.. rn . . SP-230 TS-830s VFO-230 AT- 230


VFO-230 BLOCK DIAGRAM ...... 45 CIRCUIT DESCRIPTIOIV ...... 3 SPECIFICATIOIVS ...... 46 AC VOLTAGE CONVERSION ...... 9 CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION ...... 46 INSIDE VIEWS ...... 10 PC BOARD VIEWS ...... 49 PC BOARD VIEWS ...... 1 1 PARTS LIST ...... 51 PARTS LIST ...... 18 ADJUSTMENTS ...... 53 PACKING ...... 26 PACKING ...... 53 DISASSEMBLY ...... 27 AC VOLTAGE CONVERSION ...... 56 ADJUSTMENTS ...... 32 SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM ...... 57 LOCATION OF ADJUSTMENTS ...... : ...... 42 AT-230 ...... 58 LEVEL DIAGRAM ...... 44 DS-2 ...... 60 TS-830M SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM ...... 61 TS-830s SCHEMATIC ABBREVIATION ...... 62 SP-230 ...... BACK COVER TS-830s SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM ...... 63 BLOCK DIAGRAM ...... 64

HF SSB TRANSCEIVER [GENERAL] Frequency Range ...... 160 m Band 1.8 -- 2.0 MHz 80 m Band 3.5 -- 4.0 MHz 40 m Band 7.0 -- 7.3 MHz * 30 m Band 10.1 -- 10.15 MHz (10.0 MHz WWV) 20 m Band 14.0 -- 14.35 MHz * 17 m Band 18.068 -- 18.168 MHz 15m Band21.0- 21.45MHz * 12 m Band 24.89 -- 24.99 MHz 10 m Band 28.0 -- 29.7 MHz Modes ...... SSB/CW: 830s. SSB/AM/CW: 830M Power Requirement ...... 120V AC (220V modifiable), 50/60 Hz: 830s (K) 220/240V AC (selectable), 50/60Hz : 830s (T) (W) (X) 120/220V AC (selectable), 50/60Hz : 830M Power Consumption Transmit: 295 watts Receive: 32 watts (with heater off) Dimensions ...... 333 (13.3) x 133 (5.3) x 333 (13.3) mm (inch) Weight ...... 13.5 kg (29.8 Ibs) TRANSMITTER^ *Final Power Input ...... 220W PEP for SSB operation : 830S, M 180W DC for CW operation : 830S, M 80W DC for AM operation : 830M Audio Input Impedance ...... 500Q -- 50 kQ R F Output l mpedance ...... 50Q -- 75Q Frequency Stability ...... Within 1 kHz during the first hour after 1 minute of warmup. Within 100 Hz during any 30 minute period after warmup. Carrier Suppression...... Better than 40 dB Sideband Suppression ...... Better than 60 dB Spurious Radiation...... Better than 60 dB Harmonic Radiation ...... Better than 40 dB Audio Freq. Response ...... 400 to 2,600 Hz, within - 6 dB

3rd Order lntermodulation Distortion...... Better than - 36 dB [RECEIVER] Receiver Sensitivity ...... 0.25 pV at 10 dB S + N/N for SSB, CW : 830S, M 2pVat 10dBS+N/NforAM : 830M

Image Ratio ...... ;...... Better than 60 dB IF Rejection ...... Better than 80 dB

.) Receiver Selectivity

CW NARROW ...... Wlth Y K-88C (option 1500 Hz ( - 6 dB). 1.5 kHz ( - 60 dB) W~thY K-88CIV (option) 270 Hz ( - 6 dB), 1.1 kHz (- 60 dB) i ]830s F Wtth YG-455C (opt~on)500 Hz (-6 dB), 820 Hz (-60 dB) Wtth YG-455CN (option) 250 Hz (-6 dB), 500 Hz (-60 dB) AM ...... 6 kHz ( - 6 dB). 1 1 kHz ( - 60 dB) : 830M Variable Bandwidth SSB with 2.4 kHz filter ...... 500 Hz--2.4 kHz (-6 dB) continuously variable : 830S, M i CW with 500 Hz filter ...... 150 Hz-- 500 Hz (- 6 dB) continuously variable : 830s With optional filter YK-88C and YG-455C added. ~ AM ...... 4.5 kHz-- 6 kHz ( - 6 dB) continuously variable : 830M Notch-filter Attenuation ...... Better than 40 dB - Audio Output Impedance ...... 8- 16Q Audio Output ...... 1.5W (8Q)

*Will transmit on the new 30, 17, and 12 meter bands. Diodes installed for preventing accidental transmission before government amateur authorization. NOTE: The circuit and ratings may change without notice due to developments in technology. INTRODUCTION Item Ratlng bw The TS-830s 1s a dual conversion transceiver using two in- Center frequency lo 8831.5 kHz Center frequency dev~ation W~th~nr250Hz at 6 dB termediate frequencies, 8.83 MHz and 455 kHz. However. Pass bandw~dth +30 kHz or more at 6 dB Attenuation bandwidth f 6kHz or less at 60 dB this differs from transceivers of the 'so called Colllns type(such ? 10kHz or less at 80 dB as the TS-520) in that the bandwidth of both intermediate Ripple 2 dB or less Loss 3 dB w~thint2 dB frequencies IS narrowed for perforrr~ingVBT operation Guaranteed attenuation . 80 dB or more Therefore, the TS-830s can basically be considered a single (lo +lOkHzto!o+l MHz) Input and output 600!1//15PF conversion transcelver wlth an 8.83 MHz IF impedance Operation of the transmitter is opposite In process to the Table 3. Crystal filter (L71-0223-05) YK-88A (IF unit. XF2) receiver AN SSB signal generated at 455 kHz IS con- .- -. - . - -. -. Table 2. Crystal filter (L71-0222-05) verted to 8.83 MHz, and is then m~xedwith the PLL (local 0s- YK88S1 (IF unit, XFI) cillator output) to produce the final transrriission frequency The circuitry is hybrid with vacuum tubes used only in the Item Rat~ng Item Rating Center frequency lo 456.5 kHz drlver ( 12 BY7A) and flnal-stage power amplifier (6146B's) Center frequency 455 kHz + 0 2 kHz 6 dB bandw~dth t 3 kHz or more 6 dB bandwidth 2 7 kHz or more The PLL circu~tgeneraies a heterodyne frequency for each -- 50 dB bandw~dth +9 kHz or less 60 dB bandw~dth 4 5 kHz or less band, a counter reference signal, and a 25 kHz marker, all --- R~pple(io +2 kHz) 2 dB or less Guaranteed attenuat~on 6 dB or less from a single crystal oscillator Guaranteed attenuat~on 60 dB or more The TS-830s Incorporates an IF SHIFT circuit, VBT, VOX (lo + 100 kHz1 (also used for CW seml break-in), slde tone circuit, RF speech impedance processor, -transmiss~onmonitor clrcuit, nolse blanker, XTAL LOSS 6 d~ Table 5. Ceramic filter (L72-0322-05) Input and output ~mpedance 2 k!2 CFW 456.5HT (IF unit, CF 3) calibrator, notch filter, and etc. Table 4. Ceramic filter (L72-0314-15) RECEIVER CIRCUIT CFJ455K5 (IF unit, CF2) The signal comlng from the antenna is routed through step- up antenna coil via an RF ATT switch and IF trap. MOS FET (Q1 3SK73) amplifies this slgnal Approximately 9 dB of TRANSMITTER CIRCUIT negatlve feedback is applied to -the RF amplifier to reduce Audlo input picked up by the m~crophonecomes to the IF nolse and expand the amplifiers range of linear operation unit and IS amplif~edby Q19-21 The input circuit adapts The signal passes through a buffer amplifier (Q2 2SK125) to any m~crophoneimpedance of from 500 ohms to 50k and is m~xedwith the PLL VCO output by a balanced mixer ohms. This ampl~f~edoutput IS converted to a DSB signal by ((23, Q4 2SK125) The signal is now converted to the first the balanced modulator D29-32 (1N60 X 4), passes through lntermedlate frequency, 8.83 MHz. Entering the IF unit, this buffer amplifier Q22 (2SK19), a 455kHz ceramic filter, and signal is amplif~edby Q1 (2SK125), passes through ceramic the output appears as a SSB slgnal This signal passes either filter CF1 and the NB gatlng circult, and is applled to crystal buffer amplifier Q23 (2SC1815), or the speech processor filter XF1 whose center frequency is 8.83 MHz. The signal consisting of Q24, 26, and 27 Then the first transmit mixer leaving the crystal filter is mixed wlth the VBT local oscillator (Q28 3SK73) converts thls to an 8.83 MHz SSB signal output at 8.375 MHz by a balanced mixer (Q2, 03 3SK73) After passing the 8.83 MHz crystal filter and being amplified where it IS converted to the second Intermediate frequency, by Q29 (3SK73), the signal is applied to the second transmit 455 kHz. The signal then passes through ceramic filter CF2 mixer in the RF unit. This. double balanced mixer (Q6, whose center frequency is 455 kHz, and is amplified by 04 Q7 3SK73), mlxes the slgnal with the PLL VCO output to (3SK73) It then IS fed to the notch circuit, Q5 through Q7 convert to the final Transmlt frequency Output is amplif~ed (2SC18 15) After being amplified by Q8 (3SK73), it is by the driver tube (V1 12BY7A) and then by the final power demodulated to an audio srgnal by the product detector amplifier (two 6146B's) and is applied to the antenna via a (D20--D23, IN60 X4) T-matching network. In the AF unit, the audio s~gnal is amplified by Q3 (2SC2240), passes through the AF GAIN control and after PLL CIRCUIT belng arnpllf~edby the power amplif~er Q4 (HA1368R). The PLL s~gnalis synthesized from the VFO, CAR, and VCO drives the speaker outputs. The TS-830s .employs a programmable divider in the PLL to synthesize the heterodyne frequency from the Item Rating standard reference oscillator frequency This simplifies the Center frequency fo 8.830 MHz PLL circuitry by eliminatin'g the need for a separate HET 3 dB bandwidth fo f 5 kHz or more. total 25 kHz XTAL for each band or more 30 dB bandwidth 100 kHz or less

Input level (at 80 dBp output) 93.5 dB or less

Ripple (within 3 dB handwidth) 1 dB or less

20 dB or more Spurious response within fo + 1.5 MHz 330R Input and output impedance L Table 1. Ceramic filter pair (L72-0310-05) 2 pcs. SFA8.83MF combined (IF unit, CF1A& B) Frequency organization of the PLL circult IS shown In Figure RX. Tx MIX ( I I MIX I 1) frequ- VCO Division I,the circu~tdiagram in Figure 2, and frequency organlzatlon BAND Output DCBA ency (MHZ) input ratio (MHz) (MHz) in other circuits is summarized in Table 4. Please refer to (MHz) Figure 1 when reading the following description on PLL clr- 1.5 10.33 14.33 1.5 4,0 1/8 1 0 0 0 cuit operation MIX (3), a double balanced mixer, mlxes the -2.0 -10.88 -14.83 CAR output wlth the VFO output. MIX (2) wh~choperates in 3.5 12.33 14.33 3'5 2.0 1/4 1 1 0 0 18 MHz bands and above, mlxes e~ther10 NIHz, In the 14 -4.0 -12.83 -14.83 and 18 MHz bands, or 20 MHz, In the 21, 24 5, and 28 IW Hz 7.0 15.83 14.33 1.5 I 1/3 1101 bands, wlth the output of MIX (3) to generate the appropriate I -7.5 -16.33 -14.83 frequency needed for each band, as shown In Table 4 10.0 18.83 14.33 lo 4.5 1/9 0111 -19.33 This IS mrxed wlth the VCO output for each band by MIX (1) -10.5 -14.83 14.0 22.83 24.33 to a frequency given In Table 4, whlch IS then routed through l4 1/3 1 1 0 1 -14.5 -23.33 -24.83 LPF (1), amplified, and wave-shaped to a dlgltal signal A 18.0 26.83 24.33 programmable divider divides thls slgnal into a 500 kHz out- l8 2.5 1/5 1011 -18.5 -27.33 -24.83 put. This programmable divlder IS preset, as shown In Table I 21.0 29.83 34.33 4, by the BCD signal whlch IS counter-generated from Infor- mation coming from the band swltch The phase comparator used IS a Motorola MC4044P The loop filter IS made of completely external components to m~n~mizespurtous radia- tlon Six VCOs cover all bands. If the PLL unlocks for any reason, it will be detected from the phase comparator out- put. Th~swill turn off the VCO output to prevent spurious radiation and, at the same time, the digital d~splaywill be blanked to Inform the operator of unlock status. 29.5 38.33 29.5 I 4.0 1/8 1000 - 30.0 -38.83 Table 6. Frequency chart

CENTER 8.83MHt M 1% 455KHz . A F FROM RF AMP CERAMIC IF AMP ---m~ DET t FILTER - -.------I\ r r------1 1 -.I 1 (VBT OSC) MlX(1, I , 1 BPFI - 01-6 011 I I I 1.0- lOMHz I - 4.5MHz (14.18) I I or 20MHz 455 P D (2i924.5,28) MIX(2) I ? K"z MIX USB 8 83I5MHz LPFl - 036 12 I ,, A LSB 8 8285MHz Q17 1 CW(R)8 8315MHz I' 'i- I CW(T)8 8307MHz MIX(3) I CAR OSC 4fi F(8.8315) i/N 4 BPF2 .= I "'" 041.42 I 500~~~STD OSC lOMHt I 84 4 DIVIDER I USE 456 5kHz LSB 4535kHz L------CW(R) 456 5kHz CW(T) 455 7kHz 5.5-6.OMHz CW(T) VFO frequency goes 800 Hz VFO up at CW transrnlt Y 8.83MHz MIX 455~~~' y BPF X'TAL CERAMIC MIC AMP 4 MIX(TX1 IF AW BM o-- FILTER * /

Fig. 1 TS-830 Frequency configuration CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION

7 ,IOU 44Y ~BM Z8M 21.24.CiM 115.83-19.33) (10.33-12.83) (22.83-23.33) (26.83-27.33) (36.83-38.83) (29.83-33.83) VC 0 VC 0 VCO VCO vco VC 0

Fig. 2 TS-830 PLL circuit configuration

COUNTER BAND lODK 1M 10M DCBA 0.5 BAND IOOK 1M 10M DCBA 0.5 Th~scounts the 500 kHz to 1 MHz signal wh~chthe PLL unit generates by mixing 1.5 0 1 0 1000 H 21 5 0 2 0111 L the VFO output wlth 5 NI Hz (halved from 3.5 0 3 0 1100 H 24.5 0 4 2 1110 H the 10 Nl Hz reference frequency) Gate, 7 5 6 0 1101 L 28 5 7 2 loll L latch, and preset pulses are generated 10 5 9 0 0111 L 28.5 0 8 2 1010 H from a 10 Hz pulse generated by dl- 14 5 3 1 1101 L 29 5 8 2 1001 L v~d~ng1 kHz, suppl~edfrom the PLL, by 18 5 7 1 loll L 29.5 0 9 2 1000 H 100.

Amp Amp Heater CON Q 1 02 Display tube 4.7 Vrms - - 4 oz2SCt815(Y) 2SC1815(Y) 9-BT- 12 Blanking information Segment H (approx. 5V): Display Gate Counter driver - L Blank 010 011 BLlc - 03C 1/, 04 - , 'SN7400N TC4029BP TC5066BP TC5064BP

I 1/I00 devider 1 /2 devider 012,013 , -6 1K - approx 2~~1959~x2 -:v 06 Q3A,B ~WIL- ' -24V TC4518BP SN7400N - lKr 5Hz 5 DC-DC Clock __, Converter Preset pulse - Q5 - TC4081BP Latch pulse - TC5070P 12 6 Digit counter w 100kHz, 1 MHz, 10 MHz DCi2V DH switching 030 D H - & 07 / - SN7400N 2SC1815(Y) Preset Preset 10 MHz

switch -MO.lsec O.1sec 1MHz order09 Q8e100 kHz order tDH TC408tBP TC4081BP A Gate 0.5 1 I I EXT VFO data 20ms Gate @ Preset 014 - TC4011BP @ Latch -uy-[- t

Band information from RF unit Fig. 3 Counter unit block diagram CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION

BCD WT SEGMENT OUT DIGIT OUT (tz)W)(+4)(l5) 6)(6) Vl (a (9)(lo(lil (so- ABCD abcdola Ds[k D4Da Dzlk


24 - EQUAL CA 20 CA CB CC CD ' RA RE RC RD ' - 23 - Vss I321 (20) (f9) (18) (17) 131 I (56) (35) 04) (33) CLEAR 21 LOAD COUNTER COUNTER BCD IN LOAD REGISTER REGISTER BCD IN - 22 - SCAN

Fig. 4 TC5070P (Counter unit, Q5)

SCAN 2 0-2 5KHz

Fig. 5 TC5070P timing chart

Q5 (TC5070P) IS a presettable, 6-dlglt BCD counter whlch Fig. 6 Indicating tube 9-BT-12 Incorporates a 6-diglt latch, 6-dig~tdynamic drive dig~tal counter, and 7-segment decoder/driver Band ~nformation suppl~edfrom the RF unlt IS applied to a diode matrix to In the counter unit, a diode matrix generates frequency ~IVI- preset the 100 kHz, 1 MHz. and 10 MHz digits. Preset sion lnformation and supplies the PLL unlt wlth thls Informa- values are given In Figure 3 For Instance to preset 14.000 tion If the PLL unlocks, a BLK (Blanking Low) slgnal will be MHz, with a 500' kHz counter Input s~gnal,10 MHz value IS applled to the digit drive IC (Q1 1) to blank the fluorescent preset to 1, 1 MHz to 3, and 100 kHz to 5, the 500 kHz display tube Normally, flve hlgh-order digits are displayed counter input signal subtracted from 14.000 MHz. (If no DH (digital hold) locks the display from changing Digital counter input signal were present, 13.500 NlHz would be hold IS accomplished by presetting the latch pulse at Low displayed.) Q5 supplies the display tube drivers with 7-seg- level ment information and dynamic drive control signals to light the fluorescent display tube. CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION CAR OSCILLATOR The CAR osc~llator IS composed of an oscrllator and two quarts crystals The output frequency In each mode is grveri In F~gure1 During reception thls frequency can be var~ed by the IF shift

VFO The output frequency IS 5 5-6 0 MHz Dur~ng CW transmlsslon, the frequency w~llbe sh~fted800 Hz h~gher than the reception frequency Therefore, real operating fre- f quencles w~llalways be d~splayed k2 kHz to 1 MHz

CIRCUIT FEATURES Table 9. CW Crystal filter (L71-0221-05) 1. Optional filters available YK-88CN (Option) The TS-830s IS equ~ppedw~th 2 7 kHz f~ltersIn both the 8 83 MHz and 455 kHz IF'S. Narrow f~ltersare separately ava~lablefor both 8.83 MHz and 455 kHz.

