Debra Barrett-Graves is Assistant Professor of English at California State University-Hayward. Her articles have appeared in Shakespeare Yearbook and in The Early Drama, Art, and Music Review. She collabo• rated with Levin and Carney on an essay collection, Elizabeth 1: Always Her Own Free Woman (Ashgate, 2003) and she, Carney, and Levin were among the coauthors of Extraordinary Women 0/ the Medieval and Renaissance World (Greenwood Publishers, 2000). Jo Eldridge Carney is Associate Professor of English at The College of New Jersey. She is the editor of Renaissance and Reformation, 1500-1620 (Greenwood Publishers, 2000), which was chosen by CHOICE as an Outstanding Academic Book. Carney, Barrett-Graves, and Levin were among the authors of Extraordinary Women 0/ the Medieval and Renaissance World (Greenwood Publishers, 2000). She also collaborated with Levin and Barrett-Graves on an essay collection, Elizabeth L Always Her Own Free Woman (Ashgate, 2003). Joy Currie is completing her Ph.D. in Renaissance and Romanticism at the University of Nebraska where she received the Maud Hammond Fling Fellowship. She has twice received the John Robinson Prize for best paper from the English Department and recently published an article in Medievalia. Susan Dunn-Hensley teaches at the University of Kansas where she is completing her Ph.D. in English Renaissance literature; her dissertation is on women healers and witches in early modern drama. Timothy G. Elston is completing his Ph.D. in History at the University ofNebraska where he has received the Barnes Fellowship to support his dissertation research on . He has published in the area of his speciality, early modern English his tory. Matthew C. Hansen is completing his Ph.D. in Renaissance Drama at the University ofNebraska where he holds the Gustav Cobb Fellowship. 258 / NOTES ON CONTRIBUTORS

He is the coeditor of a special issue of The Sidney Journal on Fulke Greville and the author of a study edition of The Tempest. In 2002 his essay in this collection received the prize for the best paper in literature presented at the Sixteenth Century Studies Conference the previous year. Elaine Kruse is Professor and Chair of the History Department at Nebraska Wesleyan University. She has published widely in the field of early modern French history and women's history. Carole Levin is Willa Cather Professor and Professor of History at the University of Nebraska. Her books include The Reign 0/ Elizabeth I (Palgrave, 2002); The Heart and Stomach 0/ a King (University of Pennsylvania Press, 1994), and Extraordinary Women o/the Medieval and Renaissance World (Greenwood Publishers, 2000). Her coauthors on this book included her two coeditors of this volume. She also collaborated with Carney and Barrett-Graves on an essay collection, Elizabeth I: Always Her Own Free Woman (Ashgate, 2003). Karen L. Nelson is Associate Director of the Center for Renaissance and Baroque Studies at the University of Maryland. She coedited Women, Writing, and the Reproduction 0/ Culture in Tudor and Stuart Britain (Syracuse University Press, 2000), which won honorable mention from the Society for the Study of Early Modern Women. Her dissertation, Pastoral Literature and Religious Reform in England 1575-1625, won the Alice B. Geyer prize in 1999. Sid Ray, Associate Professor of English at Pace University, is the author of articles on Shakespeare and on medieval and