fraternally yours

Volume 1, Issue 4 February 1999

Edited By the Fraternal ~~Unity and Community Department at anchester Unity took on the day either in handing as being a technology leader, Society Manother step into the out the Teddy Bears or in that is something that Office in future as the major sponsor taking children through into differentiates us.” for a party for under- Wellington. Santa’s cave to receive their SO Bro Jonathan Gee com- privileged children. gift bags and all agreed that mented that he felt very 1500 underprivi- humbled by the This is the leged children experience official ranging from “Some of these magazine of the physically and children are very Manchester intellectually special. Their Unity Friendly handicapped attitude in the through to chil- Society in New face of adversity dren from low is something we Zealand. income homes re- could all learn Published four ceived invitations from. It makes times per year in to attend a party you appreciate February, May, at the Wellington your own good August and Events Centre. fortune. November. Entertainment and Christmas is all food was provided and “Xmas is all about children . . .” says about children, and the Santa abseiled down from CEO Brian Howard-Clarke birth of a very special child Contributions the catwalk and made his to an every-day family. That and photos way to Santa’s Cave where it was a very rewarding child taught us to care for should be sent all the toys were waiting. experience. others, including those less to Each child received a bag of CEO Brian Howard-Clarke fortunate than ourselves, and gifts suitable to their age saw this as being an this was one way to put that The Editor, and gender, together with excellent link between the into action.” PO Box 5083, a soft cuddly Teddy Bear caring traditions of our 2ZB’s organiser, Mark Wik- Lambton Quay that played a selection of fraternal organisation and the strom was very happy with Wellington. Christmas tunes. UNITY brand. the result and looks forward A team of staff members “It is important that we are to expanding it to another by the 1st of the from Society office assisted seen to have a heart as well centre next year. month prior to publication Regular features Feature Article – The Voice of the Community 2 Letters to the Editor 4 Around the Districts 5 Head Office Happenings 7 fraternally yours New Year Message from The Grand Master of the Order in New Zealand Bro. David Walker s the old year rolls out serve, to preserve and Aand the new year rolls encourage the fraternal links in, Manchester Unity like that bind us all. “Old Man River” just keeps Make 1999 the year in rolling along! We all belong which we all resolve to keep to a remarkable institution, the Unity alive by keeping in dedicated to helping one touch with our Lodge and if another from generation to possible attending our Lodge generation, and still based on Bro. David Walker and meetings. the founding principles of his wife Bev To all our members who are assisting members to achieve confined to home, be it by financial independence, better ways to see that all illness, disability, or while promoting the spirit of members have the distance, we send you fraternal goodwill among all opportunity to achieve fraternal good wishes for a our members. financial independence and happy 1999, and trust that Your Board of Directors are to encourage all members in “Father Time” will go easy working towards new and whatever capacity they with you. The Voice of the Community from The Secretary of the Order in New Zealand Bro. Jonathan Gee he time when we speak with the mayor or to fulfil that obligation to Tprepare to move into the other influential citizens and your fellow member in next century and millenium, these civic leaders could see distress then the Lodge could is a good opportunity for us how their decisions affected impose a to consider how our Society the ordinary member of substantial fine or has progressed. society. even expel you In the latter part of last Looking after a fellow from membership. century, and the early part of member’s welfare was a This last option this, Lodges enjoyed an prime objective and it was would probably influential position in New achieved by offering not be seen as a Looking after a Zealand Society. financial assistance out of serious deterrent fellow member’s It was a much sought after Lodge funds, by offering today, but in the welfare was a honour to be nominated to practical assistance from early days of our prime objective . . . join a Lodge. It offered other members such as close knit prestige and an opportunity Lodge sick visitors, or by communities it to ‘network’ with a wide using influential fellow would have variety of people, something members to intercede on the quickly become which is still sought by members behalf. common many today. Because all Care of your fellow man was knowledge members are equal in the an obligation, and in the resulting in the ex-member lodge room, a labourer could unlikely event that you failed becoming a social outcast. 2 fraternally yours The Voice of the Community – continued

