Compliance Engineering Journal ISSN NO: 0898-3577


Rucha D.Deshpande1, Mrs.Arundhati A. dhudhgaonkar 2 [1] Student Dept. of Master of Computer Application, Jawaharlal Nehru Engineering College Aurangabad, India [email protected] [2] Assistant Professor Dept. of Master of Computer Application Jawaharlal Nehru Engineering College Aurangabad, India [email protected]

Abstract: — Computer using criminal activity in many methods to deal with the cybercrime internet scamming. Dollars from online bank account can be corrupted due to online . The ide Cybercrime is more dangerous now a days and also known as computer or networking crime. In that hacking of computer robbery is most of the crime threat to in cybercrime money transform is very common things in cybercrime. Cybercrime include hacking government websites, military websites. Cybercrime is serious impact of the society like psychological disorder threat to the National defense. Cybercrime is to identify the theft here criminal create fake websites and they ask for enter personal information, including name, addresses bank account numbers that steal another person identify.

Keywords: Internet scam, Hacking, Cyber threats, Internet spamming.


This Indians have dreams to see India convert into ‘Digital India’ that means all government sectors company sectors all works on the computers and depends on the internet .the computer can store all the information ,data. Most of the computer users are using the computer for the inaccuracy purpose of their personal benefits or for thee other benefits since years here “cybercrime” birth. Its lead the illegal activities of the society cybercrime defined as crime committed using the computer system and the network and its take place the cyber space like internet .cybercrime is the sensitive crime that using manipulates the victims.

Volume 10, Issue 11, 2019 Page No: 559 Compliance Engineering Journal ISSN NO: 0898-3577

Fig.1. Hierarchical Organizational Structure

In the figure it is shown that how cybercrime works. They are the Trojan provider and there managers they are responsible for the command and control.

2. OBJECTIVES Cybercrime have so many types that were involved with the crime or the so many types of Cybercrime but this most of the crime attempt in the real world.

 Hacking Hacking is an identifying weakness in computer systems or networking to exploit is weaknesses to gain access. Hacking means using computers to commit fraudulent acts such as fraud, privacy invasion. Stealing corporate or the personal data. A hacker is a person who finds and exploits the weakness in computer systems to gain access.

 Internet The Internet is a global system of interconnected computer networks that use the internet protocol suits(TCP/IP) to link device worldwide.

 Unauthorized access It is that mean when someone gain access to a website ,program, server, service, or other system using someone else's account or methods. Unauthorized access could also occur if user attempts to access an area of system they should not be accessing.


Internet scamming also called which we have use the internet it participate hiding the wrong information and its will provide the wrong information on purpose of tricking victim out of money .Internet scamming have been around as long as the internet itself and may often have roots in scams that existed well before the internet now a day scam have become more advanced more

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common and even venerable scam from the early day still snag people. The sometimes malware protection software does not help much with many of these. Type of scams because some of only trick the user not delivering malicious software so belong aware of the common scam can help avoid them they have so many types of internet scamming. Keep your text and graphic files separate until after the text has been formatted and styled. Do not use hard tabs, and limit use of hard returns to only one return at the end of a paragraph. Do not add any kind of pagination anywhere in the paper. Do not number text heads-the template will do that for you.

Fig.2. Internet Scamming is on The Rise

 Phishing Emails and Fake Web Pages Define The is most dangerous internet these phishing emails and fake websites that resemble legitimate credit authorities like city bank ,eBay or PayPal email frighten or entices you to the phone web page, where you can enter your ID and password a common rule is an urgent need to “confirm your identity” the message will even offer you a story about how your account has been attacked by hacker to trick you into divulging your confidential information.

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Fig.3. Phishing targets by industry  The Nigerian Scam Most of email user receives the mail from Nigerian family with wealth it is a desperate cry for help for large amount of money .in Africa women said his husband dive and she wants a build the church so help be to achieve a dream please help is called Nigerian scam. This scam is mostly like other scam is good to be true people still fall for this money transfer con game.

The Lottery we can see this word most people so happy they imagine that there dream come true so of quitting their job. That seductive visions of weather can make you overlook that you never even entered this lottery this classic scam of internet is here get old in the world they say you won the prize you need to pay some small fees.  Travel Scams Travel scam its commonly used in a summer vacation or winter vacations ,for Diwali celebrations, Christmas or new years day here how its happen when festivals come they send you mail with the amazing offer of not typical and hard to decline destination or they said its expired in short time notice so which we can't miss if its sound too good to be true hen travel scam so don't fall for it .The problem is that some of these offers actually hide some necessary costs until you pay for the initials offer .others just take your money without sending you anywhere..  Job Offer Scams Badly, scammers everywhere when you hinting at the job for the employer There are some fake user they attract unemployed opportunities for job trick persons. The start the phone calls or they send LinkedIn messages and they we saw your CV on most wanted companies and say the want you hire you

