June 6, 1996 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1009 community. The church also runs Bible study operate the International Red Cross ``Section Of course, Helen is best known as the classes. This dedication to the education and T'' rescue unit which, in coordination with three-term president of United TeachersÐLos participation of church youth is one of the , the Swedish diplomat who Angeles. Her forceful advocacy on behalf of foundations of the church. saved tens of thousands of Hungarian Jews in public school teachers at the bargaining table In addition to reaching out to the young of World War II, performed he- has gained Helen the undying admiration of members of the congregation, the church has roic rescues and supplied food and medicine her colleagues. maintained a deep commitment to the commu- to children's homes and orphanages. He put At the same time, Helen has never been nity. In particular, the church has focused at- his private home in the Benczur-Street at the shy about countering the criticism of teachers tention on a number of social problems and disposal of the Section±T unit, hid a group of and public schools expressed with greater fre- taken action to help those in need in the area. Jews in that house and on occasion provided quency over the past few years. She has will- A food pantry is operated by the congregation Raoul Wallenberg a base of operation from ingly put herself on the line. and they also participate in the Food Share which to perform his daring deeds. Wallenberg I ask my colleagues to join me today in sa- Program. The church also invites a variety of himself found refuge in the house during the luting Helen Bernstein, a champion of teach- national figures to speak to the community on very last days of the Russian siege of Buda- ers' rights, public school education, and chil- social issues. For example, speakers have ad- pest and left from there for his last fateful dren. Her dedication and selflessness are an dressed issues like unemployment, the welfare meeting with the Russians, from which he inspiration to us all. of children, and violence among youth. never returned. There are a number of ways the congrega- The post-war Communist political terror in f tion stays in touch with their spirituality and Hungary made it impossible for any organized history. Every year revivals are held to, in the Hungarian effort to honor and recognize THE ACHIEVEMENTS OF RODNEY words of church members, ``keep our souls re- Ocskay's tremendous life-saving deeds. His A. TRUMP generated and focused on the Lord.'' The aristocratic family background, the fact that he church also holds an annual memorial service served in the Hungarian Army and his being for Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. an employee of an American corporationÐ HON. BENJAMIN L. CARDIN It gives me great pleasure to congratulate Socony±VacuumÐmade him subject to recur- OF MARYLAND the many hardworking members of the First ring harassment by the Hungarian Com- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Calvary Baptist Church congregation on this munists. He left for Austria and was harassed Wednesday, June 5, 1996 anniversary. I am sure there will be many even there by the Soviets. As a result, no at- more anniversaries to celebrate as the con- tempt was made in Hungary to honor or even Mr. CARDIN. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to gregation is sure to keep the church growing. to acknowledge Ocksay's heroic deeds of res- mark the many achievements of Rodney A. I commend the First Calvary Baptist Church cue. Trump over his career with General Motors for its dedication to the community and its After the war, Captain Ocskay chose the and the United Automobile Workers Union. I commitment to the spiritual well-being of its United States of America as his sanctuary. note with some sadness that Rodney will be youth and congregation. There he lived a simple life with his son retiring this month from his position as presi- f George, daughter-in-law Ilona and grand- dent of UAW Local 239 in Baltimore. daughter Elisabeth. He died in March 1966 When we reflect upon the revolution that TRIBUTE TO CAPT. LASZLO and was buried in Kingston, NY. OCSKAY, A RIGHTEOUS MAN has taken place in the American workplace Mr. Speaker, I rise today to pay tribute to over the last generationÐwhat has returned this righteous gentile who found sanctuary in American manufacturing to its place of global HON. TOM LANTOS our country, but no official recognition. I ask leadership in quality and technologyÐwe must OF my colleagues to join me in recognizing this look to leaders such as Rodney Trump. Rod- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES extraordinary humanitarian who through his ney has worked hard to make GM's Baltimore Wednesday, June 5, 1996 heroism, bravery and courage served as a plant the best truck assembly facility in the symbol of light in a time of darkness and evil. Nation. The tremendous success of the mini- Mr. LANTOS. Mr. Speaker, a few months f vans produced there in recent years can in ago, I received a letter from Dan Danieli. He large part be tied to the professionalism and is a writer who had recently completed a re- TRIBUTE TO HELEN BERNSTEIN commitment to the product exhibited by the port regarding the life of Capt. Laszlo Ocskay. work force. Rodney ensured that his workers The investigative nature of Mr. Danieli's work HON. HOWARD L. BERMAN were always at the table and leading the revo- has conclusively verified the importance of OF CALIFORNIA lution at the plant. Captain Ocskay's role in saving the lives of IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES thousands of Jews during . I rise Rodney first arrived at Baltimore's General today to recognize the incredible life of Cap- Wednesday, June 5, 1996 Motors plant on Broening Highway on Feb- tain Ocskay and his heroic efforts. Mr. BERMAN. Mr. Speaker, I am honored to ruary 11, 1965. Since that time he has served Capt. Laszlo Ocskay performed an extraor- pay tribute to my close friend, Helen Bern- in increasingly