TT_March-1st ITB_FINAL.indd 1 Vol. XXXIIssue5; March1 st fortnight i fortnight ssue 2019 A DDPPUBLICATION Pages : 52 3/4/2019 9:57:17 AM ` 20/- TT_March-1st ITB_FINAL.indd 2 3/4/2019 9:57:20 AM Vol. XXXI Issue 5; March 1st fortnight i ssue 2019 A DDP PUBLICATION Pages : 52 ` 20/- to be closer to Asia The Ministry of Civil Aviation’s Ude Desh ka Aam Nagrik (UDAN) scheme is set to go international with the launch of new flights from Guwahati to Bangkok and Dhaka, thereby reaping the benefits of international ties.

Nisha Verma going to be a game changer as It was also revealed that hati is getting connected with now depends purely on these connections would bring SpiceJet had taken a very two destinations at a nominal connectivity, including land he results for UDAN 3 were the Northeast closer to the rest competitive underwriting of cost of `11 crore per annum connectivity that can be Trecently announced and of the world. Resultantly, there the seats. The per annum to the state government.” used to go to Myanmar or Suresh Prabhu, Union Minister will be a tremendous scope 9*)ZRXOGEH`11 crore, Bangladesh. A lot of railway of Commerce & Industry and for tourism and economic which would be borne by the Elaborating on the need for projects are also getting Civil Aviation, revealed that development in the region.” state. The frequency would be the new route, Prabhu said H[HFXWHG&RQQHFWLQJWKH IRUWKHÀUVWWLPHLQWHUQDWLRQDO seven times a week, while the that the Northeast, after Northeast with the rest of the routes had been introduced Rajiv Nayan Choubey, JRYHUQPHQWKDVJLYHQDÁH[- 1947, had become land- world would offer tremen- under UDAN by launching Former Secretary, Civil Avia- ible template where it will start locked and there was only dous scope for tourism and ÁLJKWVIURP*XZDKDWLLQ$VVDP tion, revealed, “We are happy ZLWKWKUHHÁLJKWVDZHHNVHW the ‘Chicken’s Neck’ that economic development. to Bangkok and Dhaka. Both WRDQQRXQFHWKDW*XZDKDWLLV WRLQFUHDVHDQGEHÀQDOLVHG Suresh Prabhu connected it to the rest of Similarly, the introduction of Union Minister of Commerce & Industry routes will be served by Spice- now going to be connected ZLWKLQVL[PRQWKV&KRXEH\ and Civil Aviation the country. “As a result, the water aerodromes is a game Jet, he said, and added, “It’s with Bangkok and Dhaka.” H[SODLQHG´&XUUHQWO\*XZD- development of Northeast changer,” he asserted. plans huge expansion The company, founded in early 2000, has huge expansion plans and a new vision under the new management led by Parag Thakker. Its goal now is to expand its agent base across India.

Hazel Jain India and is looking to boost and tap into the growth of are foraying into pre-purchased $U]RRLVDOVREULQJLQJPRUHÀ[HG We have also created fantastic the strength of its sales these emerging regions. Our air tickets and rolling out GHSDUWXUHWRXUVWREHQHÀWFXV- educational and vacation tours umbai-based teams across India by add- emphasis lies on empowering domestic money transfer tomers by reducing their travel to help children gain insight into MLVORRNLQJDWH[SDQGLQJ ing at least 200 sales staff agents through technology services, utility payments, and H[SHQGLWXUH´:HDUHSODQQLQJWR XQH[SORUHGDVSHFWV7KHUHDUHD in the B2B arena in a big way. LQWKHÀUVWSKDVH7KDNNHU that is easy-to-use and sup- helping power more digital pay- increase our specialty offerings lot of plans in the pipeline but it Now promoted by Parag says, “We have a registered SRUWHGE\H[FHOOHQWURXQG ments through Aadhaar-enabled by introducing trendsetting is too early to reveal them now. Thakker, Managing Director, agent base that is upwards the-clock service.” Payment System (AEPS) soon. holiday packages, themed and All we can assure the agents at, the company has of 100,000 and awareness 2XUH[SDQVLRQSODQVKDYHD special interest tours that will WKLVPRPHQWLVWKDWDORWRIH[FLW- a new management team and of brand Arzoo is quite high. He says that the company has VSHFLDOIRFXVRQH[SDQGLQJ help highlight destinations that ing surprises from Arzoo are a renewed vision. Its goal is We’re looking to develop our ambitious plans and the wheels the IRCTC agent base,” have much to discover in terms going to come their way soon,” WRH[SDQGLWVDJHQWEDVHLQ agent base in Tier II, III cities, are being set into motion. “We Thakker adds. of photography, adventure, etc. KHDGGVH[FLWHGO\

TT_March-1st ITB_FINAL.indd 3 3/4/2019 9:57:23 AM TT_March-1st ITB_FINAL.indd 4 3/4/2019 9:57:25 AM BULLETIN Inbound takes centre stage In a significant step to boost the arrival of tourists in India, the government here has decided to increase the validity of the e-visa from 60 days to one year whilst allowing multiple entries to the country.

TT Bureau He further informed that since easy to access, to 166 November 2014, India has countries. Billa also spoke iberalising the e-visa opened its e-visa service, about the call centre for Lregime to make India more which is simple and inbound tourists, which is tourist-friendly, Suman Billa, Contd on page 32 Joint Secretary, Ministry of 7RXULVP*RYHUQPHQWRI,QGLD has said that the ministry has Ashwani Lohani been working closely with that of Home Affairs to ease e-visa reappointed Air India CMD norms for tourists coming into the country. “The govern- Former Railway Board Chairman Ashwani Lohani has been ment has now increased the Suman Billa reappointed Chairman and Managing Director (CMD) of Air India. duration of stay for foreign Joint Secretary Lohani headed the carrier from August 2017 to September 2017 Ministry of Tourism tourists holding e-tourist and when he was moved to the Railway Board as the chairman, from where he retired in December 2018. It was during his tenure that Air ,QGLDPDGHLWVÀUVWRSHUDWLQJSURÀWRI`105 crore in FY17 since the More than 10 million foreign tourists merger of Indian Airlines and Air India in 2007. travelled to India last year; if we add the Touted as the ‘Turnaround specialist’, Lohani’s appointment will be crucial after Air India’s people of Indian origin to the tally failed divestment attempt last year. This year, according to the global standard, the the government has already decided to transfer over `29,000 crore of AI’s huge `55,000 debt to number jumps to 14.5 million a Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV). e-business visas to up to a revolutionary change in Lohani succeeds Karnataka cadre one year with multiple entry, the Indian tourism scenario,” IAS Pradeep Singh Kharola, who subject to stay stipulations. he said at the Knowledge was earlier appointed as the We are trying to remove Conclave on Travel, Tourism, Civil Aviation Secretary several bottlenecks to make and Hospitality organised by following the superannuation it easier for them to travel to *OREDO$VVRFLDWLRQRI&RUSR- of RN Choubey. India. E-visa has actually been UDWH6HUYLFHV *$&6 

TT_March-1st ITB_FINAL.indd 5 3/4/2019 9:57:28 AM STATISTICS Maximum aircraft for IndiGo VIEWPOINT Out of the 1123 aircraft that are currently on order for India, a bulk of them are slated for delivery to IndiGo, according to a recent ‘Project Rupee Where is Indian Raftaar’ report by the Ministry of Civil Aviation. aviation headed? Aircraft currently on order – Indian airlines ith much being said about India being the Wfastest growing aviation market in the last IRXU \HDUV WKH DLU SDVVHQJHU WUDIÀF JURZWK ÀJ- XUHV E\ 'LUHFWRUDWH *HQHUDO RI &LYLO $YLDWLRQ '*&$  LQ -DQXDU\ UHDFKHG LWV ORZHVW SRLQW LQ WKH ODVW  \HDUV 7KH QXPEHU RI GRPHVWLF ÁLHUV rose 9 per cent on a yearly basis in January, the VORZHVWSDFHLQPRQWKVZKLFKZDVWKHÀUVWWLPHLW recorded single digit growth since July 2014. '*&$KDVDWWULEXWHGWKLVVOXPSWRWKHHQGRIWRXULVW season, which wasn’t that good for the airlines either. Another factor that contributed to this decrease was airline fares increasing to adjust higher costs. Usually, airlines increase fares to recover the losses they suffered in previous quarters owing to higher The numbers are evidence of the optimism and positive outlook for the sector, providing some insights as fuel costs and a weaker rupee. This hampered the to the near-term evolution of the market. GHPDQG IXUWKHU VLQFH DLUOLQHV SUHIHUUHG Á\LQJ RQ There are range of new and alternative investment and alliance or partnership structures emerging low PLF than reduce their fares, which according JOREDOO\ZKLFKDGGDQHZGLPHQVLRQWRWKHLQGXVWU\DVDLUOLQHVWU\QHZDQGLQQRYDWLYHZD\VWRH[SDQG to CAPA would further dampen growth. India, in their networks and their product offering. In some global markets, the changing industry structure is one the last four years, saw an average air passenger RIFRQVROLGDWLRQUDWKHUWKDQH[SDQVLRQ Source: CAPA growth of 20 per cent, but now it may slow down DELWZLWK&$3$H[SHFWLQJLWWRJURZDWSHUFHQW in 2019-20 against the estimated 18 per cent in 2018-19. However, we hope that the regional ARR up by 8.5% for 2-star hotels connectivity scheme and the development of new DLUSRUWVPLJKWFKDQJHWKHVHÀJXUHVJRLQJIRUZDUG Despite registering a decline in occupancy rates, two-star hotels witnessed maximum growth in average room rates (ARR) and increased by about Going sustainable 8.5 per cent y-o-y during FY18, according to a report by Hotelivate. Three-star hotels registered a akeMyTrip recently achieved the milestone Performance of Hotels – Overall average growth of about 5 per cent y-o-y Mof planting a million trees as part of its CSR LQ)<)RXUVWDUDQGÀYHVWDU activity. While many corporate giants have been hotels also recorded a growth of doing their bit by contributing to the environment, 3 per cent y-o-y each in average there is a lot that needs to be done at the planning room rates. Five-star hotels, however, registered the lowest stage of creating tourism products. In a scenario growth about 1.8 per cent y-o-y ZKHUHSURÀWDELOLW\LQWKHKRVSLWDOLW\DQGWRXULVPLQ- in the group during the year. This dustry is hard to achieve, being sustainable comes may be attributed to the gradual at a price. Many brands are putting in efforts to set escalation of commercial activity up water recycling plants, avoiding felling of trees in Tier II and Tier III cities as well as increased domestic travel. and taking steps to avoid use of plastic. While all Source: Hotelivate WKHVHUHTXLUHÀQDQFLDOLQYHVWPHQWWKHUHDUHRZQHUV of individual properties who follow ethical tourism practices and even limit the number of guests to Do you want to... WKHLUSURSHUWLHV:KLOHLWLVKDUGWRVWD\DÁRDWLQD WRITE A GUEST COLUMN scenario which sees new properties mushrooming OR everywhere, developing sustainable practices does SHARE NEWS FROM YOUR REGION UHDSEHQHÀWVDOEHLWRIDGLIIHUHQWNLQG Contact: [email protected]

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TT_March-1st ITB_FINAL.indd 6 3/4/2019 9:57:29 AM AVIATION MARCH 1ST FORTNIGHT ISSUE 2019 TRAVTALK 7 Flying sky-high with growth At a time when most domestic airlines are grappling with losses and financial crisis, Air India Express has bucked the trend of a declining scenario with the fourth straight year of net profit.

Manas Dwivedi The wholly-owned subsidiary WKDW$LU,QGLD([SUHVVKDV Amid all uncertainties, Sundar 2020, we will own 17 aircraft Chennai, Madurai, Coimbatore, of beleaguered state-run carrier always been a niche player also spoke of the possibility and only eight will be let out on Tiruchirappalli, Mangaluru, HFRUGLQJDVWDJJHULQJSURÀW $LU,QGLDWKH([SUHVVFDUULHULV and will continue to target RIH[SDQVLRQRIWKH$LU,QGLD operational lease.” Vijayawada, Mumbai, Pune, RLQWKHODVWÀQDQFLDO\HDU looking at its fourth straight year newer markets. “Our focus ([SUHVVÁHHW+HVDLGWKDWWKH Amritsar, Chandigarh, Delhi, $LU,QGLD([SUHVVLVOLNHO\WR RIQHWSURÀWLQ$VWURQJ will continue to be on con- carrier is looking forward to &XUUHQWO\$LU,QGLD([SUHVV Lucknow, Varanasi, Jaipur, witness similar success this player in connecting southern necting Tier-II cities through inducting new aircraft. Elaborat- connects to 13 international and Surat). ÀQDQFLDO\HDUHQGLQJ0DUFK India to the Middle East, Sundar LQWHUQDWLRQDOÁLJKWV:HDUH ing, he said, “I feel that we need destinations (Dubai, Sharjah, 2019. K Shyam Sundar, CEO, VD\VWKDW$LU,QGLD([SUHVVKDV not going to bang our heads WRXSGDWHWKHFXUUHQWÁHHWZLWK Abu Dhabi, Al Ain, Ras Al $LU,QGLD([SUHVVVD\VWKDW been successful in setting itself Khaimah, Dammam, Riyadh, the airline has been growing apart from other LCCs in many Kuwait, Muscat, Salalah, continuously for the past four ways. He says, “We have a We need to update the current fleet with Doha, Bahrain, and Singapore) years. “In 2016-17, we saw a ‘stage length’ of about four hours the new 737 MAX aircraft. It opens up a lot of from 20 Indian cities (Kannur, whooper of a growth. During between landings, which means Kozhikode, Kochi, Thiruvanan- 2017-18, we witnessed growth that we have a very low engi- opportunities, including the possibility of thapuram, Bengaluru, that was an impact of all the neering cost. We have a good plying long-haul flights, accounting for 65 new aircraft coming to us over booking system and ancillary the years. We accumulated revenues, which are important per cent of outbound traffic from India 14 per cent growth, we had ÀQDQFLDOFRPSRQHQWVIRU/&&V a higher load factor, and our To me, the most important thing for Mumbai and Delhi, we the new 737 MAX aircraft. It yields went up by 16 per cent. is operating from non-metro need metro cities only for opens up a lot of opportunities, During 2018-19, we did much cities and not from Mumbai strategic reasons. We have re- including the possibility of ply- better than the year before. or Delhi, where you have fuel cently connected Sharjah and LQJORQJKDXOÁLJKWVDFFRXQWLQJ :HKDYHIXUWKHULQWHQVLÀHGRXU consumption which you did not 6XUDWZLWKLQWHUQDWLRQDOÁLJKWV for 65 per cent of outbound reach and targets. Today, the EDUJDLQIRULQWKHÀUVWSODFHµ The response from this route WUDIÀFIURP,QGLD&XUUHQWO\ utilisation of our aircraft is 14 has been stronger than was we have 25 aircraft of which hours a day, which is phenom- With Tier-II cities being its H[SHFWHGHYHQZLWKPLQLPDO we have leased out 17 while K Shyam Sundar enal,” says Sundar. core market, Sundar says promotion,” says Sundar. the rest are owned by us. By CEO, Air India Express

TT_March-1st ITB_FINAL.indd 7 3/4/2019 9:57:31 AM 8 TRAVTALK MARCH 1ST FORTNIGHT ISSUE 2019 HOTELS Lemon Tree spreads its branches The Government of India has often shown its enthusiasm for the hospitality industry through announcements and policies, but not much of it has been made a reality. Rattan Keswani, Deputy Managing Director, Lemon Tree Hotels, talks about how the hospitality company has made it big in spite of market turbulence.

