m \ ■• a ‘ . . . \: VT •A ■; X. X I >:1 '■>A -■\ 1 i_. _ II . I . IS" :•/ • MONDAY, APRlIi' 1. 195T A"'; / ATera'se Daily Net Preaa Ron . The Weather /^.' PAGE SIXTEEN ; X i ■l For the Week'Ended Foroeast o f U.' S. Weather Bataha iHaurlj^ater lEimttttg March SO, 1957 V

Krips brought to the second move­ A ■ .Oeariag, windy, much Thb .Ohio 'Wesleyan Glee Club wiches, ice ci^anm, cooMea and. cof­ /> TTw weekly meeting, of the fee. ' , ment a , fstrange and haunting . 12,573 i . : night. Low in 89s; Fair, vaUon A rm y Women’s Hbnte will ptieient a concert of saered Chapter Seats > Series E pathos that thade this funeral iWboiitTown and popular music at the South^ Hostesses for the evening were Member of the Audit K er Wedneoday.’RIgh 48 to fh. League will be held in the ‘Citadel Mrs. M sry Ditti.'.eyer,. Mrs. M ai? march one of the most, hesuttful BUreait o f Oirenlatloin / tomorrow at 8 p. m. Special'Visi­ Methodist Church tomorrow night Beauregard and Mary S. moments of the evening. Manchester-—A Village Cjliarm Th# •ll-ft'oup liiwU M o f the tors will be Envoy and Mrs. Wil­ at 8 o’clock, under, the auspices of New Officers B ySym pK the Methodist Men. (No tickets are Smith,” all paat *atrons, and Mrs. All In Ml, It was s line .concert W m : XZ, .. Cecond OemgTef«*ton»t^ liam FeaVer, who are in charge^^f it of bur young .orchestras, the Army Corps In Norwich. They required, but a free will offering Flizabeth Gejssler. X I . « ^ e at the churtai tomorrow at Mrs, Janet Richmond,' 33 Lilley Mrs. Margaret Richmond, iUkter By PHIUP TREOOOR lovers of Manchester-were TOL. LXXVI, Nd. 155 (M toE N PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN,^ TUESDAY, APRIL 2, 1957 (OlaaMfled Bg on Pago 14) FIVE g p. m. wlU be m-eceded by a pot- will conduct a worship service, hf- wilt be taken to help defray the ter which a social time 'will be en-‘ expenses of presenting the con­ St., was geated as worthy matron '^d'lawr of. the new worthy matibq, ^The Manchester ■ Civic X4u-«rtc iunate to be able to hear lu& supper (i'clock, and Frank Gakeler of Joyce Flb- ifbrt of their Own new Joyed with Mrs. Annie Russell, cert. ' of Temple Chapter, No. 53, Ordd'r ^ . . . ,, jUsn. closed Its sei-$es of concerts GHESTERFIEID SUPPORttt BttT OibboriS Assatnbly, Catholic Lad- Mrs. Martha Mansfleld and Miss of the Eastern Star, . t 'aii opert 'ln- i^‘»^ ^ " * *" *^*'«^* decoration, for; this aeason ,wdtb « perfprm- auditoi The mofiUily'-ineetlng of the pparent the Civic '1m of Oeiurabus. will hold a busi­ Edith Jackebn as hostesses. stallajion, Satbrday evenin|^i(n the anci^'Iiy the Buffalo PHilhfwr^nlc Yov'll foel flt, too, io this Johnson ness meeting tomorrow nlrht at Manchester Registered /Nurses Music Serins Is hire to stay, fur- j Masonic Tetnple. / Orcheslra, under Ihe^ b ^ d p of & johofon product. lO-’meh waiif«^ g:18 In St. James’ School hall. The Mrtford Pembroke College Assn, will be held in the hospital ther consld««tlpn should bo given d u b /W«l hold a -meeting at the dining room tomorrow*' night at Some 300 members s^d guests Union lo Press Josef Kripi, Salurday/evci^g- to the accouslic,conditions of the. bond. Fioost "olostic.fpb- O f ' Kach m em W la asked to bring fic . Two'-way stretch. t^sW w a wrapped package for the jnj’s- home dr Miss Eflsabeth tie W. 7<80. At 8 o’clock, Dwight Periy attended the installation. The program consisted of Robert sudltorium. Salutdity night’s con-1 tery aucOrti which wlU follow the Rpot 23 Farnham Rd.. West Hart- of the High School facility will Past Matron Mrs. Marjoiie Mor­ For Wage Hike Schuman’s SyihqibMiy - No. 4, the cert- clearly demonstrated that.| meeting. I^ tlts from the auctitm ^,rd, Thursday, April 11, at 8 p. m. talk on his travels arroas the. rison, sister in' law of Xlrs. Rich­ tone p.oem “Don Juan” by Xtebafd some kind of shell, ehplosure should WELDON DRUG CO. will go for aUte night. Members, Mrs. Kasukl Sumkl. who'ls foreign United States with groups of high mond, was installing matron: Past The town employes union will Strauss and vBeathbven’s Sj-m- be Constnifcted for nw sfhge. A ^ 901 MAIN ST.—XU 8-M21 w in 'a lso make cancer dressln student studying religious educa school students. Patron Francis J. Schlebel the In­ press the Bttard of Directors to add phony No. laVge part o f (h* orcheatro's efforUs ; tlon at Hartford Seminary Founda­ * stalling/patron; Past Matron Mrs. during the evening. a nickel to the 5-cent-an-hour'rolso OpeningXith the Schumsn, Mr. ibhed the ears ofHhe audi-; tion, will be guest speaker and will XI Gamma Chapter of Beta' Virginia V .' Lewis, installing mar­ the i recommended by General Manager Krips Jtried valiantly to gat the A l* d y R o^ rta lrs. ■Pbyrtn the very first beat of his home o f Mrsv Fannie tOHott, 34 rill Healey, chairman, assisted by Miner FYiend, 62 Plea.sant St. ^ e r than to produce a I f Dave Beck, beleaguered June Tompkins, presided at the '/ Prunk Hippie, president of Local baton he Was alive and dynamic in . Only Beck and his chief ad- Vaney S t Mrs. WUUam F. Meyer. glare to the eyes. -No doubt' th/ Teamsters Union president, nUnistrative asslatant. Vice Presi­ organ aiid accompanied the soloist, 991,..State, County and Municibkl direct contraat to Iili players, who The .Willing Workers Circle, of same enthusiasm', w-hich ' spsriced C j^s Tompkins. Employes Union. AFL-CIO, naid seemed to And it a bit of . a choi-e got the .$1 million < publicity dent Binar Xlohn, were reported to T h e Immaculi te Conception The executive board V the the WSCS of. the South Methodist Aesoclate Officers today that the union, which y^pre- to get organized. One. cannot help these concerts into being 'will find fund he Wanted to tell his own have voted affirmatimiy -had given Beck and TOW g^aln S t Proceeds will be "used the name of a member to fill the by salaried employes. through consideration of the •f______oenltd b» "Msddtr_____ Wsikocw''______(0«t-. the Teamsters Union itself. This 7:30 with Mrs. Maude Shearer, matron,' treasurer; Mary Louise splendid playing which followed tinsIns UB NtsXta Ntfbta w «r Bed WntUns,WttUni, tsot u Ire-In- okay and (B) had turned down his was described ss "limited strictly ^surance to Tai^i, to / n ew uniforms for, children In office of vice president. Members Robert Sssae, head of the Mu­ -----utnt, —kutslns nlns «r Itehlnl — —‘ urlaitlonl dt limplklly Irid 161 Main St. Dickson, conductress: Alice Clif­ the opehlng-lvork. As the orchestra telllhs. propoaal to spend union money to to telling the Teamsters' story,” lie drill team, Mrs. Helen Keller, are also asked to bring coupon.s ford. associate conductress: Emmy nicipal Building Employes Person­ onmon'KtdncTIdniy ■nnd Bladder IrrlUtloni, /chairman, wIU be assisted by Mrs. for the April coupon shower and nel Committee, said today ., the 'Settled j ., dCw-n, ,the ensemble inl­ re CYSTXXIX lor < nulck help. >0 Teen uee Ull "my atory.’’- . not Beck’s. • Mystlc Review. No. 2. WBA, Urivelder, junior past matron, and a rapport ______IT torlor jurkin St, will meet tomorrow at 7:30 in Odd action.' i with , ” Mr. Krips was firmly entee. See bon leit jou. Improve. Senate Rackets Oommittee ohs^ds president as saying this morning: Chincoteague, VaT, April 2 Nationalist Foreign Office had “ no comment whatever” today Fellotvs Hall. . Memliera are re­ shal; Marjorie Morrison, past- he misappropriated at leaat 3320,-, may be called If pickup is desired. A community forum on "Mental matroh, orgahl.st; ’ Hazfcl Anderson, Union members are scheduled to I ®**'®*’*‘**’®^' "I have no statement to issue at (/P)—A Navy I^ptune bomb­ on a report that President Eisenhower in a secret Ictterearly minded to bring articles for the 000 ’ union .funds. He invoked the thts time.” ■ Health In Connecticut." sponsored Adah! Barbara Gustafson, Ruth: meet tonight at 7:30 at Tinker! *rhe Don Juan tone poem w>as er “ exploded iri a great ball of in 1955 satisfied Chlang Kai-shek that the United" States, X delegation from the Buck­ by the Service Bureau for Women’s kitchen social to follow the busi- Hall. Hippie said the union headsexcitingly played. XIr. Krips Fifth Amendment before the com­ The Waaliington Post and Times ncs.s sa-islcn, Mrs. Edith McMullen Bernice Cox, Esther: Lena Speed. mittee in refusing to answer ques- fire” shortlj- after takeoff to- ingham Chureh will attend the ferent phase of Its inquiry. This turned down on hii proposition, it President Eisenhower’s caddy 'fenipos Near Perfection 1 was s /Muttering noise, s witness munication at the Masonic ’Tinmle ing the weekly lenten service. fleers also wore white floorlength Milford. April 1 (>P)---John J. ^eoheenu some labor un.ons and was a terrific blow to his political at the Augusta National Golf SALE tonmrrow night at 7:30.. The En­ Eldsel Isaacson, asststant to Pas­ gowps with corsages of daffodils, Mahr, dean of Choate School in Finished detail marked the p la y-1 aiMdoyeni in the area of Scranton. grip within the TeSmstera Union. ClMb. Pro Ed /Dudley ex­ leporleCxW’hen the plane was only Washington, April 2 ( ^ —Secretary of State Dulles denied TMtdoy, April 2 tered. Apprentice degree will be tor C. Henry Anderson, will have which were presented to them by Wallingford, died In hla sleep of a ing of the Eroica. The tempo ! Pa\^ It would tend to cast doubt on the plained that Perteet, who Is a couple w hundred feet in the air today that the United States ever made a flat commitment to 9:00 AM. coiifet^d. with > Junior Warden charge of devotions, A social hour Mrs. Richmond. heart attack Saturday. He was 56. choices for alt movements seemed' said the Investigation eventual outcome o f his announced 51, was g e t ^ g too old to then a window-i attling .bla.st and fend the Nationalist Chinese Island of Quemoy and Matsu.. the plunge to earth in a big plume South Moriiodlst Hayden^-L- Griswold Jr. as the will follow the business session. Orchid gladioli and daffodil dec­ '' Maher was a gradtutte of Choate no^r perfection. ComrtiCnclng, with wlU brtplve of(lciala-of the Team- keep up with the President’s Dulles told a i conference^------;------' ■■ ■■ - preeidlng officer. Following, the The committed in charge Includes orations V'ere used throughout the and Harvard. At thy latter he a piilsating, throbbing Lheptb from atera Union and certain other (Continued on Page Eight) /Vigorous, game. of smoke. there'-waj no U.S. commitment, ! meeting, there will be a social hour played football, basketball add the cellos, the -symphon.v climaxed It slammed Into a plowed^field C hurch Miss Esther M. Johnson, Mrs. main lodge room. unions, hot he declined to nstne secret Nir otherwise, except for I o o o f Cr h a l l and refreshments. Agnes Johnson,. Mrs. Elaine Case, jew els Presented baseball. 'in an exciting, zestful flnale. Mr. RUSCO them now or to o? the on the farm o f Dennis Hurley, two that expressed In a Congressional British Strikes Speasored By Mrs. Pearl Larson. Mrs. Viola Past Matron Mary Beauregard There It a Difference employers he atfd rmy be involved. miles south of the sir station resolution adapted Jan. 28, 1955. The Holy Family Mothers Circle FELLOWBHlBvaad Miffitt and Mrs. Ann Scott. presented a past matron’s jewel to "This Investigation 1* scheduled which lies on Virginia’s outer ,,This “F'ormbaa Resolution” gave VUl meet at 8 o'clock Wednesday WARD .retiring -XIatron Emmy Urivelder, •a our next,’’ WkioW * roP«rl«:. bank.s along the Atlantic Ocean PresMfent Eisenhower Congres- Called Off; Pay night at the home of Mrs. Robert COMB. WINDOWS “subject to change if circum- near the Maryland line. and Past Patron Herman J. Ditt- Freih new floral ilrlpet Drinker, Not Drunk, s^ a l approval for, a flght-lf-nec- Brannick, 14 Hemlock St. The theme of the Lenten serv­ meyer presented a past -patron’s and D O O R S atancee now /linfOraBen, should re­ *■ The Navy said the propeller Assary policy in the Formosa crlsLs. ice at the Zion Lutheran Church driven aircraft^had taken off at jewel to retiring Patron Russell to MW into thit yoar^ quire a change." \ . It left to rasenhowers discretion > Probes. , to . Start Wednesday evening at 7:30 is XlcGlellan decllne^d toxUacusa the 6:54 a.m. for Cherry Point. N. C. "Throurt Our Savior We Sur­ Roberta. Jn A ll Price Ranges the decision to defend the N ation-: During the social hour In the lirotiltil lothio-.:! progress of a .preUminaht Inqu^y The 11 occupants bad no oppor­ ajlst-held islands of Quem w and. ______r - - - - __ mount iMsappolntment." The adult U e o s : Choose From: Ambassador, Problem Motorist tunity to jump from the faltering London, April 2 (ffi---Union boases banquet ball following the cere­ T h .m liilo charges of sUeged ^ m- sMatsu o ff the Communist Cblneie today called off costly strikes In group will meet at 6:30. Following Premier, Regal, Custom. mony, Mrii. Elmer Cauthon and her MANCHIfTIR\^NH* BATES A.B.C. tween some Teamsters Union offi­ craft at such a low altitude. AIL .Inlsnd, if he felt any attack on Britain’s ahipbidldhig yards ' and the service, the Ladles Aid will apparently we:-e buried In tM Special! Fbr Taesday Only meet. committee served assorted sand- and cials and racketeer! in 09dal A I State Caqiitol, Hartford, April 2.'»sclence has given us to convict the UiApa was a R e dinvasion ...... thrust q t. factories pending the outcome of a guilty and protect. the innocent' burning fuselage in the lO-foOt hole CORNER MAIN ond^AK STREETS city, Okla. He had sent an inves^ (jV-'The problem driver on the Forfnosa. ' ' rgovemment Inquiry, Into their pay • LUSCO SALES OFFICE PAMPERED COnONS rator to Oklahom'a City at request should be used. Dr. Greenberg said It madTe in the sandy soil. Richard C, Ellington, son of Mr. high'ways is not the drunk' bu.t the Duiles . was questioned...... at his.. i demands, ■'emands. iV m i d d l e t p k e . w’b;s t fine 'ciease resistant finish, prs- ^ d _ M rs . Clevelanri n glunp.|,,n. of some civic leaders, but refiwedi irinker. Dr. Leon A. Greenberg of the methods described in the bills Esrl W. Darby, who runs a gen­ •news conference on the basis of a The strik ers-1% mlUion in tha KANGt sbi'unk.. Needs little or no iron- before the commlttee-ahould be re­ JPor Sa k e! «w Oxford St., is among students T E L ;'* ^ s-secp p r xn 9-4856 to say what reports the Investiga­ he Tale School of Studies eral store in the small (JOii^rtiunt new biography assertion that Ei­ factories and 200,000 in the ship­ ing. garded as a "tested and scientific Peter Clark, owner o f Pete’s Grocery*(Kpir'e, 464 E. Center St., - cited for scholastic attainment at tors may have aubmitted. to^the Legislature’s General Law of Atlantic, was one of the first on senhower sent a “personal assur­ yards—were ordered to go btu;k to E-REPftlR^ r -Brainard Co. The 'Teamsters Union maui- Con^lttee today. adjunct to other evidence” that the scene. He described the msin surveys a familiar' scene as he prepares Xor another rerun of thO’ work on Thursday. L a d i e ^ ^ Trl-State College, Angola. Ind., for ance’ to NaUonallst China’s Presi­ »'U£L OIL tford. Conn. Yard 9 9 c may be introduced in a case. the winter quarter. ,

x.-'i V \ Vi -■f ■/X PAGE FIVE r /. / ' , - ; MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CpNN.,/TUESDAY. jVrRlL 2, IJ1957. E V E N I N G h e r a l d , yANCHESl^R. CONN^ TyESDAY. APRIL 2, 1957 ■ ■'1.....•"■r P A C t tT O t m '■ir' —'-r I' — ' V ' ’/ '7* Low'ftnd to restore'liA WrUii C o ltim b ii ^ e r place inSavaiinah, (Jeorgla. W T IO — 1 « M lUana are befog made for a ’V"' senior training session at Camp w m o - ^ tadio VVHAT-41* Collins lo Reti.re ^ Chiefs Plan ' [odraiiicw ’ .Aiurcl overnight on April 5 and 6.: light T tn w w m p - o i« l« Selected As Coiinty Official t. April 10 there will be in out- W C C O - f ^ ' ^irtfeel in Bqllon ot-d(x>r training session at Gimp A Laurel for ailults. On September DPBi mng PTA Productions Columbia. April 2 (Bpedal) — p o llo n , )tpril 8 HSpecial 8p* 1—The 23 there wlU be an Ml-day train­ Hubert I*/OoiUns, local town cl^k, ing conference at the'University of Wllltmantlc gwUcSio:itteard Fire ■■ V auuugtniMita and ara'tuojett lOj ■ wtu:—Ojj« uan'a ~— Chieri Aaan. wlft meet At the local Andover, April\2 (Special) — TJie Homemekera Club will meet who has also been county Commis­ Connecticut. PINE , : XPRc-rE. R._ Ma ’The Council voted to contribute chang* arithout notica. it'WItt aiMiel Firehouse Thuradavx^t * P-9»- The at 8 o’clock tonight at the home sioner for over twenty years, will group •included all 'abpartinenU Two melodrainaa lind an -Oriental $ip to the Jack Valone Fiind to ’PHARMACY of Mrs. Andrew Geaper to study not seek the county poet this co™* HOUM WHAV—Polto'Pai'ly working out of the gk'ltehbdArd pantoihinA have been Vgelected for "Creative SHtchery.” All women help a Scout go to. the Interna­ 684 Center 8t>-»TeL MI 8-8814 Sa*M« WCCC—RepSa Rarltw the spring prOductkih^ o f. the PTA Ing September. Pressure of the tional Jamboree in Boland. , WKNR—^ Bwmt and baae alatlon at Willfmantic. of the community are welcome to ever expanding town clerk busi­ iun«r ^^I<'-H@«at GlIderatatTt WilUmantlc Fire Chief L*o tyays end MeeiiA Committee. Mrs. Join this preanixAtton. Further Diatrict Chairman Mrs. Theo- WUR<>-,R. g L.a»ia J. Richard Leon-annoubced today. ness and advancing age yftrt the doro Sanden of (Columbia,'recent­ Rivard.' president of the associa­ dctaila may be obtained front Mrs. factors given for his resignation P IN E L E N O X WPOP—Ttaaaury Atant iChi^rse You. .Jack Dalton' will Joseph ^m esch, Jr.. Hebron Bd. ly attended an all-day training tion. will preside at l^e meeting. after seridiig so many years.. ‘ ’—Op«D Bou«« Each member company Is repre­ be the'’'feature AttracUm*- vvith sessidh at the YWCA In Spring- lUoura Barltw ! WHAY--Potka Party The Republican Town ' Commit- Montague White of Andover has PHARMACY ■P.M. , w ccc-:CC—Rreord Revlt' sented in the group which was been endorsed for the county com­ field along with other area lead­ 299 E. Center St,—Bfl 8-0888 WKNB—U Sweat newly-formed this year, by tWo ers Mrs. Albert Mann. Miss Elisa­ miftr w n c—Great OUdereleera lU *slau‘“l f missioner post and hla name will Kmto men. This town’s represenUtlves panytng aclActlpiiA. I \o fm“v«VnV^"‘?“ beth Mallon. Mrs. Edgar Jidinson : Worn WDRC—£ddy Arnold . municipal offica candidatea. be presented to the Legislature for WPOP—Treaaury Asant . are Chief Peter JdaaaoUnt and Asst. ' The committee Ja now e^d edilduct- ani Mrs; L. Eberhardt. ' , umbau itia- ing a talent search Jo tlH .parts of acceptance by State Sen. Robert CSirtf Paul Maneggia, Miuicheeter Eyealag . Herald L. ICeeney. Jr., of Somers. gtacord B«Tt»a WHAY—Polka Parly MassoUni ier.es on the legisla- four women and threaten for' the Manchester Evening Hernld Co­ UTIC—Ooeratlon Eniertainmant major thriller. Ttie rOle of the .\adover eorreepoqdent Mrs. Paul The varicius interests under Col­ r Laa* DRC—Suepeni* Uve committee of the osgenlaatlon D. PfanstlehL telephoae Pilgrim lumbia correspondent. Mm. Frank S’POP—Bishop Sheen vlllainesa has been casf^.^ Other lins’ post for the many yeari in­ 1:«»— and ilsnegfia U a member of the 2-68M. cluded the county JalJ and the Marchl(m, Academy 8-9060. ■ committee on fire prevention. parts arb for the heroine, htothcr "-this h « N WHAY-Polka Parly and sister, and for the , viHeitt couhty home. The county home KHiibaU WTIC—Operation Kntertainment The Women'i, Aiwillary to the waa’ iiiscontinued over a year ago. ,eoord Rtrtew ; WDRC—Suspenee local fire department will. aeyve and brother. WPOP—Bishop Sheen / For the bar-ropm ecehe, four Renew Dog Tags In April O O lO R Radto Lane refreshments at .the ThUreday May Seeking Dal * tfHAY—Nlfht Watch / ' men are needed tsrtAkc the parts Dog neenses will be rene^vable Kotby meeting. Mrs. John Avi ry, Aux- • before May 1, according to I Worka WTIC—Bloeraphlee m 8f>und Uiarj’ president, has asked those of the bartender, the town drunk.' DEVELOPING WDRC—TOe World^ontfht thA bartender’s son and the viUain, On 35-Hour Week rt P. .Collins, town clerk. -Rcooiil Rode WPOP—Modem,Sounds V omen who have offered to donate ■ Rarie #:IA- X Two female rolea are openYor the Delegate to Speak 'JL WHAY—NI«M Watch sahda’lches or cake to have the bartender's wife - and the town Frank Mpple, head of the town Misa Anita Hakkila of ' 'anter- WTIQ—BloirAphlea tn Sound food at the firehouse before 8 drunk's datightef. bury, InU^atlonal Farm Youth WDRC—Th#' w om i^nlchi o'clock on Thurs^y. worker’s tinion, lald yesterday he Vi^POPy^iSodtm Sound! Details of the caat requiremenU has received\a tljter from. First Exchange de^mtA^wUl give an ■>] for the pentomimf. have not yet Justrated Ulk tflv.Wnland Wednee- Night Watch been announced.. District Rep. Edwin May regard­ day evening. ApriK,3, In Yeomans -IC-p^T^d lUiath 'g(;iessN0iko0l’ \VDRC*-Ru!» Naufhinn Deaths Last Night ■ Volunteers for alt three produc- ing federal lesgislation y>n g 35-1 HaU at 8:30 p.m. aV tJie Grange _Jt«! WPOP-»Modern Sourdi tion^'should call Mrs. J.. Richard hour week. meeting.'; A question pMl(>d will t:ig— ordeeeraHng* asd/Say WHAY—Niabt Watch By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Leon or Guy . The scripts Hippie said he had asked May to follow. 'Ilje lecture l»oiii*vwlll be Jiave been ordered and rehearsals W T IO -2 1 ^ Meath Paris Gheorghe Tattreicu, 65, support BUch legislation in' Con­ open to^’the public. w DRC—Rues NauKhtnn will get underway as soon as ths gress. ^-Oirl scout Council NewaV WPOP—Modem Bounds twice premier of Romania, be­ material arrives. lt;*a— tween 1934 and 1937 and again in Tha union head said. May -wrote A t a recent Girl Scout b08: IQ1 WHAY—Nlyht Welch Collect Paper Saturday that he planned to confer with meeting held in Wlllimantic sev­ TapnaiT Electric Range WTIC—Robert McCormick 1940. and as foreign minjater he The Senior Pilgrim Fellowship Took part in the l946jPATla Peace Connecticut Sen. William Puftell eral item.s of busine.ss w’ere dis- WDRC—Rusa Naughlon of the First Congregational cus.sed. Plan.s are being made for > i n n i i * s WPOP—Modem Sounds Conference, reported by Romanian Church ’ will conduct Its aiinual on the matter. U ;l» — emigre c^clea to have died last Hippie said May wrote- that he a Council dinner meeting at the HO” ^89 W HAY-Niaht Watch spring paper , collection drive WilUmantlc Country Club on May ___ ^ Lane WTIC—World ot Music week in Blitharwt. Saturday. heliavea’PurtcIl h ^ some proposal \ r m a c y WDRC—Russ Nauahtnn 15. V Oven Kolb^x .New Orleanh-Robert Tsllant. The . collections will begin be­ to suggest on the.work week.' me. 9 #4Cuai6v^ X WPOP—Modem Soundi 7, author/gnd creator of "Mrs. The rcpr^ntatlve asked Hippie A request hsa^also been re­ idisa— tween 9 and 10 a.m. , \ ceived for a- contribution from u - y p i z f WHAY—Nlallt Watch Candy,■' hOrolne of several of his Edwin J. Johnson, adult leader, to forward any information he avaama Uueh WTIC—Nl«hl Lite novels, died Monday. might have. adults which will go into the Juliet ■ \ R#q. 239.95 enlna Scranadiladds WDRC—Ruts Naufhton said last night the youngsters '154 WPOP—Modem Sounds Wixister, Ohio Manuel Cla- would appreciate it If residei^ta lawa Raporlar •-/ parols, 63. internationally known cpuld tie the paper In stacks and ^ T I A Y —Night -Watch WaiC—Nlgtil Life biisineaaman and art collector, leave it near the roadaide. ,/\ nhgineer and aaboclated Bolton Youth larited Have you tasted the ' keetdiis Ooad Buale WPOP—Modern Sounds In manyJbcal manufacturing com-, Memberi of the Bolton Senior ABMIRAl I™" ______oada 11 :H— \ ■ ^ DOOR refrigerator TCS:^rictl« SiKWU WIlAY\Nlght Wstch paniea In Madrid, Spain, and Ca- Pilgrim Fello\\’ship have been in­ bread that’s fresh oWeathtr and g ilmaa WTIC--ICesrs. Music raca.a, Venexuela. died Saturday. vited by the local group to at­ baked with butter -Uawrcnea Walk WDJIC—N\ws He was born In Barcelona. Spain. tend a joiny service and meeting \3We’ll lend you the Color FREEZER tiW— ^ WPOP—Ne WHAY-Sar«iada . _ ^ Portland. Maine—Dr. Thomas at 7 pjn,, Sunday In the church added to taste better? Qony Book .. . FREE. WOQO—OMd ^ ea ln it Oaed Uuaie Tetreau. 88, as Yakima, (Wash.) social room. * AUTOMAnr W iw B—Alien Brown **WHAY—Night W*trhWatch You'H t^ 15(X) lovely Super* #nC-4

rtliabli, itaady ^vlngs ani Loan kat paid the highest average X’ rate ia.idaBehester for .65 years. We started in 1891. \ // WITH SUPER RINSE X / ORTHOFtCI® HOTPOINT DOUBLE DOOR dimREss c j| .50 REFRIBERATOR FREEZER

„r F «U 9 i«’ FREE O P E N T O 5 P .M . LATEST ittq. 539.95 15 Ye*r r.u*«inte« BOX OF MONDAY DIVIDEND ANNUAL '// // TUeSDAY RATE TIDE FRIDAY VACUUM ^ y e a r SUPPLY r " With any washer purchose MO«f «»1H »«V Wth Complete .Set of $|HD •tAUTiFUt- — . T Attachments and TRESH flOWERS . Canters Tbehc late hours ore mighty conven­ REG. 49.95 DELIVERY Whether it's e Wedding AnniTsrtaxy . . . or in memory ient for saving or buying a Ri^gjister ' ef *Yhc i m due” . . . there*, nothiog like Freeh Flower* lo gi'TC Mncimem and beniMy to (he occasion. Check on your way home from work. Mark down your next enniversary now and let a* b*l» 1 YEAR GUARANTEE TAPPAN GAS RANGE you make it a grand occaaien . . . with bcauijful fretn Register Ghecks only 15c fot any $20 DOWN Bowen, Reaembet', tee, .for bitthday*. holiday*, or bnalB*.*. 30 MONTHS TO PAY NORN(U INSTALLATION 4g* DF. L l’Xr. In Any Ivent—let U. Send Hewer* amount. ’ DOI'BLK o v e n

