Thursday A Parish Council meeting was held on Thursday 5 April 2018 in the Village Hall 5 April 2018 meeting room at 7.30 pm.

Members Present Mr Woods(Chair) Mr Brownlee Mrs Mann Mr Read Mr Hancy

Attendance Mr A Dunham Su Allport (Parish Clerk)

Apologies Mr Riches Mrs Smith

Minutes of Last Mtg 3998. The Parish Council Minutes were checked and signed.

Matters Arising 3999. (3987) Awaiting response from bus shelter manufacturers for a replacement window at Witton bus shelter.

(3996) (a) Potholes on Leeder Hill had now been repaired.

(3996) (b) Awaiting response from Mr Proctor re email sent about getting a barrier for Park and Ride.

(3996) (c) Rubbish had now been cleared from the Park and Ride path. Heaps of tree branches still need to be removed. Parish Clerk to contact County Council. SMA

(3996) (e) Parish Clerk has contacted the landowner asking for removal of rubbish left from the travellers on the previous land which was used as Postwick Hub construction site.

Report by Police 4000. Police report from 1 March to 31 March 2018 had been received from Community Officer Police. There had been one logged crime in the parish for intentional harassment of a ‘road-rage’ type incident. There had been 27 calls taken. One was an abandoned call, two concerns for safety, one fire, 13 Highways obstruction/disruption, one nuisance/ASB, three RTC - damage only, one RTC – personal injury and 5 suspicious circumstances/insecure premise or vehicle.

Report on Postwick 4001. The Social Club reported that the Plymouth Brethren have offered to Social Club resurface the village hall car park on the 5 May 2018. Up and coming events include Rumble in the Jumble which had been rearranged to the 7 April (10am to 12.30 pm) due to the snow and a Bingo Night organised for 20 April 2018.

Planning Applications 4002. No application had been received. Proposals and Appeals Mr Dunham reported that the design of the roof had been changed on the proposed Plymouth Brethren church hall. Planning application to be discussed at May meeting. AGENDA Page 503.

Planning Applications 4003. Mr Woods said that there had been concern about a proposed footpath Proposals and Appeals under Oaks Lane railway bridge which was part of the planning application for the 12 houses. An alternative idea would be give way markings on the road similar to the ones on Church Road. The Parish Council discussed the options. Mr Woods to contact Mr Proctor. AW

A temporary road closure was planned for work on the Oaks Lane railway bridge between 23 April and 4 May.

New Data Protection 4004. Parish Clerk had put a notice in the newsletter asking for parishioners to Act opt-in to the new Parish Council email address [email protected] to receive Parish Minutes and any other relevant emails concerning Postwick with Witton Parish Council from end of May 2018.

Greater Local 4005. No more comments. Plan Consultation

Authorisation of 4006. Outgoing Cheques/Finance Norfolk Association of Local Councils Subscription £113.02 Su Allport – Parish Clerk salary and expenses £283.00 Proposed: Mr Woods Seconded: Mr Brownlee

Other Local Matters 4007. (a) Postwick with Witton Parish Council would be hosting the next Parish (By permission by Cluster meeting on the 17 April 2018. Chair) (b) Parish Clerk to enquire whether the number 15A bus runs near to Postwick. SMA

(c) Parish Clerk to contact Highways re ongoing problems with blocked drains on Oaks Lane, Cullings Hill and corner of Hall Lane and Oaks Lane. SMA

(d) Parish Council have been invited to join a tour of the completion of the A1270 Northern Distributor Road.

(e) Parish Clerk to report fallen post on corner of Low Road and Church Road. Parish Clerk also to report fallen road signs on Cullings Hill and Mill Lane. SMA

(f) Annual Parish Meeting for parishioners to be held 4 May 2018 at 7.30 pm.

Date of Next Meeting 4008. Date of the next Parish Meeting Thursday 3 May 2018 at 7.30 pm.