Minutes of the meeting held on Wednesday 17th July 2019 in Methodist Church.

Present: Jane Mortimer (Chairperson) Les Atkinson (Vice Chairperson) Dick Hoyle Carolyn Watkinson Michael Fenby Jody Nightingale

Members of the Public: B. Billam S. Purdie S. Purdie S. Peate R. Clifford S. Glasby

Public Question Time Stephanie Glasby the new Parish Council Clerk was welcomed to the meeting.

John Cummins from Hawsker cum Stainsacre Parish Council came to the meeting to present Virginia Ramsey with gifts from the Parish Council and thanked her for all her work as Parish Council Clerk.

Colin Huby from Scarborough Borough Council was welcomed to the meeting. He updated the meeting regarding possible affordable housing in the villages. At a previous site visit fourteen sites were identified and four became preferred sites. These were discussed as possibilities with landowners and two are now being looked at in more detail. Two possible sites, Sledgate in Fylingthorpe and in Robin Hood’s Bay a site near to Station Road Car Park. Discussions regarding the possible sites are at an early stage. Sledgate is a planning exemption site for affordable housing and has a landowner willing to sell land. National Parks is looking potentially at six homes. Red lines are put around the sites before planning for people to make their comments. Meetings will be arranged for one or two days for people to attend, possibly in September. Comments made by people will be written down and will be reported to the Parish Council.

Police Report Sometime overnight on 6th-7th June unknown offenders have approached a business premises on Fairfield Way, Stainsacre Industrial Estate and attempted to steal a hydraulic lifting device, they were unsuccessful and made of unseen. Enquiries are ongoing. There have been five road traffic collisions in the parish this month, four resulting in no injury, however a minor injury was reported to a male rider of a motorcycle following a single vehicle collision on the A171, Station Road, Hawsker.

1. Councillors opportunity to declare an interest in any agenda item None.

2. Apologies for Absence Claudia Sutterby

3. Minutes of the last Meeting The minutes of the meeting held on Wednesday 19th June 2019 were signed as a correct record.

4. Matters Arising John Woodhead will be contacted again regarding the sandbag store and the fencing at Bank Top. No progress has been made regarding the traffic signs down to Bay. Twinning with Sweden will be further investigated. Another suggestion for using the donation that has been offered is for a notice board on Kingston Field giving such things as the Field’s history and its plant life. The work on the Cinder Track is maintenance and to make disabled access for four-wheel drive mobility scooters.

5. Planning NYM/2019/0311/FL Application for change of use of land to garden and for the siting of 1 no. mobile caravan unit to provide residential accommodation, construction of double garage and relocation of vehicular access at Bracken Rigg, Fylingdales. No objections with the understanding that the caravan will be removed when no longer in use. NYM/2019/0361/LB Application for Listed building consent for installation of replacement timber double doors at Daisy Cottage, Cliff Street, Robin Hood’s Bay. No objections. NYM/2019/0405/FL Application for installation of replacement windows and doors with re- rending of rear elevation and exposure of stonework to remaining elevations at Odinsfield, The Square, Robin hood’s Bay. No objections. Original features must be retained where possible. The rendering of the rear elevation may be best left without being redone. NYM/2019/0410/FL Application for application to regularise demolition works and two storey side and single storey rear extension as built (revised scheme NYM/2015/0425/FL) at Land at Former Parkgate Cottage, Sled Gates, Fylingthorpe. No objections. NYM/2019/0416/FL Application for dropping of kerb and creation of parking area at Moorview House, Station Road, Robin Hood’s Bay. This application was discussed in some detail and objected to by the Parish Council. The dropping of the kerb would destroy the character of the area and cars would be pulling out on to a very busy main road which could be dangerous. Cars would also be crossing a busy pavement which is the only route for pedestrians, which again could be dangerous. Questions were also raised about whether a car the parking space was big enough for a car to park. NYM/2019/0428/LB Application for Listed Building consent for installation of replacement windows and door, construction of step and erection of handrail and balustrading with damp proofing and replastering works at Kings Head Cottage, New Road, Robin Hood’s Bay. No objections. NYM/2019/0347/FL Amended details, Grove Cottage, Thorpe Bank, Fylingthorpe. The Parish Council repeated an even stronger objection to this application because the rendering will leave a problem for the future. NYM/2019/0611/FL Application for erection of timber fenced refuse store at Boggle Hole Youth Hostel. On agenda at Planning Meeting on 18th July. No Parish Councillors are available to attend.