responsible positions with the dinary humanitarian service for persecuted stein, who is this year retiring as president of union at the plant, including: alternate commit- people during World War II that resulted in United TeachersÐLos Angeles. By an acci- tee person, district committee person, benefits saving the lives of approximately 2,000 men, dent of geography, I have known Helen since representative, educational director, vice presi- women, and children, mostly Jews, during the she was 9 years old; her family happened to dent, and president. Rodney has served as most vicious and murderous rampage of the live a block from my family. Through the years president of the local for the past 11 years. Nazi in , Hungary. I have been lucky to work with Helen on many Over the years, I have had the opportunity Despite numerous injuries that technically issues, and to see our friendship grow strong- to work with Rodney on a number of issues made him unfit for duty in the Hungarian er. and I value his guidance, honesty, friendship, Army, Captain Ocskay voluntarily reactivated Anyone who knows Helen even casually and insights tremendously. In perhaps the himself. He rejoined the war efforts with the knows how much education, teaching, and clearest demonstration of his stature with his goal of using his position as the commander children mean to her. She has taught history people, to walk through the Broening Highway of the Forced Labor Service Unit to save the at Sun Valley Junior High School, Olive Vista Plant with Rodney would be a lift for even the lives of those who suffered in forced labor. Junior High School, and Marshall High School. most successful politican. His people rush to Testimonials obtained from numerous survi- In addition, she was a counselor at Olive Vista reach out to him, turn to him with questions vors of the Forced Labor Service Unit speak and Marshall. and problems, point to their successes on the of his tireless efforts to improve their situation. Helen's extracurricular interests offer further lineÐalmost cheeringÐas he slowing makes He obtained food, medicine, and supplies for proof of her passion for children and edu- his rounds on the plant floor. It is a real inspi- the Forced Labor Unit, which helped to boost cation. She has been a board member of the ration for those of us fighting for the American the morale of the unit during the most cata- Los Angeles Educational Partnership; a found- worker. I wish my colleagues could join me for strophic period from October 1944 to January ing member of the Los Angeles Educational one more tour with Rodney before he retires. 1945. Alliance for Restructuring Now [LEARN] work- I would ask all Members to join me in wish- Captain Ocskay provided the manpower ing group, and a member of the National ing Rodney the best in a well-deserved retire- from within the Forced Labor Service Unit to Council for K±12. ment. E1010 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks June 6, 1996 CONGRATULATIONS GRAND JUNC- who have the power to vote and affect clear that this is not allowed. Even for employ- TION KNOWLEDGE BOWL TEAM change. ees who find out the truth, many who object The efforts and dedication of Buz Spooner, to the union's extracurricular activities may be- HON. SCOTT McINNIS Chuck Shaw, and Ron Rhodes are remem- lieve that union representation brings them OF COLORADO bered and appreciated by our south Florida benefits in the workplace and thus may be re- colleagues in the U.S. House of Representa- luctant to resign. Some employees may also IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES tives and our predecessors, the Honorable fear the reaction that union resignation may Wednesday, June 5, 1996 DAN MICA and the Honorable TOM LEWIS. Most bring from fellow employees. Mr. MCINNIS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to importantly, they are remembered by the stu- On top of these more personal reasons, congratulate the Grand Junction High School's dents who will retain the experience and grow once an employee resigns from the union they Knowledge Bowl for winning the State cham- up to be citizens actively involved in the lose their right to have a voice in the myriad pionship in Colorado, and going on to the na- democratic process. We can only hope that decisions made between the exclusive bar- tional finals in Florida this month. others will take up the challenge and continue gaining representative and the employer about Team members were asked as many as providing this service for future generations. It the terms and conditions affecting his or her 500 questions during the event at Fort Lewis would be the best way to honor the legacy of employment. In most workplaces, employees College, and competed among 60 Colorado these three men. who are part of a bargaining unit that is rep- schools. The young scholars include Jacob f resented by a union, but who are not union Johnson, Sarah Smith, David Tice, Jeff members, have no right to participate in the MANDATORY ASSESSMENT OF Mohrlang, Jeff Hurd; alternates, Mark Rich- internal affairs of the union, for example, can- UNION DUES ards, Elizabeth Buescher, Elizabeth Ryan and not vote in union elections, have no right to they were coached by Lorena Thompson. vote in decisions to strike an employer, and In this day and age, it is heartening to see HON. HARRIS W. FAWELL have no right to vote to ratify a contract offer our youth aspire to intellectual excellence. OF ILLINOIS of an employer. Under a union security agree- Their success, as well as Custer County's IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ment, a nonmember can be forcedÐas a con- success in taking second place, demonstrates Wednesday, June 5, 1996 dition of employmentÐto pay for the costs of the personal dedication of our youth in west- union representation but can be denied partici- Mr. FAWELL. Mr. Speaker, today, I intro- ern and southern Colorado. pation in all decisionmaking with regard to duced the Worker Right to Know Act, legisla- The Grand Junction team spent several what that representation entails. tion which will