REG. 469.95' m jR SD A Y I.M ; T O 8 P .M . HOTPOINT RANGE Anderson Creerihouses - EVUHOT BECTMC .ORTAIU A ' 5 WEDNeSDAY 407 De U « ,/■ ROASTER _ ^ SAVINGS & LOAN T S' 155 ELDRIOGE ST. ^lEL. Ml ^'.8456 9 fA.M./TO NOON OVEN 00.95 445 HARTFORD ROAD, Near McKEE PiuhbBttaa . \ m i Maaeh^ster Saviags ft L Asiaeiatloa-1007 M ail SL Unrited . 7 : ,WIMi Atatehlag I ■7: ^ II 'r ■ ^Supply FREE PARKING ’-,■1 OPEN DAILY, 9 to 9 -f 4 * I / p, V ‘ 1* . .. / " f . ; . •/ 'J'I ' ■ )r . ... .I 'l' - X ' rf'! Dlft* , ■ v r ,f r r . ■ <■'. ■■m V ;.4^ \. r I ' ' V; •1 -'. V, p a g e SEVEN / J. MANCHESTER I^VENING^HERALD, MANCHESTER, COjSfNn TUESDAY. AP^tll^ 2, 1957' ^ MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN* TUESPAY. APFii^.,2, 1957 ei- on hi* ta r AlftarenUy locked and, low tha buaineza meeting' ind all Voters Lliiiil Lake PAGE SIX ± the oar struck ■ and damaged members are requested to bring ,Rockville^ * '*y ’ fence on thfc pr6jftrty of Eastejr bonhets. ' —' X :4. hlmsalf no new friends, and lost idatei Ilka iiga^triirfitpr ^ dent Kaenhower fcir e period, had CBritieciimt periendajn practice. He has always . Ta^Cs Own Liife Resid^nlt^ Petition Council mated at $50 by police A n d ^ the not meet as scheduled because of .'.Coventry, April 8 (Special) to becbme'tme of backing United have-a gripe, and he sep’ed un- beep an ftftvtdual of high intelli­ By^ ROOEB CANDIES ftfr at $75, Officers Vlncei^pt- other meeftigs. The class will , re­ Thia'town acted last night to i n ­ lEtrhttns ijeraUi l^a^na efforta to end the fifhUng complblnfngly and courageously in gence. Baittv has earned the. right '^nedetto and EmeSt Beaudry sume April 18- vent transient boating entlmslMts X to an occaqioharappointment. So, PlataVllle, April 3 —PoHc* '^For Business Zone betpre it sprcadl In Uilit-effoc.t, the spite «f ■^nKee $ 1 , 3 5 Lb. And Up veatlgated. No artest was ftade. Tlie Rev.' George Roberts,* W. from using Coventry IftlrtC The J ft the hops Umtsfta original argu­ aald PlataVllle’# former dog war- Hospital Note*/ Hartford, will speak at the mld- special town meeting itf ftiventry Tots' 2-Piece United Stiltea enjoyed, ^ e en»- By A. H. O. m ent agaftat Kl«i had been an- d f t shot hlmaelf to d e ^ because ■' Exchuive.iy ird. Admltt^ yesterday: Aobert Pa- wftk'Lenten service at 7:30 p,m. Oramlnar. School v q ^ two c'iassl- M swared- in the subsaqiMnt IS years, ■ Rockville, Apl-ll,'-^ i Special)—.ra eel- of regulationa for th S t Union Congregational Church. barrawin^ pamerahlp of Ruaaia, was not v^reappointM to the Manchetti Seven resldent^ftf Terrace Dn Fred Maharan ha* chosen luaka. 30 r i ^ t Rd^; Jftie Hammer^ ficatioM for boating' permits. the nation with whom Mr. Dulles Choir Will Sing ^{giuid f t the Mope that ft* Republl- have'petltioi^ the Cftnmon Coun- chairman. ler, SomersviHc: Mr«g Helen Seays, Mrs. Thomas Strycharz The regular rtigistration,, open to riHinded October X. UP The queatlon of how much one feaa elephant woujd let hyigones be poai'.’k Mrs. Mary Wojnar Strychatz, 47. 'local taxpay^S;. residents or per­ had originally fceen seeking his / particular elephartti-the Republi­ \ cli Methodist Church, undyer the direc­ nor Riblcoff’e nomlhatlon of Jo­ \ wound ft the head, wnfth acting 873 BIAIN STREET council ablts meeting last night. visor of U ^elson and Sons Tran.s Birth yesterday: A daughter to Born in Rockville May' 9. p>r»bl» la Adrmnee political observers was that this \ - portatiosr Co., according to an ah- Mr. and'Mre. Eldred Poquette; days or less, will be three dollars. Dulles’ policy. tion of Philip Treggor, wJU pre­ seph t. Klau/.. In this long chain of events, sent two Uenten cantatss on Pas- Pleas Court Jiidge. self-lnflicte .. the proposed supermarket in that nounoSnient '.by Charles Chllberg, Admitted today: Robert-Kra- Kai-askiewicz Wojnar and tj Montba .. thing more then a wish and a pray­ president.' vontke. JRFD 2; John Kravbntka, regulations were drawn to elimi- X A$f^rable D r«!^s > Montba 3.90 every American action except one albn Sunday^ April 7, at 7:30 p.m. A prellimnary survey seems to er, and that perhaps Bailey and Sturgeon vSfts "dejected” \ be­ area, because of" /Stanley Wojnar and had fed 'nate use of the lake by boat.* for a 1.30 Because of the fine re^^nae bo indicate that the memory of the thc fringe, of an ifthi.sfrla Zone Ia.skulka's work will entail RFD 2./ all her life. .n a Hontb .. .30 was, in reality, unasaallable. We the Republican bosses had reached, cause his Job Was given to ’/servicing freight claima, and tak- ./ ,, single day or few hours, voters ,/^th Duifer Coats Wa«kiy_...... 06 the part of the congregation to last G.O.P. elephant ia surprisingly one else. Hodlln said. Guy atid because of tlieftearness Break at C'ftb She was a member of St. Jo­ KbClo Copy had to try to keof> Britain and an understanding on the matter. ' ing workman’s compensation safe- ' a break,at the Kosciuszko Club said. year's L«nten presentation, orches­ ^ d , and that Governor Rlbtcoffa But both sides subsequently deny zlo, named new dbg warden by the town line. For theft: reaftrui seph's (Church and its Holy Rosary The meeting al.so changed re- \ irrance to negrotiation rather than tral accompaniment will be used, mohjlnatlon is, therefore, in peril. the Selectmen on March 18,. aa- . ly measures at the terminals op- on Vernon Ave,, which netted an Society. ,that were 2.98 to 10.98 that there is any deal involved. - ‘CinesM Toast' the residents felt there sttas . no , I erated bv the company In Boston, estimated $125, is being investi­ qiiiremeola concerning lettering of: to -the use of force. When they in addition to the organ again this If tjie memory-lf too, good, or too Their denials seem authentic, itt nimed his duUea. yesterday. advantage in being in a Besides her husband and mother, registration numbers on boats. The ! year. The Hart-t Chamber Orches­ It seems strange to see -a piece ,1 Woonsocket, R. I., New Yqrk Cit.v, gated by state and ftcal police. she leaves three brothers, Thomas, turned to force nonetheless we had sharp f t reviving old bitterness, or themselves, and one piece of out­ Of Toast "Go-Hollywood” and wear Reappointmant of Stuxgeon had zone.' Budineas ’ A ztm^ pe Philadelphia, Bridgeport and size of the ietters was changed tra wiUJoln the choir in presenting loo unrelenting it will make the ' John fflra, slewaril of the club, John.and Francis Wojnar; ami a from six Inches iii height to four 1 EsKJr^srf£^£: t( iupport United Nations prln side evidence which sCems to vouch Dark Glabses but fte slice In this been publicly opposed by Second unlimited retail bu.sinras. ~ocl<\'lLle. reported -the hreali whicli appar­ sister, Mrs. Henry Robitaille, all ot Bach's gro*l cantata, "Christ Lay third time/Klau has been turned Selectman Edward Slry. ■. RUSM A hearing date/Will be set by in'che's. They must he painted in a i for this authenticity is the fact Droodle has done exactly that. My “ e is a graduste of the State •wysWisaysr.’"® ciples, no.^ matter wltat the line-up in' Death’s 'Dork Prison,” as well down fo r.^ e Common Pleas Court Harry Hammer^^iporation coun­ ently oecurrft^ Sunday night or Rockville- ^ , sharp, contrasting color to that of ■ dM ^tSS hffeto a ^ auo rcaarrad. that Republican legislators are dis­ guess is that it appieared in aev- Police said Sturgeon was found Police Academy and the Harvard early Monday morning, to Rock­ The funeral will be held at 8 a.m: ^ppened to be, even -if it meant aa the familiar an^, beloved bench. A^dd that he has also served cussing the nomination opeiily and on his living room floor, clutching Poith Encloiuru sel. Also included In the same the boat. ' ' "Hequlem,’' 1»y Gabriel Faure. erat Siitash- Hits and how succetf MedibaJ School for Police Science. ville Police. tomorrow from the White Funeral The voters al.so ac-lcd' to limit the ; jruii aerrlce client ot N. E. A. Serr- being against our friends and wlU> on that bench for a period of two indicating a process in v^'ch they haa gone to ita Crust. Next thing his .22 caUber rifle. His wife and hearing \vHl be petitions from He wasft State Police first aid In Home with a Mass of requiem at Soloists in the B ^ ie m will be years, and you have a certain con­ daughter. Barber, said they had • JALOUSIES . Police Said entramje was gained use of the rwo'town rigfits'-of-way j *°fe..feuh»ra RepreaaBtaUvea: Tt* our enemy, temporarily. \ are making up thelr^'ovm minds. you know it’ll be wearing hand.- • (nRIPLE-VENnLATlNa AVlndsor/Ave. res!dent.s and ' E. slruotor. Ijy breaking a window at the en­ i* a.m. at St. Jos^h's (Jhurch. JuUua Mathewa Special ” *'* June Gaal, sopra^, and Rudolf fusion which has to be.expWned, tried unsuccessfully to get ;the Main ySt. residents, fot .zoi\g to the lake to property owners, viark f^McACo And JBoaHjb. _ . The one single thing we never The amazing thljg is that, al­ tailored Peihut Butter and run­ • h o r iz o n t a l n j d e > Ilerreatftn IMan Olfrre«m were far from ning around ' With ahapoly French ri^ a w a y from him before he shot chan^fes Cemetery. Friends may cajl-at the Aumr SUREAU o r to never needed to do, phant may now be remembering. ' • AWNIND TYPE Nat N. Sct>\ftdel. treasiwer of of the money taken was from two CSRCULATIOS’S. had do, and concert of sagied' music will be the legislative obene when the KJIau Pread. But Hhat’s the way things hunself,. / I>ighton Resigns American Dyelng'Porp.. last nlgft funeral home today front 3' to 9 Doinestic airlines In Die United Read.v for the Easter pai^dc, done,-was Esther Sllison, organist and choir- Klau______was______originally^ a nominee of pinball Imachipes__which were p.m.. and should never have* story opeilied'lS years ago, they do are nu t In HnilyWood. O r ^ l e n " Free-1 The Demociatlc majority of the prf.sented a plan tb: the Common broken open. . ■ - States raiu^yr-HwtnrTTrncs as many the.se charming dresFand dusteT to n ^^g c in Mr. Dunes’ «H*mal ^^»a«ter for the Church «f the' R*.-Robert-^^ b be' remembering, almost as that's the way ftoad publicli^ Council -was , Increased last night Council for a recreational facility deemer in West Hartford and dean Seit* LeTrfing Off Investigating officers are State men as women. coat ensembles! F'resh as spring pipe drb^i of humiliating Nasaer 1941. In the House voting on Judb if the decisions then hqd been their pie want us' to think tl _ RUSCO SALfS to 8-to-4 \yith the re.sijlnaUpn of in Henry Park. He saft fhe plan ■'Vernon and Talcottvilft newa of the ■ Hartford Chapter of the cial nominations that year, there Pojiceman Jo.seph Koss, Del. Sgt. Item* are handled Ihroiigli The itself and newly arrived from and diacretiiting BuaBla by; Jerk­ own. Perhaps, in the final' result, If you ask me, Hollywood ia Jift Norwich, April 2 (P)—The infla- 149 Middl* TpH». W . Kenneth 'Lelgtaon, Republican. was di.scu.ssed in 1953 by Mayor George H. Trapp and Patrolman A.merican Gulld^of Organists.^ was unseemly turmoil, with the en­ thev will turn mellow. We *hall a peaceRil little town. And 1‘U bet Democrats elected Melvin Cantor, Fred Berger, HaiTy Ertel. Henry Herald'* Rockville Bureau. * W. .their famoift maker at welcome Dupiay aevertlalns g«»‘« •“Aim: ing- our sgree’ment to help -build ttbn of our economy seema to have ■Edwin Carlson. Main ' St., telephone TReiiiont The Chancel O&ir, a group of 40 tire, bl-partlsan slate of Hurley beautiful Stars like Kim Novak reached a leveling off point, Rep. T d . M I 9 ^ 1 10 Highld,nd Ave.. lo fill the va­ Fairchild, architect, and him.'Clf. savings! Cutbras-can-be dresses fV)r Monday—1 pfm. Uie AswaA Dtaa- out of NstMr’s voices, will ling the Bach cantata nominations, in difficulty at one and Jayne Mansfield are honest-to- He .suggested that the 330,000 ba- Event* Tonight 3SI.se. Vew p.nv. MOfWRy* , Horace'Bftft'®'^®'^^ (R*Conn). or ML9^856 cancy. Republican.s had nominated The Advisory Boa I'd and Plan- ; FREE PARKING 4 . bouffant and full, full skirt­ hand on the day ke^was supposed in an English translation from the moment or another. But when the goodnesa -home-bodies and never GeorgA'D, Maharan.' queatlicd to the city for a Lottie German and will singHJn Requiem confused and bitter and sometimes said lastft^t. , The Ba|M^-Braftard Co. 'ning Committee for the Senior A newly develooed paint is asid ► .VESiT TO POPIT..TR 4 ed . . . all com pile with their to be signing it. Thii^ in itself, .dis­ go around Jumping into swimming Brown, a ftember of the House Leighftn's re-slgnatifln was due Fisk Memorial be used for this Citizens Club will meet at 8 p.m. own duster coats, ^zds 2, 3 and in its origrinal Latin. unorthodox balloting was at an A Thought for T6d«y pools filled with champagne. Coca Banking and Cturency Committee IVpsf Hartford, Conn. to, his moving to Ellington, and facility. . to dry ao quickly that an auto- ► . 4 credited us ai mdeh as it -’dis­ end, Klau had become, the one final Archjtecl's preliminary plans, at the office of the Rockville rnobile-refinishing shop is able to ga?*rf*BUbUcation except Saturday — Sponsored by the Manchester CX>la-maybe—but not Champagne. told a radio audlehqe he thought it was expected by the Council. lie Health Nursing Assn. The gppiy two coats In Immedi 3-\. .' credited Ruasia. I t w u intended casualty. > Council ot Chnrches A lighting survey made’ by tlte f which Schwedel presented to the Immediate sue- | ^Arthur Drug Stores] significant that "thKfederal Re­ Showroom Open facilrties of Union Congregational cession. to humiliate Nasaer, but the real The argument uged.against him serve Board has discarded thoughts Oonnecticut Light and Power Co., Countil. .show a 100-foot concrete Church will be u.sed until perma­ A. iff openly,. then, waa that he lacked holy life are worked in us by His humiliation was for Americana Open Foru Two Letters or Four Holy Spirit. In the end we have of new credit tightening mofts any Sat. 9 A. M. to S P. M. revealed that 24 per cent of the clft'e "’>>h " central drain, and nent headquarters for the club ran 2 experience in the field of. practice. who liked to think that their coun­ "There is a wide difference be­ done nothing toward our salvation. time soon,* housing 'ofricials. are city is illuminated by street lights, i attached b\iilding with space be found. We Are His Chips What lent Republican fire to this reducing down payment reqtf, ' / Or The compan.v recnnjmended in- ft*' spectators. fireplace and try would. Support a project -like ’Known and BelgVed’ gument was the feeling that, tween your religion and mine," We' are aaved by, faith in Christ snack bar. Frank Bad.stuftner Auxiliary. When, a few days ago, C. D. To the Editor. said a Christian woman to a through the mercy and grace of ments, and a new proposal to fun­ By Appointment creased lighting 'where it conaid-, VFW. will hold a grocery social the Aswkn Dam in order to help Frank Cheney, Jr. was known practice or no. Klau. was rather God alone. nel more money into home ftort- e'rcd it was 'needed. However. Ab Schwcdol noted the open - air for members and friends at 7:30 Jackson, fo|mer member of the conftlcuously a liberal. friend who had declared that she deiftan .John Scljliphac : mentioned circle couid be \ised for roller the j>i^oplc of Egypt Improve their and beloved as the father of the Th^Leglslature refused to con­ expected to be saved, not by be­ ■—(selected) gsges is getting careful study'.’-’ p.m. at the home of Mrs. Esther ilmaiYcii*a sm aitM #/ce S h o w \ White Hous^ataff, made a speech o>rh living. South Manchester Fire Depart lieving in Christ, but by her own a number of streets where more skating, dances, concerts, theater- Griienig. 2.’> .Chamberlain St. up in in which he re­ ment. firm Im u, and Governor^ Hurley lighting was recommended but in-tlie-round. and children's games. The Kosciusko Ladies' Auxiliary Mr. Dulles plays a bold, ir­ then ga^^ him a recess appoint­ good works; by her life. 'Die project would not exceed portedly said that BeereUry His perspective .and unselfish "Your religion haa only two let-, where h^. lhought present Jighting I will meet at 8 p.m. in the club ^ responsible game o. international .willingness to serve his neighbors ment; undft which he served two was adeqihtte. The current budget $30,000 according- to prelirainary lounge.'’A surprise social will fol- Elate Dulles had dellberately^p™- years. ThenNln 1943, Baldwin was ters in it, while mins has four.” poker, "’with mere human biflngs made it possible for the Fire De­ "What do you rasan by two let­ Includes $1,500 for the project, 'i'he figures of the architect, and could voked a Near East crlsU ^o rd er governor sigahi and the Republi­ recommended program would goat be accomplished In lime for use *• * *■ everyv^cre serving him as his partment to operate efficiently for ters and four?” the woman asked. OPEN OPEN to create a ahbwdownRus­ more than 50 years during his life­ cans knocked Iw u down a second "Why.” said the Christian, "your "PoH( while ■ahking' an e.'timsted $700. The survey will this summer, Schw^del said. The APRIL 15 H> 20th. chips. 1ft has. been playing long time. time, this time bsKthe expedient of FRIDAYS be studied further.- Rot.iry C3uh hasm J' endorsedssn /4 the sia, it sounded just ll)«f Mr. Dulles abolishing the Judgeship he held, religion In D-O, whlio mine la THURSDAYS enough. The future will pot dim the D-O-N-E.” ; At th# • FIRST" eP.M . to8P. M. The Council heard a letter from plan and the Civic Improvement! idea of strategy, but Jacksoii re­ by reducing the nujh^r of Com­ 6P. M .toSP. M. the Chamber of Commerce recom­ Committee of the Chamber of 1 mt 4 mnO Bi45 p .m . Free effectiveness of his planning and No human being can become his treated from tM fuU impUcations building.. mon Pleas Court J u d ^ . mending tise of areas in (he center Commerce favors it.^ BuiU-IiiXThrowback Andrew Ansaldi A few years later, Klau entered own Savior, no-matter how perfect of the city for bii.slness. The Park and Swimming CJom-] of hta ataUanwt, the 'law office of one John M. he Is. Christ has'done it all. All millees were de.signated to look i Now tbb aame version of Near George W. C. Hunt ■ It was reported tha, a tin can The Mv-quess of Salisbury, fre­ Frank Schelbenpflug BMley, who happens to be'-Demo- we mu.st do is to believe on Him collection is in progress and will Into the handling of the Flak! East js^ents, with Dulles deliberr quently 'labeled One of tlie most Commissioners,. cratic-.state Chairman, and picker | and show our faith in Christlike fund, llives: and even that faith and that continue through the week. »miy withdrawing our offer to powerful and influential men In South Manchester Fire District of congressional and gubem at^al City trucks, will cooperate with Felice Damaged | build the Aswan Dam At the Britain,, has resigned his cabinet the rubbish contractor in picking Rockville Police reported inves-] '^ r y moment Nasaer was about to up large pieces of trash during-; tlgating a one-car accident at Vil- post in protest against the' re­ IS ' lage and Orchard Sts. at 1:10 a.m.! accept it, in order to bring about cleanup week. lease of Archbishop Makarlos The newly appointed Zoning j today. rt*”** s ^owdown, la repeated, W the from his ialand prison. That thi.i Board of Appeals will meet I Gerard Santnre, .50 Windermere i aetv Beal biography of Dulles. 'act, which seems to so much of Wednesday night. Corpofalion i Ave.. was entering Orchard St. | According to the Beal account the world a civilised cesture. iin counsel Hammer IV7H drawn. np ; froiii Viltagu St. «hen the brakes | Dulles turned down Nasser doing an uncivilized British be­ ^’Tomorrow •• THE - X biutally and abruptly as-he did in havior in the original arrest and' order to - accomplish two ends. deportation of the Cypriot leader, This could be Girls' and Preteens', First; he wanted ft humiliate and should produce such a drastic ac-. destroy Naseer. Second, through tioh from one of the pillar^ of the TIME this exampfe of what haj^ened to Conservative party is perhaps an Luxuriously-Lined Nasser, he wanted to p'tpye that. accurate reflection of the. way Ruasia’s propaganda offers ft help' tempera and Ideological passions him buUd the Aswah' Dam had are flaring up in our world of to­ ) n worthless. Nasser, then, was day. Duster Coats le tool ha Intended f t use in Considerations of whether a order to discredit Ruuia, "A call). iing*'is riglit or wTong do not Ruaaia'S hand ft the game of eco­ seam enter in. The British Con­ Sizes 3 lo fiXf nomic competition.’* After, they ft SAVINGS DEPOSITS servatives who attack the freeing Reg. 10.98 ■aw what happened ft Nasser, oth­ of Makarios are "empire”- men, er heutral natiifts would be prop­ and to them civilized decency / \ 1 erly warned not to consider ac­ received ON or BEFORE ■ v x seems merely an intolet-ah^ weak­ Be a "Defense Driver”—always making allowance / \ ^ cepting economic help from Rua- ness. And part of thei; passion on Si/.e.s 7 lo l l. for the other fellow tp make some foolish and iia. t . the Makarios affair stems- from y/ ^ ^ Reg. 12.98 According lo his biographer, thflr suspicion that President reckless driving maneuver. Be prepared in case April 5th >*’ * Jm Xluiles knew that bia action in­ Eisenhower was able to persuade you. are involved in an accident by havng adequaft X > » - / volved riak,'and welcomed i t He Prime Minister Macmillan to the auto insurance. Beautiful, (I i s t i c t i v e.l.v - d e - was, at all oddi, going to do some-, release, at their Bermuda meet­ WILL DRAW INTEREST 11 thing to end the business of Rus­ ing,, Here, in this phase ' of • their tailed duster-coats that r sia's so-called peaceful economic feelipg, they condemn a policy caused .so much o.Kcilemcnt offensive in the world, in which simply becailse they think some­ this past week! In rich-tc,\- from April 1st J^j. ' Ruaaia ^was threatening to hid body else recommended it. tured linen with lu.xurious agaihst'ua for, the favor of neutral Lord Salisbury is. one can be taffeta linings, these arc netions. sure, one of the most civilized men R obert J* S m ith t-iiilored in the usual fine So -.Dullea yanked, the nig out of ■; his day, and yet, when the maimer of this noteworthy INCORPORATED coat make.i; Choose from from under Nasser. ,'rlghl tu’iat of issues comes along, REAL ESTATE IN SURA N CE ' In order to judge whether this he can also seem sava-gc and ruth­ navy, crocus pink or Dutch MS MAIN ST., GROUND FLOOR —TEL. Ml 9-5241 blue. Prctcciv sizes 8 to 11. ‘was good strategy,' we merely less. The evolution of ma.i always "INSUBANSMlTllS SINCE 1914” have to follow subsequent events. seems to have Us built-in ftrow- Reg, 14.98, now 6.98, . Dulles humiliated Nasser. But back. Nasser had the legal power to na­ tionalise the Sues Canal, and did Spring Training ’ ■0, thus .reeovaring, by such a poelUve act, from the humiliation Ted Williams has always fol­ Dulles intended him to suffer.. lowed hia own progruni of spring Now Mr. Dulles, who had been training, and one can judge, froni Famous Make 4.98 Irtehding to pick a Showdown his latist outburst, that he' is GRAND OPENING - YOUR NEW first with Nasser and thrbugh him pretty well rounded into shape and with Russia, found himself in-' 'condition in the- .controversy de- Girls' Spring Dresses ’ volvft in-a long diplomatic itrug-. partmftt of his game.. He; has Girls' 3.98 Lined Poplin Jackets gla vHth Britain and France, who taken on the Marines, the World of “ LAUNDRY MISS” wanted to. move in and punish polities in general, and the late Naaaer for the act .Dulles had Senator Taft in particular.-In his t launderette goaded him to. Now Mr. Dulles, references’ to Senator Taft,' this 3«r EAST CENne s t*eet wrth. the WTMig opponents bn his 3100,000 a year laborer in the out­ o u t o f 2.98 W Remarkable savings on hew .sparkling fresh cottpn hi'hda, began a long diplomatic fields reveals that he admired Spectacular sngcial purchase saves you I j off their original price! Zip-front prbeeas of double-talk and maneu­ Taft because ot hia stand' against : WEDNESDAY, APRIL 3 dre.s.ses fmm a famous, maker- Outstanding in styl­ ing, fabric land value! .Never, iiever before at so low poplin jackets, fully-lined and weatherproofed. Ferfec.t spring weight . . - , ver designed to lead Britain and ‘‘labor” but lost faith f t him when foi' .«choo! and play . .. th take to camp and shore later on! Sizes 7, 8, 10. 12 France away from fte violent ac­ he refused to help get Williams out a price. Sizes 3 to 6.\. Larger si'/.es 7 to 12, siiecially V and ! I. ■ ' ' , tion th at'w as In their hearts. of hia rilcail to aerrtce with the - priced, 3 92, ■ , ‘—X---''’/-,-' • Flrat he would seem to side with laarines during the Korean action.. AISOUilTElY J . . ' ‘ . > them in their own most extreme It was the fact that he was re­ objectives,' and then he would called to such service which was 2 waver and re tra c ts little." apparently tht basis of the latest; Girls' 1.98 ' Jean. Tand Shirt Sets The trouble was, of course, that ■Williams outburst.. And ir Wil­ Boys' 7.98 to ’ Nasser was within his'rights, and', liams’ fceli:-,^. abital .-lkat reciJt - MR. L MRS, LOUIS DRAGBR, we concur, eve'n though we do not furthermore, that a good man,v SAVE oh gas-oil-tires . - 180 WHITING LANE, W. HARTFORD, SAY: nations were not prepared to ap- go for the somewhat berserk lash­ 10.98 Jackets piovs or tolerate any prqceaa by ing out by which , he expftsses hlS BEAUTIFUL SET MADELINE 5th AVE. PEARLS Ntckloct. . t .which Britain and France laid feeling. , ' ' SAyE on parkihg-^fees ” ! 1.98 dovm big power law to Egypt, So - We thought a t . the time, and broecltt, matching t€irrlngs-->whilB thay lost to customars “We. like our automatic gas heat . to say ■Mt. Dulles, who had begun it all. have said so. several limes ‘ since, with ov«r $1.50 ordtr, . the least. It takes care of itself. There’s no ■ Sanforized, washable, colorful Dan River- |»plin boxer jeans . . .. cuffed to by his o ^ roost immoderate act. that the recal. of Williams was ex­ SAVE, on traffic problems fuss, no bother . . . and it’s so clean. We match their attractive short-sleeve cotton sport shirts. Sizes 3 tb 6x . . . the now becanie the ad^v>cate of hvod- actly what he himself. novT' claims 2jpiece'sets complete. Sizes 7 to 14. Reg. 3.98, are sale-priced at 2.98. it was—a .reach for'a headline fig­ recomrnend gas heat for better living.” cretion. When, in the fall, he had 499 . , Ar •’ sUU kept Britain and' France from ure which - was more ’ concerned ON YOUR LAUNDRETTE BUNDLE using , force, add had obtained in with "builditig -up the show” than SAVE and BANK at the “FIRSF Take a tip froiii the Dragers. Right now is V ALSO Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, if ac­ 2-in-l reversible, motorcycle aridtivy the United‘Natibha agreement on it 'was with getlii>g one more pilot companied with dry cleaning order. 1 the time to mBkp the chtihge' to Gas'Heat s league styled jackets fpr boy.s! Sizes Mx prindplea for negotiations to for Korea. X ^ You can convert to Ges Heat in just one day . 4 ft 20 in the group, great value! All settle the Caiftl lasua i t seemed .Perhaps it was .defensible'from e Boys^ 3*98 v Tonto^^ 2-Pc Outfits Member . FedenU l>e|^rt'liiBunuice Corporation • Member Feder^ ReM(rve Syetem ’ . . . be ready for automatic heating comfort - zip-froht. • ” \ i tlist he had won hU atruggle to the point of rtew of emphasizing reeUain Britain and France, and the seriousness of the Korean war, Only 30 Minnies Fhiffy Damp— 90 Minutes Fluffy Dry Neatly Folded ,, anytime. : \ that the queation wc^uld bs resolved .ant of Influencing morale ft gen­ peacefully. But, although'Bdtain eral, but the fact remains that it Get a Free Gas Heating^Estimate for your • c end FranceV had accepted this looked like a special -reach. At the SAME DAY DRY CLEANING — SHIRTS FINISHED home now. Phon<5^JAckson 4-8361, Uaited Natkms resolution, they Ume, ‘we. coftplimented . WilUaihs 3 Fr*. 5.0Q ’4 1 Bacdile ercesed Mr. Dulles, and for taking -,it without a ^tumble. lEHER QUALITY — LOWER COST— WE DO ALL THE WORK ★ f ir s t national BANK 169 enEttr^aitteehsd Egypt-in the ef­ Now, years later,, he )ias sprtl»d> 4 ' No Mtra Chios'Wfcteh, ^• ih g, Piigs, spread*, bUmkats. S ' I OF MANCHESTER 595 MAIN STREET fect le tmabte Naaar. and get fte that a little by haring hls;deiay«a. sn YOUR HIATINO CONTRACTOR OR HARTFORD, COMPANY Exciting sj^ial! Rfg. 2.98 vat-dyed, Hi-ho Silver! Hcre’R 8 terrife western-styled, fring^trimm^ grumbla Just 'the.'Mfte, and he jacjtet.'in washaWe chino .1. . wthenticalty-styled with lather-laced front by iiocne. *81 EAST CEiNTEB. ST. Mnfofized, “denim peans far hoys 6 to has ftoiiat} ft ftl great deal by ■:/ ^, a., complete wiA Topto feathered hjMidband. Sue* 3 to 12. Mhc geerjfliMilj' was faced with OrftN 8 AALrg fM.- *A Greater Bank for G rip e r ManeheMter*' 16. Terrific value! ‘Mm fMiiihitity eC wocu war. tJoa hia vulgar en the fau Sen- DRIVE-IN LBUNDRY MISS ABMiMMiii Memlag f t peuM aCnr.Taft pUien. He has made - ■ ■' ■-■ I