The fines imposed were also effect on their benefit. If mouth existence, unable to quite substantial, sometimes there are no unemployed afford meat or fresh fruit in exceeding a workingman’s members of your lodge in a country of primary weekly income. This shows the area, consider using a producers. that not all our members non-member, after seeing These are issues that a lodge were “blue collar” or low how Manchester Unity could adopt and become a income, for a review of early works they may join when voice for the community in membership indicates a wide they are more financially which you live. Instead of range of professions from able. providing cash from your Prime Ministers to merchants The third form of assistance benevolent funds, hold a to labourers. presents a greater difficulty fund raiser and invite local Today we offer in today’s environment. Our influential people, such as financial ‘politically correct’ society MPs, mayors, hospital assistance though no longer finds it acceptable administrators etc and then the many for a person to use their invite a knowledgeable benevolent funds influence to alter the person to speak on the topic. If you are associated with circumstances of another. In Publicise the event in local successful then our lodges or the worst circumstances an papers and invite a your members will districts and the action which may have been journalist. Everyone pays be better off . . . Society accepted in earlier years their own way and local Benevolent & could now result in loss of members can show their Emergency Relief employment or jail. I am not support of the speaker by Fund. suggesting that this is unjust, speaking individually to the Practical assis- but I do see that people have invited persons. tance can still be to be overly cautious in If you are successful then offered, although with carrying out an act of your members will be better compassion. shorter hos-pital stays the off and if not then at least Sick Visitor is lucky to However, a Lodge or any they and others will have actually find a patient in group of people has the seen that the Lodge has hospital! But this can be right, and probably an attempted to do somethimg. extended into the members obligation, to speak out on You may well get new home. Many of our members behalf of its members and members when people see are elderly and would the community in general the good work that the appreciate some assistance, where there is a problem that Lodge is achieving. while others are unemployed needs to be put right. and looking for work. As an example I frequently Perhaps we should take a receive requests for leaf from the government’s assistance from the SBERF “Work for Dole” scheme and fund for medical care in benefit two members with private facilities due to the the same money by paying waiting lists and points an unemployed member to system failing the person carry out work for one of concerned, or from elderly our less able members. members who have TRY IT you have nothing to Unemployed are able to earn exhausted their life savings lose and everything to gain. small amounts without any and must live a very hand to

3 fraternally yours Outstanding Service Recognised

lmost 300 people met in In addition to the local Athe Chevier Centre, dignitaries who were present Rangiora on 28th November and spoke, tributes were also for the presentation of the paid by visitors from Auckland, White Star Merit Jewel to Banks Peninsula, Ashburton, PDGM Sis Anne Tull. This North Canterbury, Nelson jewel is awarded to a member Districts and representatives by the Board of Directors for from several other organis- outstanding service to Lodge, ations with which Sis Anne District or Society. In making has been associated. the presentation Grand Master It was agreed by many of the Bro David Walker referred to visitors that attendance at the the outstanding service given with her unfailing efforts to function was the largest seen by Sis Tull to the Rangiora promote membership. at any Manchester Unity Lodge where she is Secretary In reply Sis Tull referred to function anywhere in NZ for to the Ashley District. There members who had assisted her many years and this showed she has served as a member over the years and to the help the high esteem in which Sis of the management committee given her by her husband Tull is held throughout the and has served the Society Bevan and family. country. Letters to the Editor

