Number 79— fefiruary 2002 “la/[amid teat£2 75

firitisfi {Post Office Key

I I I The InternationalJournal of IMorse I — I _ EDITORIAL AND SUBSCRIPTIONOFFICES: Morsum Magnificat.The Poplars. Wistanswick. Market Drayton. Shropshire TF9 28A. England. Phone: +4410) 1630 638306 FAX: +44 (0) I630 63805l

MORSUM MAGNIF lCATwasfirst publishedas a quarterlymaga:ine in Holland. in 1983. by the late Rinus Hellemons PAOBFN. It has been prmlucedytour. then six times a year in Britain since 1986. and up to January 199‘) was published and edited b_\‘ Tony Smith. G4FAl and Geoff Arnold. G3GSR. It aims to provide international coverage ofall aspects of Morse telegraph): past present and future. MORSUM MAGNIFICAT is for all Morse enthusiasts. amateur or professional. active or retired. It brings together material which would otherwise he lost to poslerity. providing an invaluable source ofinterest. reference and record relating to the traditions and practice of Morse. EDITOR: Zyg Nilski. G3OKD e-mail: [email protected] MM home page — © The Nilski Partnership MMI Printed by Hertfordshire Display plc. Ware. Hens

All drawings. photographs and articles are copyright and no part ol this publication may be reproduced. stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any torrn or by any means without express permission ol the publishers, The Nilski Partnership. Copyright may also be the property of contributors.

ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTIONS (six issues): UK£IS.00 Europe £l7.00 Rest ofthe World £20.00 (US $30 approx) All overseas copies are despatched by Airmail ' Prices in US dollars may vary slightly with currency exchange rates and oornrnission charges

Make all cheques payable to ‘MorsumMagnificat'

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This is printed on the top line of the address label. Also. we shall jog your memory with a renewal reminder included with that final issue. MM Back Issues Issues Nos. 34.35 and 38-78 available from the Editorial offices (see top of page). Price including postage £2.75 each to UK: £2.95 to Europe; £3.25 (US $5) Rest of the World by airmail. Deduct 20% if ordering 3 or more.

FRONT COVER Unusual British Post Office key.

Photo/Collection: Fons Vanden Berghen - Halle. Belgium Comment

April 12‘“ this year will be the 90‘'1 anniversary ofthe tragic sinking of the . Loss of life would have been much worse if it had not been for and the dedication of Jack Phillips, the Marconi ‘ officer' is well remembered. Special events have been organised by the Titanic Wireless Commemorative Group, in Jack Phillips' home town, Godalming, Surrey (see News). Also included in this issue is an in-depth article by Dr Ken Jones on the communication system used on the Titanic and other ships at the time. Zyg Nilski, G30KD Contents

News Showcase Isl—\le.) Who Remembers RAEM and UPOL compiled by Tony Smith l—‘IQ Demonstration Held for lMAs at F011 Huachuca. by Jim Riddle More on 'Maggie' and the Titanic by Dr Ken Jones, G3RRN Info Please! An Electronic Keyer Paddle from “Scrap-Box" Parts by Drew Diamond, VK3XU The Barclay Box—Relay by Dave Pennes A Century of Dots and Dashes — Looking Back from 1954 extracted and condensed by Tony Smith MM Bookshelf Your Letters Readers Ads


6 MEGS 7 Radio Bygones 41 G-QRP Club 22 The Radio Officers Association 37 FISTS CW Club MM79 — february2002 News

Voices from the Past . His heroism savedover700lives. Mr Barrett will makea presentation Titanic Survivors on Tape on the early use of radio to summon aid and it was the Titanic Historical Society Special Event Station of America which provided him with the tape of the interviews. made for the The voices of people who were saved Society‘s archive at a convention in the when the Titanic struck an iceberg on her 1950‘ 5. “They give an astonishing insight maiden voyage in April 1912 with the into the events which followed after the loss of over 1500 lives will be heard for liner struck the iceberg”, says Mr Barrett. the first time in Britain when Ralph His presentation will launch an Barrett, Consultant. talks international radio link-up, in Godalming. Surrey,on Friday 12 April. complementing an exhibition on Jack His talk is part of the programme Phillips and the Titanic, which will run at commemorating the 90th anniversary of Godalming Museum from Tuesday 12 the loss of the liner and honouring 25- March to Saturday 25 May. year-old Godalming born and bred Jack The link—up is being organised on Phillips, the Chief Wireless Telegraphist Saturday 13 and Sunday 14 April 2002 who stayed at his post sendingout distress by the Titanic Wireless Commemorative signals to alert other ships before losing ; Group. 20 local radio amateurs who. his life when the ship went down two 1 operating from a replica of the Titanic‘s hours and forty minutes after striking the wirelessroom,will contactradioamateurs

W79 fefiruary 2002 the Wireless SOS, at the Borough Hall, Godalming, 7.30 pm. Tickets at £3 available from Godalming Museum. (Tel: 01483 426510). Saturday 13 to Sunday 14 April: Radio Station GB90MGY special event station at the Wilfrid Noyce Centre, Godalming. Open 10.30 a.m. to 6.30 pm. Admission Free. For further information, contact the Titanic Wireless Commemorative Group: Michael Shortland: Tel +44 (0) 1483574996; e-mail: [email protected] or visit or the JackPhi/lips:Titanic’5 Chief Wireless Telegraphist Godalming Museum: Derek Watson, Publicity Officer- Home worldwide, using a special for l Tel +44 (0) 1483414673,or Museum: Tel the event - GB90MGY (Titanic‘s call +44 (0)1483426510; sign was MGY). They will be active on [email protected]. CWonly on all amateur shortwavebands, 80-10 metres (including WARC bands) from 10.30 a.m. Saturday 13 April until 06.47 a.m. - the precisetime in the UKthat the Titanic sank - on Monday 15 April. Contacts and reports will be confirmed 100% via the QSL bureau. Touch Sounder Project Experts will be on hand to explain to visitors what is happening and they Martin Mueller has developed a circuit will be able to use a Morse key. that brings old telegraph sounders to life. It consists of a capacitive touch switch Summary ofEvents and a custom integrated circuit that sends Tuesday 12 March to Saturday 25 May: a message on the sounder Exhibition on Jack Phillips and the whenever anyone touches any part of the Titanic at Godalming Museum, 109A sounder body. When embedded in a nice High Street. Open Tuesday to Saturday wooden base, with the sounder mounted 10 a.m. to 4 pm. (until 25 March and 5 on top, it makes a great showpiece or pm. after that). Admission Free. paperweight. Friday 12 April: Talk by Ralph Barrett, With this circuit installed, the Broadcasting Consultant. on Titanic and sounder comes to life and starts sending W79 — fefimary2002 .3 everything installed inside and it comes out looking really nice. The intemet address is http:// ~muellerpage/ main.htm As Martin says, “If you lovetelegraph, I'm sure you‘ll love this project!” He can also be contactedby e-mail: [email protected]

a message anytime anyone touches any ‘

‘ GACW CW DX metal part of the sounder. It is quite a Contest surprise! The message he selected is Party “What Hath God Wrought!” reportedly the first message sent by Samuel Morse on his telegraph. GACW, Argentine CW Group have This circuit is designed to bring ; announced their first international event virtually any telegraph sounder to life. - The Samuel Morse Party. which will Martin has a website with full plans take the third weekend of available free online and he also will sell place during April each The first takes place this the chip and circuit board at a low cost. year. which is the 25th anniversary of These instructions will guide you year, GACW. The event will take place through the assembly, testing, adjustment, and use of the animator on l9th/20th April 2002 and the circuit. Only a soldering iron and some objective is foramateurs aroundthe world small hand tools are needed to complete to contact other amateurs in as many CQ the project. zones and radio countries as possible on An example of one Martin built is all bands. shown in the photo. He purchased the base from a local trophy dealer and had Full Rules them make the brass nameplate at the Dates: Third week end of April each year same time. The base is hollowed outwith i.e. 20th/2 1 st. April 2002 ( l9th/20th April 4 M79 fefirumy 2002 2003 — 17th/l8th April 2004. etc) for 24 country contacted on each band. Stations hours from 12.00 UTC 12.00 Saturday to 1 are permitted to contact theirown country UTC Sunday. and zone for multiplier credit. The CQ Objective: For amateursaroundthe world WAZ definitions, DXCC and the GACW to contact other amateurs in as many CQ country list. WAE country list, and WAC zones and radio countries as possible. boundaries are the standards to be used. Bands: All bands. 3.5 MHz through 28 Maritime mobile stations will count only MHZ excluding WARC bands. for a zone multiplier. Single Operator Categories: Those Points: Contacts between stations on stations at which one all different person performs ‘ continents are worth three (3) of the operating, logging, and spotting points. Contacts between stations on the functions. The use of DX alerting 3 same continent but different countries,

‘ assistance of any kind places the station one ( 1) point. Contacts between stations Multi Operator category. Single band or in the same country are permitted for all band; only one signal allowed at any zone or country multiplier credit but have time: the operator can change bands at zero (0) point value. The DX station will any time. i added (2) extra points for each QSO with Single Operator High. Single Operator stations in South America. Low - The output power shall not exceed Scoring: All stations - The final score is 100 watts. Single OperatorQRPp - The the result of the total QSO points power output must not exceed 5 watts. 1 multiplied by the sum of your zone and

Multi-Operator Categories: All band ; country multiplier. Example: 100 QSO operation only. points x 100 multiplier (20 Zones + 80 Single - Only one transmitter Countries) = 10.000 (final score). and one band permitted during any 10 Awards: Diploma Urano D. Silva. minute period defined as starting with LU 1 DAYto the first one on eachcategory. the first logged QSO on a band. 1 Diploma Proyecto TITAN. to the firstone Exception: One-and only one—otherband in the multi—single and multi-multi may be used during 10 minute period any ‘ categories if-and only ifthe station worked is a new Club competition: The club can be a multiplier. Logs found in violation ofthe local or national group/club. (except ten-minute rule will be automatically IARU member Societies). There is no

