PORT ORDINANCE NO. 175 Introduced by Seconded by

_ ,, AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE COMPLETION OF PRO-I Mils Board aiter studital— and' •maintaining and-using oil Pipe lines,; CEEDING FOR RETAKING OF iveys having been made, and upon; over the areas to be retaken by the' PORTION OF PREMISES CINDER the recommendation of its counsel city to vessels berthed along- the" BY THE CITY OE' OAK- and the Pori Manager and Chief waterfront for the transportation LANDLEASE TO PARR TERMINAL COM- Engineer, and being fully advised :of oil and petroleum products, which PANY, A CORPORATION, ON ITS the premises, finds and de- said sub-leases are expressly made WESTERNERN WATERFRONT AREA, termines that all the rights, titles' i stib ieet to all the tern, end condi- THEW COMPROMISE AND ADJUST .- land interests of said lessee in and' } Hone of said Parr !ea se, a m ling MENU OF CERTAIN RELATIONS: ito said area of the said Parr lease (which condltiOns is the city's right WITHW SAID COMPANY IN RES- 'described in sold Port Ordinance f recapture as aforesaid, and the PECT THERETO. DISMISSAL OF , 'No. 92, should be completely and CityO of Oakland, in the exercise of. ';PENDING LITIGATION,THE RE, recquir,da, at this time, and its powers and functions in provide! VISION OF THE LEASE OF SAID (d) WHEREAS, the recapture Ina- facilities for the accommodation CORPORATION, THE ENTERING , from the said Parr Terminal COM- !of commerce and navigation, desires, INTO OF CERTAIN AGREEMENTS pang of al/ the said portions of the Ito effect arrangements as herein-1 WITHW CERTAIN OIL CORPORA-, waterfront area possessed by the after set forth whereby maid oil' TIONS, THE COMPROMISE OFD said lessee and described in said., co n shall he enabled to, OTHER MATTERS AND PROVID- ,Port Ordinance No. 92, together transport such oil and petrolemn ING FOR THE PAYMENT OF COM -- ; With the wharve*, transit sheds,. !products over the areas to be re-: PENSATION THEREFOR. !railroad tracks and other port: ;captured, and use the present oil; facilities and improvements located pier for- the docking and loading of, BEIT ORDAINED by the Board thereon, will render it impossible 'ships, or such pier as may be sue-, of Port Commissioners of the City for the said lessee to perform •stituteci therefore and the city shall 'of Oakland, as follows : various obligations provided for in' be entitled to.',-receive each year the (a) WFIEREAS,pursuant to the, the said Parr lease, and it is neees- revenues to- be derived therefrom,, provisijs of that certain leasia nary that the said lease be herewith and on by the City of Oakland, a revised accordingly, and that the (h ) WHEREAS, in recapturing' ;grantedmunicipal corporation, to the Parr, rent to be paid by , said lessee be the said premises described in McCormick Steamship Line, a cor- reduced in the proportion which Port Ordinance No. 92, the said raid poration, under date of June 15th,: the acreage of the land east of the will become entitled to all the , herein tertermedm the "Parr ' bulkhead as to which this lease terests of, in, and to that certain: 1918lease," (which lease was assigned shall thus be terminated (being sub-lease to a portion of the said to Parr TerminalTerm Company, a cor- 30.0.78 acres) shall bear to the total }premises, which sub-lease was en-, poration, and revised as of the date acreage of the bindeast• of said }tered Into by the Parr Terminal; of March 11, 1919, and thereafter bulkhead covered by the lease (be- :Company with the Western Sulphur confirmed by the action of the- ling- 64.54 acres) and to provide that 'Industries, Inc. Ltd. and their ewe Superior Court of Alameda County, the said lessee shall thenceforth Idecessors in interest, and therea.ftei, State of , by a judgment pay Or be bound thereunder to pay 'receive the en tire rental: Income' rendered on December 6, 1921), the, for the leased premises to be re- therefrom (which income", e`now Board of Port Commissioners, act-'` gained by it (being 84.512 acres) said 'amounts to Three Thousaride(t9lieele: ing for and on behalf of the said; reduced rent In the annual amount, 09) Dollars per annum), .ande • the City of Oakland, on June 30, 1930,i of $8,021.07, and said city will become entitled'. to" all, duly and regularly adopted its Port; (e) WHEREAS, in the composi- tile interests of, in, and to- that e'er- Ordinance No. 92 providing for the- ,tion of said matters, the said Parr, taih• sub-lease to a pbe•tiOn of :he giving. of notice to the said lessee 'Terminal Company shall sum ender said premises, which "itiblease was of the. intention of the said city to ,all rights and interests in and to the: 'entered into by the Parr Terrill-nal ,partially terminate the said lease- moneys which the said Parr lease! 'Cornpally with "fife Bridge Builders, }hold and to retake for public use provides shall be set aside and! Inc., a Nevada corporation, on the ;all the water channel and basin which is actually set aside In that I30th day of June,'..-1933, at the an- said Parr lease together, certain fund held by the City i nual rental of PiveeThousand _Pour :with'described a portion. in of the filled land in ,Treasurer of the City of Oakland :Hundred (85400.00) Dollars, and, 'the rear and east of the bulkhead,, and known as the Parr Terminal }thereafter receive the' entire incomei ,the entire portion to be thus retaken, Company Improvement Fund No. [therefrom, and covering 60.97 acres, and the im- 485, or the "lessee's improvement (i) WHEREAS, tin understa.nd- provements located thereon (con- account," and which is also re- ling has been reached with the said sisting of wharves, transit sheds, oil ferred to as the Parr Terminal Corn-' ;Parr Terminal Company for the pur- pier, trackage, roads, scales and pany Improvement Approp riallon }pose of recapturing such portionsi other structures, facilities and im- No. 223, and which moneys were pf said waterfront together with all! provements) together with the dock- and are available for reimh r. fug rights connected therewith and the, age and tolls, rents, oil toll and the said lessee for certain imprevee to be derived therefrom! other revenues derived therefrom,,: merits which it might niche', et/ land adjusting all the difference:, 1-111 area of whichwh i portion to be l said lessee shall agree that the said ithatters in controversy between the! retakenthe ar is particularly described in' fund and account may be, abolished' Isaid lessee and the City of Oakland,: the .said ordinance, and did there-, and• said moneys be made imme-: 'including the asserted right of said; after duly and e egularly give to the, idiately available for the use, of the, ;company for damages from the city} said lessee one year's written ad-, City of Oakland, freed from all: for- Pon-dredging, and providing foie Vance notice thereof, and after nego-, righ t and interes t of ththe lessee;le the payment by the City of Oakland! tiations had with the said lessee to; , therein, or of any one claiming' to the said Parr Terminal Company, :determine throughthe fair and thereasonablereasonabl lessee, or on its behalf, of the One Hundred Thirty-, valuation of the improvements and that the said city shall no; eight Thousand Seven Hundred Fifty' placed upon the leasehold premise* ;longer be required to maintain the (1138,750.00) Dollars, as hereinafter,' by the lessee, in order to fix the said fund or account for the ex - 'provided, in fun compensation amount of., the compensation to be [elusive benefit of the said lesseel therefor, said sum to he pa id by paid to the' lessee as is required by 'until June1st,1 1943, or otherwise, or' warrant drawn by the City Auditor the provisions of said lease, it is, tat all, as now required by the terms of the City of Oakland from a pore; desired to complete the said pro-' [of said ].ease, and tion of the moneys now credited to' ceedings in order that the said city;y (f) WHEREAS, the abolishmen t }the aforesaid lessee's improvement might retake possession of and have Of said lessee's improvement account }account, in settlement and corn-; the said portions qf said leaseltold,• will forever bar the lessee from re- promise of the matters herein men-1 land to cause such, modifications Lo 'covering from the City of Oakland Honed, and it is reasonable and, lease as may be reimbursement from said fund in !proper that the procedure for recap-, •berequired made therefor in said' and thereby, and the amount of $630,477.24, or in any tore• of said portion of said lease-'I (b)(b WWHEREAS,, following the ta.mount, tor the alleged construction hold be completed, said agreements'; initiation of said procedure for the ! of vegetable oil storage or other land arrangemen is of comprornise,, recapture or retaking of said por- facilities; tor which alleged rights ,adjustments and settlements lie per- retions of the leasehold premises and of re-imbursement the said 'essee formed, and said payment be made. the improvements placed thereon has brought two actions against the NOW; THEREFORE, ,by the said Parr Terminal Corn- city, one of- which actions is now consideration of the law and !.pang, the said lessee made claim pending before the Superior Court !the premises herein, and all things' the saisaid c i ty 'had no right of Santa }Clara County, California, !considered, laid IT FURTHER OR-} 'undertha t the law to retake all or any and the ;Clara upon appeal before DAINED: 'part of ththe saidsa p remises, par •Lhe Supreme Court of California, el SECTION 1. The Board of Port, Iticularly those portions being a part - land •ae a consequence of which said 'Commis sioners, acting for and on: of Parcel NU. L as described in said action, must bi- dismissed, and 'behalf of the City of Oakland, a is necessary to adjust •(g)(g) wiiEl-lEAS the General Pe- }municipal corporation, thereunto, 'lease, ,troleum Corporation of California. "duly authorized, hereby finds and, 'and determine said controversy) la corporation, the Richfield Oil "duly that all the matters and and ;Company, a corporation, and The, 'things set forth in the foregoing • (e) WHEILEAS, it is necessary' Texas Company, a corporation. hold ;recitals are true and correct as; and convenient for the further im-I (certain sub-leases from the said therein stated, and that require-: .pioereanent of the facilities of the -Parr Terminal-Company Company for the Per- :Merits of law precedent to the adop-; elPort of Oakland in order to provide... ;}poses of constructing and maintain- tion of this ordinance and the tie- 'indditional wharves, transit sheds,' iing on the premises covered by such icomplishments of :the matters here-! 'Warehouses, facilities and ap- grub-leases, (and which premises are ,in provided for littve-been duly corn-i ;preaches for the accommodation and: Mot to be re-taken by . the city) !plied with. lin:promotion the Port ofof Oaklandcommerce and and to shippingthe ;storage facilitiesproduct. fors, petroleum oil ' SECTION 2. The City of Oakland ;public's interest that the said areas :and its • office buildings; .csh.anLeenteriliy-itsw4}i} 1 i :to written agree-, of tide and submerged land Lstoreliounes acid other. structures,' .enerrti, with the said Parr Terminal: ;described in said Port Ordinance No_, :and have the, right to use the pros, la, after reciting that be, in fact, recaptured at this ent oil pier'lqthei docking and load; (foregoing pato graphselettegedjy from iing of shillV,eor such pier as may be, 1 ••43. •. to . shall subatan-i .time, and he made available for use !substituted• therefor, together with consideration': "by the I.:41+9111; "4 :the- right tinder -such sub-leases of );tia/lY L•o •idb that in -the aisaid stin of OneOf the Hundred pa:yinent Thirty-eight Thousand corporation Of the State of Cali- Imaintainm the sal d improve Men ts Seven Hundred Fifty 2131,750.00) fornia, the Party of the first part, r good and sufficient Dollars to be paid by the City of hereinafter called the lessor, and irepair and condition at the lessee's Oakland to the Parr Terminal Com- PARR . Tut-MINA", COMPANY, a :sole cost, charge and expense, and pany, and for other valuable cone corporation organized and existing iso deliver the same to the lessor at sideration, it shall be agreed sub, under the laws of the State. of Cali- Ithe expiration or sooner termina- ;stantially as follows, to-wit: fornia the party of the second part, tion of this lease, and in rinse the (1) That all of the provisions of hereinafter called the lessee, (which lessee shall make default herein, that certain lease by and between lease was originally entered into on and shall neglect or refuse to make the parties hereto, dated June 15, the 15th day of June, 1918 between repairs as Tx ereinab o y e stipulated' '1918, made and entered into be- said City and the Parr-McCormick 'for the space of ten (7.0) days after' ween the said City of Oakland and Steamship Line, a corporation, and 'notice so to do shall have been given: . he Parr McCormick Steamship; hwhich lease was thereafter assigned' by the lessor, then this lease and: a corporation, under date of Ito the Parr Terminal Company, the, !everything herein contained shall be, 'June 15, 1918, which lease was as- lessee herein and which lea.ze17; ,null and void, and the lessee shall signed to the Parr Terminal Com- ow amended as of the :and will pay to the lessor such pany, revised as of the date of d ay 'of 193—, pursuant 'damages as it may have sustained:: March 11, 1919, and thereafter con 4to Port Ordinance No...... , of or. at its option, the lessor may: firmed by the action of the Superior :the Board of Port Commissioners of make such repairs and the full cost Court of the State of California, in the City of Oakland), and expense thereof shalt be paid 'and for the County of Alameda on WITNESghltrii: by the lessee to the lessor on de- December 6, 1921, as particularly set That the said lesser has let and mand, and no 'claim for damages or forth in paragraph 28 and 28a denlIeed, and be these presents does for reduction from rent shall be thereof relative to the retaking by let and demise -unto the said lessee •made by the lessee by reason there- the City of Oakland of a portion of all those certein filled tide lands of. If said improvements en pro- the premises demised by said lease. situated on and in the Key Route vided by the lessee shall' be required! havebeen duly compiled with by the Basin, so-called, in the City of Oak- to he rebuilt by reason of total or: city; that Port Ordinance No. 92, as land, County of Alameda, State of partial destruction through or from! {{city; by the Board of Port Corn-: California, particularly described as any cause against which insurance. lnlissioners of said. city on June 30,' follows, to-wit: can he obtained a.nd carried ed by the' 1930, for the purposes of authorizing BEGINNING at a point at the in- lessee at standard rates, the same.. the said city to re-ace-etre from the: tersection of a line drawn parallel shall, unless otherwise agreed to, lessee and retake, portions of the' to and distant 1135 feet northwest- :be so rebuilt, under the direc-, leasehold premises as described in erly from : the agreed low tide line Hon of the lessor, in like manner. said ordinance, and the written: of 1852 and the southwesterly pro- and similar to the premises de- notice given to the said lessee pur-. duction of same as said low tide stroyed, by and, at the expense of; suant to said ordinance were proper line was established by and in pur- the lessee, and in`- accordance with: and valid for the :-purposes specified suance of Ordinance 3099 of the City plans and specifications submitted: ,in said ordinance and notice; and of Oakland, and a line drawn par- Ito and approved by the lessor. that said CitY of Oakland is the allel to and distant 320 feet north- It is agreed that.the'buildings and owner of and entitled to hold and erly front the northern line of 7th improvements furnished' by the les-; possess all of the said portions of! Street as said 7th Street is located ,see and now on said leased premises: the leasehold premises described in and described in Ordinance 481 N. S. and which are to revert to lessor: said ordinance, together with all the of Said City and running thence' :upon the expiration or, termination: wharves, transit sheds, oil pier,t nartheastwardly along the said line 'of this lease are the original main: trackage. roads, scales, and other, that is parallel to the said building used by -Pacific Freight,: structures, -'facilities and improve- low tide line of 1852 and distantagreed, Lines Company and the spur tracks ments therein, and also that certain: /135 feet northwesterly therefrom to Serving the same, but .not : railroad track (including trestle), its- intersection with a line drawn any a.dditions to said building, lead-:: described as Track No. 4 in Resolu-: :parallel to and distant 1255 feet ing platforms or other improve-e Oen NO. 17597 N. S. of the Council of northerly from the said northern Inents, fixtures or equipment con-e the City of Oakland passed Decem- line of 7th Street; thence west- `structed, by said Pacific Freight ber 18. 1918, granting Parr 1V1cCor- , ware l y along the last described Lines Company- any other Sub- mie Steamship Line, a corporation, parallel line to Its Intersection with. tenant using said p remises; provid- .permission to construct and main-. a line drawn parallel to and distant led further, that lessee's covenants thin spur tracks at the outer end of 1615 feet northwesterly from the 'under this lease to keep in repair Seventh Street and the waterfront said agreed low tide line; thence and rebuild and insure such im- property adjacent thereto, (exch.).- northeastwardly along the last de,' provements shall not lie deemed to 'sive, however, of office, furniture, scribed parallel line to its inter ;apply_ to Said main building of tractors, gears and personal Prop:- section with a line drawn parallel Pacifica FreightLines Company or. erty of the lessee, and all railroad 'to and distant 2005 feet northerly the spur tracks serving the same. :tracks and equipment owned by:: from the said • northern line of 7th All other improvements hereafter the Southern Pacific Company, EC Street; thence eastwardly furnished' by the lessee on said corporation) for public use and 'Lei, along the leased premises shall also revert to 'have and to enjoy the revenues and last described parallel line to its the lessor upon the termination of 'Profits therefrom forever. ..• intersection with a line drawn this lease. (2) That all the moneys now 'Parallel to and distant 600 feet 4. The said lessee shall and will credited by the City Auditor and northwesterly from the said agreed not: at g,I1Y time, in. any manner, City Treasurer of the City of Cialc-: low tide line; thence southwest- directly or indirectly, assign this la.nsbito' that certain fund known as wardly along the last,-described lease or any interest therein or thes,i .7Barr Terminal Compan y 1m- parallel line to its intersection with rentals derived therefrom, or sub-let prevement Fund No. 485" being the the said line that la parallel to and the premises'hereby demised, or any !"lessee's improvement account" pro- distant 320 feet northerly from the Part or portion thereof, or In any vided for by that certain Parr Lease =said northern line of 7th Street; way charge • or encumber the same, between the parties hereto, and in- thence westwardly along the last. without the, consent in writing !eluding all moimys not 71071/ in said described parallel line to . the point evidenced by resolution of the Board • tfund, if any, which should have; of beginning, and containing 34.512 of Port Commissioners of the City' '71441,0 rredil ed thereto Pursuant tot Acres, more or less. of Oakland. . ,the provisions of said lease, are, This lease is made by the lessor 5. Subject to the conditions of hereby assigned to the City of Oak= and accepted by the lessee upon the the preceding paragraph, the lessee hand es its property and the same •following terms and conditions, and shall have the right to permit !shall hereafter wholly belong to it the parties hereto mutually promise, plants, works. buildings and struc- .and lie under tile control and Juris- Agree and covenant to and with tures to be constructed, occupied diction of the Board of Port Com- each other as follows, to-wit: and maintained upon the land here- missioners free and clear from any, .r. Improvement of the land here- by leased for manufacturing and and all claims and demands of the: by leased for the purposes of this :industrial purposes .. by persons, said lessee under or on account of lease shall be at the lessee's own ,firms or corporations' desiring to said lease, or at all, and said fund cost and expense, and without any establish and conduct .thereon man- and appropriation shall be abolished• cost, charge, ex pense ex- other lia- At:tett:ring -Or industrial establish- and terminated; that hereafter all bility whatsoever on account or by meats and to: charge and collect rentals and all dockage and tollit reason thereof to the City of Oak rental therefor; provided'-that the and other terminal charges earned and. lessor shall not be required to re- by or accruing from the use and 2. All drawings, plans and specs-. •imburse or otherwise compensate occupation of that portion of the fications of, plant, struc- : the lessee, or any such person, firm leased premises hereby taken oven tures, erections,. or improvements :_or corporation, for. any such plant, by the city and all rentals paid by placed on the leased premises must works. building or structure, and the lessee for the portion of the be submitted to and approved by :That the same or, the improvements leased premises retained by it shall 'the lessor before the commence- :placed cif said 'land in ,conneetion be paid to and received by the Board inent of the work of construction :therewith may, excelit, : as may -be of Port Commissioners and held and thereof; and 710 change, modifica- :otherwise in writing agreed to. and used by it for port purposes. All tion or alteration therein or there- at. the request of the lessor, shall municipal taxes and license fees: of that shall change the material !removed from said premises:by thebe hereafter paid by the said lessee or of which the same is to be con- :lessee or owner or owners.. thereof any of its sub-tenants shall be paid structed, or that shall substantially at the expiration or sooner terming-: directly to the City of Oakland for alter the character thereof, shall tion of this lease and within not/ its general use. thereafter be made without the con- exceeding ninety (90) days there (3) That any and all agreements, sent of the lessor evidenced by after, and the lessee or such owner? rights, titles and interests the said resolution of its Board of Port COM- or owners shall pay to the lessor: lessee has or possesses with the missioners. 'compensation for the use and occu- Southern Pacific Company in or to • The drawing's, plans and specifi- pation of the, land so occupied dur-; Any tracks or trackage, including cations submitted by the lessee pur- lag any such .overtinte period, based! :railroad scales, now located upon suant to and In accordance with the ;upon the rate of the rental provided: :the portion of the leased premises provisions of this lease to the said 'for in this lease. No perinissiorfs hereby re-taken by the said city, or: Board for its approval, shall be aforesaid. shall be granted by the relative to the operation or use of . approved, changed, modified, altered lessee except in,i-such wise that the: such tracks, are hereby set over and! Dr- rejected and approved as so person, firm or corporation receiv- assigned to the said city. changed, modified, altered or re- ing the same shall -have no right, (4) • That that certain lease be-; jected by said Board. as aforesaid, thereby, or no rights other than by tvveen the parties hereto, after the; within thirty (30) days from 'the and under the lessee• completion of the aforesaid day of such submission. all the terms and conditions and subject of this to' ture proceedings and the elimination: 3. All improvements provided by lease. or modifieatIon of all' of the terms, the lessee under and in accordance, --6. Notwithstanding anything in provisionat7and conditions of said with the provisions and terms of this lease to the contrary provided, lease whit,th: are affected by the re- this tease (not including improve- it is expressly agreed by the lessee,; ta.kieg of the entire waterfront por- ments of other persons, firms or howevei , that . no improvement' tions of sold leasehold aforesaid corporations permitted by Para- Placed on said leased premises duie,.. and the -making of, the adjustments graph 5 hereinafter) shall revert to ing the term of this 'lease by herein -provided .Aie:..substantially and become the property of the City by any of the following•oil corpora+,it or: :sails and is as fell:ewe, to-wit: of Oakland at the expiration o Lions, sub-lessees ',EASE soon er termination of. this lease, wit: the General Petroleumof the lessee; Core to- "THIS INDENTURE made and without any cost or expense what- poratlon of California. a. Delaware entered into bY awl between, the sever to the lessor. The lessee shall. corporation, and the Richfield '711`17 -OF OAKLAND; a .municipal and will at all -times . during the Company, a California corporation,Oil term of: this lease_pat,.'keea and their successors and assigns, shall be —2—

