BOARD OF GOVERNORS OPEN SESSION Minutes of the 330th meeting held Friday, October 16, 2015

Present: Kevin Golding (Board Chair), Nancy Brown Andison, Shauneen Bruder (Vice Chair), Adina Bujold, Mary Anne Chambers, Mary Deacon, Earl Ellis, Paul Gallagher, Effie Gatsinos, Paul Gibson, Sally Hickson, Wendy Millar, Jonathan Newman, Neil Parkinson, James Rice, Byron Sheldrick, Irene Thompson, Franco Vaccarino (President), Kate Revington (University Secretary-non-voting)

Regrets: Peter MacGowan, David Mirvish (Chancellor), Graham Badun, Jennah Carere, Andrew Marsh,

Administrative Support: Daniel Atlin, Karen Bertrand, Malcolm Campbell, Bob Carter, Charles Cunningham, Serge Desmarais, Genevieve Gauthier, Rebecca Graham, Martha Harley, Vicki Hodgkinson, Tracey Jandrisits, Hilary Jarvis, Don O’Leary, John Miles, Mary Murphy, Sandra Nervo, Monique Poirier (Recording Secretary), Brenda Whiteside, Charlotte Yates

Guests: Robin-Lee Norris (BOT Chair), Peter Miller (CSA Academic Commissioner), Janice Folk-Dawson, Laura Maclure, Darrin Chasty (CUPE 1334)

1. Pre-meeting Presentation

Chair Kevin Golding welcomed members and guests to the first Board meeting of the year, and explained that the pre-meeting presentation is intended to inform Governors on particular items of strategic importance to the University for the upcoming year.

President Vaccarino was invited to provide information on the activities planned for the strategic renewal process. Dr. Vaccarino introduced members of the Strategic Renewal Leadership Team Dr. Serge Desmarais (AVP Academic) and Ms. Vicki Hodgkinson (Special Advisor to the President) who presented on the plans for the upcoming year. a) Strategic Plan Renewal: Process and Plans

Dr. Desmarais began the presentation by observing that the University’s Strategic Plan has not been renewed for over ten years. He note that a renewed Plan, based on extensive consultations with the University and external communities, will provide a vision for the future directions of the University.

The proposed process and time lines for the strategic renewal activities were outlined (see presentation slides, enclosed). Dr. Desmarais advised that Professor Kerry Daly has also joined the Strategic Renewal Leadership Team to add expertise on qualitative research and assist with the facilitation of the consultation and feedback process. Board of Governors Open Minutes of October 16, 2015

The outreach and consultation will involve internal and external communities, with opportunities for all groups to be heard through multiple media options.

Following the presentation by Dr. Desmarais, and Ms Hodgkinson, questions and comments on the strategic planning process were discussed.

Governors offered the following comments:

 The University can build on its established strengths: agriculture, agri-food, veterinary sciences, the University’s history and heritage, its focus on food and the environment, its international reputation and outreach, its emphasis in interdisciplinary approaches to research, and its research in biodiversity

 The University’s focus on student engagement and development of student leadership is a particular strength; also its emphasis on social responsibility and social justice

The Chair thanked the President, Dr. Desmarais, and Ms Hodgkinson for the stimulating presentation and discussion. Governors were reminded that the Board’s strategic thinking session, scheduled for December, will focus on strategic renewal. Governors will be invited, as one of many stakeholder groups, to provide thoughts and ideas on a future vision for the University.

2. Welcome and Approval of Agenda

a) Welcome and Introductory Remarks from the Chair

The Chair called the meeting to order, and thanked those Governors who were able to participate in the morning’s Board Orientation session.

In particular he offered welcome to new Board Members Ms. Mary Deacon, Ms. Adina Bujold, Ms. Jennah Carere, Mr. James Rice, Ms. Sally Hickson, and Ms. Irene Thompson.

As well, the following guests were welcomed: Vice Presidents O’Leary, Yates, Atlin, and Campbell; members of the Senior Administration; Ms. Janice Folk-Dawson, Ms. Laura Maclure and Mr. Darin Chastey (from CUPE 1334); and Mr. Peter Miller (CSA Academic Commissioner and former member of the Board of Governors). It was noted that Ms. Robin-Lee Norris, Chair of the Board of Trustees, would join the meeting during the Closed Session.