IF jumper pins 8.83 M Hz filter 455 kHz filter Item Rating I -1 CW1 STD (Y K88S 1) STD (CFJ455K5) Center frequency fo 455.7 kHz STD (CFJ455K5) CW2 OP (option) Center frequency deviation fo f 50 Hz at 6 dB CW3 STD (YK-88S1) OP (option) CW4 OP (option) OP (option) 16 dB bandwtdth 1 k250 Hz or more I

YK-88S1 =2.7kHz CFJ455K5 = 2.7kHz 160 dB bandwidth 1 i-425 Hz or less I ------6 dB bandwidth OP (Y K-88C) = 500Hz OP (YG-455C)= 500Hz Ripple 2 dB or less OP (YK-88CN) =270Hz OP (YG-455CN)=250Hz Loss 6 dB or less

Table 7. STD and OP filter combinations 80 dB or more Guaranteed attenuation at 100 Hz to 455.1 kHz and 456.3 kHz to 2 MHz Item Rating I lmput and output impedance I 2 kO// 15 pF I Center frequency fo 8830.7 kHz Table 10. CW Crystal filter (L71-0206-05) Center frequency deviation fo ? 150Hz at 6 dB YG-455C (Option) 6 dB bandwidth t250 Hz or more

60 dB bandwidth kg00 Hz or less

Ripple 2 dB or less Item Rating Loss 6dBk2dB Center frequency fo 455.7 kHz 80 dB or more within fo Guaranteed attenuation +2 kHz to k1 MHz Center frequency deviation fo f 50 Hz at 6 dB 6 dB bandwidth + 125 Hz or more - Input and output impedance 60012 // 15 pF b- 60 dB bandwidth ( +250 Hz or less I Table 8. CW Crystal filter (L71-0211-05) Ripple 2 dB or less Y K-88C (Option) I Loss 6dB or less

80 dB or more at Guaranteed attenuation 100 Hz to 455.3 kHz and 456.1 kHz to 2 MHz - Input and output impedance 1. 2 kO// 15 pF 1

Table 11. CW Crystal filter (L71-0207-05) YG-455CN CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION

FILTER FILTER NOTCH BAND -VCO MHz 1.5 10.33- 10.83 3.5 12.33-12.83 7 15 83-16.33 I0 18.83- 19..33 14 22.83-23.33 18 26.83- 27.33 21 29.83-30.33 VBT 8.375MHz 24.5 33.33-33.83 28 36.83-37 33 28.5 37 33-37 83 29 37.83-38.33 29.5 38.33-38.83


Fig. 7 Frequency configuration

0 5KM OSKHZ The mlxer converts thls to a slgnal whose center frequency 1s 8830 MHz (22 8315 MHz-140015 MHz=8830 MHz) The slgnal frequency IS then converted to 455 mHz by the se- cond mlxer To help understand VBT operation, assume the composite bandwldth determlned by fllters XF1 and CF2 1s 2 7 kHz In the normal (unshlfted) state of CAR-1 and -2 Frequency organ~zatlonto obtaln a speclflc bandwldth and IF SHlFT 1s described below Example 1 (no IF shift) Bandwidth 1 7 kHz [ IF SHIFT 0 kHz 1 When the CAR-2 frequency 1s reduced by 1 kHz uslng the

VBT control and a slgnal centered at 14 001 5 MHz IS recelv- ed the CAR 1 and 2 frequencies are as follows CAR-1 8831 0 kHz (=8831 5 kHz-0 5 kHz*) CAR-2 8374 0 kHz (VBT control) * The system 1s deslgned so that only half the amount of fre- CAR-2 8.375MHz 8.374MHz 8.374MH~ quency sh~ftapplled to CAR 2 IS applled to CAR-1 Fig. 8 VBT.IF SHlFT Assume the recelved slgnal has a frequency spectrum exten- ding over 14 001 5 MHz 5 1 35 'k~zSlnce CAR-1 output 1s 8831 0 kHz. the VCO output frequency 1s 22 8310 MHz and, 2. VBT and IF SHlFT therefore the frequency of the flrst IF slgnal IS 8829 5 kHz -t VBT (variable ' bandwldth tuning) allows varylng the bandwidth, operation of whlch is determlned by the 8.83 1 35 kHz due to a shift of -500 Hz MHz and 455 kHz filters and by changing the output frequen- (22831 0 kHz- 14001 5 kHz = 8829 5 kHz) Slnce the cies of CAR-1 and CAR-2 simultaneously wi-th the VBT con- freql~ency characterlstlc of the flrst IF fllter IS 8830 trol Frequency organlzatlon of the VBT and IF SHlFT 1s MHzkl 35 kHz as noted above frequency components are shown In F~gure7 Assuming that a signal centered at cut In the lower slde band by 500 Hz more than In the nor- 14 001 5 MHz 1s received wlthout l F shift or VBT, the VFO mal state, as illustrated In Flg 8 (3) The second in- output frequency is 5.501 5 MHz. CAR-1 8831 5 kHz, and termedlate frequency generated In the second mixer 1s 455 5 the VCO output applied to the first mixer IS 22.8315 MHz. kHz+l 35 kHz (8829 5 kHz (No 1 IF) -8374.0 kHz (CAR-2)= 455 5 kHz) venlenr for lnstalllng RF clippers between the stages. The Thus rhe second IF slgnal IS shifted by +500 Hz, and as a 455 kHz SSB signal is clipped and then c0nverte.d to an 8.83 result the upper-s~defrequency components are cut by 500 Mliz signal, and then routed through an 8.83 MHz SSB filter Hz, as illustrated In (4) The frequency spectrum of the s~gnal to remove splatter components generated during clipplng whlch has passed the second IF stage IS 455 5 kHzk850 Hz Q24 (2SC1815Y) is a processor amplifier, Q26 (TA7302P) a and the bandwidth IS 1 7 kHz If we convert the srgnal fre- llmitlng amplifier, Q27 (3SK73GR) a control ampllfier, and quency to an equlvalen~one a1 the ANT Input, we obtaln Q25 (2SC1815Y) and Q37 (2SA1015Y) compose a com- 14.0015 MHz+850 Hz In th~scase IF SHIFT operation is presslon meter amplifier The compresslon meter reads the not performed mean compresston level. Example 2 5. Final-stage RF NFB Bandw~d.rh 1 7 kHz IF SHIFT 500 Hz (poslt~vesh~ft) I Negatlve feedback IS applled to the drlver from the final out- pul stage via C6, a 3PF. 3KV capacitor to reduce Inter- When the frequency of CAR-2 is lowered by 1 kHz with the modulation distortion. VBT control and that of CAR- 1 ralsed by 500 Hz wlth the SHIFT control, the resulting frequenc~esof CAR-2 and -1 are 6. R IT/XIT Operations CAR-1 88315 kHz(= 88315 kHz--0.5kHz*l+05 kHz"2) In addition to the conventional RIT, the transmission frequen- CAR-2 8374 0 kHz cy can be varled wrth the XIT control *I Half the amount of frequency varied by VBT *2 The amount of frequency rise with IF SHIFT Let us examine the frequency spectrum of the ANT input TS-830s (K) AC Voltage conversion slgnal from the second IF component in Example 1 To operate the TS-830s (K) on 240V AC, the power You will recall that the center frequency of the second IF transformer split primaries must be rewired from parallel to signal component is 455.5 kHz and the upper limit 455.5 series connection kHz+850 Hz 1. Unplug the AC power cable. The signal is 455.5 kHz f8374.0 kHz= 8829.5 kHz in the 2 Remove the bottom cover flrst IF and the lower llmlt 8829.5 kHz-850 Hz. As a result. 3. Remove the jumper wires between the two 4 terminals signal components which have passed an 8830 kHz fllter and two 120 terminals on the bottom of the power and a 455 kHz fllter are the same as In Example 1 But the transformer. VCO output is 22.8315 MHz because CAR-1 which was 4. Connect the adjacent 120 and 4 terminals at the middle 8831 0 kHz 111Exarrlple 1 is 8831 5 kHz in Example 2 Slnce of the transformer. 'This will provide 240V AC operation. the converted equrvalent frequency range at the flrst IF is For 220V AC operation, change the wires from 120 to 8829.5 kHzk850 Hz, ~tsequivalent at the ANT Input IS 100 winding. 14.002 MHzk850 Hz. 5. Change the AC fuse from 6A to 4A. Tag the power cord (22 831 5 MHz-8.8295 MHz= 14.002 MHz) at the back of the radio to indicate that the transformer is This means that a signal 1 7 kHz In bandwldth IS received strapped for 240V AC, and the power fuse should be 4A. wlth a shift of 500 Hz. In other words, the filter + and not 6A. characteristics have been changed appropriately 6. Replace .the bottom cover and reconnect power to verify As you may have noted in Examples 1 and 2,the V.BT and IF your work. SHIFT controls operate separately Therefore, it IS possrble to control the bandwidth alone whlle keeping the IF SHIFT unchanged, or control IF SHIFT while keeping the bandwldth unchanged

3. NOTCH [in IF unit (X48-1290-00) 1 4 7

Thls IS a brtdged-T filter consisting of L, C, and R components. The notch IS provlded In the 455 kHz IF Normally, the width of the null would be broad at 455 kHz. Actually a sharp notch is provlded by adding an active circuit which applies FAN MOTOR posltive feedback to raise the Q. Q5 and 06 (2SC1815Y) (iOOV) ITE are a Q-multiplier Q7 (2SC1815Y) is a buffer ampllfier POWER SW

4. Speech processor [in IF unit (X48-1290-00) ]

T~ISspeech processor IS an RF cl~pper The recelver uses &Y two Intermediate frequencles and two filters for VBT In the transmltter, an SSB slgnal IS generated at 455 kHz, IS con- & verted to 8830 kHz, and passed through an SSB 8.83 MHz filter after frequency conversion Thls configuration IS con- INSIDE VIEWS

CF2 CF3 455kHz Ceramic filter c~w456.5~~ CFJ455K5 456.5kHz AM I filter. 830M (W)

X F2 Y K-88A 8.83 1 5MHz AM filter 830 M (W) OPTION : 8305 (K) (W) (T)

XF 1 Y K-88s 1 8.83MHz SSB filter

AM Unit 830M (W) (X54- 16 10-60)

Counter unit (X54-1540-00)-

RF unit (X44- 1360-00)

[830M type is shown.]

FINAL unit (X56-1 380-00)

TC 1 AF unit Neutralization (X49- 1 140-00)

Rectifier unit (X43-1370-00)

VFO Ass'y -

PLL unit (X50- 1680-00) PC BOARD VIEWS TS-830~M r VFO UNlT (~40-1170-00) RECTIFIER UNlT (X43-1370-00)

r FINAL UNlT (~56-1380-00)(View from foil side)

I side)




7 SWITCH BOARD (J25-2773-03) --r



Twisted wires

Brown OAR

www 0 mu

~$22 u3- m

€55" 65 s P zcoa-a_mwm 442 mm v

z '. .t; i C EO z -0 %' 2 : u z2 -0 +- €0 2 c - m ! C m C :; m C E 2 2 57-02 v zg zp -q L a0 mt;; v TS-830S. M PC BOARD VIEW AF UNIT (X49-1140-00)

2SA1015 (Y) 2SC945 (Q) 2SC1515 (K) 2SA562 (Y) 2SC460 (B) 2SA473 (Y) 2SK19 (GR) 2SK30A (GR). (0) HA1368R MV-13 SCHEMATIC/PC BOARD VIEW TS-830S. M COUNTER UNIT (X54-1540-00) 0 C28

MARK TS-830Sr PC BOARD VIEW SCHEMATIC TS-830Sn Note 1 3. Res~stancevalue K U S A T Br~ta~n W, Europe X Australla Note 2: Only speclal type of resistors (example cement, metal film, etc.) and capacitors (example electrolyttc tantalum mylar, ten-rp, coeff, capacitors) Example 221 4 22012 223 + 22 kil 225 + 2 2 Mi2 are deta~led~n rhe PARTS I-IST For the value of all common type corn- 222 + 2 2 kt2 224 - 220 kS2 ponents refer to the szhemat~cdlagram of the PC board ~llustration Resistors not otherw~sedetatled are carbon type (1/4W or 1/8WI Order carbon resistors and capacitors accord~ngto the follow~rlgexample 4 Tolerance J = f5% (Gold) K = 2 10%(S~lver) A carbon resistor's part number is RD14BY 2E222J

A ceramic capac~tor'snumber is CK45F1 H 1032. CC45TH 1H220J CAPACITORS RESISTOR Type 1 Type II 1 Type of the carbon resistor CC 45 TH 1 H 220 J CK 45 ,F 1H 103 Z RD14BY RD14CY 1' 2 3' 4 5 6 123456 RD14BB (small s~re) RD14CB (small stze) 1 = Tvpe . cerarnlc, electrolytic, etc 4 = Voltage ratlng 2 = Shape round. square, etc 5 = Value 2. Wattage 3 = rernp range 6 = Tolerance 1W+3A 3W+3F 5W+3H 3' = Temp coeff~c~ent 2W + 3D 4W - 3G 3' = CC45 0 0 ... Ceramic capacitor (type I) temperature coeff capacitor 1 ' 3'

1st word C L P R S T U 2nd Word G H J K L (Color) (Black) (Red) (Orange) (Yellow) (Green) (Blue) (Violet) ppm/"C t30 +60 +120 2250 +SO0 ppm/"C 0 -80 -150 -220 -330 -470 -750

3 = CK45 0 Ceramic capacttor (type 11) 3


Operating temperature - 30 - 30 - 30 - 10 " C t85 t85 t85 t70 Type I Type II 6 = Tolerance

CordC D G J KMX Z P No cord +I00 MorethanlOpF-10-t50 (%) t0.25 f0.5 k2 +5 +I0 f20 t40 t80 -20 -20 -0 Lessthan4.7pF-10- + 75

Less than 10 pF 5. = Capacitor value

Cord B C D F G Example 010 + 1 pF 100 10 pF (PF) 0.1 k0.25 kO.5 +1 +2 ' - 101 + 100 pF 102 + 1000 pF = 0.001pF Abbreviation Abbreviation 103 -r 0.01 pF Capacitor Mylar Ceramic Styren Electrolytic Tantalum MC Mica

TS-830 Semiconductor, Tube Q New Parts

Re- Item Name Parts No. Item Name Parts No. Re- marks marks Diode 1 N60 Vl 1-0051-05 Zener WZ-06 1 V1 1-0243-05 d~ode WZ-071 V11-4160-86 1S1007 V1 1-4160-66 WZ-090 V1 1-0240-05

1S1555 V1 1-0076-05 XZ-055 V1 1-4105-50 1S1587 Vl 1-0370-05 XZ-060 V11-4101-20 182588 V1 1-0414-05 XZ-090 V11-4167-06

V03C V1 1-0290-05 200V 1.3A LED SLP- 144 V1 1-6172-76 V06 B V11-0219-05 100V 1 1A TLR-205 V11-3162-96 V06E V11-0285-05 400V 1 1A V08J V11-0282-05 800V 1 1A Display 9-BT- 12 V40-7760-86 Tube V40-0 138-00 V2 1-0004-05 61468 12BY7A V40-0 1 14-00 V1 1-4161-36 2SA473 (Y) V01-0473-06 d~ode 2SA562 (Y) VO 1-0032-05 Re- Name Parts No Ref No. Parts No. Description Re- marks marks . 843-0649-04 Name plate M (W) T? B43-0654-04 Name plate (T) 8 043-0656-04 Name plate (K)(W)(X) 12 B46-0058-10 Warranty card (K) 850-2738-00 Operating manual (K) fi B50-2739-00 Operating manual (T) a B50-2740-00 Operating manual (W)(X) 8 B58-0625-00 Transmit warnlng paper a

C01 0084-05 Var~ablecap. VC2 Load C03-0002-05 Trimmer TC 1 C03-0060-05 Var~ablecap. VC1 Final 2SK19 (BL) 2SK19 (GR) C 1 C092M 1 H 104K ML 0.1pF 50V 2SK19 (Y) C6 C9 1-001 6-05 C 3pF 3kV 2SK30A (GR) C7 C90-0186-05 C 0.001pF 3kV 2SK30A (0) C 0.01pF 2kV 2SK125 C8 C9 1-0079-05 C9 C9 1-0401-05 C 100pF 3kV 3SK73 (GR) C10 C91-0017-05 C 390pF 3kV C12 CC45SL2H101J C 1OOpF 500V C13 CC45SL2H271J C 270pF 500V C14 CC45SL2H681J C 680pF 500V C15 CC45SL2H121J C 120pF 500V C16 CC45SL2H821J C 820pF 500V C17 CC45SL2H102J C 1OOOpF 500V C 18.1 9 C90-0300-05 C 470pF AC150V C2 0 C9 1-0079-05 C 0.01pF 2kV C22.24 C90-0327-05 E 1OOpF 500V C2 6 C9 1-0467-05 C 22pF 3kV A C30 CC45SL 1H030C C 3pF +0.25pF C3 1 CC45SL2H101J C 1OOPF 500V

D22-0402-05 Universal coupling, Band Load 022-0405-04 Coupling. PLATE D22-0407-04 Shaft coupling. 46 a D32-0051-04 Shaft stopper, M3 X 10 D40-0206-05 Fan ass'y D40-06 13-05 Vernier mechanism 8

E04-0152-05 UHF type receptacle. ANT E06-0451- 15 4P male socket, MIC E06-0751-05 7P DIN socket, REMOTE E06-0851-05 8P DIN socket. EXT VFO, XVTR E07-0751-05 7PDINplug E08-0204-05 2P connector TS-830 GENERAL E08- 1202-05 12P connector M(W): TS-830M (W) type E08-1207-05 12P plug Re- E09-0204-05 2P plug Ref. No Parts No. Description marks El1-0404-05 3P Phone jack, Key, Phone Case (Upper) E 1 1-0410-05 Phone jack, Ext SP Case (Lower) E12-000 1-05 Phone plug, Ext. SP Panel El3-0205-05 2P Pin jack, IF OUT 1.2 E20-0512-05 5P terminal Switch mask (A) E22-0207-05 Lug plate Switch mask (B) E22-02 15-05 Lug plate Speaker grill cloth E23-0046-04 Square terminal Coupling E29-0417-04 Gnd plate Front glass (large) E30-018 1-05 AC cord (K) Front grlass (small) E30-0 185-05 AC cord (X) Pointer Plate E30-0585-05 AC cord (W) Pilot lamp Meter 14V. 80mA E30-0602-05 AC cord (T) Meter E90-0004- 15 Plate cap Adj. seal E31-2086-05 Coax cable with plug h PARTS LIST - Re- Re- ~ Ref. No. Parts No. Descript~on Ref NO Parts No. Description *, marks I I marks

