Legend Legend ELU_summar Proposed LegHiellsn/Rdocky areas Public utility Existing Residential R2 Agriculture Agriculture A1 ProISp-oRseesiddential Hills/Rocky Qarueaarsry to Park Public uRtileitsy idEexnisttiainl gR3 Residential R2 Legend Commercial Legend Agriculture A1 IS-ResidentAiagAlrgicriuclutulturere A A12 IISnd-RuAQsegutsrraiiadcrleurylnt uttiorae lP Aa1rk IS-ResidentRiaeQRl cuereasiardrtyeio ntnot/i OaPlp aRerk3n space Quarry tRo ePsRaidrekesnidtiaeln Rtia4l R3 Residential R3 Defence area Commercial Proposed Hills/Rocky areas Public utility Existing Residential R2 Proposed Agriculture A2 Hills/RockIny dauresatrsial Agriculture A2 Public uIIntnilddituuyARs Egetrrxciiaaicrsellu tEialntutxgiirosent iA/nOg2pen space IRndeussidtreianltial RReRR2ceercesriadeteiaontniot/iOanl/p ORep4ne snp aspcea cEexisting RecreatiRoens/ROidepesenindti aeslnp Rtaiac5le R4 Residential R4 Forest Commercial Existing InduAsgtrriiaclu ilntu Rree Acr1eation/Open spaIAScge-Rriceuslitduernet RiAae1l sidential AgricultIuSr-eR Ae1sidentiaQl uarry tRo ePsaidrkential TransportatioQnuarry toR ePsaidrkential R3 Residential R3 AgricultuCreo mA1mercial IS-ResideInntdiaulstrial ExCisotminmg ercial Quarry Itnod PuCRasroetkrmciarmLel Eaeetxrigcoisinaeti/lnnOgdpen space ExisIRntidenusgsidtreianlt iEalx RisRR3tieencgsrideeantiotianl/ ORp5en space ExistinRgecreation/ROepseind esnptaiacle R E5xisting Residential R5 Legend LegenHidlls/Rocky areas Defence MineAsg raicnudl tQuruea Arr2ies ExistiLngegenIAngddruicsutrlitaulre RAe2sidential AgricultIunrdeu Ast2rial RecreatiRoens/Oidpeennti aslp taoc AegricultureR Ae1creatiRone/sOidpeennti aslp Ra4ce Residential R4 LegenAgdricultuCreo mA2mercial ExistingIndustrialIndustrial inC Roemcrmeearticoianl/ OEpxeisnti nsgpaRceecLreeatIginodenu/nCROsoedtprmsieaindmPl eisrennpor tcRapiiacaeolel c AsEregexaridsitctiouinnlgtu/Orep eAn1 spIRnadecuessidtreianlt iianl HRRRie4llecesrs/seRiiddaoetecionnknttyii/aa Oall rApTeegraanrsin cssupplatoucrretea tAio1n Residential RAPegusrbiicdliucel tnuuttriiaelitl y AT 1Eraxnisstpinogrtation Residential TRreasnisdpeonrttiaatli oRn2 LPreogpeonsded Hills/Rocky areas Public utilityC Eoxmismtienrgcial PropoIRsndeeusudsisdttreriianalt liEalx Ris2ting Hills/Rocky areaRsecreation/Open space ExistPinugblic utilityR Eexsisidtienngtial R5 Residential R2 2 83 Proposed 97 93 135 14 142 195 Defence - Industrial 114 Commercial Industrial Existing Recreation/Open space Existing 131 142 31 82 Min7es/Quarries Residential Existing Residential to Agriculture A2 Residential R5 19 4 7 75 1 7 a 0 3 / Hills/Rocky areas Public utility Existing Residential R2 r 6 5 96 /2 1 Surgaon5 5 111 Defence LEGEND: r 10 1 235 3 Salai (Godhani) 1 Mines and Quarries Existing Residential Agriculture A2 Residential to Agriculture A1 Commerc3 ial 1 e 6 281 Proposed 0 197 Ind74/2ustrial Existing 9 Rec11r3eation7 /Open spaceA Egxriicsutilntugre A1 Residential IRS5-Residential Quarry to Park Residential R3

o 1 2 7 17 Hills/Rocky a6reas/ Defence Public uMtiliintye sE xainstdin Qguarries Existing Residential RR2esidential Agriculture A2 Mines quarries Ag A1 6 0 v 2 /1

i Legend

h 7 1 5 Proposed 5 9 59 81

R 6 7 Legend 1 D 8 143 6 1 8 Defence Mines and Quarrie8 s Existing Res78ident94ial Agriculture A2 Mines quarries Ag A1 1 2 7 1 1 1 1 9 9 6 9 0 1 3 8 7 0 Hills/Rocky areas Public utility Existing Residential R2 95 1 6 93 / 1 5 2 6 2 0 8 4 0 7 0 1 Agriculture A1 IS-Residential 9 QuaPrrryo top oPasrekd ARgersicidueltnutriea lA R13 8 9 IS-Residential Quarry to Park Residential R3 5 0 5 Proposed Land use 1 0 1 108 9 Agriculture A1 2 IS-Residential Quarry to Park Residential R3 1 20 5 0 2 Commercial Existing Mines and Quarries a 1 0 1 Industrial in Recreation/Open space Residential Agriculture A1 7 8 1 Residential Transportation S120 2 S112 W 7 3 r 3 Hills/Rocky areas Public u3 tility Existing Residential R2 /2 r 1 i 1 19 3 0 d 57 9 6 2 e o Proposed For7 est 15 20 n PSP Residential Mines Residential to Industrial e 3 2 5 2 2 Commercial Existing Industrial in Recreation/Open space Residential Agriculture A1 u 9 Agriculture A1 IS-Residential Residential Transportation 2 Quarry to Park Residential R3 h MDR 35 7 9 EXISTING RESIDENTIAL IN v p 2 1 9 6 74 Defence - Industrial 0 9

2 1 t Mines/Quarries Residential Existing i 0 3 5 Residential to Agriculture A2 7 9 Commercial Existing o 3 3 RESIDENTIAL R1 D 3 4 Agriculture A2 M04 7 IndustriaM47l in Recre 1ation/Open 5 space Residential Agriculture A1 Residential ITnrdaunsstprioarltation Recreation/Open space Residential R4

Agriculture A1 0 1 S120 2 R IS-Residential 8 Quarry to Park Residential R3 101 1 2 1 AGRICULTURE A1 0 1 1 4 5 m Defence - Industrial Mines/Quarries Residential Existing Mines quarrie Ag A2 56 2 3 19 Hills/Rocky areas Public utility Existing Residential R2 5 02 9 2 58 1 0 1 99 5 1 2 ChimanazariMDR 36 5 0 W 259 Hills/Rocky areas PubPlicr outpiliotys Eexdisting Residential R2 2 5 Legend EXISTING RESIDENTIAL IN 4 2 Defence - Industrial Mines/Quarries 5 Residential Existing Mines quarrie Ag A2 1 08 Proposed M05 Agriculture A1 RESIDENTIAL R2 1 IS-Residential 1 Quarry to Park Residential R3 1 134 97 AGRICULTURE A2 14 1 i Legend 1 4 53 Agriculture A2 Industrial 2 R3 ecreation/Open space ARgersicidueltnutriea lA R24 d 7 1 Industrial Recreation/Open space Residential R4 154 5 G.T. 5 Agriculture A2 Industrial Recreation/Open space Residential R4 5 e 14 EXISTING RESIDENTIAL IN 1 Defence Agriculture A1 8 2 Mines and Quarries Existing Residential Agriculture A2 Residential to Agriculture A1 n IS-Residential 1 Quarry to Park PRSePsidential R3 1 9 RESIDENTIAL R3 5 5 8 6 9 7 MINES / QUARRIES 2 Forest in Industrial Residential PSP Transportation 1 PSP Existing 0 4 1 Agriculture A2 1 2 1 2 u 3 0 2 3 3 Industrial Recreation/Open space 9 1 Residential R4 2 5 0 5 07 2 0 Defence Mines and Quarries Existing Residential Agriculture A2 Residential to Agriculture A1 0 Forest 9 5 1 PSP Residential Mines Residential to Industrial 6 2 Defenc9 e p 1 Mines and Quarries Existing 2 28 Residential Agriculture AC2ommercial Residential to Agriculture A1 1 1 Industrial Existing Recreation/Open space Existing Residential R5 Agriculture A2 260 Industrial 1 Recreation/Open space ResidentiEXISTINGal R RESIDENTIAL4 IN 0 2 W 13 9 1 6 1 t ide 7 52 n 9 98 RESIDENTIAL R4 Residential Mines Residential to Industrial 2 Forest PSPAgriculture A1 2 u IS-Residential Quarry to Park 2 o Residential R3 1 pto m 1 INDUSTRIAL 1 2 1 0 Agriculture A1 IS-Resident8ial 1 Quarry to13 Park Residential R3 46 2 6 1 6 1 Hills/Rocky areas Public utility Existing Residential R2 Fo2 rest 7 9 PSP Residential Mines Residential to Industrial 7 2 Agriculture A2 4 1 Industrial Recreation/Open space 6 Residential R4 213 EXISTING RESIDENTIAL IN 2 P1roposed 1 8 5 1 151 Commer2 cial 1 0 3 9 Commercial In8 dustrial1 5 Existing RecreatHioinlls/O/Rpoecnk ys paarecea sExisting COMMERCIALResidentialP Ru5blic utility ExistIingdustrial Existing Residential R2 Recreation/Open space Existing Residential R5 1 2 6 1 9 2 2 38 RECREATION/ OPEN SPACE 4 Commercial m Proposed Industrial Existing Recreation/Open space Existing Residential R5 1 1 1 Defence - Industrial 47 Agriculture A2 6 Mines/Quarries Residential Existing Residential to Agriculture A2 2 Recreation/Open space Residential R4 Industrial 9 211 262 2 1 1 Public utilEXISTINGity INDUSTRIAL IN Gaothan Residential 3 15 2 Publi7c utility CommercialResidential R/OS Transportation Existing 0 2 INDUSTRIAL

d 2 2 Industrial Existing Recreation/Open space Existing Residential R5 6 1 7 1 1 Forest in Industrial RECREATION/ OPEN SPACE 214 5 Defence - Industrial 3 5 PDSePfe nEcxeis t-i nIngdustrial Mines/QuarrieRsesidential PSP ResidenTtiraal nEsxpiosrtitnagtion Residential to Agriculture A2 1 a Mines/Quarries Residential Existing Commercial ExistRinegsidential to Agriculture A2 5 3 1 Industrial in Recreation/Open space Residential Agriculture A1 Residential Transportation Commercial 1 2 Indu2 strial Existing Recreation/Open sp0ace Existing Residential R5

