K a Ipninsiila rthoWit.

REV. T. SNOWDEN THOMAS. A. M.f r®Pf, anti0n They are all gone but you; shall be prepared for fields that may be Wm. Taylor. His protecting care is over all his pos­ It is clay; be thou its potter. Mould it gratis We’re getting old and feeble and Onr journey’ll soon be through. opened by the Lord. Bro. and Sister May 21st.—Since writing the above, sessions and all of his creatures; but in a for God Zion’s Herald. But since it is God’s pleasure, John, Myers I have appointed to Dondo. Bro. To guide you on your way, I have made a change in the appoint­ deeper and tenderer sense He most care­ ! and Sister Elkins and 11 A Mother’s Prayers. ttw,enty Accept, my boy, this precious book, young men, ments. I have left 3 men at Kabindn, fully protects His “special treasure.” aadr And don’t forget to pray. will, D. V., accompany me up the Con- a town of 10,000 population, the most We know that those who have rich A gentleman said lie had great faith 1 ’Inoun. “This book has been a treasure, John, g°- healthy site on the coast. There was no jewels take especial care to protect them exPen»e To father and to me; in a mother’s prayers. He believed a °«e wao’ We have orders from the Congo State mission there. It is a very important from injury or loss. Nothing would ave As it has been to millions, and mother would pray as no one else, and only And to millions will be. Committee in Brussels to those in au­ induce them to lose so valuable a pos­ grocer at place for a station, and now is the time prevail with God. He spoke of a soldier In sickness, pain and sorrow, John, thority here, to give us and our freight sessions one which is the delight of their or the ’Twill shed a cheering ray; to secure a pre-emption right to it. I who went to the war against his mother’s ;haust«xi free transit for 80 miles to the head of Then let it be your constant guide, appointed Rev. L. Judson. M. A., and hearts. But in a far greater degree this will, but was converted in answer to his the pic. And don’t forget to pray. steam navigation to the lower Congo, Geo. R. Thompson, both colored. I hope is true of God. All of His energy is en­ mother’s prayers. It was on this wise; thence we walk and men carry our stuff ). “This world is full of wickedness they will make a good score, for the gaged to protect His loved treasures.— One day before he left home, while he Of luring snares and sin; 235 miles by land to Stanley Pool. There Northern Christian Advocate. fca. And thousands, madly pressing on, black man, Archer Steel’s father, put was finishing up his preparations to go, is no help for this until the Congo R. ft. Are daily falling in. him under Judson’s care, so I left him he went to his mother’s room, and there But if you would escape them, John, is built. The Baptist steamer Peace of “More money for Missions,” seems to And keep the narrow way, also at Kabinda. I gave them letters to he found her, with her four little chil­ 15 tons was carried up in 800 sections, he the chorus-universal this year with Oh, make God’s Word your counsellor, the Governor, with Portuguese, and oth­ dren around her, all kneeling with her, And don’t forget to pray. and the Henry Reid was carried up at the denominations. The Northern er credentials, and quietly left them to and all engaged in prayer for him. a cost of £2,000. The steamer John Methodists have been ringing out the “With yearning hearts we’ll pray, dear master the situation and the native lan­ His poor mother feared he was not • John, Brown, so generously tendered to our cry, * ‘A Million this year for Missions.” For your eternal weal, guage, and prepare themselves for effec­ prepared for death, and hence her committee, is not built in sections, and Several of our Northern Baptist ex­ As round the family altar we tive work in the mission and industrial unwillingness to have him go from At morn and evening kneel. if she were so built, I could not consent changes are pleading lustily for “A Round schools, that we hope to establish there home. But he went. And her pray­ D.D. In spirit you may join us, John, to any such expenditure in the hope of Million for Missions.” Many earnest Though many miles away. in the near future. Our people are all ers went with him, so that in camp, returns at all commensurate with such souls connected with the Southern Bap­ insula If in your heart this word you hide, well, and in high-toned enjoyment. We in the battle-field, on the march, every­ fe and And don’t forget to pray. an outlay. Bro. Tetcr examined her tist Convention are praying the Lord to are now’ in sight of Banana. Glory to where he went, he could see that mother to ac- “Cood bye! God blessand keep you, John, and finds she is well built and has a fine stir up his people to give half a million God. Love to all. and her four little children on their Shall be our daily prayer; appearance, but her boiler is very much this year to our two boards, Horae and AS, And if we meet no more below, Your Brother, knees in prayer for John, the son and out of repair and her helm needs some Foreign. The Southern Methodists, too, si. God grant we may up there. Wm. Taylor. brother. So his mind was haunted with And we have this assurance John, fixing, and it rests with the committee ♦ are calling for an advance in this direc­ To eheer us, that we may, the spectacle till he at length submitted whether they will undertake the cost of tion. The Christians or Disciples, who APHS If we the Bible make our guide, God’s Special Treasure. to the calls of this blessed gospel. “I am- And don’t forget to pray.” repairing her at Sierra Leone. When, have been somewhat negligent of this that son and brother John for whom that —New York Observer. D. V., I may return to Liberia I may see BY C. II. WETHERBE. great work, are aroused to greater inter­ ien little band on their knees prayed. Do- the possibility of utilizing the John Brown In Malachi iii: 17 we read: “They est in behalf of the heathen. The North­ I the you suppose any of you can tell how Letter From Bishop Taylor. for God, on that coast. If our noble friends shall be mine, saith the Lord of hosts, in ern Presbyterians, however, have start­ now precious that dear mother and those perial of the American Board will in that case that day when I make up my jewels.” led us all with the demand “Ten millions brothers and sisters are to me to-day?”' ount- renew their kind offer, we could then In the margin the words jewels is ren­ for Missions!” Or, as much as was given finish S. S. Nubia, off Kabinda, May 20th, —Selected. ;s are 1886:—Dear Bro. Grant:—I wrought have the John Brown marching along, dered “special treasure.” There are by all the denominations of Christendom : skill 7 hours per day with Bro. Benoit, Xill to the tune of our great redemption several beautiful and very interesting for missions last year. Yet why should Noted Book Agents. song. This ship has been greatly crowd­ thoughts suggested by this expression. this seem a great sum for one body of Friday, the 14th, when we came down “ • by canoe to May uni ha. I never worked ed with passengers, hut our people were 1. It implies that God sets a high value Christians to evince its love for human­ George Washington was once a hook ity! Just think, the standing armies of L. D. harder in my life than during the last put in with a German Baron and other upon His true children. The word agent and a good one, and Benjamin two months, with axe and grubbing hoe, distinguished passengers, on a par with “jewel” represents in commercial affairs Christian nations cost every year half a Franklin wrote books and then canvass­ scythe and pit saw, and never before had them, 1st class passage, we paying hut high values. According to their size billion. Billions for destruction, only ed for them himself. Jay Gould, Ralph better health, not even a headache for £25 instead of £35 per head. Capt. and weight, and as compared with pre­ a few millions for the salvation of men. Waldo Emerson and Mark Twain were ). D. five minutes. Well, the Nubia was due Davis has been kind as a father to all cious metals generally, jewels are consid­ God speed the word along the whole line in early life book canvassers. So also" in Mayumba on Saturday, the loth, hut our people, and they will not forget ered superior in value to the most of rich of Christendom, “More Money for Mis­ was Longfellow, and his success was re­ the Lord kindly gave me a couple of him ; we will all sign a paper express­ metals. In the text quoted the word is sions!”—Baltimore Baptist. markable. There is now in the possession ). ------days needed rest, and at 8 r. m., Mon­ ing our appreciation of his kindness. used figuratively, of course, to give us of the Massachusetts Historical Society The Work that Tells on Destiny. day, 17th, I went aboard and had the We don’t appear to have a weakling the idea that God regards His people of a propecrus the poet used, and on one of among us. more value to Him than anything else. the blank leaves in the front are the indescribable happiness of meeting our “She was a special Providence to me,” ). Angola wanted a lot of ladies and He has a great many treasures, hut His skeleton lines of the now celebrated noble hand of 26 new missionaries. We wrote the late Earl of Shaftesbury con­ some young men from home, so I have people are His “special treasures,” a poem, “Excelsior.” Daniel Webster wanted a man and wife for Mamba. The cerning his father’s housekeeper, Maria the written Bro. Withey to ascertain the re­ treasure above all other treasures. It paid his second term tuition at Dart­ steamer had to go oft* in 3 or 4 hours the Millas. He explains his meaning by urch maining needs of the different stations has required an infinite degree of wisdom mouth by selling books. Gen. Grant at i, or same night. I had no lime to read a stating that this good woman had almost and the capacity and good will of each to devise a scheme whereby God could one time took an agency for Irving’s single letter, but got a list of the names the entire care of him until he was seven to give homes to such as may come to deliver souls that were sunken in sin and “Columbus,” and is on record with the nous of our party. Dr. Smith and family years old, when she died. Yet such was study the language and get ready for an in the grip of death, and bring them up publishers as a fine canvasser. Bret were too many for Mamba; Bro. and the impression she made upon him in advance into the farther interior regions, into a condition of value. And nothing Harte was a book agent in California in Sister Elkins rather old to master French those few years, that towards the close of and to send the results of his inquiries but Almighty power could execute such 1849 and 1850. Ex-President Hayes as their key language for missionary his truly noble life this greatly good to you. I have been figuring and I find a scheme so successfully as it has been. footed it all over Southern Ohio, selling D. work, the French requiring the schools man said: “I must trace, under God, that you cannot get his statement in O! it has cost God more than we shall “Baxter’s Lives of the Saints,” and was D. to he taught in French ; Bro. and Sister very much, perhaps all, of the duties of time, so that I think it will be safe to be able to compute to make His special fairly successful. After the siege of ased Myers (Miss Brittain) were hooked for my later life to her precepts and her send 4 young ladies in care of a good treasures what they are. The bare fact Toulon, Bonaparte, then a young lieu­ Dondo, so we could get no married cou- prayers.” What a striking testimo­ man and wife. If they could sail by the that Jesus died to redeem and save tenant employed at the capital, took the pie from that company for Mamba; ny is this confession to the fidelity of an md middle of August, they would reach God’s people shows that He places an agency for the “History of the Revolu­ Miss Kildareisa teacher in French, and obscure Christian woman! And what a Nhangue-Pepo before the rains. When exceedingly great value upon them. 2. tion,” and his abilities ns a canvasser just the one for preceptress of our Mam­ grand result it wrought! As is well [D. get a few more lines ot stations open­ It implies that God greatly loves His were as manifest as they afterward were ba school. So I appointed her precep­ we known, Shaftesbury nobility of birth, ed, we can have you send 10 or 25 per people. Christ says: “Where your as a politician and warrior. Bismarck, i in tress and Miss Cliff matron and house­ represented by his earl’s coronet, when best month, but now when I am far inland, treasure, is there will your heart be also.” Cardinal Mezzofanti, count Metiernich, keeper and Bro. A. So retore I appointed placed beside the moral grandeur of his t ofsight and out ofhearing for months This is as true of God as it is of man. Canning, Lord Denham and Coleridge as superintendent of the farm, and the ou character, was hut as a glowworm to a time, that can’t be done. We God’s treasure being His children, upon the poet, were all at some periods in their fanning department of our industrial at a star. Through his long life his supreme Del. could in a few days plant an important them His heart is set with a depth of lives book agents. So also were Madame school, Bro. Benoit being preacher in devotion to works of benevolence gave mission station at Kabinda where we love which we cannot fathom. Being de Stael and Mrs. Jameson; and Colum­ charge, superintendentof the school and him an undisputed right to say,— are now discharging a cargo of coal, hut His “special” treasure His heart is bus canvassed for a work on “Marine of the house building department. They “Write of me as one that loves his fellow- we can’t stop now. We may get the specially fixed on them even more than men.” Explorations.” James G. Blaine began cheerfully accepted their appointments, of the little steamer Henry Reed, on upon all angels and all things else. And His deeds gave light, hope, comfort, and his business career in Washington county hurriedly gathered up their oaggage and use the Upper Congo. If not, it don’t mat- that Christian who has a deep sense of elevation to many thousands who were Pa., where he sold a “Life of Henry m left. We weighed anchor and got off build a schooner, and mean- his worthiness is melted into profound born heirs to an inheritance of poverty Clay.” And so on for many other emi­ to sea about midnight. No one antici­ ter, we can PA time found a good receiving station on humility as he confines his thought to and woe. And those deeds were the nent and distinguished persons.