The List of Walton Hills Men and Women Who Serve or Served In the United States Military

The Walton Hills Veterans Memorial

Walton Hills Memorial Day Services 3 4007 WALTO N H I LLS TiriX »17 l&,wk 2 1 2007 VETERAN' S




Date: 3-31-07 Memo:

To: All Organized Civic Leaders in the Village of Walton Hills Cc: Council, Mayor and file

From: Kevin Hurst/Council President Pro. Tem.

Re: Information on the Veteran's Memorial

Dear Leaders

This is an open letter to say 1hank you to each one ofyou for giving your time and much appreciated input on the whole process of locating and deciding on the style of a Veteran' Monument at the Village Hall.

I have attached the minutes from the meeting that we had on March 24,2007 in Council chambers. I have also a copy of all information that I have at this time. I have discussed this with all members of Council on Tuesday March 27,2007 at the C.O.W. meeting. I have received a quote on the price and the Council will be prepared to Vote on a Resolution on Tuesday April 3,2007 at the Council meeting. I am encouraging that if any one person can attend this meeting to support this effort I would appreciate this for I will be out oftown for this meeting.

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VETERANS' MEMORIAL 1 vvililli ii.trjilillivoffil*al I

On February 6, 2007, Resolution 2007-6 was passed by Council le.317. I ...=a l 1 establishing the Veterans' Memorial Capital Project Fund. This -Illill:/A- -/dt00.- fund provides for the construction of a Veterans' Memorial at the V./.0.- Village Hall to acknoWledge the veterans of the Village and honor them for their service to the community and to the United MEMORIAL DAY PROGRAM States of America. On May 1, 2007, Carst Monument was awarded the contract for the constructionof the Memorial. May 28,2007 -8:30 A.M.

We are in- to witness the pleased you are attendance today 1. Introduction by Mayor Marlene B. Anielski. dedication of the site for the Veterans' Memorial. The Memorial will be erected &is' slimmer. It will be a five.sided grimite 2. Keynote Address by State Senator Rabert Spada. mon,iment and each side will have a plague representing one of the armed forces. Mayor Marlene Anielski, Village Council, 3. Raising of Flag by Walton Hills Police Department

veteran and former. Mayor . Edward L. ThellmAnn and (National Anthem). representatives from our Village organizations will be on hand for the dedication. 4. Pledge of Allegiance and thoughts' by Mayor Marlene B. Anielski. Please keep in mind that you can help defray the cost of the 5. Rifle salute by Walton Hills Police Department. construction of the Veterans' Memorial by disposing of paper in the green and yellow recycling bins located at the Village Hall 6. Taps and Echo by Justin Walker and Frank Walton from Park. the upper parking lot and at T.G. Young Contact Village Bedford High School. Hall for a list of acceptable and non-acceptable items for the recycling bins. 7. Village Officials present a memorial wreath to our ..__.. . - .,·S.1-.Exie.61-1,1-- departed eomrades. i----'--4 -- 70 8. Dedication of site for Veterans' Memorial. ·Ribbon cutting 0 .ZEZE ceremony by Mayor Marlene Anielski, Council and -rp -A/4-3-'-»»\F- representatives from Village organizations. ...2 0- 9. Dismissal by Mayor Marlene B. Anie ki.

Refreshments seNed in the Community Room.

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NO, FREEDOM /SA/'T FREE Copyright 1981 by-GQR Kelly Strong; USCG (Ret.) f . f Z . .1 -31 9' * :.0. ...,4 - :1\.. I **** * I watchpdth*flag pirss,by'One day. *i t * . - It194*tez*«i ,

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I heard the sound.of taps one night, . When e*et9thing-Was,-still.

Andfelt'a sudden ·chill; 1 #stened to the buglerplay · ' _ May 28,2007 I wondered just how many times , -- - That taps had meant'Arhen," .- When a f/ag had draped' a conin - -,-MF -ry.

. "I ' Of a brother or a fAnd: 'p I thought of all the children, -Village ofl 4»n-tizills, Of the mothers and tha·wives, Ohio-,/ * 1 Of fathers, sons and husbands

With interrupted lives. . f I thought about a graveyard At the b6ttom of the sea. Of unmaticed graves in Arlington. .3 : No, freedom isn't free. THE VETERAN'S MONUMENT FOR THE VILLAGE OF WALTON HILLS


Dear Civic Leaders

I wanted to inform each of you on the status of the project that we started as a group effort. The Village Council has approveda RESOLUTION (# 2007-20 ON 5/1/07) to enter into a contract with CARST MONUMENT COMPANY to construct the monument forthe Village of Walton Hills. The cost is not exceed $21,000.00 dollars and will take approximately 6 to 8 weeks for delivery. While the Village is waiting on the monument Mr. Dan Stucky has been asked to be the project manager and oversee the project and prepare the site. We have been offered a donation of all concrete for this project. The forms for the concrete will be done by another donation of labor. The concrete will be about 32" thick under the monument because of weight of approximately 8,7001bs. Then there will be concrete poured in the place where all the bricks are to be laid for the side walks and the center circle around the monument. The bricks and monument will all be on one level to enhance the appearance and give room for the lighting around the monument. All the bricks will be laid in a lose and temporary pattern. The reasoning that the bricks are being laid in a temporary pattern is that after researching the process of selling engraved bricks it is easier to lay all the necessary bricks into place and estimate where you want to lay the engraved bricks then replace the standard brick with an engraved one and place the permanent seater on all the bricks at one time and then that project is completed. Once all the bricks are in place I hope to have another meeting with each ofyou to discuss how many engraved bricks we shall chose to sale and discuss the detail and process of phase #2 with each ofyou.

I have been assured by Mr. Stucky that we should have most ofthe project started before Memorial Day. With that being said the Village Council wants to invite everyone to please come and be involved in the dedication of the site location of the Monument for Memorial Day. I will hopefully have more information to share with each of you on this project and look forward to seeing you at the program on Monday May 28,2007.

49694/6, *94464# 6*6

Cc: Citizens League: President Mr. Romanowski Fifty Plus Club: President Mrs. Timm Mens Club: President Mr. Reming Historical Resource Center: President Mr. & Mrs. Kainsinger Walton Hills Lake Club: President Mr. D'amico Walton Hills Owl: Editors Mr. & Mrs. Kainsinger Women's Club: President Mrs. Smith Enclosed: copy of all information that pertains to Veterans Monument

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Pictured above left, State Representative Josh Mandel, USMC Staff Sergeant, delivered the keynote address. Pictured above right are several of our residents who are proud veterans. Pictured below left, Tim Sargent stands at attention prior to playing Taps on his bugle. Pictured below middle, members of Boy Scout Troop #575, who were responsible for the flag raising gather prior to the start of the program. Below right, Junior Military Historian Marcus Santoli, son of our Clerk of Court Marie Santoli, proudly poses in his battle fatigues. His father Mark sang an inspiring rendition ofour National Anthem. 235 1. 7/4, 2,„g - . r, . ---r 4 r·ei A & 9&13 9 ..,... 707 t»1! A..., 7 1 -M'..1 ,_12 * t. 1- . .4 4.Al#£,-Ar I , 1-P Z 1--- 1-- - ,/ - L _T Al 4. '-Il,-1.141 3

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Each Memorial Day for the past 50+ years, residents meet by the village liag pole early in the morning, for a short but touching ceremony that has become a tradition in our village. This year the sim features the Walton Hills Veterans Memorial as well as the 11 ag pole. Afterwards the crowd moves into tile Community Room for coffee, donuts and camaraderie. Please join us. Note the time change from past years. This yeats Village Memorial Day Se,vice starts at 8:00 am.

...The following story comes b usfrom Former Mayor ED THELLMANN. According to American Legion Post309 of Maple Heights Ohio this Is why TAPS Is played at military funerals and Memorial Day Ceremonies - One evening in 1862 during the Civil War, Union Army Captain Robert Ellicombe was with his men near Harrisons Land in Virginia. The Confederate Army camp faced the Union Army, a short distance away. During the night Captain Ellicombe heard a soldier moaning, wounded on the field of battle. The Captain risked his own life and brought back the stricken man for medical attention. Back at his own lines, the Captain lit a lantern. He caught his breath and went numb with shock. In the dim lantern light he realized the man he tried to save was a Confederate Soldier who died during the rescue attempt, and it was his own son! The young man had been studying music in the South when the war broke out, and without telling his father, he had enlisted in the Confederate Army. The heartbroken father asked permission of his superiors to give his son a military burial despite the young man's enemy status. The Captain's request was portially granted. One musician was allowed to play at his son's funeral. The Captain chose the bugler and a tune written on a sheet of paper he found in one of his son's pockets. That music was the haunting buglemelody "TAPS." '9-1005 TINKER'S CREEK 494 Man behind the badge Thursday, May 29, 2008, LENS is also behind the lens ./ 't From Bl

1 .3 -..» perience to make f*i other men aware that as what was a torrential ; 1 t».S they, too, can get downpour at times. t ·.' 1 16,= breast cancer. He en- 11 m. Coming through with par- 4 courages them to ticular 1/ flying colors were, 11... have check-ups. . . members of Boy Scout Troop 1 Robert «Going though this 575 who did a perfect job in, Nozar kind of illness and raising the U.S. Flag to half ' the treatments makes staff under the direction of a person very appre- Eagle Scout Jeremy Cum- ciative for what he has and is * mins. able to accomplish," Knapp Scouts doing their duty said, were Zach Cummins, Drew • State Rep. Josh Mandel Durdak, Daniel Spitznagel on Alexan- was driving west and James and Kevin Began. der Road to get to the Walton Tim Sargent, a student at Hills ceremonies just before 8 a.m. and was in the Cuyahoga H6ights High right-turn band lane that School, wore his uniform would have had him to play Taps, and eiren without heading north on Northfield * the storm ·there Road. wbuld not A motorist in the car pre- have been a.dry'eye at the event. His rendition was beau- ceding Mandel's car motioned to the rep to continue driving tiful. 1 • Walton Hills resident west. He heeded the advice. The National Anthem was Dave Knapp was at th6 Walton · Speaking of Mandel, the sung by Mark Santoli, who is Hills Memorial Day ceremo- stop in' Walton Hills was his the husband of WH's clerk of nies Monday and then was in first opportunity to meet fel- courts, Marie Santoli. Bedford later that morning to low vet Holly Koester. • Residents were invited in- watch the parade. Koester is the U.S. Army side the community room for a veteran of the Knapp is veteran who was paralyzed , snacks and beverages after United States Coast Guard and from the waist down in a jeep the ceremony. Mayor Marlene joined fellow residents Bill Al- . accident on a U.S. Army base Anielski said it was also an op- len, Ken Jecman, Robert ·in Alabama. Since that time portunity for them to see the and Lin- Kainsinger Denny Koester has conipeted in Vet- brass eagle that may be per- ville in attendees in leading erans' Wheelchair manently placed. on top of the the Pledge of Allegiance. The games across the country. village's new veterans' memo- latter four were in the Navy. Mandel and Koester rial. Marines, Ait Force and Army 7 huddled briefly before Man- The eagle was offered by respectively. speech. Knapp continues to battle del's resident Bill Deak who said it the breast cancer that zapped After the ceremonies in I has been in his family for Walton Hills Mandel headed him during his 2007 campaign more than 40 years. to return to Village Council for similar events in Brecks- A friend Photoshopped the and effectively nudged him ville and then in Broadview eagle onto the memorial and off the campaign trail. Heights. Deak said it looked grdat. Knapp's name stayed on the • The rain didn't hold off Some residents have talked ballot though and even with. throughout the event, but 1 about paying to have a new out campaigning in the final everyone was a gamer even in ' eagle cast. weeks of the campaign he still what could best be described of "Why would they do that? drew plenty support. They can have - this eagle," Knapp wants to use his ex See LENS, B2 Deak said. No substitute for support home boosts troops' Mandel says Well-wis.hs.from morale, felt that support." 2 -corm Mandel was an intelligence specialist in Al Anbar province while serving as a staff. WALTON HILLS- Support the troops who are sergeant in the U.S. Marine Reserves. in the·military, particularly those who are He told Walton Hills residents that he ' fighting in the wars in and Afghani- embraced the opportunity to serve his coun- stan, while never forgetting those who have try. He lauded the many veterans who were paid the ultimate price. · there to hear him speak. That was the message Monday m6rning "When we landed in Bangor, Maine, (on from U.S. Rep. Josh Mandel who made his his return to the United States), people "' first local appearance since returning in were all cheering and saying 'thank you, late April from active duty in Iraq. Man- Mandel recalled. "I really got the chills that del's 17th house district included Walton day." Hills and Oakwood. He spoke to a gathering Mandel said that differed from stories his of about 60 residents at the annual Walton father told him about the reception Vietnam Hills Memorial Day observance. veterans got when they returned to the Mandel said his constituents have been United states. supportive of his military service. "It wasn't like that then," Mandel said his "I understand that people have. many dif- dad told him. ferent opinions about the war in Iraq, but "We as Marines understand that as many regardless of.their opinions, people support of us have heard there are many opinions," the troops. "I felt that support during my time in Iraq and the Marines I served with See SUPPORT, AS

•There were plenty of elected officials who marched in the parade including the entire Bedford Board of Edu- T cation - President Barbara Patterson, Vice President De- A bora Kozak, and the three 13 oe guys, Joe Mestnik, Tim Tench-jO and Andrew 4. Mizsak., A Joining the festivities from Q b Oakwood were Mayor Gary J 6 : Gottschalk i 1 and Councilwo· , 0 an p man Pat Rogers. from Bedford HeightsMarchers were Mayor Fletcher Berger, Coun- 7 cil President Phil Saunders, -44 Councilman Harvey Brown Y and Councilwomen Wendy 3 ROBERT NOZAR/SUN NEWS Grant and Barbara MacKen- 9 address in Walton Hills to praise those who Josh Mandel used his Memorial Day introduced zie. State Rep. political points of view. Mayor Marlene Anielski support U.S. troops regardless of their ceremony. Walton Mandel to residents attending the Hills had its own Memorial Day services at 8 This was Mandel's second a.m. and then sent a big con- SUPPORT tour of duty in Iraq, which tingent for the parade includ- took place in 2004. His eight- ing Mayor Marlene Anielski, From Al year commitment in the Re- Councilwoman Madeline Timm, Councilman Don Kolo- serves ends in June. graf and Councilman Bill Al- a great eight len. "We strongly ap- "It-has been Mandel said. am going to preciate the support of our years, and now I on Because we hear about work full time building my troops. my constitu- that support we have higher relationship with morale." ents," he said.

64974 .

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Memo: Date: 6-10-07

To: All Organized Civic Leaders in the Village ofWalton Hills Cc: Council, Mayor and file

From: Kevin Hurst/Council President Pro. Tem.

Re: Information on the Veteran's Memorial

Dear Leaders

This is an open letter to say thank you to each one ofyou for giving your time and much appreciated input on the whole process of locating and deciding on the style of a Veteran' Monument at the Village Hal 1.

I am inviting each ofyou to please attend a meeting to held on ,Saturday June16.2007 4t 9:00*m. In Council chambers. The topic of discussion will be status of monument and preparing ofphase #2 and the many different items to discussed. I have enclosed a copy ofthe agenda for this meeting. I am hoping that we can as successful as we were at the last meeting and I will provide coffee and doughnuts again for everyone's enjoyment and look forward to seeing each ofyou there.

&; a/" LA c95-t Cc: Citizens League Fifty Plus Historical Resource Center Lake Club Men's Club Walton Hills Owl Women's Club / /,tiv.' >66'« VY' 1%81

TO: Mayor Anielski, Council From: Madeline R. Timm Subject: Memorial Day Ceremony Date: May 28,2007


I am requesting the following items that were used in our ribbon-cutting ceremony today, May 28,2007 for our Veteran's Memorial. I am asking that these listed items be collected and turned over to lhe Walton Hills Historical Society. I feel that we need to preserve these items for this very momentous occasion.

The items that I arn requesting are: • Oneshovelthat wasused tosymbolically show where the monument walk would be • A piece (or entire ribbon) that was used and cut for the cereniony • The Memorial Program passed out to residents • A copy of Councilman Hurst's proposed plans and statistics forthe monument t. • A copy of Councilman Hurst's questionnaire that veterans were asked to fillout

I feel that this request is made in preserving our history for years to come. The residents in attendance and those who were not there should be able to have these items for their perusal and interest

Another note regarding Memorial Day, upon arriving back to the Village Hall after the Bedford Parade, I was very shocked and dismayed that the wreath that had been placed in themorning bythe flagpolehadbeen removed. Ilbltthiswasvery disrespectfuland uncalled for. That wreathshouldhaveremained there ALLDAY. I, also, feel that the Village should have had a LARGE FRESH WREATH for 1his ceremony. I, myself, would have paid for it if I would have been asked.

We should always strive for the best and not settle ibr the least Thank youA . . 0 Af V UlltulC 11. L/42011 674Z- 1 THE VILLAGE OF WALTON HILLS * VETERAN'S MONUMENT * (ENGRAVED PAVER)

Thank You for your donation of $50.00 for the 4" x 8" Paver. All funds generated from the purchase of the Engraved Pavers will be used to cover the cost of engraving, the installation and maintaining of the walkway ----- all remaining funds will be used to off set the cost of the Veteran's Monument and other ongoing phases of the proposed project such as a Gazebo and other Monuments.

BRICK SPECIFICATION AND LIMITATION Brick Size: 4" x 8" Number Of Lines: 3 Characters Per Lines: 10 to 14 (30 to 42 per Brick Depending on How Many Spaces, 'I,' M' & 'W' Characters There Are) Lettering Size: 3/4 Inch Style Of Lettering: Vermarco Cost Each: $ 50.00 Lead Time: 3 To 4 Weeks From Time Of Order




Line 3: PRQ1ECI_2QQZ

Name: The Village of Walton Hills Address: 7595 Walton Road

City: Walton Hills. Oh. Zip: 44146 Phone No.(440)-232-7800 THE VILLAGE OF WALTON HILLS * VETERAN'S MONUMENT * (ENGRAVED PAVER) Thank You for your donation of $100.00 for the 8" x 8" Paver. All funds generated from the purchase of the Engraved Pavers will be used to cover the cost of engraving, the installation and maintaining of the walkway ----- all remaining funds will be used to off set the cost of the Veteran's Monument and other ongoing phases of the proposed project such as a Gazebo and other Monuments. BRICK SPECIFICATION AND LIMITATION, Brick Size: 8" x 8" Number Of Lines: 6 Characters Per Lines: 10 to 14 (60 to 84 per Brick Depending on How Many Spaces, 'I,' M' & 'W' Characters There Are) Lettering Size: 3/4 Inch Style Of Lettering: Vermarco Cost Each: $ 100.00 Lead Time: 3 To 4 Weeks From Time Of Order



Name: The Village of Walton Hills Address: 7595 Walton Road

City: Walton Hills. Oh: Zip: 44146 Phone No. (4401- 232- 7800 Of'Wa 6ii'L,-7, 3£ g[lip


Memo: Date:7/24/07

To: Council, Mayor and all Civic Leaders in the Village of Walton Hills Cc: file

From: Kevin Hurst/ Council President Subject: Information on Words to be engraved on the Veteran's Monument under each Medallion

Dear Colleagues

I have asked many people and researched it myself along with the help of Mr. Spitznagel and Mrs. Timm and have not found detail wording for each Branch ofthe Military that we wanted to appear on our Veteran's Monument What I am trying to say is that there are no official motto's for each branch of the Military. I would like to propose to each ofyou a signal word to be engraved under each Medallion on the Monument. Those words have been typed out for your input on a separate page. I ask that everyone please review the words and call me or talk to me verbally so I can move forward on this part of the project.

I have enclosed a copy of an order sheet for the bricks and have chosen the words to be engraved on them for display on Community Day in the Booth where we will be selling the bricks. Ifthere are any question on this Memo please contact me on my cell phone at (440)-667-6483

diW6& QMS,6, C9364 :,


The Walton Hills Veteran' s Monument Community Project *2007*

Information on Wording to appear on the Veteran's Monument under each MILITARY MEDALLION.







Village of Walton Hills MEMO

TO: Kevin Hurst- Council President Pro Tem CC: Mayor, Council, File From: Brian Spitznagel Date: July 25,2007 Subject: Information for Community Project 07Neterans' Monument

Dear Kevin,

As per your request, I met with Mr. Bostwick from Carst Monuments this afternoon. He happened to be close to Walton Hills when I contacted him so we met at the Village Hall. I gave Mr. Bostwick three beveled bricks (two 4x8's and one 8x8) in which to engrave for display at Community Days. I also gave him a copy of the tentative wording to be inscribed under each service plague and told him that you will be Bostwick finalizing this either tonight or tomorrow. An update of the project from Mr. follows:

* Mr. Bostwick just signed off on the plans from the foundry that will be cutting the monument. The foundry required the plans to be drawn on their CAD program for production purposes. The plans were faxed to Mr. Bostwick and he approved them as being within the specifications of our design.

* The monument is expected to start to be cut this week.

* Mr. Bostwick plans on traveling to Vermont to aid the foundry in inscribing the monument.

* Pictures will be taken as the process moves forward.

* The service plaques are currently in production and he hopes to have them completed by Community Days so we can display them if we wish.

* Upon final positioning of the monument, there will be 1/8 inch stainless steel spacers placed between the monument and the base (at least one on each comer, one in the middle of each side, and one in the center). Caulking will then be placed and smoothed into the seam.

Mr. Bostwick also made some more measurements from the monument site to the parking lot for the purposes of a crane. You can confirm the final plans for the crane with him. He is also working on a rendering of the monument site that we can use for 36: '.3,8 9% ||| .#m#er #*bi VILLAGE OF WALTON HILLS ,KEVIN HURST COUNCIL PRESIDENT - 06-07

Memo: Date: 7/24/07

To: Mr. Brian Spitznagel/ Councilman Cc: Council, Mayor and file

From: Kevin Hurst/ Council President

Subject: Information for Community Project 07

Dear Brian

As I stated in my voice mail to you. I have prepared the wording to be engraved into the bricks for Community Day to have for display in our booth. Ifyou could please take this information to Carst Monuments (Address: 1101 Lost Nation Rd., Willoughby, OH. 44094 Phone No. 440-954-9922) and start the process and perhaps we can have the bricks back before Community Day. I will call Mr. Bostwick and go over all details with him. If for some reason you can not be available then I will call Mr. Dan Stucky he is my back up plan. Could you please ask Mr. Bostwick how far along is he on the Monument and ifhe has any pictures that he can share for Community Day. Ifthere are no pictures available then we can use the large prints that I had on Memorial Day.

In my research for motto's for each branch ofthe service I too can not find but only the same information that you have already shared in the your memo "Wording for Veteran's Monument':Ihave given this a lot ofthought and asked questions of many and have decided to ask everyone to please consider a single word under each emblem in no certain order. 1 feel that this will keep it simple and still pay respect with each word. I will discuss this with each president ofthe Village's Civic Groups. I will ask for all of Council to consider this proposal as well. Please contact me ifyou have any question on this memo or anything else.

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Thank You for your donation of $100.00 for the 8" x 8" Paver. All funds generated from the purchase of the Engraved Pavers will be used to cover the cost of engraving and the installation and maintaining of the walkway. All remaining funds will be used to offset the cost of the Veterans' Monument and other ongoing phases of the proposed project such as a gazebo and other monuments. BRICK SPECIFICATION AND LIMrrATION Brick Size: 8" x 8" Number Of Lines: 6 Characters Per Lines: 10 to 14 (60 to 84 per brick depending on how many spaces, 'I,' M' & 'W' characters there are) Lettering Size: 3/4 Inch Style Of Lettering: Vermarco Cost: $100.00 - Make check payable to Village of Walton Hills Lead Time: 3 to 4 weeks from time of order Installation Date: Spring of 2008



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Mayor Marlene Anielski and the Village Council, partnered with all of the community organizations that have worked on the Veterans' Monument, are asking for general information that will give us a grasp of how many men and women in our Village have served in the Armed Forces, whether in time of peace or during a war.

If you are a veteran or know of a veteran who has moved away or is deceased, please fill out the following questionnaire and return it to the Village Hall by August 31 . Feel free to drop it in the white mailbox located in the Village Hall parking lot.

Thank you!

1. Name:

11. Address:

111. Years lived in Walton Hills:

IV. Branch(s) of military served in: Years served:

V. Rank in military:

VI. Did you serve during wartime?

VII. If your answer to the above question is yes, please list the conflict that you served in:

Please list any comments that you might have (medals earned, wartime stories, etc.): 4

March 17,2008 To: Walton Hills Elected Officials and Walton Hills Administrators

From: Wa/ton Hms Ow/ editors

Attached is the list we have compiled of: • Men Cunently Serving our Country who are Walton Hills residents or who grew up in Walton Hills • Veterans who reside in the village • Veterans who are now deceased but had been long-time residents • Veterans who were long-time residents but no longer live in the village

We hope the list of names will help you as you plan this year's Memorial Day Service. Several of the people on the list expressed their interest in participating in this year's Walton Hills Memorial Day Service.

Also, Tim Hejl who attends Cuyahoga Heights High School, plays the bugle atlocal military events, plans to join tile military when he graduates from high school, and has 2 brothers who are career seivicemen, told his mother he would like to play the bugleat the Walton Hills Memorial Day Service. If you want to have him participate someone at the village hall will have to contact him soon, before another organization requests his service at their ceremony. His parents are Andrew and Kathy Sargent of Shaner Dilve. 216.470.8620

Bob and Jean Kainsinger BILL SCHOLLE 2,0, - 11/1 REALTOR* COLOWeLL (440) 526-0500 BUSINEr"* S r ...... BANKeR e (440) 526-7812 FAX .- (440) 962-3330 VOICE MAIL 1


'1/ . Each Omce Is Independently Owned and Operated. Feteraimmofforeipi Wws French Bartlett Post 1082 343 Northfield Road Bedford, OH 44146 440- 232-9035- 1

ANX»f... .5 -43 -0% 4,8 hik 44-LL,uu,LLE»je° 9£t O.AU n U PL »tr.l.. Art&'.43 .,»«,«»5 '„- 5' 4»'--r-A n , .XIE ot E.11'j«,Al. LAIL.l_ ( P »_Li 1./KJ ,43.4-U./U./K.* A'L'.1 a.,cet- f.«r»i€*4- AL.«./,*,c« d'*(,C-/3 £Y-n l, )Zt,(462. cA»' flkils.8. . C;£$4.0'i '·1373.9 »:Ii« D-/ 1 6/Atvo »1: /2.Lle »14 - f . 4-r9<7A/24'» #i*«,YA/j 1,6,*'1»'9 ".»"t".»''* r «""'.»·1 f«« ruiv 0¢1Et''=.t.f r e,»»o )84.A 8 1 -A ' 1 -/a»»„.„« f°-31 -a°01

Mayor -Anie£silC. and- CounciT request the honor of your presence at a NiffaBe 9{af[ ceremony to dedicate our new Neterans' Monument on Saturday, Ffovem6er lotfi at 10:00 am.

tr. (Danie[ T. 'Weist, Commissioner of the Cuyafioga County Neterans' Service Commission, wiff give a cfedication speecli andthe Nietnam Neteratts ofAmericafor greater C[welandi CAapter 15, wi[[ presicfe as Konor guard.

SMany of tfie enBracved 6ric pavers purcfiased 61 resid nts wilr 6e in pface r , -I-V 00"0 0=0 forthe ceremony.

*€ eshments will- 6e servecf in tfie Community Rpom at tfie concfusion of the proBram.

fease pfan on joining us! VILLAGE OF WALTON HILLS, OHIO B. Anielski - Mayor / Safety Director

- Marlene

October 24,2007

Mr. Robert G. Kainsinger 18955 Orchard Hill Drive Walton Hills, Ohio 44146

Dear Mr. Kainsinger:

1, along with Council, am pleased to invite you to the dedication of our Veterans' Monument on Saturday, November 1 Oth at 10:00 a.m. at the Walton Hills Village Hall courtyard. Mr. Daniel T. Weist, Commissioner of the Cuyahoga County Veterans' Service Commission, will give a dedication speech and the Vietnam Veterans of America for Greater Cleveland, Chapter 1:5, will preside as Honor Guard.