2 2 0 o 2 150 2 1 Agriculture A2 Industrial Recreation/Open space Residential R4 224 2 6 6 Forest in Industrial PSP Existing Residential PSP Transportation 1 3 AR 219griculture A2 151 QUARRY TO PARK PUBLIC / SEMI PUBLIC Industrial Recreation/Open space Residential R4 1 14 Agriculture A1 16 Legend 9 Gram Panchayat Office 2 IS-Residen3 tial Quarry to Park Residential R3 d Forest in64 Industrial PSP Existing CRoemsidmeenrtciiaall PSP Industrial ExisTtirnagnsportation Recreation/Open space Existing Residential R5 215 Commercial Existing Chimnazari 12 e Industrial in RecreationA/Ogpriecunl tsupraec Ae1 4 R7 esidenIStia-Rl Aegsirdiceunlttuiarle A1 CRoemsimdeenrctiiaallQ TEurxaainsrrstyipn togor tPataiorkn Industrial in Recreation/ROepseidne snptiaacl eR3 Residential Agriculture A1 Residential Transportation 14 1 101 1 8 s 2 27 9 2 Commercial Existing Industrial in Recreation/Open space Residential Agriculture A1 Residential Transportation 3 123 3 1 PUBLIC UTILITY

S120 4 Co ommercial Forest LegenPSdP Reservations Residential Mines Residential to Industrial 1 2 Industrial Existing Recreation/Open space Existing Residential R5 8

2 8 1 p 1 6 6 7

1 5 1 2 216 0 4 Recreation/open space Water bodies 6 1 0 Commercial Existing 9 8 7 Industrial in Recreation/Open space Residential Agriculture A1 o 82 Residential Transportation 1 S120 1 Gaothan Residential M03 6 R4 R_Pedstrian Public utility Residential R/OS Transportation Existing Fr orest PSP Residential Mines FRoerseisdtential to Industrial PSP Residential Mines Residential to Industrial Commercial Existing Defence RECREATION/ OPEN SPACE Mines and Quarries Existing ADVS Residential Agriculture A2 Residential to Agriculture A1 2 R1 IS-PS3 (Improvment Scheme Public & Semi Public 3) 22 5 Industrial in Recreation/Open space Residential A7g0 riculture A1 ResidentiTRIBALal WELFARE Tr SCHOOLansportation P 2 Rail_Rightof way 84 2 A1: Pr2 ime Agriculture 5 Commercial

2 1 SIntadtuiosntrial Existing Recreation/Open space Existing Residential R5

74 R2 2 2 IS-R1 (Improvment Scheme Residential 1) Residential R/OS M06 Gaothan Residential 1 Public utility Transportation Existing Kaldongri 1 1 1 Commercial 2 4 IS Boundar1i0e2 s 2 0 4 6 5 Anganwadi A2: AgrIincudlutusrterial Existing 148 Recr eation/Open space Existing Residential R5 m 2 Agriculture A2

3 Recreation/Open space Residential R4 Industrial 1 4 R3 IS-WB (Improvment Scheme Water Bodies) 83 2 2 Commercial Existing AGRICULTURE PRODUCE Hills/Rocky areas Public utility Existing Residential R2 1 2 2 DEFENCESI AREAntadtuiosntrial in Recreation/Open space Residential Agriculture A1 Residential Transportation 26 2 17 Gaothan ResidCe: nCtoiamlmercial Public utility RSPeAs_bideounntidaalr Ries/OS APMC Transportation Existing 8 2 Buffer_Kalmeshwar C/BG: Crematorium/Burial grounds Proposed ORR2_POLY_BounDefendcare y 2 Mines and Quarries ExAisgtirniRcgu4lture A2 Residential AgricuRlt_uPreed As2trian DReefseindceential to Agriculture A1 1 1 7 1 8 2 1 M: Mines InduSNsttMartiiaoln MARKETRecreation/Open Mspinaecse and Quarries ExiRsteinsgidential R4 Residential Agriculture A2 Residential to Agriculture A1 1 73 Defence MDR 36 R5 Kanhan_pench Defence Mines and Quarries Existing Residential Agriculture A2 Residential to Agriculture A1 8 Layer Forest in Industrial Commercial Existing 4 PSP Existing Residential PSP Transportation F: ForeIsntdu1 strial in Recreation/Open space Residential Agriculture A1 Residential Transportation Kaldongri Dawalmat TRANSPORTATION Hills/Rocky areas Public utility Existing Residential R2 BT 6 R1 IS-PS3 (Improvment Scheme Public BUS& TERMINAL Semi Public 3) 0 9 Proposed 27 I: InduRs5trial Kanhan_pench DReefseindceential Mines and Quarries Existing Residential Agriculture A2 Residential to Agriculture A1 6 2 9 89 87 0 Fo1 rest in Industria27 l 6 R2 142 IS-R1 (Improvment Scheme Residential 1) Water bodies 8 Residential PSP Transportation Defence 2 A2 2: AIgSrPM_icuRSinolPteua rsdEeR xaOinsWdti nQguarries Existing Residential Agriculture AD2efence - IndustrFRiaoelrseisdte innt iaInl dMtoui snAtegrsira/icQl uultaurrreie As1 PSP Existing Residential Existing Residential PSP Residential to AgricultuTrea nAs2portation 4 R3 IS-WB (Improvment ScheRmaeil _WRaigtehrt oBfo wdaieys) 88 Commercial Existing MINES AND QUARRIES 2 ODRSP 241A_b6 oundaries Industrial in Recreation/Open space Residential Agriculture A1 Residential Transportation ORR_POLY_BounCommdearrcyial Existing C: ComImndeurcsiatrlial in RecreatioHni/lOlspeRn4 space ResidenPtuiabl lAicg uritciul9iRtlty_u PEreexd Aiss1trtiinagn ResideCBGntiCREMATIONal T / BURIALRrae GROUNDnssipdoerntatitaiol nR2 Water bodies 123 5 Wadadh Gaothan ODR 241 MD: eMfeinnecse 6 Commercial Industrial ExistinSgtation RRAaegilcr_ircReuaiglthiuotronef/ OwAa1pyen space ExistiInSg-ResidentRiaelsidential R5 Quarry to Park Residential R3 12 6 8 Buffer_Kuhi R5 DefencKeanha10n3 _pench Mines and Quarries Existing Residential Agriculture A2 Residential to Agriculture A1 117 2 8 7 Layer DefenceH -i lIlnsd2ustr2i7al NDZ: NoM Dienveeslop/QmuPaenurrtbi eZlisocn uetility ECxoismtFimnPge14r5 cial Residential ROEaeRxilsiG_siRdtinieggnhtoiaf lw Ra2y Residential toW Aagtreicr ubltoudreie As2 2 6 F: Forest Utility Industrial EKaxnhistainng_pench_buffer1AGRICULTURED eA1 fence - InRdeucsrteriaatlion/Open Mspinaecse/ QEuxiasrtriniegs Residential R5 Residential Existing Residential to Agriculture A2 3 14 Defence - Industrial 7 CH COMMUNITY HALL Mines/Quarries Residential Existing Residential to Agriculture A2 11 Inside_site_BDo_ekfaelnmceeshwarWid 28 I: IndusMtrODRiainl 241es and Quarries Existing Residential GAagoritchualtnu Rree As2idential PRuebslidc euntitliiatyl to Agriculture A1 Residential R/OS Transportation Existing 8 LegAgericunlturde A1 en I2: Hazardoous explosives R2 IS-R1 (Improvment Scheme Residential 1) IS-Residential Quarry to Park Residential R3 1 2 284 Utility Kanhan_pench_buffer1 18 0 u 5 Legend 9 2 p R3 IS-WB (Improvment ScheDmee fWenacteer -B Ionddieuss)trial 3 t AGRICULTURE A2 Mines/Quarries Residential Existing Residential to Agriculture A2 8 3 o 29 4 14 1 Wi 3 Gaothan R2 esiden1 tial C: Com6 merV-CBG018cial 6 43 den Transportation ORR_1 POLY_BounDefendcare -y5 Industr8ial Public utility R4 Residential R/OSR_u PedFstroiraenst IST_raRnosapdCOMCoRrOtCOMMERCIALaWtiPo CENTRESn PExisting Residential Mines al to Industrial 0 Residenti 9 I2: Hazardoous explosives m Mines/Quarries Residential Existingp Residential to Agriculture A2 5 t Solidwaste_facility 4 Station o Gaothan Residential Public utility Residential R/OS Transportation Existing 9 MD: eMfeinnecse W 9 R5 Defenc68 e 18 3 Mines and Quarries Existing Residential Agriculture A2 Residential to Agriculture A1 12 7 3 i Kanham n_pench 1 d Layer 119 119 119 1 m Defence 0 NDF:Z F: oNBreouMs fDtfeienrv_eesaslop aonmedeern CnQto uZmaornmreiesrc Eiaxl iEstxinisgFtiPng Residential RAagilr_icRuiglthutoref wAa2y FORESTISR_eRsoidaedRntOiaWl to Agriculture A1 119 8 4 2 u Utility14 Industrial in RecreationK/aOnhpaenn104_ sppenacch_e buffer1 RAegsriicduelntutirael Ag2riculture A1 Industrial Residential Transportation Recreation/Open space Residential R4 1 7 Defence - Industrial OIS: I:nd Opuestnr iaSlpace & repcreation ODRIS 241-C34 (Improvment Scheme CommIPSA_RerocaiadlR 3O) W Mines/QDCC uDISTRICTarr COURTie COMPLEXs Residential Existing Residential to Agriculture A2 115 9 Inside1_site_BFo_okrealsmteshwar 1 PSP to ComTm: Terracnisapl oErtxaitsiotinng Residential Mines6ND7 Z_OS LegeFRoernseisdtedntial to Industrial 1 Industrial in Recreation/Open space Residential AgricuPltSuPre A1 Residential TransportRateiosnidential Mines Residential to Industrial o I2: Hazardoous ex8 plos8ives WATER BODIES 115 115 pt m R3 IS-WB (Improvme4 nt SchemFoer Wesatter Bodies) PSP Residential Mines Residential to Industrial u Defence - Indu3s1 trial Tide:n Transportation NDZ_OS W 2 Water bodies 0 Mines/Quarries 3 Residential Existing ARgersicidueltunrtiea lA t2o Agriculture A2 2 u 2 Industrial Recreation/Open space Residential R4 n W p /2 R4 R_Pedstrian EXG 0 ORR_POLY_Boundary 7 9 EXHIBITION CENTRE e 5 71 t i 2 M: Mines o d d 1 1 1 m Forest 2 i PSP Residential Mines Residential to Industrial 1 Defen9 ce 8 2 3 7 0 3 R533 KaSukalinhan_pe ench 115 1 W 6 Laye2/r 3 Locati2 on 1 Rail_Rightof wFaoyrn est in IndustriaWl ater bodies Forest NDF:Z F: oNreos Dt evelopment Z1 one FP CANAL RIGHTW OFa WAYter bodiePsSP Existing Residential PSP Transportation 169 1 PSP 3 Residential Mines u Residential to Industrial

