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5-16-1913 Las Vegas Optic, 05-16-1913 The Optic Publishing Co.

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Dally Kaxitn I! cdttier Forecast f 'C ff ii tie Jests at scars who Tonight and Saturday m u U i somewiat has never been at fair; warmer. war himseir. Isj EXCLUSIVE ASSOCIATED PRESS LEASED WIRE TELEGRAPH BERVICE


GEORGIA BANKERS IN SESSION. Senators Clash Over Cotton TO STOP TON'G WARS Sun Mnoon, Ga., May 16. A distin- "WILSON : Senator Smoot and Senator Smith EVIL IS Francisco, May 16. Chinatown DE ALWAYS DIVORCE has now ARIZONA GOES DELGADIL10 guished gathering of business men o! Georgia clashed when the Utah its peace 'tribunal. Repre- If and financiers filled the auditorium senator called on his colleagues to sentatives of the waiving tonga, the of the Hotel Dempsey this morning FAVORED FREE compare the bill as it now appears HIT BY CHURCH .priiiciij,l Chinese families and the A LITTLE BIT BY HANili'S when President 15. W. Hunt of At- and when it comes from the finance commercial houses and organizations lanta, called to order the annual con- committee. met last night at the quarters of the vention of the Georgia Bankers' as- "I have no doubt," he said "that Six Companies, and organized a com- mission of 27 to which all OOSE sociation. Mayor John T. Moore de- SUGAR the cotton schedule will be changed. ASSEMBLY hereafter STRONGER livered an, address of welcome and I have no doubt that some interests disputed shall be refereu for arbitra W. W. Hanks responded for the visit- will be taken care' of. Why. cotton tion. ors. annual' 30 DECLARES SENATOR JAMES any more than wool or PRESBYTERIANS' HIGHEST TRI- Members of the blood-leltiii- g tonga ANTI-ALIE- LAND LAW SIGNED GOVERNOR REFUSES TO COM- Following the reports sugar?" of el'f bank- "Does the senator mean the are eligible to the but not MAN'S icersand committees the IN DEFENDING EXECUTIVE'S that BUNAL URGES A CAMPAIGN committee, BY GOVERNOR HUNT TODAY MUTE ALBUQUERQUE rate on cotton is to be' be- to office in it. Resolutions were ers engaged in a general discussion ACTIONS changed OF EDUCATION. IS STRINGENT. SENTENCE DEATH of the new Georgia banking law. cause people in my state are inter adopted binding all those represented At the afternoon session the con- ested in it?" demanded Senator Smith. to abide by the decisions of the com- vention was Addressed William "LEGITIMATE INDUSTRIES" "Does the senator say that he has SACREDNESS OF MARRIAGE mittee. HAS BEAT PROTESTS BIS INNOCENCE by CALIFCSM'S A. Law of Philadelphia, William J. not promised that the cotton rate Burns, the well known detective, and shall lie changed?" retorted Senator MEXICAN ARMY CONFISCATED. ARGUMENT OCCURS WITH RANS-DEL- L ' SUGGESTS THAT YOUNG PEOPLE 16. PROHIBITS HOLDING OF LAND BY AS HE IS LED INTO BERNALILLO Burgess Smith of the United' States Smoot. Douglas, Ariz., May Resulting ON" - - RE- Tomorrow REGARDING TARIFF "I have promised-nobod- BE TtUGHT THAT SEPARA- ' from the recent supreme court decl- ANY PERSON NOT AN COUNTY JAIL YARD HE treasury department. anything. morsmg President Andrew M. Soule CERTAIN ARTrCl.ES Not a suggestion has come to me for TION IS NOT RIGHT. j sion regarding ammunition apparent AMERICAN CITIZEN. FUSES TO CONFESS Mex- of the Georgia, Statu College of Agri-ouitur- a raise on the cotton rate from ly destined for exportation into Ov- v. ill tell the bankers of fthe Georgia but suggestions have come ico, United States Marshal Harry Geor- CAMPAIGN SECRET TOLD from New for raises." MR. BRYAN IS SNUBBED erlook and Customs Inspector tan EVEN MEXICANS AFFECTED CIRCUMSTANCIAL EVIDENCE "Agricultural Regeneration of England gia." The convention will conclude Senator Smith indicated that the Sheahy early "today seized 100,000 tomor- of the was to have into Arizona with the election of officers ORATORS IN THE WEST IN- purpose democrats ATTEMPT TO HONOR HIM cartridges shipped by MANY OF THE LATTER TO THE SU- ALONG CLASS CASE IS NOT TAKEN row afternoon. f schedules approved by express. Although not having reached STRUCTED TO FORGET TO WITH WILSON IS PROMPT- ARE POSSESSORS OF LARGE PREME COURT; KILLED HIS then by the full democratic the international line, It is charged MENTION FREE .PRODUCTS LY VOTED DOWN. REALTY HOLDINGS. T of the finance committee that the ammunition was being ship- S VE HtART SECRET INQUEST RESUMED. membership Abington,. Mass., May 1G. The. se- and then by a caucus. ped to some Sonora point The shells of 16. were ail of an American rifle caliber 16. o cret inquest into the death Rear May Senator James Ga., May 16 An excoria- Phoenix, Ariz., May Governor May 10. Washington, Aalanta, Albuquerque, N. M., re- not in the Mexi- na- Admiral Joseph G. Eaton was of Kentucky, accredited with speak- PROBING EUNCO RING tion of the divorce evil and a resolu- employed regulation Hunt signed today Arizona's new Delgadillo, 28 years old, a sumed here today. Those summoned ing for President Wilson and the ad- Los Angeles, Calir., May 16. Striv- tion recommending action by every can army rifle. alien land bill. It prohibits any alien, of Mexico, was hang- tive Chihuahua, to included Andrew F. JacoDs, the Balti- to obtain more while it in the northern whether of Caucasian or Mongolian jail yard testify ministration, interpreted ing secrecy Presbyterian Presby- ed in the Bernalillo county in sen- of KILLED IN A DUEL f Mrs. who worked for the admiral; James more platform, in a speech the continues to probe the side issues terian church to secure more strin- descent, from owing 'land in Arizona for the murder of - this morning Thorn, whose attentions to Mrs. Eat- ate today, as committing the presi- the national bunco ring Inquiry, which gent divorce legislation by states Racine, Wis., May 16. Nick Llan- if he has not declared his intention, Zanazlno de Pino, which oc- Soledad on's daugihter are alleged to have dent and the democratic party to niv.olves an alleged.Attempt to pro were embodied in the report of the nuzzi, an Italian 34 years old, died at 0f becoming a citizen. In Old Albuquerque on Septem- curred aroused he admiral's displeasure; tree sugar. His remarks were in re- cure the bribery of public officials, special committee of Christian life a hospital this morning as a result This not only bars Asiatics, who ber 21, 1912. Chester L. Estes, a druggist, and two ply to the declarations by Seuato" the grand jury abandoned its regular and work, made today before the of a stilletto and revolver duel late cannot become citizens, but also a Delsadillo protested his innocence men whose .identity was not disclos- Ransdell and Senator-elec- t Broussard quarters today and established itself Northern Presbyterian assembly in last night with Joe Pilicetti, whom large number of wealthy Mexicans as he walked to the scaffold. The ed. Mrs. Eaton is accused of having ol Louisiana that it did not. in the adjoining building. session here. the former claimed had undermined who live on the American Bide of tho was sprung at 5:09 o'clock and trap poisoned her husband, and is await- In the gallery, listening closely, wag Edwin T. Earl, newspaper publish- him for a position as gate man with line, but who have maintained their extinct by physi- The report calls the attention of life was pronounced " P. to the to continue his a railroad company. Llannuzzi attack- to Mex- lat- ing trial. . . Joseph Tumulty, secretary er, did not appear the general assembly to "the sad and allegiance the government of 10 minutes and 30 seconds fatal- cians president, who went to the capitol to as expected, and it was re--i situation mar- ed the gateman with a revolver, ico. was broken Instantly by testimony, alarming pertaining to er. The neck SUPPRESSING FRENCH PAPERS hear the reply to the anti-fre- e sugar that the jurors had finished ly wounding him. The latter as he A vigorous fight was made to have met death coolly, ported riage and divorce," and recommends: the fall. Delgadillo 16. Two demand's, which for two have with him. for the detec- fell a stilletto into his coun- bill to aliens ineli- about Berlin, May exceptional days Attorneys "That our ministers and church plunged the apply only and as the noose was adjusted the wound causing measures of leglslattos applying to been assisting the sugar schedule tives identified with the investigation courts be to organ- tryman's body, gible to citizenship, on behalf of the no final earnestly urged n his neck, he said he had as Llannuzzi's death The gate-ma- Ari- the annexed provinces of Alsace and which President Wilson has declared several months ago were called ize a new and widespread today. Mexican holders of property in nient to make. campaign cannot live. Lorraine are under consideration by will not be compromised if he can witnesses. of education in the churches regardi- zona. Delgadillo was convicted entirely em- the federal council of the German help it ng- the sacredness of and There are few Japanese holding on circumstantial evidence, and his marriage pire. The first is intended to give Senator James declared that tha the eviis and to arouse all property in the state, though many case was not taken to the supreme pf divorce, power to the viceroy to suppress by platform adopted at the Baltimore UNITED STATES GETS classes In the to the need Chinese hold a little, and these, like court. Governor McDonald refused community OSSE PURSUES administrative order any societies convention approved the course of the of reform." the non-citiae- among the Mexicans, the death to life to commute penalty which as the democratic house in the last session will be required to dispose of the real by ,he regards threatening dispirited discussions on jinprisonment, although petitioned , questions hoW .order ..of the two .province-?- and that .it apr - V mmn estate. UllEK Ihex tjow within a ' public UlMraiBFiBl' of Nu.h wrr.cp to do so. TpartlCtifaTlnterest- to orgu 1 many while the1 second is to him to of the "Underwood free sugar period of five years. - permit proval ization marked the session today. the The law prohibit the circulation of newspapers bill. He read a paragraph from A was at exempts on'iy mining A JANITOR'S CLEVERNESS. BRYAN PRESENTS DRAFT OF RE- lively scene witnessed printed Jin the French 'language, democratic campaign text book ap- claims held by aliens or real propcj May 16. The practice of PLY TO THE JAPANESE PRO- the United Presbyterian assembly NOWATA, OKLA., IS STIRRED UP Chicago,. whether they originate in France or proving the excellent record of the ty necessary to the proper working of the AT CABINET MEETING when a motion was proposed and OVER CRIMINAL ASSAULT Joe Hudiun, .negro janitor in themselves. house in "sugar on the frea TEST of mines. Representative Japanese letters the provinces placing adopted that a telegram De sent to COMMITTED THERE Board of Trade, of saving list." conferred with tho governor in an ef- waste baskets of mem- lfi. President Woodrow Wilson, signed tossed into Senator Ransdell asked if President Washington, May President fort to induce him to veto the bill, and officials, may win $2,500,000 Wilson and the cabinet at a three by the moderators of the three Nowata, Okla., May 16 In a battle bers PATERSOfTS POWER IN Wilson had not declared in a spee-i- but he declined on the ground that The latter is in session here, commend- between a band of negroes for Charles H. Baker. did not stand hour session today today considered protecting such a law was in the in- at Pittsburgh that he - necessary William T. Baker, to ing his stand on moral questions. Albert one of their race charg- a son of the late free trade. the reply of the United States Jap- Fields, terest of the white race. board. BAMAG ;;r The excitement came after a motion ed with a white woman, at one time president of the DANGER OF returned that the an's protest against the California attacking Senator James to to- in fath- anti-alie- n an- include the name of Secretary and a near Delaware, Okla., The son was remembered the not and land law and it was posse MODERATORS ELECTED. !' was a free trader Af- other proper- an answer to the Japan-s- e of State Bryan in the telegram. day white men' were injured and one er's will, which, among ihf.t the bill, calculated to nounced that Atlanta, Ga., May 16. With the CONVICTION OF INDUSTRIAL proposed ter cries of "No, No," from the assem- ties, disposed1 of profits from water was not note would probably be delivered negro seriously wounded, narrowly moderators LEADS TO raise $300,000,000 in revenue, de- election of disposed of, and a, WORKERS' LEADER bly, fhe motion to this effect was lynching. The posse was power enterprises in Seattle a trade bill. very soon. escaping to the Northrn and. South- I THREATS OF REPRISALS free feated. to him when it was delegates Wash. President Wilson is s Secretary Bryan presented a draft preparing hang ern and United assem- "If you say a witness Presbyterian The claims that he was su- of the answer, which is believed to This morning's session of the decided to hold him as plaintiff 16. tree trader because he favors free blies, In eession here today, tool: uu Paterson, N. J., May All power de- ris father's partner in these projects "did have been substantially approved. It Northern Presbyterian church was against Fields. annual are under guard gar," demanded Senator James, at their respective meetings which he av- plants in the city made to voted to the of com- Fields escaped. A posse continued and that the $2,500,000 .you call a free trader when may be public after delivery largely reading business of more routine nature. todav in view of threats of a general yourself is in con- ers was his share in the remainder free the Japanese ambassador, though, that mittee reports, which included that of in pursuit. Fields sought, made yesterday at you voted for free bread and of the estate to him. The strike by speakers was not definitely determined today. the special committee on Christian nection with an attack on Mrs. Perry belonged silk mill snoes. the ereat meeting of striking New-Yor- life divorce wife of a farmer. The letters, which the janitor had saved Senator Ransdell denied he was a Secretary Bryan returned from and work, decrying the liallentine, workers called to protest against the a wounded white men, A. C. Barker and IN FORT W0!i for are saidl to show demo-citin- g today and was at his desk evil and urging concerted campaign ITS many years, In-- i tree and asked if the early conviction of Patrick Quinlan for trader, is believ that the father regarded his business not long before the cabinet meeting, at to overcome it. William Worthington, it riot icratic national committee had .relations with his son as a partner- to not which he was to present the reply of What promised to be a warm fight will recover. fellow leaders in the In- - structed its orators in the west SETTIBIEN the United States to protect was precipitated in the Southern MM ship. , . iv m..u , discuss free sugar- and also if the Japan's ausiriai vvoiera ui wuiiu, am..,,-- the California land legislation. Presbyterian assembly when the re- TROUBLE PILING UP W D are to be Party would not have been aeieaieu against them Haywood, yet port of a special committee contain- Los Angeles, May 16. George II. HOUSES ARE BURNED AND NEGRO The maxi- it tney nau uiseusseu n mere. tried on a similar charge. a "brief statement of the Bixby, the Long Beach millionaire, in- KILLS POLICEMAN AND THEM "I know the Chicago headquarters ing popular BOMBS AHE FOUN mum penalty is seven years in prison. in on of contrib- .n..:: Aswell belief of the Presbyterians the dicted charges having SHOOTS HIMSELF Ten thousand strikers and sympa- ueted 'Representative two " United States" was submitted. Op- uted to the delinquency of girls, the of Louisiana, ne declared. i thizers attended protest meeting, IN to the of this re- the ob- 16. nucn nun Senator James referred to the point TODAY CONGRESS. position adoption narowly escaped today being fort Worth. Tex., Tv'ay State in cheering madly when Adolph Lessig, of a second bench warrant in a mux LUHUUH made the Louisiana leade that port, 'which included an important ject troops continued on guard today at Ml one of those indicted, advised them to by to .j. . reference to "the elect infant township justice court answer for the county to prevent the lynch- j administra j. jail "tie garage and street car President Wilson and the up every Washington, May $:16. Senate: Re- clause" was indicated in the dissent- contempt. of Tom Lee, the negro who shot out all had declared against tariff re ing SUFFRAGETTES ARE RENEWING line In city and put thejtion to tar- of failure to to a sub- te would legi sumed debate ou motion refer ing opinions of two members the Bixby's respond Policeman Ogiltree and wounded three FOR for a of nights." ductions which injure any THEIR "BATTLr," THE lights couple ' in- as a witness at the timate iff bill to finance committee with committee which drafted the report. poena prel'minary men before he took refuge in a sewer FRANCHISE industry. J. in the structions for public hearings. Action was postponed. examination of Emma Goodman, and shot himself. THE THA'W TRIAL. "By 'legitimate industry' Kern resolution for investigation alias Jose Rosenberg, proprietress of Iast nights' resulted hi con 16. Dr. John W. platorm," said the Kentucky senator, rioting London, May 16 The militant suf- New York, May mine strike de- the resort, on a ne-- meant and of West Virginia coal RICH MAN Jonquil pandering siderable property damage in the of bombs Russell, former superitendent of the "is industrially legitimate GOES CRAZY. warrant be fragettes' campaign placing It bated. charge, caused the first to ,gr0 secuon 0f the city, practically to coerce the Matteawan Asylum for the Criminal commercially legitimate industry. Chicago, May 16. When an auto- sur-- In public institutions Postoffice committee postponed un- issued, and the millionaire finally j house on East Ninth street A. a does not refer to an industry which mobile J. every government into granting the parlia- Insane, and Horace Hoffman, on Mrs. owned and driven by Paul rendered himself. 125 of and til Monday public hearing occupied by neproes leing wrecked. to women, was confidential agent for Harry K. has had years government Patten, vice president of the Lake the mentary franchise to take Helen D. Longstreet's displacement Justice Reeve continued Rosen Big fires, fed principally by liquors in Lon- were the witnesses protection and is yet unable Zurich Milk crashed into a called on in several quarters Thaw, principal at Ga. company, berg case until this morning ana wnen, were of John N. care of itself." as postmistress Gainesville, ,lld trash, started early today; called at the trial he-fo- post at the south approach to the don and the provinces today. today Graves testified failed to resuond." the "Justice ,Mivt;i- ,,f with Senator James eloquently praised Chief Forester T,.,.l, ' mu v,hv' ,n t A workman-lik- e of explo- Anhut, a young lawyer charged U1U, canister territories committee regarding ijj luuil' luu,,ln!,isaid!' he would issue another bench! the and owners pre- - bribe to bring President Wilson's stand for free Tu hotel was out police property sives with a clockwork attachment offering Russell a Slack, a clerk, thrown Bix!)ys attorney declared that! insti- national forests. v,arrant vented the flames from gaining any was found in the in about Thaw's release from the sugar. ana lunea. misunCerstood the time public library Indian affairs committee agreed to his client had j "If William II. Taft had had half "Is he alive?" of tne headway. Southwest London this morning. It tution. asked Patten set the hearing, and the matter the onnraee cit Woodrow Wilson he amendment of Indian appropriations for Ac- in-bi- policeman who came on the run. was labeled "Votes for Women." ll up was set over for a later hour. SERVICE. Payne-Aldric- h so as to provide for congressional WILL RESUME it CONSPIRATORS ARE PUNISHED. would have vetoed the "He's dead," was the With- cording to belief In some quarters, of well-bein- g of reply. A mora been j the Cincinnati, May If,. deter May 16. Samuel and bonfires would have vesication out Patten rushed to the was placed there by a man. The po- Cheyenne, Wyo.,. betterment of the Indian warning INVESTIGATE PEONAGE. mined; effort was made t'M Thomas on every hillside in his honor,' dians and TO today by lice suspect many men have been en W. Gebo, Wilberforce Sully, bridge railing and tried to jump Into ex- in he would have service. Washington, May 10. Senator Cincinnati Traction company to W. Dally and and my opinion the but was po-'i-i gaged by the militant 'suffragettes for McDonald, George' - river, caught by the frrv.'re. Tho ab- enter- been President Wilson! Senator Norm denounced interna- Kern's resolution for investigation cf tend its street car Rufus J. Ireland this morning . - - reman and a chauffeur. this work. .. " .Ir.t,, of peonage,.., militarism sence of any serious interference of to a federal indict- sava he is in favor of free sugar andtional battneis "'" the charges Another machine was found today ed p'teas guilty ''"' scheme. of workers in. the Willi t tho cars oa Uta to detraud free wool, and wants no compromise. for Brazilian valorization and oppression the operation in the letter box of the Wandsworth ment charging conspiracy HYDE said he did House: Took up conference rport GETS NEW TRIAL. IjWest Virginia mine district was up Avonda'e line led tbe traction fti district In Southwest Lon the United States of coal ands in At Pittsburgh he mefely postofflce civil bUl. New York, 16. in the senate' with pros- clals to believe that service on olheR Wyoming, and not want to destroy any legitimate on sundry May The appellate again today don. It consisted of a glass tube Washakie county, Smith of New routes could be resumed. each to a fine I you to find Representative division of the state supreme court pects of a vote. i containing fluid. A partly burned fuse Judge Riner sentenced industry. challenge to whom Woodrow Wilson York, introduced bill to print record today reversed the conviction In the was attached to one end. The police of f 1,500 and costs. anybody and evre said was not In favor of free of all committee proceedings in the supreme court of Charles H. Hyde, RIDDER ACCEPTS J03. NO FU' lIC believe the bomb was put there by Frank T. Wells, John Nelson he not and records. former city chamberlain, and ordered Albany, N. Y., May 16. Herman Washington, May 16. The militants., J. B. Wright pleaded guilty sugar." dis- if he Refused to recede from ita stand a new trial. Hyde was found Ridder of New York announced tlaat La Follette amiwdm iit to the Still another can of explosives with the case against them was Senator Ransdell inquired guilty considered the business of the on sundry civil W1I anl send it back of bribery in connection with, the de- he would accept the position of su- to refer th Viidfiwo'n! t.u r a partially-iburne- fuse was found to missed. The five who pleaded guilty sugar for further conference. posit of city funds la the defunct of Btato prisons, to Use Renate finance (oMnuuce in church at Hast- were remanded to the. custody of the south and west legitimate. perintendent day Holy Trinity at 1:05 p. m. until noon Great Northern vide fur fjl'lie . v :n on marshal "Legally but not economically," re Adjourned bank and the Carne- wblcli ha was appointed recent'iy hy j ings, a popular watering place the United States pennS t gie Trust company. Sulzer. late today by a of ..C to South coast.. plied Senator James. Thursday. Governor TWO LAS VEGAS DAILY OPTIC, FRIDAY, MAY 16, 1913.

