OpenMusic on Anders Vinjar, Jean Bresson

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Anders Vinjar, Jean Bresson. OpenMusic on Linux. Linux Audio Conference, 2014, Karlsruhe, Germany. ￿hal-01075235￿

HAL Id: hal-01075235 Submitted on 17 Oct 2014

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Anders VINJAR∗ Jean BRESSON Composer STMS lab Norway IRCAM-CNRS-UPMC [email protected] 1, place Igor Stravinsky 75004 Paris, France

Abstract 2 OpenMusic We present a recent port of the OpenMusic 2.1 A visual programming environment computer-aided composition environment to Linux. for computer-aided composition The text gives a brief presentation of OpenMusic and typical use-cases of the environment. We also OM is a visual programming environment dedi- present a short history of its development, and men- cated to music processing and composition tion previous attempts at porting it to Linux. The [Assayag et al., 1999]. It implements the main technical challenges involved with developing main features of the language the current Linux port are discussed, as well as solu- (abstraction, higher-order functions, recursion, tions to these. We end the paper by outlining some iterations etc., see [Bresson et al., 2009]),2 as possible areas for future work. well as object-oriented programming [Agon and Assayag, 2003] and constraints programming Keywords [Rueda et al., 1998]. OpenMusic, Computer-Aided Composition (CAC), OM is primarily an environment for work in Linux, Common Lisp, Visual Programming, JACK. computer-aided composition (CAC). It is also used for musicological tasks like analysis, mod- 1 Introduction eling or statistics, as well as pedagogical work in OpenMusic (OM) is an environment for composition studies or music theory [Bresson et computer-aided music composition designed al., 2011]. The environment comes with a rich as a domain-specific visual programming lan- set of tools and libraries aimed at composition, guage.1 It allows composers to write and run analysis, DSP and other musical/extra-musical programs to transform or generate data, with domains. interactive access to the input or output musi- The aim of a CAC application is to aid the cal structures. user in typical composition tasks like gene- Before 2013 OM was developed and distri- rating, representing and manipulating musical buted on OS X and Windows platforms only, material in adequate ways, handling musical despite various attempts at porting the envi- form as material develops towards a finished ronment to Linux. In this paper we present a piece of music. Contemporary composition is 3 new, fully functional port of OM to Linux. a rather ill-defined activity, and a good CAC In Section2 we will introduce the OpenMusic tool is one with abilities to adapt well to human environment, first form a general point of view, artistic processes, whatever those may be. and then discuss some particular aspects such as Indeed, composers seldom follow strict plans for the user interface and the external dependencies too long. More common is perhaps making up of the environment. We also give a quick his- a class of material, generate versions on that, tory of the development of OM, and previous develop this again further towards some more attempts at porting the environment to Linux. complex structures, go back to change some-

Section3 describes our current implemen- 2 Functional programming and Lisp in particular has a tation choices and the state of the Linux port. strong background and tradition in the We conclude with a number of perspectives and history. It has proven to be relatively easy to learn, areas for future work. understand and use by composers. 3“CAC is in effect making the computer carry ∗ This work is supported by BEK - Bergen Center for out thought processes previously carried out in human Electronic Arts. brains” (Miller Puckette, preface to The OM Composer’s 1 Book vol. 1 [Puckette, 2006]). thing in an earlier stage, to arrive at yet another Reports of some composition tasks and ap- set of variants, and so on. proaches carried out with OpenMusic are avail- Interactive (visual) programming languages able in [Agon et al., 2006 2008]. are well suited environments for composers to 2.2 User Interface work efficiently and creatively with comput- ers. The graphical environment in OM provides As a visual programming environment, OM is an interactive patch-based, data-flow approach, highly concerned with graphical user interfaces making it easy and intuitive to get going. (GUI). To a large extent, this aspect determines Figure 1 shows a basic patch window generat- the choices of platforms and frameworks that ing a series of chords. may be used for development. While programming in OM, the user inserts and manipulates graphical objects in patch win- dows, dragging connection-lines between inlets and outlets of boxes, and thus establishing the data-flow of a musical program. These graph- ical objects may represent simple operators, abstractions or sub-patches, or more complex data like lists, arrays, break-point functions etc. As part of the graphical programming environment, OM provides advanced editors for visualization and manipulation of data such as musical scores, break-point functions, audio waveforms and some other data types. Figure 2 shows the sound-editor, and Figure 3 shows editors for various other kinds of musical data.

