Mott Memory and Neuromorphic Devices

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Mott Memory and Neuromorphic Devices This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination. INVITED PAPER Mott Memory and Neuromorphic Devices Correlations of electronsVarising in structural and physical phase transitionsVprovide a nanoscale-compatible mechanism of possible utility to electronics. This paper discusses the mechanisms and their implications in memory and information processing. By You Zhou and Shriram Ramanathan ABSTRACT | Orbital occupancy control in correlated oxides Boer and Verwey noted that the band theory is insufficient allows the realization of new electronic phases and collective to explain the electrical properties of many transition state switching under external stimuli. The resultant structural metal oxides with a partially filled d-electron band, which and electronic phase transitions provide an elegant way to were expected to be metallic but are insulators in reality encode, store, and process information. In this review, we ex- [1]. In 1949, Mott put forward a theory on how electron– amine the utilization of Mott metal-to-insulator transitions, for electron interactions in these materials (commonly ref- memory and neuromorphic devices. We emphasize the over- erred to as Mott insulators despite the fact that many of arching electron–phonon coupling and electron–electron in- them display complex electronic phase diagrams that may teraction-driven transition mechanisms and kinetics, which not be wholly described by the original theory) could ex- renders a general description of Mott memories from aspects plain their insulating states [2]. It was later discovered that such as nonvolatility, sensing scheme, read/write speed, and Mott insulators not only show unconventional electrical switching energy. Various memory and neuromorphic device insulating behavior, but also often exhibit interesting phase architectures incorporating phase transition elements are transitions with drastic change in their electrical and mag- reviewed, focusing on their operational principles. The role of netic properties under various stimuli. In the words of Peierls distortions and crystal symmetry changes during phase Nevill Mott, the Mott transition can strictly be defined as a change is discussed. Prospects for such orbitronic devices as ‘‘transition from an antiferromagnetic insulator to a metal’’ hardware components for information technologies are [3]. In this review, we use the terminology of Mott mate- summarized. rials in a broader sense to describe materials with strong correlation that show insulator-to-metal transitions despite KEYWORDS | Complex oxide; emerging memory; metal oxide; the fact that ordering of spins may not exactly coincide with metal-to-insulator transition; Mott insulator; neuromorphics; electrical conductivity changes. nonvolatile; orbitronics Recently, the potential applications of Mott insulators, especially those manifesting metal-to-insulator transitions, in memory devices have been actively explored, as the I. INTRODUCTION phase transitions could be triggered at subnanosecond The scaling of semiconductor devices approaching 10-nm timescales [4], [5] and the state of devices can be accessed critical dimensions is much indebted to the success of the electrically. It is also noteworthy that the electronic-struc- electronic band theory. Nevertheless, as early as 1937, de tural phase changes in complex oxide thin films are robust and reversible for millions of cycles, in sharp contrast to bulk single crystals that shatter across the transition due to stress buildup. The enhanced reliability of phase transitions Manuscript received September 28, 2014; revised April 1, 2015; accepted May 6, 2015. has contributed to the exponential growth of interest in this This work was supported by the Army Research Office under Grant W911NF-14-1-0669; by the Air Force Office of Scientific Research under Grant FA9550-12-1-0189; and by topic from not only applications’ point of view but also the the National Academy of Sciences. ability to study intrinsic physics of the transition with low- The authors are with the John A. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA 02138 USA (e-mail: [email protected]; dimensional materials. In turn, this motivates state-of-the- [email protected]). art experimental techniques such as ultrafast diffraction, Digital Object Identifier: 10.1109/JPROC.2015.2431914 spectroscopy and other in situ diagnostics to be applied to 0018-9219 Ó 2015 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information. | Proceedings of the IEEE 1 This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination. Zhou and Ramanathan: Mott Memory and Neuromorphic Devices tion to state ‘‘0’’ is limited by the kinetics of the phase transition. If the kinetic barrier is much smaller than the thermodynamic driving force, the metastable state ‘‘1’’ could not be retained for significant period of time and the memory will be mono-stable and volatile. With a large kinetic barrier, on the other hand, the device would be quasi-bistable and nonvolatile, in which case another external stimuli is needed to switch from ‘‘1’’ to ‘‘0.’’ Theoretically, it is even possible to realize both volatile and nonvolatile operations with a single material at two dif- ferent temperatures with different magnitude of thermo- dynamic driving force. By way of illustration, many of the phase transitions of Mott insulators are hysteretic at tem- peratures close to Tc, which could enable the nonvolatile operation. On the contrary, the stable phase will always be restored in the absence of external stimuli if the ambient temperature is outside the hysteretic window. In comparison with memory devices like DRAM and SRAM, where the state is stored in the form of charge on capacitors, the state of Mott memories could be memo- rized and read out in the form of electronic and magnetic properties. This enables the compact packing of two- terminal cross-point array with 4F2 cell area size (F is the minimum chip feature size). What is more, the speed of electrically triggered Mott transitions [6], [7] in two- terminal devices is comparable with standard memory devices including DRAM, SRAM, and faster than Flash [8], while the demonstrated speed of optically triggered switching can even approach the gate delay of the state- of-the-art transistors [9]. It has also been demonstrated that the write energy per transition is sub-100 fJ and could Fig. 1. Free energy landscape of Mott memories under writing and reading signals as a function of order parameter. (a) At the standby be scaled down with smaller device dimensions [7]. Addi- temperature, the system at equilibrium is in its thermodynamic stable tionally the write/read voltage values are compatible with phase (state ‘‘0’’). DG is the free energy difference between stable typical supply voltages of silicon circuits. and metastable phases (state ‘‘1’’). (b) An external stimulus drives The outline of the paper is as follows. Section II over- the phase transition from state ‘‘0’’ to state ‘‘1’’ and the minimum views the Mott transition phenomena and introduces the energy cost and the minimum energy dissipated in the system is DG. (c) When the writing signal is removed, the system in state ‘‘1’’ faces an key mechanisms involving cooperative structural and elec- energy barrier of GB and the relaxation to state ‘‘1’’ is limited by the tronic phase change to the general reader. Various devices kinetics of the transition. The relative magnitude of kinetic barrier GB that have been realized to date utilizing Mott transitions and thermodynamic driving force DG determines whether the state is for memory and neuromorphic devices are discussed in volatile. The memory is volatile if the metastable state ‘‘1’’ cannot be Section III. Section IV evaluates and benchmarks the per- retained for a significant period of time. Otherwise, it can function as a nonvolatile memory and (d) another external signal is needed to formance metrics of Mott transition memory devices, fol- change ‘‘1’’ back to ‘‘0.’’ lowed by a summary section. II. MATERIAL PROPERTIES such problems, furthering our fundamental understanding of strong correlations in complex systems. A. Metal-to-Insulator Transition Phenomena The general idea of utilizing Mott transition in memory Several types of phase transitions involving change in devices is illustrated in Fig. 1 by considering the Gibbs free magnetic, electric, and mechanical properties exist in the energy landscape of the system under write and read sig- family of Mott insulators. The metal-to-insulator transi- nals. Initially, the system is in the stable phase (state ‘‘0’’). tions refer to a class where the competition between the An external stimulus drives the phase transition from the electron localization and delocalization lead to drastic thermodynamically stable phase to the metastable phase changes in the conductivity of materials. These phase tran- (state ‘‘1’’) (for example, from the insulating state to the sitions can be triggered by thermal energy, electric fields, metallic state). When the stimulus is removed, the relaxa- and optical stimuli, and the state of the system can be 2 Proceedings of the IEEE | This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue
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