20 - MANCHESTER HERALD. Fri., Jan. 7, 1983 BUSINESS Conard stops Dudley Moore's Firing a gun: Manchester five getting serious overwhelm ingj Awareness of class divisions grow ... page 15 . . . page 11 . . page 4 Black poverty: racism not only cause

ton of Clark. “Most blacks r^ lly — 61 percent of the white figure. A many of the Reagan ad­ like affirmative action have indeed By Gail Collins ministration’s theories about the worked, but only for those blacks One Of the most serious problems want to get race behind them.” Partly sunny, Manchester, Conn. decade later blacks’ median income working against the black poor, The Southern Center for Studies in DPI Business Writer was 58 percent of white families’, causes and solutions to poverty in who were prepared by education and Am.erica. But Williams says he was upbringing to take advantage of Anderson says, is what social scien­ Pubic Policy has been examining cold Sunday Saturday, Jan. 8, 1983 NEW YORK (DPI) - A decade and had in fact fallen behind the rate tists now call “the feminization of the statistical and research data on ago, black intellectuals and liberal of inflation to below $14,000. making the same arguments a them. Single copy 25(p He points to statistics that show a poverty.” Families headed by single black economic experience. Swinton — See page 2 whites agreed that racism was Black joblessness has remained at decade ago, when they were less fashionable. rapid rise in the number of blacks in women cluster at the bottom of the says, “Frankly, I don’t think we responsible for the economic woes about twice the white unemploy­ have the scientific basis to lay to Mrralb professional and managerial economic heap, and most of those of black Americans, They formed a ment rate for so long that the rest any of the competing claims.’’ Bureau of Labor Statistics has “There’s been hostile response, positions. According to the Bureau families are black. virtually united front in pressing for Bureau of Labor Statistics figures But studies on black teenage un­ begun to refer to it as a historic but some of the hostility is beginning of Labor Statistics, a decade ago 25 government action. show that the gap between black and employment, he says, call Into ques­ relationship. to wear down,” he says. percent of working white men and Today the problems are worse white incomes narrows dramatical­ tion the argument that minority , . - e. than ever but the consensus Is gone. Black conservatives claim that The hostility is not wearing down women held professional or managerial jobs, while only 13 per­ ly when the comparison is limited to youth unemployment is the result of Now some blacks are blaming such figures demonstrate the futili­ everywhere. May not back proposal cent of blacks reached that status. households with two wage earners— the poor education or low motiva­ class divisions within the black com­ ty of trying to solve the problems of Algx Willingham of Dillard University in New Orleans says, By 1981, the gap had narrowed — 29 increasingly the most common' tion of an underclass culture. munity and government regulations race and poverty through govern­ While the employment gap ment intervention. “Walter Williams and Thomas percent for white workers and 20 pattern in American society. Black MX, like tlie minimum wage which they families with two working members between white and black teenagers 5 claim discourage potential Williams argues in a new new Sowell (of Stanford University’s percent for black. Hoover Institute) are part of a sort Income data, he says, shows the had a median income of $20,200 in has been growing, he says, “the employers. book, “The State Against Blacks," education and skills gap has been CLOiEO that the answer lies in reducing of new cadre of black conservatives top two-fifths of black Americans 1980 — 80 percent of the $25,000 . O'Neill mum ■All are agreed that there’s little ' getting narrower.” A national at: government regulation and un­ who parrot the line of supply are “pulling ahead of the lowest figure for whites. chance for a solution while un­ “Over half of all black families titudes survey in 1979, he saidj employment is over 10 percent, or leashing the forces of free-market siders,” two-fifths,” creating “a growing 2 are headed by women and two thirds showed that in most instances black until there’s a bigger pie to be sliced capitalism. “They take arguments against gap between the haves and the have- talks youths were willing to take menial "Racial discrimination per se government regulation and apply nots in the black community.” are poor,” Anderson said. “If you’re up. Bernard Anderson, head of the interest^ in doing something about jobs at lower wages than were while The fallout from the stumbling does not explain nearly as much as them to all forms of regulation that on tax report protect the rights of black pwple, Rockefeller Foundation, says he the black poor today, you simply teenagers. economy has hit hardest in the black it is porported to explain,” he says. The unemployment situation for "Numerous government economic working people,”he said. “This is a agrees there is no reason to “lose must address this problem.” community, where unemployment black teenagers began deteriorating IN ADDITION to supporting the regulations at the federal, state and new phenomenon, frankly.” sleep” over the problems of the Wilson, who defines himself as a HARTFORD (UPI) - Gov. *^r Is above 20 percent and nearly half “ social democrat” is at work on a in the 1950s, he says, when employ­ removal of tax exemptions, the black teenagers are unable to find local level have virtually cut off peo­ The black conservatives’ view of black middle class. William O'Neill accepted a report how the American economy works “The evidence is very clear new book, ‘"rhe Hidden Agenda,” ment among white teenagers began commission voted to recommend tied jobs. ple at the tenth rung of the ladder.” Friday from a special commission Williams’ arguments against “is just outdated and irrelevant,” blacks with reasonably good educa­ which picks up, he says, where the to rise. that studied the state’s fiscal adoption of a so-called commuter The old sense of solidarity among last one left off. In it, he advocates “I don’t think the fact that white tax on people who live in other black intellectuals who teach and government regulations run from Swinton claims. Eliminating the tion, satisfactory competence in problems, but said it was too early the high cost of taxi cab medallions minimum wage might create more basic skills, for the most part can public policy aimed at full employ­ youths decided to work in record to say If be would support the pan­ states but work in Connecticut. write about racial problems has O’Neill vetoed a commuter ta x ' Congress to the minimum wage — all of them, low-paying jobs, he says, “but at a find a job when there are jobs ment, reforms in the welfare levels has had no effect,” he said. el’s recommendations. begun to splinter. Conservative system and other programs that ad­ Advocates of both the race and bill passed by the Legislature last black academics dismiss racism as he says, designed by those inside the very difficult cost” to unskilled available in the local community,” O’Neill, who will recommend system to exclude newcomers from workers who are not protected by he says. “I’m not worried about dress the problem of poverty in a class approaches, however, tend to ways next month for the state to year because of concerns centering a central economic Issue, and argue come down on the same side when it on the fact the tax would have is warned the action. unions. black middle class, quite frankly. nonracial context. close a $300 million budget gap in for less, not more, government In­ There are, Wilson says, now three comes to the economy. Few black applied only to New Yorkers who tervention. "Why does it fall so hard on “We could all go back to working They’ll do all right. I’m very con­ the next fiscal year, said it was too blacks? Because blacks are the last as slaves and get full un­ cerned about the black poor, the un­ camps among black social scien­ social scientists believe much early to say if he would support the work in Connecticut. " I’m not saying racial discrimina­ A commuter tax that would apply WASHINGTON (UPI) - Presi­ major ethic group to become ur­ employment,” he added. derclass. tists: “the black conservative progress is possible for the black commission’s proposal for resolving tion doesn’t exist. It just doesn’t poor in an era of 10 percent un­ to people from all neighboring dent Reagan has warned Congress explain much,'I says Walter banized and get their constitutional Williams claims that that sort of “That’s where Bill Wilson’s argu­ academics like ’Theodore Sowell and the fiscal problem. there will have to be a Walter Williams, who present the employment. states is expected to be introduced Williams, a professor at George rights," he said. argument is “utter economic non­ ment has special force. If one is con-, “I know no more about the report “reassessment” of U.S. strategic free market approach; you have “As long as we have a situation this year. O’Neill said he would con­ Mason University, Fairfax. Va. In Philadelphia, where it can cost sense,” because it presumes a finite cerned with social and economic than I’ve had the opportunity to read arms reduction proposals to the $20,000 to $40,000 to buy a taxi number of jobs. condition of black poor, one is un­ people like me — independents who where everybody’s feeling Insecure in the newspaper,” O’Neill said, ad­ sider such a tax If passed by law­ present non-mainstream analysis; it’s very difficult to implement makers, but didn’t expect to propose Soviets if the MX missile is not ap­ Many agree with William Wilson medallion, Williams said, no more “In neighborhood theaters they likely to get at those conditions ding he would read the report of the proved, a White House spokesman and you have the group that equal opportunity,” says Swinton. it himself. of the University of Chicago, who than r2 percent of the legally- used to have two or three ushers,” through strategy that is aimed at Bipartisan Commission on State Tax said Friday. argues that in the 1980s “class is operated cabs in the city are owned he says, ‘‘Now, in downtown discrimination.” emphasizes race as the core “Right now somebody’s got to be un­ Revenue and Related Fiscal Policy “That’s highly unlikely but time employed. The white community will tell,” O’Neill said. The president’s warning, con­ more important than race, especial­ by blacks. theaters you may find one. The problem.” over the weekend. tained in a letter Tuesday to Rep. Race is important in explaining That third group seems to include has more power, so they see to it Aside from an income tax, O’Neill ly within the economic sector. ” The "In Washington, 75-80 percent are minimum wage law has destroyed O’Neill, however, again repeated Jack Kemp, R-N.Y. became known that kind of job.” how poor black Americans became the bulk of black academics, par­ that it’s somebody else. That’s not said he had not yet ruled out any government, Wilson says, needs “to owned by blacks. You can’t explain mired in the underclass to begin his often-stated opposition to a tax as his special bipartisan commis­ go beyond race ” to address the ticularly among those working in good, but that’s