Hazlemere Division


Hazlemere is located in the east of . The Division is predominantly urban as it is comprised almost entirely of the residential area of Hazlemere.

The location of schools, libraries, area offices and district council offices are shown on the map below.

Hazlemere Division 1 Hazlemere Division

Divisional information and key statistics

To help you to further understand the area that you have been elected to represent, the following pages give key statistics and information specific to your Division.

The county is split into 19 geographic areas called local community areas. Your Division is covered by the Chepping Wye Valley local community area. General information concerning the local community area can be found later in this guide. Key statistics relating to the area can be found using the following website link: www.buckscc.gov.uk/assets/content/bcc/docs/research/area_profiles/Chepping2008.pdf

The majority of information shown relates to the 2001 census, which will not be updated until the next census in 2011. At present it remains the most comprehensive and detailed information about our population at a local level.

The information here is placed in context by comparison to the county average and presented in a series of charts and tables.

Key Statistics Hazlemere The County Total population 9,350 479,026 Households 3,567 188,086 % School children (5-19 yrs) of total population 20.6% 19% % Retired (60+ yrs) of total population 18.2% 19% % Economically active of total population 74.0% 72% % Unemployed of economically active 1.4% 3% population % Households with no car 9.2% 13% % Social rented households of total households 6.4% 14% % People with a limiting long-term illness 10.8% 13% % People with no qualifications 18.6% 21%

Wards within Hazlemere

Hazlemere North Hazlemere South

2 Hazlemere Division Hazlemere Division

Age Profile

Hazlemere’s age profile is similar to the average although it has a slightly greater representation of children (5-19 years) and working adults (30-59 years).

Ethnic Profile

96% of the Division’s population is white (White British, White Irish and White Other origin). At 4%, non-white ethnic groups in Hazlemere account for a much lower proportion of the population when compared with the county as a whole (8%). The Asian/Asian British ethnic group is the largest group accounting for 2% of the Division’s total population.

Hazlemere Division 3 Hazlemere Division

Education Profile

Nearly one fifth (19%) of people in Hazlemere have no qualifications. This is slightly lower than the average for Buckinghamshire (21%). Of the Division’s population, just under 24% is qualified to degree level or higher, a slightly lower proportion than the average for Buckinghamshire (26%). The Division has a higher than average proportion of people educated to GCSE level.

Occupational Status

The Division has above average proportions of people employed in ‘Higher and Lower Managerial, Professional Occupations’ accounting for half of its population. Hazlemere has a slightly greater than average proportion of people classified as ‘Intermediate’ workers (7%) and ‘Small Employers, Own Account Workers’. All other occupational types are below average in Hazlemere.

4 Hazlemere Division Hazlemere Division


Deprivation is measured nationally using 38 indicators, against various themes, to produce an ‘overall’ measure of relative deprivation for local areas. Collectively the themes are known as the Indices of Multiple Deprivation (IMD).

Deprivation is always comparative and areas are categorised as most deprived, average or least deprived. 30% of the areas in fall into the ‘most deprived’ category, 30% fall into the ‘average’ category and 40% fall into the ‘least deprived’ category.

Overall deprivation issues in your Division

The areas comprising the Division of Hazlemere all fall within the ‘least deprived’ category when looking at the overall index. However, it is important to note that there may be a small number of people living in ‘least deprived’ areas who are affected by deprivation issues.

Making Sense of the Chart

The chart at the end of this section shows the proportion of people living in the ‘most’, ‘average’ and ‘least’ deprived areas for:

the overall deprivation score (at the top of the chart) each deprivation theme

It is possible to have some deprivation themes in the ‘most deprived’ category when the overall deprivation index is not.

This section examines those themes that fall within the ‘most deprived’ category only.

The red boxes on the right hand side of the chart show the proportion of people in Buckinghamshire living in the ‘most deprived’ areas.

The figures show that there is one theme in your Division in the ‘most deprived’ category:

16% of the population lives in areas classified as ‘most deprived’ for ‘geographic distance to primary services’ (e.g. schools, GP practices). This is much lower than the figure for Buckinghamshire as a whole (54%). As this is a predominantly urban area the majority of people do not have to travel too far to reach primary services like schools and GP practices.

Hazlemere Division 5 Hazlemere Division

People living within areas classified as the ‘most deprived’, ‘average’ or ‘least deprived’ in this Electoral Division

6 Hazlemere Division