kentucky, uity of territory." (For this he' cites " Paiey's Mr. Floyd was out of office. ^ the Adniinistratidn. opposition in all Christian communities, &c Ac Moral and Political Philosophy, last chapter. It Never did a request mee^ a more prompt com*, near by, that are dry and will burn like paper. ment has been kept tolerably free from guerillas , , and we may then expect an attack at some point " .1 purtoSf bly' forbear at present to say more om , Ac." The comfort and encouragement afforded to may be there, but I havtfbeen unable .to find it.) pliaBce. It was reeeived ett'SundayLeyeniiigV'"3)e-" this st ojeBt, lest I might, however unintentionally^ TWBOJN , BRANSON, & Co., Never mind the farmer ; he can present his claim and the Union people have been tolerably secure lure. .. Casco.> the South by the Democratic papers at the Norih . CoiiiiMBirs. October 2S. 1862. Whilst it is difficult to ascertein-Msprecise mean- cember JOth. On Monday- Morniag I gavetlnswuc- dolcjustice to one or more of the parties concerned, for damages to the Government, if he likes. They in the possession of their property. ing in this passage, he render*what he did not mean. tipns ,to the War and- Navy Departments, and on in coiisequence pf, the brevity-required by tireituC -* must be had. And thus, woe to the farm on which is one of the elements against which the l&yal peo- The expedition to Charleston, Mo., 34 miles from clear in bis supplementary t: views:" Itf Monday evening General Seott came jto congrafca- tufe of this communfcation. The facts relating to Anticipating some fun , and, perhaps, a little ex- ¦ ' » £ Vfc.— Suite .V. W. COHNER OF MARKET AND a camp locates itself. Straw is very convenlent-forT i>l«-»».'cflu«Kiig^^. * a It .ought to be eliminated e^Mj ^ndj under.command o£. Captain Rog&ra, less he says : "It will be seen Hhat; the ' views' lato-nie tnat the Secretaries bad issued the neces- it, with the appropriate accompaniments, have been as soon as possible. " Our Government .lias been ^company ~K, 2d Artillery, has been eminently suc- ODly'apply to a caseVof secession that makes;« gap sary orders to the army and navy officers ; and that fully presented in a historical review FIFTH STREETS, the men to lie ob, arid for a warm flooring to offi- expedition, and thoughit was not productive of any aj ^ 5 , prepared a. u together too tender about thatjnattor.—"" ' . cessful dispersing the guerillas, killing ten in the present Uniort." Thefallingoff, sfty, of Texas, .they were in his possession. The Brooklyn, with, year ago, •which.will ere long be published . This cers' tents. Without a by your leave" the barn striking results, I enjoyed it very much, and^ I am 1 , , mor- We finished' our dinner without coming to blows, woundiDg two captu ing or of all the Atlantic States, from tho Potomac troops, military stores, arid provisions, was to sail review contains a sketch of tbe four last months of is attacked, and all taken that is needed. Hay and inclined to think that a short account of what'I tally , Colonel Clarke, ia south (the very case which has occurred), was not forthwith from Fortress Monroa for Fort; Sumter. of Cash Buyers to and , in fact, in entire good nature, and the lieutenant my Administration. It is impartial ; at least sash !:vitB the attention corn are good things in their way. To be sure, the saw and heard may interest your readers : command, Captain Clarke, throe lieutenants, three within the scope of Gen. S.'s u provisional reme- I am, therefore, utterly at a loss to imagine why is my honest conviction. That it has not yet been ^ insisted on our taking another drink a!:1 entire Neve Stock of Government furnishes forage, but one cannot have , and another, surgeons, 37 men, 73 stand of arms, 42 horses, 13 dies ;" tbat is to say, to establish by force, if neces- the General, in Ms statement, should have asserted published has arisen solely from an apprehension, LEAVING JACKSON—A CAMP IN A QEATB-YARB. sary, u viewd ¦¦ too much of a good thing, and it is shouldered ac- and would undoubtedly have proceeded in that mules, 2 wagons, and a large quantity of ammuni - the continuity of our territory. In his " that " the South Carolina Commissioners had al- no longer entertained, that something therein Dl&Stjfc GOODS, SHAWLS, ETC. We left Jackson at two o'clock In the afternoon manner, ad in/inititm, had not the bugle sounded he also states as follows : " But break this glorious ready been many days in Washiugton and no move- might be unjustly perverted into an interference - cording'y, while the farmer looks on, with bewil- tion ; burning their barracks and magazine, en- T. ' . ji'r OS, O .BKAKSOS. J. a J3OMUARDN IB. of Thursday, with three days Union by whatever line or lines that political mad- ment of defence (on the part of the United States) with the Government In a vigorous prosecution of dered eyes. Fowls and hogs follow ia their turn. ' rations. Our force " to horse." So we parted in the most affectionate tirely breaking up the whole concern. No loss on consisted of Captain Foster s company of Ohio ness may contrive, and there would be no hope of was permitted." These Commissioners arrived in the war for the maintenance of the Constitution When he is pretty well cleaned out, a guard ' manner, and our force again started in pursuit of our side. Casco. recruiting the fragments except by the laceration Washington on. the 2Tth Deeember ; Gen. Scott's and the restoration of the Union is Cavalry, Gen. Grant's body-guard* and two , which was far, SILK AND DRESS aoODS. placed over his premises. Outside, however, of , com- the mythical Seeesh. asd despotism of the sword. To effect such result the request was made to the President on tha 30 th. It very far, from my intention. panies of the 11th Illinois Cavalry, making a force Burning of the Allegaman by the Rebels intestine wars of eur Mexican neighbors would was complied with on the 31st and a single" day is the beat watched over by the guard, hungry mea CAMPING BY THE ROADSIDE. , , After a careful retrospect, I can solemnly declare) of one hundred and eighty-six men [Ooi respondent of The Press.] in comparison with ours, sink into mere child's all thatrepresents the " many days"|of the General. before God and my country that I cannot reproaco. fALL STOGK plentifully lurk. Apples are speedily seized , all under the This night we camped in the road , in front of a , and any command of Captain Foster. After United States Steamer Crusader, play." In the General's opinion, " a smaller evil Again, General Scott asserts, in tha face of these myself with any act of commission or omission since hapless chicken, calf, or sucking pig soon goes the a very hot and cornfield be longing to one Claiborne, tied our horses Chesapeake Bay, Ocsober 29, 1862. (than these-intestine ware) would be to allow the dusty rid e, nightfall found us at the town facts, that tie President refused to allow any at- the existiDg troubles commenced. I have nerec -L: AND FANCY DRESS GOODS way of fall flesh. of Den- to the rail fence, and lay down by the roadside. By This mornifg, about' three o'clock, a light was fragments of the great Bepnblio to form them- tempt ' to be made—to reinforce Fort Sumpter—be- doubted that my countrymen would yet do me jus- mark, The men picketed their horses in ' THE TROUBLES OF A FARMER. the ten o'clock the wind had changed, and it became discovered by th'e watch on deck, who reported the selves into new Confederacies, probably four." He cauee he was holding negotiations with the South tice. In my special message of the 8th of January, J ehureh«yard and slept in the church, while the then points out what ought to be the boundaries Carolina Commissioners. And still again, that A. W. LITTLE & Go. The farmer seeks redress at ihe tent of very cold. No fires were allowed , and some of the same to the captain with the belief that It was a 1861, I presented a full and fair exposition of the the first officers went to the hotel for supper. Our captain, between the new Uniohs and at the end of each " afterwards Secretary Holt arid myself endeavored, alarming condition of the country, and urged Con- ¦ ¦ officer he meets who tells him to call on some men had a pretty bard time of it. Old Claiborne's ship on fire. We immediately weighed anchor, and ^ ' k No. 328 MARKET 8T. , one who was well acquainted along the route! appeared goes so far as even, to indicate the ci ties which in vain, to Obtain a ship-of-war for the purpose, gress either to adopt measures of compromise, orr house, up on the hill, looked very comfortable, but stood for the light under a full head of steam. At ought to be the capitals of the three first on this and were finally obliged to employ the passenger failing in this else. Some one else sends him to the commissary, to be a special favorite at this hostelrie, and insur- , to prepare for the last alternative. who refers him to the quartermaster. The quar- our officers stuck to their work manfully, and rolled 6 A. M., we stopped close to her, and learned from side of the Rocky mountains, to wit, " Columbia, steamer " Star of West." Will it be believed that In both aspects my recommendation was disre- I LOTUS AND t!ASSIdlIERJES. ed us a cordial reception. We washed the dust South Carolina,'" »/. « sho" (sure.) "No it don't, neither," she snapped ; he would be of no earthly use to us after he had per- towing her to the mouth of York river, when the the history of the time. But days beiore, neceaeity for sending reinforcements, and that when sent of the incoming Administration—had pursued, I mat , ' in the annual message of the 3d December, I had , the rebels have not altogether retreated south of but it was very easy to see that, she was more formed the service required . After breakfast we fire tefoke out again, and we were forced to part they should go, not in a vessel of commerce, but of war. him, and he pledged his sacred honor that there aho old 1 the latter place, as bas been supposed What are looked for the boy, but he had gone. We hunted company, first anchoring her, however. She burnad urged upon Congress the adoption of amendments Hence the countermand was despatched by telegraph to be no collieion between the North and the South. [Mear, , COFFIN, & 00., pleased than she cared to express. These people, t until two o'clock this morning, when she san k in to the Constitution of the same character with those Htw York; but the vessel had sftiled a Bhort time before hear.] 'Kay,' said he, ' Governor Morchead, laying the proceedings of Gen. Pleasanton to-day will bt you see were not chivs. They had had few if any and expostula ed and threatened , but to no effect. Mr. Crittenden called it reached tho officer (Ool. ficott) to whom it was ad- bis band on my shoulder to make it more emphatic, , subsequentl ¦ y proposed by ' ' , "¦ six fathoms of water. ¦ ' ' ' ' I ' ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ' ¦ • ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ " : V" ¦ * " ¦ ¦ - ¦ • ¦ ¦ ¦ • • ¦:. . ¦ •let me once hold the reins of power firmly ia my hands, S3 CflHSTIinI:P STB1]BT known only at a later hour. negroes to lose The bird had flown. So we took up our way on the Crittenden Compromise." At that time high dteiseed: . • ^ "•Knawl to ° » , and the vivid and laughable de- " and if I don't settle this matter to tho entire satisfaction THE POSITION OF VAIIOUS CORPS. scription of the reversed situation of master and general principles ; and the result was lost our Cheering .Progress. hopes were entertained throughout the country that A statement of these facts, established by dates, of the South, in sixty day s, I will iive you my head for ^ntraot for deliyert A portion of General Slocum's army corps yet road , and had to turn back five miles. Who should To f ht editor of The Prtss : theBe would be adopted. Besides, I believedj ^and proves conclusively .that the President was not only a foot-ball.' Although I confess that I had but little the slave, when the " Linkum gunboats " came along, Sir : It is significant to notice that while certain that Major An- period to rein- coEfldence in Mr. Seward, I thought it utterly impossi- Of we meet, just after turning back this correctly, as the event proved, willing but anxious in the briefest lingers in Pleasant Valley, while the rest are taking brought up no unpleasant associations with It, A , but our guide Northern States' are going for the Breckinridge tickets, derson was then in no danger of attack. Indeed, he force Fort Sumpter. ble that an honorable man could make pledges of that A RMY a position on Bolivar Heights, to remain there at little while afterwards, while Miss Betty was up Aleck. He had gone off to get some money that owing to the absence of tho soldiers, that in those Bor- and his command were then treated with marked On the 4th of January, the day before the depar- kind and so shortly aftexwards violate them in the most ^myv) L was owing him, der States which have teen most of tho war, a strong ihametesmanner. " #. ^N present for the defence of Harper's Ferry, while stairs, getting the beds into a fix," he struck up and intended, in good faith, to kindness by the authbrltaes and people of Charles- ture of the Star of the West from New York, as j AND COTTON GOODS, " emancipation sentiment ia springing up. TfaiB truth will statement admits succor was sent Mr. Borehead west on to give an account of a conver- the army corps of Couch, hitherto encamped in the same song again and he had not sung come back. When he returned, we had gone ; and be eeen by reference to t he present Congressional canva3S ton. Under these circumstances, to have sent sueh Gen. t cottin his , sation subsequently held by himself, Judge Logan, and ^ , two lines a force there would have been only to impair the to Fort Taylor, Key West, and to Fort Jefferson , that locality, will, it is said, move for ward as the before the whole household, Betty included,.were his father and mother, and his mistress, too, hung in Missouri. Keyer before have the Bepnblicanc been oihero, with Mr. Lincoln, in which the President de- STAtfDARD QUALITY able to support a candid ate outside of St. Louis. Now, hope of compromise, to provoke collision, and dis- Tortugas IslaEd, which reached these points in claiEd tlit the had sworn to see the laws fai thfully exe- . centre of our forces. I give this on report, not about him, and begged of him not to go with tho subjoined '~-~~ *ng7«8m at the door listening with all their mights. Before as tbe list will show, they have distinctive pro- appoint the country. time for their security. He nevertheless specu- cuted, end intended to keep bis oath. Morehead wound ^* —^^ knowing anything about it. One lie is as good as we left Miss Betty was so far thawed, that she pri- Yankees—they would sell him for two dollars and emancipation , pro-confiscation candidates, in every dis- There are some details of this conversation In re- lates on the consequences which might have follow- up his sj eech by giving'a piteous picture of his own ar- HlPLE another, and I claim similar privileges in that re- a half—they would hang him, and all that. Very trict but one. Unfortunately, in a majority of the gard to which the GeneraUs .memory must be de- ed had thereinforcements not reached their destina- rest and imprisonment, aid said that he did not ask Eng- b Y, HAZARD. & vately informed the captain that she would like to districts, thers are divisions, which make success donbt- land to recogniy.e the South, bnt he thonght the Sonth- spect with correspondents of other papers. To in- well, he told them, he would take the chances. The following list of candidates, pledged to emanci- fective . At present I shall specify only one. I tion in due time ; and even expresses the extraordin- have the words of that song, which I call a Union ful. contingent possession of these forts erners had proved to the world that they conld and dulge to au equal extent in these privileges He had told Captain Foster that he would go wi?h pation, may be relied upon as correct : First district, could not have stated that on a future ary opinion that, with the , wonld bejodependent. " HUTCHINSON , I, victory, the first of our trip. You know what Ba- " the rebels might have purchased an early recog- . Snnmel Kuox, V. 'P. Blair; Second, H. T. Blow, T. S. occasion I would telegraph " Major Anderson, of ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ The London Observer announces that a Cabinet Coun- however, by no meariUS design. ^ him ; and if Captain Foster should ever see Mm '" ¦ : ¦' ¦¦ ¦ " ¦ ' " ¦- ; ' ¦ '*¦ , ' ¦ •- ¦' " Ho- 112 OHHSTNUT STBKHT, ranger said : " Let me make the songs of a people, Helson -. Third, John W. Noeil; Foorth, John E. Kelao ; Fort Moultrie, to hold the Forts (Moultrie and nition." •> ,;. - -- . . .. . : : cil has been summoned for the 23d October, and says : If," as is said, Slocum's army corps remains for again, he would remember it against him, and he Sixth, H. B. Bouton, W. J. M organ Seventh, H B. because with prudent I shall next advert to the statement mat the ex- al, and a long notice l and I care not who makes their laws." You may ; Sumpter) against attack ;'' , {£ "This is rather earlier tbfa usu '0MMiBBION MEBOHAHTS the defence of Harper's Ferry, sweethearts, wives, was going any how. So he took the old lady's Branch, Becj. loan : EiaHth, H. M. Woodyaid, JHTnJ. precaution, this had already been done several days pedition under Captain Ward of three or four has been given, for the convenience of those Ministers GOOD hear men singing " John Brown" every day, who Bishop:,Kinth, Arnold Krekel. y ; messenger sent to Major fmall steamers belonging to the Coast Survey, ¦wbo at© at a distance.: Coi jectrires are rife about tho and mothers interested in Pennsylvania, Maryland, gray mare, which wa3 just being hitched up in the before through a special among which. 'OK TX> SAL1 Of would have said a year ago, "Is thy servant a dog The Besublicans have stroEg hopes of earning the Anderson for this very purpose. I refer to Major was kept back by something like a truce or armis- enbjects to be discussed, forempat in*or- Delaware, and New Jersey regiments, may desire buggy for a ride, and threw a piece of carpet over first, Second, Third, Sixthi Eighth, and Ninth districts, ¦¦ geccy, are the protracted mischiefs of the American that he should do this thing ?" and I am quite sur- Buell, of the army. , , . . . - . tice, [made here, J embracing Charleston and Pen- although thty nerer previously have "had more than struggle, the Boman auestion, and¦ ¦ the L¦ ancashire dia- to .know which remain behind screened from the pe- her back, and started for Captain Foster. ¦ ¦ ^^^DSLPHIA-MADB S lementery note of the same sacola harbors, agreed upon between the late Presi- ¦ -- prised that the " Battle Hymn of the Republic," one member. Now, they claim three districts as cer- The General's supp tre ss, .. . " - - .... ,. . J aokson '' rils of battle. I therefore give them : The 46th, which runs in a very elevated strain, and is In fact SLEIGHING TIMES. tain, and have hopes For others. day, presenting to me General 's conduct dent and certain principal seceders of South Caro- IMPORTANT FROM JTASSATJ—THE CASE O? ifHR 124th, 125th, 128th , 28th , 111th , 109th, with I am truly and sincerely youra. GIBA.HDEA.U. in 183Si during the period of nullification , as ah lina, Florida, Louisiana, *c. And this truce lasted KEBALB—CO^DITIPNAI, an expression of the feelings of the " sickly, senti- The day was as cold and uncomfortable as could ' special notice. Even If the Things alto- STEAMER DlSAVOWAlt C°TTON YARN. Knapp's and Hampton s batteries from Pennsylva- example, requires no to the end of the Administration." MB,. SEWARD . . ? ' , , ' , mental Abolitionists," is a great favorite whenever well be imagiced. Ihad no overcoat or gloves, and A Car* from Mr. Scbvefc eases werei not entirely different , I had previously gether distinct in their nature are often so blended PR& nia; the 3d Delaware, 13th New Jersey, 3d Mary- heard. it was snowing fast. It seems from the papers that To the Public —The Breckinrid upon a policy of , as will appear in ibis statement that "At is difficult to separate The Guardia n ot the 22d contain!the following: We PEi gers have again de- determined . the permission *l0R land, and Purnell Legion from that State. THE BONNY corated me with their censure. If they had praised me annual message. This was, at every * the case in connecting have received of his Excellency tho COTTON YARN, No. 10, BLUE FLAG. this snow storm commenced away up beyond Da- from my them. Such is eminently GoTorcor to publish the following letter A visit to Pleasant Valley to-day revealed a de- I should regard it as a calamity. These " Korihtrn hazard to collect the customs at Charleston, and the facts relative to Charleston with Pensacola; from Mr. Secre- Mats revenons. Miss Betty, on hearing her fa- buque, and it must have gone far below here. In patriots with Bouthtra principles" have giren. mo the tary Seward to Mr. Secretary Gideon Welles, enclosed in lightful change. Where yesterday the air rung outside of the port, if need be, in a vessel of, war. s K^iBg already'treated of the charge- of having the reply to adespatch written by Governor Bayley to tha JOB ther's insulting comparison of (he Bonny Blue Flag Jackaon some of the officers of the45th Illinois had .latest , evidence of their venom in an affidavit, published the existing collector as I had ; I shall BALE BY in the Oamden Democrat of NoYember 1 attacking my Mr. Colcdek, , anjiei- kept back -reinforcements from Pensacola, Dtife 6 of Kewcastlp, on the subject of the chasa of tha with the sound of drums, trumpets, and rambling to the ' Linkum Gunboats, as they called it, det a sleigh ride. Think of that ! A sleigh ride in » also Herald by the " " 9o peiBoual and pi ofesBional honor. That affidavit is utter- pated, resigned his office about the end of Decem- now say something of the charge of having U. S. steamer Adirondack: wagons, nothiDg disturbed the stillness of the deli- termined to trump the vile^AboIItion song. she Southern Tennessee on the 25th of October ! All ly false in its statements and insinuations. I shall con* ber, and immediately thereafter I nominated to the kept them back from Charleston. Neither a truce, _i WASHixcfTOK, August 14, 1862. f " ' cia : Current H0THINGHAM & ymu&; cious morning but the tinkling cow-bell and the rose with an air of conscious triumph aloDg of them blarsted Yankees!" But in spite of Untie in my course, and cannot be intimidated by the Senate as his successor a'suitable person, prepared nor quasi truce,; nor anything like it, was ever newspaper repbrts, which, of course, , sat down to . betrayed Stephen any human may not be altogether reliable, givei sime reason for *^ *a+ *- .. oo2-tf twitter of birds. Nature lay nestling in the smile men who A. Douglas, and are reedy at any personal risk to do his duty. That body; concluded between the President and ' the piano, and gave us that precious production of the cold weather I erjjoyed myself talking with rioT* to betray onr Government into the hands of its On the contrary, believing that the TJ. S.8 Adirondack has lately con- and peace reigned supreme. however, throughout its entire session, declined to authority concerning Charleston. tinued the chaie of a tbe Herald, under- of heav.en, ]Sf . Southern genius. I suppose you have seen it, as it Aleck. He is an intelligent contraband, without enemies. The last admenirion given ma by Mr. Dou- act on this nomination. Thusj without a eolieqtor the South Carolina commissioners, first and last, British vessel, glas (at the Girard House in I860) was ia these words : , stood to bo engaged in violatiajr the blockade, ,even has appeared in the Northern papers. The air is any discount. He said that his master, old Clair- it was rendered impossible to collect the revenue. and all the time, were informed that the President that is to say, 0 [Special Correspondence of The Freea.] " Do not affiliate with the friends of Breckinridge ; Sumpter, nor deprive within the line of maritime jtiBi edlction, U ^D & STROUD very pretty, and was first sung some centuries ago fcorn e, was " mighty heavy Seeesh," that he got on they ere Ihe enemies of our country." I have remem- IV. General Scott's statement alleges that • " the oould never surrender Fort within a marine league of the Island of New ProTi- S with Captain Vogdes entire liberty te send reinforce- dence. The Presidfent desires that you ascertain the BTH Advance oy the Army, Wheatland, Va., in Scotland. The words are nothing more nor less his horse and cutforhis camp every morning earlj , tercd that lesson. Who now rn'e the open foes of the Brookljn, ' company alone, himself of the most FWBTH American. Union in New Jersey '? The friend s of Oou- left the Chesapeake for Fort Pickens about January ments to it whenever it was believed to be in dan- truth of this fact with as little delay aa possible, siace. Cnn, Vv?^2 81BBET, October 30. than a third-rate Southern stump speech, done and that hearing our bugle he staid there last night ; ths Adirondack has , en a !aT86 »«w stock of into gles 1 Bet -Rodman Price and David H arr answer. I 22d , and on the 29th Presid ent Buchanan, having ger, or requested by Major Anderson. It is strange if it be tine, the commander of PC A ' C LT A%°t? Wheatland, but not Wheatland, Pennsylvania, is wretched doggerel, which has no single attribute of that he only came home to meals, and never took take my appeal from the Breckinridgere to the loyal was not apprised of this committed an inexcusable ¦violation of the law of nations, ^. SS, AND QUEENS WAKE. entered into & qticcst armistice with certain leading that Gen. Soott well-known and reparation ought to ^ our present location. We have gained this point poetry except an occasional rhyme. All the the saddle off his horse, and that he lived in per- people of New Jersey. Democrats ! Be publicans! as Sccedersat Pensacola and. elsewhere, caused Secre- fact. It was then, with some astonishment, that for which acknowledgment you revere the memory of your dead leader—as.yon have the statement of be promptly mode. To guard against any snch occur- by Blow marches, and are awaiting reinforcements, stale and foolish lies with wMoh the chivalry petual fear of being arrested He treated his ne- faith in the honesty of Abraham Lincoln—as jou love taries Holt and Toucey to instruct in a joint note I learced from the .General that rence hereafter, the President desires that you at onc« he had, on ihe 12th MaTch, 1861, advised that commanders of American vessels of war that are coming up. From the appearance of this have been wont to excite the passion3 of groes shamefully 'Hfntil the war oommenced. your coontry in its straggle for life or death—I adjure the commander of the war vessels off Pensaoola, giTe notice to the you. stan d by the stars and ttripes. Not a month ago and Lieut. Slemmer, commanding Fort Piokens, to Major Anderson should be instructed to evacuate that this Government adheres to, recogniz»3, and inslata lection of the country it has been heretofore visited their people are here rehashed; It# is infi- Aleck's father was a blacksmith, and had contrived Lewis Obbs said, '• Young man, the Government is commit no act of hostility, and not to land Captain the fort as soon as suitable transportation could be upon the principle that the maritime jurisdiction of every by but small parties of either forces. The condition nitely ridiculous. After this, Miss Betty gave seme fifteen years ago, to scrape together trro hun- right; we muBt sustain it." It is never or now with the Vogdes' company unless the fort should be at- procured to carry himself and his command to nation covers a full marine league from tha coast, and Bepublic, and I entreat you that, at the ballot box on that acts of hostility or of authority within a marine •o. M. 8. of the fences, irad the well-filled barns and stacks u£" Jeff Davis' March," in which I immediately dred and fifty dollars. This money he loaned to a tacked;" He afterwards states, within brackets, New York. A military* neoeBsity for a capitula- f ordgn country b jr any Tuesday next, you but suppose the ar- tion-may have existed in case there should be an league of aiiy naval officer of tha of the farmers, attest to that fact. It is an old say- recognized two passages from quicksteps I used to rich man at six per *ent. interest, and though the • Stiike ! for jour altars and your fires , " That joint note I never saw, Ui itcd States ore strictly forbidden, and will bring upon " mistice was consequent upon the meeting of the attack upon the fort, or a demand for its surrender ; Sole ££?£ BIBBONB. ing, cease hear twenty years ago. Butthe levelling influence »an was able to pay, the note Strike ! The green graves of your sires, suehofticer the displeasure of his Government »KNJAMI» M. BMITH, " that where the soldiers go the chiekena. old Claiborne held Peace Convention at Washington, and was under- but surely none such could; have existed for Its I liaTe/ &c, ^¦33«ffl ^ DTjffl'u *«« Get and your native land." ¦' ¦ ¦ Street, near We«t Broadway, crowing," and fences disappear, as if by magic. of music made us.all feel good natured, and before and would not give it up, though he had repeated- JA.ME3 BI. SOOVSL stood to terminate with It^ " 1; • " ..¦ ' *'"'*<" a "• " . ' voluntary surrender and abandonment. WILHA.M H. BEWATH1. Hew York. The* balance I,, ^ H he refused to listen to the prayers of General any circumstance Saturday complainant has been ** **** country ae far south aa Bipley, but discovered no trace XHS L 4.TB3T. Judge Btromg orders that completfnant{Swing}, on Beccipta during tbx1 months- i •*••• .*i 5,, Scott, who assured him on the honor of the first dismiss bin*. As for M. Fould, he is a neces- and Sunday. LrvERPOoi, October 18, P. " cf the enemy. An arrival from the South reports all M—Ootton—?ales to-day ghlng Reonrity In the sum of 85,000, ^Thompson be en- soldier of the age that the Southern forts sity in France. When he entered into office , qtuiet at Helena. 2,500 bales, including 1,800 to epecnlators and exporterg. Loans.. 4.854 2^ '° The maiket closes firmer, and though >atoa ere un- jolted from Interfering with his enjoymeal of the ofiloe Internal revenue... ^...... I S05 ior ! 8 might be reinforced and the rebellion suf- not long since, he found France sinking into REBEL RETRKiT FROM PHlUmOffT In Memphis orders have been issued by Gen. Sherman cbaDged, there is raiher better selling. of Sheriff , or disturbing ccmplainant therain, until the focated ; he refused to hear the entreaties of an abysm of debt. The revenue was yearly de- AND if iVIOIV , that all steamers with cannon acd other merchandise Breadfctnffs quiet acd irregular, with' & downward hearing of the writ of cerliorari ot furthe7 orders. It THE WAR. by tendency. Provisions flat . , fffcMiscellaneousr rr.v ,; . Hj S the most venerable in ehall be convoyed gunboata upon propor notification ia ordered that the defendant (Thompson) hare leave to *. ^l^ and beloved statesman creasing, the expenditure yearly increasing, Memphis. Londos, October 18, P. M.-—Consols olossd at &3%a Post Oflice Department,^., j 0^779 Affairs on the Fotomao approach a crisis. The at Cairo or move the Court on the 15th flay , 1832 , to If his Cabinet ! He preferred to follow the bid- and tbe differen ce was made up by borrowing. by &3X on money. of November positions of the two armies Occupation of Union and Snicker 's Gap. Wo have a rumor the way of Corinth that Mobile American securities steady. quash the certiorar h on the plea of ii having besnisaucxJ Telattr© are such that ding of his Floyd who was report Total.. ¦ ' S MephistophilGS, , At the close of the first year's labors the re- is ours. Tbe was brought in by rebel prisoners Illinois ceatrala 43}£ dlBoonnt. without special cause previously shown ; unfess the , , J -l5* ?r a battle cannot be much longer delayed. If the taken by our scouts. Havukj Octobfir 16.—Cotton salea of the week 1, 250 Debits— ] SlS.i2?i:- at his side. He preferred to do the bidding sults, just announced, are expenditure within plaintiff thall have shown sufficient cause ' > ANOTHER FIGHT IN PROGRESS. Memphis letter Bay bales. Market very dull and nominal. Sew Orleans , on giving five Treasury draftg...... sijmoi m- ., ^ \ report be true, and we see no reason to doubt it, The time had not A s Tillipiiiue's brigade has moved trea ordinaire days' notice. of his Southern masters. " the net revenue from taxation ; not a Tranc fcrcm Holly Sprirjgs. 362f.; do. baa S52F.a Stock 38,000 bales. " RNrt OOM dMta. - j lftS rebel army of Western. Virginia has the action of Paris, October 18, P.M—Boursefirm : Bentes Tit 25c. The case will come up for argument In January zj exL S that the yet arrived. He should await added to the national debt ; a reduction in the Headquarters Armt of tke Potomac, There ia a conflict of authority between the rebel { made a junction with that of Lee, it looks as if the Convention of South Carolina." He ex- interest of the debt, by a conversion of the Sunday Evening, November 2, 1862 generals in Mississippi. Pemberron wa3 sent to the Affairs m Califbruia—Arrival of Senator Balance, Ootober 31, 1862 ...