mortgage were admitted and that all! objections thereto were therefore waived. This Both Battlers Are Confident brings us to the ques- 4 v fix. tion for decision jn this case. Does a ueniai or "knowledge or Information . the hardest battle ol lueir respective sufficient to form a belief, other than llives. Boyd, who has used the Couer from what is stated iu said inter- L0U1S vool hall as his has NeWman and training quarters, Lightweight Bout Is vening petition and in the papers on j been in Las Vegas for the past three tile in the said cause, as to whether wt.eks. After becoming acclimated Bud Boyd Expect To Be the defendant, George II. Hayward, I has shown stuff that makes him Expected made, executed and deliveied to the ance of his manager, R. J. Means, he To Win Fast said Knight Campbell Music company j has showed stuff that makes him his promissory note and mortgage in mm look a headliner In mm like the boxing writing referred to in the second par- , t '1 shows $Wr "? game. Boyd's record that lie agraph of said amended petition, or 7:00 TO 9:00 O'CLOCK ic can the deliver goods, and his admirers as to whether the same has been tiled "1 am not a boxer given to will that of him His "There is no doubt but that expect tonight. and recorded as in said of bragging or belittling the oth- are Boyd is a husky young man, paragraph tactics of fighting clean and he said petition stated raised an Issue as These items should interest every woman in the city. er fellow's ability, but It is has to win a well trained, hard as nails and yet fight by fouling. He to the making, execution Eevch of is a. How- and record- them real money saver. my honest conviction that I iu confident not t, possessing a good punch. but ing of the said Counsel will to- mortgage? defeat Newman in and Scotch-Iris- h ever, I believe I shall win my with the blood that for plaintiff and intervenor have cited night's bout. I am in perfect is in his veins ho should an bout with the Saguache boy put up a number of authorities upon this physical condition and if I am excellent tonight. I have trained faith- FOR. CASH ONLY fight tonight. question. I am of the opinon that beaten there will be no kick fully and am In excellent con- Louis Newman, the lightweight this allegation does in issue the coming from me. Win- dition. I know I can outpoint place speed wonder, has been in Las Vegas question of the making $1.25 Middy Blouses 75c 75c Erab. ning this bout means a great Boyd in boxing, and my punch execution, Flouncing 35c about two weeks, coming from Den and of the deal to me, as if I fail to dis- is as as his recording mortgage. ver where he has been in just dangerous The training judge then the case of 45-inc- h pose of Newman I shall not his own. I am confident that I quotes Our entire line of Middy and Balkan One lot of embroidered flounc- for the past two months. He has Bidwell vs. 41 N. Y. make my to the will be the victor." LOUIS Sullivan, sup. blouses including an excellent va- ing on Voile, in either white or battling trip worked out hard each at his train- 771 and ecru coast." BUD BOYD. day says further: riety of styles, all sizes for women, designs, worth 75c a on the West NEWMAN. yard, special ing quarters side and "The only difference between that misses and children, worth $1.25 per yard 35c has made the necessary weight. With case and the case at bar is that In each, special each 75c his big record behind him Newmai that case there were two mortgages is confident that he will win the bout. and a Newman-Boy- d subsequent mortgagee was Women's Waists When the lightweight the first card will start at 9 o'clock. $1.00 49c 94 Pepperell Sheeting 22c William the well known re- made a party to a suit to foreclose bout begins at the Duncan opera Cullen, On account of this being the night feree will be the Culien. the first mortgage. Our case is one house fans will high mogul. 9-- tonight the sit back following the pay day of the Santa Fe Our lot of Women's lingerie waists, 4 bleached is well known all the fans. where there was a mortgage and aft- Pepperell sheeting, the to witness one of the best box- by employes and the custom being to several styles, well made and standard in erwards a lien, which as a neatly sheetings, special for ing cards that has ever been staged With these prospects nothing else keep all business houses open until 9 operated trimmed, worth 1.00 each, special, this after lien upon the the same as a supper sale, per yard here. It looks like everybody will remains hut to be on the scene at 9 o'clock or later, all the business msn property each 22c mortgage and this lease was subse- 4Qc be among those present. Quiet busi- o'clock tonight. Fight fans from all of the city have agreed to clo.m quent to the original mortgage ness men who have fought the strenu- over the state, realizing that this bout promptly at 9 o'clock in order that juct Wunderhose as the defendant's mortgage was sub- 25c 19c Women's Bedroom ous battle for money during the day will be a have made the numerous clerks may attend the $1.25 Slippers 65c to the will forgot their troubles and enter to attend. The ticket battle. sequent plaintiff's mortgage in that case. In case it is The and Wonder-hos- e, - n this to popular guaranteed nito the sport of the evening with sale- is the second largest in Las Ve- The preliminaries will be fou?ht sought One lot of women's Boudoir foreclose a landlord's lien and the black or tan, all sizes, worth slippers enthusiasm. gas during the past 20 years. Two Kid Stewart and "Fighting" in brmvn, black or red, worth 1.25 original mortgagor comes in and sets 25c a pair, special for this week, per a Bud Boyd of Saguache, Colo., and preliminaries will b'e given for the Lancaster, and Knock-ou- t Rubie and pair, special for this sale per up his mortgage and claims a pair 19c - Luois Newman of Las Vegas have benefit of the fans. These promise Hit-E- Hard Oallegos. These pre- priority, pair- but the principle in the two cases is 65c been training faithfully for the pnst to be fast as well as interesting and liminaries will go four rounds each the same. It was not possible for the several weeks for this event and are exciting. The doors of the opera and will be exceedingly fast a'lii in- plaintiffs in this case, even if ni the best possible condition to put up house will be open at 8 o'clock, and teresting. they .as had examined the to know W00LTEX VeasLoadtngStoro word, IRANKEL part of this summer travel, however, that traveling expenses included hotel that Hayward had executed that mort- 7 or SUI1S FOR RATUN E wlil be the followers of the Texas bills, and those words were stricken gage that he had delivered it, or W SUITS FOR that the trail over which will travel hundreds out. It might be argued that this in- record of it was an absolute- WOMEN 6 of Texas touring parties who will be dicates ah intention not to pay hotel ly correct record or that the mort- MEN been Established 1&6Z South MUCH TOURIST seeking the more invigorating tem- bills, but it might with equal force be gage had duly executed. SidaPlaja perature of the Colorado and New argued that the words were stricken In this case the intervenor does not Mexico Rockies. out because they were superfluous. I allege that the mortgage was ac- Our board of road commis- - am in - knowledged. simply 'say that county of opinion that this act travel- They The great calamity in umaha was TO HONOD "PEERLESS LEADER." towns TRAVEL sioners has been in communication should be to it was made, executed and delivered. throughout the middle states (ing expenses considered quickly overshadowed by the terribly Chicago, 111., May 16. If Chi- A could be any and some from points as far distant with numerous parties and automo- include hotel bills. mortgage made, executed disastrous floods in Ohio. Great suf- man is cago found at his place of as New York, Boston bile associations in Texas who are Yours mid delivered that would be good be- and sickness from oclds ana and Philadel- truly, fering business tomorrow afternoon well, phia. Ten ROADS IN THE NORTHERN PART a visit to Colorado tween the parties to the thousand box and reserved contemplating FRANK W. CLANCY, mortgage exposure resulted. L. Poole, 2217 Cali- it will be safe to him down put as seats have been of. ad- OF THE STATE WILL BE PUT Springs, Denver and other Colorado General.. without being acknowledged. If it fornia St. Omana, wTltes: disposed in Attorney "My the one man in a thousand who takes dition there will be IN GOOD REPAIR this summer. Without ex- was not acknowledged or if It was im- 30,000 general ad- points Opinion From Judge Abbott daughtr had a very severe cough and no interest iu the great national the consensus of of properly acknowledged it would not missions, which will not be placed ception, opinion Judge Abbott has handed down an cold but Foley's Honey and Tar Com- game of . The other nine - on sale until tomorrow. s the season for automobile tour- all those who have them- - case he entitled to be placed of record and familariazed opinion in the of and pound knocked It no e Eugenia out in time." hundred and ninety-nin- wiit be Iu the Haton and Raton Pass selves wnth the several feasible routes Beck if not entitled to be placed of record early afternoon an automo- iijs approaches, Cyrilla. Manderfield, against Refuse substitutes. O. G. Schaefer found at the White Sox baseball it would not be to park bile parade headed by a police escort auto-nal- e notice third par- Red Cross iu a controlling center of the between Texas and Colorado points George H. Hayward, for rent for cer- and Drug Store. at the biggest gathering! of baseball ties. This is and a brass band will start from the which hundreds of in the favors the route via Clay- - tain leased for the construction of the map through past premises by Hayward enthusiasts ever gathered to honor a downtown district and move v statute of Xevrf. York made the su- through ti r.veling parties 'Win pass thin sum-i- ton, Haton ana (Trinidad. The two or the sum of $210, and alleged to be by TAX PAYMENTS hero of the diamond. court of stat- South Side boulevards to the base- ', becomes a fact which confronts three main traveled routes north due. The defendant had a five preme that state. Our year Notice is hereby given tha't any The day is to be known as "Frank ball park. Chance and his team o : local with Oklahoma lease ute with reference to the right of interests a great deal through and southern Kan- to a dwelling house belonging taxes yet for A. D. 1912, will Chance so named in honor ot to or infor- unpaid Day"; mates will be in the parade, also the o. satisfaction and, at the same time, sas to the main east and west route to the plaintiffs at $35 per month. He plaintiff deny knowledgo become delinquent oi June 1, 1913, the "Peerless Leader" who success- members of the nu- with mation sufficient to form a belief, is Chicago team and a strong sense of obligations to through central Kansas do not sur- defaulted in the payment of rent due and after 1, 1913 be July will subject fully piloted the Chicago National merous other notable figiures in the be Mexico-Souther- n taken verbatim from the New York performed, says the Raton Range. pass the New. Colo- and agreed to quit the premises and to a of five centum. league team for several seasons and statute and we take penalty per baseball world. The celebration is The fame of our scenic "sky line rado route In directness or condition was bis household effects therefore the now to moving Further notice Is hereby given, that returns the old home town In the ban- over a to New York construction of that stat- eveming with a drive;" mountain pass 8,000 :nd are not be compared in scenic therefrom when the Manderfields re- after 1, 1913, notice will he as the of the New York ute in to July duly manager quet at which the "Peerless leader" feet above sea level, has been features to the mountain fused to him to move a cer- preference other states. The spread magnificent permit published of the publio sale of all Americans. Forty thousand enthu- lis to he the of honor. broadcast west supreme court of this state, in the guest through the east and highway between Raion and Pueblo, tain piano and a range, and as Hay- property upon which taxes of A, D. siasts are expected at the South Side in via case of Vorenberg v. Besserniau, have spite of the dictates of commercial Raton Pass. j ward was alleged to have refused to 1912 remain unpaid at the date Bet grounds for the celebration, provid- SEEK CENTRAL AMERICAN interests elsewhere a are recently decided that an acknowledg- TRADE which exploit Preparations being made for pay the rent they held those articles for such sale, and such up- ing, of course, that the weather man ment in the form of the property Mobile, Ala., May 16. A ship load more nortnern route, snowuound six placing the Raton-De- s Moines road in under a landlord's lien. The acknowledg- on piano which taxes of 1912 are then delin- is on his good behavior. Cub fans ot Mobile merchants left months in the or an extreme law was to ment to the mortgage in this case is here this year, perfect repair. Several places on delivered the plaintiffs or quent, will be sold as the and Sox fans' will difier-ence- s not a substantial with required by forget their morning for a tour of Central Ameri- southern route through the colorless this important which are dif- was taken them with compliance the Laws 1913. highway, possession by session of on this day just for the pur- ca, where in interest and ficult to the statutory requirements and is invalid they go the of sultry plains of southern Texas. travel over in wet weathe consent of Hayward. He answer- Dated at Las Vegas, N. M., 14, pose of the and that a chattel not May cheering former West an increased and import- Already, Raton has witnessed the have been with cul- ed the and in his mortgage, prop- 1913. exporting already improved complaint answer side leader, whose friends In Chicago business. is not entitled to " ing Arrangements have arrival of several score of transcon- verts or by grading and a force of set up a certain mortgage to the erly acknowledged, EUGENIC" in ROMERO, number the thousands. Added to been made for the local tinental tourists, the forerunners of road builders with a be Music record and there is no' constructive merchant grader will Knight Campbell company and Treasurer and Collector, San the crowd will be delegations vt to meet the the innunteialile a notice, and it is further held that an merchants of the princi- caravans to come placed on the road by the county copy of the mortgage shows the Miguel County, N. M. ibaseliall followers from cities acknowledgement is not to and pal cities in the southern whose broad gauge, rubber tired road commissioners before the end of to have been executed April 24. necessary republics. the of a chattel mortgage be wheels are following closely the rut3 the week for the purpose of putting 1908, and recorded May '4, of the same validity tween the made by the prairie schooners of San- on the finishing touches. year, and appears to have been re parties. At the trial of the case counsel ta Fe Trail days. Not the smaller newed April 14, 1910, and on the same for intervenor intimated that in case It day a year later. The renewals ap- - was ' IF THET held by the court that the an j J . 1 paer to have been duly recorded, and WILCt rTTr'U A TI4 C 17 swer raised the as to the J NEWS FROM THE CAPITAL acknowledged by Hayward. Then issue mak ing, execution, and record- KIDNEYS and BLADD I the Knight Campbell Music company delivery ETlSM se or RICH IN CURATIVE OUAUTlES-N- O HABIT F6RMINC DRUCS tottoieae in case nig tne mortgage, he desired to intervened the and in its peti- O. 6. SCHAEFER. RED amend, if necessary, so as to take the CROSS DRUG CO. Santa Fo, N. M May 16. Attorney tion alleges that on August 22, 1908, that the (U neral Clancy has written the fol- Hayward gave a note and position defandant, Hayward pi for coolnnrt promissory defaulted under the terms of lowing letter regarding the expenses chattel mortgage to that company, having the mortgage, became bailee of district attorneys, which explains which was filed and recorded May 4, thereby CAPITAL PAID IN of the property for the SURPLUS When shorten or itself: 1008, and showed evidence of the re- Knight Camp you fry your bell Music and that the $100,000.00 Santa Fe, N. M., May 12, 1913 newal of such mortgage. The music company $50,000.00 food with butter it is needless ex- same was Hon. R. also claims not, therefore, subject to travagance., Butter is too expen- James Waddill, District that only $1S5 ,. 20 - the landlord's lien of plaintiffs. Upon torney, Deming, N. M. j has been paid on the mortgage, to- sive for use anywhere but on your examination of the in Dear Sir Some since I with interest and that Hay- - pleadings the table. If butter were bet- days N2 really case I find that the answer of the de -- ceived your letter of the fifth instant ward being in default, the company i zj rn ter, would produce better results fendant as as the enclosing copy of another which you is entitled to the piano, which was Hayward, well petl in cooking, you would be justified tlon in that the bad written to Mr. Remley on the seized and is in the possession of the intervention, allege J. M. Cunningham, President. in using it, but it won't. Cottolene mortgage was in full force and effect D. T. Hoskins, Cashiw. subject of expenses of district attor- plaintiffs, the Manderfields. The lat- Frank Springer. t. is fully the equal of butter for at all times K. S. Lewis, Ass't. Cash. neys and the fund from which the ter claim that they have had no material herein and shortening; it is better for frying. therefore, these smae shall be paid. I agree with knowledge of any such mortgage or construing pleadings, It makes food rich, but not greasy, I do not find it to such V K you that under the provisos in sec- prior claim. The case was tried and possible place LAS o A s because it heats to a higher a construction tion one of the act which is printed Hayward failed to appear, which upon them. Interest On temperature than lard or butter, Counsel for plaintiff will, therefore Time Deposits the fat as chapter 54 of the laws of 1913, all proved up the case in favor of the and cooks so quickly that as prepare finding of fact and a judg- Cot-tobn- such expenses must be paid from the Manderfields, showing that be to " soak in." e ment In has no chance ccurt fund of each county. I can see owed the $210 rent. conformity with this opinion healthful than lard, and intervenor is more no way of Interpreting the words Intervenor offered as evidence at the may have exceptions need to use two-third- s and you only used to mean anything else. trial the mortgage ana note and ob- LAS VEGAS as much as you would of SAVING As to whether traveling expenses jected to their introduction was rais- In the whole Meio cf meiiijine gBAME either butter or included hotel bills or not, my 1m- - ed by the counsel for the up there Is not a that i j plaintiff healing renedy pression is like yours. To hold oth- - on the ground that the same was not will repair damage to the fiesh more When you ff A erwise would be on the theory that properly acknowledged and was not quickly than BALLARD'S SNOW CAPITAL STOCK hotel bills were not expenses added entitled to record and therefore not LINIMENT. In cuts, wounds, sprains, $30,000 00 thjt Ihe price to the burden of the district attor constructive notice to plaintiffs of the burns, scalds, and rheumatism, its Office With (he San National of Cc'ddene is i ney on account of his being away mortgage. healing and penetrating power is ex- Miguel Bank no nxre then from home as he would have to eat The counsel for the intervenor con- traordinary. Price 25c, 50c and fl.00 cflard - ' land be somewhere at tended under bottle. lb: price lodged whether that the pleadings the per Sold by Central Drug Co. Wm, G. HAYDON you c.n readily home or away therefrom, but as a execution, delivery and of President out what recording H. f.Tjre matter of fact a man's household ex- the mortgage were admitted and that Sallow complexion 18 flue to a tor- W. KELLY T Vice President a ta.L-'- its use continue at home all there were liver. kl'xhca penses ordinarily objections waived. pid HEREINE purifies and D. T. HOSKINS h y.rr about the same whether he Is person- Judge Abbot in his opinion, says: strengthens the liver and' bowels and Treasurer ally there or not. It Is a fact, how- "Counsel for intervenor contended restores the rosy hioom of health to :: AMC COMPANY INTEREST PAID ON r? ever, that In the bill as introduced that under the pleadings the execu- the cheek. Price 50c. Sold by Cen- DEPOSITS there was some language to indicate tion, delivery and recording of the tral Drug Co. LAS VEGAS DAILY OPTIC, FRIDAY, MAY 16, 1913. TH3EI

