RONALD R. HOOPER, Saskatchewan Museum of Natural History, 2340 Albert Street, Regina, Saskatchewan. S4P 3V7

Abbreviations used: s = south, n = north, w = vae are surface or underground cut¬ west, e - east, CNC = the only known worms, but in the Borer Moths the larvae Saskatchewan records of the species that we live in the stems of plants. know of are in the Canadian National Collection in Ottawa. (Unless otherwise Mullein Quaker - verbascoides indicated all the species are represented in the (Gn.) - Reported for Saskatchewan by collection of the Saskatchewan Museum of Natural History, Regina.) W. Forbes of Cornell University. Wood-coloured Quaker - Apamea Quaker and Borer Moths lignicolora (Gn.) - s Sask. n to Aylsham. (A mph ipyrinae) Brown-banded Quaker - Apamea These are medium-sized Owlet Moths auranticolor (Grt.) - (in the with rather long abdomens that usually collection of the National Research extend about half the width of the hind Council). wing beyond the lower edge of the wing Airy Quaker - Apamea vultuosa (Grt.) on a mounted specimen. The eyes are Tantallon and Fort Qu’Appelle. bald and have no lashes. The hind tibiae have no spines. In some genera the lar¬ Dusky Quaker - Apamea plutonia (Grt.)

Destructive Quaker Lorie Melit Pale-shouldered Brindle Lorie Melit

- s Sask. n to Shoal Lake and Onion Ruby Quaker - Agroperina dubitans Lake. (Wlk.) - s Sask. n to Deschambault Lake Northern Quaker - Apamea amputatrix and La Ronge. (Fitch) - s Sask. n to Creighton and La Inficita Quaker - Agroperina inficita Ronge. (Wlk.) - throughout Saskatchewan. Dewy Quaker - Apamea alia (Gn.) - s Lined Quaker - Agroperina popofensis Sask. n to Aylsham. indela (Sm.) - s Sask. n to Nipawin Quaker - Apamea inordinata Provincial Park. (Morr.) - s Sask. n to and Old Muddy Quaker - Agroperina lutosa Wives Lake. (And.) - Fort Qu’Appelle. Spalding’s Quaker - Apamea spadlingi Yellow Three-spot - Agroperina helva (Sm.) - Saskatoon (in the collection of (Grt.) - Roche Percee. the National Research Council). White-veined Quaker - Protagrotis Grey Quaker - Apamea cinefacta (Grt.) niveivenosa (Grt.) - s Sask. n to Shoal - s Sask. n to Aylsham. Lake. Parcata Quaker - Apamea parcata (Sm.) Dark White-veined Quaker - Protagrotis - s Sask. n to . extensa (Sm.) - s Sask. n to Aylsham. Southern Quaker - Apamea impulsa Destructive Quaker - Crymodes (Gn.) - Shoal Lake and Cumberland devastator (Brace) - s Sask. n to Love. House. Mountain Quaker - Crymodes longula Broken-banded Quaker - Apamea (Grt.) - Killdeer and Saskatchewan indocilis (Wlk.) - Red Earth; - Apamea Landing Provincial Park. indocilis runata (Sm.) - Halbrite. Dock Rustic - Luperina passer (Gn.) - s Pale-banded Quaker - Apamea finitima Sask. n to Cumberland House. (Gn.) - s Sask. n to Aylsham. Stipata Rustic - Luperina stipata (Morr.) Red-winged Quaker - Agroperina - s Sask. n to Regina. later it ia (Hufn.) - s Sask. n to Aylsham. Northern Banded Quaker - 1 richoplexia

