Tempeat-Tosaad. Farm, Garden and The bark Forest Queen, John Sam- Household,! Ore- mons, master, which left Portland, .Winter Care of Stock. gon, March 8th, when sixty-seven days out, encountered a oif I in this letter to furnish what heavy gale Cape propose Horn which lasted five The vessel 1 haw to on the winter feeding and days. say labored heavily and to leak, requir- management of the stock on nty little began ing two hours in each watch at the pump- la, in. And, first, 1 will barn, that say my On the second day of the gale the deck was built about forty-eight years ago, load in shifted, and while to replace and was considered one of the best trying it the captain was jammed between In those days, doesn't now to compare begin spars and died in about an hour alter be- itr style and finish, except it has a good NUMBER 17. ing extricated. llis back-bone was brok: suited root, with the best barns ol the present _ and lie was almost crushed in two. i in as is so d u It has no cellar under it, boat was.stove by the sea, and the be, With barns that have been more Farm Just As Of Old lie was to lilt his hat. The sweet Pic. Death of a Child. From the Argus Oct. lBtY j,;m<>ii Wages. raising Pumpkin Singular mast and mast \vc; stables were made musical voice The I with board. This includes of course the I felt her soft arms steal and fold. pleasure. Sullivan's elerk to Mrs. Sullivan abouto'Moek before the Maine Historical Society a paper giv- ed as much as possible, but the ; -nimble si/e, by across Ids intercourse with ladies 1'he little ** j putting light While afternoon. You've seen linn? How to black labor ( f the South, where from SS elo>e’against my heart she crept, Did you ever cat a of yesterday tin* full of the affair. We tile crew asked the mate i,nt subslanti il liars, the cattle hand was extend".! to moot piece pumpkin ing particular- repro- leaking badly leaving -Iust as of old. gloved Ids, 1 is lie? Is he all right?" tin- mother inquired in bin- lie to S'10.7 b is South (larolinu pie? don't mean of modern j duc tliis a of the put into the Faulkland Islands, ami In at to turn to paid, paving as she any your tones more than sin- hud been able to morning portion report. will, round, thanked him. joyful j "take the least. In .Mussaehusclts s20.2b is ob- The gay dawn broke, my love was gone. ••yell'T’’ but a real, old-fashioned I of the of refused to do, the leak would b. or lick and feed oil' the | ‘■It is too had are she things, command since her darling disappeared three arly in the war tin* people county saying themselves, The dream was and dead; you engaged,” tained. in Maine, Sfcl. in Vermont, golden past quadrant, such as grandmother used to weeks ago. “lie's all right." the clerk replied, Cumberland, au-l more particularly Falmouth, up” after they had better weather •urn floor. It has seemed to me 1 me said, "1 should like to borrow artist always | got to the eliureh yard lone your awa\ i ■Sld.b7, in Tenu-sy ksuiia, Sill.10, in the have about at Thanksgiving time. Weren’t and in replying he turned his head and being very patriotic, expressed their indigna- After this they had a succession el ol '••iri*atv!l.- and cruel, not to wicked, to Through which my love forever lied. eye to aid me in a dress for could ask tion at tic Soon after the say Ironi >10 to > 1.. in the old selecting my comfortable about quit the room before the mother him acts of Parliament. until, when in the latitude ol i.i e prairie Sl.ales. 1 f<>und a headstone with grandmothers people weather, our domestic, patient and dumb gray years, reception on Thursday evening. Hut you why he looked so sober. Mr*. Sullivan forgot pa-sago of tin' odious stamp act, a vessel ar- “border States" S12 to >11. in California, 1 ho wed me to the morn mists cold, those times? My used to River Platte, the vessel was struck by a 1 cd their necks in close will come and tell me how I succeeded grandmother her household avocations, and in-h ad called rived at Falmouth from Halifax with the hated up by 1 she saw on lie tm and Sbybn. l'liese wept and knew my tears, make the best of one in t-> and were in the custom which threw her lew i- b ! seven months S2S.0O, Wyoming pumpkin (lies any her younger children her, Rrotlier J.i-yv's -tamp-, they deposited “pampero” nearly during -lust as of old. alone, will you not ?” arc on contract the the the When she died, she lie'll soon be home,'’ she said so blidie- liou-e. I in- people assembled and ends, the deck load and u (in- 1 don't that the wages by year: by She said the last words neighborhood. found; immediately shifting p-ot pretend plan very earnestly, willed of that the children instead ol married n» the custom house, demanded and \it* r season the rate issomewhat higher. There Put ever vv liiIt* 1 live alone the reeeipe, and, like the vender somely prattled cry- the hold cargo to the leeward 1 iiiiv* pted to give my cattle their raising her dark eyes to hi- face. ing their toilet di-tivssc<. At J o'clock received the -tamps, then lixod them to the top are contrasts in flu: cost and method This comfort comes and soothes mv ••are— patent medicines, I have resolved, for the during spending three days in trying to .in tin-ii stabs is the best in great "Do vv ish me to come tin.-c?" .Mr. James Devine, of the feed dealers, Devine of a pole, carried them in a through every We too tnav meet, when all is done, you really sake of to it to procession mate announced that tin mi: t of ami South Caro- give the world. iV the streets, to a tire her, the y -i b n what i do contend that the harvesting threshing. Par olf in heaven's he asked. humanity, Rush, 111 Washington street, was engaged prepared for the purpose, is, garden fair; la on lina s pi cents a. bushel, or a toll ol the first place, you must be very par- in out the last few bales of a schooner and burned them. In 1771, in town take to the boats. Accordingly July :.n pay And by the light above, beyond. "I do." rolling meeting, nght.nnd thatnenrly forty years the citizens resolved use the ves-c' twelfth lnishci. 1 u- ( ticular about out load of bay that bad been piled up in bis ware- they would no more 2, at 3:30 r. M., the crew loll or.i. ii in this direction every threshing by hastened, each other's face behold. "Then 1 picking your pumpkins. experience will come! I must say good house since «k After all hut the tea until the of the On the. of Hail, the \ew stales 12 or lb Stainless, more but true and fond. Don't take the but be sure and September repeal duty. day the mate, the carpi ah ,> si "iitirin pure, biggest, George Hughes; bui veil tc me in this opin- lhigland morning," and he loll her with a most last six bales in the furtherest corner from tin- the closing of the port ol Boston, dune 14, 1774, eeiil- for with itinerant horse- .lust as of old. get. the and a crinkly one, it John Hendrickson; the cook and In sc ... yellowest., ili: attic thus left at liberty to threshing j courteous bow. door had been taken out, lie saw wiiat -eem -d the hell «*f the meeting house in Falmouth was power.-.the state-- with large'horse- you can. It you happen to be a carpen- the muffled and tolled from sunrise until nine o'clock men in the small lite-boat, and the sr ud it till an mote quiet, prairie Hut while the great express-wagon rat- 7 cents, and with ter's take it to the it in the in.\. ki:m:i> umus or v « ini.D n the c\ 21st, 1774, a conven- John lour scam a a ,d ■■ .1 .ndeul pewers, dxmt California, Prido, tled tin- wile, shop, put ming. September mate, Taylor, post thrive belter and Raymonds down streets, Miss Haines turned tion of from nine old town- t. less tlian ti flic dill'erent vise, and it with the draw-shave. It's wedged in between the bales. 11 Hashed through composed delegates Janies Madison, steward, in the gig. In in, nil brie; 1 ile steam-j»-wi r- peel they spend away from the store she had been ente in the county met and resolutions were share of the Slates are also de- Thurston. 1 believe are the and easiest and bis mind that this might prove to be the -olul ion -pirited the lite-boat had two ot lev.: I. \ nc r systems ■Raymond yon quickest way. you was they bags ill i-ell, than those coiiiincd ing and re-entered her of the of adopted. Capt. Samuel Coulson violently the landlord insane!” carriage'. won’t he hall so to cut It myster\ oflhe disappearance Josry Sul- a ease ot and four lire .- ■ -cri!ied. in \ew apt your fingers. to the sentiment of the colo- preserved meat, :■ .cl I In- 1 have Knglaml, •‘To site said to the driv- so, without t<> make a elo-er ex- opposed popular plan ado))!- As a my lather's,” livan; waiting :«I■■ u' and tenant divide the seed taws, \inabel spoke her voice had sharp you are not a carpenter’s wife, you’ll have nies, and mad-; himself obnoxious to the peo- ers of water; in the they bad i•■ -• iii-. ! w. answers mv repairs er, anil in a lew moments later the mer- amination. he went tor .M r. Sul livin'- clerk, and gig purpose; ol’ as as She to Is was a builder and in 1 one was u and half and hail, and this is the quiver pain well of to take it the kitchen, cut it, into round lie as lose pb ship May. '77), of bread, of which uni and wilii of crops, anger chant looked from los to see it lent i lied the remains H i.f the lost boy. bag part iiu|i!c, plenty was up ledgers had a load of -tore-. Ac. come from Eng- In country where taxes are so impor- ! v ery proud of her brother—proud of rings, and pee! it with the butcher knife. The features were ilisligured. and decomposition -hip eatable on account of lining damaged nls for bedding, and Intake only his only child, in a laultless walking dress, land. l he people refused to let him land them, tant that the landlord half the burden his handsome laee, of his talents—and she After cut the pumpkin into was far advanced, but the ilaxen hair and tin- salt water, and two breakers (about mu i i,.| i mv cattle seldom puts | the peeling, and In .vent to Boston and procured the assist- lirnppiiigs, States the considered lie was about to him- entering counting-house. and them into the kettle plaid dress were prools that could not be doubt- .-!••« oil the. tenant. In the middle degrade small pieces put ant* «>i ( .Mowatt in the Can- gallons) ot water. James Madison. i\c cry coinlbrlable quarters j "Another cheek !" lie said, moving a ed. Tin- news <•! tin- finding had been Hashed to apt. sloop-of-war clement ol stock and tools to be ! self if not morally, by the stand to slew. Now, the real of the e-ail. und-T whose he landed liis ma- ard, who was in the the mi w se them also begins socially chair to her. "llow much this time!-”’ goodness the central ollit-c. the coroner had been informed protection gig. gives he had to terials. Abou: ibis tini came tin* news of the a reckoned on one side or tin- other, the j announced himself have taken. pie depends on the stewing. You must that another wa- his ing narrative ot the sulferings of him- pit the summer as well 1 want to talk to Shut corpse awaiting inquest, during "Nothing! you. battle of l. xinglon, and a company of sixty u new tenant a third if he furnishes Seeing her passionate outcry had not stir it often to keep it from burning, and ami Mrs. Sullivan sat still waiting, .-omewhat and liis companions in the l.mnl> u .-.it Mere i- where ! in having only | the door, s > those horrid men can't hear m-u was raised and sent to < ambridge. gather ; moved she said let iL and impatient, but hopeful and expectant. notn !'own tin1 i.'! a*t tie- usage becomes him, pleadingly: then you must stew, and stew, perhaps, Tiie-lav, the !Mh of Col. Samuel papers: .a mulct in. licit compose the ■ me." The discovery was known to tin r- -iil. ni- ot day May. universal, one-third ol the product going Have you no pride left? You win stow, and stow, till it's about the color ot Tlinuip-oii of Brunswick, with about lifty -ol- Four days we had very bad weather, it uni her, i- where 1 eom- 1 The dooi etc-.oil. and in the the neighborhood. Tin \ crowded around her had all the old Thurston once?” privacy di-Ts, <•;■ me m boats and lan-!-‘d secretly in a were to the to tlie one tntheownorol tlie stock ami pride best mahogany bureau. Y'ou can’t whi- :i tin- and keep boat gom; n t i In■ i- •. the land, sanctum her your door and around the warehouse in obliged undergo secured. Bertha astonished grove mi Ihe Neck. About one o'clock 111., laborer. Cotton.ho\v'- “I have so much left Ama- slew and make your but it .was not until ti <■'- lock Ilia! p. tree in order to her clear ol wal.a 1 tools, and one to the I just pride jour pumpkin pies body lay, keep co ss iri to lit them for paternal relative by bursting into a pas- ( 'ji. Mowatt, hi- surg-’on. and the lb v. Mr. a fourth to the landlord. bel," lie answered, "that 1 cannot sit hero the same ; so, the next, strain Mrs. Sullivan knew- that her b<»\ wa- a eorp-e. Two of llic men at tin- n C\cry, yield*only sion ot day morning \\ i «\\ all -*1 : u .i .1 .id mi in Lin Do remember what said to mo ■ pin rough, you you eapt.ur of Capt. M"wa;t, lie -cut a letter on m the tenant farmers ot the North.” A dis- "1 do know it. 1 appreciate your hus- milk. .Make a rich crust, and when your when he returned from bis appoinlnu-t with to restrict ourselves to, and they ob w ..i mi 'iiiiiug 'f when Thurston asked for some >lmre. tin*- at iu*d to lir«• the town unless the uino-hing,consequently and band's kindness at its full value. Amabel. Raymond is for the oven in a a man who lia-l promi- <1 b> find the bo\ b-r to •! the bn a!,, tinction i- made between sharers pie ready put teaspoon- men were released. After much th attempt get possession ... cracks as tin re are here partying many 1 the employment $”>00. As said l>efore, the hoy was had l 1 renter*, the former tor a certain hope day will come when 1 can or thereabouts, ot melted butter, llake were released on to but the second mate and I" mih working “Not ful, prisoners parole apt myself ards that together; these exactly.” wi:ix;i:i> in iiktwi-kn two ham of the the lath r the prove it. And Sis, 1 am only too thank- slowly and and when it is done, it ic-xt dav on shore, fhey did not, however, at them violent measure-. In i:m on portion crop, renting "1 do. a evenly, repulse by i Imv" fattened the inside ot the walls You said that man which there was much lbr themselves. 1 he ful that have his true love and brought will be a dark brown. When il the furthest from the door of entrance. Mr. indignation. one ol the men made an ittcii acres and working you strong as rich, gets affray .' :i> .is tin eaves, on the up he had been u. uld waul a wa- < >a !li-' sih of the lfl ar- high except arm sinecure; Devine -ays that when lirst stored the bay dime, Senegal, guns, was c, o latter of course i* the best, wherever now, when we have lost so much. cold, your husband a piece. Not a to slab llic second mate who '.eh sell where tne doors are located. plan that lie nevei would ome down to real give live tiers high. < >n September lf>. tin- ris I from Boston and anchored car the Now. don't to hold me on a piled -lay a siren b the freed man lias the tools and mules to darlipg, try back prime, little, triangle, i-land-. ( Coul.-ou came with a polled to knock him down with 1 ki the .of the barn well work, and that had no lor acute-angled on which the boy disappeared, the hay w live apt. ship underpinning from honest you position or --find himself.” in the prairie States and employment.” China with a silver iork, hut when tiers The boy had evidently climb- 1 t-- which he intended to load with masts, but the er, and lie was insensible for two tin '.inivcd hi winter, and as no cold air line that his offer to lake a plate deep. ip gentlemen: to let him have and w on the Pacific coast a money rental is more “Rut, Raymond, you can surely obtain tiie hired out to hang up the the top of tin* bales, and fallen in and been people refused them, they hours The boat during tin fray of subordinate was a laree." I girl goes pus- up through tlie (loot's some position simply between them. That next above him were floated into a cove oil the Cape side near common than shares. gentlemanly position ?” clothe- f.-'iis him into the kitchen, ami wedged nearly capsized. 'Ilia following da,, the sin hie-. 1 think are warm "Did 1 say all that, liertha R’ is furrow’-'d with his in Vaualiau's bridge. wIi-tc they remained sixty they plenty “I have been for six him a whole lie won't apparently struggle- a small w iiicli lent trying faithfully give ijuarter. speak (-■:ir-. All that wen* left of them in 1 Mid were overhauling ditty bag I. r the health and comfort of my "'i'o me you did. 1 suppose yon dis- descending. Ktldrt .seemingly cease I when lie eic-ugh months, you know with what success. cross to tor a week, (live him wharf, at tin* foot of been thrown into the boat, wo toimd 'la* winter The Abandoned Farms. missed him you again reached the lower bales, for bis 1 iml were Guilt into >avvyer*s High through droppings don’t look at me politely enough. Hut, papa, boi There, so pitifully, it some cheese to eat with it. Not a smooth, stretched oil1 in the eay\ of a -l reel and tin y ire now'covered I>y Commer- line and some hooks, and. there -ft c ea'tie as accumulate, are it he was in posture -'---ping they kept our hill larms you thought really earnest, street. wc f!ie lreipient lament that will come right one ot these days.” cut with the carving child, and his arms were folded acre— bi- cial some bonita (lisli) playing about, -ii;•< el and miveil with the absorb- j meant to work lor a rectangular piece, really would . There was no emaciation > in- i ()n tin- ItJtli of 177 b. a of are abandoned and allowed to run t “1 wonder what Rertha Haines will say living | knife, hut let him cut off a “lumk” with October, squadron ccctled in catching one weighing no. m ; ...in,i 11 ■ ilii a down hi in a bailee here ?” that lie starved to death, in view of tie- i- in aniie-1 v<‘ss. |- am! a store vessel arrived eempaetly together down i* not lounded on the b«*L when she sees the driv- you give You of seven which was divide I very you perched upon hi- jack-knife. take another piece order --I \-lmiral Graves. Tin* vessel :m- pounds, ti ... froz- lie has brains and a made by passing vehicles ami Hie distance of by ittie,besides lieing moderately The abandonment of a farm er's seat ot an "Yes; capacity, philosophy. express cart!” nie a id sit on the edge of the sink while the where he from tin- door -it v.hvli •-bored ileal* I he islands. The next day the \ es- shares, and cat with ooiisidoraob .auiiig me winter ; consequently no foul, splendid address. Hut he has been an spot lay is not n ■ee.**arily or always, to leave it. to Tor the first time the forced he sits on the w’oodbox. You'll life the men were it i- me ran ••• that s. i auelmred in line in front of the town. raw as it was. a- are tiierefiom composure idler all his enjoy working, gases generated life.” The < an-- an of lit the was deteriorate. Keen grass lands in many of Raymond’s face was stirred A dark almost as well as you did courting. his cries were not heard. guns, flag-ship, \\ 0 ini'll to rat ll some 10",\ .'iii-.- tiie health ol the cattle, or satur- “He is no idler now. lie is an anchored otV the foot of India street. Next locations in New will well nigh red llush crept, to his veiy hair, and he driving | When minister comes to see but could not, to tin' l> t In. ...:. and the in the mow above, Kuglaud cart.'’ your you, alio\e was a -ehooiier of 12 guns. Then the day owing spoil hay own lor rose and \press A remarkable instance of of to her. Andnr dis- hold their many years though walked up and down the room. him a slice. If he lias a ot re- presence ( ui l nion and too much way •he', are in too ot the move “liertha !" give spark sinp f 20 guns, opposite wharf, ing many to cut • mind on tlie of the ot a man- nothing i* done to them ovccpl the Had to have moved him at last, his sister he’ll appreciate it. Hell cherish a part captain a bomb -loop above all. 1 ho store schooner pute took place this day lvlativ l" ti. ni "lent bar:.-, \\ illt extra finish and deep, "lie is. 1 met Him not more than ail I ligion. gras*. We have in mind several farms in Said : toward the school com- of-war is related by the St. Petersburg took a station below the armed ve--cls. allowance of bread, one man alb-gin -e vilar- which 1 breed hour lie 1 was to cut lorgiving spirit sent, an Aly cattle, which ago, thought going of the Late in tin* afte rnoon Capt. Mowatt so a New Ki.gland hill town have "With her aristocratic ideas and the j mittee all the way home, and when he papers. About the end last month that his share was soakcu with ami rent- mi the farm lor < wn him. As if,” she added with --Hie r -m -bore* with a letter, in which lie said my lor I he that is magnificent Russian war which ha 1 ac- it was I " \>- been unoccupied several years. pride inborn in her family, she into his lie'll make several cor- trigate Olaf, most water that uneatable. pr. have been thrive seorn, "1 would an old friend in gets study the town bad been guilty of the unpardon- -upp;v, aiways healthy, -light see. \ buildings have of course decayed. Hut will never recognize you again, Ray- rections in his next Sunday’s sermon. companied the yacht ot the Cz.irewitch to able rebellion, and from having it in orders to any Inrther disagreements tin- we and take on lh sit readily, and their adversity.” the grass sold lor about as much this year mond.” When you eat don't be Copenhagen, was lying at anchor among execute a just punishment, on the town of f al- mate arranged that the portions ot In in .dine m butter, milk and beef "llless soul! an pumpkin pin. cheese, my Driving express mouili. lie two hours for the removal of the • as it was worth the season the farm was “Then 1 must lose the honor of her afraid of it. Set your ivories clean down hundreds ot other ships in the harbor gave should lie placed on a thwart, and ire tirst-rale articles ’’ Ned i’hurslon'.s ! Educated out of lie1 town, at the always -wholesome, wagon! boy “human specie.” period > abandoned. This would not hold true ol friendship, Raymond said, it crust and all. Oh-on, ain't it when a lire was discovered in a coal cel- man with his back turned I them should i loud the and the hoarsely. at Harvard. Dear me! Did notice through <>f which a red pennant would he hoisted at the lamily people, but it is you lar which was a lew Icet have each share .m ; larms subjected to high culture, "Don't say any more, Amabel!” And luscious : below, only head with a call out who should nor, hai :an be said in truth of whose wagon it was, liertha niaiii-top-galkmt-mas,. gun. true of* a great majority of our hill farms. unable to bear any further remonstrance, from the powder magazine. There wa- I he otlieer with the letter landed at the loot was touched by the mate or myself rl h u .named articles of food that liertha hail not noticed, and the old fields never lie left the room and a little later the ne time to out tlie lire before it could of King street, amid :t prodigious assembly of we found a few nails in the locker in Mowing top-dressed, closely How Ouo Mali Defied a Mob. put day p. .sod loi sale the market nowa- gentleman bustled into his coat and stall- and was with uncommon cut. ami after haying, are a good house. reach the magazine, and an explosion ot people conveyed par- the stern sheets, and wo stretched a pii S pastured house, silence com- day ed for the oilier. At dinner lie informed a ade to the town and being deal worse, oil' than field* mowed early, The Thurston of which Amabel .soiim newspaper lias lately unearthed the large stoics of cartridges and gun- ot canvass clear of the bottom ot the in m: I te, d ni\ cattle twice in the pride liertha that had a sit- manded. a letter was delivered, and read by twenly- allowed to remain on bad was Raymond accepted at mob law in Kv., contained in it would two men to lie down r and the aftermath spoken, stinging him sorely, in story llenry county. powder probably Mr. Bradbury, a lawyer; but not without such which enabled •ur leuii-s. i eoniiuenee to feed in the j uation in his own establishment, hear condensa- the as a dressing. spite «f the brave lace lie carried to cover large in Is.V.i; a story which will have not only the fHal and the visible emotion as occasioned a tremor in his get a little sleep with some degri ab.'iit and them ground top a trank destroyed ortiing sunrise, keep with confession of his mud. or 1 lie. woodlands of course an- it. He was a man of and pro! tion, and which should go down to pos- but of ( voice. After rt pealing the contents import eomlurt it the word could lie proper; :p seem improve twenty-eight, surrounding ships, part opeiiha- -"I- eating till they satisfied. id all business allairs, luiL an lie imitat- of tin* letter, he says: “It is impossible to de- and with a rapidity hardly appre- bis life had held the of ignorance terity, describing an example to gen itself. Captain Rchbinder, the com- to men in our miserable eon ills this time i card and ntilk the nually. only pleasures earnest resolution to learn well and scribe tiie amazement which prevailed on the plied dmiiig who have not ob- tlie speedi- ed and a scene to he immortalized. In mander of the saw at once that the divided into two watches, lb. ciated by tiiose closely wealth, opportunities money gives for Olaf, of the declaration. A We also •w.s, and I:- m about ten to eleven o’clock, whatever to the duties en- eading alarming fright- one tal- the ly appertained resided in the named be done to a I one md i served them. The land in sense, development of intellect, for twenty- 1S.T) there county only thing to proven catas- ful consternation ran through the assembly ; a second mate Inn ing charge' a in tli sun has got iq> and begins to trusted to him lowed non-eultivalion and gathers seven of these years. His died several brothers by the name of llenry, was to sink tin: ship. Alter -end- profound silence ensiled for sew: al moments. the other. ■me i, tin- iii 1 tin n them out in sections by parents It was not trophe many weeks before .Mr Tie u a committee ,,f three was one of iron) to And the Lime when he was a and his one ot whom was charged with murder. the crew with the chosen, At this time, as a- I nu iud_- ii strength year year boy, Amabel, only ing away ship's papers, nearly v it.