EELE 3332 – Electromagnetic II Chapter 11 Transmission Lines

Islamic University of Gaza Electrical Engineering Department Dr. Talal Skaik

2012 1 11.5 The Smith Chart

The Smith Chart is a graphical tool for analyzing transmission lines.

The Smith Chart is made up of circles and arcs of circles.

The circles are called “constant resistance circles”

The arcs are “constant reactance circles”

The combination of intersecting circles and arcs inside the chart allow us to locate the normalized impedance and then to find the impedance anywhere on the line.

We will assume lossless transmission lines. (Zo=R0)

2 The Smith Chart

The Smith Chart is constructed within a circle of unit radius (|Γ|≤1).

 ||    ri j 

Where Γr and Γi are the real and imaginary parts of Γ. 3 The Smith Chart Smith Chart is normalized so that all impedances are normalized to the Z0. (Hence, it can be used for any line)

For the load impedance ZL , the normalized impedance zL is:

ZL zL   r  jx Z0

Resistance Reactance Circles Circles r-circles x-circles

4 The Smith Chart

Plot normalized impedance


5 The Smith Chart

6 The Smith Chart

• Impedance: – Z1 = 100 + j50 – Z2 = 75 -j100 – Z3 = j200 – Z4 = 150 – Z5 = infinity (an open circuit) – Z6 = 0 (a short circuit) – Z7 = 50 – Z8 = 184 -j900

• Normalized impedance (line impedance (50 ) : – z1 = 2 + j – z2 = 1.5 -j2 – z3 = j4 – z4 = 3 – z5 = infinity – z6 = 0 – z7 = 1 – z8 = 3.68 -j18 7 The Smith Chart

8 The Smith Chart •A complete revolution (3600) around Smith Chart represents a distance of (λ/2) on the line. λ distance on the line corresponds to a 7200 movement on the chart. λ→ 7200 •Clockwise movement represents moving toward the Generator. •Counter-clockwise movement represents moving toward the

Load. 9 The Smith Chart

Three scales: •Outermost scale: distance on line in terms of , moving toward Generator. •Middle scale: distance on line in terms of wavelength, moving toward Load. •Innermost scale : to determine θΓ (in degrees)

Given Z0, ZL, λ and length of line, We can determine Zin, Yin, s, and Γ. 10 Example 11.4

•A lossless with Z0=50 Ω is 30 m long and operates at 2 MHz. The line is terminated with a load ZL=60+j40 Ω. If u=0.6c on the line, find •(a) The Γ •(b) The ratio s

•(c) The input impedance. Solution Method 1 (Without the Smith Chart) Z Z 60 jj 40  50 10  40 (a)  =L0    0.3523  560 ZL0 +Z 60jj 40  50 110  40 1 |  | 1  0.3523 (b ) s= 2.088

1 |  | 1  0.3523 11 Example 11.4- Solution continued

2  (2 106 ) 2  (c) ll = (30)   1200 (electrical length) u 0.6(3 108 ) 3

ZL  jZ0 tan  l ZZin  0  Z0  jZL tan  l 60jj 40 50tan1200  500 50jj (60 40) tan120  23.97 j 1.35  24.01  3.220

12 Example 11.4

ZL (a) Normalized : zL  Z0 60 j 40  =1.2+j0.8 50

Locate zL at point P 0P z | |   0.3516 L L 0Q

 is between 0SP and 0 : 0   PS 0 56

0  L 0.3516  56 ______(b ) To find standing wave (c) to find Zin , express l interms of  or in degrees. ratio s , draw s-circle u 0.6(3 1080 ) 30 720   90 m, l =30 m=    2400 f 2 106 90 3 3 (radius 0P and center 0) 0  Move clockwise from load toward Generator 240 on the s-circle meets r -axis s-circle from point PG to point . At G , We obtain: zin  0.47 j 0.03 at s  2.1

Hence Zin Z0 z in  50(0.47  j 0.03)  23.5  j 1.5  13 Example 11.5

A load of 100+j150 Ω is connected to a 75 Ω lossless line. Find: a) The reflection coefficient Γ b) The s c) The load YL d) Zin at 0.4λ from the load. e) The locations of Vmax and Vmin with respect to the load if the line is 0.6 λ long. f) Zin at the generator.

14 Example 11.5

Z L 100 j 150 (a) zL  Z0 75 =1.33+j2 (point P ) 0P | |   0.659 L 0Q 0  angle PS 0 40 0  L 0.659  40

ZZL  0 Check : L ZZL  0 100j 150 75  L 100j 150 75 0 L 0.659  40 ______(b ) Draw s-circle passing through P and obtain s=4.82 1 | | check: s= 4.865 1 | | 15 Example 11.5

(c) yL  0.228j 0.35

YYLL 0 y 1  (0.228j 0.35) 75

YL 3.04 j 4.67 mS Check : 11 YL  ZjL 100 150  3.07j 4.62 mS  (d ) The 0.4 corresponds to 0.4 72000 288  Move 2880 on s-circle from P toward generator (clockwise) to reach point R .

zjin 0.3 0.63

Zin Z0 z in 75(0.3  j 0.63)

=22.5+j47.2516  Example 11.5 – Solution continued

()d Check : 2 l (0.4 )  360 (0.4)  1440  0

ZL  jZ0 tan l ZZin  0  Z0  jZL tan tan  l 100jj 150 75tan1440 =750 75jj (100 150) tan tan144 =54.41 65.250 or

Zin  21.9j 47.6

17 Example 11.5 (e) 0.6  0.6  7200  4320 1 revolution 720 Start from P (Load), move alone s-circle 4320 , or one revolution +720 , and reach Generator at point G .  We have passed through

point T (location of Vmin ) once, and point S (location

of Vmax ) twice. From load:

1st Vmax is located at : 400  0.055 7200

2nd Vmax is located at :  0.055 0.555 2

The only Vmin is located at : 0.055  / 4 0.3055 18 Example 11.5

(f) At G (Generator end), zjin  1.8 - 2.2

Zjin  75(1.8 - 2.2)  135-j 165