make real the rights created by hours a week practicing, and their hard work If the employee is willing to accept these the U.S. Supreme Court in Communication paid off handsomely. I congratulate them on very real limitations on his or her role in the Workers of America versus Beck. This legisla- their efforts, Mr. Speaker, and wish them the workplace, there are additional practical obsta- tion strengthens Beck and gives workers a best of luck in the national championship. cles that dilute the meaningfulness of the em- procedural bill of rights so they will have the Even though they are now known as Team ployee's right to object to dues being used for ability and the knowledge to stand up to Colorado, they will always be Team Grand political purposes. The procedural hurdles unions and exercise their right to object to the Junction to me. faced by employees include limited window Mr. Speaker, I ask you to join with me in payment of dues not necessary for collective period for making objections, annual renewal recognizing the hard work and dedication of bargaining. This legislation places workers on requirements for objectors, very specific re- these young people. I know they will make more even footing with unions who have the quirements regarding mailing objections, ob- Colorado proud. extraordinary power, bestowed upon them by jections must be made to multiple parties, and the Congress, to compel employees to pay f so forth. Further, the employee must rely on union dues as a condition of employment. the union to determine what percentage of TRIBUTE TO F.E. (BUZ) SPOONER, The Worker Right to Know Act is necessary dues is used for purposes related to collective CHUCK SHAW, AND RON RHODES because, under current law, unfortunately bargaining and thus how much dues the em- Beck does not offer employees a meaningful ployee may be required to pay. And, the union HON. HARRY JOHNSTON right to object to union dues payments not may use its own auditors to make this deter- necessary for collective bargaining. The prob- OF FLORIDA mination. The employee may ultimately file a lems begin with the notice, or lack therefor, lawsuit or unfair labor practice charge to chal- HON. MARK ADAM FOLEY that employees have of their rights under lenge the union's determination, but it is often OF FLORIDA Beck. A recent poll of union members con- months and years before the appropriate IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ducted for Americans for a Balanced Budget amount of dues is resolved. Keep in mind that, found that only 19 percent of union members Wednesday, June 5, 1996 throughout this process, the employee may be know that they can object to the use of union required to pay the disputed amount on pain Mr. JOHNSTON of Florida. Mr. Speaker, we dues for political purposes. The National Labor of losing his or her job. are pleased to congratulate F.E. (Buz) Relations Board has taken few steps to ad- Suffice to say there are not any easy an- Spooner, Chuck Shaw, and Ron Rhodes for dress this widespread lack of notice and, in its swers for employees, whether they are union their long dedication to the students of Palm recent ruling, some 8 years after the Beck de- members or not, who want to take issue with Beach County. For 38 years, they have pro- cision, concluded that it was enough for the the activities of the union that go beyond what vided over 55,000 students with the oppor- union to print a notice of Beck rights once a may be a yeoman's effort by that union in rep- tunity to visit our Nation's Capitol. It has been year in the inside of its monthly magazine. Al- resenting employees in the workplace. It our pleasure to greet the thousands of stu- though, why nonunion fee payers are ex- seems to me that we are talking about basic dents they brought to Washington, DC. Every pected to pick up and read the union maga- issues of fairness. Employees have a right to year the patrols arrive and fill the seats on the zine is less than clear. Further, both the Board know why money is taken out of their pay- floor of the House of Representatives, bringing and the current administration have steadfastly check, how money legitimately taken is used, their interest and excited enthusiasm to nor- refused to require that Beck notices be posted and a realistic and available right to stop mally staid chambers. Their enthusiasm re- in the workplace. money from being taken out of their pay- minded all of us who work here of the awe- Employees who clear this initial hurdle of checks that is illegitimately used. This is ex- some nature of the Capitol and what it rep- knowledge of their rights under Beck and want actly what the Worker Right to Know Act is resents. to object to the use of their union dues for po- designed to provide. We commend Buz, Chuck, and Ron for litical or social causes may be required to first The Worker Right to Know Act provides that granting this opportunity to so many students resign their membership in the union. This is an employee cannot be required to pay to a over the years. One of the greatest problems not an easy thing for many employees to do unionÐnor can a union accept payment ofÐ in our country today is a lack of understanding for a number of reasons. First and foremost, any dues not necessary for collective bargain- and appreciation for our democratic system unions often either wittingly or unwittingly mis- ing unless the employee first agrees to pay and the way we make laws and why. Introduc- lead their employees on the effect resignation such dues in a signed written agreement with ing young people to the Capitol and educating from the union will have on their employment. the union. The bill also provides that the them on the lawmaking process is a truly ad- Union security clauses often require member- agreement must include a ratioÐcertified by mirable pursuit that will serve our entire coun- ship in the union as a condition of employ- an independent auditorÐof both collective bar- try as those same students become adults ment, even though the courts have made it gaining and noncollective bargaining dues.