5 7 1 Solidwaste_facility

8 7 Utility Kanhan_pench_buffer1 5 4 Matkazari p 1 Hills Public utility Existing Residential R2 Water bodies 1 Defence - Industrial

1 1 OS: Open Space & recreation IS-C3 (Improvment Scheme Commercial 3) Mines/Quarries Residential Existing FR Residential to Agriculture A2

I: Industrial7 IS_RoadROW FIRE STATION 3 2 W Village boundaries t 1 city roads 0 M: Mines 1 6 Inside_site_BDo_ekfaelnmcees h- wInadr ustria1 l T: Transportation NDZ_OS 2 Min7 es/Quarries Residential Existing Residential to Agriculture A2 7 1 123 2 PSP: P3 u8 blic semi pubDliecfence IS-MR (Improvment Mixed ResidPeGntial 1) Solidwaste_facility 1 1 7 I2: Hazardoous explosives Mines and Quarries LEayexistinrg o RCeosmidmenetricaila Al griculture A2 Residential to Agriculture A1 3 17 5 1 Industrial Existing Recreation/Open space Existing Residential R5 2 Inside_site_Bo_soaner Forestpowerplant 6 6 7 NAGPURP DISTRICTS P Residential Mines Residential to Industrial Proposed_ROW_Dissolve2 3 3 2 i 8 2 Exis6 ting_ro3ad_ROW d 0 Solidwaste_facility 123 7 Forest in Industrial 2 3 PS5 P Existing Defence Residential PSP FTorarensstp ionr tIantdiounstrial 7 4 6 3 Residential Agriculture A2 Residential to Agriculture A1 4 Mines and Quarries Existing PSP Existing Residential PSP Transportation 7 2 1 / e 1 BOUNDARY Banwadi 7 Anganwadi 2 4 14 R4 R_Pedstrian H HOSPITAL 4 W 8 1 Forest in Industrial / PSP Existing Residential PSP Transportation 3 7 Inside_site_Bo_soaner powerplant 5 1 4 1 i Proposed Landu6 se Zones M: Mines 2 n d

NMA_Final_Boundary e 4 R5 n m 2 1 Forest Kanhan_pench 6 7 3 PSP u Residential Mines 2 CRoemsimdeenrctiiaall to Industrial 16 35 2 Layer p Industrial Existing Recreation/Open space Existing Residential R5 NDZ: No Development Zone FP NAGPUR METROPOLITAN NMA_Final_Boundary 5 t u 6 o 8 2 F: F oIrnessitde_Site_Bo Wadadh 1 / 1 4 1 6 Utility Kanhan_penc2 h_buffer1 35 8 6 Forest in Industrial 4 p m PSP Existing Residential PSP Transportation 1 39O39 S: Open Space & recreation IS-C3 (Impro2 vment Scheme CommIS_RerocaiadlR 3O) W61 AREA BOUNDARY I: Industrial 2 6 2 3 J 7 7 m 6 0 3 t Location JAIL Inside_4 site_Bo_kalmes3h6 war 3 7 T: T4 ransportation NDZ_OGSaothan Residential

Forest in Industrial 3 1 8 Public utility Residential R/OS Transportation Existing

PSP Existing o Residential PSP Transportation

7 8 33 7 1 PSP: Public semi public IS-MR (Improvment Mixed Residential 1) 7 I2: Hazardoo3 u/ s explosives5 Legend 2 6 IS Boundaries 8 0 2 NDZ: No Development Zone / Forest FP PLANNING AUTHORITY 1 Inside_site_Bo_s4oaner powerplant PSP al to Industrial 3 3 Residential Mines Residenti 9 4 6 Proposed_ROW_Dissolve2 3 1 1 4 4 2 Location 6 Q: Quarry IS-OS3 (Improvment Scheme OpePHn SCpace & Zudpi Jungle) 1 Solidwaste_facility 5 Forest 5 8 5 / Sukali 2 2 3 P2 SP2 1 Residential Mines Residential to Industrial 2 m 8 4 Defence - IndustBriuaflfer_5 K8 almeshwar C/BG: Cremato29 rium/BuBOUNDARYrial grounds 4 Mines/Quarries Residential Existing Residential to Agriculture A2 7 3 1 4 Commercial Existing 3 LIB Industrial in Recreation/Open space Residential Agriculture A1 Residential Transportation LIBRARY Ins6 ide_2 site_Bo_kalmeshwar LocatiFoonresS120t in Industrial o 5 PSP Existing Residential PSP Transportation 4 8 M: Mines 3 1 3 Proposed Landuse Zones 8 m NMA_Final_Boundary #0

t Gaothan Residential 0 9 7 0 1 Legend 1 50 Public utility LayeDefreRn5ce - Industrial ResidenMtiainle Rs//OQSuaKrarnhiesan_pench GTraaonthspaonr RtaetRisoeinds eEidnxetinsatlinagl ExistinPgublic utility Residential to AgricultRueres iAde2ntial R/OS Transportation Existing

24 5 19 ND3 Z: NBou fDfeerv_eKlopalmmesenhtw Zaorne C/BG: Crematorium/Burial grounds 2 ELECTRIC POLES_MAY15_2012 2 FP p 2 2 3 Gaothan Residential 1 42 2 9 3 MIHAN BOUNDARY Public utility Transportation Existing 9 Utility Kanhan_pench_buffer1 Residential R/OS o 6 4 Legend t 4 4 M02 u Forest in In0 dustrial OS: Open Space & recreation IS-C3 (Improvment Scheme Commercial 3) 1 RESERVED FOR p 73 I: Ind49 uOsuPtrtisSaidelP E_Sxiitset_inBgo Residential PSP CToramnmspeMAHorcrtiaatli oEnxisting Industrial in Recreation/Open space Residential Agriculture A1 Residential Transportation u Inside_site_Bo_kalmeshwar T: Transportation 9 ELEVATED NDSERVICEZ_ OS Inside_Site_Bo 5 AFFORDABLE HOUSING n n PSI24 P: H: Pauzabrlidcoo seums iex pupbloliscives17 IS-MR (Improvment Mixe4 d Residential 1) Gaothan Residential Public utility Transportation Existing IMPROVEMENT SCHEME 4 2 3 Residential R/OS e e 4 0 Inside_site_Bo_soaner powerplant 9 ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 8 5 0 NATIONAL HIGHWAY Proposed_ROW_Dissolve2 RESIDENTIA1 L R1 PS PRIMARY SCHOOL UESR ! 5 Solidwaste_facility ! d d Gaothan Residential Q: Quarry IS-O36S (Improvment Scheme Open Space & Zudpi Jun8 gle) Inside_Site_Bo Water bodies i SPPAu_bbloicu nudtialirtiyes Residential R/OS 6 Transportation Existing i OS: Open Space & recreation IS-C3 (ImprovmenBOUNDARYt Scheme Commercial 3) Buffer_Ka9 lmeshwar44 C/BG: Crematorium/Burial grounds 1 W Na8 gp9ur city roads R1 4 IS-PSM3: (IMminpersovment Scheme PuFRESEPboKlirceR VOIR&s tS inem Ini62 dPuusbtlircia 3l) 5 Existing Road networMDk_NMA 1 MEDICAL FACILITY

3 Location 1 7 M: Mi7nes PSP Existing Residential PSP Transportation 1 2 6 Inside_Site_Bo 0 7 W 3 Proposed Landuse Zones 4 Buffer_Kuhi 2 1 7 Layer 1 Forest in I4 ndustrial 3 1 W 7 1 PSP Existing Layer Residential PSP Transportation i 8 d LayerInside_si5 te_Bo_Kuhi ! 1 Forest e d n upto 18 ND/ Z: NEox iDsetinveg_lopromade_nRt ZOoWne FP PSP ! 48 RDeesfeidnecnetial Mines Residential to Industrial 3 Gaothan Residential TEHSIL BOUNDARY Mines and Quarries Existing Residential Agriculture A2 Residential to Agriculture A1 m a 5 Utility Nagpur cityK roaanhdsan_pench_buffer1 Public utility M: Mines Residential R/OS Transportation Existing 9 Buffer_Kuhi 37 o O4 S: Open Space & recreation IS-C3 (Improvment Scheme Commercial 3) 8 Forest PSP Layer WatePr boladienRsensiidnengtia_l Mainuesthortiy_boundReasridieentsial to Industrial Water bodies 0 6 7 2 T: Transportation NDZ_OS METD Layer R 8 METRO DEPOT Inside_site_Bo_k1 almeshwar 5 NEXISTINGagpur ROAD city RIGH roaT dOFs M: Mines 1 PSP: Public semi public IS-MR (Improvment Mixed Residential 1) ! Water bodies 2 6 Planning_authortiy_boundaries ODR 241 10 I2: HaWzaCrLd ooPruosp oesxepdlo asriveeas ! Existing_road_ROW d / Inside_site_Bo_soaner powerplant Proposed_RGOaWot_hDainss Roleves2idential 4 RESIDENTIAPublicL R2 utility SS SECONDARY SCHOOL RLeesigdenntidal FIRER/O STASTION ODTuertafsenidenscp_eoSritea_tiBoon Existing Layer 6 Q: 5 Quarry 19 FR SECTOR BOUNDARY Mines and Quarries Existing Residential Agriculture A2 Residential to Agriculture A1 e 7 5 IS-OS (Improvment Scheme Ope6n Space55 & Z6 udpi Jungle) 4 Existing_road_ROW s 4 5 Buffer_Kalmeshwar C/BG: Crematorium/Burial grounds MULTI MODAL TRANSPORT 96 8 4 Locatio5 n 5 MDR_EWxAisYtin (ROW)g Water bodies R1 IS-PS3 (Improvment Scheme Public6 & Semi Public 3) MMTH 1 3 ! o 6 Station 1 4 Outside_Site_Bo Proposed LRaanildu_linsee_c Zoaonlmienses M: Mines PSP: Pu5 blic semi public Inside_Site_BISo-MR 57(Im! provment Mixed Residential 1) 2 Buffer_Kuhi 8 HUB 4 NDZ: No Development Zone 6 FP p R2 IS-R1 (I3 mprov4 ment Scheme ResPidaernktial 1) Water bodies 0 Layer 5 11 e NDZ: No Development Zone 1 FP 3 NDZ: No Development Zone Outside_Site_Bo o 0 FP 109 4 Buffer_saoner Gaothan Residential VILLAGE BOUNDARY k 8 8 Public utility Residential R/OS Transportation Existing 1 r