Regrets were noted on behalf of Chancellor David Mirvish, Mr. Peter MacGowan, Mr. Graham Badun, Mr. Andrew Marsh, and Ms. Jennah Carere. Board of Governors Open Minutes of October 16, 2015

Noting the Board’s Conflict of Interest Policy, Mr. Golding invited any declarations of potential conflict with items on the agenda. There were none.

Mr. Golding reviewed the Board’s past practice in using a consent agenda with the goal of freeing meeting time for substantive/strategic items. He observed that items identified for consent status are typically routine in nature, have been reviewed in detail at the committee level, and are presented with a recommendation for approval from the relevant standing committee. He added that, as a further time-management approach, items provided for information will generally be handled briefly and on a “questions-only” basis. He emphasized that while these approaches are used to help manage meeting time they are not intended to discourage Members who wish clarification and/or see a need for discussion about information items or those on the consent agenda.

b) Approval of the Open Session Agenda and Consent Items

On a motion duly moved and seconded, it was RESOLVED, that the agenda be approved as presented; and FURTHER RESOLVED, that the following motions associated with the items described in the Open Session meeting package be approved: RESOLVED, that the Open Session minutes of June 4, 2015 meeting be approved.

3. Approval of Minutes

a) Approval of the Open Session Minutes for June 4, 2015

This item was approved as part of the Open Session consent items.

b) Business Arising

Members made note of the information provided on page 19 of the meeting materials.

4. President's Report

a) Status Report on University Activities

President Vaccarino offered the following report on recent University activities:

 Thanks and appreciation was offered to staff and faculty for another successful fall start-up, including residence move-in, orientation activities, class start-up and Homecoming. He also expressed thanks to those already working on recruitment activities and events for Fall 2016, including the Universities Fair, Fall Preview Days and Graduate Studies Day. Board of Governors Open Minutes of October 16, 2015

 Governors were advised that the University of ’s 2015 United Way campaign is now underway and runs to early December. This year’s goal is $607,500. He observed that the University is a major contributor to the City’s United Way Campaign, and he thanked the University’s United Way Leadership Team of Professor Rich Moccia, staff member Patricia Tersigni, and student co-chairs Meghan Doherty and Kim Hul for their hard work on behalf of the University campaign.

 Regarding the upcoming federal election, University representatives have met with each candidate from the four main parties campaigning in Guelph to ensure that they are informed and updated them on key issues from the University’s perspective (e.g. agri-food issues; the role of the University as a powerhouse for regional economic development; the University’s role as a major player in research and innovation). Beyond the particular issues for the federal election, the President and VPs continue to meet with government representatives and officials at the municipal, provincial, and federal levels to highlight the University’s perspectives and interests. It was noted that the VP Research is currently preparing a number of federal grant proposals including one for FedDev (an economic development grant).

 The President reported that he was pleased to participate recently in an editorial board discussion at local newspaper The Guelph Mercury. The discussion focused on a review of his past year, which led to a series of positive articles in that paper.

 University rankings just released in two annual surveys have placed the second among comprehensive universities in the “Research University of the Year” ranking based on a survey published by Research Infosource; and as well the University of Guelph has ranked second among comprehensive universities without a medical school in the annual “Top 50 Research Universities” list.

 The first Senate meeting of the year is October 26, 2015, and Senate will also receive a presentation on the strategic renewal process. Appreciation was expressed to Governors Paul Gibson and Nancy Brown Andison for their willingness to serve as the Board representatives to Senate for the 2015-16 session