-r. and sc. that they all drink all Haines congratulated himself the mob whom was I>r. < othu, brother of the wife of is when our New Kngland hilt sister, fifteen his senior, married be- upon Hr was upon trial, but the cash boxes and most \ aluabc instruments we had about doit mile--, steer sire 1 then return them immedi- coming yeais of his new aeijuitled < apt. ou'soii, to wait on the commodore.” gone aeguisition clerk. He told and de- I farms will be worth double their fore she was ami her brother was dissatisfied with the verdict in boats, lie ordered the aid < Mr. northeast the pari lie da in the barn, ethem present twenty, gave Bertha marvelous stories of carpenter- If side' Dr. oHin. mentioned by Bailev, (nearly) greater giv the man v< we be ;i i value. We do not hoW' Ver, advocate a home, whenever lie was not Raymond's manded that not only charged engineers to make a leak in tl e -cl, D u. l’ulde and Bohert Pagan were on the time, and we judged ought to ai: m round, and leave them travelling, and the stihies ho was foddering abandonment a* a mean* of or in some or While rapid progress with tin murder, but his brothers should and half an hour alterwards she sank in eoimidnce. D i> wmlliv of remark that this track ot vessels to or tr.mi the Ki\n lb in recuperation. seminary college. | u t lie rest of the About in his new ut \v re liiein- qi'icin.le day. making life, knowing the One of the brothers ~ i: t all Kpiscopalians, and n Hut it is a good deal better to abandon a he considered himself a rich man, Ray leave the county. very deep water. Next d \ sic- \v, but a settled feeling ot despondency ! >, 1 feed them again, strip the long spent in over !>■ ts of >i. Paul's parish, 't he committee im- farm than to skin it. Courier. mond hail this as free- nights poring ledgers thus unjustly banished was slow to leave, raised and alter sonic lover all tlie second mat,-, -a uni: ve milk, their beds [Howell accepted hospitality and accounts, the the again provisional ua diateiy \vi lit oil hoard tile < aneean. In an- except g replenish as was many misgivings uni. in imni-Iiuuiici'. was uss.-uh'd. la-iug was to C.'onsf whore u it ottered, ami Amabel's repairs taken i-adt, •iv.-r (o their r> in oistrauee. < .Mowatl in- I showed all through 11 tew ii need and ly jewel now clerk felt. flic same active brain apt. great pluck w.th litter, they it, put with his ■ ease, her husband’s library, ami her chil- shot at and narrowly escaping she is now lying in dock pen.tin Inn formed them licit his orders from the admiral a small man and the. only line' ni-1- t e and about dusk 1 Boys Not Snitoil to the Fanil, and the student had liii.gs ights quick intelligence life. His wife and children were after- sen c did ic-i author!.' hint to any to J dren's play-room bore witness to her complete restoration lor h The give warning among us. John lb-nek, om- "I the m- all round—what 1 to now tie inhabitants. but him to come vivc another loddering a liov over about brought gain college honors, taken to him a man nam- I,, they re.piired if the only good did In-other’s generosity. Rut suddenly with- wards by young damage done is stated to munparati\ who fought about the water pi e ., J i.osite iov. u w itii ail Mi tin attic need ter the 1 then stood in good stead in mastering the in- ! then demanded oj tie possilde expedition night. the I'arm wa- to the out ed The mob that and the court-martini hold on for lie- d> alii o! one : .. repair pump, hang there over the lluniv ly i :>, •MO lots warning, swept country trieacies of ; trilling, ;/■ : i V;/-] and there burn, drawing a,, loin quiet and alone, till invoices, bookkiceping and leave the lluniv again, gates, make loole (raps, put in rake teeth, one ofAim devastating financial crashes lluniv should region. tlie ollieers ot the vessci iiuanimoiisly ex- sink ami destroy.' and that lie had taken ii but was severely beaten by ilu- olli. >.e ■ 1 and I m about sunrise, when go counting-house mysteries, Raymond hi- w .-ning lile the saw, and hang the and so in this land of went to his house and told aged pa- the praise ul the conduct upon h1 nisei! to givt c uing. ! the rid* ot for such a as we si I had of grindstone overwhelming specula- favor in the eves of his' pressed highest, proposing thing, iis-iia.il Lie same routine ieeding gained rapidly rents of the situation, decided not his ot t n again lie did these things well, obviously the tion, and Raymond was recalled from They of the captain and his subordinates. Tie losing one day's allowance of food. I lu w a on I flic ommid with ud watering as the day previous. for ma- employer. tu the and barricaded the. hi expostulated I arm is not the place him—but the Kurope by his brother-in-law, informing obey mob, Emperor has appointed him ai.l-de- the thirteenth day alter leaving the \ i-.ve. When is mild, and the sun It is a whether actual merit him upon tiie severity ot such orders, and eti- the weather chine is. if a will walk halt a question house. On the next the mob came, is one of the lemurs shop boy him that his entire had been day camp, which highest ir that if sonic method be Wo were all weak, and when il is to patrimony would have advanced him so fre- a'.iug possible might getting nines emar and warm, my quite masked men and numbers of re- practice dozen miles, alter a day 's work is done, to swept away. Investments that had seem- twenty conferred on Russian naval ollieers, and !':dio;i upon t<‘ sav the town, or at least to give fell calm and we had t>> pull lift ahead u eat) .■ land out r a ol as he was hard as lie ■t i\ couple quently promoted, citizens who dared not resist, n die inhabitants all ot --me hear a political speceh.it he takes time from ed to the young man, ignorant in all busi- spectable tlie ollieers and men under him h ive opportunity moving the sea, one or two were hardly able I a worked and steadily as he Hut < ; -ide of the woods, improved house de- < ot their elf !s upon which lie said, that if tin* the-ninny to attend trials belon a Justice ol the ness as secure as were l he mob rode up to the and eeivt-d from tie' 1 .- v an oar. A shower of rain tell a I play details, flat- graUiitii hi!perur pri\ s hold when drink, to wink at the they Mr. 11; lines worshipped liis only child, and lluniv. lhe inhabitants would in the morning, by o'clock, they l’eaee, and sits half the when he bad fallen to and a few hun- j manded the body ot young we saved a little ill the and had ..- up night tering, ruin, burst ot tears in parse. d• 1 i\t r four ot camion which were sail, -nji'v In- venial iiitluenees. chew the tlie counting-huiise at the window and up pieces is to school to learn declamations dred dollars were left of wliat had chi mother n in Hie lowu.wiih their arms in extra allowance in and \ to going only told him the secret Hertha appeared thi general, eonsei|iieiiee, :!- in and in silence successfully soil committed no of- quietude, which down the bouse at spelling been a noble fortune. that her had A Melbourne widower latch, : I •,, •: t -d nid aimmiiiiiion. In would in that ease do no also another fish which w.-i- l.-d ( bring concealed fro in all others. A sell-made replied caught ■i tim proses u| their great reator, had aided an innocent harm dr* town until he had an schools, most likely he will do the world At lirst itnyinond (tut not. realize tlio lence; lie simply lor a wile, overa lieLitiou- signature. Set despatched one pound only, and was hardly a mem || re them to the barn. man himsell, with an fortune to <■ x|'i'i -s io tic admiral, w horn !u* did not doubt retiming again more if a law hook and not his was ample woman and her children, ae would not he eral answers wore received. v, melt 1 the for hni good you put extent ol' misfortune, lie still 1 among ful each. had head my tin add to the one Bertha field, he laid would oi him to s; \ c the town. And as a days lengthen a manure his hand. II lie can already driven out of the like a ctunhud ; was one about this time .!. iork into young, well educated, in perfect health, country that. ]>:trlieitlail\ plea-od him. token di it hi demand would be with Joint Hanson became -i i!n mud 1 '•i'OIUl-' hare. 1 allow no stress on in of a *i> complied gi my money thinking she and her husband were die e earn more money trading jack-knives and and certainly the world has some niche sou-j prepared The elurugrapliy was delicate and grace- h, r< 11uid leal eight small arms should I de lirKills, and had to be lashed to I lie 1■ 11. 111 H il.il Is i- a : w hours to in in-law. industry, integrity, these range list, lines on days than be docs hoe- where he could earn an honest But Knergv, with him. then she bowed and retired. t'ul, the eliaste, and tin iivered ,v o'clock that evening, which ot the boat t" him Irom rainy living. were the ot his own language signa- keep jump:- pasturi lor exerciso. to siiiIV the foundation-stones j was should 1- tie condition of the town's pure and in fair weeks of for The moli crowded forward, hut there ture like his own, lietiliou-- A11ei t In.del being overboard ing potatoes cutting grain seeking employment gave > ,! and a little fortune, and these were the qualities he | s:if■ null o'elo.-k the m\t morning. ground pick him a chance at the him a a limn the to be heard. r, a >•.■<:>,.ji, 1,■ On the lourteeutli we -aw weather, give yard keener knowledge el his misfor- among spectators and mutually agreeable Tic onimitieo told him tha’. his demand' nay . ml. I d e. desired in a for the. child! :'l, onsci|innii pinch a is in skin- life-companion As the old mothereeased he came were We out tin- n.n- stick. Again, if boy skilful tune. friends who hud been willing to talking, a time and place agreed npen l-r v\ m111>1 no in their opinion be complied with, to tile northeast. get. their lets a! the or who was the and ol his old ! barn, neglect hope pride with tears on hi.- face, and said: v town of his so we w. ning small animals and spilling small smoke his cigars and drink his wines, fnnvard. meeting. At the time appointed the g, a but thai tin would inform the am! tried lint were ail weak cold or stormy weather. age. in lit*, there is CMudii .on' Ihe «-oiu mi; lee column ideated the birds it he practiced making pills of mud who were yet to extend every “Of all fortunes nothing llemau was waiting in a pro, ate pa. hu at unable to make much headway, ami .iv willing fhe closer ties were bound that drew < Ms 1 wi-i! :i nn milk, is iv'iil! m .e-r inter. lew w ith apt. Mm watt to drinking when he was a ehilil, and extracted teeth social shook their heads when like fortunate ending. A ma should a certain fashionable hotel, and -ui«rt!\ closed we lost et her. ! greeting, him in I ||e Will* WU'r* W 111 the t.OWH night sight ■ ra-, whim ibout a old. I Raymond Thurston to business, an- pee,, aiting year put from the of horses with hr esteemed fortunate who finds an a etdei thick we the w* b e jaws dead pincers asked to confide of their busi- afterward huh !, !\ vei. d lion-: N \ ole w'as taken, hut it w'a* day consumed last food them dimensions loose any portion the more lie honored and esteemed tile j thought [ii aniph -wei the old Methodist ‘Lord, •. when lie older; if lie read ness into his in prayer, She came in and did I ven- he'i to s, nd tin* small arms that evening, in On the .loin: llan-mi ii got physiology keeping. worth id the mail he had so trembling, following day o late tin fall, and don't sterling long j out of to while his brothers were in liobinson to to live a life of eivi us a good time to get, the ture to look until the \oicc ol the u- mi i r io eain time remove the sick, with the about meridian We tin- i deep Brought up study, as a mere of up gt wrapped e .i■ ui mail illi the regarded butterfly fashion, women and children and what could following Crusoe, lie will be tar more to suc- at world.' I may live a hundred years with- tleman, in ebl properly in a of canvass and d i! in l ■ likely elegant leisure, Raymond Thurston, respectful greeting upon piece placi 1 ! arid i'ud them the same as one of las.don's children. And | he got ,v ay that night. a a spoiled another to so cm file wale:' ceed with lancet than with scythe. Lwenlv-i knew ol out finding opportunity hap- her ear. at whieli -lie started nl.-i\ eh the the citizens bow ot tin boat. fresh tor drink 1 them ght, absolutely nothing to his worth he had al •;> W dn 'day morning, l^tli, give learning respect end life I am blessed 1 Mv her eves to the lace oI her but on the v> [Phrenological Journal business, nor hail lie studied any one pily my pray- raised swain, mct.aiei *r •solved by no means t«» deliver up held out; eighteen!,I d.y nn I'ommoi watt : of learned to love the IVank, face, the paillul apiece bright er 1 I will die with these -r in. branch to himsel! for is answered peo- and then littered a suppressed er\ on id- < iiiuon and other arms," and n! the same almost gave up Iwpc 1 In oi s u a is sullieiently qualify voice, and the i.'ie.I hat. clear, ■ mingled ringing ever-ready hi- tho man oiiimit!' w i’ll tin* answer. They weredin-et- tun at n ■ .: : w a teacher. Ho tried faithfully to tind some ple Then drawing pistol, the tone ol which stm k upon the gentle- and myself look who M.iiii-iniik u d dishwater we ot the young clerk. It grew to | m, is long a time on hoard as possible A Mi vur Chat. Dan lt.ee calls one ol what little remain- courtesy name was Pollard) placed his back to man’s ear with a sound not tmhtmiliar. >peni ok. siu'ii oxen, cows. horse and to day,-alter long years men before them, and lluniv been John si t der which the runs, jump mond was a favorite in her circle Her solve of the lady has since install’”' house- Prom] at tin uiMiueiil of mne o'clock, tin* The billowing day item a, • ; ( M these. 1 intend to all of faithful service, when Raymond was keep from it upon the when the horse pass- older than and his family were saved. in the mans: m. and her di’caded signal weiu up “io the main top-gal- proposed drawing lots to enable that pad husband, many years herself, informed in the ot his keeper paternal ■i!'- tarm will a privacy counting- is a for laiit-ma't hea l w ith a gnu” on hoard the possibly carry—all es under the next time. Sinbad is ven- had long retired from business, with Pollard’s name still synonym papa is not likely to ad veil be tor a v. d, tlag- die in order to satisfy the hunger in ago that a was his, if the blood red in feed wel! and keep a thriving rem house, junior partnership in and his -uip. ftllowad immediately by was not erable, knowing fellow, with irkably a income, and while he brave manhood llenry county, again until this daughter is inarm 1. others. This proposal euterlai and no more. 1 large gave Ray- he would it. Some emotion cheek- pennant on all the other vessels; an appropri- iui'.n the veal round, and a white accept has done not a little in the afternoon we horns, Mowing mond cordial had no glorious example in commit such a ed, and sighted ol stock big long. welcome, opportu- ed the utterance of heart-felt ate color under which das- it pays to feed all kinds Sinbad fail to Raymond’s < nuld a he con- Words of Wisdom, We eased oil the dun beard. Should jump upon nity to aid in gond. grander speech tardly aei. to leeward. ■ or surfeit finding occupation. lie extended his hand to meet ,'al.y nut to pamper them), the from the he’d be gratitude, than this brief one ot six clean sen- <\,i. I modi freeman, in his letter lo hi> soil, ran down In ami about 7 in w. platform horse, And Bertha Haines, the lricml from ceived Men lire themselves in m iv-f. her, i: the hours ot a cordial and hear: pur.Miit them for is room under grasp, And is not the one to be- savs: Wo were so weak lli.u w ■ give daily, during knocked oil’, there not whom two years before, tences? story alongside. all their seems to crave, Raymond parted “Yes, yes, 1 know. And now it von [Sterne. ••llif bring begun m>m all tlie \«-ssei> willi •I'lering appetite it for Sinbad on top of the horse. Conse- in this renewed intercourse became to come immortal ? were unable to get up over the -id« a none want to toll Bertha the news, Education begins the but all possible briskness, discharging »>n all parts ! they will eat up clean and leave Sinbad Hav- you may gentleman, some her hands had to mine into t quently, invariably jumps. him more than ever was friend before. of the town, which lay on a regular descent of waste 1 consider cut and well- take a. reading, good company, and reliedion early on one side of the holiday.” A Japanese Bath. towards the harbor, an horrible shower of balls boat and us up. ing alighted safely They had not thought of love in the days 1 tell her more? May 1 toll her must finish him. help •ide hav. clover and rowen. to- “May [Locke. to nine in lint- r Knglish platform, he steps over to the other side, when the was a debutante in from three pounds weight, bombs, The name ol the vessel was the girl society, one ui lib- is to even in tlie lowest inns, :m»r with well-cured corn-fodder I love—that the hope my in Japan, says We sometimes meet an .•aivasscs, live shells, grape shot ami musket ( good, eyes tiie horse closely as he goes round and one of its favorite original gentle- dal, of Aramlahl, Norway. Irom a Raymond beaux; love in return ?” a writer in liar, the travelers re- balls. The tiring lasted, with very little cessa- had no great experience in feeding the himself for the win her lemple man, who, il manners had not existed, io with a of 1 ring, gathers jump, but when met alter the t'» Settin, cargo guano ■ met with tiial until o'clock which several Ith anv kinds ol winter the they long parting, “You tell her that 1 have been tor a bath is never tion, p. in.,during other teed), as the well-trained horse canters un- may quest would have invented them, who had lii- and some new emotion stirred both hearts. oltcn [Knierson. parties came on shore to set buildings oil lire. second mate, kept up spin: -t that 1 ever used for most sincere friend and warmest stare ot l.lank astonishment which articles have the on the other your evermore overlooks the -i our and others from the till this time mnv to sink la-l. and der and shows pad side, did not know what made the hours and Faith ddli. til- Parties people, began tei leei1. fur and these to They well-wisher for two You tell attends the demand in every ran to my o-ittli', go years. may England ■ towns down oppose them, 1 to did not receive tin* lets himself down lightly, and retains his so when were th's of the way, and bend her eyes onh neighboring am sorry say of winter pass quickly they together, and (lie old man's twinkled, other 1 know in Ire- it is killed several.'1 ..ike up the principle bulk my to round and the trick. her," eyes European country. to the n the tilth d place, go repeat nor the subtle charm that dwelt certainty Bishop thi" in a the some recognize “that 1 have looked e< a -‘on land once 1 asked for a bath, and they I ;,m writing bouse, frame of oil for my cattle. Of course I have the will chew tobacco upon you alter we were the sec md in They say goat for each in the other's for and on anoth- F'ew habits are more than wlii* li wa> raised that morning. The picked up ■irse kinds of these 1 shake ill presence, many ever since she met driv an me a horse bucket; injurious partially bidder; relish. We arc reminded of you mg express brought heard the guns ten miles otf, died. We made I ! am. with great weeks. no near- which dillers trom as men employed Seilly Right Sept. a er occasion, in Franco, I could go musing, thinking, an the liner, better bidder, and feed it natural his- wagon. and knew what meant, and they hurried on the 17th about hi min trom this statement in the familiar was the first to awaken to the while one's chamber does from they beingthen .t lore of also Raymond “And behaved like an er the article than a horse trough; pacing walking to tie assistance of the part the winter, give of showmen in an ellort to account angel!” away Falmouth. Ostend. I on board a ti-ui u. tory that love was the charm that more than abroad. to got Ramsgate •me 1 knowledge of course. do. in the lias of the parlies who landed set tires, one meal besides, if think the cattle to Sinbad last to “Yes, yes, They always Germany request and was landed at on tin- for what occurred night, bound him to Bertha's side, whenever she was struck down and disarmed m ar the sloop Ramsgate ■ I'm Take once led to a serious breach ot the it is a lifeless business when mu otiieer i'd it, to them while There, get along with you. busy. peace eold, Slates keep thriving using the and ot the won- was that it was love that made custom house, according to l>r. Deane. gttli. The United Consular Agent great surprise delight present; to if not overbur- between and the landlord. In .la- to the to which present 'in coarse described above. my love Bertha, you're inyselt go shops buy something a tin ill and 1 wa- fodder, audience, at this great show. Per- her the dark so 1 >aw lifty years ago, speaking trumpet, declined to interfere my ease, dering eves, sparkling eyes, with own.” on the there would be much does not your life and talent, l have one ol the modern nay cutlers we dened your , contrary, represent nearly eaten up by rust, which was taken from to walk to Dover where 1 was re kept haps Sinbad drinks. However, pre- beautiful in their that love did not obliged ■ expression; the rest. There was more felt it the traveler but tlie a torch in his hand. This, with I barn lor but seldom And so—you know surprise goldsmith’s. [Emerson. an otiieer with r- my many years, fer the tobacco to account for the the ut women in ceived w ith every kindness at the Sail theory made her dearest all his a ask were no several cannon shot, \\ as in a closet under ii-e it to cut a little fine a wedding, and Amabel gave the bride for one. There preparations There cannot lie a surer of low kept except hay very tergiversation proot o| the old house of the Home. phenomenal psyche logical eyes. and when in no about of chamber- the high pulpit meeting t' with meal when 1 feed it, the Sinbad parurc ot diamonds, owned, required, rushing or of an innate meanness ot dispo- mingle in which ingloriously disported Amabel was Bertha was and oil that. origin First Parish. The shot had pierced the vener- delighted. a burst of confidence Bertha told her the no ou this 1 title to eat it with a better relish Sinbad had followed the maids, turning sition than to he always talking and able structure and set it on lire, but the tire seeming himself. gravely one of her own fast and Bertha’s -u 'n is to them alone. friends, whole after Thurston's was ready, and 1 was at This and tlie Oouur.cT, Go Ahead! Tin* foil than when the meal ted horse's course half round the arena story, that, all, Everything quite thinking of being genteel, [lla/.lief. was extinguished. trumpet shot way lather a merchant of and influ- bath in a school in a certain • new that meal standing was not so in the end a- once conducted to a wooden were 1 hen kept there as mementoes of the burn- occurred 'oncoming the theory with his shrewd when he pride good Ray- huge The essence of true is actually quickly ence. Aside had inher- nobility ■ ■ glance, from this the girl mond’s with a small earthen furnace set in at the neglect ing. One sh >t is still preserved. 1 have never in this not long >it• alone when fed to a cow passes directly turned himself lace to pride. of self. Let the ol self in locality province around, bringing ited money from her mother. the whole ol the thought pass seen this trumpet alluded to in any account of was a 'o her third stomach, and from there Altogether foot, and a lid enclosing A lady teacher instructing young slips face with the horse as the latter came up. Amabel decided the match be and the beauty of a great action is gone, the bombardment. of the remainder of the alimen- would Depth ok the Giseat Lakes. There with the ot a space just big class in the meaning different words, on through in this reversed to the bor- top, exception like a bloom from a soiled llower. Fronde. None of the towns people were killed, and Then, position, charming. But a hint to that ellect met ot the bather to [ illustration. At tin- without her is a about the American lakes enough for tlie head one was wounded. Widow Alice Urei principally by length tary canal, doing any per- row of Colonel Rice and the attendants, one mystery only ley, of Raymond's sternest frowns, such one ut these contriv- Over all life broods like the calm, the fashionable tavern “husband” was reached. None like the that the or emerge In poesy, who kept of the town, word ceptible good, whiskey and the ol the audience, Sin- never Lake Erie is sixty seventy feet through. great delight as had visited his face in the old only furnace blue with its rebuking iaeo. saved her lions.