The Tobacco Industry is spending $1 Million Dollars an Hour to turn our stores into their marketing tools What can you do about it? 2395 University Avenue West, Suite 310 St. Paul, Minnesota 55114 651-646-3005 phone 651-646-0142 fax
[email protected] Introduction At Ramsey Tobacco Coalition (RTC), we enthusiastically combat the influence of the tobacco industry within Minnesota. RTC is a program of the Association for Nonsmokers-MN (ANSR). ANSR is a nonprofit organization dedicated to reducing the human and economic costs of tobacco use in Minnesota. Our core commitments are to reduce the number of young smokers and to continuously advocate for the rights and health of nonsmokers. RTC has had a number of successes in battling the tobacco industry: Eight communities passed tobacco-free parks policies JazzFest and Rondo Days do not accept tobacco industry funding Ramsey County passed a smoke-free indoor air law in 2005 In 2009, the Saint Paul City Council passed the Imitation Tobacco and Novelty Lighter bill banning candy cigarettes and bubblegum cigars. Youth advocates testified in support of the bill. The Ramey Tobacco Coalitions has received funding from the Minnesota Department of Health and ClearWay Minnesota to do the following: Update local tobacco retail licensing provisions in cities. This could involve educating community members about tobacco industry influences (including new tobacco products), and how to create policy change around these issues. Complete community assessment of single little cigars including frequency, impact, community readiness and decision maker interest; Educate the Saint Paul community about little cigars; Identify policy options available for reducing single cigar sales in Saint Paul.