plied the chemical immediately at- m 9r 2 Ish III HOW THE'BATTERY tacks the metal plates. It eats up, TERRIBLE SUFFERER MAN PARALYZED or burns up, the zinc plate. This ac- gy. Skin TrcuLivS tion pioduces-fcmTr- Some of the m m mi Si.. M energy is wasted in heat, sonle is FR0IECZE1 Liitio ijr itMsg A Remarkable Remedy That Works Wondon DUES ITS changed into electrical energy which FROM THE WAIST START THEM OFF RIGHT WITH A Against Even Weeping Eczema. tiows out over the wires to ignite or GOOD LAXATIVE AND THEN the gasoline charge in the engine Several Years. Legs and Arms to do WATCH THEIR DIET. WORK other useful work for mankind, Worst. Parts Burnt Like Fire. DOW such as ringing the door bell, sending Mothers are Cuticura Soap and Ointment often unconsciously a telegram or carrying speech over very careless about the diet of their Cured Completely, Skin Smooth. THINGS MOST PEOPLE DO NOT the telephone wires. WELCH, LAS VEGAS BRAKEMAN, children, forcing all to eat the same KNOW AboUT LITTLE ENER- When either of these metal plates HURT IN ACCIDENT, IS IN A foods. The fact is that all foods do 175 East St., Sun Francisco, Cab "I GY-MAKERS. is or chemical has so SERIOUS destroyed, the used the Cuticura Hemilic3 while in busi- CONDITION not agree alike with different per- changed itself by combination with ness In San Francisc o before the earthquake sons. Hence, avoid what seems to at- and fire. I was a terrible The automobile stood beside the the rnetais that it will no longer Albuquerque, N. H., May 1C. The the or in- sufferer from eczemai for constipate child to give It as automobiles are sometimes tack the the chemical action condition of a 'e roud, plates, several years. I had It all David Welch, Santa digestion, and urge it to take more wont to do. The driver stood help- ceases. Therefore the electricity over my body except my brakeman, who was injured Tuesday of what is Get a Bottle f S. S. S. To-ila- y. It Ik quickly digested. Certainly Wonder. less, beside the car as so many driv- ceases to How out ad over the wires. hands, neck and face, my evening near Elota station, some 35 If legs and arms the the child shows a tendency to ers do upon occasion. ceils soon polar- being miles north of when he If you have been fighting some Mood Ordinary battery worst. I had to put stock Albuquerque, constipation It should immediately be MARJORIE DARLING. trouble, some skin call "What's the matter?" asked a pass- ize and cease to work. This means on hands was thrown from his is disease, it ings my at night train, reported given a mild laxative to holp the Caldwell's saved eczema, lupus, psoriasis, malaria, or to to from Syrup Pepsin my ing "tourist as ho slowed down with a film of insulation material, keep scratching. to be serious. The unfortunate man bowels. this is not what you will, there is but one sure, and whenever I did scratch By meant a phy- baby's life. Marjorie is a bottle safe way to cure it. Ask at a comrade jn distress. with a ilm of insulation material, i3 paralyzed from the waist down and any drug help the parts burnt like Are. My limbs got so sic or purgative, for these should and could not her food to store for a $1.00 bottle of S. S. S. crank her answered such as so the chemi- are unable to baby get up," hydrogen gas, bad that from my ankles to knees there attending surgeons say never any-thin- and you are then on the road to 'Oan'n my be given to children, nor digest, but I found by giving her a health.' The the one. "Don't know what cal action can not take This wasn't a particle of skin on them, and the at the time whether the ,action of this remarkable helpless place. present para- like salts, pills, etc. What the dose when she remedy is Just as as posi- Nu- flesh itself turned perfectly blue and raw, small of Syrup Pepsin direct, Just is the matter, ither." also stops the electric current. lysis is of a temporary or permanent child tive, Just as certain in Its influence as continually throwing off a moisture, and I requires is simply a small dose had colic it always cured her." Dr. that the sun rises in the East. It is The tourist found the gasoline sup- merous chemicals are put Into bat- had to them In oiled silk nature. It may be decided to take keep wrapped cloth gentlest of medicines, such a Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin i sold by one of those rare medical forces which all He tested the teries to offset this to keep my underclothes from sticking fast him to the Santa Fe in act In the ply right. spark polarization. hospital Dr. Caldwell's which 50 blood with the same decree to my limbs. Syrup Pepsin, druggists at cents and $1 a bottle, of that is found in all nat- plugs and, found them dead. When these polarizing agencies cease The accident happened in an in certainty "I triod all kinds of ointments, ,' the opinion of thousands of watch- the latter size by those ural tendencies. The manner in which is said to from becom- unusual manner. being bought "Magneto out of business," perform their duties, , and a thousand ful is It dominates and controls the mysteri- othors, and took mothers, the ideal remedy for who already know its value, and it he, as he switched the over exhausted or otherwise, the bat- all kinds of Internal medicine but with no Mr. Welch was in the act climb- ous transference of rich, red, pure ignition ing of any child showing a to con contains more. Re- venous rolief. Then I bathed my with Cuti- tendency proportionately arterial blood for the diseased on the batteries. "Batteries out too," tery will not work, even though the body ing from a coal car to a furniture car, So blood is marvelous. cura Soap and kept it anointed with Cuti- stipation. many things can hap- sults pre always guaranteed or mon ha muttered. remain intact and, seemingly while making his way to the head end Out throufh every skin pore acids, plates cura Ointment and my skin Is now as smooth pen to a constipated child that care ey will be refunded. irerms and other blood impurities are With trained fingers he disconnect- are good as ever they were. as a baby's. They cured me completely." when the air hor.e in the middle of in is necessary. Colds, piles, headaches, likes Pepsin as it forced the form of invisible vapor, (Signed) A. Jones, Fob. 10, 1912. Everyone Syrup l'he the liver is ed the little dry cell batteries under But there is no remedy for a worn Harry the train broke, setting all rear lungs breathe it out, A single cake of Cuticura and box of sleeplessness.and many other annoy- is very pleasant to the taste. It is stimulated to consume a propor- the driver's seat and them out Dry batteries are so Soap l'he train broke in two and great replace! battery. Cuticura Ointment are often when ances that, children should not have g tion of the stomach nml in- sufficient a'tso mild and and free impurities, with fresh which he took encased and covered with insulation else failed. the brakeman was some 40 testines cease to convey into the blood batteries all has Cuticura Soap (25c.) and hurlcr feet can usually be traced to constipa- from injurious ingredients. one Ointment are sold stream the catarrhal, malarial perms; from his tool box. When the crank that it would absolutely destroy (50c.) by druggists ad thi uh the air, alighting on his head tion. no of ami dealers of each mailed If member your family has the bowels, kidneys, blalijr all was whirled the engme to, to try to remove the plates. The job everywhere. Sample and back. His to omunotorios of tile body are marshaled began fro, with 32-- Skin Book. Address post- trip Albuquerque Many of America's foremost fami ever used Syrup Pepsin and you would not be worth trouble. It was to have sev inio a fighting force to exnil every throb with power. the( card "Cuticura, Dopt. T, Boston." been the last one for lies are never without Syrup Pepsin, would like to make a personal trial of disease. W'Tendor-face- d vesHge eruptive "Well, I'll began the helpless is easier aud cheaper to buy new men should use Cuticura eral weeks, as he had planned to go one never tell There is scarcely a community any- be" because can when of it before buying it in the regular Soap Shaving Stick, 25c Bamplo free. east from where but what has its living example one. batteries. Las Vegas on the return some member of the family may need way of a send your addres3 of the wonderful curaHve efforts of druggist, "No juice," explained the Good Sa- and visit his children, who have been and all can use it. Thousands en do IW. B. Cald- 3. S. S. i Got a bottle of tins famous it, a postal will to Dr. wore out. with relatives in the east Mrs. Monti-cell- remedy and if your case is maritan. "Batteries Just the Ohio region dainig those fateful since dorse it, among them Mrs. M. E. Dar- well 417 Washington street, o, ."Morn or. to The peculiar, write a of them with lour b Welch died in Las Vegas last year. R. F. D. No. Co., 137 Swift question replacing days has been estimated a ling, 4, Belleview, Pa., 111., and a free sample bottle Sw'ft Specific Welch Atlanta, Ga. Their medical laboratory new ones. Well, so long and better CURRENT MAGAZINES weather bureau expert as sufficient Mr. is one of the best known who writes: "I certainly think Dr. will he mailed you. is famous and is conducted by luck next time." to till and best liked trainmen on the New in bloud and skin a reservoir five miles long, experts - Mexico 'il'seuspg. Their advice is entirely frc'j The helpless one could only stam- five miles wide ai;d five miles deep; division and all his friends Mayor Marx, of Detroit, plans to e TO ELECT COMMISSIONERS. and How Are Giris n the acci- always strictly personal. mer his thanks and marvel at the Much the Our City or a river 100 feet deep, 1,001) feet deeply resret unfortunate a proclamation telling the people Denver, Colo., May 10. Denver's dent. superior knowledge of the man who Going to Spend for Graduation wide and 1,400 miles long; it would that the street railway company l.ns first election under a new charter BEGINS NINETIETH YEAR was fast fading from sight down tne Clothes This Year? cover the entire staie of Ohio to a no rights on the streets, where fran- will be hetd next Tuesday and the The is taken from ths New York, May 1G. Levi P. Mor- dusty turnpike. following depth of seven inches. 0 chises have expired, and that they event is looked forward to with eag- ton, former vice president of the Uni- Stiil puzzled, the man picked up the June Woman's Home Companion: While the great flood is doubtless I shall pay only three-cen- t fares. He is er interest by citizens who believe of the cost LABOR WORLD NOTES. ted States and for nearly half a cen- worthless batteries and looked them "The familiar problem unlikely to be duplicated in a cen- 0 0 asking that the $230,000 motor bus that the commission plan of govern- dress and Us acces- tury a leading figure in American over carefully. To all appearances of the graduating tury or two, if ever, it differed from appropriation be changed to read for ment will destroy many of the po- with its in- banking and financial circles, enter- they were just as good as new. He sories Is upon us annual previous floods in the same district motor buses or storage battery cars. litical evils that have long flourished nas a There are 52.4SS women in ed upon his ninetieth year today, hav- could see nothing the matter with sistence. There heen long, chi.efly in volume with correspond- employed Since the workmen's compensation in the Colorado capital. For the sis is far ing been born May 10, 1S24. There them. Being of a frugal turn of mind hard fight that yet fromwon ing damage. Of the three great de- gainfu) occupations in Washington, and employers' liability act went Into offices to be filled at the election com- was no observance of the anniversary he replaced them in his tool box and to bring home the necessity for vastating convulsions of nature D. C' effect a little more than six month3 there are more than 150 candidates. mon sense. This is because those The Wireless of owing to the slate of Mr. Morton's drove on. flood, tornado and earthquake tne Operators' union ago, in Michigan, the average num- The campaign now drawing to a most are San was or- health. For many weeks past the The electric battery generates a who need protection among flood is the only one which man can Francisco, Calif., recently ber of fatal accidents to employes of close is in many respect3 the most ac- the most strenuous advocates of the YHierable hanker has been confined supply of electricity by chemical forestall. Already embryonic plans ganized. persons, firms, partnerships and cor- unique in the history of Denver. Tin- Two-third- to his bed and for days his condition tion. It differs from the magneto, showy and expensive graduation. and schemes to prevent a recurrence s of the adult males in porations in Michigan has decreased der the new charter no candidate is we an Illu- earn a was repotted to be extremely critical. or dynamo, which generates electric- "A year ago published are suggested, but none has been iew jersey less than $000 from two a day to three every two allowed to receive any assistance on the Of late there has been some slight ity from mechanical energy supplied minating symposium subject. carefully worked out and thererore year. days. This means a decrease of 23 from any party organization, from notable was a communica- The state labor improvement in the condition of the by the engine. When this chemical Kspeciaily no estimate is possible of the prob- bureau of Illinois cent. any corporation or from any united tion a school teacher who furnished for 70,000 patient, though the physicians In a action ceases the supply of electric- from able cost. It is evident., however, jobs persons last One in ten of all the wage earners organization op any kind!. Neither she would bitterl- te:. dance do not ho'.d out any hope of ity ceases and the battery is worn' irankly maintained that any effectual remedy must be year. employed in the manufacture cf cot- is a candidate allowed to Epend any see an to ner n a complete recovery, owing to Mr. out. So far as human eyes can y oppose effort prevent through the medium of federal gov- Altogether 2,250,000 British workers ton is under 16 years of age, accord- money other than for the d.striDii-tio- to are Morion's advanced age and the nature the battery is just as good as it ever from giving a sister ahout gradu- ernment, and, as previously suggested insured by the state against being ing to the Bulletin of Manufactures of his own literature and the hir- without of his illness. was, but it will not produce any cur- ate the most beautiful and costly in these pages, accomplished largely employment. recently issued by the census bureau ing of halls in which to make could The rent worthy of the name. gown that any sacrifice provide by a capitalization of the enormous bakers of London, England, The Natnonal Child Labor committee speeches. All candidates are nomi- Ad consist of three essen- for her. Then came the pathetic water have obtained a minimum wage of out TAFT TO ADDRESS UNITASIANS batteries power which would be points that the textile industries nated by petition. 'and in her own case and that of $7.50 a week and shorter Ifi. advance tials, the two metal'plates the reaaon; by entrainment of what is workdays. are still the largest, employers of The election will be conducted un- Boston, May The guard mar- solution. The are sister there was no hope of now a reckless menace. The thirty-firs- t annual convention children in tlris same vot- of visitors arrived: in Boston today chemical plates tie only factories, for der the preferential system of chemical The meant to them accom- of the Minnesota Federation of Labor j on to attend the Unitarian anniversary called electrodes and the riage. graduation That .wonderful spirit of .bulletin, based the census of 1910 ing. Each voter will register his batteries are all that a ceremony means fever will meet in St. Cloud, June 16. - 40,221 manu- week celebration. Leaders of the is the electrolyte. Dry wedding plishment that, swept the from shows employed in the first choice for each office, then his in name If were agso-lutel- y to most women more perhaps, for it the Panama zone and The Building Trades Labor Temple facture of cotton 11,111 in hosie choice on church .from all over the country will dry only. they dug through goods, second aud the third work at was the one fine and real- association of Marion in week's dry, they would not splendid mountains to connect two oceans, is county, Indiana, ry and knitting' mills, 9,942 in the choice he may vote for every other participate the' exercises, mem- ser- all. The only difference between a ity that shou'id be the happiest surely competent to first solve the has been incorporated, its object be- woolen and felt industry and 8,143 in candidate if he so desires. The votes which will be opened with special a a wet is that ory in a future that promised only of our g floods ing the erection of a labor in silk 11,033 workers under vices in all the Unitarian churches "dry battery and battery problem temple factories; are counted for choice first, and if In the former the electrolyte is in drab monotone. in the Ohio and Mississippi Indianapolis. 16 years of age are in can no one has a of all votes Sunday morning. Features that will valleys, engaged majority the form of a paste and in the latter "There was no escaping the pathet- and then to execute the engineering A law, fixing the maximum ning and preserving and 78,951 aro then the second choices are help to" make the program of more counted, it Is solution. ic force of the letter. Nor is it diffi- that will turn the annual time that any person may be employ- scattered among 77 other manufac- added if there is no one with a than ordinary interest will he an ad- a plans panic and all .is about cult to understand how a mother who of waters into a permanent source ed in a mill, factory or manufacturing turing industries. then the third choices are dress by former President Taft and The action of batteries majority kind. The for years has toiled unceasingly and of It is doubtful if pos- establishment, will become effective added the the the unveiling of a statue of Edward the same, regardless of power. any and persons having and gone without pressing necessities 10 sible achievement which Colonel in Oregon on June 3. Barbed wire cuts, wounds, are declared elected. H'U's in the publi" garden. plates usually consist ot zinc by ragged largest vote an education coun- There is1 a collar heal copper or zinc and carbon. The give her daughter Goethals might have served his growing solidarity among' and harness galls up should be to make a great final on would have women wage earners in and when BALLARD'S SNOW MANITOBA "U" COMMENCEMENT chemical may be diluted sulphuric eager try the battlefield France, quickly TO PLAY BASE3ALL a of oth- sacrifice to have berore her the vis- the honor and there is every reason to believe that LINIMENT is applied. It la both Heal, 16. All Winnipeg. Man., May 16. Interest-- i acid, blue vitrol, or number surpassed enduring Washington, May official evidence of To so as con- the will he mate- and Price 25c, 50c exercises attended the annual er chemicals. ThiB chemical solution ible accomplishment. fame he has fairly earned average wages paid ing antiseptic. Washington expects to take an after- see her daughter wearing so beautitul structor of the Panama canal. When rially increased during 1913. and $1.00 per bottle. Sold by Central noon off tomorrow to attend the an commencement day celebration at attacks and destroys the zinc plate a such lovely flowers, is our en- The Farmers' union has been mak- Co. Manitoba The ad- when the circuit Is complete. When gown, carrying the canal completed army Drug nual congressional baseball game. It university today. reward a - chemical ac- may seem to her sufficient well turn their atten- ing study of the condition of farm 11 be Democrats vs. dress to the graduating class was de- the- circuit is broken the gineers may Republicans no cur- for years of self-denia- l. tion to a solution of the flood prob- laborers in the United States. Ac- DO NOT NEED WATER. and if the is to the standard livered by George E. Vincent, presi- tion ceases and, consequently, game up circuit is com "This is the finer, sentimental side lem. H. H. Windsor in the 'June cording to the federal census reports, Records have heen kept at the established in it. cer- dent of' the University of Minnesota. rent flows. When the previous years of the problem. But it is a view that Popular Mechanics Magazine. farm wa?;es in the United States av- North Platte experiment station for tainly will be "Eome" contest. Con- commands more sympathy than re- erage $20.81 per month with and 38 years. The rainfall during that gressman Webb of North Carolina one these $20. 