Volume 1, Issue 5 March 2020

Measure a monthly legal Metrology news letter from

Measurements and Poverty Reduction: The Role of Metrology - UNIDO-BIPM-OIML Report

their braking systems were also de- raw materials exported signed for a given vehicle weight. in bulk may ensure that not only is the In the field of health, accurate measure- correct price paid, but ment of even the most basic parameters, that governments are such a patient’s weight, temperature able to collect the cor- and blood pressure can lead to more rect on exports. accurate diagnoses and thus to improve- ments in the health of even the poorest Applying legal metrolo- people, thus reducing the cost to nation- gy controls to measure- al finances. ments which affect The regulation of measurements by road safety, such as speed, blood alcohol Over the long term, legal metrology con- governments through a legal metrolo- and vehicle overloading, can reduce acci- trols in all of these areas will improve gy system aims to ensure a level play- dent rates. Road accidents dispropor- economic conditions for all concerned tionately affect the young, the old, and ing field for all in many fields of and assist poverty reduction■ source: UNIDO measurement. the poor, and apart from the human cost, can lead to as significant At the most basic level, making trade drain on Scare national re- fairer, even in the smallest markets, sources which could otherwise will ensure that all farmers receive be used constructively for the the correct payment for their produce, benefit of all. and that all consumers will receive the correct amount of goods for their For example, overloaded vehi- money. The control of prepacked cles will not only destroy costly goods will also help to reduce fraud in road infrastructure which was this increasingly important area not designed to cope with their which often concerns staple food- weight, but are more likely to stuffs. The correct measurement of be involved in accidents since Efforts for change Dr.M.Kantha Rao, IPS, Controller of Legal Metrology, Andhra Pradesh addressing the Legal Inside this issue: Metrology Officials of the State on 12th Feb Our Leader: 2 Dr.M.Kantha Rao, IPS, Controller of Legal a message from the HOD Metrology, Andhra Pradesh addressing the Legal Metrology Officials on 12th February Speaks: 2 in connection with special Drive in a view points of readers District on 12th and 13th February. Strolling: currents in brief 3 Numbers: figures on fee, cases 3

Awareness: 5 a photo feature on Awareness

Features: a photo feature on 6 special drive in Feb 2019, in Krishna District

Four A’s concept: In Action: 7 Awareness a photo feature on inspections Advice Toons: a cartoon related to LM 2 Admonish Records: 8 things away from routine Action -Dr. Rao, CLM, AP Life: an info for improvement 8

Not for sale (for Internal circulation only) Page 2 Measure

Our Leader: a message from the HOD

Hello friends!

I congratulate every trader, service person and Legal Metrology Officer of the Department, for making success of the new policy of ‘Camping Centre’ of the Department. I also thank every trader and service person for the co-operation extended to the Legal Metrology Officers of the department.

Though there are some initial operational difficulties faced in setting up of Camp Center and verifying and stamping of digital weighing machines and some delay in at one or two places, but ultimate object of facilitating the trader and ease of doing verification and stamping, I wish we have achieved.

I hope that the image of department in supply of services to the citizen will improve.

I also hope this bring some transparency, reduce corruption and excess collection by service persons and lighten the testing work.

With regards, Dr.M.Kantha Rao

Speaks:view points of readers

Heartiest congratulations to AP team I thank the CLM Sir for such great which is fine blend of experienced Initiative . It certainly helps and senior officers and youthful genre gives opportunity for Legal Metrol- ogy Officials to rise their efficiency with lot of enthusiasm and with the and effectiveness in delivering their support of CLM AP for bringing out services to the public. this unique magazine first of it's kind in entire India ..good effort for Thanking you sir, once enlightening the legal metrology again.

fraternity. AP has taken the harbin-

ger role for LM India. wishing them Smt.Palteti Padmavati

many, many more laurels in their way in near future It one of the Excellent News Letter from the Dept. We eagerly wait for the next issue. It is enthusiastic and Srinivas Inspirational.