The monument itself is currently being cut out of Vermont Barre granite. It will be a pentagon-shaped design with a 'bronze plague on each side representing a branch of the service. A bronze eagle will be placed on top. Bricks will be inlayed around and leading up to the monument. As you are probably aware, residents 'have been purchasing bricks that will be inscribed with their family name or in honor of a veteran. 1 am pleased to say that many of these bricks have already been sold.

I sincerely hope that you and your family members can attend our special dedication. Our monument will honor you as a veteran and all of the service men and women who gave, and continue to give, so much for us to enjoy the freedoms many of us take for granted. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to call the Walton Hills Village Hall at (440) 232-7800.

Warm personal regards, Illh64 6. 41% Marlene B. Anielski, OCPM Mayor / Safety Director

7595 Walton Road • Walton Hills, OH 44146 • (440) 232-7800 • FAX (440) 232-4070 VILLAGE VETERANS and SERVICEMEN

Walton Hills veterans and 8 men in service. If you have additional names of veterans or infomiation, please contact At pmssUS. ume we have the names d over 200 w HOWL 11-1007 A Memorial Day Service is a tradition in our Each WALTON HILLS VETERANS' MEMORIAL village. Memorial Day, at 8:30 am, residents meet by the flag pole for a ceremony planned by village The Village of Walton Hills now proudly displays administrators. Within the next couple weeks we will give an impressive memofial b its men and women who served the Mayor and Council Members copies of our list to use as in the Armed Forces throughout the years. It is not'yet they plan this yeafs service: 3- 200 9' complete... an eagle wilh outstretched wings will be mounted atop the 5-sided monument, more commemorative bricks purchased by local individuals will VILLAGE VETERANS and SERVICEMEN 9-200# be added along the walkway, and there will be iinal The OINIstaff compiled a list of names of more touches of landscaping. than 200 Walbon Hills veterans and 8 men who cunently The driving force behind our Veterans' Memorial serve ourcounty. The list keeps growing. If you have was Council President KEVIN HURST. HURST invited additional names or'inbnnation, please contact us.

representatives of Village clubs and organtzations to meet Copies of the list are in the hands of Walton Hills with him in Council Chambers on March 24* to receive administrators and elected oflicials. They may want b use Aeir input and concerns about erecting a Veterans' the list of Raines as they plan this year's Walton Hills Memorial in our vmage. Twelve residents attended the Memorial Day Service. Each Memorial Day, for the past meeting. HURST handed out a packet of his drawings to 50+ years, residents meet by the village ag pole at 8:30 in the at endees. The packet included his proposed general the morning, for a short but touching ceremony that has layouts for the memorial, walkways and sites for the become a tradition in our village. Aftenvards the crowd memorial. Following an open discussion period, the meets for coffee, donuts and camaraderie in the auendees at the meeting favored - a 5-sided monument Community Room. made of granite and about 48' high, an eagle perched at the top of the monument, a bronze insignia seal of one of the branches of the Amied Forces on each side of the monument an tnscription 'Dedicated to Those Who Served," and they wanted the monument b be placed by the liagpole on the Village Hal grounds. Their wishes came true. With lots of cooperation and hard work, less than 8 months later we had a Walbn Hills Veterans' Memorial Our apprecia8on b KEVIN HURST, BRIAN SPITZNAGEL MADEUNE TIMM and their CO-WORKERS on COUNCIL, MAYOR ANIELSKI, DAN STUC« SERVICE DEPAR™ENT WORKERS, and the Village Hall OFFICE STAFF.


The list of our Village Servicemen and Veterans keeps growing....So manyofourmen, andsome ofour women, too, spent years of their lives in military service for our country. The Owl staff is trying to compile a complete and accurate list of present and past residents who serve or served in one of the branches of the United States Armed Forces. If you have information about a person not on our - list, please contact the Kainsingers. 47.- . I ... - Locals sliare thoughts -

: C/-9.a001.on Veterans ·. .: i z ·i..· . Day 2007-- S. --- 3 A·4"15." 5

Photo courtesy of Watton Hills Police Department The new veterans memorial at Walton Hills Village Hall, 7595 Walton Road, will be dedicated Nov. 10 at 10 a.m.

-- -- -1- m, 3.5-...% 53 . '=. *C-k $....Il- -S -- ''\,r,- ™. « .------


i HONORING VETERANS Kevin Hurst holding Saturday Less than a year ago Walton Hills Councilman began the village toward honoring its veterans with a morning meetings to move dedicated with more than monument. On that monument was officially Saturday this tribute is an 200 residents in attendance. "They have given so much and Walton Hurst said. important part of the history of Hills,"

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Mayor AnieGRi an<[ Counci[ wouG{ fi to «press VETERANS' MONUMENT DEDICATION tfieir appreciation to tfie foffowing: Ed)Ward November 10, 2007 - 10:00 a.m. Schaefer, a lleteran Service Officerfor the Cuyaboga 1. Posting of the Colors. County Neterans Service Commission (CCI/SO, for aff of Ris assistance in pfanning tflis dication 2. Pledge of Allegiance led by Ronald Klukan (Army), ceremony; (Danief T. 'Weist, Commissioner of the Paul Jablonski (Marines), David Kapla (Navy), C. J. Barnes (Air Force), Walter Pracejus (Coast Guard). CCNSC, for giving tlie dedication speech on tfiis vely speciaf day; and tlie Nietnam Neterans of America 3. Welcome by Mayor Marlene B. Anielski. for greater Cfevefancf, Chapter 15, for presiding as 4. Comments by Veteran Edward Schaefer. Yfonor guan£ 5. Keynote Address by Veteran Daniel T. Weist. tfte Our appreciation is aGo ex;elifed to aff of 6. Dedication of Monument by Village Organizations. resufents and friencfs of the Ni[[age tfiat purchased 7. Rifle salute. 6ricK. pagers, whicfi fiave [oving[y 6een pfaced, or wiff soon 6£ pfaced, around tfie 9 onument. 8. Taps. Last but not [east, we are etema[[y gratefuf to a[[of 9. Colors retired. tfte service men an

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Neteran today, -..... - --t ...... -I. |

L., - ... 4/, / L, p[ease say November 10,2007 «IlianE (You. " 10:00 a.m. 0-= Tmm M Village of Walton Hills c @06) 4 1-8007 tlliCbwe 6 ) W. R.0 wL

9 POTPOURRI Li HOWL Il-2007 (Continued, page 3) ...... 00....0...... 0 90-- OUR VILLAGE VETERANS


S ..1'; : .,1,1.1 ...... 1,1:fiti·,T,I,Q USAR: r'i: .' .... 2.:.9..". ..'.....'.....f:),f....1-·: 3*f.:::9.:.,4 26 NOVEMBER 1966 0:. 1..1.. . ':Ad ..i G:, -\4*3211i ; Discharge from United States Army Reserve 4 -'Ffin.%1 IN' 5 . ..42

™' *6*it* S P# R A D A JOHN J. JR

...-- .39.: ER 23 606 176 CG ANNUAL. TRAINING ,-Y.·t...2 '. · ·· ',· 1.·,· : :J: i · · ..93.'.33«i '·'·'.-;.·5';:it' 1. 14800 ALE XANDER RD SEL SVC IDENT: 92<.···F k...32. 'e ·.4 R·:,d ; BEDFORD OHIO 44014 33 236 . ...9.. t ... . im"Px..,:3-7...... #.-4.1: :· · · / $*..5..d.:.'....4 0*19'1:,tilite:

Y ' 02. r,-

..., .. z, 31(3 411. 8* order :of the Secretary of the Army, you are discharged from the United Stktds -t: Afmy Res€rve on: the date indicated below. SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: If Reserve Identification your possession, headquarters, -Card, - DI-Form 24· (red) is in return it to this Attention: AGAC-AS. - Relieved from : USAR Control Group ANNUAL TRAINING J Type of discharge : HONORABLE - DD Form 256A - Rdasod for discharge : EXPIRATION OF TERM OF SERVICE . Autho«ty for discharge : PAR 16, AR 135-178 r Effective date of discharge: 30 NOVEMBER 1966



DISTRIBUTION: 1 - Reservist eoncerned eneral 1 - Selective Service 1 - 201 file

USAAC Form 825 1 Apr 66 Just to let you know, Jack Rada was in the service, discharged in 1966 as the back of this indicates. His brother who lived on Walton Road was also in the service. I'm not sure ofthe branch.

I thought Jacks' name should have been in the list of service men for Memorial Day.

Thanks for your consideration.

.. Ann Ra(la

9»'» t»,» »»6'It'», »»A.47 3'K »'01 1 Mb 4-6 /yly »»»Liu = POTPOURRI 4-2.001 Lori Waryk 330467-8226 and Jean Kainsinger . W. H. 029( 6 -2007 WEITZMAN SERVES in IRAQ Since November 2006, U.S. Army Spec 4 DONNY WEITZMAN, of Conelly Blvd., has been serving in Iraq in the Personal Security Detail. WEITZMAN recently received an Anny Commendation Medal. A vehicle in his convoy crashed. DONNY was in the group of first-responders and he provided battlefield first aid, including starting IVs.

WEITZMAN enlisted in May of 2005. He attended basic and -4.*...· advanced training at Fort Benning Georgia. He was stationed at Fort Hood Texas when he received his orders for Iraq.

DONNY is the son of JERRY and CAROL WEITZMAN and brother -- - of KIM and NATHAN. WEITZMAN is able to phone home once every week or two. His mother relates, 'Thecell service is not the phone greatest, , but considering he is on the other side of the world, it's not bad." CAROL 7 also wants us to know DONNY describes his 1-1 service in Iraq this way: 1 --- 14 I "l want folks at home to know we are not just shooting at people. We are building schools and hospitals. We do our best to protect the Iraqi citizens from attacks by the insurgents." CAROL goes on to say, 'DONNY and his unit give out lots of soccer balls to the children. He talks about kids wanting candy, soccer balls and stuffed animals. They love chocolate but U.S. ARMY SPEC 4 in Iraq chocolate melts immediately. DONNY buys chocolate for himself in DONALD WEITZMAN the air conditioned PX but regrets he cannot distribute it:

His parents, sister and brother are very proud of him, and so are all of us in the village. Our thoughts and prayers are with WEITZMAN and all our troops, Mail will reach him using the following address: SPC WEITZMAN, DONALD HHT 1-7 CAV 1 BCT UNIT 5908 APO AE09378 POTPOURRI Lori Waryk 330-467-8226 and Jean Kainsinger

10-*005 10-2005 CONGRATULATIONS, COLONEL DAVID PHILLIPS 0.1. H.OW-2 i Col. DAVID PHILLIPS, who grew up in our Village and graduated from Bedford High School, was the the recent Patriot keynote speaker at Day program at the high school. He also met with groups of students during the school day and with adults and students at a dinner which was held in his honor at BHS. DAVID is the son of CAROL KITKO of Shaner Drive. PHILLIPS is now Deputy Commander of the U.S. Arrny Criminal Investigation Command (CIC) based at R. Belvoir, Virginia. The CIC is responsible for investigating all felony crimes for the U.S. Army worldwide. He was Director of Security for the Department of the Army Headquarters at the Pentagon when it was attacked on September 11,2001. After the attack, in which 40 members of his staff were killed, Col. PHILLIPS was instrumental in recovery operations. PHILLIPS recently returned from tours of duty in Iraq where he commended the 89111 Military Police The Brigade. Brigade's 3,500 military police trained 6,000 new Iraqi police omcers, worked side-by-side with them terrorist and against attacks, guarded 3,800 members of the top Iranian terrorist organization. His brigade also guarded high value detainees including former Iraqi president Saddam Hussein. 11-2007

POTPOURRI W.H.Owl /1-2007 , (Conunued, page 2) 1

NEWS about our MEN in SERVICE I The Owl staff is aware of the blbwing sedcemen who INe in Wakon Hilb or have dose Res to #ie village. the service? Please contact us, Are there additional Walton Hills residents who have sons or daughters in these local men who serve ourcountry at this difficult time. Ourthoughts and prayers are with all our tmops, and in particular Would you like to send them greetina cards? WEITZMAN SERVES in IRAQ SGT. BRADLEY HEJL SPC. ANDREW HEJL Since SPC DONALD November 2006, ARMY 1AD BAND, STB 1AD 42181 MED BN WEITZMAN:of Conelly Blvd. has been somewhere in Iraq. ATTENTION NPTN, Gl CMR 467 for His tour of duty in Iraq continues until February 2008, so UNK #72111 BOX 3549 the second year he won't be home for the Holidays. At age APO AE09393 APO AE 09096 22 and a mortar man, WEITZMAN was promoted to 'E5," TIM SARGENT, the youngest son who is a soon award earning the rank of Sergeant The Army will Sophomore at Cuyahoga Heights High School, like his him his new stripe and title of Sergeant DON, or DONNY brothers, plans to join the Army when he graduates. as we know him, grew up in Walton Hills, graduated from for Bedford High School, attended Mount Union College BRIGADIER GENERAL DAVE PHILLIPS Proud one year and then enlisted in the Army. family Since March, Brigadier General DAVE PHILLIPS members are his parents, JERRY and CAROL is in the Green Zone, in Baghdad IRAQ. Working with WEITZMAN, brother NATHAN and sister KIM. General Patraeus as his Anny Deputy Provost General, ...DON'S pick-up truck sits outside in the yard. PHILUPS' mission is to try to improve the effectiveness of the Hoping to get his pick-up truck inside a garage during the Iraqi Military Police and their Rule of Law in Iraq. He is are upcoming winter months, his parents seeking garage hoping to return to the states in March of next year. DON'S space. Do you have extra space in your garage for Dudng PHILUP'S previous tours in Iraq, he tuck which is fully insured? If so, please contact the commanded the 898' Military Police Brigade. The Brigade's WEITZMAN family at440. 439.4088. 3500 military police trained 6000 Iraqi police oflicers, or message to Would you like to send a areeling card worked side-by-side with them against terrorist attacks and following address: former DON? Mail will reach him using the guarded high-value detainees including Iraqi SPC WENZMAN, DONALD President Saddam Hussein. HHT 1 -7 CAV 1BCT UNIT 5908 DAVE PHILLIPS grew up in Walton Hills, was a APO AE 09378 member of Walton Hills Boy Scout Troop 417, became an Eagle Scout in 1972 and graduated from Bedford High in TWO SONS in the ARMY 1976. DAVE'S wife and children live in Texas. His mother A year and a half ago ANDREW and KATHY is CAROL KITKO of Shaner Drive. SARGENT moved into their home on Shaner Drive with He tells his mom irs awful in Baghdad. CAROL BRADLEY their youngest son TIM. Their older two sons, relates how a horrible, loud noise interrupted a recent and ANDREW HEJL were already in the Army, having phone call with herson-it was an incoming rocket enlisted aner graduating from Twinsburg High School. . SGT. BRADLEY HEJL is a career Army man COLONEL MICHAEL KUCHTA who enlisted in 2003. He won't be home until 2010. Air Force Colonel MIKE KUCHTA joined the Air stationed at BRADLEY is Camp Speicher in Iraq. He is a Force 21 years ago. For the past 3 years he is but "42R," a trumpet player for,the Army band, during his stationed at The Pentagon, a Chief Executive Officer to a Automatic tour in Iraq he is a SAW Gunner (Squad General. MIKE, his wife KAREN and his son JACOB live in 1st Armored Division. Weapon) with the Vienna Virginia, just outside Washington, D. C. A Just SPC. ANDREWHEJL enlistsd in 2005. graduate of Bedford High and Ohio University, KUCHTA back from his tour in , he is now stationed in grew up in Walton Hills. His parents are RA MARGE Germany. ANDREW is a Combat Medic withthe 557th KUCHTA of Cheshut Drive. Ground An**noe Unit BRADLEY and ANDREWS father, DAVID HEJL, is a Fireman Paramedic. 7 e '19- la.-10 07


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22 OUR MILITARY The average age of the military man is 19 years. He is a short-haired, tight-muscled kid who, under normal circumstances, is considered by society as half man, half boy - not yet dry behind the ears, not old enough to buy a beer, but old enough to die for his country.

He never really cared much for work and he would rather wax his own car than wash his father's, but he has never collected unemployment either. He is a recent high school graduate. He was probably an average student, pursued some form of sports activities, drives a ten-year- old jalopy and has a steady girlfriend - who either broke up with him when he left or swears to be waiting when he returns from half a world away.

He listens to rock and roll or hip-hop or rap or jazz or swing and 155 mm howitzer. He is 10 or 15 pounds lighter now than when he was at home because he is working or fighting from before dawn to well after dusk. He has trouble spelling, thus letter writing is a pain for him. But he can field strip a rifle in 30 seconds and reassemble it in less time in the dark. He can recite to you the nomenclature of a machine gun or grenade launcher and use either one effectively if he must. He digs foxholes and latrines and can apply first aid like a professional. He can march until he is told to stop....or stop until he is told to march. He obeys orders instantly and without hesitation, but he is not without spirit or individual dignity. He is self-sufficient.

He has two sets of fatigues: he washed one and wears the other. He keeps his canteens full and his feet dry. He sometimes forgets to brush his teeth, but never to clean his rifle. He can cook his own meals, mend his own clothes and fix his own hurts. If you're thirsty, he'll share his water with you; if you are hungry, his food. He'll even split his ammunition with you in the midst of battle when you run low. He has learned to use his hands like weapons and weapons like they were his hands. He can save your life - or take it, because that is his job. He has seen more suffering and death than he should have in his short lifetime. He has stood atop mountains of dead bodies and has helped to create them. He has wept in public and in private for friends who have fallen in combat, and is unashamed.

He feels every note of the National Anthem vibrate through his body while at rigid attention, while tempering the burning desire to "square-away" those around him who haven't bothered to stand, remove their hat, or even stop talking. Day in and day out, far away from home, he defends their right to be disrespectful just as did his father, grandfather and great-grandfather. He is paying the price for our freedom.

Beardless or not, he is not a boy. He is the American Fighting Man that has kept this country free for over 200 years. He has asked nothing in return except our friendship and understanding. Let us remember him always, as well as the countless women who are doing their part in the tradition of going to war when our nation calls us to do so, for they have earned our respect and admiration with their blood.

Author: Anonymous

We salute you all veterans! God bless you! And God bless America!

21 /1-01.00/


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23 Unlearned Lesson

Memorial Day Of every year lli/ ililill\V lillilillimic.limulillillill The little valiant t T ay / ....2=i»-13.1--00 Flags appear: On every fallen Soldier 's grave-- Symbol of what Each died to save. And we who see Memorial Day And still have breath Are we no wiser For their death7 May 26,2008

Village of Walton Hills, Ohio '. I STAND BEFORE YOU -

@2001 by Roger J. Robicheau, Former SP5 US Army

I stand before you all today MEMORIAL DAY PROGRAM But not one eye can see my way May 26,2008 - 8:00 A.M.

0 1. Introduction by Marlene B. Anielski. 1 & Mayor My time arrived to leave this earth < w,I A fact so planned, to every birth 4< * 2. Keynote Address by State Representative Josh Mandel, USMC Staff Sergeant. * It happened where I had to go f 3. The Raising of the Flag by Boy Scout Troop #575 - residents Zach Cummins, Acting Senior Patrol Leader; My torch for life was so aglow 4. .. James and Kevin Begin; Drew Durdak and Daniel Spitznagel. Coordinated by Assistant Scout Master and I transferred while in uniform Eagle Scout Jeremy Cummins, freedom, through a storm Protecting 4. The singing of our National Anthem by Mark Santoli.

Should I resent I died for you7 5. Pledge of Allegiance by Denny Unville (Army), Ken Jecmen William Allen Robert red, white and blue (Marines), (Navy), Not on my life, Kainsinger (Air Force) and Dave Knapp (Coast Guard).

3. 6. Rifle salute Walton Hills Police Please help my family through each day 011/ by Department. Tell all my friends, try not to stray 7/C 7. Taps by resident Tim Sargent.

And of the country I did love 8. Memorial wreath presented to our departed comrades by residents Dr. Leslie Sheeler (Army), Paul Jablonski above 1 Do think of me, through God (Marihes), David Kapla (Navy), C.J. Barnes (Air Force) and William Ramsey (Coast Guard).

Your memories, brought forth this day 9, Dismissal by Mayor Marlene B. Anielski. Send love to us, who could not stay. Please join us for refreshments in the Community Room. -, - -



A new Stars and Stripes proudly waves on the Village Haillawn. This raised for the American flag was first time at the Village Memorial Day Service.

As he has done for the past many years, Joe Tomcik organized and conducted the early morning Memorial Day Service at the Village Hall. We also have Tomcik to thank for the American flags handed out to residents in attendance at the service. Each year, Tomcik and Catholic War Veterans Post #1812 donate the flags to the people of our village.

Taps were played by Bedford High School seniors Brett Wilms and Howard Irvine. Maple Heights firefighters in dress uniforms demonstrated a precision drill march routine. Mayor Edward Thellmann and Councilmen Pat Day, Bob Kainsinger, Tony Tranchito and Dave Washtock were present at the service.

Cub Scout Pack 958 also attended. This troop, led by Don Gross, meets at Ellenwood Recrea- tion Center. If interested in joining the Boy Scouts, contact Mr. Gross at 439-9592. »_ 1 -, _ ' f'

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' ' . · 2/25, 4; ..# '7'* I I b. - . 1/ 0 Buglers Marcy Gansler & Stacey Tucholski Play Taps 2-33)03 Kainsingers 440. 232.6142 1-16·08 NEWS = about Our MEN in SERVICE At press time the Ow/ has information about EIGHT (8) VILLAGE MEN who CURRENTLY SERVE in one of the branches of the United States Armed Forces. They grew up in Walton Hills or their parents now live in the village. Our thoughts and prayers are with all our troops, and in particular local men who serve our difficult time. country at this

ANDREW HEJL Armv: 2005 - Present Dav ANDREW NEADING Navv: August 2005 - Present Dav Shortly after graduating from Twinsburg High NEADING enlisted in the Navy in August 2005, School, ANDREW HEJL enlisted in the Anny In August shortly after graduating from Trinity High School. He is 2005. Just back from a tour in Kuwait, he is stationed In aboard the U.S.S. Tortuga, based in Sasebo, Japan. With Germany. His family expects him to return to the states in the rank of DCFN, he is a Search and Rescue Swimmer. February of this year, stationed at Fort Knox, Kentucky. Villagers may recall seeing ANDREW during the summer of HEJL is a Combat Medic with the 557'h Ground Ambulance 2004, when he was a Life Guard at Walton Hills Lake. His Unit. His are ANDREW parents and KATHY SARGENT of parents are CHRISTOPHER and JEAN NEADING, Ryan Dr. Shaner Drive and DAVID HEJL who is a Fireman - Paramedic in Summit County. DAVE PHILLIPS Armv: 1981 Present Dav Brigadier General DAVE PHILLIPS, stationed in - BRADLEY HEJL Annv: 2003 Present Dav the Green Zoneof Baghdad Iraq since March of 2007, will BRADLEY HEJL enlismd in the Army in 2003, bein Iraq at least through March of this year. He works soon after from graduating Twinsburg High School. A with General Patraeus as his Army Deputy Provost General. career soldier, he is on active duty in Iraq until July 2009. PHILLIPS mission is b try b improve the effectiveness of With the rank of 42R, he is a SAW Gunner (Squad the Iraqi Mlitary Police and their Rule of Law in Iraq. Automatic Weapon) with the 181 Armored Division based at During his previous tours in Iraq, he commanded the 89th When Camp Speicher, Iraq. BRADLEY Is not on active Military Police Brigade. The 3500 military police in his duty as he is now, he isatumpet player with the Army brigade trained 6000 Iraqi police officers and worked band. His parents are ANDREW and KATHY SARGENT side-by-side with them against terrorist attacks and of Shaner Drive and DAVID HEJL of Summit County. guarded high-value·detainees including former'Iraqi President Saddam Hussein. MICHAEL KUCHTA Air Force: 1986- Present Dav PHILLIPSgrew up in Walton Hills. A member Colonel MIKE KUCHTA Air Force joined the of Walton Hills Boy Scout Troop 417 he became an 22 years ago. He is currently stationed at The Eagle Scout in 1972, and graduated from Bedford High Pentagon as Chief Executive Officer to a General. A School and Bowling Green University. His mother is of Bedford School and graduate High Ohio University, CAROL KITKO of Shaner Drive. DAVE PHILLIPS wife KUCHTA grew up in Walton Hills. parents are His RAY DAWN and'their children live in Texas. and'MARGE KUCMTA of Chestnut Drive. MIKE, his wife KAREN and hisson live just outside Washington, D.C. JASON (LANE) SANTA MARIA Marines: 1997-Present SANTA MARIA is a Career Marine with the rank of KENNETH G. OWENS Marines: 1990 - Present Dav Master Sergeant He has served tours of duty in the Mddle OWENS is a Career Marine with the rank of Major. East and is currently stationed in California. JASON grew up He is a graduate of Walsh Jesuit High School and Kent in Walton Hills and graduated from Bedford High School. He, State University. He enlisted in the Marine-Reserves in1990 his wife HOLLY and their three daughters live in California. and was in the Reserves until 1993 when he went'to ------Officers Candidate School at Quantico. He the joined DONALD WEITZMAN Armv: 2005 - Present Dav Active Reserves in 2005. He served in Bosnia, Kosovo Welcome back, SERGEANT DON WEITZMANI and Iraq. He wasthe Marines Commanding Officer at In mid-January DONALD WEITZMAN completed a 15-month McGill Air Force Base in Tampa. OWENS, his wife tour of duty in Iraq asa Mortar Man. He is back in the STACIE and daughter live in St Louis Missouri where he Is USA, stationed at Fort Hood, Texas for a year a manager at Boeing Aircraft. His parents are DUKE and of advanced training. WEITZMAN recently earned his Sergeant stripes FRAN OWENS of North Meadowpark Drive. i and re-upped. DON grew up In Walton Hills, graduated from Bedford 0 5 High School, a#ended Mount Union College for one year and then enlisted in the Army. His parents, 1 12 JERRY and CAROL WEITZMAN, live on Conelly Drive. 1 1::,ilili:,i:::fifi<*C<*El i, f -„ t. CO INcotiPLET€. \ 3 - 2001 l.(ST)

Kalnsingers 440. 232.6142 ( as of 3-17-2008) OUR VILLAGE SERVICEMEN and VETERANS This list includes EIGHT (8) MEN who are CURRENTLY SERVING OUR COUNTRY and morethan TWO HUNDRED VETERANS. MIlltarv Service Dian or glaved a significant role In the lives of these residents and their families. We extend our healtfelt aggreclation tothose who are Now Serving our Countrv and to our Veterans. If you have additional names or information please contact us.