leased hereunder on the, same ternis, 30. This lease ("as herein modi- and conditions as shall he afforded fied) shall continue for the re- by the lessor or under its authority 25. The lessee shall at its ow mainder of the term et' twenty-five :to any other. industries located upon, ,sole cost, charge and expense, 're- (25) years commencing on the first, 'the area of the, so-called Key Route -Pair and keep in repair and main- day of June, 1918, and ending Basin (now 'known . as the. (uter. tain, or cause to be repaired and 'on the thirty-first (31st) day of Harbor).the lessor; however,reserv- maintained, in safe condition for nr May, 1943, at the annual ing. the tight to re-locate or cause 'during the term of this lease any' hereinafter stated. The lessee rentalshall' to be re-located such tracks as may and all improvements which Ube and will pay to the lessor now be located or re-located on such lessee .may place or permit to be, rents/ in the sum or amount871 annual of adjacent lands, and the 'lessee shall, placed on the leased premises- 'Eight Thousand Twenty-one and at its own cost, make such changes 28. The lessee, for and on behalf 7/100 Dollars ($8,021.07) for each' in its tracks as it may desire to of itself, and its successors and as- make to connect with such re-locat- `signs, covenants and agrees, with ed tracks. The construction end 'the lessor,' and its successors and as year of the term of thin) lease com- maintenance of any such connecting .signs, that if at any time during mencing with the date hereof. Said tracks by the lessee on the premises "the term'ef- this lease any accident. annual rental shall be paid in equal of the lessor shall be under the to any,. person or property shall monthly installments, each payable supervision of the lessor. occur -.on or in proximity to the in advance on the first day of each 18. If at any time the lessor or leased 'premises, or elsewhere, by and every month during the term of its successors in interest desires to reason of the negligence of the this lease make connections with and use any lessee, its agents or employees, or 31. Time shall be of the essence railroad tracks constructed on the otherwise or under any such cir- of this lease. The lessor shall have premises leased herein/der, for the cumstances as to devolve or impose. the right to grant reasonable ex- purpose of extending the tracks a, liability on the part of the lessor tensions of the time or times fixed constructed by the lessee through by reason or on account of this by this lease for any purpose, when the adjacent property of the lessor, lease, 'under the Workmen's Com- thereunto first authorized by reso- the lessee will permit such connec- pensation, Insurance and Safety Act, lution of the Board- of Port Core-, tion, use and extension to be made or any other statute or the general; missioners and for such lengths of and -ripen the same terms and condi- 'law of the State of California, or, ;time as may be stated- In such tions that the lessee or its sub-ten- 'any other statute or law, now or- resolutions, but no extension of ants may use the tracks of the hereafter in force, and a judgment: time shall be granted foriany pur lessor as last hereina.bove previded, 'or order shall be recovered for o pose after the expiration of the time •but- in no event upon any terms •or ;on account thereof against the les-. fixed for such Purpose in and by conditions which . shall enreasonably sor, then andin any such event,. this lease. All extensions shall be' interfere with the proper and' ade- upon written e m and being made in writing and made a matter of quate operation .of the property ,upon it, the I essee, its successors record of said municipality. hereby leased and the purpose for And assigns, shall and- -will pay to 32. If the rent or any other Pays which the same is hereby leased. the lessor, its successors and assigns, ment of money required to be Paid; the amount of any and every such by the lessee to the lessor shall at 19. This lease is granted subject judgment or order that may have any time be due and unpaid for the' to, and the lessee and its sub- !been so obtained against the lessor, space of ten (10) days after the tenants shall at all times comply together with all reasonable and same shall have become due and- with, all requirements, rules and proper costs, expenses and at- payable according to the terms here- regulations of the and' terney's fees to which the /essor. of, or if the lessee shall fail to the harbor rules and regulations. may or shall be subjected in-defend-, keep, fulfill, perform- or coinPlY and the building laws-and fire. and ing against-Such a claim, demand or' with any or either- of the provisions, :other reg-ulations'now or from time liability: Provided, hotvever, that ',agreements, terms; covenants or to time in force in the City of Oak- the lessor shall have given notice conditions of this' lease, after ten land. in writing . to. the lessee of the -pen- (10) days' notice• and demand in 20. This lease and all the• dency of the.action or proceeding in writing, to keep, fulfill, perform or premises hereby demised shall at- which said Judgment or . order is 'comply with any such provisions, 'all times during the term of this, sought to be t recovered, and the agreements, terms, • covenants, or lease be subject to the limitations, tlessee may;,. receiving such conditions, then and in such ease, conditions, restrictions and reserva- notice, join {With the lessor in de- And every such . case, it shall and tions contained in, and as prescribed. fending any. sock action or proceed- Inlay be lawful •for the lessor, by by, that certain act of the- Legisla- ing, provided-the lessee shall first ,(resolution or ordinance of the Board ture of the State of California en- give the lessor- tt.gooda and sufficient. of Port CommIsistiners 'of the City titled: "An Act Granting Certain Mond approved by the lessor in- of Oakland, at its discretion, to de- Tide Lands and Submerged Lends of demeifying it. in the full amount of clare this lease. forfeited, and to the State Of. California to the City .the demand and hosts. exclude the lessee, and sub-lessees of Oae.1,,ed, and Regulating the 27 All notices. or 'written 'de- from further use' of said premises, !Manag..,,,ent, Use and Contral There- mands herein -provided to be. given and all improvements thereon, pro- eae e,,,, eyed May 1, 1911, (Slats. or made, and all orders that may be vided upon such termination of the 1911, page 1258) by the eke r-ter of : given hereunder, by the lessor to lease, each sub-lessee may remove. Said City and otherwise by law. The .the lessee, shall be served either by his structures and'improvements as City. of Oehler] reserves and at persona] service on the lessee or by provided in Paragraph 5. hereof. A all times shall have the right of .posting the same' in a conspicuous copy of the resolution declaring supervision over the uses by the place upon the leased premises and such forfeiture shall; be served on lessee of the leased promises under, mailing a copy, on the same day as the lessee, its successors or assigns, this lease, and the right to regulate said posting, addressed to the lessee either personally, or by posting the :the lessee's said uses according to at its last known address. Ala same in a on said the true spirit and intent and for -notices or written demands herein -premises and m:t iling another copy. the purposes of this lease and con- provided to he given or made by the 'thereof addressed to the lessee at its sistently with its provisions, agree- lessee to the lessor shall be served' last known address; and thee and ments, terms, covenants and con- by delivering to and leaving with ,from theueeforth this lease, and the ditions. the Secretary of the Board of Port !demise herein contained, shall cease, 21. This lease is granted subject 'Commissioners,: p ersonally, dup11-. !terminate and be at an end; and the ;to the ordinance and tariffs of the cater thereof. lessor shall again repossess and City of Oakland now and from time 28. The lessor and the lessee enjoy the leased premises. and the tto time in force relating to the Pa y .Shall be excused for any and all lessee shall and will- peaceably -ment of dockage, tolls and other delay in the performance of any act and quietly surrender and yield up port charges as prescribed thereby. .or -agreement on its part to be kept' unto the lessor the possession there- 22. All buildings, structures and and performed, which ,may be of, and all rights in -And to this other improvements placed on any caused by or result from war,.in-, ,lease. It is diStinctlY.'Understood 'of the leased premises by the lessee, :erasion. Insurrection, suspensions of 'and provided that no waterer of de- or permitted by the lessee to be Icivil authority, acts of the elements, fault by the lessor of any of the placed thereon, are : intended to be 1strikes and any other causes with provisions. agreements, terms, :and shall be deemed for the purposes =out: its control. The lessor and the covenants or conditions hereof, to be of taxation to be the taxable pro- -lessee shall also be excused for any. fulfilled, kept., done or. observed by perty of the lessee or other persons and all damages or obligations to the lessee, shall be construed to he' maintaining the same and shall be repair damage caused. by or result- or shall act as a waiver of any :assessed to the lessee or such other' ing from the arts of -the elements,- subsequent default of "any of said persons arid be- subject to taxation except as herein expressly other- provisions, agreements, terms, for municipal purposes, and, as far wise provided, or war, invasion, in- covenants or conditions during the -S1.1 1,171s, riots, or %suspension of term of this lease. Upon any such as lies within the power of the les- civil authority. forfeiture, any and all buildings, sor to so provide, also for state and • 29. Ant, arid all improvements in structures and improvements of county Purposes. this lease- provided to .revert to and whatsoever character, erected, in-' 28. • The lessor hereby reserves become the property of the lessor stalled or made under, through or any, and all rights of way ,or other shall be insured and kept Insured. because of, or pursuant to the terms; !rights necessary for sewer outlets, during the term o•this lease by the of this lease (but not including tire for- gas, oil and water mains and lessee at its • cost and expense structures and improvements of the pipe Hubs, for hydrants, for electric- against damage-Arid loss by fire in sub-lessees mentioned in Paragraph cables and wires, and for such other an amount equal to at least fifty 5) shall immediately.' and Ipso facto conduits for municipal purpOses, per cent 110%). of the cost of the become the property of the lessor and for such public and municipal same_ The Insurance 'shall he made. wit bout any cost, charge, expense purposes, and uses,. as may de deemed payable to the account-:of the lessor or other liability whatsoever on the -necessary by the lessor, including in case of damage or hiss occurring, part of the lessor to make com- the right to open and maintain, to but the insurance? money shall be pensation therefor, or on account the full width thereof, streets along received and held -in trust •by the thereof. any or all of the areas designated' lessor for the purpose' of repair or 33 Each and every of the pro- by the lessee for street purposes on reconstruction of --the damaged or vieions, agreements, terms, covenants the map submitted to the lessor by lost property. If the. parties shall and conditions herein contained on; the lessee on- February 2-1, 1126, and agree, the money may be used to the part of the lessor to be per- designated as • "A" Street, running build some other suitable structure formed, fulfilled, observed and kept generally from Southwest to North- on said Parr leasehold. If the par- shall be binding upon it and Its east, and Shorey Street, Chase Street ties hereto shall deem it unneces-• successors and assigns, and the and Ninth Street, running generally sary or Impractical to rebuild or rights thereunder in favor of the from West t 6 Peet across said leased repair said lost or damaged struc- lessee shall be available in favor of. premises ture or if the lease shall terminate the lessee and Its successors and 21. The also agrees to prior to the use of said money, the assigns, but. subject to the covenants maintain and keep in repair the type structures need not be rebuilt or or conditions hereimcontained relat- and kind !of road construction now. repaired and said insurance money ing to assignments. Each and every existing Mast and to keep open for thereupon shall belong absolutely of the provisions, agreements, the purposes for which it is now to the City. Said repair or recon- terms, covenants and conditions used, that 'portion of the ;roadway struction or other construction, if herein contained onothe part of the designated' as "13" Street 'on said Made, shall he. by the lessee to be performed, fulfilled, Mapa.nd located on said leased lessee in good faith within three observed and kept shall be binding premises, end the lessor agrees to months after sueli-da.mage or loss upon it and its successors and as- maintain and keep open for like occurs and shall thereafter be pro- signs, and the rights thereunder. purposes the extensions of such secuted to completion with dili- , and all rights, privileges and bene- roadway, designated as "B" Street, gence. The City shall not be liable: fits arising under this lease and in to the connections thereof with 14th for the cost of said work other; favor of the-lessor, shall be avail- Street, a public street, to the' north than to amity said Insurance money' able In favor of the lessor, and its and with 7th Street, a public street,. thereto. . successors and assigns. to the south. —4—

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III. . _ TIOXAs PROMISES (9) The Parr Terminal Company. Item Facility Approximate size Approximate description shall pay all taxes required by it to 1 Fire wall 15' high Concrete be paid in accordance' with the terms 2 25,000 bbl. tank 70' diameter x 37' Steel tank of said original lease, including the high taxes for the fiscal' year 1933-34, 3 25,000 bbl, tank 70' diameter x 37' Steel tank ' and shall pay all rent accrued to the high date of this agreement pursuant to 4 25,000 bbl. tank 70' diameter x 37' Steel tank the terms of said original Parr lease high at the' original rate therein pro-• 5 25,000 bbl. tank 70' diameter x 37' Steel tank vided, before the payment to it by high the City of Oakland of the One Hun-, 6 13,100 bbl. tank 52' 6" diameter x 35' Steel tank dred Thirtyieight 'Thousand Seven, high Hundred Fifty ($138,750.00) Dollars- 7 13,500 bbl. tank 52' 6" diameter x 35' Steel tank herein provided to be paid. Said high sums when so' paid by :said Parr 8 5,500 bbl. tank 34' diameter x 35' Steel tank Terminal Company shall be credited' high to said Parr Terminal •Company, 5,500 bbl. tank 34' diameter x 35' Steel tank ,Improvement Fund No. 485. The. high City of Oakland shall refund to 5,500 bbl. tank 34' diameter Steel tank the Parr Terminal Company on ac- high count of the taxes for the fiscal 9 1-20,000 gal. tank 10' 9" x 29' 4" high Steel tank year 1933-34 so paid by 1 20,000 gal, tank 10' 9" a 29' 4" high Steel tank of Seven Hundred Eighty-sevenit the sum 2-20,000 gal. tanks 10' 9" a 29' 4" high Steel tank Dollars and Fifty Cents. (3787.50).' 10 1-20,000 gal, tank 10' 9" a 29' 4" high Steel tank Said. moneys so refunded shall be, 11 Boiler house 30' a 36' Steel and corrugated iron, paid •by the City out of. said Parr concrete floor, housing -Terminal Company Improvement 2-80 H. P. horizontal Fund No, 489 by demand drawn return tubular boilers on the Parr Terminal Cqrnpany 'Im- 12 Garage 40' x 70' Steel and corrugated iron, provement Appropriation No. 223. concrete floor All rents accruing under the sub, 13 Pump house 15' 6" a 42' Steel and corrugated iron, leases held by the sab-tenants •olla concrete floor, housing the portion of said Parr 6 electric pumps recaptured, all earnings fromleasehold the oili Manifold pit .14' x 38' Concrete pier and other terminal facilities re-: 15 Loading platform 18'-x 20' a 1' 6" high Wood platform captured. and the premiums on suchi Steel frame-5 cars on part of the fire insurance now coy-, 16 Loading rack 5' 6" x 160' each side ering- any of the improvements re-; 1 7 Loading rack 12' a 22' Steel frame 'Captured, as the City may elect .to, Fire righting 10'a 12' Corrugated iron, wood Continue, shall be pro-rated equipment house frame, housing hose the- date of this agreement, as of' reel carts the pro-rating of said Items: Shall require the City to pay anyj Forimite tanks 4000 gal. Steel money to the Parr Terminal Com-3 Northern—driven by 40 .!pang, said sum shall lie paid at 2 Foamite pumps 200 C. P. Pa. H. P. electric motor or time the One Hundred Thirty-eightthe; 50 H. P. gas engine. T housan d Seven Hundred Fifty Pumps located in boiler (3138.750.00) Dollar s-hereinbefore house mentioned shall he paid. and a war-' 19 Crushed rock pav- rant shall he drawn by the Auditor