F05-4022-05 Fuse, 4A (W)(T)(X) Solid 10kQ 1W F05-602 1-05 Fuse. 6A (K) Solid 470kR 1/2W Solid 15R 1/2W GO1 -0801 -04 GN D spring Push switch PC board type G09-0405-05 D spring, Mode Push switch +0.5 SHIFT G09-0410-05 D spring, RIT, Plate Seesaw switch Power, Heater Rotary switch AGC H01 269214 Carton case (inside)(K)(W)(~) i? DH H01-2695-14 Carton case (inside)(T) f7 Push switch H03-1763-14 Carton case (outside) f7 Rotary switch Meter H 10- 1276-04 Accessory box Push switch Lead type H 10-2539-02 Packing fixture (F) f7 Paddle switch STBY H 10-2540-02 Packing fixture (R) * Rotary switch Mode H20-0439-03 Protective cover Slide switch SG SW FINAL H25-0120-04 Protective bag Rotary switch Slide switch AC Volt (W)(T)(X) ~02-0022-05 Foot (small) ~02-0049-14 Foot(large1 Relay MX-2P J 13-0407-15 Fuse holder * Speaker J32-0159-04 Hex. boss J32- 1030- 14 Round boss VFO unit J41-0006-05 Cord bush (K) Rectifier unit J41-0024- 15 Cord bush (W)(T)(X) RF unit J42-0409-04 Knob bush, +0.5 Shift IF unit IF unit M (W) KOI -0402-25 Handle AF-AVR unit K2 1-0723-04 Knob, Band PLL unit K23-0738-04 Knob 1. Meter, AGC f7 Counter unit K23-0739-04 Knob 2. COM P.GA1N.N B.DELAY f7 AM unit M (W) K23-0740-04 Knob 3, MIC.VBT.IF Shift. AF f7 Final unit (S) K27-0406-04 Push knob. DH K27-0421 -04 Push knob f7 K29-07 13-04 Push knob, 0.5 Shift Rectifier unit (X43-1370-00) K29-07 15-04 Knob, Mode - K29-0736-14 Knob 4. Notch,CAR,RF,Tone f7 Re- f7 Ref. No. Parts No. Description K29-0737-04 Knob 5. Pldte marks K29-0738-04 Knob 6. RIT,Drive,Load f7 C5, 6 CE02W2C330 E 33pF 160V

~01-8106-15 Power Trans (K) f7 E23-0047-04 Square terminal LO1 -81 16-15 Power trans (W)(T)(X) f7 L33-0259-05 Choke coil, 470pH. L5 I I L33-0635-05 Final choke. L2 f7 L34-0560-25 Final coil A L34-1004-05 Final coil B.28MHz L39-0046-05 PS coil. Plate L40-151 1-03 Ferri-inductor, 150pH Solid 470kR 1/2W L40-6891-13 Choke coil, 6.8pH. L1 Solid 330kR 1/2W Solid 15k0 1/2W N08-0505-04 Ornamental screw, DH f7 Metal film 470R 1W N 14-05 17-05 Protective nut. BIAS f7 Solid 100kR 1/2W Ngg-0306-04 Hex. head screw, VFO Solid 1kR 1/2W i Solid 56kf1 1/2W VR1 R24-3402-05 Pot, VET-Tone f7 V R2 R24-9401-05 Pot. IF Shift-Notch f7 1 RLl 1 S51-1404-05 Relay G2E VR3 R19-3407-05 Pot. AF-RF f7 V R4 R01-2405-05 Pot. RIT/XIT, 5K (6) * VR5 RO1-6401-05 Pot. Delay, 250K (6) * R F unit (X44-1360-00) I VR6 R01-34 12-05 Pot. Vox Gain, IOK (C) S * VR7 R01-34 10-05 Pot, Processor, 1OK (A) * Pans No. Description VR8 RO1-0404-05 Pot. N B.300R (6) * I Ref No. I VR9 R24-3401-05 Pot. MIC-CAR f7 VR10-12 R01-3411-05 Pot, Bias, RFOUT, 10K (6) *

R22 RC05GF2H22 1J Solid 220R 1/2W PARTS LIST

Re- Ref. No. Parts No. Description Re- Ref NO Parts No. Oescr~ption marks marks C8 CC45RH 1H22 1J C 220pF J31-0502-04 PC board collar C9 CC45RHlH330J C 33pF J42-0404-05 PC board bush CC45RHlH121J C 120pF C10 T 1 L19-0303-05 Wide band trans C11 CC45RHlH560J C 56pF T2 L30-0509-05 IFT C12 CC45RHlH330J C 33pF T3 L19-0303-05 Wide band trans CC45RH1 HlOlJ C 100pF C13 T4 L30-0509-05 IFT A C14,15 CC45RHlH330J C 33pF C16 CC45SLlH561J C 560pF L1 L40-2792-02 Ferri-inductor 2.7pH C17 CC45RH 1H221 J C 220pF L2 L40-479 1-02 Ferri-inductor 4.7pH C19 CC45RHlH100D C 10pF k0.5pF L3 L34-0559-05 Trap coil C20 CC45RHlH330J C 33pF L4 L34-0558-05 Trap coil C2 1 CC45RHlH121J C 120pF L5 L34-0930-05 Tuning coil 3.5MHz A C22 CC45RHlH560J C 56pF L6 L34-093 1-05 Tuning coil 7MHz A C23 CC45RHlH330J C 33pF L7 L34-0932-05 Tuning coil 1OM Hz a C24 CC45RHlHlOlJ C 100pF L8 L34-0933-05 Tuning coil 14MHz A C25 CC45RHlH330J C 33pF L9 L34-0934-05 Tuning coil 18MHz * C26 C9 1-0456-05 C 0.047pF L10 L34-0990-05 Tuning coil 2 1MHz b C28 CC45SLlH561J C 560pF L11 L34-0935-05 Tuning coil 24.5 MHz * C29 CK45E2H103P C 0.01pF 500V L12 L34-0995-05 Tuning coil 28MHz * C30 CC45RH2H330J C 33pF 500V L13 L34-0936-05 Tuning coil MIX 1.5 MHz Q C3 1 CC45RH2H121J C 120pF 500V L14 L34-0930-05 Tuning coil 3.5MHz * C32 CC45RH2H181J C 180pF 500V L15 L34-093 1-05 Tuning coil 7MHz A C33 CC45RH2H470J C 47pF 500V L16 L34-0932-05 Tuning coil 1OM Hz A C34 CC45RH2H270J C 27pF 500V L17 L34-0933-05 Tuning coil 14M Hz Q C35 CC45RH2H101J C 100pF 500V L18 L34-0934-05 Tuning coil 18MHz * C36 CC45RH2H390J C 39pF 500V L19 L34-0990-05 Tuning coil 2 1MHz A C37 CC45RH2H180J C 18pF 500V L20 L34-0935-05 Tuning coil 24.5MHz * C38 CC45SL2HlOOD C 10pF +O.5pF 500V L2 1 L34-0995-05 Tuning coil 28MHz * C39 CK45E2H103P C 0.01pF 500V L2 2 L34-0559-05 Trap coil C40 CC45SL2H561J C 560pF 500V L23 L34-0552- 15 Tuning coil 1.5MHz C4 1 CC45RHlH150J C 15pF L24 L34-0553- 15 Tuning coil 3.5MHz C42 CC45SL1 H 101J C 100pF L2 5 : ~34-0554-05 Tuning coil 7 MHz C45,46 C9 1-0456-05 c 0.047~F L2 6 L34-0937-05 Tun~ngcoil 1OM Hz A

C49 b CC45SLlHlOOD C 10P +0.5pF L2 7 L34-0555-05 Tuning coil 14M Hz C50 CC45SLlH470J C 47pF L2 8 L34-0938-05 Tuning coil 18MHz 0 C55 C91-0456-05 C 0.047~F L2 9 L34-0556-05 Tuning coil 2 1MHz C56 CC45RHlHlOlJ C 100pF L30 L34-0939-05 Tuning coil 24.5MHz a C57 C91-0456-05 C 0.047~F L3 1 L34-0557-05 Tuning coil 28MHz C58 C9 1-0456-05 C 0.047pF L32 - 34 L40-47 1 1-03 Ferri-inductor 470pH C6 1 CC45SLlH470J C 47pF L3 5 L40-1 5 1 1-03 Ferri-inductor 150pH C62 CC45RHlH150J C 15pF L3 6 L40-47 1 1-03 Ferri-inductor 470pH C63 CC45SLlH151J C 150pF L37.38 L40-151 1-03 Ferri-inductor 150pH C66 C91-0456-05 C 0.047pF L3 9 L33-0074-05 Heater choke 0.3pH C67 C91-0456-05 C 0.047~F L40 L40-2282-01 Ferri-inductor 0.22pH C68 CK45E2H222P C 0.0022pF 500V L4 1 L34-2004-05 Tuning coil ANT 1.5MHz A C69 CC45SL2H151J C 150pF 500V L42 L40-47 1 1-03 Ferri-inductor 470pH C70 CK45B2H102K C 0.001pF 500V L43 L40- 15 11-03 Ferri-inductor 150pH C72-74 CK45E2H103P C 0.01pF 500V L44 L40-2282-01 Ferri-inductor 0.22pH C75 CC45CH2H680J C 68pF 500V L45.46 L40-151 1-03 Ferri-inductor 150pH C77 CC45CH2H010C C 1pF f0.25pF 500V C78 C9 1-0456-05 C 0.047pF VR 1 R1 2-04 16-05 Trim. pot 470R Sr C8 1 CC45SLlHlOOD C 10pF +0.5pF VR2 R12-6404-05 Trim. pot 470kR Q

VC1 -3 C01-0127-15 Variable capacitor R34 RC05G F2H 104J Solid 100kR 1/2W R35 RC05G F2H 101 J Solid 100~ 1/2~ D 13-0404-04 Sprocket, large A R36 RC05G F2 H 104J Solid 100kR 1/2W D 13-0405-04 Sprocket, small Is R37 RS14AB3A332J Metal film 3.3kR 1/2W D 16-0403-04 Chain ass'y * R38 RC05G F2H474J Solid 470kR 1/2W R41 RC05G F2H680J Solid 680 1/2W E04-0154-05 Coax connector E10-1902-05 9P tube socket R92-0150-05 Short jumper

F1 1 -0249-05 Tube shield S29-7401-05 Rotary wafer ass'y A PARTS LIST 00 : 830s (K)(W)(T)(X) IF unit (X48-1290-00.61) 61 : 830 ,,,, (W) r Re- Re- Ref No Parts No Description Ref No. Parts No. Description marks marks

C2 C91 0457-05 C 0.022pF C111 ~~04~1~010~'E 1pF 50V C4 CC45SLlH470J C 47pF C112 CE04WlA221M E 220pF 10V C5 CC45SLlH030C C 3pF tO 25pF C113 CE04WlH3R3M E 3.3pF 50V C7. 8 CC45SLlH470J C 47pF C1 14 CE04WlH010M E 1pF 50V C10 CE04WlE100M E 10pF 2 5V C1 15 CC45SLlHlOlJ C 100pF C11-15 C91-0457-05 C 0022pF C116 CC45SL1 H331J C 330pF C16 C91-0456-05 C 0.047pF C1 17 C9 1-0456-05 C 0.047pF C18.19 C9 1-0456-05 C 0 047pF C119 CE04WlC220M E 22pF 16V C2 1-22 C9 1-0456-05 C 0.047pF C121 CE04WlH010M E lpF 50V C24-26 CE04WlH010M E lpF 50V C123 C9 1-0456-05 C 0.047pF C28.29 CE04WlH010M E lpF 50V C127 CC45SLlH470J % 47pF C33 C9 1-0456-05 C 0.047pF C129 CE04WlA470M E 47pF 1OV C35 C91-0457-05 C 0 022pF C130.13 1 C9 1-0456-05 C 0.047pF c37 CE04WlE100M E 10pF 2 5V C132 CC45SLlHlOOD C 10pF k0.5pF C38 CC45SLlHlOlJ C 100pF C134 CE04WlE100M E 10pF 2 5V C39 C9 1-0456-05 C 0.047pF C135. 136 C9 1-0456-05 C 0.047pF C41.42 CQO9FSlH102J S 0.001pF 50V C138 CE04WlE100M E 10pF 2 5V C47 CE04WlE100M E 10pF 25V C142 C9 1-0456-05 C 0.047pF C48 C9 1-0456-05 C 0 047pF C144 C9 1-0456-05 C 0.047pF C50.5 1 C9 1-0456-05 C 0 047pF C145 CE04WlE100M E 10pF 2 5V C52 C9 1-0456-05 C 0 047pF C149 C9 1-0456-05 C 0 047pF C54 CE04WlElOOM E 10pF 25V C150 CC45SLlH330J C 33pF C55 C9 1-0456-05 C 0.047pF C151 CC45SLlH100D C 10pF kO.5pF C56 CC45SL1 HI01J C 100pF C152 C9 1-0456-05 C 0.047pF C57 C9 1-0456-05 C 0.047pF C153.154 C91-0457-05 C 0.022pF C58 CC45SLlH470J C 47pF C157 C9 1-0457-05 C 0.022pF C60 CE04WlE100M E 10pF 2 5V C159 C9 1-0457-05 C 0 022pF C6 1 CC45UJ1 H680J C 68pF C160 CC45SLlH020C C 2pF +0.25pF C62.63 C9 1-0457-05 C 0.022pF C161 Not used C66 CS15ElVR22M T O22pF 35V C162 C9 1-0457-05 C 0.022pF C67 CC45UJlH100D C 10pF +0.5pF C163 CC45SLlHlOOD C 10pF kO.5pF C68 CC45UJlH030C C 3pF +0.25pF C164 CC45SLlH330J C 33pF C7 1 CC45SLlH470J C 47pF C165 CC45SLlH050C C 5pF t0.25pF C72 C9 1-0457-05 C 0.022pF C166 CE04W1 HR47M E 0.47pF 50V C73 CC45SLlH150J C 15pF C167 CC45SLlHlOlJ C 100pF C74 CC45SLlH030C C 3pF -f-0 25pF C168 CQ92M 1H822K ML 0.0082pF 50V C7 5 C91-0457-05 C 0.022pF C169 CQ92MlH153K ML 0015pF 50V C76.77 CC45SL1 HlOlJ C 100pF C170 CE04W1 HR47M E 0 047pF 50V CC45SLlHlOOD C78 C 10pF +0.5pF C171 CE04WlH4R7M E 4.7pF 50V C79 C9 1-0457-05 C 0.022pF C172 CQ92MlH273K ML 0027pF 50V C82 CC45SLlH020C C 2pF f0.25pF C173 CE04WlAlOl M E 100pF 10V C83 CE04AWlHR22M E 0.22pF 50V C174.175 CE04WlA470M E 47pF 1OV C9 1-0456-05 C 0.047pF C84 C177 CE04WlH010M E 1pF 50V C86 C91-0456-05 C 0 047pF C178-181 CE04W2V220 E 22pF 350V C8 7 CC45SLlH050C C 5pF f0.25pF C8 8 CC45SL1 HI01J C lOOpF TC 1 C05-03 14-05 Ceram~ctrlmmer 100pF a C89 C9 1-0456-05 C 0.047pF TC2 C05-0030- 15 Ceramic trimmer 20pF C9 1 CE04WlE100M E 10pF 25V TC3 C05-03 14-05 Ceramic trimmer 100pF Q C92,93 C9 1-0456-05 C 0.047pF E23-0401-05 Round terminal C9 5 CC45SLlHlOlJ C 100pF L1 L40- 151 1-03 Ferri-inductor 150pH C96-98 C9 1-0456-05 C 0.047pF L2 L34-0940-05 Tunlng cod 8.83MHz Q C99 CC45UJlH151J C 150pF L3 L34-0536-05 Tuning cot1 C100 C9 1-0457-05 C 0.022pF L4 L34-0941-05 Tuning coil 8.83MHz Q C102.103 CC45SLlHlOl.J C 100pF L5 L34-0997-05 Tuning coil 8.83MHz rS C104 CE04WlH010M E lpF 50V L6 L34-0943-05 Tunlng Coil 8.83MHz Q C105 CE04WlC100M E 10pF 16V L7 L34-0664-05 Tuning coil 455kHz C106 CQ92MlH153M ML 0.015pF L8 L40- 102 1-03 Ferri-inductor 1mH c107 CE04WlH010M E 1pF 50V L9 L34-0540-05 Tuning coil 455kHz C108 C9 1-0456-05 C 0.047pF L10 L34-0944-05 Tuning co~l Notch Q C109 CE04WlA470M E 47pF 1OV L11 L34-0540-05 Tuning coil 455kHz C110 CE04WlC100M E 10pF 16V L12 L34-2017-05 Tuning coil 455kHz Q - I Re- Re- Ref No. Parts No. Description Ref No. Parts No. Descript~on marks marks

L13 Not Used C37.38 CE04WlA470Q E 47pF 1OV L14 L33-0636-05 Choke coil C3 9 CE04WlC470Q E 47pF 16V L15 L40-22 11-03 Ferrl-~nductor 220yH C4 1 CE04WlH3R3 E 3.3pF 50V L16 L32-0201-05 Oscillat~ngcoil C42 CE04W1 E100Q E 100pF 25V L17 L40-339 1-03 Ferri-inductor 3.3pH C43 CE04WlH010 E 1pF 50V L18 L40- 151 1-03 Ferri-~nductor 150pH C44 CQ92MlH103K ML 0.01pF L19.20 L34-0540-05 Tuning coil 455kHz C4 5 CE04WlE100Q E 10pF 25V L2 1.22 L40- 102 1-03 Ferri-inductor 1mH C46 CQ92M 1H472K ML 0.0047pF 50V L2 3 Not Used C47 CQ92MlH473K ML 0.047pF 50V L2 4 L34-0539- 15 Tuning coil 455kHz BM C49 CE04W1 H3R3 E 3.3pF 50V L2 5 L34-0664-05 Tuning coil 455kHz C51.52 CK45E2H103P C 0.01pF 500V L26.27 L34-0540-05 Tuning coil 455kHz C53.54 CQ93M2A473K ML 0.047pF 100V L2 8 L34-0536-05 Tuning coil 8.83MHz C58 CQ93M2A224M ML 0.22pF 100V L2 9 L34-0946-05 Tunig coil 8.83MHz b C60 CE04W1 HR47 E 0.47pF 50V L3 1 L40-1511-03 Ferri-inductor 150yH C6 7 CC45SLlHlOOD C 10pF k0.5pF L3 2 L40- 102 1-03 Ferri-inductor 1mH C70 CE04WlH010 E 1pF 50V C74 CE04WlH010 E 1pF 50V CF 1 L72-0310-05 Ceramic filter 8.83MHz NB C7 8 CE04WlC470Q E 47pF 16V CF2 L72-0314- 15 Ceramic filter 455kHz SSB C8 1 CE04WlC102M E 1000pF 16V L72-0322-05 Ceramic filter 456.5 kHz AM M(W) * CF3 C82 CE04W1 H3R3 E 3.3pF 50V XF 1 L7 1-0222-05 MCF 8.83MHZ SSB YK-88s 1 b C83 CE04AWlHR22M E 0.22yF 50V X F2 L71-0223-05 MCF8.8315MHzAMYK-88AM(W) * C84 C90-0807-05 E 2200pF 25V X 1 L77-0801-05 Crystal 8.375MHz C89 CE04WlA470Q E 47pF 1OV VRI 2 RI 2-3045-05 Trim. pot 10k12 C90 C9 1-0456-05 C 0.047pF VR3 RI 2-6401-05 Trim. pot 470k12 C9 1 CE04WlE100Q E 10pF 25V Trlm.pot 10012 VR4 ~12-0401-05 C92 CE04WlA330M E 33yF 10V VR5 ~12-1039-05 Trim. pot 2.2k12 C48,80 Not Used VR6 R 12-3045-05 Trim pot 10k52 E23-0047-04 Square terminal VR7 ~1 2-6401-05 Trim. pot 470k12 VR8 RI 2-3046-05 Trim. pot 47k12 ~20-0516.05 Insulating sheet b ~29-0014-05 Shoulder washer b ~92-0150-05 Short jumper ' ~31-0502.04 PC board collar R203 RS 14GB3D47 1J Metal film 47012 2W ~42-0404.05 PC board bush