Anupriya Bishnoi erage rates. Lemon Tree Hotels Has the IPO turned will be operating 87 hotels with Qout to be the way you How was 2018 for 8793 rooms across 58 cities expected it to? QLemon Tree Hotels? by FY2021. We opened a few So far, yes. In our business, We did well both in terms of properties as well, including the you may have a forecast, but occupancy, which was close to ones in Dehradun, Pune, Siliguri events around you are a risk 80 per cent, and in terms of av- and Morjim. We should soon be you can’t really fully plan for. able to open an ‘owned hotel’ in There is no stability in the Mumbai, followed by Kolkata. hospitality industry as it can Then, we should be able to be affected any day, based on open a managed property in local and global events. You Kalina, Mumbai. We will see can’t forecast what’s going to more hotels in Aligarh, Jhansi, happen in the political world. &RRUJ*XOPDUJHWF What works better DEURZQÀHOGSURMHFW\RX time for anyone to get the large, has been trying to do Udaipur will be another Qfor you, Greenfield or become a little limited and best result, before the supply whatever it can by itself. Some upscale resort substantiating brownfield projects? may not be able to tweak it cycle begins again. changes are visible, such as our direction towards Both work for us. The crucial too much. Obviously, in the WKHDQQRXQFHPHQWRI*67EXW attracting high-value part that remains is location. present business scenario, Which are those gov- the rates are not helpful both leisure custom- *UHHQÀHOGSURMHFWVWDNHWLPH anyone would want to put up Qernment policies that for the industry and for the cus- ers. We have also but are easier to work around, a hotel as quickly as he can, keep bothering you? tomer. The government does signed manage- with architects and interior EHFDXVHWKHQH[WWKUHHWRÀYH I don’t think the government acknowledge that the hospitality ment contracts in designers, and help reach the years look promising with a really looks at this industry industry provides employment, Dubai, Bhutan and IXOOSRWHQWLDORIEUDQGVSHFLÀ- choke in supply and increase beyond some great announce- but I don’t think much gets Kathmandu. cations. When you undertake in demand. This is the best ments. The industry, by and done to facilitate that bit.

TT_March-1st ITB_FINAL.indd 8 3/4/2019 9:57:34 AM TT_March-1st ITB_FINAL.indd 9 3/4/2019 9:57:35 AM 10 TRAVTALK MARCH 1ST FORTNIGHT ISSUE 2019 TECHNOLOGY ‘ABC’ changes the travel scenario Disruptive technologies such as ‘A’rtificial Intelligence, ‘B’lockchain, and ‘C’hatbots are reinventing the travel wheel, says Dhruv Shringi, Co-Founder & CEO, He also talks about the major achievements of the online travel agency in 2018.

Manas Dwivedi which allows an individual OTAs like Yatra are personalis- Customers are pampered Today, technology is revolu- to book mid-budget and pre- ing their offerings as per cus- for choice when it comes to tionising the way we work or How did the previous mium hotels with the ‘anytime tomer preferences. Based on travel platforms, and each do business. Big Data, cloud Qyear fare for Yatra in check-in/check-out’ facility, consumers’ buying patterns, brand needs to be intuitive technology, and personalisa- terms of growth? while only paying for the time we push relevant offers to about the changing needs tion have a profound positive The year 2018 was a positive they actually use the room. them, recommend options for and trends and act on solu- impact on the travel industry. one for the tourism sector at their stay, etc. Big Data, cloud tions before others to be at With this new information, a large, with travellers from all Yatra also launched an technology, and personalisa- the top of the game. At Yatra, business is at a better position across the world investing H[FOXVLYHWUDYHOSURJUDPPH tion are impacting the travel we continuously study cus- to provide customised serv- H[SRQHQWLDOO\LQFUHDWLQJ Privy, aimed at the discern- industry by offering customer tomer behaviour and buying ices, enabling a better memorable travels. It was ing traveller. It offers curated H[SHULHQFHIRUWKH an important year for Yatra OX[XU\H[SHULHQFHVEDFNHGE\ end customer. as well, as we continued to unmatched knowledge and Voice-based bots are revolutionising the grow our corporate side of service of a travel advisor way people interact with travel service pro- the business. Recently, we who customises the holiday acquired the corporate travel or business travel as per viders and aggregators, and are ushering in business of PL Worldways to an individual’s needs the era of personalised travel assistants strengthen ourselves in the and preferences. southern markets of India. We accessible via multiple devices also recorded growth in the What, according hotel business and entered Qto you, are the insights that were not avail- patterns to understand their into a partnership with Agoda growing technological able previously. Chatbots, needs and preferences and to offer our domestic inven- needs and demands of AI, voice search, and other provide services based on tory to their global travellers. Indian travellers? enabling innovations are what the same. Where does technol- customers to have an almost Additionally, we introduced With travel becoming more each brand will be turning to Qogy rank in today’s ¶UHDOWLPH·H[SHULHQFH WKHÁH[LVWD\RSWLRQLQKRWHOV H[SHULHQWLDOWKDQIXQFWLRQDO in the coming days. How is technology travel trends? Qchanging the way In this day and age, where Today, AI has also become a Indians are travelling? technology is the big bet of powerful tool and by integrating Disruptive technologies such as the day, consumers are spoilt it with our online search and $UWLÀFLDO,QWHOOLJHQFHPDFKLQH for choice. New technologies booking process, we have been learning, chatbots and block- help in improving customer able to deliver relevant mes- chain are reinventing the travel H[SHULHQFHDQGDOORZ27$V VDJLQJEDVHGRQFRQWH[WDQG wheel. Voice-based bots are like Yatra to deliver the best traveller propensity. Blockchain revolutionising the way people SRVVLEOHVHUYLFHDQGH[SHUL- technology is another evolving interact with travel service pro- ence to the end customer. Big technology that helps reduce viders and aggregators, and are Data is one such important FRVWDQGLPSURYHHIÀFLHQF\ ushering in the era of intelligent, concept that helps us to personalised, omnipresent crunch data to bring out Lastly, Internet of Things travel assistants accessible via insights that can help improve (IoT) is another big concept multiple devices and in multiple FXVWRPHUH[SHULHQFHXVLQJ in technology and is likely to languages. Search queries are DPL[RIVHJPHQWDWLRQ dominate 2019. It enables a becoming more conversa- personalisation, and supply- business to collect data and tional and with the help of voice side insights. Business, can be deployed automatically search, the search engines these days, is also using to reduce cost and improve understand the meaning and Augmented Reality WKHH[SHULHQFHIRUFXVWRPHUV intent behind a query to be able (AR) for immersive without the need for to deliver best results. H[SHULHQFHVWRHQDEOHWKH human interjection. Dusit visits Mumbai and Kolkata

Dusit Hotels & Resorts completed a two-city roadshow in Mumbai and Kolkata in January, with a big delegation comprising eight hotels from Thailand, Bhutan, Philippines, Abu Dhabi and Nairobi. The roadshow was led by Barbara Leung Maradik&RUSRUDWH'LUHFWRURI6DOHV 0DUNHWLQJ³*OREDO6DOHV'XVLW+RWHOV

TT_March-1st ITB_FINAL.indd 10 3/4/2019 9:57:38 AM TT_March-1st ITB_FINAL.indd 11 3/4/2019 9:57:41 AM 12 TRAVTALK MARCH 1ST FORTNIGHT ISSUE 2019 STATES Adventures, wildlife & rural tourism Yuvraj Padole, Deputy Director—Events and Marketing, Tourism Board, talks at length about plans put in place to attract more tourists to the state. Better and increased connectivity, a plethora of accommodation options, and development of new destinations are all being considered to meet the objective.

Kanchan Nath watching, cycling, etc, inside well. Padole says, “We have the buffer zones of national opened Sanjay Dubri National adhya Pradesh Tourism parks. We are promoting Park, which is very popular MBoard is keen to attract WKLVDVH[SHULHQWLDOWRXULVP now. Then, we have Satpura travellers who have a heart where tourists can go in for National Park and Kuno Palpur for adventure, wildlife and homestays, stay in villages, National Park, where we rural tourism. In light of the H[SHULHQFHUXUDOWRXULVPDQG are trying to relocate some same, a number of activities, JHWDÀUVWKDQGH[SHULHQFHRI tigers.” He says that the state including homestays, trek- the local culture.” is also looking to develop ar- king, bird-watching, etc, are eas near the capital, Ratapani being introduced in the state. Connectivity and logistics being one of them. “These Elaborating on these new, In 2018, the state registered places will become good at- Yuvraj Padole niche areas of focus, Yuvraj a growth of 15-20 per cent Deputy Director—Events and Marketing, tractions for domestic as well Padole, Deputy Director— over the previous year, says Madhya Pradesh Tourism Board tarred and widened, making it and boutique properties to our as international tourists, be- Events and Marketing, Mad- Padole. “In 2017, we received easier to travel by road within portfolio. Recently, we launched cause 30 per cent of the land hya Pradesh Tourism Board, 7 crore domestic tourists and QHFWLYLW\RIWKHÀYHDLUSRUWV the state. a wellness resort at Sailani area in the state is covered VD\V´*HQHUDOO\ZKHQRQD around 4.5 lakh interna- in Madhya Pradesh has also Island near Omkareshwar. with forests and the entire KROLGD\RQHLVYHU\UHOD[HG tional tourists,” he comments. been increased. Around 425 MPSTDC hotels Other new properties include region is very scenic. Besides but we have started a new Speaking about connectivity, trains cross Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Tourism Devel- one in Rajgarh and another that we also have three concept of ‘active holidays’. KHDGGV´5HFHQWO\,QGL*R every day, and so, it’s very opment Corporation (MPSTDC), close to Indirasagar UNESCO World Heritage sites Here, for every member of the and SpiceJet announced new well connected by rail as headquartered in Bhopal, offers in Hanuwantiya.” – the monuments and temples family, we have some kind of ÁLJKWVIURP%KRSDOWKDWZLOO well.” Padole also mentions a wide range of accommodation of Khajuraho, the Buddhist activity planned. These are be connecting to Hyderabad, that all state roads, village options. Padole elaborates, “We New destinations monuments at Sanchi, and the soft adventures like hiking, Bengaluru, Shirdi, Jaipur, roads, and roads that lead to have over 70 hotels under MP- As new properties get added, rock shelters of Bhimbetka,” trekking, camping, bird- Delhi and Mumbai. Con- remote destinations have been STDC. We keep adding hotels new destinations develop as he comments.

TT_March-1st ITB_FINAL.indd 12 3/4/2019 9:57:43 AM RAILWAYS MARCH 1ST FORTNIGHT ISSUE 2019 TRAVTALK 13 IRCTC aims big with new offers With plans to launch special train tour packages for the summer inbound market, IRCTC is soon going to unveil packages on the new tourist train currently plying on the Buddhist circuit.

TT Bureau products which IRCTC is Buddhist Circuit. The circuits domestic tourist. We are also “Realising the potential of the currently working on. She SODQQHGDUH*ROGHQ7ULDQJOH H[SDQGLQJRXUWRXULVPEXVL- two great navigable rivers — ith tourism being the informed, “We have been Circuit, Northeast Circuit, ness to new domains such as WKH*DQJHVDQGWKH%UDKPDSX- Wsecond-most revenue planning to launch special train Krishna Circuit, Jain Circuit FDUJRKDQGOLQJ)RUH[DQG%% tra, IRCTC is soon launching for offering ticketing services generating business for the tour packages for the summer and so on. The tourist trains for air ticketing where we will river cruise tour packages with to customers for events as Indian Railways Catering and inbound market. We will we are planning to launch in create a network of business private players in the market to sports, shows and concerts. Tourism Corporation (IRCTC) soon launch two to three tour WKHQH[WWRXULVWVHDVRQZRXOG partners or agents to ensure HQKDQFHWKHOX[XU\RIIHULQJIRU IRCTC has already tied up with with a contribution of 27 per packages on the new tourist also increase our capacity that air tickets are easliy avail- tourists. The company is soon Madame Tussauds in Delhi for cent to the overall revenue last train currently plying on the in handling large groups of able to the public.” launching a dedicated portal ticketing,” she further said. year, Rajni Hasija, Director— Tourism & Marketing, IRCTC, is H[SHFWLQJWKHWRXULVPUHYHQXH to increase by 11 per cent this year. “IRCTC is perhaps the only company providing tour packages ranging from `900 a day to $900 a day, which LWVHOIFODULÀHVWKHYDULHGWRXULVP offerings of the company. We

Rajni Hasija Director—Tourism & Marketing IRCTC

H[SHFWWRDFKLHYHDSHU cent growth in the forthcoming year along with a total turnover of around `440 crore during WKHFXUUHQWÀQDQFLDO\HDUIURP tourism business,” she said.

