Building a Part-of-Speech Tagged Corpus for Drenjongke ()

Mana Ashida Seunghun J. Lee Kunzang Namgyal Tokyo Metropolitan International Christian University Nar Bahadur Bhandari University University of Venda Degree College [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

Abstract economic value is due to the widespread use of Nepali in . Most official and private busi- This research paper reports on the generation ness matters are conducted in Nepali or English. of the first Drenjongke corpus based on texts As a result of community-driven revitalization ef- taken from a phrase book for beginners, writ- 2 ten in the . A corpus of sen- forts , written materials in Drenjongke are being tences was created after correcting errors in the produced, including but not limited to dictionaries, text scanned through optical character reading folk songs, and novels. An archive was created re- (OCR). A total of 34 Part-of-Speech (PoS) tags sulting from a recent project with Drenjongke com- were defined based on manual annotation per- munity members: “Phonetics, Phonology and New formed by the three authors, one of whom is Orthographies in Roman and Indigenous Script: a native speaker of Drenjongke. The first cor- Helping Native Language Communities in the Hi- pus of the Drenjongke language comprises 275 malayas (2017-2020).”3 The archive contains spo- sentences and 1379 tokens, which we plan to expand with other materials to promote further ken materials, including conversations and nursery 4 studies of this language. rhymes. However, the focus of the archive was speech recordings. Thus, machine-readable texts 1 Introduction were not included. The goal of our project is to build the first dig- According to Joshi et al. (2020), most of the itized resource of Drenjongke so as to serve as a world’s languages cannot benefit from the state- basis for expanding NLP resources on Drenjongke of-the-art methods of Natural Language Process- by suggesting a set of PoS tags that can be used ing (NLP) due to a lack of resources. Given that for processing other Drenjongke texts in the future. the need for language technologies is equally dis- Moreover, we provide annotated text materials that tributed among speakers of each language, the would promote future computational research. investigation of the construction of language re- sources is necessary. This paper reports how the 2 Related Work in Other Tibeto-Burman first Drenjongke machine-readable labeled data Languages were developed. Drenjongke (Bhutia1) is a Tibeto-Burman lan- Tibeto-Burman languages share many characteris- guage with the status of one of the official lan- tics. From NLP perspectives, some similarities in- guages in the state of Sikkim, India. Ylin- clude 1) orthographic systems that are not based iemi (2019) estimates that the number of Dren- on the Roman alphabet, and 2) agglutinative mor- jongke speakers is 25,000-30,000 and that Dren- phology that creates difficulty in determining the jongke falls into one of the categories of “vul- word boundaries often used in NLP systems target- nerable,” “definitely endangered,” and “severely ing Indo-European languages. Even so, annotated endangered” within UNESCO’s Language Vital- text corpora in Burmese (), Dzongkha ity and Endangerment framework, with a rapid 2A native speaker shared with us the observation that the loss of native speakers due to the lack of eco- latest number of speakers may reach as high as 40,000 to nomic value in speaking Drenjongke. The low 50,000 with revitalization efforts. 3 1Drenjongke is known as Bhutia, Sikkimese, and also 4The nursery rhymes are also accessible at the following Lhoke. Community members prefer the terminology Dren- YouTube channel jongke over others. Bhutia is the official name accepted in UC90NszbLUgoOw7ZLEUHJ3WA/ along with their lyrics in India (Yliniemi, 2019). both Drenjongke and English.