/f i ^ r : r: ■i 1 \\ \r \. V J ■ ^ MANCHESTER EVENING itER^Lfi, MANCHftSTER, CONN., TURSpAY, A|>RIL 2,: 1957. \ V P A G S i m l t I ) !*><#»• P A (^ |:IGHT V ■ /■ ^ io s Bars iDylles Denies U.S. Pledged i B ^ h o n lers CONSULT US ON YOUR Role lo^^f’^airks BUILDING PROBLEMS / For bojners Boards Staff ^ , To Defend Quemoy^ Matsii T(^ Revive .Site Issue ‘Self Service’ C ai^ In Cyprus Ta Our HoiNwt, Expert Advice Will S«ve Yen M ‘-i- k»»n i ^hlch. by way of indicating its Turkish Cypriots, especially in'‘re- was killed shortly after by a 'Couh^V Superior Court today. A concentration of .15 per cent or at- the Elemental^ ‘’P*” ' ! told town officials mighVliave worked out a solution query “ •‘Ing If,the 1 Radn t been , confidence. voted »14,- ligion and ediicalibn. ' ' the next 24' to 48 hours whether pieced negotiations bn a new aalary ; J^***”" ■ ^^-ere to find i that wmirid be h g ^ y for everyone,” dropped of. the *8 charge Tor the^ ^ for the. eetablUhment • of He added that Turkey has an there is any serious prospect for a car. The Herald anderatood this fourOv\»*™"P the ' ’ "**'’* hmore of alcohol •shall be regarded schedule last night oompto- th^t^ev^ Ariny could move from it the t o w W ^ been notified ear- satisfactory settlement w th Eg:ypt to be the words, of Prosecutor Gorpa, Riven a suspen presumption of Intoxication. rooms. Of cotuse they thought the , House. > interest in safeguarding the fti-1 on the operation of the Sue8Canal. .lohn FitzGerald In Town Court 'sentence. charge should have been *18. - terests of the Turkish Cypriots "in •' He said he thinks the nations; William D.'Hsri'ey. 18. Snniers; States which have such laws, ____ _ At the • outsiet of the meeting, It is easy to see how some pa- One of the major aims of the case of the application of ^ the ' X, yesterday. However; FitzGerald said Keacoff. are getting away M .I. or M .*<» to S».T«0 In ~ t . / which use the canal should ha%^ a said today he acjtually told the Robert W. Betfbriev, 22; Kllmg-. llvlsion ^Corps'*of ‘ A n u ^ Engineers. Colonel Kibler isld thaft on Thurs- ' ttents aave but in the case of the conversion is to provide a bljre- principle of .self-dclcrminatioVt," ; from "real old fashioned, justice 13 alepa^^^ t"w ou ld be extremely reluctant to day ,Ud Friday, Ue A^^^ L sp ita l more explanation is pnnt which other similarly itu- inuch greater voice in its operation roiirt it- i.s "reaaoinabl.v'probable ton; Carlos E, Cliaf^e. 26, Elling­ '^’•would be extremelv reluctant to dsy add Friday, the Army inepect- bill insisted that only the people of i OHIO WESLEYAN where a defendant has a right to revive the issue st this time. " •' ed/three ec^hre sites along thg old road needed. According to (he hospital hospitals can ii-se as guide .than U provided in proposals, made that Siesega was coming from ton and Charles F. King, 21, Haz- The short meeting culminated a Cyp.riis are entitled to decide their ' fare his accuser." And Klbier told the group th a t.^ lc h runs through IheNiouthern to preparing their own programs. polittoal future. The Greek Cyp- y EgtT>r last week. .j WiH'ie's Grill, although no 'wU- ardville pleaded .guilt.v. to a>i harge aeries of three aesslons which be­ administrator, the elaborate medi- " He also is seeking in counter “ Whom are you going to erdaa- the decision would have to be ./p»rt of the'Globe Hollow trl cal services which have been at liie local hospital administrator rioto say only Makarios can nego­ nessea actually claimed seeing of breach of the ircarc. examlne?" he demanded. "The gan on Feb.' 8 when the teachers GLEE CLUB proposals to Cairo to get Egypt'! made by the Secretary of One -is at the Keeney St. end of the disposal bf ail - patients has visited hospital*^ in several tiate for them. the deceased in the Grill just They were onginaliy libiind over ^)(.on,eter ’ Dr Oeborn ( S t a t e •states in hi seffo t to draw up the committed firmly on any Sues i Arm the road where the estimated cost whether they need them or not, before the. kucldent," ' from the Somers Town Court I Health Com m iisi^w Stanley .Os­ best master .>lan for Manchester The ArchbilitKip alao fii;ml.v re­ Canal pWnc'it may agree to. | ■charges of arson, a.s the rcsiill of 5 S * Fryhldi. ” of utilities and road to the site will now be centered in the "spe­ This infbtence, by the prose; born I 7 . 1957-'58 school year. ; what some members of Memorial Hospital. He has dis­ jected siiggeallonS for posaible fu­ The U.S.^ply to Egypt's pro­ a Halloween escapade In whu h a would he *155,000. cial care unit,” where they will be (.iiloi- was Menied today by Koskoff said he had great res­ A counter-proposal by the Board of Directors admitted cussed his problem with officials ture partition of Typrua between i posals went tb Cairo Sunday. Soniers bam was burned. Harveys A second would be midwsy be­ used most efficiently., Tlie same its Greek and Turkish speaking proprietors of the Grill, who pect ’for the scientific ability of 'of the Department of Health and Dullsa made clMur -that aa of to -; parents have siiirc paid SI,000'to at a second w ^ ^ ig c o u ra w outlook, the tween Keeney St. and S. Main St., applies to nursing service which residents, warning that stieh . a -said that, although .Siesega Dr. Greenberg, whom he has called for acrosa-lhe-boai d la- authorized Geperal Man- Welfare in Washington snd the day he does n o t-l^ w whether the; the owner of the barn. Ho\yard where the utilitlea’ cost would hr will be concentrated in the area move would bring "disastrous epn- CONCERT was knouni there, none of the knowri' fince boyhood days, hut, he ^reaaea of *200. in two separate ^ Rirhard Martin to determine, ^■esidabt of the National Hospital Egyptians will acceW any of the Eastwood, a dairy fainicr. The *130,000. o'f,_^eatest need. seqiiences." 'X changes he suggestedNu whether i regular, patmn.s remembered toid the comnrlttee, "it won’t be executive aesalona of the Board and g* possible, how- much The third is at St. Main St.,near Assu. at Ne\y Haven. .seeing iiim at the time in Ques­ barn and its ronlenw were valued Prof. Greehberg who’ll be operal the teachers at that meeting, tk *,,; u-cwild coat the town to subsidize tiie Intensive care zone is an Makarios is expected to leave! 8 O’CLO CK there is any^ chance of ^ c c e « fu l at 16,675 and S2.600 has hern re- the 14th hole of the golf course, area in the hospital which is A hospital trade journal,. Mpdern the .'tpycltelles aboar-d Greek' Tfegotiallorta^wmi'Egypt tion. ^ ing the aicometw : U’ll be B6SVTT compromised with a further utilities to an alternate w'here the cost w o u l d *130,000. Hospital, expects to publish, Covered - from ' •insnniHter'' .proposal that provided a pay scale,* especially . derigTrerr and equipped "Shipping magnate Aristotle Ona.s-' DuUea alao told his 'news cdlifer pollcerrran who 'hasn’'l the falnte.st He said the Army would he re~ article on the Manchester experi­ -1 Harvey was sentenced to five idea whether the machine is work­ to handle critically ill patlerila who *is' 20.922-loTi tanker World Mar-| of $3,600..lo $.5,660.. , Ttlrpciora voted in- .luctant to disturb the course. ment in its forthcoming May issue, •nca: ' | \ ■food preparation, candle molds, months in Tbiianrt Couiit.v .lail, ing or not." need constant and-s|>eciBtized care. hjony about April 12. He aaid Ths umted States fully Isup Negotlation* 'were atalenuitedat|^^B«ro;'« guihorizailon, Any chsnge, he' said, wTuld Thoms said, and he hopes, if suf­ r spinning wheels, a set/of hat molds. indefinitely suspended. Tlie court Ko.skoff. pointing imit that the In this area are .concentrated well- eavlier he would go first to Greece' porU Isrskl's right, to send Ships, ^ Chief tv. flllTnrd M »s o n ^ 'this point when the :teachera asked I TiirUinvtnn un- ficient attention is brought to bear vhaling ship, was told he hM enlisted in the bills heard today have been be­ for aV o'k n 'on t unitl a date, i Mayor Harold A Ttlrkm un_ mean It would be 70 weeks before trained personnel and special and then tb London. TONIGHT through the Sues Canal and alSo to i . to . get sn- the houses could be occupied. on the project, research grants crude farming tools and a liny U.S. Xtarlnes and a long sentence fore the Leguslatiue ail many pre­ equipment organized to care most move them through the Gulf iif Kire.Clilef W. Clifford Mason Since then a third Tropoaal I As for the contract vyith the may be obtained. stage Coach trunk. would make him liable ^lor di.s- vious seaslons,' aald they ha\^, beeh \v;n be inastma.slpr for the South prepaied and submitted to the 1 other informal vote from the ui efficiently for the "emergeiU" AQaha- He said he had no official Thesexartieles were unearthed : honorable discharge. rejected by soma "extremely jn- builder. Colonel Kiblbr said the medical need of the patients as­ f v ▼ " o r jr ▼ ■'T vr vr-or ▼ v r \ 56 VOICES word that larael might be planning Manchester Fire District iSMFDi Board by the teachers association. | rectors. • Engineeia have gone bark to Wash­ frpm altlcs,and bafna throughout Bctterley. Chaffee and King Iclllgcnf’- people. ^ \ testimonial dinnei- Saturday night'. It varied from the final Board j He «-'ked how many wou rt signed here. Although lhe.,.^niiajor- to send % test ship into the jSuet. to\ FRESH CANDY were .sentenced to Tolland County Among them he listed such for-' \ A social hour will be held at the and each time h.ave been told In ily of patients are in sef-ere dis­ Chaminacle Hears 4 Prof. Gordon M. AlraBt«ad The United SUtea has no Inten­ nient'kviith the^Ediication Comniil- Meps, increasing them by *50 »n d , appropriation fm the putpose at Jail for six months, to he sus­ mer members of the .Iiidiciary Garden Grove at 6 o'ernck, fol- proceed. tress,- an aura of hopefulness per­ i b Kept In Refrigerated Case* d tion of trying to shoot lU way tee. Committee as Gov. Riblcoff; Re­ *100. This was the proposal accept- a public healing, vades. ' ‘ ^ Whitman — Schraft — P8S ^ Director through the Suez Canal or of boy­ pended after 10 days. Tliry Mere Iqw-eQ by,Uie dinner at 7, Reserva­ The contract wilt be signed April Musical Program Community ClilbsSapper Set put on probation for a year One publican National Chairman Meade tions ciose tWnibrrow, and some ed hv both groups last night. T otal; Tiirkinglon. h " " * ' *' . 28. Colonel Kibler.,said, - "The patient Improves .enoiigtt cotting the waterway. The South Glastonbury, Com­ Alcorn, a’ former as.sislanl slate/s coat of .schedule accepted °ver only Diirctor w-ho said he w o Sacred and Popular Husie DuHea Zatd the United Slates of the conditions of probation was 22.5 havO, already indicaletL llil-y The government is already bound after r.eceiving .concentrated Tlie Mendelssohn Club of East' munity Club is folding' a polluck that the ahag no pressures, such as boycotts, supper tonight ' at 6:30. After late Harold .Mitchell, one time Board was S.5.50. «aw no need for an hrioima vote Hartford, assisted by LiC Petite ^ Ok. ▲ ▲ -Ok, .A ▲ Ok ▲ sA .A ‘ to bring on Egyptian President able effort at resUtulum Ip East- Judge William .1. Shea will de-’ it would-be dlffcicult to. estimate of two to three da.vs to move along which Col. and/.Mrs. .John Harry wood! State Republican chairman ail'd liver the main address, . Kaciiltv l>Tops Original Bid Since the Jljierlois obviously the cost of reneging on that con­ to an afta of le.sser specialization. Choraletle of Hartford, presented Kaiaaer.—---- „ 'w ill give an lilustraled talk on Atty. Robert Pigeon appeared fo r! f ' ’'V'.'" ■ Active voluntefira will he pre-; in arriving at the salary agree-1 would considter it if it were on the tract, but the attorneys estimals It A t first this ftiay be a continua­ the program at the meeting of the SOUTH METHODIST CHURCH Two Senate DemocraU had ; Turkev.-Colonej Harry, local build- niont, the teachers dropped their 1 agenda for a meeting.^ at *40.000. manded an explanation from Dulles j inspector, lived in Turkey the quartet, acting as public dc ! J ’’ Hartfoid Counl.v. Su- sented with wallet-type badges a.s- tion of care in the .same iinH, but. (.’haiiiinarie Club last evening in fendvr in the cases of three of Per'ai- Court Judge .lamia Shapiro, a memento of their aervice to. the original requests for *.300 differen- Turking.lon said lie had no right .Vffecla Entire Contriu-t as soon as cliiitCHl improveiiienl ANYTIME •on the Aswan piattM. m any years while serving as a and JuvenileItlUAnilM Court Judge Fred D.r\ tial for 5-vear preparation, recog to schedule a public hearing, since jj site' is-changed, he said, Temple Beth .Sholoni. Sen. Sparkman (D-Ala) backed | attache: District. -1 lndicate.4, the patient i.v again (iamlhg (loses ('nnlliiiied y ' Faulkner. Serving on the rccepUnn, com­ nlllon fo r'6-year preparation with I five vortes by the Direclois ate 'would have to cancel the moved on — . this time to anollier I'ri.scilla Bose, piani.st, played Edward J. Thoms, Alanchester Memorial Hospital administrator, welcomes the first patient to be ad­ UP TO 10 P.M. Everyone Welcome— Free Will Offering up propeeal by Sen. Humphrey The piogrAm chsirman for the /Gaming charges against six Man­ Spokesmen for Connecticut mittee for honorary iiiembeN aic; an additlonai *300 and full credit' needed. entire contract, whirh includes area of the hospital for . routine Cliopiii’a "Beraeiiae Opus i<" and mitted to Crowell House, a new 8-room, hotef-type "self-aifi vice unit." at the local hospital. C. (D-Mlnn) that Dullea be called be­ affair is .Lofiis O. House, Tit, and . I ---- ..... a...Portland and’ East Wlnd.sor as well chester men on appeal from Bol­ banka asked the General Assem­ Joaep'i Moore, Co.'1; Fred Finne­ for out-of-town teachinlg ex-peri-1 U was then that Tiiikinglon care... Patients coijje to the spe-' '■Impromptu Opus 36. " . Elmore Watkins, president of the Board of Trustees, offers a few additional words of welconie aa fore the Senate Foreign Relations chairmen ffir the supper commit­ ton. Trial Justice Court were con­ bly's Finance CotnmltWe today for gan, Co. 2; Jo.seph Barrett, Cto. 3; once. asked for a vote authorizing Mar­ as Manchester. clal care unit in several ways - The Clioralette. under the direc­ Mrs. Dorothy Anderson. R. N., carries the patient's grip. Story on Page One. (Herald Photo by Committee for fresh quesUonlng Kelly asked what the, status tee arc A|'r. -and Mrs. Elmer. 0. tinued two. weeks. Prosecutor Joel a tax cut which, t!rf\' contended, and We.sley Shorts, Co. 4, A $200 allowance is now mad^ tin to work oul.-cosLs to the town from outside the hospital, froni tion of Muriel -Ainlev. offered the Pinto I, / - ■ (about the dectaion. Tiger, assisted by ilr. and Mfa. would stimulate hoinebullding. for h-vear'preparatiori and none for if the Army could be convfnced it- would wmnu be if■. the contractor agreed the emergency room, or from some ' fohowing niirnbers: "The Lord Is Duties announced last July 19 H. Reed n stated he had received _ . Kenneth .Smith is general ( haii- 1 Percy E. House. Mr. and Mrs. Rich­ ' ■ 'ft is allowed for si ould move its .site to one of three to a site change the withdrawal -of an American the papers In the (ases yesterday! . Specifically, they asked that mnn. Tony O'Bright’s qrclieatra six year.s. Full rreQ! other area in the hospital when P/'f "*’!!!**’ -9'^* Ceci^ (Continued from Page One) Commisstoh and militarv officials. | oh musical curient eVenls. Quemoy and MaUu, the island ap- ; s j i Juilvd- NfJann C’atpiniei'. 2ti. And r.fii'. are entitled to havc-lhelf families ami assigning them to their juoper Hind nr *l|ent, alao 35 mm-, CARTON or « r r . . , , encouragement to thrift, " since i At the oikset of the meeting, unit. The Choraletle closed th# pro­ Hand-Finlsked preaches to Formosa. inlent to run for another 5-year with them.” slide projector*. don Nichols-, 23. bound ovei from he said, banks would be able to! Uiins into I^ilore A t present, this ta.sk (a per­ gram With the following numbers: - "W e we re repeatedly told there BvM rs. I'VeeiiiHii ! JMansfield courl, pleaded RuHtV t<5 pay higher Interest to dcposilor.s as Teamsters president at the P "” ' "Try going away for a year and term formed a.s in mo.st hospilal.s by "Goal Herder’s Song." Baldwin; WELDON DRUG CO. were no secret agreements of this _ charges of statutory rape. I'heir and thus attract niore money. iinioh' as KPM.r,.,.convention . io V Miami , Beach .' \juch of the discussion revolved vvondering about your children, " "-Hear the Sledges with the Balls,” Each ( Picture on Page 1) untrained (in the medical sensei 901 Main St. Tel. All 3-5321 RC *4.50 kind In- these negotiations," Spark­ A!AT iJie111. meciinc or ih.inp-Amfiican Ar„., u,.„ <• " ’I'''’ __ contliiupd__ iwo wceks next Septenvber. Col. AfcAfillan challenged. Robertson; "The Silver Ring." by s New Haven man allegedly .lohn English, veteron and ^ 1 around alleged errors on the part attendants, who may not be Wash in/^the time man said. "I centainly would not go along properly equipped to .say where The new book is titled "John home O^^cIsTdTnt'A^rs" H^^^ ' ^ ' N"rvellls, pleaded not fell asleep at the vvlieel of hi.s de­ home of Presinent Mrsi Henri .u »vs. lar genei at _selection and notifying the town of with anything thal'a going to de­ a given patient should placed. Foster Dulles: A Biography.' livery truck early this Inoining, the union, opynly opposed Beck's Always insist on SAFE OIL HEAT Find out bow much ciaancr and RUBBER TILE British Strilies that selection. lay this hoii.sing." Thus, it sometimes happen.s that PLASTIC TILE , The State Department tlis-: presented the name of Mrs. Engene ’ v collided vyith and sheared a •tele­ piihlicily fund idea. brighter we can wash your cat phone pole from Ha.base; run over j At one point -Director Kelly critical patients are placed with it too! With our Weaver Automatic Cor (1,000 FT. O N tT ) elaimCd-'itoy official .connection | Freeman for the office of vice i trial b\ jiii) which was said "W e have-spent niosl.(?f the COSTS LESS president, succeeding Mrs. Stsniey Prosecutor a no parking sign, and crashed into i recuperating or mildly ill patients. Waaher. Evc^ car is aueoaaaticadlr, tx»—1/8" — SECONDS with the book, which was based I Called Off; Pay I lime asking 'wlien did you stop This problem has been met by I I Bawar Ham* Hoot Council M; partly on private Interviews with Kirks Whn rssiened Mr.Mrs. F.-„.. Reed.nomnienled this will pinbably the north side of Fete a Grocery sprayed with' fresh water and mild Store at 464 K. fenler St., knock­ Frieiidsliip (Circle I beating j-oiir wife' qiie.-ttions and making the staff doctor respon­ Each 3 ^ C U*e Secretary. man, who was second vice presi-; , , mvv ? -..i holding a coroner’s inquest.' Great Lenten Music detergeat, and thoroughly hand dent, will be succeeded by "^Atrs. j"-: ing groceriea lieltei-akelter. | sible for requesting hlls patient be Each ISC Zincoln White, State Depart­ y I case of. Patrick Pahovjdy, 41, Probe to Start Dii'actor Theodore Ciimniing^ placed in a certain unit. The doc­ The Chancel Choir Present* tpooged and chamoiaed. Wa never ment pren otfeer, noted in a Theodore Fairbanks. The (Inver of the tiiick, .lohn 1 Heal's H«»Mard , , appealed from Coventry "Town rahsed some question about whetflL tor will also decide if his patient a*e harsh detergeou that might STANDARD OACOE •Utement yemrday that Beal had 1 Taylor, 33. was not. hurl, police ] Mrs. Gharlea Romanowski. wa.va 'continued until next (Continued from Page’ One) er the town could justify spending is to be transferred to the "special ■oiure the finish . ..or dirty wash ■aid in the l ^ k that Dulles was snd means ciiairman. reminded .said. He was arreated and charged ! I.,eland Howard of Klin Hill Rd.. J. S. Baeh—“Christ Lay In Death’s Bonds” water left over from a previotu term. He is charged with a second wflh recklea.s driving. money to extend sewer and water Deaths care unit." If there is no bed LINOLEUM TILE not “reapomble for its content." members of the nimrnage sale to offense of driving under the influ­ Talcotlville. who >•' connected with lines to make It possible for the available, the Staff doctor will dis-V car...or *'hit'-or-mitf" amembly INLAID UNOLEUM Faetoiy owners have Offered a 3 Taylor was driving ea.sl on E, tlie Tnlcollville headquarters of White ^ i d DuIIe's saw Beal be held Thursday, April 11. at 9 ence and alao operating while his Army to build at ■ the southern cuss with the head nurse the line noethoda. The auKMnatk op­ •xO ee'veral \mitt while the book was o.m. at the Legion Home. Members per rent intreaae.'Shipbuilding em­ Center St. .He heesnie the third ' .motion HlMB. Voice of the Andes, 6. Faure — “Tho Roi|uiom^’ CLEARANCE license was under suspension. Airs. Ellen E. Anderson ribility of a patient being trans­ are asked to bring their donations ployers arc ready to give a 5 per person t.i cra.sh into the grocery , Friendship Circle oMhe eration o f the Waaher gets the job being written, but read in advance Mrs. Eleanor Baldsssario, 27, Mrs, Ellen E. Anderson. .59, 206 ferred out. only ^ m e of the first written chap­ to the sale Wedneada.v night, if pos­ Ks meeting WITH THE done in Vi the time needed fior convicted in Ellington Town Court, cent .increase, but vyant an agree­ i ..... „,i. • Alayoi- Turkington said he had Oak St.. East Hartford, dijfd this If there is stilfany que.stlon, the L o w ters which dealt with Dulle's esr- sible, to the I. of injury or risk of injury to chil­ The Shipyard strike, starling 17 , 'saVrErancisco area after the re iible for deciding which patient HARH CHAMBER ORCHESTRA Gi've yott€ car that "like new" kwk dren. A charge of delivery of liquor days ago, ha.s^^lted work by 200,-| cent earthquake. Jars, cans, boxes, Soiitli Aiiietlca. ' y '"!/ might properly be charged to capi- Alarch 20 needs the special egre ithit. If the PH ILIP TREGGOR, Conductor today. .^Drivc in foe onr ipeedy, in s t a l l it y o u r s e l f — AND SAVE / U was voted to send Airs. Pes- headqimrters was in New improvements because ths-t ' She lea sihl. Hospitality Chairman ' Airs. to minora, was nolled for insuffi­ 00() men on 300 vessels. Factory and, - even woman's storkiiigs fjolii She leaves one son, William G. available bed is still in doubt, the all-point wash iobl 4ila8toabury vvot keis began a- "snowball ' walk­ City, and In 1953 it waS . .. I might help attract an insurance Ogden; and a daughter. Airs, Bel chief of the respective staff sec­ WUber Little and Child Welfare cient evidence. a 4-llered-ahclf, about 28 feet feried to ths home of the WE HAVE ALL THE TOOLS FOR INSTALLING Russell M. Brown, 42, pleaded out 10 da.vs ago that pulled 1'- ‘ company to th^ area. ty Flynn, both of Hartford; tion will make the final deci.sion. SALE Chairman Airs. Harold Belcher to long were lying In disarray on the Mr. and Airs. John G. TalcoU Sr. riiillion men off their jobs in vital The'o’nly estimate of town-cost brother. George A. .Major of Wind-' The Progressive, Patient Care Youth Respond the Department Rehabilitation and guilty to six rounts of in((eccnl as- floor. Four large plate gla.ss win­ Howard, the . son of nil.s.stonary dollar—e.xport industries and was available last night waa about 'or; a si.ster. Mrs. Almeano AIc- prograjr.. which Was undertaken SOUTH METHODIST CHURCH ^ i l d Welfare Conference to . he ! sault,, The case was enntinued for. dows six feet by .si.x were broken. parents, illustrated his talk with 24 SPRING PASTEL ^ ' two weeks to allow pre-sentc'nce .duo to spread to another 1’ $100,000. ' Quaarie' o f ' Hartford, and three with the full cboperation and ad­ A A In Plans to A i d - heW April 27 at 10:30 “ a m. in the nnl- The out.slile of the storj’ 'was iiLso niBTiy slides of the scenery in Ec­ Object ill Delay. giandctiildren. vice of the Aledical Staff of the M A N C H E S T E R , C O N N . . . . A P ttH - 7, 19Ji7, 7:.30 P.M . audUoriunt of ththe Rocky'Hill Vet­ investigation. , lion men by this weekend.' damaged. The owner of the store. uador. of the broadcasting sta­ erans'Hospital. Tlie case of Fl^T^ge Yo.st. — , The added coat of utilities, how- The fiinera) will be held at the ' local hospital, has been one year Teenage Driver Peter Clark, did not estimate the tion, and the riiinlstry conducted THE TILE SHOP At thKnext-meeting of the Auxll- charged with injury to a diog in El- damage but he said It vyas exKn- among Die natives. He also stress- ever, waa not the only objection Watkins-West Funeral Hohie. 142 Wool Coats 591 >9® the Army raised to moving. E.-Center SI.. Thursday afternoon iary._Aprli-16^ district Officers will lington Town Courl was noHcd. ^ r | O T * t A T aive. He al.so .said he was ade cd the imporlsnce of aviation in MORIARTY BROS. Glastonbury, April 2 (Special)— be present Iq initiate new mem- One was the delay of 40 weeks in *t 2 o clock, with the Rev. C. Hcn- R E G . $ 35.06 1087 TOLLAND TURNPIRE — BUCKLAND Leo ,1. Boutin pleaded not giHtfv qualely covered by insurance. reaching many of these isolated' 801-315 CENTER STREET The youth of Glastonbury are bers. A white elephant sale will be to a charge of speeding'and i lio.4ik; Last Feb. 4. a car driven bv'Ed- gettlng the homes built. Another ry Anderson, pastor of the Eman- m ^ n go a! concerted effort to dis- | held under the management of places. The Bank that gives you PLANNED SECURITY a court'trial. The case was being j ward F. Boyle. 18. of » ” E. .Vfiddle ■A social time with refreshments waa the alleged necessity, to breach '**• Lutheran CThurcl).. officiating, prove the current fe,j;Jing that Mrs. Earl' Peterson. Airs. Belcher heaid^this afternoon. For Directors a contract and become liable for a '®''^*** '' ** in East Cemeter.v. will serve as chairman of the hos­ Ipkc.. cra.-jlied into the Pitkin St. followed his talk. A teenagers st the wheel of a car William Mulka, Charles E. .Mea- i side of the store caiiaing-about *5,- Judgment against the government. . Friends may call at the funeral are nothing but a menace. pitality i-omt^tee that evening, Colodei Kibler also said at nne home tomorrow night from 7 to 9 ervey, both of Rorltvillr, aiid Jo- [ Three^jiuhlic-licarings before the 1 worth of damage. Another ear' I . .. DRESSES A group of young drivers: calt- seph- Atazako. Ellingloii, - , V J . I crashed .into Die E. Center .St > point that there is a limit in the ,®*'” *'"- 9 1 side »io; o Ing themselves the MiHvvlnders,- Board of Directors ANP pleaded guilty to theft of cattle. of the store.store about a yearvear ago butIHospital. Notes Army to the number of times "you I ' REG. $14.95 to $17.95 with the aid of their.club advleor E*j;aii File^ixPrief Tlicir cases were continued for two for the BoaidV, meeting at 8 did not cause as niiioh damage as can ask your superior officer if Anderson's Ghildren's-Shop, Inc. Bgt, Joseph A, Varni are making weeks for pre-sentenre inve.stiga- o’clock tonight in- the , oltuu'* two accidents. I he means \vhat he says." #very effort to reduce accidents. SIZES »-18 lion. a of Waddell School. A (LALC. Tractor Trailer Truck I I’allenls Tbda.v: 180. He referred to the/fact that the F u n e r a ls PAY as you GO! On ComleiiiH^tion EAST CENTER STREET SHOPPING PLAZA First, they are painting while William H.. Whitney. Stafford, All are on additional roprla- driven by Jo.seph Veneziaiio. 29, ' AD-MITTED Y E S T E R D AY: relocation question has been raised lines on town highways at stop did not appear in coutl to plead. Uon.s iHnrtfoid. crashed info Hie IrnffiV James; Connollv. 