[,, -~!? *l of traitors. Is it any General Pleassnton yesterday came up with the rebel command of that department on the presumption Harding, Balance,* Cr., disbursing ac- | "* *"^ il5So>> General Lee has determined not to retreat, but pected a commission four-and-a-half percent. Rentes ; and a balance that of Oregon. ©ODnts. . . ~ 1 cavalry and artillery at Ptailhmont, about 11 olook Van Dorn would be in Tennefsee or Ban Francisco, October $a,30l 30T <;» * wonder that General ; Scott resigned almost o' . Kentucky, but the 30 —The market Is quiet j THE G IT Y Beceipts during the month... l£ to give McCIellan battle in his present position. in hand of eighty millions of francs, to provide The flgh?, which was conducted wholly prevented butter has an upward tendency. .The weather iB pleas- ,572.39$ ?l with artillery, battle et Ooiinth this, and now Tan Dorn re- ant after general , although he has moved hi3 heart-broken from the Presidential presence? for unforeseen circumstances. This, t©o lasted about enemy fnRe n in coma. twenty-four hours of rain. [JOS ADDITIOHAL 3COCA& KBW8 SKX I'O^BTH PA0S,j Payments...... ,,, J~ " ~fl-8?ij . Ilio latter , five hours, when the retreated to The steamer Sierra Nevada has arrived Tt Is it any wonder that Lewis Cass threw up Union , a eaail town beyond. Jjyncbburg Rep ublican says from the forcer, has done it in such a cautious and able manner without checking the Emperor in tho vast im- throe miles Our loss waa The the constitutionality Northern coast, bringing 340 pagsensfftrs and S260.Q00 Balance.. -^ i» portfolio in disgust 1 killed aTifi 14 wounded. The rebel force condistod of the conscript act will be tested in the in treasure from Oregon $86,000 —¦ .....j m will no doubt perplex the rebel commander and his , and retired from a provements he is making in Paris and other of a Court of Ap- and from British Co- A FEW 0OVBENMESS Tj&ANSPOBT. Balance, Or., int. accotrata... r&#Afy£ portion of General Stuart's cavalry and one battery. peal in Virginia. The oase is mado up by the rebel State lumbia. . , . . On Saturday afternoon , the new Government Iron steamer Appropriatton...... $mu t Cabinet where Treason was deliberately taking cities. M. Fould has introduced a conscien.ee Tbe Walla Walla Statesman, of thelStb, publiahos a j ^JJ J '^ leave Mm in Ignorance as to where the blow will Tive of (he rebels are known to have been killed. authorities. Pocahontas, built at the Penn Iron Works, Kensington, : the life of the Republic ? letter, from James L. Pyle, attached to the emigrant es- Pay ments ..,...... F^ ~~ 2 8 fall. Keconnoitring parties of cavalry are sent and a system into the management of French This morning Gen. Pleaaanton renewed the attack at cort. , He .left Omaha on the 16th of Jnne, following in sailed for New York, where efte will be immediately i { . The Presidfint was true to his word . He did finance 8 o clook, aa clock he was reinforced the rear of the emigration for Oregon ^ daily, and one of these under command ot , and France can ill bear to part with ' a-at 10 o' by a bri- INTERESTING FROM EUROPE and Washington pl»cod In the Government iervioe. She Is entirely new, Bslance. f »»,,...... ,, . I,. —^^ out , wait the action Carolina. On the gade of Infantry, At 1 o clock the rebels fell back Territories He estimates the entire number of emigrants and constructed in a substantial and thorough manner. By receipts for customs ' ^ " of South " snr.b a minister. ' from in fae mrnnBft^l"" I'!;»> Gen. Plfeasanton , approached to wifcbln a mile or Union, and our troops the Secretary Seward on tbe Emancipation parsed over that rpute this year as 10,0£!0. He haa infor- The dimensions are 180 feet long, October, 1862...... T ° of '*» « 20th of December the ordinance of Secession It is too early, as yet, to speculate on the occupied tows. Oar loss up Riation that fifteen of this number were killed by the 30 feet beam, 10 feet in two of Bnickor's Gap, where the rebels were found to 3 o'clock to-day was 1 killed and 4>oundecl. Daring Proclamation* Xncians. :i He thinks there were no more killed. The lower holds, and 7% feet between deeks; tonnage, about held its saturnalia in ¦ ¦ and Treason ¦¦- ¦ ¦ ¦ was passe ¦ d : • , -- ¦ ¦- ' ¦ ¦ ¦ • ' ¦ influence - - *** if any, . which M. .V . : , Thouvenel . . :: >• s . . . . , ,. ' re- the action a rebel caisson was exploded by one of our health of the emigrants was excellent. The deaths from 900 tons. She was built as a substitute for the old Pocs- J; ? in considerable force. The rebels are lying in large city was illuminated l5 Charleston city. The , tirement may have upon French policy to shells. The rebel loss Is not known; English Comments on American •Affairs. disease were very few, and the hardships 'in'oonsiderAble.' Bonf as, which was wrecked in Burnstde's expedition) off Increase in October, 1862...... ~O !{ y of Sniokcr s Gap, on the west 8ak Fsakoisco, October 31. —Arrived , ship Fleet Balance, Or., bullion ' force in the vicinit ' guns were fired, rockets were sent up into the ,The firing In that direction was Ye*y heavy from 3 Hatteras. Bhe is to be chartered by the Government of and esi'eMe ac^;,;; 3^»7.>a59fe> America. It is a fact that the ex-minister Wing, from Boston. Sailed, Davy Crocket, for Liver- for Assay Office !..._ ^^oat «l! side of the Blue BMge, and have a mass of reverberating air. The South was in an ec- o'clock lili dark, but the result has not bseo ascertained. ANOTHER MEMBER OF THE WIKISTRY pool, carrying 40,000 sacks of flour, 5 the Powbatan Steamship Company, sf Baltimore, for- steadily refused to see Mr. Slidell the ¦ OPPOSES iR. ,000 kegs of East Coin received daring the montfi, «ifn ojV;- ferra . , front this afternoon. ' ¦ Boston syrup, sold to an ive, at 52% c. merly of the Baltimore and Bichmond trade. The engine Fine bars received '"49 troops in thn. Shenandpah Valley, beyond stasy of joy . We read that guns were fired Gen. McOlellan viaited the : - ; GLADSTONE'S VIEWS. * during tnij * ** pseudo-ambassador from Richmond, except as y at Ashby Tbe money market is easier than when the last steamer is single direct acting, 40-inch bore and 36-inoh stroke ; a month A heav dust was observed to-day, 's Gap. sailed. 65 639 90 the Gap. Constant . firing was hoard in « in honor of the Secession of South Caro- Exchange on the Atlantic cifiea &06 per cent, flue boiler^ and the machinety 400-horse power. Tho a private individual. It is to be hoped that In what direction the rebel troops are moving ia not The English papers brought by the steamer Edin- jrtmium—psyable in coin—and 15 ffl 30 per ceat dis- " ~~~ vicinity of Purcellsvilie on lina at Mobile, Wilmington. N. C, New Or- PocBhontfiB ia capable carrying 100& troops between the Saturday, and " known, the distance btine too great. burgh, which arrived at New York on Saturday, contaia count for currency. Legal tender notes 14a>16 per cant¦ , of M. Droun de l' Huts will bo equally neutral, ¦¦ ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ' : ¦ ' ¦ ¦ Total ~i!% it is supposed that a battle was in progress be. leans, Savannah, and Augusta. Conventions Another part ©f our army took possession of Smoker's a circular from Secretary Seward to the diplomatic and discount. ; - ¦:• ::. - . ¦;• " . - = ¦ . ' • . . / deck?, and about 6C0 tons freight in the hold. She sailed at least. * ' ' " " ' ' ¦ ¦¦ ' 1 he market has supplied : : ¦ been well during the past Gap to-day. ¦ . . ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ully equipped . . . ' ' ' f ready .. . . consular agents relating to the emancipation '"' '; and fcr immediate S9rvics, with an .; . , . „. .. ¦ ' . proclama- . . . . ¦ ' ¦¦ ¦¦ ¦¦ tween Qen were being held in other States. There was monih.: ...... , :. . - ,. . ¦ . Bayard's cavalry and the rebels under .. supply Public Amusements. Three brigades of rebel Infantry: were at last advices tion. He draws hopeful conclusions from the "present po- One hundred thousand dollars for federal taxes wero ample of pumps, life-boats, &o. Messrs. Neafie A ~~~ Stuart. A balloon rcconnoissance from Bolivar every evidence that man could want to ehosv * Levy completed the contract for her construction in less ^ »3a«i The Academy op Music will be open to-day for advancing np the west side of the 'mountain in two eition of affairs. Be says: - collected, and S30,C00 for the National Sanitary Com- Balance ?...... ,,,,, —~-J^ Heights established the fact that a large cavalry the purpose and determination of tbe South. columns. Heavy firing followed, but the results "The rebels musi; understand that if they persist in mittee will be shipped from California to-morrow, and than five montha. Funds in hund. in Aseiatantl **"* 67 tho purp ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ are not ¦ ' ' ' ¦ ¦ ¦ : ¦ ¦ ¦ ,^ ose of receiving subscriptions to tho ¦¦ ' ' ' ¦ ' ' opera- ; " ¦ ¦ - ¦ ¦¦' • -¦ " ¦ - ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ $200,000 from Nevada Tj -easnrer " T6t lnidwn. -. ...- .: ^ ...... imposing a choice between the diaeolutlon of the Govern, Territory. Tho feeel of another Government vessel ts now being 'a office $10 n force is lying at Charlesbown, and they have gun3 We ask any intelligent man who reads this . ^v- . ,04*. 6? n tic season that is to commenoe the. first of Decem- me&t atd the abolition of slavery, it is the Union and not Bar Francisco, November 1. —Arrived, ship Onttt- laid at Ihe ssme works. She will be an iron ship, of 1.600 Funds in hand, in Assay officai 57 3o| 4- . ; sentence to turn back to tbe dreary me- ber. TVe need not slavery that must be maintained. While all the good vator, Irom Boston. Sailed, steamer Golden. Age, Hud- in position to sweep the road impress upon our readers the son, conjnjancier, Panama, tone, BEd will supply the place of the Oriental, also 11 mories of that fearful time and inquire and wise men of all countries must recognize the mea- for carrying 200 d*m«b«:ot8, Fio© bars in Assay office..... irTiPT'''^).! ' ' u , , neoeesity of supporting this great enterprise, and Good News from rort J&oyal bb and 8930 000 in treasure •wrecked in one of the expeditions to the Southern coaat. ¦Unsarted bullion in ! 6a sure a just and proper military act intended to deliver ' ' ¦ ¦ for New York and $780,000 for" ¦ Aeaay " ¦ ¦¦ '/' ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ' '¦ ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ¦ : Kngl and. ;.;.-. ¦ •-: . . ¦¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ . ;¦ " ' if he had any doubt as to the determination we are in hopos that the success which Mr. Hood ihe country from a terrible war, they will recognize, at . . .,. . ¦;. . . • . . . . It i» needless to Ray she will reflect honor on tho mecha- office - 202 Tlic Defeiice of Ex.JPrevident Buchanan. BRITISH EEB1E ' Among the pa!sengerfl was ,513 nn of these wild and reckless men. Jajies Bu- receives to-day and to-morrow will enable him to STIAK1RS CAPIUREB. the¦ same time, the moderation and magnanimity with Senator Harding. from nical skill of Philadelphia. Ex-President Buchanan has given to the which the GovcrEBoent ; proceeds in so solema a matter." Oregon. *~ 2li7|j . chanan is an intelligent man, and he knew in inaugurato a prosperous and brilliant season. Masio ¦ The "London Times »aj a this ohculir dapri vas the Arrived—Shi p New Wirt, from Boston. S ailed—Battle, Total I... TT- coTintry an elaborate and carefully-prepared - VALUES) AT $1,000,000. ^^ for Hong Kong. ;. Less overdraft and due m>\h> his heart of hearts, just, as well as he knew must be cultivated in Philadelphia, and we appeal Americen Gfavetiiifltint ef the right hereafter to appeal to Frightful Stabbing Affair.—A depositors "• /f n i ' its emancipation decree as a measure founded on moral The ship Cutwater reports, on August 27th, when oS fearful case of stabbing occurred yesterday afternoon. \ "« in5! statement in reply to the card of General to our liberal-hearted citizens to sho w their appre- Lfgo PaDTsiep, she saw a vessel supposed to bo «he Erie Balance [ ~ that death was coining and that God would Tbe British Steamer ffl innabo Destroyed, pnitciple, as Mr.'Seward reduooa it to a mere military , Tbe incidents, bs learned from personal inspeofion and 7~---^i Scott, printed by us on the 22d of October. ciation of this fact by a generous response. of New Bedford, although the name was not fully dls- . The Milwaukee Sentinel of ' 1 1 be his judge, that the Southern leaders de- tiBRufehable. " inquiry, appear to be as follows : On tho west side of October 'flt^** Mr. Gottf Lord Palmerston has been making speeohes at Win- foUowing receipts of wheat iH The card of the General Is still fresii in the ohalk's third concert takes place to- chester. He refrained' from alluding to The steamer Active ht»s returned from tiie wreck of above Dock a publio house is kept by at Mil«pank« .» termined to destroy tbis Republic, and that THE REBEL RAM AT SAYANNAH. ¦ ¦ ¦¦ :¦ ¦¦ * ¦ ;¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ American¦ ¦¦ ¦ af- Front street, , in the periods named ' aa ^ menj ory of the xeader} and any recapitolation night, at Concert Hall and such have been tho pre- fair*...... - . ' • " - / ' . . ' . ' . ":"~ '• ' : . . - . . the Golden Gate, near Manzanilla, haviag left on the Thomas Gaatello. The neighborhood ia known by its compare : ' 1St^j prominent amoDg those leaders was John B. ^ The GUle eaye that, If Mr. Giadstono bad a 26ih Nothing bad then been done towards reoovering Week Ending JBtt . w . „ parations, that it deserves all success. Mr. Gotts Hew Yonic, Bov,2.—Port Boyal dates Cabinet mere mention, and the general aspeet wa3 not improve! 13t *<» of its facts is hardly necessary. General to the 29th secret to keep on Atcerican affairs ho would have doubt- ihe treasure. A final attempt will be made on tho 1st Oot. 25rb. im Oi 5^ Floyd, his Secretary of War, and Jacob chalk's name would of itself be a sufficientl y attrac- ultimo have oeen received ' of November. when we visited it, either by the glare of afternoon sun- Milwaukee 657,814 fccbxT was driven into its publication by the • . ie»8 kept it 5 consfftuently , it infers that Ihe has simply J1,9di tos l^i TnoMrsoN, his Secretary of the Interior. tive programme for any - ordinary musical enter- T wo British rebfci steamers, the Ang!Ia and Scotia, taken the license of a pablie m»n to giro "his individual light or the spectral blackness . of night. At this OhicBgo 440,627 11,113 om B%| attempt of £Few York Breckinridge poli- opteioss, and tMeks that, »s a Cabinet c-JB Arrival of the Steamer Ocean Queen— It wil) be Beea frosn the abfrre &' Finally, the sentiment of the* North was too tainment, and in coejunction with that of Miss wero captured on the J27th ultimo and taken to Port iniater, he house two girls, daughters of a Mrs. Gorman, had put staffn,Rnt ,%Ur % ticians to iise his great name as an authorit Boyal. ehculd have been more, guarded in his expressions. . fl,OOO,O(M) In Gold. ceipts of wheat at both citie? tbns far tS ^it y Garlotta Patti it should crowd the hall The twe stejHnerB, with their contraband car- np. Mrs., Gorman herself was at the Pennsylvania amount to 23,104 ,226 bushels, ^4' ' S at !l intense to be endured. Oar people had waited , to reple- ¦ . The Tiints shows the inexpediency of the recognition¦ ¦ New York, Nov. 2—The steamer Obeaa Quaen, from aeMnst fiRo -t * « goes ¦ ¦¦/ ¦¦ ;' ¦ ¦ i l " ¦ : ' : ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ : ' " >DBI> ol5 in favor of Secession. He reviewed very , valued at one million of dollars. of the Bonth at present. . - 'f ¦ - '(- ' •-¦.• > ; "V: " -V - • • ¦ -. HoBpit&l, Eighth and Pine, recovering from a broken in the corresponding period of and prayed, passing through humiliation and tion . AspinwBlf, arrived! tW« morning with passangsrs from 1861.' ' In^ , Anothev British steamer, the Minriahoj^wsa run ashore The New Tork correspondent of the London Timzt California, and one million dollars inl Secession troubles originated, and proved to even ing, which, unless all precedent fails, will coming / counts the professi , one of the best bills of the The War in Tennessee. ;•; on on Thursday, at Jefferson City, by order of Gen. Lane. Mrs. Gorman had also been staying at the house, ^^ onelweek since Smith Carolina had seceded. Gen. eason h been ranged Caibo,.November 1. —'The only news the 23d of October.- This is earlier than usual, and the having sufficiently recovered , to remove thither. On. Tbe Chicago Times, Octobnr 3lst. rbjv ft sent froubles should fall. Mr. Buchanan la- s as ar , and the prize drama of Tfom Tennessee consideration of the American question, ia supposed The cause of the arrest was the delivery of a speech in lines of railroed leadiwr ea»t from thi» , Floyd is lhat on Friday night our pickefa to Saturday night, Mr. Trump, a soldier, returned home to citv i,. ?'*< Scott again applied to the President. "St. Marc" is announced, with a new farce for v were driven ia at bp one ot the purposes of tho meeting. which the proclamation of tbe President was declared artvancf d fmehis 10c V bbl on floaran« 50nf* U:t5» deed, accepts tbis responsibility in a tone that Ohevilla. This ia thought, however, to'indicate a'recon- The proposition before tte. ( Liverpool : ¦ Chamber of the same place, and attempted to turn out the mother We publish the new tariff elsewhere. l*11 ~ had served his purpose, and had resigned. the afterpieoe. ' to be unwise and uncalled for, and doubts were ex- First ** seems to invite and defy criticism. Tiie noiEBai.ce rather than an attack upon-our forcea. The Commerce, in favor of memori tifzisg the Government pressed ability and her two daughters. Between three and four o'clock, third clats ratf s remain unchaBgud. The !»«»^•** Major Andes son had thrilled the nation, by Th'e management of the Arch-street Theatre to recognize the ' South, has been withdrawn. . as to the of the Administration to lawfully into effect on and after Friday, r generosity with which he does this is rtbelBseem to be coming up by the way of Grani Junc- . yesterday, two yoxmg men arrived, with the avowed October 31« * extraor- announce, without exaggeration The Southern Club at Liverpool gave a grand banquet carry out its provisiotB. The cool trade sums up this taking possession of Fort Sumpter. The , that this establish- tion, »Ed thus be in a position to purpose of administering a flogging to Trump for his week, os,mpsr« sc. dinary. " All my Cabinet ninst bear me wit- ment has been overflowed. 7 menace both Bolivar to ex- Governor Moiehead, of Kentucky. The speeches, Judge Lackland has been paroled, to enable him to year, as follows : "Bi« Southern cabal demanded bis evacuation ot " ' Clarice, tho irre- and Corinth. It ia barely possible yet that they have of conjee, were strongly In tuppottof Secession. . , attend court, in a par jury case ODgaHant behavior. They were summarily ordered ness that I was, the President myself, respon- ThetCrozarowitch race was won by , in which he is engaged out by Trump. Th6y sistible, has dose it. The success marking his not enough men to attack, ¦ ¦ Hartington.¦ ¦ TJm fts cnnr. nel. Mrs. returned, when filrs. 1861. that fort and the return to Fort Moulfcrie. but have pushed thelr^ co- ¦¦ "^ ¦ ¦ ¦: ¦ ' ' - ¦ •> - : ' ¦: IS62TT^ , nlre wft* fourth. .- . • . .. -•;,< ;¦:: . - . Trump sible for all the acts of the Admiuisfcration." reappearance is truly unprecedented . To-night; lumn forward iu a threatening maimor , ia order to gain tried her hand at it, and attempted to ' Tha President at once disavowed tbe act. The'Pftris Bourse, on the4tn Instant, waa excited, and WEEK . (TOTAL. WEEK ' These are bis words," and, as if to make the he appears in two of his mo3t celebrated parts, and time at Holly Springs and other ttoiota South. rentes declined one per cecit ,, closing at 70f. 80c. The Bur»mg of the Ship Alleghmny. put them out. In this attempt; she was stabbed ^TaT' ^V Major Andekson, be said, acted upon R)urbon conspiracy has been discovered at Baltimosb, November 1—A letter in reference to the by one of the men, named McGtnley. A wo- admission-, more remarkable, he makes an " " will carry all before him. A Naples P. & B. B... 28,226 1307,6&2 51,082 18^2 £~ The War m The Italian Budget has been published. It sho wa a borning of the ship AHeghanf by the rebels in Chesa- men of the name of Welsh who interfered shared the ' * ! | his own responsibility, and without authority, Missouri—Rebel Bands peafce Bay, Scbl. Canal.. 34,299 9S8.3S3 2S.908 33> syn ' especial point in favor of Governor Floyd, Kouted. heary deficit, but yet a slight improvement oa last year. off the mouth of the Bappahannock, on L. Val. B. B. 18.876 661,1EK) and myf irst promptings were to order him back." Sale op French Dry Goods, &o.—The early Tuesday night, states that after the flames had been same fate, and a sister of Mrs. Gorman had her arm 25.073 TTHw 'J^ •who as bis Secretary of War has been to us St. I/Otj is, Nov. 2 —Advices from the army The Prussian Chamber of Deputies has declared the Lehigh Canal 34,053 823.8&1 16 028 077V - , , attention of purchasers is requested to the attrac- In South- vote of the Upper House on tho budget as null and void enbdnerf by ose of the TJDlted Statea steamers, it broke cut in three pieces. We are glad to e&y. however, that • The country stifled these " first promptings," east Mieeonri aay a that, after tbe recent , out again Scranton S'th 15,593 7WZMI 15.S38 «3"*W' '''P smcceBS at Pitt- ¦ , and that" the vessel' ' was burnt to the water s the men were caught and taken care of as their merits * * ' the representative of all that wa3 false and and] the resolution of the Ocmmitte} on the budget was ' ¦ ¦ ¦¦ ' ' ' ' ' ' ' " ' ' Do N'th 8 5S1 208:65.7 ' tive sale of French, German, and British d ry g tods ¦ • ¦ ¦ - ¦ - ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦' ¦ ' ¦ , 7,684 •71 -f, , ^ edge .: -; -; . - : . : : . . - 55 and then came the first sign of courage he had eibe's Ferry, Colonels Iiazsar and Dewey, with their unsnimotiBly adopted. The session was thsn closed by .. _ . ., , . deserve. Tho women were all taken to the hospital, fraudulent'in Ihe origin of this rebellion. embracin g about five hundred and fift a Pa. Coal Co.. 19.8-34 549,552 6,762 47-W r^i y lots of forces combined, pushed on for Zolllnger a Milla^ five Bp«>eith frcm the throne delivered by the President of the their wounds examined and dreesed, and thrmselves D. & Bud Go. 25,356 645,600 40? shown. He actually consented to allow a ' in which the Govemaient declares its Return of the Steamers Merrlmac and 26.735 Ui'Vt? Governor Floyd, however, is a deeply-injured fancy and staple articles in silk dress goods, broche miks from Pocaboataa, where they fought Burbridge. Ministry, intention paid all psfisible attention to. The whole affair Btrikfngly Wyoming So 172 558 ...... &£¦ ' i*^ vessel to be sent to Charleston, but in to (Carry out the budget as origiaally laid before the Mississippi . » - N'th ,,. 40, mat). Hereafter his sins must be visited on Mr. and chenille shawls, volvefcs ribbons, poplins ccmpleteiy routing bia force, £ 961 ...... 4bi\-^ *2 3 , me- and capturing a large nnm- House. This is regarded as" a veritable coup d'etat and Boston., November 1—The steamships Merrlmac and illustrates tlfe depravity inherent in esch sex and evBry Broad Top... 8,v80 | 222,133 5§4( ,;:* the meantime waited to receive a com- rinoes, Jouvin s kid gloves &c &c prisonerp many %^ Buchanan, for he wa3 the President—and " ' " , , , to be pe- ber of , including rebtl officers. a mbft serious invasion of constitutional liberty. Missieeippi arrived t-bis morning from Newbern, N- O. age, end in the highest degree is shameful and re- Shamokin... 8.8841 190,415 6,581 aJH"'' {i-! munication from tbe traitor commissioners. . The steamer Boruseia arrived at Southampton¦ on the They landed there the Third, Fif th Treverton ... 1,328 | 40,619 si remptorily sold by catalogue, on four months A later tfespatcb.from OolonelLaKear says tttat he cap- ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ¦ , and Forty-fourth voltincr. 9141 -Ii .^ alone was responsible. Ihe main question at ' cre- : - " .:¦ 16UJ.V .. . . :. . .. . - -,: ,: ./: . . . . Massachusetts regimecte. S. Mi., H.T. 2.870 f.9,788 1,447 "-^ "I suggested to General Scott," he says, dit, commencing this (Monday) morning, tured or dispersed two hundred of Bbone's command. 79 ^ issue between Mr. Buchanan and General at ten Tbe steamer Etna arrived out¦ on the 19th, amd the Lykens Yal. 2.309 65,677 2,9t2 68.0li '?; that although I had' not received the South o'clock, to be continued the larger part of the day, Nbt»;Scotian "on thelSih.-; -, : .::: ",.. . - .; /"¦: V,^> ,A.^i, ¦ . ¦ Ariival of a Prize Brig. Caleb €ope, treasurer of the United Scott is this : Did Mr. Buchanan, as Presi- " Front lew Orleans—Tfete Capture of 'Sa- 1 Lewis, the English Mlnlster-of y ¦withou t intermission, by John B. ¦ '¦ Si G. C. War, has been Ssw Y0K3f£, Nov. 1. —the prize brig Bobert Bruce, of States Sanitar Commission, N. S. corner of Minor Hod 103,629 6689.535 190,228 8633,gffl : Carolina commissioners in their official ca- Myers & Co., ., ' .,. bine Pass Confirmed, " ' sp*ei|kiDg against the recognition of the South, whose in- 190,223; 6633 dent of the United States, th-3 Gomtnander-in- bad not yet been Bristol, Bnglsnd,"captured by the TJnite.i Sta'te3 ganboat Sixth streets, acknowledges the receipt of the following ,860' pacit y, but merely as private gentlemen, yet auctioneers, Nos. 232 and 234 Market street. Nett York, November 1. -—Thesteamefa Hatanzftsand dtp^ndence accompl>she4. Penobscot, oflf Sh elJot Inlet, N. 0., with a cargo of me- contributions since last report : Chief of the army and navy, the sole deposi- larl Haidwkke had endorsed Mr. Gladstone's views. 18,401 | 65 it might be considered an improper act to send Orecle have arrived from New Orleans. ; t dicines and woollen goods, has arrived here. E. Geiaer & Co., additienal ...,S20 00 ,725) tary of Executive power, Congress not being ^ •Tiifc London Daily j S»ws compliments Sir G. O. Xowis The capture of SabSne Pass is confirmed. It wag tekea for Ma remarks against th'e recognition' of. the" Sooth,-re* Jcbn Cox, additional 50 00 The fol' owiDg gtatement shows the bn^oeji the Brooklyn with reinforcements to Fort FEOM WASHING TON Bank Robbery. Cash, E. G 20 00 -.;* in session, and there being no appeal to the on. October M, by the United States steamer Kensing- gardiag them as ministerial in sfgulucance. Ic says Beading Bailroad during the aonth cf Gbeekpobt, L, I., Nov. 1, —The Suffolk flouaty Bank Merrick & Sons 100 09 OcioEis.lg Sumpter until I had received an answer from Oapt. tbeyiWill go far to still the rising clamor |of Ireckless compared with the same month of Legislative jower, refuse to reinforce the Special Despatches to The Press. ton, Crr.eker, and the score Seaman and Jones. '« " was broken open last nighty RBd robbed of $13.f»00, of Oafh , J I. T 26 00 1881: them to my letter of the preceding day. The " " Capt. , with a ' and thoughtless men. It addsj notwithstanding Mr. Stephen Southern forts? Had these forts been rein- Crocker small body of men, advanced Into GlaJfetone's statement, the Government are of opinion wbich SS.000 were iu bills, and ths balance in bonds. Bobbins 20 00 1862. ]«i the country and defeated two bandB of rebels. Oein, Backer & Cook 25 00 Beceived from Coal .$361 721 13 sif® delay could not continue more than forty- Wabhingtox, Novomber 2, 1862. The re- ibat*Jefferson Davis bus not made the Southern States f( " * forced there can be no doubt that Secession ' J.E. Baum 16 00 Herchandiae. . 38,050 01 ai« E sulta of his operations wore the capture of a nation," and, until be has, England will certainly¦ not j>na ' ' fort, two ¦ ' ' ' ¦ ' ' ¦ ' ' ki d The Latest Irom McCleJ ¦>¦¦ ¦ ' ' ¦ " ¦ '' ' : eight hours. Discriminating, n attentive lan ¦ ; ¦ Travel s Army. ' ¦ ¦ - - , , ¦ ; • . ' - - ,: . . . McOauley &c... 49.222 88 " • . Mrs. Maria lTltRl -ftwe. . . . - ;. . 25 00 " $vl would have been rendered impossible. 'The camps, thirty buildinga, and tea rebel vessels, which LATE SOUTHERN NEWS ¦ ¦¦ B. F. Loper 100 00 ' ' ¦ " ; ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦¦¦ Buchanan ! What was delay to him? He would Tbe latest newsia that Ihe rebels still hold * ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ¦¦ " : ' i " " ' ¦* ' • ¦ journal editorially picks to piecaa Thorough- ¦ v - - " < ¦ ; • * Ihe. same IBx- rebellion would have died from inanition. We were burnt. . . r - - . : lyefpool oiaiten The Rebels Still at Winchester—Instruction Charles Megargee , 10 00 #440,984 22 5J{ig« ¦wait. What if the country was on the rack ? fare Gap with a email picket. Gen. Batabd's Caval ry Governor Jtforebead'slf . , inand the New Transportation, Boadwny, should have held the principal cities^ rivers, wbb attached yesterday afternoon Orleans corfe^poBtfeDcerecently published the London of Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Property- what if the rebels were mounting cannon in at Aldia. Ho en-, From the Kanawha Valley; :Tiiiusi - antt'5'cont*Bdie cthat the arguments uafcd clearly Indian Troubles in Florida. §410 00 DumpBge.Benewal Fund, Previously reported t»nd all charges. .178 105 89 and seacoasts of the South, and by thus estab- ceroped last night two miles east of that place, from * OhAklestown, Va., October 31 —Major show that, "with the South, slavery is the beginning, mid- [Correspondence of the Bichmbiid Dispatch . $38,941 79 l%&i Charleston Bay ?—he had waited two months, General Cox'a ' ] ~ lishing bases of communication in the enemy's which fact it is inferred that he repulsed the rebel force army arrived here to-day. dle, and end of the whole revoluiidn.l . \ WiNCHESTEB pj days The rebel army, uMer The London JHeraW calls 'attention^tb the conflicting , Ya , October 25, 1862. Total S39>351 79 Net ofi t for the month.... 51270,838 33 snHml and two were nothing. So he waited. Gen. Halleck Visits Camp Seward . Generals Echols, Floyd, and Jenkins, retreated from The army is now lying (jaieUy, in camp, with but little » previous 9 months...1,259,081 00 country been enabled to make immediate, ef- e vie.w» of Mr. GladetoEe and Sir G O. Lewis, relative to excitement. Every few days Tbe Sanitary ' Commission also acknowledges the re- liS fei si The private gentlemen" from South Caro- Major General Halleck and here iaBt Monday. The m«ch qf our' troops up the Ame rica, and say s that they ought not to Bit in tiie a brigade or division is fective and overpowering war. A failure to staff to-day visited the ¦ : aame; sent.forwuid to destroy some part of the Baltimore ceipt of the folio wing donations in hospital supplies since Total net prcfitB 10 months.f , "' " ¦¦ ' " ' ¦ : ' ¦ and 1,528,S69 S3 Eanawha Vailejr was conducted in the Cabinet. • ¦:. . - . " : ":: : ;- < ' ' [ si^isii do this great duty was either neglect or trea- lina sent him an insulting epistle, and returned 146th New Tork Begiment, tho Halleck Infantry, Ool. ¦ beat military Ohio Bailroad. Most of it within reach of tho army ha3 last report : Kenner Gakrakd , at Oamp Seward order, with a single casual ty. - The entrance into 'this ihe Herald then. attempts to controvert the views of been destroyed. They tear up the rails and ties, pile Philadelphia Stock Exchange! Sales, "w, i, ; neglect on the part of Mr. to Charleston, and finally the Star of the We3t , near Fort Albany. Sir G. O. Lewis, and pays that, former precedents will Soldiers' Aid Society , Bethlehem, one package, Mias son It was not This is ihe first regimen t which has been thus town was of a triunsphaut oharacter, the^citizsna giving j '' " preeent recognition of tt: ' them together in large heaps along the road, and when Huefller, secretary ; Soldiers' Aid Society, Le Bayqville, [Beported by S. E. ttATsrAKEB, Pfaila. Excssaai sailed. The remainder of the story is known. honored ' " ¦ ' ¦ " ¦ : " , ;< - ¦ ¦ ustify . the e South. . 1 some eight or ttn miles have thus been piled FIB3T *' Buchanan-—we cannot call it treason , but wo by a visit from the Commander -in- Chief. The onr troo ns a welcome. v ' " > ' . \'' ^i ...... - . •:', - . . . . - . ; .- The Army and Wavy Gazette say^ that it is perfectly together the one package, 8. Downs, secretary ; Soldiers' Aid 80- BOABD. regiment ¦whole is, fired at once. • Theboya like thic.fun very much. ciety, Pert i«linton . one package, J , S. Eich, secretary. 700 Obes & Del6s S5 H MechfB'.Bk....!; Jlfter our f lag had been insulted, the President is from Ojif&la connty New York obviotiEi that the number of. n»en in the field touches; the Osm 4n^ do most decidedly charge that it was sympa- , , the native connty ot . ' The Cumberland tunnel, ! understand, has ttlao.been de- 1C0O H Penoa 6s ... .. 86^. 2 & 8,.i;i of the United States actually consented to a the General. The IH1 PIEATE AL&BAMA. SXn.l AT WQBK. limits af the fighting population both 'North and South, Btroyed in the last few days. It will certainly 3000 do...... thy with treason. And for this we ask no appearance of the regiment and camp aid vhhtsn to thif »re addtd the armies swallowed up in take Yaa- ¦ 88J£ 7 ffazi tns *:!. :?» truce with the rebels vashfgbly complimented by him. itee.ingenuity some time to clear the tunnel, for but few „, Cleansing of the Public Highways, 2000 PennaB2d mort,106^ 2 BhkSIbr B ... in , in order that , they might s* amps, in battle- fields, in m»rohea, and rendered non • can gfet ,in to work at it at once, whereas bridges —The following figures will exhibit the amount of dirt, 2000 Beading6s '70...105 10 better evidence than his own letter in reply to " ' efffc(|ye by" 8iclrB6?fl? by wouads, and by parole, the ia» and do 8 complete their arrangements for opening Free Colored Emigrants—A Letter from : -ADDITIQJ^L VESSELS SEIZED. v }i Euch like can be formed miles away, and carried to their ashes, &c, removed from the public highways during 1 Beaver Meadow.. 59 501 CsraitfeaHsft l» Geaei al Scott. terveiitkia-'wMch.Js to aiies from the hard logic of.aioopin-: destination already fitted together. This 114 3uEa Oansl.... b5 5 f ire on Fort Sumpter. The President them to tbe President. ^ pL'nixid f' atitg, is more'Ii&ely to tertninatethe war—s , together with the past month, by Mr^ B,. A, Smith, contractor for 25 Girara C ji R..., Si October 30t.h COTT ' 7 var the partial destruction of jhe Chesapeake and Ohio canal, 20C City 6s Sew... c.106 113 Spr iJTra 8... is? On , I860, Winfield- S , The coloud people of the District of Columbia, for . SIX" - ^ESSE3LS: :-B 'in^ioli' ffiucTi ignciisnce of ?tne first principJeaof mili- cleaneing the streets : ¦ ' ' ' ¦ ' ' TETR' 3>i'B3D' - * will in a measure blockade Baltimore and 1300* do....R...... 102 I 2000 6j throws the blame on Major Andeeson : ' " " " ' ?'a JBtMj,li and Washington; ' : ¦ , ¦ -• ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ " ' ' ' ¦ ¦ ¦¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ - ¦ : ' -' " ' ¦ ' ' ¦ - . -¦ ¦- : -- - ^ ^V:- - - "V^ ¦ - " : ; - ' ¦ • ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ' ' " the highest soldier of the Kepnblic, wrote to whoso removal Congress made an appropriation . ' ,,|,iiV- . : taryjcSenbe has .-been eyiacedj and , great indiffisrence 'He/ . - . ¦;¦ . - . • ¦: :. , and ¦ ¦ for awb ; .. . . Number of loads of dirt removed.,...... »S;260 1C00 Cam & AM 6s '7&.105 10000 Eteim B U....W says it was most fortunate the expediton g&ve authority shdw n fo human life. ' ¦: ¦ , ' ¦ r- *. -Xy ' ' ¦ '¦ ' : v - ' Mr. Buchanan, biddicg him to beware of the " " Ihe President in the premises, havo sent a ; 7 Although I do not approve of soldiers finding fault Number of loads of ashes removed...... 6,372 2000 do...... "S3 105 500 Scbl M 6i '32 . 3 A PHIIiA»EI.PHlA ;' ;E4C^T . :;.CATTURJ2Dr A Garibaldi DieetiBg caroe off at the London Tavern, with the manner in which those at the Number of dead animals S00O do ... '89.105» did not sail on February 5th, as " the vast in- delegation to thft President} and they have delivered to •on tbe without distiirbance, Mr. head of affairs jremoved...... 60 | 97 Baes & Xiso \. 