PERIODICALS PHYSICAL REVIEW A Postmaster send address changes to: For editorial and subscription correspondence, American Institute of please see inside front cover 500 Sunnyside Boulevard „ISSN: 1050-2947… Woodbury, NY 11797-2999



Atomic and molecular collisions and interactions A complete photoionization experiment with polarized using magnetic dichroism and phase tilt measurements ...... R3371 K. Godehusen, P. Zimmermann, A. Verweyen, A. von dem Borne, Ph. Wernet, and B. Sonntag Photodissociation in quantum chaotic systems: Random-matrix theory of cross-section fluctuations ...... R3375 Yan V. Fyodorov and Y. Alhassid Observation of an impact-parameter window in low-velocity ionizing collisions of Neϩ on Ne proceeding through quasimolecular states ...... R3379 M. A. Abdallah, W. Wolff, H. E. Wolf, C. L. Cocke, and M. Sto¨ckli

Atomic and molecular processes in external fields Mesoscopic motion of atomic ions in magnetic fields ...... R3383 David M. Leitner and P. Schmelcher

Matter waves Magnetic grating echoes from laser-cooled atoms ...... R3387 A. Kumarakrishnan, S. B. Cahn, U. Shim, and T. Sleator Dielectric formalism and damping of collective modes in trapped Bose-Einstein condensed gases ...... R3391 Gyula Bene and Pe´ter Sze´pfalusy Trapped one-dimensional Bose gas as a Luttinger liquid ...... R3395 H. Monien, M. Linn, and N. Elstner Impact of spontaneous spatial symmetry breaking on the critical number for two-component Bose-Einstein condensates ...... R3399 B. D. Esry

Quantum optics, physics of lasers, nonlinear optics Induced optical spatial solitons ...... R3403 D. Bortman-Arbiv, A. D. Wilson-Gordon, and H. Friedmann


Fundamental concepts Propagator picture of the spatial confinement of quantized emitted from an atom ...... 3407 Ole Keller

Copyright 1998 by The American Physical Society

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Quantum mechanics can be formulated as a non-Markovian stochastic process ...... 3426 German A. Skorobogatov and Sergey I. Svertilov Asymmetrical quantum sextic anharmonic oscillator: Eigenstates and thermal properties ...... 3433 J. Y. Lee, K. L. Liu, and C. F. Lo Duality in perturbation theory and the quantum adiabatic approximation ...... 3439 Marco Frasca Double-well potential: The WKB approximation with phase loss and anharmonicity effect ...... 3443 Chang Soo Park, Myung Geun Jeong, Sahng-Kyoon Yoo, and D. K. Park Nonadiabatic geometric phase for the cyclic evolution of a time-dependent Hamiltonian system ...... 3448 Jie Liu, Bambi Hu, and Baowen Li Search for parity nonconserving optical rotation in atomic samarium ...... 3457 D. M. Lucas, R. B. Warrington, D. N. Stacey, and C. D. Thompson Toward an optical evidence of quantum interference between macroscopically distinct states ...... 3472 A. Montina and F. T. Arecchi Complementarity and quantum erasure in welcher Weg experiments ...... 3477 Gunnar Bjo¨rk and Anders Karlsson

Quantum information Quantum cloning in d dimensions ...... 3484 Paolo Zanardi Optimal quantum codes for preventing collective amplitude damping ...... 3491 Lu-Ming Duan and Guang-Can Guo Quantum capacity is properly defined without encodings ...... 3496 Howard Barnum, John A. Smolin, and Barbara M. Terhal