life.” other tax options. “No, I think we’re this by discrimination. In When William Wilson published with, Wilson argues,'but has less .to reform package that would include a sion held its first meeting to review plight of the black and white un­ Washington, you can get a license to largely black colleges and univer­ Until the nation commits itself personal state income tax, which going to have to look at everything,” “The Declining Significance of do with solving the problems of “to do what is necessary to he said. the administration’s $180 billion derclass. own and operate a taxi for $200.” sities. was proposed In a minority report nuclear arms modernization Race” in 1980, he was not the first today. “In this country race is still the maximize creation of jobs, there’s "There certainly no longer Is a One of Williarhs’ most controver­ social scientist to suggest the black “If you could wave a magic wand support^ by 10 of the commission’s IN ADDITION to the minority program, including key MX consensus approach." says David sial stances is his attack on the prime factor,’’ says Leslie very little hope for the black un­ 26 members. poor were being held back by class, and say all racism disappears, the derclass in my judgemeiii,” Ander­ report filed by the 10 commission questions. Swinton of the Southern Center for minimum wage law, which he McLemore, the chairman of the The board mandate of the Com­ rather than race. But because problem of the black underclass son says. members favoring an income tax Studies in Public Policy at Clark claims "has virtually destroyed political science department at package, another minority report mission on Strategic Forces, ap­ Wilson is black, his arguments drew would not dissolve,” he says. Jackson State University. “I don’t “You’re not going to fire white A MAJORIT'Y of the commission ' College in .Atlanta. many opportunities for young more attention — and more anger voted last month to reject was filed by nine members who said pointed by Reagan Jan. 4, covers all blacks” The black poor, he says, are vic­ see it declining. Look at housing. people to hire blacks and One of the reasons for the from his fellow black academics. , Hispanics,” says Anderson. “We recommending an income tax talk of an income tax should “be nuclear missiles and bombs but is tims of economic changes that Look at the attitude toward in­ dominated by the questions of how fragmentation is evidence that the "A't one time black teenage un­ . “I’ve been under heavy attack —a tegrating schools. People react have to expand the size of the pie, .package and voted instead to sup- permanently laid to rest.” lot of it ad.hominem attack,” he spring from non-racial motivations ' port eliminating existing tax exemp­ The commissld'ri'dhalfman. and where to base the MX or anti-poverty and antidiscrimination employment was lower than whites’ — including the relocation of violently because of race, not then pursue measures aimed at get­ programs of the 1970s did not have — in 1948, before CETA, or man­ says. ting a larger slice for minorities. tions, mainly under the sales tax, to Senate Majority Leader Richard whether to junk the weapon. businesses outside the central cities, class.” Deputy White House press the impact their supporters had power training," he said. “My own feeling is it’s very “But if someone says you can’t do resolve the state’s fiscal problems. Schneller, D-Essex, said the com­ healthy to have a variety of opinions the increasingly sophisticated Some of the newer proposals that O’Neill held off on supporting the mission’s report and recommen­ secretary Larry Speakes confirmed hoped, Black conservatives like Williams technology of American industry, both. I’d say you have to expand the on various problems.” de-emphasize racism are “just elimination of tax exemptions, dations on taxes and spending con­ a Washington Post report that In 1970, the median family income are getting more attention these and the recession. wishful thinking.” says David Swin­ pie.” for blacks was $14,707 in 1981 dollars days, since their views coincide with Wilson believes federal programs saying he was still studying options, trols. Reagan told Kemp he proposed deep cuts in strategic arms on the such as increasing tax rates or “I think the study will be of great UPI photo extending taxes to different areas. help and assistance to members of “assumption” the new MX missile “I’ll be talking to my fiscal people the executive branch as well as the would be deployed and without the Foreign builders dominate ... and certainly the legislative legislative branch in coming to grips MX, arms control talks with the leaders before a final decision is with some of the serious fiscal Some of the luckless Soviets in Geneva would have to be made as to what taxes will or will problems that we’re going to face,” reassesed. not be increased,” O’Neill said. Schneller said. Fern Monler, 29, a laid-off assembly line December making the 10.8 percent figure The lame-duck aession of the 97th commuter airline market “ There are an awful lot of Schneller also noted the commis­ worker from Ford Motor Co. In Detroit, the highest since the Great Depression. In Congress refused to appropriate variables and until we really have a sion did its work and ended up with a shows her children. Diamond, 3 (right), and Michigan where the figures are the highest In production money for the MX, surplus, spending less than $125,000 primarily because of doubts about planes. has a joint venture with is largely in the United pretty sure direction in which to go By LeRoy Pope out of the $150,000 allocated for the Sparkle, 5, an unemployment application the nation, the jobless rate rose sharply from the administration’s plan to deploy Nor do the American Saab of Sweden to’ build a States. ’The absence at this ... I won’t make judgment,” he told UPI Business Writer while awaiting her turn to apply Friday'. The 16.4 percent to 17.3 percent. the missile in a “dense pack” in makers of big airliners new 30-to 35pia8senger air­ time of a foreign market reporters at his Capitol office after study, the latest of several over the U.S. unemployment rate rose .01 percent In Wyoming. It directed the ad- seem inclined to drop down liner to compete with the receiving the commission’s report. years on spending and tax policies. NEW YORK (UPI) - for such planes could be minstration to review all basing o[>- into the commuter plane bigger foreign commuter another reason American The growing commuter tions and report back by March 1. field. planes. Fairchild also is makers are not very in­ airlines are turning to Speakes said the Post story “does .This leaves the market carrying the fight to Em- foreign manufacturers for terested. reflect the president’s viewpoint.” for commuter liners in the braer. It has been planes American builders He noted Gen. Ektward Rowny, 30-to 50-passenger range to vigorously pressing a The current growth of are reluctant to produce. St. John's pastor retiring chief U.S. arms negotiator at the An ever bigger share of such firms as Short proceeding before the the commuter airliqe Brothers, Ltd., a British International ’Trade Com­ business stems from Geneva talks, had stressed the need the market is going to non- for the MX to strengthen the U.S. government-owned mission accusing Brazil of deregulation of the U.S. firms partly because He organized The Good Shepherd tucket High School. There he was Music in Boston. bargaining position. manufacturer in Northern flagrantly subsidizing domestic airline industry. By Alex Qlrelll the foreign manufacturers Church, Worcester, Mass., and elected poetry editor of the high But he was drawn to the The Commission on Strategic I r e la n d , C a n a d a ’s exports of the Embraer 120 The question is how long Herald City Editor are goverriment-owned and served there as pastor for eight school newspaper. During his priesthood and entered the Forces opened its deliberation with DeHaviland Co., Fokker of to the United States. the ^ow th will last and are at least marginally The Rev. W alter A. Hyszko, years. While serving as pastor of the pastorship at St. John’s, a b ^ k of seminary. a five-hour meeting in a Pentagon subsidized, but more im­ Holland and Embraer of Shearson-American how viable commuter lines bis poems was published through More recently. Father Hyszko using the bigger planes will pastor of St. John’s Polish National Holy Trinity Parish in Webster. conference room. The commission, portantly because some Brazil. Express’s Fried said the Mass., be organized a branch of the Prime Bishop Thaddeus Zielinski. returned to the classroom to take a Fairchild Swearingen commuter aircraft market prove to be. Catholic Giurch since 1958, will which must make its recommen­ U.S. manufacturers don’t retire and move to Miami Beach, Boy’jj Club of America. Copies of it were donated to course in retirement education and dations by Feb. 18, will meet again want to gamble on the Fla., Feb. 1. libraries in Manchester and Hart­ counseling at Manchester Com­ Monday. commuter lines’ viability. Always interested in youth. Father Hynko organized several ford. munity College. Although Reagan is not bound to The foreign manufac­ Father Hyszko was ordained July Father Hyszko won trophies for MNILT EDOMTION «T HOW Di IXNEY RVT SCHOOL 17,1934 by the late Moat Rev. Francis harmonica bands and has frequently implement the commission’s UPl photo turers are willing to take ^ After high school graduation. swimming and diving as a boy and recommendations, he is expected to the risk building aircraft in Hudor. entertained youth groups with Father Hyszko entered Brown college student. Now he plays four- Registration Jan. 3 thru 13th, 1983 magic shows. He is a member of take them into serious considera­ the 30-to 50-passenger University in Providence, R.I., wall handball and racketball and he Web of tubes between 4 p.m. & 8 p.m. He had completed studies at the ’The International Brotherhood of tion. range. With the exception Savanarola ’Theological Seminary of where he studied writing. He also swims regularly. Brent Scoweroft, a former Air The Rocketdyne Division of Rockwell Inter­ engine. The tubing, supplied by Supei'lor of Fairchild Swearingen of Magicians. T-HHTOHinnE MEOHMCS KMinO TO NEATIIG, U. 1 KFW the Polish National Catholic Church. attended Northeastern University in He is a chaplain of Sphinx Temple, Force general and national security national spins an Intricate web of tubing In Tube Co. of Norristown, Pa., carried liquid San Antonio, the American THE REV. WALTER HYSZKO He has served parishes in New Bom in Central Falls, R.I., Father Boston and he studied voice at the Shriners, and a member of Omar adviser in the Ford adminisration, each NASA space shuttle engine It makes. hydrogen fuel throughout the engine, where makers, B ^ h , Cessna and usKBicraarv w-imn TO Ncn coiffnEn . . . pastor since 1958 England since his ordination. Hyszko was graduated from Paw­ New England Conservatory of Shine Club. chaired the 11-member panel in­ Piper, prefer to stick to Here a company design engineer Inspects temperatures can exceed 6,000 degrees T-usK a a m /K u m snux MntOSEM. ESTHTE FORTH UY FEIUi cluding former Air'Force Secretary the “ nozzle tubes” within the shuttle’s main farenhelt. smaller aircraft that can Thomas Reed, former Secretary of be used either as private T-MSK m a (traOt) IMKCWMCM. MUFTM