58 without board. time has varied from 10 inches in spect. For thing, PILES CURED IN 8 TO 14 DAYS. has promised to pitch for the "Denis" mothers and sisters, if tney Sheet metal workers have received 1910 to 30 inches in 1883, the average sev- Buf Pure Mali UJhlske: Your druggist will refund money and Murray of Massachusetts and did but realize it, place greater stress notice to the effect that at the next for the 38 years being 13.63 inches. A eral other well known in the fy's and its If PAZO OINTMENT fails to cure figures because of its known freedom from injurious ingredients upon the syhibol than upon the thing meeting of the international body a long series of experiments show that house will be seen in the line-up- . tonic-stimulan- any case of Itching, Blind, Bleeding t, is e successful record as the best itself. The of gradua- move will be made in i;he direction summer-tille- d laud on the long significance or Protrdinsr Piles in 6 to 14 days. Among the star, players on the repub- is not l.y the cos- of somewhere a home for tracts where Die were TOO GOOD TO ESCAPE tion represented' 50c. establishing experiments lican side will be Congressman Nor- It tumes of the graduates, at all disabled menroers of the craft, carried on, yeiuled from 42 to 57 ton of North Dakota and Congress- IMITATION should not more than the along the lines of the homes estab- bushels of wheat the acre. of 11 be, any NBERSAKA TRAVELERS MEETING That, man Plemp of Virgina. tries to twist of a gown is always tepre-sente- d lished other crafts. course, must be divided by two to If a merchant you beauty Fremont. Neb., May 16 The Neb- by from Duffy's when you ask its cost. get the annual yield. There was only away by raska grand council of the United for and offers something "While hurt the fine feel- one when there was a failure it "just it may Commercial Travelers met in this city' year : as or "more for the same it seems certain from summer-tille- d and 1 ' , . i good" ings of the few, annual convention. Preced- land, strange - today in I a 1 r t money" he does so because he that good can come from plac- to say that was caused too much J 1 y I i v, ' only ses- by . of the business 'mcmo. i the opening on the sale .... l,.nf g ing - make3 more money a limit tne cost oi giauu.u-in- rain. The bulletin says: "Eight crops Ing upon sions there was a street parade of of inferior goods. the best is jSho'e. Polishes of wheat have ween f t gowns. Perhaps plan winter grown, I the delegates. The convention will FINEST VARIETY J r i be consideration in Hamil- QUALITY LARGEST aud a ninth is now in the When you ask for Duffy's that under continue over tomorrow. ground. sure you get Duffy's. Take no ton county, Ohio, which includes Cin- The crop of 1903 was all on summer- - Now Is the Time to Get Rid of These imita- been and to too much WIL other. Substitutes are cinnati, where it has proposed LEAGUE STARTS SEASON tilled ground, owing Ugly Spots KANSAS V ' i- - tions, and imitations are danger- to limit the cost of material lor , 'in rainfall such a rank was pro- There's no the need Salina, Kan., May 1G. The Kansas growth longer slightest ous. Get what you go after and to three dollars." duced that ail the went of ashamed of graduating gowns State Dasehall league, formerly nearly crop feeling your freckles, aud was not Rome Atfter the Flood. the Central Kansas down harvested. as the prescription othine double .5' cnujaf. known as league, of the late did not get as much is to remove Refuse Substitutes The waters unparalleled opened ils- season today with Manhat seeding strength guaranteed cities and in the fall, aud was harvest- these Pure Malt is made floods which submerged, tan playing at Clay Center, Junction growth homely spots. Duffy's Whiskey 30 Duffy strength-givin- g seve-ra-l have run ed, yielding over bushels per Simply get an ounce of oDine from barley and other farms of stales City at Lyons and Great Bend at Sa nourishing grains, by skilled experts. their course and are now lost in the schedule 00 acre." These long continued experi- double strength from any first i and lina. A of games has AH the is thoroughly malted in semi-ari- d show - si grain Gulf of Mexico. The details of the to i ments the belt that druggist and apply little of it r'.M Pure only sound, grain can be been nrenared, the season close perfect can be mad to pay there und and you should eoon see, Jean malted, which insures a rich, pure and event are already fading into history; August 1". farming morning wholesome distillation. the unbounded courage "GILT EDGE" the only ladies' olioe drroeing that v. Jthout irrtfrition. This t semi-ari- d that even the worst freckles have le- - people with poBitivviv eoutniim Oil. Blacks and I'oIwIkm ladies' pMalt Because of its known Duffy's is have set at work to re- and children's hoots and shoes shines wiMiout belt runs from the west line of Red gun to disappear, while the ifclifor purity resolutely Rheumatism Quickly Cured. "fSEMCH used and indorsed by doctors every- for- at- tlOSS," inc. Willow in a northwest cut-- ones vanished 13 build their homes, factories and "My sister's husband had a TI4NHY" Combination for imH n.,ll,hl direction, have entirely, it where. It is made for medicinal pur- II kinoDof ruwtetor tunes. Even the countless deeds of tack of rheumatism in his arm," to hoe, aac. 'star" aiae, Wc ting through the middle of Chevnne seldom that more than an ounce ia Wiinh-li- ri facsimile of and bottle reduced. poses only. writes a well known resident of New- "(HULK liquid form wi'h spomwiqnMi-l- y Sioux of is to package greatly of which have not been cleans aud whitens canvas shoes, inc. & a&c and counties. West that needed completely clear the skia valor, many ton, Iowa. "I gave him a bottle of ditiy excelled the are told AIBO' clenns and the arid belt, having less than 1G and a beautiful clear complex- upon battlefield, Chamberlain's Liniment which he Sim, and CAM, AS SHUt S. In round 'white cakes gain in hand-iwm- re- less and less as time leaves to his arm and on next packed ziue boxes, with sponge, Ute. In e, inches of rainfall. Even in that ion. Got often, applied ,the alumiuum Do wuu 'lots. Sure You the rheumatism was large boxes, eponpe, of wheat have been Be sure to for Duty's them far astern in the irresistible morning gone." If j:onr diMer Oorm not k wp tlw kind vou want. BtnA n gion good crops ask the douMj the activi- For chronic muscular rheumatism you price in stMoim for full sine iw.kaBe, cliMatw paid. raised this dry or sum- a this ia goW r $1.00 a forward movement of modern & CO-Z0- by rarrnlng strength pthlna Sold in sealed bottles most and dealers at bottle. find better than Cham- WMTmwOHi EROS. '$r only by duggists, grocers will nothing f., - medical booklet. ffinat. Mm. mer cultivation method. Omaha of back if it ,'":., Write for doctor's free advice and free valuable illustrated ties. Liniment. Sold by all Oldest"" Cambric, guarantee money berlain's lne and Largest Manufacturers j The Duffy MaSt Whiskey Con Rochester, N. Y, The volume of water which fell in Shoe Polishes ' the World. World-Heral- to remove freckles. LAS VEQAS DAILY 16, 1913. ( FOUR OPTIC, FRIDAY, MAY

in many parts of tlid country at this time. Property is being destroyed IV. ESTABLISHED 1879 and human lives are being sacrificed. GOAL AH D These law'iess performances are working Infinitely greater Injury to MOST HEAT FOR YOUR MONEY Published By the fundamental Institutions of our CO. THE OPTIC PUBLISHING government than all the undesirable (Incorporated.) immigrants that enter the country, SWASTIKA COAL for they breed, foster andi make ef- fective a of that is W. M. PADGETT EDITOR spirit anarchy WHOLESALE AND RETAIL subversive of all law and order. Kansas City Star. 4 of MjM O - .. 111 ', if - Itul

CHICAGO BOARD TRADE Entered at the postoifice at East OF trans- FRIEDHANN Chicago, May 16 Prospect of small Ias Vegas, New Mexico, for MRS Russian shipments this week had a is the famous the United States this mission through bullish effect on heat malls as second class matter. Normal Notes. today Beginning next Monday all the DIES SUDDENLY Strength of feed grains acted as an seniors whose work is up to a high offset to weather here. Opening TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION were to up. HOTPOINT will be prices July acHron standard excused from the unchanged Carrier g Dally, by school work in order to pre- PIONEER RESIDENT OF LAS VE- started at 88 to 88 , unchanged ? 05 regular Per Copy pare more thoroughly for the com- GAS PASSES AWAY AT HER to M cent higher and rose to Due Week mencement' exercises. HOME LAST EVENING SS12 The close was steady with The iron imitate. 65 others One Month July net higher at 8S. Year c One A number of will be pre- and by July corn, which opened a shade to Mail prizes Painlessly quite unexpected by VI The iron! Daily, sented dining commencement for the the members of her family, death up at 53 to 55 climbed to ideal Year ?C.OO One best work of the past year. Among came last at 8:30 o'clock to uCMQVi. The close was steady ai took to - - 3.00 evening No more rldtime, stoveheated, smudgy sad irons that hours heat, Blx Months- - these .are The for the Mrs. Rachael a 56 for July, above last night. Optic prize Friedinann, pioneer only to cool too quickly. No more the sweating, tiresome task of laboring in a stuffy, most excellent work in English; sev-- resident of Las Vegas. Death occur- July oats started a shade to No mere the dread of ironing-da- y and its after-fatigu- e. t ) at 33 to and rose to stifling kitchen. WEEKLY OPTIC AND STOCK eral prizes to be given in connection red at Mrs. Friedniann's residence, higher 36, GROWER with the Annual; a domestic science 1037 Eighth street. Now women iron the HOTPOINT way. Take their work out in the shade Provisions eased off because de- One Year - $200 prize; a Latin prize; prize for the For the past three years old a';e of the porch or a cool anteroom. Attacho any lamp socket and begin to iron. Fried-man- n mand was of a scattered sort. Six Months L0 best paper on "Pueblo Indian Life" baa been steadily robbing Mrs. only anda prize offered by Captain John of her strength. She was re- First transactions varied from last Ross of the Grand 'Army of the Re- markably cheerful, however, and did night's level to 2 cents down, with ten Mail Subscrip- Element years! fcCash in Advance for public for the best Btory of the old not suffer much pain. Yesterday she July pork; $19.55; lard, $10.90; rils. guaranteed tions.) Fort Richardson flag which was pre- appeared to be in her usual state of $11,1212. The closing quotations: check or money or. Remit by draft, sented to the New Mexico Normal health, and her family was much Wheat, May 89; July SS; Sep- we will not Six Get. If sent otherwise University by hiin. There are a shocked when Mrs. Friedmann sud- tember SS'fc; December W. pound iron, Threefifty. lie responsible for loss. number of contestants in almost ev denly expired. Corn, May 30; July 5(1; September on g. Specimen copies free ery class. Mrs. Friedmann was born in Ger- 56; December 5'iVi- - HOTPOINT irons have a heavy metal soleplate that is non-warpin- High- many. She celebrated her eighty-thir- d Oats, May 3S4; July ; Septem- ly polished bottom and sides. Asbestos heat-deflecto- r that prevents overheating of S ber December Next P'riday evening at o'clock birthday in October of last 3574; 86. top and forces heat back to bottom. Easily detachable plug with eight points of AT the of the of in- She was married on 25, Pork, July $19.45; Sept. $19. 92V... ALL PAPERS DISCONTINUED pupils department year. August contact. Wire connections securely cable-clampe- Cool, well shaped handle. At- TIME strumental music under the direction 1S45 to Moses Friedmann. In 1871 Lard, May $11.02; July $10.85; THE EXPIRATION OF tached stand that saves all lifting. PAID TOR of Miss Marguerite Cluxton, will give Mr. Friedmann came to Las Vega,? Sept. $10.90. a reeiial at the Normal hall. The en--j and engaged in the wool and general Ribs. May $11.85; July $11.072; An electric iron that's unequalled 6 lb. style S3. 50; 3 lb., $3.00. Advertisers are guaranteed the rollment in this department Is largo, merchandise business, at which he Sept. $10.95. largest daily and weekly circulation and the progress In the work has! was highly successful. In 1SS0 Mrs. tof any newspaper In northern New been excellent. It is expected that- - Friedmann and children joined him Mexico. the recital will be one of the best of here. The family has resided here NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE New 16. & its kind ever given in the Normal since that time. Mr. Friedmann died York, May After two LAS VEQAS LIGHT POWER hall. The will consist of in 1899, after his retire- days' moderate bear selling and de- TELEPHONES program June, shortly both violin selections. The ment from business. clining prices, traders on the short Main 2 piano and Y BUSINESS OFFIUK side of the were to- con PAN resi- market fearful 9 public is cordially invited to attend. During the many years of her DEPARTMENT Main g NEWS dence here Mrs. Friedmann made a day of the movement The students of the fifth, sixth. large number of friends. She is sur-- and bought back the stocks they sold FRIDAY, MAY 16. 1313. seventh and eighth grades have been vived by four daughters and one son, yesterday. The covering movemert filled in with the busy all week preparing their draw- - as follows: Mrs. Emma F. Cohn, of alternate upward t- - and downward from ings for the art exhibit that is to be 'Las Vegas, Mrs. H. C. Lewis of Po swings market rs'-sj.T's-; held at the school next Monday, land Ore., Mrs. Pauline Sapolsky of;"nces. m nave caused little al teration in the run the '.vitiisas City s new union station Tuesday and Wednesday. This ex- - Butte, Mont., Miss Hannah Friedmann of values. - GIVES PHYSICIANS NEW IDEA Js being delayed by a labor strike.. hibit is under the instruction cf Mrs. of Las Vegas, and Myer Friedmann The improvement today was assist- e American in 'lii e Kansas City Journal, urged ou Cliar'ifs Kolin, musical and art in-l- San Francisco, Another son, Hy-j- by the rise of stocks Seems to Notion this situation, haa the following to structor man died last Mrs. London, although trading here for Experiment Disprove FULLY At YOUR by of the public schools. Friedmann, July. About of Dread $1,050 EQU1PPEE3 BGCR London accounts was at a the Spreading wiy regarding labor disputes: Colin, Miss Friedmann and Mrs. Lewis virtually Disease Germs. The various factional quarrels in weor will) their mother at the time standstill. High School Notes. s li- which rivoi labor unions. engage have .cf her death. Myer Friedmann left Suspension of the recent forced The of a small The High school orchestra has been power glass partition in community conditions San Francisco for Lis today. quidation cf minor stocks helped to to the of infectious rcated ,this bard the two Vegas prevent spread u practicing for past a in hos- which are to be met by organized Ill e funeral will be held Monday after-'hoo- n create better sentiment for the time. diseases has been known the weeks for the commencement exer- contractors. Tn to The bond market was with pitals of Europe for several years, but ou the part of the from the home. addition irregular, 1 cises that are to start on in Amer- j nec-::.-- !. Simony i a is only becoming recognized 2" That bome su:li organization is children Mrs. Friedmann is su1--- continuation of pressure againtt t"' evening. This is the first time in jher ica. In the contagious wards ol' thi seems to be the of the vived two Mrs. Hnr-- j some issues, St. Louis and San Fran- , ry logic the schools by grandchildren, Brooklyn children's hospital glass pit--- history cf the public that cisco new-lo- but the will r.ev-- r S. Bowman of Santa Fe and Har-- j refunding fours making a ' :i situaiiun, problem the school has used its own orches- ry titions about five feet high are pi;;' be solved until s taken out of old Cohn of this city. record of 72. The new St.. Paul between the beds. And the effect it tra, or even had one to use. The or- Jtlie hands of both contractrs and em- V3s, on the other hand, showed con- really astonishing. In one bed miy chestra is excellent, considering that siderable to be a child with in the and placed where it belongs strength, rising par for pneumonia, ployes this is the first year that the mem- one with in the the-stat- the.'first time in the next scarlet fever, on ute books. The interests EEiOCRATS PLANNING year. bers have played together. Mrs. next one with measles. Cerebro- of the are very grave'iy Speculative favorites, such as Read- OVERLAND MGDF.L 59 T community Charles Kohn,, has of this spinal meningitis, diphtheria and other or- charge ing and Union Pacific, worked still compromised by strife between such diseases may be iu FOR NEXT ELECTION after but the represented ganized and unorganized labor, but higher midday, great the other beds, but since the Insta'la or call and we will have our demon- mass of stocks were Seli- - Telephone St is immensely aggravated when, af- neglected. tion of the glass partitions no chiici The seniors are the busiest 5 ui owum u some sout i- - the disease that bis n'-i-'- i ter unorganized workmen are barred people EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT OF THE j uunuaui "catches" strator show you in now. ern and middle western railroads ap- bor has. from participating in such great pro- the school Not only are they NAT10NAL COMMITTEE HOLDS indicated of liqui- And yet the air circulates frerlv h' jects as the new Union station, or- busy at school but from appearances A CONFERENCE parently resumption j around and above the glass partitions, Las Automobile Co labor itself is divided into1 they are a'iso terribly busy at their J dation. Vegas 6 Mine ganized t one tn ...... ,.J. 1.. rni. .3 and would think that rwv cause uouies. me goss.y aro.iiiu 16. Purchases by shorts seemed to factions whose controversies .i.ecu.B Washington. May Plans for would spread almost as easily as if & the school for two .Ihave been satisfiprlu hv tup tiiim flic- Pbjne Main 344. Whalen, Fowler Props interruption of work for which con- the past weeks drawing the political battle ines ot J these were not there. Yet experience the confined to active features had risen about a tractors friendly to union labor are among girl3 has been 11014 and 1016 were talked over today has proved that this is not so. the of This j beyond close. a no degree to blame. style dresses that girl at the conference of the executive point yesterday's Spec Physicians are revising tbeir view? uiation thereafter was dis- arbitration' of all graduates will wear this y.ear. A3 committee of the democratic nation- fitful, but the about the spread of contagious Rigid compulsory tone eases the air. Some are even for the boys, they have but little to Included continued strong despite the through labor differences is the only solution al committee. The program the of rooms. say, as the graduating ciasi of this meagerness of the demand. ridiculing fumigation of the situation which will safeguard a conference over wnat the national The suggestion is that. mo?.t of the year boasts of one. The close was firm. Rising prices the interests of ail concerned and es- only committee should do to do to make pathogenic germs die very quickly in marked the limited business of the EVERYBODY HEADS THE LAS VEGAS OPTIC pecially those of the public, which is the party successful in the state and the air; that persons must come fnir-l- ' last hour. The list paid little heed al- the chief sufferer in the premises. It The class play is progressing with congressional elections two years close to the patients and be in to the weakness of some most direct contact with thein if ds little short of criminal that such a the usual vim and vigor under the hence, with a look ahead to the next speculative they bonds. Pressure was evident against are to "catch" the disease. as that of the Union station careful guidance of Miss Katheriae national election. i .project balf a dozen low which demo-schoo- l. priced stocks she-ai- bo held while labor unions, Davis,' English teacher in the High A meeting with officers of the up had been which have barred all un- The cast have learned their cratic congressional committee will lecently liquidated quite effectually Standard stocks ended the Had Lost Whole States. the parts and by to hold a greater represen- freely. For organized workmen from job, Tuesday night hope ,be regarding When Mr. was ou the ocean on day with advances ranging from Bryan quarrel among themsoives because ts in excellent shape to hold up the trtion of senators that body as which in his to 2 points. trip resulted boat going or that union is not "orthodox" reputation of the ecuool in dramatics. well as a conference with President near he made tho ac- this The last sales were: ashore Cuba, or over the thickness of the marble Wilson. quaintance of an English scientist Amalgamated Copper 71 in a of the The committee, which met at its who told him some fascinating stories Saturday used particular portion Sugar 109 the difficulties of Job. WOODMEN INSURGENTS MEET, permanent otlices, is composed of about discovering IN Atchison 99 unknown islands in the sea. The sci- OUR The conditions which ought to ob- Springfield, 111., May 16. Pians for Committeemen Palmer of Northern Pacific 11 4 entist mentioned one Island which - Clark Howell of Cato- - tain would permit any man compe- organization of the insurgent nia, Georgia, was in a different , Reading 153 always reported tent to do the work to have the op-- Modern Woodmen of 'America'" were zells of Texas, Homer Cummlngs of and his was that the is- Southern Pacific , 96 place, theory portunlty of earning his livelihood perfected at today's convention, when 'Connecticut and Fred Lynch of land did not move but that it had nesota. Cnion Pacific 148 some which Shoe regardless of his affiliation the report was adopted recommend-'- ! peculiar magnetic quality ' - United Slates Steel 59 the instruments and re- Depailmenl with this or that organization.. But lug pint 'one member from each state affected ship's TO ALLOW WOMEN United States Steel, pfd sulted In erroneous records. the supineness of lawmakers has be elected by the convention to be DELEGATES, man 16. An "It's astonishing," the learned this inherent, mid known , as the "National Modern St. Louis, May amendment withheld thus far remarked, "that an island as large as inalienable 'cf those working-- . VVcoflnrr-i- i of America Federation.'' w;l 8 proposed to the constitution of seas as FREE right ' that can be utterly lost in . KANSAS CITY LIVE STOCK men who are discriminated againt. This committee will work out a plat- - the Southern Baptist convention much traversed as those." ' Kansas 16. re- It would appear that this discrimina- and carry on the plans outlined day to admit women on the floor as City, May Cattle, "How large Is It?" asked Mr. YOU - 700. Native (IF WILL ASK FOR THEM) tion should mark tho limits to which by the convention. delegates. A vote will be taken be- ceipts Market steady. Bryan. steers $7.25?? S. fin; southern steers "About two miles across." '.. should go, without compl- The convention adopted resolutions fore the convention EdjocMU. The A injustice iff I don't call that so remark- fac- - j amendment was offered R. II. $0 7. 