234 Oak St.; in Washington'and decided once at „ (W H Y HU.NT FOR A PARKING PLACE) signs. Second, they win paint ’ Atty. James Egan of jiartford, He t.sr appealing s cmiviction of One is for $31,000 from the l dummy irt Hie-t’ciitcr ob«rtH-3 a.m. Alt-ji,_Alice Neii, 22H St. Jaipes that level Mrit. Jennie. S. Swanson AMPLE PARKING FOR ALL safety slogans bn /slddvvalks, such representing three Lakewood Ctr : operating without a . license and Capital Invproveiiient Reserve I to^_a>’- St.; Alexander Fulloh, Andover; LONG SLEEVE COHON ■s, "Stop-Look". "Drive Safely" (1: property owner.s. ha-y filed oh Antr Cot; Donaid^McMillsn, " [Nneraling while undei. the inflli- Fund'for alterations, and equip­ Venezinno said the .heavy rain at Airs. Aiarion Brandi, 54 Barker commanda______J. Mil— Nike installa'lions !_in Swanson, 374 Hackmatack St., was •nd "Walk Safely”. T . jectlohs in U.,S.' District Court h'ld a t,2 o’clock yesterday after­ em:^ His attorney. .N’icholals Ar- ment at the Barnai'd Junior High that hour of the iiiorning obscured St,: William Ashley. 51 Lenox St;; Conhetticul, said there is s danger .Besides this they have been dis­ to the U.S. Covet nmcnl's con­ I his vision, •' noon in the Bnianuel Lutheran i.meimno, asked for and was Si hool in Ptducatlonal Square. Airs. Ai'iianda Dorsey, 14 Arch St.; that if the present contract is not SHIRTS 1 9 8 SEE! OUR BEAUTIFUL DISPLAY tributing safety posters, prqvijled demnation of land near Lakewood A second is for $1,000 for .New The traffic diiiiimy was badlv Stanley Barsn, Chestnut Hill: Al- Church. The ptstor,- ,lhe Rev. C. REG. *3.98 to *5.98 by the National Safely Council, ! granted a continuance until Tliurs- carried Ihrougli the Army will not SIZE.S 30-38 Circle for Nike homes. SJ-hool Construction A.dministra- • bem out of sha|ie while the truck belt Rqy, 178 Charter Oak St Henry Anderson, officiated, and G. as you dsy. The, 'altoiney indicated his -get any money for homes here. to business places, each month. Tlie protestors arc C. Elniore i I suffered about $10 worth of dam- Airs. Atarle Bali.s; 173 Lydall St.: Albert Pearson was soloist and or­ tion. The nfoney comes from vari­ Director Harry Firalo told the ’ The ’ club . ■meetings are- really AVatkins, Atra. Charlitte .1. Gold, j ^ may >^eate -the Appeal, I ORr, Mrs, Ann Firostone. 27 Coburn ganist. Burial was in East Ceme- 100—SOME WOOL and OBLON . OF EASTER FINERY AT ITS BEST ous sctyjol .bond accoiints. military repre.sentativea blunlly, ■eaalons for car repairs and main­ and Bradley V., Prohaaka. all of No arrest was made. , Rd.; Raymond Afotzer, RFD 1, tef)’- tenance, vrith "each motor as spot- .A third is -for $2,500 for insiir- I " I don't think .the Army gave too whom are named defendants in ance. The money will come from ' i i * Rockvitle; Mrail Teresa Misaerl, Bearrra were .EJniil Anderson, SWEATERS $2.98 $3.98 lass as the car’s glossy exterior. the government's vondemnstion AboutTowii 181 Autumn St,; Robert DePelt- miicli consVderation to home­ Gustaf Bengtson,. Herbert Bengt- EARM , SIZES 34-40 , REG. *4.98-$6.»5 the approprialion for Ihc Housing O O V r l l t | )V B l lIS owners pearby.” Thelr motive is, highway aaffty. I-acDoiT ' '• V Authority.! . J. ' egi ini, Stafford Sprih*a; Diedra son, Algol .Johnson. Leonard John­ CASHMERE FUR BLENDS AIJ80 REPrCED - DRESSES - DRESSES - DRESSES u d their desire is to prove, that [ r:ondem- Barcomb. ThompaonvlHe; Rich­ , His remark di'ew loiid and ex-- DRESSES The Rev, C. Henry Ander.son, The Directors will lake up per- i son and Hugo. Pearson. tte ^ u n g make goofl and careful arbitrary because "there Has Ann Injiirccl ard Ponchak, 186 Oraen Rd.; Mrs. tended applause. paator of , Emanuel . Lutheran missive legislation which would 1 Mayor 'Ihirkingtoh said he had- LITTLE GIRLS'SPRIN FROCKS $2.98 Anir Ujg ^ h r a r v Drive Starts r * land availabU to the clear the way for the town ■ to [ ------Arlene Robinaon, 41 Foster St.; 6 Church, will take foi‘ his’ subject Edward Eiaher, 42 Madison St.; heard it reported that the Army Spring Pastel Wool SKIRTS x st the Lenten ■Quie! Hour .tomor- change the method of a.wesimenl I Rayhiond Alozzer Jr., 12. son o(i,. .. r-».. (AIX NAME BRANDS) The South Glastonbury Public' for sidewalks. • -.j-Manchester dentiri Dr. Ra.vmbnd | Tippy Jr. South t.ov- withdrew-a proposal to locate in High Court Backs Library Assn, has begun iU anC ‘i** l>roposed.sile be- irow st 7:36, "We Stand Beneath Olaatonburj- when one person ob­ too Reg. *5.08 $2.99 so Reg. *10.98 $5 99 nual membership drive, under the; ‘"R condemned.. . . the Close.’ x/te Board uTl: lake U4>.iet- Mozzrr. RoUon Lake. «uffer<>d*-an [ ^” Vr^viTWB4'ik *rr\T\Av- vr- jected./ ,* Decision of jury SIZES lO-tO co-chairmanship of Mrs. C. AI.. ting a date for hearing an ordi­ injured arm yesterday aBpiit 3 p.iti. b^.M ^buo:; The Army representatives re-, Complete Selection of Accessories when lie was slrilck by a Coventry bel Sines, Jenkins and Mrs. Eugene F .. nance which would set up a separ­ plior fiiiilscheff,' 80 Garden St. plied lliat the Glastohbiiry site was' Coracqi. ' I ate fire lax district excluding tlie Da.v School buk in Bolton. The Suprem* Court of Errors BIRTHS YESTERD AY; A son' ''ejected because of jhe cost of V - The library is • run completely Eighth District If th?'’ District According to Don (Thmchlll, 3l- to Mr. and/ Vfra Bimnig -Moske, ' utilities. , ■ y-esterday upheld a December 1955 by volunteers and operating ex­ Trial Ordered consolidates, the ordinance will not leclor of the school, the bov had 45 Steep Hollptv Iloine: a daugh­ DirePtor Cummings asked what Hartford County Siiperior Court' A.h A. • panses are supported .by a *750 be needed. * . . i Uipibed down fropi the bii.s on Tol- 2 town . official or officials nccoih , t -nv •*,, town. Some aid ter-to Mr. and Mrs. Cltarles Mill­ jury award of *3,060'In' damage* The Board la expected to give | iwlfrl Rd. and was walkinjf -around er; 14 Weal view Ter., Rook vide: panied.Uie.Army in the spring ® f , ^ Hie -M tate of Mrs. Edna • SELTS •ROBES - * but mainly by iorn^al approval for aubdiviainna in • behind it toward hiF home when a daughter-to Air. and Mrs. David! 19.56 when'a .survey of locations Schiller.. 111 Handler Lawsuit the southwestern part of town, he Was hit. BOYS^ DRESS PANTS ( 100% W^nthnble) '/ the members. Hodgklna. 95 Center "st. " , i-"''as made, , Airs.. Schiller received a. serious • HOSIERY • BERMUDA SHORTS ■. year D. ioof of the build-. Both have peen_ approved in for-[ .Bus driver Sanfiird Jones told ...u.- Supreme Court of Errors- negligence if the jui->- decided that ‘ inally BIRTHS TO PA J: A daughter; Colonel McMillan, after a brief injul->- in a fall a t ' Orange Hall . must be repaired M'hurchill he was unable to see the to Mr. And Mrs. Alonzo Dlahiond, ; conference with Colonel Kibler, • LINGERIE ^ MATERNITY WEAR ■nioae Who will canvass include: ordered a new trial of the sate of the Cartridge preceded Alay '2, 1953. She died Sl^K 3 THROUGH And Up , , ' Grade 7 pupil. South Coventry; a son to Air. and'said'the fitst Surveys ware made 1955, but her death was . not con-, A 12 $3-98 Topes said he waa backing up to Mrs. Johh O’Hara 3r..,4.9 Eiro St.; i in June or July, and he did not je- nected wUij the fall.. ! WE ARE PROUD OF OUR BOYS* WEAR around a.s he customarily a daughter to Mr, and Airs. Alarvih ' member the official, who acebm- The high court upheld the claJnf before heading for Alanches- Strlt-kland, 11 Oak P i; a ,daughter j panied him. of Airs, Schiller's husband, Roland • . hcre he drops off more pupils. to'Atr. and Mrs*jRqger St. George, / He protested that he< was conr Schiller of 96 Seaman, Circle, that ChurchtU ssild Jones is a very ca- Enfield, ' hected with the selection of several his wife's Injury was caus^' by SPECIAL! CORDUROY JACKETS (Lined) head, Mrs. Leslie Naulty. . Airs.- ,iu* »»alnat the Remineton Arms said the -saJe of the pable driver and called hint "the; D|SCHARGED,i YBaTERPAY’ : sites and could not remember all the negligence of the Orange Hall (Continued from Page Une) of the town officers he has dealt The- direct to security k ' be.st I ’ve ever h*d.’’ Sharon Hlastly.-i6 Prospect St.; BEVERLY'S IMOWW BOfrup, Mrs. Reino HjTPO. . Qo.Srf Hartford neelii.'!.** “ " " ’’'' /•■1< proprietors in that th* ftbor waa" Mrt. John Weller. Mrt. LouU Ste-.gourt. claiming defecUve amtouni- h /'h^ ^y Handler- , , The driver Yallcd the ambiilarice Rockt’iHo: Howara Johnson, Park­ with. unsafe because of wa.-:. lind that a When you SKve as you earn, you can (.lu.sl Righl For Spring) SPECIAL PRICE $1.98 ^ s o n . Mro. Frederic Atherton^, uon coat him Die tight of his right ."w". at the airport in New Orleans .last; w hich-took the boy to Alanchester er St.; ,Vfrs. Alaigarel Zikus.^ 22 . Director Paul Alarte askbd, with radiator valve his wife fell on ws.a pay as you ro . This is a sure road to Mrs- J. Bard McNulty, Mrs. Lester *ye. Sparks from a cartridge "K the cartridge, Sunday night.". ' Memorial-fiosplui where he was 'Drive F; Patrick' J J'Welch,’" 'Welch.' AnAn­'-1 s'onie splri.t, "W hy ,did .you not tell uncovered. Schiller also claimed Dixon rand ^ 8 . Richard Howe. i allegedly backfired into his 'Jwould be ah inherently ’'I have too many friends eiid j operated upon yesterday , for his dover; Habold Slone, 27 Crown St.. Us. .vtmr plana 40 weeks ago?” Orange Hall was negligent in that financial security for you and your fam­ , n « at O m p Stpielehed ' ,^-hiie 'he waa on a shooting range • dangerous article." allowed it - to have spent too much time in the I injury. ’ ■ Rockville; Mrs. Marjorie 'Inzlnga When no answer'was forthcom­ it failed to w.arn.Mrs. Schiller that ily. No family should be-without an Nets! Boys* aoi Birls’ Rainsoats Z5% Off. The high wipda of yeatarfiay' jan. 6, 1951 remain ■ on the market. Therefore, Marine ;Gtorpii to not know that; Hospital officials said today he and son, 195 Spnice St.; Flanders ing, Marte asked “who reaches the floor was slippery. S.B.M. Saving’s Account. Open yoyr kapt Coinpaniea 1 and 2. batUihg ’ a 12-man Superior Court jury Handler claims. the limitations that organization is the tops," the . a good night the decision?'' “ - .babv boy Coyeniby. The defendant’s claimed Super­ .account today at either of our 2 con­ f»r throe.hours, before bringing; absolved Kem in^n Arms Co. of MAtute dbea not-apply! Since Rem- statement conttnu^. | ' DISCHARGED TODAY: Afrs. At that point Colonel Kibler re- ior Court- Judge Sameuel Mellits WE ALSO CARRY BERKSHIRE NYLONS under control a brush fire at the; negligence on May 2.5, 1956, but ; *"owed a defective cart- At New Orleans Sunday nlght-1 - ' Janet Schmrtz a n d daughter. peated.the admislAon.on. made earlier 'erred by allowing evidence pt oth veniently located offices. Your dollars IN ALL NEW SPRING COLORS AT $1.35 Pr. Uuvn dump. No daniMe wag done, i Handler’s counsel. AttV. Jay E. Hdge to remain on the mobket. Williams blasted Ih Alarine Corps,/ Slorra: Allas*-A.llce' Robbins. 28 bv Brig. Gen. Roberrt Fleming that, er falls at the hall to be admitted will grow with interest and grpw in buy- YOU WILL LOVE THESE! ' . although about 4 acres were burp- Bubinow, appealed on a claim that The plaintiff's claimr was de­ the late'Sen. Robert A. Taft o f; .Oliver Rd.; Mrs. ConatanM Lucas soinoone in the Engiheersfirieers failed to in the trial and claimed the floor Inglpower. ed .over. . jjudge Raj-mohd J. Devlin erred on clared a valid one since, Jn Justice Ohio, fbrmer Pfesident Hbrry S, and son, 19 Burke Rd., Rockville; notify the toxvTv' formallyOrmally of„ ^, e was safe in spjte of the wax. "They CoUee’t 0^1 Household Iteans jhia ctutrge to the 12-man- jury. Daly’s opinion ';When the wrong .Tuman and the entire U.S. gov- Edward Arendt, 38 William St.; oUe oelrirtibn before Dec. 4.! ! also clalbied the floor had nothing The Htetorteol Society has com-. Atty. Rubinow baaed Wa sue- »ued lipoh (the defective cartridgel er.imsnt during, an iiUe'rview wlt^ Ap-i. Elinor Alurdock and, daugh- "Bomebody just didn't"i;et a let­ to do 'wUh Atr.4. Schiller’s fall but AMPU f l o M ^ collection of household im-iceasful appeal on the claim tjiat ■ consists of a continuing course of Mqada.v i'aise *'•>■ Crbzet DuPlaiffpr, ex'ectitlvt sports t.er, RFD 2, , Arahcheater; Afira. ter out to the town," he aali(l. He i that it was caused by the collapse " plew^to in. common use a century, Judge Devlin failed urinslnict the' j conduct, the statute does not begin editor bf the < Another MsAj-So will T. cement for whom he has a card on file with hundreds of .call-backs to resi­ - Given in marriage by her father, ^ duct the program, which will In­ k p DOWN PAYMINT TIU MAY) definitely who was the first person 18 Pitcher* c»ycity \ \ u'having previously given blood. Post, American Legion, drill tepm, the bride wa« attired in a ballerina-^ " Slowly raiitin|\hls headj Seth of European parentage to be born' 20 Snares 26 African r iw 40 Joined 51 Female rabbH He «t*Ud.today that new donors 6:30 p.m. Legion Home; Board of dents who were not at home aLthe clude hints on laundering and, in asked: ' \ SlWlnglike part length gown of .White silk cloud, the cooking field, use ofthe verti­ in what is now , the cphttnental 22 Irritate 27 Bargain evehl4I Legal point are urgently needed. 1 Education. 8 p.m., Coventry Gram­ time of the initial viatt. fashion^ with Sabrina neckline PSEE BlTtM Am— NO OSUOAnON! Seth—Is the. corn A^elled, neigh­ United SUtea, 24 Accede 29 At an time* 43 Handle 55 Bom One of the residential areas .from cal broiler and the ^preparing of The Ladies’ Assn, of the FTrst mar School. and tiny sleeves. The princess oven meals. / bor? ' ' ■ 28 Hinder Congregational Church will furn­ which returns were received today front swept into.back skirt full­ Man—No, you'll have^to shell it Wife—When .1-married yoii I 33 Operatic SOlo r r 1 1 ■ 1 r “ t r r " was that headed by Mrs. Stanley Since the C onn^icut power Co. yourself. \ r “ r ish luncheon for the Red Cross unit Manchester Evenlim; Herald Cov­ ness. Her veil was a short mantilla wishes to know Jiow mSny to pre­ didn’t know you were a coward. I 34 Low-lybig workersy/and coffee and aand- entry oorrespondenf, Mrs. F. Faul- Juros of,68 Branford St., and in-' of imported illusion, lace trimmed. .'/r- M l 9-9095 Gently replacing his. KWd, he thought you were a brave man. valley r * i 9 eludes a section bounded by .E. pare for. YWCA members plan­ BILL TUNSKY said; . . . ■ \ wiches'T^or the b'ood donors, ine Little, telephone Pilgrim She carried a . bouquet. of white ning to attehn are asked to tele- Husband—So did everybody 35 Relate —dd ■n»e South Coventry Volunteer 3-8231. Middle Tpke., Main St., Lenox and camellias and stephanotis. Seth- prive on, Iroys, drlvX on. . else. ' 36 Ages r~ I T E. Center Sts, Mrs. David R. Durfee phone the]/ reservation* to the Y 37 Frozen rain Krtmfen’s As»n> haa volunteered to Worker* assisting the leader in­ The maid of honor. Miss Lynne office by Monday, April 8. 1 Assist With the unloading and set- J. Sundquist, sister of the bride, Bo.ss Young man. you t'oid, Worst pun of the, week by Iffy 39 Levantine i " clude Misa Faye Ferris, Joseph .also Ivore. a small hat of flowers the Dopester in the Betrolt’'Free raisin ' ting up of the mobile unit equip­ McCarthy. T h o m aa " " me yesterday afternoon you had a IT P ment. The local Safety Patrol has and a coraargeHjf brown -eymbid- date with your dentist. Rmss: "Rita scorns reuntbn with - 42 Make ametidi \ * volunteered tp assist in unloading fURarles R. Baxter, Mrs. L. i„n u ri, coral velvet bows in ium orchids.. .1 did. aV The Moslems don’Vknbw what 44 Ungulate 1L Mrs. Edmond Folsom. Ernest YOimg Girl - Yes, . Sir IT s r r IT" n JO II and reloading the trucks, with the back. Her white horsehair bat Immediately after the cere-', Bos^ But i saw ybu at the ball toi Meeca that." y 47 Small islands equipment used in th e 'p ro g ra m • Kearns. Mrs. Arthur G. Holmes, was trimmed with coral velvet mony, a reception was held at the 51 Girl’s name IT i Capt. Keller has also- listed the Mrs. Barney Wichman, Mrs. Ah- bows.__ _ Her flowers were coral home of the bride's parents. /' S2Consume drew Dllde,. Mrs. Jo se^ Bjxne, butl white stephanotis. When leaving on a weddjiig 54 Presage lay workers 'to include the follow­ < lt"s interesHiine at MAJOR HOOPLE ■ IIi 1 ing: Mrs. Charles W. StranL Mr^. Mrs. Philip Rider,. Mm . David Far- Malcolm Sinclair ^ bf Hem Hempstead, trip the bride chose a beige Suit BY J. R. WILLIAMS OUR BOARBIJJG HOUSE with \ 56 Heavy blow W 1 nell, Mrs. Daniel Edward* and L. I,, N. Y„ was best' man, and with beige coat, 3-toned .Straw OUT O U I^ A Y V \ ■ 57 Drink made Kenneth S. Lyon. Mrs. W. S. Kel­ Mrs. William W. Mann. r r ler Miss Hilda M. Keller. Mrs. Mil­ Would you like to See some out­ ushers were Sanford Cluett Jr. of hat and spring wheat accessories. Aiidirwe -w e , with malt L— Another group reporting, headed Hooslck Falls and George Spencer f WHCMI mep THOSE a u c N ^ s OOtT ASKIM' OUE&TIOHS AH' 58CocaUoH R ^ dred C. Judaty. of Chaplin. ■ Mrs. standing work that has been ac­ “by Mrs. Samuel Robb J r, of 122 The bride, a graduate of Man­ ' OM you ITHOUaKT VOU WERr UNTIE THESE GLOVES OR \JODSS NHOS Ivan N. Robertson, Mrs. Ered D. Bateman of .North Adams, Mass., chester- High S^ool in the class ^The Trust Compciay"! THIS SHOE.' I WANTEP ’EM ’^■JUSTI.CE , SB Essential . complished by fifth jn’aders? The Cambridge St., serve* the area both cousins of the bridegroom. 'ROBO SOME ON 50 1VOULDNT SMACk being I" 1 |B Kingsbury, Mrs. Defter C. Whee- bounded by N. Main and Broad 'of 1953, is a aenlor at Pembroke WITM OMB OP veut .. HAS BE&ti TAk?- -.Whltqn Memorial Library'has a The mother of the bride chose a College. The bridegroom gradu­ ' F«BNPS,»UTWHStrS AAV FINGERS WITH THE iNexAN AWFUL 60 Small child s . lodk, Mrs. V*® T- Geary, Mrs. Sts., W. Middle Tpke. and Main St. ■ !' ■ ■ 1 ALL THIS f WHAT HAMMER BUT I SmACKEP 61 Gaelic IT a S' H Grant E. Toothaker'Jr., and Mrs. marvelous display in their main Workers assisting in this section cocoa peau de sole gown made ated from the Hill School ih l952 MAPPSMEP » MV FOOT INSTEA'P, AN' . BEAHNS SiSCe Winthrop Merrii m 8r. with framed portrait neckline and and Brown University In 1966. He No better time to start your long-jjostponed savings MOW 1 CAN'T &rr this ie v PiVviSiOTi, i wood Trail. Buena Vista Rd. to today; Full information cheerfully given and \ THi MAHARANI? ISSHI SEE HERE,CMII$n TTie girls made this themselves within 7 days—or money back! without obligation. May we help you? odd Hiot "•xtra bath" or te m p lo to ly romedol your tvTNVyvt. TVAt C hit THE ONE MHO SAVED YOUR UPE WE'RE STAYINB Foxcroft Trail, and retrace via for the .Science Fair and the L Kigali/ •xtTo I OiAO W T f b PiVi AWAY PROM THAT Buena Vista Rd. to Rt. 3i. Whiton Library Childrens Room is If >6* (tel bred and run-dowd ... e e # aprMMt botfiroofli W ITH ONE>NE TELEPIHONE C A U l OURIN6 the VfAR? THE ONE No. 3 extension will also be from your trouble msy be due to what doc­ m lyOW 'EX'P^.WKifATlOi. YOU CAtLED SULTRY f OAMLiOTHOP featuring it in their, display of tors call iron deficiency anemia. We US! AND DON'T •Rt. 31 in the Waterfront Hblgbta science bJ.-ks Both Kathy and Pat call it Tired Blood. Check with your section. The route starting from have done a great deal of work on doctor. And to /eel slronger last, take FORSBTI Rt. 31 at Beverly .Trail .will con­ ■is vlV ‘i- ^ their volcano and on the diagiams OesiTpL, the high-potency tonic that tinue southwest, southeast', south- of Us structure. On special request stienttheiu 'Tired Blood. In only one vest. southeast, northeast, north­ day CeiiiioL iron i« in your blood­ John H. Lappen, Inc. it even smokes when properly stream carrying strength and energy west, northeast, A’ia Beverly Tra{l. treated. - - Edgemere Rd., KingsWood Trail; to every .part of your body. OVS "RPltCsGE \lie should like to invite every­ So, if you feel weak and run-^own INSURORS^EALTORS S.vcamore Trail, Knbllwood Dr.. one in to look over these exhibits because of Tired Blood, ORMHIbbTAYt Edgemere Rd., and Beverly Trait because they are tfuly worthwhile, get Gesitol, tiquid or 164 East Center Streat—MI 9-B261 I'— 1 VittAt)? to Rt. 3i; and we, should like to thank all table{s. Take Gesitui. (jlils-Basketball of the children for providing u» every dor. Feel stronger Open Thursday Evenings Until 9:00 iry of the American fast-within 7 days or The Auxllrar with such interesting material to your money back! . '. . . * J ‘ Legion glrla’.basketball team will display. . . - *Sm It kta (tlwIttcT latala ■ s. . and Saturdays Until Noon. V- a. play the Cmtentry Grammar School • faculty at T>. m. Thursday in that The gray fox la fairly good at school’s auditorium. climbing trees. It climbs by. hug­ BY PETER HOFFMAN Orlebralo. .Annl%-ersar.v GERITOL *JEFF COHB MICKEY FINN. True'To Form! BY LANK LEONARD ging the trunk with its forelegs WELDON DRUG CO. Mr. and Mrs. C. Irving Lqomis and forcing itself up with its hind * ooeeoNEi . . F I J b • of Rt. 44A,were given a surprise legs. 901 MAIN STREET C0UU> OltLV SET ^IT'S REALLY SOMETHlfc,^ party Satnrda.v night in honor, of JUH, t 7H0USHT THOSE 9SHF5KR5 THAT OUT OF their 45th -Wedding anniversary wduLDNMR LEAVE .'...o an v w rr A •MV mot that -da.w About 75 persona from ANVONE AR0UND7S9T0PME MCASE » Essex, Branford Point. Rockville, X»KCIOE..TO. Williraaritlc, Windham, and Wor­ GET AHEAD WITH A cester. Mas*, attended. The couple was married March, 30, 1912 in the Willimantlc Eplsco-J: pal Church by the late Rev.' Charles: BILL GLEAN-UP Thompson. ’TTiey have a daughter, j Miss June D. Loomis. 'They ha've i k Psy . Isftovsr lessonal bill* . ■ made their home in town for the' and rsduc* high monthly giay- past 43 year*. Mantf with a prompt loan -hsrs, New Arrival , W* Ilk* to isy “Y*i!” wh*n you Mr. and Mrs. Ernest G. LeDoyt ' ask for a loan. Phone'for your of Hemlock Point armounce >the i lean in on* viiit, or com* in. [American' ____ birth of a" daughter'on March 29 at Windham Community Memo'rial La—i S$6 *0 Site n ei p t iw* Alsu* r PLUS ... WoU Tile.. ..Floor Tile . .; Paihting Hospital. The baby’* name'has not •oe MAIN STh 2imI OvtrWMNrorth’B. MANCHESTCR BY LESLIE TURNER FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS All Yours. By MERRILL BLOSSER .6een announced to date. .The Infant lilMNM e io tl * A* fw Uw YKS a iM 4 ^ News For You was bortl oh the thirty-third wed- OEM INUnOAy fVMNOS tMTtl 6 EJA CAPTAIN EA3Y SMfp laai aa*t Is wU—el aS itnaailli* IHM P 5 Bathroom Aeeetsories . . . Medicine Cabinet ’0 ALWAYS TURNS UP M fiOMtt/ WiLt. I PO WATCU IT, BAZOO-'. G et tuat little spri© Say-.-.-va^ atre Ttxi .dlng anniversary of -its paternal . . POB. 0W65ep «T TO KILL I / HAVf MwS. Wg TOuite NOT OyCR TO YOUR, U fT ,ib o f DPIN6 NOWF / 'grandparents, Postmaster and Mrs.' AW BOAfiRN' g'S A fi«P CAR./. tOCATIBO’Ml*l Herman F. LeDoyt. The , maternal TAIN FROM AB5TRVLIA OttW t AND THIS TIMg Trimauno it grandparents ' are , Mr, Siiid Mrs; L NO DOWN PAYMENT ...$ YEARS TO PAY! iTAT»3-IN»Tf AP OF A BAWt\ Wf LL TtAOl HIM evcnly/ John H. Westland of town. - , Coming Events i. Tomorrow’s activities I n c I u'd e FINANCE CO. 'H Tri-county -poultry meeting, 10 i * COMPLETE FHA FINAHCED

BEFORE YOU CONVERT— kl»ER WEEK! •'Packaged Bathrooms" 4y IT WILL PAY YOU TO . '4 ’’ lor as little as, . . * • • • i . y-z. INVESTIGATE INSTALLED BY DICK CAVALLI THE STORY OF MARTHA WAYNE Call-From The D, “A. BY WILSON SCRUGGR ‘niREE FIXTURES ILLUSTBATED, $3.00 PER WEEK EXTRA. MOBTY MEEKLE Explorer ANY. SIZE d^yhdeL dlaat iHANkSrOR tJONtTURNOfTTMC Picture Tube aBoilerk Telephone Mitchell 9-3001 Om/INaLATT;, UGMTtt.MOiVWUjLWe 1 ^ • Wall Flame . - Z' Art5 ■• i^ll^rtEStfeR EVENINGJ^EKALD. AlA^^CHEStECedNI^H^^ APRIL g, 1^57 ■ PA G E T 5 ^ y p ...... ' -H / ■ V/' t H E N e w /•