1 storm that was approaching, and suggesting to Mm the followinsr letter : 17tb, Wpodj member in our Coiifederacy see fit to control their monetary Eumber of inlets cteaiiLed...... 251 10C0 do..... , ... '83.105^ 4000 Lstfgh YM 6i ..Hi adequacy of the force provided to accomplish of Pwrissment. for London, preaided The attondanca maf ttrBjjet there is one thing which, situ&tad as I am, 3100 US 7-30 TtWen&JM 6 Pennn S,.,ca& s him the military means necessary to avert wss tery large, but -embraced bqtiJew pers The removal of ashes cJuiing the last month waa much : the object was demonstrated by information To the President—Sir: Tho undersigned, »n behalf Tiie Tonaiw-anda tDixder Bonds . ons'of*note . i have frequent opportunity, of witnessing, to my sor- 200 do...... : ;feIk.l03 K U MiwhmE cash SI : ' ' 7 . ' ' " ¦ ;. ' ' ; ' ' ' ' '" ' greater than it has been at any previous ' of ib.6ir col'ted brethren and themselves "J ''/¦¦ ¦ ~ ¦ ' " ' ¦ f ;i The EpVeches were iaqdtratei; Eosolutione .were adopted time since the the danger. Tbis fact Mr. Buchanan admits. , have pulled ¦ f" - - /¦ ¦ ~ row, and to the no little B1TWBES BO^EBS ... : .\ . . y: . .. ¦ . ' inconvenience of the soldiers, as received from Major Anderson at the open 3 our Exceliensy to learn when ar M ; ^ . e»ref^i^i»iinj'.&ibr tvitIi 'r' :6Srii>ftldi md the cauae he Btreet-sweeping , Wai- we can take our d«- ' ; OT ¦ Tfa ' * wtll as tbe loyal citizens, in this section ef iBe cotiutry. existence of machines in this city. Thi3 4 Mechsr Bank cash. 27 [iOCOO Sorth FencSi., Si\ roN ii January 9th the steamer Star of the "West :K' 3 r ¦ :~romptste ttfitirP=aiitr TiryTOT«iiiH-™Br_tmr , rramnanirTBu cold 30 On portnie to the luBd premised us by your&alt .l'?^' t ^ ^r^ ^^jQ ft3g n| |:of ;^O3- repre s Afe—''Iz ^uii i«riWrJj-n.-fc-j ;-. r, ¦mnnnri —TTIi rn Department, on the last day of the Ad- in the ad> ' *^¦ patiop »f Bornejby the French trciops ^^siiMiLtoJljij^gpjaoach of weather, when a much 12! 8pr &PiE6B b30wn W^i 2§ >-rcte-at B id the harbor of drcEB made*, to us in tbfs jour Extoutive Mansion. ton, Captain Saunders, which gailedjfrom BangojFdirtliJU JhajMntoued occu , has been no law passed making Confederate bills lawml ~ '3 M 48^| BiC attempted to enter Charleston, as insuTtrtfjiT-to Italy, 1 and dwjgwotiB to the peace of grea-ar Quantity of coaT is consumed tifian iifthe; warm inebill~ B...caBh., Oomaevcir.5 I ministration !" Thus we are told by the We have lawned ti om tho Hon. fconator Pomerot," 18th nit.", for Cardenas, arrived Mere this afternoon;". tender throughout the ' .' Confederacy. The aoldiera SE0OSD BOaSD. sf\ Btirop%. - The resolutions['.were embodied ia¦ a reason, and the present month will no doubt far carrying tbe American flag, and bound on a the Ageut of Emigration - ¦ ¦ • ¦• ¦ ¦¦ ¦ memorial are paid only in exceed '* ¦ , whom you appoiated to con- Captain Saunders reports that on the 29th. ' '' "" ' '"" '' * '- -;"-' ,; " ' - ;¦ ' " ¦; • ' '¦ Confederate money, aod many of the 2000 Snnb & Erie 7b..106# 100 Spt kf mr .' .' I President of the United States, * who nlt.rin lati- 'to :Ear rEn8Be ll. . . . . , ' . generally *' d uct us to Ghitiuiri , that he is ready, ¦ ¦¦ citizeaE—good that of last month. The Btreets are in an duty for the Government. She was fired upon his equipment en- tnde 39, loDgitude 69, the brig was captured;by : :^- . ~ yyy :- -w ¦ -. Southern menJOo—refnse to take it ex- - ex- 100 Buta. Canal.. ,. b5 5 3000 H S 6slK4 M.,,,^ had Ihe whole country at his gnged , bis provisions for the emigrants bought, that a the ^< r- bae oe.^- - -y :yy';y^.y, cept at a^consiiierable aiscpunt. ~"Yifginia treasury cellent condition, ,The 150 do..iii.- vfi : command, BrKifeh pirate^ Alabama. C^t aiD ^mmes^agr^ : ' 'th' Board of ffeafth state thai ifaey .w... 1000 U Sj/^W^&.Bi by rebel cannon, and was compelled to return vessel suitable has been fonnd, that consent of the Go- . ^ ^ to: • -:-iTbe;.r^rein6nt .of;^.TbonVTOeI*.froni e\niinlBtey;at-' notes are the enly currency that is taken by aU par- are each month becoming better, and will soon be.ia a 600 North Pensa Ifls 1O5# 6 0tmtf 'mt2L.&i that four months after he had been warned vernment, with its ssreembnt to receive us liberate^ ihe brig for a bond of jOOO, payable tracted JEuqh attenticn, and led to various sp?cul&tion3. tics here, whereas, if Congress, 3 Minehill 3 ...... 100 *Jo . to New York. Here was the admonition and as citizens SB to the at ita late sesaioni condition that they can be kept perfectly cleati with ease. 48^ -M,J-iVMi of ihe danger to the country from an at- with equal rights and obligations has bef-n obtained, and President of the Confederatei • States thirty days after The change was fhouiebt to be unfavorable for a so t!e- bad made Confederate paper a lawful tender, no Ifi do...... 48^ 200 WM- •"'^ the calamity. Sixty-three days had elapsed that he only wants your orders to ment of the Boman 4ueetlon. It wa's reported that several one would refuse to take it » The health of our city at the present time is mfficiea * tack on Fort Sumpter this great Repub- announce the day of peace is declared. Oaplaia Baundsrs gave tha bond, and without laying himgelf * • 12 Korristown B.... §3j f 1000 av,m »v"ifti , sailii g, and that he can eail within ' ¦ ' : ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ --:¦¦ ¦¦ other members of the French Cabinet, who ratherfavorad liable to lose the whole 200 City 6bH*w !»( a week if your order .. ¦ :<- ¦ ^ ¦y~ '' ¦ ;.;-;• . amount of Ms debt. I know of evidence of tbis fact, that there can be but little filth ,.....1C6 1000 PenDall!afl5* since the President had been told to prepare was th en ' released. . - ; lic had " a vast inadequacy of force" com- is given. ; tbe evacuation of Bome, will retire, and that'the .Cabinet good Southern families who heretofore have not scrupled remaining along the public highways 3000 Hnn & B T1 mrt 83K 1 2d & 3jf < £..»... ' w to punish rebellion in tbe South, and yet rebel- WLaDy of ue, acting upon your promise to send ub so He was Infoimed that he must take aa passengers the will be essentially anew one. The appointment of Drouyn to take the national bills, and who therefore have no 12 PennaVR...... 55j^ 100 Beasafa B » pared with South Carolina ; that while he had scon as one hundred families were ready, have solfl our crews (mustering forty-fiveeipersons; of several de.l'Buss to ihe Fc-roii n Kini3try was regarded ag a blow other kiid of money, 'l'hey are now informed by the 5000 Btadiiij? 63 '70...100 ^ 100 tfft%.,,Jai.SJ lion had driven one of bis own ships Irom tbe fur ure, have given up Ameri- to'tbe hopes of the Ita!iai»B. , been waiting, and trembling, and holding ni' our little homes to go in the can vessels which had ^eeB;i previously capt ured and butclurs and bakers that they can get no more meat or Asbiyal of Sick and woitndsd 6000 Penna 5a...... ;. 95X 1000 Forth WmskSA coast of the United States. In sixty-three first voyage ; and now that more than five times th at Ibe' latest* rumors asBeft - that M. Fould and Count bread ueIbes they pay Virginia, or make a cansiderabla 480 ftbt do ..... ;.. , • 95)» ! intercourse with traitors the great rebel- mtaber have made burntd. The crewa were, sent on board the; brig, but Persigny have both tendered their resignations, bat at the Citizens' Yolnnteer Hospital, Broad and Prime , preparation we find that there is un- there discount on their Confederate money. Nowf this is a ' ¦within days coioanjG pbioib—riBa. days tbe little State of South Carolina had ceitainty and delay, which is embarrassing us and re- extra proTlsiona were; refused , and Capt. Sanders bore is nothing certain. * t grievance which it is hard for the soldiers and loyal citi- street?, tho lat lew : Hibbard Graham, 72d JBte. Asl-ed.\ Sii JWI lion assumed form and strength, and me- ucing our t canty means ¦ It w'aB reported that M- Fould waa about to visit Mar- zens to bear, Pennsylvania, Co. N, leg ; Dennis Giifolye, 19th Massa- "J. S.6s » time enough to prepare a successful armed re- d , until fears are being created away for the nearest port. . v . - ... [y :.: y;.. ,... , .-..• .. : , r and it ia a subject which it seems to me ci>ns'81 104)/ 101% OatawlDo sssi... H J naced us with bloody and persistent war. that, these being exhausted, poverty In a seilles and make a speech there which will create a sensa- should demand the attention of those ia power. chusetts, Co. J5, strafiied Corporal William Johnson, 5th £TB 7 SOD bit.. 105 105 prtt.. B ' | still worse form¦ The fclldwiDgis a list of veBseli taken and burnt bf As Con- » ^ '" !* sistance against the Government, and that than has met us may be our winter prospect. ' ¦ ' ' ¦' ' * " tion in polities and commerce. gress has already adjourned, £ see no better way than American Gold .329 3f 130 Beayer MeadB. "11 Then he fled to his home in Lancaster leaving the.Alabama : "T- . ¦¦ /¦:/ - ¦ ' ¦ • A ' ' ' Yerroont, Co. G, fever ; Timothy Kennedy, 16th Massa- ¦ " Government was powerless to resent the insult. , We have Been it stated ia the newspapers that you do .; . , . . . Marshal Canrobert is appointed commander of the Mi- for the military commanders to publish some order with Pbila 6s. old...102 .. ' Minehlll B..... i k 8 I Bark liamplighter Jitarj^Pivision of Lyons, and the Dake of Magenta it, ' chueettB, Co. H, sick; WH. Quaintanoe, 104th Pennsyl- of Boston, Captain ; regard J? to Mr. Lincoln the task of wading through a rot intend to let us depart. We are not willing to be- , Harding, from ' ' ' ¦ ' ¦ ' ' that¦ to . and not suffer the soldiers hard-earned Do new... !06 1063f Harrisbnrg B.. •• ¦ ¦ • • ' '' " ' " ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ : ' ¦ ' : ' ¦ ' The world will ask why it was that a great IIeye th«.t your Excellency "would invito us to make ar- New York, for Gibraltar, captured October 16Sh of^Nancy.! ¦. . . . - : . ;:. , . ' .; - ¦;. . . ¦/ a : ;- .;.A . . - . - money to be discounted one-third before he can purchase vania, Battery A, sick ; John L. Smith, 104th Pennayl • Alleg co 6b B.. .. ¦'. -. - WilEineton B,. .. ¦• sea of blood to the restoration of the Union , In lat. ^he: finies Paris correspondent reports that the K*r fc.. ( range ments to go—would tell us that we could not live 41 SO. lonsitude 59^17, and burned. * " : ' Em- any necessary article. vania. Battery A, sick; Henry Smith, 2d New Jersey, Penna 6s..««... 95^ BBjtf LehighBo ¦• " 1 thus hold down by the 11 ¦¦ Republic was throat peror returned from Biarritz in a vtry uUramontaae ' ¦ : ' " ' ¦ " '" ¦ : ' : ' ' " ' " - ¦ 5'M » which he might have saved by saying a single prosperously here—would create hopes, and stimulate m ; Oo. -7, thigh : " • :y: -. y ¦:• • • ' Beadiag B...v. < S9 89^ sfeM3... , - thfp Lafayette, of New: Haven, Captain Small, from epliifcv What may be the cause of this sndden change : CAPIUB.E OF A STEAMER. . .: . . . , ¦ Oam imS while a petty tributary Commonwealth was to Btrnggle fer national independence and respectable drAKX-KSTOX, October 29.—Tidings reach&J here this Do bds '80..109 | Do Scrip.... 3'- H word, or obeying the first obligation of his of- equality, and when we had made ourselves ready for tha New Toik for Belfast, Iceland, with a cargo of wheat from iiidiflterence to piety seems to puzzle France, The Do bdte '7O.vlO4^ 106J^ & E..J5' )t •• permitted to stab it to the heart. Mr. Buchanan ' latest phase of the Imperial mind gives the victory for a evening of the capture, in BuU'd Bay, of the stoamship ; GONTBJBITTION TO ST. J OSEPH'S HOS- 3 oj Wo)» » ficial oath. effort, in confident belief of ibe. integrity of the promise, end com, captured .-October 23dj in;lat. 40, long. 64, and 1 A nglia, laden with valuable army Btores Do 80...,.1O0# lOOJ65^s Pbi)a fi Erfe ' , and bound to ¦ ~ ' party. * -¦ ¦ ' ' time to the priestly No doubt, for the pregent ¦ ¦ that iia realization will be withheld. ' ¦ ¦: ' ' ' " ' , Charity Psnna B... .;.. 65^ .- '/¦ Sisters of SunbiErfe - ; : PITAL.—Tbe acknowledge the recep- assures us that he had no desire but to insure - - • ¦ ¦ ¦ ; ; *-- burned. . . , . „ v- \- . - ¦ - 'V - %% " .. - : : , . , r ?- , . Cfc«rleston. .. - We now dismiss J ames Buchanan. He Congreis has placed the power and . there is an end to all thoughts of an evacuation, of Borne; . > Do Ist m 6s..ll 4 114 EbnglstoiB.. E the means solely in Schooner Creosbaw, of New York, Captain When the Angiia left Nassau news had been received tion of the mm of S26, for the benefit of the sick and ^ peace ; iliathe would not do anything to invite announces the intention of publishing very the baads of your Excellency, to aid in removing us. Nelson, The lourge on the 17th was firm. Eentes, 7if. 25c. Do 2d m 6s~lC6K 106X T>8 bonds... - •• ' ' ' ¦;¦ ' ¦ that the Yankees are working night and day wounded soldiers at St. Joseph's Hospital, from the fol- " from New York for Glasgow, with a cargo of ; ¦ . , . ;;> ; ' > . .: y :.iTlLI. ¦> .• ¦ on iron* Dii..• began flour . . . ) ., . . Horris Canal •• or provoke civil war ; that, no matter what pre- You the movement. You appointed Senator , cap- . . dads, with a view of attacking Charleston ... 55 %i 58 Drfasysr^ * soon " a historical review, prepared a year Fosieroy, in whom not only the colored paople but tha turtd October 26th, in lat. 40, long. 65, and It was stafea that tbe •withdrawal of M. Thotirenel soon. lowing young ladies: Miss Ellen Kilyan, Miss Catherine Do prrd 10a.125 128 Do barii • , ;;, parations tbe .rebels might make to destroy the burned. One ¦ l" ago." He had better burn his sheets and say whole country baa confidence, to see that justice should of the-crew of the Crenshaw jolted the Alabama. from tbe French Ministry created an immense sensation CHAHLESTON TO BE ATTACKED. Scbmerzer. Misa Louisa Schmerzer, Miss Louisa Owens ; Do 69 *76 .. Sprnce-sttttt H h ];> be dose us. He has said that he is ready. We therefore at Turin, and the rumor that JKfrtazzi had resigned • A deserter from od6 of the biockading Do . 2d mtg OhestBnt b)S.. *- *., Government, he would say nothing, and do Bark Laurfctta, of BosJon, Captain Wella, from re-¦ . steamers off through the Bev. M. M. Murphy, of Pottaville, Pa, 3 no more. His last defence has only dragged earnestly beg that your Excellency will now give him New ceived gome ' credence.' ' " /.. Charleston, arrived in that city on the 27th. The Coa- Suso OaBftl Arch street B.. H * iaotbitig ; he would allow every encroachment Mm deeper in the slough of shame. Let him explicit orders to sail befor e the cold weather sets in to Ycik for Madeira, captured October 28th, in lat. 39.45, There are also vegue rumors from Borne that Cardinal ritr giyea the following report fr om Mm: Do 6s Eac.-efreet E. »« __ and make no resistance ; he permit fort * ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ' ¦ " ' ' re- Houks Dbvotion.—Tte yearly *| beg for mercy at the hands of an outraged YbjBge hence a dangerous ' ' : ¦ ' ,. ¦ .: "". ¦ . rteenth-at Si) one. tignati pns. - .' , _; ...... /./. y - : ter, and overheard a conversation between Captain Dea- Do prfd 14 U% Thi , after fort to be seized, and sea the flag of Ms Captain Semmes informed the prisoners that on the exercises held in tbe Catholic Church known as the ' X Phfitt B..... »•« country, and from the men to come after him The Freeident, through his private secretary, replied captured Itwas reported that Prince de la tourD'Auvergneia to nieon and acother officer on the poop deck of his vessel, Forty Hours Devotion commenced yesteiday, being the Do 6a '82.. 69V 20'0 W"Do - 10th of Octsber he the ablp Tonawanda, of and hft »hfl now --French Minister to Borne. In which ene of the offlcera s'ated that an attack on ' BlEii^ B.«... 19 boada.... « country give place to pelicans and palmettoes, to the deputation of colored meD, who called to express ¦ ¦¦ ¦ ¦ 3J that they may not-curse his memory as men from Philadelphia for lilverpool, with ; passengers on }' . . .¦ ' • > ¦ •¦,-;• :¦ Feast of All Saint?, at the Preparatory Seminary of St. Qreen-BtareetB.. eJ their disappointment in the delay at going ^ ^y ^f: . ;: P0ETUGA.L. :, . . ., CharleBton would be made on the arrival of two Iron- Do pr"d 32 33 and lone stars, and long red bars. This is the now curse the memory of those rulers to Central board, and detained her five days, and released her for a The Japanese Ambaisadors had reached Lisbon. ' clads and seme additional vessels, with an expected rein- Chalres Borromeo. The conclusion of the exercises will Do 7H lstm. 99Jf 100 Do bonda.,.. » _ - who K> ' ¦•¦ ¦ ¦ : - : ' ' <5 meaning of Mr. Buchanan's defence as i America, that he was as anxious as he ever was for their bond of S80,000, payable 88 above* ^¦> ,^r.y* jmBM&liK. ^- - '; ' .. forcement to the 2an£"force's of some seventeen thousand be on Tuesday evening. Do 10s ...... Second st B.... ,V' t came at distant periods in the world's history men. Ihey Do bonds..., ;. , •• depaiture, that he had placed everything ia the hands of He also captured the ahip Manchester from New York A despatch from Earl Kussell to the Danish Govern- expected to make the attack by land and F Pensa 3 10 1086tf^ Fifth- reads in our paper this morning. He asks JPoj ieboy ment dated September 20th, on the Sohleswig-Holsteta" water between the 1st ar.d 10 th of November. Their Do 6i» 86^ BtB...... #\ " to punish and oppress and betray mankind. Senator , and that heof could noi see them then, for "'Liverpool, and brig Dunkirk from New York for q ' - bonds....1« ;. posterity to call Mm a coward, or an imbecile, do so in^ho oonrae a few uestion, is published. It onexpre ssea '' very unfavorable light drsught gunboats ware to run up the Stono, shell Fibe.—The fire which occurred at two Do 10s 105 J06 Do but would dayB. Lisbon, and burned them, pnttiag their brews oa board vie^sof the Danish claima the Gorman Dncbiss,. and the woods, and attack the batteries along tbe baaks, o o ock yeBterday morning was at the box manufactu- PhU Ger & Nor. 63 £4 Girard Ool B... m " ' ' ¦ ¦ ¦;¦ ¦ ¦ ' ' or a weak old man or the slave of the South- The Allotment Roils in - ¦ -' ¦' '¦ ¦: :¦ ' v" - ; - " ^ ' ^ ¦ £ •;; ' ¦ . . ;¦ :., - -.; recommends the while tbe iron- Seventeenth-si . , The New French Minister. the Army. •fheTo nawanda . . . > . Danish Government to oancei the com- clad a and latger vessels are to come up and ring estabJhhment of Mr. M. H. He we, Beach street, Lehigh ValB... 62^ .. ' There is a change in the French Ministry. Mr. Theodore Booseveit, one of the New York al- mon Cod stitutf on for Denmark and Schleswfg. ' Th9 attack Fort gumpter and the city. Lehish Tal Mb. .. I08# ern Senators, but he begs not to be called a Capt. Harding, of tbe bark Lampligliler, reports'that Danish Government in roply positively declines to accept above Shackamaxon street. M. Edouard Thouvbnbl who has been Mi- loiment commissioners, has jUBt arrived here, bringing with on the iSth ult., at daylight, in lat «, 30, long 69, EariiEussell. ' " ; ' :- ¦ INDIAN TROUBLE S IN EDOBJBA . ¦ traitor. He pleads guilty of murder ia the , forty 1^ tbe iecommendations of • Philadelphia• Markets. him the allotment rolls of of the additional regi- wind south with thick weather, saw a ship standing - : ¦ ' ¦:' ¦¦ INDIA i-ND-OHINAL. ' The balance of Sam Jones' tribe of Seminole Indians is second degree, boplng to escape the full ver- nister of Foreign Affairs since January, 1860, 'e, under the new ~*y^S- - ^y^r- " - South Florida have been persuaded by the Yankesa on PoLrcE Abrbsts.—The number of ar- Noyembes I-^W ments of that Sta levy. Their allotments southward ; in half an hour the weather cleared :- Calouita, Sept. 27 --Shirtings and by dict against his wickedness. has resigned that office and is succeeded twist Srm. rIndigo the coast to commit all manner of depredations upon in- rests made in the month of October the police is re- The recfcipts cf Flour continue light f^« »^ , by of pay amount to three millions of dollars per annum, up a litils, and 8he altered btr conree and aBa'Saitpfctre aclive. {B!xch»nge 1%. : nocent and helpless men, woman, and children living ported at the Central Station to be 2, ^ lisatea of nearly ^tood 124. feeling ia the market, but tbe sales are Now, we cnarge this upon Mr. Buchanan v M. Drouyn de l'Huys. It is supposed that an average ten dollars per month, every man across our bows wiih the British flag ' flying. I ;S/ eHANGHAB, Sept. 14.^-General Ward'a contingent bad near Charlie Popfe a, a branch of Pea's creek, in Sobth ®-^~ making an allotment for the benefit extricated itself frpia . Its perilous : position. The rebels Uprifla The Gainesville (Fla)iSrte{es bbls. told for export, at £6.37 for snterfis?. He was the frien d of the rebel leaders until M. Thouvbnel retires in consequence of the cf his family. An then made her out to be a steamer. When within a Eajs: »» ^ effort will be made by tho commitsioners made a fierce attack on the city, and burnt down the vil- f- «»They, it ia laid, have murdered four families j and all for extra family. The sales to the retailers to induce ail the ffi ilei he fired a gun, hauled do1i?h the British: flag^ lages in its vicinity, but were finally driven back fo: f ^ within a few wetks of the. expiration of his difficulty of dealing with the Italian question. ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦¦ with who could make their escape are flying eagerly before A r»»ge " "P* bbl " ¦ the FINANCI L AND COMMERCIAL , ¦> rrom«6.37 up to $B 50eS9 other States to take advantage of this " ' ' : . ¦; ¦; .. ::, ' - •;¦ ; ¦;. ¦ f j system, which, had run up the Confederate ' -greatloss :y> . . ::: . . .; , :¦;;. . , . aid j |^g. 'I^ hove id and he l ; . tomahawk of the barbarous marauders employed by afoe to term. He did everything in Ms power to as- His own desire has been to have Victor Em- eminently extraa and fascy branilp, accor4iDg f *!'\ y\ been so successful to large numbers of regi- sent a boat aboard, demanded ¦myjpapKrs , and declared PrineelKurig has-lbeen attacked with cholera, which equally croeif Now, there are two remedies: one is to 5 sist the traitors in the consummation of their manuel ruler of Italy, including Yenetia ments in the field. These gentlemen say that ' ,r8ges;fearfully in the Northern Provinces. make, If possible, a treaty of peace wlththosa Indiana THE MONEY MAJRKET. 'Fknr is very scarce, and it is wantfti st -? «^;^ and the soldiers iny TeBsel a prize. We . ware? sent';pn ' .board the stesiner. ; in f 00 this means are saved fro m many ' There ^no news from Japan. , ¦ and , if that fails, the alternative is to raise five hundred Philadelphia, November 1 1862. bbl , which Is an advanca. Corn Meal is ' schemes. He was their ally, thtdr comforter— tbe Estates of the Church, with Borne as his by of the temptations to I^was allowed f to take^ dOTi'trunkPand nay officers and '1 , jn!!^ which they would otherwise he subjected in camp, Shirtings are firm. Silk is advancing": Exchange 63. Florida *cowTioys, atr some call them, to take these In- Matters were rather quiet on the street to-day. Gold snd fiimiy heW at $3 50 "F »bl. for PeBS'?" their surest and most powerful accomplice— metropolis, and the Pope still recognized as while crew one bag each. - Captain Bemmes ordered bis J^fl. tFreisbtatending up'vard; ' , . diana out of Florida, sparing none to tell the tale. It is their families are relieved from want. s ranged from 29 to SO. Considerable" sales have baen §4 for Brand?vine, , ,., rjt» first lieutenant to board the bark< and .burn her CaktoNj September .10 .—Shirtings, and twist are believed that they have about one hundred warriors. Wheat. There is less demand, but $nK- ~ a for he held the North at bay, while they plot- Supreme Pontiff of the Catholic Church. It hlgber. - The chief object of the dollar- mede at and between thesa figures. Old demands were — l s Lists of Killed and Wounded. Immediately. I beg^d htai ."to f -l|a78Viby^/.Bliip,-' .biit . >Tea is firm: Exchange 4s. 8d. loving Yankees is to get the tame, with sales of 4®5.0CO bus gf °;\,tp the savages down in that portion of the State ?0 ted its destruction, only yielding to tbe senti- w&uld appear that Napoleon's views are diffe- According to an order just isbued by he replied, «* I hope to be ible";."to- serye you a a--d to murder selling at 127 in the forenoon, but closed a half lower Pennsylvania reds -at ' $145al.4S. in / i, U>J the War Depart- i^ent board . LATER FROM EUROPE as many as joeBible, and ran off tbe balance of tho citi Southern at $L52 afloat and a email lot o- m ' ment of the country when a refusal to yield rent. M.JThouvenel, who succeeded Count after every ski ish sight worse yet. They^then^ ba 0 : ST3pL , The market wss rather weak. Money is plenty at rates , ¦¦ ¦ , ment', hereafter, battle, rm , er other en- ". to bum the zees, so as to be able Jo set all the cattlo they need." W hue. . . • ' .• " ' :- . of of ¦ " ¦ between i®6 on call, and 5®8 on good collaterals. Go- -waul' gagement, the commending officer of each regiment 0ti$V - . ':i'*waY..vSfnni the - :¦ :- : - -, . ¦ ;¦ . ; ¦ ¦ 2 would have cost him the Presidential chair. Walewski as Foreign Minister,' six months , bat- tte^^ R^j)brt| Moveirients Rebel . . . . .;, . / - . . PEKSONAI.. :, . . Bye is very scarce : a small gale of P'" " : ' ' ~ ¦ vernment securities were in more demand,.and brought ' tery, or other detached portion of a regiment then present, went into the cabin they aiked for liq,uor. I gaya^em :¦;;;" :^ ' | - Pirates . ¦;/ - >" ': ".• Mftj Magi ¦ ¦ ' " made at S5c bus. » •«? We lay aside all the other issues discussed by after the war in Italy, will continue to exer- /y- . or General uder passed Ihr&ngh Augasta. higher prices. ' ' ' ' ' • - ¦ ' ^ yefe* a will , in addition to' the list transmitted through interme- all-t.hadiiiTfaeyidiaBk. 'aBd.iem^ Georgia, Saturday, en route to assume command of the . ; . . . Corns fs dull, with sales of 400 bas Mr. Buchanan and present the evidence on generally chit fly at 73c, afloat. , cise his functi ons as Senator. It is rather odd diate commanders, promptly forward direct to the the floor. Then they took the oil cans out of HALirli, NcT,lr-The B. M. steamship Arabia) Cap- Southwestern Military Department of the Confederate Prices at the Stcck Exchange are looking up, ^wj! - Adju- ihe looker, days Oats are also dull;»alesof 2,000 to»*» " tain Stone, which left Liverpool at 2 P. M. of the 18th, States. Major General Htiger was in Baleigh, N.¦ 0., on and the fancies were moro called for than for same tMs one grave charge as we have it over his own that Count Walewski himself resigned office tant General's offise, a . correct return of and pouwd the oil on the; floor, and at eight o ' : ¦ ¦ ' ¦ '" Psnnsylr«i» , the killed, 'clock in ¦ . . ¦ ¦;¦¦ ¦ - ¦ " ¦ ¦ . 39c for Delaware, and 42c for and QbeeBstowri 19th ult , arrived at Halifax at Ii30 P. Mon day last...... /: .. - .: . .; : u wounded and missing of his command- the morning they set the vessel on . past. Government sixesi 1881, sold at 104^, aa advance Barlst it more active . 20.0CO bo3 Boia c5^ ^ signature. All his protestations of love for the in January, 1860, on account of the impossi- , This order ia fire. We were then M. tO' day. |Bhe experienced strong westerly gales the James H Franklin, Solomon Grooms, William B. Gar- ¦ ¦ the seven- thirties at 105 no change. Both were . - ' ¦ ¦ necesaary.by the tact, that many of our transferred to the steamer, and put in ;Irons almogt e passage. passengers rett and B. L. D. Bircbfleld of % \ X» private. , . . • • . -w rendered returns, and Whol She has 109 for Boston.. , J. M: Morris, , were all 61 "' i^^ Union and the country, and his desire to pre- bility of adapting his views on the Italian N in request. Camden and Amboy sixes were iu demand," Bark —The receipts and ssks of Q? " '.'^!.' by being transmitted through brigade headquarters, are staived, V Her advices are three days later than those by the sentenced to be hung for murder on the !5th of Jaiuary i i5 .^ vent bloodshed and oppose the rebellion, perish, question to the policy of Napoleon. Ed inburgh^ at New York. . ne xt at the last Besaion of the Bunoomb coauty (N. O.) 1870a and 1883a each rese %. 18T5a and 1889a each ad- light ; a small sale fine grottTid No. 5*?y c:.rf detained and lost. Tbe pirate then continued his cro^&nder sail, but - W ton. A. lot of Chestnut Bark sold sf ^'' ti before this great fact. The E, Mi steamship Scotia, from New York, arrived SuBerior Court. ^ vanced!. Pennsylvania fives rose j£, and coattDued firm. wrr w ^ We charge upon Mr. M. Edouakd Duouyn de L'Huy.3 will be The Postage wilh steam up, until she captured all t§l%boveves jela. at Queenstown about 1.30 M. of the 17th ult Cottox—The market eontianes ¦• Currency. . P- , and 4 EATA1 HAILEOAD AC0IDSNT. The sixes sold at 105. Pennsylvania Baikoad 2d mort- tranBRctioiis are of a very limited clierarttf- ^^ Buchanan that he was desirous of aiding the fifty-seven years old on the 19th of this month. The National Bask Note Company^ havin* worked the The crews were all pat in irons as gqoa as captured '. . reached Liverpooiat 8 A. M. of the 18lh. : v A collision occurred on the Eftlei gh and G^ston Bail- caces were steady at' 106&. Beading sixes, 1870,, rose of middlinga »t 60c61c W »- . «rrir5 * Southern leaders to establish the Southern In his youth he studied law daily delivery of postage currenoy up to $58,O0O Those on board tie Alabama had full fires of the New GBEAT BBlTAINi read, near Forrestvilie, N. -CV.on'-Tuesdayt killing Lisa^ G10CEBIBS — Sugar and Coffee contrauaT-^,^^ , which he aban- s 1 %. Chesapeake and -Delawara Canal sixes sold at 9a. - p there is now a Blight falling off , owing to the process of YoTk"J9eraZd! aid the pictorial papers, containing ac- • The Daily News' correspondent at Spezzia says that tenant Claik,.of the 22dN. 0. regiment; J. J. Berry- there ia very little doiDg in either: s**" , p Confederacy j and ifj he asks for evidence, we doned for politics, and, in 1830, then in his iDtelligence has reached -there that two rebel cruisers ¦vil'e, Charlotte, N. C Thosi'Boland , of Stanley Oily Biaee were steady North Pennsylvania sixes were for Cnba. aod W?. eome changes in tbe arrangements, but which will soon be counts of the former captures of the Alabama. Oapt, H; 5 county, ¦ former v»t O^ffllOc ?? *^*: call upon General Cass, his Secretary of State. twenty-fifth year have entered tbe Mediterranean, Ooptato f- eintnes being N. C, and —— Nesbit, and wounding fonrteen persons, steady at 86% , an advance of U | the teas j£f llmira OrifatJs. Elo Ooff#fl is sel*ins 'B "^" , became attach e to M. recovered and carried up to $100,000. was informed by tbe second lieut. and several petty officers " » i,-^ That statesman resigned his portfolio on the DsHarcoub.t French in command of one. It was rumored the? had already sunk inciudinEtwe so'dlers. The Baleigh Journ al my a : sevens sold at par, an advance of 1. Sclinylkill Naviga- ard Lsgow'n at 27* o28c V %, *£^> " . , Ambassador to Madrid, that their next destination was New York, as toay meant or burned twelve Union vessels, and the American consuls Mrs. Boland, who : ia mentioned among the injured, firmer ; OardeEas is selling at SOeW^°H" y ,& Military Road over the Rocky Mountains. prcsenfs a lamentable case. We learn tion sixes, 1882, were firm at 70. Lehigh Valley sixes g 3ts 15th of December, 1860. Let us mark the and subsequently to Count Reyneval. In to throw a few shslls into that city. Cap t. H.-represents at all tbe ports were on the alert to spread the tidings tbat she left bome, and Top PEoVrsiosrs—There ia verj "'^^S' f Capt ain John Mullen,'U.[S. Army, who has recently and provid e measures for future safety. [Query : This accompanied by her father in-Iaw, to visit her sick hus sold at 108^ . Huntingdon Bread ? l3t "B»( B»(e3 . »^^t the Alabama as a very formidable vessel, but does not - tion, l prirea are unchanged. m rti# date. "On the 15th of December/' says Mr. 1833, he was sent as Charge d'affaires to the constructed an important military road across the Rocky may be another version of the statement already pub- band in tbe aimy hospital, but found him dead. She mortgages brought 88}£. Sunbury and Erie seven8 S13OT3 50 W hbl. City-packed n*633 tbink she is as fast as baa been represented. When be corp*e by : Buchanan, General Scott states that, ac- Hague, where he had the Mouttains, in Washington Territory, lithcd of the deitruction of, whalers.] was returning with bis , and the sad accident 1Q6#. BuBauehanna Canal ehares were active a* ^13ffll5 W bbl. *. .,h aBnn -* " chief share in con- has returned to left her the crew were mounting two large pivot guns, Arrived from Philadelphia George Green, her father-in-law was killed and she herself terribly 3ou»e. »«» ' ¦ ' , Oct 17th, " ¦ Laed —"There is very little ^. ¦ ' ' ¦ ' ' ¦ ' this city. According to in * • ¦:' • " •¦ *¦ ;¦ ¦ ¦ '¦¦ ' ¦¦ " ' - ¦ ' :: ¦ ' ¦" • ¦ ' ' ' " ¦ "' ; an advance of . SchuylklH Navigation, csmtnin companied by the Secretary of War he held ducting the diplomati structions from the War De- at Liverpool : , . -¦. : - ; - - mangled. , : ,: ¦ . . - . . ... - . . . , - . . • . . . . . - ¦; : - J£• - s, at 3^ , c transactions arising one forward and the other afc. He thinks they were' . , ...... tierces at 10X «lp *>c, and keg nj * ^ partment, he will proceed ¦ ¦ ' ' ' ¦ i : ' ' v ¦¦ ¦ • ¦ ; ; and preferred, were without change.- Morrta Canal con- at once to organize a force of .. - . ' ': i ' ; Arrived from Bombay Oct. War Spirit, at Deal. & " a conversation with the President. Whilst I out of the separation of Belgium, from 100-poii ridef B. .; . .\' : - \ , i . ; , '^''; ^. . . . . 16% AN EXPEDITION ATTACKED BY THE BBBBLS— Seeds. —Tfee demand for aZ?T?ghn' - h^a"S Hol- topegraphers, etc., for office work, on full final Sailed fori. New York, Aug. 8 th, Golden State, from solidated rose ' . Hazleton Coal sold at 'i'K.. Lshigh •with ealea of 500 bus at S6 25o337J, ¥ reports Capt. Small, of the ship Lafayette, reports that when TOWN SHELLED. X , n»"^ -eJ,^ have no recollection whatever of this con- land. He acted with so much discretion and aid maps of the lice cf road. It is considered the Go- Amoy 5 20tb, Magnet, froni do ; 13th , George Wash- Navigation scrip rose jif Beading Bailroad shares fri)m|S1.50©2.12 X for common to^nme be was introduced to Capt. Sammea, ho produced his iDgton, from Algoa Bay ; Oct loth, Lucknowi f A letter - from Apalachicola, Florida, dated 16th nit., bns. Some boldero are a»Mn* m ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ' ' ' > ¦ 39j|, but were without much life W f nhio !« versation, he doubtless states correctly that talet that Talleyrand, who had watched the vernment has never undertaken a work of more import- * " . . . • A . ' " . :- . .