佛山剪纸文化 Paper‐cut Culture

林美笑(Meixiao Lin) 主编 (Chief Editor)

目录 (Table of Contents)

一、佛山剪纸简介 (Brief Introduction of Foshan Paper‐cuts) ...... 1

二、代表性作品文化内涵 (Cultural Connotations of Representative Products)..1

1.传统特色系列(Series of Traditional Features) ...... 1

2.祈祥纳福系列 (Series of Praying for Good Fortune and Blessings) ...... 6

3.民间故事系列 (Series of Folk Stories)...... 12

4.民间生活系列 (Series of Folk Life) ...... 19

5.家乡风貌系列 (Series of Hometown Features)...... 23

三、结语 (Concluding Remarks) ...... 28

1 一、佛山剪纸简介 (Brief Introduction of Foshan Paper‐cuts)

佛山剪纸源于宋代,盛于明清时期,是中国著名的民间传统艺术。在历史长 河积淀中,佛山剪纸不断发展、创新,形式多样,技艺纤细,题材广泛,象征寓 意,形成了独特的艺术风格,蕴涵着浓郁的地方民俗文化。佛山剪纸在国内外享 有盛誉,于 2006 年被入选为国家级非物质文化遗产。 Foshan Paper‐cuts, originating from the and prospering in the Ming and the Qing Dynasties, are a well‐known Chinese traditional folk art. In the past several centuries, Foshan Paper‐cuts have evolved with continuous refinements and innovations. With exquisite craftsmanship, copious varieties, diverse themes, abundant symbolic meanings and ingenious allegoric connotations, Foshan Paper‐cuts’ artistic expressions convey rich local folk culture. Now world‐renowned, this craft was selected as a National Intangible Cultural Heritage in 2006.

二、代表性作品文化内涵 (Cultural Connotations of Representative Products)

1. 传统特色系列(Series of Traditional Features)

佛山是一座历史悠久的文化名城,是中国南狮的发源地、武术之乡、陶瓷之 乡和民间艺术之乡,其独特的传统文化反映在剪纸作品上。 A city famous for its history, Foshan is the hometown of numerous folk arts, such as the lion dance, martial arts and ceramics. Its unique traditional culture is reflected in the Paper‐cuts.

1.1 佛山祖庙(Foshan Ancestral Temple)

该作品是佛山祖庙正门。这里鸟语花香,有唱粤剧的,有舞狮的,有打武术 的。 佛山祖庙始建于北宋元丰年间(1078-1085 年),当时珠江三角一带水灾不

1 少,传说北帝是北方水神,禅城人将北帝请到禅城坐镇,当作保护神供奉起来。 从此之后,禅城一带再也没有发生过水灾。庙内由万福台、灵应牌坊、锦香池、 钟鼓楼、正殿等建筑组成。其中,正殿是祖庙的主体建筑,殿内置有形象威严的北 帝铜造像;万福台是华南地区最古老的戏台,无数粤剧节目曾在这里演出。禅城 人把祖庙视为福庙,每逢春节、端午、中秋等传统节日,禅城和珠江三角一带老 百姓会来祖庙朝拜祈福,许下美好心愿。 This work depicts the main entrance of Foshan Ancestral Temple, where the flowers flourish and the birds sing. By the entrance to the temple, people perform the lion dance, martial arts and Opera. The Foshan Ancestral Temple was constructed from 1078 to 1085 in the Yuanfeng Period of Northerng Son Dynasty. At the time, floods frequented the Pearl River Delta area. The North Emperor, believed to be the water god of the north, was thus “invited” to protect Chancheng, and worshipped as a patron god. Since then, there have not been any floods in Chancheng. The temple consists of the Wanfu (many blessings) platform, the Lingying (spiritual) archway, the Jinxiang (picturesque) pond, the bell and drum tower and the main hall. The main hall is the principal building of the temple, where the commanding bronze statue of the North Emperor was housed. The Wanfu (many blessings) platform is the oldest performance platform that has hosted countless Guangdong Operas. The people of Chancheng find blessings in this temple. Therefore, during the traditional festivals such as Chinese New Year, the Dragon Boat Festival and Moon Day, people from Chancheng and the Pearl River Delta area come to pray, making good wishes.

1.2 南风古灶 (Southerly Ancient Stove)

该剪纸作品呈现了南风古灶(用于烧陶瓷)的样貌,工人们正在窑头添柴加 火。 南风古灶于明代正德年间(1506—1521)建立,大约有 500 年历史,是世界 上最古老的柴烧龙窑。窑依山而建,窑身全长 34.4 米,像一条巨龙从天而降,本 地居民就把它叫做“龙窑”。窑头烧柴地方像当时家里烧柴做饭的灶头,陶工是

2 靠龙窑烧产品养家活口,觉得龙窑与家里灶头一样重要,因此把“龙窑”称为“灶”。 此外,龙窑灶口正对着南方,因此被称为“南风灶”。南风古灶是石湾陶瓷业繁 盛时期生产技术进步的产物,对石湾陶瓷业发展起着重要作用。 This Paper‐cut presents the Southerly Ancient Stove (used for firing ceramics), where the workers are adding firewood at the stove head. The Southerly Ancient Stove was built from 1506 to 1521 in the Zhengde Period of the Ming Dynasty. Its 500‐year‐old historys make it the oldest firewood stove in the world. Situated on the hillside, the stove is 34.4 meters long. It resembles a giant dragon descending from heaven, so the locals call it “the dragon stove”. Because the stove provides a source of income for living and the stove head resembles the kitchen stove, people compare “the dragon stove” to their kitchen stoves. The stove head faces the south, thus it is named the “Southerly Stove”. This stove was the product of the progress of manufacturing technology in the prosperous period of Shiwan ceramics industry, playing an important role in the history of ceramics.