Talking about recent develop- ments, Hasija said that IRCTC’s presence in the government VHFWRUKDVLPSURYHGLQDVLJQLÀ- cant manner. “At present, we are operating special tourist trains IRUÀYHVWDWHVLQFOXGLQJ&KKDW- tisgarh, Jharkhand, Odhisha, Madhya Pradesh and Rajasthan. The operation of state special tourist trains for Delhi and Bihar is in the pipeline. We have recently launched a swanky, QHZVWDWHRIWKHDUWGHOX[HWUDLQ comprising LHB coaches on the Buddhist circuit. Through vari- ous improvements in the IRCTC air website and IRCTC air App, we are also offering compli- mentary accidental insurance coverage of `50 lakhs for all air passengers who book tickets through IRCTC. All domestic tourists who are availing IRCTC tours are also insured for `10 lakhs,” Hasija informed.

Further, she also spoke about a slew of measures and new

TT_March-1st ITB_FINAL.indd 13 3/4/2019 9:57:44 AM 14 TRAVTALK MARCH 1ST FORTNIGHT ISSUE 2019 EXHIBITIONS Eyes on cross-border tourism The fourth edition of Bengal Travel Mart, held in Siliguri, witnessed up to 800 participants. Also seen in good numbers were delegates from Nepal, Bhutan and Bangladesh, as the mart sought to establish increased tourist movement between the state and the three countries it shares its border with.

TT Bureau gional associations - Lataguri develop rural and conventional Hotel Owners Association and tourism here. engal Travel Mart 2019, Alipurduar Tourism Council - Borganised by Eastern Hima- were also present. Speaking of the success of layas Travel and Tour Operators’ WKLVHGLWLRQ*KRVKFRQFOXGHG Association (EHTTOA), wit- Over the past four years, “This was perhaps our best nessed packed halls each day. Bengal Travel Mart has edition ever. We would like to With 85 buyers and 88 sellers managed to accomplish specially thank Montana Vista, from across the country and VLJQLÀFDQWJURZWKLQWRXULVP the venue partner, for its great the world, close to 2000 meet- in the region. “As a result, hospitality. Overall, it was a ings were conducted during the Eastern Himalayas has seen JUHDWHYHQWDQGLWGHÀQLWHO\ three-day event. Cross-border DVLJQLÀFDQWJURZWKVLQFHLWV lived up to its reputation of be- tourism with neighbours Nepal, inception in 2016. After the ing one of the largest domestic Bhutan, and Bangladesh was fourth edition, we can safely travel marts of eastern India.” the tone of the event. EHTTOA say that this growth will ben- had also recently signed an HÀWWRXULVPµFODLPHG*KRVK ,QWKHQH[WHGLWLRQWKHPDUWZLOO MoU with Nepal Association of work to get more international Tour & Travel Agents (NATTA), Besides cross-border tourism, players involved and host more the premier travel association soon be seen with Bhutan and attending the mart included ladesh (TOAB) among others. another area of focus of the technical sessions where con- RI1HSDO7KLVZDVDÀUVWRI Bangladesh. “Panel discus- IATO, ADTOI, ETAA, ATOAI and Active participation was also Mart was homestays. Riding crete discussions can be held. its-kind between India and sions were held to analyse the international associations like seen from Ministry of Tourism on the back of a recent and Involving major hotel chains Nepal, and is considered to be position of Bengal in the global Hotel & Restaurant Association and the tourism boards of VLJQLÀFDQWVXUJHLQWKHQXPEHU from around the world and a major step in the promo- economy,” shared Sandipan of Bhutan (HRAB), Pokhara :HVW%HQJDO*XMDUDW0DGK\D of homestays in the region, getting some game changers tion of cross-border tourism. Ghosh*HQHUDO6HFUHWDU\ Tourism Council (PTC) and Tour Pradesh, Tripura, etc. Nepal Bengal Travel Mart aimed from across the country is Similar agreements may also EHTTOA. Other associations Operators Association of Bang- Tourism Board (NTB) and re- to further utilise this shift to also in the pipeline.

TT_March-1st ITB_FINAL.indd 14 3/4/2019 9:57:48 AM TT_March-1st ITB_FINAL.indd 15 3/4/2019 9:57:50 AM 16 TRAVTALK MARCH 1ST FORTNIGHT ISSUE 2019 AVIATION Vistara to add new routes in 2019 While oil prices were a dampener for most of the aviation industry last year, Sanjiv Kapoor, Chief Strategy and Commercial Officer, Vistara (TATA - SIA Airlines), believes that 2019 will be a good year of growth for the airline with new domestic routes, and perhaps even international ones if permission from the government comes through.

Nisha Verma mestic destinations soon, and classic retro uniform and we day, or is it a situation where well. However, the minute a we’ll be adding two to three do special things on board multiple carriers, multiple second airline starts operating il prices spelled misery more destinations throughout WRFRPPHPRUDWHWKHÁLJKW ÁLJKWVFDQRSHUDWH7KDWNLQG on that route, it becomes Ofor the Indian aviation WKH\HDU:HDOVRH[SHFWWRDGG making it special for the pas- of analysis is constantly done. tougher. Thus, we need to keep industry in 2018 when they DLUFUDIWLQWKHQH[WÀVFDO sengers,” Kapoor shared. We believe that many of these all that in mind when we plan a touched record-high levels year, until March 2020, which underserved city pairs do network,” he added. for several months during the would include two Boeing While Vistara is not part of Mo- require service, but we may year. “In rupee terms, they 787s and a couple of Airbus CA’s UDAN scheme, Kapoor not be the right airline for it be- Sharing his view that the Indian were as high as they’ve ever A-321s,” he revealed. aviation industry is in the early been. The last time it reached stages of growth, Kapoor said, that high was in 2013, and While the ‘0/20’ rule to com- We expect to add 10-12 aircraft in the “Compared to our population Sanjiv Kapoor that was a very bad time for mence international operations &KLHI6WUDWHJ\DQG&RPPHUFLDO2IÀFHU next fiscal year, until March 2020, which and the size of our economy, the industry. While there were have been met by Vistara, they Vistara (TATA- SIA Airlines) the industry is still small and challenging times, the good DUHVWLOOZDLWLQJWRÁ\LQWHUQD- would include two Boeing 787s and a the potential is huge. Challenge news is that on the revenue tional as the approval from “With this launch we wanted couple of Airbus A-321s lies in the infrastructure to and non-fuel cost fronts, we MoCA is pending. “Apart from to appeal to the emotions of support that growth. Adding PDGHVLJQLÀFDQWSURJUHVV adding domestic routes, we people. We wanted to make new airports under UDAN, a Now that oil prices have re- will start international routes, an impact on the wider global EHOLHYHVWKDWWKH\FDQÁ\WR cause the fares and price that bigger challenge to solve is duced, the outlook is brighter once we get the nod from the audience and also lay claim Tier II, III cities if the demand is DUHH[SHFWHGRIWKRVHPDUNHWV in the metro cities and at the for the industry,” said Kapoor. government,” he claimed. to our heritage. This launch there. “There is always going may not be suited to our busi- large airports, as they are coincided with the 150th to be latent demand between ness model. Having said that, just hemmed in and there is This year, a couple of new do- Vistara also recently launched anniversary of Tata and the two points that are not served. if there is an unserved city pair QRVSDFHWRH[SDQG+HQFH mestic destinations will make a retro-themed VT-ATV aircraft timing was just right. What we The question is how much that that has demand for 150 pas- we need more land for new it to Vistara’s roster. “We will to pay tribute to JRD Tata, PDUNHWDVDUHWURÁLJKWLVZKHQ demand is and if it is enough sengers a day and the airline airports. The solution to this be announcing a few new do- the founder of TATA Airlines. the crew puts on that special IRURQHFDUULHURQHÁLJKWD starts operating, they will do needs to come fast.”

TT_March-1st ITB_FINAL.indd 16 3/4/2019 9:57:51 AM TT_March-1st ITB_FINAL.indd 17 3/4/2019 9:57:53 AM 18 TRAVTALK MARCH 1ST FORTNIGHT ISSUE 2019 FAMILYALBUM Albatros takes flight with Sapphire Albatros Travel, in partnership with Sapphire Ventures, recently organised its roadshow in India. A Sunday brunch in Mumbai was hosted to kick off the journey that was graced by Neliswa Nkani, Hub Head—Middle East, India and South East Asia and Alpa Jani, Trade Relations Manager, South African Tourism. The roadshow was concluded in Delhi where partners were thanked over an evening of cocktails.

TT_March-1st ITB_FINAL.indd 18 3/4/2019 9:57:56 AM AGENTS march 1st Fortnight issue 2019 T ravTalk 19 Cozmo to ease travel bookings In keeping with changing trends, Cozmo Travel is devising cutting-edge technology tools to enable the trade to function smoothly and meet the needs of the modern-day traveller.

TT Bureau well as business travellers, one-stop travel shop for large- their margins according CIS countries and offbeat des- and will soon be featuring new, scale and even small-scale to their respective clients. In a tinations like Eastern Europe, rowing leaps and bounds contemporary tools for the B2B trade. “It will empower the way, TravTrolley is a modern- Iceland and Scandinavian coun- Gfrom just one branch B2B trade, in turn catering to a users to take quick decisions, day, technology-equipped tool tries have gained momentum tempo amongst new-age travel- in Mumbai to the present traveller’s needs. as comparisons for air tickets, for even a novice,” he explains. amongst young travellers, who lers. Bali, too, is fast gaining 21 branches across major hotels, insurance and many are more bent towards explor- popularity.” Nair says that such Indian cities, Cozmo Travel Reiterating the importance of other travel-related services Nair believes that besides trav- ing the unexplored. “Middle a trend is building confidence has covered every aspect of TravTrolley for the B2B market, will be readily available. It will elling to regular destinations like Eastern countries like Bahrain amongst the trade to introduce the industry from UAE visa Nair insists that it will be a also enable them to skew the Far East or the Middle East, and Oman have lately picked up more lucrative packages. processing to global visa, domestic and international packages, air ticketing and travel insurance, etc. Praveen Nair, Chief Operating Officer, Cozmo Travel, says that they have been striving to provide excellent service throughout this journey. In addition, the company will soon be launch-

Praveen Nair Chief Operating Officer Cozmo Travel ing a brand-new concept in the travel trade for visas and air ticketing. “The products will surely bring a sense of assurance to travellers. The new offerings will be based on years of work and care being paid to the needs of a modern-day traveller who is also a consumer of advanced technology,” he says.

The products, says Nair, will target the travel insurance and car rental market aggres- sively in the upcoming fiscal. “Cozmo would be making an entry into the rent-a-car space in trade by bringing out attrac- tive packages for the industry and corporate sector alike. Corporates would be catered to by experienced and trained staff for their day-to-day needs,” he says. The company will also be focusing on the hotel segment where it sees immense potential. “Our intri- cate designing of tailor-made packages would fulfil their needs end to end,” he adds.

As a new entrant into the trade, Cozmo Travel has always worked to meet the requirements of leisure as 20 TRAVTALK MARCH 1ST FORTNIGHT ISSUE 2019 AVIATION Flying afar with India is Europe’s number four long-haul market and among the larger markets, Italy grew the fastest with a 77 per cent increase in seats to India in 2018. After a successful year of operations on the Delhi-Rome route, Alitalia now plans to penetrate deeper into the India market.

Kanchan Nath IRUWKH'HOKL5RPHÁLJKWIURP two segments. As a number of DQGZHUHFRQÀUPHGGHVWLQDWLRQV November by adding more Italian companies are operating in the US market like New York, aving completed a year dishes from the Italian menu in India, it’s important to connect 0LDPL&KLFDJRDQG0H[LFR Hof operations on the whilst trying to be in line with the them. Further, it provides good City. We will also increase our Delhi-Rome route, Alitalia is now Indian culture. We are trying to connectivity with the rest of the penetration into South America. bullish on the Indian market. understand the market well and world to North America and In Chile, we will increase with a Elaborating on the performance respond to the needs of custom- South America—destinations GRXEOHGDLO\ÁLJKWWR6DLQW3DXOR of the airlines, Nicola Bonacchi, ers accordingly,” he added. useful for business travellers in Soon, we will also open Vice President—Leisure Sales India. In the last three months, Costa Mirada in Sardinia.” & International Markets, Alitalia, Bonacchi further adds that we signed 50 corporate agree- VDLG´7KHÀUVW\HDUFORVHGZLWK the airline is trying to create ments and are now starting to about 83.5 per cent load factor. a long-term partnership base Nicola Bonacchi Emiliana Limosani renew them with the TMCs. So, Vice President—Leisure Sales & Vice President—Global Business Our focus now is to increase the in India. “We are trying to not International Markets Travel Sales & Commercial we are working very closely with Average Coupon Value (ACV) just work point-to-point from Alitalia Partnerships, Alitalia them to grow this market.” with a strategy to penetrate as 'HOKLWR5RPHEXWDOVRH[SDQG much as we can as well as our network and leverage on 6KDULQJSODQVRIJOREDOH[SDQ- increase our share for European our hub Rome—one of the consider and evaluate to open *OREDO%XVLQHVV7UDYHO6DOHV sion plans, Bonacchi mentioned, ,5&7&KDVPRGLÀHGWKH destinations and the US market. ÀUVWDLUSRUWVLQ(XURSH/DVW more routes.” & Commercial Partnerships, “In May, we will open a new itineraries of Maharajas’ year, Alitalia closed with a Alitalia. “Currently, we have 70 destination in Washington DC. ([SUHVVIURPWKH “The competition in this market good result; we increased our Alitalia is offering competitive per cent leisure and 30 per cent The route will be important for forthcoming season. From is very strong. We have been revenue by 7 per cent. Cur- rates for business travellers business travellers travelling with leisure and corporate travellers 2019-20 onwards, there working hard to become the UHQWO\ZHKDYHDGDLO\ÁLJKWRQ and making new agreements us. We are working to increase as well as for government will be three itineraries of top carrier for Italy. We have the Delhi-Rome route and once with them, informed Emiliana the number of business travel- movement. We have also 6 Nights/7 Days and an itinerary of 3 Nights/4 Days changed the on-board service we have a better ACV, we will Limosani, Vice President— lers as we want to balance the reopened the route to Toronto

TT_March-1st ITB_FINAL.indd 20 3/4/2019 9:58:02 AM TT_March-1st ITB_FINAL.indd 21 3/4/2019 9:58:04 AM 22 TRAVTALK MARCH 1ST FORTNIGHT ISSUE 2019 AGENTS Corporate Alliance eyes inbound Recalling his long career in the travel industry, Kapil Kumria, Chairman & Managing Director, Corporate Alliance Group, shares the growth story of his company while elaborating on the plan of expanding into different verticals.