\M' ,-t . '?4S. jijriiel'' J" I I , '* — ' " * ' ' ' X' / m- X a : Halimi EARL%. YOST W ssM m ' - SjiortB Editor Not in Accord A ' ' german Boxer ■.(- -ri Banta^ Bruiiis Resu Bc»t Looking Rookies -• -r^ ba(;k'and fire that ball'. He in Treat|iient , so has go<^ conjirol, a sltder and Sucbe$s , Y l-aDGET LKAOUE Balter (jan't Miss tags have been placed^ ^ cufy# ball.” -X The .Yankees (2Q-6) were After TriumpBi on meny fcchle baseball pl^efs * , * • * crowned champl'^it#,last night al­ T oe Blake Joe Louis Gets thla aprtng In the camps of tfae 16 seven years^ ago -VaW’ea y/k» By P aV BOLDUC though being held to s '1-1 tie by Paris, April 2 „(J7?VAlphonae In T: V ThriUer major league teams. D ii^g 'my spotted throwing aspirings In the the third place Braves (12-14) on Hailmi, a baby-faced' little,,Alger-x 'X*»' recent Florida travels, w^re I had puban Winter League' by Brooklyn Underct)!^ Gmjiam, Holmes, returning to the boxing game the final night of the schedule. In inn was the new claimant 6£ the ■ Boston, April 2 A Yankeea. ' , town, a list of ail Cuban pUyers rounds on Agglessivenesi/Albne Dewart 1()3 turned Ih other fine last, night with a decisive'i5-round Detroit's Jim Skinner threatened 't h e 5-1084, 194*4 pdtmd Ber­ late Sen.' Robert A. Taft and the 139 pounds carried by ht# East 'Valdes was the most Inipressfve , w'ss given a close examination and but Hoimes began to find** the strings. decision over Miirio. D'Agata, a to ahuffle his lines according to Rowan Loses liner gained tremendous stature ", those other phony politicians” Hartford rival who holds the Con­ rumors but naturally planned to young pitcher in F.orlda and will I no where could one find the name rpngt with his left jjAnd In the The trio making up the cham deaf-mute ft’om Italy, who had held . last night by w hacking. out a today with a slap at the United necticut lightweight UtU. . \ . third round and at le4st earned an be one of the starting hurlera for | Gutlrrez, Better check agalil on pionship Yankees teem comprised the title.since last June but wax ^ loae buj, unanimous 10-round de­ S ta tes govemment for it.s Ward was the A g g r e s s o r even break on my card although S ^ e , Ted Undsay and treatment of Joe Louis, former Manager Walter Alston, The skip­ that pitcher.” Ct^mpanis was told, Roger. Poe. John McCarthy and making his first defense. Thp'"bat-, 'Cut Eyes cision over slrApplng Bob Baker throughout n»o»‘ "f ^!.*^*Holmes ylor gave the edge, 5-4, to Ward. inan together. / - ' ^ . he*.vyweight boxing champion of per of the Fldtbuah Flock, didn’t "because there isn't any one listed Larry Bates. tie was interrupti^ 15 m l n ^ s at /I of Pittsburgh in a telecast thriller on any CMbaiV rosier.” and time and again beat More .Authority the end'Of the third roim dby a fire the world. '' care to go overboard on the big to the punch. But after holding at St. Nicholas Arena. After several -weeks it w ai dis­ Th^vsftirdy 8Vard continued to AUTOMOTIVE LEAGUE which broke out amorig the light­ hU^other lln e s .V ^ h m id t said. To Newcomer "Look at tlie terrible treatment Cuban righthander yet, but he has the upper hand during the first •Tra Just concerned with the first- Big -Bob la 8-2 and weighed covered that Gutlrrez was also pile iS 'goin U in the foilrjth round Hollywood Seryice shutout De- ing Installations hjui^ng qyar-the Joe Louis is getting” he said. . exceeded even the fondest expec­ half ol the match. Ward pr®^®^ one. We'll keep Don McKenney, ------214**; More important to Bes­ known as Rene Gutlrrez Y Valdes, a /Wlirres appeared content' la Oormlcr Motors 3-0 while Alcar ring. . ■- /' manoff, 24, ik that!,Baker, once "Here’s a guy who has been a;/ tations of the Dodger leader. " I ’ve somewhat wild In the final fi'e Leo LaWne and Real Chevrefils on Ne\y Orleans, April J, IB- _ Joey seen a lot of rookies tk^ well down his full given name. His father's let his rivalUp most of the leadl: C^o, end Cuiillffe Motors scored The fire proVoked the afguthejrt ■ Rowan. l4Ui straight victim of the leading conteijder to Rocky credit to his race and hia countrj’ name, was Gutirrez ■ :hi^ cguDds and was guilty of numer* here '(spring training) but when But Graharii; simitar 2il victorte.1 over Manches­ about the /title. Ubero Osedhi/ all heavyweight hope Crowe ■ Peele. Marciano, still U ranked fifth,fay ■»nd ) n ^ at the .Arcatrij^nt he'a mpthers name was ValdiaX.InJCu* m s nilssen punih^S. AsJAts ‘ h* ^^^•iliev've been with .them . .. - . . ninth round,' the Bast H w r^ ro vo good left ter Radiator thd Manchester Auto D‘Agatii‘s' manager,— claimed t: eeeaon long and they'can do the headed for the Army today with a the NBA and ninth by Ring Maga-' gellin gW think it's, a .shame the we start actuaU pla.v they" don’t bfcn< League play . he's stilURene way he's ,being -hounded -for the pan out and .lecd more seasoning slugger, 6ne .of *lhe ritA‘ *jF''2noat fifth round and foi .Parts, respectively. Night's best mediately after the fighU-diat want doneprediction the former collegiate line. , (The, gresL) Gutirrez while With scores were chalked up bv Richy payment of- .his back income In the minors. I''.e been impressed active performera. was Aftll peatediy 'against der the circurrtstances 2ne Mrferee entierted 44 eo'als ' L i n d - ehampion "ain’t going, nowhere, Tliftt aliould qiean a promotion Poirtiand lail^ year he v a s known Jarvis 154 —389, Alex Titor 126- taxes." with Valdes, 'lut just how far he ing foe. Superior center-punching should have halted it-hm Ldwed It ■ay 330 a n d yilm anMl\J e6 cduring! Tlie 22-year-old Philadelphia s.pon for Willi. He \vaa the sixth as/VaJdes. ' Irig his opponent He Got Up and Walked Atvay 138—388, ' Norm Balch 135—373.^ can go we'll just -have to wait a Ward' slowed d o w n , 'noticeably In also earned Holrp4s the le*'^** "no contest."' ' ' .mpitign. bruiser bowed to Peele last night Sof t Touch Pitchers ranking light-heav>.velght until he "He'll never be able to pay all Since being in organized ball. the regular fJflL camp; '• \ \ the .flnaUthreexmrautes. the sixth stanga. Holmes’ left h a e Johnny Parsons, Van Nuys, Calif., race driver, dangles from his Gerry Chappell 134—371, Ell Flah MarlM Next^Foo when Referee Lucian Jhuberl re-, ■ came here and_ filled out -to heavyr that, money he ''owes the govern­ little longer for the answer." Gutirrez or Valdes, whichever way BuVthe fiercely-checking Bruins Virgil Trucks feeds baaeballs into a piteWng machine at the Kan- Hooking Sharply seemed to .-jlack more au tm jey car as he flipped’‘over several times in heat preliminary to main 133—367 and/John Peretto K o. (uaed to let him answer the bell weight size ment. He's stuck for life. The in­ you like your coffee, has-,been a Hsliml's next f ^ t Involves Raul defenders have held the fCaMd for the ginth roilnd because of cuts ■ sas City Athletics’ training camp in Weat\Pslm Beach. It's much terest keeps ^ limbing - every day ' Conteiit ftYliltMCk and await an in the yeaning seconds of/ftlie event of U.S. Auto Club's National Championship Stock Car Winner of 11 straight in Ger­ winning pitcher. He posted a 19» Raton Mactas.-df M ^co, who la Howe to two and Undsay aiK^ that closed both eyes, . easier ihan pitching totting practice. and there i.sn’t a dafiin thing he opportunity to counterpunch dur­ round., race at Vallejo. Calif., on March 31. With aome help, Paraona fT iu iT l ^ gu;e tniman to one each in the threi 8 record with Juarez in the- Arl- Two matches—Honejr’dewa over recognized as the world bantam­ \Rowan scaled 193 to 182>3 to thej many in 1956, he .stretched hi» can do aV ut it.-, ing tfae'early stages. Holmes be- Putting together better com- who auffered slight injuries, got oiil of his wrecked car and gamM ,lo date. ' winning streak t 13 witit decisions Sona-Texas Uea'gue in 1961,, .,w()n Talked off the track. (AP Wirephoto). Sugar (Plums and th'(i Berries over weight imeholder by the U.S^^ Na­ (ortner Louisiana State University .'4iiggeat4 Settlement.. 19-9 the nekt year with thfe same ganiSiaklng stronger use of a good biaations enabled GrahAh* ®6r- tional xBoxing Assn. The World Bostah leads the best-ofrseven over Oslvin Wltson In February y y the seventli roun^^hut the rug­ Fig Bars— were decided, by a 3-1 star ftdm Baton Rouge and had club. Valdea won two of three,'de- Krt hand in the third round and CoinnUttce on Profeaalonal Boxing Btsrles, 2-1, after Sunday's 4-3 trl- things well in hand until the fifth. PancHo Says He’Ilxyuit and Baker at St. Theks; His rec­ "Wliy doesn't- the government Kvms hooking sharnly to the h ^ ged Ward retaliate capture the margin and Dates A Nuts captured ord is 35-6-7. make some sort oY a .settlement cisiofts \Vith Pueblo in the W eatew all four points from the Peaches. S9Jictloned last night’s contest only u m i^ ?■ ' Peele revemed the'early order and in the fifth. Finally In the 19th next tw'O roun ^ on the refeVee's Changes Dismissed n condition that the winner, meet was dishing out puniahment when' "Now we want Willie Paatrano with him ? Or better yet, wipe out League id 1954 and in the .same Writers Name Flo Kloter J22-117 -328, Ceal TafU season added 18 more wine as round Holmea carried the fight to card. loking 4 little bit like the Macias before July 1. Montreal. Ap.il 2 (Bl—Coach the end came. ' t high ranking New Orleans heavy­ the entire debt. If some big shot, his rugged foe and as a p «u lt ,of Holmes of old. the speedy Silk 116,' Janet Mallhot 116, Martha phony politician was in the aame against four setbacks wltfa.Bakers- AgainsL^iiig King As a fight, Dagata and Haliml TV>e Blake of the Montreal Cana- "This guy ain’t going nowhere," Tour on IV^^e’s Nmice w eight)" said Manager Jersey „ winning the last round on Referee Towner enjoyed one of his best Relchenbsch 112, Lucille MsJ>6ney predicament, they'd allow hlni to fleld in the Califorqia State Two Veterans put on what must be classified a.s diana la cbn'^ced if Ws 'lub can't Rowan told reporters. He couldn’t Jnjjea as ‘'Willi nodded in agree­ Traffic Jam at Third Base ILcagiie. With .St, ^ Paul in the i Billy Taylor's card, l^ , local boxer rounds -fn the 10th snd nobody 113, Helen Mather 107 and Mary bast the New Yogk Ra:ngers.ln thla see as he nursed wollen eyes in ment. ■settle 11 by paying two cents on the Wlllhlde 105 topped >11 partic­ a dull show. D'Agata, constantly Toronto, April 2

—Pancho CJonzale.s .sa.ya he can leave American Assn.. It-W’as 10-9 in '85 earned an even break. objected when the lively bout was (Chicago, April Three suits t>i»,ngffresBor. pushed Halaral back currant Stanley Citp aeraifinal his dressing room. "I've been hit Wants I'astrano Jackie Rgbinson's retirement didn't leave the Dodgers e.xactly dollar. , ipants. and 22-8 with the Beavers on the The referee's eaml: called a stalemate. seeking $750,000 Xrom Archie against the ropes and the two men series he could be loroking for a harder by smaller guys wearing Jack Kramer’s professional tennis tour any time he wants. Impoverished for third basemen. V Four could'"dp the job.' They "Bui here's a guy w ho^as done Ward: 5 5 5 5 3 4 4 5 5 4 ., Men to Watch "We supposed to gel Pas- West Uoast last season. He's still /in other matches. (?orrado Man- Moore, light heavy weight boxing stood head to head, flailing away. new Job. bigger gloves In the gym.” . The b ig ^ liforn ia n .said here last night, after winning his are. front to back, Don Zimmer, Dick Gray Jim Gilliam and so much for his country, who ha.s Holmea: 5 4 4 4 5 5 5 4 4 5. champion, by a Shaker.Heights, VILLAG *: JETl ARMERS "Could be” was emphasiied by "I know this sounds funny witH trano. before/ but he had a no.se given them three years of the best under conUact to Los Angeles hut tarella of Florida Sicily stopped Halimi concentrated on the head, 29th match agaiivst Australian Ken Ro.sewall, "1 have no con­ Injury," added Jone.s. "Lplan to see Randy Jackson. The Herald's score sheet agreed Hartford's Joey, Gaiilet in - the Ohio, diY'orcee, were dlsmis.sed yes­ ■ August, Ga., April 2 (if)-Dr. Cary, Both Cobupn'A MlddleoroOk and Blake,, who doesn't appear to have nie sitting here with both eyes part of his life, and he's stuck. is expected to 'be -added to the Middlecoff and Sam Snead are win­ the Unsponsbrs rolled 3-1 triumph's, D'Agata aimed for the body. Hun­ tract woriles . . . The contract I>. Billy Brown (matelmiaker of the with the referee in rounds, both sixth round of-a scheduled eight- terday by Judge John P. Barnes in a ghost of a cham - o f .being side­ punched closed," he continued, de­ Sure he made a mistake and spent Brooklyn roster before the teams ning the advance polla but a poker- dreds of blows were exchanged, but had with Kramer la.st year had an i hand and I want to give it time to International Boxing Club) Tues-, awarding five rounds to Ward, U.S, District Court. upending/ Johnsem Paint and tracked by the Montreal manage- spite his handlers' attempts to quiet all hi.s money. Does that mean he break camp and head for home. He rounder; Frank Roche of Bristol faced gent named 'Ben Hogan Is F o g y iy Bros., respectively, while little real darhage was done. option clause. day'and ask him for' Pastranol Pat on Back Helpful four lo Holmes and calling one He dlsmls.sed the suit on the. iaant. He took over the club .at the him. “ That's always been my weak heal. . . 1 have th''®® children'that ha.s to pay' for it the rest of his has a peculiar buggy-whip motion, was aw'arded a hard-fought six- grabbing most of the attention tn Gaydfen Grove bunked Jarris At the end of the fight, D'Agata point. I go great guns for four or "He was supposed to inform me I seldom see. I'm Just tired and again.” ala Ewell Blackwell. even. But I tabbed Holmes, the round decision over Chico Modesto grounds that hi* coiirUlacked juris­ had a slight bruise on the cheek­ ■iait of the 1955-561 season and life?" victor on points, 45,-44, giving preparations for the Mastefs Gold fte'alty 4-0. Noteworthy singles five rounds and then a-lap will if he was going, to pick it up. He fed up with the strain of it." Besmanoff, getting off to an ex­ • • • of Hartford: snd Al King of Bris­ diction over the principals, Moore bone. Hallmi’a back was pinked by won both the National Hockey didn't so it can’t be valid in courU” Williams' criticism of the hand­ Graham a 5-3 mecirin lo the fifth Toirrnament, opening Thursday. , Were bowled by Mary Edw'ards 113, close my eyes. Kramer said he was "fed u'p" cellent .start. was awarded the tol finished strong to gain the snd the plaintiffs, Dollrec Mapp, his frequent conU ct With the League - champipnahlp ' and ' the In Los Angeles, told of Gonr.ales' ling of the Louis' lax case came "I don't have any trouble in left- round and again in the lOth. "lam hitting tlte ball so wclUtt Betty Bolivia 108-106, Anita ‘ St. "I knoW-Hec (Hector Knowles, With Gonzale.s "popping off." verdict on identical 5-4-1 cards IVed Carver Responds verdict over Hartford's Psalm 28, and her daughter, Barbara ropes. • Stanley Chip. announcement Monday thpt he less thsn 24 hours after he had field. " Manager Ca.sey Stengel of Finishing the bout in surprising­ scares tne," Hogan Is reported to Pierre 108 and Helen Arthur 107. Peelc’s manager) likes to nurse his Gonzales he said, owes an obliga­ by the three of/idaia—Referee A1 Johnson in-a three-round semi-pro Bivins, 12. Moore live.* in San The Oanadiens lead 2-1 In the wiil quit the tour May 26 to allow been quoted by crozet Duplantlr. the Yanks told me recently one ly fine condition, Holmes was have corifided to a close (riefid this The Associated Press scorecard boys Along slow, but he- might as tion lO' everyone c.onnecled with Berl and Judges Bert Grant and contest. X Diego, Calif. gave 11 roifnds to Halimi, Mvo to beat-of-aeven aeries, bolstered by a cyst on his hand to heal, Kramer executive sports editor of the New' morning at Al Lang Field in St. eager for a 'return meeting. "I'd week. ' ,^/' ELKS I-EAQUE well stop with this guy now. 1 beat Ihp tour and he "cOitainly Nat Cooper. « One More (Tiance Asked pdint-blank, '"about the D'Agata, ^ d listed two as even. Ml 5-3 victory In Montreal Satur­ thought otherwl.se. , - ^ith Fine Performance Orleans States. blasting the Petersbuiig. "rve got some men like to meet Ward again next Mi*s Mapp accused Moore of League-leading' Armory Pack­ day night. The teams play again him easy if my eyes don’t go back wouldn't be making the money he The AP also had Besmanoff in who can play there, if I want," he various malicious sexual acts in statement, the T »^ a hawk stif­ Referee. Philippe De Becker, who on me again." "Goffsales is not the one to say .Marine Corps, the late Senator week.” he slated while cooling An oddity occurred in the sixth age (39-13) shutout the third place tonight. . is without them." front 5-4-1, New YorkTApril 2 ',;P)—Maybe all Ned Gaiver needed was Taft of Ohio, former President added. He also told me that El­ round of the Mancarella-Gaulet tlie suit* filed last Nov. 28, two fened end aaid.^t-'Who said that? Patten Builders (27-2.5), second was the sole judge of the bout, Rowan said he w*as sorry to Jose when and where he will quit the off in his dressing room. "I (eel My game may Scare somebody but The Rangers are expected to tour, and he can look at the con­ Gonzales appeared to be neither Berl and Cooper each gave the a pat on the baek. The soreai tned, kidfaced righthander has Harry S. Truman and the entir^ ston Howard would atari in left- bout. Gsulet went down lo one days before Moore fought Floyd place Gene’s Bottle Shoppe (31-21) pointed to Haliml as soon as the in his final bout (or a while since .stocky invader four of the first real great and 1 only hope that I it doesn't scare me. bell for the 15th round ended. . make a. couple o f chsuiges for to- he starts a two-year Army 'hitch tract I have with him.' writtjn tired nor hampered b.v the cy.st, U.S, Government. field. unless he found someone bel­ knee midway in the round and Patterson, heavyweight champion won 3-1 over Capital Equipment five'round.s. Grant gave him three been a bit di-sapixtinting this .spring to the Kan.sa.s City ath- d' hi't disappoint the many per­ "I feel J, ftm hitting the ball okay, 'night's game. Guy Gend’-oh likely in two weeks. largely by , his own attorney and last night as lie outlasted thediT Williams' caustic criticisnjAook ter -in the meantime. Referee Taylor waved his arms, in a title match He declared the (17-35) and Oak Grill (20-32) up­ of the first five. Baker's' second letic.s. who picked him tip in that .sevoh-jMayer deal with the Like pressing an automatic but­ sons who were here tonight from but rrt>''hol so sharp as I'd like to will be nominee for a ning'\spot discover the fact " minutive Rosewall in a marathon place in a. New Orletins/airporl TONY Kl'BEK- Manchester; Ward is a real rugged apparently signaling the end- of charge* were false. set fourth place 'Deci's Drive-In K ’ V Flntl ‘Name* Fighter h^f rally couldn't overcome this Detroit Tigers last December. I n ' 7' 7. ton, -Caaey has come up \yith s he yef. I wouldn't make any pre- on tha New York third'line, replac­ Knowles was satisfied with the Gonzales said he doesn't intend first set that continued (or more while the Red Sox wejXawaiting fighter but he hone.stl.v didn’t hurl the fight. But Joey pleaded to con- In the suit* of $250,000 each. (22-30) 3-1 in the final match. Expected to Return two hours to wip 22t20. then m ^ l n . 10 exhibition innings, Gsrver had Taking s quick look a', Kubek, young phenon in Kiibek. This diiftons." ing Ron Murphy. HarjV^ How^^^ ^ts -first to’ quit the lour, but he. doc."i \v a plane to fly them on the last log: me once. I'm afraid I wstleU loo ftnuc; asking—for just one—more Miss Mapp the (livniT.fid wife o , „sws(nv(( s howed Night'* heat iwores were garn ankle injury, will polished him off 6-4 in the she-' BeSj'.ianoff. a l2-5 underdog in betn tagged for 14 hits and 11 runs. this lad who lives within throwing lanky youngster, who is 6-3 like who has bad. an name" fighter since turning pro i a rest. “ I'v^. been playing conlin- of a round trip e^rtiibltion tour of long to get started." he added, chance which Taylor promptly al Jimmy Bii’tn*, former h®®v.vweightj^jj^i^poj( j^e current Open cham- ered by Hippo Correntl 129-135- St, Petersburg, Fla., APfil 2 iJPt probably take over from .Larry dnd. RoSewall has won 12 of the Oie betting, outb'oxed his taller and i He had walked eight.' distance of CMunty Stadium in Mil­ the aforementioned Valdes, runs two years ago. I uously months.. I've bcCTi Z/Ocai Sport the West CoasL" , ' - ' “but after being aWay so long I lowed. WTien Gautet went down boxer, claimed Mooic h>'oh®/« pion a., lending favorite and one 386, Paul Correntl 137-357 -—Mickey Mantle, sj^lined for b : contests. * I Then yesterday,. manager Lou waukee'where The Braves call their like a gazallc, hits with authority CSxan on the defense. The .cuts over Peele's eyes were playingXith a cyst on my racket heavier rival and even outgunned The contym-ersial star reaf-^ had to make certain that I could again to one knee Taj’lor quickly promise of marriage, beat h^. and] ‘ ^wsman who collared all the paat Charlie Harris 353, Hal Burnett more than a week by'A foot Injury, The Canadiena will go with the him in a majority of the brisk I Boudreau go$ around to naming a home, has been most exciting lo from the left side of tl)e plate and the results of butts, .he said, con[>n* —yr firmed hW had told the New G o the full 10 rounds. 1 knew stepped in snd called a halt to the assaulted her daughter. Modre snd fhamplona found Snead a big favor- 381, Tony Salvatore 126-343, Carl and Billy Martin, nursing a bruised ■ame team that won- Saturday, tending Rowan "Didn't nail - him trades with a fiLst right hand. Six-man starting-pitcher list, and Chatter Orleans newsman he had no u.«e say the least. He's playe” ail out­ haa a strong throwing arm. Miss Mapp arc Negroes. | j,,. with the lllleholders. But no- Hunter 341 and Sam Vacantl 341. hand, are expected to return to the Garver was- on it. So what hap- Tabbed the newest Golden Boy Thai Ward was in sha'>e to go the one-sided affair. The loser offered minua defenaeman Dollard St.-LauT solid once." A crowd ow 1,537 paid $2,183 for the Marine Corps, snd that he field positions, shortstop and third little in the way of an offensive ' -• body is discounting Hogan. New York Yankee lineup this rent, who haa b ^ n laid up in the Zkiiants Are Far from Doomed i pens? The 31 - year - old veteran of the Yankees. Kubek has three distance but 1 waan'l sure of my­ The show was a financial aucc; ■to sec the two rapid firing hea\'y- h^d refeiTert to Sen. Taft as a ‘ base. Laat year he helped Denver attack, was unable to defend him­ y LEAGUE weekend. ^ hospital with a fever but is re­ I worked the first six Innings of a years of' minor league experience self. With at least one and possibly (or the Louisiana Boxing C lu b ^ th weights put on their lively scrap. E.A.STERN CONNECTICFT "phony politician." win the American J ssn. as a short­ self in the clinches and proved Start Trip Bark Rolloffs get vindenvay tomorrow Another seldom-seen 'Yankee covering and may play in the fifth ; "doubleheadcr” wUh Pittsburgh- ...... ______behind him. oiie each at Owens­ two more fight.* under my belt I 4.206 paying fans and a It was Baiter’s ninth loss. He Board o f Approt-ed .Baseball He denied rrilicizing Mr, T m - stop. feel quite confident that I copid highly vulnerable to purtches in night starting at 7:45 at the Y at late, southpaw pitcher Whftey game Thursday. ■ According to Manager Rigney i an 18-inning scoreless lie and umpires will hold ait important boro. Quincy and Denver. He com­ Junior Cage Finals of $8,103. has Ivon 4'f. man and the government. ■Roscoe McGowan, the oldest the midsecUon. Las Ve^as. April 2 (fl*)—The New leys with the four top teams com .j^'ord, has been tabbed by'M anger Lightweight contender Ralph I walked only one wliile allowing nieeting one w4ek from tqnight at "Sure I 'said I had no use for baseball writer in the business, piled s .331 average in 138 games beat Ward.” 'I tlioiight I won it by a couple Trained Hard York . Giant.* began their barn- petingi- Battling in one match \vlH Casey Stengel to pltejOrhursday Dupas. confronted by-allegations he but three hits. ^ o'clock at the West Side ~Rec. the .Marines," the 38-year oid both in age snd length of service, with tlie Bears last season. A line I.JU1 'Vegaa, Nev., April 2 (J' — Tsprmg stand. He may be the start-1 of rounds," sard Baker. Graham's trainer and chief sec storpiing trip home with the Cleve­ Al Y Gym Tonight be the Manchester Motor Sales, re against Phlladelphia.^P'ord hasn’t is a Negro, to o k ^ bow before Ihe Only (lame Played New rules will be disc^^s.sed. former .Marine captain said, "f fell says of Valdes: "He's the )>est drive hitter. Kubek won't add to gular season champions, and'third Last Night’s Fights Manager Bill Rigney has been ing shortstop, if for noi other rea-son “No return." .said Jones. "W e re ond, Tommy O'Neil ac more than .4 aether Race land Indians today with''southpaw pitched in an cxhlblfton game sinCe main go and /never received a registering a slow bum this spring ; than he has amazed veteran ob- ’ aiming higher now.” 1 -It was the only exhibition game ' : ------■ , that way when they called me back pitcher the Dodgers he-ve today. the-long ball belters with the place Don Willis Garage. Cor- satisfied with' hia boy's showing. Xew York — (NEAi An recent­ Johnny Antoneili scheduled to Basketball fans are in store for March 23. Paris—Alphonse Haliml, U6>4. bigger ovaUi __ K t a KTa i i ' Virii'U ' aAi'VAra hia fl^lHinP' skill. _ ___ played. All the others were rained 5tAN(:iiE-8TER COON * FoA, into the sei-rlce for the second He was ready last year for the Bombers but he has demonstrated renU’s Insurance, runnerup to the "Graham trained hard these past ly as 1915, Jockeys had to collect make his first appearance In apoiit France, outpointed Mario D’Agata, ! out. Club will mept tonight at 8 o'clock i time in 19.52 and that's the way I major leagues. He can't miss." his ability to get on ba.se with hits s treat tonight when the finals of Motor Sales, engages fourth place Giants,can’t improve, or even hold, Harris ha.s been a wonder- for three months in working down their own mount fee. That often a week. Antoneili, a 20-game win­ 1171s, Italy, 18. For World Bantam- their sixth-place National Ixiague - several years. I f . he can finally I The A s also got their first at the clulrtlbuae in North Coven, , feel now. I resented the »;ay they Valdes won 22 garties while losing to all fields. He is only 20. the Recreation Town tourney will E A S Gage in the other playoff VALUABLE from 152 pounds to 138 and his developed into another race be- ner last season. Is the Giants' open­ be plsvcd al the Community Y at w e l^ t Title. • ockey Playoffs finish of 1956. I spear the first base jqb. Lockman good job from Maury McDermott. try. i singled me out becau.se 1 w as in ‘ The 190 pounder isn’t on the but eight (or Portland in the .Pa­ ftyeen jockey and owner or train­ ing-day choice hut has been ill the match. Nottingham, England — Hogan Rigney, starting his'second sea- and eqiially versatile Foster Castle-j 1 the F .x-Y an kee and also on ■ ----- the public A ye. I d have had no : Yankee roster yet but he's foilow- condition paid off handsomely to­ 7:45. Both teams in the finals, arc Denver — (NEAI —^Terry Hand Monday's Results cific Coast League and was pamed er. past few days. TTie winners will meet one week (Kid) Basaey, 128>4,' Nigeria,, out No games scheduled In any son at the Giant helm, had little to' man can concentrate elsewhere. ) Bourdeait's starting .six. The lefty a l l I'O rN dSTE R S who parlic-. squawk if t ^ y had called bark , the most valifable pilch r. I ing in the footsteps of Mickey night," the elated O'Neil said. "We repreaenUng the West Side Rec. from Wednesday (April 10) for voted the most valuable play­ pointed Percy Lewis, 12484, Wales, Jeague. say When Manager Bobby Bragan' Castleman, a .226 hitter last 1 I follow___ ed - Garveh and gave_ jilst jipated in the Recreation D epart-; every reserve Sijfflcer in the same Standing six feet, li.ree inches, • Mentl®- Skowron and Gil wanted a w in very badly hut a Herm’s Camera, coached by Whlty the roll-.off championship and the er in the National Industrial Bas­ 18. X Tuetday'ii' Schedule of the Pittsburgh Pirates a.sserted , year, came to life in the late stages : two hits, walked two and struck„^enl sponsored ba.sketball leagues | category. \ Valdea-thmwB » fast ball that ri-' these three draw Is still better than a loss. Johnson, and the— West Side, league will hold its annual banx"k etb a ll League for the 1956-57 New York — Wiltl B e a i^ o ff, National Ijrague Semifinals this spring the Giants* were des-j of 'thc exhibition Season and could { out six in hia seven innings. i during the past season, are aksed 1 Needed vilola vals Herb Score's best j^itcher with ; w-eht south as regular squad mem- (3ive him another fight and we’ll coached by Ernie Dowd. quet Thursday night, April IL -st season. He ia the six-foot-nine 194>/i, Germany, outpointed Bob Detroit at Boston (Boston leads lined to finish laat. 1 take kver at third base where Os- The A's got 11 hits—all aingle.s i lo,. rjiufn their uniforms to their' i.t-..-.!,, ...... X fUeveland. “ He i.sn't as fast as 1 bers but all made the grade and be more than happy to accept a re- Mosier Wins Scoring Honors These two teams have met twice Garden Greo’e. centerd of the Denver D-C Truck- BMter, 21414, PitUbuiglvIO. — off Ron Kline, Bob Purkey and ' various buildings. Upon return of ; i_, ...atch with Ward. Graham's tim­ in the regular season, each W’in- beat of seven series, 2-1). "B ra ga n has his hands full with "sie Virgil, a .285 performer for us back. They wanted an Score,” Alston said, "but he can 1 have been sUndouts ever since New Orleans r- Owwe Peele. New York at Montrealal (Montreal! those Pirates," was Rigney's main Minneapolis in 1956, lias been try­ Vern Law in tlic longest game of ; uniform a plaver will receive a , - ’ I There were a number of other ing was a little o ff and hi* reflexe.* | nlng once. The West Sides are a 18284, Baton Rouge<-4-a., stopped appropriation of $450,0(10 from the In Rec Senior Cage League younger and more aggresive club leads best of seven series, 2-1) Cebuttal. ing Vto catch on. the to the annual banquet Sal- ; ^„,.,rnmenl for airplanes , ; good looking rookies in the camps were a little dull," Tommy adde'd. ' J.oey Rowan, 193,)^hlladelphla, 9. American l.,eague Semifinals (lommenled Angrily One EsUthlUhcd Catcher Kline and Purkey on seven-inning d they ; but none came close to having the "but more worlt and additional but the older and more experienced needed pilots to fiy them. So they San FranelTCO^Rlcardo Moreno, Cleveland at Hershey (Clar’qlyld But when Rigney ridw guiding the Till? Giants have only one estab­ stints, managed only seven hits, cafeteria. ■ polish snd all around savvy and bouts will Remedy ,.hal." Herm’s may be too much (or them. I Dinner will be servifd at ] recalled 1,100 pilots who nadn’t By PAT BOLDUC LsFlamme Kelvinstors 59.5, FOR. M A^IUM HEAT and TROUBLE FREE OPERA'nON ^ 12884, Mexico^ stopped Gaetano leads best of seven series, 2-1-),'' Giants on their exhibition swing lished oatcher, We.s Westruni, who with Roberto Clemente’s first- I 8:.30. ; ability Valde.a and Kubek di.