Multiple Congenital Genitourinary Anomalies in a Polled Goat
Multiple Congenital Genitourinary Anomalies in a Polled Goat WILLIAM W. KING, DVM, PHD, DIPLOMATE, ACLAM,1,2* MELVIN E. YOUNG,1 AND M. EUGENE FOX, DVM3 A 1-day-old, Toggenburg/Nubian crossbred goat of polled parentage was referred for necropsy because of a large (diameter, 5 cm) bladder-like mass protruding from the perineal midline and difficult urination. Differential diagnoses included cutaneous cyst, ectopic urinary bladder, and urethral diverticulum/dilatation. Several genitourinary aberrations were noted. A second, smaller (diameter, 1 cm), more distal cystic structure was adjacent to an ambiguous prepuce. Testicles were discovered within a con- stricted, subcutaneous space near the inguinal canals. A rudimentary penis was located dorsal to the penile urethra with no appreciable urethral process. A tiny external urethral orifice was discerned only after liquid was injected into the lumen of the cystic structures, confirming their identity as urethral dilatations. The dilatations were separated by a constricting band of fibrous tissue. No other significant findings were detected. This case illustrates a combination of congenital anomalies including bilateral cryptorchidism with scrotal absence, segmental urethral hypoplasia, and urethral dilatation, most likely associated with the intersex condition seen in polled breeds. The continued production and use of small ruminants as animal models demands the prompt recognition of congenital anomalies. This case also exemplifies the precautions required when breeding goats with polled ancestry. The domestic goat (Capra hircus) has historically served and Nubian/Toggenburg sire. The owner reported that the doe had continues to play an important role in biomedical research (1). completed a normal gestation period on a diet of natural grass/ Many small breeds are available, facilitating common labora- alfalfa hay and water.
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