1.3 行通济 (Crossing Tongji Bridge)

该作品展现的是佛山人正月十六日行通济桥的情景。正月十六“行通济”, 始于清初,盛于乾隆年间,延续至今有 200 多年的历史。佛山人认为“行通济、 无闭翳”,是正月十六日举行的游玩祈福活动,男女老少,举着行运风车,提着 生菜走过通济桥,祈求来年一帆风顺、美满幸福。 This work depicts the scene of Foshan people walking on the Tongji Bridge on January 16th of the Chinese lunar calendar. This custom started in the early Qing Dynasty, and gained popularity in the Qianlong Period, spanning a history of over 200 years. Foshan people think that by crossing the Tonji Bridge, they could avoid worries and troubles. It is an event that everyone participates in; male or female, young or old. Every family holds a lucky wind‐wheel, carries lettuce (a homophone of “getting wealthy”), and crosses the Tongji Bridge. They pray that everything would run smoothly ein th New Year, and that they would lead a happy life.

3 1.4 舞狮岭南 (Lion Dance in Lingnan)

在作品里,表演者在进行醒狮梅花桩表演,活灵活现,非常精彩。以竹子、 木棉花相衬,一片繁荣兴旺的景象。 狮子形象威武,从古至今在民间被视为瑞兽,人们以舞狮来助兴,祈望生活 如意,成为重要的民俗活动。舞狮有南北之分,本作品属于南狮。起源于南方, 也称为岭南狮。岭南舞狮技艺高超,形式多样,发展水平走在国内、国际前列。 In this Paper‐cut, the performers are lion dancing Meihua Zhuang (a type of lion dance where people dance on tree trumps) energetically. Together with the bamboo and the kapok in the background, this scene depicts prosperity. Due to its mightiness, the lion is regarded as an auspicious animal since the ancient times. As a result, people developed the lion dance to liven things up and pray for a satisfactory life. The dance has since its inception morphed into an integral part of the folk culture. There are two types of lion dance: the South Lion Danced an the North Lion Dance. Included in this Paper‐cut is the former. Originating from the south, the South Lion Dance is also known as Lingnan (“Lingnan” meaning South of the Five Ridges in ) Lion Dance. With many varieties and high levels of skills required, the South Lion Dance is regarded as a leading branch of lion dance at home and abroad.

1.5 佛山秋色 (Foshan Autumn Parade)

4 该剪纸作品是佛山秋色游行中的迎娶仪式,以传统文化元素舞龙、鱼为背景, 抬花轿、打灯笼、吹喇叭和骑马组成了迎娶队伍。 在秋季丰收之时,佛山民间举行庆祝丰收的大型游行活动,主要以民间生活、 爱好为依据,表演艺术与工艺美术相结合。这项活动被称为“秋色赛会”或“秋 色提灯会”。很久以前,在秋收后的一个夜晚里,一群孩子用茭笋壳扎成龙,在 龙身上插上香火,以竹竿舞动火龙,打着鼓,唱着歌,游舞于街巷里,直至深夜 才结束。后来此活动发展成为一种娱乐活动,随着时代发展,活动内容不断丰富, 地方特色更浓郁。 Portrayed in this Paper‐cut is the Foshan Autumn Parade, specifically, a wedding ceremony in this instance. With the traditional cultural elements of the dragon (symbolizing power and blessings) and the fish (symbolizing abundance), the team consists of those carrying the bridal sedan chair, holding lanterns, blowing trumpets and riding horses. During the autumn season of a bountiful harvest, Foshan locals hold a big parade to celebrate. The parade is a combination of performance and craft arts based mainly on folk life and pastime activities. This event is called “the Autumn Parading Ceremony” or “the Autumn Lantern Fair”. It is said that long ago, on the evening of a harvest in autumn, a group of children built a model dragon with wild rice shoots. They played with the dragon on the streets, beating drums and singing songs until midnight. The activity was then popularized into an entertainment. As time progresses, this event has been enriched continuously with more local elements.

1.6 赛龙舟 (Dragon‐Boat Races)

在这幅剪纸作品里,在龙舟上,锣手、鼓手在敲锣打鼓,桨手在挥桨划水, 锣鼓声、呐喊声、欢呼声交汇在一起,展现了浓浓的节日欢快气氛。 赛龙舟是端午节最重要的民俗活动之一,与北方相比,在南方地区更为流行。 关于赛龙舟的起源有多种传说,其中一种是这样的:屈原是春秋时期楚怀王的大 臣,倡导举贤授能、富国强民、联齐抗秦,却遭到贵族子兰等人的强烈反对,屈 原因此被流放到沅和湘流域。公元前 278 年,秦军占领了楚国京都,屈原虽有心 报国但无能为力,因此对前途感到绝望,于五月初五写下绝笔作《怀沙》后,便 投汨罗江身亡。 渔夫们划起船只,在江上来回打捞他的真身,却不见踪迹。此后