57 Proceedings of the 1st Conference of the Asia-Pacific Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics and the 10th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing: Student Research Workshop, pages 57–63 December 4 - 7, 2020. c 2020 Association for Computational Linguistics (), and Classical and Modern Tibetan exist. The largest existing Burmese corpus with anno- tations is the “Burmese (Myanmar) Treebank of Asian Language Treebank Project” (Ding et al., 2019). This corpus contains 20,000 sentences that are morphologically annotated with the an- notation scheme “nova,” in which n stands for Figure 1: Excerpt from the Drenjongke corpus nouns, v for verbs, a for adjectives, and o for others. This categorization was created for low- resource, highly analytic languages. Subsequently, of (a) token, (b) PoS tag, (c) romanization of the to- Ding et al. (2020) propose the conversion proce- ken in phonological Drenjongke (Section 4.2), and dure of the “nova” tag to the Universal Part-of- (d) an English gloss of each token. An excerpt Speech (PoS) tagset.5 from the corpus is shown in Figure 1. The entire 9 Corpora as well as PoS taggers in Classical Ti- corpus is publicly available. betan6 have been developed as part of the project We built the corpus using the following steps: “Tibetan in Digital Communication (2012-2015)” (a) correcting errors in the text obtained by run- hosted at SOAS.7 The project has annotated four ning Optical Character Reading (OCR) of scanned documents from Tibetan classical literature.8 As pages, (b) tokenizing sentences using spacing, and for Modern Tibetan, Liu and Congjun (2018) re- (c) manually annotating PoS tags of each token. port a collection of Tibetan text corpora (CTTC) 3.1 OCR and correcting OCR errors containing 52,041 PoS-tagged sentences, which have been used in Machine Translation and Ti- We used Google OCR to recognize the Tibetan betan syntactic parsing. texts from scanned pages. The input method of the Dzongkha also has several NLP resources, in- Tibetan script is complex because typing a cluding a corpus and tokenizers. Norbu et al. requires typing a root character that has additional (2010) propose a word segmentation method ap- superscript, subscript, and diacritics. Since plied to Dzongkha using the dictionary-based max- the size of our corpus is not large, we could have imal matching algorithm. Chungku et al. (2010) typed all the data, but we opted for using the OCR describe the corpus building process for Dzongkha, method instead. Testing the OCR method was ben- in which they prepared 66 PoS tags for annotation. eficial because we found that the OCR-ed texts We found that these NLP resources on Tibeto- contained errors due to the “tsha-lag” ◌༹༹ marker, Burman languages often lack uniformed annota- which is used to mark the pronunciation of [bj] tion guidelines as pointed out in Hill and List in Drenjongke. The use of this marker is unique (2017). As such, when building corpora in a to Drenjongke because Tibetan does not have the different low-resource Tibeto-Burman language, sound [bj]. Any errors with ◌༹༹ were manually cor- namely Drenjongke, information about the process rected. The knowledge of this shortfall of the Ti- of building of existing corpora was not directly betan OCR for our corpus will help us when we transferable. add more text to the current corpus.

3 Corpus Construction 3.2 Tokenization Our corpus contains 275 sentences and 1379 to- For tokenization, space was set as a delimiter. kens taken from Bhutia Phrase Book (Drenjongpo, Drenjongke script is marked by a syllable marker 2017). The corpus has two parts: the sentence called “tsheg” ་, and has a space between potential level, containing (a) sentence ID, (b) the original morpheme or word boundaries. The use of space in Drenjongke sentence in Tibetan script, and (c) an the orthography is specific to Drenjongke as other English translation; and the token level, consisting Tibetan languages do not utilize spacing in a sen- tence. We assume that either a morpheme bound- 5 ary or a word boundary is demarcated by a space. 6 7 The tokenization process revealed some inconsis- tibetan-in-digital-communications/ tencies in the use of spacing. Thus, it is not im- 8 .XvBraGozZZ1 9