Atomic and molecular structure and dynamics ϩ Elastic cross sections and annihilation parameter for e -H2 scattering using the Schwinger multichannel method ...... 3502 Jorge L. S. Lino, Jose´ S. E. Germano, Euclimar P. da Silva, and Marco A. P. Lima Amount of information present in the one-particle density matrix and the charge density ...... 3507 Juan Carlos Ramı´rez, Julio Manuel Herna´ndez Pe´rez, Robin P. Sagar, Rodolfo O. Esquivel, Minhhuy Hoˆ, and Vedene H. Smith, Jr. 2 2 Measurements of 2s S1/2–2p P3/2,1/2 transition energies in lithiumlike heavy ions: Experiments and results for Ni25ϩ and Zn27ϩ ...... 3516 U. Staude, Ph. Bosselmann, R. Bu¨ttner, D. Horn, K.-H. Schartner, F. Folkmann, A. E. Livingston, T. Ludziejewski, and P. H. Mokler Effective homogeneity of the exchange-correlation energy functional ...... 3524 David J. Tozer Measurement of the formation rate and the radiative decay of the muonic molecules (p␮3He͒* and (p␮4He͒* . . . 3528 S. Tresch, F. Mulhauser, C. Piller, L. A. Schaller, L. Schellenberg, H. Schneuwly, Y.-A. Thalmann, A. Werthmu¨ller, P. Ackerbauer, W. H. Breunlich, M. Cargnelli, B. Gartner, R. King, B. Lauss, J. Marton, W. Prymas, J. Zmeskal, C. Petitjean, M. Augsburger, D. Chatellard, J.-P. Egger, E. Jeannet, T. von Egidy, F. J. Hartmann, M. Mu¨hlbauer, and W. Schott Fluorescence and Coster-Kronig yields of the L1 shell in gadolinium ...... 3537 T. Papp, J. L. Campbell, and S. Raman Investigation of the 74W L emission spectra and satellites ...... 3544 Aurel-Mihai Vlaicu, Tatsunori Tochio, Takashi Ishizuka, Daisuke Ohsawa, Yoshiaki Ito, Takeshi Mukoyama, Atsusi Nisawa, Takasi Shoji, and Sinzo Yoshikado Order m␣6 contributions to ground-state hyperfine splitting in positronium ...... 3552 G. S. Adkins and J. Sapirstein

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Recurrence spectroscopy of atoms in electric fields: Scattering in the presence of bifurcations ...... 3561 John A. Shaw and F. Robicheaux Hydrogen and helium atoms and molecules in an intense magnetic field ...... 3567 Jeremy S. Heyl and Lars Hernquist Pseudopotentials from orbital-dependent exchange-correlation functionals ...... 3578 A. Ho¨ck and E. Engel Fine-structure-resolved laser-photodetachment electron spectroscopy of InϪ ...... 3582 W. W. Williams, D. L. Carpenter, A. M. Covington, J. S. Thompson, T. J. Kvale, and D. G. Seely Configuration-interaction Hartree-Fock calculations for two-electron atoms using a pseudopotential ...... 3585 L. Fe´ret and J. Pascale Hylleraas-type calculations of the relativistic corrections for the ground state of the lithium atom ...... 3597 Frederick W. King, Daniel G. Ballegeer, David J. Larson, Paul J. Pelzl, Scott A. Nelson, Ty J. Prosa, and Bradley M. Hinaus Laser spectroscopy of metastable states in the ␷ϭ2 cascade of antiprotonic 3He ...... 3604 F. J. Hartmann, B. Ketzer, C. Maierl, R. Pohl, T. von Egidy, R. S. Hayano, M. Hori, T. Ishikawa, H. Tamura, H. A. Torii, M. Kumakura, N. Morita, I. Sugai, D. Horva´th, J. Eades, E. Widmann, and T. Yamazaki Need for remeasurements of nuclear magnetic dipole moments ...... 3611 Martin G. H. Gustavsson and Ann-Marie Mårtensson-Pendrill