CARL W. BARBER ZISIMOS GIATIS Air Force C. J. BARNES AIr Force SSGT Law Enf. DENNIS J. GIBBONS Army SPECS 1968-1970 JOHN BELL VICTOR GIGUOm Army JOHN A BILLS JOE GIORDANO Marines CPL Korean Conflict JAMES P. BLAIR Army CPL Korean Conflict RAYMOND GRAMS Army NG ROBERT J. BOKSHON Army JAMES W. GREEN Navy WW-11 1942-1945 BILL BOSWAY Naval AIr Res. 19494958 WILLIAM GREENWELL Army WW-11 RAYMOND J. BRENNER Medical Technician - Pacific RONALD BROWN Viet Nam RONALD S. GULAJSKI JACK BRULlZ 111 Air Force RONALD F. GUNYA MATHEW BUTWINA Army SSGT WW-11 PERRY F. Air Force Germany HACKBART SSGT Army WW41 Panama Canal and Galipagos Island LEROY CECCARDI Marines PFC 1947-1950 NORMAN HANSLIK Army PFC 1951-1953 RICHARD CHARSANKO Army WW-11 PFC FRANK HEGEDUS WW·11 TECHS ALBERT T. CHESNIK Army SSGT WW41 DON HEIMAN Army 194546 REMO E CIFANI Marines CPL 1951-1953 * ANDREW HEJL 2005 - Present Dav CHARLES J. CINBUREK Army Air Corp WW-11 Combat Medic Kuwait / Germany PFC 1943-1945 Currently stationed at Fort Knox, Kentucky JOHN COLLISE MEDDAC Unit Ireland Anny Community Hosp. LUDWIG S. CONELLY Cleveland Grays, * BRADLEY HEJL 2003 - Present Dav Ohio Natl. Guard, Army Brigadler General Amy 42Ri SAW Gunner Currently in Iraq 1903·1945 WW-1 & WW·ll Tour of active duty in Iraq ends July, 2009 RICHARD COOK Amy CPL 1951-1953 DICK HOPKINS Army AIr Force WW-11 DONALD COTTER Navy PN3 1952-1956 FRANK HORWATH Marines 1943-1946 THOMAS J. CROFT Army MD. 1964-1966 P Division-Pacific WW-ll GEORGE HRABAK JIM DANIELS Army SP4 1960-1962 JOHN J. IGNAUT WPCD MSGT JAMES H. DAVIS WILLIAM A DEAK PAUL M. JABLONSKI Marines SGT 1965-1969 MIKE DERNYAR Army Viet Nam War Aviation Ordnance Viet Nam RUSSELL DI CARLO JOSEPH JAJOLA WW-11 SSGT Bronze Star 1960-1962 CARL F. DILL Anny JOHN L JATSEK Army SSGT E-6 19624968 FRANK P. DI MARCO Marines Major 1976.1996 KEN JECMAN Marines SGT E-5 1958-1965 DICK DOWUNG Am9 14 LT 1964.1966 ED ECKERT CPO WW-11 1 OLDf - 12-7-007

INC61'lf(ft'E 0850Lisr Sh 60 H OU) L 1 2-2007 Kainsingers 440.2316142 ( as of 11-2547 ) OUR VILLAGE SERVICEMEN and VETERANS

The Owl staff is trying to compile a complete and accurate list of present and past residents who serve or served in one of the branches of the United States Armed Forces. contact us. If you have information about someone who is omitted from this list please This list is growing. Military Service has glaved a role in the lives of all these residents. We extend our heartfelt aggreciation to those who are Now Serving our Countrv and to our Veterans.

GEORGE ADLER Navy ERNEST A FlnfreN Fo,ToA; Motor Machinistlst Class WW41 ZISIMOS GIATIS Air Force WILLIAM L ALLEN Navy VICTOR GIGUOTTI Anny WILLIAM J. ALLEN Army 1941-1945 WW-11 JOE GIORDANO Marines CPL Korean War BENJAMIN J. ANANEA Marines 19734976 RA™OND GRAMS Army NG MICHAEL ANANEA Navy 1981-1984 JAMES W. GREEN Navy WW-11 1942-1945 DANIEL W. ANNETT Air Force WILLIAM GREENWELL Army WW-11 - LEROY ATKINSON Anny SP/4 1966-1968 Medical Technician Pacific CARL W. BARBER RONALD S. GULAJSKI C. J. BARNES AIr Force SSGT Law Enf. RONALD F. GUNYA JOHN BELL NORMAN HANSUK Army PFC 1951-1953 JOHN A BILLS FRANK HEGEDUS WW-11 TECH5 JAMES P. CPL Korean War DON HEIMAN Army 1945.46 BLAIR Army - ROBERT J. BOKSHON Army ANDREW HEJL 2005 Present Dav BILL BOSWAY Naval Air Res. 1949.1958 Combat Medic Kuwait / Germany RAYMONDJ. BRENNER BRADLEY HEJL 2003 - Present Dav RONALD BROWN Viet Nam Army 42Rl SAW Gunner Currently in Iraq JACK BRULTZ 111 Air Force DICK HOPKINS Army Air Force WW-11 LEROY CECCARDI Marines PFC 1947-1950 FRANK HORWATH Marines 1943-1946 p Division-Pacific WW.11 RICHARD CHARSANKO Army WW-11 PFC ALBERT T. CHESNIK Army SSGT WW-11 GEORGE HRABAK REMO E. CIFANI Marines CPL 1951-1953 JOHN J. IGNAUT WPCD MSGT JOHN COLLISE PAUL M. JABLONSKI LUDWIG S. CONELLY Cleveland Grays, JOSEPH JAJOLA WW-11 SSGT Bronze Star Ohio Natl. Guard, Army Brlgadier General JOHN L JATSEK Army SSGT E-6 1962·1968 1903-1945 WW-1& WW-11 KEN JECMAN Marines SGT E-5 1958.1965 RICHARD COOK Ariny CPL 1951.1953 PHILUP L JOHNSON Army Air Corp. WW-11 DONALD COTTER Navy PN3 1952-1956 8-17 Bomber Pilot 2nd LT THOMAS J. CROFT AMY MD. 1964.1966 CARL JURAN JIM DANIELS Army SP# 1960-1962 ROBERT G. KAINSINGER Air Force JAMES H. DAVIS Airman 1St Class 1951-1955 WILLIAM A DEAK DAVID KAISER Marines 1965-1969 MIKE DERNYAR Army Viet Nam War DAVID J. KAPLA Naval Res. BMC 19661994 RUSSELL DI CARLO JULIUS KARA WW-11& Korean War CARL:F. DILL Army 1960-1962 KENNETH R. KATO FRANK DI MARCO Career Serviceman Major JUUUS S. KEREKES Army M/11-11 MSGT DICK DOWLING Army 1* 11 1964-1966 Gen. Patton's 34 Army HQs ED ECKERT CPO Vm-11 KEN KIBLER Naval Res. WILLIAM FALCON CHESTER J. KIEUSZEK SAM FAZIO DENNIS KLUKAN Navy THOMAS RORE Navy ROBERT J. FIRST DAVID S. KNAPP 1 CHARLES FRANK Army WW.11 RONWALTER KOBYS KI1JKAN Ar' = 7 I OLD j 'AcorA Pl-6 TE Usr .1 5.2005'

Kalnsingers 440. 232.6142 ( as of 5-10-2008) OUR VILLAGE SERVICEMEN and VETERANS This list are CURRENTLY SERVING OUR COUNTRY Includes TEN (10) MEN who and TWO HUNDRED FORTY-EIGHT (248) VETERANS. Military Service glavs or glaved a significant role in the lives of these residents and their families. We extend our heartfelt aggreciation tothose who are Now Serving our Countrv and to our Veterans.

GEORGE ADLER Navy JIM DANIELS Amy SP4 19604962 Motor Machinist 1st Class WW41 JAMES H. DAVIS WILLIAM L ALLEN Navy WILLIAM A DEAK WILLIAM J. ALLEN Army 19414945 WW-11 MIKE DERNYAR Army Viet Nam War BENJAMIN J. ANANEA Marines 1973-1976 RUSSEU DI CARLO MICHAEL ANANEA Navy 1981-1984 CARL F. DILL Anny 1960-1962 DANIEL W. ANNETT AIr Force FRANK P. DI MARCO Marines Major 19764996 TODD ASSAD Air Force DICK DOWLING Army 1* LT 1964-1966 LEROY ATKINSON Anny SP/4 1966-1968 ED ECKERT CPO WW-11 0- WILLIAM FALCON CARL W. BARBER SAM FAZIO C. J. BARNES AIr Force SSGT Law Enf. THOMAS A - FECKO Navy WW-11 * JONATHAN BEGG 2001 Present Dav THOMAS ArmrActlve Ohio National Guard SP ROBERT J.FIOREFIRST Navy rmi Currently In Beaver Creek OH ERNEST A FOLTON Air Force 19474951 * JOSIAH BEGG 2007 - Present Dav CHARLES FRANK Army WW-11 Air Force-Active Ohio Natl. Guard Airman 1St Class ANDY FUHRMEYER Air Force a OH Currently Freshman, Cedarville Univ., Dayton ROGER FUHRMEYER Navy 1953-1957 JOHN BELL JOHN A BILLS Army SGT 1960-1964 ZISIMOS GIATIS AIr Force JAMES P. BLAIR Army CPL Korean Conflict DENNIS J. GIBBONS Army SPEC5 1968-1970 WILLIAM JOHN BOBOWICZ Army SP4 VICTOR GIGUOTTI Army Viet Nam 1971-1974 JOE GIORDANO Marines CPL Korean Conflict ROBERT J. BOKSHON Army RAYMOND GRAMS A ny NG BILL BOSWAY Naval Air Res. 19494958 GILBERT GRAY Army RA™OND J. BRENNER JAMES W. GREEN Navy WW41 1942-1945 RONALD BROWN Viet Nam WILLIAM GREENWELL Amy WW-11 JACK BRULTZ 111 Air Force Medical Technician - Pacific MATHEW BUIWINA Army SSGT WW-11 RONALD S. GULAJSKI Germany RONALD F. GUNYA

LEROY CECCARDI Marines PFC 1947-1950 PERRY F. HACKBART SSGT Army Air Force RICHARD CHARSANKO Army WW-11 PFC WW-11 Panama Canal and Galipagos Island ALBERT T. CHESNIK Army SSGT WW-11 NORMAN HANSUK Anny PFC 1951-1953 REMO E. CIFANI Marines CPL 1951-1953 RICHARD C. HARRIS Army Air Force WW-11 CHARLES J. CINBUREK Army Air Corp WW-11 FRANK HEGEDUS WW-11 TECH5 PFC 1943-1945 DON HEIMAN Anny 1945·46 JOHN COLLISE LUDWIG S. CONELLY Cleveland Grays, * ANDREW HEJL 2005 - Present Dav Ohio Natl. Guard, Army Brigadier General Combat Media Kuwait / Gennany 1903-1945 WW-1& WW-11 Cuintly stationed at Fort Knox, Kentucky RICHARD COOK Army CPL 1951-1953 MEDDAC Unit Ireland Army Community Hosp. DONALD COTTER Navy PN3 1952-1956 * BRADLEY HEJL 2003 - Present Dav THOMAS J. CROFT Army MD. 19644966 Army 42Rl SAW Gunner Currently in Iraq Tour of active duty in Iraq ends July, 2009 Our Gift to the Fallen -2007 Charlie Gragg-

For each soldier that has fallen so that many may stand, We honor their spirit as they pass to t - God's hand: c *" - For without their sacrifice we would live JUD' Mr, .* 1 forever in fear, ST» --24 We pray for their loved ones and provide a salute and a tear: God help us heal the wounds of hate and Memorial Day the misery of war, That is our gift to our fallen heroes that are amongst us no more. May 25,2009

* *

r* Village of Walton Hills, Ohio . MEMORIAL DAY - ' @ 1999 by Michelle Keim, * Commander of Royersford VFW Post 6341 in PA

As we stand here looking at the flags upon these graves, Know these true American brave. flags represent a few of the MEMORIAL DAY PROGRAM for their has They fought country as man through all of time, May 25,2009 - 8:30 AM. Except that these soldiers lying here fought for your country and mine. 1. Introduction by Mayor Marlene B. Anielski. As we all are gathered here to pay them our respect, 2. Keynote Address by State Senator Tom Patton. Let's pass this word to other's - it's what they would expect. 3. The Raising of the Flag by Mark, Marie and Marcus I'm sure that they would do it if it were me or you, Santoli. To show we did not die in vein, but for the red, white and blue. 4. The singing of our National Anthem by Mark Santoli. Let's pass on to our children and to those who never knew, What these soldiers died for - it's the least we can do. 5. Pledge of Allegiance led by residents Donald Cotter (Navy), William Deak (Navy), Holly Koester (Army), and Let's not forget their families' great pain they had to bear, Pete Sakian (Army). Losing a son, father or husband - they need to know we still Veterans' Monument - Deak care. 6. Unveiling of Family.

7. Rifle salute Walton Hills Police No matter which war was fought on the day that they died, by Department. I stand here looking at these flags filled with American pride. 8. Taps by residentllm Sargent So as the bugler plays out Taps with its sweet & eerie sound, 9. Memorial wreath presented to our departed comrades by soldiers lying here ih this hallowed Pray for these sacred, residents Frank Horwath (Marines), Edward Pollock (Air ground. Force), Jack Wurts (Arrny) and Edward Yurko (Navy). 7. em 1 a sense of Marlene B. Anielski. Take home with you pride: .Ce=> 10. Dismissal by Mayor You were here Memorial Day Celebrating the way Americans should ....., Ilad#li I Please join us for refreshments in the Community Room. On this solemnest of days. Kainsingers 440.2316142 5-10·2008 li " Our MEN in SERVICE

P==:=:PThe Walton Hills Owl has information about TEN (10) VILLAGE MEN who CURRENTLY SERVE in one of the branches of the United States Armed Forces. They grew up in Walton Hills or their parents now live in the village. Our thoughts and prayers are with all ourtroops, and in particular local men serving our country.

ANDREW HEJL Armv 2005 - Present Dav Shortly after graduating from Twinsburg High School, ANDREW HEJL enlismd in the Anny in August 2005. After a tour of duty in Kuwait he was in Germany, then in February 2008 he returned to the states and Is currently stationed at Fort Knox, Kentucky. HEJL is a Combat Medic with the 557th Ground Ambulance Unit His parents are ANDREW and KATHY SARGENT of Shaner Drive and DAVID HEJL who is a Rreman Paramedic in Summit County.

BRADLEY HEJL Amw 2003 - Present Dav BRADLEY HEJL enlisted In the Army in 2003, soon a#er graduating ftom Twinsburg High School. A career soldier, he is on active duty in Iraq until July 2009. With the mnk of 42R, he is a SAW Gunner (Squad Automatic Weapon) with the 1St Armored Division based at Camp Speicher, Iraq. When BRADLEY is not on active duly as he is now, he is a trumpet player with the Am y band. His parents are ANDREW and KARY SARGENT of Shaner Drive and DAVID HEJL of Summit County.

MICHAEL KUCHTA Air Force 1986 - Present Dav Colonel MIKE KUCHTA joined the Air Force 22 years ago. He is cunently stationed at The Pentagon as Chief Executive Officer to Geneial Petemon. A giaduate of Bedford High School and Ohio University, KUCHTA grew up in Walton Hills. His parents are RAY and MARGE 1(UCHTA of Chestnut Drive. MIKE, his wife KAREN and his son live just outside Washington, D.C.

ANDREW NEADING Navv August 2005 - Present Dav NEADING enlisted in the Navy in August 2005, shortly a#er graduating from Trinity High School. He is aboard the U.S.S. Tortuga, based in Sasebo, Japan. With the rank of DCFN, he is a Search and Rescue Swimmer. Villagers may reca]1 seeing ANDREW during the summer of 2004, when he was a Life Guard at Walton Hills Lake. His paients are CHRISTOPHER and JEAN NEADING, Ryan Drive.

DAVE PHILLIPS Armv 1981 - Present Dav Brigadier General DAVE PHILLIPS, stationed in the Green Zone of Baghdad Iraq since March of 2007, will be in Iraq at least through March of this year. He works with General Patraeus as his Army Deputy Provost General. PHILLIPS mission is to try to improve the effectiveness of the Iraqi Military Police and their Rule of Law in Iraq. During his previous tours in Iraq, he commanded the 89th Military Police Brigade. The 3500 military police in his brigade ained 6000 Iraqi police officers and worked side-by-side with hm against tenorist attacks and guarded high-value detainees including blmer liaqi President Saddam Hussein. PHILLIPS grew up in Walbon Hills. A member of Walton Hilb Boy Scout Troop 417 he became an Eagle Scout in 1972, and graduated from Bedford High School and Bowling Green University. His mother is CAROL KITKO of Shaner Drive. DAVE PHILLIPS wife DAWN and their children live in Texas.

JASON (LANEI SANTA MARIA Marines 1997-Present SANTA MARIA is a Career Marine with the rank of Mashr Sergeant He hasseived tours ofduty inthe and is currently stationed in California JASON grew up in Wah Hms and graduated from Bedford High School. He, his wife HOLLY and theirthree daughters live in California.

DONALD WEITZMAN Armv 2005 - Present Dav Welcome back, SERGEANT DON WEITZMAN! In mid.January of 2008, DONALD WEITZMAN completed a 15-month tour of duty in Iraq as a Mortar Man. He is back in the USA staoned at Fort Hood, Texas for a yearof advanced training. WEITZMAN recently earned his Sergeant stiipes and re-upped. DON grew up in Walbon Hills, graduated hom Bedford High School, attended Mount Union College forone yearand then enlisted in the Amg. His parents, JERRY and CAROL WEITZMAN, live on Conelly Drive. i (continued. Daae 2) Our MEN in SERVICE

JONATHAN BEGG Armv - Active Ohio National Guard 2001 - Present Day A few months after entering Cedarville University in Dayton OH, In 2001 BEGG enrolled in the Army National Guard. He is now 26 years old, a graduate of Cedarville University working with Stanley Hardware in Beaver Creek OH, and is on call to serve his country with the rank of Army Specialist. JONATHAN graduated from Orange Christian Academy in 2000. His parents are RICHARD and JOYCE BEGG of Walton Road.

JOSIAH BEGG Air Force- Active Ohio National Guard 2007- Present Dav As a freshman entering Cedarville University in Dayton OH with a major of Criminal Justice, in 2007 BEGG joined the Airforce Active'National Guard. He is now 19 yearsold and holds the rank of Airman 151 Class. Uke his older brother, JOSIAH is on call to serve. He was a 2007 high school graduate who was home-schooled. His parents are RICHARD and JOYCE BEGG of Walton Road.

KENNETH G. OWENS Marines - Active Reserves 1990 - Present Dav OWENS is a Career Marine with the rank of Major. He is a graduate of Walsh Jesuit High School and Kent State University. He enlisted in the Marine-Reserves in1990 and was in the Reserves until 1993 when he went to Omcers Candidate School at Quantico. He joined the Active Reserves in 2005. He seived in Bosnia, Kosovo and Iraq. He was the Marines Commanding Officer at McGill Air Force Base in Tampa. OWENS, his wife STACIE and daughter live in St Louis Missouri where he isa manager at Boeing Aircraft. His parents are DUKE and FRAN OWENS of North Meadowpark Drive.

- r Kainsingers 440. 232.6142 ( as of 5-2009) OUR VILLAGE SERVICEMEN and VETERANS This list Includes TEN (10) MEN who are CURRENTLY SERVING OUR COUNTRY and TWO HUNDRED FIFTY-SIX (256) VETERANS Militarv Service glavs or piaved a significant role in the lives of these residents and their families We extend our heartfelt aggreciation to those who are Now Serving our Countrv and to our Veterans

GEORGE ADLER Navy LUDWIG S. CONELLY Cleveland Grays, Motor Machinist 1st Class WW-11 Ohio Natl. Guard, Army Brigadier General WILLIAM L ALLEN Navy 1903-1945 WW-1& WW-11 WILLIAM J. ALLEN Army 1941-1945 WW-11 RICHARD COOK Army CPL 1951-1953 BENJAMIN J. ANANEA Marines 1973-1976 DONALD COTTER Navy PN3 1952-1956 MICHAEL ANANEA Navy 1981-1984 THOMAS J. CROFT Amy MD. 1964-1966 DANIEL W. ANNETT Air Force TODD ASSAD AIr Force JIM DANIELS Army SP4 1960-1962 JAMES H. DAVIS LEROY ATKINSON Anny SP4 1966-1968 WILLIAM A DEAK Navy Fireman 1st Class CARL W. BARBER 1948-1952 Battleship New Jersey and C. J. BARNES AIr Force SSGT Law Enf. 2 Destroyers * JONATHAN BEGG 2001 - Present Dav MIKE DERNYAR Army Viet Nam War ArmrActive Ohio National Guard SP RUSSELL DI CARLO Currently in Dayton OH CARL F. DILL Army 1960-1962 * JOSIAH BEGG 2007 - Present Dav FRANK P. DI MARCO Marines Major 1976-1996 Alr Force-Active Ohio Natl. Guard Airman let Class DICK DOWLING Army 14 LT 1964-1966 Currently a Junior at Kent State Univ. JOHN BELL ED ECKERT CPO WW-11 JOHN A SGT 1960-1964 BILLS Army WILLIAM FALCON JAMES P. CPL Korean Conflict BLAIR Army SAM FAZIO WILLIAM JOHN BOBOWICZ Army SP4 THOMAS A FECKO Navy Viet Nam 1971-1974 THOMAS FIORE Navy Wlmil ROBERT J. BOKSHON Army ROBERT J. FIRST BILL BOSWAY Naval Air Res. 1949-1958 ERNEST A FOLTON AIr Force 1947-1951 LEONARD G. BRENNER Army WW-11 CHARLES FRANK Army WW-11 Private lst Class 465 Field Pacific, Altillery Div. ANDY FUHRMEYER Air Force Cannoneer, in charge of 18-man crew ROGER FUHRMEYER Navy 1953-1957 RAYMOND J. BRENNER Army WW-11 D-Day Invasion, 29th Division JOSEPH D. GAZDIK Army 1963-1969 RONALD BROWN VIet Nam ZISIMOS GIATIS AIr Force JACK BRULTZ Ill Air Force DENNIS J. GIBBONS Anny SP5 1968.1970 MATHEW BUTWINA Amiy SSGT WW-11 VICTOR GIGUOTTI Army Germany JOE GIORDANO Marines CPL Korean Conflict RAYMOND GRAMS Army NG TOM CASHMAN Army SGT 1966·1969 GILBERT GRAY Army VIet Nam JAMES W. GREEN Navy WW-11 1942-1945 LEROY CECCARDI Marines PFC 1947-1950 WILUAM GREENWEU Army WW-11 RICHARD CHARSANKO Army WW-11 PFC Medical Technician - Pacific ALBERT T. CHESNIK Army SSGT WW.ll RONALD S. GULAJSKI REMO E CIFANI Marines CPL 1951-1953 RONALD F. GUNYA CHARLES J. CINBUREK Army Air Corp WW-11 PFC 1943-1945 PERRY F. HACKBART SSGT Army Air Force ROBERT M. CLEMENTS Army AIr Force WW-11 WW-11 Panama Canal and Galipagos Island 1941-1945 Tech. Sgt Comunlcations Pacific NORMAN HANSLIK Army PFC 1951-1953 JOHN COLLISE RICHARD C. HARRIS Army Air Force WW-11 ( as of 5-2009) elmOUR VILLAGE SERVICEMEN and VETERANS * - FRANK HEGEDUS WW.11 TECHS MICHAEL KUCHTA 1986 Present Dav DON HEIMAN Army 1945-46 AIr Force Colonel Currently at Pentagon * ANDREW HEJL 2005- Present Dav RAYMOND G. KUCHTA Army SFC 1948.49 1950-53 Combat Medic Kuwait/Germany GEORGE H. LAUTANEN Currently stationed at Fort Knox, Kentucky JOSEPH LAVRENCIK Amy 1943-1947 MEDDAC Unit, Ireland Army Community Hosp. DONALD J. PFC 1951·1953 * BRADLEY HEJL 2003 - Present Dav LEONHARDT, SR. Army FRANK F. LERCHBACHER Army CPL 1951-1953 Army 42R/ SAW Gunner Served 16 months in Iraq Korean Conflict Currently serving in Wiesbaden, Germany JAMES A. SP4 1964-1966 DICK HOPKINS Anny Air Force WW-11 LYNCH Anny FRANK HORWATH Marines 1943-1946 LEONARD MADEJ Heart WW.11 p Division-Pacific WW-ll Army Purple RICHARD MADEJ Army WW-11 GEORGE HRABAK NICK MAGGIO Army Air Force 1942-1945 WW·11 RALPH MAGGIO JOHN J. IGNAUT WPCD MSGT JOSEPH G. MAIRE Army CPL 1953-55 PAUL M. JABLdNSKI Marines SGT 1965.1969 RONALD MANCINI Army 1959-1963 Aviation Ordnance VIet Nam JAMES C. MARAS Army 1952-1954 Germany JOSEPH JAJOLA WW.11 SSGT Bronze Star JEROME MARDIGIAN Marines JOHN L. JATSEK Am,y SSGT E-6 1962-1968 JOSEPH P. MARINO Army PFC 1942-1945 WW-11 847 Bomber Pilot 2nd LT WILLIAM MARSHALL Army CPL 1953-1954 KEN JECMAN Marines SGT E-5 1958-1965 Korean Conflict PHILLIP I. JOHNSON Army Air Corp. WW-11 EUGENE MATIA Navy WW-11 & Korean Conflict CARLJURAN 34 Class Petty Officer 1943.1950 JOE MAZZONE ROBERT G. KAINSINGER Air Force TONY MAZZONE WW.11 672 AMTRAC Airman 1St Class 1951-1955 JOHN MC DONALD USNR Seabees E5 DAVID KAISER Marines 1965-1969 Construction Battallion DAVID KAPLA Naval Res. BMC 1966.1994 DAVID MC LEAN Natl, Guard JULIUS KARA WW-11 and Korean Conflict ROBERT MC LEAN Navy Great Lakes KENNETH R. KATO 1941-1944 ' GAREN KELLEY Marine WW-11 CHARLES MC NAMEE Air Force SSGT 1942-1946 2nd Div. South Pacific Bronze Star DALE MC RITCHIE Army SP4 1956-1958 JULIUS S. KEREKES Anny WW.11 MSGT FRANK MENTI USAF AIrman 1St Class 1960-1964 Gen. Patton's 3rd Army HQs FRED MIAVITZ, JR. Army Iraq: KEN KIBLER Naval Res. EARL MILLER Army Engineers Corp. 1953-1955 CHESTER J. KIELISZEK Korean War DELMAR KIRK Army WW-1 JAMES G. MINICHBAUER Army Air Corp. WW-11 1954-1958 ROY KIRK Air Force RUSSELL W. MONE Navy WW-11 NORMAN L. KIRSCHNICK Army SP4 Viet Nam W. GLENN MOORE Korean Conflict 1952-1954 196&1967 2 Purple Hearts CPL Anti-Aircraft Gun COMDR DENNIS KLUKAN Navy GEORGE MROZ Army RON KLUKAN Army * DAVID S. KNAPP ANDREW NEADING August 2005 - Present Dav WALTER KOBYS Navy DCFN Search and Rescue Swimmer HOLLY KOESTER Anny CPT 1981-1991 Currently based at Sasebo Japan ED G. KOHN Aimy PFC 1941-1945 WW-11 FREDERICK NEILSEN, JR. Army WW-11 JOSEPH KOLIS WW-1 Bronze Cross 601St Ordnance Battalion North Africa RAYMOND A KOUS AIr Force 1954-1958 DEWM NOETH Army WW-11 Geodetic Computer ARTHUR F. KOMOROWSKI Anti-Aircraft Division EDWARD D. KOPINSKY Army MP 194648 ALLAN J. OCHWAT ALAN R. KOVAR Air Force 1st LT 1954-58 1962-65 EUGENE H. TERRY J. KOZAK ORENSKI Navy BRIAN P. ORGANISCAK Marines THOMAS KRAKOWSKI Army SGT let Class FRANCIS W. ORGANISCAL JR. Marines ( as of 5-2009) < OUR VILLAGE SERVICEMEN and VETERANS FRANCIS W. ORGANISCAK, SR. Army BENEDICT J. SAINA Marines JOSEPH A ORITI HARRY F. SAINA FAYEOTTAVIANO WAC WW-11 PETE SAKIAN Army CPL 1951-1953 GEORGE OTTAVIANO Army WW-11 JAMES A. SALAMON, JR. Naval Air Force * KENNETH G. OWENS 1990 - Present Dav LT.Cmdr. Viet Nam * - Marines-Active Reserves Major JASON CLANE) SANTA MARIA 1997 Present Dav Served in Bosnia, Kosovo, Iraq; now in USA Career Marine MSGT Tours of Duty in Middle East Currently stationed In California BENJAMIN PACE Army WW.11 ETO RAYMOND D. SANTOU Army Air Corp WW-11 ALAN L PALGUT Army SP4 Viet Nam DAN SAUNDERS Air Force Korean Conflict JOSEPH PALGUT Anny Sgt WW-11 CLIFFORD R. SCHORPP, JR. Viet Nam War UT3 KENNETH J. PALGUT Marines Sgt. Viet Nam LESUE R. SHEELER Army Major 1974.1976 DAVID PALIK Army SP4 1955-1959 Reserves ALVIN SILBAUGH Navy 1956 Active Duty CHARLES G. SLABY ALFRED R. PANKRATZ JOHN PAUL SLEEMAN Army MSGT WW-11 JOSEPH C. PEKAR Navy LT Senior Grade WW-11 JEFFREY W. SMITH Army LTC 1963-1991 Viet Nam STEVE C. PETRANEK Army SP4 1965-1967 EDMUND P. SONTOWSKI WW-11 * DAVE PHILLIPS 1981 - Present Dav JAMES SORNA 107th Ohio Natl. Guard 1963-1969 - Army Brigadler General 2 Tours Total of KEITH SORNA Navy 19974001 DD 968 Redford 31 months in Iraq; Currently Commander of ALBERT SPOTO Fort Leonard Wood, in Missouri HENRY SRAMEK Army Air Force SGT JOSEPH PIDALA KEN STANOSZEK Ohio Natl. Guard SGT 1972-1978 CHARLES PATTON PIKE Coast Guard MICHAEL STASKO Army AIr Corp SSGT DONALD B. PLISKE Army Korean Conflict WW·11 1942-1945 EDWARD J. POLLOCK STEVEN STERPKA Marines 1953-1956 Reserves ROBERT PONIKVAR ONG, Army, Army BILL ST. JOHN Anmy 1951-1953 SP4 1957-1963 JAMES STONE CPL WW-11 Pacific, Panama Canal WALTER J. PRACEJUS DONALD M. STUCKY Navy WW-11 Fireman FC KENNETH H. PROVANCE USS Rocky Mount Flagship 7'h Fleet Asiatic Pacific STEVE SURACE Anny SSGT 1943-1945 WW.11 JOHN J. RADA JR. Army Reserves SP4 JOSEPH W. SVOBODA Army 1950-1953 Korean Con. BILL RAMSEY Coast Guard EB 1980-2001 JOSPEH REBOUDO Army Ohio Natl. Guard EDWARD L THELLMANN Navy 1945.1946 THOMAS W. REMING Army SP5 1969-1972 VERNON THIELE HUBERT F. RENAU Anny SP4 1957-1959 RAYMOND D. TINTER PAUL S. REYNOLDS Army Aviation Section SGT JOE TOMCIL JR. Korean Conflict 1954-1956 CYRIL TOMONDY Amy SGT 1952-1954 Korea CORKER RHINES Navy RMCS JOHN W. TOBUREN Army Corporal -1946 1976-1977 MARGE RHINES 1st Naval Ombudsman FRED TRIBUZZO Navy SSC WW-11 & Korea USS Eisenhower EDDIE TRZECIAK MICHAEL RICCO Army SPS 1965=1967 Viet Nam EDWARD RICHER Navy WW-11 Chief Petty Officer ROBERT G. VILD Navy WW-11 1944.1946 RONALD RICHER Navy Viet Nam Mortar Machinist Mate 3rd Class 0 AMIRS WILLIAM ROBERTSON Air Force PHILIP VISOCKY Anny 1968.1971 STEVEN ROMANIK Army SSGT 1942-1945 WW-11 MICHAEL J. VLASEK Army WW-1 FRANKLIN R. ROMITO LEROY L VLK Army CPL RALPH E RUCKART AOAN Navy 1950-1954 ROBERT F. VOGLER 1961-1963 Korean Conflict WILLIAM A PFC 1956-1957 AlTILIO A RUSSO Army CPL 1952-1954 Korea WAGNER Army JOSEPH C. RUSSO JOSEPH L WALTERS Navy 1944 - 1946 Mortar Machinist Mate 34 Class RANDYSABO JEFFERSON WALTON Civil War THOMAS R. SABO Navy Mach.lst Class WW-ll 128th Regiment Ohio Volunteer Infantry ROBERT SAGULA, SR. Navy then Anny CPI. WILLIAM D. WARDLE WW-11 and Korean Conflict KURT WARNKE Army SP4 1971-1973 (as of 5-2009) 2.OUR VILLAGE SERVICEMEN and VETERANS

