
arXiv:math/0001068v1 [math.AG] 12 Jan 2000 neeto hsatcei osuytecnra conormal the study to is article this of interest Let yblcpower symbolic n eeaie orltv eso n[,6]. [5, in version relative to generalized and nt.Epcal,n eeaigstof generating no Especially, finite. rmtv da of ideal primitive usin ol einteresting. be would questions ieytesmoi oeso nieli eiu igo oyoilrin polynomial of a power of symbolic second residue t the a how that in on [6] ideal Vasconcelos from an by follows of question powers symbolic a the is tively there algebra, commutative In o-sltdsnuaiiso iglrsae.I eea h ideals the general In spaces. singular on singularities non-isolated hs eolvlhprufcsps hog n r tangent are and Σ through pass X level zero whose of vni both if even subvarieties ly iia oet h eodpwro h aia da fteloca the of ideal maximal the of power second the to role similar a on plays loci of critical ideal primitive stratified the then [12], iglrt hoy nodrt td h oooyo h inrfibr Milnor the of topology the study to order In theory. singularity reg )Fn ecitoso h oso remodule free the of descriptions Find b) )Fn ecitoso h oso part torsion the of descriptions Find a) ngeneral, In Let htbogtoratnint hs usin stesuyn ff of studying the is questions these to attention our brought What upre yJP,LSC NNSFC. LNSTC, JSPS, by Supported phrases. and words Key 1991 g g ¯ ntersdern.W ieapeieepeso of expression precise a give We ring. residue the in of nt)of finite) h reesof freeness the h := ahmtc ujc Classification. Subject Mathematics of g meit plctosaewre out. worked are applications immediate O h optto ftescn yblcpower symbolic second the of computation the Abstract. X ⊂ / eaieto relative M h g ln Σ along g faplnma ring polynomial a of / OOMLMDLSVAPIIIEIDEALS PRIMITIVE VIA MODULES CONORMAL n h oso remodule free torsion the and h h X etoiel faplnma ring polynomial a of ideals two be O and T eteiaeof image the be ⊃ / ( g ¯ h M (2) g of Σ h anojc fti oei osuytecnra module conormal the study to is note this of object main The g h sntrglr othe so regular, not is ∩ ); w hrceiain for characterizations Two . rltv to (relative N r opeeitretos n h rjciedmninof projective the and intersections, complete are of X . reg C oomlmdl,piiieiel yblcpwr torsion. power, symbolic ideal, primitive module, conormal g ¯ n h oncinbetween connection The . fw supply we If . X if O k oti c.[].Hne oal h rmtv ideal primitive the locally Hence, [5]). (cf. Σ contain = vrafil fcaatrsi eo h oso part torsion The zero. characteristic of field a over h g ,wihwsitoue ySesaPlian[0 11] [10, Siersma-Pellikaan by introduced was which ), UNFN JIANG GUANGFENG g C 1. in h rmtv da of ideal primitive The . ossso xcl l h ucin from functions the all exactly of consists Introduction M/T O rmr 31,1B7 eodr 20,32S30. 32S05, Secondary 14B07; 13C12, Primary g ¯ / O X h om eua eune hntefollowing the Then sequence. regular a forms ( / T M ne h aoia rjcin h main The projection. canonical the under 1 ihtes called so the with g ( r xrse ytepiiieielof ideal primitive the by expressed are ) M M/T module of ) g ¯ O (2) ( M g ¯ vrafield a over N M fa ideal an of ob reaepoe.Some proved. are free be to ) steiaeo h rmtv ideal primitive the of image the is M M aclt h egh(hni is it (when length the calculate , := and g ¯ snihrfe o oso free torsion nor free neither is (2) M/T M g ne oeassumptions. some under g ¯ g ¯ olcsaltefunctions the all collects := oaihi stratification logarithmic (2) k ( ntersdering residue the in M fcaatrsi zero. characteristic of setbihdb the by established is g ¯ n odtoson conditions and ) / oterglrpart regular the to g ¯ e h 2 opt effec- compute o F n h second the and ⊂ f ring l ntoswith unctions M fafunction a of g 1,1] It 16]. [14, g T ( en two define and M g O ) g ¯ C whose snot is n , 0 in 2 GUANGFENG JIANG