Bach of said agreements with said' All that c4ititTil- real nin-nc7rTF7iit-- three oh corporations,respe.ctivejY, , nate in•.the:City of Oakland, County - tions or acts of said City adopted shall provide that the oil corpora-. 'of Alameda;: State ,of California, and pursuant to said lease or said ordi- tion executing the same shall agree m ore p articularly - described'as fel- nance or arising out of or re- to pay to the City all tolls, dockage lating to any sub-leases or con- or charges fixed from time to time ' BtlittliOINGli at a point at , in-, tracts entered into between said oil by the City, and in addition to ps tersectios of a line drawn parallel: corporation, a party to said agree- the City the sum of One Cent ($0.01) to and • distant 1125 feet nortawest- ment so to be executed, and the said Per barrel on account of all petro- erly from the agreed low tid e lins: Parr Terminal Company with the leum or petroleum products which. of 1852 ,sand the ,,rn- consent of the City expressed or im- shall be discharged . from or loaded duction of same as ss 11,1, plied or otherwise, or arising out upon vessels serving .the plant of . line was establisheiffi:,1 a 1,1 1St. n - of or relating to any improvements suance of Ordinaa,:e he. Cot; erected . on the leased premises sav said oil corporation and also' to pay• of Oakland, and a. pa re .1-; ing and excepting such right, title. the City the regularly established lel to and distant i rth era,- claim or interest of said oil corpora- charges on all other merchandise from° the norther , th Street: tions as may be established by and which may pass over or through the as said i th Si t,. „,ted and under said agreement to be executed wharves of the City . or to or 'from descrilied in Ord': . 1 . '51 N. S. of Pursuant to the cars at ships tackle or for other said City and running thence west- section of this ordinance,provisions or of by this or services rendered by the City at the wardly a 1 n g the last described under that certain Parr lease or same rates and charges the City parallel line to a point that :as die-, modification of the same as de- makes_to other persons for similar tont SO0 feet -westwardly (rnaasared• scribed in and provided for by the along said Lae) from its interaec- terms of this ordinance, as sub- aceomuindations or s e r v le ea,' arid tion with the existing United States lessees thereunder, that except as otherwise provided Bulkhead Line: thence northeast- The City shall, by the terms of by law all such payments shall be wardly slim a line•that is parallel ,each of said agreements, surrender, made to the City on or' before the, to the said United States Bulkhead transfer and assign to the oil cor- iath day of each calendar month Line. - to its Intersection -.vita a line porations executing the same • for all moneys accruing during the• drawn parallel to and distant 2005 spectively, any and all right, titlee- preceding calendar month. - feet northerly from the o, north- or interest which the City has or Each of said contracts ern line of 7th Street; theie-e east- claims to have in any tank, build-, 'vide that the oil corporationshall execut- pro-, warclly along,:the last described par- ing, pipe line or facility or equip ing the same shall' have the right: allel line to : its latersectien with a -ment which has been heretofore or to build and maintain spur track line drawn parallel to and distant which may hereafter be erected on connections with the railroad teacks. ' 1615 feet northwesterly from the the premises under sub-lease to said now existing or hereafter provided' Said agreed low tide line; thence' oil corporation from the Parr Ter- by the City on its lands adjacent :solathwestwaadly along the last de- minal Company whether said tank, to the premises under sub-lease to. scribed parallel line to its Intersec- building, pipe line or facility or the oil corporations, tion with a line drawn armasel to equipment was installed by the Parr vide that the City mayand relocate shall pro-,any and distant 1255 feet northerly from Terminal Company or by said oil of its such tracks and shall provide the said northern See of 7th Street: corporation or its predecessors. that the oil corporation, with the thence east-Iva:di, along the last de- The City shall in each of said consent of the railroad company scribed parallel tine to its InterSee- agreements grant to the oil corpora- companies carrying on switching;or. alon with the said line that is drawn, tions executing the same, respec- service on the said tracks of the! Parallel to and distant 11:15 feet, tively, the right at the corporation's City, may operate its own equip-i northwesterly from the said agreed: cost to lay and maintain necessary ment from its plant am, tide line of 1252; Cisme south-r pipe lines to connect its' plant and and that no charge toshall the beoil madewharf vatstwarilly along the last deserlbea, oil storage facilities with the dock by the City for the use by said oil: parallel line to the point of basin- or oil terminal provided for by the corporations of said tracks of the: ning. City for the discharging of the •City; that if the City moves the Also: BECI.NNING at a paint on, cargo of said oil corporations, and 'cars of• the oil corp the portion . of the now existing, said agreements shall provide for equipment the oiloration corporation with its• United States Bulkhead Line le:the the equitable allocation of cost of shall pay the prevailing switching building pipe ,lines resulting from charges. • .. the relaying nor extension of exist- ing lines. Each of said contracts shall pro- hat is parallel to Bach of said oil -corporations shall , vide that ..if any dockage, tolls or 'Key Route Basin, t the of 1852, be given the right to berth or dock other: terminal charges or any pay- .the agreed low ursuance of its vessels and to • discharge or load mentiesrequired by the contract to. -.established•Ordinance ' an 3099 . the City of , cargoes at such wharf or pier on be spade to: the City shall be unpaidi Oakland, distant (measured on said the western water front as shall be for ha space, of thirty (30) days, or• ,portion of the bulkhead line, and its provided by the City for the sery if said oil corporation shall fail to ,Poduction) fours'atundred seventy-. ing of said oil plants and facilities e e P,_:.fulfi11,,;: perform or comply sixr and seven-tenths (476.7) feet• Of the said oil corporations. Said `with the, terms' • of said agreement, ,northea.sterly from tlie'southern line Oil corporations shall have the right .after 'thirty (30) days' written no- thence east- to use the existing oil pier now lo- tice. to perform that the City may: oferly 7th parallel Street; to runningsaid southern line of cated in the outer harbor or such at its election, in addition to any. 7th Street four hundred seventy-six other dock or pier other• remedy it may have, declare: and seven-tenths (476.7) feet; thence stituted therefor. as may be sub- said contract and agreement at an hun- The City by the terms of said con- end. at right angles (320) southerly feet to threethe north- tract shall have the right to relo- Each of said contracts shall pro- dredern line twent of y7th Street: thence west- cate the present oil pier or any pier vide that it shall terminate upon erly along the northern line of 7th ,substituted therefor and said con- the expiration of said Parr lease or Street four hundred and seventy-six tract shall provide for the construc- the sooner termination of said lease, seven-tenths (476).7 feet; thence tion of the necessary pipe lines to provided the oil corporation may at andat right angles northerly three hun- connect the plant of said oil cor- any time pay to the City the rentals (320) feet to the point poration with said relocated dock or due from the Parr Terminal Com- dred twenty pier, pany or to perform the obligations of beginning. Said contract shall provide that contained in said Parr lease with The said ParrTerminalT General ComPanY. Petro- the City may require said oil cor- the City of Oakland to prevent a ,a corporation, th e poration to relocate its Pipe lines default arising thereunder. leum Corporation of California,Corn- a so connecting the plant of said oil Said contracts shall provide that 'corporation, the Richfield oil corporation with said dock or oil no waiver of default by the City in ,pany,. aa corporation, corporation, The and Texas all Coin”other Pier, enforcing any terms or conditions presentpan y sub-tena.nts of the Parr Ter- Said contract shall provide that of said contract with said oil cor- minal Company, having sub-leases said oil corporation shall construct poration shall be deemed a waiver on the land described in the form and maintain its pipe lines and load of any subsequent default on the s set forth in paragraph and unload its vessels in accordance Part of said oil corporation. - of the 2 f this ordinance, with all fire and other regulations. Each of said contracts shall pro- shallof sectiosign, Oakland n and deliver to rules and ordinances in force or vide that the oil corporation shall Oakland a deed by Which which may from time to time be possess no right, claim or privilege, thethey:shall city Of remise, release and for-, adopted by public authority. against toe City except such as is • Said contract shall require the set forth in said contract and such: evr.quitclaime . d to is assignsand unto aof ,succes- Oak- City to dredge and maintain dredged rights so said oil corporation may' landsons forever Its and all right, title to a depth of at least thirty (30) have 'arising out of the lease be- or interest they, or any of them feet at mean low tide the necessary' tween the City and the Parr Ter- have or claim to have in or to the channel or channels leading from minal Company. and time shall he said dock or piar at which said oil the essence of each of said con realtion -prertY of on ordinance this , except in this sec- as corporation shall have the right to tracts with each of granted in the agreements entered load or 'unload its cargoes. tions. said oil corpora- The contract with the General into pursuant to this ordinance. Petroleum Corporation Said contracts with each of said ' SECTION 6. The City of Oakland fornia; a corporation, and ofthe con-Cali- oil corporations shall contain such shall enter into a suitable written tract with the Richfield Oil Corn-, other and further provisions as the greement w ith each of the follow- pany, a corporation, shall provide City may determine to be proper ing named corporations: General that the corporation executing each and necessary for its protection and Petroleum Corporation of California. 'of said contracts, respectively, shall carrying into effect the purpose and Richfield Oil Company, and The 'have no right to remove its existing • intent of said agreement, and shall Texas Company; each'ofa period said of agree- time improvements or any other improve- be in form and substance satisfac- ments shall be longfor as said Parr ments that may be constructed to tory to the City. continuing so f replace the same which are or shall SECTION 7 The Boa rd of Port lease mentioned in Sction 2 oel tthis of be located on the premises under Commissioners, acting for and on :ordinance shall continue, Fla sub-lease by it from the Parr Ter- behalf of the City of Oakland, shall, Said agreements shall substantially. minal Company in the outer harbor by resolution give consent to such 'provide asfollows: Of the City of Oakland prior to sixty new suitable sub-leases as shall be The corporation executing the (60) days before the end of the entered into by and between the same shall relinquish to the City ' term of the lease between the City said Parr Terminal Company and of Oakland, includingof always.Port Com- its of Oakland and the Parr Terminal any of its sub-tenants for the pur-' Board Company, provided, however, that pose of providing substitutes there- 'Councilmissioners, a-nd any and allrights It said oil corporations shall have Llie for and clarifying any of the exist- may have or claim from the City privilege of removing any 'ing sub-leases between 'said parties reimbursement fom the afore-in,- present improvements locatedof theon as a result of the changes brought forsaid Parr Terminalr Company their sub-leaseholds, respectively, about by the'retaking by the City 'Fend No. 485 orthe Parr with the Parr Terminal Company of the waterfront and other portions proTerminal Company Improvement upon replacing in lieu thereof :of the leased premises as herein Appropriation No. 223. and shall improvements of substantiallyother iprovided. • !further abandon and relinquish to same capacity and character; pro-the SECTION 8. The Board of Port the Cityall right, title, cleim or,ai vided further, _that each of said oil Commissioners shall further enter interest whatsoever against s d corporations shall not into such ot h er or supplemental ,City or its Board of Port Commis-5 to continue said improvementsbe required', oil written instruments and agreements, 'stoners either arising outouts osef ori its said sub-leaseholds, in the 'and do all other acts and things as w -the City of Oakland shall imposeevent may, in its judgment, be necessary 'saidJilting Parr to thatTeartdaal .eartain `o ease or special restrictions or or convenient to accomplish fully any attempt of 'titiadifieation thereof. upon the use or operationeondithine of the the transactions herein provided act- pursuant to the provision, of 2048the facilities of said' oil corporation that -cording to their true spirit and pur- .purported City Ordinance No, -are substantially more onerous or _nose. by the City of Oak- that shall substantially increase the S. onadopted October 7. 0124. or r-other- ard a- cost of the operation of its plant. . wise, or pursuant to any SECTION 9. All agreements and instruments in this ordinance pro- Company Improvement Fund No. vided for to be entered into for and 485, or the said Parr Terminal Com- in the name of the City of Oakland pany Improvement Appropriation shall be dated the day this ordin- ,No. 223, or said "lessee's improve- ance shall take effect, and shall be ment account," to the Harbor Main- signed, executed and acknowledged tenance and Improvement Fund No. by the President of the Board of 480, and said funds shall thereafter Port Commissioners, and shall be be used by the Board of Port Com- attested by the Secretary of said missioners for port purposes. ;Board of Port Commissioners. The said Auditor and Treasurer Such signing and attesting shall are authorized, directed and em- thereupon constitute due execution powered to make all transfers to thereof by the said city. All such the proper appropriation accounts agreements and instruments shall necessary to carry out the purpose be in form and detail as approved of this ordinance. and required by the said Board of SECTION 13. The President, Sec- Port Commissioners. retary and counsel of this Board SECTION 1.0. Said agreements are hereby authorized, directed and and instruments shall in each case empowered to take the necessary bind and run to the successors and steps to carry out the provisions of assigns of 'the respective parties. this ordinance. SECTION '11. The Parr Terminal SECTION 14. This ordinance shall Company Improvement Fund No. take effect immediately after the 485 and the. Parr Terminal Com- expiration of sixty (60) days from pany Improvement Appropriation the date it becomes final, in the No. 223 in this ordinance referred manner provided by law. to shall be maintained by the Board of Port Commissioners and the City Auditor and City Treasurer until all moneys herein required to be paid into said fund and appropria- tion shall have been paid and cred- ited thereto, and until all moneys re- quired herein to be disbursed there- from shall have been' disbursed, In Board of Port Commissioners, Oakland, whereupon said fund and appro- priation shall be abolished and the California, December 11th, 1933. Passed funds remaining therein shall be by the Auditor of the City of Oak- to print for one day by the following land transferred to the Har- Vote: bor Maintenance and Improvement Ayes: Commissioners Goodrich, Fund No. 480, now maintained by the 'Board of. Port Commissioners Leet, McElroy and President Fisher -4- and said funds when so transferred shall be used by the Board of Port Noes: None. Absent: Commissioner Pardee-1 'Commissioners for port purposes. SECTION 12. The Auditor of the City of Oakland be and he is here- by authorized, directed and em- powered to draw a warrant on the ' Treasury of the said City of Oak- land in the sum of One Hundred Thirt -ei ht Thousand Seven Hun- dred'Fiftyy g (8138,750.00) Dollars from the Parr Terminal Company Im- provement Fund No. 485 in favor of the Parr Terminal Company in full payment of said items, arid shall draw a warrant on said Treasury of said City of Oakland, against such fund in favor of the Parr Terminal Company, for such sum as may be necessary to settle in full the obli- gation, if any, in favor of the Parr , Terminal Company against the City of Oakland arising nut of the pro- rating of the items as set forth in • Paragraph 9 of the proposed• agree- -ment set out in Section 2 of this' ordinance, and said Auditor shall thereupon draw a warrant trans- ferring the entire balance then re- maining in said Parr Terminal

Adopted at a regular meeting, held December 18, 1933 By the following Vote: Ayes: Co,lulissioners Goodrich, Leet, McElroy and President Fisher -4- Nos s None Absent-: - Commissioner Pardee -1-


Affidavit of Publication IN THE MATTER OF Affidavit of Publication of City of Oakland (port ordinance ITo. 175 providing

Port of Oakland for retaldng of eor ion of :premise der lease to Parr iorninal Cosipa etc. STATE OF CALIFORNIA,


of said County, being duly sworn, says: e (living of the items nr, set forth in f 0) ragra.pb. 9 ,oi the proposed. agree- That he is and was during all the time herein mentioned, a white male citi- 's ca r Y a nt set out in Section 2: of thin from dina.nce, and said Auditor s1.111 id oil 'ereupon draw a warrant trans- zen of the United States, over the age of twenty-one years, not a party to or 'lit to ring the entire balance then re- Lining in en if Parr Terminal interested in the matter or action herein set forth. meral mpany Improvement Fund No. or the said Parr Termin al Cm-o Cali-, ,• 'ort: That he is now and at all times hereinafter mentioned, was the princi pal Cbm"n-- fY223174";.71Te ,':,- .. °ride nt acCount,' o teh Harbor Main- clerk of THE TRIBUNE PUBLISHING COa., corporation, the publisher each fiance and Irnurnvement Fund No. shan 4, and said fun.ds shall thereaft,ill and printer of the , which was during all the time here- sting / user/ by the Boa.rd of Port Com., 'nye- issloners for port PurPo sts • •d to rite sin id 'Auditor and Treasurer inafter mentioned, and now is a newspaper of general circulation, as that term sliali authorized, dirallectecl and <,.-‘7. nder r.s. vered to make transfers :6 is defined by Section 4460 of the Political Code, and as provided by. said Sec4 Ter- tp proper appropriation a.ccnnteo rhor :pessary to• carry out the PutPose tion, is printed and published in the City of Oakland, County of Alameda, State ,ixty c this ordinance. . . the /SECTION-13. The President, Sec- City 6tary and counsel of this Board of California, for the dissemination of local and telegraphic news and intelli- 'Ina./ 46 hereby authorlzed, directed and that eapowered to take the necesSarY gence of a general character, having a bona fide subscription list of ,paying sub-, the 4eps to carry out the provisions or the lais ordinance.' scribers and is not devoted to the interests or published for the entertainment or on 'SECTION 14. This ordinance shall e/y. •-talte effect Immediately after the any ixpir.tion of sixty (60) days from instruction of a particular class, profession, trade, calling, race or denomination her (Ile date it becomes final, in the the gianner:provided by law. or for any number of such classes, professions, trades, callings, races or denom., , ln Beard of Port Commissioner% oil Oakland, California, December 111_1,, Mations, and as such clerk has now and at all of said times had charge of all red 1,933. Passed to print for one any on by the following Vote: Ayes: C7om- advertisements in said newspaper. ent missioners Goodrich, Beet, McElroy and President F I s he r-4. Noes; ?None. Absent: Commissioner Par- he idee-1. That said newspaper has been established, printed and published at regular at : . A. H. ABET, or ''Se6retary, Board of . Port Commis- intervals, in the said City of Oakland, County of Alameda, State of California, for he sioners. 141-Dec. 15-:It. 4r- more than two years preceding the date of the first publication of the notice herein 14.1- mentioned; that said notice was set in type not smaller than nonpareil, and was preceded with words printed in black face type not smaller than nonpareil, de- scribing and expressing in general terms, the purport and character of the notice intended to be given.

That the notice Port Ordinance. ITO. 175 ID 2.-oviainks; for retaking of p ortion of preuises under lease to ErrPrr Derminal Compaky etc. of which the annexed is a printed copy, was published in said newspaper, Tj..111-Q

to-wit: from the 15th day of December A. D. 19 to and until the 15th day of Decam er A. D. 19 33 one day bba7days2-Cmclusive, and as often during said period as said newspaper was pub-

lished, to-wit:—_0.12tlia. _ _ D2. _ _De s,'„alLI:ta 921L-3

Subscribed- and sworn to before me this)• 15-01 day of De- 0 A D. 19 34

Notary Public in and for the County of Alanieda,'S/a\te of California room Aov.-50 1 ivi 3-32 13903 BOARD OF PORT COMMISSIONERS CITY OF OAKLAND

PORT ORDINANCE No. 174 Introduced by Seconded by


BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Port Commissioners of the City of Oakland, as follows: SECTION 1. Items numbered 283, 1285 and 1900 of Part Ordinance NO. 60 are hereby amended to be and read as follows: VI-SERVICE CHARGES Item No. 283 - To Trans-Pacific vessels destined to China, Tapan and beyond:

Cargo, N.O.S., direct from barge to vessel 25¢ per ton Cotton 35¢ " " Petroleum Products 25¢ tt ?I Scrap Material, N.O.S. 35¢ " " Scrap Material, ex open car or barge direct to vessel without checking 15¢ " It Sulphate of Ammonia 25¢ " Xi-LOADING Applicable to all traffic, except Coastwise, Hawaiian and Canadian Pacific Coast Ports. 1285- Soda, caustic and bicarbonate of 45¢ per ton Applicable to Coastwise and Canadian Pacific Coast Ports traffic. 1900- Flour, grain 7 30¢ "

SECTION 2. Items numbered 611, 646, 1163, 1678, 1708, 1746 and 1758 are hereby added to said ordinance to be and read as follows: I-LOADING Applicable to all traffic, except Coastwise, Hawaiian and Canadian Pacific Coast Ports. Item No. 611 - Ammonia, sulphate of, in bulk, direct to open cars 15¢ per ton Ammonia, sulphate of, in bulk, direct to box cars 40V " " 646 - Bags, or Bagging, cotton 40¢ " ft 1163 - Potash, muriated, in bulk, direct to open cars 15¢ " Potash, muriated, in bulk, direct to box cars 40V " XII-UNLOADING Applicable to all traffic, except Hawaiian. 1678 - Onions, in packages 40ce per ton 1708 - Potatoes, in packages 40si " 1746 - Soda, caustic, in packages 40V " 1758 - Sulphur, in sacks 40 • "

SECTION 3, Item 35-a of Port Ordinance No. 60 is hereby repealed. SECTION 4. This ordinance shall take effect immediately. In Board of Port Cor,missioners, Oakland, California, November 27th, 1933. Passed to print for one day by the following Vote: Ayes: Commissioners Goodrich, Leet, McElroy, Pardee and President Fisher -5- Noes: None. Absent: None Adopted at a regular meeting held December 4th, 1933 By the following Vote: Ayes: Commissioners Leet, McElroy, Pardee and President Fisher -4- Noes: None Absent: Commissioner Goodrich -1-

Attest Secretary. Approved as to form and legality:

Port Attorney

Affidavit of Publication IN THE MATTER OF Affidavit of Publication of

City Oakland. r An Ordinance amending. various

Port of Oakland items of Port Ordinance No. 60,



PORT OIMINANCO 4O. 171. AN ORDINANCE A:■11E.N.C.UNG said County, being duly sworn, says: A RIOTtiiS ITEMS OF PORT ORM - 1NANCE 130, ADDING CERTAIN TIRETOI:E ANT) REPEAL, That he is and was during all the time herein mentioned, a white male citi- 1N(/ ITE:i.L 35-a zen of the United States, over the age of twenty-one years, not a party to or PIE IT O]dDAINJ0fl he -the Board Of Poet Cnnrrioiesioners of the interested in the matter or action herein set forth. of Oakland, as follows: Cuy SECTION /. Items numbered 283, I2S5 and 1900 Pord Ordinanee That he is now and at all times hereinafter mentioned, was the principal ' sre _hereby amended to be - read tis f lows- VI—SERV/CE CITARGMS. clerk of THE TRIBUNE PUBLISHING CO., a corporation, the publisher , and printer of the OAKLAND TRIBUNE, which was during all the time here- --To Trans-Pacific e,sels de tm etsdi,dtoCh Jpana an dbe inafter mentioned, and now is a newspaper of general circulation, as that term yontl. Car g o, N. O. S., dire.ct from i is defined by Section 4460 of the Political Code, and as provided by said Sec- barge do vessel..25c D er i•O,i Cot ton ...... 35C Per.tor. Petroleum P ros.25cduetdu per ton tiorz, is printed and published in the City of Oakland, County of Alameda, State Scrap Al- a/et-tat N. per of California, for the dissemination of local and telegraphic news and Serail Material, cx- open crir r, barge rect to vessel gence of a general character, having a bona fide subscription list of paying sub- -without checking/15e per ton S tiiihntel o f Am- scribers, and is not devoted to the interests or published for the entertainment or monia 25c per ton N I--I,OADINO. instruction of a particular class, profession, trade, calling, race or denomination Apo' , tide to ail traffic, ext • r tioa,tivise, Ha- or for any number of such classes, professions, trades, callings, races or derzom- wa , 1, and Canadian ii 1, Coast Idert s inations, and as such clerk has now and at all of said times had charge of all cia u s tc and nate of 45c per ton lile to Coastwise advertisements in said newspaper. • anadia Pacific t orts t rao ft m 1 g rain 30c per ton That said newspaper has been established, printed and published at regular I/ ems ntinibeiied OS 1716 anti 1.758 intervals, in the said City of Oakland, County of Alameda, State of California, for added i. 0 ,Fiti 0 1,1 i/R i 0..., , r , LId :/ F follows: more than two years preceding the date of the first publication of the notice herein NA—LOAD3N,1: Agitlicable to ail traffic, mentioned; that said notice was set in type not smaller than nonpareil, and was exreid CO.,,,ViS,, I in - -ivai ian and fiLinititian Pacific Coast Parts. preceded with words printed in black face type not smaller than nonpareil, de- ttern No. scribing and expressing in general terms, the purport and character of the notice 6II—Arornonia, sulpha 1 e of, in bulk, direct. to open cars 1 5c pe intended to be given. A altnent a, sulphate bent, direct e rn s / box ears 10, per That the notice_..of. Pin _Ordinance .armand_ing ..:C7:2-r-i- °US__ it 646— ..,4, or .13cig-i rig, ' •tton 40c per ton 163—i'mu/dated, in of Port Ordinance No. 60 etc. 1,, lli, direct, to ._ I e /1 Ca V6' ...... / 5c per ton Potash MO riatet-i, in of which the annexed is a printed copy, was published in said newspaper, hulk. clireid to box oars ...... 1ta, per ton X1I—UNLOADING. 1 Time Applicable to all traffic, apC ta Wal jar,. —Q u innn, in nacka gen.40e per tort • n to-wit: from the 15:b day of D_ac_e.rabQr A. D. 19____33, to and until the let day of December A. D. 19 33 one day -1-_071-2mx inclusive, and as often during said period as said newspaper was pub- lished, to-wit:— on the 1st day of December , 1933.

Subscribed and sworn to before me this 211d, day of Dec. A. D. 19 3

Notary Public in and for the County of Alameda, State of California cefeLao.2 FORM ADV.-50 154 3-32 12953 BOARD OF PORT COMMISSIONERS CITY OF OAKLAND


Introduced by Seconded by


BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Port Commissioners of the City of Oakland as follows; SECTION 1, Sections 5.321, 14 and 14i- of Port Ordinance. No. 8 are hereby amended, to be and read as follows: Section 5..321—Four Airport Servicemen, $130.00 per month each. Section 14--The salary or compensation of officers and employees of the Port Department employed for full time, shall be paid in equal semi-monthly instalments, except as hereinafter in the next section provided. Full time of employment shall be the time for which the officer or employee shall be customarily engaged, under the direction of the Port Manager, in the ordinary performance of his duties. Section 14i=-Whenever, in the interest of economy or the proper management of the port department, the public service may require a shortening of the time of employment, the Port Manager may relieve, Pram time to time, any officer or employee under his supervision from the per- formance of his full duties, by directing such officer or employee temporarily to lay off duty during such times as may be s pecified. In such event, the compensation which shall be due such officer or employee for such pert time employment shall be an amount which shall bear the same ratio, to the semi-monthly instalment which would have been due him for full time employment, as the actual time the officer or employee shall be on duty bears to the time he would otherwise have been on duty for full time employment. SECTION 2. This ordinance shall take effect December 1st, 1933.

