Banking in [ the end]

Autor(en): Knop-Both, Werner G.J.

Objekttyp: Article

Zeitschrift: The Swiss observer : the journal of the Federation of Swiss Societies in the UK

Band (Jahr): - (1935)

Heft 736

PDF erstellt am: 25.09.2021

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Ein Dienst der ETH-Bibliothek ETH Zürich, Rämistrasse 101, 8092 Zürich, Schweiz, 1824 THE SWISS OBSERVER. December 21st, 1935.

EDITOR'S POSTBAG. is as much responsible for the instability and 16th December, 1935. contraction in the ' activities as ia the international situation. The recent My dear Stauffer, reorganisa- SWISS CORPORATION, tion of the Neuenburg which, like Two years ago you asked me to review "Dieu Company Wmtted fry £Äara incorporated in StuitecrZand) of the late möst other regional banks, is almost entirely en- sait pourquoi " that lovely anthology domestic 99, GRESHAM STREET, E.C.2. Mrs. Hoffmann-de Visme's letters to her husband, gaged in business, was a direct result of the distress the watch the Rev. R. Hoffmann-de Visme. (See S.O. in industry. and 11c, REGENT STREET, S.W. 1, How far the home market in the future will 17/12/1933). resistant to crises than the then confessed that was prove more inter- I I utterly unworthy the of the loved and loved more national credit business, depends on way in task, although I it it which the official affect and as went with You remem- deflationary policy will more I on it. will the and commercial credit situation. Capital Paid up £6,400,000 ber that then thought this extraordinary book mortgage I The immediate outlook must remain Reserves - £1,560,000 form an ideal Christmas Gift for thought- necessarily - might as long as the of crisis ful people. possibility currency per- Deposits - - £39,000.000 sists, the banks as whole Since then, " Dieu sait pourquoi " has been though fortunately a maintain a thoroughly liquid position. my constant companion never leaving my office table and often, very often throughout the last ï'Ae Und. two troublesome years, helping me, comforting All Descriptions of Banking and me by the glorious FAITH that emanates from its Foreign Exchange Business Transacted pages. The other day I received a new, enlarged SCHWEIZERBUND : Correspondents in a// : : of book, its 4th edition, enriched by edition this SWISS : parts o/ tAe Wor/d. the addition of a set of letters " a son amie " and CLUB, by more wood cuts by our compatriot Mr. Pierre 74, CHARLOTTE STREET, FITZROY SQUARE. W. 1. Savoie. Will Members and Friends note the Some 70 added and each a treasure by kindly ^llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllltK! pages following attractions which will be held at a treasure from which to draw rich com- : i itself, the above during the festive season:— Telephone Numbers "Ben faranno Pagani. s beautiful thoughts, courage and above all MUSEUM 4302 (FfriJor«) PMr(7aterz'o C. xiu. Dante fort, MUSEUM 7055 (OjtiM) a sublime Fuitft in God's Loue, Wisdom und BOXING DAY at 2.30 p.m.—CHRISTMAS TREE PARTY "Venir se ne dee giû 2 Telegrams : SOUFFLE tra' miei Meschini." OTtariQ/. BOXING DAY at 8 —DANCE WESDO. Dante, /n/cmo. C. xxvii. 5 The extraordinary thing to me is that this p.m. E oyer 50 Tear*. book is by no means a religious book. It tells a NEW YEAR'S EVE at 8 p.m. till 2 a.m., story and what a story A tale of almost unen- SPECIAL DINNER & DANCE durable sufferings bravely borne and turned into I blessings. An insight into a gracious woman's The Entertainment Committee. PAGANI'S heart, a.mother's deep concern for her children, a wife's loving affection for her husband. RESTAURANT It hurts, this noble Faith, this extraordinary I I sincerity. It hurts, because I feel that I am a GREAT PORTLAND ST., LONDON, W.L off so simple, so I | long way attaining anything 1 LINDA MESCHINI q„|„ beautiful, I fear my emotions are tainted with UNSERE SCHWEIZER HEIMAT ARTHUR MESCHINI Proprietor«. sentimentalism, whereas hers were pure. fiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii? ces émotions ne soient du senti- The New N.S.H. Book " Que pas IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIM mentalisme, mais une force de vie, d'action, MA PATRIE on Switzerland. d'influence sur les autres " (page 93). THE FINEST GIFT FOR THE SWISS ON ALL OCCASIONS. Most of as the years follow each other, us, PRICE 4/- Postage 6d. have to ask ourselves that soul-tormenting ques- W. WETTER " WHY?" and few are so sincerely sure of Stocks at Swiss Mercantile Society, 34, Fitzroy Square, Swiss mitte Importer. tion Observer, and A. F. Suter, 133, Fenchurch Street, E.C.3. their FAITH that they can appease their gnaw- 67, GRAFTON STREET, FITZROY SQ., W.l. ing anxiety and despair by that simple confes- sion : BOTTLED IN SWITZERLAND. le me prend 24/2 " Quelquefois découragement SWISS Per Doz. Per Doz. belle remontée, HOTELS UNDER MANAGEMENT Clos du Mont Valais Dezaley 59/ bien un peu, quand, après une Fendant 55/- 61/- Dôle Red Valais de je me sens filer en bas de nouveau. Mais, White Neuchâtel 53/- 59/- Sion 60/- Dieu, Lui, sait pourquoi, et cela doit nous YOU KNOW HOW PEOPLE WILL GREET YOU WITH Red Neuchâtel 57/- — suffire." " Isn't it a lovely day?"' or " Turned rather colder, I As supp/zet/ /o //te Sif/ss C/i/As,