* by remaining in and extin- the could understand Un- down the inside of his peek. and the ances, with a small burning gaily, sky, motherly, pupils clearly toper guzzles bad jumped alighted upon pad, sunshiny ; but Lake < intario, which is 500 feet work is She is the relormer, and where the guishing the llames when it caught tire. The of the word. To make it clearei 1 or it days. deep a Japanese, after his day’s over, great meaning don’t pretend to know, pass upon with his lace to the horse's tail. In the selectmen, in a statement, say that “Never speak of it again, Amabel,” he is 550 lent deep below the tide level will sit himself with the love of her is strong and healthy, wick- published tor them s'-e said, Supposing that 1 a decided opinion; but am inclined to next instant the horse was under deep, calmly boiling about three-quarters of the buildings, includ- passing said. “1 am no fortune hunter to live about at edness and cannot should married, what would it le- think that the above contains more up- ol the ocean, or as low as most parts of lid on. and the water bubbling wrong long prevail. ing i:'»0 dwelling houses, S:. Paul's Fpiseopal get theory the on the of anch wile. I'll platform. money carve heat. He seems, however, to like [Lowell. church, with the hell, the town house, a new thal l would have?” For a few moments poetrv than solid, reliable truth. Rut Sinbad—where was ho? Like the the Gulf of St. and the bottoms boiling out my own lirst." Lawrence; from the lire and the public library were con- little heads were to i )ne tiling more, 1 accustom it uncommonly, to judge pleased engine, their busy trying always my illustrious Sinbad, when he had But his own tedi- ol and Si uii is Like. Some time the sumed. one or two wharves escaped the original carving way proved Lake Huron, Michigan Superior, on his lace fast un- during Only what it would be, when one cattle, from early youth, to kind expression deepening vessels wi re not consumed were comprehend expect his little ballooning trip with the roc, Sin- ous at his fail- the surface is much are last years of liis life the late John Quincy llames. What and treatment at work, till, desperate many although higher, der tlie into beetroot-like tints ; bright little fellow, with his countenance gentle my hand. 1 com- in mid-air. As we process wrote beneath a of taken awav by tin* enemy. — Adams him- bad was suspended ures, ho accepted a position, offered in all from their vast on a level with last had portrait with satisfaction at mence early to accustom them to be horns. depth and when he has at enough beaming havingsolve-1 stated in the start. Sinbad has long of driver to an the bottom ol Ontario. Now as the De- self some lines, of which the is handled, carded and led a i jest, express wagon. about an hour of it—he takes oil the lid following the problem, shouted out “A baby, ma'am." by rope, yoke the of these horns, over “1 one: “An ot sorrow and a life ot son wouldn’t steal from Ry tips caught do understand horses.” he said, “if troit river, after all the a boiled lobster age “My peaches How natural. up m\ young steers beiore are a allowing probable and emerges as much like refreshingly [Colonial they the Sinbad hung suspended, I cannot sell or books.” does storm.” These words were not written Mr. Gammon's orchard, 1 "No, and teach them to walk platform, goods keep portion carried off by evaporation, as a human can be one. My bath hope?” Farmer. year old, together. so to being other gracefully oscillating, pendulum-like It harder work, however, than not means to the by a wretched outcast, dying in the poor- ma, 1 wasn’t in that crowd the The summing up of all of which is, there proved appear by any equal was cpiite ready; the small furnace glow- speak, while the audience roared with in the lirst flush of his he had of water which the three house, but by one of the marked favorites “That’s my hoy. Keep is a mutual and confi- desperation quantity upper ed with live ol charcoal; tho watcr night.” right, In the old there were " ho strong, friendship At last the ancient William, pieces fortune. The late Harrison and never do days angels and laughter. by imagined. Not the mere work; that he lakes receive, it has been conjectured that of of external out of had company you’ll and led dence springs up between us, my cat- which bubbled merrily, and my companion came and took men by the hand giving himself an extra swing, soon ; but the slights, rudeness a subterranean river run from Lake Otis, in a public speech of his later Let your conscience bo your guide tle come to look on me not only as their conquered may tlie bath, olf the lid, invited me to Gray wrong. them lrom the ol destruction threw him olf his centre, himself stares of his old friends. Some few taking remarked: “As I look back over in all and the loud mother away city and best brought and Superior, by the Huron, to Lake Ontario. either a Ja- days things',” patted now master, but as their protector to the enter. JS'ot being, however, We see no white winged angels ground, lfo struck on his lcct, the true nobility that This is not and ac- my existence, 1 see a pathway of mingled her son on the head and went about her friend. in New recognized accepted conjecture impossible, a blue lobster, or a 1 did But men are lrom threaten [Koval Smith, England looked around more like a than a panese, potato, and but the roses have heart. Left to himself yet led away sheep honest labor rather than an easy depend- counts for the fact that herring in boil- roses thorns; long duties with a light is into F armer. singular not see any particular object being destruction : a hand put theirs dignified goat, and then ran over to the ence connections, but those and salmon are in all the lakes since disappeared, and the thorns only re- the noble soliloquized: “You don’t ing upon wealthy caught ed, and so had the tuel raked out ol the hoy which leads them fortn toward a calm and California farmer sent to the horse, jumped upon the like a true were few. with the St. Lawrence, main.” This was the conlession of a man catch me round old Gammon’s. An honest pad communicating furnace and a few buckets ol cold water fooling so that look no more circus rider, and finished me bright land, they Illinois state fair the heaviest fleece oi his act. [Cin- A week passed, when one morning, de- but no others. As the Falls of Niagara who had everything that almost every hu- Myconscicnee guides to abetter place cinnati Commercial. added before I got in. backward; ami the hand may be a little its total a some at one ol the most must have it would man being of our generation thinks worth than his, where there ain’t no nuther.” wool on record, weight being livering goods always existed, puzzle dog, child’s. Kliot. stores on as he the naturalist to in- and is to [George trifle over fifty pounds. The wool growers’ fashionable Broadway, say how these fish got having, striving distractedly get — out in a scoured and It has been and went out, saw Bertha Haines to the lakes without some subter- “Ft fairs is to do agrieul- health, grace, elo- Somebody called loud voice at association had it weighed. truly tenderly said, Raymond upper county goin’ strength, beauty, of stairs that arc as solid as tur’ Island farm- hun- a southern hotel: Colonel!” and A pair ordinarily be of Even that petition. the' Lord’s the door of her low ranean river, besides, ex- enny good,” says a Fong quence, culture, popularity, eight Hello, ill and There to thirty-eight pounds perfect opening carriage. any periodical a rock will straddle the joints and creak proved an ol from the laetthat An made him start forward to aminations of the river would furnish a er, out the wimmin. Them air dred thousand dollars, a on the for half hour afterwards men were with all the a thunder grease and dirt in it and two pounds Prayer, gains something impulse "keep pul- palace creak together fervor of man who it remembers that hand her to draw'back, crimson not solution of the backs a man’s so sot that lie can’t most in Boston, and a Unit- turning to each other and “Did when one is attempting to climb them burs, so that it was a case of more fleece every repeats out, only improbable mysterious gets eye exquisite spot I inquiring: clap his mother’s knee.” and the hand flux and see nothin’ else.” ed States call mo noiselessly late at night. than wool. he learned it at with confusion, dropping reflux of the lakes. senatorship. you Major.” ] Terrible in Somerset The Great Blast- Tragedy County Coming A Happy Invention. —Some of the republican papers are LETTER FROM BOSTON. books, old prints and historic china thereafter Newt* of the City and County. REPUBLICAN JOURNAL. Correspondence of the Journal. On the atternoon of the 22d, a man The work of and enlarging sharply discussing the claims of the dif- sought him. And so in a measure it is; anil to deepening It is said that every period produces its Smelts are lively at the Point. the East lliver at Hallett’s show you how far advanced I am on the road biting named Greenleaf Tracy shot and killed channel Point, ferent candidates for the berth of Secre- Boston, Oct. 25,1S75. OCTOBER 1875. There has been the stone an a rout Hell Gate, New York Harbor, is fast ap- THURSDAY. 28. symbol. ago, to reputation as admirer of old things, I Commercial street has received of Mary Walton, a divorced woman, and tary of State. The V\ Von Bulow has made a great hit here. His and it is now at- the bronze age, the iron age, the Bangor big opposes copy this rote which a bit of gravel. proaching completion, golden on the is such as makes the least accompanied killed himself. A corres- playing piano immediately the attention of PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY MORNING and various other each of which Perliam, and advocates Chadbourne, say- cellar recently sent me: tracting special engineers age, ages, enthusiastic of his hearers in love with the in- Next Sunday evening will be All Hallow** ot the Lewiston —BY— pondent Journal gives and men of science the coun- Chadbourne is well Turner came over in the May- throughout has stamped its peculiarities on the van- ing—“Mr. qualified strument which has heretofore seemed cold “Humphrey Eve. the ot the try. to the formation of WILLIAM SIMPSON. lor the office and flower, bringing with him a cedar clothes’ chest. lollowing particulars tragedy’: Owing peculiar II. the earnest favor in and out of to me in was an with ishing years. The present time in Maine place the concert hall. His He built the first house in Scituate, and the Sunday unusiiallv calm day lor the < mlv a few Mr. Traev owned a the rock at Hallett’s Point, together AND years ago. EDITOR PROPRIETOR. which his lias been held would tones are and chest has remained in that locality, in the season. farm in on ol the channel will be known in the future as the candidacy round, silvery always beautifully good Mercer, which he lived with the narrowness present Subscription Terms. In a period hands of Turner’s advance, $2.00 year; no deseendeiits,’till IsTii, when his wife ami six small children. So far as have even a oi his melodious. There is crash, or hang, or gro- The streets resound the of your and the almost uninterrupted passage of within the year, $2.50; at the expiration of the year, of It will he remembered prevented question one of them, Samuel II. Turner, brought it to with cough tin or can prohibition. by correspondent knows, ascertain, they vessels, the work has been done under $3.00. election had Mr. tilled out the meas- tesque gyftinastie performances such as we have Charlestown, and distributed it in pieces to his horse. lived and the Advertising Terms. For one inch the odor ot cloves associated with the Stacy epizootic happily together enjoyed respect square, (one too often had thrust relatives and friends.” (lossip. and confidence of many disadvantageous circumstances. Af- of in column,) $1.25 for three and 25 ure of his term.” But as upon us-by previous per- those with whom they asso- length weeks, of Stacy is charged This month has live Sundays, five Friday*, ciate!!. ter a tedious work of six the cents for each subsequent insertion. A fraction of a breath many active supporters, and formers. Since hearing Von Bulow i have Not far from them lived liiraui Walton nearly years live square charged as a full one. with other measures, and and Saturdays. ami wile and two small children. They, loo. task of excavating has at last been com- will float down the stream of time with filling emptying divided pianists into three classes: those who Generalities. owned a snug little f.-rm, lived gasily, and them, too, the of this obser- Cy. Davis—new hat—very becoming—some- pleted, and the secondary work of pre- the aroma of cardamom seeds why bearing make a great deal of noise, hut no music; those seemed to life. The two families were ittf-S. Nr. Petengill & Co., 6 State St., Boston, enveloping Iloulton had its first snow storm enjoy tor the blast is now vation lies iu the Wednesday thing fell—don't w< :ir it now. paring grand and 37 Park Row New are our authorized application of it. who make much noise and and those unite intimate, and no one suspected anything going York, and burnt coffee. But those evanescent music, last week. on. inasmuch as the to Agents for and forwarding The last Indians took down their wrong, until the community where they lived explosive power procuring subscriptions —In relation to M. V. who make only music. To the last belongs remaining advertisements. and are too teeble to re- B. Stimson, of Chicago will count up ten thousand addition- wen- n-tonished witli tin' fact that Tracy and be used on the final blast will be about vanisiling things Von huts and is Bulow. al houses this Saturday, departed. Mr-. \\ alton had left for parts unknown. They thousand ol -S. It. Niles, No. 6 Tremont Street, Boston, cord and and so the Kittery, last week arrested for year. fifty pounds nitro-glycerine, for and his perpetuate history, swindling, it no were in Mass. agent the publisher of this paper, receipts Itoinance, seems, repeats itself less than The days are cooler. Cot linally heard from, living Lowell, or as as to the Cummings Alexander, of cut his getting penoplablv about eight times much has ever and orders are always recognized. inventive of man set itself to work. and taken Boston, despatches say— Harpswell, When had been gone about two years, genius history. Would any one think of a nineteenth- throat in the woods and is to die. your stoves and furnace they been New likely ready? .Mi-. Walton returned to her husband, who simultaneously discharged before, 4&~Geo. P. kowell & CO., 40 Park Row, We read that in Portland there lias for A letter from cx-(iov. Perliam used by Stiin- will receive advertisements for this at century girl being guilty of sentimentally elop- A of DUO condoned her faults, and the two were living much interest and not a little is York, paper, son iu bis land settlement scheme was given “Five husband', and dying to marry again,” cargo cask* ol lime L- being shipp'd anxiety tiie lowest rates. Their orders will receive prompt or of a man of this But their re-wedded some time existed a that twelve when Sir. Perliam was in ing, young age foregoing the is the of a New Jersey woman. over the railroad to happily together again. being manifested in the result. attention. shop professedly years ago, biography Waterville. life was brief, for in a short time Tracy return- Congress and Stimson wanted olliee in Wash- delight of a great wedding ? Well, such an affair The work, which is /^Horace Dodd, 121 Washington St., Boston, sold more than mild Excursions to the Centennial new an being superintend- nothing exhilarating Philadelphia There is a at this term of ed. too. sought and held interview with Mrs. is an authorized for the Journal. ington. has come off, and the facts are these: In one stenographer ed Mr. William H. Heuer, was Ageut of grounds are already getting to be tin* fashion. Walton, and by his by begun new cider. The proprietor was a most the Miss Sarah C. < ro>bv. superior magnetic powers The Kennebec Journal avails itself of the most aristocratic suburban of tin; court, of in and the amount on it parts city — argument compelled the poor weak-minded 1809, expended Administrators, Executors and Guardians as as Snow —-utter bells—girl—left arm around and man, well Son »< woman circumspect proper when a live a and wife Pitcher & are tin* h. D. II. In- to go with him again. has been roughly estimated at about $750,- desiring their advertisements published in the Jour- every opportunity Democrat gets gentleman who, having enough her—all! don't mention it! [Detroit Free* Press. loading I had been so state to the Court. But how it that with for New hoy gone this tune about two years 000. The excavation extends under 2 1-2 nal will please philanthropic. happened into similar trouble to his money and to spare and no children to spend graham hay Orleans. when, last mouth, Mrs. \V. returned to her hus- proclaim poli- A New York hotel sheltered nineteen bridal acres ot stratified to have the address of men came out from that it upon, resolved, some years ago, to adopt tw» Shuman lias commenced the band a second time. He informed her gneiss rock, vertically SUBSCRIBERS desiring shop staggering ties. Now let it stale that this !Stimson couples one day last week, all married that day. Elijah buildm;; quietly must state the Post Office 1o which and in a and south- papers changed, ueices. Both were then mere school a on that at the last session of court held at Skow- running northeasterly drunk on new cider, the couldn't orphan < of dwelling house Waldo Avenue. the paper has been sent as well as the one to which police was a red hot and held the ’liarles Sylvester's eliild, aged 1 1 months, fell he had Republican, as hegan, obtained a decree of divorce from direction. from a main girls, but recently have come out fresh, into a westerly Starting it is to go. understand. Those of the they kettle of boiling water, ai Augusta, and Have von been before the Orand \\a- her. and that she was no his wife. She guardians peace ex-Governor’s letter of recommendation Jury? longer shaft 34 feet below mean low water, ten pretty and stylish young ladies. Naturally died from the effects. begged his forgiveness for all her unlawful acts Bates & Locke, 34 Park Row, New York, and morals had search- the most frequent interrogative last week main headings, down to 52 feet public repeatedly for office, which he was enabled t!;is and that had made his life miserable and herself an sloping are authorized agents for procuring advertisements through indulgent generous couple expected Phomaston talks ol a c-nt.-m-ial ctk-br.il ion 1 below mean low have been extend- ed the but no ot Ccor.rc F. Ilarriman wa* admitted to the bur outea-t, and implored him to permit her to water, for the Journal. premises, signs liquors to swindle honest poor men out oi their to lie regarded as parents by the girls, and they in 1ST*. It is suggested that Rockland and ed out to an “ii >.iiimla\, on imJion W. II. MrErllan work for him, or where -lie earn money average of 250 feet could be found. The innocent cider bar- also Tlioimiston join in it. might length Subscribers are requested to take notice of the little had formed somewhat ambitious plans for to the slic had caused him. Know- each. The ol savings. pa\ expense height these main headings date on the colored slips attached to the paper. It The Esq. the rel stuck its virtuous in their faces, the settlement of their children in life, which Waldoboro’ News says that Buiamin ing simplicity of her nature and the honesty varies from 8 to an is the only form of now used. Eor instance, tap of 22 feet each, with receipt —Jeannette Cotton, Lawrence, Mass., 31. Ivaler caught in his wier Monda\ a <-,mI lish Tin- <•1 her lie assured her she had no is to that were so much to their own satisfaction that Portland revenue utter. steam brie, heart, though width of ft feet. From the main 15 May 74, means that the subscription paid pleading, “not guilty.” One day they :>7 i-*J lawful or on average a is the date will borrowed a and tried to make a man weighing pounds. just claim him tor support, if she date. When new payment made, baby they never dreamed the arrangement would he anchored below tin- .-ity and remained oni intermediate have been and SUBSCRIBERS ARE made a most That elio.se to stay at his house, he would not turn headings headings b-.* changed to correspond, rigoroiffc investigation. A certificate of was think he was the other to its are marriage recently issued I Sunday. nor TO SEE THAT THEIR DATES ARE party coming objected to. But girls perverse, and in her away see her sutler for food or cloth- cut, and at uniform distances circular REQUESTED in Boston to a woman w ars old, gal- in are to virtuous and cider cask was only eighteen ; C» >RKE(T. Subscribers arrears requested protesting this The main was are not to or nurse ing. if she never would leave with Tracy again, leries have also been cut across the head- into world. trouble youth apt consider deeply, who had been twice married before. S. S. Keith, J i\, ha> bought the < u lining ham forward the sums due — she that if he ever and behold there were several promised approached her thus a seriesol' at their probed that she swore to her statement in court. gratitude over much. So one of the pretty house and lot on W aldo avenue. ami will re- to resist him with ings, forming piers The wife of the I Toil. Eugene Hale lias bem again all her strength, and barrels in one. Bulk-heads divided its in- j of intersection. There are in all 17.'! money, state THE POST OFFICE misses proceeded with all possible haste to be- honored h a bark named for her w side there. the --quel .-hows that this time she kept her point $*rln sending When the truth of the matter came to be by iving liich ; to which the imper is sent come in a love has been launched from Ellsworth. word. When found where she was and piiers, which form the entire support of terior, and the tap was a wonderful entangled affair. Of course, her just Tracy piece understood, she a sentence of four The turkey is eating hi" corn meat niti-h that she was with Walton he came got hero the again, for the roof and of the water above it, and of mechanism that drew from each in was not husband selected by her adopt- Schooner of loaded her the third time. Yaudclia, Bristol, with I uneonseioiis tliat every swallow brim- him Whether hovsaw her after which also the -11 and in prison, instead id the were too separate headings as a years greenbacks ed parents, who indignant and too in- herring, wen: ashore on the rocks oil <>\\T- she left him the second time until Tho President Prophet. turn, at the will of the operator. Turn nearer to the Thanksgiving table. yesterday, 10 it is estimated that the en- for. discreet not to Head Saturday night and is a total wreck. \ our correspondent has not learned. IIis father galleries, sought object and scold and threaten. tire amount ot rock to be broken the A western paper is a good the tap one way and it gave out the most Frank l-ol'ett lias taken out tie yacht l aide "talcs prominent — in Uic A man lias for Beliee- that since Monday he has been wander- by It seems that Mr. Martin Van Huron Stim- Kxcept light of disappointed hopes the sailed England, firmly j lor ujtr alioiit the to a uniform size, the work of Army reports nebec Journal. f)nc of our farmers, Jothan Weston, Iaince, met her alliainvd and caused by the death of J. W. Head. of the hoii.-e i- about gone la/v h' gun and tired one barrel. The contents, about the last of when bast, should away out to the heart ot We fear that this remarkable invention drilling January, go before. After the ceremony had been per- together they visited a clergyman and were A gigantic swindle by a ring i' alleged in tin buck -hot, entered her left breast just over the the work of each bole Pitcher A (iorhain have loaded thorli. John important charging a Northwestern state to make the most will be suppressed lrom the and married. Then to. the Revere distribution of the Geneva award. It B assert- la art. and she fell lifeless to the Hour, while all public, formed at the station house, Isaiah stepped they repaired will be This will have to be done ed that of #1,000.01)1) to be awarded, sj.ooo.uno F. i racy with bay for Wilmington N. < an h'T blood seemed t'» out of the and begun. exhaustive oratorical effort that his added to the secret collections of the House, whence the bride sent a letter to {un- pour huge pub- po- out for a moment, and now the bride wants have into the hands of this -.hast1 \ wound. At the instant lie workmen, with care, passed ring. Pitcher A Son have loaded the sell. Chari. \ tired lie by experienced great to lice instead of adopted parents, telling them of her action. 