Jerusalem Internship Summer 2017 June 18 – Aug 9

Hosted by: Aish Hatorah Organized by: JInternship Program Director Avraham Willig

Director of Internship Placements Mrs. Bashi Rosen

Aish Hatorah Summer 2017

TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Introduction 3 2. Your Professional Internship 4 3. College Credits 4 4. Travel Information 4 5. What To Do When You Land 5 6. The AISH Program 5 6.1. A message from the Aish Staff: 6 6.2. Who’s Who at AISH 6 6.3. The Learning Calendar 7 6.4. General Daily Schedule during Learning Program 7 7. The Campus 7 8. AISH Dormitory Rules 7 9. Trips (Tiyulim) 9 10. Security 9 11. Shabbat 9 12. Packing List 10 13. Health Insurance 11 14. Cell Phones 13 15. Passport 13 16. Taxis 13 17. Important Contact Information - AISH/jInternship Staff 14

© jInternship, 2017 Issue Date: March 20, 2017

Aish Hatorah Summer 2017

Student Guidebook

1. Introduction Congratulations on being selected to take part in Morasha Olami / Onward Internship Summer ’17 Session in ! The program is hosted by Aish HaTorah and administered by jInternship. The official organizer is Morasha Olami. This unique and innovative program is a hybrid of Jewish learning and professional development. It mimics the Jewish ideal of placing importance on both Torah learning and using Jewish values to succeed in the marketplace. In the program’s two-month format, you’ll have the opportunity to learn about Judaism from some of the world’s top Jewish educators at Aish as well as to work alongside successful professionals in your industry of interest.

We hope you will keep in mind that your internship has been secured through much effort, networking and administrative work. The opportunity is a privilege. You were selected because of the high recommendations you received from your campus rabbi/other references as well as the talents and potential that was apparent from your resume and your interviews. Based on this, we have great confidence that you will live up to the high expectations we and your host-company have for you.

This Guidebook will introduce you to this powerful and carefully designed program. We are confident that the experience will help you reach new heights personally and professionally.


2. Your Professional Internship Since most students will work for different host companies, it is not in the scope of this Guidebook to discuss specific requirements for time spent at your professional internship. In general, you should discuss the requirements for the internship with your supervisor and our Internship Coordinator, Bashi Rosen. Upon arrival in Israel, Bashi will supply you with a packet that includes information such as the contact information of your supervisor, directions to your internship, bus routes, proper attire, an overview of the work culture in Israel, etc. Make sure you understand clearly what their expectations are for you. It is equally important that you make clear to them what you hope to accomplish during the internship. If you have any problems with your internship, you should immediately be in touch with Bashi Rosen. It is her job to make sure that things go smoothly. You can also contact Jeff Surowitz (the Director), Rabbi Willig, or the madrichim (student coordinators) for assistance. The entire team is committed to making your experience a success. Upon arrival in Israel, your Madrich will help you secure a Rav Kav card for public transportation for travel to/from work. Bashi will prepare a map of where your internship is located and transportation instructions for you upon arrival in Israel.

© jInternship, 2017 Issue Date: March 20, 2017

Aish Hatorah Summer 2017 3. College Credits The JInternship program is not currently accredited for college credits. However, many universities will offer credits for summer internships done through non-accredited programs so long as the internship is supervised. Several participants have done this in the past. The JInternship team is happy to work together with your host-company’s supervisor to assist you in receiving college credits for your experience. Please tell Bashi or Jeff Surowitz before the program starts if you are interested in this arrangement. More importantly, make sure you contact the appropriate department at your university and that you understand all the requirements you will need to fulfill in order to receive college credits. Students can request a transcript from Aish for $25. It is up to the student’s university whether they will recognize the credits Aish gives.

4. Travel Information Students are advised to arrive for international flights four hours prior to departure. Airlines very often overbook and a late arrival will sometimes forfeit one's place despite prior reservation. Please check ASAP that your travel documents are accessible and have not expired. New regulations require that all passports are valid for at least six months after your travel dates. Please make sure that your passport is acceptable. In addition, please be advised that students for whom jInternship has booked flights will be responsible for any costs associated with late arrival at the airport departure terminal or failure to arrive with proper travel documents resulting in a missed flight.

5. What To Do When You Land We'll be looking forward to your arrival. Once you arrive at the airport, you need to take a "Sheirut" or Shuttle (eight-passenger taxi vans which cost about $20 to Jerusalem; the price of a private taxi is approximately $80.00 to Jerusalem from the airport. Ask the driver to drop you off at the Western Wall. Look up at the buildings opposite the Western Wall, and you'll see the sign of the Aish HaTorah World Center. Take the stairs up towards the building and look for the entrance to Aish HaTorah or ask someone. Once inside, ask for me. Please call from the airport to let us know that you are on your way. Please call Rabbi Tuvia Levin, Program Coordinator 054-494-7628. If you cannot get through to him, my cell phone is 052-813-6853 or call Rabbi Eliyahu Ellis 052-761-1130.