f with singular locus Σ, we use a good deformation (the Morsification) fs of f. This fs has relatively simpler singularities than f. The existence of the good deformation and related invariants (both topological and algebraic) have close relationship with M, T (M) and N. Roughly speaking, the freeness of N implies the existence of the good deformation [5]. The length of torsion module T (M) (when it is finite) gives some information on how Σ sits in X (cf. [7]). Under some conditions, we answer the questions a) and b). More precisely, after some descriptions of T (M) and N, we mainly prove the following (see also Remark 12) Main Theorem Let h g be complete intersection ideals of a over a field k of characteristic⊂ zero. Let Spec ( /g) be reduced and connected, and theO Jacobian ideal (h) of h be not contained inO any minimal prime of /g. The /g- J O O module N is free if and only if there exists an -regular sequence g1,... ,gn generating g, such that O 2 g =(g1,...,gp)+(gp+1,...,gn) , Zh where p := grade h, n := grade g. As an application, in the last section we study lines on a variety with isolated com- plete intersection singularity. More applications to the general deformation theory of non-isolated singularities on singular spaces will be given in the sequel papers. 2. Primitive ideals Let be a and k be a subring. Let Der( ) denote the -moduleO of all the k-derivations of . For⊂ O an ideal h , define O O O ⊂ O Derh( ) := ξ Der( ) ξ(h) h . O { ∈ O | ⊂ } Definition 1. Let h g be ideals. The primitive ideal of g relative to h is ⊂ ⊂ O

g := f g ξ(f) g for any ξ Derh( ) . { ∈ | ∈ ∈ O } Zh Remark 2. This definition is a generalization of [10, 11], and was generalized to higher order relative version in [6]. And under general assumptions (cf. Proposition 4), it was proved in [6] that the primitive ideal of g relative to h is the inverse image in of the second symbolic power of the quotient ideal g/h /h. O ⊂ O Some basic facts about the primitive ideals are collected in the following lemma. Lemma 3. Let h g be ideals of , a commutative noetherian k-algebra. Then ⊂ O 2 (1) h g is contained in g and contains h and g ; (2) for any g h (i =1, 2), g g = g g ; R i ⊃ h 1 ∩ 2 h 1 ∩ h 1 (3) If is a polynomial ringR over a fieldR of characteristicR zero, g /h = (g/h), O h 0 where 0= h/h; R  R (4) If is a k-algebra of finite type over a commutative ring k, and h and g have no O −1 −1 embedded primes, then for any multiplicative set , g −1 g. S ⊂ O S h ≃ S h S Proof. The first three statements follows immediately from the definition.R  R To prove −1 −1 (4), one may use the fact that Derh( ) DerS−1 ( ). See [6] for details.  S O ≃ h S O CONORMALMODULESVIAPRIMITIVEIDEALS 3

