Colonial History * Via the FRIC Document Reproductiobservice

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Colonial History * Via the FRIC Document Reproductiobservice DOCUMENT RESUME ED 114 355 SO 008 749 AUTHOR Dynnesonc Thomas L., Ed.; And Others TITLE Bicentennial: Materials and Strategies. INSTITUTION West Texas Regional Council for the Social Studies, Odessa. PUB DATE Sep 75 NOTE 36p. EPRS PRICE MF-$0.76 HC-$1.95 Plus Postage DESCRIPTORS Audiovisual Aids; Bibliographies; *Colonial History (United States); Curriculum Development; Elementary Secondary Education; Family Life; Learning Activities; Resource Guides; *Social History; *Social Studies; Social Studies Units; Transportation; *United States History IDENTIFIERS *Bicentennial ABSTRACT This resource guide is intended for use as a general guide for teachers who are designing elementary and secondary Bicentennial social Studies units. The unit stresses three main topics in both an historical and contemporary framework: family life, transportation, and social conflict for the periods of 1776, 1876c and 1976. Emphasis is on the social, history of America rather than the political history. The unit only presents outlines, suggested activities, and resource lists. It is up to the individual teacher to collect the materials and fully develop social studies units. A list, of suggested library resources, audiovisual resources, discussion 4f questions, and activities are provided. The unit outlines the bas c concepts followed by corresponding lists of print and nonprint resources.,(Author/JR) *********************************************************************** Documents acquired by ERIC include many infortal unpublished * materials not available from other sources. ERIC /makes every effort * * to obtain the best copy available:',Nevertheless, items of marginal * * reproducibility are Often encountered and this affects the quality * * of the microfiche and hardcopy reproductions ERIC makes available * via the FRIC Document ReproductiobService (EDRS). EDRS is not * responsible for the quality of thp original document. Reproductions * * supplied by EDRS are the best that can be made from the original. *********************************************************************** U S DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION& WELFARE NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF EDUCATION THIS DOCUMENT HAS BEEN REPRO DUCED EXACTLY AS RECEIVED FROM THE PERSON OR ORGANIZATION ORIGIN ATING IT POINTS OF VIEW OR OPINIONS STATED DO NOT NECESSARILY REPRE SENT OFFICIAL NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF EDUCATION POSITION OR POLICY PERMISSION TO REPRODUCETHIS COPY- RIGHTED MATERIAL HAS PEEN GRANTED BY -7/ A0_,G,/71..c.{...F-CT"...! To ERIC AND ORGANIZATIONS OPERATING UNDER AGREEMENTS WITH THE-NATIONAL IN STOGIE OF EDUCATION FURTHERREPRO- DUCTION OUTSIDE THEERIC flYSTFM RE QUIRES PERMISSION oF THE GOPyRIGHT OWNER BICENTENNIAL: MATERIALS AND STRATEGIES O In SI O 0 C. Copyright- September, 1975 West Texas Regional Council for the Social Studies 0000e04 GENERAL EDITOR Thomas L. Dynneson, Ph.D. The University of Texas ofthe Permian Basin ASSOCIATE EDITOR--ELEMENTARY Margaret Atchley Crockett Elementary Midland, Texas ASSOCIATE EDITORSECONDARY Penny Ruthiedge Blackshear Junior High Odessa, Texas CONTRIBUTORS Loretha Thursby Blackshear Junior High Odessa, Texas Clara Davis Blackshear Junior High Odessa, Texas Madaline VanNess Bowie Elementary Midland, Texas' Manuel Reyes Carver Elementary Midland, Texas Gay Blocker Student TYPING, PRINTING, AND EDITING Katherine Kniffen Middle School Andrews, Texas. 00003 a, 1 ;), 00004, 'WEST TEXAS'REGIONAtCOUNCIL:-FOR Tit SOCIALSTUDIES BOARD OF DIRECTORS OFFICERS President a Katherine Kniffen 6 Andrews Middle School President -Elect John Kniffen Andrews High School Vice-President Bertha M. Starks Alamo Junior High ' Midland; Texas -Secretary, Margery Taylor Odessa, Texas Treasurer James Bradford Lee High Schbol Midland, Texas Parliamentarian and Immediate Past-President Tom Heiting Odessa College Q MEMBERS Dwight Bellamy Merritt HudsOn Edison Freshman High School Midland High School Midland,. Texas Midland, Texas Ronald Berry Randolph D.'Hurt, Jr. 'Permian (High School Fort Stockton Junior High Odessa, Texas Fort Stockton, Texas 'Robdrt Carter Atherine Kilgore Midland Independent Kermit Junior-High School School District Kermit, Texas Midland, Texas Thomas L. Dynneson Bernice Kilgore The University of Texas Kermit High School of the Permian Basinr Xermit, Texas Bernard A. Rains Big Spring High School Big Spring, Texas . 00005 TABLE OE lanTrENTS Page I. introducdon 7 II. Unit Objectives 8 III. Topic Outline of the Unit 8 A A. 1776--Background of..the Times 8 1. Family Life 8 2. TransPortati9n 9 3. Social Conflicts 9 B. 1876--Background of the Times 9 1. Family Life :9 2. Transportation '10 "3, Social Conflict 10 1976--Background of the Times 10 1. Family LO 2. Transportation '10 ,, [ 3. Social Conflict , 11 d IV. Resources for Teachers and'Students--Elementary 11 A. Printed Material 4... 