Atomic and molecular collisions and interactions Ionization dynamics in fast ion-atom collisions. I. Energy and angular distributions of low-energy electrons emitted in ionization of He by bare carbon ions ...... 3619 Lokesh C. Tribedi, P. Richard, Y. D. Wang, C. D. Lin, L. Gulyas, and M. E. Rudd Ionization dynamics in fast ion-atom collisions. II. Final-state momentum distributions of the ionization products in collisions of He with bare carbon ions ...... 3626 Lokesh C. Tribedi, P. Richard, Y. D. Wang, C. D. Lin, R. E. Olson, and L. Gulyas Fast-electron production in atomic collisions induced by 77A-MeV 40Ar ions studied with a multidetector ...... 3634 G. Lanzano`, E. De Filippo, S. Aiello, M. Geraci, A. Pagano, Sl. Cavallaro, F. Lo Piano, E. C. Pollacco, C. Volant, S. Vuillier, C. Beck, D. Mahboub, R. Nouicer, G. Politi, H. Rothard, and D. H. Jakubassa-Amundsen Estimates of the relative magnitudes of the isotropic and anisotropic magnetic-dipole hyperfine interactions in alkali-metal–noble-gas systems ...... 3642 D. K. Walter, W. Happer, and T. G. Walker Influence of multielectron excitations on the O 1s photoionization in CO2 ...... 3654 K. Maier, A. Kivima¨ki, B. Kempgens, U. Hergenhahn, M. Neeb, A. Ru¨del, M. N. Piancastelli, and A. M. Bradshaw Spin-orbit effects in the photoionization excitation of neon ...... 3661 T. W. Gorczyca, Z. Felfli, H.-L. Zhou, and S. T. Manson Limit on suppression of ionization in metastable neon traps due to long-range anisotropy ...... 3673 M. R. Doery, E. J. D. Vredenbregt, S. S. Op de Beek, H. C. W. Beijerinck, and B. J. Verhaar Density of the generalized oscillator strength of atomic hydrogen: A semiclassical approach ...... 3683 Y. Fang, A. N. Vasil’ev, and V. V. Mikhailin Inner-shell photoionization of ground-state lithium: Theoretical calculation in the photon energy region of hollow atomic states ...... 3688 L. Vo Ky, P. Faucher, H. L. Zhou, A. Hibbert, Y.-Z. Qu, J.-M. Li, and F. Bely-Dubau Probing the time-dependent decay of molecular core-excited states: The Auger resonant Raman effect for O2 .... 3699 Zbigniew W. Gortel and Dietrich Menzel Body frames and frame singularities for three-atom systems ...... 3705 Robert G. Littlejohn, Kevin A. Mitchell, Vincenzo Aquilanti, and Simonetta Cavalli

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Internal spaces, kinematic rotations, and body frames for four-atom systems ...... 3718 Robert G. Littlejohn, Kevin A. Mitchell, Matthias Reinsch, Vincenzo Aquilanti, and Simonetta Cavalli Muonium formation by collisions of muons with solid rare-gas and solid nitrogen layers ...... 3739 T. Prokscha, E. Morenzoni, M. Meyberg, T. Wutzke, B. E. Matthias, A. Fachat, K. Jungmann, and G. zu Putlitz Photofragmentation of third-row hydrides following photoexcitation at deep-core levels ...... 3757 D. L. Hansen, M. E. Arrasate, J. Cotter, G. R. Fisher, O. Hemmers, K. T. Leung, J. C. Levin, R. Martin, P. Neill, R. C. C. Perera, I. A. Sellin, M. Simon, Y. Uehara, B. Vanderford, S. B. Whitfield, and D. W. Lindle Photoionization cross sections and oscillator strengths for oxygen ions: O I-O VII ...... 3766 Sultana N. Nahar Single to quadruple ionization of CO2 due to electron impact ...... 3783 Cechan Tian and C. R. Vidal

Photon, electron, atom, and molecule interactions with solids and surfaces Impact-parameter dependence of the electronic energy loss of fast ions ...... 3796 P. L. Grande and G. Schiwietz

Clusters „including fullerenes… Electron capture in the collision of mass-selected hydrogen-cluster ions with helium atoms ...... 3802 S. Louc, B. Farizon, M. Farizon, M. J. Gaillard, N. Gonc¸alves, H. Luna, G. Jalbert, N. V. de Castro Faria, M. C. Bacchus-Montabonel, J. P. Buchet, and M. Carre´