MYRON WARNKE DAVID WASHTOCK Army TC 1St LT 1961-1963 FRANCIS WEILAND Army Korean Conflict LAWRENCE WEIMER * DONALD WEITZMAN 2005 - Present Dav Army Mortar Man ES-SGT Currently stationed in Iraq - 2nd tour in Iraq JEROME M. WEITZMAN Army SP5 1969-1972 EDWARD W. WERDEN WILBUR F. WHITMER Navy WILLIAM WIESE Army 1950-1953 Korean Con. PHILLIP WILLIAMSON Navy 195&1957 \ HOMER WILLS Navy 1941-1945 WW-11 JACK WISE Army CPL 1951-1953 Korean Conflict JOSEPH F. WOLLET Infantry WW.11 SSGT 75'h Inf. Battle of the Bulge Purple Heart Silver Star DEARL R. WOODARD Army SP4 1960-1962 WILLIAM WRIGHT kmy JACK E. WURTS Army Air Corps 1943-1947 WW-11 Aleutian AIr Command ROBERT WYSOCKI

THOMAS G. YOUNG Aimy WW-ll EDWARD YURKO Navy & Naval Res. 1942.1946 Aviation AMMI

ROBERT E. ZAMOS Army AntiAircraft Div. WW.11 CINDY BRULTZ ZIMMERMAN Army r--Z=. , - Eagle adds finishing 2, '

touch to monument 1-- .5-/4-2007 · ., ,=e'' By Robert Nozar of Bill and Jean Deak. Fur, 165.-, - £43, . thermore, they were glad, .. · ' 0

he n l ee o roafnV l Deak, who i a"veteranofthe. .: ' ".«,= ' z 'f,» »« r U S Navy It gives us great ' ,..- , ,- . - . 1, 0. R..... f.* . Hall for slightly more, than a . ' Joy to make this donation." " ... .1 year. But since it was put in ,. 4 f Marlene Anielski : : place, nearly everyone has Mayor wanted to see it adorned with said the symbolism of the ea- =Al ... . aa an eagle to symbolize the gle takes on added importance , .. , .' 144$ 4 N 9 .:-1 . 2 - .9 .- U · .· · .1 in a time wh n the COUntry'S· 2 :'' '' '" '- '' ' 1 ..: 2.f ..'·.'t • ·., ' ...». r:, , :, country's strength. , . It just so happened that an armed forces are in two wars. , - - , WALTON HILLS PHOTO L eagle that would'be perfect "The residents 8f Walton The eagle thatnested for more than 40 years in the home of Jean and Bill for the monuinent already Hills are always concerned i Deak has found a new home on the Armed Forces monument on Walton , AB existed' and was in the home ' See EAGLE, Hills Village Hall prgperty. Bill Deak said neither he EAGLE nor his wife can remember where knd when the ' exactly i From Al ,' eagle came into their poses- sion. He. said that in the past with those Who are in the mili- they often traveled to art and and with tary Memorial Day antique dhows.,He can't re- approaching I am glad to see member the cost. 7 the eagle finally take its posil t , tion of tribute," Anielski said. I "We' are' not certain where "I would like·to thank the it came from, but we.will al- Deaks on behalf of the village ,ways know where·it is and and our veterans." · where it will stay," he said.

Guest Speaker: Mr. Julius Kerekes -Walton Hills Veteran of World War 2, served under General Patton Memorial Day George Wreath Presenter: Mr. Ralph Maggio - Ceremony . Veteran of World War 2, served under , General George Patton Monday, May 30, 2011 8:30 a.m. Guest Vocalist: Ms. Mindy Callahan TMG National Recording Artist Walton Hills Village Hall 7595 Walton Road

„-,»,.....-,„ --...111...... 11.11.'. -- -- r------402 I -- I L-/SER-1- JA,FLA,5.- TWE 200 7 y --Walton Hills Veterans Memorial - + . li Supports a New Eagle 1

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Bill and Jean Deak by the Veterans Memorial The new eagle on the Walton Hills Veterans Memorial was donated by Bill and Jean Deak and their family. The eagle was acquired years ago on one of Bill and Jean's many forays to antique shops. What a wonderful tribute to Veterans living in Walton Hills and those who served and passed away. The Deaks were very excited to have their eagle install for the Veteran's Day affair in Walton Hill licheduled at 8:30 AM on Monday, May 25th. Mike Hopkins, Chuck Slaby and Carr Brothers directed, worked and pro- (Veterans continued on page 8) - .-Ild.Ii -Ii-. - -, --„.-- -- Z ZZL - -=- Veterans Day

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. f i/ = 64. VETERANS DAY f November 11,2009 - 12:00 p.m.

1. Introduction by Mayor Marlene B. Anielski.

THOUGHTS ON VETERANS DAY 2. Pledge of Allegiance led by Officer Joseph A. Morgan - former Sergeant, U.S. Army. General Douglas MacArthur 3. National Anthem performed by resident Tim Sargent. It is the SOLDIER, not the reporter, who 4. Comments Marlene B. Anielski. has given us freedom of the press. by Mayor 5. Resident "Army Mom," Kathy Sargent, reads her It is the SOLDIER, not the poet, who has entry from the book "Love You More Than You given us freedom of speech. Know - Mothers' Stories About Sending Their Sons and Daughters to War." It is the the SOLDIER, not campus 6. "They Did Their Share," a poem read by Councilman organizers, who has given us the freedom Les Sheeler - former Major, U.S. Army. to demonstrate. 7. Shared experiences from veterans. It is the SOLDIER who salutes the flag, who 8. Unveiling of Veterans' Monument plague. serves the flag, and whose coffin is draped by the flag, who allows the protester to 9. Moment of silence and presentation of memorial wreath to our departed veterans by resident Army burn the flag. Veteran Ronald Klukan.

AMEN. 10. Dismissal. Please join us for refreshments in the Community Room. THE FALLEN SOLDIER

c. 1993 Patricia Krull (IKAXIA...00.. /111:104--0000/ Don't weep for me iwia #-0/,0.- 0' Land of the free ,"Pillillililih--- When it was my time to fall 4/,1- ' Twas f or my country' s call 11.1 L:,& == m t" ·- n eme 1/*1"* ' Twas for the land that I loved, \ 4 -9 '19=1, .-p-,-1'11 That I gave my all. And for the land that I loved, I did freely give And in her freedom Memorial Day And her courage I' 11 continue to live. May 31, 2010 =

Village of Walton Hills, Ohio - flMEMORIAL DAY il u C.W. Johnson We walked among the crosses Where our fallen soldiers lay, And listened to the bugle MEMORIAL DAY PROGRAM As TAPS began to play. May 31, 2010 - 8:00 A.M. The Chaplin led a prayer 1. introduction by Mayor Marlene B. Anielski. We stood with heads bowed low, And I thought of fallen comrades 2. Keynote Address by resident Holly Koester, retired U.S. I had known so long ago. Army Veteran. They came from every city 3. The Raising of the Flag by Marie and Marcus Santoli and Across this fertile land, Officer Russ Vodila. That we might live in freedom. 4. The sihging of our National Anthem by Mark Santoli. ' They lie here neath the sand. aull of resident Veterans I felt a little guilty 5. Pledge Allegiance led by Roger Fil"ilhlwzill- Fuhrmeyer (Navy), Paul Jablonski (Marines) and Tom was small, -Im.=:'- .-- My sacrifice .di/-1--- Reming (Army). I only lost a little time - /61- 6. Rifle salute by Officers Steve Davis, Debbie Gasper and But these men lost their all. Tom Koth. Now the services are over 7. Taps by resident Tim Sargent. For this Memorial bay, To the names upon these crosses 8. Memorial wreath presented to our departed comrades by I just want to say, resident Veterans David Kaiser (Marines), Steve Pefranek (Army) and Phil Williamson (Navy). Thanks for what you've given No one could ask for more, 9. "Memorial Day" read by Mayor Marlene B. Anielski. May you rest with God in Heaven Please join us for refreshments in the Community Room. From now through evermore. Kainsingers 440. 232.6142 ( as of 10-2010) OUR VILLAGE SERVICEMEN and VETERANS


MIlltarv Service glavs or played a significant role in the lives of these past and gresent residents and their families We extend our heartfelt aggreciation tothose who are Now Serving our Country and to our Veterans If vou know of additional servicemen or veterans. please contact us. With vour helg. everv resident who serves and served in the militarv will be on this list

GEORGE ADLER Navy CHARLES J. CINBUREK Army Air Corp WW-11 Motor Machinist 1st Class WW.11 PFC 1943-1945 WILLIAM L ALLEN Navy ROBERT M. CLEMENTS Army Air Force WW-11 WILLIAM J. ALLEN Army 1941-1945 WW-11 1941-1945 Tech. Sgt Comunications Pacific BENJAMIN J. ANANEA Marines 1973-1976 JOHN COLLISE MICHAEL ANANEA Navy 1981-1984 LUDWIG S. CONELLY Cleveland Grays, DANIEL W. ANNETT Air Force Ohio Natl. Guard, Army Brigadier General TODD ASSAD Air Force 1903-1945 WW-1 & WW-11 LEROY ATKINSON Army SP4 1966-1968 RICHARD COOK Army CPL 1951-1953 DONALD COTTER Navy PN3 1952-1956 CARL W. BARBER THOMAS J. CROFT Army MD. 1964-1966 C. J. BARNES Air Force SSGT Law Enf. - * JOSIAH BEGG 2007 Present Dav JIM DANIELS Army SP4 1960-1962 Air Force-Active Ohio Air Natl. Guard Staff Sgt JAMES H. DAVIS Currently a Senior at Kent State University WILLIAM A DEAK Navy Fireman 1st Class JOHN BELL 1948-1952 Battleship New Jersey and JOHN A BILLS Army SGT 1960-1964 2 Destroyers JAMES P. BLAIR Army CPL Korean Conflict MIKE DERNYAR Army Viet Nam War WILLIAM JOHN BOBOWICZ Army SP4 RUSSELL DI CARLO Viet Nam 1971-1974 CARL F. DILL Army 1960-1962 ROBERT J. BOKSHON Army FRANK P. DI MARCO Marines Major 1976-1996 BILL BOSWAY Naval AIr Res. 1949-1958 DICK DOWLING Army 1St LT 1964-1966 LEONARD G. BRENNER Army WW-11 Private 1st Class Pacific, 465 Field Artillery Div. ED ECKERT CPO WW-11 Cannoneer, in charge of 18-man crew WILLIAM FALCON RAYMOND J. BRENNER Army WW-11 SAM FAZIO D-Day Invasion, 29th Division THOMAS A RONALD BROWN Viet Nam FECKO Navy WW-11 THOMAS JACK BRULTZ 111 Air Force FIORE Navy ROBERT J. FIRST MATHEW BUTWINA Anny SSGT WW-11 ERNEST A FOLTON Air Force 1947-1951 Germany CHARLES FRANK Army WW-11 TOM CASHMAN Army SGT 1966-1969 ANDY FUHRMEYER Air Force Viet Nam ROGER FUHRMEYER Navy 1953-1957 LEROY CECCARDI Marines PFC 1947-1950 JOSEPH D. GAZDIK Anny 1963-1969 RICHARD CHARSANKO Army WW.11 PFC ZISIMOS GIATIS Air Force ALBERT T. CHESNIK Army SSGT WW-11 DENNIS J. GIBBONS Army SP5 1968-1970 REMO E. CIFANI Marines CPL 1951-1953 - VICTOR GIGLIOTTI Army JOE GIORDANO Marines CPL Korean Conflict RAYMOND GRAMS Army NG GILBERT GRAY Army 91/A Kainsingers 440.2316142 ( as of 10-2010) OUR VILLAGE SERVICEMEN and VETERANS Page 2 JAMES W. GREEN Navy WW-11 19424945 NORMAN L KIRSCHNICK Army SP4 Viet Nam WILLIAM GREENWELL Army WW-11 19654967 2 Purple Hearts Medical Technician -Pacific DENNIS KLUKAN Navy RONALD S. GULAJSKI RON KLUKAN Anny RONALDF. GUNYA DAVID S. KNAPP WALTER KOBYS PERRY F. AIr Force HACKBART SSGT Army HOLLY KOESTER Am,y CPT 1981-1991 WW41 Panama Canal and Island Galipagos ED G. KOHN Army PFC 1941-1945 WW41 HALLARAN, THOMAS Navy PFC WWII JOSEPH KOUS WW-1 Bronze Cross South Pacific RAYMOND A KOLIS AIr Force 1954·1958 NORMAN HANSLIK Army PFC 19514953 ARTHUR F. KOMOROWSKI RICHARD C. Air Force WW41 HARRIS Army EDWARD D. KOPINSKY Army MP 194&48 FRANK HEGEDUS WW41 TECHS ALAN R KOVAR Air Force 14 LT 195*58 196245 DON HEIMAN Army 194546 - TERRY J. KOZAK * ANDREW HEJL 2005 Present Dav THOMAS KRAKOWSKI Army SGT 1st Class Combat Media Sgt Smved in Kuwait and * MICHAEL KUCHTA 1986 - Present Dav Germany Currently at Fort Knox, Kentucky Air Force Colonel Currently at Pentagon * BRADLEY HEJL 2003 - Present Dav RA™OND G. KUCHTA Army SFC 1948-49 1950-53 Army 42R/ SAW Gunner -Bandsman Currently seiving 2nd Tour in Iraq wilst Armored Div. GEORGE H. LAUTANEN DICK HOPKINS Ariny Air Force WW-11 JOSEPH LAVRENCIK Amy 1943-1947 FRANK HORWATH Marines 1943-1946 DONALD J. LEONHARDT, SR. Army PFC 1951-1953 p Division-Pacific WW-11 FRANK F. LERCHBACHER Army CPL 1951-1953 GEORGE HRABAK Korean Conflict JAMES A LYNCH Army SP4 1964-1966 JOHN J. IGNAUT WPCD MSGT LEONARD MADEJ Amy Purple Heart WW41 PAUL M. JABLONSKI Marines SGT 1965·1969 RICHARD MADEJ Army WW-11 Aviation Ordnance Viet Nam NICK MAGGIO Army Air Force 1942-1945 WW-11 JOSEPH JAJOLA WW-11 SSGT Bronze Star RALPH MAGGIO JOHN E-6 19624968 L JATSEK Army SSGT JOSEPH G. MAIRE Amm CPL 195345 8-17 Bomber Pilot 2nd LT RONALD MANCINI Army 1959-1963 KEN JEC&IAN Madnes SGT E-5 1958-1965 JAMES C. MARAS Army 1952-1954 Germany PHILLIP I. JOHNSON Army Air Corp. WW-11 JEROME MARDIGIAN Marines CARL JURAN JOSEPH P. MARINO Army PFC 1942-1945 WW41 ROBERT G. KAINSINGER Air Force WILLIAN MARSHALL Army CPL 1953·1954 Korean Conflict Airman 1* Class 1951-1955 EUGENE & Korean Conflict DAVID KAISER Marines 1965·1969 MATIA Navy WW·11 ORicer 19434950 DAVID KAPLA Naval Res. BMC 1966-1994 3,d Class Petty JOE MAZZONE JULIUS KARA WW-11 and Korean Conflict TONY MAZZONE WW-11 672 AMTRAC KENNETH R. KATO JOHN MC DONALD USNR Seabees ES GAREN KELLEY Marine WW-11 Construction BattallIon 2w Div. South Pacific Bronze Star DAVID MC LEAN Nall. Guard JUUUS S. KEREKES Army WW-11 MSGT ROBERT MC LEAN Gen. Patton's 34 Army HQs Navy Great Lakes 19414944 KEN KIBLER Naval Res. CHARLES MC NAMEE Air Force SSGT 1942-1946 CHESTER J. KIELISZEK DALE MC RITCHIE Army SP4 19564958 DELMAR KIRK Army WW4 FRANK MENTI USAF Airman 1* Class 19604964 ROY KIRK Air Force 19544958 FRED MIAVITZ, JR. Army Iraq: Gulf War Kainsingers 440.232.6142 ( as of 10-2010) OUR VILLAGE SERVICEMEN and VETERANS Page3 EARL MILLER Army Engineers Corp. 19534955 WALTER J. PRACEJUS Korean War KENNETH H. PROVANCE JAMES G. MINICHBAUER Army Air Corp. WW41 RUSSELL W. MONE Navy WW-11 JOHN J. RADA JR. Army Reserves SP4 W. GLENN MOORE Korean Conflict 19524954 BILL RAMSEY Coast Guard EB 1980-2001 CPL Anti-AIrcraft Gun COMDR JOSPEH REBOUDO Anny Ohio Nall. Guard GEORGE MROZ Anny THOMAS W. REMING A,my SPS 1969-1972 HUBERT F. RENAU Anny SP4 1957-1959 * ANDREW NEADING August 2005 - Present Dav PAUL & REYNOLDS Anny Aviation Section SGT Navy DCFN Search and Rescue Swliner 19541956 Currently based at Sasebo Japan (2009 data) CORI(ER RHINES Navy RMCS FREDERICK NEILSEN, JR. Anny WW-11 MARGE RHINES 1* Naval Ombudsman 1976-1977 601•t Ordnance Battalion North Africa USS Eisenhower * KYLE June 2010 - Present Dav MICHAEL RICCO Army SPS 1965-1967 Viet Nam Marine Corps, PFC, School of Infantry, Camp Lejeune EDWARD RICHER Navy WW-11 Chief Petty Officer DEWITr NOETH Army WW.11 Geodetic Computer RONALD RICHER Navy Viet Nam Anti-Aircraft Division /*fEffEaM- WILLIAM ROBERTSON Air Force < Q STEVEN ROMANIK Am,y SSGT 1942.1945 WW-11 ALLAN J. OCHWAT EUGENE H. FRANKLIN R. ROMITO ORENSKI Navy RALPH E RUCKART AOAN Navy 19504954 BRIAN P. ORGANISCAK Marines 112 ::a Korean Confict FRANCIS W. ORGANISCAK JR. Marines --- AmLIO A RUSSO Army CPL 19524954 Korea FRANCIS W. ORGANISCAK, SR. Army JOSEPH C. RUSSO JOSEPH A ORm FAYEOTTAVIANO WAC WW-11 RANDY SABO GEORGE OTTAVIANO Army WW.11 THOMAS R. SABO Navy Mach.18t Class WW-11 * KENNETH G. OWENS 1990 - Present Dav ROBERT SAGULA SR. Navy then Army CPI. Marines·Active Reserves Major WW-11 and Korean Conflict Smved In Bosnia, Kosovo, Iraq; now in USA BENEDICT J. SAINA Marines (2009 data) HARRY F. SAINA PETE SAKIAN Army CPL 1951-1953 ETO BENJAMIN PACE Army WW-11 JAMES A SALA&ION, JR. Naval Air Force ALAN L PALGUT Army SP4 Viet Nam LT.Cmdr. VIet Nam JOSEPH PALGUT Army Sgt WW-11 * JASON (LANE) SANTA MARIA 1997 - Present Dav KENNETH J. PALGUT Marines Viet Nam Sgt Career Marine MSGT Tours of Duty In Middle East DAVID Reserves PALIK Army SP4 1955-1959 Currently in Afghanistan / Pakistan 1956 Active Duty RAYMOND D. SANTOU Army Air Corp Will ALFRED R. PANKRATZ * TIMOTHY SARGENT June 2010 - Present Dav JOSEPH C. LT Senior Grade WW41 PEKAR Navy Army Pilvate Adv. Inter. Training, Fort Sam Houston STEVE C. PETRANEK Army SP4 1965.1967 DAN SAUNDERS AIr Force Korean Conflict * DAVE PHILLIPS 1981 - Present Dav CLIFFORD R. SCHORPP, JR. Viet Nam War UT3 General 2 Tours- Total of Army Brigadier LESLIE R. SHEELER Army Major 1974-1976 31 months in Iraqi Commander of Currently ALVIN SILBAUGH Navy Fort Leonard Wood, in Missouil CHARLES G. SLABY JOSEPH PIDALA JOHN PAUL SLEEMAN Army MSGT WW-11 CHARLES PATTON PIKE Coast Guard JEFFREY W. SMITH Anny LTC 1963-1991 Viet Nam DONALD B. PLISKE Army Korean Conflict EDMUND P. SONTOWSKI WW-11 EDWARD POLLOCK J. JAMES SORNA 107m Ohio Natl. Guard 1963-1969 ROBERT Resmves PONIKVAR ONG, Am y, Army KEITH SORNA Navy 19974001 DD 968 Redford SP4 1957-1963 ALBERT SPOTO Kainsingers 440. 2326142 ( as of 10-2010) OUR VILLAGE SERVICEMEN and VETERANS

Page 4 HENRY SRAMEK Army AIr Force SGT JACK WISE Army CPL 1951-1953 Korean Conflict KEN STANOSZEK Ohio Nall. Guard SGT 19724978 JOSEPH F. WOLLET Infantry WW-11 SSGT MICHAEL STASKO Army Air Corp SSGT 75m Inf. Battle of the Bulge WW41 1942-1945 Pulple Heart, Silver Star STEVEN STERPKA Marines 1953-1956 DEARL R. WOODARD Army SP4 1960-1962 BILL ST. JOHN Army 1951-1953 WILLIAM WRIGHT Army JAMES STONE CPL WW41 Pacific Panama Canal JACK E WURTS Anny Air Corps 1943-1947 WW-It DONALD M. STUCKY Navy WW41 Fireman FC Aleutian Air Command USS Rocky Mount Flagship 7th Fleet Aslallc Pacific ROBERT WYSOCKI STEVE SURACE Army SSGT 19434945 WW41 JOSEPH W. SVOBODA Anny 1950-1953 Korean Con. THOMAS G. YOUNG Army WW-11 EDWARD YURKO Navy & Naval Res. 1942-1946 EDWARD L THELLMANN Navy 19454946 Aviation AMMI VERNON THIELE RAYMOND D. TINTER ROBERT E ZAMOS Army AntiAircraft Div. WW41 JOETOMCIK JR. Korean Conflict CINDY BRULlZ ZIMMERMAN Anny CYRIL TOMONDY Anny SGT 19524954 Korea JOHN W. TOBUREN Army Corporal -1946 FRED TRIBUZZO Navy SSC WW-11& Korea EDDIE TRZECIAK

ROBERT G. VILD Navy WW-11 1944-1946 Mortar Machinist Mate 34 Class PHIUP VISOCKY Anny 1968-1971 MICHAEL 1 VLASEK Army WW-1 LEROY L VLK Army CPL 1961-1963 ROBERT F. VOGLER ,

WILLIAM A WAGNER Army PFC 19564957 JOSEPHL WALTERS Navy 1944-1946 Mortar Machinist Mate 34 Class JEFFERSON WALTON Civil War 128th Regiment Ohio Volunteer Infantry WILLIAM D. WARDLE KURT WARNKE Army SP4 1971-1973 MYRON WARNKE DAVID WASHTOCK Army TC 151 LT 1961-1963 FRANCIS WEILAND Army Korean Conflict GERALD WEIMER Army Sgt Viet Nam LAWRENCE WEIMER * DONALD WEITZMAN 2005 - Present Dav Army Mortar Man ES.SGT Platoon Sgt Completed 2 tours in Iraq, Cumntly at Fort Hood, Tx JEROME M. WEITZMAN Army SP5 1969.1972 EDWARD W. WERDEN WILBUR F. WHITMER Navy WILLIAM WIESE Anny 19504953 Korean Con. PHILLIP WILLIAMSON Navy 19554957 HOMER WILLS Navy 1941-1945 WW-11 OOR#bvio I O Resident Serving Our Country lu . H . 0 u,1 Private First and Class Kyle Niro, son of Tony Valerie Niro and brother of Y *It< ...·1 Christopher, graduated from Marine Corps Recruit Depot at Parris Island, SC on August 6, 2010. He is currently attending the School of Infantry at Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune, NC. Kyle graduated with honors from Bowling Green State University with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Communications on May 8, 2010 and left for boot camp the following day. The Niro family lives on Dunham Road. Our Men Serving Our Country

The following Villagers currently serve in a branch of the -0000- United States Armed Forces. They grew up in Walton -E=-S-- --'9 00 Hills and/or their parents live in the Village. Our . thoughts and prayers are with all our troops, and in ...... particular the local people who are serving our country. dif" A - -'"".m:-m""00 • Air Force Colonel Michael Kuchta ,<' „i,=:d .7--- .