1 6

6 4 a ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 6 Gaothan Residential 6 5 ! P 2 OS: OpInesni dSep_ascitee _&B ro_eckreaalmtioenshwar IS-C3 (Improvment Scheme Commercial 3) 1 1 1 Public utility Residential R/OS ! TraInSsp oBrtaotioun nExdistaingries L 6 Forest in Industrial 1 1 ResidenPGtiaPLAYGROUNDl PSP Transportation Inside_si1t1e_Bo_kalmeshwar 1 Proposed L5 anduse Zones T: TransportatioPnSP Existin5 gPowerlinesNDZ_OS NH Defence - Industrial NDZ: No Development Zone 66 / Buffer_saoner PROPOSED ROAD RIGHT OF Mines/Quarries FP Residential EWxaistetirn bgodies Residential to Agriculture A2 PSP: Public semi public IS-MR (Improvment Mixed Residential 1) SURVEY PARCEL m Proposed_5 ROW_Dissolve2k ForeInsst iidne2 _Insditeu_sBtro_ialsoaner powerplant5 1 5 SLAUGHTER HOUSE Powerlines Residential PSP TransportatioNDn Z: No Development Zone n Q: QuaQRESIDENTIArruyarriesL R3 9 H HOSPIIS-OTALS (Improvment SchemSHeP OSpPe nE xSipsaticneg & Zudpi 0J/1 ungle) FP 8 a m BOUNDARY 3 Inside_site_Bo_kalmeshwar m 1 Buffer_Kalmeshwar C/BG53 : Crematorium/Burial grounds 10 3 8 8 8 WCL Proposed area T Nagpur city r4 oads M: Mines 1 8 636 0 16 R1 1 IS-PS3 (I0 mprovment Scheme P2 ublic & Semi Public 3) WAY (ROW) 65 8 M: Mines Pendhari Inside_Site_Bo Water bPK odPARKSie ANDs GARDENS Proposed Landuse Zones 5 Defence - Industrial Inside_site_Bo_kalmeshwar 8 5 8 Buffer_Ku1 hi ODR_Existing Mines/Quarries Layer Residential Existing Residential to Agriculture A2 1 1 o 50 R2 9 LayerIS-R1 (Improvment Scheme Residential 1) /2 t WCL Proposed area

1 NDZ: NRoa ilD_eRvieglhoptomf wenaty Zo6ne 2 FP Outside_Site_Bo DAMS Regional_Plan_roads 7 0 Q: Quarry 7 7 IS-OS (Improvment SEcxheistimnge_ Oropaedn_ RSOpaWce & Zudpi Jungle)

8 Buffer_saoner 97 5 Legend OS: Open Spac4 e & recreation5 IS-C3 (Improvment Scheme Commercial 3)

pR3 IS-WB (Improvment Scheme Water Bodies) 7 Sports club 5 2 7

8 OS: Open S7 pace & recreation IS-C3 (Improvment Scheme Comm3ercial 3) 0 OS: Open Spao ce & recreation IS-C3 (Improvment Scheme Commercial 3) WCL Proposed are/ a 15 u Village boundaries 3

6 1 7 t 9 Inside_site_Bo_kalmeshwar PKG PARKING A1: Prime Agriculture 9 0 8 2 4 0 Water bodies PSP0 : Public semi public IS-MR (Improvment Mixed Residential 1) CONGESTED AREA n Inside_site_Bo_Kuhi 6 5 p 0 5 4 SH

1 0 0 1 1 3 7 Inside_site_Bo_soaner powerplant / 1 e 1 Railway 4 Water bodies OS: Open Space & recreation IS-C3 (Improvment Scheme Commercial 3) 6 Proposed_ROW_Disso4 lve2 RESIDENTIAL R4 VH VETERINARY HOSPI1 TAL HT LINES EXISTING RAIL LINE u Village boundaGriaesothan Residential 6 Q: Quarry 6 IS-OS (Im0 provment Scheme Open Space &5 Zudpi Jungle) BOUNDARY 4 Public utility Residential R/OS Transportation Existing 1 2 Forest 6 3 1 PSP al to Industrial d Buffer_Kalmeshwar C/BG: Crematorium/Burial grounds Residential Mines Residenti 62 4 i 5 Railway OS: Open Space & recreation IS-C3 (Improvment Scheme Commercial 3) n 8 1 R1 Ashponds IS-PS3 (Improvment Scheme Public & Semi Publi0 c 3) 45 9 2 Gaothan Residential / 1 M: Mines 5 Inside_sECite_EDUCATIONALBRo_e COMPLEXKsuidhei ntial R/OS Transportation Existing

Public utility 4 Proposed Landuse Zones 8 Buffer_Kuhi 1 e 5 Quarries 5 W 61 Powerlines 4 NDZ: No Development Zone FP 4 1 R2 LayerIS-R1 (Improvment Scheme Residential 1) IRRIGATION CANALS NDZ: No Development Zone FP 0 Outside_Site_Bo5 8 1 1 9 Outer Ring Road d 84 Buffer_saoner 5 0 Inside_site_Bo_Kuhi i Legend 0 5 / 1 R3 26 IS-WB (Improvment Sche7 me Water Bodies) 6 Forest PSP Residential Mines Residential to Industrial Quarries 7 m IS_Ro7adROW 1 9 9 Legend RoadbuR ffermerge OS: Open Sp5 ace &5 recreation IS-C3R (1Improvment Scheme CommWCeLr cPiarol p3o)sIeSd- PaSre3a (ImprovmentI nSscidhee_mseit eP_uBbo_lic k&a lSmeemshi wPuarblic 3) 2 oa 9 Village bound6aries 0 RParoilp _edlinde_coalmines PS9P: Public semi public IS-MR (Improvment Mixed Residential 1)

Inside_site_os Bo_kalmeshwar 7 Legend W R4 R_Pedstrian


PSP: Public semi public POWER TRANSMISSION PSP: Public semi public IS-MR (Improvment Mixed Res idIeSn-MtiaRl 1()Improvment Mixed R7 esidQeunatirarile 1s) 8 1 IS Boundaries 8 5 1 Layer 2 9 ARESIDENTIA2: AgriLcu R5lture MD MEDICAL FACILITY TRANSMISSION POLES Q: Quarry IS-6 OS (Improvment Scheme Open Space & Zudpi Jungle) PLINESOWERLINES_MAY15_2012 4 6 Planning_authortiy_boundaries

13 6 ExistiBngu_fferor_aKd_aRlmOe7 Wshwar C/BG: Crematorium/Burial grounds Rail_line_coalmines PSP: Public semi public IS-MR (Improvment Mixed Residential 1) 8 Proposed Landuse Zones 9 RAIL (ROR) 57 IS Boundaries

R1 IS-PS3 (Improvment Scheme Public & Semi Public 3) Legend Proposed Landuse Zone7 s 8 5 5 M: Mines 5 1 Buffer_Kuhi POWER TRANSMISSION RH RURAL HOSPITAL 1 5 7 Water bodies Nagpur city roads M: Mines 9 7 1 6 3 6 8 Forest in Industrial 5 5 R2 IS-R1 (Improvment Scheme Residential 1) #0 Rail_line_coalmines PSP Existing PSP: PubRlice seidmein putiablli Pc SP IS-MR (ImprovmTernatn Msipxoedrt aRteiosnidential 1) 1 8 Substations Layer 104 5 1 8 NDZ: No Development Zone FP 9 5 Layer 2 182 Buffer_saoner TOWER 1 9 7 Ashponds 8 5 L4 egendR3 IS-WB (Improvment SchemeR aWilwataeyr Bodies) PropCaEnoaLlsEseCTdRI CL PaOnLEduS_MseAY 1Z5_on201e2 s OS: Open Space & reWcreaatetior nbodies IS-C3 (Improvment Scheme Commercial 3) 9 O8 S: Open Space & recreation IS-C3 (Improvment Sc0 heme CommWCeLr cPiarol p3o)sed area 8 0 Existing_road_ROW Village boundaries 5 1 1

1 Inside_site_Bo_kalmeshwar 9 Village_Boundary

1 1 NagRp4ur city roads 2 R_Pedstrian M: Mines PROPOSED RAIRP L RIGHREGIONALT PARK OF

5 2 Ashponds Proposed Landuse Zones

6 2 PSP: Public semi public IS-MR (Improvment Mixed Residential 1) 5 R2 Quarries IS-R1 (Improvment Scheme Residential 1) 7 5 7 IS Boundaries 4 Inside_site_Bo_Kuhi 6 Forest in Industrial 7 / 8 4 9 5 HIGH FLOODLaye LINE - RED r PSP Existing Residential PSP Transportation Regio4nal_Plan_roads Q: Quarry IS-OS (Improvment Scheme Open Space & Zudpi Jungle) 4 4 5 R5 6 5 Powerlines Kanhan_pench NDVHZ: No Development Zone COMMERCIAL SPORTS COMPLEX 0 FP