—Select- pated any of those appointments, hut all the Congo. The English Baptists have the wonderfully great idea that God precious fruit of the influence of a serv­ cd. say they were of the Lord. I am weep­ no station above Stanley Pool, hence does love even him so strongly and fer­ ant in his father’s household. What a ing for joy as I get acquainted with these Under the names of rum, brandy, they have no use for their steamer ex­ vently! 3. It implies that God carefully splendid star that good earl will be in dear ]>eople, manifestly called of God to gin, whisky, wine, cider, beer and por­ fl­ cept to explore. The Livingstone In­ protects His people. The fact that God the crown of the glorified Maria Millas, this service. My prayers are answered. ter, alcohol has become the bane of the it land Mission have but one station above sets a very high value upon His people his mother’s servant! And how forcibly Christian world.—Dr. Erasmus Darwin, Glory to God! the Pool. Our business is not to ex- and loves them with an inconceivable does Maria’s success say to every woman 1800. I have since appointed Dr. Smith his! , ^-O-O-TTST 0^188©: ' i=EisriisrsTJi-i^ ^zetzhcozdist 2 alone. As lie went through the hall families shall : the boy babies in all our ward the dais, supported hy friend,, a to the cause of temperance in Maine. It > >y crowd spontaneously rose and effectual]; goiith'K department. be slain. wild cry of I temperance. has largely reduced the consumption of “Then Miriam uttered a drowned the voices of the Glee Club j„ mother said, alcoholic liquors, and has in many ways a tremendous, heartfelt cheer. i THE BEST BEAUTY. grief and terror; but the bard Wine is a mocker; strong drink Is raging contributed to the moral and material ‘Nay, my daughter, you c.must try M’Leun’s remarks were handed by ^ and whosoever is deceived thereby is not welfare of the state.” The Vermont Re­ must help Je wise.—At the last it biteth like a serpent, and I know a little fellow to keep from crying, and you in writing to Professor Cameron, publicans in convention declare “that conceal our stingeth like an adder.—Scripture. Whose face is fair to see, to take care of, aud to read them for his old preceptor, wbo IE ■ ■: me Oh ! thou invisible spirit of wine, if thou the prohibition of the liquor traffic as ex­ But still there is nothing pleasant See, he is strong and ■ About the face to me. precious little one. could not command the strength p, hast no name to be known by. let us call pressed in our statues should remain the If he lives, he will : thee devil.—Shakespeare. For he’s nule and cross aud selfish well and beautiful, speak aloud. They were listened g, I : settled policy of the state, and the Re­ If he cannot have his way, You must be And he’s always making trouble, grow up a noble man. with profound interest, and many a teat m publican party should everywhere reject ever watchful. When you see an Eg) p- A Prohibition Amendment. I’ve heard his mother say. streamed down the faces of resolute mt„ all overtures for open or secret alliances m I know a little fellow tian approaching our dwelling, or any the aged ex-President was assisted in with it, and that the state committee Whose face is plain to see, as Senator Blair, from the Committee on dwelling of our neighbors, you ml,s from the dining hall.” : this day appointed be instructed to se- But that we never think of, We will his passage Education and Labor, has submitted a So kind and brave is he. hasten to give me w'arning. lect delegates to represent the state in talk The second is from an account of the I favorable report from the majority of He carries sunshine with him, hide the child ; and you must not And everybody’s glad Commencement at Williams College; the committee on a joint resolution pro­ the coming national anti-saloon confer- about him when you are with other chil­ | To hear the cheery whistle “The address of ex-President Mark I' posing that an amendment to the Con­ ence, which has been called to meet in dren, for they might be questioned by Of the pleasant little lad. Hopkins, commemorative of the fifties stitution to prohibit the manufacture Chicago.”—Pittsburgh Christian Advo­ the spies. Many a mother has already • ! You see it’s not the features anniversary as President, delivered at and sale of alcbolie liquors and other cate. That others judge us by, had her infant taken from her; but we 12 o’clock noon to-day, proved to be the poisonous beverages be submitted to the But what we do, I tell you, little brother while we Aud that you ain’t deny. will keep your ma- event of the week. In a series of de. legislatures of the states for ratification. For several years past the great The plainest face has beauty, can.’ If its owner’s kind and true, lightful reminiscences he carried theau. The amendment provides that from jority of the active prohibitionists of this “Thus we may suppose it was that the And that’s the kind of beauty, cHence back to the early days of the and after the year 1000 the manufacture state have been working to secure the My girl and boy, for you. young girl Miriam, because she loved college and up through the various ebbs ll and sale aud importation of distilled submission of a prohibitory amendment —Golden Days. her parents, and loved her dear little and flows of prosperity to the present ! acholic intoxicating liquors, except for of the constitution to a vote of the people. brother, and because she was an obedient medical, mechanical, chemical and This was felt to be a practical scheme, One Little Girl. child, became very careful, learned to day; and then, turning to graver thoughts, he outlined with wonderful scientific porposes, use in the fine arts, and one which gave fair promise of suc­ command her feelings, and to be very shall cease. cess. It, at least, would give us a chance BY ELEANOR S. DEANE. prudent in her talk with the neighbors. clearness and vigor his views upon if! 8; : : The report which accompanies the to appeal to the sovereign people on this, “The family kept the baby so well the objects and methods of a college ed :1 proposed amendment, says the, commit­ the most important question of the day. “I should like Bible stories better if hidden, that nobody knew about him u cation. Four things, he said were to tee does not deem It necessary to discuss Before this court we have hoped that by they were about children,” said Fanny for three months. The boy bad grown be striven for-—a sound body, a disci- the ev3s of the use of alcohol, but be­ agitation and discussion we could win Eaden, as the family were sitting to­ strong, and was full of baby notions, plined mind, a liberal education, and a lieves the people have a right to decide our cause. All we have asked was a gether on a Sunday afternoon. lilfl and made a noise with his crowing and right character. The system that fails what measures shall be taken for the chance to go before the people with this “Boys and girls—so should I,” said his crying; and the parents thought the in any one of these points is radically regulation or extirpation of this traffic great question. Frank; and the others agreed with the sp: spies who were sent out by command of defective.” “Why,” it asks, “should they be denied We can now record one very impor­ two who had spoken ; though Kate said ; the king, would surely discover their A few veers ago ex-President M’Lean the opportunity to be heard in the only tant point gained in this direction. The “There are a few boys, Joseph and Sam­ precious treasure. One of them had addressed the students upon the causes H; form which can pass upon the question? Republican state convention last week uel; and mamma has told us about them i as • lately been at their house, and they had of his longevity, and stated that though ( When any considerable and respectable put a plank into its platform committing till we know them by heart; and I don’t i kept the baby quiet with great difficulty, it might seem trivial, he considered that portion of the American people desire to the party to the submission of such an remember any girls.” so that the household were almost in de­ the integrity of his nervous system had 8 ■ plead their cuuse in the great tribunal amendment. That is all that has been “And yet you have heard of at least Si spair. Then Mrs Jochabed made her been maintained chiefly by the entire of sovereigns, who, in a free country, asked of them. It is the least they could two Bible girls,” said mamma, “Have plans.” disuse of stimulants of every kind, and decide every question of fundamental with any propriety grant. It is of the you quite forgotten the one named “Mbs. Jochabed! How funny Bible informed students that sixty years .before n ' issue in the last report, it is the duty of essence of our government that the peo­ Miriam?” i names are!” he had renounced coffee and tea, and Congress to enact such ’ preliminary ple shall rule, and no party dare stand “O, no,” said Emma. “She was the “Yes, you would not think that Joch­ gone back to the “cambric tea” of his ! legislation as is lie re proposed, so that in the way of the people’s will. Now, sister of Moses; but I never thought of abed means glorious, would you?” childhood, and had never departed from under the form of the Constitution they we most sincerely hope that the Demo­ her being a little girl.” “I said this good woman made her its use. He said that his digestive and can be heard on the question of its own cratic convention, when it shall meet, “I suppose she was not more than plans; but she did not talk about them. nervous force had improved immediately amendment. To deny this is of the very will take a similar stand. It should do nine or ten years old, when she first She could make baskets. I suppose she afterward, and remained undiminished. essence of despotism, and for Congress so, and promptly. Such submission is comes into the Bible story,” said Mrs. often made them. Probably the osiers — Christ'inn Advocate. unreasonably to refuse the hearing, is good Democratic doctrine. With both Eaden. or reeds of which she made them grow •- ♦ ------just cause for rdvolution.” of the parties committed to the measure “The Bible tells only a little about by the river.” we would be sure to get it. her, anyway,” said Frank. You go down into Georgia now, and Dr. Rush on the Whisky Devil. “Was there a river, mamma?” Let us bear in mind that all we have “Mother can make a story of what a fellow announces himself for the Leg­ ■ “Certainly there was—the famous asked of the Legislature and of the poli- there is,” said Emma, islature, or for Judge or for any thing. * To any observing mind it is apparent Nile River, the ‘River of Egypt.’ ticions is that they submit the question “Do, mamma.” About the first line under his name he that the temperance movement is rapidly “I suppose her husband brought her to the people. It is not particular to us Mamma answered that she could only says: “I am square out on the prohibi­ gaining ground. The crimes that whisky the strong reeds for the framework, and whether they favor prohibition, or say what she thought was probable, be­ tion ; I stand square on that issue;” produces are so numerous, so appalling, being stronger than she, he bent and whether they will vote it at the polls, or cause she knew nothing about Miriam, and I tell you all to-day that prohibition so destructive of life and domestic happi­ bound them into their proper form. not. We want both those who favor it beside what was in the one Book. She mixed with politics will help politics; , ness, and withal so costly in dollars and Very likely he took Miriam with him and those who oppose it to join in sub­ said: “I suppose the Jews have their tra­ but God bless you, don’t you put any pH cents, that the common sense of the sometimes, and taught her how to select mitting it. If, when they have done ditions about her, but I am not acquaint­ H ^ country, to say nothing of religion, de­ politics in your prohibition. If you do this, we cannot succeed the first time, we straight, slender and pliable reeds for clares more and more emphatically that ed with them.” you are gone. You see I put sugar in will pick our Hints and try again. But the fine work, and how to bind them in f the cause of all the grief and trouble “No matter for them, mother; let’s my coffee to help my coffee, but if-you by all means let us have a chance.