3. Conormal module: the torsion part Let M be a module over a ring , and S be the set of all the non-zero divisors of . Denote by Q the total quotient ringO of with denominator set S, and by M := M OQ O S ⊗ the quotient module of M. The kernel of the canonical map M MS is denoted by T (M) and is called the torsion (part) of M. → Let h g be ideals of the commutative noetherian ring . Denote by g¯ := g/h, the quotient⊂ ideal in /h. The /g-module M := g¯/g¯2 g/g2O+ h is called the conormal module of g¯. O O ≃ Proposition 4. Let be a polynomial ring over a field k of characteristic 0. Let h g be unmixed idealsO of with g radical, such that the Jacobian ideal (h) of h is not⊂ contained in any minimalO prime of /g, then J O (2) h g g¯ T (M)= T := 2 2 . gR+ h ≃ g¯ Consequently, we have the following exact sequence 0 T (M) ı M π N 0 (3.1) −→ −→ −→ −→ where N := g/ h g. Proof. In the followingR we use p¯ to denote the image of an ideal p of in the residue ring /h. We first prove that T T (M). Note that for any p (g) (O( (h)) ( (g))), O 2 ⊂ ∈V \ V J ∪V J Tp = g¯p¯ /g¯ is a module over R := ( /h) . Since R and R/g¯p¯ are regular, 0 p¯ O p¯ g¯p¯ is generated just by a part of the regular system of parameters g1,... ,gd . (cf. [9, R  { } 2 (2) Theorem 36]). We may also assume that g is prime. It follows from [4] that g¯p¯ = g¯p¯ , (2) the second symbolic power of g¯p¯. By [13], 0 g¯p¯ = g¯p¯ . Hence T is annihilated by a power of (g) (h). For anyJa ¯ JT (M), let β¯ /g be a non-zeroR divisor such that β¯a¯ = 0¯. By taking ∈ ∈ O2 representative, we have βa g + h. For any ξ Derh( ), we have ξ(βa) βξ(a) mod g. Since ξ(βa) g, hence∈ ξ(a) g, and a ∈g. O ≡ ∈ ∈ ∈ h By [6], g /h = g¯(2), hence T g¯(2)/g¯2. R  h ≃ R  Lemma 5. Let g be a radical ideal of a commutative noetherian ring . Suppose that ∗ O 2 g is generated by an -regular sequence g1,...,gn. If g := (g1,...,gt)+(gt+1,... ,gn) for some 1 t n,O then Ass ( /g∗) = Ass ( /g). ≤ ≤ O O Proof. We use the fact: For two ideals J I with I radical and √J = I, then Ass ( /J) = Ass (I/J) Ass ( /I). ⊂ O ∪ O r ∗ ∗ Since √g = g, we need to prove that Ass (g/g ) Ass ( /g). Let g = Pi be ⊂ O i=1 ∗ the unique minimal prime decomposition of g. Let Q Ass (g/g ). By definition,T ∗ ∈ there exist 0 =x ¯i /g and 0 =y ¯ g/g such that Pi = Ann(¯xi) (i = 1,...,r) 6 ∈ O 6 ∈ r ∗ and Q = Ann(¯y). Suppose that q Q Pi = . Then qy g , and qxi / g ∈ \ i=1 6 ∅ ∈ ∈ 2 n (i = 1,...,r). Write qy β1g1 + + βtSgt mod g and y = ykgk. Then ≡ ··· k=1 qy (β1g1 + + βtgt)=(qy1 β1)g1 + +(qyt βt)gt + qyt+1gt+1 + + qyngn 0 − ··· − ··· − P··· ≡ 4 GUANGFENG JIANG