- i•1 -*41 0 . • Army Brigadier General David '=11:, *.. Phillips ji ..6- 1

• Army Sergeant Andrew Hejl \,-.-i-- • Army Sergeant Bradley Hejl • Army Sergeant Donald Weitzman • Army Private Timothy Sargent il '111 Memorial Day • Marine Major Kenneth Owens

• Marine Master Sergeant Jason (Lane) Santa Maria • Marine Lance Corporal Kyle Niro May 30, 2011 • Air Force Active Ohio National Guard Staff Sergeant Josiah Begg village of Walton Hills, Thanks to Jean Kainsinger for compiling this list. If you know of additional servicemen or women (or veterans for Ohio their veterans listing), please contact her. - Mindy Callahan TMG National Recording Artist -\ . Our National Anthem vocalist, Mindy Callahan, has been performing for over 24 years in the Christian Contemporary genre. She has performed in churches and large Ohio and surrounding states and has performed the National venues all over Anthem for the NFL, NBA and MLB. Mindy recorded her first album in 1996. She was signed to a national label earlier this year and is in the process of recording her first Christian Pop/Rock MEMORIAL DAY PROGRAM national release scheduled for mid-summer entitled "Sing to the King." Look her up on Callahan to contact her May 30, 2011 - 8:30 A.M. or receive updates on the release and concert bookings. You can on or also look her up MySpace Twitter or contact the Gospel 1. Introduction by Mayor Kevin Hurst. House Church. 2. The Raising of the Flag by residents James and Kevin Begin and Drew Durdak from Saint Barnabas Boy Scout t; Troop 575. AVa-- - 3. The singing of our National Anthem by Mindy Callahan.

mm 4. Pledge of Allegiance.

Cr & A 5. Keynote Address by resident U.S. Army Veteran Julius Kerekes. Our resident Julius Kerekes, served in the keynote speaker, 6. Rifle salute by Officers Dave Kwiatkowski, John Paulin U.S. Army from 1942 to 1945 and was a member of General and Melissa Walsh. George S. Patton, Jr.'s Third Army Headquarters Staff. He was awarded the Bronze Medal for Meritorious Service. 7. Memorial wreath presented to our departed comrades by resident U.S. Army Veteran Ralph Maggio.

Our Memorial wreath presenter, resident Ralph Maggio, 8. Taps and Echo performed by Bedford High School volunteered to serve in the U.S. Army from 1940-1947. He students Caelie Orlosky and Ethan Clements. served in the 34th Division, 185th Field Artillery Battalion under Generals Mark W. Clark and D. Eisenhower. bwight Please join us for refreshments in the Community Room. He was awarded the Purple Heart in 1943. 5. Jail 7-J-°11 Wkwo g jfi l{s o,A Agenlorial Day Ageniories

members attended it was a beautiful, sunny and warm morning and over 75 residents and their family provides the annual Memorial Day program at the Village Hall. Pictured below: Mayor Kevin Hurst residents James and Kevin Begin, Drew Durdak and Daniel Spitznagel introductory remarks (top left); julius from Saint Barnabas Boy Scout Troop 575 raise the flag (top center); resident U.S. Army Veteran Paulin and Kerekes delivers a thought-provoking key note address (top right); Officers Kwiatkowski, Walsh provide the rifle salute (center left); resident U.S. Army Veteran Ralph Maggio presents the memorial wreath to our departed comrades (center picture); Bedford High School students Caelie a of those in Orlosky and resident Ethan Clements perform Taps and Echo (center right); snapshot for refreshments attendance (bottom left) and residents gathering in the Community Room (bottom right). Not pictured: TMG national recording artist Mindy Callahan, who sang an awesome rendition of the National Anthem.

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1\/feet Ralph -Maggio Resident Ralph Maggio has lived in the Village since 1954. He and his late wife Marie were married for 64 years and raised -J' three sons - Frank, Leon and Ralph Jr. He retired as a En//16'/2/1/7 '- --'78"i./i./.Will./. machinist in 1985 from Jack & Heintz Inc. Afterwards, he ./.- owned two restaurants - Maggio's Place and Peggy's rtw wis.i; iidi-,1-, Ill Lunchbox, both located in Northfield Village.

Ralph was the wreath presenter at our Memorial Day :.,„".:.·· '-· ' \,T -f.:INIT,£2,;17,5:Iiki*,#F » *-el ceremonies. He is proud of the time he volunteered to serve in M.. -144//FA V the U.S. He served in the 34th j -. , Ar from 1940 to 1947. 1+ J .3: 1- r - , Atati : Division, 185 Field Artillery Battalion under Generals Mark 11- - ™A -: i 21*,* ..a 1 8 -tu ..1" , *:1*...3-il 5 *e=wi W. Clark and Dwight D. Eisenhower. He was awarded the L -3 *5. 44/2--I - Vp.9. Purple Heart in 1943.

Pictures of Ralph at the .':.'.: Battle of Kasserine Pass Sr . .t:' '7 '.4.1-'.. .7 /.1 . i.,2....9 . ., * 4-< .. i . Z.f - · ' ....i,-- which took place during the 1 -·- - Tunisia Campaign of World , ..i ./ .*· 2 1 -- · ·- --4.-#4*4.9/-'* 4 War 11 in February of 1943. The Axis forces involved were 4 # .»... » '.3 primarily from the German- t.--355 91.- 4//WI=Ii&4219/ . ..:5111':RZ.I.4,-4 r.=Prilmil.1,212-:-:3- 091 Italian Panzer Army led by 214<11../..P.*6*40. .,- F #,Crura,p'- - Field Marshal Erwin Rommel, .35-tr.- ..---AL. fgr)-it.4/': ...92-41 -1 ir• ' ,4* ....4. 1. , -*Cr·i;'.. --x-• 1j>: popularly known as the h,&32* ti# 5.8715942.9 Desert Fox. 9/...ix...... 2... "IM,652.:141-- .* :..€9.3..51: *Fil : Arrr.p M * mt,f. --1 id- 1.M . . 425#04* .- I . .. .· -=*=r.*,· -• lillilillilialilliwilliumslif5aigilillill Top left is Ralph in a foxhole. . illi .,=*===- '1, '= .. 4... . . Bottom right is Ralph holding i., a shell weighing 98 pounds. .r- ...#-1= . 4,2 1164. , -:' . .*. hrs--233;-*6,<9/8&*.Im.141£ 341+f -6 *4 # He had to load three of these "r.-'/ ..8/1...' ilill"ZABC. I;'4.2.4- shells a minute. * ...... I r·· I.S.. k '"i 1, *-- .INT... ..4/(+ ..'. :->- . - 2--34,2(b Jii'll ZA:; 29:* t'.E - ,..A#.« *-7 •r.4.1 ./lili'/414"8* ..--- ki= . 1... 3'EP.441*-/Fl,3//4/1 ./ I r." 41.-41='.-- 3*/1,/i'ZES'- ... IL .3. bilr.../ ;. -?gr...i Li ..' "'. r. 3>,4-2-----,"-a; - -:t' h,"-.1-9.

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17 Aft 1-13/1HiliSON| 4-1·Ott 5·Juo It Our MEN SERVING Our COUNTRY

Kainsinger 440.232.6142 Apr112011 The Wa#on H#/s Ow/ is aware of the following Villagers who currently serve in a branch of the United States Armed Forces. They grew up in Walton Hills and/or their parents live in the village. Our thoughts and prayers are with all our troops, and In padicular the local people who are serving our country. If you know of additional servicemen (and veterans for our veterans list) please contact us. With your help. every resident who serves and/or served in the military will be on our lists. 1 Marine Lance Niro Corporal Kyle graduated in October 2010 from the School of Infantry in North Carolina, was assigned to a Marine Corps Base in Hawaii, and two weeks later -in mid November- was deployed to a camp in Helmand Province, near Marjah Afghanistan. Niro is a SAW machine gunner with the 2nd Battalion, 3rd Marine Division "Fox Island Warriors: Kyle is living in a tent with no elect,icity, no running water or chow hall: The men in his platoon eat military meals. The ready-to-eat only phone communication is by a military satellite that the platoon shares with other and calls units, phone come about once or twice a month. In Kyle's last call home he said they were extremely busy with missions now that winter has passed. Kyle was named his platoon's February Marine of the Month. Niro is due to leave the Afghanistan in middle of June. He graduated from Bowling Green State University in 2010 and left for boot camp the following day. Proud parents areTony and Val Niro of Dunham Road. Army Private Timothy Sargent, with the rank of PV-2, is a Medic serving in Afghanistan until December of this year. He is with a Combat Battalion stationed Engineering somewhere near Kandahar Afghanistan. Tim enlisted in the Army in June of 2010, after graduating from high school. Proud father is Andy Sargent of Shaner Drive.

Army Sergeant Bradley HeJI, a career soldier with the rank of42R/SAW Gunner and Bandsman, returned from Germany In April. Before his assignment in Germany he served 2 tours in Iraqi At the present time he is a Drill Sergeant at a fort in South Carolina. Bradley enlisted in the Army in 2003, soon after graduating from high school. Proud step-father is Andy Sargent of Shaner Drive.

Anny Sergeant Andrew Hejl married this November. got past Heban Army Combat Medic serving in Fort Knox, Kentucky. he served Previously, tours of duty in Kuwait and Germany. Andrew enlisted in the Army in 2005. Proud step-father is Andy Sargent of Shaner Drive.

Donald Weitzman Anny Sergeant enlisted in the Army in 2005. A Mortar Man with the rank of E5-Sgt, he is back in the USA at Fort Hood in Texas for advanced training and pre-Iraq deployment training. Weitzman has already completed 2 tours in Iraq, for a total of 2 years in that country. In July Weitzman will once again deploy to Iraq, with a security division in the Pull-Out-of-Iraq Program. that Following assignment, he will spend six months in Afghanistan. Making their home in Texas, Donald and his wife Mallory are raising Mallory's nephew, Justin. Weitzman graduated from Bedford High School and attended Mount Union College for one year before enlisting in 2005. Proud are parents Jerry and Carol Weitzman of Conelly Blvd. wa.I+*4 w'.,Isou' J /2'&7;2,01(



Arm rigadier General David Phillips is Commander of Fort Leonard Wood in Missouri. Phillips has served 30 years in the Arrny, he enlisted in 1981. During his diverse Army career, Brigadier General Phillips' tours in Iraq total 31 months. A Walton Hills Eagle Scout with Boy Scout Tmop 417, Phillips is a graduate of Bedford High School and Bowling Green State University. For the past several years, he and his wife Dawn and their children have had a home in Texas. Proud mother is Carol Kitko of Shaner Drive.

Marine Master Sergeant Jason (Lane) Santa Maria is a Career,Marine, having been a Marine for the past 13 years. He just came back from a tour in Afghanistan, Now in California with his wife Holly and their three daughters, he will deploy to North Carolina in July. Santa Maria is a Bedford High School graduate. He lived on Dellwood Drive.

AIr Force Colonel Michael Kuchta enlisted in 1986 and has had a diverse career in the Air Force during the past 25 years. He is currently assigned in Washington DC to the Defense Information Systems Agency, a Combat Support Agencythat coordinates efforls with all branches of our military and also our mission-partner Allies. Recently his focus is on humanitarian support and disaster relief assistance communication, in order to provide aid to Haiti and Japan after their earthquakes, and stabilize our military operation in Afghanistan. Kuchta is a graduate of Bedford High School and Ohio University. He, his wife Karen and 2nd-grade son Jacob live in Vienna Virginia. Proud parents are Ray and Marge Kuchta of Chestnut Drive.

Marine Major Kenneth Owens is a Logistics Officer stationed in Stuttgard Germany, in the Marine Force's European Headquarters. Owens will receive the rank of Ueutenant Colonel in May of this year. Owens,is a graduate of Walsh Jesuit High School and Kent State University. He enlisted in lhe Marine-Reserves in 1990, went to Officers Candidate School at Quantico in 1993, and joined the Active Reserves in 2005. His wife Stacie and their children, 4 year-old Maggie and 2 year-old Sam, are living in St. Louis Missouri. Proud parents are Duke and Fran Owens of North Meadowpark Drive.

Josiah Begg is a member of the Air Force Active Ohio National Guard. With the rank of Staff Sergeant, he is with the 179th Air Lift Wing-Ohio Air Guard Unit. Begg joined the National Guard in 2007, after graduating as a home- schooled high school student. This May he will graduate from Kent State University. Proud parents are Richard and Joyce Begg of Walton Road.

He's a Veteran Now Andrew Neading completed his service commitment to the Navy In 2009, and is enrolled in the School of Nursing at the University of Akron. He was a Navy 2nd Class Petty Officer Search and Rescue Swimmer, based at Sasebo Japan. Neading enlisted in the i Navy in 2005, shortly after graduating from Trinity High School. Proud parents are Christopher and Jean Neading of Ryan Drive.

8 M 3.0 4 i 0,=4 Our MEN SERVING Our COUNTRY lip.=2 Kainsi ger 440.232.6142 Ap,112011 lir Tlie Wanon Hms Ow/ is awam of the bllowing Villagers who cuiently serve in a branch 1 of the United States Amed Forces. They grew up in Walton Hills andior their parents the village. Our thoughts and prayers are with atl our troops, and in particular the local people who are seiving our country. If you know of additional servicemen (and veterans for our veterans list) please contact, us. With Vour help. ever, resident who serves and/or served in lhe militarv wilibe on our lists.

Marine Lance Comoral Kyle Nim graduated in October 2010 from the School of Infanlry in North Camlina, was assigned b a Marine Cops Base in Hawaii, and two weeks later 4n mid November- wasdeployed to acamp ih Helmand Province, near Matjah Afghanistan. Niro is a SAW machine gunner uh the 2nd Battalon. 3rd Manne Division "Fox Island War lots." Kyleis living in a tent with no electicity, no running water orchow hall. 1he men in his platoon eat military meals. The only phone communication is bya military satellite that the platoon shares with other units, and phone calls come about once or twice a month. In Kyle's last call home he said they were extremely busy with missions now that winter has passed. Kyle was named his platoon's February Marine of the Month. Niro is duetto leave Afghanistan in the middle of June. He gladuated from Bowling Green State University in 2010 and left for boot camp the following day. Pmud palents areTony and Val Nlmof Dunham Road.

Army Private Timothy Sargent with me fank of PV-2, ib a Medic serving in Afghanistan unlil December of this year. He is with ir Combat Engineefing Battalion stationed somewhere near Kandahar Afghanistan. Tim enlisted in the Anny in June of 2010, aftergraduating tom high school. Proud father is Andy Sargent of Shaner Drive.

Army Sergeant Bradley Hejl, a career soldier with the rank of 42R/SAW Gunner and Bandsman, ietumed fromi Germany in April. Before his assignment in Gemlany he served 2 tours in Iraq. At the piesent lime he is a Drill Sergeant at a kirt In South Carolina. Bradley enlisted in the Army in 2003, soon after graduating from high school. Proud step-fall* is Andy Sargent of Shaner Drive.

AMY Sergeant AndreW Heji got manied this past November. He is an Anny Combat Medic serving in Fon Knox, Kenh:cky. Previously, he served tours of dut, in Kuwait and Germany. Andrew enlisted in the Amy in 2005. Proud step-father is Andy Saigent of Shaner Drive.

Anny Sergeant Donald Weitzman enlisted in the Anny in 2005. A Mortar Man with the rank of E5-Sgt, he is back in the USA at Fort Hood in Texas for advanced tmining and pre4raq deployment training. Weitzman has already completed 2 tours in Iraq, for a total of 2 yeals in that count,y. in July Weitzman is.due to deploy to Iraq again, with a secuitt,dlvision in the Pull-Outd-Iraq Program. Following that assignment, he is slated to spend six months in Afghanistan. Makihg their home in Texas, Donald and his wife Mallory aie raising Mallory's nephew, Justin:. Weitzman graduated from Bedf6rd High School and attended Mount Union College forone year before enlisting in 2005. Proud paients are Jeny and Carol Weitzman of Conelly Blvd.

7 Kainsingers 440.232.6142 (as of 5-2011) OUR VILLAGE SERVICEMEN and VETERANS


Military Service plays or played a significant role in the lives of these past and present residents and their families. We extend our heartfelt appreciation to those who are Now Serving our Country and to our Village Veterans. If vou know of additional servicemen or veterans. Dlease contact us. With vourhelg. everv resident who serves and served In the military will be on this list

GEORGE ADLER Navy ROBERT M. CLEMENTS Army Air Force WW-11 Motor Machinist 1st Class WW-11 1941-1945 Tech. Sgt Comunications Pacific WILLIAM L. ALLEN Navy JOHN COLLISE WILLIAM J. ALLEN Army 1941-1945 WW-11 LUDWIG S. CONELLY Cleveland Grays, BENJAMIN J. ANANEA Marines 1973-1976 Ohio Natl. Guard, Army Brigadier General MICHAEL ANANEA Navy 1981-1984 1903-1945 WW-1& WW-11 DANIEL W. ANNETT Air Force RICHARD COOK Army CPL 1951.1953 TODD ASSAD Air Force DONALD COTTER Navy PN3 1952-1956 LEROY ATKINSON Army SP4 1966-1968 THOMAS J. CROFT Army MD. 1964.1966

CARL W. BARBER JIM DANIELS Army SP4 1960-1962 C. J. BARNES Air Force SSGT Law Enf. JAMES H. DAVIS * JOSIAH BEGG 2007 - Present Dav WILLIAM A DEAK Navy Fireman 1st Class Air Force Active Ohio Air Natl. Guard Staff Sgt 1948·1952 Battleship New Jersey and Currently a Senior at Kent State University 2 Destroyers JOHN BELL MIKE DERNYAR Army Viet Nam War JOHN A BILLS Army SGT 1960-1964 RUSSELL DI CARLO JAMES P. BLAIR Army CPL Korean Conflict CARL F. DILL Army 1960-1962 WILLIAM JOHN BOBOWICZ Army SP4 FRANK P. DI MARCO Marines Major 1976-1996 Viet Nam 1971-1974 DICK DOWLING Army 1St LT 1964-1966 ROBERT J. BOKSHON Army BILL BOSWAY Naval Air Res. 1949-1958 ED ECKERT CPO WW-11 DAVID G. ELAM Air Force E-4 1972-2976 LEONARD G. BRENNER Army WW-11 JACK ELAM ARMY Private ist Class Pacific, 465 Field Artillery Div. in of 18-man crew Cannoneer, charge WILLIAM FALCON RAYMOND J. BRENNER Army WW-11 SAM FAZIO D-Day Invasion, 29th Division THOMAS A RONALD BROWN Viet Nam FECKO Navy WW-11 THOMAS FIORE Navy F JACK BRULTZ 111 Air Force ROBERT J. FIRST MATHEW BUTWINA Army SSGT WW-11 ERNEST A FOLTON Air Force 1947-1951 Germany CHARLES FRANK Army WW-11 ANDY FUHRMEYER Air Force TOM CASHMAN Army SGT 1966-1969 VIet Nam ROGER FUHRMEYER Navy 1953-1957 LEROY CECCARDI Marines PFC 1947-1950 JOSEPH D. RICHARD CHARSANKO GAZDIK Army 1963-1969 Army WW-11 PFC ZISIMOS GIATIS Air Force ALBERT T. CHESNIK Army SSGT WW-11 DENNIS J. GIBBONS Army SP5 1968-1970 REMO E CIFANI Marines CPL 1951-1953 VICTOR CHARLES J. GIGLIOTTI Army CINBUREK Army Air Corp WW-11 JOE GIORDANO Marines CPL Korean Conflict PFC 1943.1945 RAYMOND GRAMS Army NG GILBERT GRAY Army Kabbgem 440.21u4142 ( as of M011) OUR VILLAGE SERVICEMEN and VETERANS Page 2 JAMES W. GREEN Navy WW-11 1942-1945 ROY KIRK Air Force 195+1958 WILLIAM GREENWELL Army WW-11 NORMAN L KIRSCHNICK Army SP4 Viet Nam Medical Technician - Pacific 19651967 2 Purple Hearts RONALD S. GULAJSKI DENNIS KLUKAN Navy RONALD F. GUNYA RON KLUKAN Army DAVID S. KNAPP PERRY F. HACKBART SSGT Army Air Force WALTER KOBYS WW-11 Panama Canal and Island Galipagos HOLLY KOESTER Army CPT 1981-1991 WWII HALLARAN, THOMAS Navy PFC ED G. KOHN Anny PFC 1941-1945 WW-11 South Pacific JOSEPH KOLIS WW-1 Bronze Cross NORMAN HANSLIK Army PFC 1951-1953 RAYMOND A KOLIS Air Force 1954-1958 RICHARD C. HARRIS Army Air Force WW-11 ARTHUR F. KOMOROWSKI FRANK HEGEDUS WW-11 TECH5 EDWARD D. KOPINSKY Army MP 1946-48 DON HEIMAN Army 194546 ALAN R. KOVAR Air Force 1st LT 195+58 1962-65 * ANDREW HEJL 2005- Present Dav TERRY J. KOZAK Combat Medic Served Kuwait Army in and THOMAS KRAKOWSKI Army SGT 1St Class * Germany Currently at Fort Knox, Kentucky MICHAEL KUCHTA 1986 - Present Dav * BRADLEY HEJL 2003 - Present Dav Air Force Colonel Assigned in Washington, DC SAW Gunner - Bandsman Army 42R/ to the Defense Information Systems Agency Served 2 Tours in Drill Iraq Currently, Sergeant RAYMOND G. KUCHTA Army SFC 1948-49 1950-53 at a fort in South Carolina DICK HOPKINS Army Air Force WW-11 GEORGE H. LAUTANEN FRANK HORWATH Marines 1943-1946 JOSEPH LAVRENCIK Army 1943-1947 5h Division-Pacific WW-11 DONALD J. LEONHARDT, SR. Army PFC 1951-1953 GEORGE HRABAK FRANK F. LERCHBACHER Army CPL 1951-1953 Korean Conflict JOHN J. IGNAUT WPCD MSGT JAMES A LYNCH Army SP4 1964-1966 PAUL M. JABLONSKI Marines SGT 1965-1969 LEONARD MADEJ Army Purple Heait WW-ll Aviation Ordnance Viet Nam RICHARD MADEJ Army WW-11 JOSEPH JAJOLA WW-11 SSGT Bronze Star NICK MAGGIO Army Air Force 1942-1945 WW-11 JOHN L JATSEK Army SSGT E-6 1962-1968 RALPH MAGGIO 8-17 Bomber Pilot 2nd LT JOSEPH G. MAIRE Army CPL 1953.55 KEN JECMAN Marines SGT E-5 1958-1965 RONALD MANCINI Army 1959-1963 PHILLIP I. WW-11 JOHNSON Army AIr Corp. JAMES C. MARAS Army 1952-1954 Germany CARL JURAN JEROME MARDIGIAN Marines JOSEPH P. PFC 1942-1945 WW-11 ROBERT G. KAINSINGER Air Force MARINO Army WILLIAM MARSHALL Army CPL 1953-1954 Airman 1St Class 1951-1955 Korean Conflict DAVID KAISER Marines 1965-1969 EUGENE WW-11& Korean DAVID KAPLA Naval Res. BMC 1966-1994 MATIA Navy Conflict 34 Class Petty Officer 1943-1950 JULIUS KARA WW-11 and Korean Conflict JOE MAZZONE .Ii....4 KENNETH R. KATO TONY MAZZONE WW-11672 GAREN KELLEY Marine WW-ll AMTRAC 1 JOHN MC DONALD USNR 24 Div. South Pacific Bronze Star Construction Battallion Seabees E51 JULIUS S. KEREKES Army WW-11 MSGT DAVID MC LEAN Natl. Guard P--4 Gen. Patton's 34 Army HQs ROBERT MC LEAN Great Lakes KEN KIBLER Naval Res. Navy 1941-1944 CHESTER J. KIELISZEK CHARLES MC NAMEE Air Force SSGT 1942-1946 DELMAR KIRK Army WW-1 Kainsingers 440.232.6142 (as of 5-2011) OUR VILLAGE SERVICEMEN and VETERANS Page 3 *DALE MC RITCHIE Army SP4 1956-1958 JOSEPH PIDALA ARTHUR M. MEDA 107th Annored Cavalry CHARLES PATTON PIKE Coast Guard National Guard 1966-1973 DONALD B. PLISKE Army Korean Conflict FRANK MENTI USAF Airman 1St Class 1960-1964 EDWARD J. POLLOCK FRED MIAVITZ, JR. Army Iraq: Gulf War ROBERT PONIKVAR ONG, Army, Army Reserves EARL MILLER Army Engineers Corp. 1953-1955 SP4 1957-1963 Korean War WALTER J. PRACEJUS JAMES G. MINICHBAUER Army Air Corp. WW.11 KENNETH H. PROVANCE RUSSELL W. MONE Navy WW-11 W. GLENN MOORE Korean Conflict 1952-1954 JOHN J. RADA JR. Army Reserves SP4 CPL Anti-Aircraft Gun COMDR BILL RAMSEY Coast Guard E8 1980-2001 GEORGE MROZ Anny JOSPEH REBOUDO Army Ohio Natl. Guard THOMAS W REMING Army SP5 1969-1972 ANDREW NEADING Navy 2nd Class Petty Officer HUBERT F. RENAU Army SP4 1957-1959 Search and Rescue Swimmer 2005-2009 PAUL S. REYNOLDS Army Aviation Section SGT FREDERICK NEILSEN, JR. Army WW-11 1954·1956 601St Ordnance Battalion North Africa CORKER RHINES Navy RMCS * KYLE NIRO June 2010 - Present Dav MARGE RHINES 1st Naval Ombudsman 1976-1977 Marine Corps, Lance Corporal SAW Machine Gunner USS Eisenhower Serving with the 2nd Battalion, 3rd Marine Division MICHAEL RICCO Army SP5 1965-1967 Wet Nam In Helmand Province, Afghanistan EDWARD RICHER Navy WW-11 Chief Petty Officer DEWITT NOETH Army WW-11 Geodetic Computer RONALD RICHER Navy Viet Nam Anti-Aircraft Division WILLIAM ROBERTSON Air Force STEVEN ROMANIK Amiy SSGT 1942-1945 WW-11 J. OCHWAT ALLAN FRANKLIN R. ROMITO EUGENE H. ORENSKI Navy RALPH E. RUCKART AOAN Navy 1950-1954 BRIAN P. ORGANISCAK Marines Korean Conflict FRANCIS W. ORGANISCAK, JR. Marines ATTIUO A RUSSO Army CPL 1952-1954 Korea FRANCIS W. ORGANISCAL SR. Army JOSEPH C. RUSSO JOSEPH A ORITI FAYEOTTAVIANO WAC WW-11 RANDY SABO GEORGE OTTAVIANO Anny WW-11 THOMAS R. SABO Navy Mach.1St Class WW-11 - * KENNETH G. OWENS 1990 Present Dav ROBERT SAGULA, SE Navy then Army Cpi. Marines-Active Reserves 11 Colonel WW-11 and Korean Served in Bosnia, Kosovo, Iraq; now stationed in BENEDICT J. SAINA MarinesConflict St. Louis Missouri HARRY F. SAINA ..,IY PETE SAKIAN Army CPL 1951-1953 1 Vu..... BENJAMIN PACE Army WW-11 ETO JAMES A JR. Naval Air SALAMON, Force r- ALAN L PALGUT Army SP4 Viet Nam LT.Cmdr. Viet Nam JOSEPH WW-11 PALGUT Army Sgt * JASON (LANE) SANTA MARIA 1997 - Present Dav KENNETH J. PALGUT Marines Sgt. Viet Nam Career Marine MSGT Completed Tours of Duty in DAVID SP4 1955-1959 Reserves PALIK Army Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan. Currently stationed In 1956 Active Duty California ALFRED R. PANKRAlZ RAYMOND D. SANTOLI Army Air Corp WW-11 JOSEPH C. LT Senior Grade WW-11 * PEKAR Navy TIMOTHY SARGENT June 2010 - Present Dav STEVE C. PETRANEK Army SP4 1965-1967 Anny PV·2 Medic with a Combat Engineering Battalion * DAVE PHILLIPS 1981 - Present Dav near Kandahar, - Afghanistan Army Brigadier General 2 Tours Total of DAN SAUNDERS Air Force Korean Conflict 31 months in Commander of Iraq; Currently CLIFFORD R. SCHORPP, JR. Viet Nam War UT) in Missouri Fort Leonard Wood, LESLIE R. SHEELER Army Major 1974-1976 Kainsingers 440. 2326142 ( as of 5-2011) OUR VILLAGE SERVICEMEN and VETERANS