State Alexander Haig, former executive planes or as MEFMEMTNN 1 « COMMTMMM 1 Defense Secretary Harold Brown smaller commuter liners, WmMTKIillSI and former CIA Director Richard c a r r y in g up to 20 she got a new heart Judge blocks foreclosures MUKPMTUMGI IMETMOMTIIM 1 « COMTHMM 1 Helms. passengers, says Eliot T-SMIIU. EMK mW 1 Defense Secretary Caspar Fried, an aircraft industry N-CMIE KCOMIIG Weinberger and Richard DeLauer, analyst for Shearson- T-SMRU. ENCK KPM1 undersecretary for research and American Express, the W-CMQ9B of owner-occupied houses N4TIH1MD FMT MOW t n and she's given it to him engineering, sat in on the opening Wall Street house. T-CMramni session to offer technical advice Fried said these W-STKSS MMMEmT pathetic county Sheriff said he took the action staving off foreclosure of T-CMpemvi in five years ago,” the bride-to-be said. They will not attend future meetings PITTSBURGH (UPI) - American companies .fear LOS ANGELES (UPI) — After weeks of prepara- unless asked to answer questions. A judge says his order Eugene Coon to remove 42 because of the her home tlirough the Mon the commuter airlines are T CDMiMflUfllt Wrtttw t V«W W-STOCN MMKT MB ROM Uon, a tired Cynthia Jelkmann Friday saw to the Cairistmas in 1977 was likely to be the 20-year- Valley group said it was halting owner-occupied foreclosed properties from “excruciatingly painful” not well enough financed IMOWMn MIMDESS T-TEORRCM. MTR 1, Mg. 1 THi. final details of her weekend wedding. Her fatigue old’s last. Ihat suhuner, she had been stricken with home foreclosures will the January sheriff’s sale plight of the recession- “ironic” the moratorium and the market will not be worried her nervous mother, though, because Cyndi acute cardiomyopathy, enlargement of the heart. protect jobless list. plagued area’s jobless came when it did because large enough to justify MEFOOT FMB «F m n 4TECIWTR R, RN,NreMlMI|. 1 Om. is five years younger than her heart. Unless she had a heart tranq>lant, her doctors said, Papadakos, who expects homeowners. she had just worked out an Inside Today homeowners^ for several going into the bigger EUenKHL BEOrri R-TECRHKIIL MRTRK “I'm exhausted,” the heart transplant recipient she had seven months, to live. months against their the moratorium to last “at One Pittsburgh woman agreement with her said, complaiidng that putting together her first After a seemingly endless series of tests, she got least several months.” who had obtained help in mortgage company. T-miRie “excrutiatingly painful" T-Euenmes 1 wedding was difficult enough, without having to the present of a lifetime—one day after Christmas 20 pages, 2 sections plight during a time of un­ ROKSM COmiOL W-BBIRESS MR TIE lEMOR 06101 deal with requests for television and newspaper in­ — a new heart. employment unmatched terviews and photo sessions. “This is a culmination of a lot of my dreams,” since ihe Depression. BUSINESS CLEANIN6 «HMKTIIE» HJMRi PIOCESSRK 1 Miss Jelkmann and her fiance sold the coverage her fiance, Wes Parker, said. ‘T ve finally found Advice ...... 13 Business...... 20 “ We’re very happy to see SERVICE R-INRi PIOCESSRH 1 righU of the wedding rehearsal to a German myself a woman I’m really in love with, who I think it,’’ Linda Stovall, a ALL COURSES COST $04.00 magazine. But, fearful that they would be I can form an almost perfect life with.” a a ss ifie d ...... 18-19 spokeswoman for the Mon CALDWELL (NL, INC. All courses are 36 hours In length. Hours are from 6:30 “swamped” by reporters, they closed the Saturday Parker, a chef, was planning to move to Italy C om ics...... 9 Valley Unemployed Com­ Floors, WIndowa, Waxing L 1 wedding to the media and are keeping the address when he met Mias Jelkmann, but canceled his plans A. 7 Entertainment ...... 7-9 to 9:30 P.M. L ottery...... 2 mittee, said of the Stripping S Bulling f | ___ . secret. as their relationship became more serious and be Classes meet one night per w e e k for 12 w e e k s . Obituaries ...... 10 moratorium ordered 1 0 9 . * c .o .d . Miss Ji^kmann, an articulate brunette, learned her madicsd condition prohibited a perma­ Opinion...... 6 Wednesday by Allegheny ComplBtB Janitorial Sorvico 791 Weal Middle Toke- ManolieeOer. Conn. 0SO4O celebrates two blrtbdaw every year — Jan. 7 marks nent move. Instead, the couple will take a three- UPI photo County Common Pleas her entry into the world and Dec. $6 marks the en­ week honeymoon trip there. Religious n ew s...... 14 a v allab la to Bualnaaaaa A Bualnaaa M—Mon. Class starts-Jan. 17, 1983 S ports...... 15-17 Judge Nicholas T—Tues. Class starts^an. 18, 1983 Tel. 1649-6306 try of the donor heart into her body. On Jan. 8, she “ I can lead a normal life,” Cyndi said. “I can go Papadakos. C om plexes In tha araa. Ralaraneaa providad wUl celebrate her wedding day. rollerskating, dancing, swimming, I just have to HEART RECIPIENT PLANNING MARRIAGE Television ...... 7-9 6 4 9 - 8 8 4 1 W—Wed. Class starts-Jan. 19, 1983 - W eather...... 2 The order followed a R—Thurs. Class starts-Jan. 20. 1963 "It’s amazing when I think of the condition I was use good Judvnsnt.” . . . Cynthia Jelkmann; fiance, Wes Parker move Monday by sym­ 684-4500 r M ANCHESTER H E RALD . Sat.. Jan. 8, 1983 - 3 . 2 - MANCHESTER HERALD. Sat., Jan. 8, 1983

wmoNM. wsATMm tasMOi raascMr t* r m is t i tarr issi M.M News Briefing / 'Common sense' on 911 urged

TO s « it to more medical calls, a sentbnent he shares with By Raymond T. DeMeo unable to breathe. His bear^ stopped, too. “ I thought I was gone. I actually thought I had died,” he Christensen and district director Clancj) Allain. Truckers call strike Harald Reporter remembered. "Th ey should be sent right off. W e’ve got a lot of-con­ V. fidence in that outfit,” he said. W ASHINGTON (U P I) — The nation’s independent MAM ’The town’s general manager, the police chief, the His wife dbiled 911 and asked for help. A police officer truckers Friday called a strike for Jan. 31 to try to force responded and administered oxygen — until a district On the other hand, he said, a police officer’s report town and district flre chiefs, and the chairman M the that four district firefighters responded without being a change in a new law which raises federal gasoline Emergency Medical Services Council, among others, firefighter arrived, he said, and told the officer that too dispatched to the scene o f a seizure on New Y ea r’s E ve taxes and highway user fees for trucks by thousands of have all had something to say about the efficiency of the much oxygen could kill an emphysema victim. casts some doubt on whether the district’s method of dollars a’ yearr r-immm 911 emergency dispatching system in the past month. “ Thank God for the cop. I ’m not running him down at response is the most effective possible. The strike is planned by the Independent Truckers l.'/ J — But the group of pecqile most vitally concerned with all, but he didn’t know what to do,” R ider said. I “ They shouldn’t make a circus out of it. Two good Association, which claims to have 30,000 members and the Issue to v e yet to be heard from. Forty-seven out of the 100 volunteer firefighters on the men, that’s all they need,” he said. to represent 100,000 independent longhaul owners and un atATMiii roTOc*n e These are the vlcthna — the people who need compe­ district’s roster are trained as emergency medical Internechie bickering about the merits of the 911 operators who carry about 85 percent of the nation’s tent emergency assistance as fast as it can get there. technicians. Accordbig to Police Capt. Josroh H. system benefits no one. Rider said. “ Why can’t the town food, half of its steel, and 90 percent of its household One such person called the Herald Friday to say he Brooks, there are eight to 10 police officers with EMT Herald photo I eMeo and the district Work together like common sense goods. was "burning up” after reading a Tlnirsday article in training, including two of tbe department’s dispatchers. people?” he asks. “ They’re bucking each other around WILLIAM RIDER The independents represent one-third of all truckers the paper about the dispute between Police Chief Robert R ID E R T H IN K S the district’s firefighters should be and we’re the one; who’re suffering.” on the highways. D. Uinnan and officiais of the E i^ t h Utilities District says 911 system Is wrongly politicized The new law raises the federal gasoline tax 5 cents a Weather over who should-be sent to help victims of medical gallon and also boosts highway user fees for trucks. emergencies.. The Los Angeles-based ITA said the tax increases un­ " I’m getting rather sick of my life bebig used as a der whe law would cost a typical owner-operator between political football,” said William Rider, 89, of 898 N. $3,000 and $5,000 more a year. Main St., an emphysema patient who’s been aided hi President Reagan Thursday signed the gas tax in­ Tpday’s forecast emergencies by boUi town and district firefighters. crease bill, originally proposed by the administration, which barely survived a bitter debate over it by the R ID E R ALS O happens to be the father-bi-biw of ALL STORES Mostly sunny Saturday. H i^ 35 to 40. Northwest Joto (3iristensen, the district’s fire chief. But be said lame-duck 97th Congress last month. wMids 10 to 15 mph. Qear Saturday n i^t. Lows in the that doesn’t color bis thinking about the town’s The strike “ will last as long as Congress wants it to,’ ’ teens. Light variable wMids. Partly sunny Sunday. Highs ITA President Mike Parkhurst said at a news con­ emergency response system. "It’s my life, not his 30 to 35. ference. “ It is the only way the 98th Congress is going to (Christensen’s ),” be said. sit up and pass immediate and meaningful legislation to On tlie Fourth of July 1961, Rider was stricken withan OPEN SUNDAY kill the horrible truck taxes.’’ Extended outlook emphysema attack that rendered him unconscious and