75; southern cows and heifers "Well, icating the situation by injecting demanding' the restoration of repre- by with a smile. a of native cows and heifers able," Bryan said, slight tional quibbles into it, tho larger in sontative government in the order, Coleman, layman Dallas. $4.507.B0; I have lost areas Pair of Hose ?1. feeders "The fact is, myself 25C - 755x8.35; stockers and terests into consideration if justice demanding the removal of the pres- a gre"at deal larger than that" Pop- $fi. calves is to be done. IMvate organizations ent head otficers and the investiga- PRINCE'S ENGAGEMENT DENIED. 50(88.35; bulls $5.7507.50; ular Magazine. western Will be given with every pair of shoes worth should not be entrusted with the pow-- tion of a'il their financial transac- Belgrade, Servia, May 1C The ?6.5010; steers $C.758.35; semi-offici- western ?4.u0if?-7.25- . Jest. r which is now exercised by thorn, tions and an Investigation of the san- news agent declares that cows. Spinster's $1,00 or more, Women's. Girl's, Hen's or Boy's. Market Confidential Friend (to elderly .whether they are contractors or lab- atorium in Colorado; for the adoption the report published hy the London Hogs, receipts 5,000. steady to Bulk spinster) So, my dear, you've given or unions. Arbitration by the find- of s limiting the terms of of- Express of the engagement of Princo strong. cf sales $8.30g8.45; "br.i-che- women's rights? 'The two Arsene brother of heavy $8.258.35; and up advocating Stoue cf Quality" ings of winch both sides would be ficers to years; the repeal of the Karageorgevitch, packers Spinster Yes; I'm now go- $8.35(f?8.4'5. Elderly .compelled to abide must take the new rates; demanding a referendum King Peter of Servia, to Mrs. H. $8.308.45; lights ing in for one of women's lefts P of New in- k n' I place of these organizations, 'selfish vote 'before" any change In rates Is Pratt, formerly York, is pigs $6.7a7.50. Friend Women's lefts! What's 1. j at: '"') Market stya-d- in their nature, and the public must; demanding the repeal of the correct. Prince Arsene is with the Sheep, receipts 3,000. that? in the field. Muttons Colorado lambs Widower, my dear, :! invM-te- with the equity which It "Mobil law" In the states in which Servian troops $46.50; Spinster - ran.te wethers and E.LASVECAS. N.Mf yj(i.!:c3:,cs in all ffrness wnd Justice. It is la fores; and making other rec- $78.35; yearling ewes' .Strides and rioting are In progress lommendaUons, Subscribe for The Optic. N.407. 25; range $46.,25, t v


GAUE EXPECTED Kid Shafer Here To K233E2SZKS VAUDEVILLE SHOW FAST i PERSONALS The ON SUNDAY AFTERNOON Challenge Man Establish a Credit TO BE REPEATED Winner Yoirg 51. M. McSchooler of Mineral Hill If you wish to make a success in business open a checking was a business visitor In Las Vegas THE BLUES AND THE SALMON account with us NOW and create a credit for later use. today. CLASSY ATTRACTION AT THE GREYS WILL PUT UP ENTER- TAINMENT WORTH SEEING Mateo Lujan of Santa Fe came in BROWNE LAST NIGHT WILL last for a short business visit BE SEEN AGAIN : night Blues here. The announcement that the 2 Accounts The vaudeville show at the Browne would furnish a baseball matinee at on Checking Milnor of Mora came hi 'Pd Rudulph 1i f - lxnnt- - inni o Tct! Amncomonf uni-l- .v Cnnrlnir with.. the Ral- lucaici vvao uno ucuu .j i last night for a few days' business vis- last liigilL ji "j that have been in that playimon Greys of Santa Fe as tneir it in Las Vegas. given this season. Both performan-- ' ponents has met with the approval of J. E. Powers of Santa Fe was a (EL ces were well attended, and the the fans. It is expected that a large THE PEOPLES BANK TRUST CO. business visitor in Las Vesas today. crowd enjoyed itself. crowd will attend the game. The - - - ' . . COO Mr. Powers is connected with the state thoroughly Capital Sill. The first act, Dorothy Salmon Greys, who have played here water service. presented by Watson and Brother, was worthy of frequently durin-- ; the past three years, i Charles P. Ceraft of Lincoln, Neb., approval. The clever work of the are a fast bunch of amateur baseball y eg me in last for a few days' business brother in handling light punching players. They have engaged in many ) visit in Laa Vegas. A slight cold r iv ii bags was excellent, Miss Watson also hard struggles with the Las Vegas s? I .... Miss L. Francis returned last night erson holds of a entertained the audience with two Maroons and other local teams and possibilities jrave Cher-ryval- e, - from Indiana and left today for ,.- :i:...y ci'.me on su.lden- pieces played with silver Swiss bells. are always in the game, in both the where she is employed as a ly, bronchitis or de- The second act afforded more mer- flelQing department and at the stie't. pneumonia may THE OLD RELIABLE school teacher. velop, severe catarrhal troubles and riment for the audience than any oth- .Timmie lopez, an old Las Vegas fav- R. M. Taylor, representative' for the consumption are possible results. Fo- er act of the evening. Emmett Broth- orite, will pitch for the Greys.' Oliver company, came In Honey and Tar Typewriter ers in their fantastic stunt The Blues are made up of the best ley's Compound nips from his In dancing a cold at the cures last night headquarters were humorous. ball in Las Vegas. Carl Ellis, outset, crcup, BAIN Clog players WAGON immensely Trinidad for a short business visit. quickly checks a deepseatoa cougn. dancing has been given at the Browne the idol of the local fans, will hold C. .1. Roden, representative for the and hfc.i'o inflamed membranes. many times, but the act last night down second base. Frank Angel and " L. G. Price Mercantile company of -- rah? was the most original. The Rossi Mike Ellsworth, other favorites, will Fort Worth, Texas, was a business 4. Duo in their classic singing act be in the lineup. Pete Salazar, win The montns a isitor in the city today. spring often find pleased the crowd with songs that are has shown wonderful ability as a V. woman C. E. Aundon of La Junta, came la tired out, with pain in back, i be in box " seldom heard on the vaudeville stage, pitcher this season, will the last for a short visit in Las hips and head, nervous and sleepless.. night, Their voices blended into a pretty for the locals. The game will be call- Mr. Aundon is on his way Foiep Kidney Pills will quickly prove 9 Vegas.. harmony. ed at 3 o'clock. Admission will be ... from California to his home. their worth and value as a heater of Managers Buman and Browne to- 25 cents. all and bladder F. M. Hughes, deputy sheriff of kidney aliments and made to the The will come to Las i - day arrangements keep Greys Vegas irregularities. They are a V ...,..'-,,- ' .... Mora county, came in last night for splendid fj - vaudeville attraction for another en-- j in automobiles Sunday morning. for the a short, business visit in this city. He "KID" SH.AFiiR. remedy rheumatism, clearing tonight. An entire change! acid from v Solano. uric the Joints and system. is from wffl be who "Kid" Shafer of Cheyenne, Wyo., in of program given. Those them. 0. G. Schaefer and Red Bernard Biggins of Mora came C. Ft. his and Try to to the Boyd-Newnm- and Rite, manager intend go Cross Store. S3 . . " for a few dayys' business after-soo- n Drug ' j last night bout will be able to put in their time friend, arrived in the city this visit here. from Albuquerque. Shafer came waiting for the fptic show by attend- mm THIS INTEREST' " ' WOMAN - x Dunkle of mn IV- Mr. and Mrs. R. W. here for the purpose of challenging ing the vaudeville. A doctor said that for a n family recently came in last night the winner of the Boyd-Newma- vicin- he treats them for their kidneys and month's stay in Las Vegas and Chicago at Philadelphia; cloudy. bout tonight for ''fjd-le- they soon recover. This Is ity. They left this fornlng the Pittsburgh at New York; cloudy. Shafer has a good record and ls a STUDENTS TO PRESENT they have female trouble, but "hrt. Harvey ranch, and will remain there St. Louis at Brooklyn; cloudy. first class man. He will appear at women come to him thinking thai for a few weeks. Cincinnati at Boston; rain. the ringside tonight at the Duncan for A CLASS PLAY worth knowing and also that Foley J. E. Sturgeon, representative 0000 opera house to challenge the winner & Co. company of New American Kirirey Pi'ils are the best and safest Gross, the Huyler Candy League before the big bout begins. Sharer Kelly medicine at such times. They are York City, was a business visitor at New York at Chicago; clear. made a hit in Albuquerque in an ex- BR1GGS THE POULTRY tonic In in results. the local confectionery stores today. 'MRS. OF Philadelphia at Cleveland; clear. hibition bout with Dundee. action, quick They Sole YARD" BY THE will O. G. Schaefer and Agents Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Clark left IS SELECTED Washington at Detroit; cloudy. help you. Ret HIGH SCHOOL SENIORS. Cross Store. this morning in their automobile for Boston atSt. Louis; cloudy. Chicago i7 IS .5S6 D"ug Santa Fe, where they will spend sev- Boston 11 16 .40T sale the "Mrs. eral visiting friends. The ticket for play American Association St Louis 12 18 .400 days Is Mr. Mrs. H. D. Burrall and fam- Briggs of the Poultry Yard" that Louisville at clear. 13 .321 and Milaukee; Detroit . f""'"" Gal-Una- to be the students of the ily r&me in last evening from the given by Indianapolis at St. Paul; cloudy. New York 18 .280 g! school on next Tues- I. 1 forest reserve for a few days' Las Vegas High Toledo at Kansas City; clear. ..JUKI If .UaiJ I at the Duncan cpera I l i iItC it I i i i I visit in Las Vesras. day evening Columbus at Minneapolis; cloudy. Western League. i s i Mr. and Mrs. Murray Carieton, Jr., house, will be opened at Murphey's j Club Won Lost Pet. This is of Watrons came in this afternoon drug store tomorrow. play Western League. Denver 17 6 .739 one of the best has ever been for a few days' visit in the city. that j St. Joseph at Denver; clear. Lincoln 14 8 .636 i ' i i f Louis came by the High school, and is ? C. B. Hehrnian of St. staged Des Moines at Lincoln; cloudy. St. Joseph 15 10 .600 If mi n t to with in in this afternoon from that place for sure make a hit the public. Sioux City at Wichita; clear. Des Moines 11 12 .478 h K ' 1 the with i I I I i a few days' business visit in Las Ve Mrs. Briggs opens play Omaha at Topeka; clear. Omaha 11 13 .458 S J r an unusual'iy number of trouble- : gas, large Sioux City 9 . 13 .409 some one of these being a " G. A. Ruthci ord of Raton came In children, YESTERDAY'S BASEBALL. Topeka 9 14 .391 of a worthless charac- this afternoon to attend the funeral boy jolly yet National League. Wichita 7 17 .292 ill more merri- of his sister, Mrs. Pearl Cobert, who ter. This part causes At New York: Pittsburg, 7; New for the audience than any oth- died here Thursday morning. ment, York, 2. Sallow complexion is due to a tor- er character and is taken by Edward ' District Superintendent John Stein At Philadelphia: Philadelphia, 6; pid liver. HERBINE purifies and af- who has in the of the Harvey houses came in this Moloney, appeared Chicago, 5. strengthens the liver and bowels and for the two ternoon for a few days' business visit class plays past years. At Brooklyn: Brooklyn, 8; St. restores the rosy bioom of health to Mrs. the coarse of here. Briggs, during Louis, 6. , the cheek. Price 50c. Sold by Cen- falls In and with her al- Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bowman of events, love, At Boston: Cincinnati, 11; Boston, tral Drug Co. life excit- 5- ' to at- troubles finds - Santa Fe came in this afternoon ready many 1ZV' I j H ., -r i V. Mn"i Hi? tend the funeral of Mrs. Rachel ing, . A man living at Auburn, New York, All different tend to show Frielmann. the parts At Chicago: Chicago, 3; New York, had a severe attack of kidney and side of life In a way that the rustic 2. bladder trouble. Being a working Is as well as humorous. interesting At Cleveland: Cleveland, 2; Phila- man, net wanting to lose time, he room in the overland Miss Hazel Webb carries the leading There is still delphia, 0. cured himself completely by using a oo two or. more role as Mrs. Calahan, auto excursion for three Briggs. Philip At St. Louis: Boston,' 15; St. Louis, Foley Kidney Pills. A year later he business men who wish to attend the as her adopted son, is the leading 4. m says: "It is a pleasure to report that asso- In cast. other minor meeting cf tre Business Men's male the Many Western League. Die cure was permanent." H.s name are some of the most ciation at Roswel'i next week. Any parts played by At Lincoln: Lincoln, 7; St. Joseph, is J. A. Farmer. O. O. Schaefer and make talented! students in the schoo'i. The ? f one wishing to go may arrange- 5. Red Cross Drug Store. sec- is the direction of Miss ments with William Shilllnglaw, play under At Des i r re Denver: Moines, 1; Denver, i who it jo r has Annr ret arr of the local association. Katherine Davis, managed 0. ANG LOGGER MAN AGREEMENT all the clas3 that i ! 1 l : i t i 1 practically plays At Wichita: 3. 1C g ft Wichita, 4; Omaha,, Berlin, May The i m have been given by the school, and u l; u u y At Topeka: Sioux City, 4; Topeka, controversy between Great Britain I i ".I Dr. H. M. Smith examined F today has always met with success. 0. in and Germany connection with the 1 ! i I Bu4 Boyd and Louis Newman and n Oa',(lad which is to run under i I t ! them in condition In railway found perfect ELECTRICITY AT PECOS in ll r' 'A i r German auspices, from Konia, way. This means that they every Electric lights for Pecos Town, a STANDING OF CLUBS Asia Minor to the Persian Gulf, ia ap are to put up a hard fight tonight. ! small village of interesting history National League. proaching a speedy settlement satis some nine miles from the Santa Fe Club Won Lost Pet !U factory to Germany, according to an UwGvjUULjl station, . north and ast of Glorieta, Philadelphia 15 7 .682 official statement today. will be a reality after tomorrow. A Brooklyn , 17 9 .654 The German government and the well equipped, d power New York 13 12 .520 German supporters of the scheme, FRJDAY. MAY i9i5 plant, built for Gross, Kelly and Co., St. Louis 14 13 .519 who 1911 took the first to- mii, in steps Coleman-BIan- k of 15 14 .517 by the company Chicago ward an Anglo-Germa- understand!;. JEWELRY Albuquerque, will be put in operation Pittsburg 12 16 .429 have been kept fully informed as to will 10 14 .417 tomorrow. The plant furnish Boston the Anglo-Turkis- h negotiations and EMMETT I IvO for the Gross, Ke'.ly store, the Cincinnati 8 19 .290 solu- ill. light they approve of the impending Pecos hotel, several cottages and oth- tion. They expect, however, to receive Singers ana Dancers SPECIAL er places in the town. A six horse American League. further compensation for the German power 'oil'P-ngin- and. a; Western elec Club Won Lost Pet. concessions, and that this will be ar- .T39 tric generator are" important features Philadelphia - 17 by direct negotiations between " ranged ."' " ' of the p'j'.ikiir.i'nt." ..' Cleveland 1S .667 Germany and Great Britain. DU ROSSI DUO Light automobile lamps at 7:43 Cleveland 1? .667 this .52 Beginning May 15 o'clock, evening. Washington ;..15 CLEANED UP FAMILY Classic and Grand Opera Singers 16. After we will continue to Globe, Ariz., May killing nurse hos- 1 his wife, a at the county sell at cost and less Best moth- - IJff The at Any Price pital, and wounding his wife's DOROTHY WATSON fifi - J- lat- till Mrs. W. - Webber, and the - our entire stock "S"?. . T ,1 if 1 1 l ?il. r- i M ter's dausMer, Mrs. Winnie Rowe, uiiitr-uitfiin- s every thing is sold. i "ui .Avii4it?u wiin c liver awi:-- No other George Hampton, a miner, placed the For cash only. A rare ft j baking muzzle of his shotgun in his mouth Bells, Assisted fay Her Brother chance to buy Birth- will raise 'i)?V' today and blew off the top of his powder head. day, Wedding, Grad- Ml, A nicer, lighter bis- Hampton and his wife had been se- uation or Holiday parated for some time. He went to I cuits, cakes and i Presents for young the Webber house today, declaring he none is more would "wipe out the whole family." or old people. II IMi pastry, pure and wholesome Cure for Stomach Disorders. Disorders of the stomach may be THIS avoided by the use of Chamberlain'? Mm ADMISSION 10 15 CELLARS Tablets. Many very remarkable cures m ML ill Then-Wh- have been effected by these tablets JEWkLHY CO. Pay More? Sold by all de-'e- rt. 521 Sixth St. WANTED Old rags. Optic office. LAS VEGAS UAILY OP l it, FRIDAY, MAY 16, 1913,