5 SC Q: Quarry IS-OS (Improvment Sche1 me OpAenshp Spoancdes & Zudpi Jungle) 1 SolidwISas-OSte_ (Imfaciprovlmiteynt Scheme Open Space & Zudpi Jungle) 8 SPA_boundaries 2 9 2 1 Existing_road_ROW 1 03 4 6 4 8 1 4 15 C: Commercial3 GaothaRAIn L (ROR) 5 d 6 R1 A1: Prime Agricultu6 re IS-PS3 (Improvment Scheme Public & Semi Public 3) Village_Boundary Inside_si8 te_Bo_kalmeshwar

Proposed Landuse Zones 8 RAIL LOGISTICS HUB 7 Buffer_Kuhi Regional_Plan_roads RLH Q: Quarry a IS-OS (Improvment Scheme Open Space & Zudpi Jungle) 4 1 R2 SPA_boundaries IS-R1 (Improvment Schem1 e Residential 1) HIGH FLOOD LINE - BLUE 24 0 NDZ: No Development Zone 93 / 5 FP Buffer_saoner o 1 24 NDZ: No Development Zone 6 FP 1 83 0 Regional_Plan_roads Q: Quarry IS-OS (Improvment Scheme Open Space & Zudpi Jungle) 8 152 3 R3 BT: Bus terminals IS-WB (Improvment Sche1 me Water Bodies) 6 Gaothan Residential R OS: Open Space0 & recreation IS-C3 (Improvment Scheme Commercial 3) 0 8 3 A1: Prime Agriculture 1 9 Public utility Residential R/OS Transportation Existing 02 1 Village boundaries ExistinSgu Rbsotatdion nestwork_NMA 10 1 9 7 2 Rail_line_coalmines PSP: Public semi public IS-MR (Improvment Mixed Residential 1)

11 Inside_site_Bo_kalmeshwar 8 Nag0 pur city roa3 ds 7 M: Mines SPORTS COMPLEX

3 4 RPS4P: PMu:b Mlici nseesmi public R_Pedstrian Quarries SC IS-MR (Improvment Mixed 8Residential 1) 2 Inside_site_Bo_kalmeshwar Railway_Merged d IS Boundaries PROPOSED METRO A1: Prime Agriculture 4 3 6 Layer Layer e 9 Powerlines NDZ: No Development Zone R5 PK PARKS & GARDENS1 FP PUBLIC / SEMI PUBLIC CC COMMUNITKanhanY _CENTREpench 8 PROPOSED METRO LINE 9 Q: Quarry 66 IS-OS (Improvment Scheme OpAenshp Spoancdes & Zudpi Jungle) Substations s R3 IS-WB (Improvment Scheme Water Bodies) SPA_boun9 daries Existing_road_RO1 W 7 Existing_road_R2 OW 6 Roadbuffermerge51 5 Utility KanhRan1_pench_buffer1 IS-PS3 (Improvment Scheme Public & Semi Public 3) 0 o Railway 23 OVSM: Open Space & recreation GaothIaSn-C R3e (sImidpernovtimalent Scheme Commercial 3) ORR_POLY_Boundary MDR 36LoR1catiIoSn-PS3 (Imp6rovment Scheme PuIbSli-cP S&3 S (Iemmpi rPouvbmliec n3t) Scheme PuSbulibcs &ta tSionemsi Public 3) Proposed Landuse Zones Public utility Residential R/OS Transportation Existing Station SLAUGHTER HOUSE Proposed Landuse 5 Zones25 mts e Inside_site_Bo_kalmeshwar

p Railway_MergSH ed

25 101 9 k 91R2 Defence IS-R1 (Improvment Scheme Residential 1) EXISTING ROW o A2: Agriculture

9 23 2 9 I2: Hazardoous explosives a 7 6 6

7 Insid e_site_Bo_Kuhi 4

/ r 2 Buffer_saoner 8 Roadbuffermerge 2 R1 IS-PS3 (Improvment Scheme Public & Semi Public 3)

2 buffer L Station 7 R3 8 P IS-WB (Improvment Scheme Water Bodies) Layer / OS: Open Space & recreation VISill-aCg3e (boImupnrodvamrieesnt Scheme Commercial 3) 6

8 9 k OS: O9 pen Spac84e & recreation 5 1 IS-C3 (Improvment RSocahdebumeff eCrommmergeercial 3) R1 IS-PS3 (Improvment Scheme Public & Semi Public 3)

R4 7 6 22 R_Pedstrian 0 LAYER

3 TT: Truck termina8ls 8 TRUCK TERMINAL

n 0 7 5 TT

PSP: Public semi public IS-MR (Improvment Mixed Residential 1) A2: Agriculture Nagpur cim ty roads from lake IS BoMun: dMairnieess PROPOSED ROW 2 9 7 BT: Bus terminals 27 7 15 a Regional_Plan_roads Q: Quarry IS-OS (Improvment Scheme Open Space & Zudpi Jungle)

/ 0 PowRe5rlin8 eNDs Z: No Development Zone KanhaFn_Ppench PG NDPLAYGROUNDZ: No Development ZonBTe FP Water bodies

1 53 T Q: QuaIPUBLICrnrsyid eUTILIT_s1 iYte _Bo_Kuhi 21 DCC DISTRICIS-OST COU (ImRTp COMPLEXrovment Scheme OpAenshp SpLoanayecdes &r Zudpi Jungle) BUS TERMINAL e 8 8 A2: Agriculture 8 7 SPA_boundaries 6

0 k e Railway 8 OS: Open Space & re8 creation IS-C3 (Improvment Scheme Commercial 3) 1 Utilit1 y Kanhan_pench_buffer1 k Existing_roa6 d_ROW BT: Bus terminals 1

0 a R1 IS-PS3 (Improvment Scheme Public & Semi Public 3) a Inside_Site_Bo StatioRn4 Substations R_Pedstrian LAYEPROPOSEDRA ROAD1: Prime AELEVATEDgri SERVICEcu lture

9 Ikenside_site_Bo_kalmeshwar Inside_site_Bo_kalmeshwar Proposed Landuse Zones 9 R2 L IS-R1 (Improvment Scheme Residential 1) L 5 UESR 0 1 RailT_: lTinrea_ncsopaolrtmaitnioens NDZ_OS PSP: Public semi public IS-MR (Improvment Mixed Residential 1) / 7 2 / k R2 IS-R1 (Improvment Scheme ResIiSde-Rn1tia (lI m1)provment Scheme ResBidTe: nBtuiasl t1e)rminals MDR_Existing La Rail_R1 ightof way 0 RESERVIOR

WIDENING 9 Inside_site_Bo_Kuhi 1 Ik2: Hn azardoous explosives Water bodies / 9 NR_Corrido4 r_commercial a F: Forest 7 4 n T k R2 3 IS-WB (Improvment Scheme Water Bodies) 28 C: Commercial 7 Broad gauge 0 a n 2 149 6 Village boundaries Proposed_orr 9 R2 IS-R1 (Improvment Scheme Residential 1) 2

e a 5 9 Rail_Rightof way 6

T R4 R_Pedstrian

Proposed Landuse Zones 7 7 k T PSP: Public semi public IISS -BMoRun (dImarpierosvment Mixed Residential 1) RAIL LINE BROAD GAUGE UESS ELECTRIC SUB STATION a Rail_line_coalmines PSP: Public semi public IS-MR (Improvment Mixed Residential 1) 3 2 Proposed_orr R2 IS-R1 (Improvment Scheme Residential 1) 5 3 L R5 TRECREransATIONpor /t OPENpatc ShPACE GO GOVERNMENKanhan_T pUSEench RP REGIONAL PARK 7 TT TRUCK TERMINAL / Q: Quarry 9 IS-OS (Improvment Scheme Open Space & Zudpi Jungle) C: Commercial SPA_boundaries 7 6 k NDZ: No Development Zone FP BTroTa: dT rguacugke terminals Nawarmari 52 25 mts n RailRUw1tialiyty OS: Open Space & recr1eation IKSa-nhPSa3InS (I_-pmCe3pn rc(oIh_mvmpberuonfvfte mSr1ecnhte SmRceho PeamudSObbueuSli bcC:f sf Oeo&tarmmp mtSeionenmer gsSriec pPiaucl be3li )&c 3re)creation IS-C3 (Improvment Scheme CoRmm1 ercial 3) IS-PS3 (Improvment Scheme Public & Semi Public 3) a Station 8 SEWAGE TREATMENT C: Commercial ProposeT d Landuse Zones 8 8 3 Tank/Lake RailT_: lTinrea_ncsopaolrtmaitnioens 7 Pendhari PSP: Public semi public RAILN LINEH NARROW GAUGE ISUSTP-MR (Improvment Mixed Residential 1) 3 Proposed Landuse Zones NDZ_OS 2 9 Inside_site_Bo_kalmeshwar TT: Truck terminals buffer R2 Outside_Site_Bo 1 RISa-ilR_1RR i(5gImhtporfo wvmayent Scheme ResBidTe: nBtuiasl t1e)rmKinaanhlsan_pench A2: Agriculture 3 Inside_site_Bo_Kuhi PLANT I2: HazInasrdidooe_ussi texe_pBlo_osiKvuehsi R3 IS-WB (Improvment Scheme Water Bodies) 97 RegRInio3snidael__PIsSilta-eWn__Bro o_(aImdsosparonvemr ent Sche7 me WapItSeo-rwW BeBorpd (lianIemspt) rovment Scheme WaTQls Narrow gIaSug-Oe S (Improvment Scheme Open Space & Zudpi Jungle) ORR_POLY_Boundary 1 IS_RoadROW 51 from lake I: Industrial 6 5 86