AF unit (X49-1140-00) T 1 L34-0535-05 Tuning coil NB Red T2 L34-0536-05 Tuning coil NB Blue Re- Ref No Parts No Descr~ptlon marks L1 L40-3392-02 Ferri-inductor 3.3pH Ferri-~nductor 150pH C2-5 CQ92MlH123K ML 0012pF 50V ~2 -4 L40- 151 1-03 Choke trans C6 CE04WlE100Q E 10pF 25V L5 L15-0016-05 urL C8 CE04WlH010 E 1pF 50V VR1 RI 2-3411-05 Trim. Pot 4 7k11 C9 CE04WlA101Q E 100pF 10V VR2 R12-3413-05 Trim. Pot 10kfl b C10 CQ92MlH273K ML 0027pF 50V VR3 R12-3411-05 Trim. Pot 47kQ C11 \ CE04W'IHR47 E O47pF 50V VR4 R12-041 3-05 Trim. Pot 47052 C13 CE04WlA470Q E 47pF 1OV Short jumper C14.15 CQ92MlH273K ML 0027pF 50V ~92-0150-05 C16 CQ92MlH473K ML 0047pF 50V RL 1 S51-4401-05 Relay DC12V C17 CQ92MlH273K ML 0027pF 50V C18 CQ92MlH473K ML 0047pF 50V PLL unit (X50-1680-00) C19 CE04WlE100Q E 10pF 25V C2 0 CE04W1 HR47 E 047pF 50V Re- Ref No Parts No Descr~pt~on C21.22 CE04WlElOOQ E 10pF 25V marks C2 3 CE04AW'IHR45 E 0.47pF 50V C1 CE04WlA470Q E 47pF 1OV C24 CE04WlH010 E 1pF 50V C2 CC45THlH270J C 27pF C2 5 CQ92MlH472K ML 00047pF 50V C3 CC45TH1 H180J C 18pF C2 7 CE04WlH4R7M E 4.7pF 50V C4 CC45THlH270J C 27pF C2 8 CE04W1 C471 M E 470pF 16V C5 CE04WlA470Q E 47pF 1OV C29 30 CC45SLlH120J C 12pF C6 CC45UJlHlOlJ C 100pF C31.32 CE04W1 C470Q E 47pF 16V C7 CC45UJlH150J C 15pF C3 3 CQ92MlH104K ML 01pF 50V C10 CE04WlA470Q E 47pF 1OV C34 CE04W1 C221Q E 220pF 16V C11 CC45THlH330J C 33pF C3 5 CQ92MlH103K ML 001pF 50V C12 CC45THlH220J C 22pF C36 CE04AWlHORlbl E 0 lpF 50V C13 CC45THlH270J C 27pF Re- Re- Ref. No. Parts No. Descrtpt~on Ref No. Parts 110. Description marks marks

C14 CE04WlA470Q E 47pF 1OV C112 CC45SL1 H221J C 220pF C15 CC45SHlH680J C 68pF C113 CC45SLlHlOlJ C 100pF C16 CC45RH 1H22 1J C 220pF C115 CC45RHlH100D C 10pF k0.5pF C18 CC45THlH180J C 18pF C116 CC45THlH050C C 5pF kO.25pF C19 CC45THlH150J C 15pF C117 CC45CHlH010C C 1pF kO.25pF c2 1 CE04WlA470Q E 47pF 1OV C118 CC45RHlH560J C 56pF C2 2 CC45UJlH270J C 27pF C120 CC45CH1 H020C C 2pF +0.25pF C2 3 CC45TH 1H 101J C 100pF c121 CC45SLlH470J C 47pF C24.25 CC45UJlH120J C 12pF C123 CC45RH1 H390J C 39pF C2 7 CE04WlA470Q E 47jiF 1OV C125 CC45THlH330J C 33pF c28 CC45UJlH820J C 82pF C126 CC45THlH150J C 15pF C2 9 CC45UJlH150J C 15pF C127 CC45THlH330J C 33pF C30 CE04WlA470Q E 47pF 1OV C130 CC45UJlH150J C 15pF C3 1 CC45THlH270J C 27pF C131 CC45UJlH050C C 5pF f0.25pF C32 CC45UJlH050C C 5pF k0.25pF C132 CC45UJ1 H150J C 15pF C33 CC45UJlH220J C 22pF C139 CC45SLlHlOOD C 10pF f0.5pF C34 CE04WlA470Q E 47pF 1OV C140 CC45RHlH220J C 22pF c35 CC45UJlH070D C 7pF +0.5pF C142 CC45RHlH470J C 47pF C3 6 CC45UJlH220J C 22pF C143 CC45RH1 H220J C 22pF C38 CE04WlA470Q E 47pF 1OV C144 CC45RHlH470J C 47pF C40 CC45UJlH180J C 18pF C145 CC45SLlH220J C 22pF C4 1 CC45UJlH090D C 9pF kO 5pF C146 CC45SL1 H 151J C 150pF C42 CC45TH1 HI50J C 15pF C148 CC45SL1 H050C C 5pF kO.25pF C43 CE04WlA470Q E 47pF 1OV C149 CC45SLlH220J C 22pF C44 CC45UJ1 H100D C 10pF tO 5pF C159 CC45SLlH330J C 33pF C4 5 CC45UJlH270J C 27pF C160 CC45SLlHlOOD C 10pF k0.5pF C47 CC45THlH150J C 15pF C162 CC45CHlHOlOC C 1pF f0.25pF C48 CC45THlH050C C 5pF +0.25pF C163 CC45SL1 H150J C 15pF C5 1 C9 1-0456-05 C 0 047pF C166 CC45SL1 H100D C 10pF +0.25pF C53 C9 1-0456-05 C 0.047pF C167 CC45CHlH020C C 2pF kO.25pF C54.55 CC45SL1 H 121J C 120pF C169 CC45SL1 HlOlJ C 100pF C56 CC45SLlH151J C 150pF C172 C9 1-0456-05 C 0 047pF C57 CC45CHlHOlOC C 1pF +0.25pF C173 CC45CHlHOlOC C 1pF +0.25pF C58 CC45SLlH050C C 5pF 20.25pF C174 CC45UJlH680J C 68pF C67 CC45SLlH330J C 33pF C178. 179 CC45SL1 H220J C 22pF C68.69 CC45SLlH680J C 68pF c182.183 C9 1-0456-05 C 0 047pF C70 CC45SLlH330J C 33pF C184 CC45CHlH270J C 27pF C7 1.72 CC45SL1 H221J C 220pF C185 CC45CHlH390J C 39pF C74 C9 1-0456-05 C 0.047pF C186 CC45CH 1H 101J C 100pF C76 C9 1-0456-05 C 0.047pF C187 CC45SL1 H221J C 220pF C80 CE04WlH010Q E 1pF 50V C188 CC45SLlH220J C 22pF C82 C91-0456-05 C 0.047pF C189 CC45SLlH050C C 5pF kO.25pF C8 7 CQ92MlH102K ML 0.001pF 50V C194 CE04WlA470Q E 47pF 1OV C8 8 CQ92MlH104K ML 0.1pF 50V C196 CC45SLlHlOOD C 10pF +0.5pF C8 9 C9 1-0456-05 C 0.047pF C197- 202 C9 1-0456-05 C 0.047pF C90.91 CE04WlAlOlQ E 100pF 10V C205 CE04WlHR47M E 0.47pF 50V C92 CE04WlA470Q E 47pF 1OV TC 1 C05-0029-15 Ceramic trimmer 50pF C94 CE04WlA101M E 100jiF 10V TC2.3 C05-0056-05 Ceram~ctrlmmer 30pF C9 5 CC45SLlH390J C 39pF TC4 C05-0030-15 Ceramic trimmer 20pF C97 CC45SL1 H331J C 330pF C9 8 CC45SLlH470J C 47pF E04-01 54-05 Coax connector C99 CC45SLlH150J C 15pF E18-0201 -05 Crystal socket C100 CC45SLlH470J C 47pF E23-0046-04 Square terminal C101 CC45SLlH270J C 27pF C102 CC45SLlH560J C 56pF T 1 L32-0195-05 Oscillating coil 7, 10MHz C103 CC45SLlH270J c 27pF T2 L32-0193-05 Oscillating coil 1.5, 3.5 MHz C104 CC45SLlH470J C 47pF T3 L32-0196-05 Oscillating coil 14 MHz C105 C9 1-0456-05 C 0.047pF T4 L32-0199-05 Oscillating coil 18MHz C106 CC45SLlH470J C 47pF T5 L32-0198-05 Oscillating coil 28MHz C107 CC45SLlH070D C 7pF kO.5pF T6 L32-0197-05 Oscillating coil 21, 24.5MHz C109 C9 1-0456-05 C 0.047pF T7 L34-07 14-05 Tuning coil C111 CC45SL1 HlOlJ C 100pF T8 L34-07 15-05 Tuning coll PARTS LIST TS-830s' M

1 Re- Re- Ref No. Parts No. Description Ref No. Parts No. Descript~on marks I marks T9 L34-071 6-05 Tuning coil C2 7 C91-0456-05 C 0.047pF TI0 L34-07 17-05 Tuning coll C28 C90-0830-05 E 10pF 50V TI1 L34-07 18-05 Tun~ngcoll J3 1-0502-04 PC board collar TI2 L34-0757-05 Tuning coil J42-0404-05 PC board bush TI3 L34-07 1 1-05 Tuning cod TI4 L34-07 13- 15 Tuning coil T 1 L19-0323-05 Osc~llatingtrans a TI 5 L34-07 12-05 Tun~ngcoil L 1 L40-47 1 1-03 Ferri-inductor 470~H TI 6 L32-020 1-05 Oscillating coll 8.83MHz L2 L40-101 1-04 Ferri-inductor 100pH TI7 L34-0709-05 Tuning coil 10MHz L3 L40-221 1-03 Ferrl-inductor 220pH TI8 L34-0710-05 Tun~ngcoil 20MHz L4 L40-151 1-03 Ferri-inductor 150pH

RC05GF2H221J L1 -7 L40-151 1-03 Ferri-inductor 150pH R10 Solid 22012 1/2W L8 L40-470 1-03 Ferri-inductor 47pH RB1.2 ~ R90-0521-05 Resistor block 47kR x 7 L9 L40-1592-02 Fern-inductor 1.5pH RB3.4 R90-0522-05 Reslstor block 47k12 x 6 L10 L40- 1092-02 Ferri-~nductor 1pH R92-0150-05 Short jumper L11 L40- 1292-02 Ferri-inductor 1.2pH L12 L40-1892-02 Ferri-inductor 1.8pH L13.14 L40-47 1 1-03 Ferri-inductor 470pH AM unit (X54-1610-60) : TS-830M (W) L15.16 L40-820 1-03 Ferri-inductor 82pH Re- L17 L40- 151 1-03 Ferrl-inductor 150pH Ref 110. Parts IVo Description marks L18-20 L40-2701-03 Ferri-inductor 27pH L2 1 -- 30 L40- 151 1-03 Ferri-~nductor 150pH C5.8 CE04WlH010M E 1pF 50V L3 1 L40-221 1-03 Ferri-~nductor 220pH C6 CE04WlClOOM E 10pF 16V L32 L33-0636-05 Choke 20pH f7 E23-0401-05 Round terminal L33 ~40-2211-03 Ferri-~nductor 220pH E40-0373-05 Mini connect wafer 3P L34.35 L40-47 1 1-03 Ferri-inductor 470pH E40-0873-05 M~niconnect wafer 8P L3 6 L40- 15 1 1-03 Ferri-inductor 150pH L37 L40-471 1-03 Ferri-~nductor 470pH T 1 L34-2005-05 Tuning coll455kHz a L38, 39 L40- 15 1 1-03 Ferrl-inductor 150pH L 1 L40- 1021-03 Fern-inductor 1mH L40 L40-47 1 1-03 Ferri-inductor 470pH L4 1.42 L40-4701-03 Ferri-inductor 47pH R92-0150-05 Short jumper

L43.44 L40-22 1 1-03 Ferri-~nductor 220pH * S51-2408-05 Relay G2V2 L45- 49 L40- 15 1 1-03 Ferri-~nductor 150pH

X 1 L77-0482-05 Crystal 10MHz VFO Ass'y unit (X60-1150-00) X2 L77-0486-05 Crystal 8.8285MHz X3 L77-0485-05 Crystal 8.8315MHz Re- Ref No. Parts No Descript~on I marks VR 1 R 12-5030-05 Tr~m.pot 100kR 807-0630-05 D~alescutcheon a VR2. 3 R12- 1040-05 Trim pot 4.7kR 810-0632-04 Escutcheon glass a R92-0150-05 Short jumper 820-081 5-14 Dial scale (A) a B20-0816-04 Dial scale (8) a Counter unit (X54-1540-00) 830-081 9-05 Pllot lamp a

Re- Insulating washer Ref. No. Parts No. Description ~29-0014.05 marks GO1 -0804-04 Coll sprlng a C1,2 C9 1-0456-05 C 0.047pF C3 CC45SL1 HlOlJ C 100pF K2 1-0753-04 Main knob A C4 CC45S~lH470J C 47pF C5 CQ92MlH103K ML 0.01pF 50V X40- 1 170-00 VFO unit a C6 CE04WlC470M E 47pF 16V C7 C91-0456-05 C 0.047~F 10V C8 CE04WlHR47M C 0.47pF 50V VFO unit (X40-1170-00) C9 Not used Re- Ref No. Parts No. Description C11 CE04WlC101M E 100pF 16V marks C12 CE04WlV100Q E 1OPF 35V 842- 167 1-04 Seal C13 CQ92MlH103K ML 0.01pF 50V C14-16 CE04WlV100Q E 10pF 35V C2 C9 1-0456-05 C 0.047pF - C17, 18 c91-0456-05 C 0.047pF C4 CC45RGlH030C C 3pF +0.25pF C19 CQ92MlH103K ML 0.01pF 50V C5 CC45PGlH020C C 2pF f0.25pF C21.22 CC45SLlH050C C 5pF kO.25pF C6 C9 1-0456-05 C 0 047pF C2 3 CE04WlA330Q E 33pF 1OV C7 CC45LGlH151J C 150pF C2 4 C9 1-0456-05 C 0.047pF C9 CC45LGlH121J C 120pF C25.26 c91-0456-05 c 0.047pF C12 CC45LG1 H680J C 68pF PARTS LISTIPACKING Final unit (X56-1380-00) , Re- Re- Ref No. Parts No Descript~on Ref. No. Parts No. Description marks marks

C 1 CC45SL2H101J C13 CC45LGlH220J C 22pF C 1OOpF 500V C2 CK45E2H102P C 0.001p 500V C14 CC45CGlHlOOD C 10pF +0.5pF C11.12 CK45E2H103P C 0.01pF 500V C15 CC45LGlH151J C 150pF C13 CC45CH2H150J C 15pF 500V C16 CC45RGlH151J C 150pF C17 CC45CH1 H020C C 2pF +0.25pF E01-0002-05 8P (octal) socket a C18 C9 1-0456-05 C 0.047pF E23-0046-04 Square terminal C2 1 CC45SLlH390J C 39pF PS 1, 2 L33-0010-05 Parastic suppressor GRID C2 2 CC45CHlHlOOD C 10pF +0.5pF CC45SLlH390J C 39pF c23 1- 1 L40- 15 1 1-03 Ferri-inductor 150pH C9 1-0456-05 C 0.047pF C24 L2 L40-47 1 1-03 Ferri-~nductor 470pH

VC 1 C02-0019-05 Variable capacitor 30pF a R2 - 5 RC05GF2H200J Solid 20~1/2~ TC 1 C05-0009-15 Ceramic trimmer 6pF R7. 8 RC05GF2H101J Solid 1000 1/2W TC2 C05-0013-15 Ceramic trimmer 20pF

D40-0614-05 Gear ass'y a

L1 L32-0628-05 Oscillating coil a L2 L33-0025-05 Choke 1pH L3 L32-0629-05 Oscillating toll A L4 L32-0609-05 Oscillating coil * Protective bag (H25-0120-04) Fuse (6A) x 1 (F05-6021-05)(K) L 5 L40- 1021-03 Ferri-inductor 1mH Fuse (4A) x 1 (F05-4022-05)(W)(T)(X) L6 L40-47 11-03 Ferrl-inductor 470pH Phone plug x 1 (E 12-0001-05) 7P Din plug x 1 (E07-0751-05) L7 L40- 1021-03 Ferri-inductor 1mH ~oot(large) x 2 (J02-0049-14) L8 L40-1501-03 Ferrl-inductor 15pH Screw (4 x 12) x 2 (N30-4012-46) 4P MIC plug x 1 (E07-0403-05) L9 - 1 1 L40-47 1 1-03 Ferrl-~nductor 470pH 12P plug (E08- 1207-05) N09-0617-04 Screw with washer DISASSEMBLY DISASSEMBLY DISASSEMBLY

/ PC board collar (J31 -0502-04) DISASSEMBLY DISASSEMBLY

Self tapping screw (3 x 8) x 3 (N87-3008-46) 7 - Self tapping screw 8 (3x 141x2 ,Round screw (3 x 6) x 7 ' (N35-3006-46)

PC board bush FINAL unit

Self tanninn crr0t.r

UHF type receptacle (E04-01 52-05)


Round screw x 2 (N30-3004-46)

12 P Connector (E08- 1202-05) REMOTE 7P DIN socket (E06-075 1-05)

(J 13-0407-15) Round screw x 2 Round screw x 6 (N30-3006-46) (N30-2604-46) TEST EQUIPMENT REQUIRED 12. Spectrum analyzer 1) Frequency range 100 kHz to 1 10 MHz 1. VTVM or DVM 2) Bandwidth 1 kHz to 3 MHz 1) lnput resistance More than 1 MR 2) Voltage range 1 5 to 1000V AC/DC NOTE: R-1000 receiver may be used NOTE: A high-preciston voltmeter may be used 13. Detector However, accurate 'readings can not be obta~ned for For ad~ustmentof PLL unit BPF high impedance circuits