reclassified as multi—multi. Multi- . countryor geographicarealimit. Mention Transmitter - No ‘ limit to but your Club/Group participation in your only one signal and running station summary sheet. allowed per band. Log instructions: All date/times must be Number exchange: RST report plus CQ in UTC. All sent and received exchanges zone. are to be logged. Indicate zone and Multiplier: Two types of multiplier will country multiplier only the FIRST TIME be used. A multiplier of one (1) for each it is worked on each band. Logs must be different zone contacted on each band. A . checked for duplicated contacts, correct multiplier of one (1) for each different QSO points and multipliers. Submitted 911.7%79 — ffefiruary 2002 5 logs must have duplicate contacts clearly Deadline: Allentriesmust be postmarked shown. List all QSOs chronologically — NO LATER than May 30‘“ and sent to: Do not use a separate sheet for each band. GACW DX CONTEST. PO. Box 9. Each entry must be accompanied by a B187SZAA Wilde. Buenos Aires. summary sheet showing all scoring ARGENTINA. information, category of competition, : Entries sent by e-mail should contestant's name and address and a attach the Log and Summary sheet as a signed declaration that all contest rules .TXT (Text) file. Please name the and regulations for in the appropriate file as: your ('all.e.x‘rensi0n, country of operation have been observed. e.g.LUlDAY.txt All entrants are required to submit E-mail to Alberto U. SILVA, LUlDZ — r‘ross-check sheets (an alphabetical list [email protected] of calls worked) for each band (Except Web Institutional Page http:/l those who send electronic logs). QRPp and low power stations must indicate (In/"01771017011:RaulMarcelo Din; LU6EF, wine on their summary sheets and state GACW Coordinator.) the actual maximum power output used, with a signed declaration. Disqualification: Violation of amateur radio regulations in the country of the contestant. or the lules of the contest; unsportsmanlike conduct: taking credit Sparks, What’s Going for excessive duplicate contacts: On? unverifiable QSOS; or unverifiable multipliers will be deemed sufficient Three ex-merchant Radio Officers are cause for disqualification. The use of a book of the non-amateur means such as . planning to produce recollections of marine radio officers and emails. telegrams. etc.. to illicit contacts would like ex-radio officer with a or multipliers during a contest is any to contact them. Their appealreads: unsportsman-like and the entry is subject story, “Since beautiful profession to disqualification. our that Actions and decisions of the has ended February 1999, we feel. we should be of the wonderful GACW Contest Committee are official not deprived of have made on and final. stories ourmany trips we THE MORSE ENTHUSIASTS GROUP SCOTLAND MEGS was formed in 1991 to encourage the use of Morse. especially by newcomers. Regular skeds are held using our callsign 'GMQRSE' each Monday and Thursday from 7 until 9 p.111. (local time) around 3.530M1—lz. Among other services. we offer Morse practice tapes free of charge. other than postage. This offer is now also available to MM readers. Membership is open worldwide. the ‘Scotland' in our title simply shows place of origin. Lifetime membership £1.00. Details from Secretary: G.M. Allan GM4HYF, 22 Tynwald Avenue, Rutherglen, Glasgow G73 4RN, Scotland. J 6 MM79 feEruary 2002 board ofour ships or airplanes or what we WormserstraBe 16, 55276 Oppenheim, e- have encountered at our coast stations. mail: foecking@main-rheinerde or lng. Therefore, we. OM Focking and H.C. Polak, Hannie Schaftplantsoen 41, OM Marschner, both ex—radio—officers in 5348 GC Oss, Holland, e-mail: the German Merchant Fleet and OM [email protected] or R. Marschner, Polak. ex-radio-officer of the Dutch Narzissenweg 10. 53359 Rheinbach, MerchantFleet.commissioned by Radio— Germany, e-rnail: [email protected] Holland, have taken the opportunity to (Information: David Smith - ZLZBBB) have a book published, containing the most interesting stories experienced by radio-officers from different countries. We know, that many countries have a club of ex-radio—officers and that very nice and amusing stories have been Two Metre CW appeared in their newsletters etc. Group We should like to bring out a selection of the best stories and or new A Yahoo Reflector has been formed to stories in an edition, probably with the promote activityon 2m CW. 49 members title: “Sparks, What‘s Going On?" have joined since November, 2001. In view of the costs we will not There is lively discussion on the exceed a size of 160 pages with a page reflector which is moderated, single format of about 210 nrm x 148 mm. We handed, by Angie Sitton, GQHGA. The estimate a sales price of 15.00 — 20.00 Euro. We would appreciate very much if ex-radio officers will be inclined to Radio render your cooperation by sending us. free of honoraria, one or two oftheirown Bygones stories in English or, ifthat is impossible, the vintage wireless magazine in their own language, not exceeding le Annual subscription (6 issues): — 2 A4 pages. if possible with one or two UK - £18.50; Europe - £19.50; Rest illustrations. A few lines ofa curriculum of the World £23.75. vitae would be welcome. i.e. the Or send £3.25 for a sample copy For further information you are prepared to release. details, contact We should like to have Wimborne Publishing Limited Radio Bygones, Allen House contributions to our proposal by the end East Borough, Wimborne of June 2002. Dorset BH21 1PF, England So that we know howmany copies Phone: +44 1202 to print, we sincerely invite to (0) 881749 everyone Fax: +44 (0) 01202 841692 let know us as soon as possible if they E-mail: radiobygones@wimbornecouk wish to receive one or more copies. mastercam ‘VISA Contact: S. Focking, F- MM79 — fefiruary 2002 _ group use Yahoo Instant Messenger to The groups homepage is at http:/ make real time skeds and they are now / where discussing the idea of actually running a there is also a link to the reflector. net as part of Monday Activity Nights Angie Sittoncan also be contacted which are an established feature on the by e-mail at [email protected] two metre band now. Members are from all parts of the UK includingGI/GW/GM and, at present, one eachin PA/DL/EI. Membersare from a broad spectrum of experienced CW operators and beginners. The idea is that knowledge and resources can be pooled ABC/SARCMarconi to help one another and especially newcomers. Angie will help those new to Centenary Celebration computers with the intricate maze of S signing up. She is a very experienced CW SARC(SummerlandAmateurRadioClub, operator and gets a special pleasure to be Lismore, NSW) mounted a Marconi able to help people and in turn get help Centenary Display at the local ABCradio from those who know more. station to commemorate the centenary of This is a dedicated 2m CW group the transatlantic transmission on 12 and information is posted to the reflector % December 2001. about their activity on the band, stations The display during the week was worked and who got away. They discuss an outstanding success. The main day. rigs, antennas etc. Wednesday 12th Decemberwas very well a t t e n d e d with up to 1 O O 0 passing through the ABC Stu- d i o s

L i s m o r e . New South Wales (there were too many to count). The ABC had an all day dem— onstration and public participationin the station 8 MM79 fifefiruary2002 and studio operation. SARC publicity on the ABC was The Radio Centenary cake was continuous, including a slot on prime— cut by Australia's oldest active time TV news. Two local newspapersran licensed Alf Amateur, Webb, VK2UC, ‘ articles on the events. Thanks are due to whois 96 and active on all HF bands. Alf i to the ABC and members who lent built his first radio in the 1920's and has i equipment or in many ways made the been active ever since. i show a success. ‘ The SARC display in the foyer (Report by John Alcoriz, VKZJWA) was very popular and a highlight of the celebrations. There were working Morse sounders, spark and tone instruments. Also, sound from Edison cylinders, crystal sets from the 1920‘s, New Release of ‘Morseall’ home and mantle sets from 1925 to the 19605 and historical, souvenir and for the Disabled commemorative books etc. from the l

1920‘s onwards. . Pehr Anderson hasreleased a new version Historical information on Marconi ' s of his Morse code user interface for Poldhu to St John's experiment was on computers called Morseall. It runs with display and equipment, and other the Linux operating system. developments. Also, history on local The system lets a disabled person broadcast stations from 1930 onwards. use a computer with only a single mouse Information handouts were also button! available for visitors. Public interest and He and his mother have been curiosity continued throughout workingwithoneuser whowasparalysed the week. Many visitors were previous for 10 years. They are interested in technicians or operators, either amateur, promoting this system to Morse code military or commercial and including one enthusiasts and anyone who might want elderly lady who was in the Air Force to be interested in helping the disabled. interception service. She copied Morse The software is free for all code groups at speeds of up to 60 words purposes, written for a free operating per minute, which she insisted was not system and costs nothing to deploy as uncommon for these operators. She the users can tap Morse code using a readily recalled using sounders and using standard mouse! American Morse on landline circuits. For more information visit their

Many others told ofinteresting situations l web site at and experiences. 1 (Information: Pehr Anderson)

Please mention Morsum Magnificat when contacting contributors

MMZ‘? — fefiruary 2002 Sfiozucase

Fieaders are invited to contribute any additional information and stories, no matter how minor, to the Editor, Morsum Magnificat. There have been thousands of designs of keys & telegraphy instuments. Information will be lost unless it is compiled in one place and shared with other readers.





This Bright’s DoublePlate Soundercomp/ete with key, polarised relayand galvanometer turned up in theestate ofa Silent Key. Sometimes referred to as ‘ting-tang'teiegraphs because the action ofeach electromagnet causes a clapper to strike platestuned to differenttones. They were usedon the railways in Britainfrom the 19'” century, the two tone soundsrepresentthe Morse dots & dashes andrequired a dual key to achieve this. The widow of the SK has put this equipment up forsa/e. See reader’s ads. 10 MM79 february2002 VK2JWA




This KOB was constructed by JohnAlcorn, VK2JWA. He used a Gamageskey which suitedwell and the Menominee sounder. Thesounderbaseismarked 4 ohms but the coilsare 1 1 Oohms,220 total. it worksvery well on 12Vbutnotatlessthan about7V. Thekeyhasa lamp which is convenientforpractising. Thesounder only draws 57MA so the lamp must be connectedin parallel forboth to work.








British army Mk Vheliograph. There is a secondarymirror which can be positioned to direct the sun onto this, the signalling mirror. MM79 — february 2002 1] Who Remembers RNSTKRENKEL,callsign - RAEM. RAEM and UPOL? was both a professional and an amateur radio operator. Taking part in many adventurous expeditions in the 1930‘s, he was not only a Hero of Compiled by Tony Smith the Soviet Union but a hero of international amateur radio too. A recent honour is his inclusion in the inaugural groupof50 inducteesintothe CQ Amateur Radio Hall of Fame, administered by CQ Magazine. which recognises individuals who have significantly affected the course of amateur radio. has translated the article from the original Articles, which have already Russian, as follows: appeared about him in MM, include RAEM is My Callsign (MM6. p22)» “RadioStation ‘UPOL’ Listening for RAEM (MM8, p.16). and Oursmallthree~valve receiverwas Commemorating the 90thAnnivel‘saljv 0f designed for telegraphic work. the Birth ofE. T. Krenkel (MM39. p.16). Neveitheless we understoodbroadcasting In 1937. he was amemberofafour— stations perfectly on it. The loudspeaker man expedition, which flew to the North rarelyworked.the outputwasinsufficient. Pole and spent the next nine months on Our tent was therefore equipped with an ice floedrifting south. taking scientific radio. Each of us had his own pair of observations on the way, before being earphones. One could at will get into dramatically rescued as the ice broke up. one‘s sleeping bag with headphones, In its time, this expedition attracted cover up one‘s head and listen in the worldwide interest. rather as the moon warm to the latest news from the Big landings did in later years. Land. Recently. Mike Hewitt G4AYO. In the light of summer time, the found the website of the Russian audibility of even such powerful Robinson Club. “a club for those broadcasting stations. as Moscow. was interested in islands. polar and maiine weak. We only now and then heard the amateur radio communications” (httpzl/ Comintern (Communist International). which contains a page, written Then. at the end of August, audibility by Krenkel himself. describing his began to improve. With the approaching amateur radio activity from UPOL. the polar darkness we had excellent and 1937 expedition‘s radio station. Mike positivereception of Moscow at any time. 12 MM79 fefiruary 2002 It could be said with confidence Besides Moscow, we had the that for these nine months we were the opportunity to listen to most European most conscientious radio listeners of the stations. High-powered stations could be Soviet Union. In the middle of twelfth received regularly each day. During night, even with three minutes to go, the particularly favourable conditions the receiver was still switched on, tuned in, airwaves literally swarmed with and we four, with bated breath, sat and broadcasting stations. Even at the Pole waited, for our news from Moscow. the difficulty was to tune in and separate Wewere verywellinformedabout these many stations. all events at home and abroad. With the It was interesting to observe the collective of radio workers, especially “pranks” of the air. One day a with managers of Moscow broadcasting working quite low—powered stations of centre, we established verywarmfriendly the RostovStatefarmwasheard perfectly. relations. We sent them all sorts of Some evenings stations such as questions, secured special concerts, and Vladivostok and Budapest prevented me asked to be given the chance to talk with working . Sometimes at 4- our wives and children in front of a 5 o‘clock in the morning Moscow time a microphonein Moscow.All theserequests whole number of American stations was they carried out promptly and heard, but audibility was fairly weak. thoroughly. For the facilitation of





1937—4938 ’_ TO RADIOWf 0N MaGMT UR sues asrw “ XMTR 20 Cvarrs . RCVR: l-V-l °” vow hi xfw 740 é Wee/C

OSL card received by GSMon/Iowing his contact with the on 22"" October 1937. MM79 — fifefiruary 2002 19’ RAEEI was the gall of £fo {ghetuekéa smashed hf ice in the Peter sea In $934. I was there the chief egtseratari Stage. than REESE is my personal amateur will Mat! address. Ernst Islrsi‘a‘arl. Cihaellgte Skeet», 1M. Mosenw; USSR,

f 35345»; am rim :9 Tlinhr'yaflgoxn RWY. Mama‘s. lll.7%s'z.ts‘~ts,.:;? ":15 3e >1. 5’31”.