Dear Sir, meat. What we have found In reply to Colonel most effective is to use a Rashaction’s letter concerning mouse and scare the our recipe for “Elephant elephant to death. The Stew”. From the tone of the adrenaline generated by the letter I can only assume that fright adds a piquant taste to the dish. the Colonel has eaten his stew while on safari and not in the 2. In taking up to 2 months salons or dining rooms of 3. As it is intended to use to cut the meat up, not only does it have the same effect New Zealand. Had he done so the ears as canapes, the as hanging venison, but it he would have realised that African elephant is provides employment for the only species of elephant preferable as it has larger some of the less fortunate that can be used is the African ears and therefore you get members of our society. type. That is for people with more canapes per elephant. European tastes. 3. I do agree that fanning 4. As the Indian elephant the flames reduces the The reasons for this are as is used extensively for cooking time considerably. follows: labour intensive tasks, the 4. We tried hyena as a 1. If a Rajah is already riding meat of all but the very thickener but, sadly, it was the elephant “howdah” you young tends to be tough no laughing matter. and difficult to chew and remove him without harming 5. With RCV now in vogue the elephant. the cooking time becomes among farmers we have 2. Tusks & toenails are, of prohibitively prolonged. found that rabbits are much course not included in the With regards to the easier to obtain, thus dish. As any self respecting Colonel’s other comments, making a less expensive elephant chef will tell you, 1. We do not shoot the dish. these are rendered down later elephant first as the lead 6. Finally, wine should and used as bait in mousetraps. from the shot taints the never be taken with this 4 fraternally yours Letters to the Editor – continued

dish. It tends to override the finding any evidence of admirable quality as a window delicate taste of the stew. elephants whatsoever, apart cleaner and is most effective What is best is a large glass from a large footprint in when poured into open of “” that splendid South Westland which later wounds to staunch bleeding. firewater from the Mainland. turned out to be the result of I find that drinking the Gerard Ferris, Sub-Editor, some very close inter- can be a rather risky business Wellington District Cookbook breeding between families in as not only does it completely that area. I was fortunate anaesthetise the taste buds, Dear Sir, enough to bag a brace of but it has a rapid and large emu-like birds in this Thank you for publishing my debilitating effect on the leg same area, whose feathers muscles, normally only found letter and for the copy of the made a fine cloak which I reply sent by “Bwana” Ferris. in the curare tipped darts of have stowed away with the Pygmy. One glass will I must admit that I have not some unusual green rock cause almost instant paralysis eaten my elephant stew in that I found in a local river. and would destroy ones New Zealand. In fact, in many I have tried that concoction appetite for the stew. years of hunting the New called “Hokonui” (named Col. Rashaction Zealand bush I have been after the ranges I believe), BBC & Bar. singularly unsuccessful in and I agree that it has Around the Districts

Ashburton PGM Bro Gordon Sheppard the Auckland Ashburton Lodge held their function took a different form The 150th anniversary of the annual children’s Christmas founding of the Auckland party which was once again District will be held on the enjoyed by a large number of weekend of 28/29 August 1999. children and their families. The weekend is planned to be The generous assistance from a mixture of formal and members to organise and informal functions and will assist at the party is much enable all members to and appreciated. Father Christmas Bro mingle, while renewing old arriving laden with gifts for the Gordon friendships and making new. Sheppard children had to be the highlight. Mark the date on your calendars The Annual combined Ash- with the usual entertainment now, to ensure you are present burton District / Ashburton being replaced by a “This is during what will be a Lodge BBQ was also held your Life” presentation to Bro memorable weekend. recently. Sheppard. As well as speakers All Lodges in the District are on behalf of MU others spoke meeting again after the holiday Ashley of Bro Gordon’s contribution to season and social functions are The annual senior members tennis, motor racing, the in full swing. Lodges are function held by the Rangiora Woodend Fire Brigade, Lions again supporting community Lodge attracted the usual good Club, motocross and many organisations in their areas attendance. After presentations family activities. A late arriving and fund raising is on going of 50 year membership cer- Bro Sheppard, completely for a variety of good causes. tificates were made to four unaware of what was going to Some areas where support members and 50 year service happen, listened in some is given include: guide dogs jewels were presented to amazement as the various for the visually impaired, PDGM Bro Robin Smith and speakers came forward. hospices, Epilepsy Association,