Elxtended outlook for New Elngland Monday through Wednesday: Heart-lung transplant falls Massachusetts, Rhode Island and Connecticut: Berman picked 12 Noon to 5 PM Showers or flurries Monday. Variable cloudiness HOUSTON (U P I) — The third heart-lung transplant Tuesday and mostly sunny Wednesday. Lows in the 20s UPI photo Manchester attorney Jon D. Berman has been ap­ operation attempted by Dr. Denton (Cooley in the past and h i ^ hi the 30s. pointed legal counsel to the Democratic m ajority of the two months f a il^ Friday because doctors could not con­ Maine and New Hampshire: Snow bi the north and 8 state S w t e . B om a n ’s appobitment was announced trol the patient’s excessive bleeding during surgery. Today In history rain or snow south M o ^ y . Mostly fair Tuesday and this week by Senate Majority Leader Richard F. Although St. Luke’s Episcopal Hospital would not WedneMlay. DailyJdghs bi the 20s north with mid to up­ Scbneller (D-Essex).' release the name of the recipient, the family of the per 30s south. O m n igh t lows in the teens north and 20s closing engagement of the War of 1812. Berman served as co-counsel during the 1961-82 retired Coldwater, Mich, electrician said Doug On Jan. 8, 1815 American Qen. Andrew south. legislative sessions, and this year w ill take over full Granger, 46, died about 6:20 a.m. CST during the sur­ Jackson’s forces decisively defeated the Library of Congress painting depicts Vermont; A chance of snow Monday, fabr Tuesday and responsIbiUty for tbe counsel position. As counsel, Ber­ ATARI gery. British In the Battle of New Orleans, the Jackson leading his troops. Wednesday. Highs 30 to 40. Lows bi the 20s. man will work with the Senate Democrats bi the draf­ Granger came to Houston in early December for the ting of new legislation. transplant operation. He was suffering from primary _ , . i_x ._.iai i .. i . &rman practices law with tbe firm of Beck & pulmonary hypertension, which weakened his heart and QuOtSS OVOIkUm SOUQht PaCiTlOr rOOlOVal SSKOO Pagano in Manchester, and resides in Manchester with damaged the tissues of his lungs. The donor organs used ^ ^ i National forecast his wife, Myra. ' in operation came from an 18-year-old who was not iden- WASHINGTON (U PI) — In an unprecedented move, HARTFORD — Connecticut officials Friday an­ t ifi^ . the Reagan administration asked a federal aiqieals nounced the filing of a lawsuit to remove from store COfldAIWND - H«UNT€D Although Cooley has lost all the recipients in bis last court Friday to overturn a ruling ordering shelves a potentially hazardous baby pacifier dis­ By United Pren Angela c three heart-lung transplants, officials said they will con­ tributed by a New Jersey fbm. Qfy a Pcft LouiavllIaWlIe I race conscious promotion quotas in the New Orleans Albiiqiieniae c Memphis pc h& JS€ tinue the procedure. Ten similar operations have b e ^ Police Department. State Attorney General Josefdi Lieberman and Con­ Anchonte ■ Miami Bed) pc Calendars performed at Stanford University in California, where- The admhiistration’s action was the first time the sumer Protection Commissioner Mary Heslin said the AeberUle e MUwauka cy AUanta c Mlnaeapolla cy seven are still alive. One operation has also been done at federal government has gone to court to challenge rubber shield on the "Happy-Mates Orthodontics WHiiiw cy Nashville pc PlR/yiONDS" Presbyterian University Hospital Mi Pittsburgh. Pacifier” was too small and could become lodged in a Blrminiliun c Near Orlena pc employment quotas order^ by a court to remedy the New Yon pc St. Luke’s spokeswoman Hazel Haby said the Boeton cy effects of workplace discrimination. j baby’s mouth. BrwmvU Tk.pc Oklahm Cty pc V -3 operations will continue whenever donor organs become In legal papers filed in the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of They said at a news conference no complaints had M felo • Omaha cy available. been received from consumers but the suit was Chnrbtn S.C. c Philadelphia pc Manchester Appeals, the Justice Dqiartment took issue with a ChirloU N.C. c - Phoenix c ruling requiring the promotion of one Mack policeman necessary because the company had failed to agree to Chlcaso pc PiUabuigh w for every white policeman until black officers con­ ask for a voluntary recall of the product from stores. Cteveuad cy Portland Me. a Monday Cohunbue cy Portland Ore. r Kidnapped exec sought stituted half of the city’s police force. No one was avidlable when UPI contacted the New Dnllnt c Provideiice cy Board of Education, 7:30 p.m., 45 N. School The government said the one-to-one promotion quota Jersey fMm by telephone and inquiries were referred to Denver cy Richmoad c St. proceded at 7 p.m. by a meeting on school-club sports VflflS' R€\/€NG€ Dee Moliief cy St. Loota pc REDDELL, La. (UPI) — A helicopter and nearly 30 would embrace non-victims of dhKrbnination as well as “ customer service.” A woman on the line said the presi­ Detroit cy Salt Lake CItyr policy). patrol cars scoured the backwater bayous of French- victims and thus would be "racially preferential’ treat­ dent of the firm was "on vacation” and declined to give Dvinth cy San Antonio pc Historical Society, 7:30 p.m.. Town Hall coffee room. his name. El Puo fy San Diego c Tuesday speaking Acadiana Mi southern Louisiana Friday for a ment to persons having no ‘riAtful place’ claim to Haitlotd cy San Francac ha retired bank official kidnapped from his hoifae at promotion priority vis-a-vis non%lack officers.” “I don’t think we’re overreacting, this involves Honoliihi c San Joan pc Elderly outreach, U a.m., Lincoln Center Gold Room. Suttle r J children and when it comes to their safety I think we IndlenepoUi cy Mental Health Council, 3:30 p.m., Uncobi Center con- knifepoint. “ Because government has no compelUng Miterest hi Jtcfciaa Mii. c teokane r The kidnappers demanded $500,000 for the safe return according such preferential treatment to non- have to bang tough,” said Lieberman, a former Senate JeckioovUle c lan ra c fierence room. of 70-year-old Aubrey LaHaye two hours after his abduc­ discriminatees at the expense of binocent third parties, majority leader who took office as attorney general on Kamai aty cy Washington pc Data Processing Advisory Cimimlttee, 7:30 p.m.. Lae Vm u c Wichita cy tion Thursday, but they have made no contact since judicial Imposition of the one4o-one promotion quota” W e ^ e s ^ y . UUIe pc Data Processbig Office, Lincoln Center. then, officials said. is unconstitutional, the government said. The pacifier, ImpOTted from Hong K o n g js distributed Board of Education budget workshop, 8 p.m., 45 N. ' Two young men talked their way into LaHaye’s home by Electro-Plastics the. of Port Newarrin.J. School St. > a « « before dawn by giving the impression their car was dis­ Wednesday abled. They robbed LaHaye ^ his w ife and tied her to Solar car completes trip Police search for robber Cheney Historic District Commission, 4 p.m.. Town a bed. She managed to get free and called police. Hall hearing room. Video Game by Atari] A Group home meeting, 7 p.m.. Town Hall hearing LaHaye was barefoot and clad only in pajamas when SYDNEY, Australia (U PI) — A Dahish-bom adven­ WATERBURY (U PI) — A second man w u arraigned Lottery room. he was kidnapped. turer drove bito Sydney FMday in a solar-powered Friday in the $200,000 Christmas Eve robbery of a Republican Town Commlttc, 7:30 p.m., Uncoln A sheriff’s spokesman said the kidnappers called automobile that looks like an upside-down bathtub to Colonial Bank branch at the Naugatuck Valley Mall Mi Center hearing room. LaHaye’s home two hours later demanding the ransom. complete a .2,500-mile trip that cost less than $20. Waterbury as police pressed their search for a third An FBI agent said “there are leads that we are Hans Tholstrup drove the car up to the ste^ of the suspect. Thursday following up. We are pursuing it vigorously.” Sydney Opera House, 19 days and 21H hours after Numbers drawn bi New Hampshire Bicentennial Bandshell Commission, 4 p.m.. Town 24.70 No arrests bad been made in the Christmas Day Rngiaiirt Friday: daily:0203. Hall bearing room. Harold Monier, a longtime friend and banking partner ieavMig Perth 2,538 miles away on the Indian Ocean. robbery at a Colonial Bank branch bi Southbury. In both Our Orig.* Connecticut daily: 825. New Hampshire Judge’s hours, 6:30-8:30 p.m.. Municipal building in Evangeline Parish, said LaHaye was a quiet, civic- Tholstrup and juto racl9g driver Larry Perkins, robberies, thieves used a truck and chain to rip a ni|^t 37.88 minded man. He retired Dec. 31 after 32 years as presi­ designer of the car, left Perth Dec. 19 and reported no Qmnecticut Play Four: probate court. deposit box o ff the wall o f the banks. jgg7 Rhode Island dally; 2254. N Conservation Commission, 7:30 p.m.. Town Hall dent of the Guaranty Bank of Mamou, a farming town of trouble other than two flats Mi the thin, bicycle-style Rudolph Vllbotti, 53, of Waterbury was presented In Miiinii daily: 029. Vermont dally: 472. coffee room. 5,000 about five miles south of Reddell. Reddell is about .tires. Superior Court on robbery and la r c ^ chides in the IE.T. ch an 85 miles west of Baton Rouge. The $15,000 solar-powered car, known as "The Quiet Dec. 24 heist. Achiever,” was the first vehicle to cross a continent He also was charged with burglary, robbery, larceny running entirely on the sun’s energy. and kidnapping in the April 28, 1982, r o b b ^ o f a Coventry Under the $150,000 "Solar Trek” project, qxmsored by Colonial Batik branch on Store Avenue in Waterbury. Regional pay off pace British Petroleum Co., the trip was suppmed to take His bond was reduced from $500,000 to $400,000 and Almanac four weeks. police said he was held pending^ another court Monday Town (founcil, 7.30 p.m.. Board Room, Town Hall. BOSTON (UPI) - Workers Mi 14 of the 16 New But the solar panels fitted atop the fiber glass car per­ appearance Jan. 17. Carter Revision Commission, 7.30 p.m., board England economic regions earned less than the national formed better than expected and knocked nearly 10 days Vilhotti and William F. Spinelli, 29, of Waterbary Room, Town Hall. average in 1961, the Bureau of Labor Statistics reported o ff the schedule. were both arrested at their homes Thursday. Friday. (foventry Taxpayers Association, 7.30 p.m.. Nurse’s Only the greater Bridgeport and greater Hartford, Today is Saturday, Jan. 8, the eighth day o f 1963 with Office, Town Hall. Q>nn., areas showed salary growth and ranked in the top Nicaragua on alert 357 to follow. T ueaday quarter of the 305 communities surveyed nationally, Blacks call off march The moon is bi its first quarter. Sewer Referendum Task Force, 7:30 p.m.. Board said regional commissioner Anthony J. Ferrara. MANAGUA, Nicaragua (UPI) — Nicaraguan com­ The morning stars are Jupiter and Saturn. Room, Town HalL MM i : Democratic TVmn (fommlttee, 7:30 p.m.. Board 'The Bridgeport-Stamford, Conn., area topped the manders alerted their forces Friday for a possible M IAM I (U P I) — A 57-block funeral march scheduled The evening star is Mercury, Venus and Mars. SI region with an average salary of $18,256 followed by major attack by right-wing commandos across the Hon­ Saturday to honor a young Uadc man whose death Those born on this date are under the sign of Room, 'Town Hall./5I Human Services Advisory Committee, 8.30 p.m.. Hartford-New Britain and Bristol, Conn., at $16,271. At duran border aimed at dlm ptbig nest week’s meetbig sparked three days o f lo o ti^ and burning in M in n l’s Capricorn. m m „ J-..* "f ^ i the bottom was the Lewiston-Auburn, Maine, area with of Non-aligned Nations. Overtown ghetto was called oH Friday because his Civil War Confederate Gen. James Longstreet, was Board Room, Town Hall. i i i a $11,258 average. Nicaraguan army commander Rodrigo Gonzalez, family fea^ rmewed violence. % born Jan. 8,1821. E lvis Presley was born Jan. 1, 1935. Wednesday l i P M J p I l Nationally, the average salary in 1961 was $16,234. head of a border force Mi Jalapa, some 78 miles from Nevell Johnson Jr., 20, was fatally wounded Dec. 28 by On this date in history:'^ School Building (fommittee, 7.30 p.m., Rm. 18, High 'Three re^onal areas e x c e ed ^ the national 9.1 per­ Managua, predicted that "some 1,500 rightists massed police officer Luis Alvarez when Alvarez tried to take a In 1815, American Gen. Andrew Jackson’s forces School. cent growth rate between 1960 and 1961, Ferrara said. just inside the Honduran border could soon mount an at­ gun away from Johnson in a video game arcade. decisively defeated the British tai the Battle of New Board of Tax Review, 8 p.m.. Nurse’s Office ,Town New London-Norwich, Conn., area, which Included tack” on neighboring Nicaraguan Nueva Segovia Authorities said the shooting was accidental. Orleans, the closing engagement of the War of 1812. Hall. . workers Mi' southwest Rliode Island, reported 10.4 per­ province, 120 miles from the capital. The march was to have preceded burial services for In 1867, Congress a p p ro ^ legialatloo, which for the Thursday cent growth; the eastern Massachusetts area, rangbig His statement was echoed by another border com­ Johnson Saturday at the Joseph Caleb Community first time allmed blacks to vote in the District of Finance Committee, 7.30 p.m.. Board Room, Town from Brockton to Haverhill and Including Boston, mander, Jaime Agurcla, head o t the Ocotal region. O n te r bi Liiierty City, but R ay Fauntroy, president of Columbia. Hall. jumped 9.7 percent; and the greater Bridgeport, Conn., Some 85 delegations, at least 14 beaded by foreign the Miami chapter of the Southern Christian Leadership In 1971, the trial of the "Watergate Seven” began in Patriots Park Board of Directors, 7:30 p.m., All- m m ministers, are expected to attend the week-long Non- Seasons Lodge, PatrioU Park. IH tO USwffeSISCAHTWDCSE] yO ^ area, which Micluded S tam fc^, Norwalk and Danbury, Conference, said Johnson’s fam ily pleaded with black Washtaigton, D.C. They were charged with breaking bito VOCE I7«muy9!“^I^SBCARTBOGE recorded a 9.6 percent gain. aligned conference which begins Monday hi Managua. leaders to postpone it. the National Headquarters of the Democratic Party. Tax Collector, 9:30 a.m.. Board Room, Town Hall. VOCE In 1978, Chtaiese Prem ier Chou Bn-lal died bi Peking. Board o f Education, 7:30 p.m., Rm. 18, High School. Friday A thought for the day: British statesman William Pitt Judge of Probate, 9.30 a.m.. Board Room, Town Hall. said, “ Necessity is the.plea for every bifrin^ment pf Quote/ Unquote human freedom .” .f ix . 8