© jInternship, 2017 Issue Date: March 20, 2017

Aish Hatorah Summer 2017 6. The AISH Program jInternship is approximately eight weeks long which focuses on students working at internships in Israel and also having Jewish learning. The learning days are structured with more formal learning in the mornings and informal education in the afternoons. Both the internships and the learning are critical to the success of the program, and both should be taken seriously. Morning learning will be made up of one on one study partners, classes, and discussion groups. The teachers are world renowned presenters and have many years experience in education.

1. A message from the Aish Staff:

Dear Student,

Welcome to Aish HaTorah! We are looking forward to hosting you for this unique experience of learning and living in Israel. We offer a unique opportunity to gain a strong understanding of core concepts in Jewish thought, while living in the heart of Jerusalem’s Old City. The and staff are always available and look forward to meeting you and sharing this experience with you.

Rabbi Avraham Willig, Program Director

2. Who’s Who at AISH

 Dr. Gerald Schroeder expert in science and Torah. Former professor of physics at M.I.T. and author of Genesis and the Big Bang and The Science of God: The Convergence of Scientific and Biblical Wisdom. Dr. Schroeder has a doctorate in both Nuclear Physics and Earth and Planetary Sciences.

 Rabbi Motty Berger - expert in contemporary Jewish issues. A world-renowned speaker, prior to moving to Israel, he worked in anti-missionary activity and was the founder of Jews For Judaism.

 Rabbi Zelig Pliskin expert in self-growth and character development. Psychologist and author of 26 books, including Gateway to Happiness and Guard Your Tongue. Rabbi Pliskin's writings can be found in virtually every English-speaking traditional Jewish home in the world.

 Rabbi Yom Tov Glaser expert in Kabbalah and Jewish Spirituality. For over 12 years, he surfed internationally on a professional level. He is also an accomplished mountain biker and has been a professional musician for over two decades. A world-renowned international speaker, in England he is known as the Jewish Bob Marley!

© jInternship, 2017 Issue Date: March 20, 2017

Aish Hatorah Summer 2017

 Rabbi Ken Spiro - expert in Jewish history and other issues. His degrees include Russian Language and Literature, and History, and is a popular licensed tour guide in Israel. Renowned speaker and author of WorldPerfect and Crash Course in Jewish History.

 Rabbi Gavriel Friedman aka Rav Gav An up-and–coming star of the Jewish speaking circuit, Rabbi Friedman has lectured in dozens of cities around the globe, including Johannesburg, London, Montreal, and across the East Coast of the United States. Rabbi Friedman’s charisma captivates audiences of all ages and inspires men and women across the Jewish spectrum. His unique ability to present Torah concepts in an intriguing yet entertaining fashion leaves his audiences thirsting for more.

3. The Learning Calendar Date Description June 18 Travel to Israel June 19 - June 29 Full time Learning & Group programs July 2 - Aug 7 Internship Program Sundays, Tuesdays & Thursdays. Learning programs on Mondays and Wednesdays. Aug 9 Last day of Program/ Aug. 10 Depart Israel

4. General Daily Schedule during Learning Program

Each student will receive a copy of the full schedule during the AISH Orientation. The schedules reflect the particular level of study relevant to each student. Lecture and study topics include:

*The Essentials of Judaism

*Torah and Science

*Today's Most Pressing Issues

*Introduction to the Commandments

*The Way of G-d

*Jewish History

7. The Campus

© jInternship, 2017 Issue Date: March 20, 2017

Aish Hatorah Summer 2017 Students reside in apartments and dorms in Jerusalem’s Old City.

8. AISH Dormitory Rules The dormitories are OUR living quarters for the summer. Since we are a community and since unity is such an important part of the jInternship experience it is essential to clarify certain rules and standards of behavior. For the vast majority of our students, most of the following is superfluous because it entails common human decency. However, there are other rules which are specifically geared towards communal living.

a. The dorms are yeshiva property as such they must be respected. No writing, or drawing on the walls is permitted. You will be billed to pay for any damage to yeshiva property.

b. No improper pictures may be put on the walls.

c. Our campus is located in a residential area. This has great benefit for the students since much of the home hospitality is offered by our neighbors. Since most of the families in the area have small children, we are required to keep noise to a minimum. Israeli law dictates that after 11:00 PM disturbing noise must be eliminated. In addition, many of your classmates arise early and go to sleep early. Sometimes when you are having fun the noise levels tend to be higher than one realizes. Therefore we would like to bring to everyone’s attention that it is only decency that we keep the noise down after those hours and if someone reminds you to lower the volume, please cooperate.

