ISSN 0306 1698 the grampian speleological group bulletin fourth series vol.4 no.4 October 2010 Price £2 GSG Bulletin Fourth Series Vol.4 No.4 CONTENTS Page Number Editorial 1 Cover Story 3 Area Meet Reports 3 Additions to the Library 7 Meet Note: Raasay, 2010 8 Please Sir, Can I Have Some More? 9 The Exploration of Krem Man Krem 10 The 2010 Mendip Migration 13 Dragon’s Hole, Kinnoull Hill, Perth 17 An Itinerant Scottish Caver’s Bookshelf 18 Founders’ Day 2010 - Sunset Hole 22 From the Archives; August 1963 23 Caves and Mines of Orkney 24 Meet Note: Canna 30 The Mines of Auchencairn 31 Unfinished Business at Slains 34 Credit Crunch Caving Expedition 37 Diving in Appin 38 Here There Be Dragons - Sea Caving In Shetland 39 More Internet Caving 41 New Finds, Extensions etc from Skye and Lochalsh 42 Limestone Workings in the Straiton Area 43 The Mills Down Under 45 Cave of Knives, Skye 46 The Diet of Bears 49 Cover Design: P. MacNab Obtainable from: The Grampian Speleological Group 8 Scone Gardens EDINBURGH EH8 7DQ (0131 661 1123) Web Site: E-mail (Editorial):
[email protected] -1- Grampian Speleological Group Editorial: With our 50 year jubilee fast approaching, perhaps it might be efficacious to ponder awhile on the club ‘ethic’, a topic very dear to me naturally, since I treat the GSG as being essentially of my fathering. A club is no different from any other form of extended family, expecting certain loyalties and obligations of its individual members in exchange for comradeship, facilities, mutual support and visions of common pur- pose.