0 R4 1 R_Pedstrian


30 4 A1: P2rime Agriculture

5 8 IS Boundaries 6 54 9 R5 IDEFENCES_RoadROW ORG 1 KORGANIZanhaATIONn_pench R3 IS-WB (Improvment Scheme Water Bodies) 9 Q: Quarry SISP-AO_bS o(Iumnpdraorviemsent Scheme Open Space & Zudpi Jungle) Narrow gauge Reg9ional_Plan_roads Q: Quarry ORR_POLY_BounIdS-arOSy (Improvment Scheme Open Space & Zudpi Jungle) R3 IS-WB (Improvment Scheme Water Bodies) 0 Utility Kanhan_pench_buffer1 4 1101 0 Defenceland 1 1 R1 SISta-PtioSn3 (Improvment Scheme Public & Semi Public 3) Defence SOLID WASTE TRANSFER 1 OS: Open Space & recreation IS-C3 (Improvment Scheme Commercial 3) ORRPROPOSED_ODPOTR r FACILITIESa_nELsx ipYstoin_USWTSrgtBounpatch dary 1 14 Rail_line_coalmines PropPSosePd: _Pourbr lic semi public R2 IS-R1 (Improvment Scheme Residential 1) 6 RT:2 TranPSAsp1oP: rtP: aPritmiuobenl iAc gsreicmuil tpuureblic NDIS-RZ1_ O(ISISm-MprRo v(mImepnrto Svmcheenmt eM RixeesdBi dTRe: enBstuidasel t1ne)triaml i1n)als IS-MSTATIONR (Improvment Mixed Residential 1) 1 I2: Hazardoous explosives 105 RegIniosnidael__Psiltaen__Broo_adsosaner Rail_Rightof way Q: Quarry IS-OS (Improvment Scheme ODpeefenn Scepace & Zudpi Jungle) 3 Inside_site_Bo_Kuhi powerplant Transportpatch 55 ORR_Propo1sed R3 WCL Proposed area IISS_-WRoURBa t4d(iliIRmtyOprWovment Scheme WaTtTe:r TBroudcike ste)rRKma_innhPaelasdns_trpiaenncNh_MbAu_ffMCer:e1 CrgoemAmuegrc3i0a_l forestupdate 4 4 1 Buffer_Kalmeshwar C/BG:1 Crematorium/Burial grounds 7 RoaRd4buffermerge R_Pedstrian RPARCE1 L / REVENUE ISVM-PS3 (Improvment Scheme Public & Semi Public 3) 8 R_Pedstrian 1 Transportpatch 3 Proposed Landuse Zones Proposed Landuse Zones VEGETABLE MARKET 5 Nagpur city roads 5 A1: Prime AMg: rMicuinlteusre PLU 3 I2: Hazardoous explosives 5 Lake/Tank 106 R5 FTRANSPO: ForeRTAstTION 112 SVMoA14 li2:dw AgVEGEKrasaicnhuTABLElttae_unr MARKETe_fpacienchlity Layer VM SPA_boundaries NMA_MergeAug30_forestupdate R4 R_Pedstrian L PULUt1i0lity Existing_road_ROW Kanhan_pench_buffer1 BOUNDARY 6 8 Roadbuffermerge a R10 SISta-PtioSRn31 (ImprovmentL Sayechemr e Public & Semi IPSu-PbliSc3 3 (I)mprovmeSnHt Scheme Public & Semi Public 3) R4 R_Pedstrian 3 3 7 k STo: Tlirdwanspasorttae_tionfacility NDZ_OS e R2 IS-R1 (Improvment Scheme Residential 1) F: Forest 4 I2: HazaRradiloo_luinse ex_cpolaolsmivineess /T Rail_RPSigPht:o Pf uwbaliyc semi public IS-MR (ImprLoayevmenrt DMeifxeendc eRleasniddential 1) 8 56 145 an ReTgRInPio3sn_1_idael__QPsK:ilt aQeInR_u_BaMroo_rraIyTdsosIaner pISo-wWeBrpI S(lanIm-OptSro (vImmpernotv Smcehnetm Sec heWamTQtTee: :r Q OTBurpouaedcrnrikey Sste)prmacinea &ls Zudpi Jungle<)all otherI Sva-lOueSs> (Improvment Scheme ORpe3n Space & Zudpi Jungle) IS-WB (Improvment Scheme Water Bodies) 7 5 k A2: Agriculture F: Forest 3 1 IS_RoadROW 3 Roadbuffermerge ORR_PORL1Y_Boundary IS-PS3 (Improvment Scheme Public & Semi Public 3) 4 Buffer_Kalmeshwar C/BG: Crematorium/Burial grounds Defenceland 2 R4 R_PeTd: sTtrraiannsportation TransportpatNDch Z_OS 2 AN1a: tPiornaimel_ AHgigrhicwualtuyre Quarries A1: Prime ARg5riculture Kanhan_pencNotes:h Defence 4 1 ProPBRpropuo5fsfedro__INDUSTRIALKKseoaurrnhhdi aLna_pnedunchse Zones Kanhan_pench DRGAOTHANCe2ofmenmc BOUNDAerlacniadlRY (Improvment Scheme Residential 1) 4 1 0 1 SoAli2:dw Agrasicutlte_urefacility 0 NDZ: No Development Zone FP Kachimet 3 U1 tility I: Industrial LocatiKoannhan_pench_buffer1 Outer Ring Road 1 Temp le 6 5 4 Commercial C: CoSmtamtieorncial R5 Kanhan_pench 3 4 9 1. The map shown is for the purpose of documenting information concerned 0 T: Transportation NDZ_OS ORR_Existing 9 2 Inside_site_Bo_kalmeshwar 107 1 R2 RISa-ilR_1R i(gImhtporfo wvmayent Scheme Residential 1) 4 I2: Hazardoous explosives 1 0 R2 IS-R1 (Improvment Scheme Residential 1) R5 Regional_Plan_roads 2 LoRIn3scaidet_iositne_Bo_soaner IpISSo_-wWReoQBrap :d( lanIQRmuOptarWrorvyment Scheme Water Bodies) IS-OS (ImprovEmLwithUe then_ preparationtsO SIu:RR mcI ndheof them_ DraftumEasr xeDevelopmenttir siOatilpn Plan.eg nBoundaries Sp of ace & Zudpi Jungle) Kanhan_pench 1 8 R4 R_Pedstrian 4 RoaBdubuffefrfe_RrKm1aelmrgeeshwar C/BG: ICSr-ePmSa3t o(Irmiupmro/Bvmureianl tg SrocuhneRdm1se Public & Semi Public 3) IS-PS3 (Improvment Scheme Public & Semi Public 3) 1 4 7 R4 111 C: Commercial R_Pedstrian TCONGESTEDranspor AREtpaA tch 9 5 I: Industrial 5 7 4 ProBpuofsferd__Kourrhi Layer R2 TPtehsils,_1_ villages andK revenueIR parcelsMI referencedSI-TR fromI1 individual (Im villagepr ovment Scheme Residential 1) 45 m Proposed_RO1 W_Dissolve2 R5 AAAGRICUs1hp: PoLrTUREnimdse A1 Agriculture SGUoAli2:dw AgGENERAKrasaicnhultItLane_u UTILITYnsr_eidfpeacie_nscithleit_yBo_soaner Defencelandpowerplant ELU_sFu:m Fmoraerst 94 40 3 18 ORR_Proposed BUutiflifteyr_saoner KanhUantili_tpyench_buffer1 RC3ongested Kanhan_penTch_Pmaps_1_b anduP suchffOe otherKWr1 relevantEIRL sourcesMINIS EareIS -indicative,TW_IMBA and Y (are1I mprovided5_p2 rto0 o1v2ment Scheme Water Bodies) 1 4 to ORR_POLY_BounKanhand_arpenych_buffer1 LoCca: CtoiImnosnmideeOr_cSia:ilt eO_pBeon Space & recreatiBOUNDAon RY IS-C3 (Improvment Scheme Commercial 3) 8 p T: Tra111 nsportation NDZ_OS TP_1_KIRMITI establish relative location of various plan elements. These maps should m I2: nHu azardoo1 us explosives IC2o: nHgaeszatreddoous explosives DefenRcaeil_Rightof way Agriculture P e 4 Inside_IInsnisstieidd_eeB__o_Ssiittseeo__aBBno_oerKuhi powerplant ORR_Proposed Utility Kanhan_pench_buffer1 r 4 id 1 R3 IISS_-WRoBa d(IRmOprWovment Scheme Water Bodies) not be scaled or used for calculation of areas and related measurements. o 4 W Buffer_Kalmeshwar C/BGR: 3Crematorium/Burial grounds IS-WB (ImprovmentO SRRch_ePmreo pWoasetedr Bodies) Utility Kanhan_pench_buffer1

1 3 93 p 60 ORR_RPOoadLbuYf_feBounrmergedar08 y R4 R_PeRd1strian IS-PS3 (ImprovmenAtI g2Sr:ic Huhlaetuzmreaerd Pooubulisc e &x pSloesmivi ePsublic 3) 1 5 R5 6 Kanhan_pench o ProBpuofsfedr__RKo2urrhi IS-R1 (Improvment SOchRRemR_e2E Rxiesstiindgential 1) For any references related to villageI orS revenue-R parcel1 boundaries(Imp or rovment Scheme Residential 1) R5 DAGRICUefenLTUREce A2 KWAaTERnh SUPPan_LYpench DVILLAGEefen8 BOUNDAcelanRdY 9 SWSolidwaste_facility Canals I2: Hazardoous explosives se 07 1 24 MDR 36 BUutiflifteyr_SAsau2bs:o Antegartionculsture LoCca: CtoiIKmnosanminhdeeBTra_c:un SiTaf_firltepaeren__nsBKcpoah_olmrtbaeutsifofhenwr1ar R3 NDC/BZG_:O CSrematoareariu measurements,m/IB: uI revenuendria recordsul sgIt Sandroi -relevantaWuln Blandd recordss(Im fromp ther ovment Scheme Water Bodies) d m National_Highway ORR_POVT:iL llTaYrga_en BounsNDbopouZrtn_adOtaidoSrniaresy NDZ_OS RST4 P CommercRia_l Pedstrian 0 1 TP_1_KIRMITI 06 10 P Rail_line_coalmines DefenOcuetsidePS_PS:i tPeu_bBloic semi public IS-MR (Improvmrespectiveen ttehsil M officesixe shalld be referredRe tos andid shalle prevail.n tial 1) 0 R 5 ro I2: Hazardoous explosives Layer p 1 3 Inside_site_Bo_soaner powerplant 1 4 o 0 o 4 Existing_Gaothans F: FoIrSes_tRoadROW T: Transportation NDZ_OS 92 s 9 2. The Proposed Land Use Map is to be read concurrently with the e 1 Buffer_Kalmeshwar C/BG: Crematorium/Burial gNroautinodnas l_Highway a d Road R4 Outside_Site_Bo R_Pedstrian Commercial 0 0 R4 R_Pedstrian d T: Transportation NDZ_OS 1 PBropuffero_Kseuhdi Landuse Zones 4 DevelopmentGNa Planoa Reporttthiao andnna the policiesl_H statedig thereinhw includingay the 1 R5 FOREST SESolidwELECTRICKasanhtRae_ SUBSn2_fpaciTAeTIONnchlity TEHSIL BOUNDARY 0 IS-R1 (Improvment Scheme Residential 1) 7 1 103 Utility Kanhan_pench_buffer1 0 Buffer_Rsa3oner IS-WB (Improvment SOcRRheRm_3Pe rWopaoteser dBodies) IS-WB (Improvment Scheme Water Bodies) 1 Utility Kanhan_pench_buffer1 2 F: Forest Location 9 Inside_Site_Bo Development Control Regulations. Proposed land uses indicate the future 1 ORR_POViLllaYg_e Bounboundadriaresy R4 Defence aRre_aPedstrian