In Board of Port Commissioners, Oakland, California, November 20th, 1933. Passed to print for one day by the following Vote: -6-yes: Commissioners Goodrich, Leet, Pardee and President Fisher —4— Noes: None. Absent: Commissioner McElroy —1—

Adopted at a regular meeting held November 27th, 1933 By the following Vote: Ayes: Commissioners Goodrich, Leet, McElroy, Pardee and President

Noes: None Absent: None

Attest Approved as to form and legality:

Port Attorney Affidavit of Publicador,

IN THE MATTER OF Affidavit of Publication of

City of Oakland Qrdinance Amending Sections Port of Oakland 5.3219 14 and 14 of Port

Ordinance No. 8.



PORT ORDINANctit NO. 173. AN ORDIN AINC.E AM ENDING of said County, being duly sworn, says: ' SECTIONS 9.321, 14 AND - OF PORT ORDINANCE NO. S. That he is and was during all the time herein mentioned, a white male citi- BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Port Commissioners of the City zen of the United States, over the age of twenty-one years, not a party to or of Oakland as follows: • SECTION I. Sections 5.321, 14 interested in the matter or action herein set forth. and 14;5 of Port Ordinance No. are hereby amended, to be and read as follows: That he is now and at all times hereinafter mentioned, was the principal Section 9.321--Four Airport Serv- icemen, $130.00 per month each. Section I.4.— .The salary or com- clerk of THE TRIBUNE PUBLISHING CO., a corporation, the publisher pensation of officers and employees of the Port Department employed and printer of the OAKLAND TRIBUNE, which was during all the time here- for full time, shall be paid in equal semi-monthly instalments, except inafter mentioned, and now is a newspaper of general circulation, as that term as hereinafter In the next section pro eid ed. Furl time of employment shalt be the time for which the of- is defined by Section 4460 of the Political Code, and as provided by said Sec- ficer or employee shall be cus- tomarily engagiti.d, under the direc- tion, is printed and published in the City of Oakland, County of Alameda, State tion of the /Port Manager, in the ordinary performance of hIs duties. of California, for the dissemination of local and telegraphic news and intelli- Section 14 ,,E—Whenever, In the interest of economy or the proper management of the port depart- gence of a general character, having a bona fide subscription list of paying subs ment, the pub] ic service may re- quire a shortening of the time of scribers, and is not devoted to the interests or published for the entertainment or employment, the Port Manager may relieve, from time to time, any instruction of a particular class, profession, trade, calling, race or denomination officer or employee under his super- vision from the performance of his full duties, by directing such officer or for any number of such classes, professions, trades, callings, races or denom- or employee temporarily to lay off duty during such times as may be inations, and as such clerk has now and at all of said times had charge of all • specified. In such event, 'he Com- pensation which shall be due such advertisements in said newspaper. officer or employee for such part time employment shall be an amount which shall bear the same That said newspaper has been established, printed and published at regular ratio to the semi-monthly in- stalment. which would have been due him for full time employment, intervals, in the said City of Oakland, County of Alameda, State of California, for as the actual time the officer or employee shall be on duty bears more than two years preceding the date Of the first publication of the notice herein , to the lime he would otherwise have r,,rn on dut- - for full time employ- mentioned; that said notice was set in type not smaller than nonpareil, and was rtt.  ECTION 1. This ordinance shall preceded with words printed in black face type not smaller than nonpareil, de- e ffect December I s,, 1933. ant of Port Ccumn i,sloners, No veldt, el-. 20th, scribing and expressing in general terms, the purport and character of the notice , Cooed- pprint for one day following- vine: wee—Corn- intended to be given. -- - --em Goodrich, 1, el , Pa rdee r esident PiFlaer--4, Noes— Non .k been t—ccmmissioner Mc- Elroy-4. That the notice o.f__an. _arclinan.ce Amcsasling.ians 5. 321, A. IL ABEL, j Secretary, Board _,9f 14 and. 14 of Port Ordinance No, 8. of which the annexed is a printed copy, was published in said newspaper, . 1 Time

to-wit: from the _24t11 day of lirovernber A. D. 1933 , to and until the 24th day of November A. D. 19 33 , o a da,i J", i # ,e---e i.: . ,,, inclusive, and as often during said period as said newspaper was pub- lished, to-wit:— on the 24th day of November, 1933.

Subscribed and sworn to before me this 24th day of Nov. 4. D. 19 33S


PORT ORDINANCE NO. 172 Introduced by Seconded by


BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Port Commissiloners of the City of Oakland, as follows: SECTION 1. Item No. 725 is hereby added to Port Ordinance No. 60, to be and read as follows: XI- LOADING Applicable to all traffic except Coastwise, It em Hawaiian and Canadian Pacific Coast Ports. Noe 725 - CANNED GOODS - When destined to points named in T.C,.F.B.E.H. Tariff 3-G and T.C.F.B. Import Tariff 30-W, supplements thereto and reissues thereof 50 per ton SECTION 2. This ordinance shall take effect Immediately. In Board of Port Commissioners, Oakland, California, October 30th, 1933. passed to print for one day by the following Vote:: Ayes: Commissioners Goodrich, Leet, McElroy, Pardee and. President Fisher -5- Noes: None. Absent: None

Adopted at a regular meeting held November 6, 1933 By the following Vote: Ayes: Commissioners Goodrich, Leet, McElroy, Pardee and President Fisher —5— Noes: None Absent: None

Approved as to form and legality:

Port Attorney

Affidavit of Publication

IN THE MATTER OF Affidavit of Publication of City of Oakland. An Ordinance adding item 725 Port of Oakland_ to Port Ordinance No. 60.


Prritir ANCE, NO. 172." A.DEJING ITEM of said County, being duly swam, says: 72 -. 10011•1' BC 11.` (AIDA/NEDORDINANCE by the NOi..30. Board of I oil. Commissioners of the ;City That he is and was during all the time herein mentioned, a white male citi- n11;:land, as follows: ' ti -E(.'1.10N 1. Item No. 725 is hereby acland -to Port Ordinance No, 55, 'to yen Qf the United States, over the age of twenty-one years, not a party to or ba, ad rear/ as follows: interested in the matter or action herein set forth. A alical:de to all traffic eNcept Coa: t wise, Hawaiian and Canadian Pariric Coast Ports That he is now and at all times hereinafter mentioned, was the principal ITInl NO. 75—CA_NNED (10.EiS _When destined to points j named clerk of THE TRIBUNE PUBLISHING CO., a corporation, the publisher la T.O.P:B.E.B. Tariff 2-5/ and TiC. P. H . Import Tariff 30-W,, c:n to thereto and reissues thereof, and printer of the OAKLAND TRIBUNE, which was during all the time here- Soc ner ton• SIlleTION 2. This ordinance shall inafter mentioned, and now is a newspaper of general circulation, as that term tq,n Board is defined by Section 4460 of the Political Code, and as provided by said Sec- Oakland, California, October 30th,: 1933. Passed to print for one da-3, tion, is printed and published in the .City of Oakland, County of Alameda, State -1_11 P011oWIng vote:- _Ayes: Com- T-iXl':iTeri:ng"1511:1,1,111717Z°i:R of California, for the dissemination of local and telegraphic news and intelli- Noes None. Absent: None. A. H. A}EJ-_,, gence' of a general character,h avinga bona fide subscription list of paying sub- Secretary, Board or rort Commls- stoners 105-No7. 2. scribers, and is not devoted to the interests or published for the entertainment or instruction of a particular class, profession, trade, calling, race or denomination or for any number of such classes, professions, trades, callings, races. or. denom-. inations, and as such clerk has now and at all of said times had charge of all advertisements in said newspaper. That said newspaper has been established, printed and published at regular intervals, in the said City of Oakland, County of Alameda, State of California, for more than two years preceding the date of the first publication of the notice herein mentioned; that said notice was set in type not smaller than nonpareil, and was preceded with words printed in black face type not smaller than nonpareil, de- scribing and expressing in general terms, the purport and character of the notice intended to be given. That the notice__of___axt..arairianQe item 725 to Port Ordinance No. 60. of which the annexed is a printed copy, was published in said newspaper, 1 Time to-wit: from the .2nd. day of _LictIrrnb_er A D. 19__3Z., to and until the 2nd day of November A. D. 19 33 , one day ,r inclusive, and as often during said period as said newspaper was pub- lished, to-wit:— on the 2nd day of November, 1933.

Subscribed and sworn to before me this 2nd day of Nov. A D 1933

Notary Public in and for the County of Alameda, State of California FORM Anv.-50 iM 3-32 15953 BOARD OF PORT COMMISSIONERS 4/ • CITY OF OAKLAND

PORT ORDINANCE NO. 171 - ere Introduced by Seconded by


BE xr ORDAINED by the Board of Port Commissioners of the City of Oakland, as follows:

SECTION 1. An item numbered 1941 is hereby added to Port Ordinance No. 60, to be and read as follows:

Item Cents No. 1941. 3E111-Loading (Applicable to Coastwise and Canadian Pacific Coast Ports Traffic) Lumber, direct ex vessel to open cars, per M.F.B.M. 6 0 SECTION 2. This ordinance shall take effect October 20th, 1933. In Board of Port Co mmissioners, Oakland, California, October 9th, 1933. Passed to print for one day by the following Vote: Ayes: Commissioners Pardee, McElroy, Goodrich and Vice-President Leet-4-Noes: None. -Abs-ent: President Fisher -1-

Adopted at a regular meeting held October 16, 1933. By the following Vote: Ayes: Commissioners Goodrich, McElroy, Pardee and President Fisher -4-

Noes: None Absent: Commissioner Leet - 1-

Secretary. Approved as to form and legality:

Port Attorney

Affidavit of Publication

IN THE MATTER OF Affidavit of Publication of City of Oakland. An Ordinance Adding Item 1941 Port of Oakland. to Port Ordinance No. 60.


AL,L,i !:; : E,m of said County, being duly sworn, says: PORT - 0 .,..DINANCE7:79 NO. 60. ORDAINED -by the'' Board That he is and was during all the time herein mentioned, a white male citi- 1 1 11, ,mm,-inners of the City On 1,, 1;1,0 , 111; ',lows: ' - n item nuiiiiiiered zen of the United States, over the age of twenty-one years, not a party to or ndeni to Port and read as fol.- interested in the matter or action herein set forth. Cents That he is now and at all times hereinafter mentioned, was the principal I-1 oading- o Coastwise clerk of THE TRIBUNE PUBLISHING CO., a corporation, the publisher I Ian Pacific. 18 Traffic.) and printer of the OAKLAND TRIBUNE, which was during all the time here- ,ressel to open it. dl. 60 s ordinance shall inafter mentioned, and now is a newspaper of general circulation, as that term in3z. P'orl, Commissioners, is defined by Section 4460 of the Political Code, and as provided by said Sec- ornia, Octobcr 0th, o print -for one day tion, is printed and published in the City of Oakland, County of Alameda, State vote: Ayes—Corn- ... '..rdee. MIcElroy, Good- of California, for the dissemination of local and telegraphic news and intelli- , rJrt -Presiq cot Leet. Noes Absent—President Fisher. gence of a general character, having a bona fide subscription list of paying sub- A. B. ABET; Board of Port Commis- scribers, and is not devoted to the interests or published for the entertainment or .-DO-Oc2.13-(1t. instruction of a particular class, profession, trade, calling, race or denomination or for any number of such classes, professions, trades, callings, races or denom- inations, and as such clerk has now and at all of said times had charge of all advertisements in said newspaper. That said newspaper has been established, printed and published at regular intervals, in the said City of Oakland, County of Alameda, State of California, for more than two years preceding the date of the first publication of the notice herein mentioned; that said notice was set in type not smaller than nonpareil, and was preceded with words printed in black face type not smaller than nonpareil, de- scribing and expressing in general terms, the purport and character of the notice. intended to be given. That the notice__Skf an Ordinance Adding Item 1941 to Port Ordinance No. 60. of which the annexed is a printed copy, was published in said newspaper, 1 Time to-wit: from the 13th day of October A. D. 19 33 to and until the 13th day of October A. D. 19 33, one, day &OW= inclusive, and as often during said period as said newspaper was pub- lished, to-wit:— on the 13th day of October, 1933.

Subscribed and sworn to before me this) 13th day of Oct . A. D. 1933

Notary Public in and for the Corry of Alameda, ate of California 2 FORM amr.-50 1 N't 3-32 1.953 BOARD OF PORT COMMISSIONERS Io) CITY OF OAKLAND


BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Port Commissioners of the City of Oakland as follows: SECTION 1. Item 1635 of Port Ordinance No. 60 is hereby amended to read as follows: XII. - UNLOADING Applicable to all Traffic Except Hawaiian Item No. Cents 1635 - Lumber and Lumber Products: Doors 85% per ton. Lumber, per 1000 ft. B.M. $1.00 " Lumber, direct from open cars 40% " " Pickets, Pine, from box cars 75% " " Pickets, Pine, from open cars 95% " " Shooks 70% " " Ties, Railroad 70% " " Timbers, Min. 70% per 1000 ft. B.M. CP 20 SECTION 2. The foregoing amendment shall take effect October 14, 1933. SECTION 3. Item 725 of Port Ordinance No. 60 is hereby repealed, effective October 9, 1933.

Adopted at a r e gular meeting held October 9th, 1933. By the following Vote: Ayes: Commissioners Goodrich, McElroy, Pardee and Vice Pres en Leet -4- Noes: None Absent President Fisher -1-

resident Attest In Board of Port Commissioners, Secretary. Approved as to form and legality: Oakland, California, September 29th, 1933. Passed to print for one day by the following Tote: Ayes: Commissioners Goodrich, Leet, PortAttorney Pardee and President Fisher -4- Noes: None. Absent: Commissioner McElroy -1-

Affidavit of Publication

IN THE MATTER OF Affidavit of Publication of City__ af Oacland. An Ordinance Amending Item No. Port of Oakland 1635 of Port Ordinance No. 60, and Repealing Item No. 725.


WEIIN INCE NO, PP1 .1 A .?,1 E N 1.1 N n of said County, being duly sworn, says: OF P11 FT OT/14f- CP, AND DEPEALIND That he is and was during all the time herein .mentioned, a white male citi-

I as follots P4 zen of the United States, over the age of twenty-one years, not a party to or 1 Dein 1f315 cpf Tm„ , r. P10 p s het eh, armndeft interested in the matter or action herein set forth. foil., P-, 11-- I NT I 0 ,,,EI \ f--1 I, to all r) t ,t(fic That he is now and at all times hereinafter mentioned, was the principal Dam almn rents clerk of THE TRIBUNE PUBLISHING CO., a corporation, the publisher • d Lumber and printer of the OAKLAND TRIBUNE, which was during all the time here- 85c pe r to, 1,100 si.on inafter mentioned, and now is a newspaper of general circulation, as that term . r, dirce1 ooeo colts Pilm is defined by Section 4460 of the Political Code, and as provided by said Sec- LInc, frum L. Pine, from tion, is printed and published in the City,of Oakland, County of Alameda, State Shor, of California, for the dissemination of local and telegraphic news and intelli- ilruml ber e , "14 io gence of a general character, having a bona fide subscription list of paying sub- 0/1{) It. 11, ,P\1.

ippregbor.„ a1111-`1“i - scribers, and is not devoted to the interests or published for the entertainment or 1,-e effect DcDpber 14, instruction of a particular class, profession, trade, calling, race or denomination. ltelo 725 of 14,prt ,p f bel-e11-4- rebealmi, or for any number of such classes, professions, trades, callings, races or denom- her `P, 1JP:1:1 rube r 2.1p , 1ft", inations, and as such clerk has now and at all of said times had charge of all oe advertisements in said newspaper. rdee and PIPP,- ..1■PIPID,2,- 1 That said newspaper has been established, printed and published at regular pf ,), F"' intervals, in the said City of Oakland, County of Alameda, State of California, for _ _ more than two years preceding the date of the first publication of the notice herein mentioned; that said notice was set in type not smaller than nonpareil, and was preceded with words printed in black face type not smaller than nonpareil, de- scribing and expressing in general terms, the purport and character of the notice intended to be given. ThceThat th noteic; of an Ordinance Amending Item No . 1635 of Port Ordinance No. 60, and Repealing Item No. 725. of which the annexed is a printed copy, was published in said newspaper, 1 Time to-wit: from the 6th day of actabar A. D. 19 33

to and until the 6th day of October A. D. 19 33 , one day twurayic inclusive, and as often during said period as said newspaper was pub- lished, to-wU:--. on the 6th day of October, 1933.

Subscribed and sworn to before me this) 6th day of 0 et . A. 1933 5

Notary Public in anj for the Jounty of A eda, State of California 2 FORM AOV.-SO 114 3-32 13953 BOARD OF PORT COMMISSIONERS CITY OF OAKLAND


Introduced by Seconded by AN ORDINANCE ADDING ITEMS NOS. 309, 1468 AND 1531 TO PORT ORDINANCE NO. 60 AND REPEALING ITEM 1530 OF SAID ORDINANCE. BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Port Commissioners of the City of Oakland as follows, to-wit: SECTION 1. Item 309 is hereby added to Port Ordinance No. 60, to become effective on September 25, 1933, and to be and read as follows: St.RVICE CHARGES Intercoastal - Inbound Item 309 - Pipe, Cast Iron, Pressure (Not including soil pipe) 40)i per ton. SECTION 2, Items Nos. 1468 and 1531 are hereby added to Port Ordinance No.,60, to become effective as of September 19, 1933, and to be and read as follows, to-wit: UNLOADING CHARGES Applicable to all Traffic except Hawaiian

Item 1468 - Barium Peroxide 40$/ per ton. Item 1531 - Cleaning and Washing Compound 35 per ton. SECTION 3. Item No. 1530 of Port Ordinance No. 60, imposing an unloading charge of 40X per ton on clorox, is hereby repealed, said repeal to become effective as of September 19, 1933. SECTION 4. This ordinance shall take effect immediately. In Board of Port Commissioners, Oakland, Calif., Sept. 18, 1933. DfRpg toAna rtiSE Ppa$lagntYFilahejolk2wi%exote Ales :Aommls,sifinnere. s. Goodrich, Leet, Ad °pied at a n adjourned meeting heia September f By the following Vote: Ayes: Comnissioners Goodrich, Leet, Pardee and President Fisher - —

Noes: None

Absent: C 01111111 S S toner McElroy -1-

resident. Attest Secretary. Approved as to form and legality:

ort Attorney

o: ablication

IN THE MATTER OF Affidavit of Publication of

City of Oakland- Ordinance Adding Items Nos.