1) Input impedance 1 MR and less than 3 pF TO PLL unit TO OsciIIoscope 2) Voltage range 10 mV to 300V GND GND 3) Frequency rarige 50 MHz or greater 3. AF VTVM

1) Frequency range 50 Hz to 10 kHz 14. Directional coupler 21 lnput impedance 1 MR or greater 1 5. 8P DlN connector 3) Voltage range 10 mV to 30V Refer to Fig 11 on page 41 4. AF GENERATOR (AG) 16. FIX-CH Adjusting crystal element 1) Frequency range 200 Hz to 5 kHz 2) Output 2 mV-- 1V, low distortion 1) 5 750 MHz (center 250 kHz! 5. AF DUMMY LOAD 1) Impedance 812 PREPARATION 2) Diss~patton 3W or greater Unless otherwise specified, set the cont'rols as follows 6. RF DUMMY LOAD Rear panel 1) Impedance 50R SG SW OFF 2) D~sslpation 100W continuous or greater Front panel 3) Frequency limits 1.8 to 30 MHz MODE TUNE TONE MAX 7. OSCILLOSCOPE CAR MIN RF GAIN MAX Requlres high senslttvity and external synchronization VOX OFF PROC 0 F F capab~l~ty METER IP BAND 15 8. SWEEP GENERATOR RIT/XIT CENTERED DH 0 FF 1) Center frequency 8 to 40 MHz HEATER OFF MON l 0 FF 2) Sweep bandwidth Maximum -t16 MHz FIX OFF RIT OFF 3) Output voltage More than 0.1V RF ATT OFF NOTCH OFF 9. STANDARD SIGNAL GENERATOR (SSG) XI T OFF VBT MAX 1) Frequency range 1 8 to 30 MHz IF SHIFT CENTERED AF GAIN MIN 2) Output -20 dB/O 1 pV-- 120 dB/1V 3) Output Z= 500 Generator must be frequency stable 10. FREQUENCY COUNTER 1) Min~mumInput voltage 50 mV 2) Frequency range Greater than 50 MHz 11. NOISE GENERATOR Must generate ~gnition-like noise containing harmonics beyond 30 MHz. Measurement Adjustment I Spec~fication Remarks Item Condition Test Ter- Unit Unit Parts Method equipment minal 1 9VAVR and DVM AF TP-6 AF VR4 9V 9V?O.O5V 3.6V ad- Pin 5. VR3 3.6V 3.6V+O.O5V RF1 justment connec- tor @

2. Base current SG SW ON ,IPmeter adjustment MODE USB METER IP HEATER ON FIX ON 1 DRIVE Fully clockwise BIAS VR Rotate *After checking the above Set to 60 mA I STBY REC, SG SW OFF

3. Carrier IFSHIFT Centered RF IF TP3 PLL NOTE: 0.3V 0.3V+ 1dB NOTE: The adjustment @ VBT Fully VTVM TI6 slug of Tl6 clockwise should be MODE USB turned coun- NOTE: terclock- When making wise for any one of the this adjust- adjustments ln ment after items 3.. 4.. 5., the peak or 6.. observe I 1 point is the listed order determined. I of adjustment. MODE LSB f. counter VR2 Obtain the same +20Hz STBY REC frequency for both $ transmission and SEND reception. , STBY REC TC2 8828.50kHz

MODE USB TC3 883 1.50kHz

MODE CW VR3 8830.70kHz STBY SEND L STBY REC I 4. IFSHIFT MODE LSB f. counter IF TP3 Set IF SHIFT check V BT Fully to center clockwise More than Rotate the IF SHIFT and + 1 1 kHz check the variation Less than - 1 1 kHz

MODE USB. Same as above I STBY SEND 883 1.50 kHz USB

Regardless of the 8828.50 kHz LS B IF SHIFT setting


IF SHIFT Centered Reference the USB. LSB V BT Fully above frequency counter- Less than clockwise - 1 1 kHz

5. VBT adjust- VBT Fully clockwise RF VTVM IF TP1 IF NOTE. 1.OV 1.OV+ 1dB NOTE: The ment and L16 slug of L16 check should be turned coun- terclockwise for this adjustment after the peak point is deter- mined.

F.counter TC2 8375.00kHz - VBT Fully counterclockwise Reference the above frequency Less than - 2.4 kHz

STBY SEND Reference the Regardless of VBT setting above frequency Less than +70 Hz STBY REC I A ADJUSTMENTS

Measurement Adjustment Item Condit~on Test Ter- Specif~cation Remarks Unit Parts Method equipment minal

6 Carrier IF SHIFT Centered RF IF IF L19 Max level adjustment@) VBT Fully VTVM L20 clockwise MODE USB NOTE NOTE The L20 slug of L20 I I should be adjusted while it IS turned coun- terclockwise MODE LSB ['"Short 03V?l dB If the voltage jumper IS outside the spec~f~edIim~t, adjust Ll9 and L20 unt~lthe voltage IS 0 3V for both USB and LSB -- IMODE USE 456 5 kHz Reference value MODE LSB 453 5 kHz

MODE CW 455 7 kHz


ST BY REC - -- -- 7 VFO. RIT Scale 0-500 Should rotate FIX CH check smoothly and and adjustment have no abnormal I noise I Rear panel SG SW OFF RF VTVM PLL Pin 2, When the vol- 200mVf 1 dB 1 VFO 2 50 connec- tage IS out tor ($ side specifi- 1P cation (GND) VFO TC2 200 mV

MODE CW F counter Rear EXT VFO L4 800 Hz UP 800+ 50 Hz CW SHIFT STBY SEND panel VFO When 1P the fre- 7 P quency is (G ND) outside specifl- catlon

I Set the VFO dial to 50 At F counter Rear EXT VFO 1 L3 Repeat the 5550 O0 kHz this time set the CAL panel VFO adjustment f 200 Hz control to the index . several Set the VFO dial to approx 'I P TCl times until 450 Set the CAL control 7 P 5950 00 kHz the frequency d~alcalibrated under this (GND) +200 Hz IS with~n VFO setting exactly to the spec~f~cation index

Tune in 5550 00 kHz with The 50 kHz polnt the main tuning knob on the dial scale must be al~gned to the index

Under the above cond~tion, 0 55MHz With~n+2 kHz Check the set the CAL control to the 100 56 scale (Elect- index Turn the matn tuning, 200 57 r~cally) and set the calibrated 300 5 8 CAL control to the index in 400 5 9 the order of 0, 100, 200, 500 6 0 300,400,and 500 to check frequency deviation at each 100 kHz point

Set the CAL control back to Less than 400Hz Backlash 250 under the above condl- tion (do not turn excessive- ly ), then further set back the CAL control to 0 w~th respect to the frequency at 250 to check the diffe- rence from the reference frequency I Measurement Adjustment Spec~f~cation Remarks Item Cond~t~on Test equipment Unit m~nal I ------Set point 0 on the d~al --1 Should come ~n Check the scale and the CAL control contact wlth the scale (mecha to the ~ndex When the CAL ,\I 11, pointer nically) control cal~bratedat each 100 kHz 1s set at the Index, check the dev~ationof the d~alscale at each point - RlT Centered RlT sw~tch ON Set the VFO maln control to 5750 000 kHz

Less than 50 Hz

and OFF

RlT sw~tch ON -1 5kHz or less VFO 250 t 1 5kHz or more RIT control fully counter- Reference to the clockw~se(@ pos~t~on) center (9)posl- RlT control fully clock- tlon of the wise (@ posltlon RIT control


Install the 5750 kHz quartz Normal osc~lla crystal into the socket on tlon must be the PLL unlt


Remove the quartz crystal from ~tssocket FIX OFF

8 Counter refe- Fcounter PLL TP2 rence osc~llator adjustment

glven In brackets are obtalned

0 2 50 500 Unlt Part

28 5 37 33 37 58 1 3783(4 75) 2 9 37 83 29 5 38 33

Check the level at each of RF VTVM RF TP3 1V ::dB the above polnts

Both edges of the VFO D~splayshould frequency In each band ~nd~cate

10 BPF-A D~sconnectconnectors@l Sweep PLL 035 0 PLL TI 3 Adjust unt~lthe and 6, on the PLL unlt generator,( TI4 response shown Connect the cathode of Oscilloscope TI5 to the r~ght1s D24 (1S1555) to the jum- obta~ned per wire next to R44 with a cllp lead Connect the sweep gene- rator RF output to the L EXT-VFO connector Measurement Adjustment Item Cond~t~on Test Ter- Specification Remarks Unit Unit Parts Method minal 11. BPF-B D~sconnectconnectorscl Sweep PLL Q35 @ PLL T7 Adjust T7 -T9 until adjustment and <5 on the PLL unit. generator T8 the response shown 2403 25.03 Connect the cathode of D27 Oscillo- T9 at the right is (1S 1555) to the jumper scope TI7 obtained. Then wire next to R44 with a adjust TI 7 for clip lead. maximum amplitude. Connect the cathode of D50 (1S1587) to the jumper wire next to TC1 with a fil clip lead. Connect the RF output of the sweep generator to R1 1 1 (100fl) via a 15PF capacitor

12. BPF-C Disconnect connectors (1 TI0 Adjust TI0 through 34.58 adjustment and '5 on the4 PLL unit. TI 1 TI2 until the band 34.13 35.01 Connect the cathode of D26 TI2 response shown at (1S1555) to the jumper wire right is obtained. next to R44 with a clip lead. TI8 Then adjust TI 8 for Connect the cathode of D50 maximum amplitude. (1S1587) to the jumper wire next toTC1 with a clip lead. n 13. VFO, MIX Disconnect connector (1 Spectrum VR1 Minimum Less than - 55dB spurious on the PLL unit. analyzer (14.99 MHz) adjustment Connect the cathode of D24 NOTE: This (IS1555) to the jumper wire adjustment next to R44 with a clip lead. ,) should be done VFO 250 after comple- MODE CW ting the ad- justment (or check) of BPF-A. 13' Balance ad- BAND: 7 Oscillo- Rear TS-830M only EXT RF VR1 Beat output justment VFO: 150 scope. panel SP for minimum MODE: AM AF VTVM IF VR9 TS-830M Connect the SSG output only (7.15 MHz, 10dB) to the ANT terminal.

14 Carrier bal- IF SHIFT Centered RFVTVM Rear IF IF TC1 Minimum ance adjust- RF GAIN Fully counter- panel OUT2 ment clockwise - 15. IF AMP BAND: 1.5 VFO: 400 AF VTVM Rear EXT RF ANT Max. audiooutput adjustment DRIVE: 12 00 Oscillo- panel SP coil RF GAIN: fully clockwise scope - I,8- - - IF SHIFT centered RF RF ATT OFF coil MODE: USB AGC: OFF -I,8_- - NOTCH SW OFF NBSW. OFF T2

VBT. fully clockwise IF L2 TONE: fully clockwistz %- L3 4 SG SW. OFF -.. L4 f Connect the SSG output ~5 's"

(1.9 MHz. 40 dB) to the ..&. L6 4 + antenna terminal. While ad- ~7 "is." justing, gradually decrease -x L9 V the SSG output level down L11 to -6dB. I 16. Coil pack Connect the SSG (40dB) to AF VTVM Rear EXT RF ANT Max. audio adjustment the ANT terminal. Oscillo- panel SP coil output DRIVE 12:OO scope jF While adjusting, gradually coil decrease the SSG output level down to -6 dB. Adjust at the following points:

No. BANDVFO f - - -- 1 1.5 400 1.9 MHz 1.8

2 3.5 250 3.75 3.5

3 7 150 7 15 7

4 10 125 10.125 10 ------5 14 175 14.175 14 Measurement Adjustment Remarks Item Condition Test Ter- Specification Unit Unit Parts Method equipment minal 6 18 125 18.125 18

7 21 225 21.225 2 1

8 24.5 450 24.950 24

9 28.5------300 28.800 2 8 17 ALC"0" METER ALC IF VR6 ALC meter adjustment starting point

18. Generator. CAL ON RF DRIVE Max. ALC meter Drive coil CAR VR Centered coil reading adjustment HEATER ON MODE CW METER ALC SG SW OFF RFATT ON Receive the marker frequency in the following bands and obtain the peak level by ( ): See note Before adjustment adjusting the DRlVE control. Set the STBY switch to SEND Note: and adjust each coil. TRANSMITTING ON WARC BANDS BAND VFO 1.5 400 1 ,a As supplied. the TS-830s will receive but not transmlt on ------. --- - the 3 new WARC bands. If transmit capability IS desired. a 3.5 2 50 3.5 minor wirlng change 1s required. 1 For all 3 bands. Break the line between the RF unlt 7 150 7 X44- 1360-00. connector #6. Pin # 1 (TOF terminal) and (10) (125) 10 AF unit X49-1 140-00, connector #6. Pin #4 (TOF ter- m~nal) 14 175 14 2 Or. for ~nd~vidualBands On the RF unlt X44-1360-00. ------(18) (125) 18 Band Remove (or Cut) Part 2 1 225 2 1 10 MHz 04 l8 MHz D5 (24.5) (450) ' 24.5 ' 24.5 MHz 06 28.5 300 28 BAND 14, VFO 175 g;: meter Adjust the CAR control 1 until the ALC meter reads maximum. i r; L2 9 STBY REC

18' AM adjust- BAND: 14 AFVTVM, Rear EXT. AM Ti Max. audiooutput TS-830 M only ment and VFo: 75 SP S/N check Oscillo- Panel scope MODE: AM TS-830 M Connect the SSG output only (14.175MHz. 40dB. MOD: 1kHz. 30%) to the ANT terminal.

SSG Output: 12 dB Adjust the DRIVE Control for max. AF ( TONE: Centered Output. Set to 0.63V/8Q with AF GAIN Control.

SSG MOD: OFF Less than 0.2V/812

(S/N more than 10 dB) 19. MlXbalance RFATT ON Oscillo- Rear IF RF VR1 Minimum Except adjustment BAND 1.5 scope panel OUT 1 TS-830M VFO 0

20. IF trap BAND: Between 1.5 and Oscill0- Rear EXT. RF L22 Minimum Preset the adjustment Aux. Connect the SSG scope panel SP L3 Adjust in the order slugs of L3 (8.83 MHz, 80dB) to AF VTVM L4 ofL22-L4. and L4 fully the ANT terminal. clockwise. -- 21 S meter AGC OFF IF VR2 Set to the deflec- adjustment tion starting point BAND 14 Oscillo- Rear EXT Adjust the DRIVE VFO 175 scope panel SP control for AGC FAST AF VTVM maximum AF output. Connect the SSG ( 14.174 MHz, 8dB) to the ANT terminal Measurement Adjustment Item Condltlon Test Ter- Specif~cation Remarks Unit Unit Parts Method equipment minal -- -

IF L9 Turn the coil slug counterclockwi~e until S-1 is obtained.

SSG output: 40 dB VR3 Set to S-9 * Repeat S- 1, 9 adjustment several times.

22. NB NB LEVEL. fully counter- DVM AF TP4 AF TI Minimum adjustment clockwise T2 BAND 14, VFO: 175 Connect the SSG output (14.175 MHz, 60dB) tothe ANT terminal.

SSG output: 20 dB Adjust as described above.

AGC FAST Speaker Rear EXT. panel SP Disconnect the SSG output from the ANT terminal, and connect the noise generator output in it's place. Set the noise generator output level to S5 - 7 -- - 7-- r- NB ON The NB must provide adequate effect.

If adequate effect is not obtained, repeat the adjustment several times.

Reduce the noise generator Noise must be output level to below the blanked. threshold of sensitivity

23. VBT MODE CW.N Oscilloscope IF OUT This adjust- adjustment IF SHIFT Centered VBT- 1 ment requires with VET- 1 VBT Fully the use of the clockwise VET-1 If the Disconnect connector 0 on OK VET- 1 is un- the IF unit. Connect available, this the VET-1 output to IF adjustment OUT 1, and connect will be difficult. the oscilloscope to IF OUT 2. Connect a 0.047pF capacitor across Dl4 and D 15 on the NG IF unit. Set the filter D 15 D 14 switching terminal connection to CW3. Adjust the control on the VET-1 until the wave- form shown at right is observed on the oscilloscope.

Set the MODE switch to TC2 Adjust until the CW.W. waveform shown in the preceding item is obtained.

Remove 0.047 pF capacitor Reconnect connector ti'

23' VBT BAND: 1.5 adjustment MODE. CW.N with SSG, IF SHIFT Centered I AG and VBT Fully Oscilloscope clockwise Disconnect connector @ on the IF unit. Connect a 0 047 pF capacitor across D14and D15onthe IFunit. Filter SW terminal: CW3 Receive SSG signal ( 1.9 M Hz, 60 dB), and set the main tuning to obtain waveform shown at right. MODE: CW.W f = 1.2 kHz Level: Level for max. AM Filter SW terminal. CW1 modulation. Measurement Adjustment Item Condition Test Ter- Spec~f~cat~on Remarks Unit Untt Parts Method equipment minal

- - 24. NOTCH NOTCH OFF Oscillo- Rear EXT Set beat frequency adjustment BAND 1.5 scope panel SP to 1500 Hz and audio VFO 400 AF VTVM level 0.63V/812. AG C FAST F.counter NOTCH Centered Turn VR1 on the IF unit fully counterclockwise. Couple the SSG output (1.9 MHz, 40dB) tothe ANT terminal.

NOTCH ON IF L10 Min. audio level *Repeat a few times V R1

Rotate NOTCH. The dip point should be located somewhere between 1 1.00 to 1 :00, and audio level 0.1V/8!1 or less. I NOTCH OFF

25. Neutraliza- BAND 28, Power Rear ANT tion trimmer t0.5 SHIFT ON meter panel adjustment VFO 300 Sync'ed SG SW ON scope STBY SEND Tune the DRIVE, PLATE and LOAD

SG SW OFF The output must be 0.

Set the ALC to maximum Neutra- Minimum with the DRIVE control. lization Increase oscilloscope trimmer sensitivity. TC 1 Reduce oscilloscope The normal power sensitivity (5V/div.). must be obtained. SG SW ON The signal wave- form must be normal. I 26. Side tone. Connect a power meter to Oscillo- Rear EXT AF VR1 0.63V/811 semi-break- the ANT terminal. plug scope panel SP in function key into the rear Key jack AF VTVM adjustment to transmit in any band.

Operate the key The power must be intermittant.

STBY REC Semi-break-in VOX ON operation should be Operated the key. available.

27 Transmission Ground pin 4 of connector Spectrum Rear ANT RF 1 VR2 Minimum (Mon~tor Less than -40 dB spurious @ on the AF unit. analyzer panel level) adjustment Set the BAND switch to 18, (receive and VFO to 125. 17.66MHz Connect a power meter to with a the ANT terminal. monitor Set the STBY switch to receiver.) SEND and tune up.


