Year 1/2 RE –


This unit focuses on the home as a special place for a Jewish family. Children will learn about daily prayer at home including special foods eaten and what is meant by kosher foods. Children will be introduced to the importance and role of the Scroll, Yad, star of and special clothes worn by .

Week 1 The home as a Week 3 Week 4/5 Week 6 special place Week 2 Special words The Torah Clothes worn for the family Special foods and stories - and Yad. by Jews and daily eaten at home prayer The

Core learning – what we need to know Digging deeper - finding out more Knowledge - The home is a focus of Jewish religious - The Torah Scrolls are – Children life buried in the same way as understand - The dining room is the place where a person that…. special meals are held for the start of - The annual cycle of Shabbat and Pesach readings from the Torah - The kitchen in kosher homes will ensure - The Shema that anything coming into contact with - Bread and wine at the start meat and dairy are kept separate of Shabbat through the use of 2 sinks, utensils, cutlery, crockery etc - The Mezuzah is a scroll containing words of the Shema placed in a container fastened to door steps. - The Torah scrolls and the respect they are treated with - The Yad is used to protect the Torah - Orthodix Jews wear a skull cap at all times. - Jews wear a and phylacteries/ for morning prayers Outcomes –  Say how and why prayer and the home are children important to Jews. will be able  Recall what is meant by ‘kosher’ to …  Give examples of special texts used by Jews when in prayer  Recognise some religious symbols  Recall what Jews wear to show respect when in prayer.