Reverse oiErnstKrenkel’s amateurradio QSL card explaininghowhe received his unique cal/sign. He was the only amateurin the USSR allowed to OSL direct fromhis home address. astronomical observations we used a the sealed transmitter. In our condition it microphone. Fedorov, outside the tent would have been a crime to experiment with his theodolite, dictated his readings with the working of the equipment. into the microphone. and one of us, sitting However I was sorry that the transmitter with headphones in the tent. listened for was not telegraph-telephone. It is a pity Fedorov‘s report and wrote down in the that my optimism with regard to the tent the reading and time according to the conditions for spreading radio waves in chronometer. the Arctic did not spread as far as the One day I decided to make good mainland. use of this microphone and inserted it Rudolf Island worked us all the directly into the antenna. Rudolf Island time on 800 metres, using a transmitter at heard us. It is true, badly, the 30 watts. Although it was a telegraph- wasquiteweak,but everythingwasheard. telephone transmitter, it never occurred I did not consider it possible to delve into to either of us to try telephone 14 MM79 fFeEruary 2002 transmission to Rudolf Island. Only after communications with me was the old my attempt with unsuitable facilities did “enthusiast of the air”, Leningrader Rudolf Island set its telephone working Saltykov. Only Vedchinkin contacted and we heard it extremely well. It was a me fromMoscow. I alsohadcontacts with new source of joy. other Leningrad short-wave enthusiasts, ln autumn. aircraft from Moscow withSverdlovskand Krasnoyarsk.Before delivered newspapers, letters and even take-offto the Pole I left the editorial staff gramophone records to Rudolf Island — of the magazine “Radio Front" my talking letters from friends and relatives. personal short-wave receiver, which I Letterswere transmittedto us by telephone asked be passed to the short-wave and gave us many joyful minutes. enthusiast who established the first two— A special job in my work was way communications with me. The contacting radio amateurs on short- receiver was awarded to Saltykov. waves.LeavingMoscow,I promisedradio On the ice we did not haveelevators amateurs of the Soviet Union to actively and tramways, which usually create maintain communications with them. It deafening interference to the receiver. was not my fault that I wasunable to fulfil We had ideal conditions for radio the promise in a way that I would have communications. With the helpofa small liked. three—valve receiver I managed to make As on many other occasions I was contact with all the world. A Norwegian severely limited by the wind and the from Alesund made the first foreign batteries. At the slightest opportunity I contact with me. Then a circle of tried to work radio amateurs. But this acquaintances extended all over the air. work always went on only “under wind”. Contacts with radio amateurs Not only had accumulators to be fully usually went on at nighttime. Doubling charged, but while working radio as the night watchman of our expedition, amateurs there had to be a fresh wind. I I strolled around the tent and the Globe, worked until the first signs of an abating as my comrades peacefully slept in their wind in order to ensure time to restore, sleeping bags. with the help ofthe windmill, the electric In a special notebook I precisely recorded power output used up. Only with the details of communications with those observance of these conditions could stations with whom I had a “QSO” — two- working radio amateurs be permitted. way communication, I noted the Nevertheless, sincethere wasonly audibilityofamateurstations.On separate little free time, I “crept” onto the air for occasions I managed to get in touch with meetings with amateur radio short—wave most of the European States. Norway, enthusiasts. In August Moscow Sweden, England, . France, announced a competition - for the first Czechoslovakia. Belgium and Holland radio amateur who got in touch with the appeared in my log. Pole. The USA, as the country having The first Soviet short-wave the greatest number of radio amateur enthusiast who established transmitters. stood in first place for the MM79 — 9725mm}; 2002 if number of contacts with the Pole. The this fine achievement 1 Doubtless, was a

Americanpresswasinterestedin the work 1 for a 20—watt transmitter of our station. My UPOL callsign had During the expedition two-way only to appear on the amateur bands and ‘ communication was maintained with the amateurs literally pounced on me with following amateur stations: several stations from various parts ofthe world and different continents From 27 May to 31 July inclusive. (from simultaneously calling me. 89¢ to 88¢ North latitude) On one occasion successful LAlM (Norway) F8IS W2CYS (USA communication was established.without NewYork) PAOAS GISAJ G6KP GSRI interruption, with eleven Americans in TF3C UlAD(Leningrad) UlAP(USSR, succession. They passed me from hand to Leningrad) WlEWD(USARhode Island) hand. A few friendly words and the person ‘OKlPK ON4BW D3FZI (Germany) I was speaking to passed me on. U3CY(Moscow) PAOFF UKlCR(USSR. Conversations usually dragged on and Rudolf Island) D3GKR F8AI PAOGN lasted longer than normal conversations K6SO(Hawaii) VKSWK VK2DG between radio amateurs. After the establishment of communications I was From 1 August to 31 October inclusive compelled first and foremost to receive (from 88¢ to 84¢ North latitude) enthusiastic outpourings. offers of help SMSUW W7LQS VESLD GSMY in the passing ofradio messages, requests W8PMB WlAEF W9PNE GMZJF for regular communications. WQKAP Friendsshowed upon the Hawaiian Islands. I worked one of them several From 1 Novemberto 4 Decemberinclusive times and he turned into a supporter of (from 84¢ to 82¢ North latitude) our expedition. he was worried — would WZSB WZFSN W8EME K7RT GSJX the ice melt. aren‘t you afraid?... He was F8GQ W9THH W9ALV W9VDQ well—informed about our drifting W8CMH WSHRD W8NOT W9AJA expedition. He reported to us the contents : W9PLX W8BGX W8LSK W8DFH of our reports. Only the day before they UICO (Leningrad) ZL4BR U9ML had been printed in central Moscow (Sverdlovsk) WlHUD GMZJF W2BHW newspapers. By his reports we saw how WZGTZ PAODA SMSWM SMSQU quickly the foreign printing of our radio UlAD (Leningrad) UlBC (Leningrad)" messages. sent to Pravda and Izvestiya could be reprinted. Searchfor the Contacts I successfully worked Alaska and After reading this article, Mike

Canada. The record for distance was . Hewitt,a keen “Krenkel” fan.did a search communication with stations in South on the Internet for all the callsigns Australia and New Zealand. These recorded.He writes: “As you wouldexpect stations were almost our antipodes. many were no longer listed. Alf SMSIQ Almost all communication. with rare . has since researched the SM calls listed - exceptions, was made on 20 metres. . these seem to be reissued calls. W8NOT 16 MM79 Tefiruary 2002 was listed and it gave his e-mail address is also interested in receiving other and date of birth! He responded to my e- information, memories or material ‘ ‘ mail via a speedy letter (see below). A relating to RAEM. ‘Google‘ search on W8NOT finds the UPOL reference and a photo of a meeting QSO with WSNOT of his radio club. Ken Wright, W8NOT, replied to “I looked in Papanin‘s book (diary Mike’s e-mail as follows: “I have all my of the leader of the expedition) for 4th old log books so finding the entry for November — the day of W8NOT’s QSO. UPOL was quite easy. The QSO was on 4 There was indeed a reference to a QSO November 1937 from 1147 to 1151 p.m. with an American station. There was also my local time (minus 5 hours UTC) on reference to a QSO with a Frenchstation. “~44 1 ?3 FSGQ was the only I? peonpmdea French station listed 1 «am 4. we,at

i by KrenkelandFSGQ .5 inw‘ Aq 1 \3 was still listed (but pupl not on E-mail). I sent

himaletter and hada 1 uoissiuued reply only to leam that the ? callsign was to reissued in 1963 - the current FSGQ was mgws only 7 in 1937! “WZSB is a Club Station but they have not responded to my E—mail message Dra wing inguest-book byErnstKrenke/whenhe visited thehome ofSM5/0 during - 1937 is a long time the First European Championships in FoxhuntingnearStockho/m in 1961. ago, I may write to some of the other stations who are still 20m CW. Krenkel said it was the Soviet listed (but not on Email). Most of these Drifting Expedition . He gave will be reissued callsigns — but I mayjust me his present position 83/49 North and strike lucky!" 2 degrees East. If MM readers know the original “His signal sounded like he was holders of any of the callsigns listed, who using a self—excited oscillator - the tone mightbe able to assistMikein hisresearch was quite rough. I gave him RST 553 and on the contacts made by RAEM in 1937, 1 he gave me 569x. I was xtal controlled on please contact MM in the first instance. 14.008 kHz. and he wasjust a little higher in We will be pleased to pass on all . frequency. My home brew rig was: 53 information to him. Mike has a large xtal osc. and doubler. 45 buffer, T20 collection of Krenkel memorabilia, and buffer and T55 final, 150 watts input, MM79 — fehruary 2002 17 probably about 100 watts output. The many of those operators were Silent Keys receiver was a National NC lOlX - it only and my file was largely useless or covered the 160. 80. 40 and 20 metre ham confusing because of the reissue of Inany bands. My antenna was a 20 metre dipole. of the call signs. It was half wave with a quarter wave “I did away with it. but quite matching section made of aluminium recentlyl starteda new one usinga logging tubing and fed with 600 ohm open wire program on my computer. A couple of line. months ago I bought a new Yaesu “Krenkel sent me a nice QSL card. FTIOOOMP Mark V transceiver and this It had a drawing of the camp on the ice and has revived my somewhat-lagging the antenna. Unfomlnately I no longer interest in ham radio. I also acquired a 3 have the card or any other cards from that element—tri—band yagi, in place of my





x" , Krenke/ata banquetheldaftertheEuropean Foxhunting championships in Vilnius in September, 1963, where he hadjust received a gift from the Swedes.

