In the Diocese of Lancaster

The “door of faith” (Acts 14:27) is always open for us, ushering us into the life of communion with God and offering entry into his Church. It is possible to cross that threshold when the word of God is proclaimed and the heart allows itself to be shaped by transforming grace. To enter through that door is to set out on a journey that lasts a lifetime.

Pope Benedict's Opening Words in ‘Porta Fidei’

Dear Father, Dear Deacon,

The purpose of this letter is to give you advance notice as to how we, as a Diocese, can plan to celebrate the Year of Faith which Pope Benedict XVI announced last October.

The Holy Father has called the entire Church to join with him in a Year of Faith, beginning on 11 October 2012. Behind the Holy Father's thinking is the need for the worldwide to recover something of the beauty and joy of being Catholic; to return to the wellsprings of our faith in Jesus Christ the Son of God so as to increase our confidence in the New Evangelisation. Reaching in - so as to reach out!

We know from experience how easy it is to grow lukewarm in the practice of our Catholic Faith, and so the Holy Father feels the Church needs once more to rediscover its essential purpose and mission of proclaiming Jesus Christ and his

1 salvation to a world which, whether it realises it or not, is hungry and thirsty for God.

I am blessed to be part of the three-week Synod entitled: ‘The New Evangelisation for the Transmission of the Christian Faith’ which will take place in Rome to mark the beginning of this special Year, which also coincides with the 50th Anniversary of the opening of the Second Vatican Council, and the 20th Anniversary of the publication of the Catechism of the Catholic Church.

The Year of Faith is certainly not just about rather it is intended to touch every single one of us. Pope Benedict wants each one of us to become aware of our dignity as baptised Christians, and to know that we individually have a mission to carry Christ with us into every strata of human life whatever our particular state in life; young or old. In the Diocese of Lancaster we will be responding to the successor of Peter's call through many local Diocesan, Deanery and Parish initiatives. Please join with the diocesan family in making this a very special Year of grace for us, and through us for the whole Church. It is the Lord Jesus who is ultimately calling us – so let us not be slow to respond.

At several meetings of the Council of Priests and the Chapter a number of proposals have been made concerning the Year of Faith. Several suggestions have been received after a general invitation for ideas was suggested in the Ad Clerum. Besides, the most recent on-going formation day for priests and the similar day for deacons were both also fruitful in this regard.

As I propose the information below, I mention to you that each diocesan department or group responsible for an initiative/event/celebration will send out their own details and materials to the clergy, religious and faithful of the Diocese direct.

In addition to your own personal ideas and suggestions, the following initial information will help us to begin to focus our planning and preparation as we make this journey together:


The anticipated Lancaster Diocesan Opening for the Year of Faith will take place at the Education Mass at Lancaster on Thursday 27 September at 7.00pm. Meanwhile, the Universal Church will celebrate the Opening on Thursday 11 October in St Peter’s Square, Rome with a Solemn Eucharistic celebration concelebrated by the Synod Fathers, the Presidents of the world's Episcopal conferences and by Council Fathers who are still alive.


Given the repeated requests for doctrinally-themed homily preparation material from priests and deacons can I please recommend for your attention during the Year of Faith the following two publications:

2  Opening the Scriptures: A Guide to the Catechism for use with the Sunday Readings; Kris D. Stubna, STD, Our Sunday Visitor Publishing Division; 2002. ISBN1592760228. This book links the Sunday readings to sections of the Catechism of the Catholic Church. It is currently £9.99 from Amazon.

 ‘A Moment of Grace’; John Cardinal O’Connor, 41 meditations on all aspects of the Catholic Faith based on the Catechism of the Catholic Church. Also available from Amazon at £36.42.

 Alternatively you might like to devise a short series of Homilies on the articles of the Creed or the Ten Commandments.

 You might like to re-read for yourselves and lead some parish/deanery sessions on the key documents of the Second Vatican Council.