5 每年五月五日人们划龙舟来纪念屈原。传说划龙舟可驱散江中之鱼,以免鱼吃掉 屈原的身体。 In this Paper‐cut, some people are rowing the dragon‐boat, while others are beating gongs and drums. The sounds of the instruments, shouting and cheering integrate together, forming a rich, joyful and festive atmosphere. As one of the most important folk activities, dragon‐boat races are more popular in the south. There are many stories about the origin of the dragon‐boat races, and one of them is as follows. Qu Yuan was an official of the Emperor Chu Huai in the Spring and Autumn Period. He advocated hiring by merit, enriching the country, strengthening the army, and unitinge th Country of Qi to fight against the Country of Qin. However, his suggestions were strongly rejected by the nobles such as Zi Lan, and as a result, Qu Yuan was exiled to the basin of Yuanhexiang. In BC 278, the Qin army occupied the capital of the Country of Chu. Though Qu Yuan wanted to save his country, he lacked the resources to do so. On May 5th of Chinese lunar calendar, he wrote his final work “Huai Sha”, and in despair, committed suicide by diving into Miluo River. Fishermen rowed boats to search for his body, but in vain. Since then, every year on May 5th, people have rowed boats in memory of Qu Yuan. It is said that rowing dragon boats can deter the fish from consuming his body.

2. 祈祥纳福系列 (Series of Praying for Good Fortune and Blessings)

人们希望生活幸福,事事顺利。佛山剪纸作品表达了人们对生日、婚姻、新 年、 生活寄予了美好祝愿和期盼, 体现了民间习俗文化, 有着祥言吉语的寓意。 People wish to lead happy lives with everything going smoothly. Foshan Paper‐cuts express people’s good wishes and expectations for birthday, marriage, the New Year and life, reflecting various folk customs and auspiciousness.

2.1 岁岁平安(Safe Year after Year)

在该作品中,用梅、兰、菊、竹和祥云装饰花瓶。梅、兰、菊、竹分别象征 着高洁、清逸、气节和淡泊的品质,祥云寓意吉祥,花瓶与“平安”谐音。“岁 岁平安”意思是每年平安幸福、吉祥。

6 This work illustrates a vase decorated with plum blossoms, orchids, chrysanthemums, bamboos and auspicious clouds. “Hua Ping” (花瓶,the vase) is homophonic in Chinese with “Ping An” (平安,safety). The decorations respectively symbolize nobleness, grace, integrity, and indifference to fame and wealth. A popular phrase “Sui Sui Ping An” (岁岁平安) means being safe, happy and lucky each year.

2.2 花开富贵(A Wealthy and Noble Life when Flowers in Blossom)

在剪纸图片里,有各种各样的花朵,例如,梅花、菊花、荷花和牡丹,还有 植物竹子和菠萝。花朵盛开、美丽,蝴蝶在花丛中飞舞,生机勃勃。太阳挂在高 空上,祥云朵朵,白鹤高飞。 这些花卉植物为人们喜欢的,有着深刻的寓意。其中,牡丹被誉为花中之王, 是富贵的象征。祥云表示吉祥,白鹤象征长寿。“花开富贵”意思是人们对幸福 生活、富有和高贵的向往。 This Paper‐cut shows various flowers such as plum blossoms, chrysanthemums, lotuses and peonies. There are also bamboo and pineapple plants. The flowers in blossom are beautiful, among which butterflies are hovering, showing vitality of life. The sun and auspicious clouds decorate the sky where thes crane are soaring. These popular flowers and plants have rich allegorical implications. One of them, the peony, is regarded as the queen of the flowers, resembling wealth and nobleness. The auspicious clouds denote good fortune, and the crane symbolizes longevity. “Hua Kai Fu Gui” (花开富贵) means a person’s aspiration of a happy, wealthy and noble life.

2.3 九鱼图(The Picture of Nine Fishes)

7 在作品里,有九条可爱的锦鲤在荷花盛开的水池里畅游。“九”与“久”同 音,有长久之意。“鱼”与“余”是谐音,表示富足有余。荷花出淤泥而不染, 寓意浊世中保持纯洁、清白。九鱼图寓意年年有余,吉祥如意。 In this work, there are nine koi fish swimming in the pond where lotus flowers are in blossom. “Jiu” (九, nine) and “Jiu” (长,long) are homophonic, meaning long lasting. “Yu” (鱼,fish) and “Yu” (余,left‐over) are homophones, denoting abundance. Lotus flowers grow in the black silt without becoming stained by the soil, meaning staying pure from the corrupted world. Overall “Jiu Yu Tu” (九鱼图) has the meaning of affluence and good fortune every year.

2.4 百福结(Knot of One‐hundred Blessings)

这幅剪纸整体上是一个中国结,主要由一个大福字和九十九个小福字组成。 中国结是一种古老的编织艺术, 从头到尾由一根完整的丝线编织而成。“百”表 示多,“结”表示团结、和谐、亲密之意,“福”表示幸福吉祥 。“百福结”意 思是团结美满、福气多多。 This Paper‐cut is a Chinese knot, consisting of a “Fu” character (福,blessing) in

8 big font and ninety‐nine “Fu” characters in small font. The Chinese knot is an ancient knitting art, and it is formed by one piece of thread from the beginning to the end. “Bai” (百, a hundred) means a lot. “Jie” (结, knot) means unity, harmony and intimacy. “Fu” denotes blessing and auspiciousness. “Bai Fu Jie” (百福结) has the meaning of unity and many blessings.