d. The yeshiva maintains communication with the security authorities. No one has ever (Thank G-d) been hurt when he followed our security rules. We, the administration of the yeshiva, feel a very strong sense of responsibility for your wellbeing, both physical and spiritual. There will be certain places that are OFF LIMITS because of the fact that they are high-risk areas and the venue of repeated terrorist attacks. We know that many of you might be tempted to have a cavalier attitude towards these dangerous places. Nevertheless, we take it quite seriously. Please cooperate with us on this matter.

e. Keep your rooms LOCKED. Although we attempt to have good security, if students leave their rooms and possessions unattended and doors are unlocked outsiders can enter and steal things. Respect your roommates’ possessions as well, by locking your door.

f. Needless to say, getting drunk or substance abuse is a zero tolerance act and will result in immediate suspension or expulsion (and parental notification) with no refund. To be clear: Bringing girls into the dormitory, use of illegal drugs, behavioral misconduct due to misuse of alcohol (or other substance), sexual misconduct, violence, theft, or violation of any crime is grounds for immediate dismissal from the program.

© jInternship, 2017 Issue Date: March 20, 2017

Aish Hatorah Summer 2017 Let us reiterate, most students are mature and want a good learning environment and almost all of these rules are self-evident. However, due the fact that in our experience not everyone is mature enough to understand these things we must spell them out clearly. If you are among the majority of serious mature students please don’t be offended by these rules. You will appreciate them.

g. SECURITY DEPOSITS jInternship participants are required to put down a $250 deposit at the start of the program, which they will be refunded at the end of the program provided they did not damage the property, fully participated in the programming, followed the rules, and stayed until the end of the program.

9. Trips (Tiyulim) There will be trips scheduled during your time at Aish. We will give you plenty of advanced notice to sign up.

10. Security Security is a high priority for us. You are in Israel. And although you can be as safe here as in most places in the world where Jews live, that is true for those who do not take unnecessary risks. Aish may notify you of security alerts. These alerts will be in response to information from the Israeli security forces that they have information that terrorist organizations are preparing an infiltration and attack. At these times please remain on campus. Still, if you are off campus during an alert please call in to notify us that you are alright. The vast majority of these attempts have been thwarted by the security forces, thank G-d still, EVERYONE must follow this rule.

Thank G-d, things have been quiet the past several years in Jerusalem, nevertheless if, G-d forbid, there is an incident, everyone is required to call in immediately upon hearing about it and also you might want to put a call in to your family to let them know you are ok.

If you wish to visit relatives who live in places which are considered “the territories”, or any place that the Aish administration deems as not secure go we are serving written notice that we accept no responsibility for your safety.

11. Shabbat

© jInternship, 2017 Issue Date: March 20, 2017

Aish Hatorah Summer 2017 Some weekends will have Group Shabbatons and others will be ‘off.’ If there is nothing scheduled, you will be free to stay in the dorms and Aish will be happy to set you up with home hospitality with local families

12. Packing List Towels Sheets & Pillowcases (not mandatory, but helpful) Hat with brim (for trips, baseball cap is recommended) Flashlight Swimsuit Shoes for walking through water Sturdy hiking boots Good strong water canteen (2 liters) 2 pairs of comfortable long pants which you don't mind being messed up for hikes 1 Backpack for Hiking Sunglasses or eyeglass guard Alarm clock with batteries Toiletries (wrap any shampoo or the like in plastic bags to avoid spillage should the container burst from weight or pressure) Basic medication e.g.. sunscreen, pills for headaches and diarrhea, mosquito repellent, anti- bite cream Camera with plenty of film and batteries Notebook and pens Nice clothes - a few pairs of long pants, several long-sleeved shirts Approximately $200 - $300 spending money for laundry service, food on free days, gifts, taxis, etc $ 250 for security deposit

See for more items that you may want to bring.

13. Health Insurance

© jInternship, 2017 Issue Date: March 20, 2017

Aish Hatorah Summer 2017 While attending Aish, you are required to have Israeli medical coverage. Hospitals in Israel do not recognize foreign insurance, and in the event of a hospital visit you may be required to lay out 1000’s of shekels. You must enroll in our medical and hospitalization insurance plan through our office. It provides full medical coverage for emergencies and new conditions (no pre-existing conditions) including medication and hospitalization. You are required to enroll for the entire period you are in Israel. Please remember to take care of this ASAP, for medical coverage is a must. THIS INSURANCE IS MANDATORY REGARDLESS OF WHETHER OR NOT YOU HAVE YOUR OWN MEDICAL OR TRAVEL INSURANCE. PLEASE NOTE: Our medical insurance does NOT cover pre-existing medical conditions. The cost for insurance is included in the $350 program fee. In a case of medical problem please follow these steps:

Please have your policy number and passport number ready when calling, we recommend saving the call center number on your private phone.