*- The personable Ward did not The Weal Sides, led by Walt B y Anna]oro^.l24'.4. 8. flown planes for 11 years RE-STRINGING Eastern I.eague Ftnal - ^ back home, saw a West (Toast figured to be No. 2 receiver until inning double the game’s only ex­ j played under the. watchful eyes of hesitate for words when queried Aggressive Don Mosier of the i grsni's 59.3, Qiatterbox 55.3 cliolski and Clyde Richard, are a Providmee, R. I.—Gene Butler. “ As for Taft, I used to think he While Gla.sa 47.3. Philadelphia al Charlotte' ((Char­ headline advising that "The Giants Bill Sami was stricken' by a heart tra-base hit. ' I their managers. on the surprise performance of hia 11th AAA Missile Battalion and slight favorite. Herm’s will send 118, Bdeton.c stopped Frankie Ryff, I was a wonderful man. I used to • TENNIS lotte leads' best of sevpif aeries, Are . D o o m e d .h e commented attack al the start of spring prac­ The game was c*lied to enable \ orthy opponent. "Without a stylish Jack Scott of Dams to Dsunato's also set .the season's Big John Campbell. Ron Smith New York. 7. , have a lot of respect for him and high of 102 points in one contest [ list Furnace 2-0). angrily: ' ■ doubt he (Holmes) U the best box­ Construction finished one-two in and Roy Ford into the game in SHELL Oil the Pirates to get Started on their / • BADMINTON few Britain, <3onn.—Steve Ward." tice. The Giants are shopping for Sports in Brief ,-I admirer! him for the stand he BIG SPARTAN SCHEDULE "That hesulline writer should another catcher, with rookie Bob long, three-hour bus ride back to er I have met since turning pro, the race, for individual scoring while White Glas.s was held lo 38 hopes of scoring an upset. These P Oil Burners and Stokers Sold -1188. East Hartford, Graham i look on labor iTafiNHartley Lawi ' • SQUASH drop (Jead, because we're going to Schmidt the thief- standby. * Fort Myers from West Palm East Lansing. Mlch> (JPi—Mich­ I'm not one bit S’ rprised at his honors In the Rec Senior Basket­ tallies In one start for the year’s two well-coached cU}bs will be Holmes, 188, Manchester. Drew, 10. - rolloilr* Rnsolinli , but I found out -he was no different rnaxe some people 4al their Hank Sauer, 38-year-oId slugger The first tWo leading American ' igan State will play a hefty 37- performance beqsuse 1 kenw he ball League thla'past winter. Team low mark. Mosier turned In the giving their-all tonight to win ftie k and Serviced Promptly ond Efficiently Holjri^e, Mass.-Eddie Demars, f-OIICgp naseoail - Beach. , \ ------than the other phony politicians. words." 1 obtained from the Cardinals, or While the A s and Pirates were League hitters during the 1956 r a c q u e t s ; game baseball schedule thisvyear, would be in exceli^jtt condition. He laurels went to Damato’s who cap­ best individual scoring ‘ output^ big one. , 17284; Springfield, Maas., out- Wesleyan 7, Howard 6. "A friend or mine wIlhbuL my caging 35 markers one night while L<’ckman. will be in left field with ; battling for , "ought."' th# other 1 .season, Mickey Mantle of N e w • stapling with a 12-game southern takes si good purfbh without giv­ tured both the league and playoff A consolation game >btween pointed JOtomy James, 171>3, New- Maryland 2, Harvard 6 In knowledge, went to see.him aJmuV ark, N. J., iq. ■ I'nlngs, Rain,) vlnced that the -Giants Jj®'® Mueller and Dusty Rhodes or Hank clubs did some signing and some York, and Ted Williams of Boa- OX THE PREMISES ; trip. The Spartans will play 12 ing ground.’’ the popular East titles in addition to pacing the si^- Scott converted It fbul shots in s Mancheater Trust and" Na.ssiff ► 6.E .W ia iS « S 0M.*. getting my release. Taft told him ' games in 13 days in Tallahassee single game to walk off with lop Miami, Fla.vBobby . l.*ne, 163,; F^ncetpn 3, Wllllama.-l (8 Inn ® On the Other ' paring. • , , produced contracting averages Hartfordite explained, "and I'd teara ciroidt in . team scoring. •Arms »1It-8tirt at 6:30. Willie Mays center fielder .Mays. j The Ne\y York Giants moVed'\vhlle batting during night games. if it were anybody else he would and Wipter Park, Fia., before re­ Mosier, taking part In lO games, honors in the foul shooting depart­ 2 MAIN ST, — PHONE MI 8-6126 Miami, stopped ■ Clarehct (C^f) ! Ings, DarknesiO help him. hut he. couldn't, touch like very much to meet him again.* RobiniKin, 161, Jac nvlUe,■■■ 3.' Wwpiiam and MgA' 8' Bi^wn 1. 1 rookie shortstop Andre Rodgera Mantle, leading the league with an NASSIFF ARMS CO. turning north (or 15 Big Ten And he added with a grin. ' I know caged 230 points, four more than ment. mw Demi me. I was. too big. I never asked games and 10 conteats with non­ ■ and utility man Bobby Hofman to\i"'er-all mark of .353, hit only .316 1015 Main S t, .AUnchester that I would fight'-faim differently Scott'e total in- 12. coiiteste. Played Every Game a professlona Fat 13 y ears of age. "ExcepU for a few pitchers who hl.'^ olC third base for any special treatment, but conference opponents. Only six of the' 6* players who ! the varslt roster with Manager iln 51 night games. W illia m s. the next time/' Mosler's splendcd average of 23 haven't come along as'rapidly as g that's a heck of a way to operate.” played at least one leggue game we’d like, our Arizona training sea- - ahoitslop during the sli^ n g trial ; BUI Rigney terming Rodgers “ My : wlOl an over-all aca.son mark of pednts a game was another top Williams Insisted, he made no took part in every contest wiph son was verj' encouraging," said Rodjfers is al^ cabible ' shoVtstop." • “ .345, had a fat- :382 night average , ..i . mark. Scott, Who also played a son was ver>’ encouraging I througli 42 games which topped all reference to.Truman or to their respective te ms. The list of Lippv P'a.ving second or third, llius PU.vers Shipped Oiit_^ leading n>le with, the successful the man who replaced any one else in the govermne'nt jfarco Kxplorera from East Hart- Iron-men ingludi;': Burke and Wil­ Durocher. *' ■ ; cqhajicing Rigney's respectable league hitters in-games played un­ The Delrbil Tigers optioned der the lights. iWihen-he left loosb his blast al the tord, - averaged 18.8 tallies each son of Damiito's! Hedlund and Walt We got fine promise fi-om rookie I ablilty to deploy his men. , pitcher Max'Simmons to Augusta | Marines. tsar TlldE-S STSSK Four American League players ' outing to take runnerup honors Darling o f White Glass, Bill For PROOF Andre R o g e rs at shortstop. Gail 'On hivpitching staff, Rlgne.v has of the Sally League,-.while Man-X ;•! don't remember ever criticlz- onjbred at all parks in 1956. 'They in ,that de.nartment also. tin of fthe Kel.inatora and Bel- Harris at first base, and Whitcy I *■ names beyond southpaw ; ing Mr.-- Truman/' he said. "I ager Jack Tighe announced for­ vV*re Jack Jensen, feston ; Yogi Top '*e«rer*'''~ linghiri of Pagani's Lbckman, back from the Cardin-1 Autonelli, who, had a 20-13 record mer Dodger pitcher Pete Wojey ' would have no reason lo'." ' , last year- Qigiil success well ma.v of ." hit on the left shin by his own foul East Lansing, Mich. -^Michl- goals and 207 aaiists. On Wednes­ for the. winners; For Decl's, three , The -atrong Oontractors, who Wltite Glass (1-11). And .in the ball_ last Tuesday.------■' gan State’s genial football coach,, day, March 8th he scored'a 'p air players scored^ ^ ip double ^ . figures. concluded the regrular season with playoff series, with all six teams STAMPS CAN BE REDEEMED FOR VALUABLE PREMIUMS ONLY Reese now I.h wearing a plastic Duffy Daugherty likes to be ready ‘ '’‘ he 195 figure. . Boh- "Oote had - 11. - Paul Quay- j-Q• Jand a patifeet lS-0 won and loat record,, participating, Damato's and the guard on his left leg. thank's to for anv eventuality..He tells b an-: which means that before Icing he Pete Hansen 1,0, averaged 84.2 markera- a game, Missilemen reached the -.flntil NO MONEY DOWN Waype Anderson, trainer fOY'the quet audiences: "I don’t hate a n y - , Y-IH b? entering the two century ■ irv-*-'-r*t,i.f.Leo-UjT’s Chjefs will„^hii rule...i. a lav- nearly. 25 ' more polnta than the round, with fee Oontractors upend­ 5 YEARS TO PAY. NO PAYMENT UNTIL NEXT NOVEMBER (^ncinnati Redlegs. Anderson de- body.. But I have-s.list prepared club with his 2(K)th goal, ofite to end the hest-of-three series runnerup Missilemen who sported ing Soldiers 2-1 in a beit-of- tomorrow night-at'the East Side vised a similar guard '(or Redleg-juit In. case I ever''change my!i r. . . . . a 59.6 average. Others Included thre.e-gama a'eries. '4/8 Quart second baseman Johnny Temple. j mind." , . X, Rec. Game time is 7 o'clock. AH garages completely erected including * The-Dodger’s Duke .Snider, who RopMitad by Popidor Domand VISIT OUR DISPUY I led the National League in .slug- foundation'or Reddy-Framed for E.Z. do-it- :giiig percenjage' in 1956 W^ith .598. p o n d e r ln p i c t u r e . EASTWOOD'S . is Silas Deane Highway — Rocky Hill yourself construction! Over 5(f sizes find set-an aH'-time NL record along models to choose from. ' the.way by drawing 26 intentional Louisvl'ile— (N EAi Ponder, sire ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL J>ase8-on-balIs. That flgurt' eclipsed j of Needles, last year's Kentucky "Names Drive out today and .■fay one the previous NL mark of j Urriy. winner, has a son eligible ~ SALE PRICE hieludlng: . Mobil For Furthar Details and Froa Booklet 26, set by ,,Cincinnati's Ted j for this yesr'^ event. He is Hasty V-8 motor, healer and dTefroster., signal lights, ftiam Klussewski- in 1955. ‘ ^Houae Farm's Bfg Pond. . try your car in W RITE To d a y SPORTING GOODS rubber cushions! stectric windshield wipers, non-giere ^ Kerosene You Can rUUT SUAIANTilB ,»Y KIllY ...NO TIMI OR M IIUSI IIMITI safety dash, saffty rim wh'eels,'oil filter, 2-tone paint, ^ -cuajom nylon and leather vlnytanterior. . - n • FISHING •CAMPING our model garage I RYAN LUMBER COMPANY MH GRIPS AND GOES " TKanitweznaai <■: ' Trust • MILL STREET.-WETHERSFIELD dompare KxJay’s prices and ICI • SNOW • MUD •GOtF • BASEBALL Open TVfondfiy-SaturdBy 8 A.M.-5 P.M. I Gentitroen: sector yoursein Fleischmarin’i KELLY fX P L pftfR winr«r tirs ^FAMOUS BRAND TO OFF^ MFR>S. ^57 PLYMOUTH I OPEN ALLEYS New *'r> 2-Door with heater aiKI defroster, 3-toae $ 1 O O O Sundty 1*5 P.M. Wilhoilt obligation, please send free tnftwma- ,Preferred gives you higher* Ttim s as Low os $1.25 Per Week Per Tire 1MERBHA.NDISE 30% 60% U S T PRICE! ' d i a l MItcheU 'V- FOR LEAGUES — PRIVATE PARTIES paint,'•Ignat lights, foam cushiODS, etc. -iwww tion abOut your cottages. ‘ i . Proof—a full 90 Proof fey / M o b ilh e a f ,. more enjoyment in every drink. ' Tremendous f a b C l o u s DAY QR NIGHT 3-5135 SOCOHT VACUUM HEATING Oil. Phoiie •aeeaaeasa Y Nishols-Manchsst^r ★ 47 New\C*ka Ready For Delivery * [ Name And yet Flcischnunn's (osts V SELECtlONS SAVINON TR . Ml 9-8100 JAdcMn 9-259^ ; • f*-e4s*.^.. •*••*■* •'••'*4'raaeeaa*aaafi»» ^ \you less than many , lower TIrtpiBc: Address ■ ,Proof brands. Try itf - J . h u m ’At , Out of Town Qdl Collect -' ■ . ^ ' *5 * 'ill . 1,. 298 BROAD 8T— TKL. MI 8^178 i' Open * v e ry murphy's ALLEYS MORIARTV BROTHERS ' ■ J / I e e*e a e ^ e e a-'V • » e • e a « • A-e • # • e P^u>n0 al» • * • • •LENOED WHtSKEILs^PROOF * 65« 0RA1N NEUTRAL SPIRITS M 4h t ‘riil ill Man^. Green innUBUTORS — c e n t e i i s t r e e t , •Baeed e « ay n n f - i 4|,We Give OnA Stampe \ 991 MAIN STREET ' / S49 Co^ Bird. E, 8^4ri5-:limwct 301.315 The fiEiscHiiAtiw d is t ilu h c corporation, new tork city M m - —.r-'-t — r -V-1'} S.V 4/ ‘■■/-V 4 % " - ■ " - V ,.? /: / , -i, • - A / •f 1' •7: % i J 1' 1 ' . . •y'/ ■ - ’ " '' 1 -J!' A “ M A /' ,6 "S.' ■ / a ■/yyL.-rm ‘ f V, X- y -r , ( 1 .tf.yi. a r 1. -i-A r r A" l\ / ■f ' :\' ^ ■ iij im Jb I > 'U ■•X: ' / t . ■ V ■t T i A'v I' >':• j PAGE I7FTEBN i : - ' ? i N;^i8,00O—(Jape with. 4 rooms and - - c ^ t .fo r allowance. It Is Addertisemeht low Interest’ rates; ' expansion attic. Gas heat, no Agency, MI 9-7T02., U SH ^O S WANTED, atngle and 2. A comfortable repayment plan it>o;8u8y nwiNft ojjr room heated, unfurnished ^Apart­ — Six room house. That the 10th day. o( cake because, he said. Judges-fr«- AIRWAY 'SANITIZER sales ahd TWO-ROOM apartment, partly fur baaeihant. two-famUy houaea. Mamber of at ten o'ctocli, forenoon, at Peerless Mitt CLASSIFIED ADVT. service\P,-0.' Box 361. Phone MI. to fit y ( ^ pocket. TESfriL^ n^86d. 384 Lake St., MI 9-8961. ment. Call Windsor L o ^ , . NA Newht renovated includtag new ANOTHER , X MLB. Howard B. Hasttagt, Real­ Office In the Municipal quenUy i m p ^ prteon terras and 3. A no fod tape arrangement. HiMf I M IHeMHLVti? 3-3881. .XX hot water heating system. Cm nice $14,7|ofc-^^o four room Capes. 7/ aatd ‘Manchester, be and make it known they "will consider ' DEPT. HOURS ' 8-6210 before 8-.30 a.m, or after 8 ta Pine tor, Ml. 9-llOt, any time. • RociivUle, April 3 — (Special) — Monty Waltlng^tOne Day Service R'OOM. TXV a R l^ T X .. aaivfvasaw.Inquire State ____:------1----- • ------:— . lot te •* terrlfle buy for One m Ekfwbrq Schbol; one ‘•LAPPEN I^IN G ” • aastsned for a hearina on releasing the prisoner If hs serves p.m^ z : ewanca of said administration ac- Qttotatloiui Furnished by < 8:15 A. M. to 4:30 P. id. Tailor Shop, i Blssell St. Ml 3-5047 $10,900. RoqkyUle—Six room house Acres Terrace. IMMEDIATE (tetion ataured. Naed 1^ ' said tslate, ascerWnn Peerless MIU, headquarter* for wall lii prisoni PLOWING L A W S and gardens Mortgage L ^in g Agency and ■ 8-7S83. Farms and Lati^ fo)r Sale 71 with two baOii garage. In A1 con­ $15,500—Five and^a half room We have ju$Liecured a lletiiig two and three .bedroom proper­ ra and order of-dlstrlbdUon; and Civil Defense, (CD) should he Coburn ft Bllddlebrook, Ihe: ”Bqv’ he added, “we or* wast­ PI 2-7669 thU, Court ww-jTt .directs dlrtctJ .thet______noUcS. .of -- ths- - - with’ rotary plow. Call 7S Pearl St., HartforAx/JA 2-4231 dition. Comptetely renovated, ranch. Tile bath, fire|dMe and ga­ of a 2-fan}ily duplex, containing ties Buyers, waiting. Realtor mollehed, according to A jotat re­ Bank Stocks ing tline." He started picking tq? COPY CLOSING TIME Evenings and Sunday, JA^-5184 21 ACRES. North CoventlY- House rage, Located ' on Wendbridge time and place aeslfned for said hear- ‘ Bid Asked after 4 jl.m. and two poultry houses. 414,000. 818 600. Vernon—Five room ranch. 7 rooms' on each tide, • whole Meiqbera of Multiple Listing. Real ng hr Blven to all persons known to port of the building Inepeotora of his papers from the desk. ors Wanted 59-A Brand new 818,800.^ ,JIancheater— Street. ^ ^ ' , Estate Center, JA 8-6824, evenings ^lutetMted therein to appear and be First National Bank FOR CLASSIFIED ADVT. E A E'Realty, MI 9-6397, MI housb redecorated within the ■ ' ■ ■••••- - ^of Rockville and Vernon and the city RiUcoff interrupted. Six rt>qni bungalow wh^i hot water $15,900—Three bedroom comnlM MI 8^4805. isreon: by publlshlns a Copy.' of Maiicheater .... 39 84 MON. THRU FRI MORTEN^EN TV. Specialized RCA HOME OWNERS! Cqpibine year- 3-4480: . ’ . 'd^aiMybar. Amesite driye and jT In some newspaper- hav|nf" - 'In; a engineer. ' , "Time is an Insignificant port of end bills into an cdi^to-pay sec­ ROOM AND Genflem ^. heating system. 89,800.'Manfihas- with fireplace and basement 1(^ In said District, at least Hartford National this," he said, ’’^ en if it takes ""1 0 :3 0 A.M. television service. MI. 9-4841 tni^lnva room ranch, brand new. ra^. Vacant. garage are situated on USTINOS WANTED for all types lire daya before the day of eald-hear­ The jotat report, presented to the. Bank and Trust Oo. 36 31 ond mortgage loan costing only a f el. MI S-7875. and 4 fam- days, this la Important to me. Hiis Houses for Sale 72 Three bedrooms, one ctmviwtlble 160’ lot. Located on a of homes. Stagle, 2, 8, ina. aqa by melUns In a cerUfled letter Common (Jouncll last night, cau*ed Conn. Bank and . SATURDAY 9 A. M. FLOOR SANDING add reflnlshlng. penny a month for each dmlar you $19,600—Secluded location. ., lots ilys and buetaess property-, Call Snor belOTO March 27. 1*67. a copy of tbs aldermen rto reicind a previous Is baste jusUce; Ih ls man to Specializing In oldf floors. MI. owe. Call Frank Biirke CH. / to dt"l"g room. Beautiful of trees on a lot 160x398. Five room Idential street, ^ 86 86 witb fireplace. 816,900. lift:; Margaret Cleszynekl, Broker. MI North Joale Ave., Lakewood. California; action which called for a (^ty 69 serving a life sentence." 9-5750. 6-8897 days or JA 9-S553 eves.'Con­ Apartments—4*'lat»-^' 56 FT. RANCH, six rooms, two room (Jape •with garage, two baths, 'many Manchester Trust, ... 64 YOtIft COOPERATION WILL ceramic baths, entrance hall, at­ mediate occupancy. J. D. RdUty a aliort 7 itorea, Sua and 9-4291. rranelt J. Bleeso, 796 West Middle Meeting to appropflatAFlO.OOO for 'Ullman’s asslataiit, Arthur T. necticut Mortgage Exenange. Tenements , ' 63 extras. Turnpike. Manchester, Conn. Fire Insuraaoe Cofnpanlee RIE APPRECIATED tached garage, porch, sweeping Co, John DeQuattro,DeQui Broker. MI churchei >me is an Ideal renovation of the mill foT plvU De­ 153 163 Gorman, told thq board and Rlb|- CONCRETE WORK—Floors, steps, ■ $19^700—Immaculate three bed- WANTED—BuUdtag lota ta Man JOHN J. WALLETT, Judae. Hartford views, large. maples, three room 8-8282, MI 9-8640, MI 9-8075^ fense. ^ 154 164 cotf ha resented Robinson's por­ porches, patios, etc. Expertly ■7" FOUR ROOM duplex, newly re room-colonial .with lt4 baths, ga inveatmi ^ e growing cheater. Any zone. Phone MI Hartford done. Call PI 2-6633. apartment posslblllfy. Carlton,W. AT A —Brown and white female acre, $l’f,800.‘ Six r6om (jape. 1% gartlksp combinatipa 'Wtadows.' rtstrtct. on the 8th_ d ^ of April, A-D. gfberoT was Iri- Hartford Elec. Lt. ... 5o wants.". ^ ' Beagle. Call Lee Fracchla> Dog Herald. ------dise. InqulrleB and intervlewT ln- Business Locations ' —N m and clean. near-bus»^ shop­ 73 tore. MI. 8-6980. ping. Carlton W. Hutchins, MI bathi^ $16,800; '4Mx room (3ape, % Lots for Sale to «n ek Hartford Gas Co...... 38 Rib(cbff told him his case will be Warden. MI 8-8594. vlted. The Eleo Beverage Co., P. UjO§ AUBMIM9 « * , for Rent 64 Active Member .of MLS trreatfd in said »tat« of the pendency men In regard to the sate 01 tne O. Box 1277, Bristol, Conn. Tel. 9-5182. Multiple Listing Member..., •ere, $18,500. Other listings, all BUILDING LOTS In Bolton. One I MULTipiJE LISTING offers - the .So. New England ’’exheustlvelv considered." price rapges. Call Oeezynskl-Fel- of exld . tl'me - and for ^)u8lneg• use. Tel...... 38 40 LOST—Brown billfold. Maine op­ Household Services Ludlow 3-416S. SMALL STORE on PUmeU Place, T, J. CROCKETT. Realtor acre lots and larger.lame Price* from | combined eervicee^oL 35 iwtors, lace of W ln ^ ^ q oteon had It is rare^sj^ever, the lifers SIX ROOM ranch in excellent loca­ order In some news-1 Mayor Manutactaiing (Jompanles^ erator's license and registration. Offered 13-A neat Main St. Apply Marlow’s, her Agency, MI 8-1409 or MI MI 8-18'77 or ree.,M l 9-7751 $1600 to $3500. ’Terms arranged. 60 salesmen to hel)? sell your n* * copy al-e frped beforbs^ey have servad 86 Ehislgn St., E^st Hartford, BU tion. Two baths, finished recrea­ 9-4291. house. For Information bleaae"Bai call paper,p«r h&vinjhaving a circulation In aald pretriously presented a plan to eeU Arrow, Hart, Heg. , 49 10 yeatn in prisoih^ 867 Main St. tion room, fireplace, garage and Lawrence F, Fiano, Broker, MI| ^strict,strict. at (eeat.five days l>«toro tae peerless Mill property and ad- B-S886. ^ L A T FINISH Holland window Help Wanted— Female 35 Office Open Sunday 1:5 (Jarlton W. Hutqhtas,I. m 9‘5182. Aaso. Spring ..... 351,4 i S '/ Articles for Sale 45 Household Goods 51 large lot. S. A. Beechler, MI ICVBLT THREE bedroom ranch. 9-5910-. • isy _ i^adea, made to measure. All. Help Wanted— Male 36 THREE ROOMS suitable for office at *sSd"Tlm‘S SSniaio recreation field with tte Bristol Brass .... 11V4 1314 Norway’s first arukbtol Wdnay CLERK TYPIST for general office 9-8952,. MI S-6969X Situated on extra large lot. Ideal YOU CONSIDERING be h’f s j y AlaUve thereto ■‘VuTd mske I Jupiuatlon that a shopping center .110 IM m'etal Venetian blinds at a new BATHINETTE, baby carriage, G.E. AUTOMATIC washer. 850. or -business, 470 Main St. MI. MANCHESTER AND d e s i r a b l e . Itication in Blltagton Collins...... is now ta use at NaUonal Hoiipttal low- price. Keys made While you work. Apply Ale.xander Jarvis Co., WA?fTED—Bakers helper, five 9-6228 or MI 3-7444. location for children. Screens, accessible to/All points. 3V4 acres, ] YOUR PROPIERTYT Dunham Bush . . . 11% Announcements Teler-Babe, baby car seat. Call Call between 4 and 6 p.m, EIGHT ROOM single, in excellent storraa,'carport, screened porch. rc^Affed Wt«“ori SP^bS^r^A^!] S In Oslo. It la an improved and sltn- wait.' Marlow's. 5 Dover Rd. day wbeki nine paid holidays, hos­ SUBURBS RANCHES could be dl-vldied^ Write Box H.K' We wlU appraise your property m7. a -Copy of c. B&iTt_ _ _ will ..... and of thinjertye__ ^ ThG ^ itiByor sftld l u t Em-Hart ...... - 47 pitalization and group Insurance, after 6 p.m. MI 9-8897. 9-7036., condition; large lot, good locatiqn. Asking $13,800. G.I. 4% mort­ 1. — - -vlthout Iany obligation pllfled .veialon of Itoo device origl- INCOME TAXEB prepared Ip your OFFICE FOR RENT, 501 Hartford (Justoih built five rooms, breese- Herald. tree and wli order to Violet R. Nemeroff, 127 West 1 thought the town Should Fafnlr Bearing----- . 53 59 by Dr. home or byxmpolntment. Eitper- FOIiXaCA countera, ceramic wall WAN’fE D ^T w o women for laundry paid vacation. Apply Wonder Rd. Phone MI 9;0969 after 5 p.m. 816,200. S. A. Beechler, Realtor. gage may bd assumed, with way and oversized garage, lot 116x We also buy property fotor cash St.. ______Manchester, Conn.; Walter J. be willing to av.w.«*turn their share.of Af .30 2 MAPLE TWIN bed, complete, 825. ICAPEHART TV and UHF con­ Crockett, 4 West St.. Manchester. Landers-Frary (3k. - i s Univeiw ty In Sweden. rk. CaU MI. 8-47M and floor Ule. Let ua modenilse worlr. Must apply in person. New Bread Bakery,' 521 Conn. Blvd., Inquire'D ry. Cleaners; MI 9-8952, or MI 3-6969. $3 000 -cash. Immediate oc­ 150, fuU basement. Owner leaving SeUlng or buying cooU et the mill over to the city for this lenced t ---i ■-“ -.K.n \rr Boy Scout and (Job Scout uni­ verter, console model, 17” screen, Conn.; William Crockett, Short St.. N. B. Machine Co. . 36>4 39 >4 your bathroom and kitchen, Model L a u n d ry 73 Summit St. East Hartford. Sek Mr. Carl Mas- cupancy. Real buy. Also 80 other state. Asking $18,900. Suburban for Sale 75 , STANLEY BRAY,_____ , Realtor Rea Manchester. Conn. ■ ...... , . purpose. He noted that the town as 38 forms, half price. MI 9-1043. 850. Call MI 9-5624. STORE—Choice location at the 810,600—Five . room 1950 ' ranch. JOHN J. WALLETT. Judfe. North and Judd .v . 35 TAXK prepprepared. Person^ free estlniates call MI. 9-3055, zel. listings from $8500 up. Goodchlld Seven rooms—Three large bed- BRAE-BURN REALTY well as the city would benefit tax- . 12^4' 14 V4 ik Faridonl. MI. THE PRUDENTIAL Center on Main St., approximate­ Aluminum Storms, amesite drive, Russell M fg...... lesi. 'T^e Shop, Buckland. TAKE YOUR TIME PAYING! Realty Co., Member MLS. MI 'rooms plus family rqoih, bath aiid' EAST HAMPTON — year"”round| Ml 8<278. OBDEB o f NOTICE wise from such' a project. - 48 SALES REPRESENTATIVE - Im ­ ly 1300 sq. ft. WiU remodel to suit exceUeht condiUon, 160’ frontage, Stanley Works ... . 45 YES! 3 FULL YEARS TO PAY! 8-79*, BU 9-0939.______lavatory, center hsll^sllvlng' room, four rooms, tile bath, shower, fire­ STATE OF (XiNNECTICUT. Probate — CHIFFEROBB. crib, mattress and high elevation, view. Carlton, W. LJsS n GS WANTED—Stagle, two- The 810,000 appropriation had Terry S te a m ...... 150 WEXyiNG of bums moth holes INSURANCE COMPANY mediate opening, nation AAA-1 "SUPER” "DELUXE” tenant. CaU MI 9-6808 or MI 26 ft. long, lovely liutfe dintag area. place; oU heat, .waterfronL has ajl I Court. Town of Andover. District of STATIONERY Casco chair." Call MI 3-1284. Hutchins, MI 9-51M, MulUple List­ Andover, March 30. 1967,* - * , been asked of the city because of Torrlngton ...... 25 27 ^INCOME TAXES done In your ahd tom clothing, hosiery ruris. rated manufacturer seeing saleSr 9-5781. MANCHESTER Lot 200x300 with lovely trees, modem conveniences. MI 3-71161 fam llKand multi-family houaea. AIRMAIL — NOTES home or mine. For appointment handtmgs repaired, zipper re- OF AMERICA man this area. Applicknt should ing Member. . » Investment properUes, land and Estate of Elels B. Collin* late of Bol­ Its equity In the Peerless Mill. U.B. Env’Jp com . , .2 5 37 GIRL’S SPRING coat, size 10,4 men’s shirt collars reversed and has an ■opening for a competent strong desire to sell. Drawing ac­ like new, worn five times. MI ONLY 8433 St., Rockville. Suitable for pro­ F ir e p l^ . plastered walls, oak BOLTON —Attractive six room prospects. Wettle L. Miller, 478 Berry of Bolton, in aald IXslrict, P^V- Veeder-Root ...... 47i4 DOUBLE E^DAIRT Drive-In opens replaced. Marlow’s Little Mend­ clerk typist. Permanent, employ­ count., Minimum travel. Products fessional or business. Inquire nice location, oil heat, l^s baths, trim. G.E, furnace oil burner, sun- " COLONIAL East Center St., Manchester, MI ine that administration on said, estate the basement of the North! set The above quotations are not to ^Arttiiir D nigJI^M j 3-5318. 818 Delivers — 812.16 Month. fireplace, amesite drive, 817,500. ranch with breezewtw and garage. be granted. It la ordered that »»ld ap­ March 39th featuring hot and cold ing Shop. ment. Attractive working ' condi­ sold toi industrial and commercial Rockville, 'ITtemont 5-2505. porch. two-car garage, amesite Bdwers School section. Garage, 6-50J0., Representing Samuel M. plication be heard and determined M School could t>e used by CD If the bd construed as actual markets. — YOU GET — CaU A. R. Wilkie and Co., Real­ .Lot 103x250. A rippung brook In­ .sandwiches, French fries, sun- tions, short h<>^^rs, five day week. firms. Definite repeal bustaess. LOAM, DARK,- rich, stone free. drive. All city utilities., lovely . landscaped lot. Asking cluded. $19,200. Madeline Smith,. Lavltt, Briber, 7 West Main St., tee Probate Office In Andover, n Mid door were widened. Since the daes, Milk ahakes, etc. FURNITURE.repairing and reflr.- Opportunity fW advancement. 16-PIECE BEDROOM THREE ROOM office suite, 17 tors. MI 9-4389, MI 9-0649, Mem­ Dlatrlct, on the 6th day of April, 1967. school is town property thli would Group insurance, hospitalization, Prompt delivery. CaU PI 2-6277 or 18-PIECE LIVING ROOM Six room Colonial, large rooms, $17,500. Realtor, MI 9-1642. MLS No. 389. RockVlUe. TR 5-2717. at 1 ;00 o'clock in the afternoon, and lahing; antiques restored. Furni­ Regular salary Increases. Market St., Rockville,- suitable ber of Manchester MLS. two years old. lH baths, fireplace, !ui;e“ et I be up to the tow n., MAGIC FOR YOUR next party, or yearly bonus, other benefits. (Our WiUimantic ACademy 8-3283. 