28. RF meter BAND 14 Rear RF Set the IP meter adjustment VFO 175 panel VOLT reading to 250. METER RF Connect a power meter to the ANT terminal. Tune up. ST BY REC 29. Carrier BAND Sync'ro Rear ANT IF VR4 Adjust alternately 1 suppression VFO 5 1 scope panel TC3 until the minimum adjustment MODE CW point is obtained. Connect power meter to ANT. STBY SEND Tune up. MODE USB

MODE LSB Adjust until no 1 level difference USB exists between LSB and USB. ADJUSTMENTS

Measurement Adjustment Specification Remarks Item Condit~on Test Ter- Unit Unit Parts Method equipment minal

MODE CW Sync'ed scope level calibration

MODE USB, LSB Less than.- 50 dB Compare with CW STBY REC 30. SSB frequ- BAND 14 Power Rear ANT ency res- VFO 175 meter panel ~onsead- MODE US6 Sync'ed justment Connect the AG (1500Hz, Scope 7mV) to the MIC input connector STBY SEND Tune up. Set to 50W with MIC GAlN control. AG 300Hz ' Adjust until the T PLL I TC3 same level is obtained 2700Hz for both 300 Hz and 2700Hz (equal audio rolloff).

MODE LSB same as above TC2

AG 400Hz More than 1/2 AG 2600 Hz with respect to the 1500Hz signal ?:k:%:d ?:k:%:d After completing the IF VR4 Minimum Less than - 50dB above adjustment. TC3 readjust the carrier suppression (see item 29.)

31 ALC BAND 14, VFO 175 The ALC meter adjustment M lC GAl N MIN (When misaligned.) must be aligned METER ALC to its exact Connect power meter to IF VR6 Set to the deflec- zero point. the ANT terminal. tion start point. STBY SEND

Connect an AG output No ALC deflection (1.5 kHz, 5 mV) to the MIC jack. Set the MIC GAlN control to maximum. Tune up. Reduce the power by 5 watts with the MIC GAlN control. Increase the AG output IF VR7 Obtain the maxi- to 10 mV. mum ALC on-scale reading.

Repeat the above three adjustment steps several times. I 32. Speech SG SW OFF IF L26 Max. meter reading processor MODE USB adjustment METER COMP MlCGAlN MIN PROC ON Connect the AG output (1.5 kHz, 5 mV) to the MIC jack. Set the STBY switch to SEND. Adjust the COM P LEVEL control until the meter reading is obtained.

Set VR5 on the IF unit VR5 Meter indicator fully clockwise. 20 dB Adjust the COMP LEVEL control until the meter indicates S- 1. Set tbe AG output to 50 mV.

METER ALC L27 Max. meter reading Adjust the MIC GAlN control until the maxi- mum meter reading is obtained. I Measurement Adjustment Specif~cat~on Remarks Item Condition Test ~n~t unit Parts Method equipment , -- -- Set the PROC to OFF and L27 Adjust until MIC input pro- NOTE: L27 the COM P LEVEL control the same meter viding the should be ad- to maximum. Set the AG reading is same ALC meter justed whlle output to 10 mV obtained (MAX reading: it is turned Adjust the MIC GAIN ALC on-scale). 10mVk3 dB counterclock- control until the meter wise. indicates the maximum on-scale ALC reading. Set the PROC to ON. STBY REC

33. Monitor BAND 14 Oscillo- Rear EXT. level adjust- VFO 175 scope panel Sf' ment AG C FAST CAL ON Set the marker level to 0.63V with the AF GAlN control. Connect a power meter IF VR8 Monitor output to the ANT terminal. 0.63V/8f2. SG SW ON ST BY SEND Tune up MODE US6 Connect the AG (1 kHz. 10 mV) to the MIC jack. METER ALC Deflect ALC meter by MIC GAlN control. MONl ON

Disconnect AG. Less than Mon~torhum AF GAIN MAX. 8mV/8fl



Sweep generator OscilloscoPe RF power meter

0 0 000 0 OUT H ------(13) VFO MIX SUPRIOUS

Fig. 9 b (10) BPF-A, (11) BPF-6, (12) BPF-C Fig. 10 (27) TX SPURIOUS (13) VFO- MIX SPURIOUS

Osc~lloscope AF VTVM SSG

Caution: NEVER transmit when SSG is connected to the ANT terminal.

Fig. 11 8P DIN connector


8375.OKHz @TC~ 0 TPl Li6 L19 LEVEL I.ov rms PI MAX '0:3irms TCf 0. @,;L3

CAR MONl LEVEL balance S Meter Start



NOTCH Ad j PI Suppression L 9. DRIVE

L 25 El \ *~38 aTX Spurious 47.13 El T 4

L 26 TP3 RF El MAX +J ~22 r------*- IFTrap pJ ~6 MIX Comp. meter I Balance, Trap 20dB I 8OOHzup 1 VRI@ I I T2 @ Tracking Adj 1 ANT L27 L4L3 5.55MHz I oL3 I IFTrap I I

l F UNIT (X 48-1290-00,61) I I RF UNIT(X44-1360-00) I 0.2 Vrms I I L ,.------1

I LOCATION OF ADJUSTMENTS BOTTOM VIEW The frequency dlsplay resolution IS ldentlcal to that of the Item Rating maln unit (down to 100 Hz) except for the RIT and CW Center frequency 470 kHz transmission frequency dlsplay Thls IS accomplished by dy- 6 dB bandw~dth !12 5 kHz or more namically drivlng the fluorescent dlsplay tube based on the 50 dB bandw~dth -1-25 or less display and column data furnished by the microprocessor kHz The power to the VFO-230 IS interlocked wlth that of the R~pple(w~th~n 455+8 kHz) 3 dB or less

main unit. If, however, the VFO-230 IS plugged Into an AC Loss 4 dB or less

outlet, the display, memory and output of the VFO remaln l~ve 35 dB or less Guaranteed attenuation even when the power switch on the maln unit IS OFF with~n455% 100 kHz Therefore, when the main unit is agaln powered-on, the Input and output ~mpedance 1 5 kil operating state set prior to power-off will reappear Back-up Fig. 11 Ceramic filter (L71-0321-05) CFW470C power consumption for the VFO-230 IS approximately. . 10 mA at 5V (DIGITAL UNIT, CF 1)











Maximum rating (Ta -25°C)

TO Vcc(+SV) Terminals Item Symbol Rating XTAL 1 T 1 P10-P17 Input and output port (PORT 1) XTAL 2 P27 P20-P27 Input and output port (PORT 2) Vcc -0.5- +7.OV RESET P26 DBo-DBI Data bus Operating voltage VOO -0.5- +7.0V 33 P25 TO. TI Test INT P24 - lnput voltage Vi INT Interrupt -0.5- +7.0V EA PI7 - RD Read Output voltage Vo -0.5- 7.OV P16 + Write Operating temperature PSEN PIS WR Topt 0- + 70°C WR P14 ALE- Address latch enable Storage temperature Tstg - 65- + 1 50°c ALE P13 PSEN Program store enable DBo P12 RESET Reset DBi Pl 1 3'3 Single step DBZ P10 EA External access DB3 Vm(+SV) XTAL 1. 2 Crystal Input DB4 PROG Dm P23 Dm P22 DBt P21 [OV)Vww P20

Fig. 13 pPD8048C-155 (DIGITAL UNIT, IC11) I I C I B P F B P F.

I 5MHr I 1 osc -0- 02.3 4 8 ZSC18151YlX2 4W- T f 10999BKHz I 6 Dlgii I MIX BCD Colmler -- 05 IC8 -3SK74 1 GR I - TC5032P 2SC1815 IYI t A I 4.520- 20- 5Hz 460 02- I 4 5399eMHz 1 480KHz 39.98KHz

7regrnenr MIX-3 B P F MIX-2 112 Dtvtder Decoder BPF IC- IC26 CFl IC25 L.P.F. C-- 112 I - - SN16913P - - IC9 SN16913P SN74LS247N I I-@- II Drtver O~splay 027-38.10 4 9BT 12 -7 2SA10151 Y bY - XI2 I10 110 Expander Expander I - ' IC17 P lCl0 3 pPDB243C pPD8243C 4-i. I 5.4- 6.09998MHz TI VC0.2 Ac~ive PD 2 M.P.U L P.F. lCll 015.16 IC. IC24 Q19-21 pPD8048C 155 - TC5081 P 2SC18151 Y iX2 2SC1775E X3 - Input M.P.U - Control

2KH2 20KHz 5WKHr 5MHz

O~vider OSC 1OMHz - IC3-6 1c7 IC2 ,74,,, ,74,,, TC451,P TC4027.P -2SC1,3"5;9Y ,x2-'oq 'OM""' X4 I ------J VFO-230 BLOCK DIAGRAM

Refer to Block Diagram

Display f. VFO f. lC12 14 Bit 742~~0fT IC6 (Pin 12) -& IC18 7 Bit IC27 Gput f. (kHz) :MHz) 01 BCD data (l/M) (MHz) @ output f. (kHz) @ input f. (kHz) @ binarv (l/N) (kHz) a

(Note) BAND: 0 0 .O MHz (ex. 14.0 MHz) Table 13. Frequency chart SPECIFICATIONS Escutcheon glass Oscillation frequency ... 5.40 - 6.10 MHz (810-0632-04) Output voltage ...... 0.2V t; dB 1 Knob 6 Knob 1 (K29-0738-04) Knob (K23-0738-04) Case (upper) Within + 1 x 10 at 0 - 50°C (K29-0726-04) Frequency stability ...... ' F~~~~ /A01 -0786-03) within f 3 x 10 ' at room temp. (B1O' -0635-14) 1 I Power consumption ..... Power requirement ...... AC 120V 50/60Hz (in U.S.A.) AC 220V/240V (Selectable) Case (lower) 50/60Hz (~nEurope) ' (A01-0787- 12) Semiconductors used ... CPU LSI ...... 1 Push knob (A) (K27-0422-04) FET ...... 1 I Push knob (B) (K27-0423-04)

Transistors ...... 55 Push knob (C) I (K27-0424-04)

Dimensions ...... Knob (K29-07 16-04)

Foot , ,A- An.- A, I IJUL-UU4Y- .141 Round boss (Figures in ( ) include projections.) Hex. head screw I I (N39-0306-04) Dial scale Weight I ...... Approx. 3 kg (6.61 Lbs.) Panel (820-081 6-04)

CIRCUIT CONFIGURA'TION The VFO-230 consists of a double PLL loop the 1st loop However, it is supplied from the orystal oscillator (Q2)for RIT covering a 20 kHz bandwldth at 20 Hz step, and the 2nd loop operation or CW transmission. When the RIT feature is ON. covering a 700 kHz bandwidth at 20 kHz step. the voltage applled across the varicap diode in the crystal As the tuning dial is turned. an optical encoder (using a photo oscillator IS varied by the RIT control to obtain a frequency sensor) converts the dial rotatlon and ~tsdirection of rotation variation range ~f kg00 Hz. During CW transmission, the into an electrical s~gnal,which IS coupled to microprocessor voltage across the varicap diode IS adjusted by variable lC 1 1 (pPD8048C-155) resistor VR 1 on the dig~talunit to provide this oscillator with The microprocessor internally processes this dial signal and an output frequency 800 Hz higher than its original outputs the processed result as frequency-d~v~s~ondata for frequency The output of MIX-3 goes through a band-pass the PLL and, at the same time, provides the corresponding fllter (T2. T3, T4), and then couples to a fourth mixer, MIX-4 dial display data (IC-26). Here ~t IS mixed with the output of VCO-2 In the 1st PLL loop, MIXER-1 (IC14 pPC1037H) combines (5.4- 6.09998 MHz) and is converted to 880- 1 560 kHz. the output of VCO-1 (Q42, 43) at 14- 17 998 MHz with a This output, after amplification, is coupled to Programmable 10 MHz reference frequency to convert the output to Divider 2 where ~t is frequency-divided to an output 4.0- 7 996 MHz. This output is ampllfled and coupled to frequency of 20 kHz according to the division data supplied Programmable D~vlder 1 (IC12), where ~t is from the microprocessor. This output goes to phase detector frequency-divided according to the division data from the PD-2 (IC24). where its phase is compared with the 20 kHz microprocessor into a 2 kHz s~gnal reference signal to create the frequency con-trol signal for The phase of this 2 kHz signal IS compared with that of the VCO-2 reference 2 kHz signal by phase comparator PD-1 (llC13). All the circuits hitherto described are always operating. and this output IS fed back to control the output frequency of However, the digital VFO provides its output intermittently to VC 0-1 control the buffer amplifier. When the VFO in the main unit is The 4-7 998 MHz signal (at 4 kHz steps) generated in the operating, this VFO output is mixed with a 5 MHz reference 1st PLL loop is further frequency-dlvided by a 1/100 (IC15, slgnal by MIX-5 (Q5). of which output at 400 kHz to 16) and 1/2 (IC6 1/21 divider into a 20-39.98 kHz signal 1099.98 kHz is amplified, then counted up by a 6-digit (at a 20 Hz step) Thls signal is coupled to MIXER-2 (IC25). frequency counter (IC8) The output data of this counter is where it is mixed with a reference 500 kHz signal whlch stored Into the microprocessor's memory. converts the signal to 480-460.02 kHz. The output of the As seen above, all frequencies except the RIT and CW second mixer goes through a narrow-band ceramic filter transm~ssion shift frequencies are composed of combi- (CFl),then couples to a third mixer, MIX-3 (IC27),where it IS nations of reference frequencies. As a result, the accuracy further mixed w~tha 5 MHz signal The signal IS now and stability of the digital VFO output frequency is identical to converted to 4520-4539.98 kHz. A reference 5 MHz s~g- that of the 10 MHz reference oscillator. nal is usually used for the other Input of this th~rdmixer The frequency display resolution 1s ldent~calto that of the Item Rat~ng main unit (down to 100 Hz) except for the RIT and CW Center frequency 470 kHz transmission frequency display Thls IS accompl~shedby dy- 6 dB bandw~dth f namically driving the fluorescent dlsplay tube based on the 12 5 kHzor more 50 dB bandw~dth display and column data furnished by the microprocessor t 25 kHz or less The power to the VFO-230 is interlocked wlth that of the R~pple(wlthln 455t8 kHz) 3 dB or less main unit. If, however, the VFO-230 IS plugged Into an AC Loss 4 dB or less outlet, the display, memory and output of the VFO remaln l~ve 35 dB or less Guaranteed attenuation even when the power switch on the main n nit 1s OFF with~n455k 100 kHz Therefore, when the main unit IS again powered-on, the Input and output impedance 1.5 kf1 operating state set prior to power-off will reappear Back-up Fig. 1 1 Ceramic filter (L71-0321-05) CFW470C power consumption for the VFO-230 IS approxlmatelv 10 mA at 5V (DIGITAL UNIT, CF 1)



a I I I '7'1 DECODE I 11



Maximum rating (Ta =25"C) Terminals Item Symbol Rating P10-PI 7 lnput and output port (PORT 1) P20- P27 lnput and output port (PORT 2) VCC -0.5- +7.0V RESET Operating voltage DBo- DB, Data bus VDD -0.5- + 7.0V TO. TI Test - lnput voltage INT Interrupt Vi -0.5- t7.0~ EA 7 - RD Read Output voltage Vo -0.5-f7.OV PSEN 9 WR Write Operating temperature Topt 0- +70°C 10 ALE Address latch enable Storage temperature Tstg - 65 - + 1 500~ ALE 11 PSEN Program store enable RESET Reset s Slngle step PK) EA External access VW (+5V) XTAL 1. 2 Crystal input PROG 24 P23 23 P22 22 P21

Fig. 13 pPD8048C-155 (DIGITAL UNIT, IC11) 47 vc c





Item Symbol Rating

Operating voltage Vcc 9.0V

Dissipation Pd 270 mW (Ta= 75°C)

Operating temperature Topt -30- + 75°C

Storage temperature Tstg -40- t 125°C

Fig. 14 pPC1 037H Double Balanced Modulator (DIGITAL UNIT, IC14)












Terminals P20 - P23 Input Output (Port 2) Maximum Rating (Ta = 25"C) P40 P43 Input Output port (Port 4) - Item Symbol Rating p50 - P53 Input Output port (Port 5) PSO p63 Input Output port (Port 6) - Operating voltage Vcc -0.5- + 7V P70 P73 Input Output port (Port 7) - Input voltage Vi -0.5- +7V c3 . Chip Select Output voltage Vo -0.5- +7V PROG Program pulse Operating temperature Topt 0- + 70°C lnput Output port (Port 2) Storage temperature Tstg -60- + 150°C

Fig. 15 pPD8243C (DIGITAL UNIT, IC10, 17) .af*,>+, e35 w Jl %& \&:'fgJ$?2e&2$$&:5-d QI zs~8so~y~az4562~~18150 ~rtvta

~,,,.a+"PO 6 .a$"v Dl81 :I7 J3 Dl63$2+2;cDl5 Q3 2SA496(Y) RIT MEMORY VFO MAIN

D1. IS1555 D2--5.9,10,12 V06B f D6Dl8 WZ-150 SLP-144 Dl9 XZ-049 D15-17 TLR-205

~cE~c~G;;Tp\GhyuTINPUT OUTPUT ENCODER UNIT (X54-1580-00) -a-

Round screw-V?