6. Clerk’s Report 1) Rural New Bulletin has been circulated. 2) Steven Harris from North Fire Service email regarding updating the Parish Council with matters regarding fire safety has been circulated. A decision to invite him to a meeting is yet to be made.

7. Monthly Accounts The income and expenditure details for 2018-2019 were circulated. Income for the year was £43,285.78, this included precept and model agreement payments, grants, donations, encroachment and allotment fees. Payments, as detailed every month in the cheques issued, totalled £26,670.43. The closing balance at 31st March 2019 was £36,193.73 The bank statement for July was not yet available. The following cheques were paid: 100588 for £71.00 to HMRC, tax payment 100589 for £20.00 to C. Gent for clearing Barnard’s Beck 100590 for £72.03 to SSE, Bank Top Toilets electricity 100591 for £30.00 to County Council, annual licence fee for Bank Top play area. 100592 for £253.91 to Wolsley for Bank Top toilets. 100593 for £200.00 to G. Irving for caretaking Bank Top toilets. 100594 for £279.97 to Electrical Network for heaters, Bank Top toilets. 100595 for £476.16 to Focus, supplies for Bank Top toilets. 100596 for £3,000.00 to Scarborough Borough Council, part repayment of money advanced to the Parish Council. 100597 for £759.40 to V. Ramsey, Clerk’s salary and expenses. 100598 for £54.00 to Vinyl Signs, ‘no dogs’ signs for Kingston Field 100590 for £2,510.10 to Peter Keate for cleaning Bank Top toilets. From the Toilets and Playground Account Cheque Number £2,000.00 to Scarborough Borough Council, part repayment of money advanced to the Parish Council. It was agreed that the pay scale for Stephanie Glasby will be decided at the next meeting.

8. Councillor’s Reports Carolyn Watkinson reported that the gateposts at Fylingthorpe play area are rotten. These need capping in some way so that water can run off. Jane Mortimer will follow this up. The willow boat in the play area needs trimming. Dick Hoyle agreed to ask Peter Budd who has repaired it in the past. Les Atkinson reported that at Bay Bank, on the wall at the bottom of the steps opposite the fish shop there is a stone with appears to be part of a gravestone with an inscription. It was suggested that the inscription needs removing, Fusco’s to be asked to do this. Jody Nightingale reported that he had cleared a lot of litter from land behind the toilets that is filled with canoes. Mike Parry from the local boating club to be asked if this is land used by the club. Dick Hoyle reported that he has so far had no success with North Yorkshire County Council concerning the problems with the drains down Bay. Jane Mortimer reported that she has in hand the repairs needed on the swinging basket in Bank Top play area. A discussion followed regarding health and safety concerns when equipment is damaged or broken. It can take sometimes for the repairs to be made. The vandalism at Bank Top toilets continues to be a problem. A suggestion was made that a lower price of 30p to use the toilets may help stop the vandalism.

10. Rolling Agenda items and follow up of any items Wendy English visited Kingston Field to do a plant survey. The meeting of Friends of Kingston Field was informal and an opportunity to raise concerns. A meeting is needed of the Parish Councillors, who are the trustees of Kingston Field, to discuss the questions asked. Details of the meeting will be put on the Parish Council website. An information board for giving information such as the history of Kingston Field and its plant life was discussed. It was agreed that needs to be something fairly solid, perhaps set in stone so it would be more permanent. It was also thought to be a good idea to encourage the interest of children in the Field by involving them with making the board. Sirius wants the grass cuttings again from Kingston Field to use at the new mine site. This will encourage increasing the plants species found on Kingston Field to multiply. Colin Hutton will cut the grass and take the cuttings to the mine site. All the responses concerning the village Emergency Planning have been collected. Jane Mortimer and Carolyn Watkinson will collate them. Decisions will have to be made about how the information is to be used. A bench on the sea wall needs repairing. Dick Hoyle will follow this up.

11. Any Other Business at the discretion of the Chairperson Virginia Ramsey was presented with a gift and warmly thanked for all her work as Parish Council Clerk.

12. Date and time of the Next Meeting Wednesday 21st August 2019, 7.00 p.m. at Wibury, Robin Hood’s Bay.

There being no further business the meeting closed at 9.20 p.m.

Signed…………………………………………………. Date………………………………………