Monthly Tourism Highlights –January to May 2020

Visitor Arrivals 1. Visitor Arrivals ➢ With the entry restriction between Macao, Kong and due to the novel coronavirus pneumonia outbreak, May visitation remained only 16,133, a magnificent decrease of 99.5% comparing to prior year same period. Among the visitation of May, 99.9% were visitors from the Greater Region. ➢ Overnight stay visitors (9,115) and same day visitors (7,018) of May recorded a tremendous drop, it was decreased by 99.4% and 99.6% respectively. The average length of stay increased by 4.1 days to 5.3 days compared with the same period of 2019. Due to the implementation of medical observation, the average length of stay of overnight visitors stayed at 14.7 days, a significant increase of 12.4 days compared to the same period last year. ➢ Visitor arrivals in 2020 accumulated 3.25 million, decreased by 81.1% comparing to prior year same period. ➢ Among the visitation of 2020, both overnight stay visitors (1.54 million) and same-day visitors (1.71 million) registered year-on-year decline, down by 80.7% and 81.5% respectively. ➢ In the first five months of 2020, the average length of stay of visitors stood at 1.4 day, increased 0.3 day comparing to prior year same period; overnight visitors stayed 2.7 days, an increase of 0.5 day compared with the same period in 2019. % 2020 2019 2020 May 2019 May % Change Visitor Arrivals to Macao Change Jan to May Jan to May Jan - May 2020 Visitor Arrivals 16,133 3,396,835 -99.5% 3,246,344 17,188,780 -81.1% Same Day Visitor 7,018 1,798,738 -99.6% 1,710,013 9,231,372 -81.5% Overnight Stay Same Day Ratio % (43.5%) (53.0%) (52.7%) (53.7%) Visitor Visitor 47.3% 52.7% Overnight Stay Visitor 9,115 1,598,097 -99.4% 1,536,331 7,957,408 -80.7% Ratio % (56.5%) (47.0%) (47.3%) (46.3%) 2. Visitor Arrivals by Mode of Transport ➢ As for the visitor arrivals by mode of transport in Jan to May 2020, majority of visitors arrived by land, amounted at 2.53 million, decreased enormously by 80.0% year-on-year and accounted for 77.9% of the total visitors. As there was no visitors arrived Macao by sea in May, the arrivals by sea for the first 5 months remained 0.38 million, dropped by 87.1%, accounting for 11.6% of the total visitors; arrivals by air decreased by 78.6% to 0.34 million, accounting for 10.5% of the total visitors. ➢ The major entry ports were Border Gate (54.6%), Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge (13.4%) and the Macao International Airport (10.5%). Visitor Arrivals by Mode of Transport during 2020 Jan to May

Distribution on Port of Entry

Outer HKZM Inner Harbour Bridge Harbour 6.3% 13.4% 0.1% Taipa Checkpoint Ferry of Cotai Terminal 9.8% 5.3% MIA 10.5% Others 0.1%

Border Gate 54.6%

* Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge has come into service from 24 October 2018 ** Inner Harbour Ferry Terminal has reopened starting from 23 January 2020. Source: DSEC 1

Monthly Tourism Highlights –January to May 2020

3. Visitor Arrivals by Major Source Markets Top Ten Major Source Markets during Jan to May 2020

% of Total Visitor Arrivals % Change Visitors 2,318,522 71.4% -81.0% Hong Kong 651,380 20.1% -78.8% Taiwan Region 81,302 2.5% -81.6% Republic of Korea 44,440 1.4% -88.6% Philippines 32,009 1.0% -82.5% Japan 15,195 0.5% -89.9% USA 13,469 0.4% -84.9% Indonesia 12,879 0.4% -82.3% Malaysia 9,452 0.3% -90.0%

Australia 7,904 0.2% -81.3% ➢ In top ten major source markets, all the markets (except Hong Kong) suffered at 80 % or above decline comparing to the prior year same period. In the Greater China markets, Mainland China, Hong Kong and Taiwan Region had registered a significant decline of 81.0%, 78.8% and 81.6% respectively. Comparison between Major Short Haul and Long Haul Markets during Jan to May 2020

Short-haul Markets* Long-haul Markets

Visitor Arrivals % Change Visitor Arrivals % Change Total 873,020 -81.2% Total 54,802 -83.3%