T: TranCsp: oCrtoamt112iomnercial NDZ_BOuSffer_Kuhi TP_1_KIRMITI

1 I2: Hazardoous explosives 7 BT: Bus terminals

I2: Hazardoous explosives Layer IS Boundaries DefenOcuetsideIns_idSeit_es_iBteo_Bo_soaner R5 powerplant use of the property and have no impact on the lawful use of the land 0

Proposed_ROW_Disso lve2 Kanhan_pench 9 9 Inside_site_Bo_soaner ORRIn_siEdxei_spstiointweg_eBrpo_lansot aner powerplant

1 F: Forest 91 9 Regional_Plan_roads WCL QPr:o Qpuoaserrdy area IS-OS (Improvment Scheme Open Space & Zudpi Jungle) 9 8 Buffer_Kalmeshwar C/BG: Crema1 torium/BuriaHl gingrounNAGPURda_s Co METROPOLImmTercAN ial and propertyD as eit currentlyfen cexists.e Anyar developmentea work carried out

Zudpi jungle I: Industrial 9 d 139 Inside_site_Bo_soaner powerplant Buffer_Kuhi Proposed_ROW_Dissolve2 a R5 WAHILLS1C: L /P ROCK PrimroYep AREAS oAsgerdic ualrteuare SUSTPolidwSEKasaWnhAGEtRa e_TREn5_AfTMENpacienTc PLANTlhity Kanhan_pench subsequent to the adoption of this plan shall be as per the provisions of Inside_site_Bo_soaner powerplant Ro 138 BUutiflifteyr_saoner LocatiKoannhan_pench_buffer1 AREA BOUNDARY Proposed_ROW_Dissolve2 8 d InsideR_3Site_Bo R4 IS-WB (Improvmthe DevelopmententF So Planrce andhs tthise mProposedRe_ LandWP Useea Map.dtesrtr Biaondies) T: Transportation NDZ_OS 9 VT:i llTargaenR sbop4ourtnadtaiornies NDZ_ORS_Pedstrian National_Highway

8 3 se ORR_POLY_Boundary I: Industrial 4 1

Outside_Site_Bo 86 8 o I2: Hazardoous explosives Layer IS Boundaries R5 Kanhan_pench 8 0 op ORRIn_siEdxei_sTDstTiient:e fgTe_rnBuco_cek steoramnienrals F: Forpeoswt eBrpulfanfert_saoner 3. The proposed road right of ways (ROWs) shown are proposed based on 8 2 r SPA_boundaries WCL BPuroffpeor_sKeda lamresahwar C/BG: Crematorium/Burial grounds 87 P Buffer_K13a7 lmeshwar O RRBu_fPferro_pCKo/asBlemGde: sChrwemaratorium/Burial grounCds/BG: Crematorium/Burial grounUdtsility Forest Kanhan_pench_buffer1 Roadbuffermerge I: I1nduQSOLIDsutraia rWrlRASTEie1s DISPOSAL / IS-PS3 (Improvthem minmumen ROWt S widthc thathe is requiredme as perP theu landb uselic proposed & Semi Public 3) 1

Buffer_Kuhi m WMINESate / QUARRIESrbodies USWDI2: 3 Hazardoous explosives in the respective areas. In places where existing ROW is greater than the Buffer_Kalmeshwar C/BG: Crematorium/Burial grounds 4 m Proposed Road 4 136 128 BUutiflifteyr_QAsau2a:o Arnregiersiculture LocatiPROCESSINGKoannhan_ FpACILITencYh_ buffer1 BOUNDARY Hills/Rocky area 2 85 2 ORR_Proposed 1 Village boundaries InsideU_tSiliitye_Bo Kanhan_pench_buffer1 Buffer_Kalmeshwar C/BG: Crematorium/Burial grounds

115 2 T: Transportation NDZ_RO4S R_Pedstrian proposed ROW, the width of the existing ROW shall prevail.

5 Outside_Site_Bo I2: Hazardoous explosives IS BounRd5aries Kanhan_pench PropRo5sed_ROW_Dissolve2 Kanhan_pench Inside_site_Bo_soaner powerplant ORRIn_siEdxei_sIst2iin:t egH_aBzo_ardsoooanues rexplosives powerplant 1 WCL Proposed area 4. Existing amenitiesHill sand/ Rutilitiesoc areky mapped ar ebaseda on their current use and SPA_boundaries Utility Kanhan_pench_buffer1 82 134 2 ORRBu_fPferro_TpFKro:aa sFnslemodrpeeossrhttwpaatrch I: InduCREMCs/tBriAaGTION/lV: iCll aBURIAregme Labo tourniudma/rBieusrial grounds Kachimet 6 StaMatkazarition QuarrBieusffer_Kuhi T: Transportation do not indicate the status of the propertyND ownership.Z_ O S 135 NatBiounaffel_r_HKiguhhwi ay CBG 3 WATER BODIES I2: HaAzsahprdoooRn2duss explosives MIHAN BOUNDARY IS-R1 (Improvment Scheme Residential 1) 7 1 4 Buffer_saoner 152 29 Nag_River GROUND 5. The high floodIn lined isu shownstr asia perl the data received from the Irrigation 7 5 Inside_Site_Bo Buffer_Kuhi 6 Village boundaries 7 6 ACs: hpCoomndmsercial

7 T: Transportation NDZ_OS

8 Department.

7 T: Transportation NDZ_OS 1 Outside_Site_Bo Buffer_Kuhi 7 National_Highway IS Boundaries 7 9

Inside_site_Bo_soaner pow erplant 7 133 WCL RP5roposed area Kanhan_pench Industrial Buffer_Kalmeshwar C/BG: Crematorium/Burial grounds 131 O RRBSuP_fAPfe_brro_UpoKoutaislinletmdydaersiehswar C/BG: KCarenhmaanto_rpiuemnc/h_Bubriuaflf egrr1ounUdtsility Kanhan_pench_buffer1

Mangrul 0 Quarries T: Transportation NDZ_OS 8 Station

130 NatBiounaffel_r_HIK:i gIundhhwiuasytrial IS Boundaries 81 I2: Hazardoous explosives Rail_RDiIRRIGgehfteoATIONnf cwe CANALSalaynd I2: H aAzsahprdoooBnuduffsse re_xsaploosnievres Inside_site_Bo_soaner powerplant Pr oVBpiuollfsafegdre__ saboROounnWed_raDrieisssolve2 SubstRat3ions IS-WB (ImprovmentM Sincehs,e qmuaer rWiesa/etexrtr aBcotivdeie asre) as

ORR_PO1L32 Y_Boundary Nag_update 0 250 500 meters N Buffer_saoner 24 IS Boundaries Outside_Site_Bo Proposed_ROW_Diss1 o lve2 ISnPsAid_be_SDosuietbsnefed_ntaBacro_tieieonssosaner WpoCwLe IPrnprsolanidpeot_sesidte a_rBeo_a soaner powerplant Mines, quarries/extractive areas Buffer_saoner ORR_Proposed 123 BSutaffteiorn_TK: aTlrmanessphowrtaartion QCu/BaGrrUi:e NDtCsilirteyZm_aOtSorium/Burial grounTd: sTransportaKtiaonhn an_pench_buffer1 NDZ_OS Buffer_Kuhi

Kachimet NatBiounaffel_r_HKiguhhwi ay

7 Rail_Rightof way Ashponds Inside_site_Bo_soaner Public Sepmoi wpuebrlpiclant Pr oposed_I2R: OHWaz_aDrdisoosoulvse ex2 plosives 2 Buffer_saoner SubstVSaiPtllionAag_bse obounudnadraierises

2 Village boundaries VISill_aRgoea bodRuOnWdaries Buffer_Kalmeshwar Scale - 1 : 10,000 C/BG: Crematorium/Burial grounds 1 TP_1_KIRMITI

1 BT: BuRs4 terminals R_Pedstrian

1 1 1 2 7 1 IS Boundaries 1 Public Semi public 1 1 22 0 wadgaon_buffer_fin Village boundaries 1 WCL Proposed area

7 SPA_boundaries 69 Buffer_BFKT:a :F lBmoureesss httewrmarinals C/BGB: uCffreerm_Kataolrmiuemsh/Bwuarrial grounds C/BG: Crematorium/Burial grounds Station Quarries Village boundaries Buffer_Kuhi T: Transportation NDZ_OS National_Highway Ashp onds Inside_site_Bo_soaner Public utilpitoywerplant Buffer_saoner Pr oBRpuoafsilf_eRrd__IinsagRshOiotdonWefe _w_rsDaityeis_sBoo_lves2oaner powerplant Tehsil Nagpur Rural: Village Nawarmari, Mangrul, Sheet No. Substations

VISill_aRgoea bodRuOnWdaries Station Buffer_Kalmeshwar C/BG: Crematorium/Bur ial grounds

BT: BuISs Bteorunmindalrsies Junapani, Kaldongri

IS Boundaries Buffer_Kuhi Public utility TT: TrRuc5k terminals Kanhan_pench 1 Solidwaste_facility Tehsil Umred: Village Kachimet, Wadadh, Chimnazari,

8 SPA_boMuanjodra_rSietrseams_Buffer15m 111 112 113 m IS Boundaries

StationTI:T I:nd Truusctkri atel rminals Quarries

Buffer_Kuhi Recreation/ open space

P AshpoBnudffser_Kuhi Sukali, Pendhari, Matkazari IS Boundaries

r Rail_Rightof way

o Buffer_saoner po Proposed_ROW_Dissolve2 VISill_aRgoeaB boduRfufOenrWd_aKraielms eshwar SubstIanCtsioni/dBesG_:s Citere_mBo_atosroiuamne/Br uriaBl gurffoeur_nKdsalmepsohwwearprlant C/BG: Crematorium/Burial grouVnidllasge boundaries

se BT: Bus terminals Buffer_Kuhi Recreation/ open s119pa120ce121

d IS Boundaries Rail_Rightof way R SPA_boundaries Solidwaste_facility TT: Truck terminals Buffer_saoner o SPA_boundaries ad Location TransUpotilirttpyatch Kanhan_pench_buffer1 ORR_Proposed Station Residential 127 128 Minor_Streams_Buffer10m Rail_Rightof way Ashponds SPA_boundaries