During Advent 2012 and Lent 2013 we will continue our efforts made in Lent 2012, of making available the Sacrament of Reconciliation in all the churches of the Diocese at the same time on Wednesday evenings. Again under the title ‘The Light is On for You!’ it will be advertised via local newspapers, websites and radio that the Sacrament of Reconciliation will be available in all parish churches of the Diocese from 7pm to 8pm on:

ADVENT 2012 Wednesday 5 December 2012 Wednesday 12 December 2012 Wednesday 19 December 2012

LENT 2013 Wednesday 20 February 2013 Wednesday 27 February 2013 Wednesday 6 March 2013 Wednesday 13 March 2013 Wednesday 20 March 2013 Wednesday 27 March 2013

During this time, there will be Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament mindful that during the Year of Faith priority will be given to prayer, and especially to the Eucharist as source and summit of all Christian life.

This is a good opportunity to include priests not working in parishes and our retired priests. Further information and publicity will be distributed, as in Lent 2012, nearer the time, but please secure these dates now in your parish diary.


The Holy See’s Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments in Rome has approved the formula for a special ‘Mass for the New Evangelisation’. Hopefully this will be available in English in the autumn and news

3 of its publication will be forwarded to schools and parishes by the ’s Office as soon as it becomes available.


The Year also has an official hymn entitled: "Credo, Domine, adauge nobis fidem" which we hope will be translated shortly. A multilingual pastoral guide entitled "Living the Year of Faith" is due to be published by the Holy See in early September. Again, the Bishop’s Office will keep you informed about their availability.

I would want to do everything to encourage parishes or deaneries to arrange their own Year of Faith Pilgrimages to Ladyewell and Cleator. The Diocesan Pilgrimages to these hallowed places of prayer and devotion will also, I hope, take on greater significance for the Year.

I would also recommend parishes, deaneries and schools to hold May Processions in honour of Our Lady and Processions of the Blessed Sacrament with Holy Hours throughout the Year of Faith. A Holy Hour will be especially important, too, on 2 June 2013 (the Feast of Corpus Christi) when Catholics throughout the world are invited to adore the Eucharistic Lord at the very same time.

Celebrating our local heroes and witnesses to the faith – The and Cumbrian Martyrs - are also an important feature for the Year. If parishes could mark out with special profile and solemnity their local martyrs in our Diocesan Liturgical calendar that would be wonderful. For parishes in Lancashire I would like for the Memorial of the Lancashire Martyrs (on 19 July) and the Memorial of the Lancaster Martyrs (on 7 August) to be celebrated with greater solemnity; Likewise for parishes in Cumbria for the Memorial of the Cumbrian Martyrs (on 24 July). If the dates in the calendar are not pastorally possible then a votive Mass in their honour could be celebrated in the parish at a more popular time. Involvement of the local Catholic Primary and Secondary School in this initiative would be very good indeed.


Propose to produce and issue for all our people:

o An Introductory Pamphlet & Poster for the Year of Faith These resources and information will publicise and raise general awareness of the Year of Faith and its general aims and themes.

Furthermore proposes to provide and facilitate for Adult Formation:

o The Evangelium Course This will enable the training of teams of clergy and lay-people, to deliver the Evangelium Course – which is based upon the four pillars of the Catechism of the Catholic Church, in various locations throughout the Diocese.

4 o A Public Profession of Faith in 9 areas of the Diocese The purpose of this initiative is to receive from foundation governors, teachers and other educators in the Diocese, a Public Profession of Faith during a solemn Mass to be held in each area.

o Free CCRS Module on Catechism offered to all Enabling any parishioners who are interested to be able to access and follow the on- line Catechism of the Catholic Church module of the CCRS.

Furthermore proposes to provide and facilitate for Catholic Schools:

o Year of Faith Primary School pilgrimages to the Cathedral for Year Six Children. At the end of each visit, crucifixes will be presented to the school to be distributed to each Catholic family in their care. A letter of invitation and a pre-visit pack will be sent to all primary schools before the end of this term.

o Year of Faith Secondary School Pilgrimages to Castlerigg Manor The purpose of these initiatives is to enable a large section of children and young people of our schools and colleges to experience a pilgrimage for the Year of Faith.

o Year of Faith Materials for primary and secondary RE teachers – and secondary school chaplains These will enable teachers of RE to introduce and instruct children and young people in the purpose and meaning of the Year of Faith.

o An Icon for Year of Faith An Icon which represents the Year of Faith will be passed from school to school and college to college with accompanying materials for common prayer during the Year.


