There are various ways to keep up-to-date on community events. You can visit the village website (, where you can view current and back issues of the newsletter, as well as keep updated on parish matters generally. You can ‘Like’ us on Facebook (Ettington & Fulready Village Newsletter) where each issue and regular updates are posted. You can email [email protected] and request to receive issues automatically (note – this is not the email to use for items for inclusion in the newsletter or general enquiries).

For Ettington Community Centre bookings & enquiries, contact Eva Lowe on 07975 682775 or email [email protected]. The management committee meets on the first Tuesday of each month at 7.30pm in the Community Centre lounge.

BARN STORED LOGS FOR SALE Contact Clive on 07973 850502

This month’s messy church is ‘Messy Thanks’ at 11.15am on Sunday 13th in the church. Come along & try this informal, creative way of doing church.

Don’t miss the l ast chance this year for a delicious village breakfast. Saturday 12th between 8.15-10am in the Community Centre. This time raising funds for school.

The next Parish Council meeting will be on Wednesday 9th October at 7.30pm in the Community Centre Lounge

Deadline for items for inclusion in the NOVEMBER issue: WEDNESDAY 16TH OCTOBER Contact Editor, Jane Evans on 01789 740446 or [email protected] Newsletter Produced by: Ettington Parochial Church Council Newsletter Printed by: Parish Magazine Printing, 01288 341617


It took a scarily small amount of effort to gather bags of non-recyclable plastics. Washing and hanging plastic packaging on the line to dry reminding me of the slightly perverse pleasure I used to get from washable nappies flapping. Stuffing the cut up packaging into plastic bottles to the right density to make ecobricks was admittedly much harder work, but there was surprising stress relief from ramming rubbish down with the end of a wooden spoon! That and the happy company of others doing the same, whether those I first made them alongside in Newbold and Tredington school, or together at the holiday clubs in the summer, made it all a fun venture. Now glued together, the ecobricks make a thought-provoking coffee table from what might have otherwise ended up in landfill. Come and take a look at it in Ettington church foyer.

These efforts are just one of the projects that show how Stourdene Benefice churches are engaging with the vision of A Rocha (see which is a Christian charity working for the protection and restoration of the natural world. Ecochurch is one of A Rocha’s projects which invites churches to survey how they care for creation as an integral part of loving their neighbours and following God faithfully. Congratulations to Newbold and , who have both achieved bronze status as Ecochurches already!

At harvest time we come with thankful hearts to gather and give thanks to God for all his goodness which we share and appreciate in this planet we are called to cherish. All our churches invite you to join to celebrate harvest time together with worship and food – see our service details posted on and by signing up to our Grapevine newsletter or elsewhere in this village newsletter. Visit our bug hotels in Ettington and Newbold churchyards and see how people’s ideas are already being creatively explored to encourage subtle and quiet engagement with the natural world in these special reflective spaces. Get involved with us and help us discern how we can better care for the natural world, make wise choices in our own lives, our shared lives and in our churches that respect, protect and celebrate creation.

Happy Harvest! Reverend Sharon Goble,

Rector of Stourdene Benefice, including the parishes of Ettington, Alderminster, Butlers Marston, Halford, Newbold-on-Stour and Pillertons. Tel: 01608 682282 Mobile: 07799 220407 Email: [email protected]

For enquiries regarding weddings, funerals and baptisms please contact the Rector, Revd Sharon Goble on telephone 01608 682282 or email [email protected] It would be appreciated if you could try to avoid contacting Sharon on Saturdays. If you know anyone who is housebound, permanently or temporarily because of illness, and would like Holy Communion taking to them, please let Sharon know. For any enquiries relating to Ettington Church, contact the Churchwarden, Mr Andrew Harvey, on telephone 01789 740840. Parish Council News

There were 4 Councillors, the District Councillor, the Clerk, the Community Centre Secretary and some 15 members of the public in attendance at the September meeting. The burning issues which attracted the majority were the proposed Skatepark and the District Council’s “site allocation plan” for extra housing should it be needed over and above the 15,000 already identified in its Core Strategy.