Port of Oakland 309,1468 and 1531 to Port

rt vaggasc ° V ance00,. 6060. vym 3.3 STATE OF CALIFORNIA, SV \-11:6D ss.()'\& COUNTY OF ALAMEDA - A &R 1 ) Al l^ PORT COMMISSIONERS 13 Johansenen 4'1'1' Y Or ONIFill.,AND. Rolm oHDINANQ of said County, being duly sworn, says: ■- ,F,I,LNANCE ADDING 1TEIWS -468 ANT) 1531 TO PORT That he is and was , during all the time herein mentioned, a white Male citi- ', A ,:CE NO. 00 AND REPlakkr.,.. ITDM 1530 OF SAID 0 RTYI- zen of the United States, over the age of twenty-one years, not a party to or BE IT ORDAINED by the nea ia .of Port Commissioners of. the City interested in the matter or action herein set forth. of Oakland as follows, to-wit: SRCTION 1. Item 309 is hereby That he is now and at all times hereinafter mentioned, was the principal .1.1,1ed to Port Ordinance No. 60, _to 1,0,orne effective on September -25.. 1933, and to be and read as clerk of THE TRIBUNE PUBLISHING CO., a corporation, the publisher SERVICE CHARGES ! Traercoastal—Iribound and printer of the OAKLAND TRIBUNE, which was during all the time here- m 309—Pipe, Cast. Iron, Pres.. - - sure !riot including- soil pipe) inafter mentioned, and now is a newspaper of general circulation, as that term 0n per „tolt -11-ON 2. Items Nos. 1468 and is defined by Section 4460 of the Political Code, and as provided by said Sec- ,re hereby added to PaTt nee No. 60. to become effect- tion, is printed and published in the City of Oakland, County of Alameda, State September 19, 1933, a,,nd read as follows, to-wit: of California, for the dissemination of local and telegraphic news and intelli- CHARGES aai3leble to all Traffic except gence of a general character, 'having a bona fide subscription list of paying sub- Hawaiian 11 GS—Bari una Peroxide...... 40e pee tin scribers, and is not devoted to the interests or published for the entertainment or Item 1531_cieanIng and tease- iinn- Compound pound q5, per tan instruction of a particular class, profession, trade, calling, race or denomination 10N- it e m No. 1.530 -or ,rdinance No . 60, mPoS ing or for any number of such classes, professions, trades, callings, races or denom- charge of4.0e Per ton ,, ox, is hereby repealed, said inations, and as such clerk has now and at all of said times had charge of all to become effective as r of 19, 1933. advertisements in said newspaper. SECTION 4. This ordinance shall .e effect immediately. Board of-Port. Commiss/OrteTS, That said newspaper has been established, printed and published at regular Calif., Sept. 13, 1.933.. assprint : for on e daY -T Y' followingAy es—ComM S.• intervals, in the said City ofm Oakland, County of Ala eda, State of California, for ^ra,rdee Ana President r. +she==s, more than two years preceding the date of the first publication of the notice herein iNoes—None_ Absent—None. ;7-sent. 20-1t. mentioned; that said notice was set in type not smaller than nonpareil, and was preceded with words printed in black face type not smaller than nonpareil, de- scribing and expressing in general terms, the purport and character of the notice intended to be given. Ordinance Adding Items Nos. 309, 1468 That the notice and 1531 to Port Ordinance No. 60. of which the annexed is a printed copy, was published in said newspaper, 1 time to-wit: from the 20th day of September A. D 19 3 3 , to and until the 20th day of September A. D. 19 33, both days inclusive, and as often during said period as said newspaper was pub- lished, to-wit: On the 2Gth day of September, 1933

Subscribed and sworn to before me this

Wit._-_ -day of. _Sept A. D. 19_ze



Introduced by Seconded by


BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Port Commissioners of the City of Oakland, as follows: SECTION 1. The Board of Port Commissioners of the City of Oakland hereby relinquishes to the Council of said City the control Pvd jurisdiction of that portion of the "port area" as set forth in the charter of the said City, particularly described as follows, to-wit: Beginning at a point on the agreed low tide line of May 4th, 1852, said point being the most northerly corner of Parcel "D" hereinafter referred to and running thence along the said agreed low tide line and its extension, South 63° 50 1 3a" East a distance of 60.343 feet; thence along the northerly boundary line of Parcel No. 5, and Parcel No. 6, hereinafter referred to, a distance of 150 feet to the most easterly corner of said Parcel No. 6; thence along the easterly boundary line of Parcel No. 6 South 22° 441 22" West to its intersection with the United States Pier- head line; thence westwardly along the United States Pier- head line to its intersection with the southerly production of the westerly boundary line of said Parcel "D"; thence along the southerly production of the westerly boundary line of said Parcel "D" and along the western boundary line of said Parcel "D" North 32° 17 East to the point of be- ginning. Said Parcel "D" hereinbefore referred to, being delineated and so designated on the map accompanying that certain agreement and conveyance by and between the City of Oakland and The Western Pacific Railroad Company dated August 24, 1932 and recorded in Liber 2851, page 353, Official Records of Alameda County, and said Parcel No. 5 and Parcel No. 6 hereinbefore referred to being delineated and so designated on the map accompanying that certain agreement and conveyance by and between the City of Oakland and the Central Pacific Railway Company and Southern Pacific Company, dated June 30, 1932, and recorded in Liber 2852, page 362, Official Records of Alameda County, and transfers the public tide and submerged lands contained within such area, together with the wharf, fairway, road approaches, appurtenances and facilities thereof to the Council of said City for the sole purpose of maintaining and operating a municipal garbage wharf, it being hereby de- termined that said lands and improvements are, when subject to such use, unnecessary for port purposes. SECTION 2. The foregoing transfer of the said lands and improvements and the relinquishment of the jurisdiction and control thereof by the Board of Port Commissioners to the said Council is subject, however, to the condition that should the use of said lands and improvements as a municipal garbage wharf, or for use in connection with the disposal of garbage at sea be ever abandoned,. then, in such event, the said lands and improvements and the full control and juris- diction thereof, shall _ipso facto revert to the said Board of Port Commissioners, or its successor. It is further pro- vided that the Council shall not use the said land and im- provements for any other purpose than as a municipal garbage wharf except with the consent of the said Board of Port Commissioners. SECTION 3. This port ordinance shall take effect upon the final adoption by the said Council of its ordinance approving and accepting the transfer to it of the said lands and jurisdiction and agreeing to the restrictions therein set forth. In Board. of Port Commissioners, Oakland, Calif., August 28th, 1933. Passed to print for one day by the following Vote: Ayes: Commissioners Goodrich, Leet, Pardee, Pendleton and President Fisher -5- Noes: None. Absent: None.

Adopted at a a regular meeting held September 18, 1933 By the following Vote: Ayes: Commissioners Goodrich, Leet, McElroy, Pardee and President Fisher-5-

Noes: None Absent: None

Secretary. Approved as to form and legality: 4.,44-ze e /P.-61 Port Attorney

Affidavit of Publication

IN THE MATTER OF Affidavit of Publication of

City of Oakland, An Ordinance Relinquishing Control Port of Oakland. a Portion of the Port Area and

Transferring the Lands therein, etc


Core fi fang t aat it ;t flower show by none other tha of said County, being duly sworn, says: nders real and Every year this society concludes That he is and was during all the time herein mentioned, a white male citi- community is it gives at Cante ,Zen week with an Ep of the United States, over,-the age of twenty-one years, not a party to or variably it is the interested in the matter or action herein set forth. puns that evoke 1 c WENS. example, there WI That he is now and at all times hereinafter mentioned, was the principal scheme for the I wally opens Its policeman of two clerk of THE TRIBUNE PUBLISHING CO., a corporation, the publisher .e intact. Regis- bailey was sent t and printer of the OAKLAND TRIBUNE, which was during all the time here- ttion which has ing assurance tha. all right as an o: inafter mentioned, and now is a newspaper of general circulation, as that term for more than , never l to set t The -courage of is defined by Section 4460 of the Political Code, and as provided by said Sec- clarion•declaratiol ege, of course, "The Dictionary tion, is printed and published in the City of Oakland, County of Alameda, State arned students puns are good, ba of California, for the dissemination of local and telegraphic news and intelli- who lack the wit y of the states fact." From the gence of a general character, having a bona fide subscription list of paying sub- hanged largely 'that the Punic V times become pun scribers, and is not devoted to the interests or published for the entertainment oor ggart Mills and has doubled their. instruction of a particular class, profession, trade, calling, race or denomination :o Oakland, in laborious ingenuh or for any number of such classes, professions, trades, callings, races or denom- wasw thenth far is in search of e': . Puns were not irzations and as such clerk has now and at all of said times had charge of all after 1660, though P Pun is `said to h: advertisements in said newspaper. 'roman's .educes- bishopric; -and Se tilt Mills Hall,, enough. It is Sh That said newspaper has been established, printed and published at regular ties the question. sands of trees, "Macbeth," whet. intervals, in the said City of Oakland, County of Alameda, State of California, for and ideals slaying of Dunce, for the college . -.rat gild- th, more than two years preceding the date of the first publication of the notice herein For it MUS core proved in has been consider mentioned; that said notice was set in type not smaller than nonpareil, and was i come to the certainly the mo: preceded with words printed in black face type not smaller than nonpareil, de- all funny. It is he states -and outrageous, as La scribing and expressing in general terms, the purport and character of the notice ign countries. best.—Christian S intended to be given. That the notice of an Ordinance Relingu.ishing Control of a Portion of the Port Area and Transferring the Lands therein,, etc. of which the annexed is a printed copy, was published in said newspaper, 1 Time

to-wit: from the 13th day of September A D. 19 33,

to and until the 13th day of September A.D. 19 33, both days inclusive, and as often during said period as said newspaper was pub-

lished, to-wit:— on the 13th day of September, 1933.

Subscribed and sworn to before me this? 14th day of_Sapt....__A. D. 19_,3

Notary Public in and for t , State of California .4iM92 FORM ADV.-50 1 M 3-32 15953 BOARD OF PORT COMMISSIONERS CITY OF OAKLAND

PORT ORDINANCE NO. 167 Introduced by Seconded by


BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Port Commissioners of the City of Oakland, as follows: SECTION 1. The President of the Board of Port Coiaissioners is hereby authorimed and directed to enter into and execute a lease with the United States of America, Department of Commerce, Aeronautics Branch, (pursuant to the. notice heretofore published inviting bids and the bids filed therefor from t1 Government ), for a period. of 5 years, for the purposes of the erection, maintenance and operation by the Government or a directive radio beacon station and radio range station at the Oakland Municipal Airport, upon the following area of land, to-wit:

Beginning at a point on the easterly boundary line of the fifty foot right of way of the South Pacific Coast Railway Company, as said right Of way is reserved and described in that certain In- denture dated January 31, 1931, by and between South Pacific Coast Railway Company, and South- ern Pacific Company and City of Oaklaad, re- corded October 14, 1932, in Liber 2888, page 98, Official Records of Alameda County, distant along said easterly boundary line South 33° 19 13" East, a distance of 1397,50 feet from the northerly terminus of same; thence continuing along said easterly boundary line South 33° 19 13" East a distance of 660,00 feet; thence leaving said easterly boundary line North 56° 40 47" East a distance of 660.00 feet; thence North 33° 19 13" West a distance of 660.00 feet; thence South 56° 40 47" West a distance - of 660.00 feet to the point of beginning, and containing 10 Acres, SECTION 2. This ordinance shall take effect -at the time and in the manner provided by law.

In Board of Port Commissioners, Oakland, Calif., September 5th, 1933. Passed to print for one day by the following Voter Ayes: Commissioners Goodrich, Leet, Pardee, Pendleton and President Fisher -5- Noes: None. Absent: None,

Adopted at a regular meeting held September 11, 1933 By the following Vote:

Ayes: Commissioners Goodrich, Leet, Pardee, Pendleton and President Fisher -5- Noes: None Absent: None

Secretary. Approved as to form and legality:

Affidavit of Publication

IN THE MATTER OF Affidavit of Publication of City of Oakland. An Ordinance Awarding Lease of Port of Oakland Land on Oakland Municipal Airport

to United States of America, etc.


Pl.,' .1:1■IN ,i,---,,,, , of said County; being duly sworn, says: U ,, ,O,. i/AliiilliAND AlR PORT TO -UNITED Mliiiill-C1_ -frOT: Ai I:Ai-- That he is and was during all the time herein mentioned, a white male citi- 6-1=LbAIN-E D by th„ p,,,,,,i zen of the United States, over the age of twenty-one years, not a party to or Commissioners of the City id :+:3 folloum The President of the interested in the matter or action herein set forth. Port Commismoners Is I f ,oed and directed to That he is now and at all times hereinafter mentioned, was the principal 1 , acute a Mase Wini of Arneccu, pe- aMerce, Aeronau- clerk of THE TRIBUNE PUBLISHING CO., a corporation, the publisher ,m to the notice inviting bids and printer of the OAKLAND TRIBUNE, which was during all the time here: etc"- front the i a d of 5 inctfter mentioned, and now is a newspaper of general circulation, as that term the erect- ration try directive ra- is defined by Section 4460 of the Political Code, and as provided by said Sec- :5 radio range 1 till Mull IC if., I tion, is printed and published in the City of Oakland, County of Alameda, State the following area of of California, for the dissemination of local and telegraphic news and intelli- at a point on the past.- M00 0 P line of the fifty foot of the South Pacific gence of a general character, having a bona fide subscription list of paying sub- aY 'Company, as said reserved and de- scribers, and is not devoted to the interests or published for the entertainment or certain Indenture 11131, by and be- instruction of a particular class, profession, trade, calling, race or denomination , _CM Coast 14a11-4.ay thern Pacific Corn- Oakland,recorded or for any number of such classes, professions, trades, callings, races or denom- in Liber IRS, page iords of Alameda inations, and as such clerk has now and at all of said times had charge of all along said easterly :33' 19 13- East, advertisements in said newspaper. 1397.50 feet front the cminus of same; thence along said easterly boon- That said newspaper has been established, printed and published at regular 'outh 118 . 19' 13" East a ,60,00 feet; thence leav- oasterly boundary line intervals, in the said City of Oakland, County of Alameda, State of California, for 1113t. a distance of Forth 33' 19' 13" wore than two years preceding the date of the first publication of the notice herein fifi o.nn feet; 40' 47" West a m entioned; that said notice was set in type not smaller than nonpareil, and was feet to thepCdrit Id containing w.eceded with words printed in black face type not smaller than nonpareil, de- 'Ibis ordinance shall 1 e time and in the ;cribing and expressing in general terms, the purport and character of the notice ntended to be given. That the notice of an Ordinance Awarding Lease of Land on ukland Municipal Airport to United States of America, etc. )f which the annexed is a printed copy, was published in said newspaper, 1 Time

to-wit: from the 7th day of September A. D 19 33, to 67,Aguatayhe 7th day of September A. D. 19 33, lar-Zio3C6 inclusive, and as often during said period as said newspaper was pub- lished, to-wit:— on the 7th day of September, 1933.

Subscribed and sworn to before me this) 7th day of SePt .A. D. 1933

Notary Public in and for the County of Alameda, State of California FOR pov.-50 IM 3-32 13953 Mu Commission F_,Xfteres October30, 1933



SECTION 1. Item numbered 1 of -Tort Grdlna ce.N00 31 is hereby amended to read as follows: Item 1. STORAGE OF AIRCRAFT A. Hangar Storage - Active Planes Wing Span Day Week Month Year Under 30 feet $ 1,,00 0700 02500 $275.00 Over 30 to 35 ft. incl. 1.25 850 3000 330.00 Over 35 to 40 ft. incl. 1.50 10.00 3500 38500 Over 40 to 45 ft. incl. 1.75 1150 40.00 440.00 Over 45 to 50 ft. incl. 2.00 13.00 45.00 495.00 Over 50 to 60 ft. incl. 2.50 1600 55.00 605.00 Over 60 to 70 ft. incl. 3.25 20.00 70.00 770.00 Over 70 to - 85 ft. incl. 4.00 25.00 90.00 990.00 Over 85 ft. 5.00 30.00 loo,po 1100.00 B. Hangar Storage - Dead Planes - 020.00 Per month C. Open Field Storage Day Week Month All planes 75fZ 04.00 015.00 SECTION 2. This ordinance shall take effect immediately. In Board of Port Commissioners, Calif., August 21,1933. Passed to print for one day by the following Vote: Ayes: Commissioners Goodrich, Leet, Pardee, Pendleton ° and President Fisher -5- Noes: None. Absent: None. Adopted at a regular meeting held August 28th, 1933. By the following Vote: Ayes: Commissioners Goodrich, Leet, Pardee, Pendleton d President Noes: None Fisher -5- Absent: None

Attest Secretary.

Affidavit of Publication

IN THE MATTER OF Affidavit of Publication of City of Oakland An Ordinance Amending Item 1

Port of Oakland of Port Ordinance No. 31.



I ~VW` And now discovered that fit: e woman who discovered a gold eye of said County, being duly sworn, says: atch in a can of peaches bought sigi e same on tick. ink That he is and was during all the time herein mentioned, a white male citi- it ; In Rome, honeymoon couples are oto Zen of the United States, over the age of twenty-one years, not a party to or yen free tickets on the street cars. the interested in the matter or action herein set forth. it no transfers? on I: sph le Lamson case is one again That he is now and at all times hereinafter mentioned, was the principal But we have not—descried. fact which might be pertinent E clerk of THE TRIBUNE PUBLISHING CO., a corporation, the publisher Just who is being tried? TO and printer of the OAKLAND TRIBUNE, which was during all the time here.: '.Many sehool' districts broke." . inafter mentioned, and now is a newspaper of general circulation, as that term .c little red schoolhouse is now A. the red. the is defined by Section 4460 of the Political Code, and as provided by said Sec- id then there was a nudist tion, is printed and published in the City of Oakland, County of Alameda, State Without a coat or jeans of ( ao vowed he was but dressing of California, for the dissemination of local and telegraphic news and intelli- ccording to his means. the gence of a general character, having a bona fide subscription list of paying sub- fitti :he bee men are going to have spe. scribers, and is not devoted to the interests or published for the entertainment or rode; Maype ,they agree to A instruction of a particular class, profession, trade, calling, race or denomination or for any number of such classes, professions, trades, callings, races or denom- inations, and as such clerk has now and at all of said times had charge of all advertisements in said newspaper. That said newspaper has been established, printed and published at regular intervals, in the said City of Oakland, County of Alameda, State of California, for more than two years preceding the date of the first publication of the notice herein mentioned; that said notice was set in type not smaller than nonpareil, and was preceded with words printed in black face type not smaller than nonpareil, de- scribing and expressing in general terms, the purport and character of the notice intended to be given. That the notice of an Ord in anc e Ame_agling_ It 0111_ af _PC? rt Ordinance No. 31. of which the annexed is a printed copy, was published in said newspaper, 1 T1mP

to-wit: from the 23rd day of August A. D. 19 33 to and until the 23rd day of August A. D. 19_ 33 both days inclusive, and as often during said period as said newspaper was pub- lished, on the 23rd day of Auguet4___193Z.

Subscribed and sworn to before me this 24th day of A14-.E. A. D. 19 33

Notary Public in and for the County of Alameda, State of California orml wov.-50 IN, 3-52 13353 My Commission .Expire: October 30, 1933 BOARD OF PORT COMMISSIONERS CITY OF OAKLAND



BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Port Commissioners of the City of Oakland, as follows:: SECTION 1. Item 345 of Port Ordinance No. 60 is hereby amended, to be and read as follows: VI - SERVICE CHARGES Coast-vrise-Inbound Item No, 345 - Box Shooks and Crate Material 30X per ton SECTION 2. Items 269 and 272 are hereby added to said ordinance, to be and read as follows: VI - SERVICE CHARGES Foreign-Outbound Item No. 269 - Fish Meal 25e per ton 272 - Iron Steel Articles, viz.:1 Bar, Plate, Rails, Sheet and Structural, direct from car to vessel 25, per ton SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect August 23rd, 1933, Adopted at a regular meeting held August 21st, 1933. By the following Vote: Ayes: Commissioners Goodrich, Leet, Pardee, Pendleton and President Fisher Noes: None Absent: None

President. Attest Secretary. In Board of Port Commissioners, Oakland,Calif., August 14th, 1933. Passed to print for one day by the following Vote: Ayes: Commissione2 Pardee, Pendletoh, Goodrich and President Fisher -4- Noes: None Absent: Commissioner Leet -1- Affidavit of Publication

IN THE MATTER OF Affidavit of Publication of

City of Oakland Ordinance Amending. Item 345 Port of Oakland of Port Ordinance No. 60, etc.


PORT ORDINANCE NO. 165 of said County, being duly sworn, says: AN . ORDINANCE A M E ND I N G ITEM 346 OF PORT ORDINANCE U. 60, AND ADDING CERTAIN That he is and was during all the time herein mentioned, a white male citi- l'AIS THERETO. zen of the United States, over the age of twenty-one years, not a party to or Pal IT ORDAINED by the Board or Port Commissioners of the City of ,akland, as follows: interested in the matter or action herein set forth. Sf7CTION 1. Item 349 of Port Ordi- nance No. 60 Is hereby amended, to That he is now and at all times hereinafter mentioned, was the principal be and read as follows: VI—SERVICE CHARGES Coastwise—Inbound clerk of THE TRIBUNE PUBLISHING CO., a corporation, the publisher and printer of the OAKLAND TRIBUNE, which was during all the time here- 345--Box Shooks and Crate ▪ aterial 305 per ton inafter mentioned, and now is a newspaper of general circulation, as that term SP3CTION 2, Items 289 and 272 are hereby added to said ordinance, to be and read as follows: is defined by Section 4460 of the Political Code, and as provided by said Sec- VI—ST:RV-P-7M CITARCBS Foreign—Onthound tion, is printed and published in the City of Oakland, County of Alameda, State of California, for the dissemination of local and telegraphic news and intelli- ---Fixh Meal 25e per ton 2—Iron & Steel gence of a general character, having a bona fide subscription list of paying sub- Bar, Plate. Rails, S III e e t and Structural, 0' rect from ear to vessel 25e. per ton scribers, and is not devoted to the interests or published for the entertainment or .., 3. This ordinance shall take effect August 23rd, 1933. instruction of a particular class, profession, trade, calling, race or denomination In Board of Port Commissioners, Oakland, Calif., August 14th, 1933. or for any number of such classes, professions, trades, callings, races or denom- Passed to print for one day by the following Vote: Ayes: Commission- ers. Pardee, Pendleton, Goodrich and inations, and as such clerk has now and at all of said times had charge of all P resident Fisher-4. Noes: None. AI ,feer., Commissioner Leet-1.. advertisements in said newspaper. A. H. ABET.. :r ecr,1 r, Board of Port Commis- That said newspaper has been established, printed and published at regular .' —Aug, 74—(1 T) intervals, in the said City of Oakland, County of Alameda, State of California, for more than two years preceding the date of the first publication of the notice herein mentioned; that said notice was set in type not smaller than nonpareil, and was preceded with words printed in black face type not smaller than nonpareil, de- scribing and expressing in general terms, the purport and character of the notice intended to be given. That the notice of an Ordinance Amending Item 345 of Port Ordinance No. 60, etc. of which the annexed is a printed copy, was published in said newspaper, 1 Time

to-wit: from the 18th day of AUE,71.1St A. D. 19 33 , to and until the 18th day of A. D. 19 33 , One ?lay B..Ovudffpcinclusive,- and as often during said period as said newspaper was pub- lished, to-wit:— on the 18th_ ag.,y_ _Di Aug:I/Q.t._ _19'43,

Subscribed and sworn to before me this 18th day of Aug • A. D. 1933

Notary Public in and for the Count /of Alameda:Sta of California 2 FORM ADV.-50 lu 3-32 IRa53



Introduced by Seconded by


BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Port Commissioners of the City of Oakland, as folicws: SECTION 1. Item numbered 217 of Port Ordinance No. 60 is hereby amended, and an item numbered 437 is hereby added to said ordinance, to be and read as follows: V MISCELLANEOUS CHARGES Item No. 217 - RECONDITIONING FLOUR: The charge for reconditioning flour shall be as follows: Size Resack and bring Sift, resack and bring to correct weight to correct wei tht 5# 4ct per sack 5 per sack 10# u8 !I ft 24# U It 12id ft 49# 124 " " 20 fi 98# 200 " " 350 It

VI SERVICE CTTARGES Inland Waterway - Outbound 437 - Cement, in bulk, direct from cars to vessel 100 per 2000 lbs. SECTION 2. This ordinance shall take effect July 12th, 1933.