- > . . ;. . - ^ < ,:- - ¦ , ; opened at , and they rf ^ British consular certificate, and remarked that he sup- Antwerp * . . . . . : - .;. gives particulars WniSBX la firmly held. Sales x. * ance in a military point of view than that now completed. Phipping the of the recent naval expedition to closed with sales at 39, tarns figure bid for more. Beaver ami .JJ I did refuse to send three hundred men whole n egetiation, particularly recommended posed that would be sufficient protection. Capt. Semmes Latbst , via Liverpool •—Livekpool, Oc- that place : ; : 39o40c ; hhds at 38^; &™tes> °l*zJ * tober 18, P. M.—Arrived from New York,- Wisesnsfn and Meadow sold at 59; Camden and Amboy at 153^1 an *^ to reinforce Major Andieson at Fort Moul- the young diplomat to Louis Philippe as a Prisoners brought to the City. replied that the New York < people were getting very Edymion, Liverpool An expedition was formed on the morning of the 15th via : Jane Dacget in the Oltde. advance of 1 }£\ Catawissa preferred at 15 X> a decline. :¦ - trie, who hadnot then removed to Fort Sump- man who might be confided in, and ought to The gunboat. Yankee arrived this morning, bringing smart, but it woB't save you. It is all a d—d hatched-up Latest Shippijjg , via, Quebnstows.—Qubbsstows, of October, to proceed several miles up ApaUcbicoI a v : :, ; -MARINE . I*TEfcLIggg> up from various vessels of the flotilla a number of pri- mess. He then gave orders to burn the ship. October 19 —Arrived from New York, Moloch, Somer- river, in order to cut out a cotton sloop that was reported Fenna. rose V : Minehill % : Norristown sold at S3j^'. ter. The reason for this refusal is manifest to be advanced. During the first civil war iu set, and Kitty Flojd, at Liverpool , ready to run the blockade Tbe expedition was made up North Penna , Long Island, and Blnuira were without ¦tar SEE TOUETH PAGB- soners and the schooner George Washington, which waa ; Wm, Bennie at of boats from tbe United States steam-gunboat Sagamore all who recollect the history of the time." Spain, M. Deouyn de L'Huys was first Secre- captured In Pohick Creek, on Thursday t by A TragedT at Dayton , Ohio—Shooting of King- road 5 Ocean Pearl, at Belfast ; Therese, at Greeu- change. Passenger railways were not so active; Sprues : - ": ' ' nig* , the . ABBIvi»- " and the United 8tateB gunboat Fort Henry: Two boats .-, "' ¦ ' ¦ ¦ 1 ' ¦ ¦ " " " George Moncband Q " ¦ ¦ , at FJushing r Si, ¦ ock Iris, ¦ ¦ ¦ ; at Dub- and Pine sold at » *» ^ / . . 16$ ®17; Glraird College at 26Jf : : B*ce - regorr. This is Mr. Buchanan s own - Yankee. . . . . an Editor. were aimed, each having a twe'Ve- plunder boat howitzer, ; Bark Hanson Gregory, S ' statement. Gen. tary and Charge d'dffaires. In 1840, M. lin ; Winslow, at Jersey ; Actor, off warden'Point. km»o> > 4 — Assigned to Duty. Daytos, Not. l —J. r. Bollmyer, editor of the Day- and rifles for tbe crew and the officers. The boats started and Tine at 9 5 Arch street at 26%, all without change. Orleans, with sugar, ae. to Wor *Y0#* SooTf also mentions the fact of his calling Tiiiers then Prime Minister called him back LATEST IKT1LL1GEN0E, VIA aUEENSTOWN. 1 fro© New , , Captain Jay was hhot dead this by up the river before break of day, and, after rowing four Back shares were dull,. Mechanics selling at 27. Tbe Brig Herald, Davis, 21 days » Wm. , of New York, who was recently re- ton Empire morning Henry M London; October 19.—There is no politioal sugar and moIssseB Bercadoa * ,& Tipon President Buchanan on the 15th of De- » to Paris, and made him Birecteur in the ^ news of miles, they discovered the cotton sloop in a small bay or market closed firm after 1,500 shares and $6S,OO0 In bonds to G W BV lieved from duty on the staff of Major General Wool, Brown."- The difficulty grew out of a personal misunder- importance to-day. inlet on the eastern bank of the river. Before the sloop Brig Abby Ellen, Gilmore, from P°rt > and says that the President in had changed hands. 1 cember, , repljP Foreign Office, In 1842, he was elected ias been assigned ta daty standing, occasioned by the shooting onging The Paris Bonrso closed¦ firm yesterday¦ at 71f. 25c. for at Apalachico- vaval stores, Ac: to Navy Agent , " on ths staff of Major of a dog, bel ' . " ' ' ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ' '' ¦ ' ¦ ' : ' ¦ ' could be reached by our jailors, the rebels fsrS General '~' : ¦ ¦ • ' : ¦ ' ¦ ; :' ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ tbe Bente s ; ,. . • - . ;: ¦ • . • -V - • ys iron* MOKRBLL , commanding a division of to Mr. Bollmyer, by Brown's son. Brown gave himself ¦ . . . .. la city had gained a knowledge of our intentions, and the Drexel & Co. auote : Brig JWLovettj Croiby, Mda to his arguments forreinforcingFort Mouitrie," a member of the Chamber of Deputies for Porter's corps of -.;¦ ¦ LivBBrooi, October 18. Co. . ges the Army of the Potomac. up, and was sent to jail to await a trial. —Cotton—Tbe Brokers' Cir- rcsnlt was that shortly after a troop of cavalry came down New York Exchange parffll- 10 dls. 8, in baHast to B A Souder * ass, ,-said '. *<' The time is not yet arrived for doing so ; the department of Seine-et-Marne, and was cular reports the sales of the week at 15,600 bales, in- from an adjacent town to protect the sloop with her load Boston Exchange parol-10 prem. Schr Frederick, (Dan) Casparson, *> ' ¦ ¦ Surgeon • •¦: ¦ *¦ ' '" 0- p" Acting Assistant Hildretii hai been ordered A SERIOUS " MOT—ATTEMPT TO UllNO BKOWN. cluding 6.C00 to speculators and 5,000 to exporters. The of cotlou. - - - par a)£ dis. ga, with fruit, &c to Isaac Jeanes*^ {oB) ¦that he should watt the action of the Con-* there made President of the Committee Baltimore Exchange - ^Da to ihe steamer Ino, CiKOiNNATi, Nov. 2 —The Inquirer has a special de- market has been dull, and closes nominal at 1% ,126 that, by their ageao?, d eclining tendency. The sales are small. , diately returned from ihe howitzer in the Sagamore's Withdr'n f or constunpt'n 161,732 81.594 90.693 to Christian Do. , a fr red Southern lOalOs 3d. white Western 10a 3dol0a cessarily slow work, Schr J W Fish, Shaw, 4 days froia *" J stitution, announced that statesman months, and in 1849 was sent an Am- were wounded, one severely. ' "' ¦ ¦¦ ¦ . M. as the rebels had scuttled the Free mdse. entered 334,949 25,569 85t 863 's resigna- many , , which cage, on being noiified , the Secretary of the Trea- — .*'. - ' " . wbite Southern 31sa>12a. Corn anlet, but steady ; sloop on leaving her, and now she was slowly filling Domestic produce exn't... 905.211 733,011 830,221 to J B Bszley & Co. H^j At ton o clock all waa comnaratiTely riuiet. Schr Oriental, Thompson, 4 &z?3 t&v>ffl tion by saying that he had resigned because bassador to England. In 1852, Napoleon sury directs the payment forthwith—twenty, five per ' mixed 2Pb 3d ©29a 60 white 30* 6332s 6d . with water. Before arriving at the mouth of the DUTIES- RECEIVED. ¦ ¦ The Major, early in the eveni&g, telegraphed Pkovisioss.—The same authorities report Beef still river it was found necessary to take off about tnirty . tallast to J E Bazley & Co. i&a ®* "he advised that the naval and military again entrusted Mm with the Ministry of Fo- cenS. in moneys and seventy five per cent, In certificates, to Gen. s 1859. 1860. 1861 . 1862. I0-' ¦£««toW the latter being ' Wright for ft military force to assist him in preserving decliiiiog. Port guiet and nominal. Bacon easier. Lard bales of the cotton, and tow them or raft them down 8P. Alfred Bunting, -,* should be sent immediately to Charles- capacity he had to con- issued by Jhe Treasury as rapidly as the uuiet and 1b lower; sales at 42e443. Tallow still de- the river to the, gunboats. The rebel company had October. ;.$126,483 $204,288 $88,329 $206,080 ©el, wiih wheat to Jaa L Bswley A <»• ^^l force reign Affairs, in which necessary forms can the peace. At half, past 8 o'clock, fivo comptnie's of re- Prev. 9 m'ths...1 ,907,782 2,162,570 1,12&,612 3,103,410 , Evans, 2 a»Ts the forts in that be gone through with; Hence ther& clinlEg ; Quoted 44o47b. gone in advance of the tlcop and our boats, and had Sehr "ffannie Davis ton to reinforce harbor, duct the difficult and delicate negotiations ia no necessity for any intermediate agents. gulars left this city and arrived at Dayton at 10 o'clock. Pkouuce -—The Brokers' Circular reports Ashesqaiet; secreted . themselves behind an embankment, and in with corn to J) H Merrlman. 'SSte ; Pearls 33s 3d. Bosin flat and nominal. Sugar , $2,033,245 2,366,858 1,213,041 3,309.490 J and that the President was of the opinion connected with the recognition of the re-es- Returned from his Mission The Inquirer say s that a gentleman arrived here from Pots the storehouses along tbe wharves in tbe city of V " ¦¦ 0 . Daj says political still declining! Coffee firmer. Bice has a declining ten- Apalachicola. The rebels now fired : another vol- During the month of October the business of the United wtxg .' aT ** 1 was no necessity for any such tablished French Empire by foreign Powers. Wat. Wood, superintendent of the- old Oapitol prigoa, ton that the^ parties bad a aair- dency. Linseed easier Linseed Oil firm . Cod Oil firm ley . tlightly wounding Steamship Babia Honda, Ow> *»**> * that there rel before" - the election. Brown threatened to shoot into.: our boats, several men, States Assay Office, at New Tork, was as follows : Del ^j the for Is against who wont South with some prisoners in his charge to ex- at £45 16s. Petroleum firmer at 19o20s. - /But killing none, altho-Bgh our enemies were but a short 000 : total - & CO. Tfe«w "f0' 1 measure in order to secure In 1855, he represented France in the con- Bollmeyer, ai)d the killing of tbe dog was only aa indi- B Circular reports potits, Gold, $131 ,©80 ; Silver, $32, , $l6a.00». Pocahontas, Trave^l , » 1 change them, returned to Washington to-day, bait without London, October 18 —Baring' Wheat distance off and fired a number of times Oor howitzers - BteamBhip ^ attack." Here, then, is the wfcole evidence. ferences of Vienna, but was superseded in rect cause of the rencontre yesterday. . . - heavy and 26ffl3a lower ; Bed Western 47s»52s { Flour were immediately turned upon our enemies, and, when- Goia bars stamped, $213,322 , sent to TL 8. Mint, at Phi- the loyal men held as prisoners by the rebels whom he tending downward , ¦^S5k- Wfcon, JM *** J Mr. Buchanan, General that year by pre- 24af26B ; Iron firm : Bugar 5 Tea in- ever one ortnem was seen attempting to fire from behind ladelphia, ro>coinage, $88 589. White Wini, We have quoted Count Walewski, who had was expected to bring back with him. Tt Is, however, active : Oc flee firm : Rice inactive; SpintB Turpentine a storehouse or fence, a discharge of canistej comparative statement of thc & Gen. Banks at Boston. ; ' 68s ; Tallow steady and shrap- The following is a im - Farnswort^Bool^ "\J Scott, Mr. Buchanan's own organ, and Gene- viously succeeded Mm, in 1851, in the Embas- utderstood that his mission was completely successful, dnll atlSOs ; Boain dnlUt ; Linseed m! ws8 fired into their midst. . A shell waa fired which goods at New Tork for tha week Bark Antietanv ¦ BofcTOX , November 2.—Major General Banks arrived declining tendency, Linseed Cake flat Linseed exploded in one of the buildings ports of foreign dry & Oo. _. oes. >" 1*1 humiliating fact sy to Enaiand . and that those he went after will soon follow him hither, has a ; , blowing the roof from since January'l: .. . «,_.*fi.i :. ral Cass. The shameful and here by the midnight train, and was welcomed by a great Oil d ull at 41s 9d «42s; Sperm Oil inactive ; 0od Oil it and setting it on fire. Two or three, ending October 30, and Biig W H Harris, voamr.m "¦^9tm1 *! " the order for their release having been given before Kwre shells were • F.enney,So*- day of De- There was an on he ' still advancing, quoted £47 ; Tin further ad vanced 4s fired , which set other buildings For week. I860. 1861 . 1862. Q Oha ¦ loner, is undeniable that upon the 15th dit in Paris of the re- crowd. General Banks briefly returned thanks for the on ftre, and by this time Bchr B ' ' ' ¦• • :• left Richmond. •per ton ; tbe Indigo sale was flat at 2o4d decline ; Pe- the rebels, having some at the wort..81,379,269 62 1,842 1,183 002 . . . ;- billed and several wounded,' Entered &Oo. _ , \ was de- moval of Count De Persiqny honor, and was escorted to the Parke Ho use . ; con- A cember, 1800, when South Carolina , Minister of the ti oleum active. .. ' . " . cluded they weie getting the worst of It, and stopped Thrown on market... 1,187,61 1 780,891 1,228,918 five Interior and of Murder in New York. Tbo steamer Arabia, from Liverpool, via Halifax, ar- Groves & Todd report Provisions auiet but steady. firing Into the boats, and Since-Jan. 1. 1OM0BASDA- .^ ** bating an ordinance of secession—within , M. Achille Fould, Minister of wont to work extinguishing Otlasss, -" New York, Nov. 2 ~Aa unknown man was kiUod i rived at hall past eight o'clook tbia evening. Her mails Lard eas'er.' ; the conflagration which our. exploding shells had en- Entered at the port..890,419,823 S9.125,544 43,944,465 Bark Linda, .OmriSmr daj s of the passage'of that ordinance, while Finance. We consider such changes as most a bar-ieom Ssht in the Bowery last evening. will be despatched by the early train to- mcjriQw. ; American . SsctfRmES.-i-Barlng'B circular quote •Ihrown on market... 90.569,190 39,175, 776 58,73L«89 ^stsrday. v HfTrwnHAKTH ' Hf)T«T>_-Fonr« 2St.. DfiJ OW ATOBL. ffep»TH£ COMMISSIONERS FOR SUPER" P J Leban Piie 00, E F Whitraore, Fort MILITARY. LEGAL. DRY-GOOliS liUrUK'l JKKS. {5 P* Dal LL3 INTENDING the Drafting of Militia in tl-o RETAIL DK.Y GOO»S NEW PUB&KUATIUJNS. Ms. W Hall, Fort Delaware Went Geo W Anl, Ft Del Vitfx Having en the 28th of October, 186'i, ascertained ^fyjll- Herman Stern . Milwaukee W N Gaato, that the aggregate "" rOCKthe OF MlLMNBUYMr. (xOODS.- Mattoon, IU number of volunteers from the said H HEADQUARTERS NOTICK,—To JANE H&EDKI0K, "J oacd H M Harris, Franklin, Pa M lieavy, Cambria CO, Pa city was 30,S89, atd it appearing, from the retnrns to late of the Cosoty of Philadelphia. HEoTHTpASRisiJi CLOAKING CLOTHS, to of M. Bamneim iS™ w BOOKiTBED OSi]^^ U^^Jum J B Woodside, Tenn T Corner, Tenn them bom the different mustering officers, and the re- In obedience to an order of Publication to me di- -L. BYE8 ATTD KAB3. by H. Ward Beeohnr, $1 00 J W Eowe, Boston T H Hands, Pa turns under oath or affirmation respective Deputy rected, you are hereby notified to be and appear FROSTED BEAYERS OOUNTBY of the in tbe 313 CHESTNUT , LIVt^G and OOUMTBY TRISKWOt, I O§ if*"* Jlr Bernhelm has long occupied i Janieb Thompson. Pa Wayman f reith, Pa Marshals, their substitutes and citizens of the respacHva NO. 627 CHESTNUT STREET. Oonrt of Common Pleas for the City and County of STREET, IHIBIAN, by Marlon Bar land ...» 1 W fi,w«l this department of the trade o Tqos P Simpgov, M Ohunk James Ooanor, Baltimore precincts of the several wards, that the city is entitled Philadelphia, on the first MONDAY of December next, FINE CASSIMEREB LIKE ARD UNLIK E by '"Titian in Albert Phillips, Ml Edwin Phillips to tbe , , A. S. Boa...., 1 09 I 'P '*00 oae of the oldest and niwt sncoeas , III further credit for volunteers up to the 1st No vem- to ihow cause, if any you have, why your husb»nd, HOLftJBB' P0EM3, blue and eol!...... • •? 75 Cas Henry P Bosh, Doylestowa O L Aipintrail, Lynn.Maas ber, 1862, of 4,482, [making the aggregate of 34,851. AUGU3TD8 HAEDBIOK- should not be divorced PHILADELPHIA, . VELOUR REPS LEWIS' GY WKA8TICS, 2i»>iflpb . in it Hi0 present magnificent Btook J F €latk, Pa PHILADELPHIA CITY GITARD, from , UlnstratecJ , «» Thos M Hold?n v% wf, N Y They accordingly report that no draft will be necessary, tho bonds of Matrimony entered into with you, according OSLEY FARM, by Trciiope , ...... 80 1 ^ 1 ribbone, in •U wMtbawd oolnw.; Flowen OS Bowman, Snow Hlll,Md S H Oouner, Snow Hill, Md the anota liavtog been filled. W. H. ALLEST, to the praj er of his petition filed in'said Court. Offers for sale . BALMORALS, MISEBABLfiS, by Sugo P Velvets, and Silks of a CJ W Lees, Harriaburg B H McKtm, Altoona ' B. GkBuABD, MBB. WOODS' * ...... 40 >ir I P«o« i Feathers, , ' 157TH REGHMBNT, P. V., JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff . KOVKI/...... 4tt a general asrortmen Jas Lockhart, Alle^hany John Brown, Jr, Allsgh'y «»9 Chief Oommlnaionera. Sheriffs OfiBce, Philadelphia, Nov. 1, 1802 ,nc3 ns 4t BLANEEtS, AkTKMUS WAHt> , HIS BOOK* '.\ ' ** ' ' Varieti es, together with Wm Fiance, Allogbeny OBPHEUS O. . . \ ...... W 48 ln lbe MiU!nery line ls BU}m Jas H MoOarty. MlH'd, Pa KBRfi'3 PAPEBS ...... 8» 1*" S#»» S^ » B P Power, BaUimore Geo W Shimer, Pike co, Pa Wf!tsa»€AJn P OF DRAFTED MEN.-OALLOW- COLONEL WILLIAM A. GRAY. TN THE ORPHANS' 10,000 ARMY BLANKETS LADIES' CLOAKS, All New Books rsdtrsed in Ffice. ;( jll !!ie ThoB M Sorton, Wilkesb'e J B D ilzell, Alleghany Camp more conveniently than tnose of anj other P. B. SB.AWLS, »ol-3t ^" to W"* 1* J Haworth B. Company . BOUNTY TO EACH BS0BUIT. Estate of THOMAS G. OOKNEB, dee'd. < Five pounds each, 439 OHE3TNOT Btraet. . ««?t , Alleghauy JW Miller, Mt Yeraon, 0 The Auditor appointed by the Court ii^t fot ' E 8 Miller, USA H Gordon, NY !- Strsngcwi coming into the city bjt-«ny of the river to audit, settle, BOYS' CLOTHING. A "L boete, or by tbe North Pennsylvania, can take the Cal- CITT BOUNTY $200 and adjust the account of Adam Mintzsr, Administrator 5 feet (S inohes wide, by 7 feet long. MILITARY ND NAVAL BOOKS. *»' .« »« Hsaboeae Messrs. Wood & W Grill, Fort Delaware 1 Jones De Bo&is Non O. T. A. of Tboraaa G. MEDICAL AHD BUBOtOAL r added to G H Bowland, Ptke low bill-istreet Cars for the Camp, on Front street. Those Oovner, dee'd , BOOKS C0' % oiu'Stnut street , have just thai co, Pa Jamo* PcBtens, N Y UNITED STATES BOUNTY 100 and to report dlfitribulion of the balance in the COOPER & OON ARD, SCIENTIFIC BOOKS Olf At.1. ELieCDS, H AiBsworth, H Y P G Oorkins, Qnlnoy, III coming into tbe city by the Beading Bailroad, take tie hands ot Also, E Miller CaUowhiU.street Oars at the dopot. Every requisite in- ADVANCE PAY tbe accountant, will meet tbe parties interested for the The subscribers keep constantly on hand a largo as- di<} , Pa A Milliron, Mardmbarg AND PREMIUM 15 purposes of his appointment, on MONDAY oc28-« sortment of Bocks in every brands of Kcisace. ,jW iL of novelties that are attracting mucl J Beed, Pa D Garrett, Pittsbttrg . formaficn will be given to Vioiters by the Conductors on AFTER^ 8. E. GOB. HINTS uai M ABKE t Sta. Thej » onn3 of these goodit is the rii« Push. *R. B. Oara. It NOON, November 17th, 1862, at 4 o'clock, at his Office , BBOWN-OBAY AND BLUE GBAY aleo receive es published jttft TSiEir stools largea W 0 McNulty, MoOonnellsb Mru A B Holiiogshead, Pa Sg® 0 Mi-h J A Ptevflnn. TOTAL . ,....$315 No. 168 South FIFTH Street, in the Oity of Philadelphia. TPYRE & LANDELL, THE NEW BOOKS OF DAY, jjiiunt' "' 0(fered , and being all either of thai Md Jaa M Stevens & wf. Oh'fiO ry ^=» THI S.UIT1ZKA5' YOJbU«Xl£JE K MLUS- Including all books of a standard character. tRVO er , JOS. P. LOUGHEAD , Books not ritff l°!n.t or jnanufaclure, their prices are oa U3 PITAL ASSOCIATION take pleasnra in ao- In addition each recruit will receive a superior no6.mwr.Rl* . Auditor. BLANKETS, on band procured promptly to order. ST. I1OOI8 HOTBJ*-Chestnut street, above ThW. Uuowlet'glng the receipt of the following donations : y Complete Oatalognes of Mtdicsl Books furnished graMa aaiiftto 1o*' Jo rtma Gray, Prov, BI F T Wilson, Prov, B J Buv. Mr. Fuller, Chaplain of 16ih Mass., 82; W.Lang, GUM BLANKET, 4 lb., 5 lb., 6 lb., and 7 lb., tbe pair, upon application, or Eent fr» e by mail. qaKFOrd & Son's Fancy Purs.— 1 8 Turner, Providence, BI G W Oonningham, N York Sbippeu St., $50 ; proceed of a fair held by Mary E. Wolls, MARSHAL'S SALES. All Books sold at low prices. s Which is invaluable in the field. E ''" has arrived for ladles to ' J B MoOand leB, Pa A McKaight, Pa Lizzie O. Lord, Nellio O. Laird, and Helen E.Bnrt, E. & LIND3AY & BL4KISTOKV ^ i p 8C88on select thai: A B Hare. New York Mies McUaffary, TI/TARSHAL'S SALE. Of various sizes. L. """' Item of interest to kno N York 868.78 ; Cyras HorBe,f 2; Hnnry B. Benkiag, 552; Par- As coon as the recruit is mustered in, he will at ones —-By virtue of a Publishers and Booksellers, ft* becomeo on w exaotl: Alex & W^Oarns, Baltimore W H Manning, N Yerk ker, Wright, & Co., S5; A. M. Dorman, S6; B. Taylor, XVJ_ Writ of Sale, by tho Hon. JOHN OAD col. If 25 South felXTH St.. abova Ohsstimt. urf< " ' assortment, at fair be equipped in the best manner WAL ADE3. Also FOURTH AND ARCH . * fl itl the toss' prices On T W Harris & da, Newark W Mertimer. 0 8 Iff.:- (plates,) #2.50 ; John Good, S5; LouisGodey, S10; Mrs. , and sent to GAMP Judge of tbe District Court of the United States ia and r #r« lo »' _ ' PULBSTON, FOURTH AND ARCH. js jg At ohorles Oahford" & Son's, Noa. 83 F W Jones, USA Mrs Bronson ftfa^n, Albany 8. Fuller, ^l:'T. -l>b'orhaale,. $l.; part proceeds of a fair on Indian Queen Lane: where every atten- for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, in Admiralty, W B O O K S. f < b the A Getty and famlfy FOURTH AND ARCH. NE —Vesper. By Ma- W !. ^j .rthiot street, under Continental Hotel 0 Kelley, New York held at tee S. B. corner of Fifteenth and M.irket street?, tion will be paid to his comfort. ' - to me directed, will be sold at public sale, to the highest damo the Co-nn esa Be Gssp , «at SlW John E[Hughes, N Y James W Murray, by a nuHiber of young ladies, -.-$25 ; John Kmlock, »2; and boat bidder, for cosh, at GALLO LOW PLAID HORSE BLANKETS. ^ vtn £cr of tha jsil , u certainly the finest in the cit/, and de NY ¦ The pay of the recruit commences fro m the day ho is WHILL-8TBEST •• Near and Heavenly Horizons." 16mo, 75 canta. I[)OK John Miller, »ew York » P Newhall John McKnight, • $1; ? W. Thom pson, (bread); Neil WHABF OPENING FOB FAXXfi (Their > enlisted into the service. , on TUESDAY, November 11th , 1862, at 13 Ned Mareton ; or, The Cottage by the Stre&m. Br S Stokes, Nf.w'Jertey John Smith, New Jersey Campbell, balance of the proceed s of a benefit a > the o'clock M., the schooner NELLY, her tackle, apparel, HEAVY COTTON AND LINEN A. L. O. E. J.8mo. 50 osnta. " . ,, S Stokes, New York A M Sackett Eleventh-street Opera Honse, on the 16th inst . The officers ol this regiment have seen service, and are DBILLS5 BL AOK . .• . *** FtOTJtt, MADS FEOM , New York , $32 , and furniture, as eho now Vet at said wharf SILESIA 8, ALPACAS, in all qualifies, BALMOBAL BKIRTS, Little Walter of Wyalubing. By "a Guest in !Tli« • Qf ALITY Ne^ A Ii Oliver, Cincinnati, 0 B Wright, DitDkirk total «BJount,f 303; ptpceeda of fair held by Mrs. Mc- able to perform their duty. The regiment, in every, WrLLTAM MILLWABD and other * H. Mattson Yiealer in flee Family Onire',' S40j psrt proceeds by , LININGS, adapted to the wants of tbe Trade. GOOD BLAGK Old OaBtle." 18mo. 25 cottB. • T -Hr 0. Grace. of fair held the pupils of respect, will be equal to any that has left cur cifc/ for the O..S. Marfhal E. B of Pennsylvania. SH^KS, WM. S. & ALFBEB MABTIK2S?, P^ 'Tj ,n(j Tenth streets, has in store a superior lo TH1 UNION—Arch street, above Third. the G'tIs' Secondary School, Fifth Section, at the corner Philadelphia, November 1, 1862. ¦ of Pine and Grieccm streets, #50 ; Nathan no3-6t STAPLE LINEN GOODS, nol 608 flHSSgNUT Stre^; e? Wbeftt lTlonr, of the ouoitsest brands; made fron Justin S M Tbayer, N J John H Smith, Oal Trotter " f Kz:a Ooggi, Oal Simon Vought, Oontreville & Oo., 2 boxes of tin. $24 ; procetdsof a ladies' fair held Ward and Division Committees are respectfully re- SALE. of ^ t Wo would also state, in this connection in Swt det.1 Ohuroh Sunday-echool by Lillie F. quested to call MARSHAL'S —By -virtue of TERMS GASH. BLACK BTELLA SHAWLS, rnfll UNITED STATES TiLX L W A Miller, Pa "W Bowers, Indinaa ! Taj lor, for further information at Headquarters. a Writ of 8ale by the Hon. JOHN OADWALA- JL A^T. ^ i Mnttaon baa made arrangfltnents to secure foi J Chambers, Oincinnati, 0 John Waltz, H*«?er«town Mary F Sargent, and Mary P. Larer, Sll ; Jas. Moore, All residents —Bnsitiesa men desiring to know bow th^a Law" tfa !tl ' . Jr., S26 . iellieF, weserveB, shirts, drawers, of Philadelphia joining this regiment be- DEB, Jndpe of tho Dktrict Court of the United States NEW W OOLEN SHAWLS, fects them should proacre & copy of the ESPO3I1?I0 lBf» , „, (he superior Silverlast Flint BttokwkeHt, wbJcl ivftnport by the for adraisaion to the SOIENf IFI0 SOBOOL praliminary , riLOAKS ! CLOAKS ! L ?^roslsed most intelligent olaassu of Ohas Vansant, Bucks co,Pa Israel Bus, Backs co, Fa U. 8. Marshal E. D. of Pennsylvania. CLOAKS ! To cor elude with, first timo h«re. the'New Faroeof '"wblttoB ' The George fivr.minatinn is not miHired. o:31.6fc* ? ' proprietors really, deserve the 8 Brown H G Williamson. Penna * S| K,US1± 8 LANCERS (70th Philadelphia-, November 1, 1862 no3 6t READY-MADE CLOTHING. SEBIIirG BO WIBJ. jf^gaMr- JH fcponner , Athens ' : S Mozas, PUtaburg »ys==» A HIGH COJUF.UL1U &HT XO 1HG ySSgSl Begiment P. V.) Becrnitq wanted, corner of THE ONLY GENUINE WATEB-PBOOFS IN THE Doora open at 7—Performance commences at 7$f. ,. an8 .altonage bestowed opon their merltotioaa A H SniaU, Yonkera, N Y F Many, Strud^burg ^ T^ W OITY. lJk5 39TH INDIANA BEGIMENT, OOL. SAML. EIGHTH and OHSSTNDT Sts. oo29 6s,* , . ¦ ¦ ¦, ¦"¦ ¦ J H Hoppf l, New York J L Quimby, Maryland PROPflSAT.S. eat erptis e . . .. . :. . . - ¦ . : . MJyBEDITH. ; ABEL & OO.^S 6TBBiBO.eTiqON-* TT KfiTBtai *. Marvland Headqitartbrs- PMf& " "" A?ostie^speaks of Luke as the 'Abht of Potomac, Oct. 7, 1862. V. S," REVENUE NOTICES. OUR NEW STYLES - EXn rBlTING-AT'THF;A83KEEBLY*Bl3iL^i. ' - Govbknor : I would beg leave most respsocfally to ABE INGS,-TENTH and CHESTNUT S/re*.tr, ¦ p(!}»Wttn " and few endear themaelvoa to us STATES UNION HOTBIi—Market, above urge, in the strongest termB, DEPUTY QUARTERMASTER GE- (ib'lor tJ > Blxta. that Gen. tfibbous' reqaeat • NEBAL'S OFFFIOE THE OBBOBNE, EVEBY EVENI&G THIS WEEKS' , j),w tbose who like « miniaterlng an gela bring Samuel iromiDger, Carlisle Geo Ti Paine, may n>eot with your immediate attention. Glorious aa IJNTJllJKNAL ItEVJiJiNUJS. ,-PniLADBLPHiA, 1st Novem- The resources of the Ste^eoplicon are ' " Portl*nd. UD — ber, 1862. endiesBi'and it „ jtf hraiiflg oalm in sickness. So it ia with medicines John McArtbur BO Thomas, Maryland haB been the record of Indiana ia this war, you will par - • O« 01TFIOB OF THE ..OOLL3OTOB OF Proposals THE 0ELE3BATED 0ASTILI4N, gives a l W H BoWnson, don me for saying that the career of the 19th Indiana will be recfived at this office until Friday, VABIED PB0GBA1SME"I- ft}! car*1. (ho«»h we never see the matter, vet we get a Lancaster coH L Monagau, Danville THE FIFTH OOLLBOTIOW DISTBrCJ T, PSJfJfSFL. 7th inst, at 12 o'clock M\, for grading and THE LE GILET AND PBINGES3. A<3H ETUBt^G: Wm F Smith, MD Geo W Fasick, Miffli ntown has been Buch as to add still higher lustre to the reputa- VANIA, DOYLBSTOWN, BU0K3 COUNTY. >, . macadamiz- Aa an educational acd reflmDsr infinenca,' fall* OallowhDL ia either of no 3-5t ^ CONCEBT AT CONOEBT H£fiZk r.,-tH4, -:. : . men i. Yery respectfully, Ca»t. &- A-. 0; flt;-U. S. A. ¦ 8 Moore, Wasbtngton J B Bemrats, Penna the above-camed occupatfons, is ca!i«d to Sections 39, PLOAK8 ! MO&'DAY EVENJNG.'Nov.i 3. at 8 o'ciook, (Signed) GKO. B. MoOLELLAN, 41, 4T, 50. and 51 of the E&ttSE LAW of July , 1862, CLOAKS ! prcrilARITIES 01" W ORDSWORTH.— <• TQO Jfobn W SteittTier, Penna Wm B Htnale, Penna Major ¦ 1 PROPOSALS FOR Ky An Immense Stock of M'LLE. CABLOTrA'PAtTr,' - ¦ Geo B EUis, Bucks co F H Butz, Beading General Oomnaanding. wherein they are required to mike monthly And tri- IRON IRON- The principBl Prims Donna of New York M'BoiM jjjje attention which he bestowed npon wfc»t other mea E Treichl r Hi3 ExceUfEoy Governor Mobtox, Indianapolis. moDtbiy returns and payments to the Colleotor of the X CLAD SEA .5TEAMEES. X'ffiTLEMEN'S :< NEW & FASHIONABLE Academy of fllnsic. will appear ,j,j{[( (5 trifles was another e , Pa Jacob Bink, Clarion co - Navy f SrYLES. joietlr with Mt remarkable tralJ in hia AS S?e«le. Clarion co J F Weideman, < Bethel District. DEPiimiEKT, October 30. 1832. Vf WINTEB CLOTHING^ Ok Gftrmenls in style, quality, and manufacture ME. GOTT80HA1.K; ; bowonld comepond peraoveringly E Baeely. Washihoton, Ootober 18, 1882. HOTIOB IS HBIBEBY GIVEN, That the uader- SEAL3SD PBOPOSA1S wil! be received until No- Are guarantied equal to any .who will ^perform, on this occasion tjarw't- with the Mt Bethel A S Mitar. Pennsylvania Mi> .Tns0. old cotton um- J Nicholas, Backs co M A fraugea, Backs 00. to sails, and all Suitable for the season. AND -WALNUT 3TBEBT3. The sale of tickois commences SATUBB iT "MOBlf- j jtj .f: !rrrJhaBb }lling. Bxaot himself, ha SJias Deenipr. drawifl c the Government ones, for which we had'requiai- AW LI LOU All JNUTiUJBi . otter equipments necessary for aa efiYciont cruising ING, at 9 o r s exaoted Bncks co B Lsnber siine, Bucks co ticn. We had used knapsacks thip-cf war, excepting onlj the 'clock, at J. B. Gould's Mtrac Store. oc2* 45* . hoox others. He wontd be perfectly 8 Troufer, Bucks co ' Wm Everhart. Easton slung ia the old way da- The tai-payers of' the Disirict are informed that I ordnance and ordnance MISSES AND ei,i."'i3 " de- ring eight months' Beryioe, and have used yours for sis have appointed TB10ODOBE stores. . . OYEliaOATS AND CHILDREN^ to lm bsfen 8 castOKer of Oharlas Stoker « Samuel Camp, Jj ehigh co Chas Pnber, Mt Bethel S. WILLIAMS. 51. D , general " CLOAKS ! /71OFCERT HALL. Miia' ' one- Obas Mlnenaer. Lehigh co S EoBletnfJU, Pfinna months. We say foronrBelveB, and we beiieye every man Deputy Collector for tho Twenty, second asd Twenty- Tbe plans and specifications'can bo examined BUSINESS SUITS, ClciiirK SSore, nnder the Continental, where the in the regknent, were he living, would coitfeido with us at the Navy Department great The l argest Assortment \^ WONDEBF0L SU00BB3 ! jfirt ' J F Marcball, Illincis D P Newball, Boston , fifth Ward*, whose office \u in Langa roth's Bmlding, In variety. , CAPTAIN WILLIAM «»«fj»xwkea on every garment. F Balliet, Lebigh co Lewis that we sfcouid prefer purchasing your feaapaiok y with corner of CHBLTON AYENCtt and MAIN StreeS, The proposition must state the price for tbe whole S' P Levan, Lebigh co our own means rather than suffpr, »3 we did , with the Qt complete, aiid the time in which each vessel Latest and Most- Approved Styles,- WHALING VOUSE, T S Leifienrins. Peiina rmantown ; and DANIEL W. GILBEST, Deputy Col- will be de- ANOTHER WEEK. f ni Fosf Office.— We learn fro m the re- old way of carrying them. No soldier who ha? seen ser- iector of sd delivery of Alf Fisher, Penna Jas equally with the-Collector, to receive asd collect the Na- no3 mwf9t S. E. CORNER SIXTH AND MARKET STS; tti crf!e«Joi( letters through tbe United Bnckman & sn, Penna . A. B. ELLEN WOOD, Co. H; tional Taxes accruing therein, and to-wjiom the monthly Ptnty BisU Branch forty carriers are S Belgel, penna JB Tyson, Pesna JAS. M. MldOHEDL, Co. A. PENNSY LVANIA " AC ¦Sstes engaged, J M Ooaely, Penra and tri- monthly returwB above mentioned mn3t be made OFFICE OF THE COMMISS (N. B.) TAS.R.CAMPBELL & CO., ADlW OF »5«j dari ng the three months they collected and fleltverod Jos-Hampton, Backs co ADAM &ISSB, Orderly Ser., Oo A. for the wards thBy respectively represent, ARY JL TEE FIN15 ABT3. Theodore Oliver, East en Ghas Anld, Penna THOMAS MoKlM, Co. E. OF SUBSI3TENDE, No/1102 »>BABD Street. AL DEPARTMENT 1026 OBE3TNUT '&tMO fctiars. . In the department for the delivery of Burrows Price, Penna Wilson JOHN W. OO WKLL, Philadelphia', September SPECI IMPORTERS AND CASH STBBBT, Sugar, Lumbervillo JEFFERSON RI3DEB, Co. B. oc30-6t Collector Fiftb District. 20, 1882. TOR CUSTOMER W0BK, DEALERS IN Is open dally (Snn daya escepted) from 9 A. M. HH i Diil !«t«s fif{7-B6Ten carriers are employed, and they Asber Giegy, Penna EdwdTrego, Ne*town, Pa JACOB ANDBTCK, Co D. AttIL K HUJf X'J jlifia. P. M. Admiseion 25 centa. Children half price. 7f-2,??O letters. A very large Joe Gray, N«w Hope W W Trego, New Hope JAMES M. OOOPEB Oo; PRdPOSALS will be received at this office until 12 " Shores of Stcck, 990. Mhstsi proportion of the Oapt Jca'B Bbberta ' , D. INTERNAL REVENUE. US.., en FBIDAY, tbe^Tth day of DRY GOODS, JyO Men confstottl orders for garments to be made , Newt'h W-Paraone, New Yoi k WM. M. BASS. Co. O. ¥.Q — November, 1862, for at the James Collins D L Swartz, Newtown BIOHAED MAY, Co. •' kJ» - OFFICE OF THE COLLECTO R OF fuTnifthi rg for the use of tbe United S'.atds Army, at Stena Clo hing Hall of Bookhll D. ' fro^B t l & Wilson, Noa. Moses White, Bucks co Jesse Johneon JOHN GIDMOBE, Co. A. THIRD COLLECTION DISTRI CT PENSSYLVA- such times and in such anantities slh may be required , AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, WANTS vK sad 605 GUesinnt etreot, above Sixth. ] The depart*' Geo WrgaD , Boston E Price, Penna 8. K. SOHLAGLE, Orderly Ser., Co. K.- KIA, S; W. COBNEB THIBD AND WILLOW ouritg the month of November, the following subsist- STBBETS. ¦ ence stores, viz : seat furbishes so statistics concerning tnlf OS Heller. Pike co, Pa Amos H. Schoonover, Pa SHOBT'S Patent Kr.apsftcfca for sale by the A?eat, . * 727 CHESTNUT STREET D—By -a-'Lad a branch of its F Lee, Rochester N0TI03 TO DISTTLLEB 3 400 barrels first quality , WANTE y, 8IT0A- , NY J U Shoemaker. Bncks co ELI HOLDEN. JeweSkr. 708 MABKB T St. oc31-3t* OF SPIBI T?, BB- prime mess or winter-cured TIO N, fo have the charge of a Gentleman Ohas A Hid, Oarversville, Pa Mark Neall, Oarvorsvllle Tl iSfEBS OF COAL OIL , AT?T> BERV7EES — The at- mess Pork, to be full salted , free from rust or 's Jo u Wifirmati. nftr vurflville. » CI1 BOUNTY FUND ' Hbts jnst received, and are now offering, magnificent Family, or to travel with an invalid lady as compaaioa. H'if.vT to Sejj d to Soldiers.—Those who Pa ff^ \ COMMI SSION. tention of par ties resident of Thir d District , compri aiag BtaiD, in new well- covered oak bairels. Is a nice ^oneekeeper. Best of Us3 —By virtue of the power the Twelfth , Tbii teenth , Sixteenth,.Seven teenth 200barre]B first qualit? linea of reference given. Ad- j^nbt what they shonld ssnfl to their given to this Oonit ai83ion , El«h- new extra meas BeBf, in new, dress « P Y.. at this Office . it-is friends in BIiAGE. BB AB—Thira street, aoove Uallowhill. by the ordinance appro ved October 23th , 1862, entitled teenth , and Nineteenth Ward s of the City of . Phil adeL. well-covered oak barrels. " no3-2t* lie «8i7 plll do woll to read over the following cfttft- Jacob Weaver, Penna W Miller, Mlllerstown " An ordinance to promote enlistments and to obviste phia, who ara engaged in either of-the abn've^n^rnKd oc- 1,00.0'ban els extr,a superfine, or extra family Flour, SILKS, SHAWLS, & DEESS GOODS, PARTNER WANTE O—Witli itt rss fif i^ni mnflft nnfor cenoral circulation by M Ha'dcmaa, tbe necessity of a dra ft for soldiers in the city of Phila- cupations , is cal led to Sections S9. 