2.5 吉祥生肖(Auspicious Zodiac Animals)

十二生肖为鼠、牛、虎、兔、龙、蛇、马、羊、猴、鸡、狗、猪,每个生肖 有其特点和文化寓意,表达人们的美好愿望。 上面剪纸是其中的生肖作品。在第一幅剪纸作品里,牛象征着勤恳、坚韧和 力量,与汉字“兴旺”一起,表示事业兴旺, 财源不断;在第二幅剪纸作品里, 虎代表勇猛、活力,配有汉字“雄风”,寓意虎虎生气、财运不断;在第三幅剪 纸作品里,兔子活泼、机灵、可爱,象征吉祥、幸福,加上汉字“康宁”,表达 人们对健康安宁的美好生活的期盼。 The twelve zodiac animals are the rat, the ox, the tiger, the rabbit, the dragon, the snake, the horse, the sheep, the monkey, the rooster, the dog and the pig. Every zodiac animal has its own features and cultural meaning indicating people’s good wishes. The Paper‐cuts above are some of the works about zodiac animals. In the first Paper‐cut, the ox symbolizes diligence, persistence and energy. Together with the Chinese characters “Xing Wang” (兴旺,prosperity), this work means prosperous careers and good financial fortune. In the second Paper‐cut, the tiger is symbolic of power and vitality. Together with the Chinese character “Xiong Feng” (雄风, vigor), this Paper‐cut means vitality and wealth. In the third Paper‐cut, the rabbit is active, clever and lovely, symbolizing auspiciousness and blessing. With the Chinese characters “Kang Ning” (康宁, healthy and peaceful), this work expresses people’s

9 expectation for a healthy and peaceful life.

2.6 龙凤呈祥(Dragon and Phoenix of Auspiciousness)

在中国封建社会里, 帝王是以龙自称, 皇后则被称为凤。龙与凤是虚构的神 物, 龙是力量的象征,凤是美丽的象征, 龙与凤被看作是一对。“龙凤呈祥”指 吉庆之事,经常用于象征婚姻美满。 In the feudal society, the emperor was referred to as the Dragon and the queen as the Phoenix. Imaginary creatures, the dragon is a symbol of energy, and the phoenix is a symbol of beauty, so they are a perfect match. “Long Feng Cheng Xiang” (龙凤呈祥) means auspicious events, and it is often used as the symbol of a satisfactory marriage.

2.7 麻姑献寿(Ma Gu Celebrating Birthdays)

麻姑是汉族民间信仰的女神,被称为女寿星,是长寿吉祥的象征。剪纸作品 中里,经典剧目《麻姑献寿》在佛山祖庙的万福台上演,麻姑将寿桃、灵芝和佳 果送给长者,以祝贺其寿辰。

10 Ma Gu is worshipped by people of the Han ethnicity, and is regarded as a female god of longevity, symbolizing longevity and good fortune. In this Paper‐cut, the classical play “Ma Gu Xian Shou” (Ma Gu Celebrating Birthdays) was shown on the WanFu (many blessings) platform in the Foshan Ancestral Temple. In this play, Ma Gu presents the peach of immortality, Ling Zhi (a precious Chinese herb), and fruits to an elderly person, wishing that he or she would have a long, happy, safe and healthy life. It is believed that Ma Gu was a girl of a minority group ein th north in the Period of the South and North Dynasty. She was beautiful and kind‐hearted, often helping the poor. One day, Ma Gu went to pick fruits on the mountain. It took her a long time before she could get a peach. On the way home, she saw a sick old granny at the roadside, and fed her with the only peach she had. As a result, the granny got well. Ma Gu planted the seed of the peach in her own yard, and soon it grew into a large peach tree with big red fruits. With these peaches, Ma Gu helped the hungry old people in town. After they ate the peaches, they did not feel hungry, and they became well. Ma Gu realized that the old granny she saved was a god from heaven. The old people then used the term “Ma Gu Xian Shou” when they were given peaches in March.

2.8 富∙福∙喜∙丰∙寿(Wealth, Blessing, Joy, Good harvest and Longevity)

11 这些剪纸是佛山人过去常贴在门上的装饰。在第一幅剪纸里,孔雀,俗称凤 凰,是百鸟之王,象征吉祥,牡丹寓意富贵;与第一幅不同的是,第二幅剪纸用 蝙蝠来表示,“蝠”与“福”同音,寓意幸福;在第三幅剪纸里,喜鹊象征吉祥, 而且名字中带有“喜”字,表示欢乐、喜事;“鱼”与“余”同音,第四幅剪纸 用“鱼”表示年年有余;第五幅剪纸用白鹤象征长寿。因此,这五幅剪纸分别象 征富、福、喜、丰和寿,表达了人们对美好生活的期盼。 It was popular with the people of Foshan to paste these decorations on their doors. In the first Paper‐cut, the peacock, also termed “the phoenix” by the local people, is the king of the birds, symbolizing blessings. The peony has the meaning of wealth. Unlike the first Paper‐cut, the second one uses the bats to symbolize blessings, where “Fu” (蝠,bat) and “Fu” (福,blessing) are homophonic. In the third Paper‐cut, magpies (喜鹊,“Xi Que”) are symbolic of good fortune and there is a character “Xi” (喜,Joy) in their names, indicating happiness sand joyou occasions. “Yu” (鱼,fish) is the homophone of “Yu” (余,left‐over), so in the fourth Paper‐cut, “Yu” (鱼,fish) is used to indicate abundance every year. In the fifth Paper‐cut, the crane symbolizes longevity. Therefore, these five Paper‐cuts respectively symbolize wealth, blessing, joy, abundance and longevity.