—Pitts­ bundles that could be easily carried, and must be removed. So long as whisky is have what you think.” This was put coffee in your sugar your sugar is burg Christian Advocate. so help in the basket making. sold in public places, under high license F rank. ruined.—Sam Jones. “At the time we are talking of, Mrs. or low, so long will the crimes growing “Well, then,” said Mrs. Eaden, “I suppose the child Miriam felt as other Jochabed began to make a basket that out of its use continue. There is no I have known many persons destroyed Ex-Gov. Foster says the statistics of little girls feel when they are told they was different from the others. She made middle ground—there can be none. As by ardent spirits who were never com­ the state of Ohio show the immense sum have a baby brother. Miriam had one it with great care. Miriam wondered long as men can buy it they will do so, pletely intoxicated during the whole of $70,000,000 expended in one year od brother, Aaron, you remember, and he at its size and shape. ‘What will my and will gel drunk. And so long as they rum. course of their lives.—Dr. Benjamin mother do with this basket?’ perhaps Of that sum not less than fifty get drunk they will commit deeds of was about three years old when the baby Rush, about 1080. she asked. ‘It is for an Egyptian lord?’ millions were spent by people who had violence and crime. Because this is so, was born. He was old enough to run And the mother would say, ‘My little not the money to spend in that wav,and and cannot be otherwise, it is the duty about and play; but she had never been Rev. J. W. Lee, writing from Carroll­ daughter shall know when it is finished therefore kept themselves in poverty aud of all good citizens, irrespective of po­ able able to carry him in her arms. I ton, Ga., says: “The results are marvel­ She will have to take care of itJ '“And their families in destitution and want. L litical or ecclesiastical affiliations, to unite Now there was a beautiful baby. She ous. The trade of the town has been Miriam thought, ‘My mother has was also shown that the taxes of the in putting away this hellish evil. For could sit and hold him in her lap. She reasons more than doubled. Before the whisky for not telling me now;” and then she people of the state were increased S5>* if the sake of the drunkard himself, could see from week to week how much traffic was abolished the trade of the would take the little brother, and keep 000,000 from the direct consequences of his broken-hearted wife and degraded he would grow. She wondered at his place was $200,000 a year; now it is him in her arms, and sing to him, and the intemperate use of alcoholic stimu­ children, the safety of the youth of the hands, his feet, his hair, his beautiful over $500,000 a year, and I do not soothe him to sleep, may be; so that her lants. land, the peace of society, the salvation eyes. She was delighted. Then she be­ know a single merchant who would not dear mother could attend more closely of immortal souls— yes, for everything gan to wonder why her parents looked vote against the liquor traffic purely on to her work.—Zion's Herald. sacred at home, in the Church, and in so sad, and why they said so little about Quarterly Conference Appoint" JH business grounds.” CONCLUDED NEXT WEEK. the cemetery, this monster evil should the baby, and why the neighbors were merits. ------*► • ------not asked to see him. You can fancy WILMINGTON DISTRICT—SECOND QUARTER* be suppressed. Whoever loves the sweet­ Two Wonderful Men. Union, 26 30 The key of the Bastille, which Lafayette Aug. ness of a home, appreciates the purity of her asking, ‘Dear mother, are you not St. Paul’s, it 29 30 presented to Washington, is not that of the Madely, Hi:.; woman, or the dignity of man, or wishes glad of our little boy?’ Then Miriam’s The following incidents present scenes 25 30 netware City, if. I great central gate of the demolished fortress. mother had to explain the cause of her rarely paralel in any land, Sept 3 5 to sec a happy, virtuous, and prosperous lt a k,v of the Bastille; but not th, key, The first *'>t. Georges, 4 6 4 5 ! New Castle, people,.should contribute his aid in one The true key, that of the main gate, has sorrow; for doubtless the little girl had occurred at the alumni dinner at Pri n ce- 5 0 Red Lion, 5 6 constant and arduous endeavor to ban- just been discovered by M. Deligand, u 8(‘en l,er mother's tears fall on baby’s ton College Commencement: ■ =i CHAS. HILL, P. *• French gentleman, who has placed it in the cheek.” “No words cau desribe the dramatic f ish the saloon.—Alabam Advocate. KASTON DISTRICT—SECOND QUARTER. ; Arctueological Museum of Sens for preserva- 1 “Why, mamma, what was the mat­ pathos attending the entry of the vener- lownsend, . 28 29 Middletown, A!lg Prohibition and the Parteis. tion. ter?” asked Fanny Eaden. able ex-president of the college, Dr. 28 29 ------Odessa, 29 30 "That was what Miriam wanted to John M’Lean, who was spoken of as the The Maine Republican platform de- j The number of babies born annually in know, and it is likely that her mother JO UN FRANCE, V. E. Ii ‘best-beloved man in America.’ lie Dover district—second quarter. I: i Clares that “the Republicans of Maine, the world is about 43.ooo.oou; daily 8ait|. ‘My dear child, I am sad, and your seems to have been gathered to the Hillsboro, 29 23 Nassau, Aug now, as heretofore, indorse and approve j »?;**: *•“'»»*«; f; „u„,b,.r of lMll)er is rieved and because this hearts of Princeton 29 30 men with hoops of Lewis, (4 29 30 I; the law fer probition.” The convention 74 On’T J dear baby may be taken from us. A steel. It was ‘Old Johnny’s’ seven- (“™n’ 29 31 declares that the “general effect of the 106 boys are born alive to 100 girl^yet at crueI kiu£ with cruel counsellors rules tieth anniversary of his graduation from Houston,W“' Sejit 5 3 5 1 prohibitory law lias been bemficent, and the end of the first year boy and giris are over us. They think we Hebrews are Princeton in the class of 1816. The Irarrington, 5 6 has nroved iu a marked degree lielnful almost eoual in number. too manv. They have made a law that dear old man was too feeble to walk T. O. AYRES, P. E- SA T.lOmrrhfv i «.•!?_ mm zJ- ... -T3

' : J111 *0- ld*. the ^ElsTIisrsxJLA IMIiEJ mo )IST, ^TJO-TJST 28, 1886. 3 etualiv llub ia PC ^UltftaU ^CltOOl. I al,'e t0 continue in some sense tlmt holy A Leaf from my Diary. . in which he lived is carefully preserved (Russia excepted), namely, France, Ger? t)r r------I and "on(*erAil life which he has suggested and shown ns an historical museum. many, Austria Hungary and Spain. The him jesus Comfortingthe Dlscioles ! ™^lentl°ni?g **the 'vork9'” And Vrcatcr To-day I find it difficult to be cheer­ There is a pleasant story of La Fay- capital invested in agriculture would ------i ...... shall he do: Not greater . irncles, ful. Everything has gone wrong, and "’ho hut work of ette’s affectionate remembrance of the suffice to buy up the whole of Italy, with LESSOX FOR SrXDAY. A TO VST 29 VSjRfi - a tuore precious and important I am feeling all out of sorts. I am r> who John 14: 1—14. character spiritual works in the souls of life there. Just before his death which j its rich olive groves and vineyards, its 5th to men, such very much afraid of getting out of tem­ occurred in 1884, he gave a dinnerparty I old historical cities, cathedrals and pal- led to 1 per. I find I can do nothing in my in Paris to the American minister and accs, its Kings and aristocracy, its Pope own strength. u ^ar I some friends who had been old associates and Cardinals; and every other feudal Fe men yon this great boon. He I took up my hat and went out into Later in the evening, when it came time appurtenance. Or, if the American weakness, the dimly understood warnings refers to the sending of the Spirit(xvi: (i, 7). ted in the open air to recover if possible ; hnt for supper, the guests were ushered into farmers were to sell out, they could buy about Judas, were calculated to fill their 13. Whatsoever . . • • ye ask in my name: to my surprise I saw a boy with a hand­ hearts with anxiety. Ye believe in God, be~ Ihe secret lies in “my name,” which signi­ a room which was in strange contrast the entire Peninsula of Spain; with all, ful of my choicest flowers. 1 mentally Of the Here also in me: He has just emphasized the fies in union with him—a union which comes with the elegance of the apartments its traditions of medueval grandeur, and ge: clo6e union between himself and God (xiii: by faith in him, which he seta before them said, “Oh, how can I be cheerful?” I they had been in. The ceiling was the flat lands which the Hollanders at 31, 32). The remedy for their anxieties is Mark as the one thing. Faith brings into such a had only a few flowers. I had taken low, with large beams crossing it; vast cost have wrested from the sea and to confide in him just now with that absolute union of mind and heart that believers are great care and pains with them, and was there was a single small uncur- the quaint old towns they have built' ftieth trust which they know is due to God, but in Christ in some sense as he is in God the very proud of them. I immediately tained window, and several small doors, there. If he chose to put by his savings •ed at which they may more easily exercise toward bather; so that their minds are one, and him whom they can now see. saw that my own strength was perfect It looked more like an old-fashioned for three years, the Yankee farmer could the If Judas can therefore the prayer is answered. See xv: weakness. I stood looking at him a Dutch oven than a room in a French purchase the fee simple of pretty Swifc- de- betray, and Peter deny, they lose confidence 4-/. That mill J do: They ask the Father; in themselves. Confidence in Christ is the minute, then said,— house. A long, rough table was mea- zerland as a summer resort, and not. he au- but Christ says: “/will do.” For Him to ultimate unfailing ground. do is the same as for Father to do. Father vuiy “What are you doing?” gerly set, A dish of meat stood on it, touch his capital at all, for each year’s f the 2. In my Father's house: Heaven, answer- he glorified in the Son: They are so one that “I am picking these flowers for sister; some uncouth-looking pastry, and wine earnings exceed 550,000,000. The ce- ebbs ing to the temple, the earthly palace. Are his answering the prayers addressed to the she is sick, and I know she would like in decanters and bottles, ready to be real crop for 1880 was more than 2,500,- esent many mansions: Literally, “resting-places.” Father takes nothing from, but adds to, the them. We haiu’tgot any in our yard. poured out into glasses and camp-mugs. 000,000 bushels. If placed in one mass }fany abodes, or apartments, means room for Father’s glory. raver “Didn’t you know it was wicked to go them all. Not so, I would have told you: 14. Not merely added for emphasis. “If “Do you know where we are now?” this would make a pile of 3,500,000 cu- lerful into other people’s gardens and get them ? Heaven is near and very open to them, but ye shall ask me:1' The asking of verse 13 is asked La Fayette as his companions bic feet, or a pyramid three times as upon it does not seem to be so. He would not naturally taken as addressed to the Father, It is stealing. If you had come and looked about puzzled, and as if in a high as that of Cheops. If loaded on ?eed- lead them up to a really disappointing sep­ “But you may pray to me, in my name, and asked for them, I would have given you dream. “Ah! the seven doors and one carts it would require all the horses in aration from himself unwarned. For I go to re to it is all the same.” So he. turns their minds some, but not as many as that. God window! and the silver camp-goblets! Europe and 1,000,000 more (33,000,000) prepare a place for you: “For” added by the again and again to the thought that they L’sci- won’t love you if you do these things.” We are at Washington’s headquarters to remove it, though each horse drew a R. V. brings out more emphatically the cer- have all of God they can wish for in him. ud a “Well, I don’t care for God.” on the Hudson fifty years ago!” He had load of two tons. Were the entire crop taintyof what he is teaching. “You surely ------•« -a » ------fails “God cares for you: He gives you life need not be troubled with thought of a sep­ “Woman’s Sphere.” reproduced the room as a surprise to his of cereals loaded on a continuous train cally aration; for the very object of my going is to and everything you have.” friends.