I propose to you all:

. An engagement from all in the arranged themed Programme of On-going Formation Days for priests

. An engagement from all in the arranged themed Programme of Recollection Days for priests

. On-going formation days and the diocesan retreat for permanent deacons based on Year of Faith themes

. That we make a real effort to keep our churches open for prayerful visits for a significant part of each day. This would need to be promoted via parish bulletins. If this means installing security cameras – this should be seriously considered!

5 . That you might order for the parish the very the informative CTS Leaflet: ‘Friday Penance: Why Catholics do not eat meat on Fridays’


Proposes for our Young People:

• A programme of mini-missions based in 6 areas around the Diocese to take place with the help of local coordinators. A series of workshops, services and input during these missions will bring together groups from Parishes, Primary schools and Secondary schools in each area.

• Elements of the Castlerigg Residential Retreats will strongly incorporate themes from the Year of Faith and will be presented throughout the year in displays, prayers and activities.

• A programme exploring the four pillars of YouCat will be created and will culminate in a day of sharing and celebration at Castlerigg during a “World Youth Day Festival”. This will coincide with World Youth Day happening in Rio De Janeiro and will follow a similar programme to that taking place there.


 Will deal with the overall coordination of the Year in the Diocese as described above. (Father Robert Billing – Diocesan Coordinator)

 Diocesan Logo for the Year of Faith

 To update the Diocesan website with Year of Faith resources. Year of Faith events, however, will be advertised via The Catholic Voice of Lancaster’s website.

 A Pastoral Letter from the Bishop on the Year of Faith.

 The Bishop will lead the proposed Diocesan Pilgrimage to the Holy Land for the Year of Faith (April 2013) the place which first saw the presence of Jesus, the Saviour, and Mary, his Mother.

 The Bishop will launch and close the Year of Faith in our Diocese.



. To produce pull-out sections in the newspaper on Year of Faith themes that build into a home study pack on the Catechism of the Catholic Church.

. To report and provide regular articles on Year of Faith events and celebrations throughout the Year.

6 . To advertise Year of Faith events, celebrations and opportunities on the Catholic Voice of Lancaster website.



• To produce and hold an Exhibition The exhibition will run from Wednesday 24 July 2013 until the feast of the Lancaster Martyrs on Wednesday 7 August 2013. It will be based on the Martyrs and their times - Martyrs as witnesses to the Catholic Faith. There will be talks on the martyrs, the times in which they lived and of the wider social and religious world of their day - both at home and abroad. These talks will take place while the exhibition is on display. On 7 August 2013 there will be Mass, a procession to the place of their execution, and the day will end with Vespers and Benediction.


Pope Benedict XVI, Porta Fidei - Motu Proprio on the Year of Faith

Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Note with Pastoral Recommendations for the Year of Faith


Nationally it is proposed that there will be available:

. Faith Tweets, in partnership with the Bible Society these Faith Tweets will cover the themes of the Year of Faith – these are likely to be made up of a mixture from the Bible, Catechism, Vatican II - short extracts and reflective questions. They might be of particular interest to young people.

. Faith and Art podcasts

. The focus for the national Home Mission Sunday (in September) is the Year of Faith – to encourage people to participate in the Year and to support, too, what is happening within parishes and dioceses.

. Other national initiatives which will have a Year of Faith theme will include: Newman Lecture, Little Way Week – Schools focus in partnership with CES (October), A Small faith sharing booklet (Westminster partnership), Come Home For Christmas, Bible Sunday, Scripture conference (April 2013), Newman Lecture 2013, Rosary project 2013 7 USEFUL WEBSITES:

 Vatican Year of Faith Website:

 Catholic Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales Year of Faith Website:

 Diocese of Lancaster website: Year of Faith page: c_Faith/The_Year_Of/The_Year_Of.aspx

 The Maryvale Institute Year of Faith Website:

 A link to the Apostolic Letter ‘Porta Fidei’ is available on the Catholic Bishops’ Conference website:

Further resources, news articles and information about the Year of Faith will be forwarded and posted on the Diocesan and Catholic Voice of Lancaster websites as time goes on.

This is a wonderful opportunity for us to pause and reflect and renew our own faith and to recapture in our own hearts that which gives life its fullness.

Let us walk confidently together and let us support each other in what is a God given opportunity for renewal and grace.

Michael G Campbell Bishop of Lancaster

17 July 2012