1 and will lic career affords, is a fact calculated department, being permit- timed and rail a short distance, and then occupy about two months. The to know what has become ot him. There is >ome excitement in II. I., Ihieki, with for the same stop- The m wedded then started for New ()!ney\ill**. hay. port. . l‘•tie. When he was satislied. he turned and —The friends the York. On receiving the the adopted pa- liave been caused By a sirianB Blunder in Rev-inn* eiitter Dobbin is in iWet each of which will have a direct battery matter ol the liis reference to shall he embalmed, in the words of the ph> in into the woods, a half mile Soon speech. m- away. connection, besides connected with have made for him an eight ton stone rents made all haste to visit the Revere House, administering morphine instead of •juiniiK A Sou’s dock, being overhauled, sin* will three or four shriek- were heard and then the being the x\ ar were his appropriate enough ; poet, and oil finding the birds had flown, they ex- re-calk- d and sheathed. II. jig- report of a the adjacent boles the means ot a series Collin in which intend to inter his re- At Gloucester, Oliver Sprowlc. while en- newly’metal gun. by “You may l>n*ak, you may ruin tlio cask if you will, they The of ol admiration for the Union and considerable wrath >n the innocent to get aboard of his boat, fell over- has been at < a,slim*. citizen- in the \icinity by this time were small tubes tilled with challenge Hut the scent of the will hang round it still.” be pended deavoring ging lately repaired nilro-glycerine. tipple mains, when the military support shall board. and before assistance could reai-li him amu-c i. and went into the woods, This measure liis old com- landlord. Rut the story isn’t ended yet. In immediately precautionary will be taken our free institutions for which llow is this Dr. Harlow ■.* the Insane has win irom whence the and found him remarkably like Janus lan- It is doubtful if even that will was drowned. He belonged in Bristol. Main Hospital reports came, inasmuch as the of ready. course of a week or so, the young lawyer had the experiment discharg- rades of the ot the Tennessee had ten letter ill f.-gard f the ease Of A I sad a ground, partly reclining against the Army cet to the of the ear loads of ashes at means ol one prohibition politician day. hold him in the of the to come to Roston on and his wife, Throe arrived North trunk of tree, senseless and dead, his ing ijjioo charges by batterv excepted portion business, Farrabee, wnorm Inm-e in hm-x. in large were solder-like and patriotic; and Berwick on tin- Eastern railroad. Tuesday, throat all -hot away, and his clothes crimsoned has never been tried, and this system fought In the taee of men, at public meetings, and consecrated not wishing to venture here till she had some by ground. from Detroit, Mich. They can In-transported which he state- that -In > undoubtedly iu-alie with his own bad blood. The citizens who it is claimed his ‘-welcome to all those who fought that, although one batterv at political conventions he has the sancti- word of reconciliation from her family, was cheaper from there than they can be bought in t"und him there were so incensed because o! —E. A. head clerk ol the rad- The sehr. J Jm F. Tracy, hi, it should fail to all the simul- us, who come forward in I’halon, this State. loading tin* ignite charges against good monious runs or left behind. It chanced that the parents heard Iijim deed, the inhuman butchery lie had twist which cold water Lewis' wharf, is tin- -aim* that a ,v the wili. never- and road mail sendee between Boston and committed, that they jimposed to burn his re- taneously, yet discharge faith to build up waste places per- of their son-in-law's presence in the city, and The Cologne Gazette reallirms the statement new cider at most. In the secret haunts years ago pounded out ln*r keel and sunk at main- where and had to theless be instantaneous. It is for let- that the Crown Prince ol will \i'it they lay, begun gather expected our institutions all ene- Bangor has been arrested stealing they seized the opportunity to go on to New Germany petuate against wharf, a brush for the purpose, when the aged father of that the blast—which it has been of his chums, ho reverses in an instant and Centennial Exposition at Philadelphia, and say* McCilvery’s during heavy -oiith-ei-’ proposed us ters. were found on him York, where they saw their disobedient daughi tin* dead man arrived and them to to on mies, as brothers in lull interest with Twenty-eight gun corvette Elizabeth will implored have the 1th of July, ls7b, in cele- out the real old corn with a eighteen convey gale. desist. Moved the tears and entreaties of gives juice, arrested, ilis severe will er, and so worked upon her feelings as to in- him to America. by bration of in a common was a and when punisment the America's centennial—will en- heritage,” manly The new three mast.-,I schooner in old man, they kindly took up the lifeless wink which the boys all understand and duce, or oblige, her to return with them. She building to a h>rm and carried' it to the old man's tirely demolish the undermined two ami sentiment, lint i nstead of make a valuable lesson those inclined At I'nion few days ago, a sou of Sulli\an Cottrell’s for Rufus IF is house, generous why, had of mind to tele- yard, ('apt. Condon, about a half mile distant. A was a half acres of rock and break it into small applaud. presence enough however, R. Luce, aged about seven years, was kick *d coroner sum- to do likewise. ami will tie here, lie should go out of liis to to at a vicious liorse to Mr. I,., nearly completed, launch about moned. -ut hi-services were not needed. Num- pieces, which can be removed stopping graph her husband meet her the depot by belonging injuring b by dredg- the skill! about three inches above the middle of November, rhombs A o-horm- n- "four citizens visited the of the mur- oivil and to on eye. place ing. This will necessitate an additional way to predict tho ncxL war, Prof. David Swing, of Chicago, gives —The indictments found in the Brook- the arrival of the train. He was amazed, al!ir-!ay night ipiestion. public government, has libel of Beecher have been discontinued, to he tin' only man now living who took part in The murdered woman has the of of about for tin- would Hilaries Read’s to Piere**’- 11. il a vei it. I Weil t! I sympathies Department, £150,000 no require pen portray. the battle of Lake Lrie. lie i- eighty-four years pi.pni.i. p the and the public, for all believed test. in the near lnture,” are words which, more right to teach the Bible than it notwithstanding that Moulton demanded community next liseal year. As the At all events the so far their old, is in health, and has a medal | i/.ed. Tin- llUlsie i- \.11.■ iil, and afford belli before she made the regards explosion parties forgot, po- vigorous gold her, acquaintance of her ot so a the most officer of tho has to teach the Koran. idea is that a trial. The con- of large ouantity ot spoken by august My prosecuting attorney sition and that the had to inter- which the Legislature Kentuek> gave him ! tor darn ing than anv similar m- murderer, an innocent, guileless little woman, nilro-glycerine, manners, police opportunities Ileuer does not that amount to little less than a the in its in lsi;0. who wa.- trusted 1>\ her husband and respected Captain anticipate government, government did, earliest life, fessed that the indictments were unjust. fere and escort the whole quartette to lh» sta- -1 itiitioi* in the city. l»\ all who knew her. She was of there will be shock to the Not the fact that the Philadel- censured, any great neigh- of what lie puts in the form of run to a sort id' Christian com- tion house. The father demanded his child, withstanding Tin* members of tin Reform Chib tin course, for prediction according A colored waiter is with be- -ay leaving her husband and children, borhood, nor that there will be the least charged phia navy yard is to I*, sold next month, and but those who knew her a are tantamount to a mon law, but now the number of and the husband his wife; the one demanded are not east down by the turn a (fairs took it best, blamed her least, the as a hypothesis; they Jews., the who made three at- is being dismantled, they are tilling it up with t"r tie knew danger attending blast, upon pre- ing incendiary ) her weakness and how powerless reparation of the law, and the other protection laborers, so that ran all be reads to\oh tile < ourt House last Week. Tin y will > 1J vious when lie tired a declaration that we shall have “another Catholics, etc., has become so in- they h wa" to resist the of her occasion, blast of greatly tempts to burn the Franklin House at appeals destroyer. of it. The result was the husband bore aw Nov. lib. An immense force is already «*n the timie I lie war and make it w arm lor •12,000 of in the San Fran- creased, the has to ay upon path, pounds powder contest in the near future.” And the pro- government base itself and is in The pay rolls. cisco Harbor. Bangor, custody. Bangor his wife in triumph, and they have now been the seller of spirituous comfort. The does not lie its constitutional that Lnngmaid phetic president stop here; squarely upon idea, House was also on tire about the same a mure a an one Robinson, one of Skowdiegan’s solid Tragedy. The external visible was living for little than fortnight ('apt. 'l'ln* little steamer only eil'e.et the to May Field brought t>» 11.i- in a and confused all men are Kvcn if citizens, was surprised lind a waleh and ( hm.'oki), N elevation ot an immense ol sketches, vague way, religiously equal. time, and destruction. of the handsomest, private hotels in the II., Oct. 22. On the day volume water, narrowly escaped city. chain attached to a button on tin* hack «*f bis city Saturday a v rv ln*avy freight and pa-s. ti- i.a ure of the ol the Such are some of the trials of other was arrested at Suncook, Bfetect- whose transverse diameters were JOO and t he nat the foreshadowed “contest.” genius country permitted the rearing coat. It to be the property of a eiti/eu ger list. It was tin Fa-tern >eln-.t. l’age I —The pod of the East port Sentinel proved Normal ivc Dearborn and 250 to a id one ■ children. and was attached to hi- coat while in a crowd Ollicer Hildreth search- feet, height about hundred “I lie, “that the of the Bible in the schools, 1 people’s from Castim-. vv In. vv. r. p‘turnimr lea prediet,” says dividing teachings breaks out in the musical at the pupil- ed his house' and lound two razors and a and feet. Here, as will be the case plaintive song, depot. lifty line will not lie Mason JSs Dixon’s, lint should doubt the propriety ol Since I am in tlie romancing line, I may as ami came In-re to take the train. all in tile continuing numbers on the of the u ril- The'Ocean House, slable. and oiithui.Ming-. knife, very sharp. The latter had a expected explosion at Hell (fate. Mowing subject well atlii another of Inyo ami j story constancy, a In-tween and on the custom, because no valuable moral re- 11 of which llttbbs w is e. The g lea- eive! d a Imildiii blade three and a half inches I the water was let into the tunnel, thus patriotism intelligence ov’.a “Farewell to I C’ove flood- (leorge \\r.*|>ri. | eompany long. They op- tarring it is liy tile fact Ural Mrs. llarry, wen sults can ever come lrom a suggested Wells, entirely destroyed by lire Friday W ashington Ileal* the ! also a I as a (me side and ambition and few street. gas Work-. lound of cloth covered with crating superstition, reading — piece tamp. old boy come round next leading lady of the Boston theatre, received last night. It is supposed to have caught from a d< bye, again To feet, and two stories The vv blood, as il bloody hands had been Fxcavating is still going on at Flood on the other.” The President verses hurriedly in a school-house, and so- feet in the ehimnev. Loss s'mmio ami insured high. front ih wiped ignorance week as a gift from a lady of this city, a very it. (lie work will be necessar- spring. for Used for an otliee ami director*’room, ami i upon Three young girls have stated to Hock, although tells us that “in the near future” we are cial strifes will be $7,Odd. continually springing handsome wardrobe, which was brought out them that were chased in the woods until alter the blast at rear for a ami storehouse. they ily delayed great —Dr. Edward S. a well An Aroostook the 1 work-imp to have a civil war, between out of the Young, known from for tlie trousseau of tlie paper says pro-p.a t for I.a llallet’s Point is over. intelligent up practice.” wedding In Page previous to the Pembroke There are at pres- lumbering this w inter is not encouraging. Tim i died at Knox The it was Tin new time table on tin- Belfast P.ramh on one and The Prolessor is in this physician, Co., giver. lady, seems, and so murder. This morning the ollieers named ent only about ten men engaged upon the patriots side, superstitious, entirely right Washington, engaged lumber market is so dub and much of last j on lie a to lie and the was-to stock on band at Hit* time, that i railroad went into eileet la-l l ie arrested I.a wiie, who confessed to work. A shaft sixty lect deep lias already ambitious and on the matter. The correct and sale the loth, had been for few months ready married, ceremony year’s present Monday Page’s ignorant people only plan it manv have taken in a few re- is very doubtful it operators venture Bains will leave as ia-i them that she lived with Ha been sunk, and two tunnels, each about an inmate of the state insane place days, when she Belfast announced formerly Page other. But this is very unsatisfactory. is to make the schools wholly non-secta- previous into tlie w’oods. at < Tester about 40 miles below Montreal twenty lect long, have been excavated, ceived tlie sudden news of the deatli of her be- week and arrive at 12.17 m., and about v«».•!... i. What is the war to lie about? Who are rian, and to forbid therein asylum. Tn the case of Harrison Raker, and that about live years ago her sister, the one running across towards the New everything trothed on the railroad. lie undertook to jump bankruptcy in. the evening. See advertisement in am-Bn : late landlord of the a which has the or Augusta Ihm-e, alter 22 old, went out one afternoon about York shore and the other in the direction In lie the on one side, smallest bias to- —Notwithstanding great elforts to as- from tlie ears while in motion, fell beneath column. years intelligent patriots leaning two days’ contest the or*, ditors failed to choose ■ • of o’clock to the cows. As she was llallctt’s Point. It is that it and who are to constitute the hordes of wards the tenets of certain the fate of Miss who dis- them, and was killed Since that ami the register F. F. get thought any religious body. Clapp, immediately. assignees, appointed <. applicants examined it I.a — Joseph Page. answer, lie asks us to “labor to the excitements and out-breaks that will Parson new ciently Murray’s paper says there forever. Fine feathers, you see, ean’t sooth an A b\stander made a that the -aim- She was knocked down, wager weight other time! severely beaten, result. The se- add all needful guarantees for more secur- institutions of this country is no moral in the Massa- aching heart.despite all the conventional sav- of men could haul much. The men were ravished and left lor dead. great principle < < .. Mysterious Fires. lected and easily accomplished the feat. >. <'pitcher, proprietor of tli shoe iu> t... Alter ity of ircc thought, free speech, free press, arc too precious an inheritance to be en- chusetts canvass. don’t lie in a ings about women and frailly, and ticklencss, committing the La Why put In lioraee* Ila/eltiiie. has :■ outrage Page The Portland, and M.mhia- steam- accompanied ju-t was arrested The Franklin has boon senti- in a war of and vanity. Rangor and House, Bangor, pure morals, unfettered dangered and zealots, horse P a by desperate lighting, religious bigots trotting boat ('ompany liaw built thi- sea-on at Mt. I »• turned from week’s cruise in tin -astern pait wlide the ollieers were four on Lee Shepard are in bankruptcy finally, hut escaped his times lire in the rooms from and and to in their efforts to obtain control ol sert a wharf with a for the accommodation a v tying upper ments, equal rights privileges the edu- matter Central slip of the Stale. l’he\ brought string of t\V«*li t l'or some time he lived in the —The of the Maine night they to avail themselves of that clause of the ami Heretofore all legs, woods hope freight passengers. " causes that bailie all A all as a lor the cation of The common schools are trout, the heaviest weighing pound- and investigation. jury men,” preparation impend- youth. No- the ami were landed boat* in the day time, going home to sleep in trains lias been referred to the regular which provides for a settlement agreed on by a freight pa—engers l»y of Albert \\. I'aine, N. H. ])ill- conllict; but this is and for the ol and scow s. The w harf cost about soiinu. ounces, taken from pond in lie v I.unity -*i the barn at consisting ing generality, training young persons in those ot the directors. of the eredi.ors three night. vember meeting majority representing < and H. M. have herry iield. Coroners 11 H. Farnsworth and C. IL ingham Howard, recently we need something more dolinite. Does branches of education which lit them lor fourths of the debt. The trouble appears to ^feetings are ready to be held in New York Smith oi St. who demand that the frauds in the Thur-dav of last Week vva- a hu da Albans, Yt.. have been made into the matter, without the business of not arise from a small combination of a by people very -y to-day inquiry any the 1’resident furnish it when he tells us, life, and for religious creditors, of Indian atfairs -hall be in consultation with the detective. It is Judicial Court. managment brought for the officers attending court summons, satisfactory result. The Commercial says: further to free Supremo ring in fact. It stands this way. I hear. A cer- out to the It is about t ime that something said that about two on, “encourage schools, proselytism. Religious training belongs light. years ago, while at St. was reason w wa re issued and -erv-d upon- very body wlm The ■IL'lKiE I.IUUY rUESIIlIMi. tain large publishing linn with a claim of only known of the hy it costs upwards Alban-. La went Saturday evening lire occurred in and resolve that not one dollar of to the church and the home. Page 50 miles away to money of eight millions annually to maintain the tribes. was known to take a drop, to appear befei the new of the in Robert iiieb'oorn vs. Crawford S. Fletcher. $7500, controls a paper dealer because of the house of a female cousin wing hotel, the upper large and that he appropriated to their support shall be ap- The skeleton found in tin* woods in South the (.rand .Jury to t« il what they km v. story. The rooms on that lloor are un- A and In August, IstW, Wilson Itendell, of Stockton, extensive dealings, who, in turn, influences an- her and lied with a of ■ outraged horse. It is to freight lighterage company Paris last week is to be that of a man it. A a eoilse* \« : v u 1 one of the propriated the support ol any sectarian other in the debt of thought jllellee j known that the murderer of the occupied except by women of made a note for $.TJb, payable in one year, publisl ling house, largely who Ball girl New York had been for a time named Wotseler, left the hotel in South were notni. the house, it was set, like the three tires school?” If the advice seems unne- long pester- the which second linn population d. wore moccasins at the time of the crime, so, which Ilichborn and Fletcher signed as sure- second, publish ing being Paris about four years ago, late at night, to go ed with and the detectives utter- * h it, in the mattress, at the foot are thieves, tlie most customer of a to his boarding house, ha\ ing in his po.*,se--iun Pol ici; <’oi 1:1. banes M.-h and it is also known that I.a Page wore preceding cessary. The people of this country ties. It was easbed by the late I>r. Futnam important prominent of the and had burned lailed to a at that time Sl.hH). He was most ehrouie drunkard in !■ wn, aiiu i- lr- them that A bed, apparently not ly discover single package ot the of It was not at printer, moves him. This ring thus represents umjue-tionably day. short time previous to already doing all for free schools they can Simontou, .Searsport. paid murdered. more than or seconds when visitor to Hie S .1 nlgc .lohu tin murder he ot a twenty thirty worth of which the as a of the as- a hundred thousand and it was et. 0. Fred* rick former- discovered. The mentioned as be- Rostov, HiuFmi. son. lie a uuiuImu -M tmi- tie* .Mis- Ball took in from school on had ar- of Dr. Simonton’s estate. It was claimed formed because the lirst linn wanted some of has-erv in returning lost the last tew months or sets one of the editors of tin* New York Herald the sole of a room on that to sectarian during ly 1 ing occupant appropriates money schools; ** one tt nil at riday nights. On the day following the that the sureties were not holden, because of the stereotype plates owned by Lee & Shepard, and author of American Journalism,” died at county jail, and tie Itangor work lloor had duties for the rest a single river thief. The company li- murder he could not he but completed day and it may lie asserted that live-sixth ol in Mass., this morning, hot!-'. Hu lie was sentenced t«* found, when a new made between the maker and and which they hope to buy up if tlie lirm fail his residence Concord, Monday again somewhat on bargain arrested as he was to and, being timid, account til' nally got tired of their trust in de- from received b\ being run down bv subsequently trying the population of the United States are putting of the to which the sureties had to make a settlement. As the case now stands injuries sixty daysinthe county jail for drunk-mi- holder note, * « circumstances which will be mentioned train on crossing the Middlesex. ulral Rail- mu away his lace was badly scratched, tectives, and two of them one be shown made within and f-.-r to ladie- one of resolutely opposed to such sectarian ap- night lately given no consent. This could only an arrangement will probably be road at live o'clock last aged Cl. using insulting language which he he had been below, got the other girls and one evening, explained by saying loaded themselves down with be ruled a to settle of the men to her to How we are to have a war shot-guns by Itendell, but his testimony would week. If Lee and Shepard's plans < >< t. poisoned bv ivy light up her room. propriations. Mouuisn i\w. N. J., 22. A well dn -sed In the case of Iiradstivet wh-i •nuiuiied su had reached the head and revolvers and secreted themselves in out, because the other party (o the bargain their whole business will be broken up, gentleman came* here afternoon, and The mask found near the of Miss They barely of the in the midst ol such conditions, it is not fail, ye>terda\ cide* in Palermo, as noticed last week, < onuiei body after securing a room at a hoi.-I. an of stairs when noticed a the a was dead, and could not Itendell being the plates distributed, and the bocks sold as a purrha>cd Ball was here It was flight they light cabin ot convenient canal-boat to reply. Poor on a oiisisi brought to-day. l'ast- easy to make out. The president tells us ounce of laudanum and swallowed it in the Wednesday impanelle-l jury in one of the rooms on the unable to meet the note, Ilichborn it, and which, from a disinterested lied with birch withes in such a walk, and, watch one ot paid bankrupt stock, street, lie as W. \V. Atwood of of '"trout, 1 doors were ion but lie mixes the Christian edge barge, they the ease was taken from the and sent she tlie at one o’clock, while particulars tu chase at St. is The locked and every room ; up sects, upon jury pleased her 'piito well, impiircd priec. ing hall-past lying girls Albans. It said he were taken the in- in the llood of last, month, and closet in the by other thief and put to the Law Court. \\ illiamsou for Me- to oil South Boston Mats, she was hoarded drowning great lett there to to Suncook without building was searched. the pagans and the atheists in such a con- pill. The reply was #20. “Now',” said the lady by go any canvass which that part of the slate ol Their efforts availed to the boat. for can three men, with masks submerged ostensible business. In her to the nothing. to Lcllau deteuee. the attendant, “do you know I duplicate disguised story Nothing fused way that we do not the Texas. ( Ml. heerow had taken a ot indicate one was discover, and armed with revolvers. They entered portion ollieers his wife stated that he had that any secreted in "the In the morning twilight the whole busi- The court then adjourned to Tuesday the -2(ith. that lint for #10 at the outside; but,” she added to-day ol battle. All we know is that the the cabin where Geo. K. Clark and hi> to a sah t v and had return* d house could he found. plan The its labors on to for C'apt. family pirnof made to ravish his own was to on Grand Jury completed “I would lie willing give #12 attempts daugh- revealed the watchers the ca- laughingly two 11. and Geo. when was About two hours before flic lire a “contest in the near his men, George Murray for the remainder he overtaken t»s ter. I') old, since in above president predicts Thursday, having found six indictments, viz.: it.” She said she never w as more surprised in years living Suncook, as came Clark was ’• mentioned one of the nal-boat, plain day. They lorth Beal, were sleeping. Capt, the tloods and drowned, together with his w but was her servant girls was future” about the With re- Martin L. of for on tlie attendant told her she could prevented by interference. public schools, Tower, Searsport, her life when awakened some one in her room in the of and arrested the whole at the muz- hy hearing prowling and several children. lie was a man of lar.