In Board of Port Commissioners, Oakland, Calif., July 3rd, 1933. Passed to print for one day by the following Vote Ayes:: Commissioners Leet, Pardee, Pendleton and President Fisher -4- Noes: None. Absent: Commissioner Goodrich -1-

Adopted at a regular meeting held July 10th, 1933. By the following Vote: Ayes: Commissioners Leet, Pardee, Pendleton, Goodrich and President Fisher -5- Noes: None Absent: None

President. Attest - Secretary. Approved as to form and legality:

C.- /0.A-elt, Port Attorney 0.,

Affidavit of Publication

IN THE MATTER OF Affidavit of Publication of City of Oakaand An Ordinance Amending Item 217 Port of Oakland of Port Ordinance No. 60 and Add

ing Item 437 thereto.


POUT oRDINANCE . NO. 164. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING. of said County, being duly sworn, 'says: TTEM 217 (IF poRT ORDINANCE Nei. 60 AND 1[ NG. - ITEM 437 That he is and was during all the time herein mentioned, a white male citi- THERETO. BE"IT ORDAINED by. the Board zen of the United States, over the age of twenty-one years, not a party to or of Drto Coissionersm . City 2 ofOpIdandm , as follows: of the • interested in the matter or action herein set forth. S ECIT) I.. Item numbered 217 of Port Ordinance /go. 60 Is here- ov amended, a nd an Item numbered That he is now and at all times hereinafter mentioned, was the principal 427 is hereby added to said ordi- nance. to re Ire as follows: clerk of THE TRIBUNE PUBLISHING CO., a corporation, the publisher V An SCELLANEOLTS CHARGES Item o i and printer of the OAKLAND TRIBUNE, which was during all the time here- 217 PE rI ONDITIONING FLOUR: Teo rim.: ire for reconditioning' inafter mentioned, and now is a newspaper of general circulation, as that term flour shall be as follows: Size -1-1,,,,dc and Sift, resack is defined by Section 4460 of the Political Code, and as prov ided by said Sec- bring to c o-. and bring to rec1 weight. correct weight tion, is printed and published in the City of Oakland County of Alameda, State 4 ror sac_lt 5 c per sack r 1011) 6 .1,er sac-k c per sack of California, for the dissemination of local and telegraphic news and intelli- 2411, 7 per sack 121 ,c per sack .1!I III 1'2 per sack 20 c Per sack B lb till e per sack 35 c per sack ence of a general character, having a bona fide subscription list of paying sub- f SI211VICE CHARGES scribers, and is not devoted to the interests or published for the entertainment dr In d waterway—outbciund ir hulk, direct instruction L. 001 C :IFS I 0, vessel.... 10c perpe, of a particular class, profession, trade, calling, race or denomination 20 00 lbs. SECTION 2. This ordinance shall or for any number of such classes, professions, trades, callings, races or denom- ta l 12/11, 1033. Dra rd Port Commissioners. i7zations, and as such clerk has now and at all of said times had charge of all O.M. I:1;1 n fl, Ca/if.. July 3rd. 1933. Pa't ,crl l a Print "for one day by advertisements in said newspaper. the. frdlo iv,nJJ vole: Ayes—Commis- Let: . Pardee, .Pendleton and P r, I F1,11,1--4. Noes—none. That said newspaper has been established, printed and published at regular Absent—Con] ,d,zioner Goodrich-1. A. FT. ARFIT,. S,cr,tary, Board of Pr, t /), intervals, in the said City of Oakland, County of Alameda, State of California, for ien ei 6-2-111y 7-11. more than two years preceding the date of the first publication of the notice herein mentioned; that said notice was set in type not smaller than nonpareil, and was preceded with words printed in black face type not smaller than nonpareil, de- scribing and expressing in general terms, the purport and character of the notice intended to be given. That the notice of an, Ordinanoe Anlenaing item 217 of Port Ordinance No. 60 and_ Adding Item 437 thereto. of which the annexed is a printed copy, was published in said newspaper, 1 Time 4 to-wit: from the 7th day of July A. D. 19 33, to and until the 7th day of July A. D. 19 33, one d ay baTit:Accocinclusive, and as often during said period as said newspaper was pub-

lished, to-wit:— on. the____7 th.. 0..Q.,y_-__ _o_ f_ _0:11 1 y,___ 19_ 3_3

Subscribed and sworn to before me this? 7th day of July A. D. 1933 )

Notary Public in a if or the oun 2 FORM APv.-se 1z 3-32 15953 BOARD OF PORT COMMISSIONERS CITY OF OAKLAND

PORT ORDINANCE NO. 163 frt., Introduced by Seconded by


BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Port Coniwission.ers of the City cf Oakland, as follows: SECTION 1. Item numbered 2297 of Port Ordinance No. 60 is hereby amended to read as follows: Item XV - WEIGHING No. Cents 2297 Grain: 25 per 2000 lbs, When performed in conjunction with car loading or unloading-- weighing included in loading or unloading charge. SECTION 2. This ordinance shall take effect imniediately.

In Board of Port Commissioners, Oakland Calif., May 15th, 1933. Passed to print for one day by the following Vote: Ayes: Com- missioners Goodrich, Leet, Pendleton and President Fisher -4- Noes: None, Absent: Commissioner Pardee -1-

Adopted at a regular meeting held May 22nd, 1933 By the following Vote: Ayes: Commissioners Goodrich, Leet, Pendleton and President Fisher -4- Noes: None Absent: Commissioner Pardee -1-

Secretary. Approved as to form and legality:

a. /0'eat..t4 Port Attorney

Affif'avit of Pi; Llication

IN THE MATTER OF Affidavit of Publication of

City of. .0a_k1and (An Qrdi.nanQ.e_..Amend.ing_....I.t.ena,_ No

Port_of_ Daklan.d 2297 of___Ro.r.t.___Qrslinanc_e...N_o_._. 60.



Petit' 011,1)1NANCE NO. 183. P_DIN_A.NCE: AMENDING No. 2257 OF POIt'l! OP.D1- of said County, being duly sworn, says: 'E NO. 60. That he is and was during all the time herein mentioned, a white male citi- i IT ORDAINED -by the Board t. t. Commissioners of the City kland; as follows: zen of the United States, over the age of twenty-one years, not a party to or tiT1ON Y.. Item numbered 22.57 Port Ordinance No. 60 in hereby interested in the matter or action herein set forth. mled to read as follows: XV—I4PICIP1Nlt Cents That he is now and at all times hereinafter mentioned, was the principal ;rain 25c per 2000 lbs. tiVhen performed in Con - clerk of THE TRIBUNE PUBLISHING CO., a corporation, the publisher jltnction with ear loading or noloading — weighing- and printer of the OAKLAND TRIBUNE which was during all the time here- included in loading or no- :lo adcharge. inafter mentioned,ing- and now is a newspaper of general circulation, as that term 1 9EICT1ON2. This ordinance shall 7, i t immediately. is defined by Section 4460 of the Political Code, and as provided by said Sec- 1,,,,,1of ', Mt Commissioners, , Calif., Day 15th, x533. ;se, to print for one day by tion, is printed and published in the City of Oakland, County of Alameda, State 'olio-wing vote: Ayes—Commis- re Goodrich. Leet, • Pendleton of California for the dissemination of local and telegraphic news and intelli- Pr■zi=lit_ns,1,Mri---ls Noes— Commissioner` gence of a general character, having a bona fide subscription list of paying sub- eee. A. H. ABEL, scribers, and is not devoted to the interests or published for the entertainment or Secretary Board of Port Comae's- I 203 _ \Tay 17 (1-t). instruction of a particular class, profession, trade, calling, race or denomination or for any number of such classes, professions, trades, callings, races or denom- inations, and as such clerk has now and at all of said times had charge of all advertisements in said newspaper. That said newspaper has been established, printed and published at regular tea 2 intervals, in the said City of Oakland, County of Alameda, State of California, for 0 eft more than two years preceding the date of the first publication of the notice herein _ mentioned; that said notice was set in type not smaller than nonpareil, and was •`..71 preceded with words printed in black face type not smaller than nonpareil, de- scribing and expressing in general terms, the purport and character of the notice Lt) 8 c; A intended to be given. !'"'-4 E--• Lt., cz: rzcz4, c:, „to That the Ordinance Amending Item No. 2297 ci.. >-. of___Eart__Ordinanc_e.,No– _60. ctL 8 Q 1 of which the annexed is a printed copy, was published in said newspaper, co0 1 Time to-wit: from the 17th day of May A. D. 19_34 to and until the 17th day of Ma.y A. D. 19....34 irc tlxgrnclusive, and as often during said period as said newspaper was pub- lished, to-wit:—__.on__.the_._17-th_._da3z---of---Ivia-1---19.33-.-

Subscribed and sworn to before me this .17th day of lviRy A. D. 193.3.

Notary Public in he County of Ala eda, State of California OtxM itov.-50 tie 3-32 13953 BOARD OF PORT COMMISSIONERS CITY OF OAKLAND


BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Port Commissioners of the City of Oakland, as follows: SECTION 1. Item numbered 542 is hereby added to Port Ordinance No. 60, to be and read as follows: IX - STORAGE Item No. 542 - Box Shook 2-3/4w per ton per day SECTION 2. This ordinance shall take effect immediately.

In Board of Port Commissioners, Oakland, Calif., may 1st, 1933. Passed toiprint for one day by the following Vote: Ayes: Commissioners Goodrich, Leet, Pendleton and President Fisher -4- Noes: None. Absent; Commissioner Pardee -1-

Adopted at a regular meeting held May 8th, 1933 By the following Vote: Ayes: Commissioners Goodrich, Leet, Pardee, Pendleton and President Fisher -.5- Noes: None Absent: None

Approved as to form and legality: c0 'S1 Port Attorney At of -ablicac..Gn

IN THE MATTER OF Affidavit of Publication of

City of Oak and ar.d._inan.ce adding m Igo. Port of Oakland 1542 to Port Ordinance No. 60.


i•owr N CAB ISO. 162 ORDINANCE A nniNG ITEM of said County, being duly sworn, says: i2 TO POET ORDINANCE NO. IT ORDAINED by the tioard That he is and was during all the time herein mentioned, a white male citi- -. Port Commissioners of the City t Oakland, as .f ollows: SECTION 1. Item numbered 592Zen . of the United States, over the age of twenty-one years, not a party to or hereby added to Port Ordinance ^.o. 60, to he. •and read as follows: Interested in the matter or action herein set forth. IX---STO/IA.GE - 1.-em That he is now and at all times hereinafter mentioned, was the principal No. r ton Per ---E.ATo. sIVr. k'T2 1"i'se clerk of THE TRIBUNE PUBLISHING CO., a corporation, the publisher take effect irnmediatelY.•h s2In Board of Port Commissioner OaRland, Calif., May 1st, 19,1. Passed and printer of the OAKLAND TRIBUNE, which was during all the time here- 1,) print for one day by - n g vote: A y e s: Commissioners inafter mentioned, and now is a newspaper of general circulation, as that term =1"Abl4-'1”-Ve.Mle7STI,T=P7i17- is defined by Section 4460 of the Political Code, and as provided by said Sec- .sent:, Commissioner 'Pardee-1. 195-May 5-1t. tion, is printed and published in the City of Oakland, County of Alameda, State of California, for the dissemination of local and telegraphic news and intelli- gence of a general character, having a bona fide subscription list of paying sub- scribers, and is not devoted to the interests or published for the entertainment or instruction of a particular class, profession, trade, calling, race or denomination or for any number of such classes, professions, trades, callings, races or denom- inations, and as such clerk has now and at all of said times had charge of all advertisements in said newspaper. That said newspaper has been established, printed and published at regular intervals, in the said City of Oakland, County of Alameda, State of California, for more than two years preceding the date of the first publication of the notice herein mentioned; that said notice was set in type not smaller than nonpareil, and was preceded with words printed in black face type not smaller than nonpareil, de- scribing and expressing in general terms, the purport and character of the notice intended to be given. That the notice__D an Ordinance adding item No. 542 to Port Ordinance No . 60 of which the annexed is a printed copy, was published in said newspaper, 1 Time to-wit: from the 5th day of May A. D. 1933 to and until the 5th day of May A. D. 1933 one day lizalig2titiA inclusive, and as often during said period as said newspaper was pub- lished, to-wit: on the 5th day of May, 1933.

Subscribed and sworn to before me this of----May 6th day A. D. 19 33

FORM wov.-5o 1M 3-32 13853


0 P FJ r, r, rJ rJ rJ rJ rJ r--; rJ rJ rJ rJ rJ QD (0 GO -1 ,1 cD 0 Fa) co FS -1 -1 CD Cn cn 44 W=.. CA CA NI NO 1--, 0 0 (0 CA cn (0 FJ Ca Ps 0 (0 44 CO C) Cn 0) F-, cD F-, cn 0 ii=. QD CA CD 01 0 C) 0) 01 0 Cn CD 01 0 CD Cn Cn 0 C) cn 0 c) 01 01 ...... ct 0-' V 4 le es 4 to Se 4 4 Y4 to to 4 4 O' q 0 co (0 Co -1 -1 0 CD FS Fa F-, F-, F-, F-1 F-I F-, 1-.1 1--, I-4 F-, I--, F.-, 1--, (0 CA CD Q) NO 44 Ft 0 -1 -1 cn 0) cn 44 04 CA CA 6) W F-, 0 C) Cn CD 6) Cn CD Cn CD f" cf (0 44 (OH CD -1 N) CD I- , 0) F-, Cn (0 t34 4 4 4 4 . 4 1-4 w q -1 CO0000001 U1000 ,10 Cf 0 (1) 4 to No te 4 to 4 to se So a a a a 1....) CO OD CO ....1 0) 4 CI p) 0 44 0 CD 6) CA . 1-, I-4 F-, 1--, F-1 FJ I-J I-I 1-1 F-1 I-J F-I F-1 I-, C) C) Cn CD Cn tn 01 0 W 0 GO -1 0) CD to 44 44 CA CA DO NO F-, I-J C) 0 . u . u u t4 Ft t4 fli CD 44 (D 61 CD -1 N1 0) NI 0) fo Cn CD 44 .C) hJ p 0 QD Cn C) Cn cn cn -1 CD cn 0 Cn CA Cn (0 0) CO -1 cn 1-3 c) H H(I) to ,a to to %a to ea to to to 4 to se to 1-7 14 -1 0 61 0) H cl) 1-2 pi, 000Cn000 N-4 cf... FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA 1_, FA FA c). . . . . H 0 O Co -1 -4 CD Cn 44 4 CA tA 6) 6) F-1 F-, C) 0 P Pi P FJ Cn CD CA -1 00 CR -1 6) -3 6) Cn CD CI% comet ...1 OO H 0 W cf 0 00000000000000 0(0 F-, CA 0) • ID, 0 p. a a to to So 4 to 4 Se 4 4 4 4 to I-3000010i es H 0 No so 4 to V P ct 0 h-, I-4 I--, 1-, hJ F-, I-J 1--, h., I-J 1--, F-, 1--, FJ Hfn W • o' o -1 -3 0) Cn 44 a, CA CA NO NO F., hJ 0 C) (0 CO CO -1 CD cr M (J P. M Pl., Cn I-4 CA -1 QD CA -1 CA CO CA CD I-J On. cn QD I-, FP. CO o Cn C) CD cn CD 01 Cn CD 0 CD Cn Cn Cn Cn Cn Cn CD CD i Ft cf 11 t....j H. 4 v. 4 4 4. 4. '. v. to Ns to Se H. . . . a al o g.. M I-3 b Z CD 0 Co 0 H VINHli U) Z X 0 P ct F-, I-J I-I I-J 1-0 Fa fa FJ F-, 1-1 F-, I-J I--, 1-1 Fa (0 (0 CO -1 0 7 h., ct 11-1 2 0 r g ¢ N 0 -1 -1 CD Cn Cn 41 CA CA NO 6) 1-, I-, 0 cn CD C) 6) 44 Co 0 0' Ct) 0 m M CD I-J fl . -1 0 44 03 CA CO CA -1 HC) . C) cn C) cn cn o H Q Z> g 1 0 CD Cn 0 -1 C) CD Cn Cn Cn 1--1 tn CD CD . u . . u cf o i-9 ,-3 0 11Y v> 4 4 v. 4 4 4 4 v. 4 v. 4 FA pr Co 0 0 •► 03 tli M tli 0 (f) co 0 c0 co 00-1 0 11 0 t.71- CL 0 (f) Ft -3 Fd F-, I-J I-, F-, 1-, F-, 1--, 1--, Fa I-, 1-, F-, F-, 1-4 CD F-1 6) Cn co o P cn cr r O co 0 -4 -1 Cn cn Cn 44 CA CR NO 6) 1-, I-J 0 -4 CD CD Cn CD C) IDJ 11 • CTSOH F-I ,. FJ F" FS CD 6) 44 Co tO 04 QD 44 (0 CR Co NO 0) 4. u . . . . PL 13.0 5 HO ct0-0000<000M000 Cn 0 I-, O p No 4 4 to to tel to 4 4 41 4 4 4 H co to cp -.1 0., co 0 . cl) c/3 0 Z 1-50 0 --0 1--, 0 cn co 0 ft 0 I-, m Cn ct 1-3 I--, I--, EJ I-1 FJ fa 1-.1 1--, I-J F-, I-, HI FJ NO CD CA CD cn On. I- h7i x. •! 0p CI -1 -1 CD a Cn 44 44 Ca 60 N) I--, , 0 O u u u . 11 • -1 CA CD (0 6) 44 CD 44 QD CA CO 6) <••Cn 0 0 01 0 CD CD Cn (0 NO Cn Cn Cn Cn Cn tn cl) QD CO -1 -1 (0 I'S a t p:1 a a a a a a a a a a a a a }-I -.1 H 01 0) 0 cji cf N 0 00 0 00 0 0%. ct o 1-4 I--f 1-1 f-J H 1-3 1-1 i-1 1--, f-, H 1-1 1-f tV• • u u ‘• 0 o -/ -3 0) cn tn 44 44 CA CA 6) 1--, I--, CD cn 0) ft 00 Cri CD 00 Oa 0 0 0 0 A tl) CA 00 %. c0 c0 Co .- -.I 1--, O 0 cn Cn Cn -I 0 en 0 0 0 0 0 0 CO 1\0 A Co 0 Cn CP. % UV. ‘. . 4 . 41 %* 4 4 4. H 0 0000.1 4' 1-4 ct • 0 a sa 4 to 4 (Q 04 H H H 1-f H 1-1 1-1 1-1 1--f 1--, 1--, HP CA 0 Cn CD -1 -1 0) 0) Cn 44 44 CA CA NO I-, F-, CD 0 (0 (0 CO -/ -1 CA F" P CD (0 44 CO C) CD CD I-, cn 0 44 Q) CA Co u 00 60 44. Go hJ C) 0 13 C) CD C) CD C) CD CD cn Cn Cn Cn Cn 0 0 Cn Cn to 0 . 0 4 to to to V 4 to Se V to 4 4 4 Mr 4 4 to X - LOADING AND UNLOADING

Item No. 590 - Rates apply only in connection with box or flat cars, except where otherwise noted. Rates will also apply to trucks when the loading or unloading is performed by the terminal. 595 - Except where specifically provided, the rates named herein are not applicable to commodities discharged from or loaded into gondola cars to or from dock. When such service is performed the basis of charge shall be cost plus 20 per cent, subject to minimum charge based on rates a pplicable to box or flat cars.