period (what a shame!). I am 89 years old mono-band 15 meter beam. I put up a 30 and have had this call for 66 years. I am meter sloping dipole that works very well sorry. but I really cannot remember and a quarter wave antenna for 80 meters. anything else about the QSO.” So. now this old man is having fun “Ken later wrote to Mike: “When pounding a lot of brass again!" we gotbackon the airafterWWII. I stalted Krenkel in Later Life a card—index file ofall my QSOs. It helped AlfLindgren.SM51Q(mentioned to make more friendly chats and I kept it above),another“Krenkel" enthusiast.met up for many years until I noticed that so Ernst personally. He writes: “My first 18 MM79 feEmary 2002 contact with RAEM - and 1°l°lld the only one by means of radio - was in 1947, when I happened to be involved OISWS in a Soviet contest on 7 MHz, CW. Our first “eye- ball QSO” took place in August 1961, whenSweden arranged the first European Championship competitions in hunting (now ARDF). Krenkel wasthe head ofthe Soviet team, including a trainer and three runners. I was in charge of the competitions (I was the SSAfox hunt managerfrom 1948, when I introduced the sport into Sweden) and Krenkel and I discussed ARDF and other things during his stay in our country. I know only a few phrases in Russian, but Krenkel, taken in Moscowduring SM5IO’s visit/n 1961. both of us spoke German, so we understood each other perfectly. reciting Pushkin with his deep voice... We were invited to Moscow in Ernst Krenkel guided us in his September, to a fox hunt in Ismailovskiy little Moskvitch for a couple of days. Park - a simple hunt, but lots of flags and ‘We‘ were SMSZD (well-known from speeches and spectators. Krenkel guided IARU Region I in the 50's and 60’s) and us (but only us Swedes) in Moscow, and his XYL, SMSAZO, president of all doors were opened when he made a Sweden's national radio society (SSA) gesture to his and I, so the small car was somewhat star. Despite that, he was not stuck—up at overcrowded! all. Once, when he parked his car, a very One eveningtwoofus wereinvited old woman with a broom approached him to his datja in the village of Zhukova, and said: “But tovaritj, I have to sweep together with two delegates from each of the street here”. Krenkel said something the other participating countries. Mrs friendly and moved his car. - Suddenly, Krenkel sat at the end of the table, and when we were walking in a park, he began with her shawl she looked like a M91479 — fefimary2002 19’ he so openly ‘ showed that he prefen‘ed Swedes

‘hfl‘ to the visitors from the Eastern Bloc countries I do know.“ i not

IOOQIOO’DQJIIIQJI ‘ Webpage ‘ Alf has a homepage at 5‘11 3‘2 QVl‘lée‘l H j W“ fs‘ffi's’si “32‘“! l I“) 1 h t t p : / / E hm??? f ”M Mini.“ (:3 lé' fl homeswipnetse/ {3”ka ye :é 3” ram iris Ab {mm m “Iii I sLSLq - choose i S V E N S K A manna-unannnalnn‘tlnn. a (=Swedish) and USSR 4 kopek commemorative stamp honouring Ernst Krenkel and his then ‘Ernst achievements, issued 1973. K r e n k e l . radioamator, matrioshka (those wooden puppets) and pola1forskare...’This has an excerpt from was busy filling our glasses with vodka. Krenkel‘s autobiography (written when Ernst had driven the car on our way out, he was 38!). Alf says: “I have an almost but fortunately he asked his son to take us unreadable copy of this book. back to Gostinitsa Ukraina! Erinnerzmgen (Memories). published as In 1963, the Second ARDF an advanced textbook in German. I have European Championship was held in translated insome chapters into Swedish. Vilnius. I think it was in September. We but you may enjoy some pictures from wentthere via Moscow and back the same the book and also one from our guest- way. Krenkel was there, probably as an book, where Emst made a drawing on one observer from Federatsya Radio Sport. 9 of the competition-free days, when the On our way back, we stayed for a couple whole Soviet team visited our house of days in Moscow and again he took care . during the ARDFChampionships 1961." of us. It was easy to take a liking to Emst Acknowledgements Krenkel. He washumorous. He never said Thanks to Mike Hewitt, G4AYO, for a deprecating word about the Soviet allowing MM to use his translation of system. yet I have a feeling that he kept Krenkel's original article. Also to Ken it at a healthy distance from himself. He Wright, W8NOT, for permission to knew exactly what Swedes in general felt include details of his 1937 logged Q50 and thought of the Soviet Union. with UPOL; andtoAlfLindgren, SM5IQ, something that ordinary Soviet citizens forsharing his memories ofKrenkeI with did not have the faintest idea of. But why MM. MM 20 MM79 feEruary 2002 Heliograph Demonstration held for lMAs at Fort Huachuca, Arizona

by Jim Riddle, KD7AOI

‘ ‘ \\35*FK

n November 15th 2001, I was 19003. The soldiers, furnished with 1890 rivileged to demonstrate the data of distances and bearings were able heliograph and discuss its history to locate the distant stations using only at Fort Huachuca. This was at the a compass. The event sponsor was invitationof Mr. Vince Breslin,the post's the Anny Signal Command‘s Chief of Army Signal‘s Command Historian. Staff, Colonel Melita McCully. Nearly two—dozen Army Signal At the time it was possible that CommandIMAs (ArmyReservists called many of these reservists could be seeing to ActiveDuty underOperationEnduring duty in Afghanistan, a country not Freedom) gathered for an orientation tour unfamiliar with the heliograph as will be of signalhistoryincluding Arizona‘s Fort noted from the following: Huachuca‘s Museum and The British army found the historical landmarks. An IMA, I learned Mance heliograph ideally suited to from Mr. Breslin, is an field operations in India and “Individual Mobilization Augmentee”. Afghanistan. It was used to transmit This was, incidentally, my second tlip to daily reports and orders to and from the the post, the first being several years ago remote mountain posts and for to visit and photograph a couple of its heliograph sites as part of a research project I‘m working on. Mr. Breslin provided a lecture at the post‘s museum on the part the heliograph played in the 1886 pursuit and sulrender ofGeronimo. Afterwardsthe IMAs traveled to “Observation Hill” where I demonstrated the device and provided instruction to the IMAs on the San Pedro Valley heliograph sites of vi _ . the late 18005 and early Wi/l Barnes anda Mancehe/iograp MM79 — 9125mm}; 2002 21 in the United States“by Lewis Coe TK 5115 C54 1993 McFarland and C o m p a n y . PublishersISBN 0-89950—736—0). The photo taken in the museum is of Will Barnes and a Mance h e 1 i o g r a p h similar to the ones we used in diedemonstiations. Will Barneswaa a Signalman Trappingthe Shadow Spot who was awarded the tactical communications when troops Congressional Medal of Honor at F011 were in the field. (One hundred and ten Apache who used a flag (probably a years later. TV pictures were to show ) for signaling the Apache Afghan guerilla units using situation whilst at great risk from a British pattern in their mountain to the nearby fort. His heroic conflict with the Russians.) The servicepredated the useof the heliograph present Afghans have found the helio‘ in the US. useful for the same reason as their My favorite photo is the one I call British enemies of old; namely, a simple “Trapping the Shadow Spot", a step uncomplicated mechanism that requires essential in transferring the shadow spot no batteries or complex maintenance." to the target vane‘s center. thereby (Source: “The Telegraph: A History assuring perfect alignment with the of Morse's Inventionandits Predecessors distant heliograph station. MM

The Radio Officers Association Membership is open primarily to former MN radio officers but is also open to anyone who has had an association with maritime communications or is interested in the subject. Members receive the quarterly newsletter 080 and its associatedamateurcomponent QRZ. There is an annual reunion and AGM. 2001 sees the meeting taking place in Bristol, For further details and information please contact the Membership Secretary - John Russell, 21 Landcross Drive, Northampton, NN3 3LR.

22 MM79 feEruary 2002 More on 'Maggie' ARY BOLD‘S REFLECTIONSon the Titanic's radio (MM 78) were and the Titanic interesting, particularly in respect of the reported statement by Dr Duguid in his autobiography. I was left wondering by Dr Ken Jones G3RRN whether Dr Duguid‘s recall and description was reliable. Perhaps advancing age was distorting his memory? In possession of such dramatic and important information, what ship's wireless operator would not inform his Captain without delay, even in 1912? We will never know. Reading signals at effectively only at low-medium 6000 miles with any of the passive frequency or lower. Small capacitance detectors of the time would be surpiising. had limited greatly the power of the early although theoretically possible. transmitters. Before sailing from Belfast. the Titanic is said to have exchanged Titanic’sWireless Room messages with a station on the Canary I have made a special study of Islands off the west coast of Africa and at ‘ maritime radio at the time of the Titanic, Port Said in Egypt. Port Said is about so the thoughts and information I have to 2700miles fromBelfast. In I912,wireless offer may be of interest. This was a time communication with, for example, India when Morse was king indeed. Other and South Africa, even with hundreds of forms of modulation became practically kilowatts from large land based stations, possible only with the coming of real especially using spark transmitters, was radio. Incidentally, I not a practical proposition. It would not had the wonderful experience of be so until the coming of the Marconi interviewing recently, and recording on shortwavebeam systemin 1926—27. Like tape for archive and heritage purposes. Gary. I have seen no record of Titanic the experiences of an alert centenarian signals being received at sea at any ex-ships wireless officer. He trained at distance greaterthan about 2500 miles. I the Marconi training school in London will refer to the Titanic operating 1 and went to sea as a 17 year old,just five 1 wavelengths later, although to work years after the Titanic disaster. He can efficiently, spark transmitters required read Morse still! He may be the oldest large capacity in the frequencygenerating spark era ship‘s radio officer alive. circuit and therefore could operate The so called reconstruction of

MM79 — $2511me 2002 27’ the TitanicMarconiroomshowninGaty‘s include the superb collection of the article is best described perhaps as a Titanic, which he took during a brief representation built for a film set and journey from Cherbourg. Because of an contains a number of significant accidental double exposure, he nearly inaccuracies. I know of only one threw away the photograph of Harold photograph of the Titanic radio room, Bride sitting at the equipment on the taken by Father Frank Browne SJ. MC. Titanic, until he learned that it was the three years before his ordination. He has only picture ever taken in the liner's been described, with justification, as the Marconi room. He captured also the now Irish Caitier Bresson and is recognised famous photograph of Jack Phillips and now as one of the world‘s greatest standing on the boat—deck of the Titanic. He met and talked with Jack plc Phillips on more than

Marconi one occasion. Frank Browne of disembarked at Queenstown (now permission Cobh), the last port of call in Europe, kind following a two-day By cruise paid for by his ‘29. n uncle, leaving the ‘I’J . ‘ To”); =1". Titanic to sail into the ’—.>—‘ sunsetand He r "x history. ~ 5" became, following ordination, Chaplain to the Irish Guards in the First World War where, for his the The Olympic Operator’s Position: As was the normal practice, magnetic in detector is screwed to the wall. The clockwork winding key projects from the outstanding bravery right of the case. The multiple tuner, which couples it to the aerial, is on the action, he earned the table below it, The wireless operator is sitting in front of the valve receiver MC and Bar and the on the table. The plate variable capacitors and a Fleming diode valve are visible French Croix de on top of the wooden case and the potentiometers for adjusting the valve Guerre. His voltages are on the front of the case. The charging board for the receiver many batteries is fastened to the wall above the operator’s head Titanic photographs amount to an photographers of all time. When he died interesting story in their own right. in 1960 he left an immense collection of Although there is no other photographic negatives of exceptional photographic evidence of the Titanic's quality and historical importance. radio installation, apart from some views Frank Browne‘s photographs which capture the special 5 kW, 4-wire 24 MM79 february2002 Marconi balanced top ‘T' aerial. very The Transmitters good photographs exist of the radio room TheseAmericanownedships were of the Olympic. the sister ship of the laid down and built together at the Titanic. One shows the general layout of Harland and Wolff shipyard. Belfast. the the operator's room. including the Titanic being launched very shortly after receiving equipment referred to in this the Olympic. Radio equipment and radio article, and another is of an Olympic officers in both ships were provided by radio officer sitting at the operating the Marconi International Marine position. There is no reason to believe Communication Company. Marconi that the equipment was not more or less radio equipment, of which there are identical on the Titanic, even though the plentiful illustrations of the various units operating room layout differed slightly. manufactured. was fairly standardised. The main transmitter plc consisted of a 5 kW