TT Bureau amazing journey. Since we panded its reach to corporate to any particular destination which was riddled with issues worked with celebrity and started Corporate Flyers in high-end gifting with Memen- by one corporation was done VXFKDVWKH*67:HDOVR destination weddings. On that rowing manifold since ZHKDYHH[SDQGHGLQWR tos Worldwide. The group has by us and I think, we have set struggled with our corporates IURQWZHKDYHUDSLGH[SDQ- *its inception in 1997 to various verticals over a period a marketing company, White a record with it. We once took RQWKH*67IURQWEXWQRZLW sion plans. We are planning to serve various arenas of the of time. We started from Delhi is settling down. This year, go big on inbound since we travel and tourism industry, as one unit and moved on to we are trying to make our have always been a stronger Corporate Flayers, part of the H[SDQGWR%HQJDOXUX0XP- For outbound, we are operating our mark in conferences. We have outbound agency,” concludes &RUSRUDWH$OOLDQFH*URXSKDV bai, Pune, Chandigarh, and business from six Indian cities for almost 100 been getting good numbers Kumria.. come a long way. “I started Ahmedabad. Over the period, for incentive groups, but my professional career in we ventured into different ver- groups. Our MiCE business is very active in we are trying to set up 1985 and the last 33 years ticals. We now have an event a dedicated division in the industry have been an company - Eventz Unlimited Mumbai and Ahmedabad where we will work on - which we started back in India conferencing. We 2004. It really complements Horse Marcom, and inbound more than 4000 people to KDYHGLYHUVLÀHGLQWR our business very well where tour company known as Canada. For another company, weddings with our we handle the segments of India Best Tours. we took 4500 people to event vertical and have corporate travel and MiCE. So, Singapore and also about EHHQGRLQJH[FHSWLRQDOO\ the event company takes care Talking about Corporate Fly- 5,000 people to England for well there. We of in-house corporate events ers’ business, Kumria says the T20 cricket World Cup in have Koshu Nishiyama Onsen apart from separate individual that the company operates 2009,” he claims. also Keiunkan in Japan is events. There have been many around 100 groups. “For out- considered as the oldest remarkable feats that we have bound, we are operating our The last one year, adds Kum- hotel in the world. The hotel achieved in this journey,” EXVLQHVVIURPVL[,QGLDQFLWLHV ria, has been pretty decent is over 1300 years old. says Kumria. for almost 100 groups. Our for his company. “In 2018, The ownership is held MiCE business is very active ZHZLWQHVVHGJURZWK*RLQJ by the same family for over 50 generations $IWHUH[SDQGLQJLQWRHYHQWV in Mumbai and Ahmedabad. ahead, the year looks more &RUSRUDWH$OOLDQFH*URXSH[- One of the largest movements promising than the last,

TT_March-1st ITB_FINAL.indd 22 3/4/2019 9:58:07 AM TT_March-1st ITB_FINAL.indd 23 3/4/2019 9:58:09 AM 24 TRAVTALK MARCH 1ST FORTNIGHT ISSUE 2019 HOTELS ‘Exciting times for the sector’ Jaideep Dang has recently been appointed to spearhead JLL’s hotels and hospitality business as its Managing Director. Providing an in-depth analysis of the industry here, he explains why, now is the right time for potential investors to make the most of an undersupply of rooms in the country.

Anupriya Bishnoi tions. So, in a way, I know Where is JLL looking From a number-of-rooms An upward trend in office large part of the new hotel the preamble of this busi- Qto grow its business perspective, Tier-I markets market absorption across VXSSO\LVSDUWRIPL[HGXVH Tell us about your ness. In my earlier stint, we in the hotel space? will continue to rule. So, we business cities will further developments. With land Qnew role at JLL. had built a robust consulting Apart from top metropolitan will focus equally in both fuel occupancies and will prices rising, this trend of I have worked with JLL practice and provided best cities, a lot of investment these markets. We will also encourage investors to build PL[HGXVHKRWHOGHYHORS- previously, between 2004 advice to the country’s is now happening in Tier-II focus on new growth areas in hotels especially as part of ments will be the future. and 2011, in different func- leading hotel owners and cities. Data also shows that the subcontinent as well as PL[HGXVHGHYHORSPHQWV operators. Clients trusted most international brands enhance our business in Sri Hotel development around The Indian hospital- JLL’s value proposition and have penetrated into cities Lanka, Nepal, Bangladesh, office campuses, metro rail Qity industry remains our offerings. Over the years, such as Lucknow, Kanpur, and Bhutan. corridors, airports, industrial challenging. How does the industry has grown corridors, and pilgrimage JLL ease the burden? significantly. There are many Hotel development around office cities could offer lucrative Fast paced innovations and more hotels, segments, and returns to the investor market disruptions are keeping stakeholders in the business campuses, metro rail corridors, airports, as well as hotel the stakeholders on their toes. now as compared to the industrial corridors, and pilgrimage cities could operating companies. Owners, investors, brands – times when I used to work all require continuous advice. here. I now have a wider offer lucrative returns to the investor New branded hotel supply At JLL, we have always audience to serve to. I am is also adding up, albeit believed in providing the committed to focus on hotel Ludhiana, Jamshedpur, What’s your take on cautiously, which is a healthy right advice to a client, which transactions, hotel operator Ranchi, and Surat. Improved Qthe undersupply of scenario for new hotels as empowers him to plan right, searches, and other air connectivity has fuelled hotels in the country? they look into the future to ÀQDQFHULJKWGHYHORSULJKW advisory services. I growth in domestic travel A smart hotel investor/ accommodate this growing and operate right. We aim to want to create quality and as a result, new resort developer, who understands demand. Nearly 65 per cent be the most trusted consultant and value both for the destinations are opening up. the hotel business, can of this new supply in the last and transaction advisor to practice as well as We look forward to working take great advantage of few years has been in the real estate developers, funds, the clients. in these new markets. this undersupply situation. mid to upscale segments. A banks, and hoteliers.

TT_March-1st ITB_FINAL.indd 24 3/4/2019 9:58:10 AM EXHIBITIONS MARCH 1ST FORTNIGHT ISSUE 2019 TRAVTALK 25 ATM launches a week of firsts The organisers of Arabian travel Market (ATM) have launched Arabian Travel Week, set to cover four big industry events, namely, ATM 2019, ILTM Arabia, CONNECT Middle East, India and Africa 2019 and ATM Holiday Shopper, from April 27-May 1.

TT Bureau destinations from around On the other hand, CONNECT meetings, engaging industry over 30 travel and hospitality Market Arabia (ILTM), now in its the world to over 28,000 Middle East, India and Africa, seminars as well as social op- H[KLELWRUVIURPUHJLRQDODQG WKLUG\HDULVDQH[FOXVLYHHYHQW rabian Travel Week has buyers and travel trade set to be held from April 30 to portunities to cement relation- international destinations who for those looking to attract HNW Abeen launched as the new visitors. The event will May 1, 2019, will bring together VKLSVZLWKH[LVWLQJFOLHQWVDQG will be offering the best travel travellers from the Middle East umbrella brand comprising four focus on cutting-edge airports, airlines and aviation engage with new ones. GLVFRXQWVDQGGHDOVH[FOXVLYHO\ to their destination. ILTM will al- co-located shows, which in- technology and innovation, VXSSOLHUVLQDQH[FLWLQJIRUPDW for consumers at the show. ORZOX[XU\VXSSOLHUVDQGEX\HUV cludes ATM 2019, International integrating the theme across where attendees will go for The ATM Holiday Shopper, to be to connect via one-to-one pre- /X[XU\7UDYHO0DUNHW$UDELD all show verticals. formal one-to-one pre-arranged held on April 27, will showcase 7KH,QWHUQDWLRQDO/X[XU\7UDYHO scheduled appointments. (ILTM) Arabia, CONNECT Mid- dle East, India and Africa 2019 – a new route development forum launching this year and ATM Holiday Shopper, a new consumer-led event.

Danielle Curtis([KLELWLRQ Director—Middle East, Arabian Travel Market, said, “The suc- cess of both ATM and ILTM Arabia has provided us with the platform to not only introduce two new events for 2019 but also create a travel week which

Danielle Curtis Exhibition Director—Middle East Arabian Travel Market

encompasses the Middle East’s inbound and outbound markets for general leisure tourism and OX[XU\WUDYHODVZHOODVSURYLG- ing a dedicated networking fo- rum for the region’s top airline specialists, aviation authorities, tourism boards, airports and tour operators.”

A World Travel and Tourism Council (WTTC) has revealed that the direct contribution of travel and tourism to the UAE’s economy is predicted to rise 4.1 per cent per annum to AED 108.4bn by 2028.

´%XLOGLQJRQWKHVHÀJXUHVZH DUHFRQÀGHQW$UDELDQ7UDYHO Week will be a key driver in bringing top international des- tinations to the attention of the Middle East’s travel trade and consumers and equally, market- ing the Middle East to overseas tour operators and travel profes- sionals,” added Curtis.

This year, ATM will showcase over 2,800 products and

TT_March-1st ITB_FINAL.indd 25 3/4/2019 9:58:11 AM TT_March-1st ITB_FINAL.indd 26 3/4/2019 9:58:15 AM TT_March-1st ITB_FINAL.indd 27 3/4/2019 9:58:18 AM 28 TRAVTALK MARCH 1ST FORTNIGHT ISSUE 2019 AVIATION to increase 737 MAX fleet SpiceJet is all set to induct up to 20 Boeing 737 MAX aircraft, reveals Ajay Singh, Chairman and Managing Director at the airline. He believes that it is their commitment to maintaining a bottom line and getting a high yield that’s keeping them afloat in the volatile market of aviation.

TT Bureau located recently, and SpiceJet Boeing 737 MAX aircraft. We from the government, we will LQWKHIRRWE\KDYLQJWD[DWLRQ was given a large number of have received 12 of them. We begin. In fact, we can start structures, which are unviable piceJet recently began routes. We will be starting will be adding close to 20 planes those services tomorrow.” for us to service our airlines Soperating between some of them very soon. In through the course of this year. within India. I think we need to Delhi and Hong Kong, and IDFWVRPHRIWKRVHÁLJKWV Some of them are leased, while Insisting on the need of ÀQGDVROXWLRQWRHQVXUHWKDW Hyderabad and Jeddah. could be open for sale as others are from our own squad. having MRO (Maintenance, our MROs get a level playing Singh said that the airline will early as this month.” Adding these aircraft reduces Repair and Overhaul) facili- ÀHOGZLWKWKRVHDFURVVWKH be announcing several new the cost because they consume ties in the country, he said, world, and of course, we try international destinations, but With the induction of new 20 per cent less fuel and the ´*LYHQWKDW,QGLDLVWKHIDVWHVW and incentivise them to do denied having any upcoming Ajay Singh DLUFUDIWLQLWVÁHHW6LQJKEHOLHYHV engineering cost is also 30 per growing aviation market in the more business in India.” Chairman and Managing Director SODQVIRULQWURGXFLQJÁLJKWV SpiceJet that the airline is on the road to cent less. This induction will be world and we are adding such to London or Western Europe VLJQLÀFDQWJURZWK´,Q'HFHPEHU good, since the inherent a large number of aircraft in for that matter. “As far as there is an opportunity, we alone we inducted 13 aircraft demand for these is incredibly WKHQH[WIHZ\HDUV,WKLQNLW·V Western Europe is concerned, ZLOOH[SORUHWKHVDPHµ and had a load factor of over 92 strong,” he said. really important that we serv- we can do that in one stop he shared. per cent for 45 months in a row. ice our aircraft, repair compo- from India, using any country :H·YHKDGSURÀWDELOLW\LQRI Addressing the issue of nents within our country, and ZLWKWKHÀIWKIUHHGRPULJKW Claiming that SpiceJet is the WKHODVWTXDUWHUV*RLQJIRU- internet on board, Singh have the technical skills, the As of now we believe that it is largest player in Ministry ward, 2019 is looking much bet- added, “All our Boeing 737 manpower, the wherewithal, Out of 10,000 commercial QRWDVSURÀWDEOHDVRSHUDWLQJ of Civil Aviation’s (MoCA’s) ter because oil prices are down. MAX aircraft are equipped to and the market for it. We pilots in the country, about GLUHFWÁLJKWVEXWZHZLOONHHS UDAN scheme, he added, In fact, SpiceJet is inducting a provide internet on board. As should start doing it and we 12 per cent are women looking at them and wherever “The UDAN 3 routes were al- QXPEHURIWKHVHIXHOHIÀFLHQW soon as we get a clearance should not shoot ourselves Gatwick flies high on technology Stephen King, Head—Airline Relations, London Gatwick Airport, was in New Delhi for the CAPA India Aviation Summit, and shared how the airport could be the perfect hub for Indian carriers, with its technologically-advanced framework and quick get-through for passengers.