-j* She states that have all been afraid of sitting upper story and party Mary L. Grilliu, whom he found picking ber- have for she didn’t want it at even that they the ligionists anti-religionists taking part it, really about tile cabin, and seeing three men. their lives. She wooden extension when of a sudden zels of and revolvers. These still more wealth and iutluein in that part of the stair, professes to know noth- shot-guns ries in a field. James Pomroy, of Swanville, When it came homo she was ot she one in it—with and price. two whom were in a that him in the heard some come up stairs and intelligence patriotism engaged lifting ami was, we believe, a native of Him olnville. ing implicates crimes at were the most trusty for an attempted rape upon Minnie Rrown, and the next morning took it hack, id' asked walk the She on one and company’s mates, dissatisfied, barrel flour, them what they St. Albans and Pembroke, after along hall, immediately side, superstition, ambition, in this county. .Mrs. Hrenov was a native ot though and dread to think ot what the rest aged 8 years. Alice V. Pendleton, of Belfast, and said she didn't like it and would try again. were about. One ol them at once came what has she considers spoke and looked into the hall, where she and on the As they happened that he ignorance other.” to the This is the who testified a which liristol. saw a for perjury. woman The second time she selected #22 hat, his berth, and a Colt’s was of both. man who quietly and van- must be. have lost goods from all alongside drawing callable committing She quickly rest we arc in the They ished without entirely dark. We before the Police Court to the incendiary acts she as she had made trouble she would revolver, said ho would blow out the Oil Sunday Mr. A. lv. Fierce received a do that the shirt which he wore on the answering her. Terribly their and boats, and it there’s an said, says barges of one who made an alarm. she ran down stairs and cannot even conjecture why the prophecy of Jerry Flagg, ou which charge he has since take, hut for which she would only give $15. brains any patch from Lock ridge, Iowa, stating that hi' day of the Pembroke murder is missing; frightened report- honest mate in the crowd he must leel ed what she in before the and she bore it hut she The three scamps then went to work and brother Nathan, who had been b\ a fail that she washed it, but noticed nothing had seen. All endeavors to should be made on so untimely an occa- lain jail. Upon being brought It was a bargain away, injured convince her that lie is not above It is she retracted all her former testi- was a of im- took most all the available property in from his horse, had died that morning. Mr about that one sleeve was torn. that it was her suspicion. very Grand Jury said the whole transaction piece it, except only imagi- sion as a convivial gathering of disband- of all the nation There the cabin, consisting provisions, was a native of in this count\, It, was taken from the she The proved futile, and she still believes evident, if that freight company desire to mony, declaring it to have been false. and she would never trade there Pierce Montvtlle, line, says. ed unless it be that the old com* position, could and she saw a man in front ol her soldiers, sent best clothing they tind, money slice, win n detectives Mrs. La is a woman room. continue their business, will have to was no doubt about her case, so-slie was again. whore he resided until a few years say Page ol they as follows: From The caused the remain- -mandcr the army of the Tennessee ex- a Capt. Clark, $105 7b, and in heart-broken and worn-out and report naturally up stairs for trial. She plead guilty with 1 strolled Hie other day, into the Household he removed to Iowa, engaged farming by grief der of discharge all their trusty mates. The and from the men The the help feel timid, and it is no to lead his former $21. provisions '■once Ids residence at tie- abuse. I.a denies all the pects comrades in the and defiant air, as though the penally Art rooms to select some furniture for my and stock raising, Page knowledge turned out to be so and jaunty were worth about $20. It was a of wonder that the woman who the thieving simple very brought several lots of tine horses the murders, and claims that he made occupies coming was to be only JO days in jail, as she probably “castle in the air,” which, by the way, is so west, he has room on the lloor where struggle. no bold affair, and as they lelt the cabin no Saturday barefaced that it would be wonder if they Mr. Pierce was a attempt to escape from jail in this night’s it but to her astonishment vast in dimensions that there is a vacant to Maine for sale. prominent city. fire was discovered should want ft was not dreamed, at the time this supposed would; always told the men it they came on dock while 1 le that the bricks had been taken company the as well as the knew and influential man his residence inthi> says detectives, mates, found hcrselt booked for the state prison for room to accommodate the requirements of the were within during from his to bed. curious speech was made, that the Presi- they shooting distance, they cell wall belore he was in for to having been and senator placed The all about it. two years. David If. Mathewson, stealing latest fancy. The oddest and oldest thing would blow’ their brains out. Under these county, representative it. lie was heard the bricks girls whispered among themselves dent was about to take a course to digging out, reopen from the house of Albert be seen was old Dutch every deemed it best to re- in the Legislature, and held town offices. that queer had since the a carpet Bradstreet, tin cabinet, part circumstances they however, by some persons connected with things happened the of for week lls deed of blood ol sudden while with her question religious qualification Every brings in Freedom, being aided by Robert McGee and of which was carved or ornamented main until wete entirely out the jail. death, asleep para- splendidly quiet they Oilmore Flagg, a workman tn Mathews Pros, of and the ieel- ofiice, which was settled so long ago. But and horror. In this issue we record a ter- N. Davidson. They used the carpet to with of inlaid woods. It was made in when the alarm was given. Detectives Sargent, Hildreth mour, the Orono woman, John pictures sight, sash and blind factory, received serious injuries Dearborn, it is asserted in a and Marshal! grew that other than human despatch from Washing- rible crime in Mercer, Somerset sleep on in a school house, and next morning Nuremberg in the early part of the seventeenth City Connell are ing stronger County, Attempt to Assassinate Collector at that place Monday morning. He was in the actively un- breakfasts. were in agency was at work. could not ton that the President intends to remove a divorced from a sold it for their They tramps. and of course was furnished with Babson. engaged working up the case. They ex- They in which woman, good century, basement of the building and jumped upon the confidence and the derstand how one could to the was from the house of the man who secret the search for which I soon press belief that La any go all lederal officers who hold the Mormon with a drunk- The larceny drawers, was ami some husband through association Oct. 2 i. An at- steam elevator which ascending, is the murderer of Josie room which was found alire, week committed suicide. Edward to have the solved a clerk (!i.Oi;cf.stkr, Mass., Page Langmaid. Saturday whether are of last Burgess gave up puzzle by distance from the floor. He upon land and down stairs and secreted faith, they guilty polyg- en brute, is shot dead by her paramour. was made to assassinate 1 itz .1. Bab- slipped night, get for a common seller of in- look oil' a of ornamental scroll work tempt of Searsmont, being who piece of lie the elevator had betore the woman who was there amy or not. Now the Mormon faith is The of the occur- son, Collector of the l’ort Gloucester, ing, and before recovered going up only satisfactory part liquors. Thomas J. of New from the outside, revealing six tiny drawers, V. B. toxicating Meservcy, in front of his so that his shoulder came in contact Arrest of M. Stimson. to bed should have walked the pas- not evidence of the last evening, while standing risen high along highest intellectuality rence in the fact that the wretch blew out York, for obtaining orders for sale of liquors. and then drew out the box-like centre of the sage to the stairs. residence on Washington street, convers- with the floor above, turning him over and Boston, Oct. 22. Martin V. Slimson for- leading in a man—but the President has no Iiis own worthless and saved the L. Norton vs. of six drawers oil either side right brains, Ambrose Town Montville. cabinet which had with two Thcrburn Mur- his between the elevator and the ol the Portland ing gentlemen. catching legs merly publisher State, was to remove one from ofiice for that reason, of a claims for of the farther all of which were shielded expense trial and execution. Where Plaintiff |oOOO compensation injuries end, formerly employed as at the at the of the floor. Hut for < has. arrested at and A terrible coal mine accident occurred at La rey, janitor beam opening Kiltery, Maine, brought while on the near This curious and attractive bit of Salle, 111., James l’rince and his any more than an official who is a Metho- shall we look for the next deed? received tarveiling highway by slides. Custom House, passed and remarked, who was with and who here on a of fraudulent- Friday. desperate by Littlclield him, stopped yesterday charge John into one of in last. The road is is at Whowould “Oh ! have with nephew, Ilalton, just stepped or The constitution Liberty Village January antiquity valued $350. not.be you got your body guard the machine at this lie must have notes from about men, the to to dist, Presbyterian. juncture, ly obtaining lifty cages in the shaft descend — such Taylor The lor a lino of on a hillside, and had become so filled with forced into intrigues and escapades with I’ll II x you yet.” When about twen- as for an interest that when the axle of the broke. The that no test shall survey projected you. been cut in two. He was taken up insensible, part compensation work, pully expressly says religious the loot a from to snow that the load of lime casks on which he a of furniture drawing one on to enact ty from Mr. Babson ho took revol- each individual was to have in a at cable snapped, causing the cage to fall to the railroad Lewiston Augusta has piece and carried to bis home, where a surgeon at- colony ever be in such cases. 'The Presi- ver out and but missed his mark. bottom of the shaft, a distance of 3G0 feet. Both applied was riding was crowded oil' the declivity. His romantic heroine. AVhen one gets to be any- fired, Mansfield, Vermont. The party was ready been finished. It was made by En- tended him. Ilis left arm was broken between men were instantly killed. Nine men descend- dent has started on a crusade from which just in it is seem to it is said, has threatened Mr. Bab- to embark when the scheme was leg was badly injured consequence, thing of an antiquarian, old things Morrey, his lower limbs badly explod- ed by the same cage liftoen minutes before. J. Y. McClintocic, nephew of our son’s iiie and that he will finish him. the elbow ami shoulder, he will have to return gineer claimed. The jury on Monday rode to the fasten on them like barnacles to an aged ship. yet ed. Stimson secured about $20,000 worth speedily. this fore- jammed and bruised, and he was injured in- A man in Tenn., has townsman. It is hard to say where the of the accident and viewed the once He was before Judge Davis ol notes. He used the names of several Greenville, captured scene highway. Charles Sumner used to say that having a hawks bonds for his It is thought he will recover. He is twenty-seven by setting a steel trap it is to come unless nooh, and was held in $3000 ternally. to aid him in his trans- •—'They have a fire at Kook money to build from, Case was ou trial Wednesday. McLellau and won the of being an art counoiseur, prominent persons upon the dead limb of a tree upon which caught bug reputation next man, in very poor circumstances. they with rare appearance Wednesday. hardworking actions. have been in the habit of alighting. land, and Dexter Ilayncs is his name. the route developes a gold mine. Knowlton for pltlf. Fogler for defence. his seeking.was atau end, for dealers makes an Judge Libby excellent impression Observations of Men to an ice and Things. possible get cream up to you before it' A Terrible Firo at Virginia City. pdienck's Pulmonic; Syrup is an expectorant in this in 'vm his first term Waldo. would melt. The -1 j not contain or cal- BY OUK GKOItO.K. nearest approach to it is the opium anything Despatches from San dated culated to check a cough suddenly. A few choice specimens ot centennial eagle’s scream, but that is not a nice scream at Francisco, cups Schenek’s Sea Weed Tonic dissolves the food, G R E A T are tor sale at Miss \\ He Co\tinckth: His Tuesday, give accounts of a confla- 1875. 1875. etherbee's store, on Pho— 1’amble. W'c stand all. We are not large enough to describe the great mixes with the gastric juices of the stomach, Special Notice! on at \ aid* nix Row. the platform of the depot at Abbott. Mor- scene as it ought to be described. It would gration irgiuia City, Nevada, which digestion, and creates a ravenous appetite. A\ hen the bowels are costive, skin or rison and si:, horse coach is lake a man sallow, One fourth of the new Hunting’s ready who 300 to do the destroyed the whole of that flour- t he bark launched at weighed subject nearly symptoms otherwise of a billious tendency, for passengers. Charles Lord is Hying round, justice. After in of Sehenek’s Stockton was owned by the builder, Crawford drinking all the beauties ishing mining town. 'The despatches say : Mandrake Pills are required. the the the I hose medicines are -TO I UK- ATTRACTION getting baggage and pas- we drank in some from a prepared bv S. Fletcher. ready helping place, water to the destruction of the only to Owing tele- d. if. SCIIENCIv & sengers scats. Charles is for the line, that out of the rocks on the Sox, agent spring gushes top ollice and the of a. K. If Judge Thurlow continues ill, a of graph press private de- corner Sixth and Arch Sts., Phila. OP Judge and looks out for as ho had as °f the ENING things though mountain, wondering as we drank liow over the it has been diilieult And arc for sale bv all and dealers. Probate from one of the will spatches lines, druggists adjoining counties eyes as a I InT many potato. There is an opposition that water got so far away from home, and to obtain connected 4\v 14 bold his November any information con- court. line run on that account by Frye, and perhaps then retraced our down the mountain. the I.vox’s Ladies & Lem ejai ex steps cerning Virginia City lire. The fol- Kamiprevents the llair from OF— Kt v. i\ J. of will arc all hand- so Will Gurrill Mef'ully, llallowell, occupy accommodating. In going up, the chief requirements necessary lowing. however, is undoubtedly correct falling out or turning gray, renews its growth, th<- at the North Church next holds the lines. He can hold but his as tar as it and gives strength ami vigor. It is pulpit Sabbath, anything are pluck and a knowledge of climbing; in goes. The lire broke out at delightfully riumed, and makes a It that runs all the a in a ]v splendid dressing. morning and evening service. tongue, and time, with joke a near coming down, all that is required is good daylight dwelling Taylor street, i" cheapest ami most desirable Hair Tonic or a pleasant word lo one and all. Will is one stout in the southwestern limit of the business AND New Fall Nr Harrison lost a good hor>e last Thursday seat to your pantaloons, the attraction of overproduced. I'-cd bv the elite. Price only Winter of the nicest Gurrills wo ever flirted and and thickly settled of the cite It oO.cents. while home. The animal on a with, gravitation, which draws all bodies toward the portion lyr driving stepped >xaa» nitassoc a all the resi of the like him. too. After we spread rapidly, cast toward the >:^v.WdaDwcMBMMuMMe "tone and fell, breaking his leg. girls ceutcr of the earth, will attend to the rest. extending ravine in which are are stowed and it takes a stevedore to situated the works away, Arriving at the hotel, we learn that A ministrel company on the steamer Rich- religious and mills and several mines SPECIAL NOTICES. WALDO COUNTY. make stowage, we liud there are fourteen of prominent mond services are to be held in the parlor, and we Wednesday, discoursed excellent music and leaching as far as 1 street northward. us, and baggage to match. The couch was a saunter down Dress Goods! the hall our PERSONAL •at the several down the and modestly take The flames crossed NOTICE, landings river l iiion and Sutton Noticr nine passenger one, and here came up a ques- stand near the j. hereby given that all olticers, sailors, door. The parlor is tilled with a 1 lie streets, space of 10 blocks, ;n>'l or in the girls have revived tin* ribbons tion in arithmetic that a covering soldier*, wounded, ruptured, injured streaming only stage driver could ladies and sonic Ian gentlemen from the cities, in the words of one rebellion, however -lightly, are entitled to a died “follow me. my lad." If tin* lad hold comprising despatch gets solve. Fourteen into nine \ on can’t, so we trans- dressed in their line and others in the almost decent pension, and thousands ot pensioners are entitled to "1 clothes, every building in the town. an inert a-rd rate. the string, he generally linds a flirt at the end and nine inside and six — Apply immediately through pose things, put carry rough garb of the A As the lire worked (’ street the ofliecs 1»ir. K. Ik of it. sportsman. young lady up JAt’KSON, on the outside. 1 he were four bate Li. S. Among party gen- at the and as we tin* of the Territoral and Chronicle Surgeon, Navy. presides piano, approach, enterprise No. 1 Now Mi- Ad* laid** tlemen whom Chambers St.. New York. splyro H.H. Aid, n, wile of Fdward Alden Providence had east incur were Johnson & kindly beautiful hymn of “Nearer, iny God, to thee’* destroyed. Viper's Opera House T. I. Fin Co., W Gee. W. w was Burkett St P;.. on next in 5II.. died refer to ilmingtoii. Saturday of fever. ay—we Providence, lb I. They are fly is our flames and it became evident Bo., just being sung. We instinctively open CONSUMPTIVES, TAKE NOTICE. -!•• that 'n as ingbt« r f tin* late < Cousins, of fishermen; men who disdain to eateli a (rout, the railroad and the I.vi ry Have -fust Ihturned from tie- Apt. mouth, and the melody runs out of it like mo- depot hoisting moment of delay makes your cure more Dtfer of f and much on the Mentioned I hi cit v. even on the of works the onsolidatod f o., hopeless, depends the judicious choice Announce Following though point starvation, unless lasses from a and two ladies from different Virginia oi a to the I'uhiie that they have jug, were in remedy. I he amount of testimony in favor of he can be raised witli a Midi men danger. lh. "Western IVCarket I received their lull stock of I Mr. an Fran- fly. -1! at tin* parts of the room make for us, each with a S'lieuck's Pulmonic Syrup, as a cure for con till arid Win- 1’he water was and sumption, lar exceeds all that can be to is \ table of the hotel, and supply iuadeijuate brought ter Hoods. Piling ins eitx.his native place, for wlien (lie waiter >u\ s— h% inn book in her outstretched hand. Our tie- Willi till. Lui'i'e.it mill .Mini l n-lii..n:,l.1.- gal- the of so support pretensions of any other medicine. See engines little use, recourse was * s»- !-; ’i.'iic nil,', his "tlroiled fried l»r m lenek's the emigration, txveiity-Mx trout, trout and trout," they turn lantry forbids our accepting one and n-fusing to Almanac, containing certificate- Slock of had blowing up It was too .■I many of the who tl buildings persons highest respectability, ago. in their chair and trout ior eo if t!i«• so we our e Goods! say—"No you other, seize the two and exercise iia' In ii late, however, and in a few minutes the re-1,0 e,i («>heallb, after being pronounced DRESS GOODS! < I never eat io incurable iiv of Dry I. W Pitcher A o. announce please, troll! unless I catch them." their fullest extent. Kev.G.L. Locke* physicians that they have lings depot anil works were m flames, acknowledged ability. hoisting >ehenck’s Pulmonic Syrup alone bus cured as coons! And it r< ten to of many, n ess i" retm ned with a new lot of and fanex they stick to that mark, changes St. Michaels church, llristol, K. L, discourses the latter were reivnlh built at an tlie-c e\ in our 1 (loods will he dry expense i.lences will show; but the cure is often’pro- department At prices lower than any other lr u-e m-t' i the < ! •oil". Purehas. 1" Will do Well to one will want some gum to chew from a text to 1'eter walking on the ol several thousand and were ihe by employment of two other remedies lh < iieivd iii this cil \. mud an excellent assortment of AI.I, look over they spruce relating dollars, which Dr. Sohemk pro\ ides for the purpose. These in the before done These water. the success had. \\e lines! on the ( omstock W< )<>!,(.()(IDS. in numerous city. i!c-ir "t> k. See adx. they get their trip. gentle- l»v that lVtcr lode. •11 io:ut remedies are Scheuck’s SeaWeed Ionic shades, qual- ami We cannot enumerate or ities and men each had a book of tlies. A book of tlies came to the conclusion that when we to tlie north and oast the Mandrake Pills. By the timely use of th\-e goods (junto j«rioes. prices. Maildoek- out in attempt- ontinuing im blo-sonis rhyme in another nie.ii- s, act ording to directions, Dr. Scbenok cer- as our stock is s»» ed to w alk on till ii mill ol (ho t 'alifoniia very large, hut we cordi.dh is a Turkish moroeeo bound hook with leave- the water we should wail partially completed tifies that m >-t case of "luinn. I- iIn r*• any natural association bo- any Consumption may be Black mini* and consolidated \ were soon cured. invite you all t<» call and examine them, Silks, of parchment, in which are -tuck the Hies, and froze over. After dinner we took the steamer irginia u and tin; Dr. poctrv gentle craft of leather? in (lames, which still lurlher north St'henek will be at the Quincy House, Boston, ascertain our price.-, and if -ati-f.u- the “red ibis'," and the “brown hackle," and tlie for the foot, of the lake, where we our spread on the jtundiase 'A hiltier. tir- of American used to smite engaged dloning Wednesdays. from'.Mo o'clock poets, to the works tlcstrcvim* •bni. 1'tli ami t'»cy. We thank for mur liherai SHAWLS, worm/’eaeh in its e and and all our ra- Opliir hoisting J,Tli, Feb. lotli and gtth, and March you patron- be “biig"and, rospeotiv place. guide boat, got traps and lap-tom* ii. lii- early da\ <. them also, w hich is about the limit of the leth ami Jltli. ( onsultations but To* a ^ he tions tree, thorough age and hope. to retain it, i--tiring you that om dl our and we Oncol’the party had a book of over lifleen dozen together. Our guide was Sam (’ole, a examination of the with the -penalty, guarantee deslruetion in that lire lungs, ilecpirometor, a i .b pupils ol tin* I nitarian Sabbath Sehool direction, the dy- the is goods will l»e sold at tied will suit the -ale on these at Lower Prices than Hies, and the expense ofthe honk was over ><2."». young man of who has followed the calling price prices goods Dress 35, out lor want ol fuel. can !>e Goods, v id give a Harvest Concert at the church next ing From Taylor Dr. Schenck is professionally at his of- Inner. obtained elsewhere in this and r»0 of for *20 principal pun city. will buy bu-hels of good potatoes or guide years, and who i< pilot, guide, street near which fi-‘ ‘>nier .sixth and Arch Streets. Sabbath at 7 oVloek. The eliureh will the lire it Philadelphia, evening originated, ‘■very .Monday, v.-h-re all letters of advice must be a nice meerschaum pipe. W e were with this trapper, liunter, fisherman, sailor, cook, and southward the wind de- I" *1 -orated with llowers an I fruit, and the spread against addrrsM-d. gentleman nearly two days, and lie looked at last, but by no means least, a thorough gentle- stroy ing the branch olliee of the Hank ol T. W. Pitcher Blankets, x> it i-e*> will consist of music, singing, decla- & Co., FLANNELS his book of Hie- every two hours b\ the watch man. If Sam knew we had written this, lie (.’alifoniia, Wells, A Co's Kx mation, We. Fargo press Of CONFESSIONS A — VICTIM. — that time. Though late in the season, it would blush like a red The veranda olliee and else in ils line. At A V I' during herring. every thing I*i i*i ioiki* as a \\minin', ami for the benefit of ai Main St., Belfast, Me. BEAVERS, I'b indications are that tin* Belfast shoe fae- was just in the height of’lly time with him. AN V of the Lake House is ornamented with speci- this point the (build A Curry Works were I Y<>i \«. Mi n ani» .»ini us who Miller from NKKY- i\ will next week, in lint < M s 1 *1.1*11 loss OF .MAN HOOD, etc., gi\- -top operation- prepar- kept, run of this of four, and with a guide mens of his skill as hunter, the heads and ant- danger, lortnuately were saved, in 11;. parly ing his rule.', of S,/f ('iu-(•, after undergoing much •i > to ihcir winter’s work, short the entire business is WOOLEN GOODS entering upon each, making eight in all. they only killed about h i's of deer, caribou, and moose testifying to nearly portion suili ring ami expense, amt mailed free on recei\ ing Waterproofs, l b. f..r next season's labor is in ashes. The hotels, a pope, Address N A 1 11 w’ pro-pc very tittv pounds of trout more than ate, in a Ids ^kill with the rille. As we at that churches, county i i»nil our assortment the trade they gazed ILL MAY FA I It, i* O. l*o x 17,d, lir.mkl yn, A W largo •‘•■d, and tie ta« will soon be with buildings, newspaper, and ex- Iii tin- District Court or Plaid lory running week's time. We were not so particular how moose’s head, we mentally remarked if we im- telegraph spOmYd tin-I nit.