 With pleasure, the President reported the following honours and achievements: st o On July 1 two University faculty members were named to the Order of Canada: Professor Paul Hebert and Professor Emerita Lynn McDonald; o Alumni members Bryden MacDonald and Liz Howard, 2014 graduates of the 2014 master of fine art program in theatre studies, are short-listed finalists to the 2015 Governor General’s Literary Awards (MacDonald for his play “Odd Ducks”, and Howard for her poetry collection “Infinite Citizen of the Shaking Tent”); o Professor Russell Smith, teaching in the School of English and Theatre Studies (SETS), has been longlisted for the Scotiabank Giller Prize and shortlisted for the Rogers Writers’ Trust Fiction Prize; Board of Governors Open Minutes of October 16, 2015

o Professor Trent Tucker, from the School of Food, Hospitality and Tourism Management, has been named one of Ontario’s most outstanding university teachers by the Ontario Confederation of University Faculty Associations (OCUFA). Trent is known for his commitment to experiential learning and teaching innovation; o Professor Merritt Turetsky, an ecologist in the Department of Integrative Biology, has been named to the College of New Scholars, Artists and Scientists, which honours the “emerging generation of Canadian intellectual leadership.” Created by the Royal Society of Canada in 2014, the College recognizes academics who have made exceptional achievements within 15 years of completing their doctoral degrees; o Professor Georgia Mason has received the Medal for Outstanding Contributions from the Universities Federation for Animal Welfare (UFAW); and o Former President has been honoured by COU for outstanding contributions to higher education, and has also been named the new Chair of Directors for HEQCO.

Congratulations was expressed to all on these outstanding achievements.

 As per the University’s approved namings policies, the President was pleased to announce several facility naming that reflect recent donations to the University: o The Entrance in the new Athletics Centre; o The new “Coast Hotels Board Room” in Macdonald Stewart Hall/ College of Business and Economics space; o The new “Schneider Foods Research Laboratory” in the Macdonald Stewart Hall/ College of Business and Economics space; and o The Kloser Family and the George and Lorna Roberts Lecture Rooms in the MacLachlan Building. The President expressed thanks and appreciation for the generosity of these donors.

 At the invitation of the City of Brampton, the President and Senior Administration from the University of Guelph and Humber College met with the City of Brampton’s Blue Ribbon Panel to explore the feasibility of establishing a university campus in the City of Brampton. Discussions are preliminary, and the President will continue to update the Board on any developments in this regard.

 Following on a request from Governors for information regarding the University’s Strategic Mandate Agreement (SMA), President Vaccarino invited Provost and Vice President Academic Dr. Yates to provide a brief overview on the role of the SMA and its current status (slides enclosed). Governors expressed appreciation for the presentation, and President Vaccarino observed that the timing for the strategic renewal activities aligns well with the timelines for the upcoming renewal of the SMA. Board of Governors Open Minutes of October 16, 2015

b) Faculty Appointments Report

Provost and Vice President Academic Dr. Charlotte Yates distributed for information a listing of recent faculty and administrative appointments for the period of September 2014 to May 2015 (enclosed).

c) Board of Governors 2015 Scholarship Recipients

Information concerning the 2015 recipients of the Board of Governors’ Entrance Scholarships (p. 61 of the meeting materials) was noted.

5. Audit & Risk Committee Report [It was noted that there is an error to be corrected on page 63 of the printed meeting materials. The date is corrected to April 30, 2015.]

a) Report from the Committee Chair

Referring to page 63 in the meeting materials, Mr. Neil Parkinson, Chair of the Committee, briefly elaborated on the recent activities of the Audit & Risk Committee.

b) Audited Financial Statements - University of Guelph

Mr. O’Leary provided an overview of the 2014-15 statements. He explained that the statements are presented in a “restated” format this year, and made note of this year’s positive results. He reported that the external auditors are prepared to issue an unqualified report, and that the statements have also been reviewed by the Finance Committee, where they were received positively.

Questions were asked and answered by Mr. O’Leary, with assistance from Mr. John Miles, to the satisfaction of Members.

On motion duly moved and seconded, it was RESOLVED, that the Board of Governors accept and approve the University of Guelph Annual Financial Report and Audited Financial Statements for the fiscal year ended April 30, 2015.

6. Pensions Committee Report

a) Report from Committee Chair

Mr. Paul Gallagher, Chair of the Committee, directed Governors to the summary of activities of the recent meeting of the Pensions Committee on page 105 of the meeting materials. He made particular note of the Investment Performance Reports (Pensions) Board of Governors Open Minutes of October 16, 2015

for the 2nd quarter 2015, and referred to the information provided in the on-line supporting materials folder.