XI - LOADING Applicable to all traffic except Coastwise, Hawaiian and Canadian Pacific Coast Ports. Rates in Cents per 2000 lbs. Unless Otherwise Specified. Cents

615 - Asbestos, E.O.S. 55 630 – Automobiles, auto chassis, or bodies, Min. 1.05 per 2000#, Cost Plus 20% 635 - Automobile Parts, Viz.: Auto Parts N.O.S. 45 Chassis Springs 50 Steel Frames K.D. 55 Rims 65 Wheels 65 Wood. Frames K.D. 65 Mufflers 65 Gas Tanks 1.05 Seat Springs 1.05 645 - Bags, Burlap 45 655 - Beans, in bags 40 660 - Bicycles, in crates 85 665 - Blocks (Wooden) for Auto Blocking, direct to open cars 35 680 - Brick, direct to flat or gondola cars 40 685 - Brick, direct to box car 65 690 Brick, dock to box car, min. 85 per ton, Cost Plus 20% 695 - Brooders Incubators 1.05

-2- XI- LOADING (continued)

Item No. Cents 700 - Cable, on reels, not over 4000 lbs. each 45 705 - Cable, on reels, over 4000 lbs. each, min. 45f/ per ton, Cost Plus 20% Cable, on reels, not over 4000 lbs. each, direct from ship to open car 35 710 - Cans, N.O.S., empty, in cases or crates 90 715 - Cans, Milk or Ice, empty $1.15 720 - Canned Goods, N.O.S. 40 725 - Canned Soups, Pork and Beans and Spaghetti:- Straight Lots 40 Mixed Varieties 45 730 - Carbide 45 735 - Carpets and Rugs, except Linoleum Rugs 85 740 - Cars, dump 95 745 - Cement, N.O.S. 35 Cement, Foreign 40 750 - Chalk, direct to open cars 15 755 - Chalk, direct to box cars 50 760 - Charcoal 95 780 - Clay, in bulk, direct to open cars 15 785 - Clay, in bulk, direct to box cars 50 790 - Clay, ground, in packages 40 795 - Clothes Pins 85 800 - Coal, in bulk, direct to open cars 15 805 - Coffee, green, in bags 40 810 - Coke, direct to open cars 15 815 - Coke, closed cars 75 820 - Conduit Pipe, fibre $ 1.05 825 - Containers, set up, Viz.: Drums Bbls., capacity 30 Gal. or over each 5 Drums Bbls., capacity less than 30 Gal. $ 1.25 Boxes, wooden, min. 85 per ton, Cost Plus 20% XI - LOADING (Continued) Item No. Cents 830 - Copra, in sacks 40 835 - Copra, in bulk to box cars 70 840 - Cork and Corkboard 85 845 - Cotton 50 850 - Crockery 85 862 - Earth, Fullers, in sacks, direct to cars 35 865 - Electrical Goods: Batteries 70 Carbon Electrodes 45 Electric Supplies, N.O.S. 60 Insulators, pottery or electric, in straight carload lots 50 Transformers, not over 1000# 50 Transformers, over 1000#, Min. 500 per ton, Cost Plus 20% Material for Electric Supplies 50 875 - Enameled Ware and Sheet Steel Ware 65 890 - Feldspar or Fluorspar, direct to open cars 15 Feldspar or Fluorspar, direct to box cars 70 895 - Feldspar or Fluorspar, in containers 45 905 Fireworks - Domestic 65 - Foreign 85 910 - Flour, Grain, in bags 40 913 - Fruit, Dried 40 915 - Furniture, Min. 450 per ton, Cost Plus 20% 920 - Glass and Glassware: Glassware, N.O.S. 85 Glass, window 85 Glass, plate, Min. 850 per ton, Cost Plus 20% Bottles, Jars, Jelly Glasses, empty 52 925 - Glycerine, in drums 45 935 Grease, Animal, in barrels 40

-4- XI - LOADING (Continued)

Item No. Cents 936 - Grease, N.O.S. 45 940 - Handles, Pick, Shovel, Axe, etc. 85 945 - Hardware, N.O.S. 45 950 - Hemp and Sisal 70 955 - Hides, in bundles 45 960 - Hides, Loose, Min. 65g( per ton, Cost Plus 20% 965 - Household Goods, Min. 45IS per ton, Cost Plus 20% 970 - Implements and Implement Parts, Farm or Garden: Implements, S.U. 85 Implements, K.D. Parts 75 975 - Instruments, Musical 85 980 - Iron and. Steel: Iron Steel, N.O.S. 45 Bars, not greased 45 Bars, greased 65 Fittings, pipe, wrought iron, in containers 45 Fittings, pipe, wrought iron, in bundles or loose 65 Grinding balls, in bulk or sacks, direct to open cars 15 Hoop, N.O.S. 45 Hoop, direct to box cars 40 Lath, metal 95 Pig Iron 45 Pig Iron, direct to gondola cars 15 Pipe, direct to open cars 35 Pipe, N.O.S. 70 Plate, to box or flat cars 50 Plate, direct to open cars 35 Rails, elevator 85 Rails, elevator, direct to open cars 35 Rods, bent 70 Shaftings 65 Sheet, in bundles 40 Sheet, loose 45 Steel, direct to open cars 35 Steel, large, over 500 lbs., Min.45fd per ton, Cost Plus 20% Steel, structural, direct to open cars 35 Steel, structural, over 500 lbs., from dock, Min. 45 per ton, Cost Plus 20% Tubes, boiler 85 Tubes, boiler, direct to open cars 35 Wire, in coils 45 Wire, barbed 50 Wire, in coils, direct to cars 35 Wire, on reels, not over 4000# per package 45

XI. - LOADING (Continued) Item No. Cents 980 (continued) Wire, on reels, over 4000# per package, Min. 45ce per ton, Cost Plus 20% Wire, in rolls, reinforcing concrete 70 Wire, in rolls, -ooultry fencing, etc. 70 985 - Jell° 65 990 - Junk Rope 55 995 - Kapok 70 1000 - Labels 40 1005 - Lanterns 70 1010 - Lard and Lard Substitutes 45 1015 - Linoleum, Linoleum. Rugs and Oilcloth 55, 1017 - Lithopone, in packages 40 1020 - Lumber: Hardwood, Min. 70 per ton, Cost Plus 20% Pine or Redwood, per 1000 ft. B.M. $1.50 Timbers, N.O.S., Min. 70q per 1000 ft. P.M., Cost Plus 20% 1025 - Lumber, direct to open cars, per 1000 ft. B.M. 55 1030 - Machinery, not over 2000# per package 95 1035 Machinery, N.O.S., Min. 95 per ton, Cost Plus 20% 1040 - Machinery, not over 4000# per package, direct to open cars 35 1045 - Machinery, over 4000# per pkg., direct to open cars, Min. 35V• per ton, Cost Plus 20% 1050 - Machines, Sewing 85 1055 - Machines, Washing 85 1060 - Marble and Granite, direct to open car 17 When carloading is performed by heavy lift barge, and no additional charge is made by heavy lift barge for such service, carloading rate is 20ci per ton for su p ervision, plus any expense for staking, wiring, etc. 1065 - Matches, in cartons and cases 60 1075 - Meal: Bean 40 Ivory 40 Manioc 40 Oil Cake 40 XI - LOADING (Continued)

Item No. Cents 1080 - Merchandise, N.O.S. 50 3.085 - Merchandise Ex Orient, N.O.S. 85 1095 - Nails 45 1097 - Ochre, in sacks or bbls. 40 1103 - Oil Cake 40 1105 - Oil, palm, in casks weighing 1500 lbs. or over 65 1115 - Ore, in bulk, direct to open cars 15 1116 - Ore, Manganese, in barrels, direct to flat cars 35 1120 - Paints and Varnish 45 1125 - Paper and Paper Articles: B ags 45 Boxes, S.U. 85 Cigarette Paper 45 Paper and Paper Articles, N.O.S. 45 Paper, Toilet 85 Plates, pie 85 Strawboard 60 Wallboard 45 Wall Paper 70 1130 - Peanuts, unshelled 50 1135 - Peanuts, shelled 45 1140 - Pianos/ Min. per ton, Cost Plus 20% 1150 - Plaster 40 1155 - Plumbing Goods: Bathtubs 70 Sanitary Merchandise 70 1160 - Poles, Bamboo, Min. 85$ per ton, Cost Plus 20% 1165 - Potassium, Cyanide 45 1175 - Pumps 95 1180 - Radiators, Heating 85 1185 - Rags (European) 55 1190 - Rags (Oriental) 40 1195 - Refrigerators 65 1200 - Rice, in Mats 40 1210 - Rope 45 XI LOADING (Continued) Item No. Cents 1220 - Rubber, in bales 50 1225 - Sand, in bulk, direct to cars 15 1230 - Scales (Platform) and Hand Trucks 85 1231 - Seed, N.O.S., in bags 40 Seed, beet, in bags 45 1232 - Shells, Oyster, in sacks 35 1235 - Shingles, Asbestos 45 1240 - Shingles, Wooden 75 1245 - Shovels $ 105 1255 - Sisal 70 1260 - Slate, in crates or bags 45 1265 - Slate, in bulk, Min. 85 ton, Cost Plus 20% 1270 - Soap, in bars, chips, liquid or powdered, in boxes, cartons or barrels 40 1280 - Soda Ash 30 1285 - Soda, Caustic 45 1290 - Staples 45 1295 - Stoves 85 1300 - Stucco 40 1305 - Stucco Plaster Rolls 70 1310 Sugar 40 1315 - Sulphur, direct to box cars 35 1320 - Sulphur, in bulk, direct to open cars 15 1325 - Tallow, or nimal Grease 40 1330 - Tank Material, wooden, Min. 85 per ton, Cost Plus 20% 1335 - Tea 95 1340 - Tin Foil 40 1345 - Tin Plate, N.O.S. 40 Tin Plate, direct to cars 35 1350 - Tin Plate on Skids 20 _ XI - LOADING (Continued) Item No, Cents 1355 - Tires, Rubber, solid 50 1360 - Tires, Rubber, Pneumatic, Loose, unwrapped 85 1365 - Tires, Rubber, Pneumatic, wrapped or in bundles 75 1367 - Titanium Dioxide, in barrels or bags 50 1370 - Tobacco, Manufactured, including cigars and cigarettes 55 1375 - Tobacco, in bales per bale 2i 1385 Toys, Min. 45rZ per ton, Cost Plus 20% 1395 Tractors, Min. 65 per ton, Cost Plus 20% 1402 - Turpentine, in drums 40 1405 - Vaseline 40 1410 Vegetable Tallow, in bales, to ordinary box cars 45 1415 Vegetable Tallow, in bales, to refrigerator cars 50 1420 Walnut Meats, in boxes 70 1425 - Waste, Cotton 50 1430 - Wax, in bags 45 1435 Wheat, in sacks 35 1440 Wheelbarrows 1.05 1447 - Wine Stone (Argols), in sacks 40 1449 - Zinc Oxide, in packages 40

XII - UNLOADING Applicable to all traffic except Hawaiian. Rates in cents per 2000 lbs. unless other- wise specified. 1450 - Alfalfa Meal 40 Alfalfa Meal, direct from car to ship 30 1460 - Asphalt, in bags 40 Asphalt, in bbls. or drums 35 1465 - Automobiles, including Auto Bodies and Chassis, Min. $1.05 per ton, Cost Plus 20% Automobiles, boxed, direct to ship 40 1470 - Barley, N.O.S. 30 Barley, direct from car to ship 20 -9- XII - UNLOADING (Continued)

Item No. Cents 1475 - Barytes 35 1485 - Bed Materials and Bed Rails, iron 35 1495 - Brick, fire, in cases or crates 35 1500 - Brooders and Incubators $1.05 1520 - Cement, N.O.S. 35 1525 - Cement, Asbestos 50 1537 - Copper, in slabs, pigs or mats 35 Copper, in slabs, pigs, or mats, direct from car to ship with ships tackle 10 1550 - Cotton 35 1555 - Culverts, direct from open cars 40 1560 - Culverts, Min. 40yd per ton, Cost Plus 20% 1565 - Enamelware, Household 65 1570 - Fertilizer: Fertilizer, N.O.S. 35 Charcoal 35 Manure 40 1575 - Fish Meal, N.O.S. 35 Fish Meal, direct from car to ship 20 1577 Flour, in gunnies 35 1580 Frames, Window, Wooden or Metal, Min. >1.05 per ton, Cost Plus 20% 1590 - Fruit, fresh 40 1595 - Glassware: Bottles, empty, N.O.S. 40 Jars, empty 40 1600 - Hay 40 1605 - Hides, in bdls. 40 Hides, 1oose, Min. 60// per ton, Cost Plus 20% 1610 - Hops 40 1620 - Junk: Brass 40 Glass, broken, in bags, direct open car to ship 20 Rags 40 Rope 40 Rubber, in bales 40 Rubber Tires, Min.44 per ton, Cost Plus 20% Scrap Iron or Steel, direct open car to sbip 20 -10- XII - UNLOADING (Continued) Item No. Cents 1630 Lithopone, in packages 35 1635 Lumber and Lumber Products: Doors 85 Lumber, per 1000 ft. B.M. 70 Lumber, direct from open cars 40 Pickets, Pine, from box cars 75 Pickets, Pine, from open cars 95 Shooks 70 Ties, Railroad 70 Timbers, Min. 70 per 1000 ft. B.M.,Cost Plus 20% 1640 - Machinery, Min. 40 per ton, Cost Plus 20% 1645 - Magnesite, in packages 30 1650 - Magazines (old), in packages 35 1665 - Newspapers (old), in packages 35 1680 - Ore, in sacks 35 1685 - Paint and Varnish 40 1690 Paper and Paper Articles:: Paper and Paper Articles, N.O.S. 40 Wall Board, in pkgs. not over 500 lbs.weight or 6 ft. in length 40 Wall Board, in pkgs. over 500 lbs. weight or 6 ft. in1ength,Min.44 per ton, Cost Plus 20% 1695 - Pencil Slats 40 1700 - Plumbers Material 65 1710 - Radiators, scrap $1.15 1715 - Reels, empty 50 1727 - Salt, in bags or cases 30 1730 - Salt Cake, in sacks 35 1735 - Scrap Record Material, phonograph 35 1740 - Seed 35 1745 - Soap 35 1748 - Soda, Silicate of, in drums or sacks 35 1749 - Sodium Sulphite, in drums 35 1750 - Staves (bbl.) 65 1755 - Sugar, N.O.S. 30 Sugar, direct from car to vessel 20 XII - UNLOADING (Continued)

Item No. Cents 1760 - Tallow 35 1765 – Tank Material, wooden, Min. 85$ per ton, Cost Plus 20% 1775 - Tin Plate 35 1780 - Tires, Automobile, Min. 40$ per ton, Cost Plus 20% 1790 - Tractors, Harvesters and Road Graders, not over 4000 lbs. per pkg., direct from open cars 40 1795 - Transformers, electric, each weighing over 1000 lbs., Min. 40$ per ton, Cost Plus 20% 1797 - Wheat 30 1805 - Wire Netting, in rolls 65 1810 - Wool, sacked 40 1815 Wool, baled 35

SECTION 2. Items numbered 612, 673, 878, 1096, 1292, 1487, 1503, 1547, 1562, 1617, 1663 and 1796 are hereby added to said ordinance, and the rates hereinafter set forth are hereby fixed, all to be and read as follows XI - LOADING Applicable to all traffic except Coastwise, Hawaiian and Canadian Pacific Coast Ports. Rates in Cents per 2000 lbs. Unless Other- wise Specified. Item No. Cents 612 - Arsenic 40 673 - Bones, in sacks, from dock 40 Bones, in sacks, direct from ship to cars 30 878 - Excelsior, in bales 85 1096 - Napkins or Pads, Sanitary 0..15 1292 - Stone, cliff, in bulk, direct to open cars 15 Stone, cliff, in bulk, direct to box cars 45

-12- XII - UNLOADING Applicable to all traffic except Hawaiian. Rates in cents per 2000 lbs. unless otherwise specified.

Item No. Cents 1487 - Beet Pulp, N.O.S. 40 Beet Pulp, direct from car to ship 30 1503 - Cake or Meal, oil 35 Cake or Meal, oil, direct from car to ship 20 1547 - Copra, in sacks 40 1562 - Eggs, fresh, in cases 40 1617 - Iron or Steel, N.O.S. 35 1663 - Napkins or Pads, Sanitary 85 1796 - Vegetables, fresh, N.O.S., min. 3$ per crate, Cost Plus 20%

SECTION 3. Items numbered 912, 1250, 1540 and 1545 are hereby repealed. SECTION 4. This ordinance shall take effect immediately. In Board of Port Commissioners, Oakland, Calif., April 17th, 1933. Passed to print for one day by the following Vote: Ayes: Commissioners Leet, Pendleton and President Fisher -3- Noes; None Absent: Commissa,aners Goodrich and Pardee -2- Adopted at a regular meeting held April 24th, 1933 By the following Vote: Ayes: Commissioners Goodrich, Pendleton and President Fisher -3-- Noes: None Absent: Commissioners Leet and Pardee -2-


Approved as to form and legality: Secretary.

Port Attorney

Affidavit of Publication

IN THE MATTER OF Affidavit of Publication of City of Oakland. ( An Ordinance Amending Various Port of Oakland. Items of Port Ordinance No. 60,

Ietc, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ss E. A. Johansen

)1 said County, being duly sworn, says: That he is and was during all the time herein mentioned, a white male citi-

2 Zen of the United States, over the age of twenty-one years, not a party to or interested in the matter or action herein set forth. s5 I That he is now and at all times hereinafter mentioned, was the principal , "-;ivrat),1 A,1,1110 1, s ,.lerk of THE TRIBUNE PUBLISHING CO., a corporation, the publisher -vA . s.vsn'aalcti .. 1 , rs .0■ 1 , 50 -Qril 30 ,A(10JI t Joj, ,p,,ido,, --7 nd printer of the OAKLAND TRIBUNE, which was during all the time here- X TI . P-"-) ylo , . 1 tif.N::1! Val ,1_111,[ . asupIl, I - inafter mentioned, and now is a newspaper of general circulation, as that term , , •:,) U 11,■12.tli 11 .=,. ‘.101,0_1fd 'llptSuo. f ..■11,q,.1.1 ;s defined by Section 4460 of the Political Code, and as provided by said Sec- It011etil ii_tjUi it) :.gtion, rkt,ntti uol.iupIssAv, is printed and published in the City of Oakland, County of Alameda, State qla ruc il ee, 0 b f California, for the dissemination of local and telegraphic news and intelli- uodttoJ,, I tta . . . gence of a general character, having a bona fide subscription list of paying sub- --,) "(1 NtriLf/tilIEN:A ot l , I ,,,a 4c1.1suui,T.,,louoti yq pl 'ticocino-. ) _ cribers, and is not devoted to the interests or published for the entertainment or

;pp, a.lavli!ula_t J11,0: Instruction of a particular class, profession, trade, calling, race or denomination pus4 pus psd p o, 5ipii Ino u■ i 1 r for any number of such classes, professions, trades, callings, races or denom- , •vmdD-1_3:11),DAV rl, 92,311"-"," ,z-T-01 11112?-F2(.1 T.1 13fl3U tt,ilpi,r371 u ,1“ 'nations, ,1,101,0S ././OLLI tiJrIlt-I :,_, p.73.,.0.,, .3.1--_,Sn. and as such clerk has now and at all of said times had charge of all -Yul. Oid■Lls puu .74.DaaLuolo-.) tt,-;■}1.1a dvertisements in said newspaper. uir;lo S.7,111S-C.,,,LI .J...r1.3I,433.1 pue c, tIst;Taa lsolU:O.; 033,-(1,11.3.E-n; 1.).a,pitiotICI., at4 I, _t 1)1 A,.:d asati That said newspaper has been established, printed and published at regular ,f7p el r_l Ilaaq -ro2;{ ;...311-W2,),,, LID.Ils" lallel %ntervals, in the said City of Oakland, County of Alameda, State of California, for ylriosL -UIFSIIII qv.11} rloll r.nun.ui ON , "::r1.■_11 -10., i-E;;y} 1 ,utsas •Uon. fore than two years preceding the date of the first publication of the notice herein ,,--VU.R3130Jd t,,J_Ii2C( T_CI III.1-).1.1 :.,,,,11.,,,,a 41;a_11-3 o; -1,i,,,I, .17_1(31,,11,1,-,1 S.72I"-; tnentioned; that said notice was set in type not smaller than nonpareil, and was -sIla latAos Jo, luaLLizJortouuu DIA4 .•;q preceded with words printed in black face type not smaller than nonpareil, de- _cribing and expressing in general terms, the purport and character of the notice intended to be given. ThatThtheth noticenoti of an Ordinance Amending Various Items of Port Ordinance No. 60, etc.

, of which the annexed is a printed copy, was published in said newspaper, 1 Time April 33 0-wit: from the 22nd day of A. D. 19 , to and until the 22nd day of April A. D. 19 33, , one alLay 1 .,betil inclusive, and as often during said period as said newspaper was pub- lished, to-wit:— on the 22nd day of April, 1933.

Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of _Aiaril A. D. 19:

NotariPubli in and for C un y of Alameda, State of California 2 F0:4 Aov.-50 IM 3-92 13953 BOARD OF PORT COMMISSIONERS CITY OF OAKLAND


BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Port Commissioners of the City of Oakland as follows: SECTION 1. ITEM 2715 of PORT ORDINANCE NO. 60 is hereby amended and the rate on wool therein mentioned is hereby fixed to read and be as follows: XV. WEIGHING Item 2715 Wool In bales or bags lOci each. SECTION 2. This Ordinance shall take effect as of April 10, 1933.

In Board of Port Commis sioners, Oakland, Calif., April 10th, 1933. Passed to print for one day by the following Voter Ayes: Commissioners Goodrich, Leet, Pendleton and President Fisher -4- Noes: None. Absent: Commissioner Pardee -1-.

Adopted at a regular meeting held April 17th, 1933 By the following Vote: Ayes: Commissioners Leet, Pendleton and President Fisher -3- Noes: None Absent: Commissioners Goodrich and Pardee -

Attest Approved as to form and legality:

Port Attorney

Affidavit of Publication

IN THE MATTER OF Affidavit of Publication of City of Oakland Port Ordinance No. 160. Port of Oakland


COUNTY OF ALAMEDA S R Irwin PORT ORDINANCE IN O. 360. AN • ORDINANCE. AMENDING ITEM 2715 OF PORT ORDINANC of said County, being duly sworn, says: NO. 60, TO PROVIDE FOR REDUI • TION OF THE TARIFF RATE ON WOOL. That he is and was during all the time herein mentioned, a white male citi- BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Port Commissioners Of the City zen of the United States, over the age of twenty-one years, not a party to or Of Oakland as follows: SECTION 1. ITEM 2715 of P0117 interested in the matter or action herein set forth. ORDINANCE, NO. 60 is hereby amended e and the rate onwool therein mentioned is hereby fixed to That he is now and at all times hereinafter mentioned, was the principal read-and be as follows: XV. WEIGHING Item 2715. Wool. In bales or bags clerk of THE TRIBUNE PUBLISHING CO., a corporation, the publisher lie ea ch. SECTION 2. This Ordinance shall and printer of the OAKLAND TRIBUNE, which was during all the time here- take effect as of April 10, 1933. In Board of Port Commissioners. inafter mentioned, and now is a newspaper of general circulation, as that term Oakland, Calif., April 10tn, 193.3- Passed to print for one" day by toe is following vote: Ayes: Commission- defined by Section 4460 of the Political Code, and as provided by said Sec- err Goodriden chishiere, t.4_ Pendletonanned.tonNo tion, is printed and published in the City of Oakland, County of Alameda, State Absent: Commissioner of California, for the dissemination of local and telegraphic news and intelli- Secretary, Board of Port Commis. :loner gence of a general character, having a bona fide subscription list of paying sub- 15 (IT) scribers, and is not devoted to the interests or published for the entertainment or instruction of a particular class, profession, trade, calling, race or denomination or for any number of such classes, professions, trades, callings, races or denom- inations, and as such clerk has now and at all of said times had charge of all advertisements in said newspaper. That said newspaper has been established, printed and published at regular intervals, in the said City of Oakland, County of Alameda, State of California, for more than two years preceding the date of the first publication of the notice herein mentioned; that said notice was set in type not smaller than nonpareil, and was preceded with words printed in black face type not smaller than nonpareil, de- scribing and expressing in general terms, the purport and character of the notice intended to be given. That the notice of Port Ordinance No. 160.

of which the annexed is a printed copy, was published in said newspaper, 1 time

to-wit: from the 15th day of April A. D. 19.33__, to and until the 15th day of April A. D. 19 33 , both days inclusive, and as often during said period as said newspaper was pub- lished, to-wit:— On the 15th day of Aril, 1933.