—From “ George Washington,’’ of cars, the train would reach one and make ready for your coming.” Place” Some people always assume, when one “I don’t have much, and what I do by Horace E. Scudder, in St. Nicholas a half times around the globe. Its value - >> mhiiher he goes. But he shows the more im­ of both sexes as out of taste and as of the window and saw little Johnny it to your wife and children. “mechanic works” will have to he chang­ portant way. Disciples must walk a step at against the best interest of society. They coming up the path looking quite clean, Indeed, it seemed to many that Wash­ ed. The face of the clock is about 1(> a time, and it is more important to know will give her the right to collect fares with two great patches on his trousers. ington bore a charmed life, and it was feet square, and little nitches, where 122 well the present way than the far-off end. and ring record hells, and ride the round Said I, “Good-morning, Johnny. What often said that he was under the special little figures have their abiding place. And the life: Not merely a mental apprehen­ do you think of Sunday-school?” protection of God. He was fearless, and . These latter, as the ever ready bill ex­ sion of a truth, but the possession of life, of her road; hut their private thoughts “Mother and Lizzie like it.” constantly exposed to danger, hut his plains, are “to allegorize human life.” with the power which belongs to it. While of her will not be pleasant, and if for no Jesus localized their thought when he spoke other reason, for the sake of their child­ “Have you got a father?” constant escapes made him cool and self- Every minute a sorrowful looking angel of “mansions” aad a “place,” he now spirit­ ren, the doors of their parlors will not “Yes’m.” possessed, and the admiration of his hits a bell with a sledgehammer. When ualizes it by showing that the place is such open easily at her coming. ' “What does he do for a living ?” men. He was excited by the events he has done this fifteen times another that they must make of him the way, This popular sympathy with what “Nothing much; only get drunk. which were hurrying the war to the close, angel in a red robe strikes the first quar­ j truth, and life to find it, No one cometh un­ seems to be an order of nature is not be- Lizzie works in the factory when she is and he watched with intense earnestness ter. “The Genius,” dressed in a Louis to the Father but by me: Again, as in verse 1, well, and gets us bread and meat and the several assaults which were made on XIV. costume, tiifcis a dial so that the he practically says “Trust in me: nothing cause of the conviction of woman’s in- things, and I goes of errands.” the works. Once he had dismounted, figure is shown. M't the same time the else avails.” feriority. Woman is man’s equal. In 7. Had known me . . . known my Father literature, in science, in art, she has I had found some clothes during the and was standing by General Knox and figure of a child appeal’s at a lower door. also: They thought of the Father as far off, proved her power. In the universities week, and when Johnny was dressed in Lincoln at the grand battery. It was At the second quarter a youth appeal’s1; and Jesus’ going to him as going whither to which she has been admitted woman them he said, “Have you got a bit of not a safe place, for, though they were at the third a middle-aged man with “While com- they knew not. But he says: has proved her ability to stand by the looking-glass so I can see how I look?” behind a fortification, it was quite possi­ spectacles and a high hat, ai\d at the ing to know me, ye have, without knowing side of her brother in every department I said, “Yes, there is a whole one in ble for shot to enter the opening through fourth, a decrepit old wretch with a it, been made acquainted with the Father, which you can see yourself.” which they were looking. One of his white wig. While all this is going on, be­ who is in me; so that in going to him I am of research and of attainment, and to “Well, I look good. I ain’t afraid to aids, growing nervous, begged him to low, death, in the shape of a Comanche going to one you know well, So that I can­ keep with him in the upward movement. go to any school in these. Can I keep not seem to be going away you can not l'ol- It is not that we doubt woman’s worth, leave, for for the place was much ex­ Indian with wings, has been vainly en­ low in thought.” or strength, or breadth. We believe in them for my very own, and won’t you posed. deavoring to hammer a hell in an upper ever twit me about ’em ? ’Cause if you 8. Shew us Ihe Father, and it sufjicclh us: her. We glory in her achievements. “If you think so,” said Washington, niche, hut an angel, has headed him off Philip probably thought of a vision such as We love her. And it is in the love we do, Lizzie will burn them up.” “you are at liberty to step back.” Pres­ in every case and protected the human Moses had: a sort of looking into Heaven. have for her and in her creation as I told him if he was good, and would ently a ball did strike the cannon, iyid, family “by raising the right hand in an He had the natural feeling that if he could attend the Sunday-school, he could keep rolling off, fell at Washington’s feet. allegorical relation,” as per programme, only so look into Heaven and see God, the helper, inspirers, guide, priestess and them for his very own. unreal would become real, and lie could rest queen, that we find the reason for the General Knox seized him by the arm. until the fourth quarter. Then death gets The next Sunday morning Johnny “My dear General,” said he, “we can’t the better of the struggle, strikes the content, But in the request he has ignored protest of all refined and cultivated mas- what Jesus has just said. euline natures against the desecration of came up looking bright and clean, so I spare you yet.” hour and bundles the old man off into 9. So long time with you, and dost thou not her fine powers by the employment of said, ‘Johnny, you can go straight to “It’s a spent ball,” replied Washing­ eternity. The twelve Apostles are trot­ know me? Bringing him again to himself, as them in the coarser, lower, outer world church; you needn’t take the trouble to ton, coolly. “No harm is done.” He ted out each hour. Above them is a fig­ the object of knowledge and faith. They come up here so far out of your way.” watched the action until the redoubts ure of Christ, “who blesses with both have only to do with, to see, to trust God assigned to man. The time is coming when the sphere I saw that he looked sad and hung which his men had been assaulting were hands each apostle in passing,” as the through him. Moses never had such vision his head. taken; then he drew a long breath of bill states, witfy mathematical exactness. of God as they had in Christ. Philip: Call- of woman will he widened. The distinc­ Presently he looked up and said: “Do relief and turned to Knox. At morning, noon, and uight a number ing by name is a touch of tender emphasis, tion between the sexes as to the lines of which shows that Jesus was grieved to have their adaptation and uses will not he lost you care if I do ?” “The work is done,” he said em­ of bell-ringers ring their respective hells in their desire to them look past him, even sight of, hut increasing intelligence and “Oh, no,” I said phatically; “and well done.”—From with vindictive energy, and an old man see God. They would thereby tail to see fading prejudice will open a larger world “I have seen little hoys and girls go­ “George Washingtonby Horace E. drops upon his knees as if some one had God in his most perfect manifestation. ing along with their teachers,” he re­ Scudder, in St. Niciiolah for August. kicked his legs out from under him. All . . dodh his works: to woman for the developement and em­ 10. Words that J say . . plied, “and you don’t know how I wished these and many other wonders, exposing, The interchange of “works” and “that / ployment of her true womanly powers. i say” with “/tis works,” show how intimately For this better time we would prepare it was me; and now I have got the The Farms of America. the family secrets of the zodiac, the chance, I don’t want to miss it.”—Zion's heathen gods, the seasons, the moon, and the mind of Jesus is united with that of his our girls that they may acquire educa­ Father Abiding in me notes a permanent m- tion—thorough, broad, practical; that Herald. Mr. Andrew Carnegie, the iron manu­ the globe all run regularly. The whole dwelling. they may cultivate and practice CO 111 111 OH facturer, of Pittsburg, Pa., in his hook, structure is surmounted by a cock, which etc.: Recurring to the Washingtoh’s Headquarters in 11. Believe me, sense, good taste, true independence, a entitled “Triumphant Democracy,” says crows at 4 and 12 o’clock. But there is a touch of France. thought of verse 1. of the farms of Ameriea: “The farms of emphasis on me. “K you can not trust what resolve to support themselves, aud above Of all the things known to mortals, I now look back over all you have seen all to love purity and to hold themselves After the surrender of Yorktown America comprise837,628 square miles, labored conclu- an area nearly equal to one-fourth of wine is the most powerful and effectual xne do, and draw the more ^ above the dictates of Fashion which and the departure of the French, Wash­ &ion which reason requires. offend against the laws of Nature and of ington established his headquarters at Europe, and larger than the four great­ for mankind, being common fuel to them to show an important all.—Lord Bacon. 12. Now lie turns God.— Our Youth. Newburgh on the Hudson. The house est European countries put together rounlf r»f friisf.inor in him. By it they will f ♦ ♦ nd spiritual rc snow i the accomplishment of duty. Rev. R. man's physical, intellectual a peace and joy, and all that is included her fa'l» in S. Pardington preached at night from nature. In art and literature, and even wreaths in the alley. God pity Peninsula JjJefhoiIist, j in the pulpit and the pew, roan is only I in adopiion into the Divine ft nil h ^ the the words, “For ye know, how that after- wretchedness that pants and sweat the prismatic colors, in Christ only are ye must be born again.” the fields are most full of leafage and against Lee’s exhausted lines; Captain Rev. T. A. Fern ley of Phila. preached * Erhardt quotes from a war-time letter b. the various hues blended in the pure Salvation is the iife of God in the hu­ life, let us not he lethargic and stupid. on the text, “And the Lord said unto General William F. Smith as revealing Gen* white light of a perfect intellectual man- man soul; it is great for it is born of Let us remember that iniquity does ii ot reasons for relieving tho latt^ * him, What is that in thy hand? And he statement of Cow* hood. God’s wisdom and love. It is great, for cease in summer-time. She never takes Mr. Whifctioa replies to a suwu.™. — - said, a rod,” Ex. 4, 2; showing from the nel Henry Kyd Douglass with respect to 1»1S In his perfect manhood, Christ is our it cost the humiliation, suffering and a vacation. The devil never. leaves poem of Barbaric Frietchie. history of Moses that God requires us to model. The Gospel is designed to reach town. The child of want, living up that . yriier poems in this number are coutrib- _ 11_' death of God’s only and well-beloved ...... * ' ’ * ted by Mrs. S. M. B. Piatt, Robert Under" u*e whatsoever we may have in hand for and transform everything that is human, dark alley, has not so much fresh air nor ...... Son; it is great in its results to man. sees as many flowers as in winter-time Maurice Thompson, ne* Richard Watson Gilder. o-'r