49(3). September 1991 119 Copper Underwing Lorie Melit exornata (Mosch.) - Saskatoon (CNC). (CNC). Quaker - Silver-C Borer - Spartiniphaga (Wlk.) - s Sask. n to Hudson Bay and includens (Wlk.) - s Sask. n to Shoal Aylsham. Lake, Anglin Lake and Harlan (ne of Black-banded Brocade - Oligia modica ). (Gn.) - s Sask. n to Tantallon and Single-spot Borer - Spartiniphaga inops Saskatoon. (Grt.) - Wadena and Aylsham. Lined Stalk-borer - Oligia fractilinea Panatela Borer - Spartiniphaga panatela (Grt.) - s Sask. n to Aylsham. (Sm.) - Roche Percee and Duck Short-cloaked Quaker - Oligia tonsa Mountain Provincial Park. (Grt.) - Fort Qu’Appelle and Loon Lake. Sordid Wainscot - Hypocoena inqub-ita Bridgham’s Brocade - Oligia bridghami (Gn.) - s Sask. n to Red Ear± and (G. and R.) - s Sask. n to Shoal Lake. Nipawin Provincial Park. Neumogen’s Quaker - Oligia egens Base-streaked Wainscot - Hypocoena (Wlk.) - s Sask. n to Aylsham. basistriga (McD.) - central Sask. s to Norquay and Saskatoon, n to Shoal Obtuse Quaker - Oligia obtusa (Sm.) - Lake. Shoal Lake and Saskatoon. Brown-streaked Rustic - Hypocoena Prairie Quaker - Oligia mactata (Gn.) - rufostrigata (Pack.) - s Sask. n to Shoal s Sask. n to Shoal Lake and Meadow Lake. Lake Provincial Park. Narrow-winged Borer - Hypocoena Wandering Quaker - Oligia illocata defecta (Grt.) - s Sask. n to La Ronge. (Wlk.) - s Sask. n to Shoal Lake and Prince Albert. Oblong Sedge Borer - Archanara oblonga (Grt.) - Saskatoon (CNC). Mottled Quaker - Parastichtis discivaria Suflava Sedge Borer - Archanara (Wlk.) - s Sask. n to La Ronge. subflava (Grt.) - s Sask. n to Shoal Lake. Chagnon’s Quaker - Xylomoia chagnoni (B. & McD.) - Melfort and Saskatoon Kidney-spotted Rustic - Helotropha reniformis (Grt.) - s Sask. n to Shoal 120 Blue Jay Lake and Prince Albert. and Meadow Lake Provincial Park. Interoceanic Ear Moth - Amphipoea Lesser Angle-striped Sallow - Enargia interoceanica (Sm.) - s Sask. n to infumata (Grt.) - s Sask. n to Sturgeon Aylsham. Landing, and Gordon Lake (n of American Ear Moth - Amphipoea Pinehouse Lake). americana (Spey.) - s Sask. n to Shoal Mephisto Angle-striped Sallow - Lake and La Ronge. Enargia mephisto (Franc.) - Harlan (ne Burdock Borer Moth - Papaipema of Lloydminster) (CNC). cataphracta (Grt.) - Buffalo Pound Even-lined Sallow - Ipimorpha Provincial Park. pleonectusa (Grt.) - s Sask. n to Gordon Cow Parsnip Borer Moth - Papaipema Lake (n of Pinehouse Lake). harrisii (Grt.) - s Sask. n to Sturgeon Cloaked Marvel - Chytonixpalliatricula Landing. (Gn.) - s Sask. n to Sturgeon Landing Columbine Borer - Papaipema and La Ronge. leucostigma (Harr.) - Norquay and Canadian Giant - Andropolia contacta Limerick. (Wlk.) - s Sask. n to La Ronge. Hops Borer Moth - Papaipema Hyppa - Hyppa (undescribed species) - circumlucens (Sm.) - Roche Percee, s Sask. n to Gordon Lake (n of Oxbow and Fort Qu’Appelle. Pinehouse Lake). Water Hemlock Borer Moth - Yellow Orange-wing - Pseudanarta Papaipema marginidens (Gn.) - s Sask. crocea (Hy. Edw.) - Roche Percee and n to Shoal Lake. Killdeer. Meadow Rue Borer Moth - Papaipema Spotted Phosphila - Phosphila unimoda (Sm.) - Melfort (CNC). miselioides (Gn.) - Tantallon and Roche Pallid Rustic - Hydraecia pallescens Percee. (Sm.) - Ravenscrag (CNC). Delicate Trachea - Oblique Rustic - Hydraecia perobliqua (Grt.) - s Sask. n to Fort Esperance, Earl (Hamp.) - s Sask. n to Shoal Lake. Grey and Outlook Regional Park. Brown-tailed Diver - Bellura Copper Underwing - gortynoides (Wlk.) - Weekes. pyramidoides (Gn.) - s Sask. n to Shoal Lake and Red Earth. Pale-shouldered Brindle - Bellura obliqua (Wlk.) - s Sask. n to Gray Amphipyra - Amphipyra glabella Cumberland House and Onion Lake. (Morr.) - s Sask. n to Aylsham. Charata Quaker - Aseptis charata (Grt.) Glistening Rustic - Proxenus miranda - Killdeer, Val Marie, and Estuary. (Grt.) - s Sask. n to Aylsham and Clearwater River. American Small Angle Shades - Euplexia benesimilis (McD.) - s Sask. n Mooned Rustic - Platyperigia meralis to Love. (Morr.) - s Sask. n to Geikie River (near Wollaston Lake). Olive Angle Shades - Phlogophora iris (Gn.) - Bainbridge (n of Hudson Bay) Civil Rustic - Platyperigia extima and . (Wlk.) - s Sask. n to Aylsham, Prince Albert and Battlefords Provincial Park. Great Angle Shades - Phlogophora periculosa (Gn.) - Tantallon, Somme White-blotched Balsa - and Fort Qu’Appelle. (Grt.) - Tantallon, Maryfield, and Roche Percee. Angle-striped Sallow - Enargia decolor (Wlk.) - s Sask. n to Cumberland House Festive Midget - Elaphria festivoides