r 2 mod g . It follows that qyt+j g = Pi. Since q / Pi for all i = 1,...,r, yt+j ∈ i=1 ∈ ∈ r ∗ T Pi = g, which implies that y g , a contradiction. We may assume that Q P1. i=1 ∈ ⊂ ∗ ∗ ∗ TOn the other hand, since Ass (g/g ) Ass ( /g ) and rad(g ) = g, we have Q r ⊂ O ⊃ g = Pi. It follows from [1, (1.11)] that Q Pi for some 1 i r, which implies i=1 ⊃ ≤ ≤ T r that i = 1 since g = Pi is the minimal prime decomposition of g.  i=1 T Proposition 6. Let h g be ideals of , a polynomial ring over a field k of charac- teristic zero. Assume that⊂ h is unmixedO and g is a radical complete intersection ideal. Suppose that the Jacobian ideal (h) of h is not contained in any minimal prime of /g. If there exists a minimal generatingJ set g ,... ,g of g such that O { 1 n} (1) The images of g ,...,g are contained in T (M) for some t : 0 t n; 1 t ≤ ≤ (2) For any prime p Ass ( /g), the images of g ,...,g in ( /h)p¯ generate (g/h)p¯ ∈ O t+1 n O as a complete intersection ideal of ( /h)p¯. ∗ O 2 Then h g = g := (g1,...,gt)+(gt+1,...,gn) . Proof.RIt is obvious that g∗ g. It was proved in [6] that /g and / g have the ⊂ h O O h same associated ideals. By Lemma 3 and 5, neither g∗ nor g has embedded primes R h R and these two ideals have common radical g. We only need to prove they are equal R locally at any associated prime p of /g. O ′ Let f = a g + + a g g. Then for any ξ Derh( ), ξ(f) ξ(f ) 0 1 1 ··· n n ∈ h ∈ O ≡ ≡ mod g, where f ′ := a g + + a g . By assumption p (h) ( (h)), ξ˜(f˜′) is t+1 t+1 ···R n n ∈V \V J contained in (g/h)p¯, where we usee ˜ to denote the image of an element e (resp. ∈ O Derh( )) under taking modulo h and localization at p¯. In other words, O f˜′ =˜a g˜ + +˜a g˜ g /h = (g/h) = (˜g ,..., g˜ )2, t+1 t+1 ··· n n ∈ ¯p t+1 n p¯ Zh  ¯p Z0 where the last equality follows from Lemma 3 and [13]. By the assumption (2), we have ((a ,...,a )/h) ((g ,...,g )/h) , which implies that (a ,...,a )p gp. t+1 n p¯ ⊂ t+1 n p¯ t+1 n ⊂ ∗  Thus, we proved that (g )p = h g . p R  Corollary 7. Under the assumption of the Proposition 6, N is a free /g-module with the images gˆ ,..., gˆ of g ,...,g as , and M T (M) NO. t+1 n t+1 n ≃ ⊕ Proof. We only need to prove thatg ˆ ,..., gˆ are /g-linearly independent. Suppose t+1 n O there are some β¯t+j /g such thata ˆ := β¯t+1gˆt+1 + + β¯ngˆn = 0 in N. By the expression of the∈ primitive O ideal in Proposition 6 and··· taking representatives, we have a (g ,...,g ) g =(g ,...,g ) (g ,...,g )+(g ,...,g )2. Let a ∈ t+1 n ∩ h 1 t ∩ t+1 n t+1 n ≡ β g + +β g mod (g ,...,g )2. Then β g β g +β g + +β g 0 1 1 t t t+1R n 1 1 t t t+1 t+1 n n mod g···2, from which and the assumption on−g, it follows−···− that β g. ··· ≡ j ∈

Let g be generated by an -regular sequence: g1,...,gn. Assume that there exist an integer 0 t n and non-zeroO divisors β¯ ,..., β¯ /g such that β¯ gˆ ,..., β¯ gˆ ≤ ≤ 1 t ∈ O 1 1 t t CONORMALMODULESVIAPRIMITIVEIDEALS 5

are zero in M as an /g-module. Namely β g ,... ,β g g2 + h, where β g is the O 1 1 t t ∈ i i representative of β¯igˆi. Let h ,...,h be a minimum generating set of h. Denote { 1 p} T T T h = (h , , h ), g = (g , ,g ), G = (G , ,G ), Λ = diag β , , β , 1 ··· p 1 ··· n 1 ··· t { 1 ··· t} where T means the transposition of the matrix indicated. . T Let A and B =(B .B ) be the matrices such that Λ (g , ,g )= Ah + G, h = Bg, 1 2 1 ··· t where A is a t p matrix, B a p n matrix, B1 a p t matrix, B2 a p (n t) matrix, and G g2. Let× C = AB ,C =× AB , then we have× × − i ∈ 1 1 2 2 T T (Λ C ) (g , ,g ) C (g , ,g ) 0 mod g2 − 1 1 ··· t − 2 t+1 ··· n ≡ 2 Note that g/g is a free /g-module. We have Λ¯ = C¯1, C¯2 = 0 in /g. From this we obtain the following lemmaO similar to the implicit theorem.O

Lemma 8. Let g be a radical complete intersection ideal of , then det C¯1 = det Λ=¯ β¯ β¯ is a non-zero divisor in /g and consequently rank(OB ) t and t p.  1 ··· t O 1 ≥ ≤ 4. Freeness of N and the primitive ideal