Nisha Verma &XUUHQWO\/RQGRQ*DWZLFN or Mumbai, passengers are King revealed that they use In fact, they have a programme hotel accommodation, food, Airport has 230 routes. “We travelling via Dubai or Doha to technological advancements FDOOHG*DWZLFN&RQQHFWZKLFK and they are booked on the RQGRQ*DWZLFNLVRQHRI have over 50 long-haul routes *DWZLFNµKHVDLG at every stage to enhance further enhances the passen- QH[WDYDLODEOHÁLJKWWRWKHLU LEurope’s biggest airports. as well. We have a wide range WKHFXVWRPHUH[SHULHQFH JHUH[SHULHQFH´*DWZLFN&RQ- destination. There is a small Throwing light on what makes of airlines operating and the Sharing his view on growth in “Technology underpins eve- nect is a great self-connection cost that they pay for that it special, King said, “London biggest one is EasyJet, which SDVVHQJHUWUDIÀFIURP,QGLD rything we do! We have many proposition, which we have connection, but it is cheaper *DWZLFN$LUSRUWLV8.·VVHFRQG is a major low-cost airline .LQJVDLG´,QWKHODVWÀYH e-Passport gates, where GHYHORSHGLQWKHODVWÀYHWRVL[ since one is usually buying airport that 46 million passengers in the UK and connects to \HDUVWKHPDUNHWKDVH[SDQG- passengers can get through \HDUVDQGÀQHWXQHGWRPDNHLW from two LCCs,” shared King. travel through and one of the over 100 destinations from ed much more, with so many without having to queue up. DJUHDWSDVVHQJHUH[SHULHQFH The process for bags has also reasons we love the airport is be- *DWZLFN(PLUDWHVDQG4DWDU airlines and so many people We are looking at technology Through this programme, we EHHQPDGHHDV\ZLWK*DWZLFN cause it is so close to London.” $LUZD\VDOVRÁ\WKUHHWLPHVD travelling. We really want to not only on the passenger wanted to enable passengers Connect, with a desk and staff day; British Airways has a big be a part of that, giving pas- side, but also at how it can to connect between those available for assistance in presence and so does Virgin sengers more opportunities EHXVHGRQWKHDLUÀHOGWR DLUOLQHVWKDWRSHUDWHIURP*DW- ERDUGLQJWKHQH[WÁLJKW Atlantic,” said King. to come to the UK. Hence, make sure that as soon as the wick, like LCCs that may not we are speaking to airlines 7DONLQJDERXWH[SDQVLRQSODQV He also revealed that they across India to encourage he said, “In October, London were now looking at India for them to consider launching We have more passengers coming from *DWZLFNFDPHXSZLWKDQHZ new connections to London ÁLJKWVWR*DWZLFNEHFDXVHZH India. Although we don’t have a direct flight masterplan where we have *DWZLFN´:H·YHKDGQHZ offer convenience and good three different options to con- routes to China start last year facilities to passengers, while from Delhi or Mumbai, passengers are nect and enable us to grow. and we are seeing more of also being a great airport for travelling via Dubai or Doha to Gatwick One of them is continuing to RXUGHVWLQDWLRQVH[SDQGLQJ airlines to operate in. We have use a single runway, which is We have more passengers ORWVRIWKLQJVWKDWZLOOEHQHÀW the busiest single runway in coming from India as well Indian passengers and Indian planes land, they get straight have any interline relationship. the world. We are looking at because they are airlines. Our airport charges to the gate and passengers Passengers can buy protected KRZWRH[SDQGWKHQHZWHFK- using those are reasonable and we have get off. When they are ready connections on Skyscanner or nology to increase the number airlines. tried to make the airport as to depart, it’s an easy journey some of the other metasearch of passengers, and other Although we HIÀFLHQWDVSRVVLEOH%RWK to the runway and we use engines. So, if there is a ways to grow within don’t have a LCCs and Full Service Carriers technology to try and make SUREOHPZLWKHLWKHUÁLJKWWKH our current airport footprint, GLUHFWÁLJKW (FSCs) are also very success- that process as smooth as passenger is protected and we current assets, and our from Delhi IXODW*DWZLFNµ possible,” he shared. would make sure that they get standby runway.”

TT_March-1st ITB_FINAL.indd 28 3/4/2019 9:58:21 AM TT_March-1st ITB_FINAL.indd 29 3/4/2019 9:58:23 AM 30 TRAVTALK MARCH 1ST FORTNIGHT ISSUE 2019 ASSOCIATIONTALK Talent for sustainable growth Advocating the need for sustainability in generating and retaining jobs in the tourism sector, Eun Ji Tae, Department Officer—Regional Department of Asia and the Pacific, UNWTO, highlights why this is the need of the hour.

Manas Dwivedi dustry and the World Tourism ‘tourism and jobs’ in 2019, it you have natural or cultural facts. “Although we don’t Pointing out a huge gap in Organization (UNWTO), will take the lead in advocat- heritage, but you don’t have want to put a certain number what the industry needs and t is essential that pertinent being the nodal advisory ing jobs in tourism, so that people to run it. I think, India to this advancement, it is what our talent requires, Ji Iand effective policies take agency, promote responsible, the sector not only becomes a could lead the case and set an important to mention that Tae said, “It is good that tour- shape in the tourism in- sustainable, and universally within a few years, one out ism is creating employment, accessible tourism. During RIÀYHMREVFUHDWHGZLOOEHLQ but we are not very good in a knowledge session on For the India market, sustainability is very the tourism industry. By 2028, retaining talent. At the same employment in the tourism important because it is one of the biggest one quarter of the entire time, the industry voices its sector, Ji Tae said that the employment will be working need for a skilled workforce. issue of jobs and sustainable markets in the world, leading in growth in the tourism industry, which We need a whole new set tourism was a point of debate will include hospitality accom- of training programmes and around the globe. “For the ‘job creator’ but also a tool for H[DPSOHRIKRZDQH[FHOOHQW modation, transportation, as facilities. When we discuss India market, sustainability is sustainable jobs,” she said. policy is put in place for tour- well as other services.” She tourism, employment and very important because it is ism as well as employment. reiterated that beyond this better future for all, I hope that one of the biggest markets Being sustainable, though es- That can then be the root rosy picture also lay facts we discuss real challenge as in the world, leading in sential, wouldn’t mean much for sustainable development that cannot be left ignored by well.” She added that it is im- growth. The Indian market if there were no one to imple- across the whole world.” the industry. “It is true that the portant to delve on how tour- is very important, and ment the practice. Elaborating tourism industry is friendly for ism can sustain continuous we do hope that now on this thought, she said, Ji Tae also said that certain women, youth and minorities growth with this talent. “Let’s that India is host- “Sustainable development events cannot be stopped or to work in, but the question face the fact - without talent, ing the World in tourism is irrelevant when abandoned, and the world is how sustainable it is,” without good leaders, there is Tourism Day for you have a product, when needs to certainly face these she said. no success,” she said. IATO for e-visa fee reduction Industry-wide concerns and a proposal to reduce e-visa fee for foreign tourists coming to India were just some of the many topics discussed at IATO’s luncheon meeting in Delhi.

TT Bureau tion. Sarkar also put forth his GHPDQGIRUH[WHQVLRQRIWKH n a bid to make India a visa-on-arrival facility to more Imore lucrative destination countries, a service that is be- for foreign tourists, the Indian ing provided only to Japanese meeting, IATO felicitated Association of Tour Operators and South Korean nationals as Ashwani Lohani, former Chair- (IATO) has demanded reduc- of now. He also demanded a man, Indian Railway Board and tion in e-visa fee to $25 from reduction in visa fee for South bid farewell to him. the current $100. IATO also Asian countries. demanded that the fee not Rajiv Mehra, Vice President, be hiked till India reached the Sarkar further spoke of the IATO, informed attendees that targeted 20 million foreign need to provide visa-on-ar- ,QGL*RKDGDJUHHGWRH[WHQG tourist arrivals. At the bimonthly Speaking to members on key the need to make the process fee by Thailand and Indonesia, rival facility to senior citizens VSHFLDOSUHSDLGH[FHVVEDJJDJH meeting, key issues, the as- subjects, Pronab Sarkar, Presi- a smoother one. Keeping in Sarkar said that the Indian as well, while also delving on rates to IATO members, when sociation’s activities, and future dent, IATO, stated his demand mind the recent announcement government also needed to issues related to capturing of handling foreign tourists on the events were also discussed. for reduction of the visa fee and RIUHOD[DWLRQLQYLVDQRUPVDQG take steps in a similar direc- biometric details. During the airline’s domestic network.

TT_March-1st ITB_FINAL.indd 30 3/4/2019 9:58:26 AM TT_March-1st ITB_FINAL.indd 31 3/4/2019 9:58:28 AM 32 TRAVTALK MARCH 1ST FORTNIGHT ISSUE 2019 HOTELS Record of green tales Riding high on expansion Driving efforts towards promoting environmentally Accor’s new strategy is to expand in key markets responsible tourism, Terra Tales is enabling its that are identified based on their potential growth oppor- partner hotels to broaden their distribution network. tunities and favourable socio-macroeconomic factors.

TT Bureau Pune and The Tamara Coorg TT Bureau greater rate parity between — epitomes of wellness and RIÁLQHDQGRQOLQHSULFLQJDQG ffering innovative market- yoga tourism with integrated or Accor, 2019 will see availability by blocking leakages Oing strategies to its hotel and customised wellness FGHQVLÀFDWLRQRIWKHEUDQGLQ RIUDWHVIURPRIÁLQHWRRQOLQH partners, Terra Tales has programmes. key markets in India, reveals In addition to this, brands have H[SDQGHGLWVSRUWIROLRWR Rohit Chopra, Regional Director a greater opportunity to drive hotels in the last one year. Gita Talking about the importance of of Sales—India & South Asia, higher ADR segment through Chaudhry, Founder and Owner, shows like ITB Berlin, Chaudhry Accor. “At the start of this year, their web strategies, given that Terra Tales, says that she is VD\VWKDWWKHH[KLELWLRQZLOOEH $FFRUODXQFKHGLWVÀUVWHYHU fragmented demand DFWLYHO\ZRUNLQJWRH[SDQG a great platform to showcase ibis hotel and third property is on the rise.” the company’s portfolio. “I her properties before a global in Kolkata with ibis Kolkata represent and market boutique Gita Chaudhry audience. “I feel that inbound Rajarhat. In January, we also Rohit Chopra Amidst new acquisitions and hotels including wildlife lodges, Founder and Owner tourism is one market which ODXQFKHGRXUÀIWKSURSHUW\LQ Regional Director of Sales— VHYHUDOH[LVWLQJEUDQGVXQGHU Terra Tales India & South Asia, Accor nature resorts and mountain appreciates green. I am looking *RDDQGRXUÀUVWHYHUZHOOQHVV its umbrella, how many of SURSHUWLHV+DYLQJDGGHGÀYH for good numbers from the FHQWUHZLWK0HUFXUH*RD WKHVHFRXOGHDUQSURÀWLQ,QGLD new hotels in the last one $OVRSDUWRI¶7KH*UHHQ3HRSOH· European market,” she tells. Devaaya Retreat. We will soon cent. Multiple factors including still remains questionable. year, we are now looking to community that works towards be announcing the launch of improved distribution systems, Addressing the same, he said, enter the South India market. a conceptually new blend Underlining the need of promot- WKH*UDQG0HUFXUH*,)7&LW\ greater focus on social media, “Accor, in India and South I am also looking forward to of ecotourism, agrotourism ing green tourism, Chaudhry *XMDUDW,QWHUQDWLRQDO)LQDQFH guest centricity as the focal Asia, operates a network of induct two more wildlife lodges and rural rourism, Terra Tales says that the need of the hour is Tec-City),” he revealed. point, enhanced integration of 10 distinctive brands ranging one of which could at Panna YROXQWHHUVIRU*RDW9LOODJHVD to preserve nature and support WHFKQRORJ\DQGVROLGLÀFDWLRQ IURPOX[XU\PLGVFDOHWRWKH National Park and another one bouquet of farm retreats and local communities. “Some In terms of business for the of loyalty programmes, among economy segment. Each brand at Ranthambore National Park. homestays in Uttarakhand. 1*2VDUHSURPRWLQJYLOODJH upcoming quarter, Chopra others are driving this growth.” is unique and caters to a differ- We already have one property KRXVHV*RDW9LOODJHLVDÀQH revealed, “In 2019, we can ent segment with varied price at Pench National Park, one at Apart from wildlife and nature H[DPSOHZKHUHORFDOVDUHDEOH H[SHFW$55VDQGRFFXSDQ- He added, “To further improve points and distinct services. Tadoba Andhari Tiger Reserve properties, Terra Tales is also to earn with their destination cies to continue with the same rates and build trust amongst 7KHUHIRUHLWZRXOGEHGLIÀFXOW and Bandhavgarh National SURPRWLQJOX[XU\UHVRUWV and get something out of tour- trajectory we saw last year consumers through an integrat- WRVD\DQ\RQHVSHFLÀFEUDQG Park,” she informs. Atmantan Wellness Resort, ism,” she concludes. when ARRs grew by 10 per ed approach, we have achieved LVSURÀWDEOHRYHUWKHRWKHUµ Game changer in Mid-scale hotels cross `3000 ADR tourism: e-Visa The Average Daily Rate for Indian mid-scale hotels crossed `3,000 for the

Contd from page 5 first time in 2018, according to a Horwath HTL and STR report, with supply available for assistance to Billa further said that tourism foreign tourists in 12 has actually become the main- outside main markets continuing to grow to benefit domestic brands. international languages. stream agenda in the country. ´)RUWKHÀUVWWLPHLQ,QGLDZH Hazel Jain season and the lean season 14,000 level in the chain- JURZUDWHV,KRSH*67LVQRWD Commenting on the growth are at the centre stage of tour- was the narrowest among all DIÀOLDWHGVXSSO\´$QRWKHUNH\ hindrance and I hope the upper- of tourism in India, he said ism. The key decision makers he Average Daily Rate other cities at 10 points.” aspect is that cities like Pune upscale segment can push up. that tourism in the country have realised the true potential T(ADR) for Indian mid-scale have started doing very well. But then there are some chal- contributes about 12 per cent of tourism in becoming an hotels crossed the `3000 He added, “There is a lot more Pune is above the 70 per cent lenges. The banking sector is WRWKH*'3RIWKHQDWLRQ economic engine of growth PDUNIRUWKHÀUVWWLPHLQ to be done on the rate front occupancy, little soft on rate, not in a very good shape at this “If you look at the figure for in this country. The Ministry 2018, according to the lat- this year because they are and Delhi has gained well be- qqpoint and could be an issue 2017, we have grown at close of Tourism has undertaken est report by Horwath HTL still not growing as rapidly FDXVHRI*67OHYHOOLQJRXWWKH for new projects.” to 14.8 per cent, while the landmark assignments over along with Tennessee-based as they should and I am not OX[XU\WD[LPSDFW$OVRVXSSO\ global average growth is 6.5 the past four years, com- STR. The report titled ‘India sure whether some of that rate outside the main markets per cent. In terms of revenue mitting projects across the Hotel Market Review – 2018’ suppression is because of the continues to grow which will earnings, against a global av- country. Out of the 66 projects gave a glimpse of how 2018 LPSDFWRI*672QFH\RXJR EHQHÀWWKHGRPHVWLFEUDQGVLQ erage of seven per cent, India we sanctioned in the last treated the industry, followed above the `7,500 mark, every future,” Thacker added. has actually grown by 19 per three years, 33 have already by a brief outlook on what is time you increase the rate, the cent. More than 10 million been inaugurated. I think, it H[SHFWHGRI percentage gain that the hotel Speaking about this year, foreign tourists travelled to is a record implementation makes versus the percent- Thacker said that the main cities India last year; if we add the scheme,” he said. Vijay Thacker, Director, age gain that the government are now saturated so they people of Indian origin to the Horwath HTL, said, “RevPAR makes is vastly different; the won’t grow at the same tally according to the global grew only by two per cent last government gains much more rate. “We have three standard, the number jumps year but the year saw a lot of and the guest keeps paying new convention to 14.5 million,” he informed. new hotels opening as well. more as well.” centres coming Bengaluru had the largest up – the Ambani According to World Tourism inventory with 14,000 rooms According to him, Bengaluru Convention Centre Council’s Power and Perform- followed by Delhi and Mumbai. has done very well this year in Mumbai BKC, DQFH,QGH[UHOHDVHGWRZDUGV India is the third largest Pune is one of the three cities in terms of keeping its rates Pragati Maidan the end of last year, India has domestic aviation market in with more than 70 per cent up even though occupancies in Delhi, and the been placed at the number the world and is touted to occupancy and has long-term dipped because of the new bigger one coming three position, right behind EHWKHODUJHVWPDUNHWLQQH[W potential, particularly because supply. More importantly, up in Dwarka. There China and US. 15 years the gap between the peak Bengaluru is now above the is huge potential to

TT_March-1st ITB_FINAL.indd 32 3/4/2019 9:58:31 AM TT_March-1st ITB_FINAL.indd 33 3/4/2019 9:58:35 AM 34 TRAVTALK MARCH 1ST FORTNIGHT ISSUE 2019 FAMILYALBUM Nepal enhances tourism links The eight-city Nepal Sales Mission 2019 saw an august presence of buyers and sellers, and was attended by over 700 trade partners. Travelling to key cities such as Lucknow, Agra, Jaipur, Bhopal, Indore, Kochi, Coimbatore and Madurai, the Mission successfully paved the way for greater tourist movement from India to Nepal.