early modern film. She is currently completing a book entitled Holy Estates: Marital Metaphors and Political !deo log)' in Shakespeare and his Contemporaries and coedit• ing a collection entitled Time Bandits: Representations 0/ the Medieval Hero on Film. Judith Richards teaches History at La Trobe University. In recent years, she has written about issues of gender, monarchy, and authority in early modern England. Her various essays, published in Britain, USA, and Australia, on these themes have considered the impact of royal gender on emergent national identity, constitutional thought, political culture, and popular attitudes to monarchy. Louis Roper is Associate Professor and Acting Chair of History at SUNY/New Paltz where he specializes in the overseas activity ofEnglish early modern peoples. He has published articles in New York History and The Historian. He participated in the seminar on the History of the Atlantic World at Harvard University in 1996. NOTES ON CONTRIBUTORS / 259

Kirilka Stavreva is Assistant Professor of English at Cornell College in Mount Vernon, Iowa. Her articles on early modern women and culture have appeared in book collections and journals, such as The European Legacy and The Journal 0/ Medieval and Early Modern Studies. She is currently completing a book on the representations and cultural signif• icance of unruly, ourspoken, and wandering women in Elizabethan and Jacobean England. Retha Warnicke is Professor of History at Arizona State University where she specializes in early modern England and women's history. Her books include Women 0/ the English Renaissance and Reformation (Greenwood Publishers, 1983), The Rise and Fall 0/ (Cambridge University Press, 1989) and The Marrying 0/ Anne 0/ Cleves (Cambridge University Press, 2000). Georgianna Ziegler is Louis B. Thalheimer Reference Librarian at the Folger Shakespeare Library. She has published widely in the area of Shakespeare and also on Victorian ideas about the Renaissance. Her work has appeared in a variety of edited collections and in such journals as Shakespeare Quarterly, Textual Practices, and Shakespeare Studies. INDEX

Abbot, George, Archbishop of Anne, Queen of England, 2 Canterbury, 50, 51 Antoinette d'Autriche, ou Dialogue Actes and Monumentes (Foxe), 7, 27, entre Catherine de Medicis et 87, 171 Fredegonde, Reines de France, aux Adelman, Janet, 110-11, 116n29 enfers,230 Albert, Prince of England, 205, 206, Archives Curieuses de I'Histoire de 212,219 France,233 Albret, Jeanne d', 229, 234 Arconville, Marie Genevieve Alen~on, Francis, Duke of, 225, 226 Charlotte Thiroux d', 230 Alexander VI, Pope, 245 Arden, Shakespeare editions, 98n22, Amazons,6, 117, 130nI6, 145, 150 150n23, 243 in Chaucer, 118-21 Arthur, Prince ofEngland, 21, 29, in Midsummer Night's Dream, A, 83,203,210 118-21, 123-6, 130n6 Ascham, Roger, 182 in Sea Vt1yage, The, 118, 124-6 Aylmer, John, 4, 103-4, 135-7, 143 in Two Noble Kinsmen, The, 118, 121-3, 125-9 Balzac, Honore de, 232-4 Anderson, Maxwell, 242, 249-52 Banks, John, 241, 244-6 Anna of Denmark, Queen of Barneville, Marie-Catherine Le Jumel England, 3-5, 50, 57n18, 105 de, Comtesse d'Aulnoy, 244 frivolous, reputation as, 47 Barroll, Leeds, 47, 48 power, establishes own center of, Barthelerny, Gerard, 142 48,49,51 Beaufort, Lady Margaret, 13 Villiers, George, Duke of Becon, Thomas, 4, 103 Buckingham and, 45, 46, 49, Bell, George J oseph, 215 51,55-6 Benger, Mary Ogilvy, 208, 209, 213 Virginia Company and, 45, 46, Bennett, Judith, 14-15 52-5 Berkeley, Sir Maurice, 49, 55 Annales (Stowe), 87, 90, 91 Biro, Lajos, 242, 249 Anne of Austria, 65 Blackfriars, Court at, 84, 89, 91, 92 Anne of Cleves, Queen of England, Blount, Charles, 19,20 3, 205 Blount, Elizabeth, 244, 246 Anne 0/ the Thousand Days Blount, William, Lord Mountjoy, 13, (Anderson), 242, 249-51 19,20,22 262/ INDEX