HOW'S THIS? BATTLE OF FLOWERS COSTLY We offer One Hundred Dollars Re- LOBBY RESTAURANT AND CAFE ward for anv case of Catarrh that T5he TkeDoCTOR Conflict, With Posies for Ammunition, cannot be cured b Hall's Catarrh SHORT ORDERS AN D RcGULAS DINNERS Cure. Occurs Annually in Paris on the OPTIC THE BEST GOODS OBTAIN, HLK ALWAYS HANDLED Promenade des Anglais. F. J. CHENEY & 0., ' Toledo, Ohio. When one who has We, the undersigned, have known Paris, France. F. Zems jfiaAer flowers tries J. Cheney for the last 15 years, t 1 fjyr, never seen a battle of and The questions answered below are It must It is believe him perfectly honorable .',....- ,-- to imagine what like be, in all ' In character. The of business transactions and finan- SOCIETY . general symptoms to dream of the DIRECTORY surely apotheosis cially able to out any obliga- ' or diseases are care-free-, carry MIT , t given and the ans all that is fragrant, dainty, tions made by his wm. of CHAPMAN LODGE NO. wers will apply to any case of sim- lavish, and anything that smacks NATIONAL BANK OF COMMERCE, 2, A. F. 4 L. 0. O. MOOSE Meets second l can never be associat- A. M. v ilar nature. commercialism Toledo, Ohio. Regular com fourth Thursday evening , it. But to the Nlcois, who Hall's ' . d Those wishing further advice free, ed with Catarrh Cure is taken inter- munication first and month at W. O. W. Hall. Vial Hit the a battle of nally, acting upon the blood may address Dr. Lewlr Col-les- prepare directly la third Thursday in brothers Invited. Dr. Baker, flowers is a time of worry and hard and mucous surfaces of the system. COLUMN a cordially Collego-Elwoo- d each month. ' Bids., Sts., Day- work with never a glimmer of ro- Testimonplals sent free. Price 75 Visiting W. Huuf, Dictator; J. Tborait ton, 0 enclosing : mance about it, unless it be the ro- cents per bottle. Sold by all Drug- brothers cordially in- Secretary stamped envelope for reply. Full mance of business. gists. vited. Win. P. Mills, Take con- RATES FOR CLASSIFIED ADVf:. name and erected Hall's Family Pills for W. M., H. S address must be given, but The municipality, which has . .Vn Petten, Secretary. J. E. RPSSNWALP LOPGE NO, Mtt is anxious stipation. TI8EMENTS only Initials or fictitious name w"l grandstands and enclosures, I. O. of 9 B.AfoeU every first not a seat shall bo vacant; the be used In my answers. The pre- that LAS VEGAS COMMANDEP.Y, NO. 2, of in v. Most Prompt and Effectual Cure for Five cents per line each insertion. Tuesday. ui month the vestry scriptions can be fiLed rt any well-stocke- Bad Colds. KNIGHTS TEMPLAR Reg- - rooms of Montefiore at 1 Estimate Six ordinary words to line, V? Temple drug store. Any druggist When you have a bald coid you alar conclave J Tues-- o'clock p. m. brothers are No ad to occupy less space than two kj f$Jt V'lsitin;? can order of dealer. want a remedy that will not only give in each month Ma- Invited - day at cordially Isaac Appel relief, but- effect a prompt and per- lines. Ai! advsrtls m'ntt charged jr sonic Temple at 7:30 p. m. O. H. Presldeut; Cnarlej Greenclay, Sec "Kit" writes: "I am far below nip of hypophosphites comp., mix manent cure, a remedy that is pleas- will be booked at space actually sat, Klnkel, B. Chas. Tamme, Ke retary. 1 normal weight. I suffer with take a teaspoonfui before each ant to take, a remedy that contains without regard to number of worda. C; headland; corder, .aches and am nervous to the point meal. Always shake we'll before tak nothing injurious. Chamberlain's Cash In advance preferred, meets all these re- I. O, O. F. LAS VEGA8 LODGE NO. er exhaustion. J you can tea me ng. Cough Remedy quirements. It acts on nature's plan, LAS VEGA8 CHAPTER MO. 3, ROY- 1 Meets at something to help me I shall be very every Monday evening relieves the lungs, aids expectoration, AL ARCH MASONS con their hall on Sixth All Miss Beatrice asks: "vViU you Regtlar street visit grateful." opens the secretions and restores th' - i brethren at- i :c j H vocation first Monday In Ing cordially Invited to I so please prescribe for one whi is system to a healthy eonaition. This 1 Answer: cuii prescribe nothing R each tend. F. D. N. Gu so 30 i;'-- can has a world wide sale and month at Masonic Fries, G.: effective m a tuorougu course f fleshy that about pci remedy be taken off?" use, and can always be depended Temple at 7:30 p. m. & Lehman, V. G.; T. M. Elwood three hypo-nucliin- e tablets. grain upon. Sold by all dealers. 6 jtt B. Hubbard, H. P.; F. O Secretary; Karl Wertz. Treasurer; These tablets will aid in extracting Answer: Obtain ofany C. V. 5 Blood, Secretary. Hedgcock, cemetery trustes. . the nutrition from the food which will druggist a tube of arbolene Foley Kidney Pills repay your con- t the red biood over- tablets as di- increase supply, and take regularly per fidence in their he? ling and curative PANSFORD CHAPTER NO. O. MODERN VOODMEN OF AMERICA ' OPTICS MAIN 2, E. come nervousness and you will be- rections same. - v dis- NUMBER, 1 accompanying Many u it qualities. Any kidney or biadder S. Meets first and tWM Fridays Meet In the Forest of Brotherly come and The treat- of have reduced at the ease not af medi- plump healthy. my patients beyond the ranch at 7:30 p. m. Id Masonic Temple. Love at Woodmen of the World ment should be continued for several of a a iil Cor- rate pound day wtihout any cine will yield to their use. Mrs. Vifaniad Mrs. J. O. Ma- on the second fourth " Rutlede, Worthy hall, and to t ) months, as it takes time change results. " delia copeland, Ardeola, Mo., says, "I Mrs. of 8 m. s ' ' 1 t tron; Agnes Tripp, Secretary, Mondays each month at p. ihe tissues and cells of tne body. k - hid kidney and bladder trouble for WANTED Experienced cook ' and ' Telephone Main 329. C. H. Stewart, Consul; G. Laemmle, writes: "My liver and f over a and 5 bottles of second girl. 110 to "Carpenter" year Foley Wages object Clerk; Z. W. Montague, Local Dep- "Can are in a bad condition. I h. 1 ' i Pilis cured me." is 925 Sixth St "Sarah" says: anything be kidneys Kidney It the right parties. Apply FRATERNAL BROTHERHOOD NO. uty. Visiting members are espe- ne who is bothered 'with have dizzy spe'ils and dark spots be- same from one who uses done for Simple Eeauty of Nice. story every 102 Mees every Monday night at cially welcome and cordially invit- If so. fore my eyes. Also have of them. All cured O. WANTED To rent piano. Address rheumatism. please reply." twinges say, "they me," O. R. C. Hall, on Douglak ed. I hirers, who cover up defects .'. H. H. rheumatism. Can bo helpad?" carriage Schaet'er and Pted Cross Dru Gobbel, Watrous, N. M. S o'clock. You can be cured of harness with of Visiting m tubers are Answer; entirely and coach springs Store. A i'TOKN I. V, Answer: Obtain of any and the of a cordially Welcome J. C. Wertz, tf your rheumatism if you take the greenery, charge price GIRLS wanted. Potter's use three grain sulpherb tab- week's for two short hours' Candy president; J. T. Buhlor following: Mix by shaking well and' hiring Store. secretary; HUNKER & HUNKES le not sulphur). These are packed crawl, look to this day to pay many Health a Factor In Success. C. H. Bally, treasurer. take a teaspoonfui at meal times and to George H. Hunker Cheater A. in sealed tubes with full directions debts; the florists, who with 20 francs' ine largest factor contributina Huaji. at bed time and you will soon be a man's success is undoubtedly Lealth Attorneys-at-La- worth of flowers decorate your car- WANTED Good girl for general B. 1 for taking. They act pleasantly and It has been observed a man is P. 0. ELKS Meets second and 'ured. Comp. essence cardiol, cz.; riage and ask five louis, that Las Vegas New smilingly seldom when his bowels are housework. Call 1024 Third. Mrs Mn fluid 1 tone up the bowels and liver and pur- must rid of sick reg fourth Tuesday evening of each :omp. balmwort, oz.; syrup get their replenished stock is sever well when are Harry Vogt. wine of ify the blood. They are convenient, of the itiner- ularhe they month Elks home on Ninth stre" sarsaparilla comp., 5 ozs.; quickly fading blossoms; constipated. For constipation you effective and highly curative. ant venders of for a and Douglas avenue. broth-ersar- olchicum, Vi oz., sodium salicylate, bouquets hope will find nothing quite so good as Visiting and battle which will F&s invited. Gov. Wm. DR. E. L, D N T I 4 drams; iodide of potassium, 2 vigorous exciting Chamberlain's Tablets. They not Rztxi cordially HAMMONl?, will cure make patrons .forgot the exorbitant move J. Mills, Exalted D. W. Con- Crockett drams. "Phoebe" The following only the bowels but improve Ruler; Building. 2 prices demanded; to all these, and the and the di- ' vour children of bedwettlng: Get appetite strengthen FOR RENT Two housekeeping don. Secretary. Office Telephone ... Mam i . ' 1 many others, a battle of flowers is a gestion. ar sold all deal i U n rnTtlQ i O - They by rooms. 414 Seventh street. House Telephone 3ia!n ) "Kay" writes Can a sufferer from drams ot tincture deadly anxious time. ers. u i . - KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS, COUN- bronchial trouble be relieved? Do- dram tincture caucus It is on the splendid stretch of the Mix and give the Promenade des with FOR RENT Suite of nicely furnished CIL NO. 804. Meets second and OR. F. B. H'JXMANN ctors do not seem to help me, what fluid balmwort. Anglais, the 10 to 15 drops in water plunge of the waves on the pebbly NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. housekeeping rooms, electrict lights, fourth Thursday in O. R. C. Hall, Dentist would you suggest?" child from meal. beach as the most characteristic re- of TJ- - S. etc. Excellent location. 918 Pioneer mem- Ueuial work of . about one hour before each. Department the Interior, bath, building. Visiting any descrlpoot Answer: To cure chronic cold, sore frain, that the battle ia fought out. Land Office at Santa Fe, N. M., Eighth street. bers are cordially invited. Richard moderate prices. It is 2 o'clock, and as a booms ilircat and bronchitis, I would advise "I have suffered a gun April 1, 1913. Devlne, G. K.; Frank AngeL T. 8. Room Center Block. Tel. Main "Maud" writes: out to signal the commencement of the the use of concentrated essence It gives me Notice is hereby given that Vin FOR RENT Modern furnished flat. East Las Vegas, N M. great deal with catarrh. fete, a long line of decorated car- Purchase this at any and mv cento Ciddio of hast 511 Ninth street. EL DORADO LODGE NO. hoadaches.affects my eyes riages begins to enter the open space Laj Vegas, who, store in 2 Va oz. and f oe on December 16, made hom9-stea- lirug packages breath is awful. Can you preso-- between the stands, and proceeds at a WP, KNIGHTS OF PY Professional Health Culture for Ladl ou nos- FOR RENT mix according to directions while the of No. u32t)i, for W NW Furnished four room I MRS. OLLIE SHEARER given something to cure it. Only my walking pace, thousands entry, TH AS Meets e hot tie and you will be spectators in the enclosures look out Yi section 31, W SW Vi section 30, rottage, $6. Will take invalids. General Hair and very shortly trils and throat are affected." ery Monday even Massage, Scalp :nred of all This eagerly for friends, exclaim on the or- 14 17 Id, M. 41Y street. bronchial trouble. township N, ra'ise N. P. Eighth 1 r,-V- iV-'- Treatment, Facial Massage, Manicure I have prescribed antisep- or bad taste of l !n in Castle Hall will not only relieve, but will cure, Answer: iginality, beauty the M., has filed notice of intention to Plaza Hotel. and grateful let- carriage decorations, all the time buy- Visiting Knigiiti .and Is very pleasant to take. tic vilane powder make five to establish s Office 1:30 m. to 3:30 w ammuni- year proof, &aits Hi m hours p. p. ters from hundreds indicate that it ing their supply of fragrant for tre cordially invit tion from the venders who shout claim to the laud above described, be- ic curative, but must be their ed. Chaa. Liebaco TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY "Hulda'' says. "I cannot eat with fore Leo M. Tipton, U. S. commis- fi to a recur wares, FOR SALE Jersey cow, Mrs. Harry aer. Chancellor TaliH LAXATIVE HROVIO Quinine used occasionally prevent N. 9 out distress 1 am e You see on the of the folk sioner, at East Las Vegas, M., on 1024 T T.i great after eating. pact-ag- laps in Vogt, Third street. I'immnniln. refund If It rence. Get a two ounce original the Tablets. Druggists money sleepless and restless, nervous and carriages shallow baskets heaped June 7, 1913. anc of vi'iane use a half ry Alartin, Keeper of Records fails to cure E. W. GROVE'S slg Can powder; with small bouquets. There is not the Claimant names 'as o irritable. you tell me anything warm water. witnesses: BABY chicks 10 cents. Thorough Seal. on 25c. to a pint of variety of flowers you would expect nature is each box. ihafi would cure me?" Abeyta and Pedro Ciddio, East bred Single Comb Rhode Island From the palm of the hand snuff the to see in this southern paradise. Vio- Las Vegas, N. M.; Crescenclana Tru-jill- Reds and Barred Rocks. Mrs. Geo. Answer: lour trouble i all due the nostrils until thor- lets are the most chic, the prettiest water through Las Vegas, N. M Luclnda J. de to your stomach, which causes the two or three times and dearest. But by far the greater Tudor, Osage City, Kan. oughly cleansed, number of the are of Trujillo, East Las Vegas, N. M. aervous, restless feeling. Take tab-Jet- s level teaspoonfui of vi- bouquets stocks, GiiYSTJZL ICE daily. Mix a. which are and MANUEL R. OTERO, of or plentiful cheap, but the FOR SALE A good refrigerator; J. triopeptine and you will soon be lane powder with an ounce lard stalks of which are villainously hard, Register. C. Baker, Normal or Y. M. C. A. From Distilled Water Free from Bacteria or Germs of any cured of all this trouble. These are and well up into the and a resure to see for vaseline apply you days after No no but Pure Ice. jpaeiceu in sealed cartons and are and your catarrh dainty ladies reminders of the despription impurities, air, nothing nostrils twice daily carrying 100 BUFF ROCK white and blue to be fray in the of unromantic black baby chicks, $12; pink, tablets should soon be cured. shape 2000 lbs or more, each delivery ., 20c per 100 lbs taken mea'is. eyes and scratched cheeks. cash with order. Mrs. M. E. Stev- after Take the pink 1000 to 2000 lb-- ,, The move to the ens, Humboldt, Kan. each delivery 25c per 100 lbs tablet after breakfast, white after "Onda" writes: "I am troubled carriages stands along one side of the then turn ft 7 200 to 1000 lbs, each delivery 40c 100 lbs dinner and blue after supper. If this dandruff and my space, Sl Kit per with itching scalp, round and move down the other side. 50 to 200 each 50c 100 lbs .is continued the curative out. It la harsh and lbs, delivery per agencies hair is falling At first the launching of bouquets is or YOU LOCAL TIME CIO will soon restore natural digestion. brittle." spasmodic and a little shamefaced. when friends encounter is Las Ice & Co. Answer: Plain Yellow Mlnyol is Only there Veas Storage "Miss M." writes: "I suffer great- any animation, but you sometimes EAST BOUND Phone Main 227 1200 Lincoln Ave the best remedy for itching .scalp, miss a friend and strike a ly w ith my nerves, am almost on the prettier Arrive falling hair and dandruff that I know stranger, who must retaliate and be- KSi!ver Spoon epn of nervous I can-m- No. 2.. . 9:10 p. m ;15 loint prostration. of. It can be bought in 4 oz. jars and fore you know you are in the thick of p No. 4. . .11:05 sleep and am hysterical at times. will it, your great basket of flowers which --if use p. ra 11:05 p. if used according to directions you -- No. 8., . z:ut a. m Can you help me?" all diseases of the hair and cost you many francs is empty, and 2:10 a 0 RETAIL PRICES ewe No. brit- you are so fascinated with the game. 10. 1:45 p. m 2:10 t Answer: Many women, old and scalp. If the hair is harsh and EMPRESS I 2,000 lbs., or Each Del .20c 100 lbs. and so eager to begin again, that you WEST BOUND More, very per who have suffered as you do, tle and you are bothered with those 1,000 to 2,000 Each 100 young, pay whatever the flow I . lbs., lbs., Delivery 25c per lbs. perambulatory No. 1:20 p. m l:4f 0 toave been cured by the follow- straggling 'locks, the use of rMnyol who thrust their FLOUR 200 lbs., to 1,000 lbs. Each 30c 100 lbs. using paniers in No 3. 6:10 a. m 6:15 Delivery per ing tonic restorative treatment: Get will restore that soft, fluffy appear- to your face may demand. Reckon 50 lbs., to 200 lbs. Each Delivery ...40c 100 lbs. No. 7. 4:20 p. m 4:30 per cad-men- e nat- are the p from your druggist 1 oz. tincture ance and bring back the intense ings for morrow. It s Less than 50 lbs. Each Delivery 50c 100 lbs. giving you No. 9. 6:35 p. m 7:00 per and 5 oz3. sy- - ural color. p (not cardamon) for do- WEARS 7 SUITS OF CLOTHES a present -' AGUA PUR A ing something COMPANY HOT WEATHER IN THE ARCTIC Stalwart Dwindles as 'NOT AN OCCASION FOR MIRTH Figure the New AUTOMOBILE, CARRIAGE Storers, and Distributors of Natural a York Police Garment After you 'd do any Harvesters, Ice, the Purltj Strip AND ot Which Stefansson's Men Suffered Tortures Garment From Prisoner. lasting Qualities Have Made Las Vega Famous. People at Hu- way when you (Thoughtless Laughed From Heat and the Swarms SIGN PAINTING OFFICE 701 DOUGLAS AVENUE morous Sight, but There Was of New York. "Keep at it, we'll learn how Much Deep Pathos in Incident, Mosquitoes. boys; N. O. get 'em all off pretty soon," encour- Better EMPRESS HERMAN Policeman John 429 GRAND AVE. will we be so much amused "July was Intolerably hot. We had aged Quinn of the Why Adams street FLOUR is. ansae the other fellow's woe? The no thermometer, but I feel sure," says police station, Brooklyn, really at other as his comrades follow in was and Stefan3son. the explorer, in Harper's stripped suit after suit - 1 this story driving, of Made by CER- Magazine, writing of summer days in clothing from what, appeared at -- the horse was going at a clip, so the .1 it t l--i r- o f K ANT Ads tern- - first to be a n driver had hl3 hands full to steer the Arctic, "that many 'a day the glance stalwart negro. must have over 100 de- The latter had been PETER P. MACKEL eafely through the crowded streets. perature been arrested by in the and for Quinn when he noticed him ONE COUPON FROM HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTING fTbe only other occupant of the grees sun, sometimes carrying Best on end cloud in with ditlicultv a which EMPRESS FLOUR AND yy:,y:' j was a mmny weeks there was not a great suitcase lardwood Finishing, Papar Hangln, I large goat, was seemed to be ii on the seat. She was some- the sky. At midnight the sun overloaded. When the FIVE STAMPS ind Glaxtnx. Standing what we would call an hour so last piece of was what uneasy at the unusual means o high, clothing stripped BRINGS YOU THE Etlmtes Given. arket Finders from he was Cheerfully that it beat down on us without rest j the prisoner found to be Socoraotion, and being of a loving dis- SF00N --- IT 'S 81d Ptesa tw'euty-fou- r a puny West India who et Old Xo. Ehe would to the hours through. negro, gave x GENUINE WM. position, snuggle up -- "The of the was the name of John Haughton, and said Classified adi. search out the to whom m ' driver end lick across 'the face, and hottest period day ROGERS & people among about 8 o'clock in the evening, and be lived at 12 Fleet street, Brooklyn, or.e his 'hair whenever the swaying A A those who MIGHT BWY the particular thing if worth inoai. the coolest 4 or 5 in morn-- : He was locked up. SONS' vehicle gave her a chance. To a bus perhaps the ing. The were so bad that A general alarm was sent out by the STANDARD 4 Jfu'l of peopla with nothing to do but mosquitoes V !. That property rou want to sell Is WORTH MOST .o igimoii several ot our were police, and it was found that Marcus SILVER . 'IS aook on it was very funny, and calls dogs completely aud blind for swell- - Miller's store in b'ad PLATE who reads the ads. in thii newspaper would never hear i tnl Jeers to the tuny driver did not the time through the general Jamaica of their eyes, and all of them were been robbed of 13 suits of clothes, I BEAUTIFUL your unless it were advertised Here. jffuld to his peace of mind. But had ing property lame wore seven ar-th- e the hooters known that the goat from running sores caused by Haughton suits when FRENCH- -' only on the line where rested. The other six were In Others, who road and answer ads. in this newspaper want was hurried through the city mosquito stings found GREY (STER- (aaa being the hair meets the pad of the foot, the suitcase. are to cash books, .streets to eave a little life! LING) FINISH anxious pay for) automobiles, used machlnwy Is that on our '. Not far from square It true entire expedition and furniture, article of Melulness of tny sort, and musical Washington we bad no more near- Did Weil there is a little house where a young experience that Here. struments. deserved the came of New York. Four boys who emi- - EMPRESS reother lay dead and a sick Infant was ly suffering this of the combined to this 29 'UN 4 s 1 t u sen for and the man with thaa heat and grated country years ago, be ob-- As the classified ads. are read b) all possible buye'.s, of all crying comfort, ot our river sailed for home aboard the can ' " r ,p r had that mosquitoes Coppermine steamship slble aorta of they have come to be finders ot the best panBeriger picture Bummer." iNeckar Their things, to him while and the on-- v today. combined cap tained in this city from T'f nanny was o T,:iil free with hl3 difnU?. ital $3,000,000. ALL GROCER-- S LAS VEGAS DAILY OPTIC, FRIDAY, MAY 16, 1913. EEVEfS