-.l -r:.ti i.n- Hu cannot tail to make go ul seh etion.s at e\- Suitings, oil lees are all District ol' Muiur. a full force. press swept away. trente we took our li-h. NVe went determined to have agined ourself as homely as a moose, that it Low Prices. Over H i, ill M l are made homeless, In tin- matter oV IlKMtV VI. nil persons Lood ('hocked l too A vender of cord wood -old a load to an Or- some, if were to be had. It was immate- Would never cost us a edit for photographs. BEL FA SI PRICE CURRENT. VKitY, of .... Shirting lanml, rr.ANNELS, they the w ind is piercing, and much sull'ering Belfast, Hai.krujit t thodox use ami With Sain and his a eauoe on ('orrrrfnl i)/.'inner or ss. p(*V yard. d< aeon, for the of tin* church, rial to us whether we took them w ith a Hy or yacht Sailor lioy, will be experienced Indore temporary shel- H'cekln for the Journal m.u\f, at deck and a tent in the with a full l‘ u: i.m \ No. s Main Street. MR —Take notice that a tn ihe creditors Gents' mistaking the directions, delivered it the shot them with a gun ; tidied with bait and pole, cabin, supply ter can be Il is to Hmuam-k, meeting Underwear, prepared. impossible of said will be held at the oilice of < hail* of outlits and a well stocked our 1‘ioar ...o.i K orm-d He, I l-'al 1 bankrupt l in arian hiicc. The Kilter folks were fora or hlowed them out of water w ith nitro camp larder, the amount of but the de- in in the glycer- conjecture loss, ( orn vsadd Mutton 7 Hamlin, Register Bankruptcy, County REMNANT PRINTS 1 and ourself hoist the whil,‘ sired s < Clerk’s Oflice, at Belfast, «*u the jpth of )etoi «V and iw nude! the .mpre--ioii that tie y had ine, or as a last resort, bought them. There are companion sail, ion of mil Is and hoisting work abo\ e ora Mi il an Lamb 7ad day Fall Winter Hosiery. U.e M> .1 A. D. 1*75, at lu o’clock, A, M., for the purpose of c Sam attends to the more diflieiilt of relerred to will a loss of a YL.YU furkey l-adi* AT « CENTS PER YARD. ivfd a donation. a sellish men round the and part get- entail whether a resolution a great many lake*, probably H 1 d.1.7.0 Chicken Half* inquiring accepting composi- under wav, and we round from our million dollars w illiin a radiusofa lew hun- 00 tion by said bankrupt t<> his creditors, in A «ri\ of were there are also a great many buy-lish men. too. ting swing Harley Fowl ldal7. proposed sportsmen who m camp in ! satisfaction of the debts owed said to dred led. of Ollts 7*0 Jee-o- (ill by bankrupt however, w hen done a anchorage and start the lake. Fortunately the shafts both town invited some friends Fly lishing, hy profes- up each of his creditors, has been passed in tin manner We invite attend.n 'ghboring city < l He in- -Y’.nuad.lo Duck. oo GOOD particular the tpliir and 'onsolidated were directed by Sec. 1? of the Amendment BROWN COTTON! ome out and take a sional, comes the nearest to perfection in lish- Virginia Fotatoi-' YU Hay £ 1* .OOaH.UO Bankruptcy game dinner. They The Centennial. June2k', IS?i, and the Re\ is.-d Statutes stock of Ladies’, Misses' and Child' o bulkheaded and the lire was kept out oi the Apples b»a.YI.on Straw Y7.00uM.00 Act,approved a\ellcd thither, l*iit found that the hunt had ing of anything we have rvr seen; hut every of the United States, title LXI, Bankru dry, and 7-s wide <> 1 -Jr t mines. I lie men their Olird Apple >u0 Washed Wool H yd. |>i yard. I rum an Occasional Correspondent. Opliir say possibly has been continued by the signatures required h> of -an one cannot do ii, more than a man Hatter d;iad7 l'nwashed •»■ unproductive anything fox. greenhorn any loss lie less t han at first The said Sections. An l whether it i tm the In -t 1 ’H11.ai>F.i.i*mA, Oet. iisih, may supposed. Cheese If* Hides C, also, j MERINO l ie didn’t cam halt swallow a full of and interests of all concerned, that the £uid resolution y partake. spoon *|iiicksilver building was of light frame and inn c Fgg" f.O Calf Skius Id li is now only seven months to the opening may the composition should he re ! then it out. our ride was a one. loiinnl Ho 10a 11 Lamb OOal.OO (accepting propose.!: Standard I’lu two cask.- of inside other spit rough burned without ing the maehinerv. corded, and that the said statement tie Sheeting liquor packed of the < Vntennial Fxhihifmn of 1x7(1, amt a visit destroy Folk Hark' If. Hard W'oo.l YY.7i0ad.U0 .'bowing the roads and inueli cut mi l whole of the assets and debts of -aid -liould (Udervests A: Drawns. taken from the eitv were not so being very muddy' up The loss lie buildings and merchandise l-ui'd 17,ad0 Soft Yd.7*ua LuO bankrupt AT S CENTS PER YARD agency, to the grounds is amply re paid by the seem- now be tiled. WM. I’. I'RKBl.U. and full «>f which is not to be wondered ill the must be lleef -alo Shorts per et. $1 f.7, d tor concealment. The servants of com- ruts, city very heavy, although t lerk of t be 1 S. I >i-f riel < oiirt. presentee!. the past year the* progress N « al YaS Lime $l.dY at when we think that has to Huring covered to a extent insurance, il w 17 lortlie District id Maine. u carriers have a wav of everything go great by I >i Cod o? Hatter Salt ds neatly tapping of the buildings has been very rapid, on the1 o\< tlii- roadie the whole of 1 hi-- is not known lo what extent (lie mills and Pollock 07* Planter $L-l0al.Y0 Bleached Cotton 1 jUors under a and the double en-ks is supply por- hoop, fth eif 1x71, the was tirst broke n duly, ground works were in the Disti ict Court of the l nited State- ., tion of the Mate, even to tin; < unada line. NVe hoisting insured, except 111 MILLZ17ERY to frustrate this practice. iur tli- District ul M.iim-. 1 in. by (be contractor tor the* main exhibition builel- ease of the where I lie loss is wide, only ].! i-.’e per yard former i--ed several small one Opliir, placed P through very villages, 1 ii be <<> w (tin s-betore the < Hand durv i- AI that time in Cattle Market. t matter of A. J HAKKIMAN \ Bunk 17c teporled ing. Fairmont Park, tin* vicin- from $lbtl.OtMi to se.'iuijii!■ i. with an in air Brighton ]>l':ce t.. of them NVe remembered that in rupts, against whom a Petition was libn in .-ai»l We have the pleasure announce tl e ■ Shirley. par- Ine-c given some of ue> i: comprehensive testimony ity the present buildings, prescnteel unus- anee if si.il i.oi I. W MDNT.MlA V (Jet. d<>, Court, October Ititli, A. D. Is? .. as we wondered what Char- we tire our tall stock of ticular, possessed Ai market for the ,.*00. N umber of Hoavy Shirting a t in certain -aloou. ••Yes.” “often?’’ “Yes.” he gras* was green ami undisturbeel, and the greatest excitement, >w ing to the contra- W '-ieru Cattle 107L Northern Cattle and Work- A warrant Bankruptcy lias been is-in-d, by -aid { w rite a honk about that, tow n. Toward the lat- ■■ nature ol the o.xi-u and Milch 4 YU. Lastern Cattle ldd. Court, against the I.-tales of A.J. Harrimau and IV/zv/s, Silks inul Ud.h.,,K i’i n “How mil 'll you hills s new.s.Caliloniia street ing Cows, ■ have drank thereof liquors, | and valley appeared in their natural beau- dictory ( ( \\ i 'III 7 ii/.. In (In' ."7 I Jr te r of the afternoon we arrived at the tow n l*i C vi h i; Price.' 10 lbs. live 'harlots M. Littlefield, of the ounty of Waldo, and yd only paid was lull of wild rumors and the per weight, ex- n six month-?" “Well. 1 can’t tell exact- ty. w hit'll at all times is one of its chief uttrae- telegraph tra State of Maine, in said District ; tliev have been k l-da7 lirst ■ j ot .p.aiity Y7 7Y; ipiaiity $d 7Ya7 dY; Creenvillo, at the loot of the Lake. Creen- and olliees were duly adjudged Petition of their /iwhsintir. Silk und I'. / ..r h It might a tions. On newspaper by md iiiaiit y7« s7 1 daf. 7*o; third «|iiality $4 ?Ya Bankrupts upon be—\vcil—perhap*—well, say duly 4th, ls7b, the scene* in the1 same besieged Creditors, and the of debt-, and tin ville is a town of some 400 or Ooo inhabitants, As Y 7 poorest grades of coarse Oxen, Hulls, &c.,YY 00 payment any LADIES' UNDESVESTS! barrel!’’ vie wa* far ditlerent. people anxiously seeking intelligence. aO. of any property to -aid Bank inily The main exhibition u'. delivery belonging lit a. and. the mixture of one can have been stocks to them or to their it* Honmi-t, i ttitittii»/ ijiieenrst people liiighl expected, fell tile :* ■»n Him-:> 7 1 dr fallow rupts, use, and the tran-ler ol a row some seven per Ih.; Brighton fa-t Lodge of I. o.o. F. visited Oriental building presentee! long of or any them, are forbidden law. \ find anywhere, lh re are Indian-. French. Ca- died of Hie disaster. The lire is 7a 7 1-dc per lb. property by by I* to -, .'i thr-e v ests to he s<-| t at •»»>(• iimpics of of t., pi •■!_■ of a even- hundred feet of iron columns < o n i;a lino 7c < ountn Y meeting the' Creditors said Bankrupts, Bangor, in body on Tuesday eight supporting a per lb, Tallow 1-d le’/s, /•’..illt. /•.<, a nadian-, Half Breed-. and serious disaster, but the dfeeis or \ ci y o 11 me.* I'rappers Yankees, tionably ado r lb. prove their debts, and choose one more As-ignee- each: g d weight and the iron rafters for roof. |u ijiiaiity. ddiev were pleasantly entertained, and the Tons of iron ami on the of t heir Estate, will he held at a Court of everything looks and denotes that you are Jinaneial interesls mi the coast of c.m.i MiiNs—1 lal.M* per II*. Sle ep ■'kin- ?7.aYl oo Bankrupt! to be hidden at Belfast, in said District, on the mi, ■ ■: a d with a tine collation. The was huge- piles of lumber cove red the* ground. Me- California will be but each. Lambskins 7Ya.*l oo each. And a full and slock object llow on the of the wilderness. limited and of A. 1>. \ complete “ragged edge" tempo- W ni.iONii o\ i.n We >ales of 1 f. day November, ls?."», at 10 oYloek M. :d morial a ijiiote pr, girth s-it a lodge that had been under the Hall, short distance from it, matte a On the sired afterward lock raliod tbe office of diaries Hamlin, L- in tin- Custom Hand Knit Worsted Jackets per- Canoes, lishing pedes, landing nets, gun-, rifles, rary. ft Y in. Yl-'iY; 1 pr d ft 9 in. Y1YY; 1 pr d ft Y in. $17.0; p, J of ! r* House), one of the in ■: i 1 il:!1 supervision of the (irand Master, and gram! display granite and marble; Machin- and the feeling in biisincs- ireies w as pr, ? ft in, YddY; 1 pr, 7 li o in, $>7»; l pr, 7 tt o in, Regi-ter- Bankrupt,v -now shoes, and traps, all tell of a sporting and Court. S. S. M A RBI.I MILLINERY GOODS em \Yc arc tie an the work. The ceremonies were ery Hall, the west side of lielmont Avenue, greatly improved. -t 1? l S. as Me- for -aid District. I receiving these per- w ild life—and all the talk one hears relates in S r< on. C.\t n.i Yearlings YlYul>; two year olds } Marshal, nger, >omi-weekly was :> Hand Knit .Jackets from wlm are :iii' d bv J'a-i (Hand Master F. M. nearly half finished; Horticultural Hall had Y Ida ; three year olds Y.'YaCY. parties Dress Ornament in Laughton, some way to or li-h mg. Hav- Trimmings, hunting, trapping Mil.* o C< >\\ s— l.xtra YYYafY; ordinal' Y JYuYu. them thr air trade ii (. the ironwork the frame of the of knitting e\pr«--l\ I.dvvard A. Buck, and were very forming building Symptom., Catarrh. Sni.i.i- an 11 L.v.Mii- Western a. 1 !c lb. ing arrived at Creeiiville, the tourist should per (»NLY i.A< II. to all tastes, to which vie in\ i Belfast nearly all up; and the was broken Idr Sort hern dad 1 1c per lb. Maine Central Railroad. Adapted mgh. Lodge returns thanks to the know W hat he wants to do. If he vv4-lie- to ground Dull. I. :i>l:u li. ob-t rilel ion of the heavy sn iNi-.-Mure Pigs, wholesale loaldr per lb ; re the ol La.lie- filler at Agricultural Hall. The ceremonies of the ua-al <■-, 'Ii• 11ai from 11.•:m 1 Oct. 25, 1875, inspection lodge Bangor for courtesies received. fish and hunt, a little, ride and row and live* at a day pa--a ge- falling Hi" tail. Ilaldc. t n Hogs ;:;uu in market ; prices OaO 1 dc Commencing; s last, d freon A. M. till : fte*r the* of tire- into lln- lumai, .-one-time- |*1 u-> w atery, and i. If. >| in;- Pi: d««. y.u* In ad. I rains h ave Belfast at d. I n; lb»i: oi 'l’via*!.. The Ber- hotel, then h- has the Lake and Fvelelh lioii-c elisplay 8 :0O a. m. '■..nmviing JACKET YARISL Uiehings :ieri !. al other-. thick. l«■ ii:t• i• >ii-. mueou-. w orks in tlie- e\ pur- reef to Bangor. Dexter, skowln ,::ui, I moiugtou, 0 cuing. H. H. JOHNSON & CO. ud opera eompauv gave on Tuesday evening to choose between. If lie wants to li-h some, ulent bloody. and pu rid: Hi.-cps arc weak, Lewiston, i)anville Junction and (■nimi Inmk a men sc Pin* < atliolie 'I ofal Abstinence laid !be Rail and ia Eastern and i lost,.x Maim 1. ■. Have received fill a sort t >!’ t lie c Society watery, and inflamed : then i- in lie wav, | harmine performance, which delighted and cares uot foi rides, but w i.-le to enjoy the ringing MAUIUIdJJ. • < in Boston at 1 III corner stone of tin* r centennial ftmuiain with ars, deal'm-s-, ha* kin_i or ouMiing to ehai roads, arriving 7:55 p m American \Y .r ded> hi all shade- (tetolier is;;. •' i-<»n who iiad the fortune to be s of a fashionable summer good pleasure watering the throat, etoral ion of oihn-ive in this ‘ttli by Leave Belfast 3:00 m eonm cling 1 > Dexter ceremonies. A brief of expt mailer, iiy insl., Kev. Wooster Parker, p. " imposing description I and and with Rulluinii m, -••tit. flic text being in Knglish, was un- place hotel, Li. n ne mu.-t go up the lake 20 together wilh scabs from n!* r-; the vojee i- Ml. i red. A W hite ol Belfast, and Miss Jennie Bangor, night Irani, Ibis will no doubt |, I. '.KOI Ol 1 > l Kev. I. \V. Moore, M r. reader.-, and show them that the Pim* oll’i nisi \ e. smell and 1 a -1. are : 111 ♦ > i- 111. PAYSON T'>•»(!- and hut, a--ure the peranee impaired I TUCKER, Snpt. prices, public F UR NITURE. •* di/ii.g re Mrs. Jiii Ber- accommodation for me hundred and K- Moore swnnv ille, and .Mi-.- Nellie M. charming lungs ample a schsalioll of dizzine-s, medal Portland, June e.', 1*75. t. »l we mean business, and to sell our Tree Stated- no. alone in the temperance cause. depression, 1 .Ili- o! Brook'. propose | nard vva m tine voice, and her charming face forty-nin«- others be-ide him if. Jf lie -imply hacking rough. and general debility. h Mid hunt, then there are two way- mptom- 'I William Da\ is id Freedom, and Mi-s ameter of fountain, tm feet: diameter ol” pave- ver, likeh to be presen I in any me e.i-r. Tlnre A ii' .1 l\ it li d .) ark on. j to b*• two of t>> a and *-unoc regretted that the 11 nest por- left for him, either take guid<- is no di-ea-e more eomumu Ft >■-tiiekt'O), got h, C. ( Thomas \ ;ent for the celebrated lKLMKSTK ment, Jim feet; of central ;!.*» fe< t ; iban Calarrli, and Sep; by Huberts, j height ligure, Foobr and .Mis- l-.-ther Ann ; niaii- < s of the kind tuat have ever been of- with camping out til. «»r a «ru i* i« ami .til boat, none le-s understood by physician-. l.anpher, but li of Stock PAPER i AslIloNS fatal free height ol the lour outside ligmvs, feet. The ton. 'goes ied to our have been thinlv attended ami -tart out it. till -ids the hot- in:, sack's ca!a 1:1111 j:i:mi:/>) ii < ( ( New I Slo.'lJ. Store! people, roughing By 'i, let. I'.ltli. by Hubert S Win. A. eenr ral ligure represents Moses as having st ruck In Bo.-e of Tvrol and Sir Marniaduke. \V«* ter way is tlie guide and boa*. Here you can is, bevond all comparison, the best preparation Small and Mi F.lla A. Jipson, both of Stockton. the roek. I lie rod in In Oct. his hand touches below a lor Calarrli ever Kocklaml, go. Henry Carver, F.<«j., of ar that our eitv is a for not take a tent, all \ our oullitof discovered. Cnder the inlln- getting reputation camping bedding, N'inalhax n. ud Fva A. Flint, of Fincolnville. hen. \Y. burketl Co. lissnre in the roek, whence issues a stream of eiiee of it- mild, soothing, and healing proper- & ■ lativc of music. kettles and grub, and with canoe or In fhoinas- »u, Oct lltli, Kobinson and ing appie good pots, pans, ties, tin* disease soon The (»olden Med- Shepard water, which flowing into channels of the strata yield*. A blue I.. 1 ibb* t^ on to of the ical be Lini'ih.w n i l.ast summer a -warm of row boat deck, go any part lake, Discovery should taken to correct the in K'ickiand. Oet. Id, Adrian I'.. Ham lton and of the roek encircles it and falls into a entirely blood, which is alwavs al fault, and loael *p» e- Mary \ l>o\\, both of Kocklaml. !»ce- took of a in ( stop where you please, and go ashore and pitch possession chimney apt. basin below. This work will he a great land upon tin* diseased and lining In l lioiuaston, Oct. Is, ( apt. David 11. Hiver.s and ORGANS! l itieally glands (build's house. Last week the ( your tent, and remain as »:ig as you please, IF h tin B. Jacobs, both of Thoiuaston. Joseph aptuin mark of the power and influence of their soci- membrane of the nose. Tin* Catarrh Renn dv LOCKE, be In llaverliill, Mass., (let. Id, < ieorge II. l'orrey of Successor tor. 1 >. l- i a on of and then up and go made raid them and got forty pounds pull >. ety at the close of this The school Kocklaml, ami l.illie I’mslee ol Haverhill. Would inform the that be ha- it -I d Satunlav and century. Xttstd h-mrhr—the only instrument by which public !11* and much was in rived at (ireenville afternoon, hi Surry, Oet. iDr. I\ ilburn II. Swett, of l.lls- new addition to his stock of Kurnitiir- u be h m honey, destroyed getting children had a vocal concert call be to ORGANS! ; grand in Machin- 111!ids perfectly injected all the pas- and Mi-s ire <,. is desirous of Kineo, we took the wortli, Inn nil of Surry. po>e-» to sell cheap lbr cash. •ut.The is in thi- vicinr being visiting the nose epizootic raging Hall sages and chambers of from which In S. Mr. Frank F. of New Goods >n h !. ery during the at which ii was Treiiionf, pi. goth, Higgins Among the general assortment ofe.iods < went morning, : v. in a mild form. side wheel steamer < Jo\. 'olbiirn, and up Fden, ami Miss Fldura M. of l remout. are /• iin.iu: ru i mum: ’, HDD slEA/tS, II. !/»<>) <. mi, great beauty. On all sid.-s rising from the lnont. modes, un. nuns. /’/ / / ///./;< 1/ ; / — 1111 near this station were in the wood Satur- estimates made on the it is asserted that at sjx.it, In Kocklaml, Oct. Id, Mr. 11 W. (..'alderwood and r v, s/‘i;L\ <■ /:/.!> v, /; am » A / / / slime* of the lake are mountain-. Old Squaw, Pills, Potions anil wiie of t hem was loading a large six shooter least two hundred thousand people visited the PuugcudcK Mi Josephine I W ooster, both of \ inalhuven. //: 1.1//..s’, Big and Little ami the Lilly mountains, In Kocklaml, od. '.'th, Mr. Charles V. Follett and out, m- u Iv nil -to!. While the hammer down on to Spencer Park. 1 and think 1 am safe in llav in;; jiri’N i..ii-l\' closed Don t Fail to Call letting anticipate, say- .Mi-s Fmiiia.J. Stubb-, l."tii of Searsnioni Upon COFFINS & CASKETS while oil'to the far them A Teiun■ --ee girl, rifling on She ears, rros-rd ; .- away right, beyond <»• ■ ip. lie- was and the ball ing, that next tih of w hen the Old World 1 In Koi kl.Uid, (. s, Mr Daniel K. Waldron ami notice. An ic<- .,-kei lurnMod u In 11 pistol discharged, July the kicked a man against the of old slock of 1 am now pre- aisle, young up in) goods, ■ all rises old Katahdin, w hose top, now covered Mrs. Ad' lla M. Shuman, both of So. Thomaston. I |>IM• It«■ ri 11:• and < |i.ii: m.‘ !•’. .1 1 X ; o m I w > : r< d the kmv ot one of his brother Indians comes to sec how brother Johnathan lias window, and remarked; **l was lining grown ii| In >1. iieorge, Od. Htl., Mr. Charles W Avert 11 man. as the sun east its last fo show an entire lock of new with snow, shone, rays never to allow 1 mail t<> wink il < « pared goods 1 unking a had wound. They are going to the in a hundred years, there will he a gathering in valler-eyed and Mr-. a-sie A. all, both of Kiehmomi. ,1 L, IiO( K K it, like a > her which me." ■ \ to t a to upon huge cap enveloped All the I.A I I sf g. doctor extract the ball. Fairmont Park worthy of the occasion. in every department. No. tl 1 11(E\ 1 \ HOW l’l' 1 1 V 1 e it. W stood on the (.leek w ith our book ami 1 lv7d '.ml .' To like a All w In suiler from coughs, cold-, bronchi 1a Sept, r:, -i aim'oiu. On Wednesday evening of last give anything description of the D1 Eb. STYLKS of pencil in our hand gazing at the beautiful seem*, croup, whooping cough, and tin* nw-t to he wei k. as a buildings would be to a of what \oung lady who lives as a domestic give repetition dreaded of all « eau tind Mire relief iti /• w hen a gentleman who did not seem to be in- onsumption, (Unf beyond tiu Date, Xante and Age has been to tin* or. Uli a family on Steamboat street, was return- given public hundreds of times in lh\ W ishfr's llolsaninf Wild ('In rr/j which must //■ paid j ) HAVENER'S at all. asked us “what we were SMALL & KNIGHT quisitive going cures w In n other remedies fail, bn cl-, and >1 Oct. ii- t'rom an evening meeting, she was rudely before, and I will only give an idea of the floor ! I n t his city, go, Mis- ida ( aider, daughter of to sketchr “Keleli any that bit at our a large bottles miieli the < aid. F. and Sarah W Bn gf> thing of the bottle, cheaper. Henry wn, aged year '""ted hv two young miscreants in human space four buildings, where we lint 1 they and ii niont lm. book.” “No," said he “1 mean do you draw?" MILLINERY she closed, her on ill -lie lo ed below. in. who by lon e sought to compel her to go cover an area of forty acres. Relief to an extent not hitherto attained is eye- Lunch Rooms W'e said we never could draw not And them in a realm of anything, op"d light above, s •\.th them. A '■mart The main exhibition i> isxrtfcot those from ORGANS! /'on'/ •>/■ 1/ l / V 77,7. /■.*'/. scuttle ensued in which building long. experienced by siiUeriug Riigbt Where j' v un-peaknb'.c doth cvei flow Selected a first Class Milliner. even a in a “Then what was by prize lottery. Around the soul in ceaseless love --• young fought manfully and successful- 420 feet wide. This building if set up in my disease, Idadder and glandular com- aidless, ; I In v an- built from tin* best material, in the m*<-1 BELFAST, MAIN K lady kidney, A bud on earth she did that book in our band?” Our note hook, wo lovely appear, thorough manner, ami it i- mceded that l’h‘- mistress of the house native not be so as one of incontinence ami re- generally where she lives, village might large plaint.-, diabetes, gravel, Ordained to bloom within a purer ple re. all the 'ities nf 1 olie !>e said. “W ell, please till me out a note lor Moo. MISS 13 R.O W 1ST, they |,M- (jll: Action, /*//./. n'p /••.!/;/• lr. ;tnng the utile, to and the its mountains, but it would make a very re- tention of female di-turbe I F ini'li ami 1 Hiruhilii v which constitute H its stepped opened urine, irregularities, early to a bower on h.gli, -ign, on three months and 1*11 take it without an en- Transplanted in- 11:1 \i 1.s >, ami wherever have been old ('oriUMl Ib !', ,i“ 1 on the summer house side of it. she Houri-h in tho^e they opening when these two spectable along This loss of melan- Oh, may gardens fair; < street, sleep, appetite, general debility, introduced. tin v have, be their merit alone, w .11 lam < howd* r, I dorser," said be as he moved away, before we Beneath a golden .iglit ai d rosy sky, Who will lakr rhargu <»{ lIi:i1 • ■la- all I lam and a two we arrived at ,vi>. bed goods rv !.. ru;m lit .lib. as i-. warranted ami Eggs, • sail of hours, Who would have hat she might longer stay. fully it-- future-Tin- pi/.ootie is to delightful of the glass work is and a lew more a return to health. Beet steak. prevailing completed, perfect -: 11 i la- ! ion guaranteed to i he purchaser. the wharf at .Mount Kineo, when our who ohooso I" luvor u with 11*»■:r pal Brow 11 Bread and Milk, ,i extent, with the horses in our baggage weeks will it. The other in Kocklaml, o F alley O., son of Win. IF great locality. complete buildings I'lie Tailing and n pairing of an Organ .should be < rackers atm Milk, was An was boa-ting !<> a Yankee and l.i/.zie F. Collin, I 1 mouth. in an immense drawn Englishman aged year. > a horse is to he met with Unit is not put baggage wagon, arc j done by a person, that by constant practice and con Mince l*ie r. Hardly also for the most part far advanced. At a Ihilidi In *ct. David F. < gs per tpiurt< that, they had book in tin Mu-eum Vinalliaveu, Id, arver, aged ronago. licet ion with t understands them a that bad ears as | truuns, perfectly App!< the southeast AVed- by very diminutive donkey, Ci. ro, -iUv.During heavy gale, Memorial Hall the dome is on and nearly fin- which was once owneil by **oh. that years. r.tier.| ntly vv« .