”1 don't think most people today challenge -• Carloa HoniMle, WiWgpina ferelgn mMlalar. Andover themselves at all. W e’re Into convincing ourselves saybig' Ithe UnNad tla lo e waa rnaMiig a aarloiia that we should be working four days a week and mMMce by puahlna Japan to heal up Ma mlWary Monday INtHUVOICE retire at 55. I think that's nuts." HlanrhrBtrr Hrrald Town Clerk, 7 p.m.. Town O ffice BuidUng. w S^csiscapitwdge — ClMifttf M u o i o i f imMkstafi.fftiifiOMft) Tax Collector, 7 p.m.. Town Office Building. VOCE "In Paterson, the llbrarleo have become a Richard M. Diamond, Publlahar Assessor, 7 p.m.. Town Office Building. BUY “How can the United States be so adamant In rathsir low prlorHy wtth alaotsd officials. It does Thomas J. Moopnr, Qenaral Manaqwr Pbuinbig and Zonbig Commission, 7:30 p.m., Town Of­ not spsak well for the values of this oountry. n ANY TW O Its backing for the rights of 1,500 Inhabitants of fice Building. MArrcL *iMTEu.iy€Mcr the Falkland Islands and at the same time Ignore speaks of an Impovorlshed ounuro. K la becoming J8 P S 327-500 VOL. Cll, No. 83 ‘M-NETWORK’ the rights of 6 million Palestinians?” a national t r a g ^ .” CARTRIDGES ~ TSMT Ar^NRp PflMOTIfW UDVfBHOII — Leo ncMsMarg. PuMWwd iMSy moapt Sunday buggaatod oariior ratoa ara WM Uon ohatoman. uihere the mahf Mbrary and i ind osrtain koUdsya'by lha SI .20 waakly, SS.I2 for ona Bolton Manetiaslar PubSahlng Co., IS month. S18JS lor Wraa Kionths, lomnoforthf^^ppaiH^e^e ^aa ^a^ ihul aa^alof slook b r n w apaof hndo. ^^SaPaggPe . . . t A GET ONE FREE "Frankly, I didn’t think I’d have to d o anything Draintrd Placa, Manotiaatar, 630.70 lor six moniha and SS1.40 33>6Q Crnonitfrgm ir17 Ikimbtr, like this Just two months ago. I came here and T h e Incredible and rampant oommerdalism of Conn. 06040. Saoond elaaa lOT ona yaar. MaH ratoa ara Monday FROM MATTEL potuga paid al Manahaatar, avaSabto on raqusst Town Clerk, 7 p.m.. Town Hall. BKMnb'BtpMd Q g m M found hungry p e o p le ... and that Is the way It Is." interooHeglala athletlos in the laat 10 years has Conn. P08TMA8TBI: Sand ad- howa irumgrt gourKHna v o io i^ ^ See clerk Tax Collector, 7 p.m., 117170 Hall — Mid. Pa«* KaHy, division eomwiandar oftlie transformed the athletes into e m p lo y ^ of the draaa ohanpaa to Sia Manehaalar To plaoa a rtaaawiad or diaptay fltw(9dlfnctk)ii8 nod ttdnwiwidB. lor detella. Aasesaor/Bulldbig Offbdal, 7 p.m.. Town Hall. Sahrallan Army for nordiem OMo, t i t t r Nw Chuck MangloiM Brlgetto Bardot universnieo." Harald, P.O. Sox SSI, advartlaamanl. or to raport a MMfilna of o oouo kHohofi In wliol woo o wyM — Dr. ANon Saeli, pie|ect dhaoler, AgHolo Mandiaator. Conn. 06040. nswa Ham. alory or ptotura Mas. Public Building Oommlasioo, 7:30 p.m.. Fireplace oaS 0432711. OMoa hours « a iiNiMnoKiiooo VNYOiono noignDonioeo Dmofw ino Righle and I dueaden Canfar^ F D t) Room, Community Hall. "Intermediate meihdowns taken. Store slock only on ell video game cartridges. Sorry, no rainchecks. To aubaortba. or to laport a 4)30 a.m. to S p.m. Monday Tuesday' waa the target Ola inasalaaoaiisplrany fa maidar "I suffered a lot. I was raaNy treated Hke daSvary problam. oaS 0474040. through Fridto. har. OfSoa hours ara ajn. toSiSO RepubIcian Town Committee, 8 p.m.. Community "On the basis of the known facts, permit me to someone lesa than nothing. I can understand 0.m. Monday Piraueh PrMby and Tjia Manehaalar Hsrald'ts a HaU express the faint hope that M arll^ Monroa be “Those who Ignore history land to become Ha hunted animalsbeoauaeof the way I was treated. 7 to 10 a.m. Sahirday. Dsitoary aubaortbar to UnIMC Praastnlar- Thursday MANCHESTER VERNON ahouM ba mads by S p.m. Mon­ naltonat nawa sand a i and Is a permitted to rest In peace. She la entNied to that." It waa Inhuman." Board M Education, 7:30 p.m.. Center School Library. victims. I’ve always said the United States should day toroiigh Friday and by T-M msmbsr of lha Am H Buraau of 1145 Tolland Turnpika TrI-CIty Shopping Cantor ^ John Von do Konn.'Lao Annoloo dM rlol ol« Friday « be very careful about making Japan ns surrogate I . a.m. Sahirday. Ctreutattona. lamey, dndhig aRar a feur-iiioiilh Inquiry, Miat for the defense of the Pacific." [ U f VIO WOTIB I Democratic Town Comniittee, 8 p.m.. Community HOURS: DAILY S SATURDAY 10 AM to 9 PM • SUNDAY 12 NOON to S PM • PRICES EFFECTIVE THRU WED., JAN. 12 HaU.. ) t - MANCHESTER HERALD. Sat., Jan. 8, 1983 MANCHESTER HERALD, Sat., Jan. 8, 1983 — S' ^ ______White House t . , • GENERAL OIL predicts 3% AARON COOK MANCHESTER HEATING OIL GNP growth QUALITY SERVICE

WASHINGTON (UPI) - The White House, reacting to RRLL 5B8"3500 “gloom and doom” hews reports, predicted Friday the long-awaited economic recovery will begin in the second HAS IT! half of the year. But the effects of the recession, especially the high GUNUFFE MTTO BODY unemployment rate, will continue at least through Uie ROUTE S3 TALCOTTVILLE,CT. M / A IN M first three months of the year, according to the '^643-1191 economic growth forecasts to be contained in the 1984 r.i ' Reagan budget. 24 NR. TOWING ' l/ A ltl “We expect this third and fourth quarter — the latter M l H half of .1983 — to begin the recovery and the period of 8 4 3 -0 0 1 6 FEATURING THIS WEEK ... •COMWLfTf COLLISION NiWAIW 6 4 3 -1 9 0 0 sustained growth that we anticipate through the end of •7 0 MION AND AMIIMCAN CANS the forecasting period,” deputy press secretary Larry Since 1947 Speakes told reporters. Art Cunliffe, Prop. Administration officials previously estimated, during testimony to congressional committees on the 1983 MERGYSAVMG budget last year, the economic recovery would begin in STORM PRME AWNINGS the spring of 1982, then the summer, and finally the fall. CUSTOM KITCHEN CENTER WINDOWS REPLACEMEHT & Speakes said certain segments of the economy — such WINDOWS CANOPIES as housing starts and interest rates — airrady are m V U DOORS making “a strong recovery” and the improvements YANKEE ALUMINUM SERVICES UPI photos were “unprecedented” in some areas. 109 CENTER STREET The comments came in reaction to what Speakes Glass S Sqreen Repairs MANCHESTER 643-6922 GAIL LEMLEY FIRES GUN AT PAPER TARGET AT MAINE STATE POLICE FIRING RANGE called “gloom and doom” news reports Reagan was an­ ticipating only a 1.4 percent growth rate in the gross s SHMPkNWa s RUBBER STAMPS V . . . it was part of gun safety course offered by York County Community College national product this year. s UtCKSMITHINS 705 Main St. Manchaatar, Ct. Higher GNP growth means higher employment and s FU S TIC SIBN ENSSAVINS tax revenue for the government and lower budget deficits. Speakes said the budget, which Reagan will submit to WE SERVICE MO IStTkU INOUBTUIkl MD COMMERCIftL 8 Firing a gun Congress Jan. 31, will project a 1 percent increase in the AIR CONDITIONING - REFRIGERATION HOUSE WASMNC GNP for the first three months of 1983, a 3 percent in­ HEATINQ and SHEET METAL High Pressure Power crease in the second quarter, and 4 percent hike in both Washing Of Vinyl, 'The feeling of power . . . is overwhelming' the third and fourth quarters. Aluminum And Wood Speakes said that would average a 3 percent increase New England Mechanical Services, Inc. Sided Homes. serted six .38 caliber, blunt-ended bullets designed in the GNP for the year, and therefore the pessimistic By Gall Lemley news reports “did not reflect, the strong surge in the Distributed By UPI to make neat holes in the targets. Guns were kept 166 TUNNEL RD. MAN Painting pointed away from people. latter quarters.” VERNON, CT. 06066 A year ago, the administration predicted a 5.2 percent SCARBOROUGH. Maine — The movies don’t tell The bullets didn't go in too fast because my 871-1111 6 4 3 - S 6 S 9 you about the flame, the earsplitting sound or the fingers were shaking. increase for 1982, but a budget office official said Friday -gunpowder smell that hangs in the air later. the rate would actually turn out to be a minus 1.2 per­ We were told to stand with our feet comfortably “ .Seruin^ Manchester For O ver oO Years In the movies, firing a gun is something like apart, our shoulders relaxed and our arms, at the cent average. shouting: It's dramatic and gets attention, but it's command, outstretched, pistols pointed straight at « Please Keep not especially hard to do. chests of the manshaped targets. Penttand The Florist In real — at least for a novice — firing, a gun is In turn, each of us pulled the triggers— “squeeze, something like learning to drive one of those long, don’t jerk,” commanded teacher Stephen Gotleib— Quakesshake Your Eyes 24 BIRCH ST. eight-cylinder, tank-type cars in a hilly city. The and each of us'got a jolt. TEL‘. 643-6247 feeling of power at hand, but not quite under con­ Even through the ear muffs, the shots blasted our 643-4444 trol, is overwhelming. F.T.D. ears. Red and yellow flames shot from the muzzle bn This Space MASTER CHARGE A handful of first-timers were enrolled in the of each gun, along with a small amount of gun­ High Sierra For All Your Nood$ AMERICAN EXPRESS WORLD WIDE most recent session of "A Gun in the House,” a non­ powder that didn’t go away. After a few people had SERVICE credit class offered through the York County Com­ fired, the powder was thick enough to taste. TRAVEMNSURANCE Next Week... munity College. When my turn came, I found myself lining up to ' MAMMOTH LAKES, Calif. (UPI) - The remote 391 Broad 8t., Manchaatar the center of the target, wobbling, then lining up Mammoth Lakes area of the High Sierra trembled with The Calico Patch WK W KRK TIIK class members chosen to fire 646-7096 “ABNIOUELITTLElittle quilt shop again. “Relax,” said teacher Gregory Hanscom. I earthquakes Friday aqd geologists looked for signs of a 210 PWE st^ B4B-B40S MANCHESTER first during a practice session at the Maine State tried. long-threatened volcanic eruption. 