Major Markets Major Markets

Hong Kong 651,380 -78.8% USA 13,469 -84.9% Taiwan Region 81,302 -81.6% Australia 7,904 -81.3% Republic of Korea 44,440 -88.6% Canada 6,175 -82.4% Philippines 32,009 -82.5% Russian Federation 4,109 -71.4% Japan 15,195 -89.9% United Kingdom 3,675 -86.2%

*Asia excludes Mainland China

Source: DSEC

➢ In general, the short-haul markets recorded a decrease of 81.2%, except Hong Kong (-78.8%), most of the majority markets registered over 80% drop, including Taiwan Region (-81.6%), Republic of Korea (-88.6%), Philippines (-82.5%) and Japan (-89.9%). ➢ Visitor of long-haul markets registered a year-on-year decrease of 83.3%, with USA (-84.9%), Australia (-81.3%), Canada (-82.4%), Russian Federation (-71.4%) and UK (86.2%) .


Monthly Tourism Highlights –January to May 2020

4. Mainland China ➢ During Jan to May 2020, visitors from Mainland China decreased by 81.0% year-on-year to 2.32 million (71.4% of total visitors), among those, 1.11 million were overnight stay visitors, decreased by 80.6%. ➢ Mainland visitors came mostly from the province (1.28 million), representing 55.1% of total Mainland visitors. Furthermore, Mainland visitors travelling to Macao under the Individual Visit Scheme (IVS) decreased by 80.9% to 1.13 million, representing 48.6% of total Mainland visitors. ➢ During Jan to May 2020, the average length of stay of overnight Mainland visitors was 2.7 days, increase by 0.5 day. Top Ten Visitor Arrivals from Provinces and Municipalities of Mainland China during Jan to May 2020 Mainland China % Change IVS % Change Visitors

Guangdong 1,278,213 -75.0% 884,258 -77.9%

Shanghai 60,216 -82.7% 53,182 -83.7%

Fujian 55,690 -86.3% 14,265 -86.9%

Zhejiang 53,352 -86.0% 26,034 -85.1%

Hunan 49,336 -90.9% 8,155 -89.1%

Jiangsu 47,227 -87.6% 26,090 -86.4%

Hubei 37,887 -91.2% 13,665 -89.7%

Guangxi 34,905 -91.3% 3,722 -91.9%

Beijing 34,627 -82.3% 26,176 -85.0%

Sichuan 30,997 -89.8% 12,999 -86.8%

Jan to May 2020 Mainland China Visitors by Province and % of IVS

Mainland China Visitors (in thousands)

1,278 60 56 53 49 47 38 35 35 31


75.6% 69.2%

55.2% 48.8% 41.9% 36.1%

25.6% 16.5% 10.7%

Guangdong Shanghai Zhejiang Hunan Hubei Guangxi Beijing Sichuan

IVS Others

Source: DSEC


Monthly Tourism Highlights –January to May 2020

5. Hotels and Other Areas ➢ According to MGTO as of May 2020, there were 127 hotel establishments, providing 41,252 rooms, increased by 2.6% compared with the same period of 2019. ➢ As of May 2020, licensed by MGTO, there were 224 travel agencies (-1.3%), 1,926 tour guides (-1.4%) and 477 restaurants (+1.7%).

Number of Hotel Establishments and Rooms by Class as of May 2020 Categories of Hotel No. of No. of Establishments Establishments Rooms % of Rooms by Categories of hotel establishments Apartment 5 Stars 37 25,005 Hotel 2 Stars 0.5% 2.8% 4 Stars 17 7,862 3 Stars Guest House 4 Stars 14.5% 3 Stars 16 5,984 19.1% 2.5%

Apartment Hotel 1 208

2 Stars 16 1,143 5 Stars 60.6% Guest House 40 1,050

Total 127 41,252

Source: MGTO

______This report is published by Macao Government Tourism Office (MGTO). Statistical data are drawn from Statistics and Census Service (DSEC) and MGTO. Reproduction of data is allowed provided the source is quoted. Disclaimer: Strenuous effort in content editing has been made for this report ensure the accuracy of this information. Please see Macao Tourism Industry Net & Macao Tourism Data plus for more detailed tourism related information .