Mr. Gallagher reminded the Board of the considerable assistance provided to the University by the province’s current temporary solvency relief program. Governors were advised that, without the temporary solvency relief program, the University would have to retire current solvency funding deficit of approximately $360 million over a 5-year period. With the provisions of the provincial program, the University’s current funding obligations are limited to payment of interest on the funding deficit only through to 2016. He highlighted the significant funding challenge awaiting the University in 2017 if no extension of the current arrangements is provided by government, with the result that annual payments by the University to its pension plans would increase to about $79 million from the current $44 million. Such an increase to annual payments would be necessary for 7 years to retire the solvency deficit.

In particular, he highlighted that Administration continues to engage in pension-related advocacy activities, and noted that all universities continue to wrestle with the need to address pension solvency deficit issues. The Ontario universities continue to meet together to plan a strategic response to this issue, including consideration of a single pension plan. Mediated meetings between University of Guelph Administration and the employee groups and unions are in process to explore and discuss pension issues.

Mr. Gallagher concluded by observing that pension liability issues will continue to be significant issues for the University and the sector over the upcoming year.

7. Physical Resources & Property Committee Report

a) Report from Committee Chair

In the absence of the Chair Mr. Graham Badun, PRPC member Dr. Jonathan Newman provided a brief oral report on the key items addressed at the PRPC’s September meeting.

In particular, he noted that a proposal for a fully-donor-funded addition to the Alumni Stadium was reviewed and recommended to the Finance Committee for recommendation to the Board. This item will appear under the Finance Committee report.

8. Finance Committee Report

a) Report from Committee Chair

Referencing the information provided in the meeting materials on p.109 and in the on- line supporting materials, Committee Chair Ms. Shauneen Bruder elaborated on the recent activities of the Finance Committee. Board of Governors Open Minutes of October 16, 2015 b) Adjustment to Project Scope: Alumni Stadium Addition

The adjustment to the project scope for the Alumni Stadium addition was presented. It was noted that the project, including the expanded scope, is fully funded by a donor, and is consistent with the Athletics and Recreation Master Plan previously reviewed and approved by the Board.

On motion duly moved and seconded, it was RESOLVED, that the Board of Governors accept and approve an amendment to the total project cost for the addition of a Football Pavilion to Alumni Stadium, including that the University Administration be authorized to proceed, and including:

1. That the revised total project cost is not to exceed $6,350,000; and 2. That the Administration present amended design drawings for the project consistent with the overall changes to the schematic design presented to the PRPC; and 3. That with the amendments to the project cost, University Administration be authorized to determine on behalf of the Board of Governors decisions concerning appointment of architects and consultants in a manner consistent with relevant University purchasing and tendering policies; and 4. The University Administration be authorized and directed to do all acts and things as may be necessary and desirable to complete the transaction contemplated herein, and that any two Officers of the University are hereby authorized to execute and deliver any and all documents which, in their opinion, are necessary or desirable to give effect to the foregoing; and 5. The Physical Resources and Property Committee and Finance Committee receive regular updates regarding the amended project budget, design and materials, and completion schedule; and 6. Requests for further adjustments to the project will follow the normal capital project review and approval processes of the Board of Governors. c) Semester Report - Guelph-Humber

Noting the semester report provided in the meeting materials for the University of Guelph-Humber as of July 31, 2015, Ms. Bruder indicated that the Finance Committee reviewed the report at its meeting on September 15, 2015 and continues to be very pleased with the Guelph-Humber success story.