For any medical problem that requires a family doctor, choose from the list below and call to make an appointment. For visits to specialists or laboratory call the Harel call center.

In case of emergency during the day or night call “Harel” call center 24/7 (including weekends and holiday) 1800-414-422 or 03-754-7020.

Wherever you are going, please take with you your policy number.

In a case of emergency, when you are already in the hospital, please call the medical center as soon as possible.

In a case of dental emergency please call to “Harel” call center 24/7 (including weekends and holiday) 1800-414-422

For your information, this policy will not cover you when you are outside of Israel.

Remember: if you go to the hospital, the emergency room or call an ambulance without calling the medical center first, you may not be fully covered under this policy.

In case of an emergency, call (or have someone else call) Harel’s emergency number to let them know you are on the way to Terem or the hospital. The number is 1-800-414-422.

The following list of doctors, pharmacies, and laboratories all accept by Harel Insurance. Doctors If you need to see a doctor, you must call Harel 1-800-414-422 and get a confirmation number. You will need your policy number and your passport number. (There is no charge for medical treatment and medication): 1. Family Medical Center - Rehov Parnas behind Zol B’gadol— 02-647-7300— Drs Slutzkin (#6028)and Niewodowski (#6027). 2. The Wolfson Medical Center - Rehov Diskin 9 – 02-561-0297

© jInternship, 2017 Issue Date: March 20, 2017

Aish Hatorah Summer 2017 3. Terem – Rehov Yirmiyahu – 509-3333 – no need for an appointment, just go 4. Dr. Gross 27 Hakablan St – 02-6519540 (25) 5. Dr. Schamroth—(#6094) dermatologist on Parnas If you need to see a specialist, you must call Harel and get approval before making an appointment. Pharmacies Dr. Grossman – Rehov Katzenelbogen 506 – 02-651-1766 – near the end of Rehov Hakablan on the other side of the street (across from Kfar Shaul hospital) 8:30am –2pm and 3:30pm —7:30pm. Center Pharm – In Center 1, next to the Central Bus Station Laboratories that work with Harel (open in the mornings) – Wolfson Medical Center – Rehov Diskin 9 - 02-561-0297 Rambam Labs – Rehov Hillel 16 – 623-1214

14. Cell Phones In order for us to be compliant with security regulations, and so that our staff and your employer can contact you in a reasonable manner, we need to be able to be in contact with you throughout the trip. Therefore, you are required to have active phone service (not only wifi) throughout your trip. Your options are as follows: 1. Bring an UNLOCKED GSM phone, and purchase a sim card ($100 USD for the whole trip for full service including unlimited local calls, int'l calls to most countries, and large data plan, or go to and get the no frills plan with similar data and calling for half the price (but no English customer service). 2. Rent a basic phone with call and texting only, no apps ($90USD) 3. Rent a smart phone with the unlimited local/int'l calling and large data plan ($180 USD) We work with a reliable provider of phone rentals and sim card services, and will make sure that by the second day of the program your phone is set up according to one of the above methods.

15. Passport Prior to your arrival in Israel, you will be required to ensure that your passport is valid for at least six months from the date you intend to leave Israel. Students must carry a copy of their passports and the school contact information at all times. Students’ passports should be kept in the safe at Aish. Please make sure your passport is valid for 6 months after you intend to leave Israel, otherwise, you may have problems getting an appropriate visa.

© jInternship, 2017 Issue Date: March 20, 2017

Aish Hatorah Summer 2017 16. Taxis


Ezrat Torah: 02-581-4444

Bayit VeGan: 02-642-1111

Ramot Alon: 02-502-2222

Bar Ilan: 02-586-6666

Romema: 02-538-5555

Har Nof: 02-651-2111

Kikar Shabbat 02 586 6667

Egged Buses, In Jerusalem: 02-530-4704; Outside Jerusalem: 03-694-8888 Train Information: 03-577-4000, Light Rail Information

17. Important Contact Information - AISH/jInternship Staff Name Position Phone Email

© jInternship, 2017 Issue Date: March 20, 2017

Aish Hatorah Summer 2017 Rabbbi Avraham Director of the 054-845-2175 [email protected] Willig Program 718-887-9792

Rabbi Tuvia Levin Program Coordinator +972 (0)54-494- [email protected] 7628

Madrichim (Student TBA TBA TBA Guides)

Jeff Surowitz jInternship Director 248-914-1138 [email protected]

Ruvein Katz jInternship COO +972 (0)54-925- [email protected] 3230

Bashi Rosen Internship +972 (0)50-550- [email protected] Coordinator 3551

Yael Ball Administrative +972 (0)58-423- [email protected] Assistant 0342

© jInternship, 2017 Issue Date: March 20, 2017