-hall have a Tt n 1:j: from tin- lac v ! In Camden, < »c 17th, Nathaniel < i., son of Pumpkin lav the -eh. John S. of large as a number one mackerel. W'e after- ain't, nothin','’ retorted tIn* Yankee; in the Cupt torv visit us and keep our Orgaus in morning, Wortman, ished, and it pn souls a line appearance from 1 C. A. ami F. D. g-1 and 7 mos. regularly Coffee, Sylvester, aged years km. and ni.i'.ui:. wards a fair look at him a museum in Hosting they've got the h ad pencil lea, arsport, dragged her anchor and was driven got through spy tin* East Park. The Government is In So. 1 homaston, Oet. W'alter F. Harlow,aged building that Noah used t-> eh ek olf the animal.- that Come and examine these Organs for and Milk. glass, and should he was some over a years. yourself -bore to the eastward of the steamboat wharf. judge t i,ooi» and < ukaim.k Burkhadt's Celebrated Eager, I n b well under way. This contains Went into Hie ark." In So. fhomasti n, Oet. 14, Kohert W., sou of Ben- convinced hat they are.vs building 100,- KID CLOVES I T -In on to hundred years old. A few rods from the wharf 1 .ittlelield. d months. hail any you ever saw, and if you w ant one we are up every day pounded the rocks sufficiently make 000 in to a jamin and Angie aged square feet addition side building us on a in In >n, lath in.-F, of of the bound t>» >1.1.1. as vve shall h t so onk touch in a lev.-l at the foot oi Mt. Kineo One of Hi!- greatest impro\emeiils the Wn-hingt softening hole in her, when she tilled and sunk. The plateau <7miri ( t‘/iii'S >uol /‘■Imrrii, containing 20,000 square feet. Horticultural of medicine is 1 real ing diseases of Hie i brain, Dr. F. S. ^ oung, aged d."> years. From (>■/ el- lo >' '.on. prices. lyrgti ■ stands the Kineo an practice lew were when sin- struck adrift. It House, excellent hotel, In Fllsuorth, Oct. '.'th, Mrs. Sarah B. asleep Hall is nearly finished outside, all the lungs by direct ion. I nlialing the \ apors Hopkins, M. P WOODCOCK & SON. ( '<>// facti0Hr r>j, 1'i‘HtI. \ d nearly applicul 1-1 Also, Charles 7.4 I capable «»f over l.“»0 and aged years. Hay nes, aged years __ thought she will get off without much dain- accommodating guests, and is done. of Tar, by burning or by the use <»f hot water, glazing trimming and I months. Oct. 17), Mr. Horatio N. Joy, aged A EAHOE VAUIITW <>| owned a Mr. Ohcnery of a was recommended 11\ a re- e as she has no cargo. by Boston, gentle- Hall is with tin* sixty year> ago. 74 year-. Machinery completed excep- of man of wealth, and a (a-iit invention the Solution "Forest Tar" has In Bartlett’- Island, Oet. FJth, Little Maud, only 1ST E W great many high priced tion of a of the The British Bond's Cakes and Crackers! portion transept. been produced for Catarrh and Consumption. daughter of Abel and Olive Bartlett, aged 1 year, 1 Trimmings. cow’s and bulls, be being the owner of a slock Moody and Sankey, the revivalists Imilding is very nearly done outside. The foun- No method of treatment i< Ion ml so satisfactory month. t«» the In Mt Deo do, Frank Huberts, farm near Boston. The bouse is run by < >. A. j tain for the Catholic. Total Abstinence physician and the patient. The "Forest it, Sept, Capt. aged MACHINE SHOP! who made such a sensation in Society 7*0 y ears. Dress Buttons. Kngland, 1 Tar Rook," found at tin- druggists', will ei\«- Heimin, a agreeable wh«» t Hi * tieo si pleasant, gentleman is s<» far completed that the figures can be tin- best Sulliv an, >ct. F'lth, Mr. Hodgkin:, aged are in Brookly n. There you information on this subject. F. A. HOWARD, Proprietor holding meetings knows how to a years. keep good hotel for two dol- in soon. At the LADIES! placed position very "Women's i- need of in that Yak Laces, religion bars and a half a Two loafers in Carrollton, \I.i., a a locality. day. Pavillion, the ground was broken a few days passing j !. WO UK that is usually done in tlrst class door in which a white and a wen* machine attended to. in tlie iniddlcof the on a b<»> negro VI -hop prompts The mail from Rockland for ])ix Nearly lake, promon- since for tin* building. The for Un- b;ig building standing together, one of tln-m remarked: SllJl* NEWS. SHOP Mathews Hro-.* Steam t or. ot Cross ; which is almost an Mill, tory island, rising abruptly sold horn is also far "There's a line of tie- fringes. Gimps. 1-laml was stolen from the wagon on Mon- delegation advanced. There pair aces,” whereupon and Miller Sts., Itelfast, Me. l&tf j We has- now on hand and an* cadi dav from a level stands Mount Kineo. On in the door "Yes, and there PORT OF BELFAST. day. and robbed. plateau, ; are numerous other buildings in connection hoy responded: a line of deuces." receiving two sides it is nearly to a goes pair &c. perpendicular, rising with the exhibitions of other countries, but so AltlilVKL). Braids. &e.. 1 lie (Tusader, a start- of over 700 feet above tin* lake, and ‘JOOo No device of man, however ai rang- Bangor paper height far the most of them arc not started. The skillfull) D«'l. Is. SHis Karl, Boston; Char \ yet ed, has been found to with far Cunningham, NEW AND CHOICE sea compare (na- h'lle | i n. Park, Ho 'll in ai. 42 ets. ologists. present price tilings, this Outside of the on Elm and Belmont upward. Mrs. A. L. RICHARDS ed pi racy in Boston harbor is a grounds, humbug. bit of information to be worth to Coxsi. mptiox Cax he Ci im i>. Dot. ly. ought $2 any Avenues, the scene is equally busy. The Globe Sclirs Mary A Ki«e, Kent, Bangor; VN 0- Lillian, Boston; Geo B Ferguson, Ferguson, one. Visitors ascend from the back where Hotel is finished Si'iikxkk'.s ITt.monk: Svurr, liyan, DOWNER STANDARD side, outside, the Continental partly Kondout. Miss A. F. SOUTH W OR Til. Sciik.xck's Ska Wkk.i» oct. vo. Fannie & Nathan ak v ilk's a winds lip to the top, but occasionally a so, and the number of other it would Toxir, Fdith, Bartlett, Surry; Sock & Ball If a ititoit. Tlie island fishing ves- path buildings ( Gorman Worsteds, SeilKXCK’S Ma.\I)|{.\KK lithird, Carter, (trland; Dione, Sylvester,Savannah. ■' is makes the ascent from the front side. be to mention. At 1*11.1.S, < (let. Ill, IsT'i.—tW111 are returning Inline. As a general tiling person impossible present appear- >ct. VV. < icean Queen, Barker,' Bangor. tin can be climbed from that because Are the only medicines that, will cure Pulmo- <>ct. vt. charlotte Fish, Williams, Newport. K.l. ILLUMINATING OIL! ) have done 1.. Roberts who It side, we ance everything indicates that all the arrange- Yarn, Collars and poorly.E. Det. VO. Charley Bucki, Bagley, Wilmington. Hosiery, "in' the climate of the ments will for Consumption. lim,J recently suspended business, has went up there, but equator be completed the opening of tiie nary New and Successful Process medicines that will a For Student and other is not warmer than the eliinb-it of Ivineo from exhibition in next. Frequently stop, cough &c Lamps. again resumed.The rule with a government May Cufl’s, Leggins, &c,, -Ft >R- .. utu>r *”• 1 am J. E. C. will occasion the deal h of the patient; they lock ite spoils a stone in dressing the front side. We panted to be at its top and yours respectfully, it. lie is either up the liver, stop the circulation of the blood, The of Leather. And articles that arc new and de- discharged or loses his time. get the delightful view that would meet our Poetry many While and Non-Explosive! —Elections take next in mid in the Gist Week a man named Norton but we a deal more when wc place Tuesday hemorrhage follows, fact, they clog & Feathers spoiled n stone eye, punted great sirable which we have neither time nor action of the that caused the IVUh'ST oil. MASTFACTl'REfl! Cleansing Purifying alter on it New very organs cough. At in Peirce’s working fifty days. As a conse- got there. Going up a 700 feet ladder with the York, Pennsylvania, Massachusetts, Maddock’s Store, Block, ^ store Done hy steam thus uli lie will lose his Liver complaint and are the cause* ou’ll find a most extensive stock; space to mention. My now being exclusively obviating quence wages which amount to rounds about six feet apart, will convey an idea New Missis- Dyspepsia His of Jersey, Maryland, Virginia, modest sign a big white boot, FOR SALE BV possibility injury. of two-thirds of the eases ol >Iso Hard lor a poor man.The tiood Tem- of the crawl we had. We always desired to be Consumption. His boots and shoes in styles to suit one of the in the wo can dis- sippi, Wisconsin, Minnesota. I largest city Many of a dull in the he tinniest or the biggest feet, BED. plars had a neck-tie party last in a ever since wc sat a few mo- persons complain pain TERMS, $2.00 PER week.The high place, And make them look both trim and neat. our to better Wm. O. Poor eath has led with hand GEO. E. ness, care, disappoint- siology and her Diseases, a Treatise on pulseless **T>SYC'IIOMANCY, OIt SOI L CHARMING.” WALLACE, Our to the silent ment, and hereditary Nervous and Mental Diseases, late Surgeon V. S. darlings laud, JL How either sex may fascinate and gain the Awhile vvoVit etc. It treats bereft. love and affections of any person they choose, instant* BOSTON DRUGGIST. predisposition, all turn A., etc., upon MANHOOD, how lost, Hut time goes on; anon we \y. This art all can possess, free, by mail, for 25 cts; how and how cause and cur* rise, at Law! the hair gray, and either regained perpetuated, Our dead being buried from our together with a Marriage Guide, Egyptian Oracle, Attorney eyes. of Kiliairitcd Vitality, I mpoiem .v, Pre- Wo gather what is left. Dreams, Hints to Ladies, etc. 1 ,(>00,000 sold. A of them incline it to book. Address T. WILLIAM & IIABADEN Me, mature Decline in Man, or Seminal queer CO., Pub’s, STEAMER BLOCK, Belfast, shed Spermatorrhoea, he books that I prematurely, j they loved, the songs they sang, Philadelphia. Gentlkm kx,—I hereby certify have had 4ftrAll business entrusted to him will receive Los.-e- nocturnal and diurnal), N*rvout and Phy- i ho little llute Catarrh for ten and for the last six years lmvc* Ayku’s II ah: Yu.’ .ii- whose music rang years, rompt attention. sical a terrible sufferer. I was rendered of Debility, Hypochondria, (iloomy Forebodings, So cheerily of old; hoyae HAVANA lottery. been partially City by and ext< n.-ive Richmond, long Loss of Coun vjxw*kin fWsJU. deaf, had buzzing in the head, pains across tin* tom I Mental Depression* Energy, Haggard The we have watched them Distributed lifteen 1 CAPTAIN pictures paint, every days. weak and C. KILBY, ‘use, has proven that it i he I 00.000 pie, dizzy spells, painful eyes, swollen tenance, Confu.-ion of Mind and Loss of Memory, laM-plucked tlower, with odor faint, prize «M i 1 prize $50,000 Will leave for '* and ulcerated tonsils, hard and constant cough, se- Bangor Portland every Monday, i POOR & WELSH the of the That fell prizes, $25,000 each. 50.000 stops falling .-tate of the Plood, and all diseases from lingers cold. vere across the chest, and every indication <>i Wednesday and Friday mornings at six o’clock, Impure arising prizes, amounting- to.310,000 pain hair often renews the and My head ached all the time. The touching at all the usual on the River and immediately; growth, from tie- Error* of Vouch, or tile indi-er*-Hon- e smooth, and fold with reverent care Whole tickets, $20; twentieths, $1. consumption. landings quarters, $5; matter accumulated so in head and Bay. 'Pickets sold to Lawrence PAHTTERSI restores its when faded or y* ( rapidly my through Boston, always surely color, gray. or excess! s of mature The robc> ilnw, used to wear; irculars of information free. Prizes cashed. and Lowell. years. living, throat that I could not keep them free.. Frequently It stimulates the nutritive activ- organs to healthy “Hi* untold miseries that r« -ult from indiscretion And painful pulses stir, A. oomi A CO., Ranker*. at 1 would spring out of bed, it seemed to me- Ow ing to the withdrawal of the 0 o’clock P. M. night We are prepared to do SHIP and awl loth the hair and its Thus in be alleviated and cured. 1 ho** A s o'er the relics of our dead. Post-office Box 2080. 21 Park Row, New York. at the of suffocation. I would then have re- Steamboat Express Train, Passengers will take HOUSE ity, preserves beauty. early lit*-, may point in all its branches—both and who doubi t»ii~ th«- n*-u we to means in to either of the trains the PAINTING plain weak or .»."*-i li'.ii 'hould jiiin-iia-e With bitter rain of tears, spread Loyal Saxon and Brunswick (ioveriimet Lotteries course every my power dislodge the regular following arrival of that brashy, sickly hair becomes glossy, pliable tiie Boat at ornamental—at prices will suit the times. Medical Work published hv the Pkahodv Ml i*I« vf. la\ ender. on hand. mucus from my throat and head before being able to Portland. Returning, the cars leave l'ale constantly Our in the and lost hair with ex- < purple Boston :11 three P. long experience business, ami our past strengthened; regrows lively In>1 111 11 Poston, entitled /Ui >■ >. oj J.ij\ sleep again. For a period of six years my tonsil- o’clock M., over both the Boston with the labors citizens of Belfast, will, we /’rtsirralioii.* 1’r'n •• come ulcerated and so much inflamed that I could & Maine and Eastern Railroads think, fulling hair is checked and stablished; >*//' $1.00 Vitality iinpuii*-*! \nd wlien we in after years. were connecting with the a sufficient pression; be guaranty that woik entrusted to us b\ iIn- errors of or a tuo close to tears with swallow. I consulted an emi- Steamer Citv of Richmond which leaves Railroad thin hair and laded or hair resume youth application H iih only tender April difficulty finally will be faithfully done. Consult, us before i thickens; gray !>• *1. the manner cf an on foot of State goim' business, may restored and manhood regain* < once •Dr. Townsend shewing Inhaling. nent surgeon in regard to operation them, but Wharf, St., Portland, every »u checks white with care. Monday, elsewhere. .Shop over tlie Marble Wonts. ’jlk-Ti their original color. Its operation is sure and harm- ill*- I n.-tituh-also •'//,, ##’* THE FRENCH PILL at his request postponed it. Tin* constant inflam- Wednesday and Friday evenings at ten o’clock. publi-lie- <•/ To look at treasures Street. .JOHN If. POOR. a put away in throat caused Steamer of Richmond will less. It cures dandititl. In al- all humors and ke» man mat'her Jtist P.u.-e o. I he le-.-t book mation and ulceration my by tin- City connect (going March 1875. tf MATT ps m ann ing on that far-off DR, TOWNSEND’S OXYGENATED AIR wit h Belfast. 18, WELSH. of the kind extant. aiioth* vnl mble im-dir.d day, poisonous matter dropping down from my head had West) tin- Portland and Boston steamers which the cool, clean and soft—under which condi- A subtle scent is there. Cures Catarrh, bronchitis, Asthma, “L’EMPERATRICE.” scalp work treating .1/, ntni ami A *»•*■*#*» .•# Consumption, so irritated and inflamed my lungs that 1 caugln d leave Portland at 7 o’clock P. M., arri\ing in Boston e.xclu-i\»!y’on and and all «fc tions, discuses of the are I>! Si asi ,>• more lliyn two hlimllod n»\al ocTuv** Liver Kidney Complaints, Scrofula, Ihe PILL Mill an infallible hard Meanwhile at 5 o’clock next morning. THOMBS OSBORNE scalp impossible. Pcw-wet we “EMPRESS” prove incessantly,—a deep, cough. my and fresh gathered them, I of the lilood. sold As i s pages, io *-legalit bound in -uh-t mtiul mpurities cure fur most of the ailments of the human system began to show the effects of the disease, so Aisr-Tickets on board the Richmond, over the (Successors to the late C'lias. R. a dressing for Indies’ hair, tie \ t<>i: pi n i engraving-, 1 v'< ore itnh<-lt I’r* >*-rv ation. of the world and ALBERT, i-Ki.e\\:i Their parts by express. Physicians 2D East I'liirtieih Street, New York. for Catarrh. After using the first bottle 1 Baggage Checked through on the Steamer to des- i> |:\ In- author has r< turned from Europe in excellent beautiful perfume. instructed in the use of our treatment, Druggists began to improve rapidly. The lirst dose seemed tination. Paper Stock. Old Iron, Junk and Metal. hen!: h. and i-’ again th* « lii*-f Consul ling Phv -i. iau and furnished with territory and advertising piper.-. known to Dr. j. C. AYCR & Lowell, Mns-; .No. t Pulllm h That scent abides on book and lute, to clear my head as 1 had not it to he for Fahks,—From Bangor Winterport and Bueks- Sails made and at short notice. I.ott on CO., .,t tin IV.ibody Medical Institute, None unless “1 nliale Dr. fow nsend'.- <*x\ repaired genuine It seemed to arrest the port., 50 Cents; Rockland to Portland, all iv, po-ton. Ala.". K* Journal. < hi curl and tlower, and with its mute years. gradually discharges. £1.00; Swan & Sibley’s wharf, foot of Main street. Practical and < t, ; publican Air” is blown in the also of ot her lares as Analytical h« n v genated bottle, portrait It my cough in three days. By using it as a usual. JOHN IL THOMBS. Hut Dr. Townsend lie careful to examine stopped Hop. m^th il in t'e bottom of Pandora’s box, eloquent appeal, on.label, I soon reduced ihe inflammation and Until further notice, the Richmond will make gargle swelling OKU. 1. OSBORNE. iim v\ a»i*-u -im;*- the i«-uih. 1' a ins from u> :t sob both bottle and label. Send for our illustrat B E Sold all and Dealers in M* dn and In-p. pl -lbr in:• deeper stamp FORE so soon ceased to at Lincolnville once a week each by Druggists of that my tonsils, they trouble landings way, Belfast, July Is75—tvunos:i u -rk-. bii-ln.l bv th.- I’.uibo.h 1-or <*ur lost ilcad—a throb ed Address l)i;. K. 1. J’own>i;m>, T>1 of the.-*- vahuiMe p; sharper paper. me. soreness across chest and 1 The my disap- Wednesday mornings, going West, Thursday =r* '• Westminster 1!. I. M edi.-.i! In-lit at* a.-lbn th m.-and- T!ian w e are wont to feel. .St., Providence, the noises in my head ceased, my mornings, going East. peared, buzzing < OU Il ( O I 'I N ho\v to avoid th* matmiii that sap the citadel old.' \* it. k 11 .ban. And buried sorrows use of Sanford’s Kadk al Curd for stir; the ca CYRFS PATTERSON, Agent, Belfast. I: MACHINIST! < llOMriOIIOMI And tears like those we shed of old tv ukii. DEALER IN ALL KINDS OK Inter <'oinpl«aint, I.»■ I all ! W il.I) 1 l!. i: l: which »l oiler.- aib t-d, tal mar Port Uoyal, South <'arolina ; Wanted <'■' Town health, but obtained no relief or encourage- mir-l• »i time be-t be be m '\.i\v it- phy-^i-.il an '. ABBOTTS' Agents Every general %' (’articular attention to Model not drv up a cough and leave T'e- cause behind. i- may ment from ot them. given Making moral ha e tIn ir tore- -, luriind any lie 1 can si cousei|ueuci may I i\ me down to sleep. and Sewing Machine Repairing. Shot (Inns t case with most reined il .-, lit loosens it, cl A hand some octavo vol. illustrated. Since myself with Sanford's Kadk ai Repair- aside and be rendered eoinpai ati\t l> harmle-- With little or ••are curing ed and Bored to shoot close. the lungs and allays irritu: in a, thus reiuo\ihg tie thought POPULAR I have recommended it in over one hundred II l inn -. Now ready. One canv asser is taking Curl, cause of the com;daint. ltiea.ti'• W lieHior iu\ waking lind Goods a case have in till Fine cast's without of and single failure, AUUAXGKSHNTS FlHl THE M ASON OF IS75. No. 46 MAIN STREET. book eonlains .1*0 over 100 subscribers week. F\ ery The above paijes, 1.'mo., bound Me here or there. HISTORY per numerous instances received wholesale orders from CONSUMPTION CAN BE CURED family in the State should possess a parties to whom I have sold oik bottle. This is the in beautiful Freneli eioth, ii !u-t rat d. l*rio»* util > \ !.owing, burdened head. < on-a >1 mg of :i < ith»1 V AliiKTY of medicine I have ever recommended, Two Flamfrs (in tin1 Funic! Four Week. Belfast Bank. a resort to 111i~ standard a-i.- si. s-nt I.v mail, to all tie do-el\ OF copy. For territory and terms, address only patent Trips per Savings by timely remedy, part-oi world, That only asks to rest, never believed in them before, although con- proved by hundred of t. aim mini- il lias n i,, ,! li. 15. UlSSFLL, Publisher, having ab I, post a lie paid, on rei» ij*t "1 price. rn<|iiestioning, upon Worsted Coat- stantly engaged in their sale. REMOVED to their new Banking Boom None genuine mile-- sign-, i;i II-".,- MAINE. •hi Poston Overcoatings, w x. 1 1. a. ; m 11 o | '11 iii," 5 i.',« A loving breast. t'ornhill, Very gratefully yours, HAVEin Custom House S.piare, are prepared to re rapper. V. s GKOItGK IMNSMOKF, I ceivr deposits, placing the same on interest on the 50 cts. and 51 a bottle large bo{ib much ; !,< stamp. M\ band and Broadcloths, Doe- With .1. F. Win it:, I >ruggist- first of and cheaper. good right forget- ings days dune, duly. August September, and Add lie D. \ lb >1' \ Ml Dll VI. JNsI 1 ft 1 I. corner street. \\\ >\V SON It- running now— Portland, Sudbury December, January, February and March. Interest S!•: I ll K< I.P & Prop? ii torIr.• FELLOW1 H Y P U.P HO SPRIT E S. Boston, Feb. Si. Mies. Sold by dealer-general!y. P. eou.'te No. 1 D.ulliie ’1 1 ■ •■.Mi opp lb ■ 1 To niari’h the weary maivh. skins, Pantaloon Goods, ST KAMI. It STKAMI.lt being computed on same, the tirst .Mondays of d un< I know not how. THE MENTAL RENOVATOR. and December. Ilotl e. Suffolk, ss. lo b, ‘Si, 187“>. received (except on and F. Deposits daily, Sundays .N 15. 1 lie untie >r ean :••■ 0*11 11 5 lie 1 sil !)I Then personally appeared the said (leorge from VMu 1A and- to 4 R. M I am not eager, bold, III! ASS IS I'A XT TO Till-: I'OIUNT NT, v. of KATAHDIN, CAMBRIDGE, Legal Holidays,) M., ill; a fine Assortment .and made oath that state- named tli-ea-e-, a- vv il a- all r Dlnsmore, .the forgoing Bank closes at T.\ noon, Nor strong—all that i- past 11 Ki'i.ii'V r.< hi i. is Wm. R. Roix, Capt. J. P. Johnson, Saturdays SUIJ3-ENERIS. ment by him subscribed true. Capt. don n 11. iiy Treas. ASA Brest. t I am readv not to do EAl'NOF, skill, st*cree> ami experience, Mluhour-, A '•!. PALPITATING,GRIEF-STRICKEN HEART, Before me, Will leave Belfast for Boston very Monday, Belfast, June 8th 1874. tf At last, at last. SFTI1 ,J. II HUM AS, and to U D. M.- 1}; AMUilVI S Wednesday, Thursday Saturday, at y I*. M. .) list ice of t lie Peace. half work is BUOYANCY TO THE TIRED BRAIN Returning will leave Boston every Monday, i— My day*> done. SUITINGS! '' Tue-da v, Thursday and Friday at 1 J I*. M. QU I And this is all my pail; 11- rni nai:i:assi;:» .m\\ in as (i(K>I> S lA LK and Warranted Per- .*»«•* order Ail freight mil t be accompanied by Bill ol Fading DR. MOODY'S r'fy And his banner lor Is a Local and Constitutional R.' Itietliei III of MU !.1 VI- lei grasp still, fect Satisfaction as can be bad elsewhere the Remedy. in All bills must be on Norfolk duplicate. freight paid Semina! Weak..---, 1 n\ ohmim -eminal '.•■- Though all its blue he dim ; Oyster Co., 1 mi hey. delivery of goods. 1 \i 1 i..\< Mental and Dliv-uu l.> 'Those no less than -tar-, Local—Because it is applied directly to the seat <> 1, Incap.ted.. -tripes <’.! (,. WFFFS. > 72 CAUSWAY STREET, where Agent. diluents to Marriu.o'e, etc.. also, i»n-i vi in \, la ad alter J Lim. of disease, the nasal passages, by inclination, Relfast, June 1, Is::,. —fs VEGETABLE BITTERS p< 1 have also just received a line Assortment of it acts, instantly clearing the In ad of mucous accu- i.rn.l.r-v and I 1 1 -, induced by 1 >n«. s no puzzled $6.50 per Barrel. proves the appetite*, and enables the system, by and sutl'ering. Fur sale wholesale and retail by point who was the perpetrator of several rob- its powerful tonic inlluence, to completely throw oil' and ellectmil, by Iman- ot w lii' -e Ami invite all io call and R. H, MOODY, Druggist, CABINET ORGANS. matter wind lti- condition 1 .1. beries made at their establishment. Some- you examine. the disease. Two Per Week. muy Trips tfhOCorner of Main and High Sts.. Belfast, Me. cheaply, pr.vati 1}, an i rm/i uni". ■ thin > the would be made UNEQUALED ™ UN APPRO ACHED J&.., I bis ] ,e(M lire should be m the ball 1 >! > depredations Each contains a Treatise on Catarrh and package in capacity and excellence by any others. Awarded youth ami every man in tin land. t\v or three times a week, and at other Dr. Sanford’s Tube. Price sl.no. I-Y L Improved Inhaling Sent under -eal. ill plain im lope, 1 any a : LORD, State-■ for DR. JOHN IIOMER, tiuu-s two or three weeks would Sent to ot the United < > elapse. prepaid any part dress,/>o.s/ //.//./, on rt ipt ot -: < id-, or tw> tn- .■*l.'Jfi. For sale WEEKS Amounts from to would Williamson Block, Belfast. by Druggists everywhere. and Surgeon. Late from ai;e s!amps varying §30 §40 iSt General Physiciau PUTTER, Boston, Agents. Add -e-s tin Dub i- In tie taken, but the more irerjuent practice Boston. THREE HIGHEST MED AIS rs, 58 Main over store of -S CHAS. J. O. KLINE & was the purloining ol only a few dollars Office, St., "» « CO., jgtar’Use SANFORD’S JAMAICA LINDER for | THE STEAMER DIPLOMA OF HONOR lew Work: at a time. The was taken from JUST THE PLACE & ME. 8*7 Ktowory, money Cramps and Pains, Colds and Chills. lwl<» ] Sleeper Son, BELFAST, the cash drawer in iV’dl Po-t Dllice i»o\, 4.»^n the counting room, -TO HUY YOUR— N. li.—(MTAiiuii, SrittricAr. and (Tikontc Di>- with those to WOMAN and and was masks, peculiar Clin- ■ the drawer itself not LEWISTON VIENNA, 1873; PARIS, 1867. AMI !i I \ N AND !