Let h g be complete intersection ideals of = k[x0, x1,... ,xm], a polynomial ring over a field⊂ k of characteristic zero. Assume thatO the Jacobian (h) is not contained in any minimal prime of /g. Let p := grade h, n := gradeJg. If g is radical and O generated by an -regular sequence g1,... ,gn, we can choose the minimal generating set h ,...,h ofO h such that (with changing of the generators of g if necessary): { 1 p} t h b g mod g2, 1 i p (4.1) i ≡ ij j ≤ ≤ j=1 X where t is an integer 0 t n, b / g 0, and for each j, (b ,...,b ) = 0 in ( /g)p, ≤ ≤ ij ∈ \ 1j pj 6 O (otherwise one could lower t). Denote B := (bij). Lemma 9. Under the assumptions above, we have (1) t p; (2) There≥ exists at least one maximal minor of B which is non-zero divisor in /g. O Proof. Since h is a complete intersection, the Jacobian (h) of h can be generated by h and the p p minors of the Jacobian matrix J(h) of h.J Since each of these minors, say × ∆j1,... ,jp , is the of BGj1,... ,jp modulo g, where Gj1,...,jp is the t p submatrix of J(g), consisting of the 0 j < j m columns of J(g), the Jacobian× matrix of ≤ 1 ··· p ≤ g. Suppose t

Proposition 10. Let h g be complete intersection ideals of a polynomial ring over a field k of characteristic⊂ zero. Assume that Spec ( /g) is reduced and connected,O and the Jacobian (h) is not contained in any minimalO prime of /g. If in (4.1) we have t = p = gradeJh, then b := det(b ) is a non-zero divisor in /Og, and ij O 1) the images gˆ ,..., gˆ of g ,...,g generate T (M) over /g; 1 p 1 p O 2) the images gˆp+1,..., gˆn of gp+1,...,gn generate N freely over /g, so M T (M) N, and rank(M)= rank(N) = dim X dim Σ = n p; O ≃ 3) For each⊕ p Ass ( /g), the images g˜ ,..., g˜− of g ,...,g− form an ( /h) - ∈ O p+1 n p+1 n O p¯ regular sequence and generate g¯p¯; 2 4) h g =(g1,... ,gp)+(gp+1,... ,gn) ; 5) there is a length formula if it is finite R

λ(h, g) := lO (T (M)) = lO O . /g /g (b)+ g   We call λ(h, g) the torsion number of the pair (h, g). When h and g are clear from the context, we write λ for λ(h, g).

Proof. Since t = p and b is a non-zero divisor, one can see thatg ˆ1,..., gˆp T (M) by multiplying B∗ to the both sides of (4.1) , where B∗ is the adjoint matrix of∈ B. Sinceg ˆ ,..., gˆ generate M over /g and (3.1) is exact, π(ˆg ),... ,π(ˆg ) generate 1 n O p+1 n N. If there is a relation: β¯p+1π(ˆgp+1) + + β¯nπ(ˆgn)=0 N, then β¯p+1gˆp+1 + + β¯ gˆ T (M). This means that there··· is a non-zero divisor∈ β¯ /g such that ··· n n ∈ ∈ O β¯(β¯p+1gˆp+1 + + β¯ngˆn)=0 M. By taking representatives, this simply means ββ g + ···+ ββ g g2 + h∈. Hence there are µ ,...µ such that p+1 p+1 ··· n n ∈ 1 p ∈ O µ h + + µ h + ββ g + + ββ g g2. 1 1 ··· p p p+1 p+1 ··· n n ∈ By (4.1), this becomes µ′ g + + µ′ g + ββ g + + ββ g g2, 1 1 ··· p p p+1 p+1 ··· n n ∈ where µ′ µ′ = µ µ B. Since g ,... ,g form an -regular sequence, 1 ··· p 1 ··· p 1 n O we have β¯β¯ = 0 in /g. Note that β¯ is a non-zero divisor, hence β¯ = 0 in /g. This j   j proves 1) and 2). O O For each prime p Ass ( /g), Np¯ is also free with the images ofg ˆp+1,..., gˆn as basis. 2 ∈ O Then g¯ = g¯ since g¯p¯ is a reduced complete intersection in ( /h)p¯ and p is in 0 p¯ p¯ O the regular locus of /h by the assumption. Since ( /h)p¯ is regular, by Vasconcelos’ R  O O Theorem [15],g ˜p+1,..., g˜n is an ( /h)p¯-regular sequence, and they generated g¯p¯ by Nakayama lemma; O 4) follows from Proposition 6. For the length formula, note that g (g ,...,g ) T (M)= h = 1 p . 2 ∼ 2 gR+ h (g1,...,gp) +(g1,...,gp)(gp+1,...,gn)+(h1,...,hp) It is easy to see that