TT_March-1st ITB_FINAL.indd 34 3/4/2019 9:58:46 AM AGENTS MARCH 1ST FORTNIGHT ISSUE 2019 TRAVTALK 35 Inbound continues to surge Stressing on the importance of ITB Berlin for his company, Ravi Gosain, Managing Director, Erco Travels & Tourism Enterprises, talks about his business strategy and plan for the future.

TT Bureau 2QDGLIIHUHQWQRWH*RVDLQ Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos & to do good business in the spoke of his other venture, Travellers on spiritual tours have a Myanmar, which we added last upcoming summer season. regular visitor to ITB Berlin Tourism Enterprises, and year to our portfolio, is doing We will try to cover a majority AIRURYHU\HDUV*RVDLQ said, “Tourism Enterprises potential to create a huge database of well; we are overwhelmed with of local destination shows feels that the travel trade fair has become a trusted brand like-minded clients in the future. I think this the support we have received and small, city-based trade is a wonderful platform to in the last few years and we from our partners in India. fairs to widen our network and meet partners from all over are growing steadily with our sector needs to be regularised and With our newly-added DMC reach tour operators and travel the world and discuss new H[LVWLQJGHVWLQDWLRQV2XUQHZ for West Europe - Saffron agents in small cities as well,” programmes for the future. partner, Hello Asia – DMC for promoted in a planned manner World - we are quite hopeful he concluded. “ITB Berlin is an important travel trade fair for our inbound brand, Erco Travels. This year, the company will complete 20 years in inbound business, which is a great landmark for us. We are in discussion to

Ravi Gosain Managing Director Erco Travels & Tourism Enterprises

offer some special freebies to inbound travellers who travel to India with us,” he said.

3URYLGLQJLQVLJKWV*RVDLQ informed that there had been a surge in inbound travellers for spiritual and yoga tours, which is a good sign for the Indian market. He said, “Such travel- lers have a potential to create a huge database of like-minded travellers in the future. I think this sector needs to be regular- ised and promoted in a planned manner. Apart from this, there is huge increase in corporate travellers to India, who come to the country for seminars, conferences, and business negotiations.” He also said that the government’s recent move to increase the validity of the e-visa for foreigners and allow multiple entries will give a strong message to global travellers that India is inviting tourists with welcoming visa norms.

7KHUHDUHDSSUR[LPDWHO\ cruise ships sailing which can accommodate over 300,000 guests daily

TT_March-1st ITB_FINAL.indd 35 3/4/2019 9:58:48 AM 36 TRAVTALK MARCH 1ST FORTNIGHT ISSUE 2019 NEWS Guidelines on priority Globus high on Uttarakhand Tourism Professionals Association Avalon Waterways, part of the Globus family of organised a workshop on the role and sensitisation of brands, is witnessing huge growth for river cruising rafting, mountaineering and local guides in Rishikesh. from India, depicting a maturing tourist market.

TT Bureau to join hands for promoting Also addressing the gathering Hazel Jain products than the agents Uttarakhand as an important was Anil Oraw, Regional Direc- who aren’t specialists. So, o generate socio-economic tourism destination in India. He tor - North India, Ministry of valon Waterways is we will continue to promote TEHQHÀWVIURPWKHWRXULVP said that the need of the hour Tourism, who provided details “A our fastest-growing this in India. We are revamp- sector in Uttarakhand, it has was to frame regulations and on various activities being brand in the Indian market,” ing some parts that will be been UTPA's sincere endeavour enforce guidelines for rafting undertaken by the Ministry in claimed Scott Nisbet, released this summer so it to help locals in getting jobs to and mountaineering activities in promoting tourism to the state. 3UHVLGHQWDQG&(2*OREXV will be a new and improved avoid further migration from the Uttarakhand. While promot- $WWKHHYHQWVXEMHFWPDWWHUH[- family of brands. He was version of our programme,” region. The workshop hosted ing the destination all out to perts from Uttarakhand Tourism in India recently and visited he added. also addressed the gathering. Bengaluru and Mumbai to

meet and thank the com- Scott Nisbet The company is also promot- A vote of thanks was delivered pany’s trade partners for President and CEO LQJLWV¶*OREXV(VFDSHV· by Narendra Kothiyal, Adviser another great year. Globus family of brands which, according to Nisbet, of UTPA, who also spoke of hits a really low price point the state’s potential in tourism “The numbers are still rela- of what a river cruise is like since it is off-season travel through pilgrimage, adventure tively small but it has mas- and maybe add something which means winter itinerar- sports, yoga and meditation, sive potential in India. When around it to make it a part of ies in Europe and other wildlife, and a centre for spiritu- we asked our past travellers a bigger trip. This will be our destinations. “I’m continually al studies. Kothiyal also shared if they were interested in river focus for 2019 and 2020,” impressed with our travel his view of how rafting and cruising, 61 per cent of them Nisbet said. agent partners in India. They mountaineering guides should said yes. We see this as a adjust to changing traveller be more responsible towards very good sign and we have The company also offers a needs and truly understand by the association began generate and help locals to get their profession as they are the developed a number of river specialist programme that our products. More and with an inaugural address by WKHPD[LPXPEHQHÀWRXWRI eyes and ears of Uttarakhand cruises that are shorter, not includes all of its brands. more Indians have travelled Ravi Gosain, UTPA's Founder it, he was also emphatic and Tourism. He also said that it the seven or 14-night cruises “We find that the India travel internationally and are open President. Here, he urged other cautioned participants about was becoming essential to hold but three, four and five agents who complete this to tours and cruises which associations engaged in the conserving the fragile ecologi- guide-training courses for raft- nights, which is perfect for programme and become spe- DUHDERXWH[SHULHQFLQJQHZ tourism sector in Uttarakhand cal balance of the region. ing and mountaineering. those who just want a taste cialists sell three times more cultures,” Nisbet added.

TT_March-1st ITB_FINAL.indd 36 3/4/2019 9:58:50 AM ATTRACTIONS MARCH 1ST FORTNIGHT ISSUE 2019 TRAVTALK 37 One Faber rings in 45th year One Faber Group is all set to attract Indian travellers to Sentosa Island in Singapore by offering a host of attractions and activities for its 45th anniversary this year at the same price as last year.

TT Bureau Lee revealed that the average up for the entire year. “Travel- stay for Indians visiting Sin- We are looking at overseas students lers can pay the same price ne of the must-see des- JDSRUHLVDERXWVL[GD\VDQG because from India as we customise this for all the attractions under our Otinations in Singapore is average days on the island is group as they were doing last Sentosa Island with its variety about 1.45. With a majority of programme according to students to ensure year without paying anything of attractions and the only attractions in Singapore on the that they learn something out of it H[WUDIRUWKHDFWLYLWLHVHVSHFLDOO\ lers. This is the way we want cable car to reach there from island, the average stay can created for the anniversary to thank the Indian customer WKHPDLQODQG2QH)DEHU*URXS be increased for Sentosa with 7KLV\HDU2QH)DEHU*URXSLV on March 29. Lee revealed that celebration. Hence, it would be whilst ensuring sustainability of operates the Singapore Cable new stay options on the island. celebrating its 45th anniversary they will have celebrations lined a value addition for the travel- business,” he shared. Car at Sentosa as well as few other attractions including Singapore Cable Car, Wings of Time, Sentosa Merlion, Faber Peak Singapore, Dusk Restau- UDQW %DU$UERUD*RRG2OG Days, Show Bites, FUN Shop, &DEOH&DU*LIW6KRSVDQG local membership programme Faber Licence.

Patrick Lee Director—Sales and Business Development, One Faber Group

Patrick Lee, Director—Sales and Business Development, 2QH)DEHU*URXSZKLFKLVD subsidiary of Sentosa Develop- ment Corporation, is thankful for the support received from the Indian market. “We are looking at overseas students because that is a growing market for Indians. We even customise this programme according to students not just for fun but also to ensure that they learn something out of LW:HWHDFKWKHPIURPÀUVW generation of cable car to the ÀIWKJHQHUDWLRQ7KH\FDQDOVR go back stage for Winds of Time show and learn about the OLJKWVDQGÀUHZRUNVRQZDWHUµ reveals Lee.

The other market they are look- ing at is MiCE, which, accord- ing to Lee, is also a growing segment. “We can customise WKHH[SHULHQFHIRUVRI people, create theme parties and dinner, especially with new hotels opening on the island to cater to all segments. We work with our partners Far East Hos- pitality, who are opening three hotels on the island, which will have 20 per cent of the total inventory on the island.”

TT_March-1st ITB_FINAL.indd 37 3/4/2019 9:58:51 AM TT_March-1st ITB_FINAL.indd 38 3/4/2019 9:58:54 AM EXHIBITIONS MARCH 1ST FORTNIGHT ISSUE 2019 TRAVTALK 39 Mindful travel at mart Asia Pacific’s leading event dedicated to adventure travel, PATA ATRTCM comprised a travel trade mart, conference, complimentary tours, as well as hosted social events that facilitated networking and relationship building.

TT Bureau more tourism to Uttarakhand adventure travel would be very is because people in the useful in driving tourism growth osted by Uttarakhand state are very hospitable and in India. He said that the sector HTourism Development entrepreneurial; partnering with encouraged visitors to meet Board and supported by them will be fruitful. Captain locals and help teach everyone Adventure Tour Operators .XPDUH[SUHVVHGKLVEHOLHIWKDW to respect the environment. Association of India, (ATOAI), PATA Adventure Travel and Responsible Tourism Confer- ence & Mart (ATRTCM) 2019 in Rishikesh, Uttarakhand, between February 13 and 15, concluded successfully. The event was graced by Mario Hardy, CEO, PATA; Yogendra Tripathi, Secretary, Ministry of 7RXULVP*RYHUQPHQWRI,QGLD Suman Billa, Joint Secretary, 0LQLVWU\RI7RXULVP*RYHUQ- ment of India; Trivendra Singh Rawat, Chief Minister, Uttarakhand; Satpal Maharaj, 0LQLVWHURI7RXULVP*RYHUQ- ment of Uttarakhand; Dilip Jawalkar, Secretary Tourism, *RYHUQPHQWRI8WWDUDNKDQG and Captain Swadesh Kumar, President, ATOAI.

Advocating responsible travel and believing in the positive power of adventure tourism, Hardy said that with almost 900 million annual visitors ar- riving in Asia by 2023, consci- entious travel was especially important. He also said that by continuing to interact respon- sibly with local communities and environments, tourism can truly be a force for good.

During the event, Tripathi highlighted the inherent need for nature in adventure travel activities and said that tourism in the country will continue to grow as visitors increas- LQJO\ZDQWWRH[SHULHQFHPRUH Speaking of new developments in India’s tourism landscape, particularly that of adventure travel, Billa said that the country was a ‘cradle of the human race’ and had been seeing substantial growth in tourism each year, despite global turbulences.

Addressing the delegates, the tourism minister of Uttarakhand called the state “the hotspot of tourism” and thanked delegates for working to add to its prestige. Jawalkar, sharing his view, said that one of the reasons why there should be

TT_March-1st ITB_FINAL.indd 39 3/4/2019 9:58:57 AM 40 TRAVTALK MARCH 1ST FORTNIGHT ISSUE 2019 AWARDTALK Game changers in tourism ForecastingFor innovation, winners from India Travel and India MiCE Awards deliberate over what cocouldu be the next big thingg in the industry whilst suggestingggg possible policy changes.