There were no questions; congratulations were offered to Vice Provost Dr. John Walsh on the continuing success of the Guelph-Humber campus. Board of Governors Open Minutes of October 16, 2015 d) Report of the Working Group on Responsible Investing (WGRI)

Ms. Bruder reminded Governors that in October 2014, the Board of Governors approved a recommendation from the Finance Committee and Governance Committee to establish an ad hoc Working Group on Responsible Investing (WGRI), as an approach to policy review related to Responsible Investing (RI). The mandate of the WGRI was to facilitate the Board’s desire to consider a policy on RI, which would be applied to the University’s Endowment Fund. The specific objective of the WGRI was to prepare a report on RI for consideration by the Finance Committee, including recommendations on options for a RI policy. The WGRI was chaired by Governor Dr. Mary Anne Chambers, and on behalf of the Finance Committee, Ms. Bruder expressed thanks for the work undertaken by the WGRI over the past year under the outstanding leadership of Dr. Chambers, which has resulted in the final report presented today.

The Final Report of the Ad Hoc Working Group on Responsible Investing was released publicly in July 2015; subsequently it has been received and discussed by the Finance Committee (Sep 15), the Board of Trustees (Oct 1) and the Investment Subcommittee (Oct 2). Each was supportive of the Report and of further consideration of RI.

Ms Bruder invited Dr. Chambers to provide an overview of the consultation process. Dr. Chambers described the thoughtful comments and discussions that characterized the public consultations and expressed thanks and appreciation to all those who participated in the consultation sessions.

Mr. Golding and President Vaccarino added their thanks to Dr. Chambers and the members of WGRI, noting that the final report includes a number of thoughtful recommendations for consideration.

Ms. Bruder reported that deliberations on the report recommendations will continue at upcoming meetings of the Finance Committee, in consultation with the Board of Trustees and Investment Subcommittee. The Finance Committee will have the responsibility to make a recommendation to the Board on any changes to relevant University policies and procedures affecting the University’s Endowment Fund. It is anticipated that any recommendations which emerge from the process will be brought to the Board of Governors for decision in June 2016.

Governors expressed satisfaction with the process and the next steps as outlined. e) Budget Communications for 2015-2016

Ms. Bruder reminded Governors that following last year’s meeting cycle, the Board had asked Administration to bring forward a budget communications plan for the 2015-16 budget development cycle. Dr. Yates had been asked to develop this year’s plan, and she invited Dr. Yates to present on the communication and consultation activities for this year. Board of Governors Open Minutes of October 16, 2015

Dr. Yates advised that she continues to work closely with Mr. O’Leary and Mr. Miles on the budget development and communications process. This year’s plan will include on- going communications with a soon-to-be-constituted Student Budget Advisory Committee that includes stakeholders from a variety of student groups and organizations across campus. She outlined plans for a series of town hall meeting and presentations that will provide an opportunity to share information with faculty, staff, and students on the budget development process, including the budget constraints within which the University must operate.

At the next meeting of the Finance Committee, she will present a timeline for these activities and events, including the development of a Budget Development website. The Board will be updated at its next meeting.

9. Governance & Human Resources Committee Report

a) Report from Committee Chair

Committee Chair Ms. Wendy Millar provided a brief report on the Committee’s recent key activities, as per the summary on p. 179 of the meeting materials. In particular, she offered thanks and appreciation to those Governors who have agreed to be mentors for in-coming Governors.

b) Notice of Motion: Proposed Amendments to BOG Bylaw No. 1

Ms. Millar directed Governors to the Notice of Motion regarding proposed amendments to the BOG bylaws No.1. She observed that the changes are editorial in nature and specifically update the wording regarding the section on Officers of the University to include the addition of the Vice President External Affairs, as well as updating the titles of the Board Committees. Should the bylaw amendment be approved, the Signing Authority Policy will also be updated to reflect these changes.

The motion, along with supporting materials, will be presented to the Board at the meeting on January 27, 2016.

10. Other Business

There was no other business. Board of Governors Open Minutes of October 16, 2015

11. Move to Closed Session

a) Move to Closed Session

On motion duly moved and seconded, it was RESOLVED, that the Board of Governors move into Closed Session and that Daniel Atlin, Karen Bertrand, Malcolm Campbell, Genevieve Gauthier, Martha Harley, Tracey Jandrisits, Hilary Jarvis, John Miles, Robin-Lee Norris, Don O’Leary, Monique Poirier, Mary Murphy, and Charlotte Yates be invited to remain for the Closed Session of the meeting.