I PECULIAR FORM OF BANKING SOURCE OF GOOD AND HARM INEVITABLE NOT THE SAME UNCLE JERRY M0KERS BEAT A RAILROAD HORSE RAISING IN ALASKA Entire Profits of Uerrnan Institution volcanoes on Island of Luzon Occa- IN OF BRIBE Circumstances Had Made a Change In DEF.dLT on Linus Causes Re- Weather in Far North Not Too Severe Are Devoted to of sionally Devastate, but Also Ecycott Subway His and He Wanted It Enterprises vocation of Offensive Rule in for Good n I . Position, Public Fertilizers. Rearing Equine !,. 'to Be Understood. Utility. Supply Berlin. Stock. By NELLIE CRAVEY GILMORE. The bank at Ger- Luzon,' the largest island of the At Sumter, N. there was a large Savings Bremen, The boycott the under Horse raising has recently been at- C, is one of most in- group, is a chain against mans', the peculiar Philippine graced by twenty-two- , in Berlin In Alaska and Yukon ter- crowd of colored people at the depot of Though fully young ground railway by smokers tempted the stitutions in the world. It is in the volcanoes, extinct and from Bur-was- as the train In. An old bald-heade- active, Stamford did not look a day over nine- i.i effectual, and devotees of A firm of miners in the pulled nature of a and loan north to south. Many of these have proving ritory. Uncle had his head out private savings teen in his light flannels as he ran ilic wetd will soon be able to suiekh creek country, 175 miles west of Jerry bunk, conducted for the exclusive subterranean connection, so that when coach for colored pas- nimbly up the veranda steps of the in the if Police President, von White Horse, Yukon made of the set apart insti- one turns loose subway territory, benefit of its It was its fury it is just dis-- 1 sengers, and a man on the platform depositors. Etheridge home and pressed the elec- Jrtgow consents, says a Berlin the experiment successfully, says the tuted in 1825 by citi- possible that a sister many miles away him and called out: eighty prominent tric bell button. - u. Indianapolis News. Owing to the recognized zens, for the of an will do the same. These volcanoes Is dat purpose offering The door flew open simultaneously Some mouths ago the Berlin under- abundance of fine lands available for "Hello, Misser Stivers! yo'?" inducement to the have a commercial value to the is- for saving poorer stolid-visage- d liv- smok-i.i- g in looked him j and a personage in ground railway announced that pasturage Alaska and the Yukon, The old man straight at classes and a safe for in- lands, and If it were not for the havoc no opportunity ery stood confronting him. would be. absolutely forbidden lif- the growing of horses In the north but made response. vestment and a return. they now and then create they might Misser Stivers!" profitable "Is Miss Etheridge in? I wish to ter a Bpecilie-- date. It was declared should spread rapidly if subsequent "Hello, It was also law that be looked upon as veritable blessings. No provided by see her at once, if possible!" that the smokers denied the cars and tests in the Burwash creek country response. ever be di- It is the volcanic ash from these has none of the profits should A minute passed and the butler re- that their running to and fro in search prove as successful ae the first re- "Say, Misser Stivers, yo' lostes vided that mountains that produces fertilizer for among the members, but turned, bearing a slip of paper of the smoking coach, which it was corded. A pasture is maintained on yo' hearing?" persisted the man as en- the finest hemp in the and the they should be attributed among world, across the back of which was scrawled to place in the same rela- the Duke where horses can live he drew nearer. world's hemp comes impossible river, terprises of public utility. supply solely in a "Dear I tive on each caused "Boy, was yo' talkin' to me?" de- from the hasty hand: Dick: position train, all the winter without being stabled or For twenty years the business was Philippines. am, too ill to leave LU'ious and d traded from the fed. Last Bummer 25 brood mares manded the old man. Mayon volcano, in unfortunately, my delays transacted by members of the society Albay province, room. Can not, as efficiency of the service. A tremend- were from Vancouver, and "Sartin. What's de matter?" southern Luzon, is one of the most you just well, imported without remuneration, but later the communicate with me Char- ous went, up and Berlin these are all of them Mr. Flatlron Dey ain' no use talkin "Boy, does yo' want anything of beautiful active volcanoes in the through protest every wintering nicely, work was turned over to salaried sided with the but as in condi- to a woman. me?" world. Viewed from certain it ley?" taper smokers; being reported being good clerks. But up to this day no mem- points, Young Stamford was in a the company was obdurate, tion. Late in the fall of 1911 a number Mr. Charcoal How so? "Why, how yo' talk! Reckon yo' is a in- quandary. ralway perfect cone, an he-ca- ber of the society, and no director, resembling Decidedly nothing could be done with- and shortly alter the regulation of horses used in previous Bummer by Mr. Flatiron She done bound to git has got de hoodoo." verted letter V. Mayon is constantly has received any share of the profits, out the of Miss Ether-edg-e effective Von embodied the international wid er hammer wid "Does yo' evidently reckon yo' active, and at its base lies buried the Jagow boundary survey yo' weepin' yo' and they have no claim on the prop- in and time was it in the police The were taken to the head of the a flatiron, buhlieve me. Han' me d knows me?" town of old Daraga, with but person, flying. regulation. corps erty. nothing "Tell Mr. to come down im- smokers then the White near the international hosa liniment, MiHtah Charcoal. "Of co'se I knows yo'. Yo' is ole the old church roof and stick- Charley be,m boycotting river, The bank has made many public steeple he said. underground, dosf.ilo the fact that, it and turned out for the man Stivers." ing above the ground The mediately," boundary line, donations, the first being $1,000 in today. When affords quicker communication along winter. been from the "When did yo' know me?" town of Legaspl, one of the Charley Etheredge appeared Having brought SPEAKING OF LIVES 1840. Since then it has given $75,000 largest in response to this summons he found its route and willingly sacrificed their Oregon the a "Las' fall. Why, I dun worked wid hemp ports in the world, also lies at ranges previous spring, for a public bath; $57,000 for a public Stamford up and extra sleep daily in order to smoke number of mares foaled last yo' fur three months." majestic Mayon's base, on the Gulf pacing restlessly spring, "An' when worked wid me museum, $32,000 for educational pur- down the long hallway. on their way to and from work. The and all the colts lived and are doing yo' dun to of Albay, a body of water, which poses, and numerous other gifts "The of the. Ether-edge,- " company sought various explanations well, more animals than what was I say "has no bottom." fact matter is, making hardy hospitals, orphan asylums, libraries, legends lor the o.'f in Us but. their Several instances "Drivin" dera mewls fur Kurnel Many them he began at once, "my uncle falling receipts, predecessors. reading rooms, schools, homes for old Americans, among is uon discovered the abolition of are known in which colta foaled in the Johnson." some noted men, have reached the dying. He has always had his and young, etc. D the cars v. us the cause of the north have into the hardiest "Exactly sab.. But I want yo' to summit. But a an heart set on on my marriage smoking far grown In 1SH0 the bank had 3,751 deposi- flag supported by loss of business. Announcement hu3 become inured to understan' dat dere is a heap o' dif- iron staff there one with your sister. For some unex- horses, having fully tors with $2110,160 deposited. Now it placed by party now been made that the smoking cars the of the winters. It has ference atwixt drivin' dem wewls fur was soon plained and Inexplicable , reason, he severity has 39,864 destroyed by sulphur fumes will be Von kiv-ere- d depositors and $7,940,528 chooses to at this replaced, providing Jugow been observed that; when horses have Kurnel Johnson an' ridin' on de shot up from the crater. The moun- fancy late day that deposits. Oil opening an account a one of us will draw back from our is willing to rescind the police or- lived for some length of time in this kyars along wid white folks. I tain rises to a of over 8,000 book is given, and at the end height der. become protect- yo' last fall, sah, but deposit and of engagement because of the delay. The region they naturally might of the the accrued interest is feet, many interesting photos ed from the extreme could by .the if desiar to permeate any alongat-e- d year crater been the bulk of his property, as you have yo' added to the amount the have made by of a coat of hair. Some conversation wid me yo' mus' git deposited. bureau of science. heard, has been willed to me on the CAUSED TOURISTS A SHOCK growth longer also Philippine in which I some to introduce There are school savings cards specified condition of our marriage." instances have been reported responsible gem'len home This volcano is one of the most of Record-Herald- . and savings boxes, the receipts He and drew from his Am- horses have been Been with a crop yo'." Chicago interesting to be found anywhere in paused pocket Pair Thought They Were Being of the latter in 1911 being $30,690. the unmistakable en- hair similar to that of the buffalo. the whole world, by all reports. small, yellow bushed by Wild Animals, but It "And the worst of It DON'T NEED TO BE LABELED Technical World Magazine. velope. now, is," Was All Right. NEW EMPIRE FOR THE TURK he pursued anxiously, "he has but a PASS THE NECKLACE AROUND few hours to live, and sends thi3 tele- Who adventure is dead? Man of Sense Would Know That COULD ONE D0U3T HIS LOVE? says that I .1 Any Driven From Are Vast gram at the eleventh hour: 'If you the other a motorist and his These Two Storiea Were Europe, There Only day Odd Compact Entered Into by Four- of Land Await- are not married before the breath wife were a turn the V Fables. Stretches Fertile Devotion Almost Sublime Exhibited taking through teen Pittsfield (Mass.) Merely Him In Asia. leaves my body at my very bedside forest of Fontainebleau when got ing Harold After a Test That Was they Girls. by will shall be changed." a "turn" of the Bort they hardly bar- Once upon a time there was a Really Severe. "It is said that a cat has nine lives." With the curtailment of Etheredge pondered a second and gained for. a of old is beaten golfer who admitted that he impending Like romance the story "That's nothing. Time has mort looked with in am- Berk-Bhiree- the and extent of Turkish up a daring found themselves 1 had missed no short putts and that power the She knew how to bake biscuits. But inspiration They being of the "Golden Necklace of the lives than a cat," comes the of a new Mo- his eyes. "I have it," he cried. "Sup- bushed by a lion, and we know on In 1901 14 Pittsfield his winning rival had "gobbled" no empire hope that was all, for she had only Bpent girls "How do you figure that?" hammedan the of pose I what if I might rig out in Shakespearean authority how impres- who been all their lives de- long ones; who confessed that he empire, empire two years at a cooking school before had friends "Why, time can stand an indefinite Arabia, the natural boundaries of Bome of my sisters toggery and go on sionable the fair sex is at the ap- cided that even should not was on his game and that while beat- her recent marriage. marriage amount of killing." J which would extend from the with you?" proach of that kind of "wild fowl." the bonds. had en by the margin of 3 and 2, without valleys "O, goody!" she cried. "I'll give break Together they of the and to the "Capital!" exclaimed Stamford. The woman promptly fainted, and made them a of great luck the count would have been Tigris Euphrates Harold a surprise. We'll have a bis- for golden necklace Isthmus of and from the Med- "Get ready as soon as you can; we've monsieur Bhut on the clutch at grande exquls-it- was fash- ONLY DOUBTFUL CITIZEN- - 8 and 6. Suez, cuit supper." workmanship. It iterranean sea to the Sea of Oman. precious little time to squander." vitesse. ioned from 14 with small- Moral backed him up Harold came home early as he had large beads, They against The of the Inside 15 minutes Etheredge was No sooner had madame revived er ones in a bunker and shot him at sunrise be- present villayet Hedjaz, every day since they started house- between. with the of would "rigged out" In one of his sister's than they encountered a panther. It was fore he became more violent. territory Medina, keeping. He kissed her as they met agreed and determined that form an state smartest gowns, with a great loose This was too much of a good thing. as soon as one 14 be Once upon a time there was a fan 'probably independent in the vestibule, then in the hall, the any of the girls of would be a coat to hide his figure. The daintiest Monsieur was about to say bo with came who left the ball and called out which the sovereign ante-roo- and so on out into the din- engaged she should wear the park Mo- of French surmounted his curl- all Gallic the ex- religious caliph, the father of all room. togues his eloquence when necklace until her marriage, when it to a friend: , ing blonde hair. hammedans. This Arabian empire biscuits!" she twit- ing, planation turned up. should be placed in a safety deposit "Greatest game of the year, pal; "First course, ber-nous- e should include the of the Ti- Together they entered a coupe and A troupe of psuedo Arabs with vault fell one of beat us 3 to 2; but if the ump valleys as they sat down to dinner. until another before they and the tered, drove rapidly away. and spear came up to explain arrows. hadn't us a couple of close gris Euphrates, Syria, valleys Harold devonred her with his eyes, Cupid's Should one of the slipped cen- Five minutes brought them to the that were off a film ones, the count would have been 3 of Oronte and Leontes, Palestine, devoured the biscuits with his teeth they working girls become engaged while another Grand Central depot, and in time for a cinema firm, and the beasts were to 0. tral Arabia, with its five territorial and just was wearing It, it was decided that They played better ball and avidity. east-boun- d ' Djebel-Scho-me- to tickets and hoard the won on the level." divisions, the Djwof, the "Second course, biscuits!" she car- purchase drugged. the necklace should be-- surrendered the the the Te-yon- train. It was a sorry climax, but it all to one-wh- Moral They didn't even wait until Kheybard, Kasin, oled. the had last announced her Ye- A drizzling rain had set in by the came "into the picture," and espe- con sunrise to pot this guy. Another ten Nedjed, Oman,, Hadramant, "How novel!" exclaimed Harold, Intention of marriage. Such a men and If this should come time they reached Springfield, and the cially the changing emotions of the never minutes, and he might have been be- Hedjaz. and devoured seven more. tingency, however, has arisen to of the world's night was pitchy. They were met and motorists' faces from alarm to action, The yond all human control. Grantland pass a part geog- The third course was biscuits, and binding together even after raphy that is little known should come was a ushered immediately into the sick and from indignation to relief. New marriage ties, of the girls who de Rice, in Collier's Weekly. as for the fourth, biscuits. It mans' a to of ca- four-cours- chamber, where strange York Sun. the front to the distress the e dinner, and Harold did vised the "Order of the Golden Neck ble man and the editor. It priest, lawyer, and one or two serv- comes in this manner: As soon That G. Incident, telegraph justice to each course. For dessert lace," Washington is new ants as witnesses were already as- Small and hardly possible that the empire there were biscuits. England's Breakfast. as a girl becomes engaged her Initials William, aged three, Bhould include Palestine. When the sembled. are on one had taken in- The next day after Harold had It is reported from London that a inscribed of the large John, aged five, special is is Half an hour passed, and the dark- terest in the of power of the Turk broken there been pronounced out of danger and recent attempt to introduce grape beads. When she is married those of approach Washing- a will ened sick room became the chamber Fond sentiment that result in taking the doctor had assured him that the fruit as a breakfast food has failed her husband are engraved on the oppo- "Everybody is telling exactly whaS ton's birthday. grandparents of death. The newly wedded the Holy Land from the hands of the acute would not return if couple and that a heavy importation of those site, together with the year of the mar- you will do if you are elected to off and other relatives had been sending indigestion lingered for a solemn moment, then e infidel, and after centuries the has caused such in them cherry-tre- and hatchet many he was careful about what he ate, the delicacies a slump riage. fice." many but of silently left the room to prepare for seven orna- cards. impassioned fruitless hope the young husband called his wife to his the market that costermongers are Already have worn the "Yes." post will be meet the return journey. known Of course the lads' mother had to Crusaders realized and bedside. She approached with great selling them from barrows for a penny ment and it has become that "Well, what will you do?" the ol the different the old cry of "God wills it!" Paris trepidation. Biscuits had not been apiece. the necklace is again to be taken from I don't know yet" explain meaning to of cards. She tried to correspondence Bresil Eeonomique. mentioned between them in the inter- Katherine Stamford entered the This will surprise no one who has its storeroom adorn the person post impress Miss Rosamond her sons also the lesson about vals that he was conscious during the parlor with some trepidation. Ether- ever lived in England. That country Hull. Her engagement upon to Harold Morse N. UNPROFITABLE FOR HER "Father of Our never This Ship's Cat Was Saved. night. Now she expected to hear the edge was standing before an open has known many changes during the F. of Binghamton, the Country" was mother. a lie. About twenty years ago, when I was dreadful word. window looking out into the street, last few years. Caste lines have been Y., announced by her telling in British but at the sound of her he hat is no Several nights 'before the natal day resident North China, the "Dearest," began Harold, "I think step obliterated; the silk longer in waters turned came out- of ac- P of the much celebrated and greatly Bquadron then I must have eaten something" she and forward with an object reverential worship; ittany's Hair Harvest. of of Chefoo hand. been bands in- lamented American, another consign- was steaming out the port was clinging to the bedpost for sup- stretched tors have knighted and It is at Easter time that the curious cat fell overboard "So of to restaurants. But the is ment of post cards was received by when a little black port "I think I must have eaten some- good you come," she said, troduced into "hair harvest" of Brittany "reaped" from H. M. S. writes a cor- in "we have table is the ditch of who the two boys. They were presented Wanderer, thing that did not agree with me at placing her fingers his; breakfast last by the traveling merchants, go to their mother at the dinner table respondent of the London Spectator. the club for lunch yesterday.' been waiting and wishing for an op- British conservatism. The English- from village to village buying the 1 At once to to man eats bacon 365 morn- beautiful for which the Breton that evening to get her to tell of their the ship slopped, signaled portunity thank you for the royal and eggs hair A her consorts "Cat overboard," and the way in which you came to Dick's in the and welcomes leap belles are famous. This is later de- significance. Fish Fighting Popular Sport. ings year !. re- entire came to a standstill. Were some one to so assistance." because it enables him to indulge stined to be made up into "transfor- (rO Among this' last list of cards squadron tell you that year ma A off from Wanderer and smiled in 3.66 times. and other mys- ceiver were several showing the boat put the far as gameness was concerned you Etheredge and caught her that delightful dish mations," "fringes" rescued who was for of other hand in them to- The be abolished and with which la- - ' chopped cherry tree. "And George puss, swimming had all the vitality and spunk a his, crushing monarchy may terious arrangements v ill life after the lie in both his own. "And how of lords of its pre- dies less endowed na- Washington could not tell a lie," dear ship. fish, you probably would believe gether the house deprived abundantly by who told me in- breakfast in said the devoted parent, as she The officer the story was either joking or intended to about you, Kate?" he asked, laugh- rogatives, but the English ture make up their shortcomings