49(3). September 1991 121 (Gn.) - throughout Sask. (except ne (Stkr.) - w to Aweme, . comer). Rigid Sunflower Borer Moth - White-dotted Groundling - Platysenta Papaipema rigida (Grt.) - w to Aweme, videns (Gn.) - s Sask. n to Wadena, Manitoba. Saskatoon and Cutknife. Aweme Borer Moth - Papaipema Streaked Groundling - Platysenta aweme (Lym.) - Aweme, Manitoba. discinstringa (Sm.) - Rockglen and Val American Bird’s-wing Moth - Marie. Dypterygia rozmani (Berio) - w to Expallidus Brown - Plagimimcus Aweme, Manitoba. expallidus (Grt.) - Saskatoon Subvexa Sallow - Ipimorpha subvexa (Department of Agriculture collection, (Grt.) - n to se Alberta. Saskatoon). Actona Sallow - Rhizagrotis albalis Yellow Groundling - Stiria rugifrons actona (Sm.) - n to Manyberries, (Grt.) - Saskatoon and Alberta. (Department of Agriculture collection, Saskatoon). White-winged Quaker - Protoperigia posticata (Harv.) - ne to Malta, American Dun-bar - Cosmia calami Montana. (Harv.) - Tantallon, Round Lake (s of Stockholm) and Oxbow. Verbena Moth - Crambodes talidiformis (Gn.) - nw to Medicine Hat, and Sharp-toothed Groundling - Acopa Lethbridge, Alberta. perpallida (Grt.) - Fort Qu’Appelle, Lumsden and Killdeer. Fall Armyworm Moth - Spodoptera frugiperda (J.E. Smith) - nw to Aweme, Homogena Groundling - Escaria Manitoba. homogena (McD.) - Saskatoon, Swift Current, Killdeer and Rosefield (se of Frothy Moth - Stibadium spumosum Val Marie). (Grt.) - nw to s Alberta. A pest in Sunflower heads. Cylindrical Groundling - Afotella cylindrica (Grt.) - Swift Current (CNC).

Expected Species References Wild Rice Quaker - Apamea apamiformis (GN.) - w to Aweme, BIRD, H. 1907. New histories and species in Manitoba. Papaipema (Hydroecia). Can. Em. 39:309-317.

Western Quaker - Apamea occidens FORBES, W.T.M. 1954. of New (Grt.) - n to Cartwright, Manitoba, and Yoik and neighboring states. (Part Manyberries, Alberta. HI). New Yoik State College of Agriculture, Ithaca, New Yoik. Burgess’s Quaker - Crymodes burgessi (Morr.) - w to Fort Peck, Montana, and FRANCLEMONT, J.G. 1939. A revision of the American species of the Enargia Hubner. Writing-on-Stone Park, Alberta. Can. Em. 71:113-116. Jocasta Quaker - Eremobina jocasta KNUTSON, H. 1944. Minnesota Phalaenidae. (Sm.) - w to Winnipeg Beach, University of Minnesota Agricultural Manitoba, and Lam on t, Alberta. Experimental Station, Technical Bulletin 165. Verona Borer Moth - Papaipema verona LYMAN, H.H. 1908. Recent work among the (Sm.) - w to Aweme, Manitoba. Borers. Can. Em. 40:249-255. Ash Tip Borer Moth - Papaipema MCDUNNOUGH, J. 1922. Some apparently furcata (Sm.) - w to Aweme, Manitoba. undescribed Noctuidae. Can. Em. 54:236-238. Nelita Borer Moth - Papaipema nelita 122 Blue Jay