Boaden, James, 215, 216 Catherine de Medicis dans le cabinet Boker, George H., 241, 247-8, 252 de Marie-Antoinette, a Saint Boleyn, Anne, Queen of England, 3, Cloud,231 4,8,31,210,212,218n3, Catherine de Medicis, On (Balzac), 239, 240 233--4 accusations of adultery and, Catherine of Aragon, Queen of 239--41 England, 4, 30, 31, 36, 79, in film, 249-52 245-8,250,252 in Henry VIII (Shakespeare and in Actes and Monumentes (Foxe), Fletcher),242--4 87,90,91 in 19th Century drama, 245-8 in Annales (Stowe), 87,90,91,93 in Vertue Betrayä (Banks), 244-6 Catholicism of, 208, 210, 211 Boleyn, George, Lord Rochford, 239, Henry VIII, marriage to, 2, 3, 27, 244-5 28,29,239 Boleyn, Mary, 3 Henry VIII (Shakespeare and Bonner, Edmund, 38, 39 Fletcher), represented in, 80, Book ofthe City ofLadies, The (Pizan), 86,89,92,94-7,242,243 117 education of Mary and, 11-17, Bride-bush: 0" A Direction for 20-2 Married Persons, A (Whately), Hall's writings on, 87-9, 91 122,141,178 Holinshed's writings on, 89-90, Brigden, Susan, 28, 38 93 Brougham, Henry, 219 painting, "Catherine of Arragon Buckingham, Edward, Duke of, 242 Appealing to Henty VIII," Bullinger, Heinrich, 133 216 Patient Griselda, comparisons to, Calvinists, 67, 68, 135 6,80-7,90,92-6 Camara, Juan Rodriquez de la, 17 Victorian perceptions of, 7, Cambridge University, 22 203-22,218n3,219n15, Camden, William, 194 220n27 Campbell, Thomas, 214 Catholicism, 73, 85, 245 Campeius, Cardinal, 88, 92, 93, 94 Anne Boleyn as subject of Canterbury Tales (Chaucer), 86, 118, writings, 241, 242, 252 121 ofCatherine of Aragon, 208, 210, Carleton, Dudley, Lord Carleton and 211 Viscount of Dorchester, 69 in England, 1,2,3,33,37,38, Caroline, Queen of England, 208, 64, 66, 86, 87, 190 219n15,228 in France, 225, 228, 232 Carr, Robert, Earl of Somerset, 45, ofHenrietta Maria, 62, 63, 74n18 51 of Mary 1, 27, 34, 39, 103, 135 Carroll, Lewis, 217 Seymour, Jane, rumored of, 249 Cassell, John, 211, 214, 216 spirituali, 37, 42n45 INDEX / 263

ofStuart, Mary, 135, 187, 191, Company of Grocers, 55 194, 196, 197,200n17 Confidence des Ruggieri, La (Balzac), ofVives,23 233 Catholic League, 68 "Confronting Continuity" (Bennett), Cavendish, George, 90, 91 14 -15 Cecil, Robert, Earl of Salisbury, Consolations (Leslie), 193 48-9, 53 Cope, Sir Walter, 53 Cecil, William, Lord Burghley, 187 Cordoba, Fray Martfn Alonso de, 17 Chapuys, Eustace, 239, 241, 242, Cosins, John, Bishop of Durham, 62 246,248-51 Costa, Milagros Ortega, 22 Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor, Counter-blaste to Tobacco, A, 53 31-3,210,239 Cranmer,Thomas, Archbishop of Charles I, King of England, 3, 5, 6, Canterbury, 3, 33, 239, 242, 46,47,51,61-4,66-72,166 244,246,251 Charles II, King of England, 245 Cranvelt, Francis, 14 Charles IX, King of France, 223-6, Crawford, Patricia, 105, 115n16, 229, 231, 233, 234 177,178 Charles X, King of France, 232 Crimean War, 218, 222n41 Charlotte, Queen of England, 214 Crimes 0/ the Queens 0/ France from Charter of 1814, 232 