Figure 1: Graphical programming with OM.

OMs dynamic environment supports the kinds of interactive work-flows often preferred by composers, by allowing the user to eva- luate and store output at arbitrary stages in the program-flow, and easy stash away variants for Figure 2: Editor for the OM sound object. any kind of musical material or data. OM is also a full-blown environment for OM also has a programmable graphical time- Lisp-programming, with access to the expected 4 line editor termed the “Maquette”, where every- REPL , special editors for Lisp code, cross- thing else which lives in OM – functions, referencing and look up in source-code, and musical data, connections – can be placed and interactive help-system. These tools provide manipulated, either manually or as a result of an environment for composers and program- evaluating some code. mers to develop new ideas and specialized crea- tive work-flows, using graphical programming, 2.3 Development history – Previous textual programming, or any combination of ports and platforms these. In OM there is no particular separation OpenMusic is a descendant of the Patchwork between a function defined as an abstraction in environment [Laurson and Duthen, 1989], one a patch box or one defined by evaluating Lisp of the pioneering visual programming systems code: both are accessible as graphical objects in dedicated to computer-aided composition. the user-interface. The first release (. Agon and G. Assayag, 4REPL = Read-Eval-Print loop. IRCAM) was built in 1998 on Mac OS using Figure 3: OM environment: musical data and editors.

Digitools’ (MCL). SBCL8 and a new implementation of the OM The graphical programming system was de- API for Gtk+ and CLG9 (Common Lisp GTK signed as a full meta-programming framework, bindings). Unfortunately this project was never implementing functional programming concepts carried to its end. and interactions, on a strong base of object- In 2006, Digitools announced discontinuation oriented programming and CLOS (Common of MCL development and support on Mac, due Lisp Object System [Gabriel et al., 1991]). to the switch to Intel processors. The Lisp- OM also introduced a number of new concepts Works environment was chosen as a replace- concerning for instance handling and manipula- ment, providing a reliable IDE with a common tion of objects, or unified representation of time cross-platform API (CAPI) compatible with the structures. main graphic toolkits for Mac, Windows and In 2003, OM 4 was ported to OS X, and a Linux, as well as some other OS-es. first Linux port [Sarria and Diago, 2003] was In 2008 OM 6 based on LispWorks was carried out at IRCAM in the framework of the released for OS X and Windows. AGNULA European project [D´echelle and Tis- 5 6 2.4 External dependencies serand, 2003], using CMUCL and Gtk+ . Released in 2005, OM 5 [Bresson et al., 2005] OM is dependent on audio I/O systems due was a multi-platform version of OM developed to its musical orientation. It is important for on Mac (using MCL) and on Windows (using composers to be able to load audio or MIDI Allegro CL7). The OM5 sources were clearly files, and convert/process the contained data divided into a platform-independent kernel in the visual programming framework. Play- built on top of an abstract graphical/system- back and rendering of generated musical mate- dependent API inspired by the MCL toolkit rial (score/MIDI or audio) is an essential fea- (MCL and ACL versions of this API were then ture of the environment, and complex schedu- implemented and loaded depending on the tar- ling issues can arise when dealing with multi- geted platform). ple simultaneous sources and audio/MIDI ma- A second port of OM on Linux was initi- terial interactively. Still, OM is not by nature ated in 2006 based on the OM 5 sources, using a real-time environment and the audio perfor- mance requirements remain relatively moderate 5 6 8 7 9 as compared to real-time scheduling or audio libraries) has been available to Linux developers processing systems. for long. Hence, it is legitimate to ask why these Low-level MIDI formatting and scheduling previous ports did not succeed too well? was traditionally supported in OM by the First, the Musical Representations team 10 MidiShare system [Orlarey and Lequay, 1989]. developing OM at IRCAM use Mac