Marconi asynchronous rotary spark transmitter. of The schematic shown on page 36 of permission MM73 is incorrect. being appropriate for kind a one and a half kilo— By watt transmitter with a plain spark dis- charger. but not the 5 kW set ofthe Titanic. The set—up shown in it. the MM73 sche- matic is finely recon— Titanic-type Operating Room on the RMS Olympic: The operators room or ‘Marconi room' on the Olympic, is shown soon after it and the Titanic were structed in the en- launched. The magnetic detector is screwed to the wall under the window trance to the Tel- with the associated multiple tuner on the table below it, The Fleming valve ecommunications receiver is to the left of the table, with its battery box next to it and its charging Gallery of the Lon— board above on the wall. The ‘silent room’, which was at least as big as the operator's room, and which contained the 5 kW spark transmitter, is beyond don Museum of Sci— the bulkhead to the right of the photograph, the entrance door of which is just ence and Technol- off the to the picture right. ogy. Thisrepresents the equipment of For example, although located in the Empress of Britain (callsign MPB) in sameposition on the bridge deck between 1910. It is well worth a visit. However the the transmitter silent room and the radio 5 kW set wasmuchlarger and moreelabo— officer's bedroom on both ships. unlike rate. It had a separate motor driven alter— the Olympic. the Titanic operating room nator. to which was attached a 16 stud did not have an outward-facing window. asynchronousrotary sparkdischarger. As MM79 — february2002 25 l the 10-inch induction

pic ’ coil on the table to the

Marconi right of the Multiple Tuner in the Olympic of photograph. This could provide a modest crude permission RF output using the normal tuned aerial kind circuits in the transmitter By room, in the event of failure of the main rotary spark generator or the ship‘s main power supply. Phillips and Bride did have a problem at the Stan of the voyage. This was described by an The Marconi 5 kW Rotary Spark Transmitter: This was considerably American newspaper re— bigger than the standard one and a halt kW set, requiring a large silent poner who interviewed next to the and, of from the Marconi room operator’s room course. away Bride following the sink— officers' bedroom! Unlike the lower powered sets, it had a separate alternator and driving motor. The spark discharger can be seen bolted ing as a burnt-out to the alternator in the centre of the picture, behind which is the high secreta1y..."(i).This may tension transformer and RF chokes, capable of delivering 5 WA at either have been due to 10 20 ki/ovo/ts with of 300 volts at 70 hertz. The large or a primary voltage mishearing Bride's de- tanks to the left are the HF tuning capacitors surmounted by a spiral inductor for fine FtF tuning of the primary circuit. On the wall above is the scription of a fault in the variable coupling ‘jigger' (FiF transformer) and aerial tuning inductors with high-tension transformer tapping plugs. secondary during the voyage. This was repaired a result of the rotary spark discharger. the by Phillips in time to send out the CQD received signals would be reasonably call. but resulted in a large backlog of musical. even with the simple passive passengers‘ private messages. Perhaps receivers ofthe time. including the mag- this was why Jack Phillips told Cyril netic detector. Evans of the Californian to “Keep out! The main transmitter was Shutup! You'rejamming my signal. I'm contained in a separate room to the right working Cape Race" (callsign MCE), of the table. This was not so much for i when he tried to warn the Titanic of the interferenceprotection.since the receivers ice field only 45 minutes ahead of them were effectively muted during and the impending disaster. transmission, but to contain the Although the power input to the considerable noise of the spark. The motor-generator combination was emergency gear. referred to by Gary. is nominally 5 kW. the power radiated by 26 MM79 february2002 the aerial probably was not more than and the Lodge—Muirhead Syndicate was one-tenth of this. ProfessorJ A Fleming a commercial competitor. (later Sir Ambrose Fleming). adviser to the Marconi Company. has provided Fleming Diodes calculations to show the relative The valve receiver had two inefficiency of this early equipment. Fleming thermionic diodes. The triode published in his publication. “The was not available when the Titanic Wireless Telegraphist‘s Pocket Book". equipment wasdesigned. hence there was no amplification. These valves could Reception have either carbon or metallic filaments The aerial was fairly large for the for 4 or 12 volts, although the 4-volt operating frequencies and. of course, the carbon valve was recommended for was near perfect. The operating ordinary purposes. In the Titanic wavelengths on the Titanic were 300 and photograph. the valves appear to be of 600 metres ( 1000 and 500 kHz). although the metallic filament type. whereas the the main operating wavelength was 600 valve receiver in both Olympic metres. This remained. of course. the photographs appears to be of the carbon main marine wavelength until the end of filament type. The filament voltage was the century. Reception was possible provided by two. 3—cell lead-acid down to at least 120 kHz (2500 metres). batteries. charged from a specialcharging for news broadcasts etc. from powerful board. The latter can be seen by Mr land based stations, such as Poldhu. on Brent’s head on the Olympic. Only one the Lizard. Cornwall. valve was used. the other being a stand- The receivers of the Titanic were. by in case of filament failure. which was as Gary has indicated. passive. The days not unlikely. of the practical amplification of radio Unlike the magnetic detector. the frequencies, and even audio. were still a valve andcrystal receivers required high- few years in the future. The Titanic had resistance headphones or. if only low— at leasttworeceivers.namely the Marconi resistance headphones were available. valvereceiverand. ofcourse,the magnetic the use of a telephone transformer. Some detector or ‘Maggie‘. as it became known 5 kW ship installations were provided affectionately to the radio officers. The with a type No. 16 crystal receiver as an valve receiver was the most sensitive. but alternative to the valve receiver. This the ‘Maggie‘ was the most reliable. By appears not to be the case on either the this time. the Branly-type had Olympic or the Titanic. However. it was been abandoned. since it was too slow for possible to replace the Fleming diodes the speed of ‘modern‘ marine wireless with plug-in crystal detector telegraphy. The Lodge- Muirhead wheel replacements. although I have no coherer (the term coherer was invented information of their availability on the by Oliver Lodge) was available at this Titanic. The use of balanced crystal time. was sensitive and was reasonably receivers with a balancing battery. fast. However. it was subject to patent. facilitated the reduction of so-called MM79 — fFeEruary 2002 27 plc

Marconi of




The Marconi Valve Receiver: The valve receiver used a single Fleming thermionic diode, with another diode alongside as a standby, The valve operated on both filament and anode from a 6 volt lead-acid accumulator. Like the multiple tuner, it contained three tuned circuits with variable coupling. One of the variable capacitors was the so-called billicondenser, seen on the top right of the receiver We would recognise this as a piston type variable capacitor. The Marconi valve receiver was more sensitive than the magnetic detector. but not so robust, However, it was generally quite reliable and was used when maximum sensitivity was required. The valve could be replaced by a plug-in crystal adaptor.

‘atmospherics' or ‘Xs‘, and even strong photographs. They were certainly not interfeiing signals,so that receivingcould broadband tuners. The Multiple Tuner take place in conditions which " would was at least as good as any modern tuning otherwise make work impossible". The unit, after all, Charles Franklin (of the magnetic detector could be thrown into Marconi Company) had invented the temporary paralysis by high levels of modern van'able capacitor in 1902 and static. variable coupling in 1907. Receiver selectivity was adequate, having regard Selectivity to the prevailing conditions generally. By the time of the Titanic, I look back with some considerable selectivity was in use. The astonishment to the receiver selectivity valve and crystal receivers had multiple, we tolerated as radio amateurs in the built—in, fairlysharplytunedandelaborate 19603 and the extent of spread of some LC circuitry and the magnetic detector AM transmissions. I am sure that was used normally with the Franklin professional operators had the same Multiple Tuner. shown on the desk in the experiences. I cannot imagine the QRM 28 MM79 february2002 plc

Marconi of




The Marconi Multiple Tuner: The sophisticatedso-called multiple tuner. used with the magnetic detector, contained three LC tuned circuits using Franklin plate variable capacitors and integral variable coupling. Selectivity was fairly sharp, sometimes too sharp for the operators when initial/y tuning in weak signals It was capable of tuning from 100 to 3000 metres ( 100 kHz to 3 MHz) using switched inductance and capacitance. to be any worse in 19 l 2 than that on some comment about the magnetic detector. It present day amateur bands. Spark did not lead receiver development into a transmitters went out of use completely blind alley. because it fulfilled very well by about 1950, not only because of their the specific function for which it was rather broad bandwidth emissions in intended when it was introduced. Other increasingly congested bands and much types of reception were used and being narrower channel spacing. but also developed in parallel. as described above. because of their considerable It celtainly very effectively renders spark inefficiency. May I suggest, that having transmissions very readable with a pairof regard to the nature and sensitivity of the low resistance headphones. I know. receiving technology of 1912, to say that because I have seen it demonstrated and they covered the whole of the medium heard the result. Copying of signals was wave band is exaggerated and largely no problemforthe operators. The 'Maggie' meaningless. Syntony was well was suitable for all cases where absolute established and the frequency spread of certaintyofcommunicationwasdesirable transmitters was restricted by limiting and where no-one specially skilled in the degree of tuned circuit coupling in adjustment was available. the transmitter (that is, controlling the There was no problem about the logarithmic decrement of the damped acceptable sensitivity of the magnetic spark-trains). detector. Cyril Evans, the single-handed More on the ‘Maggie’ wireless operator on the Californian. in I cannot agree with Gary's giving evidence to the American enquiry MM79 — february2002 25 into the Titanic disaster concerning his Reception Tuning advice to the Titanic. referred to earlier. The ‘mutual inductor“ was not regarding the ice conditions that the “...broadly tuned to the operating Californian had encountered. said that wavelength..." and there were no the response received from the Titanic undisclosed components. What you got on his magnetic detector “...came in with was what you saw. The only hidden a bang...". However, its demise was component was the clockwork drive hastened by the introduction of mechanism. There was no tuning of the continuous wave (CW) transmissions primarywindingcarryingthe RFcurrents, using the arc generator. the RF alternator since this was not part of the tuned and. of course. the thermionic valve circuitry. All the tuning was done by the oscillator. The magnetic detector could tuner (RF tuning-unit in modern terms). adequately receive spark-only generated usually the Multiple Tuner with which it damped wave-trains, for which it was was used normally. Pre-detector tuning designed. and not for CW signals. was very sharp. The primary winding wound on ‘Maggie’Adjustment the glass tube, which carried RF current No adjustment of the ‘Maggie’ to earth from the Multiple Tuner, caused was necessary by the operator to transient demagnetisation of the moving undertake. unless he wished to do so. It wire band. This is similar in effect to the was sent out of the factory adjusted for denragnetising effect of withdrawing maximum sensitivity and would remain slowly a magnetised piece ofmetal out of so indefinitely. However. it was left to an alternating magneticfield. Eachspark- the operator to decide whether like or induced damped wave momentarily opposite poles of the magnets should be reduces the residual magnetism in the together. This depended on whether the moving soft iron band. causing the field operator liked the slight ‘breathing‘ to shift by an amount depending on the sound in the normal configuration or strength of the signal. The resulting complete silence and lesser sensitivity. changes in the field are detected by an In any case. there was scope for running induced current in the so-called repairs. such as the replacement of the secondarywinding. Soundsmadeevident soft iron band. the primary or secondary in the headphones are dependent on the windings of the detector coils and the ‘group frequency‘ ofthe spark which. as clockwork spring. It should be mentioned previously. sounded remembered. however. that the ‘Maggie' reasonably musical with a rotary spark was a dual detector device. Spare parts gap. Thepitch depended on the frequency were held for this purpose. In the event of the alternator and the number of studs of a failureofthe clockwork. the operator on the rotary spark discharger. The soft- could move the band-driving pulley by iron wire band moves through the hand. Reception of Morse under such ‘primary' coil at approximately 7 cm to 8 conditions would have been interesting cm per second. Comparison with an AC if the operator was single-handed! transformer surely is superficial. 30 {MM79 fefirumy 2002 Whatever the physics of the ‘Maggie', plc without the and magnets Marconi without the moving soft iron band. the ‘Maggie' is of completely deaf. I have been told that increasing permission the speed of the band through the primary coil kind increases the sensitivity to By sonre extent. To his great regret, I suspect, Cyril FumrstoneEvans,wireless . operatorontheCalifonian. ' , switched off the _ clockwork drive of his Maggie‘ a little too soon. Harold Cottam on the Carpathia nearly did so. but, in the event. heard the Titanic distress call and just managed to change maritime history and the fortunes of his Captain, Arthur Rostron. 4‘: w The Standard Ship Radio Room: This is though t to be the radio room Technological Change {or Marconi room) on the Cunard passenger ship Carpathla, which Formanyyears.the went to the rescue of the Titanic, with Harold Cottam, the radio officer magnetic detector was the involved. The magnetic detector and multiple tuner are to his right, with the transmitter the shelf above. The Marconi reliable mainstay of the emergencyspark on valve receiver is on the table to the left, partly obscured by the casing radio officer‘s work. of the motor and alternatorstarters. The high resistance headphones particularly with the coast ior the valve receiver are on the table and he appears to be using the radio stations and other magnetic detector! ships at normal working distances. It should not be dismissed too accelerating technology of the transistor readily. It worked very well and very and solid-state physics. reliably as a detector of spark generated Perhaps it is worth reflecting on RF. andpractically all RF was, at the time. how exciting the practice of wireless spark generated. It was no more a blind telegr'aphynrust have been in those days. alley than was the thermionic diode in To sonre it is still. That is sonretlringthat the face of the triode valve or the radio increasing radio technical sophistication valve in general. faced with the has not irrrproved on. MM M91479 — february2002 2’] info Téase!