(g1,... ,gp) M1 := 2 (g1,...,gp) +(g1,...,gp)(gp+1,...,gn) CONORMALMODULESVIAPRIMITIVEIDEALS 7

is a free /g-module. Since b is a non-zero divisor, the following sequence is exact O φB 0 M1 M1 T (M) 0, p −→ −→ −→ −→ where φB(¯gi) := ¯bijg¯j. By [2, A.2.6], we have the length formula of T (M).  j=1 Note that in theP following , we do not assume (4.1). Proposition 11. Let h g be complete intersection ideals of , a polynomial ring over a field k of characteristic⊂ zero. Let grade h = p and gradeOg = n. Assume that Spec ( /g) is reduced and connected, and (h) is not contained in any minimal prime of /gO. If N is a free /g-module, then J O O 1) there exists an -regular sequence g ,...,g , generating g, such that O 1 n – the images gˆ1,..., gˆp of g1,...,gp generate T (M); – the images gˆp+1,..., gˆn of gp+1,...,gn form a basis of N; – rank(M)=rank(N)= n p = dim X dim Σ; − 2 − 2) h g =(g1,... ,gp)+(gp+1,... ,gn) . 3) we can choose the generators h ,...,h of h such (4.1) holds with t = p and b a R 1 p non-zero divisor in /g; O Proof. Let the imagesg ˆt+1,..., gˆn of gt+1,... ,gn g generate N over /g, where t := n rankN. ∈ O − For any p Ass ( /g), by the assumption, p is in the regular locus of /h, and Np¯ is ∈ O O again a free module with the images ofg ˆt+1,..., gˆn as basis. By Vasconcelos’ theorem (cf. [15]), the imagesg ˜t+1,..., g˜n of gt+1,...,gn in ( /h)p¯ form an ( /h)p¯-regular sequence. And O O g g¯ = (˜g ,..., g˜ )+ h (4.2) p t+1 n h R !p¯ Hence the images of h1,... ,hp,gt+1,...,gn in p form an p-regular sequence, where h ,...,h form a minimal generating set of hO. However,O since h g p, we have 1 p ⊂ ⊂ n t + p = grade(h ,...,h ,g ,...,g )p grade (g)p = n. Hence t p. − 1 p t+1 n ≤ ≥ Extend gt+1,... ,gn to an -regular sequence: g1,...,gn, such that they generate g. Theng ˆ ,..., gˆ generate M Oover /g. We look for the generating set of T (M). Let 1 n O π(ˆgi)=¯cit+1π(ˆgt+1)+ +¯cinπ(ˆgn), i =1, . . . , t. ′ ··· Hence by (3.1),g ˆi := gˆi +c ¯it+1gˆt+1 + +c ¯ingˆn T (M), i = 1, . . . , t. Taking −′ ··· ∈ ′ representatives, denote gi := gi + cit+1gt+1 + + cingn, i =1,... ,t,gt+j = gt+j, j = ′ − ′ ′ ··· ′ 1,...,n t. Then g =(g1,... ,gn), withg ˆ1,..., gˆt T (M). By Lemma 8, t p. We have proved− 1). ∈ ≤