OSX as The audio support, initially limited to a few main development platform. As a consequence, functions interfacing with the Apple QuickTime porting OM to the attempted environments library, was replaced in OM 5 by a more ad- (CMUCL or SBCL w. Gtk) means rewriting all vanced and multi-platform audio support deve- the graphical dependencies using foreign tool- 11 loped on top of the LibAudioStream library. kits or alternative . Besides MIDI for file I/O, support for ex- Audio and MIDI support has also been porting other score-type data is provided ei- an issue in previous Linux ports. Although ther by using built-in code or by using external MidiShare worked fine with earlier Linux- libraries. OM can export to some much used versions,14 it is no longer maintained and kept 12 file formats for sheet-music, like LilyPond compatible with newer releases of the Linux 13 and MusicXML . OM also features support for kernel. Moreover, OM MIDI dependencies were connections to technologies like SDIF [Schwartz since the early releases packed together and and Wright, 2000] (standard format for inter- integrated with the kernel code, making it diffi- change of sound description data), OpenGL cult to replace. (display of 3D objects in OM editors) and OSC As OM has evolved, work towards a more [Wright, 2005] for inter-application communi- modular structure has been an explicit aim, at cation, although none of these are strictly re- least since 2005 [Bresson et al., 2005]. Recent quired to get the visual programming environ- developments have gradually made the code ment running. more durable and resistant towards changes in OM communicates with external libraries via compiler-implementations. This tendency both Common Lisp foreign function interfaces (FFI). motivated and greatly helped the work with OM either uses the FFI provided by the Lisp im- the current port, making it possible to de- plementation, or the CFFI system [Bielman and velop alternative solutions for e.g. MIDI I/O, Oliveira, 2013], a common FFI wrapper compa- separated from those for the kernel, graphics or tible with several Lisp implementations. audio I/O. 2.5 Distribution and licensing 3.1 OM 6.8 on Linux: Current State While the first OM releases were distributed When starting this project, a separate Linux commercially along with other IRCAM soft- development-branch of the source-tree for ware, since OM 6.4 (2011), the compiled OM OM 6.7 was set up, making it possible to get application has been available free of charge for up to speed on Linux without halting further all platforms. development on the main-branch. At a certain The source-code has always been freely avail- stage the separate Linux-branch was re- able under the GNU Public License. integrated with the main source-code. Further All source-code and external libraries development of the application, and delivery required for building OM are open-source. of images, is now based on the same source- However, to build and save the actual distri- tree for all three supported platforms – Linux, buted image a LispWorks Professional or OS X, Windows – with only a few specializa- Enterprise license is necessary at this moment. tions, mainly in the graphics-code, to account 3 Towards OM on Linux for differences across platforms. The present Linux development is based on Several previous efforts to port OM to Linux OM 6.8 and LispWorks 6.1. The choice of Lisp- over the years suggest a real interest, and OMs Works (a commercial Lisp compiler and IDE) main technological dependency (a professional for porting OM to Linux is entirely pragmatic: ANSI Common Lisp implementation with inter- as mentioned, LispWorks provides a common faces to graphical toolkits, MIDI and audio API across graphical toolkits (Gtk+, Motif, 10 Cocoa, Windows), and since this library is 11 12 14MidiShare was also used in e.g. CommonMusic 13 [Taube, 1991]. already used by the OM developers, only mode- 3.3 Libraries rate adaptions to the existing OM API are OM comes with a number of specialized tools required in order to get it working with Linux. and libraries aimed at composition, analysis, As suggested, this port of OM to Linux can DSP and other musical tasks. Some of these be seen as the most recent in a series of steps are “official” libraries: either distributed and towards making OM