VBISiull_fafRegore_aT Isabo2dra:R onsuHOnnaeWpdzroaarrrtidpeooastcuhs explosives SubstBautionffers_saoner SPA_boundaries

BT: BuBsu ftfeerrm_Kinaallmseshwar C/BG: CrematoriumR/Besuidrieanlt igarl ounds IS Boundaries

IS BounBudfaferire_sKuhi Buffer_Kuhi S olidwaste_facility TT: Truck terminals Buffer_saoner Mangrul Loca tiSInotPsanAitdi_boen_oSuitned_aBrioes TransISpSot_arRttipooanatcdhROW Village boundaries Transportation National_Highway Rail_Rightof way DefenTc:e Tlaranndsportation NDZ_OS

152 river_vena_Buffer

VISill_aRgoeaD bodeRfueOnnWdcaerlaiensd SBuT:b BstuVasitlli onategrsem boinaulsndaries Transportation Station Station

IS Bo120undaries TT: TrBuuckff eter_rmKuinhails SPA_boundaries SolidwSPasA_bte_Bouuffnfaciedra_rsileaistoyner Buffer_saoner

LocatiSInotsanitdioen_Site_Bo Trans portpatch Village boundaries Town PlanningW Officerater bodies ChairmanChairman

DefenRcaeilla_nRdightof way IS Boundaries ROauilts_iRdeig_hStoitfe w_Baoy Solidwaste_facility Dy. Director Town Planning, NIT Nagpur Improvement Trust

Inside_site_Bo_soaner powerplant Proposed_ROW_Dissolve2 IS_RoadROW Water bodies

62 water_dpareabesa_BuffeTr1P0_1_mmBinKTo:Ir BRuMs tIeTrmI inals Rail_Rightof way

IS Boundaries

TT: TrIuSc kB oteunrmdianraielss

Rail_Rightof way SolidwTSPPas_1_A_bte_oKufnIaciRdaMrileIisTtyI Buffer_saoner

LocatiSInotsanitdioen_VSillitaeg_eB boo undaries Transportpatch Village boundaries PROPOSED LAND USE PLANScanned by CamScanner Station

Defenceland IS Boundaries ROauilts_iRdeig_hStoitfe w_Baoy IS_RoadROW Submitted to the Government of IWS_CRL oPardoRpoOsWed area TP_1_LoKcaIRtiBMounfIfTerI_Kalmeshwar SPA_boundaCri/eBsG: Crematorium/BuPublishedrial u/sg 26r oof theunds Maharashtrau/s 30(1) Regional of the and M.R.T.P Town Act, Planning 1966 Act, 1966. 1 water_dparea1 besa_Buffer15mmTaTjo: rTruck terminals IS_RoadROW 8 Solidwast e_facilit11y9 1 m LocatiSoPnA_boundaries 8 TransSpoPrAtp_batocuhndaries IS_RoadROW

Pr SIntsaitdioen_Site_Bo Village boundaries Draft Development Plan

Defenceland o IS Boundaries IS Boundaries Rail_Rightof way po ROauilts_iRdeig_hStoitfe w_Baoy se IWS_CRL oPardoRpoOsWed area SPA_boundaries d TP_1_KI RInMsiIdTeI_Site_Bo Tehsil Umred , Nagpur R Quarries S120 Station Solidwaste_facility oa Solidwaste_facility S olidwBuasffetr_e_Kufhacii lity 16 d Trans portpatch

LocatiSOInotusantitdsioeiden_S_iSteit_eB_oBo DeM01fenSctealtaionnd Solidwaste_facility

9 Rail_Rightof way 116 IS Boundaries 6 IS_RoadROW Solidwaste_facility 1 4 6 SPA_boundaries SPA_boundaries 6 IWSC_RL oPardoRpoOsWed area 7 3 1 1 5 1 6 TP_1_KIRMITI 4 6 Station 6 Jh 1 Quarries ari Um 6 SolidwAsashptoe_ndsfacil11i7 ty Outside_Site_Bo Rail_Rightof way Na re LocatiBounffer_saoner la d 8

13 Location Te 6 Inside_Site_Bo Nagp hs ROauilts_iRdeig_hStoitfe w_Baoy Defenceland ur Ru il IWS_CRL oPardoRpoOsWed area Rail_Rightof way Location Junapani ral QuarrieSstation 114 TP_1_KIRSMPAIT_bI oundaries Station Nagpur Improvement Trust Location 12 T Solidwaste_facility e SolidwAsashptoe_ndsfacility Rail_Rightof way Station Road, Kingsway, Sadar, Nagpur 440001 56 hs WInsCidLe P_rSoipteo_sBeod area IS_RoadROW Head Office il LocatiSInousnbsideta_tSionites_Bo Village boundaries Station Road, Kingsway, 57 Technical assistanceSadar, Nagpur-440010 by the Consortium led by i 18 (75) Outside_Site_Bo r 115 9 Inside_Site_Bo a Halcrow Consulting Pvt. Ltd. (A CH2M Hill Company) IWS_CRL oPardoRpoOsWed area 7 a l 9 IS_RoadROW h

TP_1_KI1RMITI 1 Inside_Site_Bo J Quarries Consortium Members: a Station Metro Office N Rail_Rightof way SolidwAsashptoe_nRdasfilaci_Riglhittoyf way NIT Cultural Hall Complex, Near Dharmapeth Science College, 7 Location IS_RoadROW Location Substations North Ambazari Road, Nagpur-440010 1 Inside_Site_Bo Quarries

BT: Bus terminals Outside_Site_Bo HCPDPM


21 20 IS Boundaries HCPDPM 22 QWuCaLr rPiersoposed area Solidwaste_facility Outside_Site_Bo Proposed Land Use SolidwAsashptoe_nISd_sfRacioadliRtOyW SolidwRaasil_Rte_ighftaciof wlaiyty IS_RoadROW Inside_Site_Bo Outside_Site_Bo LocatiSOIBnouTusn:bsti dsBeitdeua_stSi _ontiSeteristm_eBi_noBaols Ashponds Vision Document, Development Plan and Improvement WCL Proposed area WTTC: TL rPucrokp toesrmedin aarlesa WSPCAL_b Poroupnodsaeride sareaSolidwaste_facility Schemes for Nagpur Metropolitan Area QAsuhparroiensds Location WCL Proposed area LocatSiSOIBnoouTusn:libsti dsBdweitdeua_stSi _ontasiSeteristm_teBe_i_noBaoflsacility LocatiISo_nRoadROW Solidwaste_facility Outside_Site_Bo WCL Proposed area QWTrTuaC:a nsTLr rPpiueocrsokrtp ptoeasrtmechdin aarlesa SQutuabatsirortinaetsions LocatiInosnide_Site_Bo SAInusshpbsideota_ntSdionistes_Bo Quarries LoWOBTTTuCca::t sTLBi rdeutPuiscro _oktnSep troeitmsermei_ndBian oalasrlesa SolidwInsasidet_e_Sitfeaci_Bolity Location WCL Proposed area Quarries QATDrseuahpfansernropicenoesdrlsatpnadtch ARBsTahp:il _BoRunsigd thsetromf iwnaayls OInustidsiede_S_iSteit_eB_oBo SOBuTu:bst sBitdeuasti _ontSeristmei_nBaols Ashponds WTrTaC: nsTL rPpuIocrnokrstp iptdoeaesrt_mecShdin itaaerl_esBao Outside_Site_Bo Inside_Site_Bo Quarries Ashponds QADseuhpfaernroicenesdlsand LocatiSToTun:b Tsrtautcionk tesrminals Outside_Site_Bo TP_1_SBKuT:bsI BRtuaMsti ontIeTrsmI inals IS_RoadROW WCL Proposed area Nagpur Improvement Trust WTrTaC: nsTL rPpuocrokrtp ptoeasrtmechdin aarlesa WCL Proposed area Substations Substations QADseuhpfaernroicenOesdulsatsnidde_Site_Bo Inside_Site_Bo Outside_Site_Bo Ashponds Station Road, Kingsway, Sadar, Nagpur 400 001, BT: Bus terminals TP_1_SBKuT:bsI BRtuaMsti ontIeTrsmI inals BTrTa: nsBupso rttepramtcinhals QWuCaLr rPiersoposed area QTrTua:a nsTrrpiueocskrt pteartmchinals Solidwaste_facility BT: Bus terminals Maharashtra SADusehpbsfenotacnWtedionlCsanLsd Proposed area QOuatsrirdeies_Site_Bo WCL Proposed area Substations BT: Bus terminals TT: Truck terminals TP_1_BTKTT:: I TBRruuMsc ktIe TtremIrminianlasls TDTe:f eTnruccekla tnedrminals AQsuhparroiensds ATDrseahpfnsenopcnoedrlsatpnadtch Location TT: Truck terminals TP_1_SBKuT:bsI BRtuaMQsti onutIeTarsrmIrieinsals AWsChpL oPnrdosposed area Quarries BT: Bus terminals TT: Truck terminals TrTa: nsTrpuockrt pteartmchinals Transportpatch SAushpbstoantidons s Defenceland TP_1_InKsiIdRe_MSIitTeI_Bo R1 TP_1_SBKuT:bsI BRtuaMsti ontIeTrsmI inals Substations Transportpatch Transportpatch TT: TruAcskhp teormndinsals Quarries ASsuhpbsotantdions s TT: Truck terminals TDreafnsenpcoerlatpnadtch ODeuftesnidece_laSnitde_Bo BT: Bus terminals TP_1_BKT:I BRuMs tIeTrmI inals Defenceland TrTa: nsTrpuSocukrtbs pteatrtamcthiionnasls BATs:hp Bounsd tserminals Substations Transportpatch Defenceland TP_1_DKefIeRncMelIaTnId TP_1_KIRMITI TBTT:: TBruusc kte tremrminianlasls