58 mediately obvious whether spacing directly repre- class PoS tags and 8 open class PoS tags were used sents morpheme or word boundaries. in the tagging process. The closed class tags mark In addition to the spacing, defining words, af- relatively fixed vocabulary, while the open class fixes, and clitics in Drenjongke is not an easy task unit can be labelled on newly created words. The because monosyllabic morphemes can readily con- modifiers PoS tags are always attached to other catenate to the head of a word. For example, one segments such as VERB or NOUN and can not ap- verb + one monosyllabic affix can be counted as a pear on their own. Freestanding PoS tags do not word, while they can be two different words or a have such restriction. word and a clitic depending on the definition of the Closed Class (freestanding) word. As such, spacing was used in the tokeniza- tion of the sentences from the operational point of AUX Copulas. view. In our annotation scheme, tokens with mul- AUXHON AUXHON stands for honorific aux- tiple PoS tags are joined with the “+” symbol: for iliary. Drenjongke has a complex honorific sys- example, VERB+INF (an infinitive marker). tem, and the verb give is frequently used to ex- press the honorific meaning. In this case, give is 3.3 Annotation a secondary verb labelled as AUXHON, which The annotation of the current corpus was done by will be explained in detail in 3.3.3. the authors; the first two authors have worked on AUXQ Copulas used in the interrogatives. the language for a number of years, and the last au- CCONJ Coordinating conjunction, དང་ ‘d’ang’ thor is a native speaker. Due to the lack of solid an- (and). Moreover, Drenjongke employs a differ- notation guideline, we failed to locate other native ent form as a verbal coordination conjunction སྟི་ speakers who can annotate the corpus. As such, no ‘te’. independent annotation verification could be per- HON The honorific particle ལགས་ formed. ‘hnang/nang/hnâ’ is often found at the end The PoS tag design is based on the gloss used of a sentence or phrase, as well as attached to a in Yliniemi (2019). Though applying the Univer- person’s name, indicating that the sentence is sal PoS tagset can be one solution, using gloss- honorific. based tags makes the corpus more informative, NEGAUX Drenjongke has negative auxiliaries especially because Drenjongke has multiple func- that are not easily decomposed into simply a tional particles which would be reduced to PART negation part and a copular part. (particles) or ADP (adpositions) in the Universal NUM Numerals written with both digits and PoS tags. Though the use of the Universal features with characters. No ordinal numbers appear in would be suitable, not all the features are covered the corpus. in the list.10 Thus, we are planning to develop a PRON Pronouns, which can be followed by language-specific documentation of those two cat- case markers, and in that case, they are marked egories when applying the Universal Dependen- PRON+POSS, PRON+DAT, PRON+LOC. cies framework in the near future. Closed Class (modifiers) In this section, we list the PoS tags proposed for the Drenjongke corpus in 3.3.1. Section 3.3.2 DAT Dative case marker. lists meta information on the tokens and PoS DET Definite and indefinite articles: འ䝲་ ‘di’ tags. Section 3.3.3 presents three examples of (this) and ޱད་ལས་ ‘khye le’ (all). multi-functional morphemes and investigates dis- IMP A marker of imperative as a verbal suffix. ambiguation criteria for each morpheme. We also INF A marker of infinitive as a verbal suffix. discuss some difficulties in the PoS annotation of IPFV A marker of imperfective as a verbal suf- the Drenjongke language in 3.3.4 and in 3.3.5. fix. LOC Locative case marker. 3.3.1 Part-of-Speech tag set MOD Modality, 歴གས་ ‘chu’ (can) and ད୼ས་ ‘gö’ This section lists the 34 PoS tags proposed and (need to). In most cases, these are attached to the used in the Drenjongke Corpus. Both 8 freestand- verb; however, they can also follow a noun. In ing closed class PoS tags, 18 modifying closed that case, the modality behaves as a normal verb “want, need” instead of “want to, need to.” For 10 index.html example, ᭴་ ད୼ས་卼་ ‘chu gö bo’ (water need-INF).

59 NEG Affixes that attach verbs and adjectives to 3.3.2 Meta Information on PoS tag Structure render their meaning negative. Our corpus contains 275 sentences and 1379 to- NMLZ A nominalizer that attaches to an auxil- kens. The small number of tokens in each sentence iary verb or a verb. English equivalent -er. is due to 1) the type of genre of the Drenjongke NPST A marker of non-past tense as a verbal text, and 2) the agglutinative morphology of Dren- suffix. jongke. The original text comes from a book for POSS Possessive case marker. a Drenjongke person so that they can learn basic PREP Prepositions. phrases in Drenjongke. Sentences are conversa- Q Question particles. tional and thus are short in general. In particular, REFL Reflexives such as own preceded by a a large number of sentences are presented as pairs pronoun. of questions and responses. The responses such as REL A relativizer meaning where it does V. ”Yes, we can” are shorter than full sentences. SCONJ Subordinate conjunction, ན་ ‘na’ (if), Another factor that makes fewer tokens per sen- which follows verbs. ན་ itself is used in many dif- tence is the synthetic characteristics of Drenjongke ferent cases, and then needs to be distinguished morphology. It uses various verbal and nominal af- when annotating (Section 3.3.3). fixes to express tense, aspect, mood, evidentiality, SIM A marker of simultaneity. It can be an ad- etc. In the PoS tags employed in our corpus, these verbial element by itself or a post-posed element functional elements are analyzed as a unit, which of the tensed verb form. further lessened the number of unique tokens. SUG Suggestive particle as a verbal suffix. It is Figure 2 shows the top-10 PoS-tagged sequence equivalent to let’s in English. patterns observed in a token separated by spaces. Open Class A token is marked with more than one PoS tag. The high appearance frequency of the HON tag ADJ Adjectives. Some adjectives share the mor- is one of the characteristics of Drenjongke. The pheme -䞲གས་. HON tag often appears as one token or a part of a ADV Adverbs. token preceded by an auxiliary verb. INTJ Interjections, such as Yes, No, and Hello. MWE Multiword expressions. One example of 3.3.3 Disambiguation of functional MWE in the corpus is བβ་鍲ས་ བ䝺་轺གས། ‘tra shi de morphemes lek’ (Congratulations). བβ་鍲ས་ means auspicious Drenjongke has a variety of monosyllabic mor- and བ䝺་轺གས means goodness, happiness. phemes that have more than one function. In the NOUN Nouns. As with pronouns, nouns are annotation scheme, these morphemes need to be also followed by case markers. The correspond- disambiguated, as in the three examples below. ing annotation is NOUN+POSS, NOUN+DAT, ན་ ‘na’ (LOC vs. SCONJ) NOUN+LOC. PROPN Proper nouns, place, and person names. ན་ is a morpheme that attaches to nouns, verb,s Possibly followed by case markers as nouns. or adjective wh-words (such as which). When at- UNK Unknowns. Annotation is made by con- tached to a noun, ན་ functions as a locative mor- sulting the English translation of each token, pheme (annotated as LOC). After a verb, it func- as well as looking up examples from the de- tions as a subordinating conjunction (annotated as scriptive Drenjongke grammar (Yliniemi, 2019) SCONJ). glossed in similar categories with our PoSs. Nevertheless, it is sometimes not clear which • ང་ 鮒ང་㽼ག་ན་ སྡོད་㽼་ ꍲན་ལགས།ང་孼་ གནང་ལགས། PoS corresponds to a token or a morpheme since nga gangtok na dö to ing la the word never appears in that grammar book. In “I live in Gangtok. (LOC)” those cases, we annotate them UNK. VERB Verbs in Drenjongke are often followed • དཀའ་ངལ་ 蝼ད་ན་ ང荲་让ར་ བྱོན། by morphemes that indicate TAME (tense, as- ka ngal yod na ngê tsä j’on pect, mood, evidentiality). “If you have any difficulty then come to me. (SCONJ)”