Foil side

Smooth sides in

ON1 105 Solder sensor plate (A) and (B)

Max. Rating lC1.20-23 TC401'1 BP IC2 TC4027BP lC3-6.15.16 SN74LS90N IC7 TC4518BP IC8. TC5032P IC9 SN74LS247N IC10.17 pPD8243C IC11 pPD8048C 155 IC12 TC9122P lC13.24 TC5081 P IC14 pPC1037H IC18 MC14569B IC19 HD74LS151P lC25-27 SN16913P Dl.2,4,5.13-31.33-35.38 IS1 555 D3. 1SV54GC D6-8.1 1 IS1587 D9 WZ-050 D37 WZ-061 Attachment direction of VFO-230 Semiconductor *: New Parts VFO-230 General Ref No

Re- Description N Item Name Parts No. Ref. No. Parts No. marks N Diode 181555 V11-0076-05 181587 V1 1-0370-05 Case (Lower) S Panel (K)(W) V06 B V1 1-0219-05 Panel (T) x >( Vari-cap 1SV54GC V1 1-4173-46 * Cap )1 diode Escutcheon glass Front glass (A) Power sul Thermistor 25D29 V11-3360-16 500Qat 25°C Front glass (B) Dial scale (0) Zener XZ-049 V1 1-4175-46 Warranty card (K) Ref No. diode WZ-050 V1 1-4102-10 Operating manual (K)(W) C2 I WZ-061 V11-0243-05 Operating manual (TI WZ-1 10 V11-4161-46 * C3 ( C4 I WZ- 1 50 V1 1-0307-05 8P DIN socket C5 I Pin plug C6 LED SLP- 144 V11-6172-76 Pin jack C7 AC cord with plug (K) TLR-205 V1 1-3162-96 C11 AC cord with plug (W) C12 AC cord with plug (TI Photo inter- ON 1 105 V1 1-1 173-76 b Gnd cable C14 ruptor VFO cable C?5 Display 9-BT- 12 V40-7760-86 C16 tube Fuse 0.3A (T)(W) T R 2SA496 (Y) VO1-01 13-05 Fuse 0.5A (K) 2SA1015 (Y) VO1-1015-06 R4 Coil spring R12 D spring 2SC1775 (E) V03- 17 7 5-06 R20 2SC1815 (Y) V03- 18 15-06 2SC1959 (Y) V03- 1959-06 Carton case (inside) (K)(W) Carton case (inside)(T) VR 1 2SD880 (Y) VO4-0880- 16 Packing fixture (F) Packing fixture (R) S1--3 FET 3SK73 (GR) V09- 1002-46 Protective cover Accessories bag S4-6 V30- 1008-26 Ic HD74LS151 P 1 Foot (large) V30- 1024-56 S7 -9 LM358P Fuse holder Hex. boss MC 14569B V30- 1 100-06 S10 Round boss (foot) S11.12 SN16913P V30- 1048-06 Cord bush (K) SN74LS90N V30- 1005-26 Cord bush (T)(W) RLI. 2 SN74LS247N V30- 1030-56 Main knob BZ 1 I TA78L012AP V30-1189-16 Knob 1 TC4011 BP V30-0301-70 Push knob (A), Main Digital u TC4027BP V30- 1050-06 Push knob (B). VFO --- TC4518BP V30- 1039-06 Push knob (C). Memo Ref. No. TC5032P V30- 109 1-06 Knob TC508 1P V30- 1 132-06 Knob, Memo C2 TC9 122P V30- 1036- 16 Knob 6 C4 C5, 6 pPC1037H V30- 1 179-16 * Power trans C8 pPC14305H V30- 1029-36 C10.11 pPD8048C-1 55 V30- 1 176-26 f7 C14 pPD8243C V30-1177-16 72 C15.16 C17 Gnd screw C18 Flange nut (Hex. bolt) C19 Flange nut (Pow trans) C2 3 Wing nut, GND C24 C25 Re re- Ref No Parts No Description Ref. No Parts No. Description marks marks pp - N 19-0608-04 Washer (encoder) C2 7 CC45CHlH070D C 7pF f0.5pF N99-0306-04 Hex. head screw C2 8 CC45SLlH150J C 15pF C30 CC45RHlH820J C 82pF S31-2027-05 Slide switch (T)(W) C3 1 CC45RHlH020C C 2pF k0.25pF C32 CC45RHlH820J C 82pF X43- 1380-00 Power supply unit Is C3 3 CC45SL1 H221J C 220pF X54- 1570-00 Digital unit Is C34 CC45CHIlHOlOC C 1pF k0.25pF X54- 1580-00 Encoder unit Is C3 5 CC45RHlHlOlJ C 100pF C36 CC45RHlH020C C 2pF f0.25pF Power supply unit (X43-1380-00) C37 CC45RHlHlOlJ C 100pF C38 CC45RHlH020C C 2pF +0.25pF Re- Ref. No. Parts No. Description C39 CC45RHlHlOlJ C 100pF marks C49 CE04WlC470M E 47pF 16V C2 C90-0829-05 E 4700pF 35V Is C5 1 CC45RHlH050C C 5pF +0.25pF C3 CE04WlC102M E 1000pF 16V C52 CC45SLlHlOlJ C 100pF C4 CE04WlC101Q E 100pF 16V C53 CQ92M 1H562K ML 0.0056pF 50V C5 CEO4WlC220M E 22pF 16V C54 CQ92MlH123K ML 0.012pF 50V C6 CE04W1 E100M E 10pF 2 5V C55 CQ92M 1H562K ML 0.0056pF 50V C7 CE04WlA470M E 47pF 1OV C56 CQ92MlH473K ML 0.047pF 50V C11 CE04WlC101Q E 100pF 16V C57 C9 1-0456-05 C 0.047pF C12 CE04WlC102M E 1000pF 16V C58 CE04WIA221M E 220pF 10V C14 CE04WlE221M E 220pF 25V C59.60 C9 1-0456-05 C 0.047pF C?5 CE04WlC221M E 220pF 16V C65 CC45SLlH151J C 150pF E 220pF 25V C16 CE04WlE221M C66.67 CC45SL1 H271J C 270pF C68 CC45SLlH151J E23-0046-04 Square terminal C 150pF C69 CC45SLlHlOlJ C 100pF R4 RS14AB3A4R7J Metal film 4.7R 1W C72 CC45SLlHlOlJ C 100pF R12 RS14GB3D270J Metal film 27R 2W C73 CE04WlA101M E 100pF 10V R20 RS14AB3A221J Metal film 220R 1W C74 C9 1-0456-05 C 0.047pF R92-0150-05 Short jumper C80 CC45SLlH150J C 15pF C8 1 CC45SL1 H100D C 10pF kO.5pF VR 1 R0 1-2406-05 Pot. 5kR (B) A C83 C045SLlH220J C 22pF C84 CC45CHlH070D C 7pF kO.5pF S1 -3 S40-2420-05 Push switch (C) f7 C85-86 CC45SLlH330J C 33pF T- F set, RIT, LOCK C88 CE04W1 El000 E 10pF 25V S4-6 S42-3403-05 Push switch (B) f7 C90 CC45RHlH050C C 5pF 20.25pF TX-VFO, MAIN, MEMO C9 1 CC45RHlH120J C 12pF S7 -9 S42-3402-05 Push switch (A) f7 C93 CC45RH1 H470J C 47pF RX-VFO, MAIN, MEMO C94 CC45RHlH390J C 39pF S10 SO1 -2425-05 Rotary switch M. CH * C95 CC45SLlH330J C 33pF S1 1, 12 S50- 1403-05 Tact switch MR. MIN C9 7 CE04WlC101Q E 100pF 16V C9 8 C9 1-0456-05 C 0.047pF R1-1.2 S51- 1404-05 Relay C99 CQ92MlH104K ML O.1pF 50V C100 CQ92MlH102K ML 1000pF 50V BZ 1 T95-005 1-05 Transducer C106 C9 1-0456-05 C 0.047pF C111 C9 1-0456-05 C 0.047pF Digital unit (X54-1570-00) C112, 1 13 CE04W1 A4700 E 47pF 1OV Re C114. 115 CE04WlH010M E 1pF 50V Ref. No. Parts No. Description marks C116 C9 1-0456-05 C 0.047pF C2 CC45UJlH330J C 33pF C117 CE04WlAlOlM E 100pF 10V C4 CC45SLlH151J C 150pF C118 CE04W1 E470Q E 47pF 2 5V C5, 6 CC45SL1 H100D C 10pF +0.5pF C119 C9 1-0456-05 C 0.047pF C8 CC45SL'l H220J C 22pF C120 CE04WlClOlQ E 100pF 16V C1O.ll CC45CHlH050C C 5pF +0.25pF C121 C9 1-0456-05 C 0.047pF C14 CC45SLlH220J C 22pF C123 CQ92MlH104K ML O.1pF 50V C15.16 C9 1-0456-05 C 0.047pF C125 CC45RHlH120J C 12pF C126 C17 CC45SLlHlOlJ C 100pF CC45RHlH470J C 47pF C127 C18 CC45SL1 H221J C 220pF CC45RHlH680J C 68pF C19 CC45SL'l H 101J C 100pF C128 CC45RHlH050C C 5pF +0.25pF C23 CC45SLlH390J C 39pF C129 CC45SLlH330J C 33pF C24 CC45SLlH470J C 47pF C134 CC45SLlH470J C 47pF C2 5 CC45SL1 H331J C 330pF C136 CC45SL1 H 101J C 100pF - Encoder unit (X54-1580-00) I Re- re- Ref. No. Parts No. Description Ref. No. Parts No. Description marks marks C137 CC45SLlH470J C 47pF C 1 CE04WlA4700 E 47pF 1OV C142 CE04WlH2R2M E 2.2pF 50V C143 CE04WlA101M E 100pF 10V D09-0303-04 Encoder slit C144 C9 1-0456-05 C 0.047pF * D21-0817-05 Shaft ass'y b C145 CE04WlA221M E 220pF 10V C146 CE04WlA4700 E 47pF 1OV C147 C9 1-0456-05 C 0.047pF G02-05 19-04 Plate spring * C149 CE04W'IH4R70 E 4.7pF 50V VR 1.2 R12- 1040-05 Trim pot 4.7 kn (B) C152 CQ92MaIH473K ML 0.047pF 50V C153 CC45SL1 H150J C 15pF C161 C9 1-0456-05 C 0.0047pF PAC KlN G C162 CE04WlC470M E 47pF 16V

E23-0046-04 Square terminal

GI 3-0635-04 Cushion *

TC 1 C05-0048-05 Ceramic trimmer 70pF TC2 C05-0035-05 Ceramic trimmer 50pF

L1 L40- 102 1-03 Ferri-inductor 1mH L2 L40-470 1-03 Ferri-inductor 47pH L3 L40- 15 1 1-03 Ferri-inductor 150pH L4 L40-47 1 1-03 Ferri-inductor 470pH L5. 6 L40-221 1-03 Ferri-inductor 220pH L7 -- 1 1 Not Used L12-13 L40-3325-04 Ferri-inductor 3.3mH L14- 16 L40- 101 1-03 Ferri-inductor 100pH L17 - 19 L40-471 1-03 Ferri-inductor 470pH L20 L40-1501-03 Ferri-inductor 15pH L2 1 L40-471 1-03 Ferri-inductor 470pH L22 L40-151 1-04 Ferri-inductor 150pH L2 3 L40- 1 501-03 Ferri-inductor 15pH L24,25 L40-151 1-03 Ferri-inductor 150pH ADJUSTMENTS L26 L40- 151 1-04 Ferri-inductor 150pM L27 L40- 1021-03 Ferri-inductor 1mH TEST EQUIPMENT REQUIRED L2 8 L40- 151 1-03 Ferri-inductor 150pH L29.30 L40- 1001-03 Ferri-inductor 10pH 1.. VTVM or DVM L3 1 L40- 102 1-03 Ferri-inductor 1mH 1) lnput resistance More than 1 MQ 2) Voltage range 1 5 to 1000V AC/DC T 1 L34-099 1-05 Tuning coil 470k Hz * T2--4 L34-0996-15 Tuning Coil 4.5 MHz * NOTE: T5 L32-0636-05 Oscillating Coil * A high-precision voltmeter may be used. T6 L32-0 193-05 Oscillating coil However, accurate readings can not be obtalned for T7. 8 L34-0996-15 Tuning coil 4.5M Hz z"r h~gh-impedanceclrcults. T9. 10 L34-0991 -05 Tuning coil 470kHz z"r CF 1 L72-032 1-05 Ceramic filter CFW47OC * 2. RF VTVM X 1 L77-0874-05 Crystal 5MHz 6 1) lnput lrnpedance 1 MQ and less than 3 pF X2 L77-0482-05 Crystal 1OM Hz 2) Voltage range 10 mV to 300V

VR 1 R12-3045-05 Trim. pot 10kQ (B) 3) Frequency range 50 MHz or greater VR2 R12-5014-05 Trim. pot 1OOkQ (B) 3. OSCILLOSCOPE RBI R90-0523-05 Rosistor block 47kQ x 12 Requires h~gh sensitivity and external synchronlzatlon R92-0150-05 Short jumper capab~lity 4. STANDARD SIGNAL GENERATOR (SSG) 1) Frequency range. 1 8 to 30 MHz 2) Output -20dB/O 1 pV-- 120 dB/lV 3) Output Z= 50Q Generator must be frequency stable 5. FREQUENCY COUNTER 1) Mlnlmum Input voltage 50 mV 2) Frequency range Greater than 50 MHz

Measurement Adjustment Spec~f~cat~on Remarks Item Condit~on Test Ter Un't Parts Method equipment minal

4 RIT RIT control Centered F.counter Dlgr- Cathode Digi- TC1 Adjust so that adjustment DISPLAY 500 0 tal of D6 tal the frequency counter reading does not change at RIT SW ON/OFF I RIT SW ON Bracketed values More than Check RIT Control Fully are the TS-830s 5.000 9 kHz clockwise display indication (More than 1 4,500 9) Less than RIT SW ON 4,999 1 kHz RIT Control Fully counter- (Less than clockwlse 14,499 1)

RIT SW OFF 5.000 0 kHz ( 1 4,500 0) 5 CW SHIFT TS-830 MODE TUN F counter Digi- I Cathode 1 DI~I- VR1 TS-830 MODE 800Hzi50 Hz adjustment VFO-230 RIT OFF tal of D6 tal Adjust until a FUNCTION (REC) VFO frequency 800 Hz higher than the CW frequency is obta~ned

TS-830 MODE CW N TS-830 STBY STBY SW SEND The frequency is VFO-230 RIT OFF shifted by 800 Hz FUNCTION (TRA) VFO with respect to REC freq I I TS-830 STBY SW REC 6 Encoder Remove the VFO knob and Oscillo- Digl- EN 1 Polnt @ may adjustment motor-drive the scope tal termi be located encoder at approx nal of anywhere 300 rpm Connec- When a motor tors @ Wl IS not aval- or @ lable, manua- lly turn the VFO control to check the duty ratio EN 1 duty ratio adjust- Enco- VR1 After adjust- ment Turn a motor clock- der Ing wlth the wise and counterclock- VFO control wise turned clock- I.'..- wise, check that rntervals @and @ are also iden- tical when the VFO control is turned counterclock- wise

EN 2 duty ratio adjust- EN2 VR2 Adjust until tntervals ment Turn a motor ~n terml- @and @ are the both d~rection nal of equal to each Connec- other with point tors @ @placed at or @ the center EN 1-EN2 phase difference EN 1 and Phase EN1 (EN21 The phases of alignment Same as above EN2 ter- adjust- : Wlthln 90 deg EN 1 and EN 2 mlnals ment i10% may be rep- of screw (The differ- laced wlth Con- : ence between each other as nectors clockw~seand indicated ~n cO* @or @ counterclock- the brackets #/ wlse rotation 111 must also be

EN! wlthln this specification ) 51I-P- (EN21 1 Adjust untll intervals @ and @ are equal

(polnt A' on EN2 W i~ o 1s located in the mi@+ m~ddleof points AandConEN1) VFO-230 PARTS LAYOUTIAC VOLTAGE CONVERSION

Measurement Adjustment Item Condition Test Ter Speclflcat~on Remarks '"It Method equipment m~nal

7 Beat TS 830 AGC FAST Adjust the SSG adjustment RIT 0 FF output frequency RF ATT OFF until a maximum VBT NORM S-meter readlng IF SHIFT Centered IS obta~nedon MODE the TS-830s VFO-230 1 FUNCTION (REC) VFO DISPLAY (Dlal) 20 0 Connect the SSG output to the ANT term~nalon the TS-830s

Adjust the SSG attenuator until the S meter on the TS-830s indicates 20 dB

Set the VFO-230's dial Obtain a beat from the DI~I- VR2 Adjust to the to 20 8 (zero beat) TS-830 tal minlmum beat level

Turn the d~alon the An abnormal beat Check VFO-230 from 0 0 to should not be , around 50 0 while Isten- heard

r DIGITAL UNIT (X54-1570-00) r ENCODER UNIT (X54-1580-00)

I VFO-230 (K) AC Voltage conversion i E To operate the VFO-230 (K) on 240V AC, the power transformer primary tap must be rewired from 120V to either the 220V or 240V tap. 1 Unplug the AC power cable and VFO lnterconnectlng cable. 2 Remove the top cover 3 Move the AC l~nefrom the 120V (Red) to e~therthe 220V (Green) or 240V (Blue) transformer winding. 4 Change the AC fuse from 0.5A to 0.3A. Tag the power cord at the back of the unit to indicate that the transformer is wired for 240V AC, and the power fuse should be 0.3A and not 0.5A. 5 Replace the top cover and cable up to verify your work.


AL Fuse ,DIGITAL UNIT (X54-l570-OOl 01 :2SDB8O(YI 01,7,8,13,14 . IS1555 0151117 : TLR-205 02.4-6 : 2SCIBISIYl D2*5,9,10,12 : vO68 018 : SLP-144 03 : 2SA496(11 06 :WZ-IS0 D 19 :XZ-049


01 .ZS ICI :LM

@=:r ****7 llNr 0 l.yr -qi DL-

OUTPrn NO INPUT < Note>Wave forms are d~splayedat 0.0 (VFO output 5 5 MHz) ANT SELECTOR 12 DUMMY


1-7 18MHz f - 8 35MHz 1 - 9 7 MHz 1 - 10 10MHz 1-11 14MHz 1-12 18MHz 2 - 8 2lMHz 2 - 9 24 MHz 2-10 28MHz BAND SW(5)

Meter (B31-062 1-08) SPECIFICATIONS Meter escutcheon ANTENNA COUPLER (B07-0632-08) (T) (B07-0633-08) (K) (W) I Frequency Range 9 amateur bands from 1 8 to Case (upper) 29.7 MHz (A0I -0786-03) Input Impedance ... 50Q Output Impedance .... 10 to 500Q. unbalanced Case (lower) Through Power .... 200W at max. (AOI -0788-02) Insertion Loss. Less than 0.5 dB in matched ~~i~~~~~$4, state Panel Pi - L ...... 1 8 MHz only (~20-2397-03) Output lmpedance .. 20 to 500Q, unbalanced Switct Through Power ...... 100W at max. Knob (K23-0720-04) Knob skirts WATTMETER Ref. No Knob Type ...... Through-l~newattmeter (K23-0719-04) Frequency Range .... 18 to 30 MHz Main knob Measurable RF Power Up to 20/200W, switched AT-230 General (~21-07 14-04) Kinds of RF Power Forward or reflected power switched VR4 Re- Net weight ...... 3.4 kg (7 5 Ibs.) approx. Ref. No. Parts No. Description marks Impedance ...... 50Q A01 -0786-03 Case (upper) A Accuracy ...... Better than &I0% of full scale A01 -0788-02 Case (lower) A SWR METER A20-2397-02 Panel A

SWR Detection ...... Toroid core direction coupler B07-0632-08 Meter escutcheon (T) A Measurable Range . 11 to 10 Min. Power Required 4W 807-0633-08 Meter escutcheon (K)(W) A Detecl GENERAL B20-0808-04 Knob skirt 83 1-0621-08 Meter Ref. No Connectors 846-0058-00 Warranty card (K) INPUT...... UHF type, 50Q 850-2756-08 Operating manual (K)(W) A ANT-1 ...... UHF type B50-2757-08 Operating manual (T) A A NT-2 ...... UHF type A NT-3 ...... Stud and wing nut VC1, 2 C02-0016-08 Variable cap 300pF 1.2kV Dimensions ...... W 180mm(7-3/32") H 133 mm (5-15/64") D 288 mm (11-1 1/32") C7 C9 1-0419-05 C 82pF 3kV A Dl, 2 C8 C9 1-0402-05 C 12pF 3kV A L1.2 D23-0061 -04 Bearing * b Re- 1. INSTRUMENTS Ref. No. Parts No. Description marks 1) Terminated Power Meter E04-0 102-05 UHF type receptacle 1 Frequency range 50 MHz or more E23-0015-04 Gnd lug 43 2 Input impedance 50Q E23-0408-05 Terminal 3 Power range. 20W and 200W

F09-0402-05 Insulating cover 2) HF Transmitter or Transceiver F29-0402-08 Insulator 1) Output 1OOW CW Variable to 10W G 13-062 1-04 Cushion Example TS-830, TS-

H01-2714-04 Carton case (inside)(K)(W) A H01-2715-04 Carton case (inside)(T) A 2. POWER METER ADJUSTMENT H 10-2525-02 Packing fixture (R) A 1) Test Equipment Connection H 10-2545-02 Packing fixture (F) A

POWER TRANSMITTER/ AT-230 J02-0049- 14 Foot (large) 'TRANSCEIVER METER J32- 1030-04 Round boss 0---9 0 fl - ANT INPUT DUMMY K2 1-07 15-04 Main knob R, X Tune K2 1-0745-08 Knob, BAND, ANT Fig. 1 K23-07 19-04 Knob, CAL K23-0720-04 Switch paddle 2) Adjustment L3 L34-0992-08 COII A 1 Connect as In Fig 1 L4 L34-0993-08 Coil A 2 Unless otherwise specified, controls should be set as fol- L5 L34-0994-08 Coil A lows

N 14-0506-08 Wing nut, M5 ANT3, GND ANT SW DUMMY BAND SW 14 SO1 -2418-08 Rotary switch, ANT 200W/20W SW 200W SO1 -5404-08 Rotary switch, BAND A FWD/REF SW FWD POWER/SWR SW POWER W02-0302-08 Switch module CAL/SWR SW SWR W02-0303-08 Detector module Tune up the transceiver at 14 175 MHz. 3 Adjust the transceiver for 100W output at -the power Switch module (W02-0302-08) meter (adjusted by the carrier level control) Adjust VR2 on the switch unit for a meter read~ngof 100 Re- on the AT-230. Ref. No. Parts No. Description marks

VR 1 R12-1024-05 Trim.pot lkQ(B) V R2 R12-4020-05 Trim. pot 50kQ (B) VR3 R 12-3420-08 Trim. pot 20kQ (B) VR4 R05-3407-08 Pot. 50kQ (B) CAL (IOW CAL 1

R3 RD14BB2E511J Carbon resistor 51 0Q k5% 1/4W R4 RD14BB2E104J Carbon resistor 100kQ +5% 1/4W Fig. 2 4 As rn step 3, lower transceiver output to 1OW and adjust S36-2026-15 Paddle switch x 4 VR3 for a meter Indication of 10 on the 20W scale.