Page 4 *ALVIN SILBAUGH Navy * CHARLES G. SLABY DONALD WEITZMAN 2005 - Present Dav JOHN PAUL SLEEMAN Army MSGT WW-11 Army Mortar Man ES-SGT Platoon Sgt. JEFFREY W. SMITH Army LTC 1963-1991 Viet Nam Completed 2 tours in Iraq, and is slated for deployment EDMUND P. SONTOWSKI WW-11 to Nghanistan. Currently in advanced training at JAMES SORNA 107th Ohio Natl. Guard 1963-1969 Fort Hood, Tx KEITH SORNA Navy 19974001 DD 968 Redford JEROME M. WEITZMAN Army SPS 1969=1972 ALBERT SPOTO EDWARD W. WERDEN HENRY SRAMEK Army Air Force SGT WILBUR F. WHITMER Navy VINCENT STANFA Army E.4 VietNam WILLIAM WIESE Army 1950-1953 Korean Con. KEN STANOSZEK Ohio Natl. Guard SGT 1972-1978 PHILLIP WILLIAMSON Navy 1955-1957 MICHAEL STASKO Army Air Corp SSGT HOMER WILLS Navy 1941-1945 WW-11 WW-11 1942-1945 JACK WISE Army CPL 1951-1953 Korean Conflict STEVEN STERPKA Marines 1953-1956 JOSEPH F. WOLLET Infantry WW-11 SSGT BILL ST. JOHN Army 1951-1953 75'h Inf. Battle of the Bulge JAMES STONE CPL WW-11 Pacific, Panama Canal Purple Heart, Silver Star DONALD M. STUCKY Navy WW-11 Fireman FC DEARL R. WOODARD Army SP4 1960-1962 USS Rocky Mount Flagship 7th Fleet Asiatic Pacific WILLIAM WRIGHT Army STEVE SURACE Army SSGT 1943-1945 WW-11 JACK E. WURTS Army Air Corps 1943-1947 WW-11 JOSEPH W. SVOBODA Army 1950-1953 Korean Con. Aleutian Air Command ROBERT WYSOCKI EDWARD L THELLMANN Navy 1945-1946 VERNON THIELE THOMAS G. YOUNG Army WW-11 RAYMOND D. TINTER EDWARD YURKO Navy & Naval Res. 1942-1946 JOE TOMCIK, JR. Korean Conflict Aviation AMMI CYRIL TOMONDY Army SGT 1952-1954 Korea ROBERT E. ZAMOS JOHN W. TOBUREN Army Corporal -1946 Army AntiAircraft Div. WW-11 CINDY BRULTZ FRED TRIBUZZO Navy SSC WW-11& Korea ZIMMERMAN Army EDDIE TRZECIAK

ROBERT G. VILD Navy WW-11 19441946 Mortar Machinist Mate 3rd Class PHILIP VISOCKY Army 1968-1971 MICHAEL J. VLASEK Army WW-1 LEROY L. VLK Army CPL 1961-1963 ROBERT F. VOGLER

WILLIAM A WAGNER Anny PFC 1956-1957 JOSEPH L WALTERS Navy 1944- 1946 Mortar Machinist Mate 3rd Class JEFFERSON WALTON Civil War 128 Regiment Ohio Volunteer Infantry WILLIAM D. WARDLE KURT WARNKE Army SP4 1971-1973 MYRON WARNKE DAVID WASHTOCK Amy TC 1st LT 1961-1963 FRANCIS WEILAND Army Korean Conflict GERALD WEIMER Army Sgt Viet Nam LAWRENCE WEIMER »«,==*..-,\'5.*i#Al#JA,7 (124.:... '-:- ... 4 ,- i b Veterans Day ...:./ ". *....'.. - ./.-4 ...... '....., lk,f# F# JF r&745 ' I . '..., , - " . + . . . . . I - .'....,1 - ./...... 0 . I . 0 9 *ARL: 9 T,··d. ./ -hAVV : 2 .,. ,· .:1 "1 ) · ' 9: .:·F.'2 fri64 T., 7.'....,4 4 2 .2 i ', .. .- * ';:':.-:-·...3.k »MS«'-7== . - - . - , . ' - 10,/224..%... .. : 27.-1.-r -9 I 1 · , I ' S. , I., I ./.4 v. :. . ' . " . . . - . ., , .... '1 . . .1 .- , 6,: 5 :·.-t. ..r .1 · ''.'7 '' . ..'h 1 ' 7: A .F, e 4 1. 4 ,6 · 3 1 4'.,Ef: f

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VETERANS DAY November 11, 2011 - 9:00 a.m. Veterans Day

By Cheryl Dyson 1. Pledge of Allegiance.

2. National Anthem. On Veterans Day we honor all, Who answered to a service call. 3. Comments by Mayor Kevin Hurst. and Soldiers young, soldiers old, 4. General Douglas MacArthur's thoughts on Veterans by resident Veteran Denny Linville, Fought for freedom, brave and bold. Day recited Private First Class, U.S. Army. Some have lived, while others died, 5. Keynote Address by resident Veteran Julius And all of them deserve our pride. Kerekes, Master Sergeant, U.S. Army. the We're proud of all soldiers who, 6. Shared experiences from Veterans. red, white and blue. Kept thinking of 7. Moment of silence and presentation of memorial Veteran They fought for us and all our rights, wreath to our departed veterans by resident Ray Levanduski, Specialist, 4 h Class, 82nd Airborne. They fought through many days and nights. 8. Dismissal. Please join us for refreshments in the And though we may not know each name, Community Room. We thank ALL veterans just the same. \1 0 ro 1 Fe C\·

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S.1„„,(» »ad =l »=X„'w,£2 /9 Wd*- 10'4 li='4 644 (0 d C :%-9 d go 1 3 1 Coll,ki Colorful Plants Adorn the Grounds of the Veterans' Memorial

The Walton Hills Women's Club Flower Committee Once Again Performs Magic

A few weeks ago, the Flower Committee created a Perennial Garden at the site of the Veterans' Memorial, in front of the Village Hall. They had support and help from Mayor Kevin Hurst, Street Commissioner Dan Stucky and Service Department employees Dan Chatal and Brian Schroeder. Earlier this year, in preparation for Memorial Day, Service Department employees planted geraniums and petunias at the site. Annual flowers make the area colorful and inviting during Summer months, but the Viliage and Flower Committee wanted the area to be pretty and welcoming all year round. Also, most of the Alberta Spruce (cone shaped evergreens) that circled the Memorial were affected by spider mites and had to be removed.

Flower Committee member Paula Johancen made a list of Perennials that together, provide color all year round. She, her husband Wayne Johancen and daughter Kindra, drove to nurseries, checked prices and sale days and purchased over 200 plants. Committee members then got busy planting, with help from Dan Chatal and Brian Schroeder who prepared the soil, helped volunteers plant, and then spread mulch over the area. The men planted the few extra Perennials behind the Village Sign at the comer of Walton and Alexander Roads.

Paula asks us to be patient with Perennial plants, saying, "It takes Perennials up to three years to mature. Right now they are skimpy-looking plants. This year and next year we still need annuals for color. However, in the near future, the Memorial will be circled by a pretty Perennial garden, each season of the year."

For those of us who would like to know the names of the Perennials that enhance the Veterans' Memorial, these plants are tagged: Penstemon (Beer Tongue), Avelia, Red Twig Dogwood, Box Wood, Flowering Quince, Butterfly Bushes, Coreopsis, Yarrow, Blue Oat Grass, Cone Flower, Salvia, Asters, Ugustrum and Winter Beny Holly.

The Flower Committee volunteers, who have been working together since 2011, are Chairperson Jean Murphy, Virginia Barber, Rita Charsanko, Patty Day, Mary Lou Foiton, Paula and Wayne Johancen and their daughter Kindra, Ginny Mone, Ruth Money and her granddaughter Brooke, Sandy Reynolds, and Josephine Wardle. The Committee thanks the Oakwood Pettiti Garden Center for the master plans for the Memorial Garden and they thank the Fifty Plus Club for their most generous donation. Together, the . _-u ' 4 1.1:111.1. Women's Club and Fifty Plus Club provided 5 94„t& ,, r. -6.45*4 the money for the Perennial plants. .,-2 1 '#2 . ...1

All of us residents, and especially all who have loved ones who serve or served in the • military, thank you for making the Walton Hills *4 -- Veterans' Memorial an Ill-* --'- -I-<-il.I--- impressive site - its * 711; ' -« 2- attractive design, recognizes a monument that - 8- I . the service of local men and women in all the . branches of the military, the walkway with designated bricks that were purchased by villagers to honor family members, 2 Ar and the colorful plants. . 4* 4 i » 5, A 1

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= $ i 7--- lr%93 -'2 :4 I 1 eriee-4- Above left - Mayor Hurst welcomes those in attendance to the Village's Veterans Day observance. Above center - Veteran and Council President Denny Linville comments on General Douglas MacArthur and his thoughts on Veterans Day. Above right - Resident Veteran Julius Kerekes delivers the keynote address. Bottom left - Resident Ray Levanduski presents a memorial wreath to our departed veterans. Bottom right - residents gather for refreshments in the Community Room after the program. *

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--It- ·««Li What Heroes Gave

@ 2001 Roger J. Robicheau (SP 5, US Army)

Each donned their uniform to be .- Defenders of our liberty; . •WI"'f/- 4:dip Their mission sure, their spirits Guard freedom's home, be bravebrightto fight: ,'1 WI EC F uku/1 \ %12//21 1 One final day each faced their call 4Idil - ' t,12' kunt< W . Each gave their best enduring all: il. K I,fililA,1 ./ 1 -raydllllllelllllllllbv We'll never know what they went through 1/1 LS-1 But know they loved this country true; 122;f-- 747.4.0/2I , ...... L.«- 61 beep down inside we should all feel What heroes gave, their cost so real; We must stay thankful, grateful of Memorial Day The gift of freedom through their love: ..e. Their loved ones bore the gravest pain A What we can't know, some now sustain; 9/*te,4< May 28, 2012 To God I pray their pain will cease And each will find long-lasting peace; -6 *

Remember this from year to year - 4.:*6 What heroes gave shan't disappear; village of walton Hills,

We'll never let their special day Ohio Their time for honor slip away:

These brave fought for a nation free If not for them, where would we be7 \ S - Mindy Callahan TMG National Recording Artistbegan Our National Anthem vocalist, Mindy Callahan, performing on stage at age five and has been performing for over 25 years in the Christian Contemporary genre. She has MEMORIAL DAY PROGRAM performed in churches and large venues all over Ohio and surrounding states and has performed the National Anthem at May 28, 2012 -8:30 A.M. MLB, NBA, and WNBA games. Mindy was signed to a national 1. Introduction by Mayor Kevin Hurst distribution label, TAAG, in early 2011. Her new album, a collaboration with "Redeeming Love," is of music brimming 2. The Raising of the Flag by resident Drew burdak and and She her heart into emotion, encouragement, faith. pours Nick and ban Liszka from Saint Barnabas Boy Scout each song, hoping to make an impact on the world through the Troop 575 ears of each listener. According to Mindy, "There is nothing that completes me more than singing. It fills my heart with 3. The singing of our National Anthem by Mindy Callahan indescribably joy. God has entrusted me as a steward of the gifts and talents He has given me, and it is my desire to glorify 4. Pledge of Allegiance led by resident Veteran Ray Him with them for the rest of my life. John 3:30." Levanduski, Specialist, 4th Class, 82nd Airborne r'. t.r f#M

,A,.1',IILY,v'.:Vpf2--- .I 7, 4 ...' - r'- ..\'171 5. Address (SPC) .i,5 , ''.* Keynote by Specialist Timothy , \ W i t*lvip&#sx#EKBpa#kled /1 Sargent, U.S. Army 1/ 1 4» ' , :..SSY=e- .. I«.-f. 411 : .1 new the Veterans' 1 6. Presentation of a plague for Monument by U.S. Army Veteran /Council President .//=1#Rd'.,"as,+9.W. 1/2 1 4 1 I Pro Tem Linville 5@ahli :%31:*A ill , 1 benny Mimu/Villi,61,/51,1,1,1122:all i 7. Rifle salute by Walton Hills Police Officers Stan Jaworski, John Paulin and Tom Cercek Our keynote speaker, U.S. Army Specialist (SPC) Timothy Sargent, performed "Taps" at our Memorial Day programs in 8. Memorial wreath presented to our departed comrades 2008, 2009 and 2010. He is a former resident who entered by resident U.S. Army Veteran Ralph Maggio the Army after his graduation from Cuyahoga Heights High School in 2010. He just returned from a nine month 9. Taps and Echo performed by Bedford High School deployment to Afghanistan and is currently stationed at Fort students James Harbison and William Nizer Hood in Texas. Please join us for refreshments in the Community Room 61.14.00\ /1 -3.6 11


Local Men and Women Currently Serving Our Country - Our List Keeps Growing!

We recently received information about three more men who are serving our country.

Currently in the Service: Nathan Buhrow (age 25) joined the U. S. Navy in March of 2007, at age 19. He has served in the and the Indian Ocean. Nathan, with the rank of IT-2 and classification of E-5, is currently on shore duty at a CB Base in Mt. Clemens, Michigan. Proud parents are Mark and Ellen Buhrow of Shaner Drive.

Currentlv In the Service: James Buhrow (age 34) joined the U.S. Am,y Active Reserves in July of 1996. With the rank of E-6 (Staff Sergeant) he served in the Balkans while stationed in Germany and Kuwaiti Freedom. At the present time he is a Drill Sergeant at Camp McCoy while living at his home in Wisconsin. Proud parents are Mark and Ellen Buhrow of Shaner Drive.

Currentlv in the Service: Marine Gy-Sgt John Hays joined the U.S. Marines In 2003. He is currently stationed at Camp Lejeune in Jacksonville North Carolina. Hays, his wife, Maryarro (Roth) Hays, and their four children, 7 year old Sophia, six year old Jack, 2 year old Clara June and one year old Charlotte Rose live in Jacksonville. Pmud in-laws are Arthur and Elizabeth Roth of Colonial Court.

Our Village Veterans - Our List Keeps Growing! We recently received information about additional local men who are Veterans.

Veteran: Retired Navy Petty Officer 1st Class EW Mark Buhrow enlisted in the Navy as an Electronic Warfare Technician at age 32, in January of 1987, and retired in March of 2008. Commands he was assigned to include the USS Thorn, USS William V. Pratt, USS Normandy, USS Nicholas, USS Moosebrugger and the USS O'Bannon. 'His deployments include one in the Mediterranean, one in the North Atlantic, two tours of duty in the Persian Gulf/ Indian Ocean, two around the tip of South America, two along the West European Coast, one in the Balkans at the same time as his son Jim was there, and one deployment-Caribbean Operations, with the Coast Guard. Mark and his wife, Ellen Buhrow, live on Shaner Drive. Buhrow is presently employed as a Field Service Engineer at the Twinsburg office of Hitachi Medical Systems America.

Veteran: Robert Kalman, Sr. U.S. Navy RM2 1966-1968 Veteran: Robert Kalman, Jr. U.S. Navy 3td Class Petty Officer 1993-1998 Veteran: Ray Levanduski was a paratrooper with the 82nd Airborne. Spul 1957-1960 During the Berlin Crisis, for 2 years Levanduski served in Berlin Germany, airlifting supplies to the people in East Berlin. He made 33 jumps. Ray and Rose Levanduski live on Ryan Drive. Veteran: Al Liscoe U.S. Marine Corps Veteran: Jack Liscoe U.S. Coast Guard Veteran: Michael Liscoe, Sr. U.S. Army Private, WWI Veteran: Michael Liscoe, Jr. U.S. Army PFC, Korean War Veteran: Ray Liscoe U.S. Anny, Vietnam Veteran: Arthur Roth U.S. Army 14 U 1963-1966 Veteran: Paul Roth U.S. Army WW111943-1945 Purple Heart Recipient Veteran: Dispatcher Frank Roveri U.S. Anny SP4 1973-1976 Military Police - AId*tn'*k 201 2 w. t. 04


Kainsingers 440.2326142 (as of 10-2012)

The Walton Hi//s Owl is aware of the following eight (8) Villagers who currently serve in a branch of the United States Armed Forces. They grew up in Wamon Hills and/or their parents live in the village. Our thoughts and prayers are with these local men who serve our country. If you know of additional servicemen and women, please contact us. With your heg. every resident who serves in the military will be on our villaae list

Jacob Boiling • Army Specialist fO6 eo.Ard (*10,£ Boling enlisted in the Army is 2008. Now on his second tour of duty, he is stationed at Fort Leonarwood. in Missouri. In March of 2013, Boiling will be deployed to Afghanistan. Proud parents are Ken and Brenda Pund of Egbert Road. Currently, Jacob's wife Jodie, and their son and daughter, 4iear old Deagen and 3-year old Daelyn, live with the Punds.

• Army Sergeant Bradlev Hell l A career soldier, Hejl has been in the US Army for the past nine years. He is stationed at Fort Jackson, in Columbia South Carolina. He, his wife Maria, and their one year old daughter, Isabella, are healthy, happy and enjoying being stateside after Hejl's 2 tours in Iraq. He is in charge of the US Army Band at Fort Jackson. Hejl enlisted in the soon after school. Proud of Army in 2003, graduating from high step-father is Andy Sargent Shaner Drive.

• Air Force Colonel Michael Kuchta Irilialialialial Kuchta enlisted in the Air Force in 1986. As Commander of the Defense InforTnation Systems Agency for the Department of Defense, he directs Air Force Communications out of his office at Fort Meade, Maiyland. Kuchta is a graduate of Bedford High School and Ohio University. He, his wife Karen and 9th-grade son Jacob live in Vienna Virginia. Proud parents are Ray and Marge Kuchta of Chestnut

• Marine Lance Corporal Kvle Niro Drive. Niro is currently with the Scout Sniper Platoon, 2nd Battalion, 3rd Marines. He is on a seven month deployment to Okinawa, Japan that includes training in the Philippines, South Korea and New Caledonia. After graduating in October 2010 from the Schoolof Infantry in North Carolina, Niro was assigned to a Marine Corps Base in Kaneohe Bay Hawaii. Two weeks later he was deployed to a camp in Helmand Province, Afghanistan where he was a SAW machine gunner with the 2nd Battalion, 3rd Marine Division "Fox Island Warriors: In July of 2011, Niro returned from his nine month deployment in Afghanistan. Nlro graduatedfrom Bowling Green State University in 2010 and left for boot camp the following day. Proud parents are Tony and Val Niro of Dunham Road.

• Marine Lieutenant Colonel Kenneth Owens Owens is in the Marines Active Reserves. One month each year Owens serves as a Logistics Officer and is stationed in Stuttgard Germany, the Marine Force's European Headquarters. Owens is a graduate of Walsh Jesuit High School and Kent State University. He enlisted in the Marine Reserves in 1990, went to Offcers Candidate School at Quantico in 1993, and joined the Active Reserves in 2005. His wife Stacie and their children, 5 year-old Maggie and 3 year-old Sam, are living in St. Louis Missouri. Proud parents are Duke and Fran Owens of North Meadowpark Drive. No,·6,*1 -10 11- w. 11 -0 4

LOCAL MEN CURRENTLY SERVING Our COUNTRY Kainsingers 440.232.6142 ( as of 10-2012) Page 2

• Marine Master Sergeant Jason (Lane) Santa Maria N (10.0,9 Lejeon€ Santa Maria is a Career Marine, enlisting in 1997. He is currently stationed at Camp LeJune in Jackson, North Carolina. During this assignment, he can live with his wife Holly and three daughters in North Carolina. Santa Maria is a Bedford High School graduate and was a Dellwood Drive resident.

• Army Private First Class Timothv Sargent Sargent has just re-enlisted after his second year of service and plans to become a Flight Medic. He is stationed at Fort Hood, near Killeen Texas, where he recently completed some very intense training to become an Expert Field Medic. If all goes well he may be able to visit home briefly for the holidays. He will return to Afghanistan early in 2013 for his second tour there with a Combat Engineering Battalion performing IED removal and route clearance, as well as training the Afghan National Army. Sargent enlisted in the Army in June of 2010, after graduating from high school. Proud father is Andy Sargent of Shaner Drive.

• Navy Petty Officer 3rd Class ET Jeffrev Snvderbum Snyderbum enlisted in the Navy in January 2012, atage 23. After completing boot camp he was assigned to Goose Creek Navy Base in South Carolina - the base for the Navy's Nuclear Power Training Command. In September, he graduated from the first of three schools to study Navy Nuclear Propulsion. While he awaits the start of the second school in the program, he has watch duties on base, Proud parents are Jeff and Sharon Snyderburn of Rashell Drive.

One of our Villaae DiSD tchers is also in the Service • Army Reserves E4 Specialist Abbv Freiofskv Reserves in 2007. We have /0 Abby enlisted in the Army no additional information at this time.


Local Men and Women Currently Serving Our Country - Our List Keeps Groilnfil - It- 11.20 ta- We recently received information about three more men who are serving our country. -

Currently in served the Service: Nathan Buhrow (age 25) joined the U. S. Navy in March of 2007, at age 19. He has in the Persian Gulf and the Indian Ocean. Nathan, with the rank of IT-2 and classification of E-5, is currently on shore duty at a CB Base in Mt. Clemens, Michigan. Proud parents are Mark and Ellen Buhrow of Shaner Drive.

Currentlv in the Service: James Buhrow (age 34) joined the U.S. Army Active Reserves in July of 1996. With the rank of E-6 (Staff Sergeant) he served in the Balkans while stationed in Germany and Kuwaiti Freedom. At the present time he is a Drill Sergeant at Camp McCoy while living at his home in Wisconsin. Proud parents are Mark and Ellen Buhrow of Shaner Drive.

Currentlv in the Service: Marine Gy-Sgt John Hays joined the U.S. Marines in 2003. He is currently stationed at Camp Lejeune in Jacksonville North Carolina. Hays, his wife, Maryarro (Roth) Hays, and their four children, 7 year old Sophia, six year old Jack, 2 year old Clara June and one year old Charlotte Rose live in Jacksonville. Proud in-laws are Arthur and Elizabeth Roth of Colonial Court. N **46+A ·D·017-WH °t/ 1·

Kainsingers 440.232.6142 ( as of 10·2012) VILLAGE VETERANS OUR our Walton Hills VETERANS make up this list Military Service played a significant role in the lives of these past and present residents and their families. We extend our heartfelt appreciation to our Village Veterans. If vou know of additional servicemen or veterans, please contact us. With your help, every resident who served in the military will be on this list

GEORGE ADLER Navy WILLIAM R. COLUNS Anny Corporal Motor Machinist 1st Class WW-11 1950-1958 Korea WILLIAM L ALLEN Navy JOHN COLUSE WILLIAM J. ALLEN Am,y 1941-1945 WW-11 LUDWIG S. CONELLY Cleveland Grays, BENJAMIN J. ANANEA Marines 1973-1976 Ohio Natl. Guard, Army Brigadier General MICHAEL ANANEA Navy 1981-1984 1903-1945 WW-1 & WW-ll DANIEL W. ANNETT AIr Force RICHARD COOK Army CPL 1951-1953 TODD ASSAD Air Force DONALD COTTER Navy PN3 1952-1956 LEROY ATKINSON Army SP4 1966-1968 THOMAS J. CROFT Army MD. 1964-1966

CARL W. BARBER NICK D'AMICO Marine Corps Private 1949-1950 C. J. BARNES Air Force SSGT Law Enf. JIM DANIELS Army SP4 1960-1962 JOSIAH BEGG SSG Air Force Active National JAMES H. DAVIS Guard WILLIAM A DEAK Navy Fireman 1st Class JOHN BELL 1948.1952 Battleship New Jersey and JOHN A. BILLS Army SGT 1960-1964 2 Destroyers JAMES P. BLAIR Army CPL Korean Conflict MIKE DERNYAR Army Viet Nam War WILLIAM JOHN BOBOWICZ Anny SP4 RUSSELL DI CARLO Viet Nam 1971-1974 CARL F. DILL Army 1960-1962 ROBERT J. BOKSHON Army FRANK P. DI MARCO Marines Major 1976-1996 BILL BOSWAY Naval Air Res. 19494958 DICK DOWLING Anny 1st LT 1964-1966 LEONARD G. BRENNER Army WW-11 ED ECKERT CPO WW-11 Private 1st Class Pacific, 465 Field Artillery Div. DAVID G. ELAM Air Force E-4 1972-2976 Cannoneer, in charge of 18-man crew JACK ELAM ARMY RA™OND J. BRENNER Army WW-11 D-Day Invasion, 29th Division WILLIAM FALCON RONALD BROWN Viet Nam SAM FAZIO JACK BRULTZ 111 Air Force THOMAS A FECKO Navy WW-11 MATHEW BUTWINA Anny SSGT WW-11 THOMAS FIORE Navy Germany ROBERT J. FIRST ERNEST A FOLTON Air Force 1947-1951 TOM CASHMAN Anny SGT 1966-1969 Viet Nam CHARLES FRANK Army WW-11 LEROY CECCARDI Marines PFC 1947-1950 ANDY FUHRMEYER Air Force ROGER FUHRMEYER 1953-1957 RICHARD CHARSANKO Army WW-11 PFC Navy ALBERT T. CHESNIK Army SSGT WW-11 JOSEPH D. GAZDIK Army 1963-1969 REMO E CIFANI Marines CPL 1951-1953 ZISIMOS GIATIS Air Force CHARLES J. CINBUREK Army Air Corp WW-11 DENNIS J. GIBBONS Army SP5 1968-1970 PFC 19434945 VICTOR GIGU01TI Army ROBERT M. Air Force WW41 CLEMENTS Army JOE GIORDANO Marines CPL Korean Conflict 1941-1945 Tech. Sgt Comunications Pacific -0», cfr RA™OND GRAMS Army NG Ile-9=,\ DORIed-09 ArmY GILBERT GRAY Anny chides bus*Ic Gr 3 im -Be«, n LE + Aero 1 A-1.k,r,gn firt'Ay Sf- 4 Kainsingers 440.232.6142 (as of 104012) , OUR VILLAGE VETERANS Page 2