the beginning 0/ the monarchy Chartres, Vi dame de, 227 until Marie Antoinette (Keralio), Chaucer, Geoffrey, 84, 86, 118, 120 230 Chenier, Marie-]oseph, 231 Cromwell, Sir Oliver, 55 Chettle, Henry, 86, 87 Cromwell, Thomas, Earl of Essex Christen state 0/ matrimonye, The 239,250,251 (Bullinger), 133 Crucius, John, 20 Christian IV, King of Denmark, 47, 50,69 Dale, Sir Thomas, 53, 54 Christiani matrimonii instituti Danter, John, 80 (Erasmus),22 Danton, Georges Jacques, 231 Chronique du regne de Charles IX Darcy, Elizabeth, Lady Savage, 74 (Balzac) , 232 de la Warr, Lord Thomas, 53, 55 Civil War, English, 105, 115n16 de Man, Paul, 192, 198 Clement VII, Pope, 239 de Vere, Elizabeth, Countess of Coghill, Nevill, 183 Derby, 51 Coke, John, Secretary, 71 de Vere, Susan, Countess of Coligny, Gaspard de, Lord of Montgomery, 51 Chatillon, 224, 225, 229, 231 Dekker, Thomas, 86, 87, 91 Commonwealth o/Women, A Deux Reves, Les (Balzac), 232-3 (D'Urfey), 117 Devereux, Robert, Second Earl of Comodye 0/ Patient and Meeke Grissill, Essex,48 The (Phillip), 86 Dickens, Charles, 216, 217 264/ INDEX

Discours, 233, 234 1601 rebellion against, 48 Discourse (Wyat), 227 speech at Tilbury, 104 Discours Merveilleux de la vie ... de Stuan, Mary and, 187, 192-4, Catherine de Medicis, 223 196 Discoverie 0/ a Gaping Gulf whereinto Victorian perceptions of, 205, 206 England is like to be swallowed, Elizabeth of Bohemia, 5-6, 61, 62, The (Stubbs), 226 64, 68-73, 144 Dixon, William Hepworth, 210, Ellesmere, Thomas Egenon, Lord 211,217 Chancellor, 51 Domesticall Duties, O/(Gouge), Elton, G. R., 27, 28 148nl Erasmus, Desiderius, 11-13, 15, 19, Dominio Maris, De (Welwood), 51 20,22,29,30,38,209 Don Carlos, son of King Phillip H, Erskine, John, Earl of Mar, 47, 49 192 eruditione nobelium puellarum, De Dowling, Maria, 20, 29, 40n18 (Geraldino), 13 Drummond, Jean, Countess of Essay upon the civil wars 0/ France, An Roxborough, 57n18 (Voltaire), 229 Duchess 0/ Malji, The (Webster), 151 Estienne, Henri, 223, 224, 227 Dudley, John, Duke of Eugenie, Empress of France, 212 Nonhumberland, 33, 37 Evans, Oliver H., 248 Dudley, Roben, Earl of Leicester, Exemplary Lives ... 0/ the Nine Most 187 Worthy Women (Heywood), 117 Dumas, Alexandre, pere 232, 234-5 D'Urfey, Thomas, 117 Ferdinand of Aragon, King of Spain, Duwes, Giles, 31, 38 22, 29, 35 First Blast 0/ the Trumpet against the Edict of Nantes, 227 Monstrous Regiment o/Women Edinburgh, Treaty of, 192 (Knox), 103, 134 Education 0/ a Christian Prince, Fisher, Bishop John, 38, 248 The (Erasmus), 11 fitable and necessary doctrine for every Edward VI, King of England, 3, Christian man, A (Bonner), 39 31-3,38, 40n4, 40n18, 135 Fitzroy, Henry, Duke of Richmond, Elizabeth I, Queen of England, 1-4, 21 34,68, 102, 104, 136, 152, Fletcher, John, 117 173, 190 Henry VIII (with Shakespeare), 6, birth as vindication of Anne 80,86,89-97,98n22,204, Boleyn, 239, 243-6, 251, 207,212-14,216-17, 252 221n34,242-4,249,251 Catherine de Medicis, comparisons Humorous Lieutenant, The (with with, 225-30, 235 Massinger), 151 Protestantism and, 135 Sea Voyage, The, 6, 118, 124-9 Shakespeare, as model for Two Noble Kinsmen, The (with characters of, 117, 133, 140 Shakespeare), 6, 118, 121-6 INDEX / 265