more modular. Solutions maintained as part of the main OM package, which work across platforms are presumably or used to integrate OM with external tools also less vulnerable to changes in compilers such as Csound or some of the DSP engines or toolkits in use. While developing Linux- available from IRCAM (SuperVP, PM2, Spat, compatible substitutes for previous code, gen- Diphone, Chant).21 A rich set of 3rd-party eral and platform-independent solutions were libraries, maintained by individual composers looked for. In particular, most external depen- or developers, are also available for download,22 dencies have been made optional, so that OM together with simple how-tos for adding exter- can run without some specific features, if depen- nal libraries (see Figure 4). dencies are not found, not loaded or not avail- able for a specific environment or platform. 3.2 Audio and MIDI I/O: JACK To substitute the low-level I/O systems for MIDI and audio, some alternative approaches were programmed and tested. The OM “player” system was rewritten in OM 6.7 as a modular API, making it easier to substitute or switch the default playback-engines with alternative audio or MIDI players. MIDI messages and Standard MIDI Files can now be parsed and formatted using the Com- mon Lisp MIDI library15, and E. de Castro Lopo’s libsndfile is used to access audio files on disk. The default playback-engines used in the Linux version of OM depend on libjack. Figure 4: OM: Packages library. Scheduling and real-time I/O of audio and MIDI between OM and hardware-ports (or between Libraries are written as standard Lisp code, OM and other applications) have been pro- so they generally work well with the Linux-port. grammed as a CL-based JACK16 client. However, those depending on platform-specific Other test-case playback-engines were also external tools (e.g. OM-Spat) are not very use- developed, for instance with SuperCollider ful at the moment. (Audio-MIDI I/O, scheduling) using OSC 3.4 Source code and packaging communication, with a CL-based FluidSynth17 The OM source code is distributed as part of the server (MIDI) controlled through Lisp-code, 23 and with external MPlayer-processes18 (audio) application. The environment features run- controlled from a sub-shell. These clients work time introspection and provides an easily acces- fairly well, and could be used as examples for sible cross-reference for all OM-specific classes users or developers wanting to plug in other and methods. Lisp code may be edited and eval- playback-engines or I/O systems. An alter- uated interactively, or loaded from files, and native audio player has been developed for may be used to specialize or modify built-in instance using sox19 as part of the OM-Sox functionality. library.20 To compile a fresh OM from sources, access to LispWorks is necessary. For this reason OM 15 is always made available as a pre-built image, 16 one for each platform-type. At the time of this 17 18 21 19Sound eXchange – libraries/ 22 20M. Schumacher, OM-Sox: 23 writing, the Linux version is developed and as the JACK-client and callback setup for MIDI maintained on a system running Fedora 19. and Audio, are now possible alternatives also for Currently, OM is available as a RPM-package OSX and Windows. containing the image and all sources, which Further work will be done in the near future will install the binary and all sources in the to integrate other CL-based composition and usual places. Several users have adapted the DSP-tools such as Common Music, or Common RPM-packages to dpkg-based systems, seem- Lisp Music (CLM26) [Schottstaedt, 1994], and ingly without any serious issues, and also shared to extend the existing set of libraries connecting how-tos and experiences on the OpenMusic OM with open-source like e.g. Super- forums24. Collider or LilyPond. While the JACK-client is Patches are usually distributed as Lisp files. currently useful, real-time robustness can still These can be dynamically loaded by the user or be improved, and other audio-libraries or back- be automatically sourced on application start ends may also be supported in the future. by placing the files in a predefined location. 