41,.47, 50, and 51 of (wbich to be stated,) of appro ved brauds : name several * a West- Peana A W Jacoby, Penna ' JL. Tbon?»nd Dollars, fo extend H Marstelf er delphia, " certificates will be granted , in the sum of the EXCISE LAW of July 1, 1882. woereiu they ar e of brand to be stated with- number of-barrel an »frs*(f r prosper- e3;o«ri»l: imbrotypes in nve'poa».a caies; » uue ot , Ooopersburg F Mile?, Lsblgb co s of ESPECIALLY ADAPTS© TO THIS SEASON. ous GBOCEBY. PB0VI3T0N, nnd QU«lfT3WABB Obag Miles, Fox Ohaee Wm T Shafer, CheBter Spgs TWO HUNDB1D DOLLABS each , to every reside nt re quired to make monthly and tri -moathly ret urns and each braj d offered, lo be mentioned ia the bid. Bu??nep Jctetl-ti »," in ten Tolnmes ; patent Dutch : ovons, fall of tho city of Philadelphia who has paj ments to the Cnilector of the TMstrict. 600 busbeis fiist quality , ia a Qonrhhing town , a short disrfacce by rutf- J Bo?er, Pennsylvania Bev S K Brobit, AliontDwn enlisted Bines the new whits Beans, in new, rcad, from Philadelphia, iu\ ftaiter bo-la and pillows ripo wa'ermelona W O Lichtenwailner, 23d day of Octo ber tot. , or shall enlist previ ous to th9 NOTICE IS BEBEBY GIVEN, That tha nncler. well- covered flour barrels. Address " W. and W.,*' ; ; firkins Pa Ohas Hitfie, Pennn B. OASS»LBEBRT- mll open this Prms rffiee. — nol .3t#=- cffrf ihbB t'ff! sample from last Hltor of jpspi ; baby H M Felter. Betblebem O M Knanss Bethlehem 5th day of Novembe r next, and has been or shall be signed is prepared to receive daily at his office, between 40,000 pounds prime Bice, in clean, well- covered oak J- ' within the eaicl time mastered the hourspf 9 A. M. and 3 P. M., barrels. • morning,, the following lota of goods from last mtt- ser md of infantry Capt J H H Henlrictz, Pa O Bdtlow3, Moreland into tbe military service (Sundays excepted,) MILITARY CLOTHING. : sanaage staffers j castor oil of the United States , and has been or shall hereafter be the returns and -sai mtntQ above soecified. 40.000 pounds prime Bio Coffpp , in good barrels. week's immense New York selea, of ihe importation of TE 0— An • esperieiice d yonag -;: Saml Tandereloot M Artman, ZSonsville Messrs. Bcrikard &i. fice. . " George A. Durborow, Mr. Bobert Orr to Miss datioa an- There is no- honse in the United States that 1 « oo31- 3t JJIary let. That tbe applicant, at th e time of the enlist ment cruing wherein, I have appoiated HOBAOE O. PUCK All arlicies to be of the best quality, securely packed, 4-4P0-PLfN BEPS, all colois, magnificent Griffith. »11 of tbis city. y analifcT,S1.25. WALBEE^=MIIiLE 3 —On the 12th ult., by * aforeB& W : was a resi dent of the city of Phila delphia. the Deput Collector. and in perfect order for transportation- Bids t<> include the Bev. 2d. Thst he has been m^teied into the military ser- Tb© Second Division is com nosed of the Seventeenth, package 6cd delivery in tbis city. Seller 1 case 4:'4 POPLIN BEPS, extra heavy cord, magni- M D. Kuriz. Mr, Samuel B. Walker to Miss Mary Eliza- p 's name and ficea t anali:y, SI 25.: SFEOIAIj M UTIUKa. .- . beth Miller, all of this eity. vice of the United States. Eighteenth , and Nineteenth Wanls ; to receive and col- date of urchase rrquired en each packsg-n. has as wide-spread reputation for getting tip * 3d. That he has been accredited to the city on account Uect the toxeB and duties accruing wherein, I have, in Certificates of inspection of Meats and Flour will be 1 let extrs iiue White Oartimerfl, 8 4 wide, at S1.25. pENilONS^ilOO Bounty and Pay BTJSSELL—DBAPEB.—At Lewes, Del , on th* 7th • 1 case4 4 all-wool POPLINE BBII/LIANTINB. blua, Groves & Baker's No. 9> Shtittim ult, by the Bev G, of lhfi deficiency of her n uota. . - like manner, appointed GEOKas F. EEY3ER the De- required, and no Pork will be accepted picked from ' JL procured and collected for soldiers, sailors, and tbc r H.' Nimms, Mr. Edward Buasali " ' ¦ niode, purpie, brown , and gieen, at SI.- Cost S1.25 5 ?IS f to Miss Mary The certificate of a mustering officer ot tne unitett puty Collector. , ' . "b ulk meats." to relatives of such as are deceased, at reasonable and safe- l MSiCJEISB, for fflftnnraotnrin g purposes, is "¦ ' ¦ S. Draper" ¦ , daughter of the late Alexander " • ¦ ¦ - " ' ¦ ' ¦ ¦ Samples " ¦ ; ¦ - • '; : ~ : "#' ¦ ¦ States will be received as evidence that the applicant has The Deputy Collectors will joinrlv. with the Collector, in boxes, dit Hnctly marked, must accompany factory rates. Claims cashed or advanced upon by :i? BIST machine In the market, andis sold for FOBTT Draper. . - MiLiTAET Clothikg as'R OCKHILL &- "WIL- MOUBNING - GOU US DBfAitTSENT. HADNOT—MOE been only mu3tered, and the certificate of thedraft cotn- occupy the office , S. W. corner THIRD and WILLOW bids for all articles except meats. JAMES FULTON, rOLLABS. Jfi> machine ever introduced In thia city NTIBE.—Onthe23Cult.,by the Bsv. miBsiorors will be required that the applicant has been Streetf , where they may.be .dailx consulted,, Bids from known dealers- only 3 lots super, auality 8-4 Black Poplin Eep3, 51, Sl.12, Soliciter for Claimant* Qi' : W.Mwgr&v», J>. D., XL. DV, Mr. Cornelius Haduot between the will be acceptad, and and S1.25. . , iss :M 10 raj iWJ.r or glren such universal satlafaotton. to Miss Louit a 8. McEolire, both of received on account of the deficiency of the city auota. t.hours of 9 A. SI and 3 P. M\, (Saaday s excepted ) each bid must be accompanied by the written guarantee - 424 WALKUT Street, Philadelphia. tbis city. * JOHN O KWOX. They are, in their respective divisions, empowered by of two responeible persons for the faithrul 1 lot extra super. Black Cashmeres, 48 inches wide, Particular attention given to parties living at a fcsot fall to call and examine itbefbro pwchsslug else- McOALL—NEWMAN—Oa the28th ult , by the Bev. 1 psrformance SON'S, Nos. 603 and 605 Chestnut street. 37 %: Otis' f i Dr. eeistr, Mr Wm. B. • JBDWABD OLMSTED, | law, equally with tbe Collector, to receive and collect the of tbo agreement /¦ • *1 tance. ocl8 tf n*. Offlco , 780 OBBSTNTJT street. no3-tf McOall and Misa Mary O. New- JOHN BOBBINS, ' V Oommissien. National Taxes accrnieg therein. The Government will accept the 10 f s. very fine Black /Ipacas, 65 te 75, old prices. man, both of this city. # whole or any part of Black Alpacas, from 25c. to $l. - M00R1—FBAN0I8—On WH,LIAM BBADFOBD, | • WILLIAM J WAINWBI&HT, the above an aDtlties as needed. !- LOST ANB TOtJNB. BKT CISLOB'S MAIB the 30th nit . by the Bay. EDWaED GB1TK, oc'20- 6t Collector Third District. Proposals to be endorsed Proposals for Subsistence Besides being thoroughly acquainted Blacfc Mourning Silks, atold prfces. DYJ8 ! Albeit Barn**, Mr. James A. Moore to Miss Hattie N., J " with Black 3-4 Bf ps, flee quality, at 31c. THE daueht^r of Josenh Francis. of Philadelphia, Oct. 29, 1862. oc30-6ts Stores," and directed to ' F. N BU0K, BEST IS TH1 WOBIsD. Esa » all this city. * no3-5t • r.. % 1 lot Black Thibet Lrtng Shawls, at S7.50. T-.OST—A Certific&te for 18 shares in ''- ..'.HAS OLABK—LLOYD.—On the 30th nit , by the Bev. A. INTERNAL REVENUE.— --- Captain O. S. Vol. 8ervice. 3 lots gquare Black Thibet Shawls, A. BATOSSLOS'S celebrated Hair Dye W. Milby, UQ# O. OFFIOB OF OOLLEOTQB $2 50 to 84. J-J the Capital Stock of tbe Hazlefon Coal Company, ji.v.': vj s aior Sergeant Francis Olask, of the 108th Begi- iLS PENNSYLYANIA BAILBOAD OF>IBST the business, they are prompt to fill all orders Black Oasbnieies 2 y&rd a wjdo, Sic, Slol 25 per yd. in tbe name of T. Frank Walter, dated March 28, not to be diatlngrJahed from natura 5 mentP. Y.» to Miss Mary E. Lloyd, only daughter COMPANY, COLLECTION DISTBIG T, PENN3YLYAKIA, No. 304 PROPOSALS FOR HEAD 1882^ *:.:;.•.. --Icot to injnre the Hair in the least of¦ Phjladblphia October 17, 1862. CHESTNUT STBEET. A BA.SGAIN. Ro 2,781. ¦ 5 remedies Mr. Bobert F. J4oy«, all of tbis city, ¦* The BOABD TSrtA RT>S 7POR BRAVKS. 1 ewe 4- 4 real French CHINTZES, at 23o. Notice ia hereby given that application has been .'-: ... • :ii of bad dyes, and invigorates the Hair for GBAOI—PABAMOBE.'—On the 30fh tft., OF DIBE0TOB8 have this day de- NOTIOE TO DHTILLEB9 OF 8PIBITS , BE- mate ' ¦ ¦ ¦ at the re- clared a Semi-Annual Dividend of FOOR PEB CENT, 2 ps. 32 in. sup. duality Black Mantilla Velvet, S4.50. to the Company for a renewal of said c«rliScato. '- < ' r/, BID, or BUSTY HAJB instantly sidence of her father, by the Bev. 8. W. Thotnasj John FINEBB OF COAIi OIL, AND BBBWBBS.—The PBPOT QtTAB TBRMASTBB ' S OFFICE , 1 at moderate prices and always have a -tAEaa do. Lyons Black ¦ ¦ tnrns a T. Grace, on the Capital Stock of the Company, clear of State and attention of parties resident of Firet District > 2 00. do. Velvet, at §7.50. T. F8ANS WALT1B, ¦ ' . ¦ \' n»jk or Brown, leaving the flair soft and Esa., to Miss Mary, only daughter of James Government Taxes, payable on and after , com Corner Bightbesth and Q Streets, > • SILKS ! 3ILK3 ! Pean Haven, Rep tenibeT, 18G2 . 862'2 m3aa^c by beaa- PavamAr a . . . : . 4k: > ¦ November prising the SecoDd , Third, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, and ^ :>;.! all Druggists, &o. N 15tb, 1862^ Blevonlh Wards of the city November 1, 1862. ) 1 lot ulain Bine SJlks. at Si 25. Powers of attorney for the Collection of Dividends of Philaielpbia, who are en- SEALED PBOPOSALS will be received at this office Hot plain Mode Silks, extra heavy, 98c. Oo3t §1.10 0' :ae Genuine is signed Wlhhl&M L. B&T0H8. gaged in either ot tbe above-named occupations, i*calletl until MOSDAY . STOCK OI MlMTABT G00Di OX HAND. OST—A Certificate for 15 shares fa ¦ ¦ DIED can be had on application at this office. November 10, 1862, at 2 o'clock-P. M., f to land. I the ' -V four tides of each bom. to Sections 39. 41, 47. 60, and 51 of the Excise Law of for foriiiBhing to the United State3 two se30-iftf 20 ps.-plain 22- in. heavy Silks, L Capital Stock of the Beaver Meadow Kvlr oad THOS. T. FIBTH, Treasurer, Jnly- thousand (2 000) at SI 25. Colora are end Coal Com pa r y, iu the na me of T. Frank Walter FAOTOBY SIMMONS—Sofldenly, on the 1st inst., Edward Sim- ««st 1, 1862, wherein they are required to make monthly bead-boards or tablets for graves, of the following New Blue, Humboldt, Magenta, Browns. Cherry , No. 81 BA.B0LA.T Street, mons, in his 75th year. l8-lm No. 238 South Third street. and tri- monthly retu pay de- . Graen , dated April 22, 1862, Ho: 5.633 ¦ Li.t 253 - rns and ments to the Collector ter iptiom—viz : White. Pearl. Pink, Light BFue, &c, &c. Never sold ' Broadway and 16 Bond street,) Hia funer al will take place from bis late residence, «y«p» ' -' OFFICE OF THE railjAJtElj VUlA, of the District. " ' All to be cf good black walnut, price any Notice is herebygiven that applicatio n has been made ^•ly ¦' 1619 Fiibert street, clear of knots and better Goods for tbe at time. to the Com pany for ' _ .- _ .. - _ ..\ . Hew York, on Fonrth-day (Wednesday) mara- \l3 GEBMANTOWN, AND NOBBISTOWN BAlL- Notice is hereby given that the undersigned is prepared epliro, four (4) feet in length, ten (10) inotaes wide and 1 Jot high colors-Lupins plain Delaines at 37#. a renewal of said certifics e ' ¦ ' ' ¦ iDir, at 9 o'clock. The t elatives and friends of the famfly BUAD COMPANY, Philadelphia, to receive/ daily, at his office , between the hours of 9 A. one aid three eighths T. FBANK WA.LT BB. H_T__i g«n ¦ " October 13, 1862. (1%) of an inch thick, witb five- 4 1ote 4-4 very heavy BBOOHB VELOUTE BEPS, Venn Haven . Ss-nterober. 1S62- _x. . . . • . ; are respectfully invited to attend. ##.*¦• The annual meeting of the Stock and fjoanholders M. and 3 P M., (Sunday s exceptedj) tho returns and eigbths {%) of an inch groove twenty |£pLlTAR?ANI^^ n.t Rf l rents. « h areMin. . se22 m3ni* BOBEBTS —On the 2d inst., payments above specified. (20) inches in DRAKE'S PLAifTATIOET BITTHBS. Horsce. son of Spencer will be beld at the office of the Company, northeast cor- length, and in &H respect j to correspond with a sample to The above goods comprise all colors and various " and Louisa J Boberta, aged 5 years and 6 months. ner of NINTH and GBESN Streets on ISIONDAr the JBFPEE HABIUNG, be seen at this office. T'OST OB STOLEN—THE PUBLIG hc-7 ririf?, strengthen, and invigorate. Funeral to take place , , strks. * They from the residence of his father, 3d day of NOVBBIBEB next, at 10 o'clock A. M. An - OoilW*or of First D istrict, All of said board s to be delivered at such point or PBESSRTATION SWORD3 37 "pieces £De quality all-wool Figured Delaines JL-i are cantioned against negotiating the foliowhig cr«4tastealthy appetite. No 424 North Sixth>treet , on Third-day afternoon, the Election to choose four Managers, to serve three years oc29-6t No. 304 CHESTNUT Street. points in the city , UNITED STATES CEBTTFICATE3 Of INDEBT> T^fc7 ara 4tb I nst., at 3 o clock. , or county of Washington, D. C, as the Scarlet and Mflgent* gionnd , black figures , at 44 centr. an HBttdote to ohanga of Water and diet, ' #« will be held the same day immediately after the Stock- . Depot Quartermaster may direct, wisbin thirty days SQ piecea black and white Shepherd Plaid Delaines, EDSE38, KIOBABDSON".—Suddenly, on the 30th ult., Mis. h lde s Th5" OTiTKms affects of dissipation and- late hoars, o r ' meeting, and close at 2 P. M. INTERNAL REVENUE . after the awarding of tbe contract 22 centa. The same having been lost or stolen from the 8Ol»- lbe>- Hatnah Bicharieon, in the 78tb year of her aga. ocl3-tn3 W- 8 WILSON, Secretary. UQO. OFFICE OF THE OOLLEOTOB OF FropoealsfroindiiZoi/aJpariteswtlJ not bt 300 »ieces BBST 25 cts.. DBBS8 GOODS Bcribers : aiKj ififsan the systeaTand odliven the mind. Tier relatives and the friends of the family are respect- - • considered, SWORD BELTS, SASHES, , plaids and T:.er pMv?i SECOND COLLECTION DISTRICT OF PENSTSYL and as oath of allegiance to the United States Govern- Figures, ever sold tbis or any other season. ISSUED TO D. & O. KELLY. .t jn!a8jnatio and intermittent fevers, fully invited to-attendthe funeral, from the residence of rv«=» F A R M E R S ' AND MECHANICS' YANIA. S. W. 0OB3EB THIBD AND ment must accompan y each proposition. No. 24.391, dated Sept. 2otb, 1862.; L088 tsy Mr. Natbao E. Morgan, HANK—Philadelphia, October 6 WALNUT .. OLOTH3 1 CLOTHS ! S . J' puriff the breath and acidity of the Btomaoli. No. 149 North Fifth sireai, tbis X\ 3 , 1862. STBEETS. 1 he ability of the bidder to fill the contract, shonld it 2 cases imported waier-proof Oloths, cheap. No. 24.393 d o.- do. 1,«» ( Mond ay ) morning, at 10 o' The Annual Election for Directors will ba held OFFICERS' CANTEENS ¦¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ clock, without further no- at the be awarded , No. 24 393 do. do. *i«? cms Dysnepsia ' ' - :¦ • ¦ ' ¦ ' ¦¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ " NOTIOE TO DIBTILLEBS OF 8PIBTT3, BE- tp him, must be guarantied by two respon All-wool Btack Cloths, from SI-62 to $i...... 1,009 and Constipation. tice. .:. .. •:• . . ; . - . •' - :- ¦ - ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ - ! . . . V, ' * Baufeing House on MONDAY, the 17th day of November «r sible persons, whose rf gnaiures are to No. 24,394 do. do. ' 1,066 ^; car* Diarrhoea, Cholera, and Cholera Morbaa. , FINEBS OF COAL OJL, AND BBE ,EB3.~The ' bo appended to tne Heavy tticot Black Oloths, 82 50. - . 81BINMETS.—On the 29th ult., Jacob Sfceinmeta , in next between the hours of 9 o'clock A. M. and 3 o'dock attention of parties resident of Second District, compri guarant ee, and said guarant ee must accompany the Also, Cloths and Oaseitnereg for Men s wear • several No. 7.096 do. do...... 6,0W Ther care Liver Ootnplaint the 83d j ear of bis age. ¦ ¦•¦ - P. M.; »nd on TUESDAY, the 4th day ' and HerTOOS fieatfaoae. . . .. of November sirg the First. Seventh, Eighth, Kintb and Tenth Wards PORTABLE WRITINa DESKS tnta haiin? fi ¦&. "VrnTntH i-Ciattsn Tdexesi. ISSUEI> TO B. F. LOPEB. ^? ftre tho best BITfEBS to the world. They The relatives and friends of the family are respactfully next, a general meeting of the Stockholders will be held of the city of Philadelphia, who are engaged in either of The responsibility of the guarantors must be shown by , No. 25 090. dated October 2d, 1882i..... Sl,09» invited to attend bis funeral at the Banking House, at 4 o clock P. M., agreeably to SUAWiia, oua.\v ub. E*is (h=i W3a& ni»n strong, and are exhausted nature's , without farther notice, from ' tbe above, named occupations, is called .to sections 39, 41, the offici al certificate of the Clerk of the nearest District 4&black and white check Shawls , long, at 86. ALL PAYABLE TO BBABEB. bis late residence, York road, above Nfcetowa lane, this the charter. W. BUSHTON, Jb., 47 , P*at rsj fowr, They are made of pure at. Oroix Bum, nc7-tnol7 , 50 and 51 of tbe Excise Law of July 1, 1832, wherein Court or of the United States District Attorney. 8 lets magnificent Chain Laine eanare Brooke Shawle , BLA KE BROS., A OO (.Honda? ) morning, November 3d, at 10 o'clock. Fune- Cashier. they are required to make monthly and cri- monthly Bidders must bs present in person when the bids are PASSANTS, EPAULETTES, 810 , &c . &« wicbratad OaUaaya Bark ral services at St. re- . SI* , roots, and herbs, and-are John's Episcopal Church, Brown MECHANICS' turns and payments to the Collector of the District. opened , or tbeir proposals wilt not be considered. Broche long Phawfs, 67 to ?50. New York. Oct 18. 1362 oogg-tf^ ^?n wilh ths afreet, between Second and Third streets. fy^=* JBA«K. —fJ *U.AWJEJU- • pteasure of a beverage, without regard to * ?hia Notice is hereby given tbat the undersigned is prepared The full name and post office address of the bidder AND Heavy Black fiilka open this morning, 90, 95, 81 12,- *?« 0: BEETBOH.—On the 31st ult., Katie, daughter or Bo- U¦ v3 , October 7, 1862. Sl time of day, Partionlarly recommended to deU A general meeting of the Stockholders will to receive, daily, at . bis ofSca, between the hours of must appear in the proposal. . S1 25v«1.87^, fiO. . . bert and Letitia Bertron, aged 8 years. be held at 'M. and 3 P. M, F-OR S&T.W. AViTi TO TJST. «U pwteni reaulring a gentle simulant. by * the Banking Honae on TUESDAY, 4th day of Novem- 9 A. (Sundays excepted), the returns If a bid is made in the name of a firm, tbe names of all MILITABY AND NAVAL GOODS IN • GBNEBAL. 20 dozen new colors Bontag g. at 88c. Sold all BBOOES.—On the 30th ult , Catharine Brooks, wife of and payments above specified. tbe pariiFs must appear, or the bid wilt be 2CO gray Arm y Blankets, at S2. WMti, Droggistt, John Brooks, aged 19 ber, at 12 M. oe8-tno4 considered as Hotels, and Saloons. JP. H. DBA.KB r ears and 6 months. * JOHN H. DIE'ffL, the individual proposal of the party signing it. Hamilton Cac ton Flannels by the yard , piece or case. • LET~A -large elegant Farlor W.. BBOWN.—On the 31st 9Q. R fc 1 TO , r ' SWBEOADWAY. Kew York. 8e24- 6in ult, William L. Brown. * floilBfttnr RAcnnd District. Bends in the sum of one thousand dollars, signed by WHOLESALE AJN D K^TAIIj . - A big stock of all kinds of Btap le goodB, less than .pack- for a Bicgle gentleman . Inqnire CALL AND—On the 30th ult., Elizabeth M. Oalland, The Annual Election for Directors will be held at the at 1521 -WAL- y Banking; House on MONDAY. November 17, between the contractor and ' both of his guarantors, will be re- age prices. NUT Street. oc30-thgta8t» T J In the 32d ear of her age. # Q INTERNAL quired of tbe successful bidder upon signing the contract 2 cases very fine 12-4 white Blankets. ^3AM 8 Haie Byi, 38 oenta a box. CABBY —Killed at the bittle of Antietam the boms of 10 A. M. and 2 P. M TT REVEN UE.— -tbn» , on the oc8-too!7 J. WIEGAND, Jb , Oaahier. \D • KJ# OFFICE OF THE OOLLEOTOB OF The right to reject any or all .bids that may be deemed J. B. OASBELBEBBY' S S E-T S ,- &c. boieg for $1; the best in m Try iL Sold 17th of Peptember, Fll H. Gary, aged 31 years, a member fego Jifgh if reserved by the" Depot EVANS & HASSALL, Mammoth Dry Good s House EBE- TO of Go. O; FOUBTH COLLECTION DISTBIOI PJENN3YLYA- Quartermaster. , Complete MacbJDery for falling and finishing «t?HA M'S. MS flHTCSMTOT 8ft. «e27.8wi# National Guard, POth BeEiment P. Y. * MfP> OFFICE OF THE SUBGEOK-ARTIST informal proposals will be rejected . 45 North Eighth below sreh. OLABK.—On tbe 30tb u!t. Mary BTA, No. 42 CHESTPUT Street. , Blattkete, Kersey s, Ac ¥or sale cheap. Jane Clark, only child \£3 TO THE AEMY AND NAYY, Philadelphia, NO TICE TO DISTILLEBS OF SPIRITS, B^FINSBS Proposals must be addressed to Captain Edward L. P. S —50 pes rich styles English Furniture Ohin ^zes of Abraham and Harriet Clark, aged 19 months. Oct. 24th. 1862. H artz, Assistant Quartermaster No. 418 ARCH STREET, at 12 V. vbev r.ld Address Bex No 1032 P O Oc3l-12t* - ' OLOSSON. * OF GOAL OIL, AND BBEWKBS . U. 8 Army, at Wash- Dri ce. fit] GA3SELBERBY. AVAL —At Brooklyn, N. Y., on the 31st ult., Mrs. Wounded Soldiers and Sailors defirous of availing The attention of parties resident of the Fourth Dis- ington, D O., and should be plainly marked •*' Projioaafa S AT THE MOTEOS Mary CIofeod, formerly of Oamcleii, W. J. fnr {iirrriHi iini? Tfpari -boavda for Gr *v«a. tJ .yery. W> ! * themselves of the National Appropriation for sapplyiug trict, comprising tho Fourteenth, Fifteenth, Twentieth, oc 31.12tfn PHILADELPHIA. . TmiAJSNJffLH.— ALii-WUUXi WHi/i'Hi ATTRITAXE -SAL1—A ,eli- JO 12 0' ai.OCX liAS* HlfiH *. COLLINS —On the¦ 31st ult., Mr. James Collins, aged Artificial Limbs, shonld apply y Form of Guara ntee. gible and hand somely-situated property in Chester . ¦ ¦ :. ¦ ' ¦ ¦ - ' immediatel at tbe of&ca Twenty-first, and cheap; one lot all-wool white, SO Wriifn^^Aj, HOTBL—Ninth Chestnut , of consnmpllon, Elmlra OH1STSTJ1,- Street. B. ITB^NK PALMBB, named occupations, ia called to Suctions 39, 41, 47, 50, j and , of the county of , and State mHE AR MY! stote house, 6 rooms, baH and kitchen, aton* biro, car- sts. A. Dougherty, wife of N ahum Oonant. oc26tf* Government Surgeon- of . do hereb cestB. riBge housp, well cf water with pnmp at. tha door LvM Penna WW Smith, Poona CB^GG—Suddenly, * Artist. end 51 of tbe EXCISE liW of July 1, 1882, wherein v guarantee that i3 able One lot all-wool, better quality, 35 cts. , Gi'nian on the 30th ult., Mrs. Hannah they are required to make monthly and to fuifil the contract, in accordance with, the terms oi healthy acd pleasant neighborhood. -Immediate posses- V & 2 oh, H Y D E 8»yatd, Pituburg Cragg; relict of the late Wm, Oragg, in the TSth-year of ryflRPs* • -: FKJV-PTSYLVANIA COLLEGE oIf tri - monthly re- One bale Heavy Ution B&aker, at 37)i cts. sion can be given. Tiile good. Term3. &c hu '« & Phelps, ¦¦> - ' - ¦ ¦ •' ¦ turns and pay ments to the Collector of the District. bis proposition, and that, should bis proposition be ac- v atsnlv t9 Illinois F «J Bioaards, fttemohiB her use. ,. . . • . .. : ; .*' U±§. DENTAL SOBGEttY, No. 528 AB03 ritree SWORDS, RIFLES, One baie Heavier do., at 40 cts. t?,:i!a t— ' NOTIOE Ifc HEB3BY GIVEN that the undersigned ceptsd> he will at once enter into a contract in accordance Hub >\ v 501 North 8EVENTH 3tr?et. 62#. j^SCtse, Piitabarg U B Bru«er, r»ft2P fit' Collector of ITonrth District. ficate above mentioned ) JEDWABD L. HAKTZ, One case heavy Shaker do., warranted aubrinfcahle ware conoty 3ABM, 1% mileB southwest of Media, 55 L!sr Newark GBUBB.— On th«30th uit., Elizabeth"O. Grubb, in the uo3-7t Coptain and Ass Quartermaster U. S. A. , ; V s TO Madteo , n 8 JT rvSKs* SOBTHWARE BANK. ,. 't full yard wide, at 65, -beet in tho market. > . seres pood land , well watered, all necessary improve- i *'*&ntr £ W f, Hagerst'n Jos Setter, Virginia JOHNSON —On the evening adelphia Many other mabes not mentioned, that I will sell ments, b/iuse large, fi ne fruit, &c, &c. * - Piston, E of the 30& u!t, Mrs. IA3- Phil , October 7, 1862 COOKING RANGES, - FURNACES, &c. mVTYQUARTERMASTER No. 13 NORTH SIXTH STREET, Also, ft acreii iaiproved land , good Frame House.. * ;f"j », Oambridge B T Bittoahouae, U S A Barbara Johnson , in tbe 9Sth year of her age. #. The AWUAL ELECTION for DIEffiOTOBS will be GE- cheaper than they can be bought by the bale. T' \. :, Hu"IgbS***c »•i. PcnnaL UUi l d 4U.I *» JU« *MkMiJ-»^ UO« AV4O> NE FEED. FATBLA.MB, Jr., Mrs E Money.J f Kaw York LIE —On the 31st utt , Edvfard, youngest son of Henry held at the Banking Houee on M0_ND A.Y, the 17th day BAL'S OFFICE,. Two bales very heavy Gray T rilled, for Soldiers' 1, m' < D 8 A G E Brown & la Philadelphia, October 31, 1862. Shirts, 50 eta:. * ' Trnsteo to isake sale, Ti Y' , K f ttanning and Jane Lee, aged 2 years. • * of November, between the hours of 10 o'clock A. M. and of to r u- n y ' Kewa'b) Del G W dooliay, Ss Xioiiis LONG —On the 29th ult., Lizzie H.Long, 2o clock P. M. ^m® TI0N the public our large and very Bupa- Proposals will be received at this office until SIO N- One bale very fine do., at 56 cts. cc23 2Z30 no3-4t* MBPIAV'Penna. i n Hi.ls, BaltjiDore daughter of ' of DAY, 10th November, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. O Ohfld y»railroad." S\0Cd. d) V?aah A General Meeting of the Stock holders will be held at (Signed) ' A. BOYD, GBANVILLE R HAINE3, caa remain -nred. Title good . JD sf^ 'DG W B Halde. New Ydck of Oo. K, 69th llegiaent, P. V.,¦ ¦ Cook-, with capacity for cooking for one hundred per- . se-' ' ¦/ in tbe¦ 20m¦ year ot his¦ BBOWN DBILLS, ABMY STANDABD, zi6 ¦ . .. .. - ¦»¦ pame nol;8t Captain and Aset, Quar - ...... the plate on TUESDAY termaster U. S. A. Ho. 1013 MA.BKET Street, j > Sew York age. - . . ., , .. , , the 4tb of November, at sons; Parlor Coak, for wood or osal. A great - A- Arm o? SO acres 140 perches ^oinitig, and part, ol W n v 0 D Budd, New York ,; variety of nns at PBAOOOK.—On the 80tb nit., Mrs. Mary Peacock, in 12 o'clock M. W. L. SCHAFPEB, improved and beautiful patterns of Parlor Stoves, for 4- 4 LAWBEN0E DBILLS. Above Tenth. Kfee-f anieist»te, is also for- toie.y.Tatati &c , apiSy to | tt| oclQ.f mw- ti)ol7 Oagfaler . 1 E.. F. ,PSSNYPAQB1B$» , J a bSRhu' *••*?-«• D T McKe ly, Harrlaburg ihe 38tb year of her age. * both wood and cosl ; among which will be found tbe PROPOSALS FOR BEEB AND STANDABD 3B0WN DBILLS. 3^ 8 AS Wentworth, Olnoinnati P1AK.—On the 30th ult., Ljdia Andrew ^ Fiery Star, Silver's Air-Tieht, Gw-Burning Bases, (all . Navy WILL SELLj forrCASJH ONiiY, oc21, fit B«al Betato Asent, Pboanlsrilte. S * Peak, ms. BAIVK &¥ PEN X TOWNSHIP. JL PuBK.—Office of Agest, 112 South HEAVY PBS.IN KEB3EYS. WE i*ftSu^^ T tewaH, Baltimore daughter of Wm. and Ljdia Peafe, aged 10 years. # Philadklphii, Oct. 11, 1862. sizes, from 9fo26 inches.) Vesper, Violet, open and close EH-IBD Street, Philadelphia for a few day s longer, our 31OOK OF MUS- TO w t&n1 Pltt»burg JH Sabultz , New York PUBFIL—On the 8th of September, on board [f3 front-," Franklin Stoves, Portable Grates, for anthracite.. LINS, which is one of tne LARGEST in Philadelphia, at k E T^~A WMMUWVyp r Btoa the An election foi thirteen Directors will be held at tho PBOPOSALS will ba received at this Office , until ABMY BLUE TWILLED FLANNEL. Or Ma« 1! i ' MJ Oa»ta(n Arthur. New York st« amer Euterpe, of wounds , received in the battle of Banking House, on MONDAY, the 17th day of Novem- and bitnroiaoas coal, New Egg, Golden Egg. In addi- SATUBDAY NOON, November 8tb, for famishing prices much LESS than they can now be bought ; Good JSS.' ^ DWSLLING , No. 132 Ncafa FBONT Street Benlr CW S p«tersburg B Karle, New York tion to these will be found, Thomson s London Kitchener, FABMEB'fl LINEN DBILLS. Bleached, centa 16 , , 19, 20 wAfCftnc{0B! Gaines' Mills, June 27lh, Wm. Parfll in the 45th year ber neit, between 20 o'clock A. M. and 3 o'clock P. BI. ' F-ITE BUNDBED BABBSLS OF BEEF, and ON3 12#. , , 15#, 13, 16tf 17 18, , Imoderste. Apply to WK»HXBILL & CfiO,,. . [ *M . , - .. -.. "8 B Hafew, Olicinnati of bis age, a member of Go. 35 3d Begiment New Jersey or HnropeaaBange ; Pbiladelohia and Fire-Side Bemgea;. 22, Ac.: Good Unbleached, cents, 14, 16#, 18, 19, 0C27>-tr 47 and gtorth S,E0ONI>8trefit. Hknn r wf " * Tbe annual meeting of tbe Stockholders will be held at T20US4ND BABBSL9 CP.POBK, to be delivered at LEWISTOST A. SE A MLESS BAG3, 2,a^, & 3 Bua, la* ^ 1S Si l Milwaukee A J Booper. New York Volunteer*. His body was interred in the Cemetery BsDbiDg House, Locomotivov Torrid and Egg Heaters ; Low-Down . tie PHILADELPHIA NAVY YABD within thirty 20, 21, 22, 25. &c. We have every width and alnnst ^ ttuVr**°' iSteeling HBrben. New York the on T0E8D a.Y, the 4th day of No- Gr&tes, Pira- Board and Illuminating Btovea by , AMOSKEAG C. do. do. 3 Bos. near Fortress Monroe., . * vember next, at 10 o'clock \. M.. , which days from the date of tbe asceptauce oi proposal for the ¦ evary make made. Canton IFJancel, 23 cents ; GoocLh A PACTOJl-^ T0 RlIf?P--,On- JJiinl i rnua JO Bradford, Boston BIOflABDSON.—Suddmlv. on the 30th nit., Mr3. tbe parlors are made pleasant and cheerful. &»me. Tbe BEEF, PBEMIUM.A. do. do. Bug. K=ira Heavy Wide Ooloree!/.Canton Flannel, 25 cents; ' f SB 3a ««ta.iawftalT JAMES BUSSELL, Cashier. T POB3 and BABBELS to be afrthe 3tf B^aw Sow street, below Kas^Market atreet, with, an in- c4. I /' < Delaware QF O'Hara, OWo Hannab Bicbardgon, in the 78th year of her age. * ls 0RTH, CHASE & KORTE anired for the use fo CsJicoeB, very goed, 16 cents. A Large Lot of Slightly - l«t into the culvert. Apul7 .to A B|t:?J *> «ndu»ky, Ohio J T Warren, New York Bir? E SHOUSl. , y For sale lo^ r net caih by Damaged BLANKETS, mscb nniJer regular prices, As ; BaH33 3re ~On the 31«t ult., Hnanah, wife of •VflSF* THE PHlJbAlfKAiftH A JSA«Bl*^-_ oc22'wfm lm 209 North 8E0OND Street. of the Navy, (txcept that the Iros Hoops be dispensed JLW3&.B.MASOBv ft CO.* 3SnX' Charles SI M*ew Henry Biltenhoose, in the 45th year of her age. # ] £*t PHiLADBLPHrA, October 6, 1862. wiib.) and be en-j ect tcfoe inspection of the Inspector ©cods are riBing in price 7«ry fast, we think the above oc38 12t lCgsftPdi 140 North A T °i» den t Kew Yoik ff B Ward, Pittaburg BOBSON.—On tbe 30th ult., GEO. GBIGO, prices offer very strong indecoments for Storekeepers and , . yBj0fflT.,8t. O ' a Charles W. Bobson, son "lbe annual meeting of the Stockholders will be held at of Provisions and deliverable at hia storehouse, at fli{ R 3.^ n Dr Zaeharia, U 8 A of Jobs and Mary Bobson, aged 2 years and 9 months.* the Banking Honae on TUESDAY, November 4, 1862, at Prime and Swanson streets, without extra charge. B0l-3t No. 219 CSUBOH Alley. Families to lay in a supgy. FOR SALJ^A, s BBJ!;k M J Power*, Washington BOHUBEBT—On the 30ib ult , Mrs. Bmellne Schu- PHOTOGRAFHS. Evtry offer made maat & PEKNBtlI/; 4i IQUB S^OBl^ %, lw York - 12 o'clock M. ba accompanied (a9 lirectetf in ^ raHOUSE, No. 2015 ABQH Street, tjjth three-stery, Bol 11 A 8 Burrell & la, Boston bert, wife of John Schubert, in the 423 year of her ago Tbe annual election for Directors will be held at the the6th section of the act of Congress, making apwoiNria- A BBS* STANDAEI)* oc30-6t , 1021 MAB5^T St.^> below BLBVESTYH.i by 5f MiifUu Boatea » Barrow, Kratuoky MOOBE.—Oa the 30th ult., James * ^ieuRELFTDToFrHi^ASis OT doable back bnildlngs. Lot 20^feet froat 140 .feet ' ' Moore, in the ilit Banking Heuse on MONDAY, November 17, 1862, be- ! frue merit rest ^ tions for the Naval service of 1846-7 , approved.Xdth of deap, to a 34 feet * ->to «« •». H Seroken. Waih, D 0 rear of hid ase. ;» # tween tbe hours of 10 A. M. and 2 PM. S BEIftlEB'S Cslored Photographs. Auf ust, 1846.) by a written guarantee, stgned by one or TSTEW^QOOD^A^ OLD tfSIOBS.-^ "Aidc-pttpei. »jet eW OTk C Their fine quality and natural coloring are folly appro - Inonire on the Kreaiafle. oc2 3w*. ? W w w / **1 8 B KlQ* USA. oc8- wfiEtnol7 B B. 00MEGY9, Oashier. more responsible tapaona, to the effect that he or they CANTON PLANN3L. J^l- 2,000 yards heavy Linen Huckaback. * lltcs f w n r00d U 8 *• J M Beaua, New York da.UA by the people. SI. SK0OSD Street, above undertake that the bidder or bidders will, if s their heayy Baglish Cotton Bosc S Jle' N York S. DBESS QOOPS. Green. It* h£ o* 200 dozen Ladies' ^, OR;T(* ? Matt , * > T W Jordan, New York BLAG —BLAOK Mfsa. COMMERCIAL BANK OF PENIV.SYI.- bid be accepted , esier into an obligation within tea FO3& 3ALE LOW, NET 0A8L?, BY 500 rich Tambonrsd aad Appliaue Lace Curtains.. C» FOB. SA^E JWK1>-tJkmi LitntNu- n^ York Oapt W Wheeler, Buffalo Velour Beps, Velour Ottomans, Grain de Poudres, {L3^ TANIA. Philadklphia, Oct. 13, 186i. ' day s, with good and sufficient sureties , to.f&rnish tho 750 y ards rich Taraboured Drapery Mnalin. iBL H0U8ES, on 3»«.ras«t aide of E^OAD Streetvbeferw a Htj fl),! Oburcb » Buffalo D » Oohen, New York Epinglines, Popelines, French Merlaos, French Oash- A general meeting of tbe Stockholders will be held at WORD IN SEASON— At war Colombia aveune. Apsty at the c«aithwest coraer of Js son Hoboken article proposed . 150 Marseilles Q^ilts^Jll, 12, 13, and 14-4. • « wif - N J B G Wallace, Chicago merea, cheap Cashmeres all-wool Mousasline de Laines, the Banking House, on TUESDAY, the 4th day of No- A price3 are now being made BEIMEB'S truthful, This BUBrante^arastbe accompanied b7-ths.certificate , a largn assortment of Table Linens, NINTH and SAESefiL Streets. mfep-tf Jcs *°: Cincianati » B Muc&ey single widths cheap De portraits, . GEO, <&RIGH& Also Table Olothfl, flew l , New l ork asd double ; Laines; Tamises, vember next, at 12 fit. natural li's size Photographs in oil colors. A of tbe United States District Judge, United States Dis- Napiins, DojIibb, Towoliasa, Linen Shee'ings^ heavy. Geo p C:P »»cinnaU H ViUard New York Baratheas, Drsp d'Almas ; English and French Bomba- The annual election for Directors will be held at the rare chance. BEOOND Street, above 1 Green. It* trict Attorney^ or Navy Agent, that ths-guarantors are Cotton Sheetirge, Plllow-Gase and Shirting Mudinsv a FOR SALE—A, 3$m$m i^rge * B»^ a , J S K-mnedv. New York zines; Silk- warp Oashnvres, Turin Cloths, Crape Cloths, Banking House, on MONDAY, the 17th day of Novem- able to make scoi their guarantee. sal-tT No,. 