The principal concern regarding the skatepark was the potential noise disturbance to the nearest residents and the Council was asked to explain why a noise survey/report had not been commissioned prior to submission of the planning application. The Youth Project Team advised that a report relating to a similar project at Cherry Hinton submitted to them by the providers gave sufficient assurances in relation to ambient noise for them to consider such a survey unnecessary, and that in any case the Planning Office will insist on this course of action if they, via the Environmental Health Department, also have such misgivings. Councillors refuted the contention that the facility would have only 3 or 4 users and advised that the surfaces, whilst not totally graffiti-proof, could relatively easily be cleaned and maintained.

There is widespread alarm at the prospect of a further 75 houses being imposed on the village during the lifespan of the current District Council Core Strategy 2011-2031 as suggested by its recently broadcast “site allocation plan” (SAP). The Parish Council pledged to object to the inclusion of Ettington in the list of potential sites on the grounds that it already has a ‘made’ Neighbourhood Plan with a ‘strategic reserve site’ and so this would be contrary to SAP criteria and the Core Strategy. Reasons for objection to the individual sites will also be stated even though strictly speaking they should not be necessary. It was resolved that the Clerk would convey the text of the Parish Council’s objection to a worthy band of villagers who would canvas as many residents as possible to sign their names to a collective individuals’ representation conveying the strength of feeling around the village.

On planning matters, the parish council resolved to follow up its original objection to the various revisions to the application previously granted for the development off Banbury accessed via a demolished No 81 on the grounds that the revisions do not address the issues raised. Obstructive vegetation on public footpaths featured again in the Open Forum and the meeting resolved that henceforth Cllrs Collins and Henry will monitor and speak to residents if applicable or report to the Clerk for onward transmission where a local agency is at fault. The Hockley Lane/Hillman Way path was mentioned in particular. The meeting deferred discussion on the ‘earmarked financial reserves account’ and a forward plan for commitments until October when the July request for more toddler play facilities will be considered. The Parish Council approved the engagement of contractors to refurbish and smarten the old play equipment, and also a firm to carry out the recommendations of the recent tree survey. Parishioners are reminded that if they observe blatant speeding infringements or excessively noisy vehicles 101 is the number to call for the incident to be logged.


THERE WAS A MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE MEETING The team consigned the relaxation of a meeting free August to the mists of memory and assembled on 2nd September to help guide the village’s most valuable asset forwards. The quest for a new cleaner had been successful and Lauren Brown is now in post. Regular readers of this journal and the community Facebook page will be aware that Argos personnel will, by the time of publication, have redecorated large parts of the centre. All hail to Caffeine and Machine who made a sizeable donation towards the materials costs, the stalwarts who carried out the preparatory works, the pledgers of cakes for refreshments, and Steve and Tony for masterminding the whole operation. The meeting received a second helping of its governance manual on the subject of health and safety and risk assessments, kindly compiled and presented by Sarah. This was duly adopted and a programme of checks will be set in place. This prompted a discussion about the stairs leading to the upper floor and concerns surrounding their safety and fitness for purpose. It was decided that they should be replaced and that a case (see below) should be made to the Parish Council for funding assistance. An application from a puppy trainer for hiring the main hall was considered but in the light of experience, the management committee resolved that the presence of animals (except those accompanying people with sight or hearing impediments) on the premises is inappropriate. Signage to this effect will be acquired.

SHALL WE OR SHAN’T WE? The issue of whether the hitherto unused (except for equipment access and storage) upper floor of the centre should be developed and brought into use, and for what purpose, has been exercising the management committee for some years now. There would be considerable costs involved, not least in the initial provision of an access staircase compliant with building regulations. A ball-park figure for the latter would be £13K and after lengthy debate the current committee resolved to ask the Parish Council for a significant contribution from the reserves it holds earmarked for future Community Centre when needed. Steve Austin presented our case to the September meeting of the Parish Council but their view was that at present it would constitute unwise dissipation of the funds. Their reasons centred on the fact that currently there is plenty of unused capacity in the ground floor spaces and until potential demand exceeds supply the Community Centre should concentrate on maximising use (and revenue) thereof. However, there will shortly be a Housing Needs Survey Form delivered to every household in the parish and as an addendum to that it was recommended that a section seeking ideas for best community use of this currently idle space be added. Readers please complete the form when you receive it and flood us with compelling suggestions for its utilisation.