5 Acknowledgments 4 Conclusions – Future works The authors would like to thank Trond Lossius The first beta-release of OM-Linux was made and BEK (Bergen Center for Electronic Arts) available for download and presented at the for their support on this project. This work is IRCAM Forum workshops in November 2013, also partly developed in the framework of the after having been tested and used by developers French ANR project with reference ANR-13- and users for some time.25 JS02-0004-01. The previous Linux ports missed their poten- References tial audience and lacked support and follow up by the Linux developers and composer’s com- C. Agon and G. Assayag. 2003. OM: A munity, presumably due to a number of obsta- Graphical Extension of CLOS using the cles and difficulties that we have tried to outline MOP. In Proc. of International Lisp Confer- in this paper. Our hope is that this project will ence, New York, USA. overcome most of these problems. C. Agon, G. Assayag, and J. Bresson, edi- A working Linux-version of OM is useful for tors. 2006–2008. The OM Composer’s Book end-users, and Linux-developers may well find (2 volumes). Delatour/IRCAM. good ways to integrate OM with other applica- G. Assayag, C. Rueda, M. Laurson, C. Agon, tions through e.g. libraries, or to develop OM and O. Delerue. 1999. Computer Assisted further. The stabilization of the GUI API may Composition at IRCAM: From PatchWork to also help to lessen dependencies on LispWorks OpenMusic. Computer Music Journal, 23(3). in the future for all platforms, and make alter- native open-source solutions possible. In this J. Bielman and L. Oliveira. 2013. CFFI home effort, starting out from a functional version on page. Linux may be valuable. J. Bresson, C. Agon, and G. Assayag. 2005. Since the current code uses one common OpenMusic 5: A Cross-Platform Release of source-tree, the Linux-port is relatively robust the Computer-Assisted Composition Envi- and sustainable across changes in compiler- ronment. In Proc. 10th Brazilian Symposium implementations or frameworks for graphics and on Computer Music, Belo Horizonte, MG, I/O. It also minimizes the work involved in Brasil. maintaining compatibility across platforms for J. Bresson, C. Agon, and G. Assayag. 2009. the same application. Visual Lisp/CLOS Programming in Open- The features introduced to make the sources Music. Higher-Order and Symbolic Compu- compile and run on Linux, as well as the new tation, 22(1). developed support e.g. for audio and MIDI are of a general kind, and potentially useful across J. Bresson, C. Agon, and G. Assayag. 2011. platforms. The CL-based MIDI-library, as well OpenMusic – Visual Programming Environ- ment for Music Composition, Analysis and 24 Research. In Proc. ACM MultiMedia, Scotts- 25 A review of this Linux port has been posted dale, AZ, USA. by D. Philips on LWN in November 2013, see 26 F. D´echelle and P. Tisserand. 2003. The AG- ming in Visual Musical Composition Lan- NULA project. Free software developments at guages. In Proc. European Conference on Ar- IRCAM. In International Workshop on Free tificial Intelligence, Brighton, UK. Software and Research, Compi`egne, France. G. Sarria and J. F. Diago. 2003. OpenMusic R. P. Gabriel, J. L. White, and D. G. Bobrow. for Linux and MacOS X. Technical report, 1991. CLOS: Integration Object-oriented and IRCAM. Functional Programming. Communications of the ACM, 34(9). Bill Schottstaedt. 1994. Machine Tongues XVII: CLM: Music V meets Common Lisp. M. Laurson and J. Duthen. 1989. Patch- Computer Music Journal, 18(2):30–37. work, a Graphic Language in PreForm. In Proc. International Computer Music Confer- D. Schwartz and M. Wright. 2000. Exten- ence, Ohio State University, USA. sions and Applications of the SDIF Sound De- scription Interchange Format. In Proc. Inter- Y. Orlarey and H. Lequay. 1989. MidiShare : national Computer Music Conference, Berlin, a Real Time multi-tasks software module for Germany. Midi applications. In Proceedings of the Inter- national Computer Music Conference, Ohio H. Taube. 1991. Common Music: A Music State University, USA. Composition Language in Common Lisp and CLOS. Computer Music Journal, 15(2). M. Puckette. 2006. Preface. In C. Agon, G. Assayag, and J. Bresson, editors, The OM M. Wright. 2005. Open Sound Control: An Composer’s Book .1. Delatour/IRCAM. Enabling Technology for Musical Networking. C. Rueda, M. Laurson, G. Bloch, and G. As- Organised Sound, 10(3). sayag. 1998. Integrating Constraint Program-