319. OHUBOH Ail«r Flannels, Blaokets. &c at the lowest cast, prices every •Jcj Aw & la MaHan » 0 Mrs G*ff & d, Aurora, III Paramattas, Irish Poplins, Satin de Ohioes. Bombazine ber next, between the honra ot 10 A. M. and 2 P. M. ¦SOb esbrat ISM COTTAGE, with possible con- 8 11f Ohic' »go No proposals will be considered tm.ess. accompanied BHBPPABD, ^AN HABLINGEN, i^ABBISON, venienco, and £giti acres of grcand, carriage aome, &o. 8 Hfifc f Mrs Hopkins, Wi.coasin Alpacas, &c. Also, Black Silks and thawls of every ocl3 mwf tit 8. C. PALMES, Cashier. XTTILLIAM YAENAOi^, by such guarantee. Impoiiars of Honse-fxirnishinB Bay ¦ . t I R *ll< Pittsb'g J Anderson liafayette dfscri ption. , Mourning RMY GtCHJ *L>&. Goods, complete. Oi.very easy term& . . B. J^ESN, ^ '- . la BISSON & SON Store, JAMBS 8. GfrAMi£BB3 , A -,,oa l ooa OHESffNUT Street oclS No 12C;«OTith FOURTH'^ Screet- 1 ff Be «,'„* ' Engitnd J Turnbutl, Xanta, 0 oc29-tf No. 918 CHESTNUT Street. rvs=" CONSOLIDATION B A NjK. PHILA- DEALER IN HOTJSE sol- 6t Navy Agent. Witt J A Crosby, ShelbyviUe U3 DEL PHIA, October 9, 1862 ^ -PDBNISHINfl, GOODS, ¦ihe Annual Election for DIBEOTOBS will be held at DAEK-BLU35 COAT O^OTHS. ALL WOOL BED BL^NJOITS*. BIO EYBE & LANPlIiL, day No. 1OS O , PABK-BLUB OAP OLS>TH8. J°li«sS AN-Oae8tnn« street, above lifta. FOUBTH and the Banking House on MONDAY, the 17th of No- Clies-tn^t Street ~ A full assortment of sizes— ABOH 8TBEITS. vember next, between the hours of 10 A. fiL and-2.P. fll. "FTWS BIG GrUIN BKY-BLUB OLOTH3. yOB OTMOUBS, B.4rT10,.4^-llj4-12 4. ?*° 03t^ !?*fe «ennB A M Moabray, Penna OPINING FOB FALL SALES: Agent for the sale of HALEY, MOUSE, & BOYDEN'3 . , Jobr, " Hellertown Jacob Glover Sellsrtown Magnificent A General Meeting of the Stockholders will be held at ABMY BLANKBTB STANDABD WS»HT. All woo), medium and floe. JroaSiSARDlSiTSiSiASS Cfl b u ' , Silks. the same placeon Tuesday, the 4h day o£ November, at BEHOVED ?B0M ^ Extra (jusuity large size £&nkets. X. C»aSANY, ft ifef,,Mew B fl Ludlo , Prov, BI Magnificent Shawls. 12 M. roclO-fmwtnrn , Cashier. 10-OUNGI DUCK. Army and Ectse Blanketa. dSLFIOE, 408s @HESNUT B 1 Went W Hock* 1 Magnificent Poplins JOS. N. PEIB30L PATENT SELy-ABJUSMNG AIbo Gray STBBH1!, ^ McCflA^"'^York John . 3)0 DBILLS, BTAND^EII) WJSIGHT. KieB Wrappers, Traveling Blankets. CBAEZBMED. ipi S3§, ? B RiS^^fr Millward, New York Good Black Silks. 43% 415 CHESSJOT? STRE SS, A8 3ET-8 W K»Wm^'"^on.HJ O Kaufman, Danville, Pa Bicbest Printed Goods. CLOTHES -WRINGER, HSAVY LINE1* DBJLLS AND I>^0S. ocM-tf BHA3PM39 BaOJBBaS. _ Si,543,S^O 24. r P ! 8toa T EABNBKS OF FBBNOH, who have BBOWN AND ^LSAOHXD SS3XTIN6S Mafte INSUBANC3B onLlVfig. on the most sessoa- ?*° * fll v» ' i ' « Pa.W-L Johnson, Boston Good Stock of Staples. se20-tf Believed t« be the best CLOTHE 3-W-BINGEB in use. OPPOSITE THG, CUSTOM H0U3E. AND abb-tsnes. J 8 Shit,, W Ohester J 0 Oochran, Qrao J_J been disappointed in tbe effect of the memorizing SH1BTINGS . noIT0BEl>POUL3! DE SO>IES. ve S W' , Havrede It \»ia wring the largest Bed Qpilt or smallest Hand- plain B^cei and exe^pie Trai ts, aniact aa Executor arid r Mecirtif m m McOarthey & w(, 8t John r AA BOXES TOBACCO. methods, will find Mr. DELAOBOTX'S TBOBOUGH For aale t? ' \J A fall line of adored— s L" H —We gaa- OOUBSB OF BXPLANATOBT &RA.MHAE kerchief drier tb an can, possibly be dona b-y hand, in very PHILIP WJLS (DO. . Embracing all tht&rich, dark *iades, AiqpiniBtratera. t/Vv rantee to sell Tobacco, Snuff, and Cigars, at the most muclfrlees time. ON & and . Ihey declare ftve any rational practice for acquiring- to speak and write tbe ' JijpTHlKGHJJH & WELLS. Neat fig ures, sina^ft double faced, &WH3TJ8 on ^XOjEITS every yoarsw .- lower prices than other house in the oity. A bargain Iar guage in a reasonable time. it B.—A liberal discount, will be-raadeto dealeis. Have removed thekv Gpns, Pistols, Bifles Fishing _ Bright colored Qaecks and PteWa. _,__ _ te the insnred fo*rtfe, and pas in the internal at the do- In Havana Cigars, purchased at Marshal's Sale. W00D- * , cease ^ • fi M- - ', THE FBBNOH STUDY, No. 907 FVLBBBT St. It Bkates SS.AJIP.LES3 »BOTHE2SgfH , of the iOKawd up tq ths year of deaife* in the m*m» - : . .ftS KtfS »^-: - WABD & OO., 41fi onth FOUBTH Street. oc8 lm* . Tackle, , CricioS»and Bass Ball Impl ecssntB, Cadet aa^BIQ Streeto. ratio as tbe la»$ l»nca. ' " eUn J0ttoran, ocl7-tf OHXSJTHDT thft _ • . . frS3°w riiht ' M ? W*8h,D0 ANSX EAR. — Pb. JAMES Musketsand Ea.uir,£ieiit8 to JfS Mhl HQisDEN , The folloyisg are a few g^agpleg ttota, Bagiater: F t B Baml ar?lMd Jas B Oow» Jr. Boston rriHB WOEODH OF A LIKENESS BYE . M * ~ ~ nff-' f! 4 S W ACKWOWIEDGMEIHTS BY LEWIS, OCULIST aad AUBIST, has again re- «/>«! im a-is Jejtix " Dealer ia fine «£¦ QIX LOTS OF CHAl^B LAIN3 ~ ^--—- : - . r policy and Bo- 8 H ?? .fM Thos E Gray. Peana Ujf^ COMMISSION JL consists In its fidelity to 1he original BEI ME B'S nnKSTNTI^STEEET. . ^ OlMBSlOAN AND I»2OBTED. ^^ moim & M Keeglh8 New y THE OHBI8TIAN , JOSEPH Ivory types are colored and finished wldi turned from bis professional tear in Europe, and perma, WATOHES, O long BEOORlB SHAWLS, from auction, that t^ Policy. gam Bonna or '• nm to ee inoreasea aw ^s^SLa. S ? Jer86 PATTEBSON, Treasurer ' :' ,._ ,:, " skill and ta?to. nenOy located at No. 887 North SIXTH Street. Ofiju JJBW.ELBY4 AND.OLO0S3, s iwriooa. Also, r ' _ DJ Atoright', Hanover, Pa „ SECOND Street, abovaQreen, it* intend selling atlsrt sear' Insured I addition. fnfare additiona. ^ Young Ladies of Bloomsburg, Pa S|8 50 hours from O to 12 A. MM aad a to 4 P. M- geg4-Srajf» HHNRY^ REPEATING* RIFLB— oc31-»a.* I 708 MARKET Stoeet. Two lota of ©pen oentre JoDg Brooa© baawu. Good WU1 Prei Ohorcb, Montgomery , N. Y... 60 oo The grtatest Arsa of tha ajj e^«jll thaot fif teen Stripe Bctwfee and Blanket ShawU. ' ~l\ "~ 1? * 8h»ff "Viau—«>««» sweet, above Chestnut. FKU1T TBEIS FOR SALE. . No. 89 "^2^00 %i§S ®f'^ |2 MiBslonaij Society Fourth Pres. Obnrch...... 40 00 m — Bowin&co., Ln noaRAPB^ias times, in a* E)ony aeccndB, 1,000 jacda. „ For sale a TBE PBSENOLOGIOAL OA, Open-oa»ire Shawls, woven borders. No. ISS 3.G0Q l,OjiO Ca i 050 JOO OoiiMHon »t the Sraod of the O. B. Presbyterian _ j. -S- 50,000 Peach Trees, of extra quality : also, Awile, zn&cafactQKir&'-pskea by B3NET ABJ> is day Lobp and Eqnare Black-Thibet Shawls. 400 00 1 400 00 Ohtrry, and Pears (Dwarf and Standard), in large or AND EBINT OOLOBJSTS, southwest cp^aer of ^.001$ STOB? ope* and leal N0.19ijf 1,000 Cburcb, Jersey Shore. Pa ...... »£ J«» OHE3TBUT and BIJGVXNTH 8treots. are praaared to PHILIP W-ItaOH A CO., eveniDg for lbe sale of books od Phrenolo gyt Rhy- En^otJi wftter-sroof Oloakicgs. No. SS 5,000 l,S7g 00 6 875 00 Mary JMecbanicsbnrg, Pa lo W) small auantitles. All orders attended to. Catalogues ocSMm k OHB3TSDP Street. Biology J Water- proof OlaaS*. ready-made. 8f Mi*s E. Dnnlap, gratis. Address execute any description ol Portrait, Landsca»p> Natural 41& Hjgleno, and PiiMiography,a n4 for l%f e- ~ wfaoleTifeby one premium, or in B. A. h., Harrisburjr t Pa 15 0» JOHN PEBKISS, History, Architectural, Autograph, Map, ct ©ther LJ. toal cxanuaaliona. Orders by mail sh.otUd bo ad- BDWI2J HaLL & BBGT5BB, "Po!ieieflJlC1M for J. 0., (third 00 Bo8-8t* MoareBtowa, N. J. &cS3 TBN AKNUAL PBEBIID-MS- contribution) 10 thography,in iUe most superior manner apd. the mort PROR8J88OR J. I8AAC8, OOOLIST dn«ttd to • JOHN -I, OAPSN, 26 South SEOOflD Street. no more premlxuas to be paid will be isaned to per- M K hM John M. Brown, Wheeling, Ya 8 00 cs&bonable ^ 6T22 rjwaalgi 033 OHESINPT Steecfc, And 1? B m1:.v 5. »«¦¦ B B Byre terms. „ . t and AUBI3T, from. L.exden, H&Dand, has postna Fhj ^ bodb desiring tbejn. 8 SergtN/ Mar Mrs. Seeley, Bridgeton, N. J • •• 1 PARLOR SKATE3.- Superior Par- Photographs, Portraits, Natural HisfrMjy.. and Medical **DtVy locited himseir •) No. 5il MSB Street frbere pIDER. and fcTSts of Application and CS ^^^ ?* sh, IlHaois r Amount pr^QviBly acknowledged 11 .016 66°^ XT lor Skates, of improved pattern, neat and light Slates, Maps ^ — New Clari^ea Champagne Peophlets farther iafor- \*»». , for , and any other description of Platea. colored parsons afflicted with (Jlsaasesof tbe Eie and But will be PINE APPLE SA> SAGO CHEESE, KJ Oider, of extra Quality, by the barrel or tUqsbead. matl0O «n I. «- Bale by PHILIP WIL80H ft OO., In the boat stria, and warranted to give B&tistaQt&on.' Par- spientlncaTlytreatea, and exuredj \{ cwr»bl?. /ST. B —No J. far aaOB by TJHODBS & WILLIAMS, For sale by ^ «$ Jg- | It* ' 811 ,242 05 or.2S.lm 415 CHESNUT St, o»m>%U« ttcrdftt Attflntion Pbx^oertvnhs. SMIL MATBIBO. nQW Ooatom Hoa«» to OoTorins ocSS-tf ehfttas made for examination. ff=29 oi* art.tr IflT aantb WATKB Sfceei , Ol2T»lSt ift Hoa. 120, 122, and 124 LOMBABD St. JOHN y. J4aSft, Actasm oc23-w£m8t*^^ SHERIFF 'S SALES, • ': ¦ A Sharp Trick.—James O Kose, a SHERIFF' S SALES. I . ;• ,;, ';.• jHEHHys sales ; " _ SALES BY AVUTIQE SALES Blr ,"% *%*%*m **i0 * AUCT drftfted mac, from Pike oountyf Pa., arrived in this oity ~^?^^ T HE CIT Y. SHEBIFF'S SALE —By virtue of a writ of Alia* SHBBIffF'8 SALE—By virtue of a writ of LeVari QHEBlWfl SAiLi^By^jrluX'oTTw^^ Ve^^adi- a day or two since, in search of a frubstitute. While YcndJrfoni Exponus, ti me directed, exposed to SHEBIFF'8 SAL1 —By virtue of a writ of Levari I GHN B. MYIRS k OO., AUO- Tbe Thermometer. will ba exposed Facias, to me directed, will be public sale* Facias,-to me r.ireofed, will be exposed to public 8*15 C5 tibni Kxponas. to me greeted, will be expojeu" $0 TH OMA B &To - topping at bis hotel, he became acan ¦stated with a cou- to public sole or vendue on M.OND&.Y Bvcniag, No- or vpudue, ori MONDAX Evening, November 3, 18d2 , atf or vendus pnbllc ealft or ve»oa6, oa MOSDAS" 'JS t' eaing," Bfoveoi* 6l TI0HS3ES, Koa 232and S34 M&MKWS Skeot M »S" vember 3, 1862 , at 4 o clock ; , on MONJ&AY livenfag, KovoaS»er 3j 1862, ^ WOVSMBEB 1, 1881. I NOYEMBEK 1, 1862. ple of gentlemen , with whom he took a Bhort walk for the ' , at Sanssm-street Hall, 4 o'clock, at Saosom-street Hall, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-Btreet H»U. ber 3, 1862, at 4 o'clock, attianwtn- street H*1I, .» . ¦ BA M....l2*...-8r. *. BA. ».,.... 12 If B JMI. All that three Btory brick messuage or tenement and All tbst certain lot or piece of gronnd, with the three- AH that certain lot or piece of ground situate on tho BALS OF FBXPJfOH DRY GOODS. BTOCKB AH» BSAL _, " "**' purpose of seeing the •« sights." Finally, the new ao- lot cf ground , eitnate on ; Q All tbat certain brick messuage or tenement, and 5ot Ssili£3^r 44.7.... .67...... 60 60...... 68.. .70 the north side of Filbert street, I story brick mesBU ge or tenement thereon erected, situ- or piece of ground, sitnato on the east Bide of Hotchinson east Bide of Fifteen th street, at the distance.o?-52 f*st 9% THIS MOBHSQ, j fMnpmoi cawiagnes now ready , f £t So, WIND. WIND. auaintances became Quite familiar and proposed tbat the at thts distance of forty- Bine (49) fret east ate on the south ride of Haines street, in the Twen south sfcJe of. Oxford »?reer j STovembor 3, at 10 o'clock, by catalogue, oa 4 meai!&* scrirtioES of sSI ifeo m ward from the tieth inches southward from *he , ' property Btreet, v ' " ; t tbe distance ¦ ' ' ¦ " " ¦ ¦ - ¦ - Jo b» -^ ffil 'a of 60 fast jwrthward from tho " ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ • ¦ ¦ ¦ • *f •:. H1S.....NHE, SW byS..B8W S8W. gentleman from Pike county should advance some oast side of Sixteen th ' city of Philadel at a distance of Twentieth ward eiXJdit — . . .. - . . , : . ;• • . . next ' ^ NW...... (late Sobttyikili Seventh) street, ward of the phia, 117 feet; northeast corner of the said Hutobinsoa street and Pop- in the pity of PKIadeipfeia, in tbe ; con- , Kovember. #», with B m a^i,^rS NOVEMBEB 2, 1861, NOYEMBEB 2, 1862. money on a note-of hand, on which he ooutd draw gold, in tbe city of Philadelphia ; containing in front on Fil- westward from the wfiBt side of Twelfth street ; contala- lar street, In ,thS Twentieth ward of the city of Phila- taining in front or breadtb on the said Fifteenth streat26 flpO pcckag8s and lots of Freceb and other European November, compriSny a la^e aa^Si^ $$ 6 a m..... 12 m....'.3 p. m. 6 a. m..... 12 m.....3 p. m. readily substitute. bert street sixteen (16) feet, and in depth northward ; ing- iri front or bread th 12 feet, and extending In length delphia aforesaid, containing fcet4»fe' inches, ani extendfeg i« Ifcgtft or depth east- dry goods, comprising a general »ssort3Beni of staple «rad Pf valuable proserty, by ordar of , ,te and with this bait would more catch a Eeventy-aix (76J feet in front or breadth on tha fimoy*n}rf««. enters *~lC'l-w«B»' «3 S8 69 63 52 ...86 ...70tf He [rather guessed that would advanced reet. {"Being tb« eaine lot which or depth epnthward of that width 60 1# inches to a Bftid Hutcbinson , street 16 feet, and eatending theoce ward of tbet breadth between lines at right angiea with , and others. G^ly, WISfD. WIND. do better. He Chnstian Finney, tiy indenture dated l ugust ' flrst. three-feet-wWe alley, communicating with another three- the Baid Fifteenth street TM feet 8 instes to Osrile good papsr eastward in length or depth between lines at right angtea- . _ 5AT.S OF BOOTS AMC SaOBS, At, 5SAX. B3TATB AT PRI7trn 5, *** RE BNB...... B. SSW 8SW .BW. the sum of §135 in green-backs and other eighteen hunslrsd and thirty-three, and recorded in Deed feot wido ulley; which leads from eaid Haines street to with paid Hutchimou street 40 Seet aod seren-eighths of ftreet • bonwded norlaward b7 ground of Vv asbingfon on tuesbay momsmoT BSTA lurso aavctinf at Prf?a{o ?4la. money, and on© of the men, calling himself Hanry Book A. M , No. 52, page 158, &c.; granted and con- Carroll street: Bounded northward by said H«ri«s an|tncb on the north line, and 3T Brovru , &»d southward by ground of Orairio 9 Gl*fliu , Foyem!c>er 4, oa four monies, t5eeerl]?9on o? city and ^, veyed by feet 19# inohea on the 1 ' eredis— ccrarirjr jj oge^01^^. , No Dbaft to Take Place-~OffB Thompson, handed cim a promissory note, or order : to Zenau W Lsseell iu fee , refervlng thereout street, Boutbward said firat-mentioned tbrae-feet-wide south line thereof. Bounded northward by ground now castwerd by said CarfMo street, end westward by Fif- 2,000 pac&agea Boots, Bsoas; Carpet Bags, &?<. may be hsd at the auction stei ***»"/. ftu*^"! a yearly ground rent of eighty-six dollsrs.] [D. O., alley, and eastward and westward by ground now or late or late of David R. Evans, eastward partly by ground teenth street aforesaid . [[Being tfce same pre3ai«es which Fail descriptions in handfcilia QUOTA FILLKD.—The Proclamation of hia Honor the October 28, 1862. 636 with the free use t BAJ^S! Oi" DB3c GUOiJi. non «** ^ JDpmont , 8., '62. ©335 39. Conarroe ] of Wm. K. Deacon ; together , &c.» of now or'late of •James Shannesy,*and -piirtly by the -haai Joseph W. KoudBr aBd Anna M., his wifo, by inden ure oatslognss en gftfcarday next. " "^ 7 > Pus- May or, ca'.Ucg upon ths residents of the 'Cityto canvass Messrs. & Oo. Seized and taken in execution as the property of the said alleys. fD.O., 712 ; S., '62. «418 79 Petit. of a 3»feet wide alley leading bssring date the 17th day of feptsaaber, A. D., 1931. rs- ON TUESDAY MOEBIHO, - jm Pay Hmry Thompson, or bearer, the Bum of by ution as the property : eastward- into "a cer-j November ©, at 10 o'clock, by ca&sosso, oa iims8» their different preoincts and wards, with a view of ascer- Nine hundred and seventy-two dollars and forty-two Zenaa W. Laeaeil, and to be sold Seized and taken in exec of John tain 20-feet-wide street osIIpA Tyler street, Biiuaiward by ocrded in Dt€d «ook A. C. H-., No-. 25, page 189, &e , famished from JOH N THOMPSON, Sheriff. R. Perkins, and Mary Ann. his wife, and to be sold bv gronnd bow or late of Job Kirkbrtde, and wesfcwarS by granted and conveyed unto-the eaid Honry Havilaud, ia «edlt. ON TUESDAY h ~*** taining tbe correct number of volunteers hundredths, without defalcation, for value received, Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, October 22. 1862 oc23-3t . JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. the said Hntobinson street, ftc, rest-rving thereout, however, th«p yearly ground rant 7C0 packages and lots of utaplo and fxney ixj good^ ©Bob, has bad the effect ef adding largely to the numbers ¦; " [Being tho same premises November 4. at 12 o'clock, noon, 8' tha ~ $972 42. MAB8BEN & GOULD, , Philadelvr.ift, Sheriff's Office , Oct. 22, 1862. oo23 3t which Stt-pheu Blatchford and wife, by indsutors dated or sum of $240, pay able in equal half-yearly pay mentis S5AL3B OTT CABPBTING9. order cf TiumeE— * ^^asa*. credited ua by the commiaaioners, and of rendering a The note Is endorsed Dumont & Co. SHKRIFF'S BALE —By virtue of. a writ of Levari t.he'24ih day ©t October,- A- -D- on Ih.e firet day of the months of" December end June, Feciftg, directed, will be exposed virtue of a writ of . . 1845; -anrrecorded in ia OW FBIDAY M&BiqiHG, 55 shares 8br»nsofcln Valley Bad >vofh! ., "'*? draft unnecessary. The various wards and meoiuets Gratified with his great fin ancial transaction to me to public sale SB EBIFB'iJ S*LE —By Levari Peed Book R. L. L., No. 49, page 429, Ac, granted aad every-year thereafter, unto tho said Joaeph W. Bonder, CoiBpaay, par S50. -lsnti6 g, , , Mr. or vendne, on MOSDAY Evening, November s, 1862, at FBcias, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale bis btiiis and asfigns.] ITovsmbsr 7, oi 20% 3'clook, on 4 months ' ctsoSK— ? foraefl their canvJ Bsing osnunittofs, through whos i exer- Rose proceeded to draw the money on the note, when he , . ; November 3 convey ed unto Henry Feltou in fee.] Together with the PieaM Yelvet, Brussels, Inffrnln, tuA Y&M»Kaa ««r™ 500 ebares Broad To? Improvmsa n ^ 4 o'clock, at B&UEom- street .Hall ^ . > or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, , 1862, free and common use and" privilege of the said 3-feet N. B—On the abova lot there is an unfinished brick 550. - '' V/O tions no Icbs than two thousand six hundred and eight learned, for the first time, thai he had been duped. He Ail that certain lot or piece of ground, with the three- at 4 o'clock, at gansom-street Hall, 4 - [D. 0., 591: 8., >«tinit, cocoa BaattJcgs, &c. . » a^» wide allef, at ftll timeB "hereafter forever. (D.C,¦ 709 ¦ mesnuage. '62 S247.2O. Simpson. I Bhare of The Bnrf Housa k ¦ ¦ :¦ ¦ ' ¦ "• ' : AEsociaii^ names were added to the regular enrollment: up to Friday made application for redresa at story brick buiiding tbereon erected, situate at the All that certain three-story brick m"S3uage or tene- 8., '62. $941.24 Paul. ::¦ • .... , - ,: ¦¦:; , . A Bf ized and taken in execution as Che , U the Central Station, ana " , property of Henry TOHJlNESS. BEINLEY, & OO., City," par @1,000. - '°« AutoH night and their claims have been allowed. This left bat proceeded eonthwest corner of Sassafras (or 'Bace) Btreet and a mer.t and lot or piece of ground; situate on the east Bide Seized and taken in execution as the property Haviland , and to be sold by 3 Positive Biile—1 share Poi , then to the camp at Haddonton with the view twenty fret wide ftli ey, between Delaware Sixth street of Randolph Btreet (lately, called Elizabeth street), at the of Henry Jl? No. 429 MABBIET STSlfflff. nt BreezePe*v about five hundred men atiU needed to fill the quota of of hunting up a substitute. Felton, and to be sold by JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. 1 share Philadelphia Library Company Xjgh- and Seventh efreet, in the city of Philadefphia, contain- distance of 514 feet northward from the corner of Poplar - ,. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office . Oct. 22-, 1832. oc23 3t 1 share Mercantile Library ^ ^, the city. On Saturday, fif teen hundred additional names, ing in breadth on the said riassafraa (or Bace) Blreet fif- street, in the city of Philadelphia ; containing in breadth BALE OF FBEHCH, BRITISH, AKD BKSOinr Company Philadelphia, Sheriffs Office. October 22, 1862: oc23-3t SDEBIFF'B SALE —By virtue of a wxit of Levari DB.T GOOBS. 6 shares American Acadeuss of Music •«. properly verified, were filed. The probability is that bat teen feet six 'incheb, and extending in length or dopth or front on the said Randolph street 18 feet, and in SO shores Prc-fsrred Stock * 1 A' Ni\v Railroad.—-The eonsfcrae- along the west side of itoe said alley 88 feet. length or depth extending thence eastward between F'B SALE.—By virtue of a Facias, to ma directed, will bo exposed to public sale OK TUESDAY MOBNING, €tomden Bni« i., "' ** a few if any, of these names will be rejected ; and Phila- Bounded SHKBIF writ of Levari Evening, ITovember 4 th, at 10 o clock, by catalogue on 4 months* road Co. "^tic L, i tioh. of a new railroad in progressing on the west bank of westward by ground formerly of Jobn Shultz, southward lines at right angles with said Randolph street 60 feet. Facias, to me directed, will be exposed to Pablio or vendue, on MONDAY November 3, 1863, ' 50 shares Ithaca Gaa delphia will thus be proved to have fillort her auota by grou northward by ground now or late of Henry L. at 4 o'clock, at Sansom- Btreet Hall, credit— Light Co., xtnt mti the Bchuylkill river, from Columbia bridge to Gray'a by nd formerly of George Haynes, eaatwardly by the Bounded Sftle or Vendue, on MONDAY Evening, November 3, 600 lots of fancy and staple imported goods. 2"S500 bonds Logan County Minln^ ~!a the striotes t construction of the commissioners, and that said alley, and Borthwardly by the said Sassafras (or Bpangler, goutfe ward by ground late of George B. Wood 1862, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street Hall, AH that certain lot or piece of ground Bituate on the b. - K«s Ferry bridge—a distance of about five miles. It wil westerly side of Lexingt on street , &t tbe dictunca of 40 tSf~ Samples aid catalogues ready cm the morning of icg Compan y, of Virginia. . . ° 5t:fsMa she has at least a thousand men to spare in her allotment. Pennsylvania Bace) street. [ Which said lot or piece of ground (& end Caroline bis wife, eastward by ground of John All tbat certain lot or piece of land, sitnate on the 42 shares Cleveland and MSh*:aih»z unite the Beading road with the Oantral, rame blacksmith sbop"bei ng then thereonereoted Mitchell, and westward by Randolph street aforesaid. easterly side of the Eidge Turnpike feet southward from the southerly line of Huron street, sale. Sail Of course, this will render the draft—which waa fixed for ay.d , Wilmington, and Baltimore "f ) Jacob road, in the formar iu ihe city of Philadelphia, containing in front or breadth 300 shares Alipgbauy Mintes Oo , ,.f xJ^th. the Philadelphia with Haars by indenture dated the 30th day of March, A. D. [Being ibe same precQiaeB" which the said Isaiah Bird township or Boxborough, and now in the >Twenty-flrst SALE OF VISNNi BBJOHE AND CHAINS LAIU3 BBA.L ESTiTE * fr lo-mertow—entirely tmneoesBaty. and Sarah his wife, by indenture dated the sixth day wwd of the city on said Lexington street 40 feet, and extending in length SQUABE SHAWLS 11$ OOLOKS SALE—H0TE*-«,ilB?i %. the Media and West Chester road. From the Columbia 1826, recorded in Deed Book G. W. U , No. 12, page 259, of of Philadelphia, beginning on tho afore- or dejth * LONG AND , Will include— 48i Pj fhe enrollment, as taken by the ward -eoounUfcees, &c, granted and conveyed unto the said Peter Fritz in November, Snno Domini - one thougaud eight hundred said side of said road , at a corner of this and Joseph P. weetwardly of that •w idth 80 feet. Bounded «f Only of tbe Importation of bridge it will keep near the river on the west side, cross- the north by other ground conveyed by Edwin W. Leh- ' Executor'B Sale—SsUte of Scj ihia Btp ^l Showed some gross errors as having been committed. A. Pennsylvania Central ne»r the Wire bridge fee.) [D. O., 701; S., '62. $2,000. Xex, and fifty -tour, recorded in the office for recording deeds O. Hoffman's land, thence by the same north sixty-two Messrs LUDEWIG l be exposed to public sale JOHN THOMPSO N bearing ev6n date herewith, (August 7, I860,) bnt exe- do do Btripe aecraate 5 Evening, -November 3 1862 , Sheriff. degrees forty-five minutes went, sixteen perches and brcche cashmere do. NEAT MODERN BWELLI&'G >! being lees than that for which the commissioners had expense and greatly facilitating and increasing or vendtie, on MOSDAY , , at Pbilnd clpbia, Sheriff' s Office, Oot 22, 1862. oc23-3t forty-two oce-hnndredths to the aforesaid side of aaid cuted before theee preEenrs and intended to be herewith do superfine Quality do do long do. w , the busi- 4 o'clock, at Sansom-atreet Hall, , recorded , for the consideration therein mentioned, a part Tenth and Sonth streets, with 7 one 8tr«, v Cita3t a given credit. Tend er the circumstances, it was doemed ness of the Philadelphia termini of these roads. Tbe t urnpike road, thence by the same north thirty -twode- do do brocho long do. adjolBicg on South street. 4> 6rs<:kit.w All tbat lot of groutd situate on the northwest corner QHEBIFF'S SALE.—By virtue of a writ of Alias grees thirtjr-five of which is hereby intended to be secured, granted, aad do do Indoux cachmere do. best not to report that precinct to the commissioners. anticipated cost of the road will be $500,000. It isboing of Twenty- second and F streets, in the Eighth ward of Venditioni Expocao, to me directed, will be exposed minutes wist; fiftjrfeet to the place of conveyed nnto HODERN FOUR 6T0EY B aiCK *< *,¦ ^ beginning. Containing fifty square perches 'of l vnd, the said Enoch H. Beans, his heirs and For the best city trade. DWELLING, ' 8 This was the caao in a single precinct. built by contract, and will be owned jointlyjKsd equally tbe city of Philadelphia, containing in front sixty*two to Public Bale or Vend no, on MONDAY Evening, Rpsfgns ] S. W. corner of Tent * a-JT^f % xty-nine feet.; . ; - more or less, within Baid "limits. [Being the same pre- SCOTCH ALL-WOOL PLAID LONG SHA.WL8, with 2 three Btory brick dwellings ia mis su IUjThe nnr ouBcenaent that there will bo no draft will in- by the Beading, Penn&ylvania Central feet, and in depth'si > November 3, 1862, at 4 o'clock,; at Sansom-street Hall, rjafsesw hich William Levering and Clement Levering, N. B.—On the above premises there 13 erected a three- For best city trade. tbe t ar , and Baltimore N. B.—On the above described tb.ere.are erected 4 three- All.that certein lot or piece of gronnd, with the thr.ee- ptory unfinished brick dwelling house. [D. O.j 698 ; 8., street. . °c fi:4a:J deed be sad news to those who were holding back in and Wilmington roads. executors to the iast will and testament of Thomas Le- 200 large size Scotch all wool long Bimwls, choice pat- MOPEBN FOUB STOSY BSI Btory brick honees. Btory brick dwelltBg bouse thereon ereoted, situate on veriEg, '62. $1,103. Lex. terna and colors. . 0E DV^tt hopes of being able to bite at the many tempting offers for P. S.—The writ by virtue of which tW above pro- the west side of Sighth street, at the distance of 90 fset late of the township ef Boxborough aforesaid, Seized and taken in execution as the property - E. corner of Efeventh and Bodumi af rceta *" Saii rieceased, by deed bearing date the eighth day of April, of Enoch DOCBLSB-FACE BLK. FIG. GBOS GB&.INS. Brick Swellings m the Wa!l 3 tubstttutes, in case conscription had been reasrted to. Shocking Outrage perty will be sold has been issued on a judgment obtained southward from Locust street, in the citr of Philadel- H. Beans, and io be sold by quality Hrory roar 02 Rtfi.. W .—-On Saturday in the case of the city of Philadelphia vs. William A. D. 1854, recorded In the bfBce for recording deeds. SO pieces ex double-face neat figured black gros . THBEE 8TUBY BBI0K BWjtLUwo *l m- ' Notwithstanding the great inducements held out to vo- afternoon, a man named Hulao Prim- phia, containing in breadth on said Eighth street 22 feet JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. eraina. 1 , , who lives at No. 611 rose owner; or ' reputed owner, iu ithe Common Pleag &c, for the city and county of Philadelphia; in Deed Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office , Street, west of Thirty- third Btreet, \J ei t plf, , 6 inches , and extending in depth westward 100 feet to a T. H.; October22. 1852 oc23-3t ^:8^ lunteers, in the shape of bounties, yet the number of min Federal street, went to the hoase of Mr. Berger, in Mc- Court of Philadelphia, of June Term, 1862. No. 58. for 10-fee t wide alley, leading into and from the said Lqcu3t Book No. 170,page 346, &c,,granted and conveyed SAXOJS Y DEESS GOODS. COUNTBY PLiCS, Lancaster road « f pi»'» obtained during last week and since the draft to Deborah Levering, her heirs and assigns, forever,] SHJilBlFF'S SALE.—By virtue of a writ of Levari Market-Btreet Bridge, about S acr<= ' 8!65 fens waa post- Ilvaine street, between Fourth; and Fifth streets, and taxes against «aid property. [O. P.. 171;. S.. . '62., S53.09.. Btreet, and cottiniunicatiug with another alley 9 feet wide, > Just landed . 8 xrtutt? ¦ "¦ ¦ ' ' .. . . . ; . .. . . , . . Bf. B — On the above described lot there is erected a Facias, to me directed, will be exposed to public poned was exceedingly Pouleon.;; . . . - ..: . ¦> extending Into Blackberry alley . Bounded northward ON TUESDAY M0B.NING, ments. "anna* small. Thoso who bad any no- knecked at the door. The call was answered by Jfilra. two»etoried stotie dwelling house. ' TD. 0 , 657 j '82, sale or vtndue, on MONDAY Evening, November 3, NEAT MODSBN BSSID Beizf d and taken in execution aB the property of Wil- Rnd southward by other property formerly owned by ;¦ ' • ' ' 8 % November 4, commencing at 10 o'clock precisely. I JJOB, ju „,„. tion of becoming soldiers were determined to hold bask, Berger, when she was attacked by Hulae with a hatchet. by $1.163 33 Paul. '. ; ,: . - :yur- ^: :: .,.' . ' , 1862, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom- Btreet Hall, Delancey Place, -with the modern convenfc-i "* *«« by liam Primrose, and to be sold George O. Lybrand,,westward by sai110-feet-wide; alley, Seized and token In execution as the property All tbat certain lot or pieoe of ground, with the^three- — cases reps ground eilK plaid Arabias. *. expecting this arrangement to realize Bmall fortunes. The bead of the unfortunate woman was laid open, and a JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. and eastward by Eighth street aforesaid. [ Being the sama of De — do reps.a Caireaux ~ . THBEE STOBY BBI0K BTOES AKn\* What a disappointment ? Now that our borah Levering, and to be sold by .; : Btcry brick metBuage or tenement thereon erected, IKG, N- E. comer Jnniior ant- Eonmas BU. citizens / and very serious wound was inflicted. After committing the Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office , Oct. 22, 1862 oo23 3t lot of ground which Alexander Henry and Sarab, hia JOHN THOMPSON situate on the south side of Jefferson street, at the dis ¦ — do Jacanered figd MaoariJlas. ,. st^» " Councils tee tbat we are safe from the draft, wife, by indenture dated the seventh day of July, A. D. ^ , Sheriff. of do piaid and figd Trnphenias. 2 TRBEE STOBY BBIOK DvrE bLlNr? v it is more act Hnlee went home and to bed, where he was arrested SHEBIFF'S BALK —By virtue of a writ of Levari Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office. Oct. 22, 1862. oc23 3t tnnce of 69 feet eastward from the ea^fc side Ontario — and 517 South Jnaiper street, i5J likely that in a very Tew day s all the temptiog 1814. and recorded tbe office for recording deods, &ci, for — do check and figd diamond Arniiaa. adjoin®.* »h«-h * than offers and taken before Alderman Harmer, who committed him Facias, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale street, in the Twentieth ward of the city of Philadelphia ; a xnnnn oitjjn i> iitt.iik «» JS I,T TK ~ to recruits will'.be withdrawn ond many a greedy vendue on MONDAY Evening, the city and county of Philadelphia,in Deed Book M.R , SHBEIFF'S BALK.—By virtue of a writ of Levari containing in front or breadth on said Jefferson street — do neat siik pluid Monitors. 4 f, i, , indi- to await the result of Mra. Berger's injuries. The only or , Hovember 3, 1862,-»t Ko 3, page 217i *c, granted and conveyed unto George O. -Facias, to me directed, will be exposed to public sal ¦Plain ground silk plaid Elegantes. comer of Huntingdon and Waterloo sh gfeh" «¦' ^> vidual will be left in the cold, The usual bounties 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street Hall, ; ; > " e 17 feet 3 inches, and extending in length or depth Boavh- wpjo. ' "'^t'^a will motive known for the attack is the fact that a bparder of Lybrend in fee, reserving thereout the yearly rent of one or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, Nov. 33 1862, at 4 ward between lines at right angleB therewith 100 feet. The above aio all fresh goods and' never before offered only be given. I£ is more than likely that to Berger All that certain two story brick messnage or tenement hundred and eighty aeUars.j [D. O., 692 ; 8., '62. 8283.89. Hall, at auction. 2 THESE 8TOBY BBIOK DWlLLp-na » , in view of s to make his home. ' clock, at Sansoai-streot recently went ' o HulBe s ' ¦ ¦ i ' ' ' ' ¦ ¦ ¦ : - - ' Bounded northward by ihe said Jefferson ¦ • '¦ street, - "' :-^ ¦ east- gu ' • and lot or piece : ¦ ¦ : » of ground - - - ¦: , situate ¦ the west side of .;- -:::¦ :- : . Cherry ' - • - /. - . corner of ¦: - and K .V . . FrUdlsttder Paul. - ;. .:; ..- :.. sbj, . this, the enlistments will be heavy for a day or so, or as Bulee had been drinking hard for some time before the Delaware Fourth .street, at the distance of 170 feet AH that certain lot or piece ef ground situate .on the ward and westward by ground now or.late of John Mul- ALPACAS, BIOHAIBS AND C0BUSG3. 6ei' ¦ ¦ 10 . Seized and taken in execution aa the property of George Twentieth and Twer.iy-firstfctreets . "' ***s ¦ ' ' '"" " ' ' ¦ ' ' east side of Seventeenth street, at the distance of 17 feet — case 6-4 fine blacfc alpacas. Iodk &a the present bemnties ate continued. ' ,. - ¦ ¦ ¦ ' . ' -^"¦ ¦ ' ¦ inches northward from Franklin ; street ' " voney, and southward by ground now or late of Thomas occurrence. . • . - . • - .. , in the (late) O. Lybrand, and to be sold by c i northward from tho north tide of Swain street — do do fine mobaira. 4 THBEE STORY BSIOK D vTEtUvra Kensington district of the Northern Liberties, iri'the , in that S. Potts and Townsend Smub. [Being the same premises Lots, Twentj -lecond street, MaBter S tt9 county JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriffs part of the city of Philadelphia, late the district of Sprinitj which the said Cyrus Cadwallader and wife by indenture — do do do coburgs. stre-t a«Jfa Cam p of Deputy of Philadelphia, now the city of Philadelphia; Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office October 22 strett. .„ ' - tetfnn rHiLAD ELPHiA—^LisT the iNTlEFERlNG'-^The United coniaining in front or breadth on said Fourth 'stree t 16 , , 1872. 