______Kevin Golding, Chair Kate Revington Board of Governors University Secretary 10/21/2015

Strategic Plan Renewal Overview & Discussion Board of Governors October 16, 2015

Historical Context

• Our current Strategic Plan, Making Change, was released in 1995 following university‐wide consultation.

• Making Change served as the foundational document from which operational plans have been developed over time, including previous versions of the Integrated Plan.

• It has been 20 years since the University of Guelph community engaged in discussion about strategic directions shaping the future of the University of Guelph.

1 10/21/2015

Goals 2 Primary Goals: • Renew the strategic vision for the University, developing a compelling, inclusive, and meaningful expression of our shared common purpose

• Building on the engagement entailed in the process, renew our sense of institutional pride and confidence that will strengthen the University’s relationships internally as well as externally

Other related Goals: • Define our desired values and how they support our vision and inform strategic goals

• Deliver a document that serves as a foundation for developing academic/operational plans

Overview of Roles & Responsibilities

2 10/21/2015

Outline of Process and Timing for Strategic Plan Renewal as of September 2015

Activity Sept Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar April May June

Launch, First Stage of Consultations

Establishment of Strategic Planning Committee & Theme Identification Theme Exploration & Second Stage of Consultations

Consultation Draft

Consideration of Amended Draft by Senate/Board

Plan approval ★ or Sept./Oct.


• First stage –stakeholder‐based & representative facilitated conversations including face‐to‐face and on‐line opportunities (Oct. –Dec. 2015) • Strategic Planning Committee –broadly representative committee chaired by the President that will identify themes from stage 1 conversations • Second stage –theme‐based consultations informing draft of renewed strategic plan (Jan. – Apr. 2016)

3 10/21/2015

Starting the Conversation

• Which features of the University make you most hopeful about its future? In which way does it have the most potential to contribute or define itself in a significant way?

• Where do you see the University making a difference in future? How might its sphere of influence change, expand or diminish?

Questions & Discussion

4 University of Guelph Strategic Mandate Agreement 2014-17

Presentation to Board of Governors October 16, 2015 By Charlotte A.B. Yates, Provost and VP Academic What is the Strategic Mandate Agreement?

• Agreement between MTCU and U of G that lays out U of G’s strategic contributions to PSE and MTCU objectives

• areas of future growth, including measures of success

• differentiators

Duration: 2014-17 (performance review fall 2015) U of G’s SMA: Strategic focus University of Guelph is a “research- focused, learner centred University with strategic focus on food, health, environment and community”

*Agriculture and veterinary medicine are areas of social responsibility U of G’s SMA: Institutional Strengths

• U of G with OMAF-MRA is engine of economic growth and innovation (Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food and the Ontario Ministry of Rural Affairs)

• Partnerships - with communities and Colleges (Guelph-Humber; ONCAT) • knowledge mobilization; • global engagement

• Innovative education (leader in on-line learning) • entrepreneurship, EE/coop and student engagement

• Student success: • high retention rate; • access for underrepresented groups; • strong labour market • providing evidence of students’ skill development Strategic Mandate Agreement (SMA)

Priorities for Growth: New academic programs must be consistent with SMA and differentiation

University of Guelph committed to grow in the following:

Civic and international development Graduate Studies – graduate enrolment targets Biomedical Sciences Engineering and Computing


New SMA will be developed to map onto President Vaccarino’s strategic plan 11600 6 0 0 Master’s 11400 4 0 0

11200 2 0 0

11000 0 0 0 MTCU targets Internal targets Actual FTEs 8800 0 0 PhD

6600 0 0 No. of Domestic Eligible Eligible FTEs Domestic of No.