Subscribed and sworn to before me this) 15th day of April A. D. /933.1

Notary Public in and for the County of Alameda, Stage of California FORM ov.-50 1M 3-32 1B953 BOARD OF PORT COMMISSIONERS CITY OF OAKLAND

PORT ORDINANCE NO. 159 Introduced by Seconded by


BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Port Commis- sioners of the City of Oakland as follows: SECTION 1. There is hereby appropriated out of the Harbor Maintenance and Improvement Fund No. 226, for the construction, in part, of the road leading to Middle Harbor, the sum of 4:1218.50 for the acquisition from The Western Pacific Railroad Company of that certain triangular parce/Of land described in an Ordinance of the City Council entitled: "AN ORDINANCE APPROPRIATING THE SUM OF 0_218.50, OR AS MUCH THEREOF AS MAY BE NECESSARY, OUT OF THE MIDDLE HARBOR ROAD FUND, FOR THE PURCHASE OF CERTAIN LANDS, AND DIRECTING THE CITY ATTORNEY TO TAKE THE NECESSARY STEPS TO COMPLETE SAID PURCHASE" and passed to print on or about April 6, 1933. SECTION 2. The City Auditor is hereby author- ized and directed to transfer the said sum of11218.50 from the said Harbor Maintenance and Improvement Fund to the "Middle Harbor Road Fund," as created by the City Council by its Resolution No. 1866 C.M.S., provided that any portion of such fund which may not be used by the Council for the purchase of such property, shall, upon demand of the Board of Port Commissioners, be re-transferred by the City Auditor to the Harbor Maintenance and Improve- ment Fund. SECTION 3. This Ordinance shall take effect upon the expiration of sixty (60) days from and after its final passage.

In Board of Port Commissioners, Oakland, Calif., April 10th, 1933. Passed to print for one day by the following Voter Ayes: Commissioners Goodrich, Leet, Pendleton and President Fisher -4- Noes:. None. Absent: Commissioner Pardee -1-

Adopted at a regular meeting held April 17th, 1933 By the following Vote: Ayes: Commissioners Leet, Pendleton and President Fisher -3-

Noes: None Absent: Commissioners Goodrich and Pardee -2-

Attest Approved as to form and legality:

Port Attorney

Affidavit of Publication

IN THE MATTER OF Affidavit of Publication of City of Oakland --Bart._ Or Port Of Oakland.

STATE OF CALIFORNIA, SS. COUNTY OF ALAMEDA R Irwin PORT ORDINANCE' NO. 11111. __AN ORDINANCE_ APPROPRIAT- I of said County, being duly sworn, says: TH E MIDDLE' HARBOR ROADAD FUND, OAKLAND CITY COUNCIL. FOR . That he is and was during all the time herein mentioned, a white male citi- ACQUI8ITION OF CERTAIN PROP- ! ERTY FOR THE 'CONSTRUCTION OF THE MIDDLE HARBOR ROAD. zen of the United States, over the age of twenty-one years, not a party to or BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Port CommissiOners of the City interested in the matter or action herein set forth. of Oakland as follows: SECTION 1. There is hereby ap- propriated out of the Harbor Main- That he is now and at all times hereinafter mentioned, was the principal tenance and Improvement Fund No. 226, fOr the construction, in part, of. the road leading to Middle Harbor, clerk of THE TRIBUNE PUBLISHING CO., a corporation, the publisher the sum of 81218.50 for the acquisi- lion from The Western Pacific Rail- and printer of the OAKLAND TRIBUNE, which was during all the time here- . road Company of that certain trian- gular parcel of land described in an inafter mentioned, and now is a newspaper of general circulation, as that term Ordinance of the City Council ' en- titled: "AN ORDINANCE APPRO- Pl-,IATLNG THE SUM OP $ . , is defined by Section 4460 of the Political Code, and as provided by said Sec- 011 AS MUCH THEREOF AS MAY'. BE NECESSARY, OUT OF THE ti on, is printed and published in the City of Oakland, County of Alameda, State MIDDLE HARBOR ROAD FUND,: " R THE PURCHASE OP CFR- of California, for the dissemination of local and telegraphic news and intelli- TAIN LANDS, • .AND DIRECTING' THE CITY ATTORNEY TO TAKE- gence of a general character, having a bona fide subscription list of paying sub- THE NucEssArt-sr STEPS-TO COM- PLETE SAID PURCHASE' and passed to print on or about April scribers, and is not devoted to the interests or published for the entertainment or .,, 1933. . SECTION 2. The-CRY Auditor is instruction of a particular class, profession, trade, calling, race or denomination hereby authorized and directed •to transfer the said sum of $1213.50 from tile' Said Harbor Maintenance or for any number of such classes, professions, trades, callings, races or denom- and Improvement Fund to the- "Mid- rile Harbor Road Ennd, •2 as created inations, and as such clerk has now and at all of said times had charge of all by the City Council by its Resolu-- tion No. 1.36.6 C. M. S., proVided that advertisements in said newspaper. any portion of such fund which May not be used . by-the Council for fits. purchase . of such property. That said newspaper has been established, printed and published at regular upon demand of tile Board-of Port. Commissioners, be re-transferred by the City Auditor to . the Harbor intervals, in the said City of Oakland, County of Alameda, State of California, for Maintenance and improvement Fund. SECTION 3. This Ordinance ahall more than two years preceding the date of the first publication of the notice herein take effect upon the expiration -of sixty (60) days from and after Rai mentioned; that said notice was set in type not smaller than nonpareil, and was final passage. In Board of Port Commissioners.- Oakland. C.allf:, A pri I 10th, .19113. preceded with words printed in black face type not smaller than nonpareil, de- Passed to print for One day 'by the, frilriiving vote: Ayes: Commission- scribing and expressing in general terms, the purport and character of the notice er- ,loodrich, Ceet, Pendleton and Fisher-.-4. Noes: None. intended to be given. Absent; Comm.ssioner Pardee—Lt A. H. ABEL. recretary Board of Port 3100 err comp-021- That the notice___af___Port.__QrdillP n oe. 15.9— ITS—April 13 fiT)

of which the annexed is a printed copy, was published in said newspaper, One Time

to-wit: from the 15th day of April A. D. 19 3 3 , 33 to and until the 15th day of April A. D. 19 both days inclusive, and as often during said period as said newspaper was pub- lished, to-wit:— On the 15th day of April, 1933.

Subscribed and sworn to before me this 15th day of April A. D. 1933

Notary Public in and for the pountyCbf Alameda, State of (,alifornia ;'OR AoV.-50 15/ 3 -32 13553 BOARD OF PORT COMMISSIONERS CITY OF OAKLAND

PORT ORDINANCE NO. 158 - Introduced by Seconded by


BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Port Commissioners of the City of Oakland, as follows: SECTION 1. Item 565 of Port Ordinance No. 60 is hereby amended to read as follows: Item No. IX - STORAGE Cents 565 Pipe (Iron or Steel) when not stored in shed 1 per ton per day SECTION 2. This ordinance shall take effect March 11th, 1933.

In Board of Port Commissioners, Oakland, Calif. February 27th, 1933. Passed to print for one day by the following Vote: Ayes: Commissioners Goodrich, Leet, Pardee and Pendleton -4 Noes: None Absent: President Fisher -1-

Adopted at a regular meeting held March 6th, 19 By the following Vote: Ayes: Commissioners Goodrich, Leet, Pardee, Pendleton and President Fisher - Noes: None Absent: None

Approved as to form and legality: Affidavit of Publication

IN THE MATTER OF Affidavit of Publication of City of Oakland. An Ordinance Amending Item 565 Port of Oakland. of Port Ordinance No. 60.

STATE OF CALIFORNIA, S. R. Irwin COUNTY OF ALAMEDA - - - - rowr ORDINANCE O. 158. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING of said County, being duly sworn, says: ITEM 563 OF PORT ORDINANCIa I NO. GO. That he is and was during all the time herein mentioned, a white male citi- BE IT ORDAIN-ED by the Board of I'ort Commissioners of the City zen of the United States, over the age of twenty-one years, not a party to or of Oakland, as follows: SECTION 1. Item 565- of Port interested in the matter or action herein set forth. Ordinance No. 90 is hereby amended to read as follows: Item That he is now and at all times hereinafter mentioned, was the principal No. IX—STORA G3T1 Cents 565 Pipe (Iron or Steel) when not stored in clerk of THE TRIBUNE PUBLISHING CO., a corporation, the publisher 'shed 1 per to* per day and printer of the OAKLAND TRIBUNE, which was during all the time here- SECTION 2. This ordinance shall take effect March 11th. 1932. inafter mentioned, and now is a newspaper of general circulation, as that term In Board of Port Commissioners. Oakland, Calif., February 27th, 1935. Passed to print for one day by is defined by Section 4460 of the Political Code, and as provided by said Sec- the following vote. Ayes--Commis- sioners Goodrich, Pardee and tion, is printed and published in the City of Oakland, County of Alameda, State Pendleton-4. Noes—None. Absent --President Fisher-1. of California, for the dissemination of local and telegraphic news and intelli- A. PI, ABEL, Seel etary, Board of Port- commis+ sioners gence of a general character, having a bona fide subscription list of paying sub- 162-arch S (IT) scribers, and is not devoted to the interests or published for the entertainment or instruction of a particular class, profession, trade, calling, race or denomination or for any number of such classes, professions, trades, callings, races or denom- inations, and as such clerk has now and at all of said times had charge of all advertisements in said newspaper. That said newspaper has been established, printed and published at regular intervals, in the said City of Oakland, County of Alameda, State of California, for more than two years preceding the date of the first publication of the notice herein mentioned; that said notice was set in type not smaller than nonpareil, and was preceded with words printed in black face type not smaller than nonpareil, de- scribing and expressing in general terms, the purport and character of the notice intended to be given. That the notice of an Ordinance Amending Item 565 of Port Ordinance No. 60. of which the annexed is a printed copy, was published in said newspaper, 1 Time

to-wit: from the 5th day of Mar al. A. D. 19....a.Z., to and until the 5th day of March A. D. 19 33, one day lieUX:141 inclusive, and as often during said period as said newspaper was pub- lished, to-wit:— on the 5th day of March, 1933.

Subscribed and sworn to before me this 6th day of March A. D. 19 3


PORT ORDINANCE NO. 157 Q./J-7 Introduced by Seconded by


BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Port Commis- sioners of the City of Oakland, as follows:

SECTION 1. Items numbered 295, 310 and 2780 Of Port Ordinance No. 60 are hereby emended to read as follows:

VI SERVICE CHARGES Interc oastal-Inbound

ITEM Cents Per NO.

295 - All Cargo, N. O. S. 50 ton

310 - All Cargo, N.O.S. ex vessel direct to open car or barge 27- ton XVII - STENCILING, LABELING MARKING, STRAPPING, LTC.

ITLiM NO. Cents Per

2780 - Wire Strapping; except as pro- vided in Item No. 2795: Apples, fresh, 2 wires 2.5 case Canned Goods and Dried Fruits; cases each weighing 31 lbs. or less: One. wire 1.05 case Two wires 1.6 case

cases each weighing over 31 lbs.: One wire 1.25 .,,7Case Two wires 2 - case Two cases to a bundle, each. case weighing 31 lbs. or less, 2 wires 2.5 bundle

SECTION 2. This ordinance shall take effect February 15th, 1933.

Adopted at a regular meeting held February 13th, 1933. By the following Vote: Ayes: Commissioners Goodrich, Leet, Pardee, Pendleton President isher-5- Noes: None Absent: None


Secretary. and legality: Approved as to form It Doard of Part Oommissioners,Oakland, Calif., February 6th, 1933. Passed to print for one day by the following Vote: Port Attorney Ayes: Commissioners Leet, Pardee, Pendleton, Goodrich and President Fisher -5- Noes: None. Absent: None

Affidavit of Publication

IN THE MATTER OF Affidavit of Publication of

City ainance Amending Certain Port of Oalcland Items of Port Ordinance No. 60..

STATE OF CALIFORNIA, S. R. Irwin COUNTY OF ALAMEDA 5 13 7 DTrI 271Z3N1 ING of said County, being duly sworn, says: I ,1"p.° iITEMS OF PORT ORDI- ORDAIORDAINEDNED by the Board That he is and was during all the time herein mentioned, a white male citi- Commi,,sinners of the CI ty nd, as follows: zen of the United States, over the age of twenty-one years, not a party to or I ')N 1. Items numbered 295, rd .PiS0 of Port Ordinance .No. interested in the matter or action herein set forth. I a 1 , I 5reby amended to read as VI—SERVICE CHARGES Intercoastal-Inbound That he is now and at all times hereinafter mentioned, was the principal 711 Cents Per clerk of THE TRIBUNE PUBLISHING CO., a corporation, the publisher Cargo, N. 0. S. Cargo, N. O. S. 50te and printer of the OAKLAND -TRIBUNE, which was during all the time here- vessel direct open car or 27“, ton inafter mentioned, and now is a newspaper of general circulation, as that term TENCIT,ING. LABELING :TAR:KING, STRAPPING, is defined by Section 4460 of the Political Code, and as provided by said Sec- 2TC. !THO—AV i r e Strapping: tion, is printed and published in the City of Oakland, County ofate Alameda, St ept as provided in Item No. 2795: of California, for the dissemination of local and telegraphic news and intelli- Apples, fresh, 2 wires 2.5 c • Canned Goods and Bence of a general character, having a bona fide sztbscription list of paying sub- Dr i e d P rui tt, : ea s e s e a o h scribers, and is not devoted to the interests or published for the entertainment or Weighing 31 lbs. orless: instruction of a particular class, profession, trade, calling, race or denomination One wire 1.0 5 eas• Two wires Casa or for any number of such classes, professions, trades, callings, races or denom- S ft.s f a C 2 neiWg inations, and as such clerk has now and at all of said times had charge of all One wire eAri• Two wires 2 eas• advertisements in said newspaper. Two cases to FL bundle, each case case welshinge 31 That said newspaper has been established, printed and published at regular lbs. or less, 2 wires 2.5 bundle intervals, in the said City of Oakland, County of Alameda, State of California, for ,7.TION ". This ordinance shall effect 1Thbruary l5th, 1933. more than two years preceding the date of the first publication of the notice herein I i I Board of Port Commieeioners, is md, Calif, February 6tb, 7933. .d to print for one day by the' mentioned ;• that said notice was set in. type not smaller than nonpareil, and was n vote: Ayes: Commission- . ,,eet7 Pardee, Pendleton, Good- preceded with words printed in black face type not smaller than nonpareil, de- and President Fisher-4. Noes: ,,or e.. Absent: None. scribing and expressing in general terms, the purport and character of the notice A. II ABEL, Secretary Board of Port Commissioners. - iniended to be given. /58-Deb. 10-1t. - ..., ..." z., That the notice..sxf ______Amending Certain Items }-, ,4% R. .... "ttt 0 °, t ■.∎ of Port Ordinance No. 60. ezi felt , ...1 of which the annexed is a printed copy, was published in said newspaper, c4 1 Time

to-wit: from the 10th day of February A. D. 1933 to and until the 10t1 h dal,y of February A. D .19 33 , one a ay iztrthillapg inclusive, and as often during said period as said newspaper was pub- lished, to-wit: on the 10th day of February, 1933.,

Subscribed and sworn to before me this? ....11tb—day of A. D. 19 33)

Notary Public in and for t y of Alameda, Sla, of California 2 FORM ADV. -50 1 n4 3-32 13953 BOARD OF PORT COMMISSIONERS CITY OF OAKLAND

PORT ORDINANCE NO. 156 Introduced by Seconded by


BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Port Commis- sioners of the City of-Oakland, as follows: SECTION 1. Section 14.4.. is hereby added to Port Ordinance No. 8, to read as follows: Section 14i. Whenever any employee who is customarily employed for a p eriod of six clays a week shall be excused from duty for the full time on any working day under the provisions of Section 14 hereof, there shall be deducted a sum equal to 4% of the monthly salary or compensation which otherwise would be payable to him for his services during such month, irres p ective of the fact that such employee shall be so relieved from duty on a Saturday.

SECTION 2. This ordinance shall take effect immediately. In Board of Port Commissioners, Oakland, Calif., February 6th, 1933. Passed to print for one day by the following Vote: Ayes: Commissioners Goodrich, Leet, Pardee, Pendleton and President Fisher-5- Noes: None. Absent: None. Adopted at a r egular meeting held February 13th, 1933. By the following Vote: Ayes: Commissioners Goodrich, Leet, Pardee, Pendleton and President Fisher-5- Noes: None Absent: None

Attest Secretary. Approved as to form and legality: Affidavit of Publication

IN THE MATTER OF Affidavit of Publication of City of Oakland An Ordinance Adding Section

Port of. Oakland 14L---- to Port Ordinance No. 8.


POR T ORDINANCF1 NO. /'t, -; ,)RDINANCE ADDING SEC- of said County, being duly sworn, says: ,-... I4,-A, TO PORT ORDINANCE I:E. IT. ORDAINED by -ill,. Board That he is and was during all the time herein mentioned, a white male citi- Port: Commissioners of the City Oakland, as follows, zen of the United States, over the age of twenty-one years, not a party to or SBCTION 1. Section 143/4 is hereby addedadd to Port Ordinance No. 8, ' j read as follows: interested in the matter or action herein set forth. ; 151Actip_n 14%. Whenever any am- ,Ime who is customarily employed That he is now and at all times hereinafter mentioned, was the principal f ,r a period of six days a week Mmll be excused from duty fOr the 1'.1i time on any working da.y under clerk of THE TRIBUNE PUBLISHING CO., a corporation, the publisher provns of Section 14 hereof' mre shall be deducted.a sum equal and printer of the 0,4KLAND TRIBUNE, which was during all the time here- t% of the monthly salary or ■•■,,,,pensation w hi c h otherwise in.a ter mentioned, and now is a newspaper of general circulation, as that term Ivould be payable to him for his services during such month, irre- is defined by Section 4460 of the Political Code, and as provided by said Sec- speetive of the fact that such em- ployee shall be so Ii e y ed_ frorn dutyy on 3. Saturday. tion, is printed and published in the City of Oakland, County of Alanz-eda, State SI:_,,CTION 2. This ordinance shall take effect immediatelY. of California., for the dissemination of local and telegraphic news and intelli- In Board of Port COMmissioners, Oakland, Calif. Pebruary 6th, 1933. gence of a general character, having a bona fide subscription list of paying sub- L■117 lve di ritg° VP(r:tl e : r-Uer. eCOdrn%1P5iotlil ? , scribers, and is not devoted to the interests or published for the entertainment 0 7' ore Goodrich, Leet, Pardee, Pcndle- and President Fisher-5. Noes, m. Absent: None. instruction of a particular class, profession, trade, canine:, race or denomination 15,9-Feb., '1 0 - 11. ' or for any number of such classes, professions, trades, callings, races or denom- inations, and as such clerk has now and at all of said times had charge of all advertisements in said newspaper. - That said newspaper has been established, printed and published at regular C.n intervals, in the said City of Oakland, County of Alameda, State of California, for Cf: tQl LT.1 cot more than two years preceding the date of the first publication of the notice herein Z a-, c, ...... tra mentioned; that said notice was set in type not smaller than nonpareil, and was preceded with words printed in black face type not smaller than nonpareil, de- ,6.,:l 2 m-, ,,...1 p I scribing and expressing in general terms, the purport and character of the notice r.z..1'.4 8 ‘*72,-'4. intended to be given. of Ordinance Adding Section 14* to .1 E--, LL, 1 ThatThtheth noticenoti ....4 0 -ts. LT.-.„ 2 ›,1--.. .,. Port Ordinance No. 8. LT, ..-■ "Clg c(...) t of which the annexed is a printed copy-, was published in said newspaper, nift CZ) , 1 Time "T .2 (21 MI .E.... to-wit: from the 10th day of February A. D. 19 33, to and until the 10th day of February A D. 19 33 one ay x5taiiacztapE inclusive, and as often during said period as said newspaper was pub- on the day 1933. 1 lished, to-wit:— 10th of February,

Subscribed and sworn to before me this llth day of Feb . 4. D. 1931

Notary Public in and for h Alameda, Sta e of California 2 FoRNI ADV.-50 I hi 3-32 I3953