0023.31 Garden; containing in front or breadth on saidSeventeenih bearing even date with tbe above recited indenture, but — do do mixed mohaira. , COMPANIES AND THEIB OFFIOEBS appointed precinct (be titee' 17 feet?' and extending in lengthJor depth of that mmediately 1JLAOK AND COLORED DEE8S SILKS. 3 THBEE STOBY BBIOK:D.W£LtjSng —This camp, States Marshal for the Ninth of feet, and in length or depth westward 100 feet , to Me- ERIFF'S SALE.—By; virtue of a; writ of Levari f executed i before the same, for the considera- Birr ft. oss.t of TweutT.fo«r»h street, 20ch"^l,ii the rendezvous for drafted men, visited by large ' . appointed by the cbaric street. Bounded eastward by said Fourth SH width eastward between lines parallel with B idd Swain tion moneys therein mentioned, part whereof is thereby Id inch heavy bSack figd silks. *** was a Fourth ward , and the canvassers citi- street, Facias, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale street 67 ieet, to a three feet wide alley leading south- 19 do d&uble-fsce do do. EXEOUIOE'S PSBEMPrOSY 8iLB-lp- v eoncourec of people yesterday. There are now at the southward by ground granted, or intended to be granted, or vendue, on MONDAY Ivening, November 3^ 1862. secured, granted unto tbe said William 8. Ernst in fee, William Adams, decea^d — TWO Slos ' cam? zens of said precinct, bams in collision on Friday, and j by ward into said Swain street. Bounded northward by other subject to tbe payment of a yearly ground rent or sum 26 do Lyons ex heavy black taffetas . v eo*J about 7,000 men,, all of whom are either subatitmsa or to Ben amin Shclmire, westward the said Mecbanio at4o'clockj at SanEom-street Hall,. ^: _ " groun saIdBobt.. 26'de Paris pstent do do. DWELLING, No. 324 York avesue, mtth W 8 . the result was & scene of pugilism as interesting as novel. street, and northward by a messuage and lot late of All tbat certain lot or piece of ground situate at the d of the H. Wilson, southward by grouad. of 890, in eaual half-yearly payments, on tbe first day of draftee*. So.uad and company drills take place daily, and Id coDBeauence of this affair Mr. James Devine W83 gi an ted. to William Kee on ground rent, eastward by January and July forever.] [D. 0., 682 ; S.. '62. 20 do brown taffetae and black moire antique. James Mnsson. [Beingtbe enru o premisas which Gesrge southwest corner of Sixteenth street (formerly called by 21 do all boiled colored Poult ds Sole. matters ere beginning to assume a military appearance. appointed assistant marshal by the commissioners, and Oon nell and Elitiaheth, his wife, by indenture bearing Scbiiylkill Seventh street) and Brown street said three-feet wide alley, and westward said Seven- 82,330.17. Paul. Hale for account , in the city teenth street. [Being the southern half of a larger lot of Seized and taken in execution as the property 20 do noir fond cannelo and enlumice lance do. of Onitea Stats; As usual, Equatters have surrounded the camp ground entered on his duties forthwith. On Saturday he. re- even date with a curtain indenture of mortgage, (viz : or Philadelphia, containing in front or breadth oh said of Wil- plaids do. WOOL, COTTO5T. AND LEATHEH hiJvTiK-, July lltb, A . D. 3844,) granted and conveyed unto the ground, which iflthelbert A. Marshall, by indenture da- liBni S. Ernst, and to be sold by 27 do rich Paris ON TUESDAY with tht ir booths and wagons ; and, in addition, pias, turned to them the names of one hundred and sixty>fou.r Sixteenth street 18 feet, and extending (of. that width) ted th'e twenty-ninth day of September, Anno Domtai JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. MOBBISG ^* said Williem Irvine and Andrew Given, in feo. Subject westward in length or depth, along s»ia Srown street", LABGE SPiSOIAl, SALE November 4, at 10 o'clock, at tbe Anction S»a, cakes, nuts, cider, &c, articles that are contraband in- persons who had enlisted in Pennsylvanian regiments to tiie payment of a certain yearly 1855, r«corded at Philadelphia in Died Book R. D. W., Philadelphia, Sheriff's Offi ce, Oct. 22, 1862. oo23-3t OF 5 rent- charge of forty 70 feet 8 inches to a 3-feot-wide alley , leading into and MoL39j; page 301, &c, granted whoand conveyed nnto tbe quantity of wool, cotfoa , and leather cotriaaa. £« side the lines, are sold by the outside dealers, The'draf ted from the Ninth precinct of the Fourth ward. dollars, payable on first days of January and July io from said ;Brown street. Boundeir northward by said Wilson fee, shortly SaERIFK/S SALE.—By virtue of a wntot Levari,Fa- 800 CABTON3 POULT DS SOIE TRIMMING AND rope, paper, &c. s^fsmg, every year "Bajd^-K^beitH. in intends to 16O men from Wayne and Delaware counties are expected to thereafter forever ] fD. C, 894: 8., '82. Brown str< et, southward by*y>thefe*:grouDd of the : said; erecf^^eron o three-BtoryTbrick d wallieg horiie] 9nb» ciae, to me directed , will be exDoaetl to public' sale NSST BIBBON5. US*" Hay be examined the day previous to 33^, arrive at the camp early this week. Those present now Murder at Bridbs. S568.42. L6t«5h A . are from tbe counties notnod, and officere d as follows: BUBG—On Saturday, Judge Thompson, in the Court of drew Given, and to be sold by ' ,.,. » ' df.eeBing establiBhment, hoBe or engine h»use, blacksmith, Consisting of— nE s [Being the same lot or piece of grou6d i which the said' ehop, carpenter shop, glue, soap, candle, or starch ma- All tbat certain lot or piece of gronnd situate on the AND MEDIOAL AND SUBGlOiL W0££j I, Montgcmerg county, Colonel Daniel M. Yost. < Quarter Sessions, was engaged in hearing cases on writs JOHN THOMPSOH; Sheriff. Etbelbert A. Marshall, by indenture bearing even date southeasterly side of Passjunk road, at the distance of Ex. Lib. 4, 5, asd 6 cable cord choice colored Poult de ON TUESDAY. AFTEBNOOSf ! fe Htr propoilieu of the draft is 1 380 Colonel Boyd is Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, October 22, 1862. nufactory, stable or building tor offensive occupation, Scis ribbons. , , ; of habeas corpus. The case of Henry Gilbert,-charged os23-3t herewith, but executed Injmediately'before the execution shall a£ any time hereafter be erected or used on any two hundred and fifty-nine feet aud three-quarter inches November 4, 1862 , conansoncing at 4 o'cick & p a commissioner. •hereof for tbo consideration thf rein; mentioned, (the " from the souany F, 97 men, captain B. H. Everharc afternoon a train of cars came in coHition with a Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office , October 22, 1862 oc23-3t Blockley, now in the .city of Philadelphia ; thence ex* POBTED DRY GOODS, BIBBON3, MILLINESY strtets, KeBsiagton, valuable raacbiserr, &c ; first iieaten • turday .^ith,»; (Augusi;7th, I860,} and intended to be herewith Itory brick cottage. [D. C, 699 ; '.S., '62. Si.,100. Lex. WHITE GOODS, &c, b7 catalogue. , incS ant, J. B Beicbart ; second lieutenant, Jonathan J. HERiFF'8 SALE.—By teidisg eastward ttlong; other ground of the said " Wil- recorded," grsnfeii5. ,aiid conveyed unto the said Enoch GOODS, Bteem engine', twenty-horBe power ; largs borio? Jit horse and cart at Seventeenth and Washington streets, \ virtue of a writ of Vendittoni liam Ciean, on a line at right angles with the The Seized and- taken in execution as the property of John. OH WEDNESDAY MOBNI^O, pacing machines, large slotting rocchtae Paul. Company 6, 92 men, captain , It. P. Heck r first instantly Biponas, to me directed, will be exposed to public said Oedar H. Beans, bis. heira and^ssignSi-- moaeys secured B. Bcdgers, andto be sold by , lathes, s-m lieutenant, J. P. Cornell ; second lieutenant, W, W. throwing the locomotive from the track and laiie. 176 feet 9 inches tind qne-q.uarter of an ioch, to the by this present Indenture or mortgage being the ' ¦' November 5, commencing at 10 o'clock precisely. cnttfrs, steam pump, large crsnee, iron &vsH killing the borso Bftle or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, November 3, amount . ? JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Embracing a great variety of Beasonable goods, worthy csrriages 6Ia Heoker. Company H, 94 mon, captain, D. Schail ; first that was attached to the cart. The ac- 1S62, at 4 o'clock, et Sansom- street Hall, Bontbwtatwardly side of the said Orean street ; thence of certain advance moneys to be made by-the said Ed- Philadelphia, Sheriff's Offic e, Oct. 22, 1862. oc23-3t , belting, bar iron, bolta and nnti j ivk lieutenant, 8. A. Brown ; second lieutenant, Joshua cident caused much confusion on the track for a time. Boulheastwardly aroDg the same 29 feet 9 inches and one- win W. L'ehcoao to the aaid Enoch H. Beans, according tbe attention of ihe trade* : toolR, &c. ' Ho, 1. An that cfrtam lot or piece of ground, with the " Cat&logoes -md samples early on the morning of sale. ; 8S?~ Full Kern. Company I, captain William Morgan ; first lieu- two-Btory frame dwelling, with kitchen back, thereoa half of an inch, to.a point in the line ofof the said Crean to the terms and stipulations in a certain agreeriieSi?^^ SHIBIFFS 3ALE.—By virtue of a writ of Tendi- particulars in catalogues tea aays &f.m tenant Levi Krauee ; second lieutenant, Daniel Thomas. ttreet, formed fey the^intersection the said Orean writing, ,~MonI ExpoDas, to me directed , wiil be exposed ¦ to sale , erected, situate on the northwesterly side of Thomas bearing even date here with, and¦ intended to be- topub- ¦;¦ Sudden Death.—-An aged many ' ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ' " ' ' ¦ ;- " Compau> Kj 96 men, captain, L. C. Lee ; first lieuten- un-l Street and a certain fopy-feat wide street, caUed Miller Iterewitb recorded, V"'.-: . : .. • , -/• . . ' \:- : --fi \ •: lfc>-saie or-ve»an.e,j cn MONDAY Evening,-November . PROPOSALS. /. • . . . known, died suddenly, just as he entered a railroad Mill toad (now called Cottage street); at Ohestnut Hill, street, (laid out and opened by ant, Charles Faster ; second iieutouant, J. EL Shelley. cart In the Twenty-tecond ward of the city of Philadelphia ,- the said William Orean N. B —On the above premises there is ereoted a threa- 3, 1$62, at 4¦ o'clock,?at;Sainsdm-Btreet Hall, PHILIP FGSI) & CO., AUCTION Pike County has two lull cooipttoiea of full numbers. at Twenty-third and South street, on Saturday afternoon. for public use, at the distance of 200 feet eastward from story BEfiniBbed. brick dwelling house; [Dl * 697 ;M All that - certain lot or piece of ground sihiata on the Tl fcPUTI ^UABTIBMASPIK¦ containing in front or breadth on said road 40 feet, aad the t-aBtwardly side of tbe said 'MiQ ' ¦ ¦¦ Oi of 79 ¦ ¦ ' ¦¦: ' ¦ : ; X HBEBS, 656 MABKBT sad 522 OOMMKBOS^ They are commanded by Uaptsins Frazier and Tinsman. His bod y was taken to the Eighteenth-ward station\ extending in length or depth, between parallel lines at road, or Cedar lane, B-f '62. . $1,103.00-' Lex. r - ';, " ,v ': . .;•;; : ., -. ::"*: v<-. east side of Fifteenth street, ai the ^iatunoe feet 2 Jl/ gbneeal's offioe.": .. , , . . . ; :. . /':.. - This county has nobly responded to the call upon her ) right and running parail< 1 therewith;) thsnee southward along i.Beized and taken to execution as the property of^ • toches Eoutbwatd from the south side of Oxford street, in Philadei-phia, October 30, 1862 1 "¦ ¦ ¦ ' ' i ; ' ' ¦ ' " " ¦ ¦ ' ¦" house, and the Coroner was sent for. < angles with said road, in a northwesterly direction, SAMS OI 1,000 CASES BOOTS . ,. .. - . ' - ¦• ' . ' ; • H. , SHOES, A55 patriotism. • - . - " ¦¦ BS3- . . . . tbe west Bid o of tbe said Miller street 31 feet 4 inohes, to I^ioch Beans and to be sold by '¦;. - .;?' the city of Philadelphia,in the Twentieth ward contain- PBOPOSALS will be received at this oflce.. Hntil ' ¦ ¦ '' " " ¦ ' ¦ about 110 feet 6 inches, to land of John H. Shultz. v n , : 0 * ; • -: - •¦ " ,GANS. Buckt County.—Thu companies of this county are un- other ground of the vsaid William Crean ; tbence weat- ' .;;; - - : 'v ,;:;^- :.v - .v '"JpHN;'THO . ; vr ing in ;front" or. breadth on the said Fifteenth street 26 THIJBSDAY, at 12 o Bounded on the northeast by ground now or late of Wil- - ^ - MPl5Oir, sherifi£v :> 6tb Uovembor, 'clockM.. for the THIS MOBMIISG. der the direction, so far, of CoBimissioner Efi, of Bucks Postponed.—The ceremony of Bless-j liam Bitting, on the southwest by ground now or late of ward along the same, on a line at right angles with the Philadelphia, Sheriff s Office, Oct. 22, 1862. 6c22i"3t feet 4.% inches, and extending In length or depth east- delivery, In -this city, of aE the STOFB3 reaaired for captains said Miller street, 200 fett, to the east side ot , Sovembar 3. at 1Q o'clock precisely,w fl! in bK, \h county. Tbe of the differ ent companies now ing a new bell for St. Paul's B. O. church, Christian 1 Cephas G. Guilds, and on the southeast by Thomaa' Mill the^aid writ of ward of that breadth between lines at right anglea with Eespital purposes j to be 12, 14, and 16-inch Air-tight, cstalogne. 1, g organized at tbe camp are as follows : - r«iad aforesaid . : • r Mill road, or .Cedar Jane, and thence northward along SHER IFF'S SALE.—By virtue 7of^a Levari tha said Fifteenth street 155 feet 8 inches t,j Oarlile street : best Americao, Bmooth Sheet-iron stoves. A Bidders wilt 000 cases men' , boys', so?,yo nras' mt, k?, Captains Bess Glistoger, Applebaugh, Sager, Bay ley, street, near Tenth, which was to have taken place yester- all that lot or piece of tbe game.50 feet, to the place of beginning. .[Being the . Facias, to meY airectei, wUl . be exposed to pnblic bcuDded northward by ground of Joseph state the number tbey can deliver within sixty grain, and thick noota, calf aud kip brojsas, Bite- ¦ , ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ' 38b. 2, And, also^ certain ground, W. Souder, and day3; 1 ¦¦ ¦ ¦- ¦ ' ¦ ' ¦ ' ' ¦ ' ¦ ; ' Eg or rals, WelliugtoBs, &o. Womea's, misses mi-1 Boberts. .. \. . . . \ day afternoon, was postponed me pretniees whicli the said William Orean, by inden- s»le or vtndue, on MONDAY EyeningJ November 3, by; by g per foot cMHwa ! . V in consequence of the ill-: with the two- story frame dwelling, with kitchen back, southward ground of John Bice, eastward aid also, the price per Stove, acd the price^ pound calf. kip. goat Chester County.—Wnior Mc&Iure, formerly an offi- neas of the Bt. Bev. Bishop Wood. thereon erected (adj fining toe' above-SeBcrifcsd premiseB), ture bsariog date the second day of January, eighteen 1862, at 4 o'closk, at Sansom street Hall,- Oorlile street, and westward by FifteeRth street afore- for Stove Pipe. Stoves to be delivered at any point in , kid. and moxecoo, beeled boob aad shoa. isundred ^and fifty^ recorded at Philadelphia, Alt those two contiguous lots of ground," with the mes- , gaiters. &c. Also, city-made goods. cer of the Pennsylvania Houie of Bepresentative3, - in situate on the northwesterly side of Thomas' Milltoad in Deed eaid/f [Being, the same premises which Oratio 3. Claflin this city tbat may be required. v\ conjuEOtion with Oommissioner Hooton, haa charge of Book G, W: ; §>iJro^29^page .^30, granted and conveyed euage or tenements thereon, situate on the south side of and "Elmlra D,, bis wife, by indenture bearing date the [Signed] A. BOYD, ISTGoods opea for osftiaiiisr»onj witb.ca fetepi« ssif (bow called Cottage street), at Chestnut HilLiin the Chestnut street, ; on the morning Gi"sa le. the Chester county coi tingect. The following are the Barn Burned.—The bam of William twenty-second ward of the city of Philadelphia; -c/>n- unto tbej faio^TJobn?HoWard, in fee ; reserving thereout in the Fifth ward of the city of Phila- 17th day of September A. D.. 1861, recorded in Deed oc31-6t Capt. and A. Q. M. U. S A, names of the offi cers of tbe various Chester companies, a yearly «ronn4%ent Qir gam of thirtyifivfi^doUarSi^aya- delphia, between- Sixth and Seventh' streets, (being A; No. 25, page Harrison, situate near Torresdalo, in the upper part of tsiiiing in front or breadth on aaid road 40 Feet, and ex- Book O. H, 185, &c, granted and con- 6AL3S OJ l,00S OASSS BOOK aM being fall up to the maximum req.uirem«nt : ble half yearly, on the first days of the months oifS'dbr^ts known as Jones.' Hotel) ; containing in front or breadth veyed llenry ' ¦ ¦ ¦ , SE0M B%> tending in length or depth, between parallel lines at right unto the eaid Havilsnd, in fee, receiving RMY CLOTHIN& AND EQ0IP- .-' . . ' .-,. .. • - • --. . - -Company A Captain tJo ehower. the county, was destroyed by fire, between ten and ary and August in every year, forever.] Together with on the said Chestnut 6tree£'5O feet 6 inches,: and extend- y A . GAH8, &o. , 'J argles with said road, in a northwesterly direction, thereon jt , however; the early ground rent or sum of two J-A- AG1 OFFI01, T WELFTH AND GIBABD ON THUB5DAY M0B2fBT Compan y B, Captain Levi Fetters. eleven o'clock on Friday night. ' about HO feet 6 inches, to land of John H. Shultz. the free use and privilege of the said Miiler street'and ing in length or depth tbat breadth south wavd'two hun~ hundred and forty dollars, payable in equal half-yearly O. by Orean Btreet, respectively, at all-times hereaf tired and two'(202) feet, where it widens on the oast side BTBEETS—Philadelphu, Oct. 30, 1852 November 6S at 10 o'cloak jred/ieiy.w ill be sM,by oa. Company C, Captai n Thomas A. Hioks. Bounded on ^he northeast ground granted, or Intend- ter forever. pay ments on the first day of the mouths bt December and Open PEOPOSAL8 are invited at this office for furnish Company D, Captain Thorntmon. 1 Watson, Under and subject, neverfheless, to the exprets restric- to tbe breadth of 51 feet 6 inches, thence extendiog the June in every year tberrafter, unto tbe said Oratio S. logne, 1,000 eases men% boys', SHtl yonSa'calf, iff. PHIIi&DIIliPHIA BOA3D OI TBADS. ed to be granted, to Samuel on the southwest by tion that no slaughter- house, skin- last?-mentioned breadth the further depth feetjto ing the following articles for the army : * grain, «nd thick boots; calf anfl Mp brogans, Ooagna Company E, Captain Woollen. ground now or late of Cephas G. Chiids, atid on the dressing establish- * ofJ&3 Claflin, his htirs andJassigna ] SHIRTS, either of white domet or gray twilled Company F, Captain Walton. THOMAS KIMBEB, Jb , ) ment, glue, soap, candle, or starch manufactory, or other George street, including: the weBternmost littif part of a N; B;—On ' the above lot there is an unfinished ¦ flan-¦ gaiters, Balmorals, &0.5 mmee's, asisses'. ssl cbaartni AUGTJ8TD8 HE iTON, southeast by Thomas* Mill road aforesaid . [ Being the . brick nel or knit. ' ' . ' " . ' " . ' ' - . - r.^ ' • . ' . calf, kip., goat, Md, and morocco aedslbco^ and Comjanv Gi Oaptain Eowland. > COMMITISZOI' THh MosTK. premises Cephas bnildiDg for ofiensive ocenpatJoni shall at any time 9 ftet 6 inches wide alloy, left opea on the east side of tht messuage. TD. C, §90 : S., '62. S247 20. Simpaou . , abst EDWABD O. KNIGHT, S same which G. Chiids and wife, by two hereaiter be put, erected, or used aforesaid lot for ' tbe commorj UBeflcsnvenierice and. BOOTS AND BOOTE13, either «« pegged" or gaiters, slippers; Balmorals, &c. Mso, a large assw Company H, Captato'Wernfz. Bcveral indentures, respectively bearing date the ninth on: aay part of the , ac- Seized and taken in execution as tbe property of Henry ti sewed, of Army standard, quality and pattern CompaDy J, Captain W. N. Wo:thiuaton. D,, hereby-granted lot of ground. f , v " •; commod alien of the eaine and the 'adj oining lot to the Haviland; and to be sold by- : , " Kent of first- class oity-ma^e j ?ooSs. -¦¦¦ day of January, A. 1855, and recorded in Deed Book SACK COATS OB BLOU-JES, of blue twilled flan- Open for examination. -with catalogass, tailj ak Cheeter county baa bad a draft of 1156, of whom 990 ¦ ¦ ' "¦ ' ¦ ' ' N. B.—On the above premises there is erected a two- eastward, extending from the said George streei in : LETTER BAGS . ; ;. . /' B D. W., No. 6, page 258-260, &o , granted and con- JOHN THOMPSON. SherifiV Bel, Indigo- dyed, blue or knit, of dark colors. Indigo " men are now in camp. The others, it :s understood, will 7 veyed unto Samuel Watson, in fee ] story frame dwelling bou se, on the rear end of the lot. length nortfiWard 33 fset Bounded northward by said PMlsdeJpbia, Sheriff's Offi ce, Oct. 22, 1362. * oc23-3t morning of sale. ; by At the Merchants Exchange, Philadelphia. ? [D C., 708; 8 '62. ; S118.64. , ,Lex.^v ; v; •. ,;-¦;•, Ohestniit "tstfeet , eastward i partly by ground late of blue preferred , . . fee in camp Wednesday of this week at farthest. [D. 0., 651; 8., '62. S689.70. BhoemaVer. SALE —By virtue STOCKINGS, to weigh 3 ponnds to the dozen, ali- Ship Northampton, Morse Liverpool Thomns Billiogion partly' by SBEBIFE"S of a writ of Levari * ¦ , , and ; ...»«...... ¦ ¦ soon ¦ Seized and taken in execution aa the property the middle of the ¦ ' of John said ¦ ¦ ¦ . ¦: . . ¦ - MAM . :. .. . . J. WOLBEET AUCTION .. , , , Seized and taken in execution as the property , . .. . . : , _ v . .;/ . of Sa- Facias, to me directed, will be exposed ts public sale wool. . fl Ship Lancaster, Becan...... Liverpool, soon by Howard, and to be »Id by 9 feet 6 iilcbeB wide alley, southward by the said Georgo %J» No. 16 SOUTH: SIXTS STREET, Pebsonal.—Levi Short, Esq., of Shin Wyoming, Burton...... Liver pool, soon. muel Watson, and to be sold ^> - - -JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Btroet, and westward by ground late of George Harrison. or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, November S, 1832, at Proposals will state how soon the articles can be deli- JOHN TH0MP30N, Sheriff. • ' clock, at Sansoni'street Hall, vered at the SchuylklH Arsenal. G. H. OBOSMAST, Between Market and Ohestnut. « Greek Fire" notoriety, and at present United States Ship Ellen Stewart, Coffin ...... Botterdam, soon Philada, - Philadelphia, Sheriff's Offi ce, Oct. 22, 1862. oc23-3t N. B—On tbe above deBoribed there is erected the 4 o' Brig Anna, Morrow...... Bt Thomas, soon , Sheriff's Office , Oct. 22, 1862 oc23 3t property or. part thereof commonly known as A;certain lot or! piece of ground aituate on the south oc31-tf Dep Q. M. Gen . Government agent for the application of his new « means SALE —By virtue,pf a writ of Jonea' The subscriber will give hia attention to sate of »! Brig W H Harris, Coalfleet....,...... ,Barbadoes , soon SHERIFF'S SALE —By virtue of a writ of Venditioni SHERIFF'S Vendi- TTotui side of Brown street, at the distance of one hundred and OffF estate, merchandise, household furniture, fee? P&, for desti notion" to modern warfare in various way J, is Brig Ella Beed, Jarman...... Havana, soon tioni Exponas, to me directed; will be expose! to P. 8 —The writ by virtue of which the above pro- forty-five feet eight inches westward from the west side of jr^UARTERMASU.TER 3. 'i IOB, Exponas, to me directed, will be exposed to pub- public salo, or vendue, on MOSDAYJ-Eveniog, \c^ Marine Cosps paintings, objects of. art and virtue, &c. M jNtli in town, and will remain in Philadelphia for some days. Schr Anthem,,,...,...... Ponce , PB, soon lic tale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, November s, JTo- perty will bo sold has been issued on a judgment ob- Sixteenth street, in tbe city of Philadelphia, containing , Bhall have Wo personal and prompt attenfica.sal &f Mr. Short hsa just recovered from a long and severe 1862, at 4 o clock, at Sansom- street Hall, vember 3, 1862. at 4 o'clock, at Sansom- street Hall, - tained in the case of the City of Philadelphia vs. Catha- in front or breadth on the Bftid Brown Btreet, eighteen WASHisG-roN, 17th Oatober, 1862. at- ' AH that certain feract or parcel of : land situate in the " and extending southward between lines parallel with , Sealed Proposals, f or each class separately, will ba which lie solicits the favBirs of his frienfls. tack of paralysis, which was suddenly developed by " All that ceitain lot of ground with baildisgs thereon rine Y ohe, owDer or reputed owner, in the District feet, Ms MARINE INTELLIGENCE . late township of Oxford, now the Twenty-third Ward of Court of Philadelphia, of June Term, 1862, No. 87, the Baid Sixteenth street i& length or depth eighty feet, received at this office until 3 o'clock P. M., the 30th arduous labors during the Peninea ar campaign. erected situate on the north side of Spring Garden street, the city of Philadelphia beginning at a for , OHOIGE OLD WISES. BB INDUS. E. at the distance of 97 feet eastward from the east side of , corner of other texes against said property. [D. 0., 711 ; S., '62. $2,- including on the east aide of said lot the western half of November next for furnishing to the U. S Marine Corps, fc PBOIAL "ATJOTION SAIE. Bev. Dr. Eddy, the new pastor of the Tabernacle FORT OF FHILADELFHfA, Nov, 3, 1863. land belonging to the said Oxford Park Association, and 739 'SO. Poulson. an alley two feet two inches wide, laid out to the depth of during the year 1863, the following supplies io ba de- Broad street, in the city of Philadelphia ; containing in in a line of lend late of George Cramer Philip livered at ttie offi ce' of the Assistant Quartermaster of ON TUESDAY M0BNI5ra. Baptist church at Eighteenth and Ohestnut streets, occu- frost on Spring Garden street 82 feet, and extending in , now of Seized end taken in execution as the property of twenly-nine feet six inches, for the accommodation of November 11, at precisely 11 o clock, at Ko lo fesa BUN BI8ES...... 6 34-SUN SETS...... 4 54 Robinson ; thence extending by the raid land of said as- Catharine Yohe, owner, &c , aud to be sold by this and the lot on the east. Bounded northward by the Corps, Philadelphia, Pa., free of expense to the ' pied bis pulpit for the first time yesterday morning, and HIGH WATEB..... depth northward 100 feet. [Being the same lot of ground degrees Sixth street, between Market snd Chestnut stmbi 12 26 which George M. Conarroe by indenture dated the 30th sociation north 43% east, 68 perches and 9-101ha JOH Sf THOMPSON, Sheriff. tbe said Brown Btreet, eastward by other ground of the United States, in such Quantities as may from time to 600 cases and demijohns high grade pure uas-ItiH™ delivered an impressive and edifying sermon to a large of a perch to a corner in the middle of the road dividing Philadelphia, Sheriff's Offico , Oc6 22, 1862. oc23 3t said Ethelbert A; Marshall, westward by other around of time be ordered, viz : AEBIVED. day of September, A. D. 1859, recorded in Deed Book A. townships MarteH'B Imperial p alebrandies, ma3firas, shsrri».'s' and attentive congregation. - D. B.. Ho. , page , granted and'eonveyed to said the of Oxford and Lower Dublin ; thence tte said Ethelbcrt A. Marshall, and socthward by ground Class No. 1. ks, Ship Tropic, Kowell, 4 day a from New York, in b*llast —— along the middle of said road south 47^ degrees east, StHERIFF'S SALE.—By virtue of a writ of Levari granted to said Philip 8. Brown, on ground rent. [Being 14,000 yards Sky-Blue Kersey, all wool, free from port wines, of undonbted brands ; HollaudI '* Major General Schuyler Hamilton, the man who first Co—towed up by tug Jacob B. Casselberry in fee, subject to the payment of a ! ,j Facias, to me directed, will be exposed to pablic fic eBt M>Borgahela and Boutbon wbisklei; diias,™ to Workmen ^ America. Passed yearly ground—— rent of 9S674 ] 20 perches and 86 hundredths of a parch to a corner ; s ! the same lot and premises which the said Ethelbert A. bair, 54 inches wide, to weigh 22 onnces to the yard, cherry brandy, conceived the idea of oatting a canal around New Ma- off Bombay Hook brig John Lovitt, coming up. s thence by other land of Jacob Shallcroaa and Margaret, sale pr vendue, on MONDAY Evening, November 3, Marsball, by indenture bearing even date herewith but (indigo wool-dyed.) &o- N. B —Oh the above lot Is erected a large two-stary 1862^at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street Hall, , 8©^ A large poriion of these liauora were tetfejm drid, Missouri, by which means that place fell into the Bebr Argus Eye, Townsend, 3 days from New York, building! his wife, of which this is a part, south 43){ degrees west, executed immediately before the execution hereof, and ; 6,000 yards D»rk-Blne Kersey, all wool, free from «wa(Fi in ballast, to D 8 Stetson & Co brick and mastic church . 69 pe No. 1. All that certain three- story brick messuage or h ir 64 i ches ide weigh London, several years since, are of the 5na» hands of the United States forces, has been stopping at PS.—Mr. Gasselberry has no interest. [D. 0 , 635 j rches acd 2 lOths of a perch to a corner in a line of piece Intended herewith to be recorded for the consideration a , n w , to 22 ounces to tho yard, preEen speciaBF»»iiu»a»l9 Scbr Texas, Orr, 8 day s from Portland, with mdse to the said Philip Bobinson's land, and thence by the same tenement and lot or of ground, situate on (he east therein mentioned, tbe whole of which was furnished by (indigo wool-dyed.) warranted osre ted, anda» the Continental for some days paat. Twells & Oo. S. T , '62. S1.500. Connarroe. north 46 degrees 55 minutes west, 20 perches and 88 Bide of Delaware Fifth street, adjoining the next describ- 3,500 yards Dark-Blue Twilled Cloth to private gentlemen. " . „ * Seized and taken in execution as the property of Jacob hun- ed lot, between Lombard and Gsskili streets the said William S. Blight, Isaac O. Blight, and J. Dick- , all wool, for Catalogues now ready, and: will be forwarfw pa nm Schr Jas Barratt, Nickerson, 5 days from Albany, with di edths of a perch to the place of beginnine;, containing , iri the city inson Sergeant, execntors • aforesaid, aad is hereby uniform" coats, (indigo wool-dyed,) 54 inches wide, to barley to captain. : B. OssBelberry, and to be sold by cf Philadelphia, containing in front or breadth on the ' ' per ' to gentlemen sending their addroag to Chistnft-HHiL Hospital -—The large JOHN THOMPSON, 8heriff. 9 acres of land; [Being the same premises which Jacob secured, gianted, and coiiveyed unto the- said Philip S. weigh 22 ounces yard. teK2»- h Scbr Cbarm, Cole, 8 days from Cape Ann, Mass, with Bhallcross, with Margaret Shallcross, his wife, by inden- said Fifth street, twenty feet, and in length or depth one Brown, in fee, subject to the condition, reservation, and 150 yards of Scarlet Cloth, all wool, (cocbineal-dyod,) O. J. WOLBSBT, military hospital near the Mermaid station, on the Chest, stone to captain . Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office , October 22, 1862 oc23-3t hundred and twenty feet. Bounded northward by the ture dated the 1st day of April, 1858, granted and con- restriction, that no slaughter-house, skin-dressing estab- 64 inches wide, to weigh 16 ounces per yard. Sc. nut Hill Bailroad , is fast approaching completion. When Echr J B Watson, Jones, 11 days from Hartford, Oonn, SALE.—By vktue of a writ of iievari veyed anto the said The Oxford Park Association ia back ends of Lombard-street lots, eastward by groand Class Nc. 2. HYACINTHS. TULIPS, SHERIFF'S " " now or late of William Preston, southward by lishment, hose or en gioo houso, blacksmith or carpenter ON WEDNESDAY MORNING , finished , it'will accommodate some three thousand pa- with mdae to Wm M Baird & Co. Facias, to me dirooted, will be exposed to public ft e ] |D. C v'693; S , '62. §3,062 62. LetchworHi. the next shop, glue, soap, candle, or starch manufactory, stable . 8,000 yards of 6- 4 Dark-Blue Flannel, for oversacks, xta w Schr Clara, Matthews, 5 days from Gloucester, with sale or vendue, ©n MOJSDAY Bvening, November 3, Seized! and takenin execution as the properly described lot, and westward by Fifth Btreet aforesaid. (indigo November 5, at 10% o'clock, at 16 S»u!h Si w-* tients. Tbe site selected is a piece of upland, not far of The [Being ' or other building, for offensive occupation, shall, at any all wool, wool-dyed,) 54 inches wide, to weigh 13 in lots to suit purchaeers, , . mflse to J E Bazley & Co. 1869, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-Btreet Hall, Oxford ¦ Park Association, and to be sold by the tame premises which James Johnston, by io -' time hereafter, be ereoted thereon, as by leferance to said ounces tser yard. rrfi!». , distant from the water works, from which the people of Steamer Jenkins, Jenkins, 48 hours from New York, AH that certain lot or piece of ground , situate on the ' denture dated the 10th day of April, A. D., 1805, granted A large assortment of the finest Imported ¦** ¦ JOHN THOMPSON. Sheriff. indenture lEore fully appears.] Together with the free 16,000 yards of 3-4 Dark-Blue Flannel, for shirU, all cinlh warranted fresh gros-a iss*9' Chestnut Hill obtain a suffi ;ient supply of water. The with grain to Chas 8 Stockman. „ , southeasterly side of Dnke street, as widened " ' to the and conveyed unto Alexander Moore, and others, for the , »nd¦ other bulbs¦ , Philadelphia, Sheriffs OIBce, October 22, 1862. oc2-3t use and common privilege oi said alley, and the right of wool, (indigo wool-ayed,) 27 inches wide, to weigh 6% ' : ¦ ¦- ' " '«' ' son. . 7'-;X- . .; ¦ . middle part of the hospital is in the form of an ellipsis, Steamer Sarah, Jones, 24 boura from New York, with width of one hundred feet, in the late District of Rich- U86 and benefit of the said * The Fourth Presbyterian building over the western half of the same, leaving at onnces per yard. mdse to W M Baird & Co. mond, now in the Nineteenth ward of the city of Phiia- QHBBIFF'S SALE.—By virtue of a writ of Venditioni OoDgregafton.io the city of Philadelphia, In fee, subject Gray Blankets, Catalogues at sale. . . the wards far the soldiers diverging from it like the " least eight feet headway in the clear above the level of 1,200 alljwool, to weigh four po-unda , a large assortment of stmisxi and o*"rIf-B Steamer Mars, Hichola, 24 hours from New York, with delpbia : beginniog at a point two hundred and thirty- O Exponas, to me directed , will be exposed to public to the payment cf a yearly ground rent of forty dollars, curbstone. 0 , 678; S., '62. $2,060.12, E. Spencer each, with letters U. 8. M." in black, four inches long, Also Bna.»»g BpokeB fiom the hub of a wheel. These wards, or wings, the ' ¦ ' fD. ' ' ' ' " ' ' ' " hardy v«ietie3, mdse to W M Baird 4 Co. sale or vendne, on MONDAY Evening, part of a larger ground rentof seventy paya« ¦ : ' ¦¦ ¦:¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ¦ trees, grape vines of the new ¦ ¦ five feet six inches northeasterly fro m the northeasterly November 3, two dollars, Miller, v . . . •, • : - - :- . . > . . • . .V . - . . in tbe centre ; to be 7 feet long and 5 feet wide, a d f ee eighteen twenty in number. By this arrange- . . n r ' '& ' - will be or Barge Wanderer,.Knowlton, 24 hours from New York, side of feomereet street, containing in front or breadth on 1S62, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street Hall, fcle-to Miers Fisher, his heirs and assigns.] * into execution as the property of from grease. ' fine fT .n