Ettington PCC: “We Exist to Make Christ Known”


Alderminster Butlers Marston Ettington Halford Newbold/Stour The Pillertons Wed 2 Oct 10am CW Comm. Sun 6 Oct 5pm 10am 8am 10am 10am 8.30am Trinity 16 Harvest Festival CW Comm. BCP Comm. CW Comm. Harvest Festival BCP Comm. + Ploughman’s Meal Sun 13 Oct 10.30am 9am 11.15am 6pm 8am 4pm Trinity 17 CW Comm. BCP Comm. “Messy Thanks” Harvest Festival BCP Comm. Harvest Festival Sun 20 Oct 9am 7pm 10am 10am 11.15am 11.15am Trinity 18 BCP Comm. Evensong CW Comm. Morning Worship All Age Worship CW Comm. Sun 27 Oct 11.15am 11.15am 10am 8.30am 10am 10am Last Sunday Morning Prayer Family Service Morning Worship CW Comm. CW Comm. Family Service A.Trinity/ Bible Sunday Ettington rotas are published on social media and can be viewed on the lychgate noticeboard

Stourdene Weekly Grapevine & Prayer Guide The Grapevine details services and events taking place in the Benefice each week, plus a prayer guide and comment from clergy on events in the media. You can sign up to receive it at ‘’. Items for inclusion in the Grapevine should be emailed to Colette Inman, Benefice Administrator, on [email protected] by the Thursday for inclusion that week. And don’t forget Ettington Church has its own Instagram and Facebook pages to keep you regularly updated.

Church Cleaning & Flower Rotas for October

Cleaning: w/c 7th Oct – Lynda Coleman w/c 14th Oct – No cleaning w/c 21st Oct – Janet Brooks w/c 28th Oct – Pat Beatty

During October, there will be informal displays in church and no formal arrangements so if anyone would like to put flowers into any of the church windows, perhaps in memory of a loved one or just because you wish to help decorate this beautiful space for visitors to enjoy then please feel free to do so. Due to sickness and maternity, we currently have a free week for church cleaning. Contact Jane Evans on 740446 if you think you could help.

GIFT (God is for Today) GIFT meets on the 2nd and 4th Thursdays of each month during term time from 7pm- 8.30pm in Ettington Church. Children from Year 6 up to age 16 are welcome to come along. There’s no need to book, just turn up (responsible adult should accompany on first visit for registration). It’s free and refreshments are provided (there’s a small tuck shop for those who want to purchase low cost extras). Contact Jo Wade on 740890 or Steve Evans on 740446 if you would like to find out more.

October Events & Services The ‘SoW Good’ choir meets on the first Thursday of each month at 7pm in Ettington Church and the October session is on Thursday 3rd. New members are always welcome. Bible Book Club this month will be on Monday 7th at 1.30pm when we will discuss Proverbs. Free refreshments are served and it’s a very inclusive, friendly group so do consider coming and joining in. Don’t worry if you haven’t read the book in advance as it doesn’t prevent you engaging with discussion if you want to. Messy Church this month will be “Messy Thanks” on Sunday 13th at 11.15am. This service is designed for all ages, it’s tailored to suit those who turn up so do consider coming along and giving it a try. Whatever your age or family dynamic, this is perfect if you prefer something less formal.

Thank You! Liz and I returned home to the vicarage after the service at Alderminster on Sunday 1st September completely bowled over by the sheer number of people who attended and the very great generosity of you all. In addition to numerous very kind individual gifts and cards we had flowers, wine and a wonderful scrapbook to remind us of people, events and time spent in each of the six parishes of the Stourdene Group of Churches. We also came back with an unbelievably generous and humbling cheque that will prove very useful as we settle into our new home. Thank you all for your love and kindness to us over the last eight plus years that we have been here and especially for all you have done to mark our retirement. John and Liz Horton. ______


WE WOULD LOVE YOUR HELP IN THE GARDEN Might you be interested in helping to maintain the garden areas in front of the village shop? Since opening the new village shop there have been many complements about the gardens. However, help is needed to keep on top of the maintenance of the area so that the centre of the village can look its best (planting, weeding, deadheading, ideas and general maintenance). If you are interested in joining with others for a short session each month on a voluntary basis (giving as much or as little time as and when you wish) then please come and meet with me on Saturday 5th October at 9.30am in the coffee shop to find out more. Coffee and biscuits will be provided. You don’t have to be a professional gardener, just someone who would like to get involved with the community. If are able to leave your name and contact details at the coffee shop before this date then this would be helpful but not essential. Andrew Nardone & Lindsey Yarrow.