5 fraternally yours Around the Districts – continued

Community hospitals, and function will be held at Le has been carefully planned and Cancer research. Bon’s Bay, one of the the only effect that members All these activities help raise picturesque bays on the eastern should see is a reduction in the the profile of Manchester Unity of the Peninsula. overall expenditure as this in the community and assist The days activities will include middle layer is removed. Lodge worthwhile causes. a Super Max Cricket match Secretaries will communicate (providing that the Max zone directly with Society Office and Banks Peninsula can be marked out in the sand The Regional Credit Union will After twenty years of dunes). Visitors versus the continue to operate and grow as emergency service in Akaroa locals who know pitch before. This will be the first the Manchester Unity funded conditions well. A BBQ lunch District to voluntarily close Emergency Rescue Vehicle will will be provided and there will under the new rules passed at be officially handed the last Moveable over to the St Johns Conference and we Ambulance on Friday expect that the 15 January. resolutions that have been passed and the Purchased in 1979 with agreements that have funds raised by the been reached will form Banks Peninsula mem- a template for other bership of Manchester Districts who wish to Unity the vehicle has take advantage of this participated in hun- situation. dreds of emergencies resulting in saving a Nelson number of lives. This year saw the Banks Peninsula is Nelson District wel- to become part of Members of the Loyal Marlborough Lodge at their last meeting come the members of the PRIME (Primary the Loyal Marlborough Response In Medical Lodge into the Loyal Nelson be an opportunity to explore the [and accident] Emergencies) Lodge and District. Loyal Marl- which will combine the efforts sandy beach. Visitors are borough Lodge has been part of of local Fire Service Personnel, welcome and a bus has been the Wellington District since St Johns, Akaroa doctors arranged (at a nominal fee) 1943 and we are certain that and continued support by to provide transport from they will be pleased to dispense Manchester Unity members. Christchurch and return. with the Cook Strait crossings. It is noteworthy that the Please note on visiting the The final meeting of the initiative taken by Manchester Peninsula it is necessary to wear Lodge was held on Saturday Unity members 20 years ago a smile; however it may also be 7th November with some has resulted in a very profess- advisable to wear some casual 50 people present, including ional emergency service. Locals clothes plus that sunblock to visitors from Nelson and and visitors to Akaroa/Banks give protection from the typical Wellington Districts, and Peninsula can take comfort Banks Peninsula sunshine representatives of kindred knowing that their welfare in a hours. societies in the area. time of emergency will be cared for by personnel and Hawkes Bay North Canterbury organisations that really care. The Lodges of the Hawkes Bay Who said Fraternity is dying? Members are excited and District held a special general Not when you have well looking forward to the Grand meeting on Tuesday 26th organised and interesting events Master’s visit to the District on January at which they resolved for members’ family and friends Sunday 21st February. This to close the district. This move to attend. 6 fraternally yours Around the Districts – continued