^HasriiisrsTrL.A. imhethoidist, _a.xjc3-tjst 2e, isse 5 ms °n “Us j„ t (Jfoitfcr^ncc g&uis. a large awning worth $34.00, remaining in and we expect to lay the corner stone in a man has been godly except the Jew, but In a certain Austrian town, thirty female * the ___ _ our possession, and $25.00 in money. Still week or two. The new church will cost even in the highest theocratic experience he printers were introduced. The typographical s"-eats ' ... , , “ ------are not 8at»sfied, for we expected, beside about $1200. The brethren have bought a spoke like an automaton; he had not chosen society adopted a novel way of removing Pave, There will be a bush meeting at Golt’s a11 thc a hundred souls for God. We site on the opposite side of the road, for the God, God had chosen him, but he soon threw them. It took some two or three years to Station, commencing on Sunday, September aPP°»nted representative >ars Of young men and new church, and a Cemetery has been laid oft' his allegiance. No man can successfully do it, but it was accomplished at last, by 5th, to continue 10 days. Rev. J. B. Quigg | women’ unmarried) as managers; the out in lots. Come aud see me. will to be free from the natural laws of God; the girls all becoming the wives of the ?c> in "HI be w,th 08 on the first Sabbath and con- -voan* Irtdi*b 21 in number, to have the con­ Yours truly, he is ever subject to the moral law, even printers. duct the services; at which time an effort tro1 of l,ie circle, within the tents, and the W. M. Greene. against his will. The King did not submit There is now a railway in Asia Minor vrill be made to pay off the debt on our new hours of service, and the social hours were Galestown, Md., August 1 Gth, 1886. to the loss of His revolted province without church. The public are cordially invited to all arranged with their consent. No prome­ a determined effort to regain control. He which traverses some of the country in come and help ns, as we greatly need assist­ which the Apostle Paul performed his mis­ ,cr is a nading was allowed during the time set apart Letter from Laurel. sent a messenger, John, to proclaim, “The ance to help us through our struggle. Sever­ for each service, and the time was reduced to sionary labors. It runs near the sites of e °pen- Mr. Editor:—Thegreatlire which burned kingdom of heaven is at hand.” The man process al ministers are expected to be several of the “seven churches” mentioned present on a reasonable length; from 10 to 11.45 a. m., out the heart of our town, on the morn­ who is to represent redeemed humanity is uowin the occasion. in the Book of Revelation. Trains leave ing - 8 from 3 to 5 and from 7.30 to 9.15 p. in. All ing of the 19th of August, burned the Jesus Christ. He came into the world to up due respect Smyrna three times a day. und C. K. Morris, pastor, was paid to the ladies' rules, ex- old Presbyterian cliurch, which has been show what it was to have God in the heart —------• m ------a cept when we were not able to seat with without a society, or congregation, more than again, and he came to overcome Satan. The Charles Crocker has given $33,000 to the th. a The vacancy made in the pastorate of the comfort the great crowds in attendance. Thc twenty years; It stood near the M. E. church, scope of the petition was to the individual, Boys’ and Girls’ Aid Society' in San Fran­ ” from Denton M. E. church, by the appointment young men, 21 iu number, had charge of and it was feared at one time, that if the the nation, the world. The outlying forces cisco for the construction of a building on the author in of Rev. T. O. Ayres to the presiding elder­ the ground outside, and so well did they do school-house caught fire, this church also, of the kingdom girdle hearts, and nations, $11,000 lot given by Senator Fair. li tbis ship, has been filled by the appointment of their work, that whisky was almost entirely' at- which stood still nearer, would be burned. and the earth as the hosts under Joshua en­ One plank nine feet wide and twenty feet Rev. W. F. Bishop, of the Baltimore Con­ banished from the grounds, and fighting and by j. The Rev. Samuel MacBurney, pastor of the circled Jericho. By the “foolishness of preach­ long, without knot or blemish of any kind, 1 good ference. —Federalsbu rg Cov. rier. swearing were not to be witnessed, with M. E. church in Taunton, Mass., was pres­ ing,” the sound of the gospel trump, the and another twelve feet wide, are among possibly a little exception on the line of walls shall fall, its fortress shall be reduced ent, and said to me that he saw no danger, the contributions of British Columbia to the swearing. Two arrests were made, and the e Mac- The meetings of the M. E. Preachers’ and would insure the church for $50. Neith­ by love, and the girdling forces shall march Liverpool Exhibition. pitting Association, which were discontinued about parties severely handled, All good people er school-house or church were burned. straight forward until the centering cordon ce. \v July 1st, will be resumed on September Gth. are grateful to these young men and women Mrs. Lizzie Williams, who has struggled shall meet and erect the banner of Christ’s A wonderful and little known flower has Price for their assistance, aud the pastor feels that hard, but successfully, for many years, was undisputed supremacy over thespot o! Satan’s been on exhibition at the Philadelphia Mktii- Most of the Sunday-schools mid church their work was second only to that which burned out of house and home. While the stronghold. Thence shall radiate like light Horticultural Society rooms. It is called the Tho iii- moon-flower, and blooms in the evening. literary and musical societies, will resume was done by the preachers. May God bless flames were raging, it was feared by some of from the sun the wisdom and power and love their sessions week after next. them for it, I regret this one thing, that her friends, that she was not insured. But of Him before whom humanity bows in From a small bud, one inch and a quarter in 'CmljQr the young people didn’t help us more in our adoration and loving subjection. diameter, conies a beautiful flower, four ;avi”g, on inquiry, we learned that she, through the The M, E. Sunday-school of Stevensville, spiritual work. I am sure if they' had done influence of her old friend, John W. Wootten, — inches in diameter. The development re­ •>y the quires less than an hour, and the buds can There held their annual picnic on the church green so well, there we could now report more than had obtained only a few weeks ago, a policy PERSONAL. he seen opening.—Ex. ■ellish- to-day, August 28th. a hundred souls converted. Should it be- for $2000 on the house and store goods. The Rev. James Blackledge, who has during -plate; come our duty to hold another camp meet­ goods were mostly saved. the last four years been connected with our The Bishop of Ballarat (Australia), says: anvas* Special services will be held in the M. E. ing, we should endeavor to work on the same The hotel burned, it is said, will be re­ mission in Japan as teacher in the Angol “A white man found himself ‘bushed’ one e fash- line, only that we should insist on more s lories church, Centreville, in the interest of a re­ placed by a new one in GO days. A bar-room Japanese College at Aoyon, sailed for Ameri night, and makeing for a fire he saw, reach­ Conip- vival, to-morrow, August 29th, both morn­ earnest work. All the brethren on the was built iu less than 48 hours, so as to supply ca August 15. Ho returns to this couutry ed a blacks’ encampment. Food was hand­ Frank ing and night. neighboring charges were present and render­ the dear people of lower Sussex with re fresh­ on account of his wife's health. Brother ed him, (they could talk a little English), scover------»<»- • ------ed most valuable assistance. May God gra­ ing drinks on the third day. The temperance Blackledge went out to Japan from the and a blanket offered, which he declined, and L'uly’s ciously reward them for it, Their expenses i year, Ten persons were taken into full member- people had the audacity to suggest that it Philadelphia Conference. curled himself up to sleep by the log fire. is sent t bersbip at the Centreville M. E, church, last amounting to $80.00 were all paid. was the house that had been licensed to sell A black came by and gently shook him. G. F, If. The Rev. A. Z. Fryxell, who has been clubs, Sunday morning, being some of the fruit of whiskey to their sons: and that it is illegal transferred to the New England Conference ‘Thought white fellows always “yabbered” street, the protracted meeting held last winter. to sell in a new shanty, without bedding or before going to bed,’ he said. Thebusbman S'lNSU- and accepted a call to Brooklyn, N, Y., Letter from Galestown. stabling. This question, we leave for the >apers. preached his farewell sermon at the Sweedisli little expected to be.reminded of his prayers i, Del. Work has been commenced on the New M. Mr. Editor:—Our new Presiding Elder, lawyers to decide. It may be that some M. E. Mission, over Eleventh Street Bridge, from such a quarter.” Rev. T. O. Ayres, opened the quarterly con­ gentlemen of the Bar, who belong to the E. Parsonage, Rising Sun, Md,, and is being last Sunday. He went to Brooklyn this John Bunynn has always been rightly riched ference Saturday the 14th inst., with an temperance party, will write for these col­ rontis- pushed to completion. week. claimed as a star in the Baptist firmament, elegant, pithy, short, appropriate sermon, umns, an opinion on that question. Moxi- but he was not the kind of Baptist that we and with this as well as with h s conduct- of In conclusion, I urge upon those who pro­ Mr. R. S. Williams, oldest son of Rev. T. “Los “Olney,” the estate of thc late Alfred have in this country. He was opposed to the business meeting, captured every heart pose to be followers of Christ, especially our S. Williams, has received the high compli­ jirited Jones, located on the suburbs of Princess close communion on the broad ground that S. S. and hand. Sunday morning he gave us a brethren in Delaware, to make the temper­ ment of an election to a tutorship in Wesley­ Ann, and recently purchased by the Rev. J. those whom Christ accepted, should not be Unites very7 fine sermon, holding a love-feast after­ ance question a subject of prayer, ‘■morn­ an University, Middletown, Conn. This is •Infant A. B. Wilson, will be used as a colored deprived of the Communion wherever it was ward, which proved to be a season of power ing, evening and at noon,” and vote next a high honor for a young man to receive, who t rated teachers’ university. It will be na led the administered. In the world-renowned “Pil­ and manifestation of the Holy Spirit, as will fall, as directed by the Lord himself. If you only graduated one year since. Our young ris in Delaware Conference Academy'. The sum grim’s Progress” he takes his pilgrim to rvel, be remembered with grateful emotion. The vote the temperance party into power, the friend was engaged the last year in teaching paid for it was $2,000. heaven without baptism at all. One would points whole occasion gave a spiritual and financial liquor traffic will besurpressed, and thereby, in the Conference Academy', Tilton, N. H. ------not know, reading this evangelical book, Ult to impetus to Galestown charge. Bro. Ayres many of our boys, who are juststarted on the icri f es The Cherry Hill M. E. Sunday School will Bishop Ninde leaves for the European and that there was such an ordinance as baptism. is the right man in the right place. Mr. io was have its annual picnic in Mr. Win. V. Moore’s way to drunken manhood, will be saved from India Conferences Sept. 2. And now it is asserted in a recent life, the er in- editor, as you may know, there exists among disgrace here, and from the knawing of the woods this afternoon. A pleasant time is The President and Mrs. Cleveland are so­ most trustworthy that has been published, erials. the laity in some places, a feeling of dis­ indistructable worm in the world to come. anticipated. journing for a few weeks in the Adirondack- that three of his children were baptized in Kate satisfaction with respect to Presiding Elders. Let us vote as we would do, if we knew mountains. They will not return to Wash­ infancy, the last one ( after he was released Some good brethren have a notion that the that we would die the next hour. Many' ithrop Letter from Deal’s Island, Md. ington before Oct. 1.' from the prison in which he wrote his famous office is a kind of vehicle for some ecclesiasti­ will die the next hour after we vote, and Dear Brother:—-The best camp meeting work. Later in life, he appears to have de­ cal dignitary' to ride around in, who has only some of us may be among them. held here for years, has just closed. Every­ clared in favor of believer’s baptism alone.