Note that g¯p¯ is also a complete intersection ideal in the regular ring ( /h)p¯, and we g O h 2 have p = t in (4.2). By actually [13] and [4], h = g¯p¯. By Nakayama lemma and R p¯ (4.2), we have g¯p¯ = (˜gp+1,..., g˜n). By Proposition  6, we have 2). ′ ′ ′ ′ Since h g, we have hi = bi1g1 + + bipgp + bip+1gp+1 + + bingn, i =1, . . . , p. For ⊂ ′ ··· ′ ··· any ξ Derh( ), we have bip+1ξ(gp+1)+ + binξ(gn) 0 mod g, i =1, . . . , p. Hence ′∈ O ′ ··· ≡ b g + + b g g, which implies that b ,... ,b g for i = 1, . . . , p. It ip+1 p+1 ··· in n ∈ h ip+1 in ∈ is obvious that b is a non-zero divisor in /g.  R O 8 GUANGFENG JIANG

Remark 12. Combining the conclusions in Corollary 7, Proposition 10 and 11, one sees that the Main Theorem is proved. Moreover, either of the equivalent conditions in the Main Theorem is equivalent to 3) in Proposition 11.

Example 13. Let h be defined by h := x3 + xy3 +2x2z +2z2 = 0, g be defined by 2 3 g1 := x +y =0,g2 := z = 0. Thus h =(h), g =(g1,g2). Notice that h is not weighted homogeneous. So it is not easy to find the generator set of Derh( ). Then we have the same problem for g. If we denote g′ = g +2xg + g2, then hO= xg′ +(2 x)g2, h 1 1 2 2 1 − 2 where x is a non-zero divisor in /g. By Proposition 10, we have: R ′ O T (M) is generated by g1 over /g • g =(g′ ,g2)=(x2 + y3 +2xz,O z2) • h 1 2 N =(g )/(g′ g ,g2) is a free /g-module. • R 2 1 2 2 O The following example shows that it is not necessary for T (M) to be generated by g¯i when t>p. 2 2 Example 14. Let g =(g1,g2) with g1 = xy,g2 = z and h =(h) with h = x y+yz+z = xg + yg + g2. Then /g = C x, y /(xy), g =(x2y,yz,z2) (see Example 17 for this 1 2 2 O ∼ { } h formula) and g2 + h =(x2y2, xyz, z2, x2y + yz). So T (M) = Cx2y. And N is not a free R ∼ /g-module. O 5. Lines on spaces with isolated complete intersection singularities We include some applications of the theory to lines on a variety with isolated com- plete intersection singularity. Let be the polynomial ring C[x, y1,... ,yn] or the convergent power series C x, y ,...,yO . Let Σ be a line in Cn+1 defined by g. Define { 1 n} Σ := Σ ⋊ , the semi-product of Σ with the contact group (cf. [8]), where Σ isK a subgroupR C of := Aut(O) consistingR of all the ϕ preservingC g. This groupR has an action onR the space mg p. For h = (h ,...,h ∈) R mg p, there is an ideal h O 1 p ∈ O generated by h1,...,hp, and a variety X = (h). The image of the differential of h: ∗ V n+1 dh p is denoted by th(h). Define a -invariant O −→O ΣK p λ˜ := λ˜(Σ,X) = dimC O . th(h)+ g p O Choose Σ as the x-axis. Then Σ can be defined by g = (y1,... ,yn). Denote X : /h, := /g. O O OΣ O Proposition 15. Let Σ be a line on a variety X with isolated complete intersection singularity of codimension p. Then h is Σ -equivalent to an h˜ with components h˜i 2 K ≡ biyi mod g , where bi / g, i =1,...p. Moreover λ(g, h)= λ˜(Σ,X) = dimC /(b+g)= p l . where b := b ∈ b , and l is the valuation of ¯b in . O k=1 i 1 ··· p i i OΣ ¯ Proof.P Since Σ X, for a given generating set h1,... ,hp of h, we have hi bijyj 2 ⊂ { } ≡ mod g , i = 1, . . . , p, where ¯bij Σ, and for fixed i, ¯bij’s are not all zero since X is ∈ O P complete intersection and Xsing = 0 ( Σ. Since Σ is a , by { } O ¯ ¯ ¯ ′ n b1j changing the indices, we can assume that b11 bij. Let y1 = y1 + j=2 ¯b11 yj. Then ¯ | h ¯b y′ mod g2. Let h′ = h bi1 h , i =2, . . . , p. Repeat the above argument will 1 ≡ 11 1 i i − ¯b11 1 P prove the first part of the proposition. CONORMALMODULESVIAPRIMITIVEIDEALS 9