Some good examples of this opportunity of getting together. Taranaki were the various functions Transport, afternoon tea and The Loyal Egmont Lodge arranged prior to Xmas. All entertainment ( this year by the Christmas dinner was held on three Lodges (Addington, City Canterbury Members of the 17 December at Club Taranaki. of Christchurch and Riccarton) National NZ Youth Choir) was It was a very convivial evening of this District had excellent certainly appreciated by the 90 with 62 people attending. The Christmas functions that had attendees. meal was superb and all those good attendances, interesting Again this year the organisers who attended thoroughly events and enjoyable outcomes. of the annual Santa Parade in enjoyed themselves especially What a way to celebrate pre Christchurch asked Unity 72 to when Santa arrived to distribute Christmas and the end of an organise the crowd marshalls. the presents. interesting year with fellow Noel Price has always willingly members and friends. Social events planned for 1999 undertaken this task of include a ten pin bowls night, The District catered for the gathering over 100 people from mini putt and the Egmont young and the mature with a our Lodges, other charitable Lodge annual picnic that will be combined Lodges children’s organisations, Scouts etc to held on 14 February at Corbett Christmas party and a senior spend up to four hours enjoying Park, Oakura, so if you are members party. While the and humouring the crowds of visiting Taranaki during that children of various ages up to children, young and old, into time you are most welcome to 12 years had their normal lollies remaining orderly so that all attend. and ice-creams (so did the may enjoy the pageantry of the adults) there was some magical parade. Wanganui ? entertainment, provided by For the last ten years Noel has Natural , that had all done such a professional job Wellington involved. that he has been invited to The Wellington District has a Father Christmas with his vol- organise other activities from variety of events planned for the unteered helpers (Tweedledum, community functions, including new year including the District Bro. Bob Burnby and Tweedle- the opening of the new Picnic at Harcourt Park, Upper dee Bro. John Haylock) still WestpacTrust Centre. Noel (as Hutt on 7th February at 10am. proved most popular to the 103 most will appreciate) has been A bus trip to the Mt Bruce children in attendance who an enthusiastic worker for Wildlife Sanctuary is planned were all given an interesting Manchester Unity in all spheres on 20 February, with a free fish Christmas gift. of activity for over 50 years and and chip dinner. The Senior Members Party is can still show most of us organised to give those younger members a clean pair Other events include a wine members and their spouses, or of heels with his vigour and trail, theatresports, and a fishing widows and widowers of late drive. trip. members, who are now unable Contact Gaylene (04) 566-1043 to attend functions regularly, the Southland ? for more details. Head Office Happenings

We managed it all, the Fun Run, challenges in 1999 we didn’t Royal & Sun Alliance insurance The Taupo cycle event, the expect to include water sports. policy so the carpet and Duathlon and still had enough Over the Xmas break a water computers will be replaced and energy left for a Christmas valve failed on the 10th floor our 9th floor staff will be able Party. Its amazing how much and the offices on the 9th and to return to their offices soon. the human body can take! But 8th floor received a special while we were looking for new wash. Thankfully we have a 7 fraternally yours DISCOUNT SCHEME Thank you to all those who replied and entered the competition which was won by: Mrs Erin Ryan of Loyal City of Christchurch Lodge

who assures us that she will be looking to have a holiday weekend a little later in the year once her English language student is settled. Congratulations Erin!

We received excellent support for the scheme and are now canvassing a range of suppliers with the results to see just what sort of discounts we can get. We will then be looking at how to run it so watch this space for more information.

Easter in the Bay of Islands

hat nicer place to spend It is held in conjunction with There are so many things to Easter than the sunny members of the Far North do in this sunshine playground W from visiting the historic treaty Bay of Islands in winterless Branch of the NZ Motor Northland. house to playing mini golf, Caravan Association from 1st swimming with dolphins, This will be the 16th year of to 6th April. cruising the bay, visiting NZ’s the Moerewa Lodge Easter first Capital city, fishing and Camp and each year just keeps If you don’t like camping then there are a number of motels diving, kayaking and sailing or getting better. The venue is at just plain relaxing. The Waitangi Motor Camp, and hotels in the area that For further details contact Paihia, where the charges are would allow you to still join in Sis J. Heatley very reasonable. the fun. PO Box 1, Moerewa 0292

Where are the “Spice Boys”?

very month Sis Sis Betty has a special EBetty Lark of the group of men who Taranaki District always sit together, rounds up her senior despite her best efforts members group and at matchmaking with heads them out to a some of the ladies. different location in They are known in the Taranaki for an group as the “Spice afternoon of fun and Boys” (Wonder why?) friendship. or even by some as “Last of the Summer In November they had Wine” (Who could luncheon at the very replace poor Compo?) popular Pukekura Park but they all enjoy Tea Kiosk, and sat in themselves and look the garden among the Taranaki Senior Members at Pukekura Park forward to their beautiful flowers. monthly meeting. 8