— er. to ask a few questions, receive his stipend, J Hu HEARD. ITEMS. thing was pleasant, and everybody spiritually Laurel, Aug. 23d, 1886. Central Christian Advocate. repro- and then rest in ease until the last of the The Popular Science News asserts that the improved. The order was excellent; no ait of week, when he will move out to the next ap­ average length of life is constantly increasing, nnois- trouble whatever arising; no drunkenness. PleasureTours to the Allegheny pointed place, and do and receive as before, We clip the following from the Manchester ami the time may .vet come, when persons a nious A request was sent by the pastor to the Mountains and Cresson. and follow this routine to the end. There N. 1L, Daily Mirror, and American: hundred y'ears old, will excite no more iriglit Maryland Steamboat. Company, to close Following up the line of policy pursued s and may bo too much gronnd for such an opinion “Besides the usual congregation present at curiosity than one of eighty' years at the in the last two years, the Pennsylvania Rail­ their bar during camp, and it was complied in some cases. I believe, as I told Bro. Ayres, St. Paul’s M. E. church last Sunday morn­ present time. road Company will this season run three se­ ts, by with. Every service was deeply spiritual. yesterday, that, he could, before this time ing, there were also present, visitors from lect excursions to Cresson and the Allegheney imber The preaching was plain, practical, pointed next year, cause the people to regard the other churches to listen to an able discourse Faded flowers can be entirely restored to Mountains. There is no section of country n the in America that is more healthful aud health- and successful. No camp has been blessed presiding eldership, not only as a lecessity, by the Rev. Wm, H. Hutchin of Greensboro, freshness, by clipping thc stems and putting u ti ful them in very' hot water; then set them away restoring, and more richer in the variety, lo the with a more efficient band of faithful minis­ but a luxury to them as well. Maryland- The theme presented was taken extent, and beauty of its scenery'. Cresson terial workers. In thc altar, in the audi­ I am glad to tell you that things on this from Matt, vi: 10, “Thy kingdom come,” from the gas and furnace heat, and they may’ be considered the capital of this realm, note- ence, in the pulpit, grand work was done. charge are coming up nicely. It was a great and was treated under two thoughts, come on the dinner table fresh, for several and its magnificent hotel, the Mountain House, is au abiding place constructed, er on Especially abundant in labor were Revs. W. encouragement to hear the recording stew­ the dethronement and reinstatement of the days after their disappearance in disgrace as ►dfrey faded or jaded bouquets. equipped, and conducted in such a manner eston B. Gregg and W. P. Taylor. Bro. Taylor ard, Bro. J. J. M. Gordy, say that there was kingdom in the heart of man. There is but as to make it easily' the first mountain resort Luke was regarded as our “boy preacher,’ and at this meeting, the best showing that they one living and true God; His day's are eter­ German Methodists of this country closed of the land. It is situated on the very crest sston, absolutely took all hearts l»y storm. On had ever had nal. All existing beings and tilings but the year 1885 with 1,250 schools, 11,089 of the mountains, and iu the midst of the vhieb aboriginal forest, which bounds the outer the first Sunday', Revs. Dr. Caldwell and R. Bro. Ayres believes in the Gospel of work. God were created by' Him; the visible world officers and teachers, and 68,153 scholars. limits of the grounds with its heroic trees. W. Todd, and Vaughn S. Collins preached, He preached a telling sermon at Hurlock’s with all its numberless beauties and its mas­ Conkling gets $20,000 fee for his services Beside enjoying an atmosphere of the utmost and on the second Sunday', Revs. I. R- camp last Thursday morning, and labored ter, man; tfie blue arch above where God in the “Boodle” Alderman cases in New purity and a climate always cool and fresh, Creamer, Wm. P. Turner and F. C. McSorley in all the prayer meetings. On Friday he has set the shining symbol of His glory by the grounds also furnish the celebrated d York. springs that have made the name of Cresson gone preached. All these brethren did grandly, went to Potter's Landing, where he preached day and the sparkling splendor of His handi­ The London Methodist Times, while out­ famous. ctbre, and the preaching all through the camp was and held quarterly conference, and then re­ work by night; higher, His invisible throne 1 he vicinity of Cresson is one of the most -pbge up to thc standard of Sunday. Ihe people turned to Hurlocks, holding another confer- with all the loving and intelligent spirits spoken and progressive on all questions of interesting portions of the Alleghenies. The i inn to the day, is staunchly protesting against all outlying country is full of places of note, were gratified to hear three of their ex- ence : after which he rode home with me, de- that surround it, all these were created by Mor- use of “the sacred machinery' of Methodism” all of which are connected with Cresson pastors, Revs. S. T. Gardner, T. R. Creamer, livered a temperance address at night. Him. By His own power He gave external Wei- for party ends. This is just right-. Let ns either by rail or by7 excellent roads leading tY SO and W. R. McFarlane, and to welcome them Saturday he rode with me to Woodland, existence to His own thoughts, and revealed through wildwood forest and intervale. The have free discussion and the utmost limit of .iszt’s back to the Island, We had a good force of preached aud held the conference. Sunday Himself in everything He had made. Re­ planes of the old Portage Road are a few light and personal freedom, but the church, miles from the hotel; Ebeusburg, Loretto, S li­ our altars, and 50 souls morning preached and held love-feast; in bellion contradicted His purpose; sin enter­ earnest laymen at as an organization, should have nothing Johnstown, Altoona, aud the exciting ride The meetings are still be- the afternoon he preached at Bethel on ed paradise and expelled God from the hearts ster's were converted, whatever to do with political parties:—Ex. over the Bell’s Gap Railroad are all within the ing continued. Up to present, 70 have been Cannon's charge, and went into Federalsburg of some angels and of man. When man made easy reach of sojourners at Cresson, and serve 5 way converted, and 20 penitents at the altar, to preach at night. Monday morning re­ a choice of disobedience, God was not in him The colored people of the Southern States, to make up a diversity of diversion the like of which can nowhere else to be found. ping- with premise of still more. The ministers turning to Bethel, he preached, and held as he had been before the sin. This disen- by figures published in the New York Filter- ation The dates for the excursions have been who were present at the camp, were Revs. quarterly conference; and then went to thronement was made possible by’ the very prise, will number 118,400,000 in 1980, at fixed for Thursday, September 2d, 9th, aud tsting power that God had planted in him. The ine;’’ R. W. Todd, W. R. McFarlane, W. B. Gregg, Federalsburg to preach again, and held the present rate of increase, while the white 16th. A special train will leave Broad St. »orb- Dr J H. Caldwell, Vaughn Collins, W. I'­ quarterly conference. Next Saturday, Sun­ heart is the throne. When God was disen - population will be but 30,400,000. Station, Philadelphia, at 10.30 A. M. It throned man was a lamentable picture. The will be composed of standard coaches aud be Dawson, T. ll. Creamer, S. T. Gardner, W. day and Monday he will be at Greenwood, C. Vanderbilt’s Newport villa has 48 rooms run through on fast time, arriving at Cresson id ing capital was taken from God and given to p Tavlor, F. C. McSorley, 5V. F. Corkran, Bridgeville and Seaford. and two dozen servants to take care of them. early in thc evening. Observation cars will d tiy; My woods’ meeting near Woodland, will Satan,—its treasures, the affections, thoughts, be attached when the mountains are reached; an d S. IL Hardesty, U. S. Dulaney, Jw- T. all day meeting next Sunday, and numberless activities wore taken from One of Faraday’s workmen by accident so that the famous scenery of the Horse Vlcm- Prouse, J- H. Howard and Geo. \\ - V nson. begin with an Him, and the power of will was turned dropped a little, highly-valued silver cup Shoe Curve and Allegrippus may bo thor­ i. Bro. McSorley was our Sankey, and won and will continue during the week. Pre­ oughly’ enjoyed. The Excursion tickets are 6 Lee against Hi in; The nation is only a revela­ into a strong acid bath In a little while it j all hearts by’ his singing X. siding Elder Ayres has promised to preach limited to 350 for each excursion. They’ will lion1' Tuesday and Wednesday’ afternoon's. tion of man under many forms. Its con­ had utterly disappeared. But when Faraday be good for ten days, and the rate includes why flicting interests, and the questions of state­ came in and learned of it, he said nothing, one day’s board at the Mountain House. Re­ led Hurlock’s, Md. I am looking for a great revival on this or Letter from craft are often questions of the individual. but cast another acid into the jar, and the duced rates at the hotel will also be accorded Joel charge. The benevolent collections will be those who remain longer than the firstday. Df.au Buo. Thomas ;-I suppose I am er Wr much in advance of last year. The broth- The world is only composed of individuals silver was soon precipitated—a shapeless These excursions are the crowning events now that our Young Gd1' expected to report, here have increased the pastor’s salary representing different human peculiarities, mass indeed, but every grain there. A few of a grand series of trips which has been is a thing of the past, ren itter* People’s Camp’ $100, this year, and will no doubt, advance and yet called nations. Have we not a typical days after it came back a more beautiful cup afforded the public by the Pennsylvania Rail­ that it was a Success; coi?: Most good people agree man for each nation? But, as they pass in from the hands of the silversmith. May not road during the summer. *>bi* at least another $100 next year. The train connecting with the special at 27 conventions. 3 -nervals, 8 We are about to begin building a new review before us, there is not a single repre­ God as readily restore our bodies after the Broad street station, Philadelphia, will leave ribn' unsaved, the church greatly qu.ekeued fc church, to take the place of old Cokesbury. sentative universally admitted to have God decay and disorganization of death*?—Geo. F. Wilmington 9.00 A. M. Excursion tickets ader: ten miles around, continued good order Some of the materials are on the ground, enthroned in his heart. No typical nation- Pentecost. $8.50. / and expenses all met, . thromrhout the caiUp, 1886. 6 m p. W. & B. Kail road THE CHEAPEST AND BEST Trains will leave Wilmington ks follow*; American Cookery. EDUCATIONAL. For Philadelphia arnJ intermediate »ut, 6 40, 7 00, 7.0* S if., 9 10,10.30, 11 46 a. in. ■ ,2 That America is fast becoming a land of dyspeptics is a well-known fact. Phy­ SUNDAY SCHOOL LIBRARIES. : Boston University. Now York, 2.00,2.52, 4.00, 6.30, 7.00, 10,0/. ‘ sicians and men of a scientific turn of 1 11,61 a m *12.22, 1.62, 2.30, 4.00, 6.22 6.28 7./*s TO STUDENT* OF THEOLOGY mind have for years been railing at the | LIBRARY NO. 1. c The Boston University School of Theology ' For’Newark Centie. Dol. 7 42 a. m., 12.68,6 2i n American mode of cooking, and also at 1 For the School and Home. Fifty Baltimore and intermediate stations, J0.10 » offers free rooms and free tuition i ear 12.09 p in. '67i c the manner of eating, in America. They j QuUU, opens Sept-15. Address President >». Choice Illustrated Volumes, large 16 Warren. 12 Somerset Street, Boston, Mass. bound in muslin. Only $2050 „sr:ra object with good reason to the frying mo. Talna for Delaware Division leave for: - ^ TO STUDENTS OF LAW to Sunday Schools. New Castle, 8.43 a. m.; 12.65, 2.60, HM, 6.2.5, il86 and boiling methods doing service for VeR^vTN fw\ s’ The Boston University School of Law pre­ ^Harrington, Delmw and intermediate nation*, 8« the more savory and nutritious broil. sents, at moderate rates, the highest advan­ LIBRARY NO. 2. tages. Opens Oct G. Address the Dean, * Express for Harrlnaton 3/0 p. m. : That the frving-pan is the source of all Hon. Edmund H. Bennfett LL D.. 10 Ash­ Fifty Choice Illustrated Volumes, Harrington ano wa> stations, 8.43 a. m. 11.55,6*. YS p. m. ' - evil worked to the America stomach is burton Place-. large 16mo. bound in muslin. Net For Seaford 6.25 p m. I a conclusion not unjustly arrived at by TO STUDENTS OF MEDICINE price for 50 large Books, only $22.00. For Norfolk 8.15 a. m. 11.55; p.in. Qu\c.\tev. The Boston University School of Medicine The Books are different from those these inquisitive and philanthropic per­ offers Courses of Instruction and Degrees ill No. 1, and some are larger, both D. M. & V. Branch, sons. not el-ewhere offered in this country Opens libraaies making an appropriate ad­ Leave Harrington forGeorgetown and Lcwe« ji a m. 5,43.8.46 pro. ’ ‘9* But, at any rate, would it not be bet­ Oct 7. Address the De6 Marlboro Street- City, 11 15 am. „ . „ " ter to have fewer broils, as well as fries, Sunday-school Library for only To Students of Philosophy, Lan­ Leave Georgetown for Franklin City, 12 15 D^ TROYES $42.50. Sold only in sets. Leave Lewes for Georgetown and Harrington eg % of beef and mutton, to say nothing of • guages, Literature, Science & Art, 8 46 a m. 2 50 n in . ’ 86 greasy ham; and. instead, a more fre- Leave Franklin City for Georgetown and Han|n. The University presents the most varied LIBRARY' NO. 3. ton, 6 55, a in. .... quent appearance on the table of the VtftwU ftV i $?A\N K \ IUR opportunities in its Colie e of Liberal Arts, Leave Georgetown for Harrington, 7 03, 9jo. bound in muslin. Only coteague Island. wheat? It is claimed that Americans E. Torjee, Mus. D.); of Agriculture (Pres’i $25.00 to Sunday-schools. The books For further Information, passengers are referred,, the titne-tahles poste< at the depot. ^ J C. Greenough, A. M.. Amherst,^ Mass.): different from those in Nos. 1 and Trains marked thus (*) are limited exprtes, “bolt” their food too rapidly. This is, are «P0» (Shole-vA'. and its post-graduate School of All Sciences 2. The three libraries make an ap­ which extra is charged. perhaps, too sweeping an assertion ; but (Pres't W. F, Warren. LL D. 28-41 FRANK THOMSON J. k. Wood OiAgWtvt’T u ^get propriate Sunday school Library of General Manager General Ptowenifer Aw>nt take the large class of business men who Os. botTVe, 0^vaU\CV^ so one hundred and fifty volumes, cost­ are compelled to dine hastily, would it TYELAWARE COLLEGE, THE REV. Wilmington & Northern K. It. -L'j. H. Caldwell, A M , D D., President. ing only S67 50. ; not be far better for them to partake of ^ Vow vteccL vt c\vv-vckV^ Each Library contains over 12,000 Time Table, in effect July 1, 1886. Will open with enlarged faoilit es, Septem­ GOING NORTH. grain foods, ripe fruit and milk, than \V0 ^'XyvvC' wCW be, \o£iz. ber 1 1886. Three courses, Classical, Scien­ printed pages, illustrated by 212 large Daily except Sunday, to ruin their already impaired digestive tific and Agricultural Expenses not over full-page fine engravings and many 5*or CKoXe.ra^[otbu.