12-PIECE KITCHEN CAPE CODS that notice of the time and place set ture Repair Service,'TalcOttVUle. men average $7,000-110,000 per professional or business. Inquire plastered wajls, garage, amesite USTINGS WaHTED—Stagle. two- for aald hearlnr he given to all persona The building Inspectors and city About Town banquet. Presently flUing engage Ml. S-,7449. — Plus — Rockville, TR 5-2505. TWO FAMILY DUPLEX. 4-4. Con­ Several six room Cape Coda ta family three-family, bustaoM Intereated In aald estate by^causlng a Central Downtown Location year.) Call collect, Mr. A. W. Kes­ SCREENS, FULL "length, storm drive, all city utilities. Good loca­ Legal Notice llshad once I engineer listed the reasons for ment in Manchester area. CaU sash, combination doors. MI ELECTRIC REFRIGERATOR venient location, fenced in yard, choice locations. propeiiy. Have many cash buyare. copy of I this order to be publti the 39-year old H a ^ ord AD 8-1373, extension 281. ELECTRICAL work efft<^ently sler, in Hartford, CH 7-3231 after TV SET AND COMB. RANGE amesite drive, oil heat, consider­ tion. ' Listings of aU kinds accepted. in'iome"'nWEPftp^r report on the 39-year St Jude Thaddeus Mothers 637 Main St.. Manchester 12 noon; Monday, or send brief 9-4856 after 4 p.na X LIMITATION OBDBB Mortgagee arranged. Please tion In said District, and posted on the peerless Mill. Parti recommended Circle will meet tomorrow, night done. New work, old work, altera­ MI 9-6226 Free storage until wanted. Free Houses for Rent 65 able cash required, 815,600. Call Eight room single .older home. AT A COURT OF PROBATE held resume to; Lustra Corp. of Amer Fireplace, oil heat, garage. Large ELVA TYLER, Realtor George L. Grazladlo. Realtor. MI. for demolition ^ at 8 o’clock at the home o f ,Mrs. ANY CLOTHES tions. Your satisfaction is giiar- delivery. Free set up by our own A. R Wilkie and Co., Realtors, at Manchester Within laid for the 9-5878 109 Henry SL Automobiles for Sale 4 anteed. CaU MI 9-8976 any lime. : vWAITRESS—Must be able to work lea. 38 Washington St., Brooklyn SDC ROOM fumSshed horfi* to rent. MI 9-0649, MI 9-4389. Member lot. Member of MLS , Dlatrlct of Mancheeter on the 27th day paid to Mr*. Eth*i E. Nattraa*. R D. I house, elevator shaft, and the tow- Vincent Girard, 71 S. Alton Stx- 1, N.Y. Boats and Accessories 46 reliable men. of March. 1967. . , No. 2. Box 386, Biuofioid. w*»t vir- tojigt rooms. The main Sundays. Apply In person to Mrs. Oil heat, air-conditioned bedroom. Manchester MLS. «. Tanner Street—Seven roorn sin­ - MI 9-4469 Present, Hon. John J. Wallelt. Judge. WE CAN SELL It if yovi let us Itet rlnlA . notice to the creditors----- to bring j alon from postal authoritlea on Skywatch Schedule ranged. CaU MI 3-6433. 4x6 Gutter—Random Length four room unfurnished apartment GEORGE L. GRAZIADI'O, banks of cloaeta, huge kitchen, fire 3-5966. 37 hour five day week. Liberal week. Numerous benefits, estab­ Miscellaneous .tools. OFF MAIN STREET—Two-family, fn their claim* within said time allowed Saturday. He will be acting ^oat- lished routes. Apply In person. only—...... per lin. ft. 35c or house. Call MI 3-7614. p&Ace, 71 \;«$iviw8^ av' i pubilshing a copv oi this order in Hebron;'April 2 (Special)—Thenn.A I GARAGES, porches, dormers, rec­ benefit program. Apply at Employ­ Realtor . four rooms each floor. Separate oated, $17,900. Carlton W. H ut^- some newspaper havinf a circulation in I master until civil service tesib are Wednesday, AprU 8 Mqpchester Coat, Apron and Towel Flusii Mahogjiny Doors— Multiple T taring I, fiid___, priprobate dljtrjct. | made, and will- be in line fo> the first annual operating budget, esti­ 1950 FDRD convertible, black. Call reation and attic rooms built. ment Office. A-P EQUIPMENT YOUNG (COUPLE with two small oil furnaces. Lot 99x166. Garage, i » , MI 9-8133, Vohtatpem, Needed M l'8-6901 gfter 6 p.m. Supply Company, 73 Summit St. all sizes to 2’6'' ...... 86:20 MANCHESTER MI 9-5878 816,60(). Madeline Sta.lthi Realtor from th'the date of thl* order .and return I -v,-iHnn Midnight - 2 a.m. Kitchen and bathrooms; re­ childrte would like four or five Memlier. make to this court of the noOce flven. P«Tn“ « " t ,,a,.„ ia mated at 8168,530, will be present­ 2 a.m. - 4 a.m...... Volunteers Needed Nails 8 and 16's C om m on- room apartment. References. Call MI 9-1642, MLS No. 887. JOHN J. WALLETT. Judfe. He Is m uch liked by Hebron people modeled. Robert M. Alexander, FIRST NATIONAL STORES CT..BRK •- Out patient department. 945 Center St. 317 NORTH MAIN St. Eight room ed to residents of Regional Dis­ 4 a.m. - 6 a.m...... Voluntoerf Needed Ml 9-7716. 40 hour week, Monday-Friday. picked up—...... per keg 89.75 MI 9-95?0. “ and Is. the son o f Mr. and Mrs. Auto Drivins: School 7«A Manchester MANCHESTER, 324 Lydall Street- older home. Breezeway, two-car LIMITATION OBDBB liAid Mark Hills, former Hebron res- trict No. 8 at a pubUc meeting. 6 a.m. - 8 a.m...... Vplunteers Needed Park, k Oakland Aves. 8:30-5. No Saturday or Sunday Windows—complete—(set-up) AT A COURT OF PROBATE , . . . . ™ t , , ...... - . . Vtdnnteere Needed IF YOU INTe ND tp build your LADY WOULD like a three room LEGAL NOTICE Six room (Jape Cod features In­ garage. Three large bedrooms, si . Msnchealer within ■ -and (or th* I Idents, now living In Florida. He is ' The Regional Board of Educa­ 8 ajn. • 10 a.m. . LARSON’S DRITINO School, work. Accuracy with figures, age all sizes ...... from 810.80 Phone Ml 9-205’2 clude 1V4 baths, garage, fireplace tion will also present statements 10 a.m. - Noon ...... Louis Qall new home call WllUam Kanehl, East Hartford no barrier. Call Mr. Seller, MI 'apartment near,Main St. Have two biLtha, exceUent condlUon. District of ManchrstJr on the 27th day [ married and has a son, Henry, Manchester's only trained and TOWN ^6F BOLTON with paneled wall, Jiot water oil Could be zoned for business. of receipts, and disbursements I Noon - 2 p.m Clinton Andrews Contractor and Builder, MI. 3-1141, Manchester Memorial Hos­ Prime Shakes No. 1 Carton good references. Ml. 3-4921. H^n. John J. Waiieit. Judfe. nine years old. He was In the U.S. certlfled Instructor. For your safe­ INTERESTING and diversified You are hereby notified that the heat, dining room, aluminum $19,500. Call A. R. Wilkie ft Co., \ from the 81,950,000 bond Issue ap- 2 p.m. - 4 p.m...... Roger Winter ty we are tntaed to teach pn^r- 3-7773. r pital. Packed—Gray or White Eatst* of Bertha M. Wemer. late of A rm y for three years. He owns position available in large modem, Musical Instrument^/ 53 MIDDLE-Ag ED couple desire four Bolton' Zoning Commission after triple ■ track ■ windows. MOdem Realtor 1)0 6-0649, MI 9-4369. Majicheater In aald Dtetrlci. d^eaaed. operates a gasoline Station proved by the District last year. 4 p.m. ,- 6 p.m...... Columbia DeCarll. May Hawkes ly. ML 940re. per sq. 811:95 i-oom apartment. Second floor pre throughout. $3,000 down — vacant On motion of Mae M. Vennard o i l '“ , . , - _ • ...... ibllvia Gothberg, Barbara Mac- air-conditioned general office of due deliberation and careful edn- 8^d Mftnch€fller, adminintratrlx. | HGXt to nl8 noni€ on th6 xiCDFon- Copies o f 'Bttdgtt Available 6 p.m. - 8 p.; m. .. 1x6 Fir Sheathing TAG MUSIC instriiinentaJ, r ^ a i . (Com­ ferred. M-I 9-2659, (Jwner transferred. Price 816,500 CAPE (JOD—Six rooms, cabinet ...... Gregor, Eleanor Small MORTLOeX’S-r-Manchester’a lead­ Roqfins— Sidine 16 wholesale distributor. Located Situations Wanted— plete itae of instruments. Rental stderstlon of all of the. factors In­ ORDERED: That nix months from Maflboroug:h road, a abort dla- The 800-pupll capacity Junior-18 p.m'. - 10 p.m. near Manchester in East Hartford. 5000’ min.) ...... ; per M 897.00 volved pertaining to the request Shown by appointment. Phone MI kitchen, electric stove, exhaust senior high school Is scheduled to Betty Flvocinsky, Helen Shepard ing Driving Sdiool offers the most Female 38 applied to purchase price. Rspre- LADY'D e s ir e s three room apart­ the 27ih daj; of >|arch^ 5!?. I tanct from Hebron center. RAY’S R(X)FINO CO., shingle and Five day 40 hour week, full em­ Plyscord 4x8—C3D— per M 8100.00 8-6273. Brae-Bum Realty. fan. Oil hot air. Garage, amesite same are Jimited an^( allowed. for the open In September. It will serve 110 p.m. - Midnight.,,...... ----- .R.H. Thomjm in driver education. Thousands of senting Olds, Selmer, Fed ment, near Main St. Good refer for change of zone of the Wasltele- creditors within which to hrini; in thrir 'SmeU That Baked Ham ?*' buUt up roofs, gutter and con­ ploye benefits. Would desire per quicz property on Route 85 and drive. (Jonvenient to bus. school, the three towns comprising the Skywatch Post located on top of Mancheeter Police Station, ' satisfied students. 300.000 miles Knotty Pine-rEcono-TPanel) ter and Bundy. Metter’a Music ences. MI 3-4921. shopping. $13,600. MLS No. 007’ 1 claims against said rstats. and ^ id The Women’s Fellowship of the accident free , instructions. Ml ductor work, roof, chimney re- son with some knowledge of typ­ WOULD LIKE to do typing at from per M 8125.00 Studio, 177 McKee. Ml. 3-7600 French Road from Residence A *' administratrix in directed to give puUic Hebron Congregational (Jhurcli, district, Andover, Hebron and | Volunteers may register at Civil Defense Headquarters, Municipal ■airs. Ray Hagenow, Ml. 6-2214. Ken Ostrinsky, Realtor, Ml 3-5169. notice to> the creditors to bring In their 9-7898. \ ing. Roskln Distributors, ^ 5 Park home. Call MI 9-9829. Oak Flooring, from per M 8159.00 y o u n g c o u p l e with child would to Busine.';.'', heretiy denies the re­ Choose Your Favorite owM".'by I asks: Do you smell that aroma o f Marlborough, Copies of the . pro-I Building, on Monday, Wednesday, or Friday from X,to 8 p.m. ly Jackson, 5u. 3-8325. Avenue, East Hartford, BU 9-9361. claims within said time alio Mahogany Paneling per M 8189.00- like five room flat, willing to care quest for the following reasons; pubilsnlng a cop>» of this order in baked ham? Welt, the Women’s posed budget are- available at tUb MANCHESTER Driving Academy Wearing Apparel— Furs 57 I some newi^per...... having.. a_ circulation offices of the Town (Jlerlto for any ROOFING, SIDING, palnttag. Car­ CLERK TYPIST with, good person lo f property. JA 4-0290. 1. The BO'iton Zoning. Commission Fellowship is preparing their guarantees results. T h ^ rt tastruc< Situations W'anted— Male 39 In aald pro6aterooatc dl*trlct within-l*)i days person eligible to vote at a town Ocn, dual CdntroUed\car. CaU MI. pentry. Alterations and additions. ality fqr small branch office. Con. Buy now while the market is still CONFIRMATION dtesa and veil. has considered this property in Handm ade Bookrk^rks! from Ihe date of thl* order and return spring special and it will be as the pa.st as a park and recrear make to thl* court of the notice riven. delectable as an Eaater bonnet, meeting In the Regional School 9-5768 or PL 2-7249. Day or eve­ OillrigB. Workmanship guaran- genial associates,' interesting, dl ODD JOBS with room ‘ included. low. Topper. Very good condition. Sizes JOHN J. WALLETT,■ JwJudfe. “iV teed. A. A. Dion Inc., 299 Autumn tional area which consistently complete with baked beans from' District. ning appotatments. . . versified work, opportunity for ad Good driving record. Can furnish 12-14. Ml 3-7813. A LOT OF VALUE 17 n St. MI. 3-4850. vancement, air conditioned build references. MI 3-7261. NATIONAL LUMBER, INC. NOTICE would be in a residential zone B O eX M A M U j ~ AT A COURT OF PRORATE held Hebron’s best cooks, salads, Upon approval of a budget for [ at Manchester______'Sthlgt and fpr the vegetables, and toi^d off -with the next fiscal year by a majority C ^ \ GORDNER AUTO SCHOQL. Indl Dig. 774 Aslyum Ave., Hartford I GOING OUT of business. All ties In accordance with the require­ rather than a business zone. Diatrttt ol Mancheatei^on the 21th day vidual instruction on insured dual FOR THE "best in shingle and built 381 STATE STREET reduced to 50c. Swan-Ell, 698 Cen­ 2. The gi'oovlh of the town in this lenCQn ' meringue .pie. Don’t be of voters present, the Re^onai up roofing,'gutters, leaders, chim- Conn. Five day week. 8:15 a.m.- ments of the Zoning Regulations of Maxfch. A.D. 1967. _ . . . ■ control ‘cars by expekiehced. OpgS— Birds^Pets 41 ter St. ' general area lias , been more Present, Hoik John J. Wailett, Judfe. among the missing a t the April Board will estimate 'the amount c# ney and roof)fri repairs call Coughlta. 4:20 p.m. Paid vacation's and holi- NORTH HAVEN. OONN. foi the Town f - Manchester, trained instructors. (Quality' and ,days. salar>‘ open. Call Mr. Gar­ residential ' than business in Eirtate of warren f. Keith, late of 13th place setting. Reservations whlcli.each town ta the District MI. 3-7707. Conn., the Zoning Board of Ap­ ancheater in said district, ^eceasj^. satisfaction assured. MI 9-6010 or vey, JA 2-7227. BIRD, cat and dog supplies, whole Tel. GHeitaUt 8-2147 character in the past ten years. m appliCAtion ■ of - Th^ Con-- must be made by April 9, and shalkbe assessed. JA 7-8680. \ sale and retail: Dally 9 to 5 p.m Wanted— To Buy 58 peals will hold s public hearing nMtIcut. Bank and Trust Company. b« dlttribuU d by Mr«. If the budget te' be presented Tuesday, Thursday Friday nights o.. Monday evening, April 8, 1937, The activity in this .area as a ectHor, Roofing and Chimneys 16-A WAITREISS AND counter girl, recreatio.nal area has dimin­ tonight Is reduced by action of tbe PLfASE LET US 7 to 6. Porterfield’s Routs S ^ d Diamonds— Watches— WANTED TO BUY for cash. Old at 8'P.M. In the hearing room of tain ______i ----- days. Apply in person. Patio ished during the past years. IHjial xopitcstloo on file, it ti j children under 12 half a dollar. voters, laws relating tq regional Gsrag^—^rvice—Storage ROOFING - Specializing m repalr- Drive-In, comer Broad and West (Jhapef. South Windsor. JA 8-3891, Jewelry 4 8 1 glassware, pletures, ‘bric-'a-brac, the Municipal.- Building on the or ““ iBD: That the torefolftf'ap- Seek n toh «i -‘Spares' districts provide that, the Board antiques'. Will call privately. MI. 3. The Bolton Zoning (Jommisaion *'ing roofs of all ktada. Also new Middle Tpke. following application: STATE I pHcatibi he heud and determined at The Women's FellowslUp also may call another district meeting HAVE ’EM SOW! APPROXIMATELY 1500 square MANOIESTER Pet Center for aU 9-4338. "C feels that the improvement of ihe Prol I office' In Mancheater in ' roofa. Gutter work. Oilmneys LEONARD W: YOST Jeweler, re- HEARING ALSO aqnounces that a letter is beihg within two weeks, seeking ad­ feet of storage space at 14 High WOMEa4 NEED cosmetics. There youi pets and pet’s- supplies. MI. pAiiv, adjurts watches expertly. the existing • facilities for. the :t, on the 9th day taW M d Daugh' MONTCLAIR HARDTOP paired. CaU Ralph Aldrich. MI PLUMBING And beattag—Rapalrt ■ work. Accuracy with figures, bought and sold. Furniture Itepalr But act NOW to ovoid the rvsfcl 9-8487, ■ Arfh St. fiknder. late of Bolton Within said dls-1 ter dessert r and Wedding Gown and contract wont. Calli Ml. 9-8541. no barrier. Call Mr. Seiler. T i BRO'AP) BREASTED biDnze tur­ Sendee; Ml. 8-7449. 26-We«k Fre ?5S hlks ! m S iolboK. Judge, women and young ladles of P(X1RB OPENED, keys fitted, aold or rented. RepiUrs - on all proofing Done. EXPERIMENTAL O.Uead church are especially ta' age for a home and furnishings, oopted, vaemim deanere, Irona, Light trucking and package deliv- Hartford, BU 9-3424. makes, Marlow’a. - Grandview St. . AT A COURT OF. PROBATE held yitad I know. B y; combining theft guna, etc., repaired. Shea «r>. Refrigerators, washers and MACHINING .' -' Two becoming necklines are pro'i At ItAncb^tbr withio'wAful for thtl ■««.* *. « . .. > .■ stove moving epeclajlty. Folding YOUNG MAN for light factory SALE - 83 1-3% off CHI 1956-1957 ABSOLUTE BARGAIN - Cuetom c i n n e y Tided on this ebarmer — so choose Say “Happy Eaater" thto year DIstrtet ol Manchester on the 16th dsy I The church has rtcaived and family liabilf^ Insurance 'unss knives, mowers, etc., pot Into con. work. Apply Kakiar Toy Co., 60 made' comicee and drapes. Slip-1 M K BROS. •ad with a lovely bookmark. If you ofjlarch,. 1967. . ; . ______Ipresant of a cut glass vasq with dlUan for eomlmi. needs. Bralth- eh,drs for rent.. Ml. 9-0752, wallpaper. GreeA Patat and Wall­ SALIS TRAINEE the one you prefer. V-shaped col­ in tbe Homeowners Policy, does, HllUard St. paper at the Green. Open daily 9-9 covers, 859.50 and,, up. .Choice of{ S«wcrci^ Disposed Co. lated vetsldn, or ho collar and crochet, eit^rolc'er or, knit, you'll walte. 93 Pearl raeet.' AUSTIN A. (SlAJi^ERS CO. local EXPERIMENTAL ir. In said .District, an Incapable per-1 m on o o f Jones otreeL it reduce the premium so that p.m. ■ fAbrlca. Budget terins.''Mrs. Rita,] Career oppprlunlty with one of iaO-182 Pearl St. — MI 3-8808 wide trim. be able' to odd extisi warmth to ter, WnJA* TELEVISION Uemce. and" long distance moving pack- YOUNG MAN. 48 hour week with JA 4-7780. . SHEET METAL your greetii^r with thia handmade I son. Church-Staff to Bleet the theft coverage to actuaUy ing, storage, Cali ML 8-5187. Halt­ . all )>enefit8. This is for store work the oldest and largest mutual No. 84M with patt-o-rama to In Tbe conservator having exhibited- hi* Church school teachers of St Availatda at aU times. niUco'tec- LOAM—83 per yard, truck load Btoes 9, It. 13. 18. 14, 16. 18. Sise g ift annual account with said estate to this fre e ?" ford CH. 7-1423. 'wfth on the job training Call MI casualty companies. . Staittag Interview Requirements: Pater’s Episcopal Church are toc7 supsrvlaed service. Tel. Ml. lots. Gravel. Stabilized crushed CLEARANCE 11. (3H bust), short sleeVe. Ho Pattern No. 5770 contains cro-l(>)urt.for allowance, it is 9-8251 for mterview. etone. Hot mix asphalt. NtusdoH, salaiy $3,600 plus expenses. meeting this evening at 8 o'''cloch autK . collar^ 5?i yards o f 35-inch; Chet, embroidery, knit and sow ^ For the answer'to this and nny MI 9-7408. Selectioa of step tables -ahd-end Converts to guaranteed draw'- • High . school graduation or Uia ift^palfat the home of Mrs. Robert Bart' Painting— Papering 21 CLERK tables. 1/8 off. Need room for new' yuds trimming. • dke^ons; hot-iron transfer - for | the ^i^tate Offlce.^ in other Insurance questien, ca ll. . . OF ROCKVIULNf Cfiixars r a d i o and T.V. sendee, equivalent- mefufs. .BiilMM In'Mid Muichester. be and letL Those teachers living In HO' Ca r r i a g e a n d mattress. Used Stock. tag account after 8-6 modths For this 'Pattern, send .85c ta ■ EstobUsbedl 1$I$ 151 North Mata 8 t MI. 8-6517, PAINTING AND papertaahging. OPPORTUNITY • Mathematics through algebra Sepd 25C ta Coin., your n a ^ £2 XTaifc.*^*SSS ^Sc5«^*^t5S M « e to leave rrota th. reclonr residence ML S-69W. MAIUNG DEPARTMENT tonly two months: 8M. Call MI. Visit our showroom for'furniture training period. Job will app4>al • For the Experimental Tool coins, your name, address, sise Good clean workmaiiabip at rea­ Opening for a young man in the sddrwa m d Uie Patt6ni Hunibtr j prortouAprsvlo Aceounu wiUx lAM^gatate. , 9-8377. of quality for the entire home. to'thooe seeking better than Room Mkchtalng course only, desired, and the pattern number to Uiis CCourt directs that notice ol ths PeteFs RAY DWYER, Deed Oar Manager TmL M l 3 .1 3 5 1 sonable rates. 30 years in Man- mailing department, l^ il time posi­ ' IN I^A N f HESTER to ANJOB CABOT. THE MAN* Other, news from SL OONDBB’I T.V. Service, availabu an additional requirement la SUE BURNETT. MANCHESTER uSe I 1 (or said beat- win FRED T. BAKER SAT Oma. Airtenns conrersiems. cbester. Raymond Flake. MI. tion. Mjhimunt age 16.''Would pre­ A LOVELY -ASSORTMENT of .average Immediate Income CHESTER EVENING HERALD te«be“ ,?v?ir?o%‘ 3 « nns M known 4 i to be that confirmation classes dSS fiOddle Tplu. Esftt CHAMBERS FURNITURE six months to one . year of /EVENING BERAtJD, lISO AVE. belmeet Tuesday at'8:S0 p.m., In ths FUlco faciocT snpervlsed service. 6-9287. fer at least one yeaf- of high school •mall gif Is.. Prices to fit youf ctmbtaed wlUi long /length opr Neighborhood soda and 1150 AVE. AMERICAS, NEW thterested______therein___ to. appear .?pear and be • SALES - machtae'shop experience. AMERICAS, NEW YORK 86. N.Y. beerd thereon by publishing a copy of rectory, also a^lO a.m., ’Thursday, ?97CtNTlRST. .Maneheator Greea TeLMl.S-14^ t ; education. * pocketbook.' Mrs. John A. Mc­ portunlty -foc'sdvancemcnt. Age sandwich shop. Good lo ^ - Don"t miss the.latest Issue of YORK'88, N. Y. Carthy, 58 Lockwood / St. MI , a t THE GREEN Apply Thq Fleur de Lis order wilt MANCHESTER MOTORS ROCKVILUS - our f aadnattag' pattern magaxtae PAPBRHANCING, all types. Cell Apply Open 22-Z6. Cay essential. College de­ tion, ideal for a coupk. Rea- Employment Office meet ^Thursday at 3:80 p.m. in FLOOR SERVICE: Floors ssnded 9-6412. Basic Fashion. The Spring and . MonebMt«r. C m w . MI. 9-9859. Free estimates. 10 i.ia . --^S'^.m. .7:30 p.m. - 9 p.m. Win ” ^»!llrt and Servictag DMsninhHee Jer Over -$3. Y e a n FlMSt—18 88. \ I and rsflnl*#d" TR.- 0-2071 or TR. gree and some . experteace la ,8onabIy priced, , Summer '67' issue to filled wRM Phelps HaU. Thq Sir Galahads Employment Office' GNE FRONT end weMed for trail­ PRAH A WHITNEY The -'U$la6t*W M «‘[ INSIDE PAINTING, evenings, res- sales ar iaauranoe ileatiable. smarL haw designs fo r all stass; l\» gta^tkm. for .also meet there Friday at 7:30, Ml 3 .1 1 1 8 812 WEST CENTER Wp-OPEN EVES. UNTIL 0-M l $ - • * « ^Aue.. er with; good 670'-15 tires, (jail lO ALL KINDS of reftaished; used Altar Guild wlU meet Tuesday, I sonMte prices. CaU, MI 9-8832 af­ furniture. . Rebuilt ' mattreaaee, Pleaae eaidofe tall iafonnatioii EUdORE TURMNGrTON AIRCJUFT special fsaturas; gUt p a t tarn fchst Itaas aaA and sfTT' FiRST NATIONAL STORES, 9-48377!: ' - , ApsU Jl8, liutaad M this waUt. ia rssldsntlsl, sir ter StOOpin. ' 8 1 3 .9 8 -U ^ / Spring, $4-^18.60. An ia letter to Box "J", Mahcliea- , Broker ''! Dlvtetim of DnlM Alnralt pMatad^nalds tha V osMs. \ v m \ JOHN J. WALLETT. Judge. Uques. 9-9, Sat. tiU S) . CnrporsUon I A tor Evealag Herald. T«I. CoYsntry 2-8397 East Hartford s; ~ M W . JO. P A W R OAKLAND A' BRAND NEW Webster watch, with BIm c 'Fumiturs Hospital,' a t ■f: EASTHARTFOi l^&rantee, CaU ICt l-tSSS. South Si., Rockville. Ciiim, ■ri.-,- :■»/ V - - ' A ( I ' j" i '. ' • I.V --'V: / V i ' ■ ■ ■ ■' '•> • ' •’ \" • .'X"*-,'■‘■\>y - ^ -i' ’ ' ' ■ ■■ - : .■ ■ V ' ■ ,, •■ j ' X ; , . ; '; 'a - . ‘• V'. 1' • ■ ■' - y r v ^V'-' /■ ■ ■ ',■• A ; -y i^ - :■ ■■ ' - .1 . . fv »'-•

Mrs. FYances Bellows, who left about 365,000,, whs In stocks, 1 2 , s k eoldev to n ^ t. Low ki Me. The M o th ^ Bible Study group D iscussion dtvldemu and i^wikibdnk sa'vings. He will meet tofmorrow from IX to for New Orleans. La., last D ^ m -- Engaged leresstag eloudkMie Ikqndagr,'' utTown ber, hps returned to her, home, 887 also left ateut 330.250 in. real Member of the Audit 11:30 a.m. at the Buckingham O n H ighw ay l*lan estate aifff'U^.. Savings Bonds. Bureem ef Ofreutetioii.y' eoettaiiMd eold. Hlgk 4043. i CongregaUonal-Church. The .April, N. Main St. „ ' x . i ■ V His investments Included shares M.aiichi»ur>^A City o fl(i^ g e Charni h m Aipi Aoclety wUI meet « t -meeting of the lisdies Aid. Society of Aetna L ife Insurance Co. stock - X . T:80 tomorrow'itiitht at the Italiaii will take place at 8 p.m. The The Waddeirschool P T A wlU Former Director Waiter Ma- _':80 tomoi meet tomorrow night at 8 o’clock valued at 33,237.75; E. I. Dupont Amerlcaa Oiubclb. \ speaker! Miss Jutta ReUch of Ger­ ftonty said yesterday he wants to DeNemours and Co.» 32,604.38; In the school auditorium. Miss call a general meetjMg of taxpay­ VOL, LXXVI, IfO. ;i56 (TWBNTY-EIGH^* PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) MANCiiESTER, CONN., lyEONESD.^, APRIL 3, 1057 (Oteaaifled Adnm ttitog ee Page tO) many, will take for her subject. Rafnir Bearing Co.. 33.270: Gen­ PRICE FIVE CENTS MIm ^o 'Ann. Render, denghter ‘My Country aitd tKy Work.’’... - Ethel Batchelet, spcla'l worker in ers te discuss the lo^tion for a / child 'guidance from the Institute eral Electric, 32.312.50; General The 13th annual metUhg of the o f Living, will Speak on "Children and the adverte effect it will have with Ih-oblems.’’ ’Trust Co., 33,382; Southern-New section of the Bastman School ■'Womsn.’s Auxiliary to the Hart­ on Case Bros, paper mill. England Telephone Co., 33,834; \ Ike^s HealtK Symphony Band of the Blastman ford Couiity Medical Assn, will be Meanwhile,' Qensral Mi U.S. Steel,* 34,177; Charter Oak School of Miislc, University of held Kriday at 10:30 a.m. at the Richard Martin Is scheduled , . . . aaef b« ta ^ u l, to9t m tb f ' Grocery and Auto Supply , Co.., Washington, April 3 (P) — ■ Rochester, N. T. The band recently Simsbury House,, Simsbury. Res­ M £A to Observe meet with ' SUte Highway Com and U.S. Savings Bonds, appealed in concert at the Unl'^ ervations for luncheon may be mlssldner Newman Argraves at sfUctha ^ y **r Prestrtfttiaa Pharmacy President Elaenhower turneit uii> at'his news conference to­ varsity. Kiss Reneker, a fresh' made by contacting Mrs. Donald B irthday oC N E A 2 p.m. Wednesday for a discussion estata Invtotments In-' man, is majoring in string bass. J. McCrann, 775 Bioomlleld Ave., of the same problem. ■ * ; ; day with a tiny red spotit \ cludei\property at. 89-71, 79-81, • * The prefcriptiao your phyriaa* wtiew, ^looked like a pimple — dn the Bloomfield. Mahoney, who said'the prohlehi and 83-87 b a r te r Oak St., valued The Manchester Education Assn, la' s vital one to the whole com­ precious piece of paper. Treapare k w ^ . 'niie end of his nose. Orford Parish Chapter, DAR, will observe the centenrtial of the at 321,830; property on Hollister .’The' President made, no munity, said he will call a gen­ St., valu ^ at 31.200.' and property ’•ReliaWe” pharmacy compoeiKie prescripiaeas with will meei .Thursday afternoon at NaUonal Ekiucation Assn, with a eral meeting. mention of the minor irrita­ N C V ^ birthday party in the Bowers on Hollister and N. Elm Sts., promptness aod pce^sioa. Aa4 yote will hiitl oor tion.. 2:80 at the home of Mrs. ’Thomas As plans now stand, Case Bros, valued at 35.500. Johnston Jr., 27 Hlllcrest Rd. ’The School cafeteria Thursday from prices aaiforaaly fair. We eeto# yoaf pa’troaaf*. He appeared otherwise fit, claim they will have to suspond Washington, April 8 (IP)— He recalled that at. the time he program vhll be presented by the 3:15 to 4:30 p.m. ■ the' making of certain' kinds of announced for., a tecohd term he although his left eye was following arUst-students from the According to an announcement President Eisenhower said to-’ somew^t watery. M ' , , 1 IRAN , I 7 ■ ■ R paper for at least six months and V I reported that hia doctofa felt he Hartfoi^ School o f Miislc: Miss made today by William Freemim, may be forced to go out of busi- GIVE HER QUINN’S PHARMACY. day reports he will resign be­ was able to carry dn^ and that he ' Eisenhower gave no indica­ ifctiU Mary Wilson, pianist. Miss Judith president of the MEA, local prin- neas. fore the end of his second hlmaelf had decided he^ .was able tion that, he still ’ is bothered :^venlsta, vioHnlst, and Charles (hpala will serve as hosts and hoa- Martin is prepared to auggest CHRISTIAN OlOR PHONE Ml M U t to do ao. ' t by the head cold he had be­ \ $ 6 5 - 0 0 Greene, baritone. Hostesses will be tm ea to all Manchester teachere. Holllsler Studio that the. location be changed term and turn his duties over fore he went to Bermuda. Elsl* M. Herfer available at Eisenhower added "ie Had no Miss Jessamine Sfmlth, Mrs. Her­ The gueeta of honor will include aitghty so that the State will not to Vice President Nixon are idea where.reports he might re­ He did not cough as he. had* at All the power apd performance of some mann and Mrs. Arthur FelUult. all former teachers who have re- l x some receht news conferences. Annouheement is made of the have to build an interchange neaH WELDON’S the worst rot he has heard sign came from. heartntalda/wfeeiit sire, of many tell­ Ured from the Ipcal system during the foot of'Case’s pond. It is the. ing for 4 tlmit its price! fins suMr- engagement of Mias Elsie M. Her- . 