ཤད་ ‘she’ (NPST vs. NOUN) 60 Figure 2: Top-10 PoS-tagged Sequence Patterns

ཤད་ only attaches to a verb. As a clause suffix, corpus (Chungku et al., 2010) and Korean cor- it indicates non-past tense (annotated as NPST). pora11, two languages with morphological struc- ཤད་ as a derivational suffix marks a gerund (anno- tures akin to Drenjongke. When automatizing the tated as NOUN reflecting the result of becoming a process of PoS tag annotation, the presence of the gerund). “+” operand is non-trivial and any corpora build- ing process must take that into consideration be- cause the “+” operation is highly productive in • གཟིམ་པ་ བྱོན་ཤད་ ལགས། zim pa j’on she la Drenjongke. “Going to sleep? (NPST)” 3.3.5 Difficulty of evaluation Language resource papers are often presented with • འ䝲་ཁར་ གནས་ 让་᭺ན་ མཇལ་ཤད་ གན་ 蝼ད་ལགས། metrics such as inter-annotator agreement to prove di khâ hne tsä ch’e j’ä s’he gan yô la their qualities. However, it is difficult to obtain “Are there any important holy places around those metrics for low-resource languages that have here? (NOUN)” a limited number of researchers. Moreover, diffi- culty lies in the fact that there is no ground truth གནང་་ ‘hnang’ (VERB vs. AUXHON) for PoS tagging. གནང་ is employed as a main verb as well as a sec- 4 Discussion ondary verb. When used as a main verb, གནང་ is an- notated as VERB. The usage as a secondary verb As far as we know, no Drenjongke corpus has been is annotated as AUXHON because it expresses an available until now. Building a Drenjongke cor- honorific register. pus was not a simple task and various considera- tions were discussed in the process. We present • 辷ན་རྒྱས་ ད་辟་ གན་གནང་ བ䝼་ལགས།ང་ལགས། four points: (a) domain specificity of the corpus, lhan gye däng ga na j’on bö lâ (b) social impact of machine-readable resources, “What are you doing right now? (VERB)” (c) language revitalization, and (d) annotation chal- lenges.