tell-tal- e of finished the much herald- said the sailors would have been sult you, yet such is not the case, lor ing suddenly into the eyes will remain as it was in the days the matter of "woman's crowning relating will never ed incident. furious if the little cat had not been there are fish that arc game, spunky, raised to his. the Conqueror. Grape fruit glory." The clients of the hair buyers Master William was silent for saved, for not only was she a great i a;.d possess great vitality. Katherine turned away swiftly to have a place iu it. New York Her- are chiefly country lasses in the re- believed dis- i3 flood of on ald. who are too a moment, and then, in all ser'.ousness, pet, but they firmly that The particular fioh mentioned hide the burning crimson moter districts, only was i said: aster would follow if a black cat the Malayan fighting fish, known gen- cheek, neck and brow. pleased to sell their tresses order ,o what was the mat- allowed to drown. erally in Siam as the Pla-Ka- t, but "No need to deny it, dearest. Thank Remembered Grudge. obtain a little money to spend at the "Why, mo'ver, recent vlBit to ter wif 'im?" elsewhere as the Betta Pugnax. Th' .e heaven luck was the means of bring- Queen Wilhelmina's Easter fairs. The "harvest," however, Outward and Inward Change. fish are bred in Siam and some other ing to me what no amount of plead- Paris has moved the paris correspond- is said not to be so good as formerly, ent of the New York Sun to tell as with the of education and Time to Kick. Time was when the countries just for sport, and their ing could!" again spread g "allee samee Melican to means much to "How did you guess? I a story of the days when her majesty the love of display many girls prefer There was an excitement in the old ability fight thought "Did you return his presents and man" would have been the Instinctive backers. I was sure " was the most popular young person- to keep their hai. Wide Awake. Mag- Inn at the cross roads. The ancient get yours back after you quarreled?"' comment China's of The Pla-Ka- t is a veritable "That that flimsy disguise of yours age in the world. azine. proprietor was bristling up like an upon adoption figliii; "I should say not. He'd have of the and laws of the west-e- cock of the and it is an inliei i, was Never, with me. Be- In the revived edition, the story is angry porcupine. any ways deep, perfect? the best of that deal." t : cause I love nor to the effect that she found it hard to Where "It's to he thundered, as world. Now that country becomes trait with it to fight rather thai) you, neither wig, Poverty Hurts. got stop!" nor the learn and for that Charles the inventor of cold his fist down on the a republic and opens the first session eat. At some of the big conte.u, clothes, startling resemblance English, perhaps Tellier, he brought e in fash-Io- n to twin brother could reason did not love The is a Frenchman of eighty-fiv- "Be gosh, it's of a representative congress a when the best fish are pitted agai: you bear your England. storage, ROASTED HER register. iota to deceive me. Be- first of she drew showed discovered close the ho- that commands the most serious each other, thousands of spectator.-gathe- avail one map Europe years, and having been got to stop, or I'll up fair-size- d respect of the world The sim to see the contest, and snnM sides," he went on, "I happened to an enormous Holland, a Bel- In a state of abject poverty, Mr. Tellier tel!" old Dick was hundreds 'of and f but au almost im- was decorated and "What's the trouble?" asked the cof- ple circumstance that these hundreds fortunes often change hands on Ik know that gium ranee,, recently pensioned de- i miles when that Great Britain. the French fee drummer. of representative Chinese were result. away telegram perceptible by government. void of flowered silk came." To draw particular attention to the In the course of an interview with "Trouble enough. I could stand queues and jack- but were shorn and like Truth Made a Hit. "But Charley, that marriage was all diminutive island representing Eng- a New York correspondent, Mr. Tell- those sleep-walkin- g motorists crawl- ets, garbed Americans or was pro- The late Senator Marcus A. Ha,ir:". a sham; the proper parties are to be land, she wrote below it, "Land of ier talked with grim humor about ing under the bed and ham- Englishmen, of the to tell a cr. v. married in two weeks. It our can- Miss S." (her English governess). poverty. mering on the springs, 'cauBe foundly significant passing always delighted story of old order and of the en- Cleveland friend in the iron m not count, you know." Years later the young queen said "The of poverty are thought they were under an au- away the really advantages they of of three business in It did, however, for a to the minister plenipotentiary of Eng- he said. "The rich de- tomobile, but I'll be blowed if 1 am try this strange nation that city. fortnight overrated," millions into the This iron io later there was a double wedding at land: clare that poverty brings out a man's going to put up with dreaming avia- hundred practical merchant, according worid-lif- e of the Senator was New Y-- 'i St. Paul's. "Be sure to tell her majesty, Queen Well so it does by the tors climbing up in the ceiling and twentieth century. Hanna, ii good points. on a bond for a f by Dally Story Pub. Co.) Victoria, that I love Englishwomen, roots." knocking all the plastering down, jest selling mission (Copyright, Would Do He Could. he was in- all Englishwomen." 'cause they imagine they are tinker- What company in which of western Elaborate Funeral. To which the minister bowed, and Wonderful Lake. with their flying machines. No, The legislature a state terested. Dog's Crater ing ' women The aid of a well Wall most elaborate the Queen added: Where once towered the siree. It's got to stop." contains this year several known street One of the funerals highest members. At a recent banquet they house was sought and the head of ver held at the celebrated dogs' "All Englishwomen are not govern? peak in this country is now only a were invited to but all with one the firm was for the bonds at Molesworth Eng- esses!" Youth's Companion. of the shell, and within it lies Little Bit of Irony. speak, negotiating semetery Hunts, part to make and with the Lake man. taken wonderful Crater in i Louis J. Horowitz is noted in New accord began excuses, City land, has just place. The body lake, Oregon. one of the men was asked to repre- "Where do yoa live?" was in a coffin of When a Ship Is Lost. This is the view taken by geologists. York for his trenchant wit. Thus, in sudden'y Inclosed regulation He that, asked the financier the Cleve-lande- r. When a ship 'Is at a This was Mount a vol- the discussion of a recent contract, sent them. accepted, saying of type, with handles attached, and was posted Lloyd's Mazama, great he was to do so, so far as in from London in motor bell Is tolled once. In the very unusual cano, which, before the certain rather niggardly proposals willing conveyed a probably him his case was similar "Lakewood Cleveland," "deceased" was fox ter- event of a vessel arriving in port aft- dawn of life towered were made to him, and Mr. Horowitz lay, but that avenue, :ar. The a upon earth, high to little who came the was er the bell is Btruck above mountain now within the rebuked their with the that of a naughty girl quick response. rier, and the iuterment witnessed being posted any niggardliness was If "'Come on out said twice, and the caller makes his an- of the United Thou- "I must have made a hit at tt words: told that she didn't behave she and get a drink," by four persons, including the lady boundary States. quiet would be shut in the chicken coop. the "You are the first A nouncement from the rostrum amid a sands of it into euchreillyesterday. Kvei yhuiiy t..n ;m ,: fifteen-stor- y up wreath years ago "Only so much for a capitalist. wner of the dog. placed disappeared "You can shut me up in the chicken man I ever met In life from on bore the breathless silence. On the day insur- the bowels of the earth. Crater lake, the talking about me." building? Come, gentlemen, make it my the grave Inscription; coop if want she, "but '""Welnnd who did not claim to live ance money is all who were six miles in diameter. i 2.W0 feet "They talked etiH mor about .vu.a $5 more and we'll run you up a sky- you to," replied To my darling little Punch; from his payable, I ain't to lay any eggs." on Euclid averno." on the missing ehjp are legally consid- deep in places, and parts of the walls alter you left" scraper that will overtop the highest." going Judge. ovlng mistress. Requiescat la pace.'' ered dead. ... . ,. rise perpendicularly auoiht-- 2,000 ftiL I LAS EIGHT VEGAS DAILY OPTIC, FRIDAY, MAY 16, 1913.

; - ; DAY SPECIALS "SPECIAL ; PAY AI7T LOCAL NEWS. ... LOTHCR i I it n s & 1 i -- Saturday, Monday FOR CASH ONLY BOOKS suitable for GRADUATION All Wool Clothes GIFTS at MURPHEY'S. Guaranteed 3-- 4 inch For Zemaindor of 17 THIS WLEU Ot.LY 157 16, Special for 3 days, 50c ties for 23c. Cotton Garden Hose At Greenberger's. coupled in 5 0 - f oo t "51c for 6oc Linoleum. flour 50 pounds Cream Loaf ...$1.60 lengths 64c for 75c Linoleum. w 23 pounds Cream Loaf flour 80c LIGGETT'S GRADUATION CHOC S9c for $1.10 inlaid Linoleum. The very best flour made. OLATES at MURPHEY'S. $1.0u for 1.25 Inlaid Linoleum. i 60 pounds Li'iy Oour 51-4- $5. $11.50 for $15 Velvet rugs 9x11 ft. 25 pounds Lily flour 75c Our millinery sale still on. A $8.95 for $11 wool and fibre 9x12 50 pounds C. C flour $1.35 line of white hats just arrived. rugs. 70c 25 pounds C. C. flour Mrs. A. Standish. 35c for 50c yd. Kolor-fas- t matting. ' -- 11-6- 100 pounds old potatoes -' Phone Main 379 5 off on any Buffet, Sideboard 5 pounds new potatoes 25c INITIAL PAPER and CORRES-PONDENC- or China closet tc make room for 13 pounds old potatoes 25o CARDS for GRADUA- Ludwig Wm. Weld a big car of furniture to arrive. 100 pounds sugar S5.G5 TION GIFTS at MURPHEY'S. 18 pounds sugar r $1.00 3 Can Van Camp's Pork and Beans 25c finch's Golden Wedding nye, aged 3 No. 2 cans kraut . i 25c In the wood. Direct from the distil- COMMENCEMENT BOOKS, LIG- 3 No. 2 cans string beans . 25c lery to you. At the liObby, of course. GETT'S CHOCOLATES in STRAWBERRIES PER TRAY - ... $1.40 fancy n boxes, INITIAL PAPER AND COR- r cxif -- 3 any 10c package crackers 25c A big line of APPROPRIATE s I RESPONDENCE CARDS at ts 3 packages Vermocllll, Spaghetti or Macar nl 25c GRADUATION PRESENTS at US HAVE YOUR ORDER LET Try a dram ot Old Taylor at the Opera Bar Adv. CONCERT TICKETS

. - r, , STEARNS' STORE INITIAL CORRESPONDENCE 3KB HHXSSSSSSEEl CARDS AND PAPER for GRADUA- ALL GIVEN OUT ARE THE SUITS THAT WILL MAKE YOUR TION GIFTS at MUURPHEY'S. W- jh $15.00 Do not forget Knight-Campbe- ll Co. THE HIBBETTE ENTERTAINMENT go fa.rth.est. Now on display in our Window. Piano Sale closes THERE IS NO LIE ON THE LABEL big Saturday, May LIKELY WILL PLAY. TO AN 17th, 11 p. m. 712 Douglas Ave. IMMENSE CROWD American quartered oak Dressers GRXENBER.GEU.' THERE IS NO LVE IN THE CAN Come and see how to get rich quick The tickets for the Hibbette Con- with wood knobs and French bev- by Mrs. Brigg's method, Duncan ope- cert company entertainment to be el mirror, worth $11.50 .$9.35 ra house, May 20. given on the Santa Fe course tomor- row night at the Y. M. C. A. were ail Do not Knight-Campbe- ll Co. forget given out by 12 o'clock today. This THE ROSENTHAL big Piano Sale .closes Saturday, May means that the guneral public will Wp Tail Yhup "HUNTS QUALITY FRUITS" OPPOSITE Y. H. C. A. $ 17th, 11 p. m. 712 Douglas Ave. not be able to obtain seats tomorrow. ry " However, there are always a number "THE KIND THAT IS NOT LYE-PEELE- "Mrs. Briggs of the Poltry Yard." of seats that are unfilled on the to or at the 5, 10 and Chickens bought, sold or made nights of the entertainments, and Saturday's special Attention to der. 20th. 25 cent store, 40c double wash boards May those who wish to attend probably for 15c. Highest In Delicious In Flavour will be able to obtain a seat by wait Quality let Save Don't this opportunity pass. ing untid the house is thrown open. a Knight-Campb- ell On train No. 1 20 In- $100 by buying piano at This concert, to be given by seven today Navajo sale. dian on their if special piano Closes artists from Chicago, will be one of boys passed through Insist on "Hunts" you want the highest 11 from the school Saturday, 17th, p. m. 712 Douglas the best of the season. Mrs. Loula way Indian at Leupp, prices Ariz., to where will in canned fruits avenue. Hibbette, the soprano soloist of the Colorado, they quality be In Mimm the beet fields. All company, ia an exceptional singer. employed Look! the of this are musi- Stop! Listen! The Brings Miss Elizabeth Nickell, the reader, is boyS company are cians and their instruments coming May 20th.; Everyone an impersonator who is not an elocu- carry Remember we meet all prices at all times, and yon do not e with At H. STEARNS come and see them. Fifty and thirty-fiv- tionist. She comes well recommened them. They expect to remain In J. Colorado to cents. s for several months. have on a SPECIAL PRICE made at by other places where this company-ha- depend having you performed. Miss Doris Humphrey Dr. head our store to. fjet real valueFOR YOUR MONEY. Don't let this opportunity pass. Save and Miss Effie Samond, in a dancinf.4 Kaster, physician for the a t- Santa Fe who has $100 by buying piano at Knigh- act, are excellent. Mr. C. E. Weeks, Railway company, sale. been in El Paso for the few Campbell special piano Closes baritone, and Mrs. H. B. Humphrey past Jefierson President. 11 m. weeks on Is now in Albu- Raynolds, Saturday, 17th, p. 712 Douglas are artists of great musical ability. business, avenue. querque. He will make an exammn-tio- n E. B, Raynolds, Vice President Hallett Raynolds, Cashier. The concert will begin at S:30 J. C. JOHNSEN & SON of David C. Welsh this 3. B. Davis, Vice President II. Erie Hoke, Assistant Cashier. o'clock. It is desired that the audi- evening. THE STORE The funera'i Mrs. H. M. Welch is in a WITH RIGHT PRICES ALL THE TIME of the late J. ence be attentive. At the last con- serious condition will be held tomorrow after- and if the doctors think Richley cert there was much talking. it advisable noon at 2:30 o'clock from the home he may be removed to the Santa Fe on Main street. Friends are Invited hospital at Topeka. Mr. Welch, who. to attend the services. is a Las was hurt In a Interment, R0AD8 WILL Vegas man, J $150 will buy 2 good building lots on Tilden avenue. will GSTES 1 however, be private. Rev. J. S. railway accident near, Albuquerque $600 will buy 3 good 'building lot on Fifth street. Moore, of St. Paul's Memor- last NATIONAL BANK pastor Tuesday. i $950 will buy 4 room adobe house on a good corner. FIRST ial church, will have WAGON HOUND J Episcopal charge HILL I 11 $1300 will buy nice 5 room frame house on 2 lots well improved of the services. The funeral of Mrs. Pearl Cobert Eighth street. was held this afternoon from the Las ' OF LAS VEGAS, n! M. ion $1000 will buy modern frame houae 5 rooms, 2 lots on Jackson All bashful people come and see COMMERCIAL CLUB RECEIVES IN- Vegas Undertaking company's chapel, how to make love. Miss Lee and Rob VITATION TO SEND DELE A number of Mrs. Cobert's friends at- ?3250 will buy modern 6 room house, all improvements, includ- - GATES ON MAY 30. tended ert Briggs will show, May 20th. the services. Interment was i ing furnace, ou 2 lots on Fifth street. in Masonic Capital, 8100,000 Sdrplos, and Undivided Profits $35,000 the cemetery. $6250 will 8 - buy beautiful modern room house, everything up-to- or un- Sceretary W. H. Stark of the Com- Two trainloads cattle were j date, 3 lots,, best location on hill. mercial club has received loaded at the local stock yards today a letter VACANT AND from IMPROVED, ALL SIZES, ALL PRICES, Our Receive and Ac- for feed and rest on their way to the Wagon Mound which states Depositors Every Courtesy j WE CAN SUIT YOU eastern markets. that on the thirtieth of this month " TOMORROW commodation Within the of Good THE INVESTMENT Scope Banking. a good roads meeting will be held in at the Y. M. C. A. & AGENCY CORPORATION 603 Lincoln Ave. A. Nothing more pleasing than a box that city in which Springer, French, GEO. FLEMING, Manager. Interest Paid as Thno of LIGGETT'S CHOCOLATES, for Maxwell, Watrous and Las Vegas Deposits your GRADUATION GIFT, at wlil participate, providing they are Boys' class 9 o'clock. sufficiently Interested in the better Santa Fe concert at 8:30 o'clock. highways movement to attend. assortment of COMMENCE- Big Secretary Stark, after considering 1 MENT BOOKS at MURPHEY'S. the matter, has decided that it Is up CRYSTAL BUTTER. AT THE HOME CF THE BEST OF EVERYTHING EATABLE A to the Las Vegas boosters to attend A nice line of GIFT BOOKS at the meeting. The purpose of the SPECIAL IS MADE FR.OM MURPHEY'S. gathering is to get government and St CREAM Sale for Cash state aid in repairing and putting In PASTEURIZED Special Only E. C. Daniels and Martin John Fox good condition the roads of this sec- ASK YOUR. GROCER If--, tV I were arrested last evening by Shief or tion of the state. The subject of the IT K Police Ben Coles on the charge of Mora river crossing will be up for SATISFIES I drunkenness and disorder. This morn- especial discussion. horC 100 . ... $1.85. ss Potatoes I pounds ing, when brought before Judge D. R. The trip to Wagon Mound win be Co-- 13 Potatoes 25 CRYSTAL CREAMERY pounds Murray, the men were assessed $10 made in autos, and it is expected tnat 100 5.65 1 pounds Sugar each, which Included the fine and the meeting will be well attended. 1.00 I7TH 18 pounds Sugar j 15TB, 16TH, costs ot the case. Jose Martinez, All those who wish to make the trip 17 pounds Cane 1.00 j who Sugar was arrested last Tuesday on sus- should see Secretary Stark at once, of being a man mur- so 7 picion wanted for that he may be able to inform the Bars White Star : is 1 der, still being held by the officers Wagon Mound how 1 Lenoz ! people just many Soap ; uniil word is received 7 ( ' p l from Raton, boosters wil'i attend from this city. Tar Soap , We will not Mar-tien- Better Milk JJ where the crime was committed. z He For a Better Town 2 boxes Toilet Sr v c thinks at least 10 machines from attempt i, Soap j ft fits the " Mb. BoxP3 Gloss Starch .A P description that was this city should make the trip. to give a list dlQJ?X sent from Raton complete : I and not until some- P.ntHfls T!lnp1ni ... . P of the bar- Oar milk will always stand the acid test for and the thing definite is done by the officers LIGGETT'S CHOCOLATES FRESH numerous drugs . 1 :Ci Babcock test K Karlr Boss Patent Flour a of that city will he be released. An and ESPECIALLY BOXED for the we have to offer for cream quality. from gains V Sack Boss Patent Flour 60 officer Raton is expected to ar- SWEET GIRL GRADUATE, at v.. rive soon to but will Snck Old Homestead Flour 1.40 here identify the man. we meet all Our dairy will always stand the expert inspection required li Sack Old Homestead Flour.. 75 by modern cities. Eelf-rlscln- prices. boxes g Buckwheat Flour 23 We have arranged to our Im- keep Judge David J Leahv this mornini. t I lb. Hack r. ported Percheron stallion Honey Argenterdl began hearing in chambers the in Ring out the old mistaken methods. 1 ". 34475 at 10c can Sliced Apricots .25 the farm of S. F. Hemlet cn junction suit of the Piacita Ranrh 1 r,aL can 45c Lnson Clim; Sliced Peaches 35 the Mora road 2 miles from Las company against Albino G. Gallegos in the new correct ones. I Lard 1.40 gjj vegas. This stallion Ring large pail Pure weighs nearly a ana a number ui others. The com-ran-y 1 Lard 75 ton when in show medium pall Pure i condition, sound recently was given an injunction D. BOUCHER p, a Our deserves 1 small pail Pure Lard 45 and high class individual. We are the defendants from usin? I dairy your patronage. restraining 20 anxious to become Standard Hams acquainted with watr from certain dams and streams. Phone Main 4 and 21 Your family deserves our milk. Standard Bacon. 22 trie horse breeders find invite them to It Is si now desired io make the in v inspect Argentenll at Mr. Hemier's Junction permanent. farm as well as our breeding farm at i ; we Onava, wher.e have several other Ten 'hospital reciAiits from Fort The Corbett Percheron N. D. Sanitary Dairy registered stallions for Logan, Colo., passed through this af- Fresh Straw- South Pacific Street THE 0S1MF & HAYVARD CO. STOHE service. Terms Las Vegas, New Mex r very reasonable ternoon en route from Fort Logan berries Or- no nonrer Land everyday Milting Time 4 A. M. P. i and Development to Fort Bayard, N. M.. where they and 2 H. Co. der will be employed. ea.rly.