Flodden, batde of, 30 Harborowe flr Faithfol and Trewe Forrest, William, 6, 80-7, 90, 91, Subjectes (AyImer), 4, 103-4, 93, 96 135 Fortescue, John, 137 Harlow, George, 215, 216 Foxe, John, 7, 27, 37, 39, 87, 90, 91, Harrington, Sir John, 55 171-4,176, 184,241, 242 Haryngton, John, 33 Francis II, King ofFrance, 187,223, Haughton, William, 86, 87 227,233 Hay, Lady Lucy, Countess of Frederick Henry ofNassau, Prince of CarlisIe, 67 Orange, 69 Hay, Sir James, Earl of Frederick V, Elector Palatine, 61, 62, CarlisIe,69 68,69,73,144,245 Hays, Mary, 207-9, 215 Froude, James A., 211, 214, 216 Haziitt, William, 213 Henriade (Voltaire), 228 Gardiner, Samuel Rawson, 46, 56, Hentietta Maria, Queen of England, 57n18 3,4,5-6,61-69,71,73, Gardiner, Stephen, Bishop of 74n18,74n19 Winchester, 173, 174, 176 Henri II, King of France, 223, 227 Garland ofGood Will, The (Deloney), Henri III, King of France (previousIy 86 Duke of Anjou), 223-6, 230, Gentlemans Magazine, 195, 196 235 George IV, King of England, 208, Henri III et son cour (Dumas pere), 219n15 234 Golden Age Restored, The (Jonson), 51 Henri III, King of Navarre, Iater Goodman, Christopher, 4, 103 Henri IV, King of France, 224, Goodrich, S. GriswaId, 188 225, 266, 228-9, 234 Gouge, Thomas, 178 Henry IV, King of Castile, 35 Greenblatt, Stephen, 152, 190 Henry 1, King of England, 103 GresIey, George, 67 Henry VII, King of England, 13, 36, Grey, Lady Jane, 3, 32, 33, 37 83 Grover, Reverend Henry Monrague, Henry VIII, King of England, 32, 241, 245, 246 33,37, 135, 147, 147n1 Guise, Henri, Duke of, 225-7 Anne Boleyn, marriage to, Gustavus AIdoIphus II, King of 239-42,246,248,252 Sweden,69 Catherine of Aragon, marriage to, 2,22,27,29,207-12, Hackett, Francis, 250 219n15 Hakluyt, Richard, 52 Henry VIII (Shakespeare and HaIe, John, 249 Fletcher), depiction in, 243 Hall, Edward, 87-91 Katherine Parr, marriage to, 7, Hamilton, Marchioness of, 74n19 171-4,176 Hamor, RaIph, 53, 54 Mary I, and education of, 11-15, Hapsburg Empire, 62, 68, 70-3 19,21, 28 266/ INDEX

Henry VIII, King of England - Howard, Thomas, Earl of Suffolk, continued 51,55 Patient Griselda story, comparison Howitt, William, 211, 212, 214 with Walter in, 80-2, 87, 88 Huguenots, 224, 225, 227, Queen Victoria's perceptions 0[, 233,234 203 Humanism, 11, 12, 13, 15, 17,20, Henry, Prince of England, son of 28,29,30,37,38 James I, 47, 48, 56 humble suplicacioun unto God flr the Hepburn, James, Earl of Bothwell, restoring 0/ his holye woorde unto 101, 189 the churche 0/ England, An Herbert, William, Earl of Pembroke, (Becon), 103 49-51,53-55 Hume, Martin, 250 History 0/ England from the Fall 0/ Wolsry to the Death 0/ Elizabeth 11lustrated History 0/ England (Froude), 211 (Cassell), 211, 214, 216 History 0/ Franrois 11 (Arconville), 1nstitutione Feminae Christianae, De 230 (Vives), 12, 14-19,21,22,30, History 0/ Grisild the Seconde, The 80, 85 (Forrest), 80, 86, 87 1ntroductorie flr to learne to speke History 0/ the Lift 0/ Katherine de Frenche Trewely, An (Duwes), 38 Medicis Queen Mother and Regent Isabella of Castile, Queen of Spain, 0/ France, The or The Exact 2,11, 13, 17,22,29,30,35, Pattern 0/ the Present French 136,209,210 King's Policy (Estienne), 227 History o/Two Queens: Catherine 0/ James I, King of England, 52, Aragon; Anne Bolryn (Dixon), 57n22, 104, 121, 137, 165, 210 166, 189, 196 Holinshed, Raphael, 87, 89, 90, 93, Anna of Denmark (wife) and, 98, 98n27 3, 56 Home, George, Earl of Dunbar, 49 Elizabeth of Bohemia (daughter) How Superior Powers ought to be obryd and, 68,69, 70,144,245 (Goodman), 103 factions within his court, 47-50 Howard, Charles, Earl of head/body metaphor and, 133, Nottingham, 51 143, 148n1, 149n14, 150n24 Howard, Frances, 51 Villiers, Duke of Buckingham and, Howard, Henry, Earl of 45,46,51 Northampton, 49, 51 James II, King of England, 228 Howard, Katherine, Queen of Jardin de las nobles doncellas England, 3 (Cordoba), 17 Howard, Mary, nee Sidney, Countess Johnson, Dr. Samuel, 216, 221n35 ofPembroke,47 Jones, Inigo, 45 Howard, Thomas, Duke of Jonson, Ben, 45,51,166 Norfolk,51 Journal o/Women's Studies, 14 INDEX / 267