Readers are invited to contribute any additional information and stories, no matter how minor, to the Editor, Morsum Magnificat. There have been thousands of designs of keys & telegraphy instuments. Information will be lost unless it is compiled in one place and shared with other readers.



Photo/Collection: There is a photo ofthis key in MM57 but little informationwas obtained. There is a well worn label with the A WA logo in the circle, which is thought to be "AmalgamatedWireless otAustra/ia”. Atthe top of the label is "TYPE R688 B”. At the bottom ofthe label is “MANIPULATING KEY"andin veryverysmall letters in the lowerrightis ”10-177”. Theunderside ofthe base is filled with bees wax to close the holes. Info please!





\ Two views of a clockworkdevice that operatescontacts by projections fora rotating wheel. It sends 305 three times, thenalongpause andthen repeats and soon until the springis unwound. There is no escapement butspeedis regulated roughlybya rapidly rotatingairvane. The gearsareofa hardaluminiumalloy. Theplates ot the frame are ofbrass. The onlymarking on it is ‘K640’. Wouldthis have beenpart of the equipment of a lifeboat forkeying a transmitter, or something foran airman who had to ditch in the sea - possibly WWII? Does anyone knowabout this type ofsender? 32 MM79 february2002 Prince



This key,purchasedrecently by Mike Prince, has obviouslybeen repaired and/or rebuiltduring it’s life. The wire appears to have beenoriginal/yconnectedto the contactarmin the middle. It ispossible that the “axle” on which the semi-oirculararm pivots was originally made ofinsulatingmaterial, with the idea ofisolatinghigh voltages. Thetwo aluminiumcastings appeartobe made forthejob, rather thanadapted. Anyotherinformation wouldbe appreciated.




This item is somesort ofpractice set. There is no manufacturer ID on it. It has a British style look to it. Do the markings on the buzzerimply a militaryorigin.7 It's a compact 3"X5 " item that’s exceeding/y well made. MM79 — february2002 23 An Electronic FALLTHEMORSE SENDING Keyer Paddle from devices available. be it keyboard. hand/straight key. bug. jigger or “Scrap-Box” Parts electronic. the most popular nowadays is probably some kind of electronic keyer. and increasingly of a type which has by Drew Diamond, VK3XU "iambic" or "squeeze” capability. An electronic keyer with this feature must use a paddle with two separate contacts. one for dots and the other for dashes. The term “iambic“ comes from poetry. where the verse has a di-dah-di-dah.... rhythm. which is what we get when the paddles are There are some fine looking. and squeezed together. no doubt pleasant to use. keyer paddles It‘sdifficultto determinethe exact available at present. But for the person time at which amateurs were introduced who likes to have a go at making things to the technique.althoughJamesGarrett' 5 at minimum cost. it would seem that a article (Ref. 1). where he described his device which is essentially just a pair of popular "Accu-Keyer" was notable in electrical contacts should be a doddle. promoting the iambic method. In addition There have been details published for to generating dots and dashes in the usual numerous devices made form bits and way. the proficient operator has only to pieces like paper clips, ignition points. squeeze the paddles to get characters computer mouse(s), clothes pegs. mouse such as C. R. K. F. full—stop. message traps. rubber bands and nails, hack-saw begins.messageends and brackets. which blades. micro-switches etc. They make significantly reduces the number of interesting novelty items. but generally movements required. The skilled user is they do not provide the level of thus able to cruise along at a comfortable performancerequired by the moreselious speed for long periods without fatigue- operator. CW becomes even more fun. Please do Therefore. the following “scrap- not believe the myth that an electronic box” model is offered. No finicky springs keyer will ruin your ‘fist‘. Existing hand/ or pivots orbearings are used. Rather, the straight key and/0r bug proficiency will moving parts are a pair ofordinary single— not suffer (by going to electronic) if we sided 1.6 mm thick epoxy glass-fibre always try to reply to other stations with printed circuit board strips. about 10 x 85 the key type that is appropriate. or as mm. which interestingly. has just about band conditions allow. the right amount of “springiness” for the 34 MM79 fairway 2002 job. The copper side ofthe strips provide lengths of 20 x 20 x 3 mm (or similar) L- the electrical path to the dot and dash section aluminium extrusion. The contacts. exploded drawing shows the components The screw adjustable back-stops required and some salient dimensions. have two functions; when finger pressure Exact duplication is not necessary- is released. the fibre side ofthe strip falls although the pair of RC. strips should be back against the stop which effectively similarly sized. Back—stop and contact damps vibrations, and, the stop imparts a screws should be positioned side—by—side slight tension, thus pennitting a degree upon the contact bracket. and spaced of control over the pressure required to about 10 mm apart. If you do not have a close the contacts— more tension- more tap to suit these. diill a plain hole and fit finger pressure required. a lock nut each side. Note that each P.C. Dot and dash contacts are nickel strip has an off-set clearance hole for its plated (N.P. ) or plain brass screws, which opposite contact screw. The hole must be pass through clearance holes in the strips. just large enough to allow the screw to A small pad of shim brass (or similar) is pass through without interference. soldered to the copper foil to provide a Base plate (not shown in the wear-resistant contact surface at the point drawing) may be an 80 x 80 mm square of of closure on each strip (rather than just phenolic, ABS, bakelite or similar the copperfoil.whichwouldwearthrough material. about 6 mm thick. The screws too soon). which hold the brackets must be Brackets are made from 20 mm countersunk- and the corresponding

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MM79 feb'mazy 2002 holes in the underside of the base Ifyou are new to electronickeying. countersunk to sufficient depth so that try not to go on-air until a reasonable their heads are recessed. The base may be proficiencyhas beenattained.but practice fixed upon an additional steel plate. or 1 off-air to get a feel for the technique. attached to some other object. as desired. 1 Don‘t worry too much at first about the Solder tags under fixing nuts for ‘ iambic mode, as you should find that it the contact brackets provide the wire 1 will come naturally after a period of connection for dot and dash. The points 1 training. Always remember. the markof a convention (for right—hand) is that dots good Morse operator is sending which is are made with thumb, and dashes with not necessarily fast. but is regular, index and second fingers. The RC. strips accurately spaced. rhythmic. and has the are separated with a spacer block made correct number of dots and dashes for from a scrap of 3 mm :11. For the common each character. No—one is impressed with connection (usually chassis ground). two a "stick—along—a—picket-fence” clatter solder tags (the second to provide even which is riddled with errors. Common spacing) are sandwiched as shown. sendingfaults are 5 for H. and6 for B. with The paddle knobs may be made extra dots sprinkled about for good from perspex. ply-wood. bakelite.... and measure. Watch out also for G instead of shaped as desired. Those shown are ME (NAG forNAME heard often). N N for

triangular. although oval or rectangular . C, NST for TEST. and PD for AND. may be preferred. When the assembly is complete. References and Further Reading back the contact screw(s) well away 1. “The WB4VVF Accu-Keyer": James initially, then bring the backstop(s) up to Garret. WB4VVF. QST. Aug. ‘73. the fibre side of the strip until it touches. 2. “Electronic Keyer Paddles"; Dr Gary then advance the screw a little further- Bold, ZL4AN. NZART Break-In. Aug. perhaps half a turn, then trip up the lock ~88. nut. Now advance the contact screw to 3. “Which Paddle, Which Keyer?"; within about 0.3 or 0.5 mm of the shim Gerald Stancey. G3MCK. Morsum contact plate, and lock. Test and fine Magnificat #58.

adjust as necessary after connecting the , First published in Amateur Radio, July paddle to your electronic keyer. l 2001. M114

FISTS CW Club — The InternationalMorse Preservation Society FISTS exists to promote amateur CW activity. It welcomes members with all ‘ ~ levels of Morse proficiency, and especially newcomers to the key. The club has awards, nets (including a beginners’ net), dial-a-sked for ig, beginners, straight key activities,QSL bureau, newsletter, and discounts from traders. , iv. Further information can be obtained from Geo. 119 ‘r. C LB Longden G3ZQS, Cemetery Road, Darwen, Lancs BB3 2L2. Send an s.a.e. or two lRCs.

