PRESENT: Allanton Village Hall Maggie Mann Ayton Community Hall Association Bill Black Jan Ulyatt Vic Swan Community Centre Delia Nimmo Village Hall Pauline Hood Public Hall Norman Wood Foulden Village Hall Malcolm Fowler Village Hall Barry Phethean Chris Maginn Gordon Village Hall Margaret Fairgrieve War Memorial Hall Kym Campbell-Whitton Hutton Village Hall Joan Purves Lamberton Holders Hall Joanna Marshall Howard Doherty Village Hall Bob Wallum Denise Wallum Reston Village Hall Carol Fairbairn Westruther Village Hall Angela Jewell Grace Donaldson Anne Walker Ark Liz Walthew

APOLOGIES: Abbey St. Bathans Birgham Eccles Paxton

In Attendance: Tony Fowler BAVS Philippa Wetton BAVS

1. WELCOME The Chairman Malcolm Fowler welcomed everyone to the meeting and thanked Westruther village hall for hosting the event.

2. APOLOGIES Noted as above.

3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF THE 2012 AGM Other than the noted incorrect spelling of the surname of Margaret Fairgrieve at Item 6, the minutes were proposed as being a true record by Liz Walthew (Whitsome Ark) and seconded by Kym Campbell-Whitton (Greenlaw War Memorial Hall).

4. MATTERS ARISING FROM THE 2012 AGM MINUTES There were no matters arising.

5. APPROVAL OF THE COMMITTEE REPORT & FINANCIAL STATEMENTS The Chairman asked for approval of the Committee Report and Financial Statements, which was proposed by Margaret Fairgrieve (Gordon Village Hall) and seconded by Pauline Hood (Cockburnspath Village Hall). There were no further questions on either.

6. APPROVAL OF ALTERATION TO THE CONSTITUTION Malcolm Fowler then explained how paragraphs 2 and 5 on page 4 of the current Federation constitution had been identified as having contradictory statements within them. These paragraphs were highlighted to the AGM attendees and suggested wording to replace both paragraphs was presented. All attendees were in agreement with the revised paragraph wording, proposed by Angela Jewell (Westruther Village Hall) and seconded by Margaret Fairgrieve (Gordon Village Hall).

7. THANKS TO RETIRING COMMITTEE MEMBERS Malcolm Fowler then went on to explain that three of the existing Federation committee members were due for retirement as their 3 years service on the committee had now come to an end. He thanked Kym Campbell-Whitton, Liz Walthew and Joanna Marshall for all their support and representation over the last 3 years.

The present remaining committee being: Malcolm Fowler Foulden Village Hall Georgina Jahre Village Hall Margaret Fairgrieve Gordon Village Hall Pauline Hood Cockburnspath Village Hall Helen Crowe St. Abbs Ebba Centre

8. ELECTION OF NEW COMMITTEE MEMBERS As demonstrated in Item 7, the current committee stands at 5 members. Malcolm Fowler explained that the Federation constitution stipulates that the committee can have up to a maximum of 9 members, and as such were seeking to gain an additional 4 new members to join the committee.

Malcolm went on to explain that from recent enquiries to gauge interest in the vacant positions from village halls, 3 individuals had come forward offering themselves for election onto the committee. These being: Paul Oswald (Burnmouth Village Hall), Bill Burgess (Birgham Village Hall) and Phil Jefferson (Gavinton Village Hall). Unfortunately due to a combination of pre-booked holidays and local event commitments none of these individuals were able to be present at the AGM. Philippa Wetton and the other committee members were however happy to recommend these individuals to the Federation members having had frequent contact with them in relation to their village halls over the last few years. The members in attendance at the AGM were happy to accept this recommendation and

were in agreement to elect these 3 individuals onto the Federation committee for the coming 3 years. Bob Wallum (Longformacus Village Hall) then volunteered himself for election to join the committee as the 9th member. This was agreed and approved by all those in attendance.

9. ANY OTHER BUSINESS Malcolm Fowler explained that over the coming few months BAVS would be circulating a letter providing the option for village halls to set up a standing order payment for their Annual £10 Federation Membership Fee. The committee hopes this will offer a simpler payment option for halls in the future. Those still wishing to pay by cheque or cash will be invoiced on an annual basis.

Margaret Fairgrieve (Gordon Village Hall) then kindly offered once again free Christmas Trees for any Federation Hall from the Gordon Community Woodland. Anyone interested should contact Margaret direct.

Malcolm Fowler then closed the AGM at 10.30am and introduced the start of the Annual Information Event beginning with the Practical Advice Panel. A summary of the Information Event and accompanying documentation would be posted on the Federation website http://onlineborders.org.uk/community/bfvh.