4400 0 0 22011 0 1 1 2 0 2012 1 2 2 0 1 2013 3 2 0 1 4 20142 0 1 5 20152 0 1 6 2016 Year (For Information) BOARD OF GOVENORS REPORT OF THE PRESIDENT Faculty Appointments during the period of September 2014 –May 2015 FACULTY APPOINTMENTS


ASSISTANT PROFESSOR/LIBRARIAN, PROBATIONARY APPOINTMENTS Stefan Keller Pathobiology February 17, 2015 Omar Ahmed School of Engineering January 1, 2015 Dave Snow Political Science July 1, 2015 Kimberley Wilson Family Relations and Applied Nutrition January 1, 2015 Jamie Burr Human Health & Nutritional Sciences August 17, 2015 Ryan Broll Sociology & Anthropology July 1, 2015 Kalinga Jagoda Management June 1, 2015 Jing Lu Management July 1, 2015 Kirby Calvert Geography July 1, 2015 Angela Canovas Animal & Poultry Science June 15, 2015 Christine Baes Animal & Poultry Science May 1, 2015 William Murray School of Hospitality, Food and Tourism July 1, 2015 Management

ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR, PROBATIONARY APPOINTMENTS Shane Bateman Clinical Studies December 1, 2014

ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR APPOINTMENTS Michael Rogers Food Science June 1, 2015

TENURED/CONTINUING APPOINTMENT - APPOINTMENTS James Fraser History January 1, 2015 Gisèle LaPointe Food Science January 1, 2015 Sandeep Mohapatra Food, Agricultural and Resource Economics January 1, 2016 Nikola Gradojevic Economics and Finance August 1, 2015 Barbara McDonald Library August 1, 2015 Robin Roth Geography July 1, 2015 WooMi Jo School of Hospitality, Food and Tourism August 1, 2015 Management

CONTRACTUALLY LIMITED APPOINTMENTS – ASSISTANT PROFESSOR/LIBRARIANS Hana Storova Library August 29, 2014 Lorna Deeth Mathematics & Statistics January 1, 2015 Kate Puddister Political Science July 1, 2015 Jeffrey Farber Food Science June 1, 2015

CONTRACTUALLY LIMITED APPOINTMENTS – VETERINARIANS Wendy Wideman Health Sciences Centre October 10, 2014 Whitney DeGroot Health Sciences Centre October 3, 2014

ADMINISTRATIVE APPOINTMENTS Malcolm Campbell Vice-President (Research) June 1, 2015 Charlotte Yates Vice-President (Academic) August 1, 2015 Jonathan Newman Dean, College of Biological Science August 1, 2015 Andrew Bailey Associate Dean (Research & Grad Studies) August 1, 2015 College of Arts Gwen Chapman Dean, College of Social & Applied Human February 1, 2016 Sciences Teresa Crease Associate Dean, Graduate Studies May 1, 2015 BOARD OF GOVENORS REPORT OF THE PRESIDENT Faculty Appointments During the Period of September 2014 –May 2015

Julie Horrocks Chair, Mathematics & Statistics May 1, 2015 John Warland Interim Director, School of Environmental May 1, 2015 Science John Fryxell Chair, Integrative Biology May 11, 2015 Belinda Leach Acting Dean, College of Social & Applied August 1, 2015 (6mths) Human Sciences

ADJUNCT NEW APPOINTMENTS All appointments are for a 3 year term unless otherwise stated