MM79 — february2002 The Barclay Box-Relay HE BARCLAY BOX-RELAY (“snare”) KOB consists ofa key and an unusual style sounder with by Dave Pennes horizontal coils enclosed in a resonator box. They weremadeby the J.H. Bunnell Company from around 1910 to around 1920 or so. The Manhattan Electrical Supply Company lists Barclay those that function as ‘sounding relays‘ instruments in their catalogues ofthe day with 2 sets of contacts. but it is believed they were produced by There are variations in the size Bunnell. and composition of the wooden boards, The sounderpart of the instmment some devices being more compactly was also available as a stand—alone constructed than others. It is suspected instrumentwithoutthe key. Thesedevices that earlier versions had walnut or werewidelyused as main line instiuments mahogany wooden bases whereas later by the railroads in the USA. There are versions were made of ash or birch. multiple varieties of these devices Earlier versions had barrel—style including those that function as simple binding posts while later models had the KOB‘s with a single set of contacts, or typical flat-style Bunnell binding posts

38 MM79 feEruary 2002 ohm instrument used on the ‘Soo Line‘. which is the colloquialname forthe Minneapolis. St. Paul. and Sault St. Marie railroad. The advertisement comes from a 1918 Bunnell Catalogue. MM

with slotted screws. All had the characteristic tiger sniping on the sounding box also found on Mecograph bugs (see MM 74 front cover). This particular item is a 150


The Snare Drum Principle which Mr. Barclay has so ingeniously applied to his Rm; l’wlays produces a clear, pleasing: sound that is very penetrating, and consequently can be easily read even in noisy places or on lines having weak currents. Box is of burnished brass mn‘l all other metal parts are polished and mounted on a hardwood nnso. Schedule BA. List No. Price Each 404 150 Ohms with Key and Local LlUntI‘H‘is 9083 250 Ohms with Key 21ml lama] Contacts ...... 40.1 150 Ohms with Key, without lmcnl Contacts;...... 9084 250 (lhms with Key. without Local Contacts...... 426 1:30 without Key. with Local Contacts...... 9085 2:10 0thOhms without Key. with Local Contacts ...... 427 .150 Ohms without, Key or Local Contacts ...... 0088 250 Ohms without Key Local ...... or Contacts ...... MM79 — feliruary 2002 39 A Century of Dots and Dashes LooMng back hon11954

Report extracted and condensed by Tony Smith from The Sunday Advertiser Supplement, Adelaide, January 16, 1954

1e centenary of the introduction the US... Telegraphists of those days of the electric telegraph into this operated instruments which. by country falls on March 3. 1954. comparison with present-day apparatus. The occasion will be celebrated by the must have been extremely crude. Australian Post Office with considerable publicity and a commemorative stamp Longest Message issue... Telegram delivery messengers, In the past 100 too. did not enjoy the years. the telegraph congenial conditions of service has becomean In the PMG iihnnpti today. integral part of r ointment Irregularities Book, now in Australia‘s daily life. the PostalHistoricMuseum. Australians. with an is the record of a telegram annual average of3.3 messengerwho. on arriving telegrams for every for duty with dirty boots. person in the country. was given an hour‘s extra are among the duty without pay. Two world's most prolific messengers seen walking users of this method together were each fined 2/ of communication. 6d — a lot of money when The figure in the “stealtwles they earned only 10/- a United Kingdom is ; week. 1.1 and in the USA i5;-UBTRHLlR....~._...... ~a....s_... a“. Another messenger, who l.5. Put in another issued Australian absented himself without Stamp bywthe Post Australia‘s permission. was given two way. Office to commemorate the centenary population of a little hours extra duty without ofthe A ustralian telegraph service. more than eight pay. Yet another. who million lodges some 29 million telegrams smokedwhile in uniform. had three hours yearly. extra duty imposed on him. The electric telegraph was One of the longest messages ever introduced in Melbourne only 10 years transmittedin the historyof the Australian after the erection of the first Morse line telegraph service was the entire speech of between Washington and Baltimore in our first Prime Minister. Sir Edmund 40 MM79 ffefiruary 2002 Barton. It was sent from Maitland to changes and improvements of a highly Adelaideand was morethan 13.600 words technical nature. They include the introduction of continental universal long. ‘ or The result of the “Australian Morse throughout Australia in 1897: Champion Sweepstakes“ (now the codes used in each State before then were Melbourne Cup) was telegraphed for the not uniform. first time on October 1. 1859. Another event of importance was the linking of Australia with Europe by Fighting Crime 1 cable from Java to Darwin in 1871. The bushrarrgers. Hal. Gardiner i followed a year later by the completion of and Gilbert. had every reason to resent the Overland Telegraph from Darwin to the introduction of the telegraph service Adelaide... in Australia. Troopers knew their One hundred years ago. two whereaboutswithindays insteadofweeks telegraph offices operated a nine-mile when paid informers lodged messages at length of wire. Today (in 1954). more local post offices to tip off the than 9.000 telegraph offices throughout authorities... the Commonwealth operate When. in the late 1870s. the Kelly approximately 853.000 miles of gang took possession of Jerilderie. they channel... quickly put the local telegraph line out of action. When they left. they threatened Private Lines telegraph master Jefferson with injury or The leasing of private channels to death if he attempted to get a message 1 public organisations and business firms through. provides direct communication to a chief Jefferson ignored the threats. He telegraph office. or irrter-communicatiorr patched up his instruments with scraps of between city offices and outlying wire and told the outside world what was factories. or even undertakings in other happening. In his own interests. the States. department removed Jefferson from The first private line was Jerilderie soon after. established in 1933. when the Melbourne Stock Exchange was linked by

Rapid Changes , to Melbourne's chief telegraph office. 1 The first 100 years of the electric Today. 350 lines are leased to various telegraph in Australia has seen rapid organisations... MM

G-QRP Club The G-QRP Club promotes and encourages low-power operating on the amateur bands with activity periods, awards and trophies. Facilities include a quarterly magazine, Morse training tapes, kits, traders‘ discounts and a QSL bureau. Novices and SWLs welcome. Enquiries to Rev. George Dobbs G3RJV, St Aidan’s Vicarage, 498 Manchester Road, Rochdale, Lancs OL11 3HE. Send a large s.a.e. or two lRCs

MM79 — feEruary 2002 4’] Wflmfifkfl Sperm/i515 ’Baofis on Tefeflrapfiy 5y MaszrJer PRICES INCLUDE POST & PACKING AND ALL EU/WORLD ORDERS ARE SHIPPED BY PRIORITY/AIR MAIL UNLESS OTHERWISE STATED The Singing Line by Alice Thompson

An inspired chronicle by the great—great-granddaughter of Charles Todd who constructed the trans-Australia telegraph with 400 men in the 18605 (and named Alice Springs after his wife). Alice Thompson describes how she traced his footsteps from Adelaide across thousands of miles of desert. outback. swamp and mountain when he constucted pan of the telegraph link between Australia and Great Britain. Softback. 291 pages. 5 X 73/4 ins. 39 P110103- £9.50 UK - £10.00 EU - £11.00 World AWA Review (USA) Vol. 14, 2001 llll \\\\ R EV I 15“" Includes an 84 page article on Spark Keys. including 119 photos. Also a 57 page article. "The First Years of the Canadian Marconi Co." with 52 photos and a 27 page cuticle on the American Wireless Telegraph Co.. with 14 photos. SoftCVer. 6 x 9 in.

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of equipment. circuits. and procedures of the telegraph — a classic. The Singing Line by Alice Thompson £9.50 £10.00 £11.00 42 MM79 fefiruary 2002 UK EU WORLD Charles Todd constructed the trans-Australia telegraph (and named Alice Springs after his wife). Inspired chronicle by their great-great-granddaughter. Marconi & His Wireless Stations in Wales by Hari Williams £5.60 £6.50 £7.00 illustrated account of the early Welsh stations and the relationship between Marconi and Preece. Classics of Communication by Fons Vanden Berghen £16.95 £18.25 £21.00 Profusely illustrated history of communication including much on telgraphy. AWA Review Vol. 8, 1993 by The Antique Wireless Association £9.50 £10.50 £12.00 Includes 45 page paper by Louis Meuistee on "Unusual Military Morse Keys“ (delivery Jan. 2002) Perera’s Collector’s Reference CD by Tom Perera £9.00 £9.20 £9.70 An absolute mine of information for collectors compiled from variety of sources Perera’s Telegraph Collector’s Guide by Tom Perera £7.60 £8.10 £8.90 An essential pocket-size reference guide for collector and historian The Story of the Key by Louise Ramsey Moreau £4.25 £4.50 £5.00 The Best of MM Vol. 1. 77 photos/Illustrations, 60 pages. Wake of the Wirelessman by B. J. Clemons £14.20 £14.70 £17.00 A true story of an early maritime wireless operator “Q41" and Beyond by Shirley Lawson £6.20 £7.20 £7.90 The story of a Wren (Womens Royal Naval Service) telegraphist Railroad Telegrapher’s Handbook by Tom French £8.00 £8.30 £9.00 Old-time telegraphy on the American railroads Bunnell’s Last Catalogue with notes by Tom French £5.50 £5.70 £6.00 Illustrates and describes the company‘s many telegraph instruments History, Theory & Practice of the Electric Telegraph £14.50 £15.50 £17.50 (facsimile reprint of 1866 edition) by George B. Prescott The Victorian Internet by Tom Standage (MM63) £8.30 £8.40 £9.30 A history of the electric telegraph in the 19th century A History of the GPO Mark 1, 2 and 3 Morse Telegraph Keys by Dennis Goacher(MM65) £6.00 £6.50 £7.20 The Phillips Code - a facsimile reprint by Ken Miller(’MM61) £5.00 £5.20 £5.50 Telegraph codes for press reports (CLEARANCE PRICE)

Bindersfor Morsum Magnificat Covered in a hard-wearing red grained finish, with the magazine title blocked in gold on the spine. each binder holds twelve issues of the magazine, retained by strong wires, but easily removable should the need arise. £7.90 ...... UK £8.50 ...... Europe £9.80 ...... Rest of the World (Air Mail)

* Prices in US dollars may vary slightly withcurrency exchangerates and commission charges Credit card orders welcome by phone: +44 (0) 1630 638306 or Fax on +44 (0) 1630 638051 Please make cheques payable to ‘Morsum Mnguificat' MasterCard VISA SEND YOUR ORDER TO: Morsum Magnificat. The Poplars. Wistanswick. Market Drayton. Shropshire TF9 EBA.—_ England Payment it'eleome by Masrercard or Vim (quote ~rour card number and expin‘ dare) or Irv Cheque/bunk(lmfr drawn on (7 London bank

Mill/[79 — ffeEmary 2002 49’ 9’0urLetters

Headers letters on any Morse subject are always welcome, but may be edited when space is limited. When more than one subject is covered. letters may be divided into single subjects in order to bring comments on various matters together for easy reference. Please note that the views in readers letters are not necessarily those of MM.