3. 民间故事系列 (Series of Folk Stories)

神话故事、民间传说和典故有趣、幽默、寓意深长,素来为人们所喜闻乐见, 源于这些方面的佛山剪纸作品能使人得到启示、领悟人生,对人们的言行、生活 有着感染和激励作用。 Fairy tales, folk legends and allusions are interesting, humorous, meaningful and popular. The Paper‐cuts depicting these stories are therefore enlightening, inspiring and motivating people.

3.1 望夫归(Waiting for Her Husband to Return)

12 该剪纸作品展现了故事里的妻子在大海边等候其丈夫回家的画面。 “望夫归”又名“望夫石”,有着不同的民间传说,其中一个故事是这样的: 很久以前,有位男子多才多艺,为人善良。结婚后生了个孩子,为了维持生计出 海打鱼。然而,离开家半年毫无音信。其妻子天天面对大海,盼望着丈夫回家, 但每次归来的船只都不是她丈夫的船。有一天,一位老渔民打渔时突然发现海边 多了一块石头,很像那位妻子。原来妻子天天望着大海,化成了“望夫石”。 This Paper‐cut tells the story of a wife waiting for her husband to return to the seaside. “Wang Fu Gui”(望夫归, waiting for the husband to return) has another name “Wang Fu Shi”(望夫石, the wife who had been waiting for her husband to return for so long that she turned into a stone). There are different stories related to this and one of them is as follows: Long ago, there was a versatile and kind‐hearted man. After he got married, he had a son. In order to make a living, he went to the sea to catch fish. However, he never returned. His wife then anxiously waited for her husband’s return at the seaside every day, but every time she saw a boat, it was not her husband’s. One day, when fishing, an old fisherman noticed an extra stone at the seaside that looked like that wife. It turned out that as the wife looked towards the sea day after day, she turned into a stone.

3.2 嫦娥奔月 (Chang Er Flying to the Moon)

13 这幅剪纸作品描写了嫦娥奔月的情景:在夜幕下,一轮明月高挂在天空上。 月亮上有广寒宫、桂花树。美丽的嫦娥身后跟着一只可爱的玉兔,她舒展双臂, 踩着飘动的彩云,轻盈地奔向月亮。据说嫦娥和英雄人物后羿是夫妻,嫦娥偷吃 了不死药而成仙奔月。为了与嫦娥在一起,后羿变成了陪伴在她身边的玉兔。 This Paper‐cut depicts the scene of Chang Er flying to the moon: high in the sky at night is a bright full moon on which there is a Moon Palace with an osmanthus tree. The beautiful lady, Chang Er is stretching her arms and stepping on the flowing colorful clouds, gracefully flying to the moon with a small rabbit following her. It is said that Chang Er and a famous Chinese hero, Hou Yi were a couple. Chang Er stole and ate drugs of immortality, became a fairy and flew to the moon. In order to be with Chang Er, Hou Yi magically became the Jade Rabbit to accompany her.

3.3 后羿射日 (Hou Yi Shooting off the Suns)

在该剪纸作品里,火热的太阳高挂在天空上,百兽狂怒,不得安宁。后羿拉 开弓弩,搭上利箭,射向太阳。 传说远古时候,天上有十个太阳,出现严重干旱。森林着火,河流干枯,农 作物枯萎,许多人和动物渴死,人们在高温中挣扎着生存。这个时候,有位年轻 英俊的男子叫后羿,是位神箭手,百发百中。看到人们生活在苦难中,决心帮助 他们脱离苦海, 射掉那多余的九个太阳。 In this Paper‐cut, blazing suns are high in the sky. The beasts are raging restlessly on the ground. Hou Yi fitted arrows and pulls his bow to shoot at the suns. It is said that in ancient times, there were once ten suns in the sky, causing serious droughts. The forests caught fire, the rivers ran dry, and the crops withered. People and animals struggled to survive, and many died of thirst. At the time, there was a handsome young man named Hou Yi. He was a magical archer and could hit his target one hundred times without a single miss. Seeing the people lived in misery, he

14 shot and removed nine of the ten suns.

3.4 愚公移山 (The Foolish Old Man Removing Mountains)

该剪纸作品描写了在明月当空的夜晚里,愚公及其家人还在挖山搬土的情景。 愚公年将近九十岁,家门前有两大座山挡着路, 他决心把山铲平掉,并带来 家人行动起来。有个智叟笑他太傻, 认为愚公没有自知之明,自不量力,根本不 可能做到。愚公认为他死了有儿子, 儿子死了还有孙子, 子子孙孙无穷无尽的, 两座山终究会凿平。被愚公的坚毅所感动,天帝命大力神搬走两座山。故事比喻 只要有恒心、毅力,就可以成功。 This Paper‐cut depicts the scene of Yu Gong (a foolish old man) and his family who are digging into the mountain to remove it. Yu Gong was almost ninety years old. There were two big mountains (Taihang and Wangwu Mountains in Yu Province) blockinge th road in front of his house, so he decided to remove the mountains with the help of his family. A wise old man thought that Yu Gong was stupid, did not know his limitations, and it was impossible to complete the task. However, Yu Gong thought that through the hard work of himself, his children, their children, and their future generations, the mountains would one day be removed. Impressed by Yu Gong’s perseverance, the Emperor of the Heaven ordered Hercules to remove the mountains. This story indicates that as long as we are determined and persistent, we can succeed.