BestBest BBusiness Hotel Best Wedding & MiCE Hotel Best Luxury Resort Distinguished Travel Technology TheThe SSuryaa Sayaji Hotel Kolhapur The Fern Samali Resort Stalwart Deepak Narula *URZWKLVJRLQJWRFRQWLQXHLQERWK*UR According to Manish Singh Kushwaha, Sumit Rahate*HQHUDO0DQDJHU7KH inbouninbound and domestic segment, feels *HQHUDO0DQDJHU6D\DML+RWHO.ROKDSXUWKH Fern Samali Resort says that a number of Deepak Narula, Managing Director, DDhananjayhana Kumar*HQHUDO0DQDJHU7KH hospitality and travel industry has changed ¶JUHHQKRWHOV·DUHJURZLQJH[SRQHQWLDOO\ *51FRQQHFWFRPEHOLHYHVWKDWWHFKQRORJ\ SSuryaa.uryaa “We have witnessed double digit drastically in the last 10 years. He says, to win over environmentally-conscious is used widely in the tourism and hospitality ggrowthrowth in the current year and this trend is ´7KHUHYHQXHVDQGSURÀWVERWKKDYHJURZQ guests. “Sustainability travellers are industry. He says, “We have witnessed the ggoingoing tto continue. With digital transforma- VWHDGLO\DQGWKHUHKDVEHHQDVLJQLÀFDQW concerned about the eco-credentials of positive impact of using new technology in tion on an upswing, the hospitality and travel improvement in the use of technology. WKHLUDFFRPPRGDWLRQ$UWLÀFLDO,QWHOOLJHQFH our business. Just because of technology, ssectorsectors are only touted to grow. There has $UWLÀFLDO,QWHOOLJHQFHLVJRLQJWREHDJDPH will contribute more towards increasing a new players in the industry have grown been ggrowth in terms of domestic guests changer as it has provided natural language hotel’s reputation and revenue to enhance faster than the traditional travel agencies. travellitravellingn and staying at hotels. The do- processing technique advanced enough to FXVWRPHUH[SHULHQFH,PSURYHPHQWLQ Travel associations need to play a bigger role mestmesticic corporate movement has also seen truly interpret questions and deliver loyalty programmes can be seen through in promoting travel tech tourism in the coun- ggrowthrowth and will continue to grow,” he said. intelligent answers.” blockchain technology,” he said. try by coordinating with the government.” Insights into the world of Bali The U&I Roadshow 2019, organised by U&I Holidays, was held in Kolkata, Delhi, Surat, Ahmedabad, Pune and Mumbai. This show provided an excellent platform for hotels, attractions, restaurants and allied services to showcase all possible avenues relating to the tourism in Bali and Indonesia as a whole. Over 25 participants from Bali along with representatives from Australia and Maldives attended the show.

TT_March-1st ITB_FINAL.indd 40 3/4/2019 9:59:06 AM AGENTS MARCH 1ST FORTNIGHT ISSUE 2019 TRAVTALK 41 The real ‘taste’ of travel Gastronomic experiences are increasingly becoming the sole reason among many to travel. Ruhani Duggal, Director, Minar Group, speaks about her company’s approach to promoting culinary tourism in the country.

TT Bureau India's most famous culinary Indeed, a number of tourist ZRXOGOLNHWRH[SHULHQFHIURP food walks or food crawls Duggal concludes by saying, traditions,” she adds. destinations have remained Kerala’s curry tours with live, available that we usually do in “Whether you enjoy cooking country as diverse as popular only because of the hands-on cooking classes, 'HOKL$JUD-DLSXUDQG*RDµ or are just a foodie by heart, AIndia is bound to have an The concept of culinary food they offer. visits to the Spice Village Their clients often get the this is surely something you’ll array of culinary choices; from tourism allows the traveller to and unravelling the savoury chance to interact with local cherish and relish! After all, Rajasthan’s dal baati to Kerala’s H[SORUHDQGFRQQHFWZLWKDUH- Elaborating on Minar’s other secrets of Kerala’s cuisine to chefs as well as reputed chefs food is our common prawn curry, the options are gion and its culture. It is clear initiatives, Duggal adds, “We wine tours with visits to some from renowned restaurants to ground; no matter where plenty. Sharing statistics on the that food holds a soft corner organise itineraries centred on of India’s best vineyards. grasp the varied nuances of you’re from, food is a rise of food-based tourism in in every traveller’s heart. the type of cuisine our client Then, there is the option of Indian cuisine. XQLYHUVDOH[SHULHQFHµ the country, Ruhani Duggal, 'LUHFWRU0LQDU*URXSVD\VWKDW the culinary tourism market ZLOOUHJLVWHUD&$*5RIRYHU per cent by 2023. “We’re now observing a trend where gastro- QRPLFH[SHULHQFHVDUHEHFRP- ing the soul reason of travel. %HVLGHVFRXQWULHVOLNH*HUPDQ\

Ruhani Duggal Director Minar Group

France and Spain, India is also making its mark on the world’s food map,” she says.

6RKRZGRHV0LQDU*URXSSUR- mote food tours? Duggal says that they believe in the premise of innovating and always trying to offer more. “Earlier, good food was a bonus but now, good food is the highlight of a journey. We aim to provide our FOLHQWVZLWKDXWKHQWLFH[SHUL- ences where they can immerse themselves and actually feel the Indian culture in all its glory. A big hit with our clients has been cooking demonstrations at the homes of local chefs,” says Duggal.

“When travellers are sightsee- LQJLW·VIXOÀOOLQJZKHQWKH\ FDQH[SORUHIDPRXVHDWHULHV as well such as Karim’s in Old Delhi, serving delicious kebabs since 1913. Our culinary voyages take our clients on a fresh adventure, where their SDOHWWHLVH[SRVHGWRWKHÀQHVW Indian gourmet available in grand restaurants, hotels, as well as famous local eateries. From traditional Indian thalis to WDVW\VWUHHWIRRGRUH[FOXVLYH regional delicacies, they can get a real taste of some of

TT_March-1st ITB_FINAL.indd 41 3/4/2019 9:59:07 AM 42 TRAVTALK MARCH 1ST FORTNIGHT ISSUE 2019 TECHNOLOGY ecare provides WhatsApp service Vivek Sanghi, Co-founder, ecare Technology Labs, explains how its new WhatsApp notification service for travel agents can empower them to be at par with major OTAs in the market.

and relevant every day. Travel from our side. This service is the usual technical challenges WRH[LVWEHFDXVHWHFKQRORJ\ they go,” he reveals. TT Bureau technology providers are an add-on and will be similar and upgrades. We added is evolving every day. We are n the technology realm, in- doing just that and bringing to how an SMS is sent after more modules and now hopeful that we are changing 7DONLQJDERXWWKHQH[WJDPH Inovation is the name of the in new concepts to ease the a booking,” he claims. While our travel agents can also the business model and changer in the technology game and it’s important to way travel agents work today. there is a cost for an SMS serve corporate custom- making it more affordable. We space, Sanghi concludes by offer clients something new Elaborating on how ecare as well, Sanghi says that the ers better with the booking are reducing the on-boarding saying, “The biggest thing Technology Labs is taking cost for the WhatsApp serv- engine component that we’ve cost, which is the recurring in technology that we see is steps to do just that, Sanghi cost that customers pay, so analytics. Since customers says, “We have cracked the that we get to see more cus- cannot analyse data, I believe :KDWV$SSQRWLÀFDWLRQFRGH If we don’t enhance, we cease to tomers on board,” he says. LWZLOOEH$UWLÀFLDO,QWHOOLJHQFH in the booking engine, which (AI) which gives inference to is one of the demands from exist because technology is evolving For Sanghi, currently the the agents. Apart from that every travel agent. When- every day. We are hopeful that we are challenge is that there is no WKHQH[WELJWKLQJLVYRLFHµ ever a customer makes a Return on Investment (ROI) booking, it sends a push changing the business model and making it for travel agents when they QRWLÀFDWLRQRQ:KDWV$SS more affordable set up their business online, which no one other than us which is their forte. “The does in travel technology.” demand is ever-growing, but ice won’t be very high for the added. There are new ‘wallet’ the cost implications need to He claims that the response travel agent and would offer a modules that empower the be addressed. We work with has been very good. functional difference to them, travel agent to also have cash 100-150 travel agents and “People are very allowing them to be on a par wallets of their customers,” almost 40 per cent of them According to Passport ,QGH[WKH,QGLDQ H[FLWHG7KRXJK with major OTAs of he shares. are seeing results and they passport has become there are costs the country. are happy that they came on 10 ranks stronger in the associated Enhancement of their prod- board. Hence, we need to last five years, thereby with this, it is For ecare Technology Labs, ucts is something they do on bring this to the masses. The improving its position interesting to 2018 was a good year. “We a regular basis, owing to the agents can initially pay less from 77 in 2015 to offer this as an added more customers than demand from customers. “If for the technology and when 67 in 2019 LQGXVWU\ÀUVW the previous year. There were we don’t enhance, we cease they earn, they can pay as Click for more products Time for digi remittances With new products having been launched last year Abdul Hadi Shaikh, Co-founder and CEO, FxKart. and more on the anvil for 2019, com and FlyRemit, believes that the latter will change is looking at a good year of business. outward remittances in the travel business.

TT Bureau India market due to the Kerala TT Bureau ZKHQZHEHOLHYHDQGH[SHFWWKH ÁRRGVODVW\HDUWKHUHKDVEHHQ digital remittance platforms to avjot Bhasin, Director, growth in others, which is over lyRemit, claims Shaikh, is shine,” he insists., says and above the dip.” F,QGLD·VÀUVWGLJLWDOUHPLW- that the OTA launched many tance platform. In 2018, they He feels that the biggest issue new products in 2018 and will Speaking of market inter- launched FlyRemit Pay. “It’s in the B2B space is payments be launching four more this ruptions, Bhasin says that a platform which enables to suppliers. “The people who year. “B2C, one of the prime *67DQGGHPRQHWLVDWLRQGLG DMCs globally to work with were receiving the remittances products that we came up with disturb the market and post Indian agents, opening up the and those who were paying the DQGZKLFKLVVHWWREHRIÀFLDOO\ their implementation there was entire global market for them to remittances had a major bot-

launched, has already been in Navjot Bhasin a time when people thought work seamlessly on a trusted Abdul Hadi Shaikh tleneck in terms of doing these the market for two months and Director that the market was moving in technology platform, which is Co-founder and CEO transactions. It involved a lot of has received amazing response a negative direction. “People )O\5HPLW3D\µKHH[SODLQV and FlyRemit heavy paperwork. We believe in the packages division. were not able to understand Another prime product we to a growing demand. “We WKHFRQFHSWRI*67KRWHOV Shaikh is optimistic that 2019 launched was for MiCE, which UHFHQWO\RSHQHGDQRIÀFHLQ and packages were badly hit ZLOOEHDQH[FLWLQJ\HDUIRU The collection of PAN card for outward began in November last year. Azerbaijan. Baku, its capital and I believe that people are them. “We believe that the remittances has made a difference between While we still don’t have the city, is one of the hottest still not clear with the concept. market is opening up and that numbers for 2018, in terms of selling destinations where the But, to be honest, the market the outbound travel business genuine and non-genuine operators, and we business, we are getting posi- growth in Indian tourist arrivals is moving forward and I have where we ensure seamless are very happy to be in this space in 2019 tive results for all the products has been 180 per cent. We are not seen a decline. We believe remittances to DMCs is going we have launched. We will be H[SHFWLQJWKLVWRLQFUHDVHE\ that there is a proper formation WREHH[SORUHG:HZLOOKDYH pliance rules are good for the launching our new technology 1000 per cent this year. For required in terms of policies, PRUHH[FLWLQJWKLQJVFRPLQJXS industry. “The collection of PAN that with our software, we’ve in 2019,” he claims. us at, both DQGLIWKHVHWD[DWLRQVDQG*67 in 2019,” he claims. card for outward remittances saved a lot of time for these domestic and international issues are clear, people will be has made a difference between agents as well as for DMCs, Bhasin says that JustClickKaro business is on an upward DEOHWRPD[LPLVHWKHLUUHYHQXH The India market for them is genuine and non-genuine op- so that they can focus on LVH[SDQGLQJLWVSUHVHQFHWR trend. While there may have and things will go in a positive going great, shares Shaikh, and erators, and we are very happy business and get better new regions in order to cater been a slight dip in the South direction,” he says. he believes that the new com- to be in this space in 2019, margins out,” he concludes.

TT_March-1st ITB_FINAL.indd 42 3/4/2019 9:59:10 AM TT_March-1st ITB_FINAL.indd 43 3/4/2019 9:59:12 AM 44 TRAVTALK MARCH 1ST FORTNIGHT ISSUE 2019 NEWS Numbers talk at int’l exhibitions International exhibitions are a must-attend for most members of the trade. As a global meeting point, they help provide a sophisticated platform for conducting business on a national and international scale.

TT Bureau determine market potential. Here is a quick look at opportunities Exhibitions Exhibitions Exhibitions Trade Total Exhibition nternational trade fairs and at these events: Companies Companies Participants Participants Area IH[KLELWLRQVEULQJWKHJOREDO PDUNHWSODFHDW\RXUÀQJHUWLSV Fitur 2019 $VLQÁXHQWLDOSODWIRUPVWKH\ One of the first trade shows 10,487 165 142,642 253,490 136,151sqm SURYLGHDQH[FHOOHQWRSSRUWX- of the year, FITUR is held nity to assess opinions and every January in Madrid and is a global meeting point for 4,664 182 32,642 51,409 — tourism professionals and the Online Reach leading trade fair for inbound Fitur 2019 consolidates and outbound Ibero American its leadership in social markets. 10,000 186 110,000 170,000 160,000 sqm networks communica- tion strategy of tourism ITB 2018 fairs, reaching more than As one of the leading foremost business platform rate of over 90 per cent. vember each year, WKUHHGD\H[KLELWLRQWKH 84 million users across travel trade shows, ITB Berlin for global touristic offers. The is the leading global show generated about £3.1 social networks is held in Berlin in the month show boasts about its very WTM London 2018 event for the travel billion of travel industry of March each year and is the KLJKH[KLELWRUVDWLVIDFWLRQ WTM London, held in No- industry. A must-attend contracts in 2018. A taste of all things Swiss Launching its new brand, TourFox and welcoming its special guests, HU Schweizer and family from Schwizi’s Holiday Apartments, Switzerland, TourFox recently organised a dinner and cocktail party for the travel trade in Mumbai.