& Stations a.m. a.m. p m. p.m.p.m. p m p_a I $215 per annnm. For information, cata­ of smaller size The books are print­ Wilmin organs by the hasty consumption of 7.00 2.46 f.00 6,15*11.15 ULiJkTtkoefL CowVletH^ logues etc address the President, Newark, ed on good clear paper, and strongly French sr } l meats which are boiled or fried? Del. Co education no longer exists in the Dupont, 7,20 3.03 5,29 *6,47 *11.50 bound in muslin, with gilt stamps. Chadd’s Ford Jc 7,43 3,23 6,02 7.11 tilQ.VC. cs -tto vt-YW- college. -6-36 To the average American a lunch or Fifty Catalogues with each library. Lenane, 7,55 3,33 *,13 7 2C fli i:; cAaj ecywo-1 ^o~P.Jfl/Pr K. West (Jm-sler Stage 6 50 2.45 5.00 dinner without pie, fruit pie generally, Coatesville, 8,36 4,10 6,48 7 55 Waynes burg Jc 0.1G 4.47 7.23 would be a sacrifice they are rarely Your 3tYuggt.st saYls Ct, BORDENTOWN, N, J„ MILITARY INSTITUTE LIBRARY NO. 4. St liter's, 7,00 12,50 On the highest bluff' of the Delaware between 1,05 willing to undergo; with dyspepsia mak­ Comprising fifty three Books in fifty Warwick, 7,15 V fc-RUY^ 15%- S ON ;Tr ©V* Phila and Trenton en route to New York. Springfield, 7,30 9,34 1,20 5,04 7 40 ing their lives miserable, such a thing Prepares for College Scientific School, or volumes. Beautifully printed, illus­ Birdsboro, 8‘08 10,06 ” 05 5,30 3.12 Reading P Jt R 8,45 10,40 2 4" G,00 8.40 as dining without pie is not to be thought “PTlOVnJENCE.^ 1 for ordinary business. Systematised and trated, and bound Station supervised study Coin monsense teaching. It consists of 50 large l6mo. vol­ Saturdays only of. Fruit certainly should appear more 26 lyr Upton’s U. S- Tactics Wholesome fare and umes, with 15,831 pages, and numer­ GOING SOUTH frequently on the table than it does. It home like care for health, manners and mor­ ous illustrations, on good paper1 well Daily except Sunday, als Address Rev. T H. Laniiok a. m Stations. a m, a.m a m. a ni, p.m, p.m. p.rnp.m, is claimed that were ripe fruit partaken and tastefully bound, and put up in Reading i\ & 27-40 Principal. 5 15 8.00 9.31 3.60 5.00 R Station I of more freely, there would be fewer SEW SUNDAY SCHOOL a neat case, and is sold to Sunday Birdsboro, 5,44 3,32 10.26 3.32 5 45 cases of sore throat and similar diseases. schools at the net price of only $27.50. Springfield, 6.14 3.00 11 03 4.03 6.25 Conference Academy lv -rwick, 11.15 6.87 But there is more than one housewife MUSIC BOOKS. OBSERVE. 50 Vols., 15,831 pages St. Peter’s, 11.30 650 W’nesburg Jc. 6 30 9.16 4.22 ©OYER, ERL. only $27,50. Coatesville. 4.35 7.05 9.50 5.01 who derives more satisfaction in the dis­ Glad Refrain, by Lowrie & Boarding and Day School for young La­ West Ches­ 6.50 9 40 !-,00 play of wax fruit on the parlor table Doane. Just out. Per hundred, $25 ter Stage dies and Gentlemen Pr* pares for business None Cheaper! None Better! Lenapc, 5 13 7.4110.24 5.46 than in an abundance of ripe fruit in her By mail, 30 cts. each. and tor college Music and Art Depart­ Chad's l’’d Jc, 5.257.5210.35 6.02 J. MILLER THOMAS, Dupont, 5.5 i 8.1210.53 6.23 *1.00 *6.45 dining-room. Gates Ajar, by J. Ii. Kurzen- ments. Special attend n given to the stud}' Wilmington, 6.23 8.4311 16 6.45 knabe. Per hundred, $30 of English. The bnildings have been re­ METHODIST BOOK STORE, French St. *1.35 *7.20 It is to the American wives and cently remodeled By mail, 35 cts. each. FOURTH & SHIPLEY STS. Satur*ays only * mothers the appeal for a reform in diet Terms 8200 per Year, Additional train—Ol. Wednesday and Satur­ Melodious Sonnets, by J. R. WILMINGTON, DEL. day an additional train will leave Wilmington 10.15 should be made, as the superintendence of Forty Weeks Fall term opens Septem­ a m lor Birmingham Park and intermediate point*. Sweeney. Per hundred, $30 ber 6th. For Catalogues address of the cuisine is their natural office. For connections at Wilmington, Chadd’s By mail, 35 cts. each. 30-38 W L. GOODING, A. M H. ARTHUR STUMP Ford Junction, Lenape, Coatsville, Waynes- Volumes of science brought to bear on Wondrous Love, by Root & burg Junction, Birdsboro, and Reading, see f\ICKINSON COLLEGE. CARLISLE, PA ATTORNEY AT LAW, the subject will be of no avail so long as Case. Per hundred, $30 1J HALL TERM OPENS SEPTEMBER 9th time-tables at all stations. 35 ST. PAUL STREET, the common sense of the housewife is By mail, 35 cts. each. Throe four-year courses The Classical, the Latin- L A. POWER Gen'l Passenger Ag't. Scientific anti the Modern Langua c. Facilities in BALTIMORE, MD. A. G. McCAUSLAND, Superintendent. unconvinced. Let the women of the all respects mproved. New buildings, enlarged fac­ Great Awakening, per 100 $25 ulty, increased resources, Tuition oy scholarships Practices also, in Cecil County Courts, with country, therefore, give this subject their By mail 30 cts. each. 86.25 a year, to sons of ministers, free. Competitive Post Office at Perryville fer Cecil County Western Maryland Railroad, connecting prizes. $26 to >*100 each. Expenses of living excep­ business. with P. W. & B. R. R. at Union Station earliest and best attention. Bum vivi- On Joyful Wing, per 100 $30 tionally low. THE PREPARATORY SCHOOL, by giving exclusive attention to requirements for ad­ Baltimore. mus, vivamvs, not as a race of dyspeptics, By mail, 35 cts. each. mission, saves time and cost in preparing for college For catalogues O: desired information address Commencing June 18, 1886, leave Union Station u follows: , but as the strong, healthful, energetic J. MILLER THOMAS, 80-38 J.A McCAULEY, President. C. L. S. C. DAILY. people God and nature intended us to 4 45 A M Fast Mail for Shenandoah Valley and METHODIST BOOK STORE Southern pnd South western poi ts. Also Glyndon, be.—Mrs. L. Mumma, in Good House­ Course of Reading 85-86, Westminster, New Windsor, Uuion Bridge, Meehan* 4th & Shipley Sts., Wilmington, Del. BORDENTOWN icstown Blue Ridge, HogerstnwD, and except Sun- keeping. WITH PRICES TO MEMBERS. VTt ^mm*>era^urK' Waynesboro, andpolntaon B

which are in every one’s hands now-a CIDER HILLS i CHINKS,Corn Shelters FORT EDWARD COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE- Chautauquan Text Book on 'j‘?0 P M.—Southern Express for points on chen- and Standard Agricultural Implements generally. Superb new brick buildings, steam heated; 13 andoah Valley, Norlolk an Western, East Tennes­ Send for illustrated catalogue. A. B. FARQUHAR*. teacher;-; College preparatory. Commercial and other Roman History, paper, 10 see, Virginia am Georgia Railroads and connections) days, of the Carlyles, the Sterlings and Pennsylvania Agricultural Works. York,Pa also Glyudon, Westminster, New Windsor, Union 32—31 graduating courses; 4 Literary Societies; Music, Art Preparatory Latin Course in F. D. Maurice, one is distressed to hear Oratory/, 29th year Sent. 13th Address JOS. E.' Bridge, Meehan icstown, Blue Ridge, Hagerstown, KING, Fort Edward, N. Y. 81H4 English, by W. C. Wilkin­ and except Sunday, Frederick (through car) and the continual story of weak health, and -uartlnsburg. FR0MB0ST0N TO BAREILY son, D. D., I 00 4.05 P M —Express Pike* women, who, brought face to face with College Latin bourse in En­ *'Iin - St. GoirSmx' Glyndon.' Glenn BY REV- Wm- BUTLER D-D- Agents Wanted La ls> J.1,1Jcsburfe', Patapsco, Westminster, Medford. the realities of life, immediately droop, KOU glish, by W. C. Wilkinson. I). D. 1 00 Isew Windsor, Lin wood, Uuion Bridge and principal PRICE $1 50. .tstlons west: also Ilanover, Gettysburg and nations languish and are a long time dying. If A day in Ancient Rome, by on II J„ H & G RH,, (through cars.) Emmiltsburg. Or ene year's subscription to the Peninsula “METHODISM OF THE PEMIU” E. .S Shumway, 50 r oiU?> :i°r0, Gbambersburg and Sbippeusburg they have a house to keep, and a share Math odist and a copy of above ior $2.25. 6 I M—Accoiumonatiou for Glvudoo. cash to accompany order. This Book will be out by the first of June. Philosophy, Science and Art. i„ ,7Accoiun1 ocation for Union Bridge. of the actual work, like Mrs. Carlyle, at Dr Wallace says ot it: “No such book has Accommodation for Glyndon. Political Economy, by George r> TRA,.NS ARRIVE A r UNION STATION. Cmigenputtock and Chelsea, they sicken J. MILLED THOMAS, yet appeared in the prolific domain of Meth­ Daily—Fast Mail 3.40 PM. xl m r odist authorship. From the examination M. Steele, LL. D., mysteriously, and their life is a time of •1th A Shipley Sts, Wilmington, Del. 20 DaPy except Sunday—Glyndon Aocohi. 7.25 A M VI1 given its racy pages. I predict that it will Human Natur, by Lyman Ab­ Union Bridge Accom. 8 45 A M. Blue Mt. Expre^ wrestling with household affairs, alter­ meet with marvelous success.” After read­ „ 0 A- M Express from B * C V It R, E R R. » j bott, D. D, paper, 60 il R R. l'redcrick Dlv P R R. and prxncipw nating with refuge on the sofa, or moths THE LAND OF THE VEDA, ing the p'oof sheets, preparatory to writing atp uffr1';.0/ M’ Uulon Bridge Accoffl. the Introduction, Bishop Hurst says of it? General and Religious. mImLhs^pm.4 ° “ 11 ict0“' M :i in the doctor’s hands, in that wretched, “It is most excellent; I am more than pleas- Pomegranates from an En­ BY REV, Wm. BUTLER, D. D. 8.30 P M—Pen Mar Express. ■ ed. Ministersand others desiring to act unimprovable state which justifies the PRICK $2.50 glish Garden. Robert Bowning, 50 h irr„,0«,AIr J- M. IIOOD, General Manage*. 1h it i as agents, will be supplied at the usual dis­ B. H. GRISWOLD, Gen’l Pass. Ag’t. sigh of a much tried- husband who i Or one gear’s subscription to the Peninsula count Retail price—Plain Cloth, $1.50 The Bible in the xix Century, “wished his wife would get well or I Method>st and a copy of above for $3 25, Cloth Gilt Edge, 1.75, one-half morocco] by L. T. Townsend. I). D., paper, 30 A Valuable Work of Keferencc. i something!” I cash t0 accomPttny ^ order. 2‘ 2o full morocco, 2.75. For terms and ter­ ^ In his Name. By Edward ritory, address the author. Everett Hale, paper, 20 SMITH-PELOHBET’S Have I not, through the ignorance of J' rIHOMAS, R. W. TODD, 4th A Shipley Sts., Wilmington, Del. Snow Hill, Md. Dictionary of the Bible lit. I my day and generation, wasted life $5 50 Or enough in attacks of that familiar house- T7 Q | a D Comprising Antiquities, Biography, Geo- A Cor- J. MILLER THOMAS, The Chautauquan, $1.50. oy, Natural History and Literftture> si: 1 hold demon, nervous prostration, which u3l0 8l 3 D3r^3in. NEU METHODIST BOOK STORE Our facilities for supplying the with the latest researches and references to :: it the Revised Version of the New Testament. only vanishes on turning the patient out GROCERY STORE in Wilmington, doing books are greatly increased. We will S. W. Cor. 4th & Shipley Sts., 4naen?00 page8' with 8 colored Maps and of doors:' Time a.,d again, friends have be able to fill all orders as received WILMINGTON, DEL. 400 Illustrations. Large 12mo. Cloth Bmd looked pitvingly on me as good as gone, *8 *ht» only re*s n ior s-lling For p«r'icu- GARNET UNIVERSITY SEAL. »ng. Price $2.50 By but]taken out of doors ten hour* a day, ^ addr88’Post 8S- Concerning the improvements of our Readings from Ituskin. 75 WILLIAM SMITH, LL. D. churches, the frescoing of the audience room Readings from Macau ley. Revised and Edited by as good for nothing else, sun and wind !------renders the most effective part. Mr. Nicho 75 Art and the Formation of Taste, 75 rev f. n. and m. a. feloubet, wrought their spell of healing, and ; J# J% "WHITE & CO las Goldberg of our cty is a specialist in Authors of "Select Notes the Intern®' ■4 this l'ne excelled by none. Many M E Life & Works of Michaelo Angelo, 75 on il !! health came again. Henceforth no more : HfA l i ® i , - . , tional Lessons.” churche- weich he has fr scoed in \Yilmi ng- Special rates to clubs of 5 or more. indoor life for me than must be, and I WllOlGBllfl EnkfirS 3>Su wOllffiCtlOBBrSi Presented for 10 new subscriptions a* iff Ml ton, and in the states of Delaware and Mary­ Send all ordere to Mr would urge other women to fashion their Front & West Sts., Wilmington, Dei. land. show the beauty of his work- He will each. or sent post-paid on receipt of pr,cej furnish sketches in colors in every style J. MILLER THOMAS, or we will send a copy of the Dictionary *u>r i I a i 1 lives so as to spend them more in the '”*£3 and estimates, without extra charge His I enmsula Methodist for one year for open air.— Vick's Magazine. you. order for the Mtxllar Co. Soda Biscuit and one prices are moderate Address N. F. METHODIST BOOK STORE cash with order. Address Cakes. Country trade solicited. 33-Iy Gold- lift berg, Wilmington, Del. 4th & Shipley Sts., Wilmington, Del. J. MILLER THOMAS' 100 West 4th St.. Wilmington, J>i. ~T - „ - 93MMlMMHSr L./,-..1*31