15 3.5 盘古开天(Pan Gu Creating the Universe)

这幅剪纸作品生动地呈现了盘古挥起斧头,使劲开凿的情景。 相传在天地还没有诞生以前, 宇宙漆黑一团,好像个大鸡蛋。在大鸡蛋里面, 沉睡的盘古突然醒来, 发现周围很黑, 什么东西都没有。于是拿起他身边的斧头 不停地开凿。经过一万八千年艰苦的努力,盘古挥出最后一斧,只听一声巨响, 巨星分开为两半。盘古头上的一半巨星,化为气体,不断上升。脚下一半巨星则 变为大地,不断加厚,宇宙开始有了天和地。 This Paper‐cut vividly depicts the scene of Pan Gu holding up an axe and digging very hard. It is said that before the world was born, the universe was unlit like in a big “egg”. Inside the big “egg”, the sleeping Pan Gu suddenly woke up, and found that it was completely dark with nothing around. He held up the axe and dug continuously. After his 18,000 years’ of hard work, Pan Gu finished his digging. There was a huge sound, then the universe divided into two halves. The half above Pan Gu’s head turned into the atmosphere and rose up. The other half became the ground and thickened. From then on, the universe had a sky and ground.

16 3.6 大禹治水 (Da Yu Controlling Water)

作品描绘了大禹指挥人民凿石开山, 疏通河道, 导流洪水的场面。 传说在帝尧时期,黄河流域经常有洪灾。为了保护农业生产,尧帝召集部落 首领商议如何平息水害。鲧被推荐来负责这项工作,他用简单的堤埂把居住区围 起来以防御洪水,九年没有取得成效,最后被放逐羽山而死。舜帝继位后任用鲧 的儿子禹治水。禹总结父亲的治水经验,利用水自高向底流的自然趋势,把洪水 引入疏通的河道、洼地和湖泊,平息了水患。百姓得以从高地搬回平川居住,恢 复农业生产。后来,禹因此成为夏朝的第一代君王。禹为了治水,三过家门而不 入的大公无私精神、以及他因势利导、科学治水的做法受到后人的歌颂。 This Paper‐cut presents the situation in which people are digging through the mountains, dredging the rivers and directing floods under the guidance of Da Yu. It is said that during the Period of Emperor Rao, there used to be frequent floods in the basin of the Yellow River. In order to protect the agricultural production, Emperor Rao gathered the tribal leaders to discuss how to solve this problem. Gun was selected to be in charge of this work. He enclosed the living areas with simple dikes to keep away the floods, but after nine years of hard work the task wasn’t accomplished. As a result, he was exiled to Yu Mountain and later died. After Emperor Shun succeeded to the throne, he appointed Gun’s son, Yu, to prevent floods by water control. Having learned a lesson from his father, by taking advantage of the natural tendency of water to flow downwards, Yu directed the floods into the dredged rivers, low‐lying land and lakes, and solved the water disasters. This enabled the ordinary people to move from the highlands to the plains, and resume agricultural production. Later, Yu became the first emperor of the Xia Dynasty. In order to maximize his time for solving the water problem, Yu never stopped at his

17 house although he passed it many times. His selfless spirit and his scientific ways of controlling water by making the best use of the situation are celebrated by later generations.

3.7 老鼠嫁女(The Rats Marrying Off their Daughter)

剪纸作品描写了老鼠嫁女的隆重场面:抬着花轿,打着鼓锣,放着鞭炮,举 着双喜字,喜气洋洋,热闹非凡。 很久很久以前,有一对年迈的老鼠夫妇住在阴湿寒冷的黑洞里, 要为闺女找 个好丈夫,让其摆脱这种不见天日的生活。于是,老鼠夫妇出门寻亲。当他们觉 得太阳是世间最强大的,就向太阳提出了请求。然而太阳说:“我不是你们想像 的那样强壮,黑云可以遮住我的光芒。”接着老鼠夫妇去请求黑云,黑云却说: “尽管我有遮挡光芒的力量,但是微风可以让我消失。” 老鼠夫妇只好去找克制 黑云的风,风说道:“我能吹散黑云,但是一面墙就可以把我制服。”老鼠夫妇 找到了墙,墙带着恐惧的神色说:“我最害怕你们老鼠,坚固的墙也抵挡不住你 们打洞。” 这个时候老鼠夫妇觉得还是猫最有力量,自古以来老鼠害怕猫,于是 他们找到了花猫,坚持要把女儿嫁给花猫,花猫答应了这门婚事。在迎娶的那天, 老鼠用最隆重的仪式送女儿出嫁。突然,花猫从背后窜出,一口吃掉了自己的新 娘。故事告诉我们一个道理:我们既要看到事物的擅长的方面,也要理智地分析 其不足之处从而避免盲目崇拜。 This Paper‐cut describes the grand scene of the rats marrying off their daughter: the rats are carrying the bridal sedan chair, beating the drum and gong, setting off firecrackers, holding the Chinese character of double happiness. It’s a cheerful and lively atmosphere.