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interested in you CV then asking you want to join or not in our company the offer might be very interesting.  Scams Cybercriminals will attract you into accept that is true can make money fast on the internet and you will be millionaires they promises you for vacant jobs ,includes so many plans they have and also have so many methods to become rich. It's actually smooth and powerful path ,because the direction of a primary need for the money ,mostly when personage is a tough financial situations.  Facebook Hijacked Profile Scam

Facebook is the most popular social media network where we connected with our friends. regrettably it has become the perfect place of the scammers to find their victims the most popular scandal about the Cambridge Analytical firm harvesting personal data taken from millions of social media channel without user consent.

Volume 10, Issue 11, 2019 Page No: 563 Compliance Engineering Journal ISSN NO: 0898-3577


Internet scamming prevention is the work as stop the types of internet scamming like so many types of the internet scamming like lottery scam, the Nigerian scams, travel scams

There the some tips of the to avoid

1. Beware who you are dealing with: if you’re going to any transaction to conduct you have to make sure to check the state .if you unfamiliar of the entity always call the customer no first its help. 2. Pay the safe way: safest way to pay the bill is credit card if you purchasing online because you can appoint the charge if you never good. 3. Protect your personal information: Criminal fake they are from companies you to business with call and mail. They are claiming they need your personal information’s you don’t have send you details to any of this fraud persons. 4. Stay safe online: do not send you sensitive send your debit card number. Look the hints about security web sites. 5. Resist pressure: legitimate companies and charities will be happy to give you time then it is scam.


Fraud detection is a set of activities undertaken to prevent money or property from being obtained through false pretenses. Fraud detection is applied to many industries such as banking or insurance. In banking, fraud may include forging checks or using stolen credit cards. Other forms of fraud may involve exaggerating losses or causing an accident with the sole intent for the payout. With an unlimited and rising number of ways someone can commit fraud, detection can be difficult to accomplish. Activities such as reorganization, downsizing, moving to new information systems or encountering a cyber security breach could weaken an organization's ability to detect fraud. This means techniques such as real-time monitoring for frauds is recommended. Organizations should look for fraud in financial transactions, location, devices used, initiated sessions and authentication systems.

 Fraud detection techniques Fraud is typically an act which involves many repeated methods; making searching for patterns a general focus for fraud detection. For example, data analysts can prevent by making algorithms to detect patterns and anomalies.

Volume 10, Issue 11, 2019 Page No: 564 Compliance Engineering Journal ISSN NO: 0898-3577

1. Fraud detection can be separated by the use of statistical data analysis techniques or artificial intelligence (AI).

2. Statistical data analysis techniques include the use of:

3. Calculating statistical parameters 4. Regression analysis 5. Probability distributions and models. 6. Data matching 7. AI techniques used to detect fraud include the use of:

 Data Mining Which can classify group and segment data to search through up to millions of transactions to find patterns and detect fraud?  Neural Networks This can learn suspicious looking patterns, and use those patterns to detect them further.  Machine Learning Which can automatically identify characteristics found in fraud?  Pattern recognition This can detect classes, clusters and patterns of suspicious behavior.


1. Fraud can be committed in a number of different ways and in a number of different settings. For example, fraud can be committed in banking, insurance, and government and in healthcare sectors.

2. One common type of fraud in banking is customer account takeover, where someone illegally gains access to a victim’s bank account using bots. Other examples of fraud in banking include the use of malicious applications, the use of false identities, money laundering, and mobile fraud.

3. Fraud in insurance can include premium diversion fraud, which is the embezzlement of insurance premiums; or frees churning, which is excessive trading by a stockbroker to maximize commissions. Other forms of insurance fraud include asset diversion, workers compensation, car accident, stolen or damaged car, and house fire fraud. The motive behind all insurance fraud is financial profits.

Volume 10, Issue 11, 2019 Page No: 565 Compliance Engineering Journal ISSN NO: 0898-3577

4. Government fraud is committing fraud against federal agencies such as the departments of Health and Human Services, Transportation, Education, or Energy. Types of government fraud include billing for unnecessary procedures, overcharging for items that cost much less, providing old equipment when billing for new or reporting hours worked for a worker that does not exist.

5. Healthcare fraud includes drug fraud and medical fraud, as well as encompassing some insurance fraud. Healthcare fraud is committed when someone defrauds an insurer or government health care program.

8. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The authors are thankful to the department of Master of Computer Application Jawaharlal Nehru Engineering college Aurangabad The authors would like to thank all authorities staff and faculty members for providing supports for accomplishment of research.

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