Consider the exact sequence ∗ n+1 dh p coker(dh∗) 0. O −→ O −→ −→ By tensoring with , we have the exact sequence OΣ ¯∗ n+1 dh p coker(dh¯ ∗) 0. OΣ −→ OΣ −→ −→ However by the expression of hi’s above, this is just p dh¯∗ p p O 0. OΣ−→OΣ −→ th(h)+ g p −→ O Since ¯b = 0, by [2, A.2.6], we have the formula for λ˜.  6 Corollary 16. Let X be a variety with isolated complete intersection singularity of codimension p in Cn+1, and Σ a line in X defined by g. Then we can choose the n+1 coordinates of C such that g = (y1,... ,yn), yˆ1,..., yˆp T (M) and yˆp+1,..., yˆn generate N which is free of rank n p, and ∈ − 2 g =(y1,...,yp)+(yp+1,...,yn) .  Zh

Example 17. Consider the situation in Example 14. Denote g1 =(x, z) and g2 =(y, z). They define Σ1 = y-axis and Σ2 = x-axis respectively. We have g = g1 g2 and Σ = Σ Σ X. Since h = (y + z)z + yx2, by Corollary 16, g =∩ (x2, z). 1 ∪ 2 ⊂ h 1 Since h = (x2 + z)y + z2, again by Corollary 16, g = (y, z2). These tell us that h 2 R g = g g . h h 1 ∩ h 2 R R R R Corollary 18. (Due to Pellikaan) Let X be a variety with isolated complete intersec- n+1 tion singularity of codimension p in C , and Σ a line in X, defined by g =(y1,...,yn). Then the Second Exact Sequence [9, 3] is exact on the left also: 0 M Ω1 Ω1 0. −→ −→ X ⊗ OΣ −→ Σ −→ Furthermore it is splitting and T (Ω1 )= T (M), rank (Ω1 )= n p 1. X ⊗ OΣ X ⊗ OΣ − − These tell us that the torsion number λ(h, g) is independent of the choice of the gen- erating sets of g and h. Proof. We have the following presentation: p dh n+1 Ω1 0. OX −→OX −→ X −→ Tensoring with , we have the exact sequence OΣ p dh n+1 Ω1 0. OΣ−→OΣ −→ X ⊗ OΣ −→ ¯ Remark that the map dh is equivalent to a map defined by the matrix (bij). Hence n+1 p 1 Σ n−p+1 Σ ΩX Σ ∼= O ∼= Σ O¯ ∼= Σ N T (M) ∼= Σ M. ⊗ O imdh O ⊕ im(bij) O ⊕ ⊕ O ⊕ 10 GUANGFENG JIANG

Then exact is n+1 Σ 0 M O Σ 0. −→ −→ imdh −→ O −→ Since Ω1 is free -module of rank 1, by [2, A.2.2], we have the exact sequence.  Σ OΣ Remark 19. In general, given an analytic space germ (X, 0), one cannot find a smooth curve L X that passes through and is not contained in Xsing. However, if there are smooth curves⊂ on X in the above sense, how to distinguish them is a problem. We found that the torsion number λ is a nice candidate for this purpose [7]. In studying the Euler-Poincar´echaracteristic χ(F ) of the Milnor fibre F of a function with singular locus a smooth curve on a singular space, we found that this λ also appears in χ(F ). Note also that the torsion number was generalized to “ higher torsion numbers” in [6, 7].

Acknowledgments This article comes from part of the author’s thesis which was finished at Utrecht University under the advising of Professor Dirk Siersma. Many discussions with R. Pellikaan, A. Simis, J. R. Strooker and H. Vosegaard were very helpful. The author thanks all of them.

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