THE SEND TO THE Since Ladies have been Accustomed i W YATT & CO., to use Glenn’s Sulphur Soap in thoir toilet epwoeth hymnal. their x>emonal attractions have been multi­ jpEHIKSULA J\i®THODI8T plied, and it is seldom they are seen disfig­ Authorized by General ured with blotches and pimples, or rough or Conference. -fr5 !i coarse skins. Sold by Druggists, Grocers advertisers The Choicest Collection of Music yet and Fancy Goods Dealers. i Glonn’* SiilphnrSonphoelsand brt(iutlflcs,26a. can learn the exact cost published for Sunday-schools and JOB OFFICE GermanComTlensover killaCorns.BuDions^So Social Meetings, and the |i Hiir« Hair and Whisker Dye-Bl*ck A Brown,Mo. ‘ i Pike's Toothache Drops core ini Minato,2Sa of any proposed line of cheapest from every ! “*■ ■o.lo, IF YOU WANT standpoint. advertising in American Sunday School Cards. MADE TU LETTER HEADS, The Ten Commandments, Illuminated i papers by addressing The Epworth has 232 pages, 319 URDERFOR \ Border, Size 4 x 2J. Price per Set, 25cts. Hymns, and is sold for the very low The Lord’s Prayer, with Illuminated Bord­ er, Size 4 x 2\ Price per set, 25 cts. *‘55’ 6.25 Geo. P. Rowell & Co., price of $30 per hundred, and the $1.50 BILL HEADS, The Cardinal Virtues, Illustrated: Faith. Newspaper Advertising Bureau, same rate for less or more (express- Hope, Charity, Temperance, Prudence, Jus­ lO Spruce St., New York. I ENVELOPES, tice and Fortitude Selections from Scrip­ Send lOets. for lOO-Page Pamphlet- age not prepaid.) A single copy, 35 603 Market Street ture bearing on each. Price per set, 10 Cts. cts. by mail, prepaid 40 cts.; flexible WILMWGTON DEL. Precious Words. A series of eighty, short RECEIPTS, Verses, mostly from the Bible. Miniature cloth, single copies, 60 cts; por doz­ White Shirts 75. $1.00, $1.25. ^aklin Floral cards drab ground. Eight cards on en $6. CIRCULARS, sheet Price per set, 20 cts. . J15, p rpBUSSES and all private appliances a speciality. Floral .cards, with short Texts. Six cards on sheet. Price per set, 20 cts, rltlVATKItOOM FOR LADIES, A. word XCdLition. DRUG LABELS, Floral Cards; drab ground, short Texts. aarrt**- Entrance, No. 1 W. Sixth Street, Four cards on sheet., Price per set, 20 cts. Size 24mo. Lady ttendant. 9 14 a.tQ Z. JAMES BELT, Druggist. VISITING CARDS, Floral Cards, Prebions Words from the Bound in paper, single, $0.12 Sixtn ami Market streets. Book of Life. Twenty Texts. Price per set, ir Chin. Wilmington, Del Per 100 10.00 TAGS, 25 ct6. ferr®d to Kindness to Animals Texts and appro­ Bound in Boards, single, 30 BENJ. 0. HOPPER, priate Poetry0 Price per set, 10 cts. Ba- upot. POSTERS, Per 100 15.00 Floral Texts Cards. AH different Texts. ><>!>, Price per set 10 cts. Atr*Mni YOU Bound in Cloth, single, 25 Watchmaker & Jeweler, PAMPHLETS Flowers on gold and drab. Miniature Panels. Ten cards on each sheet, with Want a new suit? We are Per 100 20.00 22 NORTH ELEVENTH ST., It. short, impressive Text*. Twenty different. very anxious that you should J. MILLER THOMAS, PHILADELPHIA, Pa. ;6. Or any kind of Job Printing. Good Price per set. 26 cts. see our assortment, whether METHODIST BOOK STORE, Watches. Clocks and Jewelry Carulullv Re Floral Cards, gold and drab ground Short paired. 18-Hm Texts. Eight cards on sheet. Price per set, 25 4th & Shipley Sts., Wilmington, Del. you wish to purchase or not, work and low prices. Give Words of Love Miniature Floral Panels. 1 m P m. feeling confident that you will Four panels on sheet Price per set 25 cts. J5 *H.i5 Floral reward Tickets on diagonal old-gold DICTIONARY us a trial. *11.50 readily concede every advan­ and olive backgrounds, with short Texts of II *OF THE tage to us in price, quality, Scriptures. Eight cards on each sheet. Price 2C per set, 20 cts. and new styles, and if you >5 BIBLE, J. MILLER THOMAS, Reward Tickets. 'Flowers on birchbark want a suit made, we can do EDITED BY ground, with short verses from the Bible. Eight cards ori each sheet. Price per set, it in a manner which we guar­ REV. PHILIP SCHAFF, D. D. (gawthrop building,) 25 cts. antee to be satisfactory, and Reduced in price from $2.50 to 2.00. Favorite Flowers- birchbark ground Min­ iature Panels, with Texts Price per set, at lowest prices. J. MILLER THOMAS, FOURTH AND SHIPLEY STS. 12 cts, Proverbs and Promises Favorite Flowers, METHODIST BOOK STORE, drab ground, with selections from the Prov­ J. T. HULUN & SON, WILMINGTON, DEL. erbs of Solomon- Size 3-f x 3J-. Price per p.inp.m. 4th & Shipley Sts. Wilmington, Del. set, 20 cts TA1LOKSS. CLOTHIERS, Flowers on Gold Disk green ground Brief Texts All different Price per set 20 cts. Bth and Market, SUNDAY SCHOOL Miniature Floral *-’anels; assorted grounds, 20 DOLLARS with Texts Price per set, 25 cts. WILMINGTON, DEL. Scripture Text WILL BUY THE FAVORITE Floral a"d Fern Reward Tickets with ON TIME brief, impressive Texts Six cards on each fL SINGER sheet Price 25 cts. A Waterbury Watch (regular price 1‘jMi STYLE $3.50) and a year’s subscription to Any of the ab we sent by mail on receipt 1.00 *6.45 CARDS. the Peninsula Methodist, for only g; SEWING MACHINE of price. One and two cent stamps taken. With drop leaf fancy cover, two .85 *7.20 $3.75. large drawers, with nickel rings, J, Miller Thomas, BY MAIL. and rt full set ol Attachments, Wilmington, Del- A Waterbury Watch given to any equal to any Singer Machine sold J Satur- ♦ -^r 10 Cards, (100 tickets) 25 cts. one sending us the name ol 20 new lor S-IO and upwards byCanvas- ton 10.15 u sers. i points. 10 25 subscribers to the P. M. and twenty A week's trial in your home, before payment ie CLUB LIST. yhadd’s u 30 asked. 12 dollars in cash. Buy direct ot the Manufacturers, and save agent’s The Peninsula Methodist and raynes- 10 “ (60 tickets) 25 Address protits, besides getting certificate of warrantee for 3 any of the following Periodicals will ng, see u years. 10 20 J. MILLER THOMAS, be sent to any address, postage free u 12 12 Co-operative SEWING MACHINE Co. at prices named. t Ag’t. u 100 West 4th. St, Wilmington, Del. 217 Quince St., Philadelphia. 12 20 Regular Price for snt. 33-ly Price. bo h. xecting J. HILLER THOMAS, Independent, , 3.00 3,50 McShans Beil Foundry Godey’s Lady’s Book, 2,00 2,50 'Station Fourth & Shipley Streets, Finest Grade of Bells, MILLARD F. DAVIS, Cnniics and Peals lor CHURCHES. &e. Cottage Hearth, 1.50 2,00 Send lor Price and Catnloirue. Address WILMINGTON, DEL. If. McSHANB & CO., PRACTICAL Wide Awake, 3,00 tat ion as Mention thispafer. Baltimore, Md. a°d %jhDjuS8 for Sunday \ % Our Little Men and ------THE------Watchmaker and Jeweler, Women, |ley and oz Hyndon, And dealer in Watches. Clocks. Jewrirv -md Silver­ The Pansy, 1,75 Mccliau- Peninsula Methodist ware; -A LARGE STOCK OF— No. 9 East Seoond Streot. Wiliniugton.Del. Cultivator & Coun­ *pt Sun- 9-6 in on B AC ^ n pay an expenses. AND try Gentleman, HATS Century Magazine, 4,00 4,75 CAPS AT rederick * 5 cent*. By Expr®*8 j©§ tragi. Just tMceived from New York, also the beet St Nicholas, 3,00 3,75 hippene- —DOLLAR WHITE SHIRT— rmodiato Harper’s Magazine, 4,00 4,50 We are prepared to In tbe cltv at Shoemaker’s Dining-Room, Harper’s Weekly, 4,00 4,50 ROSS’ PHILADELPHIA STORE, (OPPOSITE THE CLAYTON IIOU8E), Bridge, do all kinds of Wo. 602 KINO STREET, Harper’s Bazar, 4,00 4,50 II. A G. US KEARKAST 8YRBUKT. Harper’s Young People2,00 2,60 f/1 Ladies and gentlemen can get a good meal or lunch wn.) at a ny hour of the day or evening. No liquors sold American Agriculturalist 1.50 2,25 he premises. Oysters and ice cream in season. ,n bhon- JOB PRINTING: on t Frank Leslie slllus-j Teouee- Special room for ladies. Come and see us. Everything 4,00 4,50 ifci ionaj THE LORD’S DAY. first-class. 17—In: trated Newspaper, ) , Uni*»n Collection Cards, Col- “ Sunday Magazine 2,50 erstown. Address J. Miller Thomas, 100 West 4tb 3,25 •ar) tHid BUY YOUR “ Popular Monthly 3,00 3,75 St., Wilmington, Del, 1 e c t i on Envelopes, Its Universal & Perpetual Obligation. , piko»- “ Pleasant Hours, 1,50 2,25 Glenn “ The Golden Rule, 2,00 vied ford, Checks, Notes, Drafts, Boots, Shoes A Rubbers, 2,75 BY PROF. A. E. WAFFLE,. ,ri nelp*1* TOAVER HOUSE, OF j Christian Thought, 2,00 2,50 , tut ions Webh Avenue, Ocean Gtovo, ittsburg. Bill Heads, Letter 12mo. 420 pages, cloth, $1.00 I Babyhood, 1.50 2.00 Pe ers<*n’s Magazine, 200 rg Beautifully sit ated, one block and a half By mail, 1.12 I. J. NICHOLSON, 2.75 from the ocean, three minutes walk to the Heads, Envelopes, Cir­ 106 West 7th Street, L ppinuoti’sMagazine, 3.00 3.50 ;e. batdnggrou d: Artesian water, sewer con­ J. MILLER THOMAS, Philadelphia Mrdi ! )N. nection Permanent or trans’ent guests ta­ culars, Pamphlets, Re­ Also Agent for cal Times. 2.00 2.75 ken Beautiful view from 'ow‘-r Terms METHODIST BOOK STORE, A Nl moderate. Mrs. A GOODNOW ceipts, Shipping Tags, 4th & Shipley Sts., Wilmington. Del. DR, WELCH’S UNFERMENTED WINE Dorea* Magazine, 1.00 1.75 Go. d Wo ds. 2.75 3.25 K. 11 21-2U FOR SACRAMENTAL USE. vrin^ip*1 Atl.nti Monthly, 4.00 Accoin- Visiting Cards, Drug 42-4 4.50 . 5.65 P OCEAN GROVE A tub vet Review, 300 3 75 Labels, Posters, also all JAMES T. KENNEY, 4.50 nBgor. WINDSOR HOUSE. W. V. TUXBURY, 8.25 S. \v. Gov Central A Webb A veV. kinds of ...... j Rnr 1 New Yoi < er, 200 2 75 har,,-. ;i > It»cmvenlent and beautiful situ- ati..n f >at dug loldetaissiimtat Artist m Crayon, Pastel, Indian Ink and . w..„ih„v m gazing 1 oo 1.75 ...... ,m»-i .. c-; arU- ian wuier and * *>er con- 318 NORTH FRONT ST , ,11 Vin v Ac for ,»trUeuhirs. add»u.^ WATER COLORS. j H-uneleri Revi w. BOO 3.50 T’S C. W. hOATK, Proprietor. Cash must accompany order. PHILADELPHIA. Careful attention paid to pictures requir- I Address. Estimates cheerfully Give special attention to sales of Butter, ing alterations Orders by maii attended to > J, Miller Thomas, ble Eggs, Poultry. Calves. Sheep, Lambs, Peach­ Address, 335 E. Fourth Street, l I furnished on applica- es, Berries. Potatoes, Peas, &c. &c. Refer­ Fourth & Shipley Sts. Geo- “QFrr YOUR MEANNESS.” WILMINGTON DEL ' rature, ence first class. Returns made promptly. Wilmington, Del. I !«,!,;!> A' n SO] I> BY 31 nces to •u tion. Rates as low as Your patronage solicited, and satisfaction amen t- r ^ i- guaranteed. Cards and stickers furnished &, STOWE, on application. All letters of inquiry' cheer­ I )S consistent with good BOSTON ONE PRICE CINCTNKATI. fully answered. WFESTER’S i Bind Give us a trial. 21-3H1 .1 ml Ihrir ijem ral aqents is the only work. NATIONAL PICTORIAL whnmni subscription edition of my DICTIONARY. J. MILLER THOMAS, HENRY PIKE, Prop’r. sermons. PROF. S. T. FORD, 304 MfLT'LcelSStr-eet, I Sheep mdin(J- Price blJ mail ^5-00- SAM. P JONES iternft' PUBLIC READER, The • eni aula Methodist for one year and .1 MILLER THOMAS. Fourth & Shipley Sts. WILMINGTON. DEL. 260 W. 21st STREET, above will b sent for $V0. FW.I & Ship ev Sts., one square West of J. MILLER THOMAS, Perfect Fit Guaranteed. Call and Examine . 0 Mark,, Wilmington, D l G nerd Agent Del. NEW YORK. Agent for Burt’B Fine Shoes for Ladies and Gents. ] 4th & Shipley St , Wilmington, Del. fur 11,In ware and Eastern bhore of Mary land. H I' I



If' [ Religious Songs In addition to our premiums of mtl W—FOB THE— ZION, MD. sic and Shakespeare Cards, we I ' uq&aij .geftoof aqD tfte ^omc, We are now ready with a full and more just issued a beautiful panel picture 8 : ---- BY----- in colors, 14 x 26, a fac simile renrni CHARLES W. WEN DTE, complete line of Seasonable Goods than evei duction of one ol the Paris salL* With, poetical contributions by paintings for 1884, entitled “The i Mre. Jail* Ward Howe, Mies Lonisa M. Alcott, Hez- before offered. We have put pnccs »n that Sisters.” It is a perfect gem aJ ; - m Will effect an early and quick sale. They will well worthy a place on 0f |:|f (IS ! D,f»“sSnrcV.B?mbr. II.njjb «»d any of the patrons of Dobbins’ Eh* ! bV«» rxporienerf »il id*- be sold regardless of profit or loss. trie Soap. We have copyrighted h and it cannot be issued by any other 'HiiSiliip house than ourselves. The edition Price 85 cent* eneh by mall, * Id. 98.CO a ;OBIuns. Er ! THE JOHN CHURCH BO., CINCINNATI, 0. The I. CHURCH CO., 19 E. 16th St., New York City. BARGAINS PALLADIUM. W TKIC SO A I’, and as soon as you get t»e . five mall them to up, with >our full wfa1* Wood and Wil- In Carpets, Mattings. Rugs.

BOOK STORE 9 Prominent Clergymen LUBUHQ CHAIR Combining a Pa-lor, Llltrsry, Smoking. Reclining or Invalid The many friends and admirers of the CHAIR, LOUNGE, BED, or COUCH. following distinguished clergymen can now (A/y /ISA and up Send stump I 3S*SHIPPED to all FOURTH

J. MILLER THOMAS* FOR 12 fermented, for sale a

S. W. Cor. Fourth & Shipley Sts., this office. [ONE SQUARE ABOVE MARKET] $9.00 FINE CABINET PHOTOGRAPHS. $10.0® Quart Bottles, per doz. 6.0“ No. 302 Market Street, WILMINGTON, DELAWARE. WESTCOTT & CUMMINGS Pint 2$ ) Wilmington, Delaware. Half Pint “ “