8PECIAUZINQ IN 1 Mon. - Sat. 10-5 Thur. A FrI. nllo 6.9 Police pistol range in Scarborough. Pulling the trigger wasn’t too hard. Anticipating A swarm of quakes has been shaking the region s(pce Bet Your Copy of Our 61ft Catalog SUPERIOR MUFFLERS their specialty also. Cuttom Kitchen Center Everything For Todayt Qullter + More Before that night, most of us had pointed a gun at Thursday. They have set off burglar alarms, collapsed From the tiny, all-in-one kitchenette unit, to the sound and the kick wasv I heard the explosion in has the know-how to redo a bath into a We Would Like To a movie screen target and some of us had fired once my head a second before I felt it jerk my hand up. an airport hangar and emptied store shelves. DOIIWEll$liMUa.lllC. the largest and most complex kitchen installa­ or twice. Following earlier quakes in the area, the U.S. SPECIALISTS showplace. Bathroom fixtures, plumbing, tile, ANNOUNCE J But this was a little different. We were lined up With the blast, my mouth slammed shut. My eyes CROWN raARMACY WHEEL ALIGNMENT • ORAKE SERVICE ^WRECKER SERVICE tion, Cuitom Kitchen Center is equipped to probably did, too. Geological Survey last summer issued a notice saying GENERAL REPAIRING sinks and countertops, flooring can update and OUR NEW LOCATION along a counter 50 feet from five paper targets with the region was subject to volcanic eruption. “Prescription Center" handle the job! They are professionals who do The second shot was easier, just as Hanscom and Propane Cylinders Filled improve the beauty of any home. ■a ol February lat. human outlines. Our bullets were real, not blanks. Gotleib had said it would be. 'Hie third round-shot Don Finley £f the U.S. Geological Survey in Denver A Lowest Prices on the complete job — from cabinets, plumbing Unlike the -firing ranges where "Hill Street A Senior Discount Air Conditioning Service Visit thein at their new location, 25 Olcott from closer range, and without taking careful aim said Friday it was too early to determine whether the ADslIvsry Ssrvlos I TELEPHONE MAIN STREET and electrical to floor covering and 122 Burnside Ave., East Hartford Blues" officers practice, this one was in an open new tremors would result in volcanic activity in the A Nursing Homes ' MANCHESTER, CONN 06040 Street, Manchester. They can help you with (Powder Mill Shopping Canter) room with no separate lanes and no neat little — was easier still. But I had no idea whether I’d A Surgical SuppUas appliances. even grazed the target. mountainous area 180 miles east of San Francisco. our Spscisity your remodeling plans from start to finish! motors that propel the targets back and forth. “It is just too early to tell if this is a precursor to Bathroom remodeling and installation are Each of us had either a gun brought from home or Guns empty, we walked through the pall of gun­ 208 West Canter Street OVER 4 5 powder to inspect targets. My man would have suf­ ' volcanism,” he said. MOHAWK INDUSTRIAL SUPPLY. INC. MANCHESTER a .38 caliber revolver supplied by the instructors. Roy Bailey, chief of the survey’s Volcanic Hazards (% Mils from McDonakTs) YEARS A fered serious shoulder wounds. After a few more Each of us was given 50 bullets to fire and, to cut Program, said the activity was “the most dramatic 6 4 9 -0 3 1 1 Sii|.|.li. r. <>/ SnA ».v rr..li < EXPERIENCE ‘ down on the sound of gun blasts, a set of ear muffs. rounds from my gun (assuming he stood as dead MEMORIAL CO. still as the paper target), his chest would have been event we’ve had since May, 1980.” This was only the second time I'd ever touched a peppered with shots. The first of the moderate earthquakes occurred at Opp. Ea»t Cametary CALL 649-5807 gun. The ear muffs amplified the sound of blood 5:32 p.m. ’Thursday, registering 5.5 on the Richter scale. oFOUL WEATHER SUITS CaH 649-7544 25. Olcott S t, Manchester pounding in my head. VI A!NY IN THE class had better aimi One woman The second measured tremor, registering 5.6, came at oROOTS sHOSE QUALITY Just hoiding the gun — a Smith & Wesson com- who had never fired a pistol put several holes Ziebart oOLOVESsTARPSaRESPIRATORS HARRISON ST. 7:24 p.m. Shimmering aftershocks continued at least 15 MANCHESTER rhonly used by police officers — made my hands through her target's chest with the first round of hours after the initial shakes. Ruttprooflng Company MEMORIALS sweat so much 1 had to wipe them off to get a good buliets. Her man wouldn’t have survived long The jolts were felt as far away as Stockton, 299 miles nwE piCKua a onuvanv 5 Gfan Rd. • Monchottor • 643-5107 J«f. ANNIVERSARY SALE! grip. enough to look her in the eye. •n Uw Mandwstar Araa. N east, and Reno, Nev., 100 miles north. Mine, Gotleib assured me, would at least have ‘"niere have been hundreds'of earthquakes,” said BUSINESS ADDRESS: WE THANK ALL OUB ' PATRONS WHO BUSINESS. WE COULD NOT HAVE DONE FOl.I.OVUMJ INSTRl CTIO.^S from the two been stopped. Robert Cockerham, a geophysicist at the U.S. Vernon Industrial Place SUPPORTED US THRU OUR 1st. YEAR OF WITHOUT THEM. teachers, we spun the chambers of our guns and in­ That’s enough like the’movies for me. Geological Survey in Menlo Park. ‘"There are so many Clark Road “K’s Us or EVERYTHING IN GLASS 643-2072 of them coming in one^ight after another that we can’t Vernon. CT •WE CAN’T HIDE BEHIND OUR PRODUCT ” tell exactly how many there have been.” (Just ort Rt. 86, Vernon exit) Rust” • DRAPERY • CARPET •WALLCOVERING USGS scientists rushed to Mammoth Lakes area The colorful tfore that comes to your door. Friday, seeking clues to what was going on un­ / Tel: (203) 872-3361 L i WHITE GLASS CO... derground, such as new hot spots on the surface. DECORATING DEN At the Mammoth Lakes Airport, a hangar collapsed 8 4 9 - 7 8 3 1 • Cuttom dropwry • «vov*n wood» • mini-btinds • bsdeprsadi on a twin-engine Cessna, cAsing extensive damage to 1 OVEH V> YEARS EXPER IEM E • vorticoi blinds • iwogs/cornicse * ihodss the plane, Pat Kaunert of the Elmergency Public Infor­ |ai BiaseLL or. manchesteii E apart dacorot'Hg odvee ot your cc"’ve'’ 'e'ismos 1402 had been broken up on command y t h p l k e 6 4 9 -3 5 8 9 to guarantee it would bum up totally in the earth’s at- ENERGY SOURCES § yy Nut to Stw I Skw mos^ere. * .SfM'cinfiaitiif in M . “According to competent Soviet organizations, the Solar Eiwrgy Is Froo and AbundonU Right satellite ceased active existence on Dec. 28,1982 and un­ now Undo 8am will halp you InvasI In Solar OLCOTT PACKAGE STORE ■ der the flight program, was divided into separate EquIpmonU Chock wHhthaIRa 1-800-343- MERCURY 654 CENTER ST. MANCHESTER, CT. I fragments by commands from Earth in order to isolate 8000 on 8dar Tax CrodHa, and than call Pina Shopping Plaza | the active part of the reactor, which ensured its sub­ AHMAD ALTAF sequent complete combustion in the dense atmospheric Rag. Ptiarmaclat DISCOUNT LIQUOR STORE j strata,” the Tass news agency said. PIKMM 848-2758 ■1 O.M o) MancliMtar t L.rawl S«l«:tlon. Ol FlQur.l C ««m lc. In ■ “’The radiocativity level will remain within the NO SERVICE CMAnOE ON ANY NEW/REFILL/TRAN8FER I | Block. Our Volumn 8 «v «* You Monay. 100'a O l SpacHI.. natural backgrotuid limits,” Tass said in the first of­ SOLAR HEAT md NOT WATER 'M sifsr Chsrge snd Viss Accspfso ^ PRESCRIPTIO N. Ws will handls all the | TelS‘Check... ' ' m 8 ficial confirmation that the satellite had splintered, as PAdUUS ME aVMUUU PmsRsI OwcLs CsdiH hr ts FISI OO I had been reported by international space trackers. transfer dstalls from othsr pharmacies, j 6l7MoloS»oal Jixpirss 1/1S/*83. ‘ INSTRUCTOR STEPHEN QOTLIEB (RIGHT) DISPLAYS AN UNUSUAL WEAPON In Washington, offbcials speculated Friday the TO .1 satellite might come down in the week beginning Jan. 23 . . . his students learn shooting Is not the way It seems in the movies Custom Kitchen Center MINI I-M \N IM UM IM . if it followed the same pattern as a sister unit that fell in ★ lOS RENIOR DISCOUNT ON ALL Call'Ua^jRmd Wa Will Give You A Price 421 ctaiiR IT . MiacMini taa-iiyr ■ . — I - ^aiiawiCanada in January AVf«r>IVn. Kitchen & Bathroom Remodeling We have something ITEMS IN STORE EVERY WEDNESDA^ Quota Ovar-Tha Phone — You Compare ★ 1 0 % SENIOR DISCOUNT ON And You Saval ALL 3rd. Party Inauranca commn nmtiic i cofymc suvn Visit Our Showroom At for your car PRESCRIPTION PRICES A Slate WaHara Accept Dalivary Sarvlca LOW COST fllINTINO AvailaUa. WNILi YOU WAIT (PHOTO READY) NRC study: More reactors may be salFety risks 25 Olcott StrMt that you don’t have W NURSING HOME PRESCRIPTION wsBiis am • tu T w o i 5 mm ii« r t DELIVERY. OurSpadaHy; WE OlVE 10% ★ 24 HOUR PHOTO DEVELOPING. WE Decatur, Ala. Mon. - Oat. 9 - 8:30 and that’s a big advantage DISCOUNT ON ALL NURSING HOME a-.I I I i> IU N tlM A V n ' NAMI WASHINGTON (UPI) - The Nuclear years. proval Wednesday to its “policy state­ USE KODAK PAPER. aut> NI vv 141 W M COPIfRI Regulatory Commission’s new policy on The sixth facility, Calvert Cliffs of Nuclear power opponents have ment on safety goals.” It was prompted Thurs. till 9 PM \ PRESCRIPTIONS. Lusby, Md., has had major repairs since I SOFT reactor safety goals may cause more \charged the commission’s calculations by reforms su{Ke8ted after the worst ac­ ■1 nuclear plants to be considered safety it was reviewed by the NRC. But the lof "acceptable risk” from reactor cident in the history of commercial 6 4 9 - 7 8 4 4 I CLOTH risks than previously believed, NRC commission’s highly complex study in­ 10% OFF operations are based on an unreliable nuclear power severely damaged the AHO IM A M Z H n a il figures released Friday Indicate. dicates the reactor still may fail to meet statistical method known as reactor core of the ’Three Mile Island an* 1, a«l tad. W PrlMl ■ U U n A ID S the safety goal. ★ k h m s T w i M I acisNcei> PAPEEIACRS OSTRINSKY, INC. At least five of 13 nuclear power plants “probabilistic risk assessment.” plant near Harrisburg, Pa., in 1979. MAoa TO otwm. unoa Maonmairr or I VaaiaMtaw (EiWlrM 1/ttm (ERpIrws v n m 6 4 S-8 I 7 S » 0 - 5 n 5 NRC officials had estimated three of. r j 1 P*RKtRST MANCHESTER studied by NRC experts in the last two They argue the risk assessment Commissioner John Ahearne BTocK BTARfaToatuetpaaM [ WITH THIt (iiutras v n m -J I— years fail to meet the commission’s goal 13 reactors studied did not meet the 1-in- . system does not adequately account for acknowledged Wednesday, “Some pliuits I COUPON 10,000 years accident standard. ’The vast ir ENOiMVINO r of limiting the chance of a catastrophic such “external” uncertainties as human are going to have trouble” with the safe­ •61.50 OFF - OHS TOUCH CAR WASH 2^ reactor core meltdown to one in 10,000 majority of more than 80 commercial error, earthquakes, fires, floods and ty goals. CALL US FIRST! “z yeerf of operation, the new figures show. reactors operating in the United States sabotage. The new NRC figures are in a Jan. 6 ★ MAONETIC Slows ! 61.00 OFF - HOT OR TOTAL.TOUCH CROWN PHARMACY 50 FT. TRUCK SCAl F And it is not certain that a sixth plant have not yet been studied to determine if ■ \- Of the 13 plants studied, only the In­ memorandum to the commissioners PUU MAonane on 10 MOUWO sTvua I ' OFFER VAUD THRU 1/14/88 LICENSED PUBLIC WEIGHTS : meets the safety goal. they meet the safety goal. dian Point 2 review included external from William Dircka, NRC execiMve ★ M isim ss CAROS * 4 ! OSNTLS TOUCH CAR WASH DEALERS in IROn METALS. PAPERS The five plants are: Indian Point 2 Dr. Robert Bemero, a top NRC safety events. It found the reactor has a 1-in- ^ West Center S t, Manchester 649-0312 director of operations. ’The memo, LASoa aauenoN OP TYM tTTua, loooa a aosoaM • •>44 Broad St Naxt to Hanohaater Parkada near New York City; Millestone 1 of analyst, said it would be speculative to 2,500 operating year chance of a core released by the NRC, spells out (% MNa from McDonalds, aeroae from J.F. Ttemay Funeral Home)______' -. Waterford, Conn.; Costal River of Red predict how many other reactors will fail meltdown, far below the l-in-10,000 safe­ numerically the risk calculations for MMCHESnRIHnaSTNMPS Level, Fla., Big Rock Point of to meet the safety goal when the detailed ty goal. each plant and the reasons why they do PHnUng-^hngmrlng g 4 9 4 4 | | Charlevoix, Mich., and Browna Ferry of evaluations are done during the next few The commission gave preliminary ap­ not meet the l-ln-10,000 standar'.' (. - MANCHESTER HERALD. Sat., Jan. 8, 1983 MANCHESTER HERALD. Sat.. Jan. 8, 1983 — 7