18 Long long ago, there was an elderly rat couple living in a cold, dank and dark hole. They were looking for a good husband for their daughter so that she could live somewhere bright and comfortable. So this couple went out to look for such a husband. They thought that the sun was the strongest in the world, they proposed the idea to the sun, but the sun said: “I’m not as strong as you think, because the dark cloud can cover my light.” The rat couple then went and asked the black cloud, but the black cloud said: “Although I have the power to block the sun’s light, the breeze can blow me away.” The couple then found the wind that said: “I can blow away the black cloud, but a wall can block me.” The couple found the wall, and the wall said in fear: “ I am most afraidu of yo rats. Even the strongest wall couldn’t stand your digging.” At this point, the rat couple thought that perhaps the cats were the most powerful, since the rats had been scared of cats since ancient times. They then found a cat, and insisted on marrying their daughter to him. The cat consented to this marriage. On the wedding day, with the grandest ceremony, the rats married off their daughter. Suddenly, the cat sprang up, and ate up his own bride with one bite. This story tells us a truth: We should not only see the advantages, but also find any associated weaknesses and avoid blind worship.

4. 民间生活系列 (Series of Folk Life)

佛山剪纸来自于现实生活,体现了简朴、浓郁的民间生活气息与情趣。创作 者把人们对民间生活热爱、认识与感悟以剪纸形式表现出来,是内心情感的一种 表达。 Foshan Paper‐cuts originate from people’s real lives, showing the simple yet rich and joyful daily activities of the ordinary people. The artists express in the form of Paper‐cuts not only people’s love for their lives, but also people’s pursuit of truth and enlightenment from life.

4.1 牧笛悠扬 (Melodious Flute of the Shepherd Boy)

19 有位牧童坐在牛背上,吹着笛子,笛声悠扬,一副自在、陶醉的样子。 A shepherd boy is sitting on the back of a bovine, playing his flute melodiously, enjoying himself.

4.2 坡地牛群(Herds of Cattle on the Hill)

在山坡上一群牛在啃食青草,牧童骑着牛,悠然自在,其中有位牧童在吹着 笛子,远处是一片农耕景象,生机勃勃。 On a hill some shepherd boys are leisurely sitting on the backs of grazing cattle. One boy is playing the flute, and people are farming in the distance, painting a beautiful and lively scene.

4.3 海滩拾贝 (Collecting Sea‐shells on the Beach)

有位姑娘在海边捡拾贝壳,非常专注地欣赏手里的贝壳。 A girl is collecting sea shells on the beach and attentively appreciating the sea shell in her hand.

20 4.4 习武健身 (Martial Arts for Strength and Health)

佛山是著名的武术之乡,作品展现了众人习武的壮观场面,也表现了佛山舞 狮的高超技艺。习武可以强身健体,同时弘扬中国武术精神。 Foshan is a famous hometown for martial arts, and this work presents a scene of phenomenal martial arts and a Foshan lion dance. Regularly performing martial arts not only makes people stronger and keeps them healthy, but also spreads the spirit of Chinese martial arts.

4.5 观龙舟 (Watching Dragon‐ boat Races)

龙舟赛是佛山每年端午节的传统活动。作品描写了在中山公园旁的汾江河边, 站着许多群众在观看龙舟比赛的情景。锣鼓声、呐喊声交汇在一处,震耳欲聋; 三只龙舟齐头并进,桡手们奋勇挥桨,争先恐后。 Dragon‐boat races are a traditional activity in Foshan during the Dragon‐boat

21 festival every year. This work depicts crowds of people standing along FenJiang River (a river in Foshan City) watching the dragon‐boat race. The sounds of drums and gongs, and cheering of the crowds integrate together into a deafening roar. Three dragon‐boats are advancing head to head, with racers rowing with all their might, striving to be the first.

4.6 农家乐 (Happiness in the Farm House)

在长满葡萄的果架下,公鸡、母鸡、小鸡在嬉戏,生机盎然,反映出农家丰 衣足食的美好生活。 Under the fruitful grape vines, roosters, hens and chicks are playing joyfully, representing the ampleness and happy life of the farming family.

4.7 采莲女 (The Girls Picking Lotus Seeds)

22 在盛开的荷花中,站着两位美丽的采莲少女,带着帽子,光着脚,神情乐观, 其中一位手握装满了采集莲蓬的盘箕,池里鸭子在游泳嬉戏。采莲女在劳动同时, 欣赏身边的美景,自有一番劳动乐趣。 Among the blossoming lotus flowers are two beautiful and joyful girls in hats picking lotus seeds barefoot. One is holding a Pan Ji (盘箕, a kind of bamboo container) full of lotus seeds they collected. Though the girls are working, they are also appreciating and enjoying the surrounding beautiful scenery, in which several playful ducks are swimming in the pond.