Monday Club: We will welcome Steve Wilson from Chipping Campden’s Little Oak Vineyard with a talk entitled ‘The Growth and Development of a Vineyard’ at our 7th October meeting. The meeting will start at 7.30pm in the small hall of the Community Centre. Visitors are welcome to join us at a cost of £3 to include tea/coffee and biscuits. On a sunny September afternoon some members of the Club had enjoyed tea and cake at Lighthorne Pavilion Cafe. Mobile Library: The mobile library will be at the Chequers on Wednesdays 9th and 30th October between 9.30-9.50am and at the Church on Friday 18th between 3.20-3.40pm. The County Library also offers a home delivery service to those who are unable to use a branch or mobile library. The service is primarily for the elderly or infirm and uses volunteers to deliver the books each month. The contact phone number for any queries is 01926 851031. There is also a video about the service on the following website:

The ‘Friends’ meet at 11am on Sundays in the Meeting House in Halford Road

Gardening Club The club’s first meeting of the new programme welcomed Nick Martin for his talk titled 'Secrets of the wildlife garden’ and what a splendid talk it was. The scene was set in Nick’s family home in suburban Knowle where, perhaps, one would not expect too much in the way of wildlife. Nick’s lifelong interest in nature and his background in the RSPB and WWT meant that, after moving to Knowle a few years ago, he was able to create a vision and plan for his very own wildlife garden. With two young children there were certain rules: no pond and space for the young ones to play. Very quickly the overbearing leylandii was removed and replaced with native and wildlife friendly species - hornbeam, buddleia, honeysuckle, valerian and wildflowers. Wildlife soon followed and, with Nick’s skill and patience in wildlife photography, we were treated to a superb display of the natural world of the West Midlands. His attention to detail and patience was evident in the pictures of a ladybird unfolding its wing case and then taking wing, a Carrion Crow taking a newt from the recently approved pond, a Jay using its tail feathers to tease ants into a bird body scrub and a pair of young Magpies stalking a feeding Green Woodpecker trying to work out where the food was. A further sequence of pictures showed the nesting and fledging of a Robin family and the perils of a nearby Sparrowhawk. It was apparent that Nick’s young family enjoy the outdoors with Damsel Fly falconry, snail races, building hedgehog houses and, as Nick says, enjoying real nature instead of the indoor iPad screen alternative. The recently added pond is attracting larger wildlife with Muntjac, Fox and Badger all making an appearance. It was a very interesting talk and delightful collection of photos from Nick and very much enjoyed by all. It was an excellent start to the new season and it was a pleasure to welcome three new members and two visitors to the evening.

The club’s next meeting will be on Thursday 3rd October when we welcome Diane Clement for her talk on ’A garden for all seasons’. The programme continues through 2019/20 with monthly meetings of varied and interesting gardening or wildlife topics. Evening meetings are held in the small hall of the community centre and all are very welcome for a 7.30pm start. Subscriptions this year remain at £12pp with visitors welcome at £3pp.

The club’s Christmas outing this year will be on Thursday 21st November for a day out at Gloucester Quays Victorian Christmas Market. The coach fare is £10pp, leaving the community centre at 9.30am to be back to Ettington by around 6pm. For more information on any of the club’s events please call Matthew on 07748 137395.

Ettington Village Store 6 Banbury Road, Ettington, CV37 7TB Tel: 01789 748261

Providing Ettington & surrounding communities with their daily shopping requirements.

We are open for your convenience: Monday – Saturday 7am to 8pm Sunday & Bank Holidays 8am to 6pm OTHER LOCAL NEWS

Neighbourhood Team Community Surgeries: The Shipston Safer Neighbourhood Team (SNT) cover Ettington and hold community surgeries for the Shipston area to which residents are invited to discuss any issues or concerns. The October surgeries will be from 2.30pm-3pm on Thursdays 3rd, 17th and 31st. Surgeries are held in the Shipston-on-Stour Council Offices/Police Station, West Street, Shipston-on-Stour, CV36 4HD. You are invited to go along to talk about any policing issues or concerns you may have. For more information call 01789 444670.