Richard M. Diamond. Publlaher Dan FRta, Editor OPINION Alex Qlrelll. City Editor Saturday TV bird. Jim Brown, Frances Raf­ _ 7:00 A.M. 10:15 A.M. ferty. Richard Trettof. Patrick C£ CD - Ciptiln Kangwoo ® - Special 0 - Bovoilv HMbMiaa Whyte. 196 V (D - Worid Tomomw 10:30^.M. 0 - Washington Waok/ 8 - MOVIE: 'The Men Who ® ^ Thra* Son* Rivtow Paul Duke is joined by Sew Tomorrow* Michel de Nos­ 0 - NFL Story; Lino By Lino top Washington joumallett arw- Wonders of the ‘Rain Forest’ tradamus accurately predicted Jack (D - N m n ® -S t y ls lyzkig tha week’s newt. the rise of Hitler and other histori­ (B ) - MMiSa Oorilta 0 0 - Gory Coloman Show 1:30 P.M. PRESENTS Millions ol years before man. The producers' worry is that cal figures. Orson Welles nar­ Anderson :t. ® - MOVIE; -nwy AS forests covered a great portion the three-million square mile rates. 19B1. Rated PG. Reagan running out of time for recovery 0 - VltHando las Eetrellas En- CD- t b a LauglMd’ J«alou> hutbandi hire of the earth. Today, a remnant area will be gone within their 0 - MidnigM Special Washington travlstss informalae sa detarrol- bumbling privaia eves to thedow Isn en case ds los artistes. Hector CD - MOVIE: "The Sicilian of that once Netionel Geographic 8 ) - Crossfire used to spray California fruit during CD - six MIHIon Dollar Men simultaneously theideologue and There is awareness too that I’m right.’ ” In the same way, Ip,. ® - Sports ( D - Walcoma Back Kottar 8 - Odd Couple 8 - Entertainment Th is W eek In light of what Reagan has ' Hoy M Ism o Anfritiones 0 - MOVIE: 'They All 0 - To Be Announcod 9:00 P.M. the Medfly crisis. ° 0 - Sports Billy . IN P AC r, according to one in­ the pragmatist. He cruises along Reagan’s image as protective of Reagan is said to see his 19ffi Guillermo Ochoa, Lourdes Guer­ Laughed' Jealous husbands hire 8 - No Empu|on Programa ( D - Sha Na Na 8 - ESPN SportsCenter 8 - M O V IE: '3 0 ' The night been saying, it might seem to CD CD - MOVIE: 'White Water managing editor of a daily Los election setbacks not as a The Environmental Protection 0 - Prince and the Pauper rero y Juan Dosal presantan este b u m b ^ private eyes to shadow comico con la animacion d « Raul Rebels' A kayaker tries to keep a 8 - Night Flight Tonight's pro­ require a great leap of faith to formed view, unless the economy being both.” the rich and insensitive to the C D 8 - Muppat Show Angeles paper struggles to get programs de asuntos pubitcoa their wives. Ben Gezzara. Audrey Astor. wild mountain river free from un­ grams are 'Take-Off.' 'Men at In the last year, Reagan’s poor has reached the point that message of disapproval but as his Agency’s top toxic-substances of­ 0 - Viewpoint on Nutrition CD-Saint the paper out to the stands on suggest that he will back off, es­ does show improvement by the preaentando noticiaa y variada in- Hepburn, John Ritter. Rated PG. scrupulous developers. Catherine W ork,' 'Space Cadet,' 'Night 0 -J e t a o n s 8 - NFL Football: AFC time. Jack W ebb, William Con­ White House advisers have efforts to cope with it flirt in­ failing to make his case, or ficial, John Todhunter, used to be an formscion. 8 - Dance Fever Bach, James Brolin, Micheal C. Flight Interview: REO Speedwa- pecially on higher defense spen­ end of the second quarter of this 0 1 - Schotaetfo Sports Acad. DIviaional Playoffs Should the rad, David Nelson. 1959 Gwynne. 1982. gon,' 'The Video Artist,’ 'Revue year, in June, Reagan’s chances learned that the best way to get creasingly with ridicule. moving too fast for the results he adviser to a group funded by the 8:00A.M. ® - Three Stooges O - MOVIE: 'Chinatown Kkl' game air at this time, it will be 8 - NCAA Basketball. Georgia 8 ding and opposition to new taxes. in Rhythm,' 'The Comic,' 'New ’ CD CD - Spaed Buggy A skiHfui martial artist escapes to preceded by local programming. Tach at Wake Forast G D 8 - Love Boat Debbie Rey­ him to compromise is to agree A case in point is his recent knows will come to take hold. chemical industry. He’s the one who (Kf) - Nature 'Living Together.* Wave Theater' and 'Tales of 2:00 A.M. But at the same time, as one of re-election vyill have to be San Francisco from Mainland 8 -M OVIE: 'Sssssss'Strother 8 > Sports Probe nolds and Marilyn Micheals hold a -'■t- (2 ) - Laughtoons Tonight's program axploraa the Tom m orrow.' (4 hrs.) CD - News/Sign Off that he is right on'principle but to suggestion that the nation’s And when aides urge him to pronounced the pesticide— ethylene China. 1979 Martin stars as a demented scien­ Celebrity Cabaret Cruise, a fa­ Republican associate puts it, “''it rated a long shot. For him to CD 0 - Super Friends relationship between the beha- 0 - Solid Gold dibromide, or EDB— far u fe r than voir of animals and the kind of tist whose conviction that the hu­ mous actress falls in love and a 8 - Festivel of Faith ® - MOVIE: 'Two for the overcome the political damage of tell him Congress just doesn’t see massive unemployment problem take time to consolidate and fine- ® ~ N e w s 0 - N a w a Seesaw ' A man running away is mathematically inescapable” CD - Christopher Close-Up communities they live in. (60 min. man race is doomed leads him to lawyer falls for the man she de­ 8 - Dance Fever the long recession, in this view, it his way and hence he has to could be dealt with if each tune the changes he has wrought, smoking a single cigarette. Yet two O - MOVIE: 'The Houee That attempt the transformation of 0 - Soladad Serie dramatica. fended. (60 min.) [Closed Cap­ from himself and his former wife tha\ the deficit problem is going j . ; '(B) - Cartoon Festival ) (Closed Captioned) 8 - Sports California chemical-plant workers Drippad Blood' Through the men into what he sees as the Libertad Lamarque. tioned] [becomes romantically involved Reagan will need six good deal to preserve the things be employer would hire just one the answer is always that he - 0 - ESPN'SportsCentar to have to be tackled in a major 11:15A.M. years, horrifying events surround least destructive and most vi­ 8 - NCAA Basketball: Indians 8 - Newscenter [with a girl from Greenwich Vil­ wants. ’ITiat strategy worked in person. In addition to the obvioils “ came to drain the swamp,” not died in September from exposure to a certain En^ish astata. The first 0 - Battia of tha Beat lage. Robert Mitchum, Shirley way. quarters going into the 1984 elec­ -• 0 - Scholastic Sports Acad. 0 - Sports cious of creatures. Heather Men- at Ohio State 8 -Sign Off EDB. owner, a writer, invents a charac­ zies and Dirk Bene

8-Nawtoantar 8 - Soooby Doo (3D 0 ) - Matt Houston Matt in- 5:00 A.M. 8 - Undardog 8 - Sonya 5:00 A.M. dD - Insight 8 - J u a t M a n 8 8-Fantaay vebtigntus the death of a cat food CD - sign On/ltows 8 - Soooby Doo 8 - Nawa (5) - News 10:00A.M. 8 - Mareua Walhy. M . D. 8 - Andrea Caloato nioqul. (60 min.) 8 - AS-Day Movlea (5l) - Biography CD - Sunday Morning f TV Channels 5:30 A.M. 8:00 A.M. 8 - FarnHy Faud 8 - French Chef (3.; - Straight Talk 8 - Inetructlonal Program* - Sports CD Sunday Mass CD - VariwI Progtams 8 - Tom l i Jorty and Filanda (ID - To Ba Announced 8 - El Milagro da Vhrir 12:30 P.M. 3:30 P,M. Sunday CD - Morning Stratch 8 - Buga, Porky li Frlonda 5:30 A.M. (3D - Tom & Jerry ( 0 - NBA Basketball: Phoenix WFSB Hartford, CT CD (D - Young and tha 8 -C a p u U n a 8 - Facta of Ufa dD - To Be Announced (3D - Father Ed Loan-A-Thon at Milwaukee WNEW New York, NY (9) - Indapandant Natwodi Rasdoaa Nawa 8 - P o i k y P l g 8 -W a h o n a dD - Christopher Close-Up ® - News (3D - MOVIE: 'Four Friends' WLNE Providence, Rl CD - Midday -- BW Bogga 8 - Ghost and Mra. Muk Three young men and a free- 0 - CNN Haadlina Nawa 8 - Mr. Rogors' Neighbor­ 10:30 A.M. (H ) - Future Sport ( 0 ~ Chalice of Salvation New Haven, CT CD 8 - Ryan'a Hop# spirited woman come of age dur­ WTNH S ) - Monayllna hood CD - Afi In tha Family 8 -O v a rE a * y (S) - Money Week (3$ - Mr. Rogers' Neighbor­ ing the 1960's. Craig Wasson. New York, NY 8 - N a w a hood won O-JimBakkar 8:30 A.M. CD - ChHd'a Play 4:00 P.M. dS) - As School Match Wit Rated R. 8 8 - Search For Tomorrow WPIX New York, NY - Soap World CD - Lavama Si Shklay & Co. SS - Misa Tele Dominco Roger Moure slcirs as under­ 0 - Voice of Faith 5:45 A.M. CD - Flintatonoa (D (ID - MOVIE: 'Swinging ESPN Sports Network 1:00 P.M. CD - Wondor Woman Cheerleaders' A group of cheer­ 0 - Sacrifice of the Mass water expert Rufus Ffolkes in the (3D - Father Ed Loan-A-Thon CD-SIgnO n 9 ) - Varied Programa 8 - Varied Programa HBO Home Box Office C D 8 - AN M y ChUdran C D -M o v la leaders make action On the side­ 3D - MOVIE: Edge of Doom' A suspense thriller A S S A U L T 0 - News/Sporta/Weathar 6:00A.M. 8 - Qraat Space Coaatar 8 - Marv Oriffln lines more interesting than on the young man. caught in the emo­ FORCE, to air on the "ABC USA USA Network 8 - Loa Polivacaa 8 8 - Sale of tha Century CD 8 . - Movie CD - Rockford FUos fields Jo Johnston. Rainbeaux tional chaos of poverty, gropes ( 0 0 - CHIPS Ponch's big date CD ffl) ® - Variad Progfama Sunday Night Movie” on Jan. 9. WHCT Hartford, CT 8 - Cartoon Foadval 8 - Woman'a Paga 8 -7 0 0 Chib CD-Soap World Smith. Colleen Camp Rated R against society and the church. is interrupted when an ex-con he (D - Naw Zoo Rovuo Also starring are Anthony. arrested seeks revenge. (60 min.) WTXX Waterbury, CT 8 8 - Doya of Our Uvoa 8-SooobyDoo 5:45 A.M. Dana Andrews. Farley Granger. OD - CBS Eady Moming Nawa 8 - Soaanw Street 11:00 A.M. Mala Powers 1950. Perkins. James Mason, Michael 0 - MOVIE: 'The Turning CNN Cable News Ntwrk 8 - Inatructkmal Programa 8 - ANvo A Wall QD - Davey/Qoliath Parks and David Hedison. CD ( B - ABC Nawa/Mom 9:00A.M . CD - Price la Right (3D - Jetsons Point' T w o women review the di­ Springfield, MA 8 - Mundo latino Jaaaa Lo- CHECK LISTINGS FOR EXACT TIME rections their lives have taken and WWLP CD - Joa Franklin Show CD - Richard Simmoett CD - Hour Magazbw 8 - Tom A Jorry 6:00 A.M. ( ^ - Rex Humbard aada y Sonia Vorhauar ton loa an- question their choices. Anne Ban­ CINEMAX Cinemax - Jimmy Swoggait CD - 1 Lova Lucy CD - Prica la Right fritionat da etta programa da 8 - Entattakononl Tonight (3D - Kidsworld 3Z) - Nova 'The Making of a Na­ croft, Shirley MacLaine, Mikhail WEDH Hartford, CT ia)-Doybroak . CD - Tom Cottlo Up Cloao CD - Vou Think You Got aiumoa pubVeos nadonalaa pre- 8 8 - Saaama Stroot (3D > Six in Washington tural History Film ' N O V A cele­ Baryshnikov. 