Atomic and molecular processes in external fields Phase-difference effect in two-color above-threshold ionization ...... 3807 Lianghui Gao, Xiaofeng Li, Panming Fu, and Dong-Sheng Guo Electron-radiation interaction in a Penning trap: Beyond the dipole approximation ...... 3813 Ana M. Martins, Stefano Mancini, and Paolo Tombesi Expansion cooling and heating for a thermal magnetic trapped gas ...... 3822 Huang Wu and Ennio Arimondo Theoretical study of multielectron dissociative ionization of diatomic molecules and clusters in a strong laser field ...... 3826 Isidore Last and Joshua Jortner Analysis of multiphoton ionization of metal atoms in the saturation regime using subpicosecond KrF laser pulses ...... 3836 B. Witzel, C. J. G. J. Uiterwaal, H. Schro¨der, D. Charalambidis, and K.-L. Kompa Dissociative ionization of gas-phase chloromethanes by intense fields of picosecond and attosecond duration .... 3849 V. R. Bhardwaj, F. A. Rajgara, K. Vijayalakshmi, V. Kumarappan, D. Mathur, and A. K. Sinha Correlations between Rabi oscillations and atomic translational dynamics ...... 3856 A. Vaglica Ground-state grating echoes from Rb vapor at room temperature ...... 3868 A. Kumarakrishnan, U. Shim, S. B. Cahn, and T. Sleator Rabi resonances induced by an off-resonant, stochastic field ...... 3873 J. C. Camparo, J. G. Coffer, and R. P. Frueholz Accurate bound-state energies of helium in a strong magnetic field ...... 3879 Armin Scrinzi Ionization of atoms in parallel electric and magnetic fields: The role of classical phase space ...... 3884 W. Ihra, F. Mota-Furtado, and P. F. O’Mahony Two-dimensional magneto-optical trap as a source of slow atoms ...... 3891 K. Dieckmann, R. J. C. Spreeuw, M. Weidemu¨ller, and J. T. M. Walraven

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Quantum-classical correspondence in the hydrogen atom in weak external fields ...... 3896 Paolo Bellomo, C. R. Stroud, Jr., David Farrelly, and T. Uzer Dynamics of noise-induced heating in atom traps ...... 3914 M. E. Gehm, K. M. O’Hara, T. A. Savard, and J. E. Thomas Laser-induced processes during the Coulomb explosion of H2 in a Ti-sapphire laser pulse ...... 3922 T. D. G. Walsh, F. A. Ilkov, S. L. Chin, F. Chaˆteauneuf, T. T. Nguyen-Dang, S. Chelkowski, A. D. Bandrauk, and O. Atabek Frequency-resolved time-gated high-order harmonics ...... 3934 Carlo Altucci, Christian Delfin, Lena Roos, Mette B. Gaarde, Anne L’Huillier, Ian Mercer, Tomas Starczewski, and C.-G. Wahlstro¨m Single- and multiple-electron dynamics in the strong-field tunneling limit ...... 3942 B. Sheehy, R. Lafon, M. Widmer, B. Walker, L. F. DiMauro, P. A. Agostini, and K. C. Kulander Atom cooling and trapping by disorder ...... 3953 Peter Horak, Jean-Yves Courtois, and Gilbert Grynberg Raman cooling of atoms below the gravitational limit ...... 3963 A. V. Soroko H atom in elliptically polarized microwaves: Semiclassical versus quantum resonant dynamics ...... 3974 Krzysztof Sacha and Jakub Zakrzewski Nonadiabatic dynamics in evaporative cooling of trapped atoms by a radio-frequency field ...... 3983 K.-A. Suominen, E. Tiesinga, and P. S. Julienne Optically induced spin precession and echo in an atomic beam ...... 3993 M. Zielonkowski, J. Steiger, U. Schu¨nemann, M. DeKieviet, and R. Grimm Retardation effects on quantum reflection from an evanescent-wave atomic ...... 3999 R. Coˆte´, B. Segev, and M. G. Raizen High-np Rydberg states of atomic carbon studied through vuv and uv double resonance ...... 4014 W. L. Glab, P. T. Glynn, and F. Robicheaux Model calculations of high-harmonic generation in molecular ions ...... 4022 R. Kopold, W. Becker, and M. Kleber

Matter waves Double atom interferometer ...... 4039 R. Mathevet, K. Brodsky, J. Baudon, R. Brouri, M. Boustimi, B. Viaris de Lesegno, and J. Robert Hydrodynamic modes and pulse propagation in a cylindrical Bose gas above the Bose-Einstein transition ...... 4044 T. Nikuni and A. Griffin