Wellesbourne and District Lions Club News: On Sunday 8th September the Lions held our second ‘Classic Funday’ at Sports Field. We were blessed with some amazing autumn sunshine which helped us to achieve a fantastic turnout of both vehicles and visitors. Over 110 cars and classic vehicles were in attendance and people enjoyed a number of food and drink stalls, Cake Stall, Tombola, Craft Stalls, Games, Bouncy Castle, Children’s Go Karts and a girl’s football tournament. The cricket club bar proved very popular with coffee, teas and refreshments served in the Bowls Club. A big thank you to all, especially sponsors Barbers and Munster. Early indications are that a profit of over £1,200 has been raised which will be used to help local charities and organisations. I am really sorry but now I’m afraid I have to turn my thoughts to Christmas. We are at the planning stage for this year’s Santa floats. It is one of our key fundraising events of the year, as well as something that lots of children look forward to every year. We would once again like to invite local charities and organisations to get involved. We have a number of slots to fill and all we ask is a guarantee that your group can supply 4 reliable volunteers to be available for one evening between 5.45pm and 8.30pm to participate in our door-to-door collection. If you would like to be considered or require further information then please contact Lion Steve Skinner on 01789 842148. All of the money raised from the collections is pooled and shared amongst all those taking part. We are very keen to hear from anybody who would like to volunteer to be Santa or to act as lead. We are also seeking people with a tow bar to volunteer to tow a sleigh. Full support and training will be given. Could anybody interested please initially email the lions on [email protected], leaving your name, contact number and which role you would like to fulfil and somebody will call you to give you more information. Lion Andy Stokes

Kineton Art Group Exhibition: Art Group's annual Members’ Art Exhibition and Sale of Paintings will be held at Kineton Village Hall on Saturday 12th & Sunday 13th October. Doors will be open from 10am-5pm each day and will offer a wide range of art works at affordable prices. For further info see our website

Carers4Carers will next meet on Friday 25th October from 10.30am to 12Noon in Kineton Village Hall. Please join us for coffee, biscuits and chat! Anita will be with us offering relaxing hand massages and TLC. Please let us know in advance if you would like us to look after your loved one in our Companionship Group. For more details, including help with transport, please phone Gillian on 01926 640203/07947 893504. Warwickshire County Council seeking views on health and wellbeing…… A survey has been launched by Warwickshire County Council to find out more about the health and wellbeing outcomes, and factors affecting them, for residents of this area. The survey is available at: Warwickshire County Council and public sector partners recognise that the needs of different communities throughout the county will vary depending on issues such as the population age, infrastructure, community safety, jobs, housing and many more. The survey forms part of a larger project to gain more insight into life in Warwickshire’s communities called the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment. Together with other data the survey results will feed into a local needs assessment, which will lead to recommendations for improving local health and wellbeing. All of this information will be available to Warwickshire County Council and its partners when commissioning new services or reviewing existing ones. The information will also be available to local voluntary and community groups, to support funding applications for example. Please take the opportunity to complete the survey and help to inform this important piece of work. If you would like a copy of the survey in a different format please email [email protected].

Fancy a Night at the Museum? Looking for a good way to avoid the trick or treaters? Come join us on Thursday 31st October for a night of all things 1970s instead! The British Motor Museum is taking part in the national ‘Museums at Night’ festival to open up the collections to those who cannot come during normal opening hours. Arrive from 5.30pm, enjoy a hot & cold buffet and refreshments, view some of the iconic 1970s designed cars on display. There is also full access to the main Museum to explore at leisure and an exclusive 1970s themed tour with a costumed guide. So come and join us for a fun and relaxed evening. Tickets are just £10 per person. For visitors who hold a Gift Aid Annual Pass there is a £6 supplement for the evening to cover the catering. Visit the website to book:

Dial a Ride UBUS Service in Ettington The UBUS dial a ride community transport service operates in Ettington and surrounding villages on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays between 9.30am–2.30pm. Travel locally and into Stratford-upon-Avon to go shopping, visit friends or attend social groups. To register with UBUS or for more information please call 01789 264491 between 9.30am-2.30pm Monday-Friday. Return journey fare £5.80.

Shipston Home Nursing Go to the SHN website for information on events during October, including a pop-up shop and a fashion show in Shipston-on-Stour and a golf day at Feldon Valley.

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Would you like to safeguard your property against theft? Would you like to discourage doorstep sellers? Are you interested in Neighbourhood Watch? If you answered yes to any of these three questions and you live in Ettington & Fulready, consider joining the Ettington NHW Facebook page and the What’s App Group (both called ‘Ettington NHW’). Property marking kits and various stickers are available to residents from Jane Evans on 740446.