1978. Rated PG. TrouUoa *amando antraviata*, notidaa, brates Its 10th anniversary by WXTV Paterson, NJ ( 8 - AS-Ooy Movtoa CD 8 -O o n a h u e daportaa y un aegmanto datda 8 - Lulaano Mlo (dD - Straight Talk 0 - Natlortal Geographic CD - Tic Toe Dough showing Its very first program |R) Special WVIT Hartford, CT (81 - HooHh FloM CD - Straight Talk . Hollywood thulado 'En PantoNa'. 8 - Elflht Is Enough d D - I Dream of Jeannie (60 min ) (Closed Captioned) 8 - Qraat Spaoa Coaatar 8 -O d d Couple' 8 - SowWohod (3D - N CAA Basketball: Indiana 0 - MOVIE: 'Pennias from SPOTLIGHT Spotlight 6:30 A.M. 1:30P.M. 10:15A.M. Heaven' A salesman longs for 8 - Woman’a Day USA 8 - Uttio Houao on tho Prakfo . at Ohio State WSBK Boston, MA CD CD - CBS Eady Moming 8 - Variad Programa CD CD - As tile World Turns 3D - Cooking/Kerr life to be tike the songs he sells. 8 8 - Wheal of Fortuiw (ID ~ Public Affairs © 1983Compuloo WGGB Springfield, MA Nowa , 8 - CaMopa ChUdran'a C D -N a w s 4:30 P.M. Steve Martin. Bernadette Peters. Programs 8 - Diok Van Dyfca ST) - Week In Review 10:30A.M. Jessica Harper. 1961. WGBY Springfield, MA CD-Popaya 8 - Sunday at the King's CD-JoBwsono 8 - M a a a 8 -L o v a B o a t ( ^ - Glen Campbell Show C5D - TV Mass 0 - When Wifi the Dying ®-MagiSaOodlla House C D -M d v Ia Stop? 8 - Saaama Stnat SD - What About Women CD - That’s The Spirit ( B - Tannaaaaa Tuxado 11:30 A.M. 8 - Variad Program* 8 8 - Fink Panthor Show ( ^ - World of Dark Crystal To­ 8 - Match Qanw CD-YouAakadForlt (ID ~ Welcome to Miami (3D T Pink Panther Show daughters amid social upheaval in 3:00 P.M. 3D - MOVIE: To Be Announced ( 8 -Early Today 2:00 P.M. 8 - Dt. Sabo Patton night's program presents a ance and initiative have not been gales Police Headquarters, he ' Newsmaker Sunday Old Russia Topol, Norma Crane, 8 - F-Troop CD - In Search of.... (3D C£) - MOVIE: I Died a (3D - News/Sports/Weather behind-the-scenes look at Jim claims ha is slowly being , 8 -Variad Pngrama CD - CMoo and tha Man 8 - CHIPS Patrol 6:15A.M. Leonard Frey 1971. recognized, plan to get even with 8 -Soap World (3$ - Electric Company Thousand Tim es' Story of Roy Henson's first feature film not murdered-the victim of a poison 8 - To Bo Announoad (3D - News 3D - MOVIE: Dead End' Slum the 'establishment'. Michael 8 - Rompar Room CD 8 - One Ufa to Uva 8 - O d d Coupla (3D - Embajadores de la Musica dD - Conversation With... Earle, America's most wanted life leads to frustration and rebel­ starring the Muppets. (60 min.) Crawford, Oliver Reed. Harry A n­ for which there is no cure. Ed­ 9:30A.M . 8 - Coronatian Street criminal. Jack Palance, Shelley 6:45A.M. 8 - Magic Garden 5:00 P.M. 6:30 A.M. Programa musical preseniando la 1:00P.M. lion on an East River dead end drews. 1967. mond O'Brien, Pamela Britton, CD - AU In the Family ® - Atxfy Griffith Winters, Lee Marvin 1955 8:30 P.M. Luther Adler. 1949. (D -N o w a 8 - Are Vou Anybody? CD-BamayMMor (3D *■ Captain Kangeroo musica V el folklore de Colombia street. Sylvia Sidney, Joel 8 8 - HK Man - MOVIE: 'Uttle Caesar' A (tD - Ovation Today s programs McCrea, Humphrey Bogart. ( $ CS) ~ Gloria Gloria is hypno­ CD - Make Room For Daddy 8 - 1 Lova Lucy C3D - Time for Timothy ( 3 - Living FaKh 8 - Wwrtiwr CD - Six MWlon OoSor Man ( 0 - Batman small time hood rises to become are The Bakhitiari Migration,' 1937. tized to recall the identity of the 11:45 P.M. CD - 1 tova Lucy 8 - Hoy Mlamo Anfritionei the czar of gangland Edward G @1 - Sign Off Guillermo Ochoa, Lourda* Guer­ 8 8 - AnotharWorfd CD 8 - Psopla'a Court (3D - Ask the Doctor dD - Waltons 'Focus on Britain: Wales, The Red man who robbed the clinic. 3D - MOVIE: 'How Sweet it 7:00 A.M. 8 - F l l p p a r Robinson. Douglas Fairbanks Jr 31) “ Better Health rero y Juan Dosal pretentan aite 8 - Nuova York Ahora 8 - Utda Hoimo on tha Ptabto (lD - To Be Announced Draqon' and 'Technoflash.' (2 let’ A Europe-bound couple are IS) - RIsk/Msrriaga CD CD - CBS Morning Nowa 10:45A.M. 1931 3D - Live from Lincoln Center (3D Memorlas With Lawrence 8 - Voica of Faith programa de asuntoa pubtcoa d $ - MOVIE: 'Superman II' Su hrs.) Walk swindled by a broker and find the I 2:30 P.M. 8 -Voica of Fahh - Jewish Life 1:45 A.M. m - WOdd'a Oraataat Cartoon 8 - 7 0 0 Chib prataniarKlo noticisa y variada ki- perman’s enemies are the three , I3D CE) - Make It Real 3D - New s 5:30P.M. house they've rented on the Ri­ 8 - Wonder Woman (3D - M u y Especial (D CD ® - Sign Off n » w formacion. CD CD-CopHoi criminals that his father. Jor-EI, 11:00 A.M. (D - MOVIE: 'One Minute To - MOVIE: The Turning GD - Happy Days Again viera is already occupied by a 8 - La Buana Vibm Programa 3D CD ® - fkxxl Morning 8 - Indapandant Natwotk C D - yVorhl'a Qrsotaat Cartoon 8 - Nawiwatch banished from Krypton Christo­ Zero' A hard-bitten infantry colo­ Point' Tw o women review the di­ 9:00 P.M. French playboy. Debbie Rey­ 3 9 - Film da ajerciclos con sus snfitrior>es (3D - Jerry Falwell (3D - Co-Ed Meg Griffin hosts this Amofica Nawa Show 8 8 - Mr. Roosts' pher Reeve. Gene Hackman. Ned nel and a civilian worker are up rections their lives have taken and (3D G D ** Jaffersons Florence nolds, James Garner, Paul Lynde. Stsfsnia y Fho Giron. ~ Issues front when the enemy attacks a weekly teen magazine. 2:00A.M . CD - Jknmy Swaggart 8 - Krofft Suporstora Neighborhood Beatty 1982 Rated PG CD question iheir choices Anne Ban­ shocks George by posing as Mrs. 1968 8 ■r Moming Stretch 12:00 P.M. (D - Make Peace With Nature small town. Robert Mitchum. Ann croft, Shirley MacLaine. Mikhail 3D ~ Newsmaker Sunday Jefferson. 0 - MOVIE; 'Con Artists' A CD CD - CBS Nawra ( 9 ) ' Tom Sr Jatiy 8 - 'Voul' Mag. for Women 8 - X E T U (ID - Insight 8 -D a y t b n a - Eyawitnaaa Nawa Blyth 1952 ( 0 - To Be AmxHjnced master practitioner ^searching for Nightwatch CD Si) - Evans and Novak (3D ■ Three Stooges Baryshnikov 1978 Rated PG CD - Merv Griffin 8 - ESPN SportaContor 8 - Eoave H to Boavor ' 8 - WKRP hi Cfkicinnati Oi) - MOVIE The Birds', A the perfect scam has a change of CD ^ Psychic Phenomena 8 - So You Got TrouMoa CD - Tom Cotda Up Cloao (Q ) - MOVIE; 'Liar's Moon' Tw o (31) - This Old House (3D - Tony Brown’s Journal 8 - Chotila'a Atioola (ID > Miracle Revival Hour v small shore town is attacked by CE) SD - MOVIE: 'Aitault luck on the way to jail. Anthony 8-ANvaSWaNI 8 - Electric Com perry 8 - Una Umoona ds Amor teenagers try to run away from 'Killer of Dreams.' Tony Brown 0 ) - Sports CD - TotUo Talos Saria dramatica en la cual la en- thousands of birds of varying 3D - Santo Domingo Invite Force' A team of English frogmen Quinn. 3D - Ping Around the World their parents Matl.Dillon, Yvonne visits with Jacklyn McDonald, S 8 - Faatlval of Faith - Nows vueh/sn romance, intriga y cri­ 5:30 P.M. sfiapes and sizes and colors Rod matches wits with a gang of hi­ 9 9 -Sign Off 10:00 A.M. CD 3 D - MOVIE: Raggedy Man' A OeCarlo.. Broderick Crawford 3D - MOVIE: Mata Hari' A no­ victim of sickle cell anemia. men. Liliana Abud. Joaa ANonao. CD - Eyowitnaas Nawa Taylor, Jessica Tandy, Suzanne torious World War I spy is ex­ jackers who threaten to blow up 8 - EMntatonaa CD - Hour Magazine CD - News at Noon divorcee with two young sons Rated PG 2:30A.M. Pleshette 1963 3D - No Toca Boton an oil rig. Roger Moore, Anthony 12:00 A.M. CD 8 - M-A-S-H has an encounter with a sailor posed when she falls in love with ( B - ESPN SportsCenter 8 8 - Today CD - W deom o Bock Kottar 8 - Good Tima* 3:00 P.M. (3D - Southwest Championship an Allied officer Greta Garbo, Perkins, James Mason. 1982. ( D - MOVIE: Sundays and 8 - Elaetrlc Company Sissy Spacek. Eric Roberts. Sam - Gymnastics; USGF Single 6:00P.M. 8 - Batman 8 8 - Varied Programa CD QD - Guiding Light Wrestling Lewis Stone. Lionel Barrymore OD - It Is Written Cybele’ An amnesia victim and ( 3 - MOVIE: 'The Extsrmlna- CD - Now S2B.Q00 Pyramid John- Bennet Perry (I.), MEtrle Osmond and Bruce Boxleltner star in "I Shepard 1982 Elimination Championship - MOVIE: The Seven-Ups' 8 - Saaama Stmat 8 - Extranos Camkioa 1932 dD the orphaned girl he befriends be­ tor' A Vietnam war veteran turns (D-Couplaa 8 -USA Movie CD 8 - Gansral Hospital (3D - Newsmaker Sunday A special squad pursues criminals 0 - News Married Wyatt Earp," a World Premiere movie to air Monday, Jan. 10 dD ~ Davey/Goliath (1$ - Video Jukebox come emotionally drawn to each vigilante after his buddy is victim­ 8 - Living Fahh 8 - Bob Nawhart Show - Memories With Lawrence whose offense^ call for seven 7:30 A.M. CD - Rompar Room C D - Bonanza on NBC. The two men portray rivals for tho attention of a singer (Miss (3D dD - MOVIE: 'Jungle Fighters' 3:15P.M. 0 0 - MOVIE; 'North Dallas other. Hardy Kruger. Patricia ized by muggers. Christopher 8 -N o w s 6:45A.M. Welk years or more in prison. Roy C D -Jk n Bakkar 8 8 - Vorlod Programa 8 - M o v l a 8 - Tom El Jon y and Filanda A British patrol penetrates an - Special Forty'. A professional football Gozzi. Nicole Courcel. 1962 George. Rated R. 3D Scheider, Victor Arnold, Jerry 8 - Electric Company Osmond) and for control of the town of Tombstone. (dD - Sacred Heart 3D - MOVIE: Days of Fury' enemy infested Burmese jungle, player is left out in the cold by the 0 - Laugh Trax 0 - Money Week gD - PV* Pandrar Show 8 - ESPN SportaCantar 8 -T a k a 2 8 - Sonya Vincent Price narrates scenes of 3:30P.M. Leon. 1973 team to which he contributed so 7:00A.M. only to realize the futility of their ( 0 - To Ba Anrtouncad 0 - MOVIE: 'Penniee from global disaster while cameras re­ mission Richard Todd. Laurence • dD dD - NFL Today - News much. Nick Nolte, Mac Davis, Bo dD Heaven' A salesman longs for d D ( ^ ~ Kenneth Copeland cord, in actual footage, the toll on Harvey 1961 ^ Swenson. 1979. ( 0 - News/Sports/Waathar 5 0 0 N . 5 U N " ^ O O K L ^ FRB«H! dD - MOVIE: 'Brief Encounter' dD ” Battlestar Galactica life to be like the songs he sells. ASTRO-GBAPH - Ken Copeland people and places Rated PG 0 (@) - Masterpiece Theatre WELL, HOVf^POOj^ (3D 3D - Father Ed Loan-A-Thon Tw o strangers meet by chance ( 0 - Entartainmant This Waak Steve Martin, Bernadette Peters. (3D - MOVIE; 'Liar's Moon' T w o 'The Good Soldier.' A dramatic (3D - This Is the Life 3 $ - Supersoccer and find love and understanding teenagers try to run away from 0 - Tha Athlatas Jessica Harper. 1981. (3D “ News/Sports/Weather adaptation of Ford Maddox Bernice Bede Osol - Cita con Colombia for a brief moment Richard Bur­ their parents Matt Dillon, Yvonne 3D - A F C Divisional Ford's best known novel is pre­ (S ) - Sign Off (3^ 3D ton, Sophia Loren, John Hedley OeCarlo, Broderick Crawford 3:00 A.M. ~ Newark Reality 3D * Adelante Playoffs sented. (2 hrs.) (Closed Cap­ dD 1974 Rated PG. 12:15A.M. CD - MOVIE: Coriquarad City' ^ ' Wild. Wild West tioned] (11} - Robert Schuller 0 - MOVIE: The Night the C3D - MOVIE: 'Dream Following tha Garman dafaat, Sri- Lights Went Out in Georgia' A (3D - Brideshead Revisited QD - Not Nacasaarity Tha Expert out-experts expert (lD - Sunday Cartoon Express 3T) - Tom Rush at Symphony M erchants' The story of the IS) - Phil Silvara Naws This show promises to be tish and American forces attempt ^Your talented country singer and his 3D - News/Sports/Weather Hall; A New Year Singer Tom founder of a movie erripire and his everything the current news is to prevent Greek forces from cap­ dD - