Leslie Churchill Resume

Start Date End Date Role/Description 1994 2002 Team Coach or Manager, Axemen Lacrosse Club 1995 2000 Director, Calgary Axemen Lacrosse Club 1998 1999 Secretary, Calgary District Lacrosse Association 1998 2001 Tournament Chair, Day Lacrosse Tournament 1999 2000 Vice President, Calgary District Lacrosse Association 2001 2003 President, Calgary Axemen Lacrosse Club 2002 2003 Vice President, Lacrosse Association 2002 2003 Chair, Calgary Minor Box Council 2003 2003 Personnel Coordinator, Volunteer Axemen Beginners Lacrosse Clinic 2003 2003 Chair, Bantam Challenge Cup Tournament 2003 Present President, Calgary District Lacrosse Association 2004 2004 Chair, Alberta Lacrosse Association Awards Committee 2004 2004 Prizes Coordinator, Volunteer Axemen Beginners Lacrosse Clinic 2004 2004 Chair, Summer Games for Zone 3 2004 Present General Manager, Calgary Mountaineers Senior Lacrosse Club 2004 Present Tier 2 Commissioner 2006 Present ALRA Treasurer Secretary 2006 James Mc Fall Recieptant Achievements:

1 As Chair of Calgary’s Canada Day Tournament, helped develop the event into one of Western Canada’s largest and most successful box tournaments. 2 As President of Calgary Axemen, oversaw the introduction of new coaching development programs, introduced new player evaluation system, introduced volunteer appreciation events, introduced new club tournaments, established new guidelines for traveling teams, encouraged the development of girls’ , supported tiering at the novice and midget levels. 3 As Chair, Calgary Minor Box Council, worked with other club leaders to develop contract with Calgary Lacrosse Development to provide scheduling and administrative support to minor lacrosse. 4 Was nominated President, CDLA in October 2003. 5 Les has participated behind the scenes in the Axemen Beginners Lacrosse Clinic during 2003 and 2004, either by booking instructors or collecting prizes. Her participation has been in coordination with the head instructor for 2003/2004 6 Headed committee which drafted and passed new operating by-laws for Calgary Axemen

Prepared: 22-Oct-04