• ད་譲ང་རང་ ག蝼ག་འ䝲་ མྱོང་卼་ གནང་།། 4.1 Domain specificity d’a ring ra yö di nyô po nang The Drenjongke corpus is based on a conversa- “Finish this work by today. (AUXHON)” tional textbook for Drenjongke beginners, target- ing young Drenjongke people who do not always 3.3.4 Annotation challenges speak Drenjongke in their everyday life. A prob- In our corpus, spacing in the written text was set lem with this specific purpose of the text has pros as a delimiter. When a token has more than two 11see the fine-grained tag section of the follow- morphemes, the PoS tags are concatenated by “+.” ing corpus for an example: This “+” method is often used in the Dzongkha UniversalDependencies/UD_Korean-Kaist/

61 in that the corpus has sentences relevant to aver- building this Drenjongke corpus emphasized the age Drenjongke speakers. Cons of this specific need for an active collaboration between native text is the lack of diversity of genres in the data speaker researchers and NLP researchers, a chal- set. In order to address this issue, we are in the pro- lenge that is not easily addressable. The current cess of augmenting the data with texts from other team benefited from a linguistic project by the sec- genres such as folk songs and philosophical texts. ond author, which may be a way to move forward The soon-to-be-expanded corpora will have anno- when interdisciplinary collaboration is needed. tations using syntactic relation tags adapted from the Universal Dependencies (UD) scheme, which 5 Conclusion and Future work has gained recognition as an optimal tool for a This paper reports the building of a Drenjongke cross-lingual annotation scheme. Tibeto-Burman PoS-tagged corpus containing 275 sentences with languages are still absent in the UD version 2.6 (Ze- English translation and romanization in “Phono- man et al., 2020). logical Drenjongke.” Our future work lies in es- 4.2 Phonological Drenjongke tablishing a reliable word segmentation method as well as in optimizing the PoS tagging process Drenjongke written in the Tibetan script follows while referring to the existing tools for Tibeto- the spelling norm of resulting in Burman languages. Additionally, the develop- the inclusion of characters that are not pronounced. ment of the language-specific documentation for Written forms following Classical Tibetan are help- the Universal PoS tagset, as well as dependency ful for tracking etymological information, but they relation labelling, remains for future work. add difficulties in reading and writing, especially if one is not familiar with the written Tibetan forms. Acknowledgement The romanization of Tibetan scripts is based on the “Wylie system,” which is a grapheme- The authors are grateful to Jin-Dong Kim and based transliteration (Wylie, 1959). Among the three anonymous reviewers for their feedback on community members, there is an increasing call the paper, Mamoru Komachi for insightful discus- for a romanization system that reflects the actual sions regarding the annotation process, Arseny Tol- Drenjongke pronunciation. A recent invention of machev for the post-acceptance mentorship, and such a system with collaborative work with the the AACL-IJCNLP SRW committee members for Drenjongke community is the “Phonological Dren- providing support of various kinds. Of course, all jongke” proposed in van Driem (2016). The ro- remaining errors are of our own. Thanks also go to manization system in our corpus follows “Phono- Jigmee Wangchuk Bhutia and Lopen Karma Gyalt- logical Drenjongke” added by a native speaker re- sen Drenjongpo for allowing us to edit and publish searcher. A larger corpus in the future is expected the contents of the phrase book. to aid the development of an automatic translitera- tion system between Tibetan script and phonologi- References cal Drenjongke. Chungku Chungku, Jurmey Rabgay, and Gertrud Faaß. 4.3 Language documentation and 2010. Building NLP resources for Dzongkha: a revitalization tagset and a tagged corpus. In Proceedings of the Eighth Workshop on Asian Language Resources, Building a Drenjongke corpus may serve as an ef- pages 103–110. fective way of documenting the language. One of Chenchen Ding, Hnin Thu Zar Aye, Win Pa Pa, the greatest challenges in creating this corpus was Khin Thandar Nwet, Khin Mar Soe, Masao the lack of detailed morphological information on Utiyama, and Eiichiro Sumita. 2019. Towards Drenjongke. The whole process needed constant Burmese (Myanmar) Morphological Analysis: communication among the three authors, one of Syllable-Based Tokenization and Part-of-Speech Tagging. ACM Trans. Asian Low-Resour. Lang. Inf. whom is a native speaker of Drenjongke. This col- Process., 19(5):1–34. laboration is essential in creating corpora that re- flect the current Drenjongke language. Chenchen Ding, Sann Su Su Yee, Win Pa Pa, Khin Mar Soe, Masao Utiyama, and Eiichiro Sumita. 2020. A Spoken corpora of multiple Tibeto-Burman lan- Burmese (Myanmar) Treebank: Guideline and Anal- guages exist, but text-based corpora of endangered ysis. ACM Trans. Asian Low-Resour. Lang. Inf. Pro- Tibeto-Burman languages are rare. The process of cess., 19(40):1–13.

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