We thank Our beloved Controller, Dr.M.Kantha

Source::www Rao IPS, for his great step to promote our Department Sri Nagaraja Rao and the state through this News Letter - Madhu Santhosh

Tooons: Publication details Measure - a Monthly Legal Metrology News Letter is Editorial Board: published and printed by the Department of Legal M.Gopikrsihna Reddy Metrology, Andhra Pradesh. This monthly news letter G.Rajesh Kumar circulated for benefit of stake holders of legal metrology K.Vijayaanand Rajkumar department . The views expressed are of opinion of the authors, not necessarily of the department or of govern- K.Issac ment. Any information or content on circulars, GOs etc A.Prakash subjected originals. Always consult originals. Not for GVR Swamy sale, intended for internal circulation only. Available on Graphics and design: website: www.aplm.gov.in. For feedback, suggestions Smt.P.Padmavati refer the website. Office Address: Editor:-in-Chief: Office of the Controller, Dr.M.Kantha Rao IPS Legal Metrology, Door No:10-152-1, Inspector General of Police & Civil Supplies Corporation, Controller of Legal Metrology, 1st Floor, Andhra Pradesh Bandar Road, Ashok Nagar, Kanuru, Vijayawada- 520 007

Source::www Volume 1, Issue 5 Page 3 Numbers The Controller of Legal Metrology is reviewing the enforcement work in the state with the Joint Controllers and Deputy Controllers of Legal Metrology Officials on February 12th, 2020

Village Volunteer Rejoinders PC cases were increased by 5000. The Controller, Legal Metrology, informed The Controller, Legal Metrology instructed all The Controller, Legal Metrology, instructed that the ACs/ILMs shall utilise the services the JCs and DCs that rejoinders should be that minimum Compounding Fee should be of Village Volunteer for the purpose of en- issued whenever an adverse news published levied to get goodwill to the Department. suring the standardization of weights and in the newspapers and directed to conduct AMC measures instruments in the villages. awareness programmes to the consumers at Some of the DCs submitted that the Balances important public places. are not in working condition. The Controller, Skilled Worker Dharmakanta at gold shops Legal Metrology, informed that AMCs will be The Controller, Legal Metrology, informed The Controller, Legal Metrology, asked the provided for the Test Weights/Balances in the that, one month training will be conducted DCs, Guntur, Visakhapatnam and Vijayawada coming year budget. to the In-charge Inspectors in the month of whether they are maintaining the Dhar- Tele-conference April 2020. All the DCs agreed for the above makanta at gold shops or not. The DC, Guntur The Controller, Legal Metrology, informed all said training programme. and Visakhapatnam replied that they are the JCs and DCs that, Tele-conference will be The Controller, Legal Metrology, instructed conducted from Head Office to monitor the all the JCs and DCs to ascertain whether the work. Repairers are maintaining the Test Weights The Controller requested , if any innovative work done in Budget or not. The Controller, Legal Metrology, directed the He also informed that wherever feasible, the th eir jurisdictions, bring to the notice of Head Office, to publish in AAO at Head Office to re-appropriate the Camping Centres should be conducted. funds, if any, from the Unit of Deputy Control- The Controller, Legal Metrology, informed the Legal Metrology monthly News ler to Joint Controller. that earlier there was a procedure of renew- Letter ‘measure’ The Controller, Legal Metrology, also directed al of Skilled Worker Certificates for every 5 the JCs and DCs, if any surplus budget availa- years and the same system will be reintro- maintaining. The I/c DC, Vijayawada, submit- ble after utilization, it may be surrendered to duced. Test will be conducted for the exist- ted that she will maintain it shortly. Head Office. ing skilled workers and after qualifying the Review Stamping by local LMOs test, their skilled worker certificates will be The Controller, Legal Metrology, informed all The file pertaining to M/s Essae Teraoka renewed. the JCs and DCs that the Stamping Fee for the Pvt.Ltd., regarding stamping of weighing in- The Controller, Legal Metrology, informed last year corresponding period is Rs.14.97 Cr., struments of other States by local LMOs was that a Circular will be issued instructing but there is no growth during the present discussed in the meeting. All the JCs and DCs that, the Skilled Worker should be present year. The DC, Kurnool submitted that the agreed that the instruments should be at the time of verification of the weighing decrease is due to stamping of C&D articles stamped by local LMOs. and measuring instruments. which will get verified once in two years. In conclusion, the Controller, Legal Metrology The Controller, Legal Metrology, directed The Controller, Legal Metrology, informed all directed all the Joint Controllers and Deputy the Joint Controller, Visakhapatnam and the JCs and DCs that the Compounding Fee is Controllers, Legal Metrology, to standardize Joint Controller, Eluru to prepare SOP on the also in proportionate to last year 8.57 Cr and all weights and measures of all the establish- issuance of Skilled Worker Certificate. in this year 8.67 Cr. He also informed that the ments and improve the performance. ■