Quantum optics, physics of lasers, nonlinear optics Self-enhancement of dynamic gratings in photogalvanic crystals ...... 4051 N. V. Kukhtarev, S. F. Lyuksyutov, P. Buchhave, T. Kukhtareva, K. Sayano, and P. P. Banerjee Squeezed excitation in cavity QED: Experiment and theory ...... 4056 Q. A. Turchette, N. Ph. Georgiades, C. J. Hood, H. J. Kimble, and A. S. Parkins Dissipation in collective interactions ...... 4078 C. Saavedra, A. B. Klimov, S. M. Chumakov, and J. C. Retamal Dynamical squeezing of photon-added coherent states ...... 4087 V. V. Dodonov, M. A. Marchiolli, Ya. A. Korennoy, V. I. Man’ko, and Y. A. Moukhin Pumping efficiency in an optically pumped rubidium beam with ␴ϩ␲ linearly polarized counterpropagating lasers ...... 4095 Jin Woo Jun and Ho Seong Lee Measurement and theoretical modeling of quantum beats in picosecond time-resolved degenerate four-wave mixing and polarization spectroscopy of OH in atmospheric pressure flames ...... 4102 A. A. Suvernev, R. Tadday, and T. Dreier

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Evidence for electromagnetically induced transparency in a solid medium ...... 4116 K. Ichimura, K. Yamamoto, and N. Gemma Resonant sum-difference frequency mixing enhanced by electromagnetically induced transparency in krypton .... 4121 C. Dorman and J. P. Marangos Transition from antibunching to bunching for two dipole-interacting atoms ...... 4133 Almut Beige and Gerhard C. Hegerfeldt Generation of attosecond xuv pulses in strong laser-atom interactions ...... 4140 Demetris G. Lappas and Anne L’Huillier Dynamical Casimir effect in a nondegenerate cavity with losses and detuning ...... 4147 V. V. Dodonov Superfluorescence from optically trapped calcium atoms ...... 4153 A. Kumarakrishnan and X. L. Han Two-photon pattern in a second-order interference ...... 4163 H. H. Arnaut and G. A. Barbosa Non-Markovian quantum fluctuations and superradiance near a photonic band edge ...... 4168 Nipun Vats and Sajeev John Bures fidelity of displaced squeezed thermal states ...... 4186 Xiang-Bin Wang, C. H. Oh, and L. C. Kwek Polarization fluctuations in vertical-cavity semiconductor lasers ...... 4191 M. P. van Exter, M. B. Willemsen, and J. P. Woerdman


Fundamental concepts Interaction-free measurement and forward scattering ...... 4206 Tama´s Geszti

Atomic and molecular structure and dynamics Decay processes in an open Hamiltonian system ...... 4210 J. C. Nickel and L. E. Reichl Visualization of correlations in intrashell triply excited states of atoms ...... 4214 Toru Morishita, Yong Li, and C. D. Lin Reciprocity relations for time-independent transition probabilities of time-dependent Hamiltonians ...... 4218 N. Moiseyev and R. Lefebvre Quantum-defect theory of atomic collisions and molecular vibration spectra ...... 4222 Bo Gao

Atomic and molecular collisions and interactions Faddeev equations for a relativistic two- and three-body system ...... 4226 Adam Hugh Monahan and Malcolm McMillan Correlated photoionization processes in HϪ ...... 4229 M. S. Pindzola and F. Robicheaux

Clusters „including fullerenes…

Static dipole polarizabilities of small neutral carbon clusters Cn (nр8) ...... 4232 P. Fuenteal

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Atomic and molecular processes in external fields Modification of resonance fluorescence and absorption in a ⌳ system by four-wave mixing ...... 4235 B. A. Grishanin, V. N. Zadkov, and D. Meschede

Quantum optics, physics of lasers, nonlinear optics Ringing in the resonance fluorescence spectrum of a driven two-level atom under bichromatic excitation in a broadband squeezed vacuum ...... 4239 Amitabh Joshi and Shoukry S. Hassan

COMMENTS Comment on ‘‘Optical coherence: A convenient fiction’’ ...... 4244 Julio Gea-Banacloche Reply to ‘‘Comment on ‘Optical coherence: A convenient fiction’ ’’ ...... 4247 Klaus Mo”lmer

ERRATA Erratum: Gravitational and collective effects in an output coupler for a Bose-Einstein condensate in an atomic trap ͓Phys. Rev. A 57, 1248 ͑1998͔͒ ...... 4248 Weiping Zhang and D. F. Walls Erratum: Space-time approach to scattering from many-body systems ͓Phys. Rev. A 58, 280 ͑1998͔͒ ...... 4249 R. Ga¨hler, J. Felber, F. Mezei, and R. Golub

Cumulative Author Index ...... 4250