Erica V. Harris, Ph. D
Erica V. Harris, Ph. D. PROFESSIONAL APPOINTMENTS 2020-present Spelman College, Atlanta, GA Postdoctoral Research Associate, Biology PI: Jennifer Kovacs EDUCATION 2013 – 2020 Emory University, Atlanta, GA PhD in Population Biology, Ecology and Evolution Advisors: Jacobus de Roode and Nicole Gerardo 2009-2013 Rice University, Houston, TX BA in Biochemistry & Cellular Biology Advisors: Volker Rudolf and Joan Strassmann FELLOWSHIPS & GRANTS National 2017-2018 Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation Mellon Mays Undergraduate Fellowship Dissertation Grant. $20,000 2014-2017 National Science Foundation (NSF) Graduate Research Fellowship (3 yrs). $32,000 stipend + $12,000 tuition 2015 Mellon Mays Graduate Initiatives-Social Science Research Council Graduate Studies Enhancement Grant. $1,500 2014 Mellon Mays Graduate Initiatives-Social Science Research Council Predoctoral Research Development Grant. $2,845 2011-2013 Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Mellon Mays Undergraduate Fellowship (MMUF) Research Program. $26,000 Internal 2016 Atlanta Science Festival Exploration Expo Educational Outreach Grant. $823.19 2015 Atlanta Science Festival Exploration Expo Educational Outreach Grant. $803.56 2014 Eugene Gangarosa Laboratory Research Mentoring Fellowship, Infectious Diseases Institute at Emory University Summer Fellowships 2012 Howard Hughes Medical Institute Summer Undergraduate Research Experience, Emory University. $3,500 2010 National Science Foundation Research Experience for Undergraduates, Rice University. $3,000 Erica Harris CV Page 1 AWARDS 2020 Travel Award, Ecological Society of America Student Section, Real/Brown Travel Grant Recipient. $190 2020 Workshop Scholarship, Biology and Mathematics Educators (BIOME) Institute: Culivating Scientific Curiosity, Quantitative Undergraduate Biology Education and Synthesis (QUBES). $1,125 2020 Eleanor Main Graduate Mentor [Commencement Ceremony] Award, Laney Graduate School at Emory University. $2,500 2019 Student Mentor Award, Graduate Division of Biological and Biomedical Sciences at Emory University.
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