Strolling: Electronic Labelling (e-labelling) Guidelines

(Ref: CMD III/9:6/e-labelling 13 09 2. Devices shall not require any spe- the product, or other similar means. 2017) cial accessory/tool or supplemental 6. Alternately, the instructions to access Any device with an integrated dis- plug-in (e.g., the installation of a SIM/ the information may be available on the play screen may present the re- USIM card) to access the e-label. product related website. The instructions quired labelling information includ- 3. The compliance related information on how to access the website shall be ing BIS “Standard Mark” electroni- shall be programmed by the responsi- provided in the user’s manual or package cally in lieu of a physical label or ble party and the information shall be of the product. nameplate on the product. The secured in such a manner that third- 7. All the applicable regulatory infor- guidelines shall apply to all devices party cannot modify it. The infor- mation required on the packaging or user which have an integral (non- mation can be in the firmware or soft- manual shall be provided according to removable) display screen and e- ware menu provided it is easily acces- the applicable rules even if it is displayed labelling of products shall not sible and electronically. cannot be modified. be mandatory. The Registered 8. If the primary user manual or user User shall have the option of using 4. Users shall be able to access the guide is provided by other electronic information without requiring special media (e.g., CD or online access) this physical labels or e-labels or both. access codes or permissions and, in all information may also be provided as part The requirements for e-labelling are cases the information shall be accessi- of e-label. as given below: ble in no more than four steps in a 9. The “Standard Mark” displayed elec- 1. Devices utilizing e-labels shall device’s menu. tronically shall meet all the relevant re- have a physical label on the packag- 5. Users shall be provided specific quirements of the guidelines issued by ing of the product at the time of instructions on how to access the in- BIS vide circular reference CMD import, storage for sale and sale or formation. 3/8:1/6975 dated 3 Dec 2015. distribution. For devices in bulk and not packaged individually, a remov- The instructions shall be included in For any clarifications, please contact able adhesive label on the packag- the user’s manual, operating instruc- original instructions letters of Govern- ing is acceptable. tions, or as an insert in the package of ment of India, cited in the reference ■

Page 4 Measure SI Units wef 20.04.2019

Dr.M.Kantha Rao,IPS, IGP & Controller of Legal Metrology, Andhra Pradesh is delivering Certificate of Appreciation to Shri. Isssac, Assistant Controller, enforcement Wing, on the occasion of Republic Day

Certificate of Apprecia- tion to Shri. P.Sudharkar, Deputy Controller, Eluru, on the occasion of Republic Dy The consumer or stake holders of the Legal Metrology Department can reach the Controller of Legal Metrology, Andhra Pradesh at: Toll Free: 1800 425 4202 Web: www.aplm.gov.in Email: [email protected] sms: 9490165611 Complaints: [email protected] face book: Controller Legal Metrology AP Volume 1, Issue 5 Page 5 Innovative work: e-commerce

Awareness: a photo feature Notice served to the e-commerce entity for NOT displaying : Display on computer - Manufacturer Address as required screen by an under R.6(1)(a) - Retails Sale Price as required e-commerce entity under R.6(1)(e)

Sri.K.T. Ravi kumar, Deputy Con- troller, Nellore is interacting with the Traders Test checks or Dharm Kanta at a Mar- ket, at Ongole, Prakasham Dist.