■' >. i 1: l«. N I' \l IN I apparently will receive his Spk—From 1U A. M. until 1 I’. M. building And the many wanted in a family, at Custine, 1 >' r Isle, Sedgwick, So. West Harbor, Kurope. Out of hundreds t here have imi. I things From T 1’. M. ifntii G 1’. and from 7 1’. M. until SOLICITOR OF PATENTS hours hut everything tailed to detect the Ml l*e>ert,' Millbridge, Jouesport and Machias- M., all where any other organs have been preferr- l. Tarrant’s Effervescent Seltzer Aperient, tf P. M. ti'i thief. Soon the money stolen began to BOOTS, SHOES, port. nrOT Declared by Eminent Mu- Fur luvi'iitkr, Traili* 5!:*rk- «r at dice a most refreshing draught and the hi-t of all Reluming will leave MOX- to I unrivaled. Bcsijjas, amount to thousands of dollars. The rob- ELLIS & Machiasport every DLo I hemispheres, GINN’S, D.U and ITIFRSPA^ Mornings at TESTIMONIAL CUH’U;. Alt, with ..pirn regulating medicines. 4:30 o’clock, i*Jo. 7S State St.,Boston beries continued, and the manner of their -A X I>- touching as above, arriving in Portland same night, than One Thousand cm, fr- <•). St., opposite Kilby usuallv with Pullman and n i.-t mi f a .* became more as S«»bi> r.v am. l>i:n.i;isis. Church Street, connecting 'Train, early IMOICT oa having- a Mu on & I la:. 1- ;...r t A 11.11 ••x:«*n*i\ | perpetration mysterious Trains tor Boston and the West. jJ door from Journal Cilice.) morning 151 O I U I take any hi r. A ! j^\_ time wore on. it was ascertained that I he >n.ami it Lkwiston has '»i < ■ large capacity for missions for selling inf ri>>r ornan<, •••/ f>r (/■. v >t:iti-- ar .i-i ; I.rit.mi. 1 in t and has also 7a < tin- thelts weie committed time Freight Passengers, large airy Stale DR. G-. P. reason often try very hard to sell someth -*-/••. citrti conn',tie*. i* -, .•*pi ritirat i-.n Amf every lien- i-a list of some of tile which we sell LOMBARD, Free things Rooms including in Family Rooms. --. am: hi ! 1 ’at' tit rut«"l on r* a-• a soon alter the establishment was closed in Prescription RUBBERS! Successor to Dr. C. MOORE. iir\AI CTYI CO with ino-i important imp;..-.. paper* For further particulars inquire at Railroad Wharf, at'll* terms, w 11 It atrli. l.’iM iirrh* * nut'll- t. in- IV)** the speedy cure of spiviul troubles common to ntW o! ILtO moMtH il"-| the ’The drawer was Portland. May still be found at the old stand of ter mine Mi. alii lit \ a ml of I'ati-ur 1 m evening. money the young and middle aged. Nervous, mental and for Oasli! Solo^uid ( oiiiliiltuilon Mops. Mijm-u utility Olieap CYKTS S ITRPI VAX f, Cen’l Dr. Moore, corner ol Church and ’• ami -t li* r ailvin- r- !• •*• i m never a small amount loss of Agt. re and other A'asfs new lii-sign -. ti"U', ami gal emptied, being al- jihysical depression, memory and energy, Readll c. then us a call and let us refullyand give MR. J. W. CLARK, Portland. 31 ay, 1S77*. U47 Spring Streets. Has all the latent matter.* touching t In 'atm • i»jm of tin rluim* >■! lett behind. was pains in the hack, self-distrust, dizziness, dimm->s ul it. ways Whether the thief prove instruments lbr upon teeth, in a a:« ti t ti.rniMi M l.\ n mitti urn- .1 liar A sight, confusion of ideas, and other disorder.- of the (Successor to N. (1. Prescott & Co.) improved operating tty j >4 a or was a conun- We have I'lour of all Corn, eluding PIANO-HARP CABINET ORGAN -i^nmi-nt' r«1« -! in \\ .I'hinM- n. ghost, hobgoblin fairy, nervous system consequent on various habits that grades. Vleal, q nisi tv coinbiuat ion ol t hie e in>t rum. nt s. Beef. I*ork. in MORRISON’S DENTAL ENGINE! .... drum. At last the was revealed. lower the vitality of tie svstem. Am druggist has Short*. IVetl. Laril Pails Is NLW HOODS in all the 1 nil mystery end e, receiving daily For uastinc and Brooksyillc. the Ad-in- BISS. Bf. IS. ISSIL- Ti< q Sug ;ir of all kinds, .VIoluMiteii of dil- Islesboro, by which the process Is rendered much le— painful a ingredients. ti r< n i<>i One last week watch was set h rent Hernnene. t*'raliain styles of t lii l»et li ins, it EASY PAYMENTS. jinfrii iihi i •( evening TO.H, Cincinnati, Ofiio. grade-, ftyriip, X 1AY ST HAMM It by old met boils. payments; >.r rented until r< n; pa Flour. Crushed H lieat, Hominy, Oat n t'. pr» before the door was locked. At dusk a A lew of tin- OLD STOCK left to be almost persons prefer. JTleal. live .tfeal. Wheat Vleal. pairs ID has the country right for the use of I’ltrc a I’al* il!. ami tin- w-n il yfi*;.t -l« hr. th* r. soft tread w as a childish form was at lionte. wanted. < mi tit uml MAY heard; Cl O a day Agents Among our line of 1'otffre* may he found FIELD, CATALOGUES In-p- 1 in* i-i!!i»i v*£ HAMLIN URCAN I."! Tr* m. id term.- free. I Kl E N Co., Augu.'ia, Maine. Vlocha, Male O. <«. Java and Dr. Folsom’s Improved Dental Plates. CO., seen to a into the it entered Berry. Itio ■ slip key lock; Griven Away. CAPT. BARBOFR. TON; -Jf. Union Square, NEW V«H;K ■ TKS mil »N 1 \f,s. which we roast and grind ourselves and know they Particular attention to ami and closed the door and given making inserting Adams St., CHICAGO. “I regard Air. Ivl-1*. a- nm-.'l » hr niO't ! carefully glided are "EPIC ELY 1*1 KK. artificial teeth. tf-lti rupahb-a urn -1 a 1 f it ii mu > with uii :ii 1 hav»- across to the desk. She (a little girl it We have a choice selection oi' TEAS of different Will lease Sanford Wharf, Belfast, evoty Monday, For Sale in I»c!i'as! bv pr.f hail t and at g o’clock 1*. :i- ial itit'-icimr- < II iUI.fM M \si.\, to had an grades from 3.">c to *1.10 per lb. Tuesday, Wednesday Saturday proved be) empty bot- t whiskey K« < IK 'O »E A T !•:, CPACK E1 > COCOA, C< >C<>A 31., for Rrooksville, touching at Islesboro and Cas- VV. C. uui's’r uf rati-nt'.” tle in her which she under 10 Cortlandt Street, New York. tine. TUTTLE, Agent. hand, placed ."HEELS, 11 POM A. RAISINS, CITRON, CEP “I linvi- no hesitation in us-oirinir inv*-ntnr* that ( It GTl'RMI S €m '■ •' her arm and then passed her little tiny RANTS, N l I S, VNDYand FKC1T. thi raniint employ a matt n/• are S I I I. Y PI PK PL, and our EX- Saturday at V o'clock A. 31.. touching at < astine and ti"iis in a form to set-tin- for them an earh ami fa a hind and over the rear end ot the cash TP A* IS are of the REST pCALITY. Islesboro. -THAT AT- able con'Mi-ration at tin- 1‘ati lit (Mice. our FOREST drawer. Thus she reached its almost en- In line of WooplJN WARE may be found FARE: TAR, I 1>.M1 M> III UK I.. lat. CumMT oflhtl, ni- for all kinds of busim--. Eubb--r Stamps ; Ribbon Store! ’l l US. PAILS. BAIL New BROOMS, WASH-BOARDS, Is a now emit ill the nr di II tire contents. A man’s hand not 1‘. i’ aj|.:ii Linen. * "•<• a'i i"-' ra-i* *urh tmmi*tak,able uf a' AGENTS WANTED. PINS, l.o | || f s PINS, CATTLE also impure pmduei>. pro..f gn er lit. She withdrew a ol tiie mon- CoRDS; •!i:• t on a j a f li-a.l* im-ton routtm t..I portion BED CORDS, CLO’IIIES UN ES and HALTER kept in every familv. It i- -at- and ;■• M l. in\eiit-.r> l" h u. t tluir and the from his New Goods! ail eases where cure* eall he > tl'«•«•«.••!. :.| h til .'i i'!; procure p.. ey watcher lb *PI.. and other too numerous to men- stepped place many things ti lit*, a- tin-;. iii:i\ hi- nr t !* t\ a the mr-l faith and t ion. only of Tm mid u-el arrested her. She was taken to the Maine Central Railroad. prenuratiou approved by 111 1 at lent iolt be-tow it »u Mr i < a atul at v <-r v DON’T Id POET THE NO Phoenix tip PLACE. tf IT 5, Row, a> a standard a •»11: police station and identified as Lottie Don- physicians remedy r. I. --hair- loll N I Y< .1. A It 1 ARRANGEMENT OF TRAINS. Can ho found all Iho lio'ioti, u l ii. ohue. a little of a workman em- ELLIS & GINN. daughter J. B. WADLIN Trains leave Belfast. 7.1* a. Forest Tar, ployed in the establishment, ller mother For Fnmehi; I-, rmarrli, A !im ; i i: drink- and whenever a lias just returned from Boston, and is now opening gor, Dexter, Skowhegan, Consumption, whiskey, ot The DRY > interest in tin- GOODS hi- n~< supply great thrilling hDtorv of our a stock of ----Farmington, Lewiston, l>an Sore throat, I i 1« -. ol the skin, Kidi the needed the means country makes this the fastest srlling hook .-wr and I riiiary Organ articlejwas foregoing ville Junction ami (iraml Trunk Railway, Auguste., in this at as low published. It contains ov. r h e (in, historical en- Ad\oriisiul papor, was adopted to obtain it. And thus the kiiowlton & Knight Brunswick, Ruth, Portland, ami via Ike-tern, ami FOREST TAR IN SOLUTION, gravings and IKK) pages, w ith a full aecout of the up Boston and Maine in Boston was solved HI. M.IIIIS IN Railroads, arriving For for ( ion. I;r■ >in-li i■, mystery which for proaching grand < Vntennial celebration. Semi for :i ami oven lower inhaling, ('atarrli, ousunipt many HOUSE 7 m. priors. < ;• •' I- ■ FURNISHING GOODSI j). lia ;■ and as a wadi for di-o-a-o of tin •'kin. ! tin- la hitun of Mm mouths wits full description and our extra terms to Agents. Asthma, nearly puzzled the ot Messrs. -AT TIIE- Leave Belfast to Dexter NATIONAL PUBLISHING Co... Pa. 3:30 p. m. connecting FOREST TAR TROCHES. and Philadelphia, and also with Pullman Train, arriv- CALL BEFORE PURCHASING ! I.ufberry Ayers. Now on Main Bangor, night Block, Street, in Boston at For Itronchitis, Son- Throat, 11 -ar.-em -, and !• ing 6:15 a. m. mf That are both ornamental and where every- Purify ing the I treat h. The Hartford Times the details ol useful, PAYSON TUCKER, Supt. Salb Keeping of Valuables gives 500.000 ACRES body is invited to cull and see the NEW STORE June 21, 1 s7. tl.»l FOREST TAR SALVE a hold and adroit scheme to rob the First and NEW HOODS. And I will guarantee all will amt Mi-- KM \ ■■! S\i s in t- I iu» Ti *. ei For in-, and I mb.h n -' OF MICHIGAN LANDS & be made so and will timl many cleansing, purify healing IM i.< > u: l‘m >.n \ \ t t National llank in Kockville, ('onn., which Liu’d, Beef,Fish Groceries happy by doing, you l deers, Cuts, Uruises, Diseases of the Skin, .e.l ( things you can purchase tor a small amount ot (>f all iraih s, and a choice lot of wlierew-r a is lor mmi would have been suceesslul but for a luckv FOR SALE! that are and to Belfast and Carvers' Harbor FINE healing process wanted, HOOD USEFUL and a money joy beast. 97 Street, a. cident. The bank is located in the base- have. Exchange lb*- Lauds on, Saginaw Pail- Lansing Tobacco d£ Fall FOREST TAR INHALERS, PORTLAND. ment of the .Methodist church, and between road Company are now oliered f or Sale. Cigars Arrangement. For tIn solution. Mautifactured the that can be bought cheap for cash. inhaling by plaster of the bank vault and 'J are situated its J. B. WADLIN. ceiling hey along railroad and contain Don't the I't.a r* *t:' vn t• .'11 \!: 11* »i 1 tracts of forget place, Church Street, opposite FOREST TAR COMPANY. the of the church above there is large excellent i ARMINE and PINK ( r, P. M. Bourn < Titos. llooring the ourt House. Eyacht y. apt. I J i1 Lands. The land includ*- some of rpi! Trial Pottles Tice 10 cts. I'eiai.wii, Mi John AIi.". II. I a of farming the most In 1_ will make trips !><■- oniy thickness two courses of brick l'-rtih and Connection with this Establishment, Burgess, weekly SHIRTS! I-. 1\. Swan. Jo’ "!. .MM II well-watered hardwood lands in Goods Delivered to all of the parts the City tween this city anil Carver’s 11 arbor, on « and mortar. Late the cash- State. They are timbered with WM. 0. POOR & SON. \\ iliiam I. .. "Mi. I'h M;. II. Friday night mainly hard-maple FREE of Mr. ami after Thursday, Sept. lf»th, 1875. Druggists, * V\ CHARGE! C. .. a and soil sandv I. ABBOTT, Machinist, \\ Jliarn I hi II ier, Mr. .lohn 11. Kite, front his beech; black, loam, and abounds in Country of all kinds will be nt »r Johnson Mock departed of V 11. All who are indebted to tile lirm of Knowl- be and will bold himself in readiness produce Ag< Belfast, \\ I I A i.i. '! f .*'.!' \ springs purest water. Michigan is one of the May found, at market who wi-h to dis- MADE TO ORDER. tm* iN are bought prices. People .■. custom and went to the bank to make a h-aM indebted and Nash, requested to settle within 30 days, to do I,. I>. M >W« A M I.!-*, most prosperous State in the of same will do well to us a rail. or their accounts will be left for collection. pose the give May \Inn— < '..Inin; >’• ow In *a:r of some fluids. On the Cnion, and its farmers have a greater varietv of store of Matlu depo-u, entering Gas and be seen at the Woods, ws, Baker, uson !' and resources; CEO. W. KNOW ETON. Piping Repairing \ .Morrill, lb -udli. hi. \ atilt he crops than any We.-tern Siat< While or onboard t he at llaraden’s Wliai wlure noticed some ot In all its branches. schooner, f, J I ham Keiun-hunk pieces plastering some ol tlie prairie States corn A DELBERT K NICHl. Warranted to Fit. o'.ph may produce in she may be found when in port. P mi the Iloor. This led him to Iron for (Las, or Water and WIN! HR O look up to great abundance, they have no other resource, and Belfast, S, Is:.',. till Pipe, Steam, Work-, when this Sej»t. Has Fixtures for sale at Bottom Prices. Fare for L. D. M. SWEAT the lie reached up with his cane crop fails destitution follows, as has been Passengers, $1.00. ceiling, the case the 1. C. ABBOTT. A. W. COOMBS. past year in Kansas and Nebraska. 1-or C u-T. TIIOM IS Kl'KCKSS. WROUGHT IRON \\ lien it went the and June 1S75.—51 i. I ..r rimtlar- -r nib-run’ i• ti a-l.ln through plastering .Maps, Circulars and farther to or Belfast, information, apply Si 1 uf h \. Sr.-i- l‘"i revealed a large hole where there should address O. M. ),i. mil, is;.'.. II W. fitoMI’s, i.ip Maml Land ARABIAN have been solid masonry. Mr. Kite made Commissioner, Lansing, Michigan. 433 Portland Me. To the ol baste to secure all the bonds and money State of IvTaine. Congress St., FURNACE I People SearsporL in the vault, including §;1U,OUO in green- OINTMENT This II EAT ELI backs, National bank WALDO S',S'.—To .John has been taken tin* A* notes, and other A. Brackett of Lincolnville, Superior 1 i;u. \\ ••!... -.« lark \ I I in said Gkkktinc Fine II-iAVK ; County, Razors ad besides a amount ot bonds CURES t" 11 .a-- \\ currency, large HAY PRESSES!! -on* wishing j MaMM ak "i am .1* John A. Brackett and two oth >r tested severe and other «• —at Straps! tiny *i ran ilo ot a a' a- lln-v can securities. On the fully past, ription cln-ap bn;, following WHEREASpersons, pew-owners in the Union Meeting am w heia ia thi' >lat- further made in the House at Lincolnville GA.ATTIO 1ST ! morning investigation SCRATCHES Beach, having applied to m<-, A I I MKY. Edward P. and has t.*l < hurch directly over the bank vault show- Halm, Esq., one of the Justices of tii 1 -I e wel Store. winter, proved S'-ar.'port, Srpt. !•', 1*;... tfl 1 AND OTHER I EES OF Peace, in and for said of Waldo, lervey’s ry ed that a of the County requesting large piece carpet had me to issue a warrant to one of said sriisriniiia;. hereby giv. mniei licit lie directed uppli. rpilK a been rants him to 1.. has tie- inten.-t <1 hi- late a -iate itself carefully cut out and as carefully re- directing call a meeting of the pow- purchased powerful owners in said house in the placed. so that even the marks of the cut- HORSE-FLESH! according to law, to act upon the following articles, to wit: SPRING & and did not show. It was also found that 1st. To -JORDAN, ting AND St >Ki:s ON ALL choose a Moderator to preside at said Hayford & Strout Hay Press the llooring had been cut through, but meeting. MERCHANT TAILORS, lM. To choose a Clerk for the ensuing year. Patent. earelully replaced, and the •hi. To choose a ECONOMICAL planking Collector for the ensuing your. /URN ACE, screwed down as as DOMESTIC 4th. To choose a Treasurer for iIS Ua 3lli iliiur North f Summer sole owner. lie notifies all sutlgly if if had never GRAND EXPOSITION of the Trades- ANIMALS. the ensuing year. liingtoa St., ft., Thereby becoming per men’s 5th. To sec* what method the owners sors who have built or are intending to build or been disturbed. On lifting the it IjlIUST Industrial Institute, Pittsburgh, Pa pew will and is admitted ail prae- llooring opens Oct. 7, closes Nov. (J. Address take to make necessary repairs on the house and to operate said presses without his sanction, that they by was found a \. .1 \Vl I is’ /L)-Witness the names of (ientlemen who BOSTON. that wide hole had been made Pres. T. I. I. testify pay for the stove and funnel now in use in said will be and to recognize bis to its merits ; prosecuted, compelled extraordinary house. in the invention. tieal men to be the through the Iloor big enough to let a man First Class Work. Reasonable Prices rights only A. 11 ay ford, Esq., Ale. Oth. To choose a Committee to the He is to furnish Presses built, or down into a Ex-Mayor, Belfast, appraise pews prepared ready the vault below. Unknown to «ls».r guarranteed our Israel (ien’l Ins. using Cox, Agent, and to assess a tax on the pew -owners to pay for TERMS CASH. to sell rights to use the same. themselves the WELL AUGER & DRILLS. Harrison durable in the $luu lluyford, Farmer, said repairs. AMIHioSi: STliOl' Wrought burglars, removing a month paid to P. M. SAMI t- H. ‘PltlNi;. WM. It. .lollDAX. lower course ol ^^^B good agents. Moody, Horse Trainer, 7th. To choose a Committee to make the brick, had so far disturb- book free. dil/. repairs. 3ml 1 I'elfast, Aug. 10, 1S75.—3mos(>* Will nnt-i positively cure any case of rheumatism Auger Auger Co S. ,|. Dean, Prop, of Livery Stable, Rockland And are directed to a of ed the St. Mo. you hereby notify meeting Iron Furnace or rheutmit ic gout, no matter how -mi of the of the Louis, Ebrn Hotel No said to to bo long standing, plastering ceiling W.Seavey, Keeper, Searsport, according law, held at the the face of the earth. an inward •• pew-owners Being application vault as to cause the Robert ., for the aforesaid. ly. leaving || Stage Props., Ellsworth, purposes in an.I of Without use of the to am prominent person Washington City, the bank vault, and that led to the frus- I | knife or- W. L. Cleaves, Prop of Liv. Stable Stockton, Given under my hand at said this iynr,|l Lincolnville, SMALL FARM at French’s von will learn that the above statement is trm m tration ol their well-laid 1 !’!"od hy a pun-h the Kith dav of October, A. D. 1.S75. scheme. Further A upe AND At ANY OTHERS. Patterns e\ erv part ic: lar. I Vutil " EDWAltD P. Justice of the A Beach, Lincolnville, containing Butterick’s table Send two HAHN, Peace. 24 ( <>M>I NS I; i ► ( 1.IM ll l< ATI >. search revealed, snugly stowed between I preparation. A true Attest— about acres, all in one lot, house j l| copy. ami \ V I |t *\ \ I lloTI.I for and stable nearly new. Terms to JUST RECEIVED 15V the two ol tools, in- stamps pamphlet EMERY 3wl0 JOHN A. BRACKETT. I. joists, bags burglars’ Prcjiarod liy SAWYER, Pro’p. suit the purchaser. Washington, I». (’., l>ec. 1>, chisels * M« it cluding jimmies, crowbars, priors, Can be Cured ti'10 O. \V. FRENCH. Ilelphenstine Bentley: and other The ot! SEA11SPORT, ME. JOHNSON Cent- I very cheerfully state that t used Dur implements. discovery Commissioners’ Notice. H. II. & CO. atig’s Rheumatic Remedy with ilecided hem-tit. was made just in the nick ol time. Scw -RICHA.RD H. MOODY. A. II SIKPIII \S. AT House M« mber oft ot ».i. H0WE.nZc;„r,wx' and €«len«>ral the subscribers, having been appointed for Sale. 'oiigress, Druggist Apothecary Agent, by Mansion, tflo the lion. Asa to receive and Orders can be filled at once 1’i:i:sim;n ti.\i, The New York a Belfast, Me WE Thurlough, Esq., I>. >7... Commercial, paper examine the claims of creditors to the estate of house on Union Street, oe- Washington, April J.:, rpiIE \ careful in its GEORGE O. CLEMENT, late of Montv,ille, de- .JL cupied by I'. J. burrow. It is for any PATTERN which is in Messrs Ilelphenstine Bentley usually statements, publishes 1 three hwttlcs l Mi sioners can now got more. Try it. No charge till LADIKS, bring and prove their claims; and that we shall at- iMxJO, two stories, Ell one and a half ing to.give rung's of on No Dress is Without rooms below Rheumatic itemed}, ami a cure was the pose putting people their guard in you get it. Writeat once to II i.nky Boyn ton? Pvt. Complete tend that service at the hall of It. K. Vose & Co., in •stories; three large and permanent n .-nit, W M. II. ( MH\ Brig.-tien’l U. S. Yols., Al ot sta, Maim:. Send 2 DAY’S PATEHET CORRUGATED Freedom, in said County, on the first of kitchen; four rooms and kitchen above, besides Free to All! IP out on Saturday Catalogues 1. \ fcutivt taking insurances their property— for reply. IHIESt PAOTECTOlt. and the second of attic. The house is thoroughly built, and in excel- Clerk to President (irant.” stamps November, 1875, Saturday Febru- 'N "A house 1870. JOHN / lent condition throughout, and adupted for two a hingtou, 1>. ('., March :td, ls?.'». owner took a in the Its rubber .s as durable as the sole of a rubber ary, HASKELL, r women policy Agricul- edge Commissioners. families. Will be sold on reasonable terms. In- ! Active men anti every- In the --1>ace of twelve hours niv rheumatism w:i> tural Insurance of sIi:h\ The 3wl« I. 1$. TIIOMl’SON, | WAMTPHfl nil I LU Company Watertown, X.Y., groove prevents any wear of the stitch- of W. II. SI MESON, ; where, located and to travel. For gone, having taken three doses of 1 tuning's liheii Mating to the ing. and all quire agent that the size of liis house being rubber, unravelling is impossible. ltelfast, 2(5, 1875.—tf4 particulars address, with stamp, malic IP-im dy. My brother, .1. B. Cessna, of Bed was You CanMake two July LSX..0, as $5000 Length yards. .1. M. C, EltOW, was though he was not at ford. I’a., curetl a similar amount. home, & by ami not sure about this, the agent verbally AOjLICJ YVRIOHT, 3ml2* 121 Main St., llangor, Mo. JOHN CKS.sXA, that lie In 90 in A 1 Stocks. Selling Agents for New England, Member of ( of I*a promised should not be held strictly to Days lwl1 SchoolJNotiee. oiigress Ainyston 8t.. IK on ton GALL A.T one dollar a or six bottles for five the statement, the MY SYSTEM IS HONORABLE & SIMPLE. SUPERINTENDING SCHOOL COMMIT- 1‘rice, bottle, policy, however, stipulated SAFE, dollars. Ask Rheumatic that all statements were THETEE of the city of Belfast will be in session in the German Canaries. your druggist for Durang’s warrantees, and the IP manufacfuretl bv house ill fact Sent Free to all. High School Room for the purpose ol' nietlv, being 21x211, when it was burned Pamphlet examining iii:utii:\si ini; * teachers, on the following at 2 o’clock Belfast Hardware bfvtuy, down the company refused to pay, and the W. II. 178 New Y ork. Saturdays Store MORK HART/ MOUNTAIN CANA and WEEKS, Banker, Broadway, P. M.: October 30th and November 14th and 28th. Druggists Chemists, supreme court held them not bound.” Before your goods. There you will AFKWKlKSon hand,and selling rapidly at $2.50 each. Wa-hington, I). t Stocks bought and sold at tile N.Y. Stock Exchange. Underwear! Applicants for the Winter Schools will be examined purchasing liud General H A It If WAKE, OILS ONLY S al e h V I) RI (I (; I s IS 1; V1:1 n w III: K K. Boys’ at no other time. Those to be examined PAINTS, H. M. AIAN IIKACTUIIKD LY For desiring and THUELOW, DID in Chicago has improved on the invention must furnish evidence satisfactory to the Committee VAUN’ISHES, NAILS, GLASS, and SoM by WUOUvsAl.I. (.UlivlS Boston, -AT-- 4wI3 FARMER'S TOOLS, on hand and trio POST OFFICE. .‘linos Id “Hire a that they have been engaged the Agent. constantly Mass. of a card inscribed hall,” or “This by for sale at LOWEST PRICES. Don't J. A. ROSS, ) Sup. School forget man was talked to the No. 1 Plienix Row. death,” intended lor -wlC PHILO \ Committee. place, ANGIER’S, DIGI1T0N FURNACE CO., WANTED—i©11 mi K Ml/ ill the world. II- L. LORD’S. MERSEY, April go, 1870. tilg LADIES’ & GENTS’ the of It HERRIMAN. WARMINGTON & CO discouragement professional bores. contains 15 sheets paper, 15 Envelopes, Golden The present device is a small cork fasten- Pen, Pen Holder, Pencil, Patent Yard Measure, and 98 North St., Boston, Mass. SHIPWIGJITS, SHIFSMITHS, a piece of with ed a to the button-hole. Jewelry. Single package, elegant American Hotel- SUPERIOR by thread When 26 cents. PL are Pocket Knives. prize, post-paid, Circular free. Chance (SEND Foil CIU< I LAKj Mast. and Blockmakers. the — — speaker has out-talked his welcome BRIDE & CO., 709 Broadway, New York. Mam Street, Belfast, Me. —FOR A FEW— a x Spar the victim calmly places the cork in his Fadau JOINERS, «fcc. TUCKER BROTHERS, Proprietors Strings! -0- near car. WEEK GUARANTEED to IHI J. 1). Ti cker. Violin, Bass Violin and Store. OFFICE: M M Agents, Male and Female,in their jj. f. Tucker. Guitar, Good Ladies, Hervey’s Jewelry Looking Young FOK SALE IlY VEI;p(jWL M M own locality. Terms and Outfit UWaterlooKoa.l.|L1 A London ^MM Coaches to POSSESS a line voice, and would like to WORKS : Barton Street. dentists’ circular says that, as a * froe* Address P. O. VICKERY & convey passengers to and from the cars At Hervey’s Store fr and boats. Jewelry learn the business of a Vocalist for the This firm assure the masters and own- general thing, only men of culture go into the CO., Augusta, Maine. WHO Lady BACK COMBS! confidently Rooms free to Variety Theaters. Altos and both desir- ers of that have the best of facilities for tooth-drawing profession. And yet it must he Sample guests. Sopranos, E. F. ships they Livery and Boarding Stable connected with the ed. Best Instruction given and Wardrobe furnish- A NEW STOCK JUST RECEIVED AT Clark, Belfast, executing every branch of shipworks,’for both wood admitted that many of them are not men of r CR ,,< ',ay at ho,»o. Samples worth $1 House. ed to parties engaged. Business first class. Address for Belfast, ami vicinity. en and iron in a manner guaranteed to give extraction. tniu Agent ships, gentle tree. Stinson & Co., Me. Belfast, 1875.—tf!3 P. O. Box 3038, Boston, Mass. tf!3 B. F. WELL’S. satisfaction.—tf. t Portland, Sept. 23, ■■■■HllMH1 ,'harlestow n, Mass. uug5tlo