Intercultural living, connecting local development and global education

Project duration : 12 months - Project implemented in , . Sector/area of intervention : education and cultural promotion - cultural entertainment for youth - peace education - interventions animation in the territory.

Partners : CE.S.I.E – Centre of Studies and European Initiatives - Palermo E.N.Gi.M. - (National Institution Josephites Murialdo, Cefalù); C.S.I. (Italian Sports Centre Committee Palermo); I.F.I.M. - Institute of Integrated Mediterranean Education – Palermo; Centre for Creative Development "" - Partinico (PA), Gaia Association - (Pa).

Objectives : - Promotion of Peace and Nonviolence, heritage of values; - Updating of the concept of "homeland defence"; - Promotion of culture of integration between religions, cultures, traditions and customs of people belonging to different ethnic groups living in the same local/urban context; - Promotion of processes and initiatives of legal organizations "that see young people in civil service" testimonial "of compliance and enforcement of the national civil service regulations Law 64/01; - Promotion of a culture of citizenship - building a culture of active participation; - Promotion of active minorities; - Contribute to personal and professional growth of participants and volunteers.

Activities :

- Participation in organisational and planning meetings, cultural events, promotional/visibility stands, organizing public events to raise awareness of citizenship rights, intercultural living, non-violence and peace; - Football team "CE.S.I.E ALBERGHERIA" composed by Italian and migrants children at risk of social exclusion living in the neighbourhood Albergheria, Palermo; - Intercultural activities and animation initiatives with local communities (movie-club, intercultural evenings, seminars, workshops); - Training Courses, youth exchanges and experiential courses in intercultural management and non-violent conflict - Partnerships for learning and sharing of good practice in both, local and international level; - Development of national and international CE.S.I.E network; - Promotion (sending and hosting) of international mobility through European volunteering (EVS and Leonardo).