Juan, Prince of Spain, son of Lives (Plutarch), 118 Ferdinand and Isabella, 13 Lives 0/ Celebrated Women (Goodrich), 188 Kean, Charles, 212, 216-18, Lives 0/ the Queens 0/ England 221n34,221n36 (Strickland), 209, 210 Kean, Ellen Tree, 212-14, 216 Loach, Jennifer, 38 Kellerman, Barbara, 243, 244, 249 Loades, David M., 13, 21, 28, 80 Kemble, John, 213, 215, 221n32, Lorraine, Cardinal de, 227 221n34 Louis Philippe, King of France, 231 Kingdon, Robert, 225 Louis XIII, King of France, 63, 65, Kitts, Thomas, 247 66, 72 Knight's Tale, The (Chaucer), 118, Louis XIV, King of France, 227, 228 121 Louis XVI, King of France, 231 Knox, John, 3, 4, 103, 134-8, 141, Luna, Alvaro de, 17 143, 147 Luther, Martin, 17, 249 Lutherans, 42, 50, 68-9, 244, 245 LIsle, Viscount, 55 Lamb, Lady Caroline, 208 Machiavelli, 224 Lamb, Mary Ellen, 163, 168n20 Macray, Rev. W. 0., 80 Lamb, William, Viscount of Manning, Peter J., 198 Melbourne, 203 Marcus, Leah, 104 Lapotaire, Jane, 94, 95 Margadant, Jo Butr, 234 Le Jeune, Henry, 216 Margaret of Austria, 72 Leland, John, 14 Margaret of the Cross, 72 Leon, Fray Luis de, 22 Maria, Holy Roman Empress, 72 Leslie, John, Bishop of Ross, 193, Marie-Amoinette, Queen of France, 201n35 230-2 Letters and Papers, Foreign and Marie d'Medici, Queen of France, Domestic, 0/ the Reign 0/ Henry 63,65,66,72 VIII,241 Marlowe, Christopher, 8, 225, 226 Letters on Paris (Balzac), 233 Martin, Helena Faucir, 214 Levin, Carole, 104, 135, 190 Marryr, Perer, 30 Lewalski, Barbara, 47, 48 Martyr Calvaniste, Le (Balzac), 233 Lewis, Jayne Elizabeth, 195, 196 Mary, Dowager Queen ofFrance, 13 Liber de monstruosis hominibus Mary I, Queen of England, 2, 3, 5, (Thomas of Cantimpre), 6,80-2,85,88, 102, 103, 136, 149n16 217,248,252 Libero Arbitrio, De (Erasmus), 30 Carholicism of, 4, 27, 37-9 libro de las virtuosas y daras mugeres, education of, 11, 13-17, 19-21, EI (Luna), 17 28,30,38 Lift o/Wolsey (Cavendish), 90 History 0/ Grisild the Second Linacre, Thomas, 13, 14,20,21 (Forresr) dedicated to, Liu, Alan, 195 80-2, 96 268/ INDEX

Mary 1, Queen of England - More, Sir Thomas, 12, 17-19,21, continued 182,208,211 Philip II of Spain, marriage to, Mullaney, Steven, 111 33-6, 115n6 Mary II, Queen of England, 2, 8, Napoleon III, Emperor of France, 228,235 212 Mary of Guise, 102, 136, 187 Nethersole, Francis, 70-3 Mary Queen o/Scots, 195 Neville, Richard, Earl ofWarwick, Massacre at Paris, The (Marlowe), 225 203 Massinger, Philip, 151 Nevo, Ruth, 177, 183 Matilda, Queen of England, 103 New Ballad o/the Marigolde (Forrest), Mattingly, Garrett, 15,21,81, 190, 80 194 Norefia, Carlos, 18 Maximilian of Bavaria, 68 Norfolk, Thomas Duke of, 246, 251 Maximillian, Holy Roman Emperor, Notestein, Wallace, 46 207 Novy, Marianne L, 179, 180, 182 McCarty, Nick, 242, 251, 252 Medici, Catherine de, 3, 4, 7-8, 102 O'Neil, Henry Nelson, 216, 217 Black Legend of, 223-5, 227-19, Opechecanough, 54, 55, 58n28 233-5 "Oration consolarorye