¦ ¦¦ - . ¦ ¦:. ¦}¦ ¦ to S T ortoif & Co, - ^ . . . double iron braced Jrom stem . . . day being ."L listed a fewweeka in Colonel Ssgebarth'a hsavy artillory ary, A D. 1855, and recorded at Philadelphia, in Deed aforesaid. Being the same. Jot or piece of gronnd then of poll dated the 30th of March, A. D., 1802, and en- to tbe undersigned, all persons indebted to said estate are 1,400 Uniform Caps, com piste, (except pompons.) naiiig^'B 1 ico* Schr Antelope, Caldrey, Bt John, NB, E A Souder & Co. Book A. P. B., Ho. 4. page 417, &oT granted the width of 20 feet, which John Haas and wife, et »!., tered among the records of the Oomt of Common Pleas, outwith every madernimprovement, incl * was arraigned on Saturday aiternoon before Aldernwa , and con- requested to mahe payment, and those having claims to 1,800 Pompons, red worsted, ball-shaped, 5 inches in &c, that can add to tbe comfoit of passe igws. t Schr Belie, Bulger, Newark, NJ, do veyed unto the said Peter Fritz in fee, as in and by the by indenture bearing date the seventh day of June,*i£,D. in Book D., page 293. granted and conveyed unto Edward make them known without delay to circumference. saHicg. Beitler on the charge of stealing a couple of beds and Bchr Grecian, Dow, Boston, Milnea 4 1841, recorded in the office for recording of deeds, &o., Hanna, Robert JacksoB, and Robert Gordon, and the Pue notice will be given of her day of Oo. said recited indenture relation thereto being had may JAMES B. DISGEE, . 4,500 Fatigue Caps, (with covers,} to be made of bine apply beddirg, the property of Henry Harms, residing at 115 appear.] [D. 0., 702; B , '62 $2,500. Lex. at Philadelphia, in Deed Book R. L. L., No. 52, page survivor, in fee, subject to a yearly gronnd rent of forty- ' No. 934 North SEYENTH Street, cloth, indigo wool-dyed. For freight or passage, to . rft South Eighth street. Tbe accused claima possession to (Correspondenceof the Press.) Seized and taken in execution as the property of Peter 423, &c , granted _ and conveyed to the aaid Peter G. one dollars and three fourths of a dollar, in trust for the Or , HENBY O. MOOBJJ, 2.C00 Stocks. WSiB^, HAVRE DE GBAOU, Oot'31. Fritz, and to be sold by Bcwers in fee, subject to the payment of a certain yearly use, benefit, and behoof of the said *' The Fourth Pres- • 932 North BETENTH Street, Class No. 5. nol-6t 126 NOBTH the following title: A. Giuonn Dalevan Antonio La Tbe steamer Wyoming left here this tnornin*, with the JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. gronnd rent or sum of three pounds, nnto Qoyer Brooke, byterian Congregation in the city of Philadelphia ."1— ocl3.m6l# Administrators. 600 GrOFB Coat Buttons, (Eagle.) Chspelle. He took boarding at the house of Mr. H., and following boats in tow, laden and consigned as follows: Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, October 22, 1862. oc23-3t his heirs and assigns, on the first day of May, in every [D O.,:631 ; 8., :62. fl«077.36. JoKn H. OampbeU ] 200 Gross Jacket Buttons, (Eagle.) 4m BOSTON AND PfiJ*' last night, one week ago, picked up a couple of beds and Traveller, with lumber to order j Henry & George and year forever : and the said John Haas aad wife, by dead —Seized and taken In execuMon as the property of The TN TBE GGUET OF OOMMOH 100 Gross Ye it Bnttons, (Eagle.) SSH&L DisiiPHia. STEAMSHIP WsETsrS proceeded to the pawn shop J K Lippincott, do to Lippinontt & Patterson: General SHERIFF'S BALI —By virtue of a writ of Lesrari endorsed on the above recited indenturein bearing date the Fourth Presbyterian Congregation, in the city of Phila- A PLE&S FOR THl ©ITY AND OOUNXY OF 1,800 Pairs Yellow Metal Crescents and Scale Btraps. from each port on SATURDAYS. From s^^- t. at Sansom and Eighth McClellan, do to WO Lloyd; JO Crawford, do to Nor- Facias, to me directed , will be exposed to public sale 24VenditioiJiExponas, to me directed, will be: ex- aud adjust the flr»t account of Joseph W. Gaskell, as- 3,000 yards of Bed Cord. ¦ in default of $500 bail to answer. The prisoner does not ' ¦ -;¦ ¦¦ ¦ 243 feet inches from the south side of Miffltn street, Haasi his heirs and aEsigns forever, a certain strip or 100 Swords for Sergeants. o clock P. M. . ¦ a'- j sW understand a word of .-Eh'eliih. . 9% posed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, signee of Fenrose It. Hoopes, and to report distribatton 51 MSJMOEANDA. in Ihe First ward of the city of Philadelphia ; thence piece of ground on the west side of Third street, adjoin- Hovember 3, 1862, at 4 o clock, at Sansom-street Hall. of tbe balance remaining in hia hands, will meet the 50 Swords for Musicians Insurance oae-half that by sail vessels. * i ^' Brig George Downes, Paine ing gronnd of the said Jobs Haas on the south ; contain- ' < at fair rates. "- ". ¦- . . •• , hence, via Demerara, at extending ioatbwestwardly along the laid Passyunk road Nbs; 1. All that certain lot or piece of grounds with a parties icterested for the purposes of his appointment en 50 Drums, (tenor,) complete. . T ,«•-!1» «• Peoyost Maeshal's Office.-— Turks Island about 16th ult, leading -: 16 feet ; thecce eoutheastwardly, by a lot of ground iDg in front on Third street 2 feet, and in length 8S feet. story dwelling V D 1862, at 50 Drum Slings. ;ShIpperB -wHI plesae aend their bills cf I*" * A com - the said lot convey- two and a half stone house, with Ice TUESDAY, ihe 11th day of November, mittee of ladies were recently authorized by Brig Wm Oreevy, Liddie, hence for New Orleans, was granted |to the said John B. Roogers by Charles F. Lax, [Being the northernmost two feet of house, barn, and wagon house thereonjereoted , sitnate on 4 o'clock P. Mi at his office , No. 129^ South rp.U&TH 200 Batter Drum Heatfs. \ 1 ' General spoken 19th ult, lat 33 08, long 75. 65 feet, to a point ; thence still southeaatwardly along ed to the salt ' Peter G. Bowers aa above recited, did 50 Snare Drum Heads. For freight or passage, having fine accas^ Montgomery to examine the auartera of the the northwesterly side of Main street, in the late borough Street, opposite Library, in the city of Pniladelphia. ' soldiers un- Scbrs Searsville, Sears, HarberC Manton, Crowell, Bifea the same ground 32 feet 2 inches ; then northeastwardly grant and convey nnto the said Peter G. Bowers, his heirs of Frankford now the Twenty-third city HANNA, Auditor. 100 Drum Cords. apply to HENBY WIN80B * flfa, J , ward of the of 0C31-fmw5t JOHN ^ j iSO:. ' - 333 BOUTH der charge of the provost marshal, of this city, and to see Neal, Weaver, and O W Locke, Huntley, hence, arrived 10 fee', to ground now or late of the said Charles F. Lex; and assigns, and the owners and occupiers of the lot or Philadelphia, beginning at a corner in the middle of S 100 Sets of Drum SnareB. ., ^^< at Boston 31st ult. thence northwestwardly along the same 93 feet inches piece of ground adjoining the lot of the said John Haas, 50 Boxwood •' B"¦ Fifes. what might be done to render them more comfortable. 8# Dyre street, as laid out on the plan of survey of the late TCTOTICE.—In the Conrt of GonuSn : ¦¦ : : - ¦ ¦' ¦ : to the said Passyunk road, to the place of beginning. on the south the free and uninterrupted use, right, liberty, . . ; . '• .Class No. 6. '/' - ¦: ICTOTICE—The Restrictions on ?&* The provost offers the ladies every facility to execute privilege alley borough oi Fraufeford aforesaid , thence along the middle Jj * Pleas f r the City and County of Philadelphia. NOTICE TO MABINEBS. [Bein« the first described of two lots of ground which the and of an three feet wide in the clew, * 10,OCO Pairs Army Boote, (iafantry¦ pattern.)¦ th* of taid Dyre street north pfifty-four degrees forty-one ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ; ' ' ¦ "' "" A-/\ having been rcmpved.'by order of */.j^tS their commission Of September Term, 1862. No. 16. ¦*' , ;¦¦¦ .- . . . 'Class •:¦ : , and there is hope that hia office may Prioxt Spit Buot —Trinity House, London, October said Charles F . Lex, by indenture bearing even date leading into and from the said Third street, along the minutes weat, seven hundred and thirty-six feet to a cor- . . . No.7. ment, passengers abont to viait Europe will b" - Bpeedily 7, 1882.—Notice is hereby north Jin0 of the lot of gronnd above described, and of a 8ABAH JANE NEWELL, by her next friend, Wllt- 1 200 Cartridge Boxes. become as comfortable as our hospitals. Contri- given tbas a black buoy has herewith, (September 2d , 1881.) but duly executed and ner in a line of Ernanuel Peters' ground, thence by the LIAM LAMMBKS, BS. THEODOBE NEWELL. , riaulred to provide themselves witb vz&P °J£- ,.$. butions are urgently needed been placed in 13 feet at low water spring tides, on the acknowledged immediately before the execution of these water course over and along the said alley, and of laying rty-six degrees ty- . l,**00 Bayonet Scabbards. JOHN O. DALB, as- for this purpose. The arU- ory repairing pipes of conduit for the purpose of intro- same couth thi for five minutes west, , To Thkodoks.Nbwell. Sir : Take Notice, That De- Percussion Gap Pti Spit, with the following¦ marks and compass preaeots, and intended to be forthwith recorded, for the and },two hundred and fifty- six feet to a corner, thence by 1^200 Pouches. cles required are pillows, blankets, coverlets, brooms " - • '¦ " ¦* ¦ ; - ' positions of Witnesses on behalf of the Libellant will be , .. .. . - - .:.: 1 bearings: . „ : , ...... -. . . - ' consideration money therein mentioned, part whereof, ducing the Schnylkill or other water from the said Third '¦'ether ground of which this was formerly a part, south 1,200 Cartridge Box Belts. STEAM W1KKLY TO Wj brushes, buckets, and mops. They may be sent to Na- The High Tower of 03j street, in common with the said John Haas, his heirs and taken in the above case, in answer to the interrogatories 1, 200 Bayonet Belts. -*«** ^ St th's Priiory in line with a together with the said mentioned advances, (amounting fifty-five degrees thirty-six minutes east, seven hundred filed before JAMEB B BOOTH, Esq., Examiner, at hia touching at Qneenstown, iyphttaddp& tional Guards' Hall, Bace street, near Sixth. small white bouse »ext west of No 3 Martelio Tower, in all to the sum of one thousand-dollars,) ia hereby se- assigns, owners and occupiers of tha premises adjoining and forty* two feet to a corner on the side of said Main 1,200 WaiBt Belts. ' ^^^^"g.^The Liverpool, York, m& bearing northwesterly at all times forever, subject to one half of the expense, of Office, No. 221 South FIFTH Street, in the Oity of PMIa- 1, 200 WaiBt Plates. Now w«rl^^ . cured, granted, and conveyed unto tbe said John B. --street, thence by said Main street north thirty-five de- delphla, on WEDNESDAY, the 5th day of November, Bteamshlp Company Intend despatching PlOKlN Q. East Mersey Church, three times itfl apparent length, Bodgers, in fee, as by reference to the said recited in- keeping the said alley in good order and repair ] grees nineteen minutes east, two hundred and forty- five 1,200 Breast Plates. Clyde built Iron steamships as follow*- w eri POCKM —A. man giving the open of Oolne Point, bearing NW, northerly. :*¦ ' ¦ Also, all that certain three'story brick messuage or 1862, at 3 o'clock¦ ¦ P. M. 200 Sword Frogs. 0Ten* name of James Hopkins was taken before Alderman denture will more fnlly and at large appear 1 T *< ¦>../ ,/j feot eleven inches to the place of beginning - . . EDWIN T. CHASE, EDINBUBGH »....»8«^'^3w ft Wallet Spit Buoy. 8 % E, 2 2-16 miles. N. B — On the above premises there is erected a two- tenement and lot or piece of gronnd, situate on the west No. 2 All that certain lot or piece of ground sitnate ¦' " Class No. 8. Beiller on Saturday, on the charge of picking the pocket Knowl Bney, W by S side of Brinton street, (No. 1422.) at the distance of oc!7-16t " Attorney for Llbellant. 1,400 Knapsacks. ETHA ..... S^^' toSfcu r* J£ 8,1 810 mUe. story brick cottage. [D. O , 700 ; S,, '62. $1,000. Lex. V In the Twenty- third ward of the city of Philadelphia, And every succeeding Saturday at 90011' of 1dm in Derious of a gold watch valued at $U0; ty.t> Eagle Buoy, W, 1 8-10 mile. • Seized and taken in execution ai the property of John about 190 feet northward from Master street; containing beginning at a corner on the southeasterly side of Penn 6C0 Haversacks. 44 North Bivor. "* By order. P. ' :- " In front or breadth on said Brinton street 20 feet, and in COPARTNERSBLI1 *S. 600 Canteens Serious testified that he was at tbe public meeting held H. BEBTHON, Secretary. B. Bodgers, and to be sold by /?' ' ^ " street, as laid tut on the plan of the late borough of BATES OF PiSSAGK- ^.8 JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff, j length or depth westward abouE 40 feet. Bounded north- Frankford, thence along said Penn street north thirty- 300 Musket Slings. in the State House yard on Friday evening, and daring ¦ ¦ ward by ground granted or intended to be granted to Class No 9. ; . ' ' ' " ' ' Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office ,pot.22 , 1862v oc23-3t ; five degrees nineteen minutes east, three hundred and TVTOTIOB IS H1EE BY GIVEN— do to London 90.00 do *^* 8 rush in the crowd he felt a jerk at his fob-chain. Ob EDucATioNAi*. ..; . . \ :;; : ;; :. . [ John A. Bender, southward by ground-granted or in- forty feet to the middle of little ;Taconey creek, thence JJl late of firm of L. For making and trimming the following articles, viz : • do ..** HEBIFF'8 SALE.—By virtue of a writ of Alias tended to be granted to John Dubree, westward by That JAMES WILLITS, the/ Watch coata ;> Bergeants , corporals , musicians , and de to Paris 95 00 o^ ;,** reaching out bis hand be fennd bis watch in another band. Levari Facias, to me directed, will be exposed to down the middle of Baid creek the several courses and ATEINfcON & CO., having dispored of his interest in ' ' ' do to Hambur g....95 00 Jo to W ground now or late of Charles Leech, and eastward by distances thereof to a corner in a line of land late of by tho privates' uniform and fatigue coats ; woolen and linen to Havre, gmemfi, He took a tight grasp of tbe holder, and the prisoner was public sale or vendne, en MONDAY Bvening, Nov. 3, Brinton street. fBeisg part of a large lot or piece of said firm, the business in future will ba continued pants ; fl annel and linen shirts ; drawers flannel sacks PaB?engers also forwarded V A select Boarding School, near MEDIA, Pa. 1862, at 4 o clock, at Saneom-.ttreet Hall, Bichard Wilson, since of Emannei Peters, thence along remainrag partners, who are authorized to settle the ; ; dam, Antwerp, Ac , at equally row rates. j ggblti. w then taken to the lock-up The accused admitted he was ' . i ground which James Markoe and wife, by indenture d at «d taid line south thirty-seven degrees twenty three minutes and red and Kue jackets for boys. Queenstown, *¦ r j3> Thorough course in ¦ Mathematics¦ , Classics, Englinh All that certBin three-story brick msssnage or tene- - business of the late firm. -Fares from Liverpool or in the crowd , but denied that he took hold of the watch. " ¦ ' : ' ¦ the 17th day of May, A- D. 1846, recorded in Deed Book ^ Btudies, &c. ... ; / . . ..: . .:. .; - . ,;,. ment and lot or piece of greund, situate on the west west, two hundred and ninety-seven feet and one-tenth LEWI8 ATKINSON, 17, and 21 Guineas. Steerage from W^g^jt He was committed A W. M., No. 45, page 215, &c, granted and conveyed of a foot to a corner in a line of other ground of which The above-mentioned articles mu3t conform, in all re- TicTset3 are »" 4^» in default of S1600 to ansffer. Military f!TacticB, taught. Olaagea in Book-keeping, side of Eighth street, at the distauce of 42 feet 4^ to the said Peter G. Bowers, his heirs and assigns in fee, JOSEPH B ATKI8S0N, to the seal standard patterns in the office From Queenstown £6.6. toS»3 Survey ing,'and Civil Bi glneering. Pnpils taken of all inches or thereabouts, southward from Arch, for merly this was part, and thence by said ground north forty- JAMES WILLITS. tpects. of the current rate of exchange, enabling WW " and the said Peter G. Bowers and wife, by indenture elpbt degrees sixteen minutes west, two hundred and October 25, 1862. oc31-3. Quartermaster Marine Corps. Marine Barracks, Wash- ist Minerva Bask Ball Club This ages, and are received at. any time. Mulberry street, in the city of Philadelphia aforesaid ; dated the 7th day of December, 1852, recorded in Deed * ington, D. C ; Assistant Quartermaster office Marine their friends. ' «canm^,r»««.j >o.i'ons fl — Boarding per week, $2 25. containing in front or breadth on said Eighth street 14 p fourteen feet to the place of beginning, 'ihe two pre- These steamers have superior «4 held .heir meeting Book B. D. W , No. 50, age 10, &o , granted and con- mitea above described are (be same which Emanusl Pe- Corps, 1220 Spruce street, Philadelphia-, and at the Ma- stronsly built to water- «|f^^ club on Friday last, when the fol low- Tuition per quarter, $6.00. feet, and contisuing tbj at breadth or length westward 17 veyed to Oharies Leech, his heirs and assigns, the west- flOPABTJSrEBSHIP.—The undersign- rine Stations, Brooklyn, New York, aad Boston, Massa- tevgers ; are B^neB * ing gentlemen were elected to serve for the ensuing three For catalognes or infoimation address Bev. J- HKB- feet 6 inches, then widening southward to the breadth of ters and, wife, by two several indentures dated respect- J ed have this da? formed a copartnership under the and carry Patent Fire Annihilated. ern part as by reference thereto wiil¦ appear.] ively the first day of January, A. D. 1856, and the 18fch \~ chusetts, where they can be examined. gebns are attached to sach Steamer. 1 months : VEY BABTON, A. M., Village Green, Pal oclCtr 18 feet, and continuing that breadth further westward 7 [D. C.| 665 ;'& , '62. S3 000. Erety. name and firm of ANDBEWS, W1LKINS, & ALTE- And whenever the articles named above, or any por- T .M. BOOIW * feet 3 inches, then jiarrowing to the north Bide to the r . day of April 1867, intended to be recorded, granted and MUS, for the transaction of the Wholesale Dry Goods For further information apply m uVrhl Gb&<^l President—Theo. K. WiederBheim. Sefced as d taken in execution as tho property of conveyed unto George O. Barber In fee. tion of them, shall be considered as not fully conforming INM&.N, Agent, 22 Watsr Street, »B jtt* T IND1N HAIiL MOBAVIAN ffE- breadth of 7 feet, and continuing that breadth 7 feet in Peter G. Bowers, and to be sold by Jubbing business, at No. 603 MARKET 8treet to eanrples, they will be rejected and the contractor will LIAM ' «OaeeB Vice President—Be-elected. county, length further westward to the extent of 40 feet from the The preB--iseB.No. 1, first above described, having been JO8IAH B. ANDBEWS, . , ALBX KALCOM, 5 St. Enoch Sanare i f b0* Secretary—Edwin B. Paul. JLJ MALE SBMINABY, at LITIZ, Lancaster JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. divided into lots, will be sold as follows, via : be bound to furnish others of the required kind at once, & CO. ; in Lonaon Fenna., founded 1794, affords superior advantages for line cf said Eighth street Bounded northward and Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office oc23-3t ABlL B. WIt.KIN8. to G. & W. D. SEYMOU8 ^ Treasurer—Charles MoCleary. southward by ground now or late of George Flake , Oct. 22, 1862. No. 1. AH that certain lot or piece of ground situate on or the Quartermaster will supply the deficiency at the ex- & MAOEY, 61 KiDk William Street : m * *rpnt»^*T M. Newman. thorough and accomplished Female education. For circu- , east- in the late RD STAED J. ALTE3MCUS. pense of thefebntractor. des 1 Captain of Field—Bichard lars and information apply to Messrs. JOBDAN A ward partly by the said Eighth street and partly;by other H ERIFF'S SALS.—By virtue of a writ of Levari tbe northwesterly side of the Main street, Philadelphia. Oct. 20. 1862. oc30.6t* DECOUE, 48 Bus Notre Dame * «*™?2 15 B^ Ground Committee— T. Seaver, Wm.Oulbert, and Wm. , borongb of Frankford, now Twenty-third ward of the Payment will be made upon the accepted delivery of Bourse; in New York to J^SN G- DAUB" BBOTHKBS, 209 North THIBD Street, Philadelphia, or ground now or late of George Flake, and partly by ground S Facias, to me directed, will be exposed to Public Sale the whole guarantee, which may from time to' time be or- or at Thomas _ , now or late of Sarah Moore, being the same premises or Vendne, on MONDAY Bvening, November 3 1862, at city of Philadelphia, beginning on the westerly corner of wa^ the Oo^any'sO Inspection—George Ealer, George Eshe- to Bev. W. 0. BEIOHBIi, Principal. au29.3m , the said Stain street and Dyre street, thence extending dered, withholding ten ner cent, from the payment of ac- G Committee of ¦ which? ThomaB B. Darrach and Cordelia B. his wife, by 4 o'clock, at 8ansom-street Hall, until second osder is oS ^f ^ff k lick. J. Taylor, and Thoa. Ayres. indenture bearing date the 22d day of March, Anno All that oertain three- story brick messuage and tavern, northwesterly along the said Dyre street, two hundred count rendered under first order, Maun, S. McKeaver Mo- Tj IBINOH LANQUAaE. — PBOF. thirty-nine feet five inohes to the southeasterly Hue filled, and ten per cent from account rendered under se- Electing Committee—B. N. , Domini 1845, recorded in the office for recording deeds ia and lot or piece of ground, situate on the northwest cor- and and bo on, until lancthon Buth, John Boss, and Edw. Young. JS} MASSE is now forming s class, of between twelve and for the city?of Philadelphia, ia Deed Book B. L. L., ner of Laurel and Budd streets, in the late district of the pf Franklin, street, thence southwesterly along the. same \J beg leave to Inform their frionda and the public coud order uiitil third order is filled, ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦¦ con- and twenty boys, to receive instruction in FRENCH, by two hundred and twenty-nine feet four nnd a balf inches, «hat they have removed their LEHIGH COAL DEPOT tract ia completed. .. .- . . . ' ' . ' " ;;.. - ' ¦;' :• No. 37, page 221, &c, granted and conveyed unto the Northern Libfirti*8, in said city of Philadelphia ; con- be accompanied by the following Line.—The Ara«- the oral method. The course will consist of sixteen les- said James Harvey in. fee, subject to the payment of a taining in Iront or breadth on said Laurel street 16 feet, more or lesB, to ground of William H. Keichline, thence from NOBLB-BTBEET WHABF, on the Delaware, ia Each proposal must New Teligraph sons, of an hour and a half each, four l&eaons a week, certain apWtioned yearly ground rent or sum of sixteen aid in length .or depth on said Budd street 69 feet 7 southeasterly along the same two- hundred and thirty- their Yard, northwest corner of EIGHTH and WILLOW guarantee : - rlcan Telegraph Company are preparing to build a new and in the afternoon. Termaj 84.00 for the course: Ho and widening nine feet three and fivo-eighths Inches to. the northwest- Streets, whero they Intend to koep the best aualhy oi F0R3I OF GUARAXTEK will constantly converse with his classes, and afford every Spanish dollar s unto Thomag Moore and Sarah his wife, inches, on the roar end thereof to 31 feet & The undersigned —.of —-— in the State of —r, line from New York to Pittsburg, via Easton, Beading, her heirs and assign b, and which said yearly ground rent inches, including tbe three small frame tenements thereon erly sfdecf the Main street aforesaid, thence northeast- LBHIGH COAL, from the most approved mines, at tht BETWEEN BOSTON AND Liy-«'"B80B. facility far attaining a thorough colloquial knowledge of erly along the same tw« hundred and twenty-five feet Itwest prioet. Yonr patronage Is respectfully selloit«& and -, in the State of —, hereby guarantee that AND and Harrisbnrg. The section between Harrisbnrg and Prof. M. has matured hia new system by Marias^I'. Overman, in whom the same had become and erected. [Being the same premises which Goorge Megee, ' foregoing bid of .———- for supplies, as above ING 4T HALIFAX AND <$*%ore,S£t W&* Pittsburg is already the language. was {hen legally vested, by indenture bearing date the SSsquire, High Sheriff of the City and County of Phila- eleven inches to the place of beginning. • JOS. WALTON & 00^ in case the AUSTRALASIAN, Cook, leaves New * finished , and the line between Har- which those having a slight knowledge of the Frenoh No. 2. All that certain lot or piece {of ground, with . 0006, 112 Sonth SBOOND Street described, be accepted , he or they will, within ten days rlsbarg ard improvement, without twenty.first day of September, Anno Domini 1352 , re- delphia, by deed poll dated the 4th day of October, A. D. receipt of the contract at the Post Office ^ New York will be commenced as soon as the language may make rapid devo- corded in the afortsaid office in Deed Book T. H., No. 1856, duly acknowledged in oyenDistrict the eame a two-and-a half story stone dwelling-house^ with ice Turd. EIGHTH and WILLOW. mhl-tf after the wire can be furnished. ting to the study any other time than the hour passed Court, and wagon-house, thereon erected, begin- named, execute the contract for the same with good 111 This line is to be used entirely 37, page 430, &c, granted and assigned unto the said day, and entered amoDg the records thereof in book I, house, barn, BOO0?IA, JEdkij> s»leaves New York.w* d9r, for through busineBB with the teacher. Beferencea : Bev. Bishop W. B. page ning at a corner formed by the northwesterly side of Baid and sufficient securities 5 and in case the said —-.: - shall M^ , and will have instruments attached D. D., Prof. H. Coppee, of Penna Univesslty, James Harvey, hia heirs and assigns, whereupon the No. 2, 327, «fec, granfe d and conveyed unto said TIIHE BAILfWAYSTIMl-KElPlE, fail to enter into contract, as aforesaid, we guarantee to BU30PA, Moodie, leaves Boston,T() ^|"*d»r. 1^ only at Easton, Beadiog, Stevens, ^ same ceased, merged, and became forever thereafter ex- Amos Scott, in fee.] Subject to the payment of a yearly Franklin street, with the southwesterly side of said Dyre '¦ ¦¦ . F153SIA , Lott,uou, ^^leaves New York. ttpoOJ'- «, and Harrisburg. Charles Short, Esq. Apply at his residenoe,"lll South street ; thence extending northwesterly along the said • ' J-' especially adapted for Army sales. Good, imitation make good the difference between the offer of tbe said FIS^Bil^ . Y0BK j"^jVSBPri ^rfj n©8-2m tinguished. [D O., 703 ; 8 , '62. 82,680.42. Ooleman. rent charge of S26o0j issuing out of the eaaternmost 13 will run and, keep excellent and that which may be accepted. p THIBTEBNTH street. Seized and taken in execution as the property of James feet 3 inches in front on Laurel Btreet, payable to David Djre street two hundred and niueteen feet fonr inches to gold ; time ; Jtave f%ncy- Chief Cabin Passage..... "" ,,. the southeasterly line of Penn street ; thence southwest- colored hands and tieautifutty-engraved dia ls, the A. B., Guarantor. Important Eelativk to the Tax Harvey, and to be sold by McCormic and wife, and as it respects the wea'ern 2'feet standing i» relitf. , *' Guarantor., Second Cabin Passage...... 'j^^pnoh- .m - e": Cott miesioner of Internal Revenue BOABDING SCHOOL 1OB ttlBLS. JOHN THOMP3J0N, Sheriff. 9 inches in front on Laurel street, to the payment of a erly along the Bame two hundred and thirty-four feet Utters This is one of the most O. D., FBOM BOSTON TO *&*** .$% .I,AW.—Th has de- REMOVAL. four and seven-eighths inchts, to ground late of WilEiam taking novelties of the dxy, and should retail at prices E. F., Witness. .. thfct dealers in coal, lumber, and piaster, and Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office , Qct 22, 1862. oc23 3fc proportional part of a yearly rent charge of S ISO to twenty,five , 186 Chief Cabin Passage...... '],.. *' cided The Sixth Session of the BOABDING SOHOOIi FOB Hugh Ferguson. [D. C , 668 841.25 P«nl. B. Bethell ; thence southeasterly along the ; same two from f otighty dollars each. They are fnr- 2- Second Cabin Passage . ..-•• storekeepers, although they keep an assorted by KBIFF'S SALE. ; S., ?ea. $2, nineteen feet four inches to the northwest- niebed by the case, containing six of different designs, as I hereby certify that the above named country GIBL8, heretofore conducted the SubsoriberB, near SH —By virtus of a writ of VenditionS Seized and taken in execution as the property of Amoa hundred and to. BerthB not seenred until paid for. p ,.reaniro only a dealer's license. Exponas, to me directed, will be exposed to public by '* erly aide of said Franklin street, and thence northeasterly follows : Engraved, per case of half dozen, $33. Bn- . are known to- me as men of property, and able Surgeon on board- ob«91 »tock Scott, and to be sold graved and electro-gilded, per case of half dozen, assort- make good their guarantee. G. H. An experienced 0« bcc<) must take license as dealers. Cattle brokers "^• ^iaSS?MMA& SEMINARY," ' sale or vendne, on MONDAY Bvening, November 3, JOHBT; THOMPSON, Sheriff. alocg the same two hundred and thirty feet seven inches The owners of theseships will aot ^ Butchers 1882, at Attleboro, Bncki 1862, at 4 o'clock, at Sanaom- street Hall, to the place of beginning. I, v ed, S36. Engraved, superior, per case of half dozen, as- To be sigaed by tbe United States District Judge* , Jewett^ tf *> ircquire but license. -.which must be taken where they W1U open 10th mo., let, Philadelphia, Sheriff's OfBce, October 52,1862. oo23-3t Gold, Silver, Bullion. Specie sign one TOnn y 0 ¦; All that certain three-story briok messuage and lot of No. 3. AH that certain lot or piece of gronnd begln- sorted, $39. Engraved, tnperior, and electro fine gilded, United gtate* District Attorney, or Collector. blfls of lading are ^^^ side having all the improvements of the foregoing, par case unless accompanied!by or MetalB, nnlesa reside. ' BBLL^VlI» ^5MAIi» INBTITUTM. _ ground situate on the north side of Rodman street, at tbe HBSIFF'S S ALE—By virtue of a writ of Alias nirg at a cprner formed by the northwesterly of Penn Ko proposal wil be considered the valoa thereof feereia expressed. ouSA|^>. country and selling in Phi- thorough distance of one hundred and forty, Levari Facias, to me directed exposed to the sonthweBterly side of said Dyr© street, hali dozen, assorted, $42. SDgine-turnetl, same material the above guarantee. " „ :. ' • ¦¦ _ or pa^^^^ Maiket men baying in the Every facility will be afforded whereby • four feet westward , will be Btrret, with above will- Bead JTor ^ght as dealers i a that city •nd finished course of instruction in all the elementary from the west side of Tenth street, in the city of Phila- public sale or vendae, on MONDAY Evening, Novem- thence*"«xtendins northwesterly along said Dyre- street, cases, over which is good sEver, heavily plated, per case Hewspapers authorized to pnblish the ^, ladelphia, must take license containing inches n«»e or of half dozen, SS6. Sampies of the foregoing, comprising containing the first insertion to this ©See- for and higher branches of an ENGLISH, CLASSICAL, d elphia; in front on aaid liodman street ber 3, 1862, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom- street Hall, . about one hundred and fifty feet four » the papsr ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ and on& each of the others ' ' ' - '' ' ¦ " ' ¦ _ ' ' " ¦' ¦ »nd MATHEMATICAL Education may be obtained. eighteen feet; and extending In depth northward of that All that certain three- storied brick dwelling h»uae, or less, to ground late of John O. Uhle, trustee, &o., thence two of tbe first, , making a exumiDBtion. . ^ • , . The body of a man, Circulars width forty-eight feet. [Being the southernmost which the a'ong the same two hundred and twenty- case of half dozon, at the regular wholesale rates, S36.50 . The biddtr ft placeof business, or manufacftsting eata- Found Dead.— , embracing full details of the Institution, part of stoie house, and tbe lot or piece of groand on Bouthwesterly ' stated the.proposal. auppoied to be one of the drafted soldiers from Lehigh m»y be had on application to the Principals, Attieboro, the same lot of gronnd which Marmaduke L. Bnrr and same is erected, situate on the northwest corner of Apple sJx feet, more or lew, to ground late of William B; Be- Terms cash. Will be sent to any part of the loyal States, blisbnient, must be B^soifloally in . ¦w day by the same one hundred wirti bill for collection on delivery. Buyers articles is believed to fe& about the waB found dead on Saturday, in a corn shock, in BuckB county, Pa., or to Edward Parrish, Philadelphi*. ife, by deed dated tb»18th of January* AaJD. 1851, and Master streets, in the Seventeenth ward of the city tteell, thence BOTiutheasterly in the army The above list of county, TKEMS. recorded in Deed Book T. H , No. 5. page 131 of Philadelphia; containing in front or breadth on tha fitty eight feet four inches, more or less, to the north- will have to send payment in advance, as the express Quant'ty of each article that will be reanireri during the Street, B of the camp ground, Twanty-foTirth ward. , Ac, and W. BonthWATEB 0° » the vicinity The charge for tuition In English branches, with granted and conveyed to Jeremiah Asher in fee. Sub- rorth side of said Master street IS feet, more or less, and westeily line of eaid Penn street, and thence northeast- companies refuse¦ ¦ ¦making¦ collections south¦ of the Poto- year • bnt theor Qoartermaiter reserves the right of order- ©ealer in Ohio and _n!!nois ^^^BS^^ tbe eoroner s green house. \ board, premises hundred and twenty- mac. > " '-> , "- :" • .' -. . .: . '¦';:; '£:- ,:.: ¦ Cj ' . ' -tf " ¦ .; ¦;¦; .. .:!v " ' '"? ' less auantity, Bhbuld th& interest of the . _J>^ His body was removed to ' : washing, fuel, and lights, including pens and ink, ject, together with the adjoinSsg-to the north- extending of that width in length or deith along the west erly along tbe same two six feet ¦ ' - ing a^reater ¦ ¦ and the use of the library, la at the rate or $160 for tht ward, to a certain yearly ground reniof §72.] [D. O.» side of said Apple street 100 feet, more or lesa. [D. O., five inchfB, more or iess, to the place of beginning This is one of the moat saleable artloles of the€ti , JANE P. GBAHAME, Bheriff. JOHN «PHOMPSONt Bheriff. , and JOHN Streets, Sew York. ¦ ¦ , ¦ ¦ X' ^ - ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ " ¦ ¦ ' ' ' ' " ¦ ¦ ' " ' ¦ ¦ ftriSO m4t • • • • ¦ : , :¦ :: ¦ . ¦ nnS'tf Teu th atd Osliowhill itreet3, aad was instantly killeJ. aeB -Sm Principals, Philadelphia, Bheriff'B omoo, Oatobar S3, 1862. ocJ83-3t Philadelphia,Sheriff' s Office, Oct. 22, 186^ oc23- 3t Phlladelnhia, BhetiffBOffice , Oct, 22, 1S62. oc3S 8t P. O. Box 4855. oo28-18t * . "°"