TT_March-1st ITB_FINAL.indd 44 3/4/2019 9:59:17 AM TT_March-1st ITB_FINAL.indd 45 3/4/2019 9:59:19 AM OPPORTUNITY

Media Partners:

MARCH 2019 EKTTA Annual Convention Bhubaneswar 1 Kempinski Roadshow Mumbai 1 77+([SR Ahmedabad 1-3 WK,$$3,$PXVHPHQW([SR Mumbai 6-8 ITB Berlin 6-10 77+([SR Vadodara 8-10 MITT 2019 Moscow 12-14 AccorHotels Showcase Mumbai 13 AccorHotels Showcase Delhi 15 IITE Bhubaneswar 15-17 Odisha Travel Bazaar Bhubaneswar 15-19 IT&CM China Shanghai 19-21 Karnataka Tourism Roadshow Mumbai 19 ,&3%(*0 Delhi 20 Karnataka Tourism Roadshow Panaji 20 Dhaka Travel Mart Dhaka 21-23 Mauritius Tourism Roadshow Chandigarh 25 IBTM Arabia Abu Dhabi 25-27 Mauritius Tourism Roadshow Pune 27 Mauritius Tourism Roadshow Nagpur 28 Mauritius Tourism Roadshow Hyderabad 29 Mauritius Tourism Roadshow Kolkata 30

APRIL 2019 7$7/X[XU\5RDGVKRZ Bengaluru 2 Hotel Investment Conference Mumbai 3-4 South-Asia (HICSA) :77&*OREDO6XPPLW Seville, Spain 3-4 7$7/X[XU\5RDGVKRZ Mumbai 4 AITF Baku, Azerbaijan 4-6 7KH$XVWUDOLDQ7RXULVP([FKDQJH $7(  Perth 6-9 $&7(*OREDO6XPPLW Chicago 7-9 ILTM Africa Cape Town 7-9 Digital Travel Summit California 8-10 Karnataka Tourism Roadshow Delhi 9 Karnataka Tourism Roadshow Lucknow 10 Korea Tourism Travel Mart Mumbai 12 7UDYHO/X[XU\6KRZ Mumbai 13-14 $VLDQ'HVWLQDWLRQV([SR Cambodia 13-15 Incredible India roadshow Sydney 15 COTTM Beijing 15-17 Incredible India roadshow Melbourne 16 KITF Almaty 17-19 $VLDQ'HVWLQDWLRQV([SR Laos 17-19 Incredible India roadshow Auckland 18 $VLDQ'HVWLQDWLRQV([SR Vietnam 21-24 $VLDQ'HVWLQDWLRQV([SR Thailand 26-29 *UHDW,QGLDQ7UDYHO%D]DDU *,7%  Jaipur 28-30 ILTM Arabia Dubai 28-29 Arabian Travel Market Dubai 28-May 1

For more information, contact us at: [email protected]

TT_March-1st ITB_FINAL.indd 46 3/4/2019 9:59:20 AM CLIPBOARD MARCH 1ST FORTNIGHT ISSUE 2019 TRAVTALK 47

TT_March-1st ITB_FINAL.indd 47 3/4/2019 9:59:22 AM 48 TRAVTALK MARCH 1ST FORTNIGHT ISSUE 2019 MOVEMENTS Lufthansa Group Airlines Lords Hotels & Resorts Ambuja Neotia Group New Delhi Mumbai Kolkata /XIWKDQVD*URXS$LUOLQHVKDVDSSRLQWHGGeorge Ettiyil as its new Abdul Wahab KDVMRLQHG/RUGV+RWHOV 5HVRUWV·FRUSRUDWHRIÀFH $PEXMD 1HRWLD *URXS KDV GHVLJQDWHG Subrata Debnath as the Senior Director Sales—South Asia. He will be responsible for all DV 'HSXW\ *HQHUDO 0DQDJHU³6DOHV $UPHG ZLWK D EDFKHORU·V Business Head of its upcoming hospitality project, Raajkutir - FRPPHUFLDO DFWLYLWLHV RI /XIWKDQVD *URXS degree in Arts from Mumbai University and a Swabhumi, in Kolkata. In the new role, Debnath $LUOLQHV LQFOXGLQJ /XIWKDQVD *HUPDQ diploma in Travel and Tourism, he embarked will lead the boutique property in delighting Airlines, SWISS, Austrian Airlines and on the journey working with Rath Tours and guests and patrons, and ensuring that Brussels Airlines, in India, Nepal, Travels, Meruka Tours and Travels, and the hotel stays true to its ethos. In his Bangladesh, and Sri Lanka. Ettiyil has Concord Holidays in the sales department. previous assignment, he led the food and held several key positions within the His assignment with the hospitality sector beverage operations at Taj City Centre, /XIWKDQVD*URXSIRUPRUHWKDQ\HDUV EHJDQZLWKWKH6DURYDU*URXSRI+RWHOVDV *XUXJUDP :LWK DQ H[SHULHQFH VSDQQLQJ For the last few years, he served as Head Corporate Sales Manager, from where he over 25 years, 10 unique destinations RI*OREDO6DOHV3URGXFWV 3URJUDPVIRUWKH PRYHGRQWRMRLQWKH&DUOVRQ5H]LGRU*URXSRI across the world and a host of international /XIWKDQVD*URXS+XE$LUOLQHV Hotels at Country Inns and Suites – Navi brands, Debnath is known for his Mumbai. H[HPSODU\KRWHORSHUDWLRQVVNLOOVDQG preopening of hotels.

Hyatt Centric Candolim Goa Indore Marriott Hotel Andaz Delhi Mumbai Indore New Delhi Rajesh MalliyaKDVEHHQGHVLJQDWHGDV*HQHUDO0DQDJHURI Sriram Ramaswamy has been appointed as the Director of Sales Vimal Verma has been promoted to Director of Operations at +\DWW&HQWULF&DQGROLP*RD+HEHJDQKLVFDUHHUZLWK7DM+RWHOV & Marketing at Indore Marriott Hotel. He brings with him a wealth of Andaz Delhi from his previous role as Director of F&B. He will and worked in different positions with the NQRZOHGJHDQGH[SHUWLVHLQWKHÀHOGRIVDOHVDQG oversee operations of all major departments organisation for 11 years. In his current marketing in the hospitality industry, and has such as human resources, food services, role, Malliya will be responsible to drive been responsible for leading teams across housekeeping, etc., and will also be +\DWW &HQWULF &DQGROLP *RD WR QHZ departments to achieve set objectives and required to deal effectively with key heights and deliver the Hyatt Centric targets, develop e-marketing and sales stakeholders, both outside and within the EUDQG H[SHULHQFH +H KDV ZRUNHG LQ strategies to build the brand, as well as property. In addition to the new role, Verma various locations in India and has increase the revenue for the property. also manages The Hong Kong Club in the DOVR KHOG *HQHUDO 0DQDJHU Ramaswamy comes with over 15 years of FDSDFLW\RID*HQHUDO0DQDJHU+HEHJDQDV responsibilities in H[SHULHQFH+DYLQJVHUYHGLQVRPHRIWKH a Corporate Trainee at Hyatt Hotels; 12 years Dhaka, Bangladesh. leading hotels in the country, he later he became the Director of Food & understands the nuances of Beverage at Andaz Delhi. the hotel business in India.

Sunishchal ParasnisKDVMRLQHG+\DWW&HQWULF&DQGROLP*RD Renaissance Mumbai & Lakeside Chalet JW Marriott Hotel Kolkata as the Director of Sales & Marketing. With over 10 years’ of H[SHULHQFH LQ +RVSLWDOLW\ 6DOHV DQG %XVLQHVV 'HYHORSPHQW Mumbai Kolkata 3DUDVQLVKDVYDVWNQRZOHGJHRI*RD·VKRVSLWDOLW\EXVLQHVVDQG Bhanu Gupta has been appointed as the Director of Food & Beverage Sabrina Pooja Dey has been appointed as the Director of LWVWUHQGV$W+\DWW&HQWULF&DQGROLP*RDKHLVUHVSRQVLEOH at Renaissance Mumbai Convention Centre Hotel & Lakeside Chalet Operations at JW Marriott Hotel KoKolkata. Here, she will be seen for the sales and marketing process to ² 0XPEDL 0DUULRWW ([HFXWLYH $SDUWPHQWV ,Q effectuatingeffectuating strategiesst to support business ensure competitive positioning of the this role, he will be responsible for heading a growth,growth, revenuere generation through hotel through strategic agendas, WHDPRIFXOLQDU\SURIHVVLRQDOVDQGH[SHUWV upselling ofo products and services, and planning sales and distribution FUDIWLQJDQH[FLWLQJDQGLQQRYDWLYHGLUHFWLRQ creationcreation ofo value through new product strategies in relevant domestic WR FUHDWH XQLTXH H[SHULHQFHV DW DOO WKH designs.designs. Ensuring strict compliance and international markets as well IRRGDQGEHYHUDJHRXWOHWVLQWKHFRPSOH[ with qquality, safety, environment as identifying valuable emerging *XSWDKDVEHHQLQWKHKRVSLWDOLW\LQGXVWU\ andand hehealtha standards, she will be markets. His journey at Hyatt started for the past 15 years and has worked with required to demonstrate creativity in ZLWK*UDQG+\DWW0XPEDLZKHUHKH various brands and properties including FRQFHSWXDOLVLQJFR DQG H[HFXWLQJ was appointed as Sales Radisson Blu MBD, The Taj Mahal XQLTXHJXHVWH[SHULHQFHV ([HFXWLYH Hotel, Park Hyatt - Chennai, Hyatt Regency – Delhi and The Imperial.

One great holiday moment for Scott Nisbet, President Jurgen Bailom, President and CEO, Zen Cruises, says De-stressing, for Neliswa Nkani, Hub Head – Middle East, DQG &(2 *OREXV IDPLO\ RI EUDQGV ZDV ZKHQ KH his favourite holiday destination is Miami because he India & SE Asia, South African Tourism, is an internal went to the Amazon with his family. “The kids painted has lived there most of his life. “I would consider any process. “I usually journal and put things down on paper their faces and sat on a canoe to look place a great holiday destination if to get more clarity. Long walks through for an anaconda. Moreover, I live in you get to play a nice round of golf serene paths surrounded by nature a beautiful place called Colorado there. My favourite golf course is DOVRKHOS,FDQÁXHQWO\FRQYHUVH and we get up on the mountains Miami Shores. I love playing in seven languages – English, often and ski a lot,” he shares. there because I always get a Xhosa, Afrikaans, Zulu, Sotho, In India, one of Nisbet’s best hole-in-one. Another favourite Dutch and Spanish. I am also H[SHULHQFHV ZDV RQ D KRXVHERDW is the Miami Beach,” he shares. picking up a bit of , now that trip in Kerala. “We rented private He has also participated in and I am spending time in India,” she boats and went out on the completed four Ironman revealed. The most memorable water for a couple races. Bailom hasn’t holiday for Nkani is when she of days. It was travelled much in goes to the Eastern Cape, just beautiful,” India, yet. He did to a village called Nqhayi, he says. visit Kolkata in where the Tsitsa Falls 1994 when he met ÁRZHQGOHVVO\ Mother Teresa.

TT_March-1st ITB_FINAL.indd 48 3/4/2019 9:59:30 AM TT_March-1st ITB_FINAL.indd 49 3/4/2019 9:59:32 AM INTERVIEW Densification in key cities Accor has revamped the ibis brand in India and unveiled the new look with the launch of ibis Kolkata Rajarhat. Jean-Michel Cassé, Chief Operating Officer—India and South Asia, Accor, throws light on the group’s plans for the year and the launch of new brands.

Tripti Mehta which will become opera- tional around June, What makes the new and the other - Mercure Qibis Kolkata Rajarhat 'HYDD\D5HWUHDWLQ*RD different from other ibis has already opened. properties in India? We have taken into account the The concentration of H[SHFWDWLRQVRIRXUFXVWRP- Qsome brands such as ers to make the hotel trendier, Fairmont and Swissotel friendlier, and be able to make is among the least, in In- an emotional connect with the dia. Is the group looking customers. Supported by our to expand them further? marketing campaign, ibism, we Development in this market have been able to transform is primarily going to be about the product itself by creating GHQVLÀFDWLRQRIEUDQGVOLNH one that is dedicated to its F&B Novotel and ibis in key cities, among other things. ‘Spice It’ but we also want to densify is unique in its segment and QRZLQWKHOX[XU\EUDQGVSDFH is promoting the regional gas- We want to have more tronomy to all the customers. 6RÀWHO3XOOPDQDQG6ZLVVRWHO more than that, either in vol- What are the group’s hotels in India. We also have How would you de- ume (if we believe there is still Qplans for 2019? a Mövenpick in Colombo now, Qscribe 2018 in terms space in volume) or in Average For this year, ibis Kolkata which we took over a couple of of Accor's business and Room Rate (ARR). Most of Rajarhat is the only ibis that months ago. We’d love to bring that of the industry? our hotels (once they are is going to open. Other prop- this brand back in India. If you look at STR, you will stable after two-three years), erties in the pipeline, slated realise that the growth in are at an occupancy of 70-75 to be operational within the RevPAR has been minimal, per cent. Where we’ve been QH[WWKUHHWRIRXU\HDUV driven slightly by volume and growing in 2018, and this was would be the 259-room ibis slightly by room rate. So, it a conscious call, is to grow Vikhroli, the 184-room ibis was not a bad year for the in the ARR. In terms of ARR, Thane, and the 133-room industry at large, but it was not when you look at ibis, we grew LELV6W\OHV9DJDWRULQ*RD a good year either. Occupancy in 2018 compared to 2017; We also have two more in India, too, is still at 65 per RevPAR growth was also at 13 hotels to open in 2019 – one cent, the same as last year. per cent. No one else is getting ZLOOEHD*UDQG0HUFXUHLQ One is forced to wonder why this kind of increase and most Ahmedabad, the industry is not growing of it is coming from the ARR.

New developments Accor has announced a disruptive and dramatic shift in its loyalty programme into a fully integrated global platform integrating UHZDUGVVHUYLFHVDQGH[SHULHQFHV7KLVQHZSURJUDPPHZLOO recognise, understand, cherish, communicate with and reward guests, giving access to ‘ALL of Accor’. Accor has also launched a new premium visual language including a new corporate logo. The two distinctive brands, Accor and ALL, will utilise the same ‘iconic A’ monogram which represents the historical emblem of the group.

TT_March-1st ITB_FINAL.indd 50 3/4/2019 9:59:36 AM TT_March-1st ITB_FINAL.indd 51 3/4/2019 9:59:40 AM Postal Reg. No.: DL(ND)-11/6044/2018-19-20; WPP No.: U(C)-178/2018-20 for posting on 1st-2nd and 16th-17th of the same month at NDHO, New Delhi - 110001, RNI No.: 53492/1991 Date of Publication: 28-02-2019

TT_March-1st ITB_FINAL.indd 52 3/4/2019 9:59:42 AM