to Queen Marie Antoinette, compared with Mary, An" (Forrest), 80 230-2 Orleanists, 234 Marlowe's depiction of, 223, Orleans, Duke of, 88 225-7 Overbury, Sir Thomas, 51 Princesse de Cleves, La, depiction Ovid, 18, 120, 164, 181 in, 227 Oxenford, John, 212, 215, 216 Queen Margot, depiction in, 223 Oxford University, 12, 14,22,29 Voltaire's writings on, 228-30 Melville, Sir James, 189 Pace, Richard, 13, 14 Memoirs 0/ Eminent Englishwomen Palmer, Hentiette Lea, 214 (Costello), 205-6 Paraphrase on St. Johns Gospel Memoirs 0/ Queens Illustrious and (Erasmus),22 Celebrated (Hays), 207 Pare, Amboise, 233 Memoirs 0/ the Lift 0/ Anne Boleyn Parliament, 3, 66, 70, 115n6, 133, (Benger), 208, 213 147n1,150n24,219 Mendelson, Sara, 105, 177, 178 Parr, Katherine, Queen of England, Metamorphoses (Ovid), 118, 3,4,7,171-6,180,182, 164, 181 184,205 Metrical Versions 0/ Some Psalms Parr, William, 173 (Forrest), 80 Patient Griselda, 6, 19,28,29, Middleron, Thomas, 151 80,81,84,86,87,95,96, Montague, Richard, 62, 74n18 98n22, 182 More, Hannah, 207 Patterson, Annabel, 90, 91, 98n27 INDEX / 269

Paul IV, Pope, 37 Queen Anne Boleyn: A Novel Peace of Augsburg (1555), 28 (Hackett), 250 Penna, Lucas de, 137 Percy, Henry, 244, 250 Raleigh, Sir Walter, 50, 55, 130n16 Percy, Henry, Earl of Ratione Studii Puerilis, De (Vives), Northumberland, 55 14, 16, 19-22,85 peifecta casada, La (Leon), 22 Reflections upon the Late Horrid Philip Ir, King of Spain, 28, 33, 34, Conspiracy, 228 37, 115n6, 143 Reformation, English, 33, 203, 208, Philip III, King of Spain, 50 218,239,241,242 Phillip, John, 86, 87 Regency Act of 1690, 228 Phillips, James Emerson, 190, 201n35 Reine Margot, La (Dumas pere), Pizan, Christine de, 117 234-35 Pleasant Comodie 0/ Patient Grissill "Reprinting Tudor History: The Case (Chettle, Dekker, and of Catherine of Aragon" Haughton), 86, 91, 94 (Travitsky), 79 Pliny, 138 Restoration, 244, 245 Plutarch, 19, 120 Revolution of 1830,232 Plymouth Company, 52 Revolution, French, 232 Pocahontas, 5, 45, 46, 52-5, 58n30 Rich, Penelope, 47, 50 Poitiers, Diane de, 227 Richard Ir, King of England, 197 Pole, Reginald, 37-9, 42n45 Richelieu, Cardinal, 63 Politics, The (Aristotle), 147nl Richmond, Hugh, 243, 244 Powhatan, 52, 54, 58n28 Ridgeway, Sir Thomas, 49 Princesse de Cleves La (Fayette), 227 Riverside Shakespeare, The, 150 n23 Prinne, William, 67 Rizzio, David, 101, 189 Private Lift 0/ Henry VIIL The Roaring Girl, The, 87 screenplay (Lajos and Roberts, Penny, 226 Wimperis), 242, 249, 251 Rochford, Lady Jane, 246, 248, 251 Protestantism, 39, 50, 69, 70, 72, 73, Roe, Sir Thomas, 69-72 80,91, 104, 135 Rolfe, John, 5, 45, 46, 52-5 ofEdward VI, 31, 40n4 Rowley, Samuel, 171 of Elizabeth I, 103 Rudyerd, Sir Benjamin, 49, 50 in England, 1,3,27,33,37,38, Ruskin, John, 206 86, 87 Russell, Francis, Earl of Bedford, 55 in France, 232, 233 Russell, Lucy, Countess of Bedford, Stuart, Mary and, 193 47, 50 see also Calvanism, Huguenots, Lutherans, Puritanism Saint Bartholomew's Day Massacre, Protestant Union, 69 224,229,231-3 Puckering, Sir Thomas, 67 Sr. Germain, Peace of, 224 Puritanism, 62, 122 Sanders, Nicholas, 241, 242, 248, Pynson, Richard, 14 250,251 270/ INDEX