4.8 放鸭儿童(The Child Herding Ducks )

本剪纸作品描写一位儿童在放鸭子的情景:儿童光着脚站在池塘边,手持长 鞭,以荷叶做帽子,四只鸭子在大鸭子的指挥下排着整齐的队伍,反映了农村孩 子热爱劳动的特点。 A child is herding ducks barefoot by a pond. He wears a hat made of a lotus leaf and he is holding a long whip. Following the larger duck, the other four ducks form an orderly line. This work is symbolic of the hard‐working children from the countryside.

5. 家乡风貌系列 (Series of Hometown Features)

剪纸表现了人们热爱家乡的浓厚情感。一方面,描绘家乡秀丽风景和优美环 境,另一方面,歌颂改革开放以来家乡的新面貌、新气象。 These Paper‐cuts show people’s heartfelt love for their hometown. The Paper‐cuts not only depict beautiful scenes, but also praise the much‐welcomed developments of Chinese economic reform.

23 5.1 水秀山青 (Beautiful Mountains and Waters)

本作品呈现出家乡山水的清幽秀丽。 This work presents the peace and beauty of the hometown’s mountains and waters.

5.2 幽林鸟语 (Wood Peace and Bird Words)


在幽静的树林里,有鸟儿在自由飞翔,有鸟儿在树枝上栖息,有鸟儿在玩耍、 吱吱叫,所以作品展现了美好的自然环境。 In the peaceful woods, some birds are flying freely, some are resting in the trees, and some are playing and chirping, representing the wonder of mother nature.

5.3 鱼米之乡 (Hometown with an Abundance of Fish and Rice)

在作品里,山清水秀,江边渔家打鱼晒网,江中游客乘竹筏观光游览,田野 上牧童放牛,牛儿戏水玩耍,农民在辛勤地耕地劳动。该作品展现了亮丽的山水 风景以及渔米之乡浓浓的生活气息。 This work depicts the rich pastoral atmosphere of the hometown with an abundance of fish and rice. In the hometown with gorgeous scenery, fishermen are

25 drying their nets after fishing, and the tourists are sightseeing on a bamboo raft. In the field, the shepherd boys are herding the playful cattle, and the farmers are working hard.

5.4 山村新貌 (New Look of the Mountainous Village)

房子坐落在山脚下,房子门前就是大片的农田,农民们机耕劳作,一片欣欣 向荣的景象。该剪纸作品展现了农村人们安居乐业的新景象。 This Paper‐cut shows the prosperous life in the countryside. The house is situated at the foot of the mountains. In front of the house lies a large field, where the farmers are working with tractors.

5.5 美丽南方 (Beautiful South)


在第一幅里,人们在观看海上来来往往的船只;在第二幅里,人们在田地里 耕作,忙里偷闲,载歌载舞;在第三幅里,骑着大象,采摘果子,是丰收的季节; 第四幅里,人们在岸边观看龙舟比赛,兴奋无比。这四幅剪纸通过不同的画面展 现了南方美好的生活景象。 The four Paper‐cuts present the good life in the south. In the first picture, people are watching the busy ocean shipping route. In the second picture, people are working in the field, catching a break once in a while to sing and dance. In the third picture, people are riding elephants to pick fruits in the harvest season. In the fourth picture, people are excitedly watching dragon‐boat races.

5.6 和谐佛山 (Harmonious Foshan)

太阳刚刚升起,在古老的大榕树下,佛山人在进行各种各样的活动:有跳扇 子舞的,有跳绳的,有写生的,有遛鸟的,悠然自在。还有停着的小轿车和赶路 的骑摩托者。用古榕树和小轿车象征佛山的古老而富庶,展现了佛山人们和谐、 幸福生活。 The sun has just risen. Under a large, old banyan tree, Foshan people are engaged in all kinds of leisurely activities: fan‐dancing, rope‐skipping, art‐sketching,

27 and walking their bird in a cage. It also shows a parked car and hurrying motorbike‐riders. The old banyan tree and the car respectively symbolize the long history and prosperity of Foshan. The scene overall indicates a harmonious and happy life of Foshan people.

三、结语 (Concluding Remarks)

佛山剪纸是民间生活土壤上长出的文化树,有着丰富的文化内涵,反映了劳 动人民的精神追求、审美情趣和对美好生活的渴望,使佛山剪纸具有更高的审美 价值,成为极具特色的剪纸艺术。 A crowning product of the local folk life, Foshan Paper‐cuts convey rich cultural connotations that are reflective of the working people’s aesthetic tastes, spiritual pursuits, and best wishes for a happy life. It is such implicit yet conspicuous cultural expression that elevates the inherent artistic value of Foshan Paper‐cuts, from this legitimately unique craft into a truly ingenious art.

主编: 林美笑 (佛山科学技术学院) 作品来源: 《陈永才剪纸艺术》、《潘思鸣剪纸艺术》和《传奇佛山》 致谢: 感谢美国阿祖萨太平洋大学外事办格拉姆斯•玛丽(Mary Grams)主任、斯坦 福大学化学系博士生林斌鸿对英语译文所提的宝贵意见!

Chief Editor: Meixiao Lin (Foshan University) Product Source: Arts of Chen Yongcai’s Paper‐cuts, Arts of Pan Siming’s Paper‐cuts and Legendary Foshan Acknowledgements: Grateful to Mary Grams, Director ofe th International Office of Azusa Pacific University, USA, and Binhong Lin, doctoral student in chemistry from Stanford University, USA for their valuable suggestions on the English translation!