Ron Brecher School of Environmental Science September 1, 2014 Sylvie Cloutier Plant Agriculture May 1, 2015 Iulian Toma School of Languages & Literatures November 1, 2014 Ataharul Chowdhury School of Environmental Design & Rural September 1, 2014 Development Alexander Ferworn School of Computer Science November 13, 2014 Daniel Gillis School of Computer Science November 12, 2014 Edward Sykes School of Computer Science November 12, 2014 Hlomani Hlomani School of Computer Science November 12, 2014 Brian Huy Pham School of Computer Science November 12, 2014 Orfan Shouakar-Stash School of Engineering November 24, 2014 Peter Tremaine School of Engineering January 1, 2015 Elaine Shantz School of Hospitality, Food & Tourism January 1, 2015 Management Vitali Alexeev Economics & Finance January 1, 2015 Mike von Massow Food, Agricultural Resource Economics January 1, 2015 Kenneth McEwan Food, Agricultural Resource Economics January 1, 2015 Karen Shapiro Pathobiology January 1, 2015 Marina Brash Pathobiology January 1, 2015 Hugh Yuehau Cai Pathobiology January 1, 2015 E. Jane Parmley Pathobiology January 1, 2015 Margaret Jean Stalker Pathobiology January 1, 2015 Maria T. Spinato Pathobiology January 1, 2015 Durda Slavic Pathobiology January 1, 2015 Emily A. K. Martin Pathobiology January 1, 2015 Grant Maxie Pathobiology January 1, 2015 Paul Thomas Oesterle Pathobiology January 1, 2015 K. Kristiina Ruotsalo Pathobiology January 1, 2015 Paul Nicol School of Environmental Design & Rural February 1, 2015 Development Milena Corredig Food Science March 1, 2015 Raveendra Kulkarni Pathobiology January 1, 2015 John A. Cherry Geography May 1, 2015 Lisa Cox History May 1, 2015 Sherri Cox College of Biological Science (Integrative April 1, 2014 Biology) Arafat Al-Dweik School of Engineering April 1, 2015 John Denstedt Clinical Studies August 1, 2015 Gavin Humphreys Plant Agriculture May 1, 2015 Wendy Pearson Animal & Poultry Science September 1, 2014 BOARD OF GOVENORS REPORT OF THE PRESIDENT Faculty Appointments During the Period of September 2014 –May 2015

Cheryl Quinton Animal & Poultry Science November 1, 2014 Devon Metcalf Pathobiology June 1, 2015

ADJUNCT RE-APPOINTMENTS Allyson Berent Clinical Studies September 29, 2014 Ariel Gomez Physics October 18, 2014 William Smith Mathematics & Statistics July 1, 2015 Hugh R. Whiteley School of Engineering November 24, 2014 John Francis Prescott Pathobiology May 1, 2015 Sanaa Ragaee Food Science September 1, 2015 Valerio Primomo Plant Agriculture September 1, 2014 Rishi Ram Burklakoti Plant Agriculture December 1, 2014 Lionel Goldstein Clinical Studies January 2, 2015 (2 yrs) Joseph Wolfer Clinical Studies January 2, 2015 (2 yrs) Michael Zigler Clinical Studies January 2, 2015 (2 yrs) Susan Armstrong-Reid History February 4, 2015 Rickey Yada School of Environmental Design & Rural October 1, 2014 Development Bronwynne Wilton School of Environmental Design & Rural December 1, 2014 Development Gladys Stephenson School of Environmental Sciences February 1, 2015 Development Ricardo Ramirez School of Environmental Sciences December 1, 2014 Development Douglas C. Hodgins Pathobiology January 1, 2015 Colin McKerlie Pathobiology January 9, 2015 John H. E. Nash Pathobiology January 1, 2015 Dragan Rogan Pathobiology January 1, 2015 Beverley J. E. McEwen Pathobiology January 1, 2015 Josepha Patricia DeLay Pathobiology January 1, 2015 Murray J. Hazlett Pathobiology January 1, 2015 Laima Kott Plant Agriculture January 1, 2015 Ljiljana (Lily) Tamburic-Ilincic Ridgetown Campus December 1, 2014 Sean Westerveld Plant Agriculture December 1, 2014 James Todd Plant Agriculture December 1, 2014 K. Helen Fisher Plant Agriculture December 1, 2014 John Kelly Plant Agriculture September 1, 2014 Duane E. Falk Plant Agriculture December 1, 2014 Victoria Edge Population Medicine January 30, 2015 Hugues Beaufrère Clinical Studies May 1, 2015 Van Thinh Nguyen School of Engineering April 1, 2015 Gordon Mitchell Pathobiology March 1, 2015 Jayne Bock Food Science October 1, 2014 Daniel Leeming School of Environmental Design & Rural April 1, 2015 Development Derek Muir School of Environmental Sciences May 1, 2015 Benjamin Wood Animal & Poultry Science December 1, 2016 Anna Kate Shoveller Animal & Poultry Science October 1, 2014 Toktam Taghavi Plant Agriculture November 1, 2015 Hamdy Khalil Plant Agriculture November 1, 2014 Eid Mohamed History June 30, 2015 Last updated May 26, 2015