CROMER, NEWHAVEN COURT HOTEL. 79, Endall Street, Shaftesbury Avenue, W.C.2. BANKING IN SWITZERLAND. not spend 'your Christmas in the Country iu Why (Near New Oxford Street). By Werner G. J. Knop-Booth. a cheery atmosphere. Special Entertainments (Cow f/m nation). such as Games, Competitions, Treasure Hunt, banks have to a Dancing, etc., will be provided. Golf, Teuuis. The liquid means of the very : to The Dimanche 22 Décembre tili. — 4e Are/if arge extent been utilised in order to meet the Inclusive Xmas Terms from 17/6 21/-. Hotel is licensed. (Telegr. " Health, "'L'attente aujourd'hui!" — Ste Cène. lemands of nervous creditors during the last fully M. lî. Hoffmann-de Visme. dtack on the . Many banks in order Cromer." Tel. 245 Cromer) or write to Maurice o prevent their liquid reserves from declining Berset. 6h.30 — Prédication — M. R. Sauty. îxcessively were forced to realise at all costs part Culte de Cène — M. R. Hoffmann-de Visme, the discount if their German credits. At present Af/SC£ZZAA£Ot/S ADVER77S£AfEN7"S Mercredi 25 Décembre lib. A'OA'L. m registered marks this means that such nobilisations have been effected at a loss of Not exceeding 3 lines:—Per insertion 2/6; three insertions 6/- Prédication et Ste Cène. iluiost 50 per cent, of the capital. Postage extra on replies adressed c/o Swiss Observer. M. K. Hoffmann-de Visme. With the further shrinkage of all balance 26 : 5h. FA'Ï'A' de the whether is possible Jeudi Décembre — VOA'L. iheet items, question it Arbre Choeurs récitation de l'Ecole du take the burden of the banks' transfer- LANGUAGE SCHOOL. English to foreigners, — — o I timanche. estricted foreign commitments out of the balance suitable pension arranged for. Kaeser, Univer- iheet, has become more pressing. The proposal sitv Diplômé, 1370, London Road, Norbury. Pol. Thé dès 4b. — Chacun cordialement invité. ;o this effect has been that the joint stock banks, 2957. vith Federal aid, should form a special company EVENTS. Such FORTHCOMING ;o take over their standstill credits. a step, SCHWEIZERKIRCHE lowever, would require large public funds, at a noment when the capital market as a result of Thursday, December 26th, at 9 p.m. — (Deutschsprachige Gemeinde). is a strained Society — Grand Ball — Novelties — at 1 he recent currency crisis in very St. Anne's Church, 9, Gresham Street, E.C.2. losition. Gerrard Place, W.l. Unfortunately a decision on the reorganisa- (near General Post Office.) ;ion of banking is being delayed, to the detri- December 26tli (Boxing Day) at 2.30 p.m. — Swiss nent of the banks and the whole Swiss credit Club Schweizerbundj — Christmas Tree 8 lystem. For the political situation in Switzer- Party — p.m. Sonntag, den 22. Dezember 1935. IV ADVENT. and to-day is such, that the Federal Government Dance. — New Year's Eve at 8 p.m. Special and Dance 2 a.m.) at 74, Char- We/ÄMuefets/e/er in der Kirche um 4 Uhr nachm. s likely to encounter the greatest difficulties if Dinner (until t would proceed to tackle the banking problem lotte Street, W.l. (See advert.). Der Morgengottesdienst fällt aus. >n a national basis. It has, therefore, apparently Club Mittwoch, den 25. Dezember 1935. jeen decided for the present, to leave it by the Tuesday, December 31st — Union Helvetia CHRISTTAG. New Year's Eve Ball — at 1 Gerrard reatment of individual cases. — 11 Ulir Gottesdienst und Feier des banks (See special announcement). morgens, But the difficulties of the Swiss will Place, W.l. Heiig. Abendmahls. Kein Abendgottesdienst. iot, be solved solely by organisatory measures on die of the banks. A final solution is entirely Saturday, February 22nd, 1936 — Annual Ban- part Printed for the iependent on the wider economic policy of the quel and Ball — Swiss Mercantile Society — Proprietors, by The Frederick Printing Cc country and the success it meets with. For the at the Trocadero Restaurant, Piccadilly, W. Ltd., at 23, Leonard Street. London. E.C.2. time being at least, the state of business at home