New UK Licence Classes investigating the problem. This will impact all of us. I view the new UK Licence Classes with The same remarks apply. albeit concern. I believe that it will not halt the less strongly. to the Intermediate Licence. decline in amateur radio but will harm the NoviceLicenseescannowmn 50W,more hobby and has been introduced solely for power than many Class A Licensees 11111. the benefit of commercial interests. Where is the incentive to tip—grade here? Amateur radio is a technical The CW requirement for the hobby: this means that to be successful Foundation Licence is wonhy ofa Monty you have to apply your—self and get a Python sketch. However. it is not funny modicumofexpertise. Theold style Class as it encourages people to think of Morse A/B licences were about the right level. as dots and dashes and is done at a speed, The Foundation Licence gives a 3-4 wpm, where no meaningful sound person with virtually no experience the patterns are made. ability to run more power than the The fascinating hobby of SWL is accepted QRP limit. I feel son'y for these ignored. people who will have insufficient skill to When BT are aggressively get results from their shiny black box. It advenising licence free hand-helds with is optimistic to think that this will a range of 2 miles who needs to bother encourage them to work for the with any licence to broadcast. intermediate (old novice) licence. They Gerald Stancey, G3MCK are more likely to leave the hobby Rutland, UK disillusioned people. During the interim period we can more QRM from people who do expect Info Please MM78 “Moby not know what they are doing. There will also be those who ignore the power limit Dick” Key and cause RFI. The RA may well take the view that when they get any RFI With reference to Heisuke Kimura. complaint the first action is to close the JAlDVV‘skeyonpage37ofMM78.this amateur down until they get round to is the key which my wife. Edith. 44 MM79 february2002 nicknamed “Moby Dick" — see MMl Info Please MM78 Signalling page 38. key #6. the 10‘h key in my collection. Lamp There were articles on this key by ‘ Hugh Miller. KA7LXY in MM22. page I was interested to see the signalling lamp 44 and MM24. pages 20-23. on page 37 of MM78. The key used in Hughidentifies “Moby Dick" as a i your unit was made by Akrad Radio at US Navy key which was used on all TBX Waihi - a goldmining town which is about Navy sets before TEX—8 and NOT with 2 hours southeast of Auckland. the TBX-S (TBX numbering does not Akrad is made up from the words necessarily imply that every a model with AucKland and RAdio. Bythe time I came everynumbersuffixwas in fact produced). to New Zealand. the Waihi factory had I cannot identify the maker of my been taken over by Pye. then Philips and key since the only marking is a big ‘USN‘ regrettably is now closed down. with an anchor in orange on the underside Akrad Radio Ltd was formed in ofthe base. A maker" 5 markof 2 or 3 letters 1932 by a Waihi man. Mr K. M. Wrigley would be included with a number. all and had a staff ofthree. In 1940 they had prefixed with a ‘C‘. a staff of 30 and were joined by Mr Ted I am happy to see that another Grant. who eventually becanre Chief “Moby Dick" has shown up in Japan. Designer for Pye. Ted sentme an email in 1 John Elwood, WW7P April 2000 ([email protected]). He Phoenix, Arizona, USA said "Akrad made a Morse key as part of a Morse practice set for budding hams. They wereconventional and fairlyrobust. Therubbercoveredkey from JAl DVVon but not expensive". I own several keys page 37 of MM78 was first featured in that are the sanre modelas the key pictured Showcase in MMl where John Elwood in MM78. and guessed that they were the nicknamedit“Moby Dick“. HughMiller, “Akrad model". but it was not easy to in a follow-up article in MM24, p.20. prove. corrected some earlier details and This style of key is common at provided further information plus photos New Zealand radio junk sales - the key of the set in use in a re—created WWII does not have a good action so is unsuited setting. for use above learner speeds. Then in The key was used with all TBX May this year. I struck up conversation models before TBX-S. The TBX was a with Ian Sangster shore-party radio and was also for use in (sangsfam l [email protected]) who small one-mast wooden boats. The key was a stall—holder at the Cambridge Ra- fitted on top of the set when in use. The dio Sale. He told me that he had seen one article in MM24 is the most interesting of these keys with the manufacturer‘s and informative. paper sticker still attached - yes. it was Tony Smith, G4FAI Akrad Radio.

Norfolk, UK a I saw a very similar unit for sale at W79 — 9'25me 2002 45 Bulls Antiques in September this year. I Info Please MM78 P36 did not study the unit very closely as I was taken aback by the horrific price ticket of Withreferenceto Fons VandenBerghen‘3 NZ$350. Every detail that I rememberof key on page 36. This key was designated the unit that I saw was identical to the one model F17 and was used by the GPO and I pictured in MM78. However. I can‘t ‘ certain other services. think it wasbased remember details of the cabling or the on the DC/l63/16 made by Signalling lamp mounting leg. It would be Equipment Ltd. (SEL) of Potters Bar. interesting if the one I saw was not the Attached is a photo ofone with the actual unit in MM78, as this would Send/Receive switch removed. indicate that it could have been I am sumiising the GPO usedthem commercially produced. when they ran out of their brass single There is a picture of an Akrad key cmrent keys. See MM 25 page 41 for on my web page - click on the thumbnail reader‘s reports on these keys. image to enlarge - Wyn Davies zl2bbb/Straight%20Keys.html. Each of Wrecsam, Wales the Akradkeys that I own, have a base that is 70mm wide. 150mm long and 13mm I have two of these keys, one in a heavy thick. The wood is Rimu (a NewZealand black crinkle finish and unmarked. The native pine) and it has a clear finish. other. has a smootherfinish.marked ‘F17' possibly varnish. The finish on the base on the left hand side of the base and is very similar to what you would get by ‘SCMF' on the other side as shown in the using polyurethane on Rimu. Ifthe base photo. Does anyone know the meaning of of the key in this unit is different to this, ‘SCMF'? it could meanthat the complete signalling Jack Barker unit might have been made by Akrad, or Surbitan, UK that they might have specially made this key for this signalling lamp. David Smith, ZLZBBB Hastings,

- SEL , Above -The F17 key and left the key. J 46 W79 Tefiruary2002 Info please MM N077 p 37 Zewryflé Saunders Signalling Key Fleaders advertisements are free to MM subscribers. The number of insertions should be The key illustrated is a cable-key. used specified, otherwise it will be assumed that it is for hand sending bi—polar signals on required in the next issue only. Non-subscribers are welcome to advertise in the Classified Ads submarine cables. The code based on was section. Please contact MM for styles available Morse, but using positive and negative and rates. pulses of equal length instead ofdots and Ads can include one photo free of charge dashes. The inscription should read FOR SALE ‘LatimerClark Muirhead & Co Ltd..‘ etc. KEY This key has particular interest to me. SILENT SALE: Double Plate Sounder i.e. In 1870 the Eastern Telegraph “ting-tang" telegraph used British Company laid a cable system between on railways. The two tone sounds here (i.e. Porthcurno) and India. via represent the Morse dots & dashes. Carcavelos. Gibraltar. Malta. Suez Canal. Complete with two sounders. polarised in Aden etc. By 1872 the system reached relay resonator box. dual-action key in wooden Australia and was that country's first case and galvanometer. See MM79 Showcase. telegraph link with Europe. This pioneer Offers via George Robbins. 79 cable was followed by others radiating G3LNG. Rosemont Road. Hill. from Porthcurno to all parts of the British Mossley Liverpool, L17 6BY. UK. Tel: +44 Empire and beyond until Porthcumo was (0)151 7241001. the worlds largest cable station and the main telegraphic to the world gateway HUGE 11 YEAR for Victorian undersea communications. Telegraph Surplus to be whittledaway. Wireless.landline.code Rob Wardenaar‘s key books. & other books/paper. undoubtedly came from the old Eastern learning machines. foreign. military. Telegraph Co cable station. no other US. parts. etc. - Specific invited - send administration on the island would have enquiries can e-mail. pics etc.. Dr. Joe Jacobs. 5 used such a device. We have similar ones Yorktown Place. Northport NY 11768. in our collection of signalling and testing U.S.A. Fone:+1—631-261—1576.Fax:+1— keysofall shapesand sizesat the museum. 631—754-4616. E-mail: [email protected] many of them connected to equipment and working. THE M1“ Q & Z CODEBOOK. a C0111- The key doesn‘t date from 1870 prehensive 82-page list of the Q—codes however. more like 1890- 1910. as they and Z-codes. including a one—page list continued in use for emergency sending. of the original Q-codes of 1912. Avail— communicating with repair ships. etc. able from Dick Kraayveld PA3ALM. long after the main traffic telegram was Merellaan 209. 3145 EH Maassluis. Hol- being sent by automatic transmitters. land. Price £5 UK. or US$10.00 outside John Packer, Hon. Curator UK. including postage in both cases. Cable & Wireless Porthcurno Trust Payment accepted in cash only. 91491479 — february2002 4/" 132 Knowlands. Highworth. SN6 7NE. United Kingdom or e—mail: flaw/W [email protected] FOR SALE continued MINT COPY of MM19 Spring 1991 WANTED: TELEGRAPHY ITEMS Morse Bicentennial Issue. £5 inc p&p (esp. land-line). 1 am looking for (UKonly.overseas extra).Contact Bluce somewhat special telegraphy apparatus: Morris, GW4XXF +44 (0) 1654 710741 Single and Double Needle, Wheatstone email: bruce@ Uw—lrtxl’.free— etc. Buy or swap. 1 can swap for early electricity (e.g. tubes from Crookes. EXCHANGE & WANTED Rontgen and Geissler; Ruhmkorff; WANTED: Marconi 365A or B key with Wimshurst;..) , very oldradiovalves,some and of telegraphy. Who roller bearings. Will pay going price and telephony course else collects ?? All letters it will end up as propertyof RadioOfficers telegraphy Association as an addition to the answered. Fons Vanden Berghen; equipment held. Contact David Barlow, Lenniksesteenweg462/22; B- 1500 Halle, G3PLE. Pine. Churchtown. Cury, Nr Belgium. Helston.Cornwall,TR12 7BW.UK. Tel: Tel. +32.2.356 05 56 ( home: after 8 pm +44 (0) 1326 240738, e-mail: my local time) or office: +32. 16.38 27 21 [email protected] or e-mail: [email protected] WANTED TO BUY: Back issuesofMM WANTED: CANDLER’S Auxilliary Course. Contact G.Lizee, VE2ZK, 666 nos. 6, 9 to 22 inclusive. Also 1960s NATO Lamaire.La Prairie. QC, Canada15R 1 M6. Navy key (5805-99-580-8558). Please contact Stephen Parry. G4LJZ, E- I AM A KEY COLLECTORwith over mail: [email protected] 300 different keys from 20 countries and Old have 50 keys available for swapping. WANTED TO BUY: large commercial Morse such H. White Write to Henri Heraud.F6AUO.9 Avenue key as double—cuu‘ent de Bellevue. 91130 RIS ORANGIS, 1918, or GPO type keys, FRANCE. with or without the metal/metal—glass cover. Would consider exchanging my \VANTED TO BUY: Telegraphic Code old Air Ministry Morse Key Type B1. Books. as used to reduce the costs of Ref: 10F/7839inas new condition.Letters by replacing common phrases telegrams to: D. Johnson WSFZ, 15514 Ensenada with codewords. Would be interested in Drive. Houston, TX 77083-5008. Texas, both originals of photocopies. I am a USA. Or Email: fulleiphone@yahoocom hobbyist in Cryptography and am WANTED: such the facinated in different ways data is and Early paddles as has been represented for different Nikey,Aut1‘onic. Ham-key HKl & HK2. Harlescott purposes (e.g. speed. economy, Ray Bullock. 40 Little Lane. confidentiality etc.) Also interested in Shrewsbury SYl 3PY. England. Tel: +44 related items. Letters to Mark Darling, (0) 1743 245896. 48 91191479 fFeEruary 2002 . . w L”...

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A Marconiadvertisement from The Yearbook of Wireless Telegraphy1922.