JAMES W. GREEN Navy WW-11 1942-1945 DENNIS KLUKAN Navy WILLIAM GREENWELL Army WW-11 RON KLUKAN Army Medical Technician - Pacific DAVID S. KNAPP RONALD S. GULAJSKI WALTER KOBYS RONALD F. GUNYA HOLLY KOESTER Anny CPT 1981-1991 ED G. KOHN Anny PFC 1941-1945 WW-11 PERRY F. HACKBART SSGT Army Air Force JOSEPH KOLIS WW-1 Bronze Cross WW-11 Panama Canal and Gallpagos Island RAYMOND A. KOLIS Air Force 1954-1958 HALLARAN, THOMAS Navy PFC WWII ARTHUR F. KOMOROWSKI South Pacific EDWARD D. KOPINSKY Army MP 1946-48 NORMAN HANSLIK Army PFC 1951·1953 ALAN R. KOVAR Air Force 1St LT 1954-58 196245 RICHARD C. HARRIS Army Air Force WW-11 TERRY J. KOZAK FRANK HEGEDUS WW-11 TECHS THOMAS KRAKOWSKI Army SGT 1st Class ANDREW HEJL Army SGT Combat Medic Specialist RAYMOND G. KUCHTA Armv SFC 1948-49 1950-53 2005-2012 <-*.A lilchae.\ Muckta Air Forte DON HEIMAN Army 1945-46 GEORGE H. LAUTANEN DICK HOPKINS Army Air Force WW-11 JOSEPH LAVRENCIK Am,y 1943-1947 FRANK HORWATH Marines 1943-1946 DONALD J. LEONHARDT, SR. Army PFC 1951-1953 p Division.Pacific WW-11 FRANK F. LERCHBACHER Army CPL 1951-1953 GEORGE HRABAK Korean Conflict DENNY UNVILLE Army PFC 19594962 JOHN J. IGNAUT WPCD MSGT Missile Defense Artillery JAMES A PAUL M. JABLONSKI Marines SGT 1965-1969 LYNCH Anny SP4 1964-1966 Aviation Ordnance Viet Nam LEONARD MADEJ Anny Purple Heart WW-11 JOSEPH JAJOLA WW-11 SSGT Bronze Star RICHARD MADEJ Anny WW-11 JOHN L E-6 1962-1968 JATSEK Army SSGT NICK MAGGIO Army Air Force 1942-1945 WW-11 817 Bomber Pilot 2nd LT RALPH MAGGIO, SR. SSGT 1940-1947 KEN JECMAN Marines SGT E-5 1958-1965 340 Division, Field Ailillery Battalion PHILLIP I. JOHNSON Army AIr Corp. WW-11 RALPH MAGGIO, JR. Amy SP5 1970-1971 CARLJURAN JOSEPH G. MAIRE Anny CPL 1953-55 RONALD ROBERT G. KAINSINGER Air Force MANCINI AMY 1959-1963 JAMES C. MARAS 1952-1954 Airman 1st Class 1951-1955 Army Germany JEROME MARDIGIAN Marines DAVID KAISER Marines 1965-1969 JOSEPH P. PFC 19424945 WW-11 DAVID KAPLA Naval Res. BMC 1966-1994 MARINO Army WILLIAM JULIUS KARA WW-11 and Korean Conflict MARSHALL Army CPL 1953-1954 Korean Conflict KENNETH R KATO EUGENE WW-11& Korean Conflict GAREN KELLEY Marine WW-11 MATIA Navy 34 Class Petty Officer 1943-1950 F Div. South Pacific Bronze Star JOE MAZZONE JUUUS S. KEREKES Army WW-ll MSGT TONY MAZZONE WW-11 672 AMTRAC Gen. Patton's 34 Army HQs JOHN MC DONALD USNR Seabees ES KEN KIBLER Naval Res. Construction Battallion CHESTER J. KIELISZEK DAVID MC LEAN Natl. Guard DELMAR KIRK Army WW-1 ROBERT MC LEAN Great Lakes ROY KIRK Air Force 1954.1958 Navy 19414944 NORMAN L KIRSCHNICK Army SP4 Viet Nam CHARLES MC NAMEE Air Force SSGT 1942-1946 1965-1967 2 Purple Hearts N AbM Al 1_,scoe Marines Fo\Oe

Kainsingers 440.232.6142 (as of 10-2012) OUR VILLAGE VETERANS Page 3 DALE MC RITCHIE Army SP4 1956-1958 THOMAS W. REMING Amy SP5 1969-1972 ARTHUR AL MEDA 107th Armored Cavalry HUBERT F. RENAU Army SP4 1957-1959 National Guard 1966-1973 PAUL S. REYNOLDS Army Aviation Section SGT FRANK MENTI USAF Airman 1St Class 1960-1964 1954-1956 FRED MIAVITZ, JR. Army Iraq: Gulf War CORKER RHINES Navy RMCS EARL MILLER Anny Engineers Corp. 1953-1955 MARGE RHINES 1st Naval Ombudsman 1976-1977 Korean War USS Eisenhower JAMES G. MINICHBAUER Army Air Corp. WW-11 MICHAEL RICCO Army SP5 1965-1967 Viet Nam RUSSELL W. MONE Navy WW-11 EDWARD RICHER Navy WW-11 Chief Petty Officer W. GLENN MOORE Korean Conflict 1952-1954 RONALD RICHER Navy Viet Nam CPL Anti-Aircraft Gun COMDR GARY RIDDLES Navy Electronics Tech. 34 Class GEORGE MROZ Army P\Ofor 1960-1964 Submarine: USS Chopper-SS342 rio Roz- FRED H RIDSDALE Anny WWII ET.0. 1944-1945 ANDREW 2nd Class Officer NEADING Navy Petty Purple Heart Search and Rescue Swimmer 2005-2009 WILLIAM ROBERTSON AIr Force FREDERICK WW-11 NEILSEN, JR. Amu STEVEN ROMANIK Anny SSGT 1942-1945 WW-11 601* Ordnance Battalion North Africa FRANKLIN R. ROMITO DEWITT Geodetic NOETH Army WW-11 Computer RALPH E. RUCKART AOAN Navy 1950-1954 Anti-Aircraft Division Korean Conflict ATTILIO A CPL 1952-1954 Korea ALLAN J. OCHWAT RUSSO Army JOSEPH C. RUSSO EUGENE H. ORENSKI Navy BRIAN P. ORGANISCAK Marines RANDY SABO FRANCIS W. ORGANISCAK JR. Marines THOMAS R. SABO Navy Mach.14 Class WW-11 FRANCIS W. ORGANISCAK SR. Army ROBERT SAGULA, SR. Navy then Army Cpi. JOSEPH A ORm WW-11 and Korean Conflict FAYEOTTAVIANO WAC WW-11 BENEDICT J. SAINA Marines GEORGE OTTAVIANO Army WW-11 HARRY F. SAINA PETE SAKIAN Army CPL 1951-1953 BENJAMIN PACE Army WW-11 ETO JAMES A SALAMON, JR Naval Air Force ALAN L PALGUT Army SP4 Viet Nam LT.Cmdr. Viet Nam JOSEPH PALGUT Am,y Sgt. Vm-11 RAYMOND D. SANTOLI Army Air Corp WW-11 KENNETH J. PALGUT Marines Sgt. Viet Nam DAN SAUNDERS Air Force Korean Conflict DAVID PALIK Army SP4 1951959 Reserves CUFFORD R. SCHORPP, JR. Wet Nam War UT3 1956 Active Duty LESLIE R SHEELER ALFRED R. PANKRATZ Army Major 1974-1976 JOSEPH C. PEKAR Navy LT Senior Grade WW-11 ALVIN SILBAUGH Navy STEVE C. PETRANEK Army SP4 1965-1967 CHARLES G. SLABY DAVID PHILUPS Army Brigadier General 1981-2012 JOHN PAUL SLEEMAN Army MSGT WW-11 Tours of duty in Iraq totaled 31 months JEFFREY W. SMITH Army LTC 1963-1991 Viet Nam JOSEPH PIDALA EDMUND P. SONTOWSKI WW-11 CHARLES PATTON PIKE Coast Guard JAMES SORNA 1071h Ohio Natl. Guard 1963-1969 DONALD B. PUSKE Army Korean Conflict KEITH SORNA Navy 1997-2001 DD 968 Redford EDWARD J. POLLOCK ALBERT SPOTO ROBERT PONIKVAR ONG, Army, Army Reserves HENRY SRAMEK Army Air Force SGT SP4 1957-1963 VINCENT STANFA Army E-4 VietNam WALTER J. PRACEJUS KEN STANOSZEK Ohio Natl. Guard SGT 1972-1978 IA KENNETH H. PROVANCE JOHN J. RADA, JR. Army Reserves SP4 also: K(jie Nt-fo Mlar, Res BILL RAMSEY Coast Guard E8 1980-2001 Aftkor 'Rotk Arm'1 JOSPEH REBOUDO Army Ohio Natl. Guard ill. 11,el 'Rot k Army - g»« zqi) CL H.004

Kalnsingers 440.232.6142 (asof 10-2012) OUR VILLAGE VETERANS = Page 4 MICHAEL STASKO Army Air Corp SSGT MYRON WARNKE WW-11 1942-1945 DAVID WASHTOCK Army TC 1St LT 1961-1963 STEVEN STERPKA Marines 1953-1956 FRANCIS WEILAND Army Korean Conflict BILL ST. JOHN Anny 1951-1953 GERALD WEIMER Army Sgt Viet Nam JAMES STONE CPL WW-11 Pacific, Panama Canal LAWRENCE WEIMER DONALD M. STUCKY Navy WW-11 Fireman FC USS Rocky Mount Flagship 7th Fleet Asiatic Pacific DONALD WEITZMAN Army Mortar Man STEVE SURACE Army SSGT 1943-1945 WW-11 ES-SGT Platoon Sgt. 2005 - 2012 JOSEPH W. SVOBODA Army 1950-1953 Korean Con. 3 tours of duty in Iraq JEROME M. WEITZMAN Aimy SPS 1969-1972 EDWARD L THELLMANN Navy 1945-1946 EDWARD W. WERDEN VERNON THIELE WILBUR F. WHITMER Navy RAYMOND D. TINTER WILLIAM WIESE Army 1950-1953 Korean Con. JOE TOMCIR JR. Korean Conflict PHILLIP WILLIAMSON Navy 1955-1957 CYRIL TOMONDY Army SGT 1952-1954 Korea HOMER WILLS Navy 1941-1945 WW-11 JOHN W. TOBUREN -1946 Army Corporal JACK WISE Army CPL 1951-1953 Korean Conflict WW-11& Korea FRED TRIBUZZO Navy SSC JOSEPH F. WOLLET Infantry WW-11 SSGT EDDIE TRZECIAK 79h Inf. Battle of the Bulge Purple Heart Silver Star ROBERT G. VILD Navy WW.11 19444946 DEARL R. Mortar Machinist Mate 34 Class WOODARD Amy SP4 1960-1962 WILLIAM WRIGHT Army PHIUP VISOCKY Army 1968-1971 JACK E. WURTS Army Air Corps 1943-1947 WW-11 MICHAEL J. VLASEK Army WW-1 Aleutlan Air Command LEROY L VLK Aimy CPL 1961-1963 ROBERT WYSOCKI ROBERT F. VOGLER THOMAS G. YOUNG Army WW-ll WILLIAM A WAGNER Army PFC 19564957 EDWARD YURKO Navy & Naval Res. 1942-1946 JOSEPH L WALTERS Navy 1944 - 1946 Aviation AMMI Mortar Machinist Mate 3rd Class JEFFERSON WALTON Civil War ROBERT E. ZAMOS Army AntiAircraft Div. WW-11 Volunteer 128'h Regiment Ohio Infantry CINDY BRULTZ ZIMMERMAN Anny WILLIAM D. WARDLE KURT WARNKE Army SP4 1971-1973

Two of our Village Employees are Veterans Walton Hills Police Officer TOM KOTH Navy Petty Officer 2nd Class 1987-1991

Walton Hills Clerk of Court ANNIE SKENDER Marine Corps Lance Corporal 19834987 11-it- 1014 ' ------Please add to vour list these Local Men who are Veterans 1. Retired Navy Petty Offcer 1St Class EW Mark Buhrow enlisted in the Navy as an Electronic Warfare Technician at age 32, in January of 1987, and retired in March of 2008. Commands he was assigned to include the USS Thorn, USS William V. Pratt, USS Normandy, USS Nicholas, USS Moosebrugger and the USS O'Bannon. His deployments include one in the Mediterranean, one in the North Atlantic, two tours of duty in the Persian Gulf/ Indian Ocean, two around the tip of South America, two along the West European Coast, one in the Balkans at the same time as his son Jim was there, and one deployment-Caribbean Operations, with the Coast Guard. Mark and his wife, Ellen Buhrow, live on Shaner Drive. Buhrow is presently employed as a Field Service Engineer at the Twinsburg office of Hitachi Medical Systems America.

2. Robert Kalman, Sr. U.S. Navy RM2 1966-1968 3. Robert Kalman, Jr. U.S. Navy 34 Class Petty Officer 1993-1998 4. Ray Levanduski was a paratrooper with the 82nd Airborne. Sp-4 1957-1960 During the Berlin Crisis, for 2 years Levanduski served in Berlin Germany, airlifting supplies to the people in East Berlin. He made 33 jumps. Ray and Rose Levanduski live on Ryan Drive. 5. Al Liscoe U.S. Marine Corps \ 6. Jack Uscoe U.S. Coast Guard \ 7. Michael LIscoe, Sr. U.S. Army Private, WWI 8. Michael Liscoe, Jr. U.S. Army PFC, Korean War 9. Ray Liscoe U.S. Amty, Vietnam 10. Arthur Roth U.S. Army 1St Lt 1963-1966 11. Paul Roth U.S. Army WW111943-1945 Purple Heart Recipient 12. Dispatcher Frank Roveri U.S. Army SP4 1973-1976 Military Police 1 244#42- 90(zl

Now They Are Veterans - Four Local Servicemen Recently Retired from Service of • Anny Sergeant Andrew Hejl is a Veteran, as November 2012. He enhted in the Army in 2005. years he was a US Army Combat Medic Specialist, sernng tours of duty in Kuwait and Germany. Hejl and his wife, Jessica, plan/ to settle down near Columbus Georgia. Proud step-father is Andy Sargent of Shaner Drive.

1 • Army Brigadier General David Phillips enlisted in the Anny in 1981 and served for 30+ years, through the y#ar 2011. During his diverse Army career, Brigadier General Phillips' tours in Iraq totaled 31 months. A Walton Hills Eagle kout with Boy Scout Troop 417, Phillips is a graduate of Bedford High School and Bowling Green State University. He and his wife Dawn live in Georgia. Proud mother is Carol Kitko of Shaner Drive.

• Army Staff Sergeant Donald Weitzman, SSGT, enlisted in the Army in 2005. After completing 3 tours of duty in Iraq and Afghanistan, he is now a Veteran. Making their home in Austin Texas, Weitzman and his wife Mallory live in Austin Texas· They are raising Donald's eight year old nephew, Isaiah. Weitzman graduated from Bedford High School and attended Mount Union College for one year before enlistingin 2005. Proud parents are Jerry and Carol Weitzman of Conelly Blvd.

• Staff Sergeant Josiah Begg For the past six years Begg served in the Air Force Active Ohio National Guard, with the 179th Air Lift Wing-Ohio Air Guard Unit. Begg joined the National Guard after graduating as a home-schooled high school student. In 2011 he graduated from Kent State University. Proud parents are Richard and Joyce Begg of Walton Road. THOUGHTSGeneral Douglas ONMacArthur VETERANS DAY i r = -7- - It is the SOLDIER, not the reporter, who has given us freedom - ofthe press.

It is the SOLDIER, not the poet, who has given us freedom of speech.

It is the SOLDIER, not the campus organizers, who has given D i us the freedom to demonstrate.

It is the SOLDIER who salutes the flag, VETERANS DAY and whose coffin is 13'. who serves the flag, k_*11 November 11, 2012 - 11:00 a.m. draped by the flag, who allows the 114£714 protester to burn the flag. Ie,345;,9 -'I- 1. Pledge of Allegiance.

../'f. - '.:1 -Vi:fill- AMEN. iath-t:f/11----/"1.--, . .. .. 2. National Anthem. *************************************************** 3. Acknowledgment of local men currently serving in a branch of the United States Armed Forces Our most sincere appreciation is extended to the following florists by Mayor Kevin Hurst and Council President Pro Tem and Veteran who donated centerpieces for the Women's Club Veterans Day Denny Linville, Private First Class, U.S. Army. Pancake Breakfast: 4. Keynote Address by resident Veteran Julius Kerekes, Carol James Florist - 451 Broadway Avenue, Bedford; Master 440.786.1811; Sergeant, U.S. Army.

5. Shared from Veterans. Northfieid Florist - 9387 Olde 8 Road, Northfield; 330.467.7543; experiences www.northfieldflorist. net 6. Moment of silence and presentation of memorial wreath to our Veterans resident Novak's Flower Shoppe - 6149 Dunham Road, Maple Heights; departed by Veteran Ray Levanduski, Specialist, 4th Class, 82nd Airborne. 216.663.2906; www.novak, 7. Dismissal. The Women's Club will continue to serve a Petal Place Florist - 10416 Northfield Road, Northfield; breakfast in the Room until 1:00 330.467-2930; pancake Community P.m. Noveriber It, 2.019.

LOCAL MEN CURRENTLY SERVING OUR COUNTRY ..r. '- ". r ,*'-'**.. list. . .A*i». Thanks to Jean Kainsinger for compiling this #0 Ifyou know of additional service men or women, please contact the Mayor's Ofice 4-, 14 *,tuy.. - ' : v :Pi Army Specialist Jacob Boiling - Enlisted in the Army in 2008. Now on his '14/*. 2 :4.:14...... I' second tour Of duty, he is stationed at Fort Leonard Wood in Missouri. In W 4../-.'t.'*...'. March of 2013, he will be deployed to Afghanistan. Proud parents are Ken > A...... 1.. ».• A.:. i. Road. 0 and Brenda Pund of Egbert . 7 . 1/ 9&,0,t/ 6: . · .57... 2. ,...7-M' 1:4 Army Specialist Bradley Hejl - Enlisted in the Arng in 2003. He is stationed * * at Fort Jackson in Columbia, South Carolina, where he is in charge of the $ .2 US Army Band. He had two tours of duty in Iraq. Proud step-father is Andy Sargent of Shaner Drive. 9 p.

Air Force Colonel Michael Kuchta - Enlisted in the Air Force in 1986. As 4 . Commander of the Defense Information Systems Agency for the Department 1 . of Defense, he directs Air Force Communications out of his ofice at Fort *N* Meade, Maryland. Proud parents are Ray and Marge Kuchta of Chestnut Dr. *

A Marine Lance Corporal Kyle Niro - Enlisted in the Marines in 2010. He is on a seven month deployment to Okinawa, Japan. He was deployed to r I / , I - 9 ' LIZ:« I 6 Afghanistanfor nine months from October 2010 to July 2011. Proud parents 9. are Tony and Val Niro of Dunham Road. Marine Lieutenant Colonel Kenneth Owens - Enlisted in the Marine 2 Reserves in 1990 and joined the Marine Active Reserves in 2005. One month each year he serves as a Logistics Officer and is stationed in Stuttgard, Germany. Proud parents are Duke and Fran Owens of N. Meadowpark Dr. Marine Master Sergeant Jason (Lane) Santa Maria - Enlisted in the Marines in 1997 and is currently stationed at Camp Lejeune in Jacksonville, HONORING ALL North Carolina. WHO SERVED Army Private First Class Timothy Sargent - Enlisted in the Army in 2010. He just re-enlisted after his second year of service and plans to become a WWW.VA.GOV Flight Medic. He is stationed at Fort Hood, near Killeen, Texas. He will return to Afghanistan for a second tour early in 2013. Proud father is Andy Sargent of Shaner Drive. Navy Petty OJIicer 3'd Class ET Jeffrey Snyderburn - Enlisted in the Navy in January 2012 and is stationed at Goose Creek Navy Base in South (©)\Cs/ "='rE+27 Cie, C <2,61 1'94\-/ fc). Carolina. He graduatedfrom the first of three schools to study Navy Nuclear Propulsion. Proud parents are Jell and Sharon Snyderburn of Rashell Drive. 11-Salt A 11-0-01&The Walton Hills Journal W t{ . M#AL#% 7 *************41***************41***** i."al--- * I. Veterans fD°yMemories -EE

Hurst (right) and * 4 -, E. : . Veteran and Council * 16 ' President Pro Tem 4 -2.. Denny Linville (left) 1 -, acknowledge local 4 --.':- - -- men , te. ., 4 * currently serving 4 in a branch of tile « . . 4 .4+4*: * + --'-1 United States Armed * i Forces. & * W- ..M

*, - *. * * 4 Right: Veteran Julius · · 4 '' : Kerekes * delivers the - 4 -'6 -- -' -n. i address. - - ..., - - -'...... --I...... - -- keynotle ; * * * * 13 * 4 .4 1 - 1 - m '- 114 -A- '. '. ,=,2 * :.---01 --ir -A --I fr lr /:r -- 3 * .. f . ..,4 * :-aer * 144 '' .... 4 -- :1 * ..i . .'.,i=".At,44.f, 4/ * , 4.>. ' -Al ,• ; 19 left: Resident Veteran Ray Levanduski pmsents a memorial wmath to our departed Veterans. Above Aboveright: Residents enjoying pancakes prepared by the Women's Club, who partnered with the Village this 4 * year by holding pancake their bmakfast on Veterans Day and offering all Veterans a complimentary * * breakfast Our most sincere appreciation is extended to Cami James Florist Northfield Florist, Novak's * -,2Illt2::21, I: Plac F r f r o t of c k 9t:lf'2'1'710'1 ,<,» · »,« tl_-_ 8 The Walton Hills Journal MEETING LEGISLATION APPROVED AT THE OCTOBER 16, 2012 REGULAR COUNCIL

The minutes from the meeting are available in their entirety on the Village website

Ordinance No. 2011-20 to Ordinance No. 2012-21, SECOND READING, an Ordinance amending comply with Sec- an was on Second Reading tions 3735.65 through 3735.70 of the Ohio Revised Code, and declaring emergency placed Councilman Linville and six ayes approved. Councilwoman for suspension by Councilwoman Terlosky, seconded by ayes approved. Terlosky moved for adoption of Ordinance No. 2012-21, seconded by Councilman Linville and six Bargaining Agreement to re- Councilman Kologmf motioned to modify Article 33, Section 1, line 2 of tile Collective Ordinance No. flect Ordinance 2012-23 instead of 2007-26, seconded by Councilman Rich and six ayes approved. the of Walton Hills and the 2012-22, an Ordinance authorizing a Collective Bargaining Agreement with Village an was introduced for suspen- Fraternal Onier of Police, Lodge 67, Walton Hills Division and declaring emergency, Linville and six Councilman sion as amended by Councilman Kolograf, seconded by Councilman ayes approved. Linville and six ayes approved. Kolograf moved for approval of Ordinance No. 2012-22, seconded by Councilman Ordinances of the Village of Walton Ordinance No. 2012-23, an Ordinance amending Section 242 of the Codified for Councilman Linville, seconded by Hills, Ohio, and declaring an emergency was introduced suspension by moved for of Ordinance No. 2012-23, Councilman Kolograf and six ayes approved. Councilman Linville approval seconded by Councilman Rich and six ayes approved. for current and other expenditures Ordinance No. 2012-24, an Ordinance to make permanent appropriations expenses and ending December 31, of the Village of Walton Hills, State of Ohio during the fiscal year beginning January 1,2012 for suspension by Councilman Rich, seconded by Councilman 2012, and declaring an emergency was introduced moved for of Ordinance No. 2012-24, seconded by Linville and six ayes approved. Councilman Rich adoption Councilman Linville and six ayes approved. Ohio Public Works Commission for a Resolution No. 2012-31, a Resolution authorizing the Mayor to apply to the of Walton Hills, and potential grant for the funding of capital infrastmetum improvement projects in the Village Councilwoman Brenner, seconded by Councilman Rich and declaring an emergency was introduced for suspension by Brenner moved for of Resolution No. 2012-31, seconded by six ayes approved. Councilwoman adoption Councilman Rich and six ayes approved. **** Service Department Update [email protected] Dan Stuckv, Service Director 216.581.0434 setting in, we can look Life After Sandy - Now that the leaves have been picked up and the winter weather is storm was not as nasty to us hem in the back and make Super Storm Sandy just a distant memoty. Although the widespread power outages, Village as to those living on tile east coast; we had a few damage issues too! Some M emaria,1 D A.3€ R QY 2-0 11-

01 1 A large crowd was in attendance for Walton Hills' annual Memonal Day observance Among the many highlights was TMG National Recording Artist Mindy Callahan singing our National Anthem Also, a very powerful keynote address was delivered by former resident Specialist (SPC) Timothy 1 1,1,11 Sargent, U S Army 1, '11#18,1.- 11 11

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FI k Congressman David Joyce - - Our keynote speaker, Congressman David Joyce, is a lifelong Ohioan who has dedicated his life to family and community. Upon graduation from the University of Dayton, he worked as a public defender in Cuyahoga County. He served as Geauga County Prosecutor since 1988. Throughout his career, he has assisted in numerous counties throughout Ohio as a special prosecutor. Some MEMORIAL DAY PROGRAM of his case and trial work has been featured on national shows such as CBS 48 Hours. In November 2012, Mr. Joyce was elected May 27, 2013 - 8:30 A.M. to the 113th Congress to represent the 14+ district of Ohio. He serves on the influential House Committee on Appropriations 1. Introduction by Mayor Kevin Hurst where he makes it a priority to make government work more 2. The Raising of the Flag by residents Drew burdak and efficient and effective and protect American tax dollars. He resides in Russell Township with his wife and three children. Daniel Spitznagel, and Nick Liszka from Northfield - Saint Barnabas Boy Scout Troop 575

::.-*'I our National Anthem Raine Austen *, 0. 1:5:.:... 9.=- : =11;li 1 3. The singing of by *,Asilib ...... ------I *...... F.Ill....1 ...... pi d ll-1 / 4. Pledge of Allegiance led by resident Veteran Ray - Levanduski, Specialist, 4 h Class, 82nd Airborne

: 1 I --'-4- " 11 5. Keynote Address by Congressman David Joyce Rai ne Austen 6. Rifle salute by Walton Hills Police Officers Mike Our National Anthem vocalist, Raine Austen, is a critically Gervase, Tom Cercek, and John Paulin acclaimed recording artist from Maple Heights, Ohio. Ever since that first note into a hairbrush as a child, she spent her life front 7. Memorial wreath presented to our departed comrades and center. Her vivacious tenacity to pursue her dream led her by our Village Dispatcher Abby Frejofsky, Army career to churches, concert halls, recording studios, major Reserves E4 Specialist theaters, and the like. She studied with top notch vocal coaches in Cleveland and Nashville. She spent eight years in Nashville and 8. Taps and Echo performed by Bedford High School quickly became well known throughout the music industry. She has students Raelene Jones and Liam Duffy inspired audiences for years with her uplifting music of love, hope and faith. To read more about Raine Austen, log on to her website: http://www.raineausten. com/. Please join us for refreshments in the Community Room The Unknown Soldier @2003 Roger J. Robicheau (SP 5, U.5. Army) Memorial Day You need not ever know my name This unknown soldier seeks no fame; May 27, 2013 0%9f.4 ) I' m here to bring out thought from you Village Of Walton Hills, Ohio May your heart see more than your view: 4 /U America, we marched with /91 ilr,1.J pride I='Al#4 / We gave our life, for you we died:

r,-I-)4 REMEMBER THOSE WHO SERVED How well we knew the time might come When life could sound that final drum:

St"PI Please think of us as life moves on We tried so hard till that last dawn:

7.- 4. X " 11. - bo let our spirit fill the land

I. Pass treasured freedom, hand to hand:

LOCAL MEN CURRENTLY SERVING OUR COUNTRY LOCAL MENCURRENTLY SERPING OUR COUNTRY Thanks to Jean Kainsinger for compiling this list If you know of Ofice. (Continued) additional service men or women, please contact the Mayor's in Army Stajf Sergeant James Buhrow - Enlisted in the Army Reserves Marine Lieutenant Colonel Kenneth Owens - Enlisted in the Marines in while 1990 and joined the Marine Reserves in 2005. When on duty he is July of 1996. He served in the Balkans and Kuwaiti Freedom Camp stationed in Germany. At the present time he is a Drill Sergeant at headquartered at US. Marine Corps Forces Africa and serves as a Logistic Mark Planner, acting as liaison for the combined combat exercises of the US and McCoy while living at his home in Wisconsin Proud parents are African forces. Proud parents are Duke and Fran Owens of North and Ellen Buhrow of Shaner Drive. Meadowpark Drive. Navy Information Systems Technician Z'd Class Nathan Buhrow - Marine Master Sergeant Jason (Lane) Santa Maria - Enlisted in the Enlisted in the Navy in March of 2007 at the age of 19. He has served in Marines in 1997 and is currently stationed at Camp Izjeune in Jacksom,ille, the Persian Gulf and the Indian Ocean. He is currently on shore duty at a North Carolina. CB Base in Mt. Clemeris, Michigan. Proud parents are Mark and Ellen Arm, Specialist Timothy Sargent Buhrow of Shaner Drive. - Enlisted in the Army in 2010. He is currently deployed for the second time in Afghanistan as a medic with the He Marine Staff Sergeant John Hes - Enlisted in the Marines in 2003. 8f Sapper Company. to R. Campbell, KY in HeJune will where be returning he hopes in March to begin and training should beas movinga flight served two tours of duty in Afghanistan. He now serves in the Marine Reserves. His unit is stationed in Port Arthur, Louisiana. He is currently medic. Proud father is Andy Sargent of Shaner Drive. attending law school in Houston. When he graduates, he plansElizabeth to rejoin the Navy as a JAG Oficer. He is the son4n-law of Arthur and Navy Petty qicer f Class ET Je#rey Snyderburn - Entisted in the Navy in January 2012. He graduated flom the second of three schools to study Roth ofColonial Court. Navy Nuclear Propulsion and is currently attending the Navy Nuclear is Army Specialist Bradley Hejl - Enlisted in the Army in 2003. He in Prototype School at Baliston Spa, NY. He should graduate in February or March of 2014, at which time he will be assigned to a ship. Proud parents 1 stationed at Fort Jackson in Columbia, South Carolina, where heProud is charge of the US Army Band. He served two tours of duty in Iraq. are Jefand Sharon Snyderburn of Rashell Drive. step-father is Andy Sargent of Baner Drive. 1986. Air Force Colonel Michael Kuchm - Enlisted in the Air Force in As Commander of the Defense Information Systems Agency for the ************************************************************** i Department of Defense, he directs Air Force Communications outKuchta of his We would like to extend our most sincere appreciation to the Walton \ ollice at Fort Meade, Magland. Proud parents are Re and Marge Hills Women's Club for hosting, preparing, and serving a pancake of Chestnut Drive. He brea astinhonorgfourveterans.