Sandys, Sir Edwin, 49-51,55 Winters Tale, The, 7, 98n22, 151, Scarisbrick, J. J, 173, 176 159-62 Scots Magazine, 196 Siddons, Sarah Kemble, 212-16, Scott, Sir Walter, 232 220n31, 221n35 Secret Novels o[ Queen Elizabeth, Sidney, Sir Philip, 50 The (Barneville), 244 Sisson, Rosemary Anne, 242, 251, Sesame and Lilies (Ruskin), 206, 252 207 Sitwell, Edith, 250 Seymour, Jane, Queen of England, 3, Six Wi'ves o[Henry VIII, The (BBC 205, 239, 242, 244, 246-52 production),242 Seymour, Thomas, 173 Six Wi'ves o[Henry VIII, The (Hume), Shakespeare, William, 117, 192, 250 205 Smith, John, 52, 54, 58n30 Antony and Cleopatra, 115 n5, 142 Smyrh, John, 16 Cymbeline, 6, 7, 102, 110, Sommers, Alan, 107 112-14,151,154,156-7 Spanish Armada, 225 Hamlet, 6, 102, 109-14, 116n29 spirituali, 37, 41n45 Henry VIII (with Fleteher), 6, 80, Stafford, Thomas, 37 86,89-97,98n22,204,207, Stamte of Appeals, 239 212-14,216-17,221n34, Srowe, John, 87, 90, 91, 93 242-4,249,251 Stratford Gallery, The; or the Henry V, 94, 203 Shakespeare Sisterhood (Palmer), Henry VI, Part 1, 153 214 Henry VI, Part 2, 153 Strickland, Agnes and Elizabeth, Macbeth, 7,151,154-9, 168n20, 209-11,215,241 181 Stride, John, 243 Midsummer Nights Dream, A, 6, Strode, Sir William, 49 118-21, 130n6 Smart, Esme, Earl of Lennox, 189 Much Ado About Nothing, 181 Smart, Henry, Lord Darnley, 101, Othello, 7, 133, 134, 137-44, 187, 189 150n23 Smart, Lodovick, Duke of Lennox, Richard 111, 153-4 49 Taming o[ the Shrew, The, 7, Smart, Mary, Queen of Scotland, 2, 98n22, 171, 173, 174, 3,4, 101, 102,227 176-80,182-4,210 captivity in England, 190, 191, Tempest, The, 7, 53, 127, 133, 193 134, 137, 143-7, 150n23, Catholicism of, 187, 190-1, 193, 151,162-5 194 Titus Andronicus, 6, 102, Hepburn, James, Earl of Bothwell 105-110,114,181 and, 189 Two Noble Kinsmen, The (with poetry, self-representation in, 7, Fleteher), 6,118,121-6 193, 190-2 194, 196-9 INDEX / 271

Stuart, Henry, Lord Darnley and, Villiers, Mary, Countess of 187, 189 Buckingham, 67, 74n18 Wordsworth's poetry and, 192, Virginia Company, 5, 45-6, 52, 53, 195-8 55, 58n26 Vision 0/ Desire, A (Jones and Taylor, Tom, 241, 245-7, 252 Jonson),45 The Prince (Machiavelli), 224 Vives, Juan Luis, 5, 11-23, 30, 80, Theed, William, 216 85 Thirry Years War, 71 Voltaire, 228-30 Thomas ofCantimpre, 149n16 Travels 0/ Sir John Mandeville, The Watson, Foster, 15,20 (Mandeville), 134, 138, 145, Watson, Nicholas, 205 150n28 Webster, John, 151 Tree, Herbert Beerbohm, 243 Weston, Sir Francis, 246 Tremoille, Charlotte de la, Duchess Whately, William, 122, 141, 178 ofThours, 69 When You See Me, You Know Me Trew Law 0/ Free Monarchies, The (Rowley), 171 (James 1), 149n14 White Devil, The (Webster), 151 triunfo de la donas, EI (Camara), 17 White Mountain, Batde of, 68 True Discourse 0/ the Present Estate 0/ William III, King of England, 228, Virginia, A (Hamor), 53 235 True Relation 0/ the State o/Virginia, William ofLyndwood, 137 A (Rolfe), 54 Wimperis, Arthur, 242, 249 Witch, The (Middleton), 151 Urban VIII, Pope, 63, 72 Witchcraft, 2, 151-66 Wittkower, Rudolf, 149n16 Valois, Marguerite de, 224, 225, 229, Wollstonecraft, Mary, 207, 208 230,234 Wolsey, Cardinal Thomas, 3, 12, Vertue Betray'd: 0" Anna Bullen 88-90,92-4,212,214, (Banks), 244-6 220n27, 242-5,248 Victoria, Queen of England, 7, 203, Wordsworth, William, 7, 191, 192, 205-9,212,214,217,218, 195-8 218n3, 219nll, 220n22 Wotton, Nicholas, 33-4 Victoria Magazine, 206 Wriothesley, Thomas, Earl of Villa Saneta, Alphonso de, 14 Southampton, 49-51,55,176 Villiers, George, Earl of Buckingham, Wyat, John, 8, 223, 227, 228 45-7, 51, 55, 64, 65, 69, 70, Wyatt uprising, 37 74n19 Wyatt, Sir Thomas, 14, 248