A Camping Centre in YSR Kadapa Dist

Test checks at a Market, at Sri. B.Madhusudana Reddy , Deputy Controller, Visakhapatnam Rajmundry, East Godavari Dist explaining the importance of Camping Center Policy to the officials and Service Persons of Visakhapatnam District Page 6 Measure

In Action : A Special Drive in Krishna Dist. on 12th and 13th Feb. a photo feature on special drive inspections

At a bank, sweets shop, Scrap shop, Assistant Controller, Shri.N.Swamy, general shop, Cement shop, chicken checking density of transport fuel at a center, vegetable retail outlet, in Anantapur District. In- Market, Jewellery shop spector, Anantapur is also seen.

Caption describing pic- ture or graphic.

In Action a photo feature on inspections

At a jewellery shop

inspecting a rice store

inspecting a weighing machine

Inspectors inspecting seals of an electronic weighing machine at a market, Krishna Dist Volume 1, Issue 5 Page 7

In Action : a photo feature on inspections Inspecting With vigilance and testing officials at pack- at Sileru, aged drinking an Agency plant, Visakha- area patnam Dist

Shri. Samuel Raju, Assis- tant Con- troller, Rajmundry inspecting a Dairy along with Vigi- lance Offi- cials Shri. Eswar sai ram, Assistant Controller inspecting a jewellery shop in Eluru, West Godavari District Shri.Dayakar In Action : Reddy, Assis- Caption describing pic- a photo feature on inspections tant Control- ture or graphic. ler, Na- rasaraopet, inspecting a pesticides shop along with Vigilance Officials in Guntur Dis- trict.

Shri. N.Janardhan, Deputy Controller , Vizianagaram, & Shri.Manohar, Assistant Controller, and Shri Rama Rao, Shri.Visweswara Rao,, Assistant Controller, Inspector, Visakhapatnam is inspecting a bar in a Hotel, Srikakulam are in- Shri. SM Radha- specting LPG dealer go krishna, Assistant down in Srikakulam Controller, is inspecting a Pro- curement center of Girijan Co-operative Corporation Vi- zianagaram Dist.

In Action : a photo feature on inspections Shri. Raja ramesh, Shri Kutumba Inspector is inspecting a Rao, Inspector is Edible Oil go-down along with Vigilance officials in explaining to the This story can fit 75-125 words. you can choose and import into your Srikakulam Dist. trader on use of newsletter. There are also several weights Selecting pictures or graphics is an tools you can use to draw shapes and important part of adding content to Inspector, symbols. your newsletter. Sri. Al- luraiah, Once you have chosen an image, place Think about your article and ask checking it close to the article. Be sure to place yourself if the picture supports or paddy the caption of thepurchases image near the im- enhances the message you’re trying toA Publicity stall is Inaugu- made by a rating byage. Shri. Dr. Gopired- convey. Avoid selecting images that commis- dy Srinivasa Reddy, Hon’ble appear to be out of context. Member of Assembly, sion agent Andhra Pradesh in Maha- Guntur Microsoft Publisher includes thou- sivaratri Fair at Kotappa- Dist. sands of clip art images from which konda, Guntur Ditst. R e c o r d s : things away from routine...


Dr.M.Kantha Rao, IPS, IGP & Controller of Legal Metrology, Andhra Pradesh is interacting with the Legal Metrology Officers

Importance of Legal Metrology skills to improve one’s personal life and performance in work

Prof. M.C. Das Smt. Allu Lakshmi Devi, typist, office of the Deputy Controller, Legal Metrology, Vi- - Dr.Kanta Rao zianagaram is felicitated by the Officers and Staff of the Legal Metrology Dept. from Visakhapatnam, Vizianagaram and Srikakulam Districts, on her superannuation on 29th February, 2020

Life: an info for improvement

- Dr.Kanta Rao

IILM, Ranchi Trainees visit to HPCL Terminal at Visakhapatnam. Officials of HPCL and Faculty Member Shri. Ravi Sankar Singh also seen “ Earth provides enough to satisfy every man ‘s needs, but not every man’s greed ” - Mahatma Gandhi