11 1. Books for Family Life 11 2. Books for Transportation 12 3. Books for Social Conflict 12 B. Audio Visual Materials 1. Audio Visual Materials forjamily Life 13 2. Audio Visual Materials for Transportation r.. 13 3. Audio Visual Materials for Social Conflict 14 4 00006 . C. Free Materials 14 , Actsties for Students--Elementary 16. A. Classroom Activities 16 1. Programs 16. 2. Maps 16 3. Graphs 1) 9 4. Dioramas 17 S. Debates 17 6. Reading Corner 17 7. Bulletin Boards 17 8. Creative Work 17 B. Community 18 C. National 18 ---11I-TDi-s-cttssion Questions for the Classroom- -Elementary 18 A. Family Life 18 B. Transportation 19 C. Social Conflict...., VII. Resources for Teachers and Stildents 21 A. Printed Material 21 1. Books for Family Life 21 ti 2. Books for Transportation 40.0 22 3. Books for Social Conflict 22 4. General Library Resources 24 B. Audio Visual Materials 27 1. Audio Visual Materials PUT Family Life 27 2, Audio Visual Materialssfor Transportation 27 . 3.. Audio Visual Materials for Social Conflict .28 VIII. Activities'for Students--Secondary 28 1. Maps 1: 28 tug - 00007 2. Plays 29 3. Posters 29 4. Simulation games 29 5. Trace family tree with countries of orgin 29 6. Debate 30 B. Library Activities 30 1. Book Reports 30. 2. Newspaper 30 3. Investigate and make a chart 30 C. Community.Activities 30 U. National 30 IX. 'Discussion Questions for, the Classroom-- Secondary 30 A. Family Life 6 30 B. Transportation 32 C. Social Conflict 6 00008 BICENTENNIAL RESOURCE UNIT I. Introduction This is a resource Uniton the Bicentennial. Iv is not to be construedas.a complete set of materials, but to be utilizedas a general guide to relieve the basic". work of any classroom teacherwho is interested inpre- senting a Bicentennial unit. In this unit three main topiopare stressed that are historical as well as contemporary: Family Life, Transportation, and.Social Conflictfor the periods of 1776, 1876, and 1976. The emphasis is on the social history of America rather thanon the politiil, This unit.isrecommended as a study guide in outline form so that the teacher may use it to develop a unit. A' list of suggested libraryresources, audip visual resources, discussion questions and activitiesis provided; however, the teacher will haveto compile and collect his own material. The list of materials (elementarysources are in parts IV to VI and secondarysources are in parts vir to IX) was' complied from localschool and Community librariesand Media Centers; therefore, the 'teacher,hould find that this unitiskeasilyexecuted. This unit is provided inconjunction with the West Teias Regional Council forthe Social Studies and -) 7 00009 Dr. Tom Dynneson, Social Studies Education, University. of Texas of the Permian Basin. II. Unit Objectives 160 1. Describe changes 'in American family life,transportation, and social issues during theyears 1776, 1876, and 1976. ) 2. Describe-changes in American family life duringthe periods 1776, 1876, and 1976 by comparingthe roled of the family members (father,mother, children, and grandparents) and the ways in which familiesmake a living: 3. Describe changes in American transportationduring w the periods of 1776, 1876, and 1976 by comparing methods of transportation, types ofenergy (resources), inventions and technology; and theextent 4. Describe changes in) American society during/the periods of 1776, 1876, and 1976 by comparing significantsocial conflict issues that dominated each period. III. Topic Outline of the Unit A. 1776--Background of the Times 1. Family Life a) Role of family members (father, mother, child- . ren, grandparents) (1) The family as an interdependent unit (2) The family as a social unit (3) The family as an economic Unit ;4) (4) Values that influenced family life b) Ways of making a liVing (1) Division of labor (2) Specialization 8 00010 (3) Occupations ind.occup tional training (4) Mate ial and skills 2. Transportation, a) Methods of transport tion b) Types of energy ( sources) c) Inventions and technology d) Extent of travel 3. Social Conflict a) Citizenship. b) Civil rights e 0 Immigration d) Property rights 061.0 Territorial expansion (frontiers) * . f) Governmental powers 1876--BaCkground of the Times \* 1. Family Life a) Role of the family members (*her, mother, children. and grandparents) `(1) The family as in interdependeAt unit "(2). The family as a social unit (3) The family as an economic. whit (4,' Values that influencedfamily life b) Ways of making a livings (1) Division of labor (2) Specialization (3) Occupations and occupational training (4) Material and skills 1/8 9 00011 2. sportation a) Methods of transportation b) Types of energy (resources) c) Inventions and technology d) Extent of travel 3. Social Conflict a). Citizenship
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