3. CALIBRATION OF REF POWER Detector module (W02-0303-08) 1 ) Connection

Re- As in Fig 1 Ref. No. Parts No. Description marks 2) Adjustment C1.2 FM05ZC150J5 Mica 15pF 500V 1 Set con-trols as described in 2.2 C6 FM05ZC150J5 Mica 15pF 500V Confirm 100W CW output reading R1.2 RD14BB2E510J Carbon resistor 51Q k5% 1/4W 2 Unkey the transceiver and reverse the coaxral cable between the INPUT and DUMMY terminals on the D1.2 V1 1-7763-26 Diode 2-1 K261 x 2 AT-230. Move the FWD/REF switch to the REF position L1.2 L39-0403-08 Detector coil 3 Transmit and adjust VR 1 for prev~ouslyconfirmed 1OOW read~ng DS-2 (W type only)

SPECIFICATIONS OFF Heater switch m\ Semiconductor.. 2N4280 x 2 Rated Final Stage Input Power at 13.8 VDC. SSB 130W PEP CW 1 OOW Power Consumption Receive : Heaters OFF . . 0.8A Heaters ON .. 4.5A Transmit 1 5A Power Supply . 12 - 16 VDC (standard 13.8V) Dimensions W 80mm(315") H 37 mm ( 146") D 69mm(272") Weight 2409


Re- Ref. No. Parts No. Description marks Power connector

DC cable connection B50-2736-00 Operating manual h

C 1 CE02WlE221 C 220pF 25V

E08- 1207-05 12P plug E20-0513-05 5P terminal

F05-153 1-05 Fuse 15A F29-0414-04 Insulating washer Fuse holder (J13-0029-05) Fuse 15A (F05-1531 -05)

H01-2694-03 Carton case (inside) h Free up belt H 10-2541-04 Cushion h :2P plug (E08- 1207-05) H25-0029-04 Protective bag Protective bag (H25-0103-04) Cord bush (J41-0024- 15) H25-0103-04 Protective bag H25-0120-04 Protective bag

J 13-0029-05 Fuse holder Operating manual (850-2736-00) J41-0024- 15 Cord bush shion (H10-2541 -04)

R 1 R92-0121-05 Cement resistor 2.4R 5W R2 R92-0120-05 Cement resistor 220R 2.5W

01.2 V30- 1 161 -06 TR 2N4280

Fuse 15A x 1 (F05-1 53 1-05) TS-830M SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM (EXCEPT U.S.A. MARKET)

The shaded parts indicate the changed circuits from TS-830s to TS-830M. COM IS1555 7Dl0 ALM SIR-z

FUSE 4A (at AC220V) 6A(at ACl20V) TS-830S, M TS-830s SCHEMATIC ABBREVI, AF Unit (X49-1140-00)

Destination Con- Termi- Termi- Con- Remarks Termi- Remarks nal NO nal Un~t/sw~tch nector Unit/switch "::Or "::Or No, nal No. nal @ 1 GND @ 1 RLT MODE SW S18-3 2 DET Detector lnput IF unlt @ 1 DET 2 SSBl MODE SW S18-5 3 SSB Bias voltage for SSB IF unit 8 1 SSB 3 ALM ALC meter DC s~gnal Meter SW S 13 4 GND 4 9 + 9v 5 VXI VOX input IF unlt 3 VXI @ Transmit bias AF unit 6 NBI No~seblanker lnput IF unit 1 NBI @ Ground on TX AF unit STB Rectif~erunlt ST B ALC input from AF unit @ I 1 AV2 Arm of AF gain control AF galn control AFunitQ19 2 GND 3 AV1 Top of AF galn control AF gain control I I Icwl I I MODE SW S 18-5 4 GND 5 STE To ground In CW and MODE SW S18-6 STE CW NAR 6 KEY To ground In Tune, MODE SW S18-6 KEY USB and LSB 5 G 6 RIF RXIFlnput @ 1 SP Speaker ~nternal REMOTE socket 1 SP I 1 I 2 GND MIC MlC input MlC jack 3 STS Side tone SW KEY Jack 7 STS G @ 1 SS Stand by SW REMOTE socket 3 SS G 2 VXS VOX sw~tchto ground VOX SW MV 1 Top of MIC MIC gain control VR9 VOX on galn control ( I , Arm of MIC 3 VXD VOX delay control VOX delay control 4 VXG VOX gain control VOX galn control gain control 5 GND 6 SP Speaker output Phone jack 2 Arm of carrler CAR control VR9-3 control @ 1 VR3 Final b~ascontrol B~ascontrol 3 VR3 RFG Arm of RF gain / RF galn control VR3-1 2 KEY Key jack KEY jack 2 KEY control 3 VR 1 F~nalbias control Bias control 1 VR1 AGS AGC SW slow AGC SW S11-2 4 AV Ant1 VOXarm Ant1 VOX control 2 AV AGO AGC OFF AGCSWS11-l 5 SS Stand by SW Stand by SW S17 SS NCH Notch frequency NotchSW S1-l 6 RL Relay Voltage IF unlt @ 3 RL control voltage - tl23VonTX 7 9 t 9V EXT VFO socket 3 9 Bias voltage for SSB AF unit Smeter DC s~gnal AF unit 8 Bias for Q1 RF amp RF unit @ 2 RBI To VOX circuit AF unit on RF unlt RX bias 3 MXB From Q18 on AF unlt RF unlt @ 3 MXB b~asto MlXer I F02 IF output for monitor IF OUT 2 jack 4 TOF TX stop signal for RF unit 8 1 TOF G WARC RL TX b~asfor Q22 on 5 DRB Bias for control grid V1 RF unit @ 1 DRB IF unit from relav drlve voltage a 1 XIT Transmitter ~ncrernental XIT SW S2-1 XIT tuning D ET Detector output AF unit 2 TM Meter select switch Meter SW S13 T M G S13 arm I CAR 1 3 RLT Relay t9V on TX MODE SW S18-3 RLT CAR2 4 RSC Receiver RIT ON RIT SW S3-1 RSC M X Monitor ON SW Monitor SW S5 5 RLR Relay t 9Von RX MODE SW S18-5 RLR MOE Monitor signal ground 6 M Meter voltage 1 Meter MO Monitor signal output AF gain control VR3-; 7 - 6 Bias voltage -- 6V V BT Arm of VR1-1 VBT control VR1-1 8 RTI RITSW RIT SW S3- 1 RTI 9 RIT RIT toVFO VFO unit 2 RIT CAR CAR input PLL unit G FG Bias for control Final unlt FG grid Final Rectifier unit

@ 1 XAL Transm~tterALC X.VTER socket 6 XAL Rectifier unit 2 RAL ALC lnput remote REMOTE socket 6 RAL Rectifier unit socket 3 VR2 Arm of TX b~ascontrol Bias control @ 1 300A 300 B+ RF unit 2 G 8 1 N BV Top of nose blanker VR NB control 3 AGC Output for AGC RF unit 2 NBS Noise blanker SW NB SW S16 3 9 +9v 4 SSB +9V in USB/LSB MODE SW S18-4 SSB PLL Unit (X50-1680-00) 5 RF1 Top of RF gain control RF-- gain control @ 1 NSG Nolse blanker gate IF unit @ 4 NSG signal 2 GND 3 ALC ALC voltage from Q19 IF unit @ 3 ALC on AF unit 4 RB2 Receiver bias for IF unit IF unit @ 5 RB2 5 TB TX bias IF unit @ 1 TB 6 SM S meter signal, IF unit 8 2 SM 7 RS Groundon RX IF unit @ 2 RS l F unit (X48-1290-00) 0 1 IF01 IF OUT 1 jack 2 G ! lFOl @ 1 NBI Noise blanker input AF unit 0 6 NBI 2 G 3 G 4 NSG Noise blanker AF unit @ 1 NSG CAL SW S10 gate signal MODE SW S18-1 @ 1 -6 -6V 2 PRO Processor SW Processor SW S 1 5- 1 PRO 3 COT Arm of VR9-2 processor VR9-2 COT MODE SW S18-3 gain control 4 COM Compression meter signal Meter SW S13 COM MODE SW S18-3 : ABBREVIATION Counter Unit (X54-1540-00)

Destination Con- Termi- Termi- nectar Remarks Con- nal No. nal Termi- Termi- No, Unit/switch nector No, nal No. nal @ 1 DH Display hold DH SWS12 2 0.5 0.5 MHz shift EXT VFO socket 6 0.5 3 12 +12v Q PLL unit 0 0 PLL unit 0 0 RF unit 0 RF unit 1 28 @ To f0.5 SW S7-1 @ ; ;;,5 --3- - Zs------TO f0.5 SW S7-2 RF unit 29,5 @ 2 29 VFO Unit (X40-1170-00) 1 RLC From MODE SW S18-5 MODE SW S18-5 RLC 2 RIT RIT Voltage input AF unit @ 9 RIT 3 VFB VFOB+9V FIX SW S4 VFB 4 GND 5 VFO VFO output PLL unit ($ 2 VFO MIC gain control VR9-1 FINAL Unit (X56-1380-00) FG Control gr~dbias AF unit FG H Heater voltage AC 12.3V SG Screen grid voltage Rectifier unlt PD2 IPM IP meter voltage Meter SW S 13 DRV Dr~veinput RF unit D RV RF galn control VR3-1

AGCSWS11-2 R F unit (X44-1360-00) AGC SW S11-l Counter unit NotchSW S1-l + 0.5 SW S7- 1 t 0.5 SW S7-2

@ 1 RLR +9VonRX RLR L~ne 2 G 3 ANT Receiver antenna input RF ATT SW S6-1 IF OUT 2 jack I F02 01G 2 MKR Markerinput PLL unit @ 2 MKR @ 1 AGC AGC voltage IF unlt @ 3 AGC 2 RIF RX IF output IF unlt @ 6 RIF 3 G AF unlt @ 2 DET 8 1 TOF TX turn off signal AF unlt. @ 4 TOF 2 12 t 12V 3 MXB Bias for TX MlXer AF unit @ 3 MXB @ 1 12 t12V Monitor SW S5 2 TIF TX IF ~nput IF unit @ 3 TIF 3 G AF gain control VR3-2 MO 4 300A 300 B t IF unit @ 1 300A VBT control VR 1- 1 VBT @ 1 DRB Control grid bias for V1 AF unit 8 5 ~DRB PLL unit @ 2 CAR 2 RBI Bias for Q1 RF amp AF unit 8 1 RBI @ 1 H Heater voltage AC 12.3V Rectifier unit 2 10A 2 210A 210Bt

Rectifier unit 2108 @ 1G Rect~fierunit 2 UV Transverter output X. VTER socket 7 UV NC Neutralization Final tank circuit RF unlt DRV Drive output Final unit D RV VCO VCO lnput PLL unit VCO RF unit NFB Negative feed back Final tank circu~t Rectifier unit (X43-1370-00) I Counter unlt I@ 1 HV Hlgh voltage signal METER SW S13 HV I Counter unit I@ to METER 800 800 B + I Counter unit 10 3008 300 B + RF unit 0 2108 210Bt RF unit 210A 210B t 0 STB S~detone voltage AF unit STB VFO unit -C Common B- VFO unit I Approx. - 100V SG2 I RF unit I Screen grid voltage MODE SW S18-2 SG2 TUN Screen grid low MODE SW S18-2 TUN EXT VFO socket voltage for TUN 12 t 12v EXT VFO Socket SGS ToSG SW SG SW S20 SGS SG1 ToMODESW MODE SW S18-2 SG 1 IF unit PD2 Screen grid voltage Final unit SG I-+ PD 1 MODE SW S18- 1 MODE SW S18-1 IF SHIFT VR2-2 I FS


MV- 13






1 KHz

Doubler 0 SC gun AMP 2SC46OB-2 2SC1815(Y 1 2SC1815(Y) 74LS90N 74LS90h

- 5v - AVR



BAND SW 5 M - 5.5-6.OMHz i t



Speake IGNAL LINE IGNAL LIhE Rated l lmpeda TX MIX AMP TX MIX DRV AMP PA AMP Freque~ 3SK73(GR) 3SK73(GR) 3SK73lGR) ~2 12BY7A 61468.2 TAN, 036 Filte L

LIM AMP CONT AMP H H H Filte ALC Me~er ALC Merer Dimens1

Net weil COMP Merer AMP ALC TIME CONT 2SA1015(Y) 2SK3010) Access(


CH 3SK73(GR) r2 F~lter 2SK125 2SK125r2 c- TPl wt 1 r A

V BT P I LOMIX Buff AMP Buff AMP Buff AMP Noise AMP Noise AMP NB Gate Drive I(Y) 3SK73(GR) 2SC1815(Y) I ~sci959!Y) 2SK19(GR) 2SC460(B) a2 2SC460(B) 2SC1815(Y)


NB LEVEL 4. 18. 21.24.5 28. 2sC1815(BL) Buff AMP VCO OSCI VCO OSC2 VCO OSC3 VCO OSC4 VCO OSC5 VCO OSC6 ~~ffAMP -7751E) * 3 &2~~1815(y)2~~1923(0) 2SC460B 2SC460B 2SKlQ(GR) 2SK 191GR) 2SK 1915 L) 2SK 19(BL) 2SC1923(0) 2~~1959(~) LOOP

114 74LSOOP

LL I)LJ - --> BU~~AMP 2SC460B



l nvener I I I I li474LSOOP 2SC1815(Yi SP-230 SPEC1 FICATIONS PARTS LIST

Speaker used: 12 cm dia. Re- Ref No. Parts No. Description Rated Input 2 Watts marks Impedance: 8sz A01 -0786-03 Case (upper) Frequency response: lOOHz to 5kHz. A01 -0789-02 Case (lower) b Filter cu t-off frequency, A20-2399-05 Panel (T) b A20-2400-05 Panel (K)(W) b LOW: 400Hz, -3dB. HlGH 1: 3kHz, -3dB. HlGH 2: 1.SkHz, -3dB. B46-0058-00 Warranty card (K) HlGH 1 + HlGH 2: 1 kHz, -3dB. 850-2759-00 Operating manual (K)(W) b Filter attenuation: -6d Bloct. 1 850-2760-00 Operating manual (T) Q Dimensions: W 180 mm (7-1116") H 133 mm (5-114") El i-0404-05 Phone jack D 287 mm (11-5/16") E12-0001-05 Phone plug Net weight 1.8 kg. (4.0 Ibs.) E13-0361-05 3P Pin jack Accessories furnished: Speaker cord, 1 pc. E14-0101-05 1PPinplug (E14-0101-05) E30-1610-05 Connector with lead Extension foot, 2 pcs. (JO2-0049- 14) Screw, M4 x 12,2 pcs. G53-0502-04 Packing (N30-4012-41) 1 pin plug, 2 pcs. H01-2723-04 Carton (E20-1610-05 ) (inside)(K)(W) b H01-2724-04 Carton case (inside)(T) 6 H 10-2523-02 Packing fixture (F) . H 10-2525-02 Packing fixture (R) H20-0276-03 Protective cover H25-0049-03 Protective bag

J02 -0049- 14 Foot

K29-07 16-04 Push knob

L79-0443-25 Filter

RS14AB3D8R2J , Solid 8.20 2W

S40-2414-05 Push switch INPUT S42-3401-05 Push switch LOW. HlGH 1.2

T06-001 1-05 Speaker

A product of TRIO-KEN WOOD CORPORATION 17-5, 2-chome, Shibuya, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 150,

TRIO-KEN WOOD COMMUNICATIONS, INC. 1 1 11, West Walnut Street, Compton. California, 90220, U.S.A. TRIO-KEN WOOD COMMUNICATIONS, GmbH D-6374 Ste~nbachTS, lnddstriestrasse 8A. West TRIO-KEN WOOO(AUSTRALIA)PTV. LTD. 30 Wh~t~ngStreet, Artarmon. Sydney N S.W Australla 2064

- @ 1981-3 PRINTED IN JAPAN 851-091 6-10 (K) (W) (T) (X) @ 1650 TS-830S.M SERVICE MANUAL ERRATA

Voltages in this Schematic Diagram are correct. (Refer to TS-830S, M page 63.)

11 FINAL UNlT(X56-1380-00) I I

O 1981-3 PRINTED IN JAPAN For 851-0916-10 (K). (W) (TI (XI @ 1650