Marine Lance Cori)oral Kyle Nlro - Enlisted in the Marines in 2010. -.------graduated from US. Marine Corps Scout Sniper School in Kaneohe Bay, - - -_ _ Hawaii in May of 2013. He was awarded the Navy and Marine Corps --- - 3 Achievement Medal for outstanding service during his last deployment. He will be leaving on his next deployment in December 2013. Proud parents are Tony and Vat Niro ofi)unham Road

Listing is continued on back cover 7

VETERANS DAY PROGRAM November 10, 2013 - 11:00 a.m.

1. Pledge of Allegiance led by Veteran Ed Ference, Electrician Mate 24 Class, U.S. Navy (WWID.

2. National Anthem.

3. Acknowledgment of local men currently serving in a branch of the United States Armed Forces by Mayor Kevin Hurst and Council President Pro Tem and Veteran Denny Linville, Private First Class, U.S. Army.

4. Keynote Address by Veteran Joe Benedict, Aviation Electrician 3rd Class, U.S. Navy; (Vietnam); Honor Flight Cleveland Board President and Director of Flight Operations.

5. Shared experiences from Veterans.

6. Moment of silence and presentation of memorial wreath to our departed Veterans by Veterans Mike Thomas, SS 34 Class, U.S. Navy (WW[[) and Sean Ennis, Spec 5, U.S Army (Vietnam); Honor Flight Cleveland Board Member.

7. Dismissal. The Women's Club will continue to serve a pancake breakfast in the Community Room until 1:00 p.m. We are proud to offer all veterans a free breakfast. LOCAL MEN CURRENTLY SERVING OUR COUNTRY

(Continued) Marine Lieutenant Colonel Kenneth Owens - Enlisted in the Marines in 1990 and joined the Marine Reserves in 2005. When on duty he is headquartered at US. Marine Corps Forces Africa and serves as a Logistic Planner, acting as liaison for the combined combat exercises of the U.S and African forces. Proud parents are Duke and Fran Owens of North Meadowpark Drive. Marine Master Sergeant Jason (Lane) Santa Maria - Enlisted in the Marines in 1997 and is currently stationed at Camp Lejeune in Jacksonville, North Carolina.

Army Specialist Timothy Sargent - Enlisted in the Army in 2010. He is currently deployed for the second time in Afghanistan as a medic with the 87m Sapper Company. He will be returning in March and should be moving to Ft. Campbell, KY in June where he hopes to begin training as a flight medic. Proud father is Andy Sargent of Shaner Drive. Navy Petty OJJicer 3 d Class ET Jeffrey Snyderburn - Enlisted in the Navy in January 2012. He graduated from the second of three schools to study Navy Nuclear Propulsion and is currently attending the Navy Nuclear Prototype School at Ballston Spa, NY. He should graduate in February or March of 2014, at which time he will be assigned to a ship. Proud parents are Je and Sharon Sn>derburn of Rashell Drive.


We would like to extend our most sincere appreciation to the Walton Hills Women's Club for hosting, preparing, and serving a pancake breakfast in honor Of our Veterans.

We would also like to thank Carol James Floristfor providing us with a beautiful wreath to present to our departed Veterans. They are located at 451 Broadway Avenue in downtown Bedford: 440.786.1811; Raine Austen, National Anthem Vocalist We would like to extend our most sincere appreciation to our National HONOR * COURAGE * LOYALTY Anthem vocalist, Raine Austen, a critically acclaimed recording artist from Maple Heights, Ohio. She has inspired audiences for years with '1 +A l A A' her uplifting music of love, hope, and faith. (Pictured below left) \--iw 11-wi-21\-1111 -31, - 1 ' r \4I . 6 \ , f. f - f ,

Meet Our Veterans' Liaison - Abby Frejofsky IJ 'L

Abby Frejofsky dispatches for the Village full-time as well as serving '-'- * , 6 seventh as an Auxiliary Oficer when needed. She is serving in her J J' 1 -1'1/ year in the U.S. Army Reserves. She was deployed to Afghanistan in 2- i k k t i l 6 L i r .,1 1 2009-2010. She is looking forward to assisting Village veterans and i,k 1 1/ 1, ' El P ' '-/ -1 1 1- A informing them of the many benefits and programs that are available. r 01'.1 1 t., 1 . / F' Alt You can contact Abby at AbbvF@,waltonhillsohio.frov or 440.232.1313 \ri-G 1 /1 . x. 297. (Pictured above right)

- ij - 7 VETERANS DAY 2014 HONORING ALL WHO SERVED 1 If You Can Read This, ThankA Teacher. 1 | If You Can Read This In.EnEhkh, I 2014 £=rb' NOVEMBER 1] , #74 1(21'll':/ ,/Of mmi Thank A Veteran! mml 99 e.,1 illf' ,.: '.\ \'.' 1 \ 1 1, 3\ L------J

1 -1 LOCAL MEN CURRENTLY SERVING OUR COUNTRY *7 If you know of additional men or women currently serving in the armed forces, please contact the Mayor 's Ojfice.

.- • Army Sergeant Class James Buhrow - Son of Mark and Ellen Buhrow of Shaner Drive.

• Navy Information Systems Technician 2 d Class Nathan Buhrow - Son of Mark and Ellen Buhrow of Shaner Drive. • Marine Staff Sergeant John Hays - Son-in-law of Arthur and VETERANS DAY PROGRAM Elizabeth Roth of Colonial Court. November 11, 2014 - 11:00 a.m. • Army Sergeant Bradley Hejl - Stepson of Andy Sargent of Shaner Drive. 1. Pledge of Allegiance led by U.S. Marine Corps Sergeant • Marine Lieutenant Colonel Kenneth Owens - Son of Duke and Fran Mason Fabian Owens of North Meadowpark Drive. our National Anthem Raine Austen • Army Specialist-Promotable (soon to be sergeant) Timothy Sargent - 2. The singing of by Son of Andy Sargent of Shaner Drive. 3. Acknowledgment of local men currently serving in a • Navy Petty Qfficer 3 d Class Nuclear Electronics Technician Jeffrey branch of the United States Armed Forces by Mayor Snyderburn - Son of Jeff and Sharon Snyderburn of Rashell Drive. Kevin Hurst

4. Keynote Address by U.S. Army Sergeant Daniel Dunn

5. Moment of silence and presentation of memorial wreath to our departed veterans by U.S. Army Staff Sergeant Seth Eaton and U.S. Army Specialist Adam Boey

6. Dismissal. Pleasejoin usinthe Community Room to hear Councilwoman Gloria Terlosky share her experience as an Honor Guardian and watch a one hour .,™' Flight yllii'* documentary on how Honor Flight was started. Pizza will . .' 10 0 8 1/ be served and all veterans will receive a special gift. We Salute Our Veterans This Memorial Day

By Jim Pemberton

We salute every soldier who's served this great nation, Memorial Day And offer a heart ofthanks and appreciation;

We salute each member of our armed forces, May 26, 2014 And are thankful for their efforts and resources;

We salute the many who protect our borders too, We'd be in trouble... if not for people like YOU; Village ofWalton Hills, Ohio

We salute every son and daughter lost in a war, YOU are what serving this country is meant for;

We salute the officers who've guided our women and men, Our prayers are with you, and our love from within; I, i. Ff ·' 1.:.=...... We salute our veterans, wherever they may be, 1 24 977 Those who served on land, air and sea; % '1047*-2 11. I - Offering prayer to the Lord is our belief, That he will guide our Commander-in-Chief; :t l'' i 1/£,/ I

As we observe 7 "4 4 Memorial Day this year, b 2 -" 1 Let's offer our soldiers love, hope and cheer;

May God bless them in all they endeavor, And His peace be with them today and forever! With lEonor & Gratitude We Remember

/ Congressman David Joyce .-

Our keynote speaker, Congressman David Joyce, is a lifelong Ohioan who has dedicated his life to family and community. Upon graduation from the University of Dayton, he worked as a public defender in Cuyahoga County. He served as Geauga County Prosecutor since 1988. Throughout his career, he has assisted in numerous counties throughout Ohio as a special prosecutor. Some of his case and trial work has been featured on national shows such as "48 Hours" on CBS. MEMORIAL DAY PROGRAM In November 2012, Mr. Joyce was elected to the 113th Congress to May 26, 2014 - 8:30 A.M. represent the 14 h district of Ohio. He serves on the influential House Committee on Appropriations where he makes it a priority to make government work more efficient and effective and protect American 1. Introduction by Mayor Kevin Hurst tax dollars. He resides in Russell Township with his wife and three children. 2. The Raising ofthe Flag by Drew and Halle Durdak (residents) and Ross Genchi and Nick Liszka from *.- - Northfield -Saint Barnabas Scout *./Ailli*,lili Boy Troop 575 *,:lilli * ... M 3. The singing of our National Anthem by Raine Austen 4. Pledge of Allegiance led by resident Veteran Julius Kerekes, Master Sergeant, U.S. Army.

Raine Austen 5. Keynote Address by Congressman David Joyce

6. salute Walton Hills Police Our National Anthem vocalist, Raine Austen, has an extended vocal Rifle by Sergeant Pete Kanjuka, Sergeant Dave Kwiatkowski and Officer Tom range of light-opera to contemporary fashion. She is no stranger to the stage in the music industry. This gifted singer has been formally Cercek invited to sing at hundreds of specialty and formal events - including 7. Memorial wreath our those for international Presidents, Diplomats and Ambassadors. presented to departed comrades by resident Veteran Paul Singing since before she was born, so her mom claims, this local Jablonski, Sergeant E-5, U.S. resident spent her life front and center on stages large and small. Marine Corps Raine's music career led her down many interesting paths including Echo Bedford School TV and radio commercials, as a demo singer and background singer at 8. Taps and performed by High recording studios, as a choral arranger within the churches and gospel students Nicholas Clark and Raelene Jones music genres, and as a solo recording artist with four CDs under her belt after an eight year sojourn in Nashville as a singer / songwriter. Raine is best known for reaching into the heart and touching the soul Please join us for refreshments in the Community Room from the stage. To learn her full story, please log on to her website at 11- 9-0 1 S

Liberty News & Views i= Walton Hills Veterans from All Wars .697--. Dowling, Dick (Army) Marino, Joseph P. (Army) Provance, Kenneth H. St. John, Bill (Army) Adler, George (Navy) Kalman, Sr., Robert (Navy) ....9.... Ed Marshall, William (Army) Rada, Jr., John J. (Army Reserves) Stone, James , ' Allen, William L (Navy) Eckert, Kalman, Jr., Robert (Navy) David Matia, Bill (Coast Guard) Stucky, Donald M. (Navy) =-- Q* Allen, william J (Amiy) Elam, David (Air Force) Kapla, (Naval Reserves) Eugene (Navy) Ramsey, Elam, Jack Kara, Julius Mazzone, Joe Surace, Steve (Army) jp Ananea, Beniamin J. (Marines) (Army) Falcon, William Kato, Kenneth R. Mazzone, Tom Reboudo, Joseph -Ananea, Michael (Navy) . Sam Garen McDonald, John Natl &*JFil CAIA. Annett, Daniel W. (Air Force) Fazio, Kelly, (Marines) (Naval Reserves) (Army OH Guard) %,21.,S„, 2%:,) · Fecko, Thomas A. (Navy) Kerekes, Julius S. (Amiy) McLean, David (National Guard) _ Reming, Thomas W. (Army) Thiele, Vernon - F+14 li Assad, Todd (Airforce) (Army) Bore, Thomas (Navy) Kibler, Ken (Naval Reserves) McLean, Robert (Navy) Renau, Hubert F. (Army) Tinter, Raymond D. (Anny) S.,2-&17 · First, Robert J. Kieliszek, Chester J. McNamee, Charles (Air Force) Reynolds, Paul S. (Army) Tomcik, Jr., Joe fey 1 :tirt:= Folton, Ernest A. (Air Force) Delmar, Kidc (Army) McRitchie, Dale (Army) - ---Ricco, Michael (Army) Tomondy, Cyril (Army) Barnes, C.J. (Airforce) I Charles Kirk, Roy (Air Meda, Arthur M. (National Guard) Ridher, Edward (Navy) Toburen, John W. (Army) Begg, Josiah Frank, (Army) Force) ' Fuhmleyer, Andy Norman L (Army) Menti, Frank Active National Guard) (Air Force) Kirschnick, (Air Force) Richer, Ronald (Navy) Tribuzzo, Fred (Navy) Klukan, Dennis Miavitz, Jr., Fred (Army) Riddles, Gary (Navy) Trzeciak, Eddie (AirforceBell, John Fuhrmeyer, Roger (Navy) (Navy) Miller, Earl Ridsdale, Fred H. (Army) Vild, Robert G. (Navy) Bills, John A. Gazdik, Joseph D. (Army) Klukan, Ron (Army) (Army) William Zisimos, Giatis (Air Force) Knapp, David S. (Coast Guard) (Army Engineers Corps) Robertson, (Air Force) Visocky, Philip (Army) kiN/'INNIA Blair, James P. (Army) Michael J. (Army) A Dennis J. Walter Minichbauer, James G. Romanik, Steven (Army) VIasek. Bobowicz, William John (Army) Gibbons, (Army) Kobys, (Army) Romito, Franklin R. Vlk, Leroy L (Army) -A'*6. Bokshon, Robert J. (Amly) Gigliotti, Victor Koester, Holly (Army) (Army Air Corps) Joe Kohn, Ed G Mone, Russell W. (Navy) Roth, Arthur (Army) Vogler, Robert F. Boiling. Jacob (Anny) Giordano, (Marines) (Army) Raymond (Anny) Moore, W. Glenn Roth, Paul (Arniy) Wagner, .....gill.lill Bosway, Bill(Naval Air Reserves) Grams, Kolis, Joseph William A..y) VIF Mroz, Rpz- Ruckart, Ralph E. (Navy) Walters, Leonard G. Gray, Gilbert (Army) Kolis, Raymond A. (Air Force) George (Anny) no Joseph L (Navy) i./ \J 1 Brenner, (Amiy) '' Walton, Green, James W. (Navy) Komorowski, Arthur R Neading, Andrew (Navy) Attilio A. Jefferson - Brenner, Raymond J. (Army) Russo, (Army) William Edward D. Neilsen, Jr., Frederick (Army) Wardle, William D. 'Ill/- Brown, Ronald Greenwell, (Army) Kopinsky, (Army) Russo, Joseph C. S. Kovar, Alan R. Force) Niro, Kyle (Marines) Wamke, Kurt (Amiy) Brultz 111, Jack (Air Force) Gulajski,.Ronald (Air Sabo, Randy Ronald R Kozak, J. Noeth, Dewitt (Army) Wamke, Myron , Buhrow, Mark (Navy) Gunya, Terry Sabo, Thomas R. (Navy) Hackbatt, Perry (Army Air Krakowski, Thomas (Amiy) Ochwat, Allan J. Washtock, David (Army) #7 ,--= pll Butwina, Mathew (Army) Sagula, Sr., Robert (Navy/Army) Weiland, Kuchta, Michael Force) Orenski, Eugene H. (Navy) Benedict J. Francis (Army) Cashman, Tom (Army) Force) (Air Saina, (Marines) Brian P. -Weimer, Gerald (Army) Hallaran, Thomas (Navy) Kuchta, Raymond G. (Army) Organiscak, (Marines) Saina, Harry F. gl Ceccardi, Leroy (Marines) Francis Lawrence Vp Hanslik, Norman (Army) Lautanen, George H. Organiscak, Jr., (Marines) Sakian, Pete (Army) Weimer, # Charsanko, Richard (Ariny) Sr. Francis W. Weitzman, Harris, Richard (Army Air Lavrencik, Joseph (Army) Organiscak, (Amly) Salamon, Jr., James Donald (Army) // Chesnik, Albert L (Army) Oritiejoseph A. illrilililitib Leonhardt Sr., Donald J. (Army) Air Weitzman, Jerome M. (Army) , (Marines) Force) (Naval Force) " Cifari, Remo E Frank--. Lerchbacher, Frank R (Army) Ottaviano, Fa9e (Army) D. Werden, Edward W. (Navy) - 9#df / Cinburek, Charles J. Hegedus, Santoli, Raymond . Andrew (Army) Levanduski, Ray Ottaviano, George (Army) Air Whitmer, Wilbur R (Navy) (Arrny Air Corps) Hejl, (Army Corps) (Amly) Pace, Benjamin (Army) Wiese, William (Amly) Clements, Robert (Army Air Force) Heiman, Don Unville, Denny (Army) Saunders, Dan (Air Force) Air Uscoe, Al Palgut, Alan L (Army) Clifford R. Williamson, Phillip (Navy) , Collins, William R. (Army) Hopkins, Dick (Army (Marines) Schorpp, Jr., Jack Joseph (Arniy) Wills, Homer (Navy) #MNA-I. IEiIVEM Collise, John Force) Uscoe, (Coast Guard) Palgut, Sheeler, Leslie R. (Army) Michael Kenneth J. (Marines) %IMI't l!"Hl Conelly, Ludwig S. Horwath, Frank (Marines) Uscoe, Sr., (Army) Palgut, Silbaugh, Alvin (Navy) Wise, Jack (Army) Uscoe, Jr., Michael fArmy) Palik, David (Army) Charles G. Wollet, Joseph R COH Natl. Guard, Army) Hrabak, George Slaby, J. Uscoe, Ray (Army) Pankratz, Alfred R. Woodard, Dead R. (Army) 9 iWill-.Q Cook, Richard (Army) Ignaut, John Sleeman, John Paul (Army) Jablonski, Paul M. James A. (Army) Pekar, Joseph C. (Navy) Wright, Cotter, Donald (Navy) (Marines) Lynch, Smith, Jeffrey W. (Army) William (Army) - Leonard Petranek, Steve C. (Army) Wurts, Jack E (Army Air '4 Thomas J. Jajola, Joseph Madej, (Army) Sontowski, Edmund P. Corps) 1 Croft, (Army) Wysocki, Robert L (Army) Richard (Army) Phillips, David (Army) . e D'Amico, Nick (Marine Corps) Jatsek, John Madej, Soma, James (OH National Guard) Jecman, Ken Maggio, Nick (Army Air Force) Pidala, Joseph Young, Thomas G. (Army) , Daniels, Jim (Army) (Marines) Soma, Keith (Navy) I. Sr., Ralph (Aniiy) Pike, Charles Patton (Coast Guard) Albert Yurko, Edward ,# Davis, James H. Johnson, Phillip Maggio, Spoto, (Arrity Air Corps) Jr., (Army) Pliske, Donald B. (Amiy) Air (Navy and Naval Reserves) /f,4 L--la-la. il Deak, William A. (Navy) Maggio, Ralph Sramek, Henry (Army Force) Carl Maire, Joseph G. (Army) Pollock, Edward J. Vincent Zamos, Robert E. (Army) /1,1://Bal'illim #5 Demyar, Michael (Army) Juran, Stanfa, (Army) Mancini Ronald Ponikvar, Robert (ArmK Amiy Nati. Zimmerman, Cindy Brultz (Army) Hi VI/iMJW /# DiCarlo, Russell Kainsinger, Robert G. (Air (Army) Stanoszek, Ken (OH Guard) Maras, James C. Reserves, OH National Guard) Michael (Army Air Corps) '61 Dill, Carl (Army) Force) (Arniy) Stasko. David Jerome (Marines) Pracejus, Walter J. (Coast Guard) Steven Dimarco, Frank (Marines) Kaiser, (Marines) Mardigian, Sterpka, (Marines) not call Walton Hills Hall- 440-232-7800 We have made every effort to include all.Walton Hills Veterans. Should there be a name included, please Village

a\sO: Also:Megan Du,ile-419 €terny NAVY R»INES, CORNER Ch#Fles Dusf k afmy NAVY RltiNGs, MARGE J fm -BeliA C ast Guaf 1.-ero 9 Atki,isorl G cri V "-1015- Wawon 1,6(15 Jounal

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Abby Frejofsky, Walton Hills Veterans' Liaison + 440.232.1313 + [email protected]

November 1 1 m is the day we honor the men and women that have day of the eleventh month. For that reason, November 11,1918, served in the US Armed Forces, but do you know why the federal is generally regarded as the end of "the war to end all wars.' holiday is observed on November 11 th? As we honor the men and women who have served and are serving our country, here is a In November 1919, President Wilson proclaimed November 11'h little history of Veterans Day: as the first commemoration of Armistice Day with the following words: "To us in America, the reflections of Armistice Day will be World War 1, known at the time as "The Great War,' officially ended filled with solemn pride in the heroism of those who died in the when the Treaty of Versailles was signed on June 28, 1919, in country's service and with gratitude for the victory, both because of the Palace of Versailles outside the town of Versailles, . the thing from which it has freed us and because of the opportunity However, fighting ceased seven months earlier when an armistice, it has given America to show her sympathy with peace and justice or temporary cessation of hostilities, between the Allied nations in the councils of the nations. and Germany went into effect on the eleventh hour of the eleventh Source: VA Public Affairs

Soldiers of the 353' Infantry near a church at Stenay. Meuse in France, walt for the end of hostilitles. This photo was taken at 10:58am. on November 11,1918, two minutes before the armistice ending World War I .f. '3.2 -.. , went into effect. , I ... r.. ' I ' 7.. • ·35' '%* W 4.....nE, 5 IC..454/249*0 - /9 The Village of Walton Hills will honor those who have served and n:a

. =-.- are serving our nation with a ZL ... 1.-. /:/ Veterans Day Ceremony on Wednesday, November ll'h -*.':/1.* beginning at 1 lam at the Hall. . - Village . I.I.- -- t/-

-I ./- Raine Austen, National Anthem Vocalist

We would like to extend our most sincere appreciation to our National Anthem vocalist, Raine Austen, a critically acclaimed recording artist from Maple Heights, Ohio. She has inspired audiences for years with <.-:. her liplifting music of love, hope, andfaith. (Pictured below left)

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Meet Our Veterans' Liaison - Abby Frejofsky

Abby Frejofsky dispatches for the Village full-time as well as serving as an Auxiliary Ojficer when needed. She is serving in her ninth year in the US. Army Reserves. She was deployed to Afghanistan in 2009- 2010. She looks forward to assisting Village veterans and informing them of the many benejits and programs that are available. You can contact Abby at [email protected] or 440.232.1313 x. 297. (Pictured above right)

1 - 7 1 If You Can Read This, ThankA Teacher. 1 1 If You Can ReadThis In Engl&14 1 "l Thank A Veteran! Imi,IE I L--___----___---___3 LOCAL MEN CURRENTLY SERVING OUR COUNTRY If you know of additional men or women currently serving in the armed forces, please contact the Mayor 's Ojfice. -1/ 7 *4

• Army Sergeant James Buhrow - Son of Mark and Ellen Buhrow of Shaner Drive. B A

• Navy Information Systems Technician Z'd Class Nathaniel Buhrow - m 11* 4/ son°fMarkand Ellen Buhrow of Shaner Drive· -

J- a....a . • Marine Gunnery Sergeant John Hays - Son-in-law of Arthur and Elizabeth Roth ofColonial Court. VETERANS DAY PROGRAM • Army Sergeant Bradley Hejl - Stepson of Andy Sargent of Shaner Drive. November 11, 2015 - 11:00 a.m.

• Marine Lieutenant Colonel Kenneth Owens - Son of Duke and Fran 1. Pledge of Allegiance led by U.S. Marine Corps Corporal Owens of North Meadowpark Drive. Zachary Bryant, Walton Hills Police Department Dispatcher/Auxiliary Police Officer • Army Sergeant Timothy Sargent - Son of Andy Sargent of Shaner Drive. 2. The singing of our National Anthem by Raine Austen • Navy Petty Ojficer rd Class Nuclear Electronics Technician Jeffrey Snyderburn - Son ofJeff and Sharon Snyderburn of Rashell Drive. 3. Acknowledgment of local men currently serving in a branch of the United States Armed Forces by Mayor Kevin Hurst

4. Keynote Address by U.S. Marine Corps Sergeant Mason Fabian

5. Presentation of memorial wreath to our departed veterans by U.S. Army Staff Sergeant Seth Eaton and U.S. Army Second Lieutenant Joseph LaGruth.

6. Dismissal. for refreshments in the »«' Please join us Community Room. All veterans will receive a special gift of appreciation for their service. d. -„» ." fo Music provided by the 338 1 Army Band Quintet