001 M A IN STREET since taking office. 'The first question put to Eisen­ Manchester.______Grange____„ , wUl meet the past 15 to 20 years, and mem expected disturbance of the pond . ‘Dictatormr . ,______\ ' Y ' _____ Stafld eisniliee PcrmapboacA-amoolh-no* hower at the news conference was p.m. In Orange Hall, hers of the present. Board of'^Eklu ter, daughter of Mrs, Rudolph Elaenhower aiao told a newa con­ Volume Control, noise-limiting ano- tomorrow at 8 p....,------_ which will disrupt.the Case o^ra- ference, in .comraent on hia apeedy a request for comment on his caUon. Herter, 16 Proctor Rd., and the ■'X .dited Cate. ZtHltk's /iireti quallij with Master Chester Small presid­ trip., to Gettysburg, Pa., last F ri-! fast trip to Gettysburg last week­ Teainster Aide] throatkmf See it today I ing. A fashion ahpw will be The NEA Centennial Commis­ late Rudolph Herter,. to Rlcharil day, he has Issued orders that his' end.' se*w ay »-ew MwH*« d * »y . presented under the direction of sion has set the thAne, "An Edu- N. Wiltey, Highland Park, Mich.. OeaO^Mr etwrwep Servtta Mye son of Mr. and Mrs. Herbeft H. limousine la never to exceed th e^ A reporter; told him ' the trip Assiailed by Watson cated People Moves Forward," for Lecturer Hazel Ailderaon. Mr. and Feeds Probers ______'\ Mrs: Russell aifford and their naUonwlde observances through Willey, Norwich, Lew is Inventory a[ieed limit at any place. A got a lot of attention because committee nlll serve refreshments. out the year. Miss Herter is a graduate of Eisenhower also said- the pros^ newsmen trying to keep up with Manchester High School and the LECLERC QUINN'S In 1857, the president of the Set at 189,354 pecta are godd for f\iture lax re- his car were flagged ^w n for StAte Capitol, Hartford, April 3 (/P)— leader Elmer S* Hartford Hospital School of Nurs­ FUNERAL H b ME ductiona. But lie declined to fore­ speeding. , Tips on Beck The Ladles Auxiliary to Man­ New York State Teachers’ Asan. <# '"s MS ■■ « Watson accused ^ v . Ribicoff today of taking a dictatorial ing. Her fiance li a graduate. of cast any cuts ne*t year. ' Newsmen reported' at the time PHARMACY chester Chapter, No. 17, DAV, will thought that a naUonal organiza­ The late Phillip Lewis, who died position on p r o f»^ legislation cutting taxesXor Connecticut tion was needed, and persuaded'a Notwlch Free Academy and the He made it clear he expects ria- that Eisenhower's limousine ex­ Washington, April 3 (4*)—Senate hold its regular meeting tomorrow University of Connecticut. here Nov. 22, 1956 after spending FliNERAL insurance cotm^nies. / PHONB s a g-418g night at - 8 o’clock at the VFW colleague to write a call to teach­ -ihg national production and in­ ceeded the speed limit at times.'- rackets prqbera, it was learned to- > ers Inviting them to a . national T h e wedding will take place In 53 years In the jyoe'ery store bu^l- creasing government 'revenues— With a slow smile, Eisenhower da.v, are geUing encouragement Watson cidticized the Dcmopratic Chief Executive for Home. Plans will be completed for .ness, left an estate valued at SERVICE nrieeUng. In August of that year, June. rather than substantial ciita in . his replied that he did not mind at all and tips froni Johh Ehgllrti, veter­ ilpeaking m i against the bill before it had reached the L^gb- the joint InstaUaUoin on April 13. 489,354.87, according to an Inven­ Walter N. Members are reminded to bring 41 men and 2 'women started the spending budget -to make tax re­ expressing his views on the sub­ an secretary-treasurer of the lative floors for debate. National Teachers' Aean., \i'hlch tory filed, with Judge of Probate, Leclerc ductions possible. ject. Teamsters Union and critic o f the two items for the grocery basket Johh J. Wailett; ■ Director “The Governor is not only being premature when he com­ became the NEA In 1870. • Restauriants H ere A reporter fold Eisenhower ther* For a good many years, he. went union's president, Dave Beck. Hi's entire estate was left to his Today, the NEA numbers over have been reports and rumors on, he has used the back seat of English', credited with curbing ments publicly upon legislation that ha^not yet passed the PHONE Ml 9^30 The Klwanls Club will hold i wife, Mrs.. Bth^ F. Lewis of 85 2.7 Main S'lrcet. Manchester 600,000 educators who, among W ill B e Inspected lately that he might step out of hia car to carry on conferences. Beck’sjilans for a 31 million pub­ J^iate and the House, “ but he also'^is beirig.dictatorial,” said round table discussion on plans for Charter Oak St. F O R T H E other contributions to this coun­ Call M^9-5869 the Presidency, when world condi­ licity j^ g ra m and other spending the future at its meeting ’Thursday ’The majority of. the Mtate, Ane said that on the trip last Watson in a speech prepared fpr the Senate debate on the noon at 12:15 at the Country Club. try, seek 5rst of all to raise the The Manchester Department of tions permit, and have Nixon take Friday 'he was engaged in a pro^saJs, was reported to have measure. BEST B U YS in standards of teaching. -- . - over. told Rpbert F. Kennedy, chief Health today began an Inspection con/trenpe. He made tJie journey The bill would gradually cut and eventually w i^ o u t the Mrs. Sarah . ’furklngton, Mrs The centennial film, "A Desk for of local restaurants with the as­ Elaeiihow^ appejired to register uith bol. Walter R. 'Tkach, assist­ counsel for the Senate Investigat­ A U t O Edith Turklngton and Mrs. Msry Billie,’’ has received great ac­ sistance of the State Department ■ some atirprise.' Then he said em­ ant WTiite'House physician. ing .Committee, to "carry on the tax on interest and dividends paid b.v Cpruiecticut companies. Lewis will, be . hostesses fmr the claim, It 'has already been shown of Health. phatically those reports are the Bccar.ca o7 that conference, good fight” to help rid the Team­ The tax is not levied on out df state companies which do busi­ meeting of the Willing Workers in many of the local .schools. ... ’The program will Include lab­ worst rot he has heard since he has Elsenhwer said, he had no Idea of sters o f any corrupt influences. The highlight of the NEA Cen­ ness in Connecticut. -----;------—— Circle tomorrow st 2 p.m. st the oratory examining df eating uten­ been in office. his limousine's spepd. ' Second Onl.r to Beck Republicaha, who rontrol the ^ X ' tennial will be the national con­ Have You An Event South Methodist Church. ’The pot- sils and cleaning precedures and Showing irritation, the President The driver was a Secret Service Kennedy paid English a visit Legialature. approved the measure I n f i r b C luck dinner will be held st s later vention t o be held In Philadelphia also will include an inspection of said he knows of no reason why man. late yesterday in the palatial 36 >2 in . Senate and House caucuses last | V U T F A ' in early July. date. the ’ restaurant workers according Scheduled That Calls any speculative writer should Elsenhower went on to say he million Teamsters Building. Eng­ week. L — - to Dr. Nicholas Marzialo, direct M o m doubt hia basic integrity and hon- lish has the union's No. 2 job, Cliargea Tteweet Giveaway’ •Vvv* ••» of health. vsty. ~ ,, (Coatteued on Page Eighteen) second only to Beck, In the head­ Ribicoff has labeled it "one of 'Giveaway’ of - . . * According to the Health De'^ For Food?' ^ quarters organization. the i-awest giveaway programs" | partment office, all eating estab- Beck, who. Invoked the Fifth The funnel of a tornado is shown as it wa.s midway through its sweep across a residential in the state's hlstorj-. liahmente which use plates or sim­ be k wedding, a banquet or ju.sl an informal From FAIRWAY’S hugs stitc- Amendment for .two days last week section of Dallas., Te.**, yesterday during a heavy rain. In his speech toda.v. Watson I State’s Prison ilar permanent utensils will- be in­ geKtogether of a society, lodge or some friendly group. ia refusing to tell the Senate Com­ contended that Ribicoff has the ' ------spected. mittee about his- financial affairs, chance to voice hia disapproval of: State Capnol, Hartford, April 8 Written reports with, recommen­ \ W E ARE PREFARED TO SERVE YOU tion of Etsttr Gafd$ (or tht C hilean H^ohs R iot sat Only a few feet aw'sy in his proposed legislatton by using hU (*)_. port* placed the death toll as high closed , off to newsmen beyond the invading thf powers of the Legis­ report yesterday on a bill to deed Auto Craft M A I N ST. New vlolenca .erupted in Santiago as 60. lobby floor. But Kennedy did say lature.” the 189-year-old prison structure to INCORPORATED Garmn Grove Populatioa Warned the town.- J CERAMISTS! today in defiance of emergency Watson contended that the-levy Triatfarihe M l 3 -7 3 6 4 President Carlos Ibanez, ip a na­ T^e Govirnor told hia newa con­ 575 MAIN ST. "DoltYoundr P H O N i A IX DAY MONDAY law clamped.on the entire country (Oontlnued on Ps|v Ten) affected by the bill it "not .a tax k tionwide, poat-mldntght broadcast. on the insurance companies; but ference that euch a plan is unfair Next to Flrat NaUonal Bank ft*R E«»r uid lt*i WmM 3 -8 3 8 3 OPEN FRIDAY NIGHTS TILL 9 PAf. to stamp put anti-inflation riqtiM. to the rest of the citizens of the Bags You Prizo F««riBjc Dally— to 4 p.m.* About 1,000 cniileank-aittokSO; Aykriiec) ,Ute population he stands It is a tax on the savings of the 7 p,m. to It p.in. state, “ and I hop^to'e Legislature police and Army troops in the for "ertergrftlc iisr of arms, what­ people who have inveated in life Wholesale and Retail Open All Day Sat.—CUied Xoa« ever the consequences," to put will give It very eertoua cohsidera- heart of this capital city, ■where' Haitian Army Insurance for their own protec­ Uon.“ * Oestvertlble Tppa ROCKRAFT down the 'Violence. tion.’’ • Fleer and Trunk Bfato Manchester Rug Shdmpoomg last 'night rioting, punctuated by ‘ Giveaway Day^ . e Alt Iteterier Fkkrio WoHt CERAMICS. X frequent Army fire, leftjwores of A government decree, read over He argued that it diacrimbiatea Remarking that "today ih give­ Ig HANNAWAY Si S e ET— m i 8-8662 U Fl'KHELI. P L ML dead and grounded. .... a nationwide radio hookup, an Rules in New against Connecticut companies and away day,’’ Ribicoff added: * \ The mobs, defying a government nounced a state of siege—a form has discouraged new companies “ 1 hope this doesn’t turn in to'* order to remain indoors, tried to of martial law. The government from locating in the state! giveaway Legislature.’ ’ atorm the doors of the Pan Ameri­ blamed the rioting on international Regime Upset Senate Chairman Newman M, His reference to “giveaway day’* can Bank and were ■ driven off communism and . lawless groups Maralllus, (R-Triimbull) of the Fi­ was voiced just before the sched­ after heavy Army gunfire. ’The seeking to damage the economy of nance Committee said in a pre uled opening of debate in the Ben- Port Au Prince, Haiti, April 3 pared speech that the proposal is rioters tried to overwhelm the sol­ this nation, one of the most demo­ UP)—ITie Army appeared in firm, ate, heavily controlled by Repub­ diers, then fled as the soldiers cratic in Latin America. It said the "in the public interest" licans. on a bill to reduce inmr- control of Haiti today as this vol­ He charged that "tnis extra tax TRA BONUS! opened ■fire. - events of the past week were "the ance company taxes. The Gover­ atile Caribbean Negro 'republic The rioters stoned the exclusive beginning of one phase of violence has destroyed any illusions that nor, a Democrat, has called the. dump«$] its third president in four Connecticut is or waa the insur­ measure “ one of the rawest give­ Club de la Union ajid club mem­ designed to destroy the countiy.” months. bers who had rushed to the bal­ Underscoring the government’s This area of West Dallas was leveled by the tornado. The area contained manyjrame ance capital of the countrj’." aways" in the'Connecticut history. Provisional President Franck "There is every reason to believe conies. Automobiles in front of the intentions,, a firing squad was re­ structures that .were blown away and scattered throughout the section. Ribicoff described the prison Sylvain, who reaign«41a4t night that this tax instead o f' raising proposal aa a "plan to give away cltib were destroyed. * ported to have executed four per­ under whlpped-up public pressure, sons at dawn for sacking and loot­ money for our atate,. has coet us state property worth 31 li million Practically all street lamps In was reported under palace arreat tax revenues by driving away po­ the heart of the city were smashed. ing shops, Gen. Horaclo Gamboa, for 310.” pending inveatigetion of an alleged For 40 Horror-Fiiled Minutes tential insurance "companies,'‘ he " It would set a very dangerous ’Traffic signals were destroyed, chief of the Santiago garrison, de­ bomb plot. The inquiry was said. ornamental grils were torn from clined-to confirm this report, but launched after police found three .Sees 314 MUIIqn I.oea (Oontinued on Page ’Tea) windows, and traffic police booths said court-martial proceedings and caches of arms and explosives. Democratic leader .Sen. Arthur TIm were smashed and burned. execution's for pillaging are per­ Word spread that' BYig. Gen, L. H. Healey said that “ Democratic The government closed, all' mitted under the atate of siege. • M. Cantave, Army chief of staff, legislators will fight to a finish the •choola for an indefinite period. 100,OQO Watch Tornado Rip The capital was relatively quiet may take over the presidential Republican giveaway program of The riota followed a week of tur­ with the aiTlvsI of daylight, but functions until Haiti’s deweit po­ tax write-offs to Insurance com­ bulent demonstration^, mostly led all transport services were at litical'muddle is cleared up and panies at the expanse of the peo­ Bulletins by atudeiits. against '^Chile's run­ elections are held. ple and businesses of Connecticut.'' away coat of living. Unofficial re­ (Oontinoed on Page Nine) 2 1-Mile Path Through Dallas “ The propoeerf Republican tax from the AP Wires An informed source, laid’ Sylvain had fklled in an attempt to get . k - . , cuts for insurance companies are not just, they are not fair and they STAMPSa ‘ A' eway in a car driven by hia aiater- Shreveport, La., April 8 1 ^ — wcould be -expected today. A heavyi^f tw iiten. which hopped over the In-law, Underaecretafy o f Labor are not equitable,’ ’ he said. WOM.AN REPLACES SYNDEB The Weather Bureau here said rain fell. state. Other scattered injuries and Washington, April 8 OTW—Prenl- GOP Foiled in Senate L.vdia Jeanty. She was ari’eated Healey contended the ta\.,cut will filar TUgi a tornado hit Avenger, .Tex„ Some 196 Injured persona were, damage were reported. A wide coat the state 114 million in lax dent Etsenliower today spppinted later, about 59 miles aqrtlriveet of here treated at hospitals. Unofficial band of the northwest part of losses during the next seven years. a woman— Mrs. Anne Whmttoti Charge Vote. Plot O n Evory Purchase In AH f at 10:S0 a.m. (CSTj ' today. estimates placed the injured as Texas was under a severe weather "This ahocluhg tax policy of the — ^te replsM Morray Snyder aa CARTER CHEVROLET CO., Inc., USED CAR LOT Sylvain’e cabinet wsb forced out The iomado was moving south­ high aa 400. warning. Republican party that gives spe­ an assistant press secretary in last Yveek under chargee the proiri- \ east toward Jeffersop, Tex. No official estinuite of damage Panic rose In the' streeta as cial favors to special. interests the White House, The su r^ se- inner eional chi^f of etete web rigging Delta Airlines here reported . traffle piled up. had been made, but asalstant without consideration of the needs move was announced by the \ 1229 Main Street • Phone Ml 9 -5 2 3 8 the prealdential election act ta r that another funnel was sighted Police Chief Jess Curry said It "I've got to get out of this jam kirtlliliM C iit President In a speech before eotne April 28 in 'favjir of candidate by one of Its filghta about 86 ' would be more than 31’2 million. V-ll'a hitting my house and my (Oontinued on Page, Ten) 1,509 applandlng women at: the \ Freiicoia Duvalier, Nine other can- miles south of Lore Fl'eld lii Unofficial, eatimates said 800 'W'ife ia home," a tearful old man 6th .annual Republican Women’s WEDNESDAY, April 3 In Vital Texas Race Dallaa. The funnel was near homes and business buildings were begged and cried: Conference. (Oeattaiied ea Page Ten) . 'the eemmunlty' of Waxahatcnle. destroyed or damaged. Many simply abandoned toeir Dallas, April 8 (#)HDoinocrate The fllghi, which was «fn route Oklahoma Deaths at 3 autos, fearing the tornado was U.S. Accuses KILL MRS. CARROIX SLAYER ttSSCHEVliOLETUOOR m 1952CHEVROLET a U D COUPE $625 nailed down control of the United i to Dallas, returned te Shreve-' Tornadoes also plowed into heading toward them. Police cars Hehran,. ItM , April S i4f>)—The RADIO, BEATER. U K E NEW. RADIO* HEATER. SUtea senate toda; with a victory port. » . southern Oklahoma and killed at- and ' ambulances, their Sirens Tehran. Iren, April 8 .<47^ by Ralph Tkjborough over 18 other leaat five persons. Another person Bcreaming, fought for passage. Kadar of Rule - The Interior Ministry aaaoimeed senatorial candidal^. ! Dallas, April 8 UP>^A huge tor­ Waa killed near Paris, 'Tex,, as a * Like Glaat Top today loyal tribesmen had killed News Tidbits nado that spun out of ait-omloous 1S55 PLYMOUTH CONY, S14B 1952 NASH RAMaER STA.WA0. SSK • The affable Yarborough. 53,; series of tornadoes skip^d around 1716 tornado was first spotted the slayer of Mr.. Anita Car- came back from four prevloua elec-1 Culled from A P Wires blacks rain cloud cut a deadly 21- north Texas, near Red Bird Airport, about TO By Red Terror roll in a 2-bour gunflght outside RADIO, HEA’TER. AUTO. ’TRANSMISSION. HEATER NEW PAINT. '' - mile path acinss Dallas, yesterday tion defeats to swamp another [ The tornado lashed oqt of a miles aouth of the heart of this a village In southeastern Iran. A afternoon aa thousands watched In Detnoerat,” the nationally known black rainstorm. An estimated north central Texas city of half a M ip lst^ spokesman said tribes­ fear and awe. Nine persobs were Washington, April S (P>—The 974 Main St Rep. Martin Dies of un-American | Inveatigation beard comjiletea hundred' thousand people watched million: It then plowed northward men, armed by the government killed. like a giant top, aplnning through United'States today accused Moa- 1355 OHEVROLET 2-DOOR V I $1425 i m CH EVRaET 4-DOOR $615 Activities Committee fkme, and, taking testimony in tte .probe into as it swayed a leisurely, jericy to track down the slayers of M n . - And as reSbue worken p.rohed cow's'puppet-regime, in, Hungary RADIO, HEATER. IXni'aOLEAGE. RADIO, .h e a t e r . the GOP ho^ful ’ITiad Hutcheson,' fatal akoo.tlng of M a r^ March 15 course from South Oak Cliff residential, business and. manu­ Carroll, her husband and an­ SUPER MARKETS the wreckage for others still re­ facturing - areas. It. -slammed of reverting .“to some of the worst plenty of FREE PARKIN6 his only clo|e opponents. while he ■'waa being' relieved o f through West' Dallas and North- practices of the Stalinist.terror." other American, had gunned Republicans had hi(^ hopes o l . ported ' missing' the Weather Bu­ West Dallas. For 40 horror-filled through Oak Cliff, part of the aentry duty a f Groton. Subra J t ‘ Charged in ,a statement down Ghjulenlaiil, "reportedly winning with Hutcheson and tak­ reau warned, that more tornadoes minutes the 'lashing, funnel filled Trinity industrial district, West 1952 PLYMOUTH a i i o COUPiE $495 furthermore that the continued the aasistant" o f fugitive bendlt 1551 CHEVROLET STA. WAOON S1245 ing oyer Senate leadership. TTie the- dark sky above a frozen city. Dalias.and on to the north. lure on his recent world tour, tells presence pf Russian forces in Hun­ chief 'Dedshah. RADIO, B E A i ; ^ FQLbiNG SEAT. - ^DIO, HEATER. ’ Democrats hxve a paper-thin 49-47 The twisteb came on election It finally broke up near Love SUGAR CURED SHANKLESS tEAN, MESH paOUND what • native' children of Neis’ gary shows the regime of Janos .edge.there ,noa’. A GOP victory Guinea call him; "Fella belong day, just as rush hour traffic was Field, northwest of, downtown FTLIBCSTER UNIT NAMED PRODUCE SMOKED would have created a 48-48 tie. Giant Snowfall starting shortly after 4 p.m. Pec^ Dallas. -' .- . ■ Kadar "does not have the confi­ Mjra. «lnoen.’’ ' dence of tlie people and cannot Washington, April 8 (4V—The Backed by Ike pie watched. from roofs and win­ The base of the funnel apparent­ 1954 CHEVROLET 2-OOOli $1075 1952 PONTIAC GATALINA $725 Subversive Activities Control exist wijibout the protection of Senate Rules Committee today DEPARTMENT HAMBURG President Elaenhower had en- dows o f downtown ■^'buildings and ly varied from 150 fefet In width. RApiO, HEATER. RADIO, HEATER, HYDRAMATIC. SHOULDERS Board ia to consider move to strike Ends G)lorado Soviet ■ troops." appointed a 6-mciaber suhooni- jlorsed Hiitebeson .and he waged a M t ail testimony df ntejor goi’ern- from viaducts, homes and automo­ Huge pieces of debris were whirled mlt|ee. to conduct heartagi oa ' vigorous ca n q ia ^ , batited aolidly biles.'" ' T h e U.8. statement »!is prom]?b- ment witness at bearing invol'rtng an estimated 2,000 feet Into the proposals to nutice it easier to WHY BUY A RED ... WHEN ^ the atate GOP machinery. ed- b>’ a joint pronouncement is­ International Union of Mine, Mill Downtown' Dallas slopes uphill air and aailed ouUideways aa the choke off Senate fUlbustera..8enr 195SFQRD A^OOR 1951Dt$OTOADOOR $445 The vote was expected UT rtm- RALPH YABBORPUGH Area - Drought sued in Moscow March 28'by the and Smelter W orkers.. .Miss Yael to the east, away from the torna­ tpister smashed house, busineasea, Mansfield ( D-Mont), ' aasistant RADIO.. IREA’TER. RADIO, BEA’ifcR. YOU WANT A SFEAR? ■RE&.'«e ft **' httli more .{than half that of tha Soviet and Hungarian/ govern­ Dayan, 18-year-old , daughter of do area, and 'provided a theater­ ^reea and -vehiclei. Brilliant flashes ments which reassured the Soviet Senate Detnooratic. leader, wae 3- 5 " ” general election last November Israel' Chief of Staff Maj. Gdn. Denver, April 8 (iP)—The heavl- like vipw 'of the funnel. . kept ho)splng about the base as 4 to 6-pounde average. State Agriculture Commisrioner Cbmmunist policy that the United named .bead o f the supooinmlt* In bul^ng azparagus at ijftk J 99® when more thgn .1,800,000 Texans John C. White 9,078. N[bahe Dayan, aulTen broken-arm ast spring Miowsterm In 22 5'ears Passengers and' creW' of a power and trolley-bus lines snap­ Nations has no right to Interest tee. ■•'- : . CHEVROLET -DOOR east bidlots. ' . while on army manuevem.' f55l FORD FAIRUNE 1951 4 $545 Popular-^aa with aU fruits The other .13 candidates got Only cleared out of the Rocky Moun­ B ranlff Airlines ' plane watched ped ‘ itself in the .Hungarian problem. ' A tornado that struck Dallas in Israeli Finance Minister L e v i from the air aa.it ctrclell after RADIO. BEATER, FOROOMATIO. RADIO, HEATER. ‘ ' and vegeteblre ~ YOU . SIRLOIN or SHOUT •- FRESHLY SUCED a handful o f votes. ' . .The twiater - slammed into a The $tate Department charged lata afternoon may have , tabulated when the unofficial vote tion. . ' ' i A ir Force general says U.S. plans sitting- in Wheel chair. —emd fkat’a at Popular. . POPULAR INSTANT sco n COUNTY holiday from school. .Cautions of­ % quickly put out two amall Area nation." gathering Texas Election Bureau Kafased to Belt Party' 'to build "manned air vehlclea’’ ficials .in Denver Cheyenne. ■Wyo., The victor is a strong party Hospital Jammed which started in the wake--of the And, it ‘said, the uprising was U.S. BOYCOTTS RED RITES IV ' abut up shop early today. Dies had with 4p e e d .e f.M t ' m.p.h. and most, othet cities joined rural .The hospital was jaramied with twister. '255.016 and. Hutcheson 202.721. backer. He refused to bolt to .eruahed "only by the intervention Budapest, April g CD—KuaJ FRESH PICKED Cream Style Corn Mayor N orrii Pulson of . Loa districts In cloaing down until to­ crying, wallln|r,“ bloody .people. ' Southwest Bell Telephone Co. V COFFEE 4 . Voters contentrated on. tlva big President Eisenhower in 1 ^ and of Soviet armed forces." garian- Cemmunist eSIclala to­ Angelas has bean reelected to 4- morrow. • , !/ There were dozens' of children, said 4,200 .to 5,000 tslephonea.were three, vrtth three other candidates lU56 when many Texas Democrats' .'A’The Kadar regime," the State day honored the Ameriaaa dead year term by , vote .in Rail,- highway and air. travel—, man; nunab and, soaked with knocked out: Dallas Rdwer jmd o f statewide prominence getting \-«nt over to the President’s xlde. D^xutolent said, "has vengefliUy of' World War 11. tmt American WATERCRESS oltjte priamry electlea... Gover­ snarled and erratic for 84 .hoUra— blood. , ( Light Co. said power was off to -'.^1$ 1 , 0 0 tnaignlficant ballot totals. .Eisenhow’er- carried- this normally sougat tp ldentify,-n«Blze. and pun­ dlplomata hejroottod the eere-i j nor Ribicoff ia acheduled -to ad­ ret(umed-to-^ntaal today Four of the dead were children. abou't 75,000 homes for a time. .J- J a r . ------cans State Sen. Saarcy Braeewell had D em ocr^c state both times. ish tboee who took part in the up- many. Therflkad e f the Boda-^ -.-'y dress aa Aatartcaa Praaa iMitttate Fprecastere said the asatboitrid Including three in one family. One Bill McGlU, state coordinator of riatali; olOctober-November. Jt has 80,892, Auatin -Attorney Jaipea P. Yarborough bore the label of peat a riitu y ' garriaes pieyad seminar on genwal; reporting atonn would leave an occasional waa S' motithHild girl and the three Defense and Disaster Rellaf. said' curriad out arrests of Hungiulan theiStar Spangled Ssanir an Used Cor Display Qnd^ales bunch * ' Hart, formar Uniyeraiiy at Texas U beral ht .’TMUu elaltions, but/hiS 2 3 whtre he .will lead discuasion . on "flurry or tern” In the morning brothers apd s ls t^ ; aged 6 ,1, sad a “ survey shows 13f ^uaea in dtiaena on a meae. ecale.icale. I t has I / . .V 1 2 2 9 M A W S T m MANCHISTER PHONE M lteM 9-8238 ahaaealler aad former atate Su- problanu « ( atate gdrernmantwitb Syear*.' ' Oeort JusUea, IT.M * and « i). a«Bph|iala aa role of praaa. (OsaBaned aa Paga Iw ). -n e wasiene at a series ■> 1) -v'y IP , ' 1 ■T ■ II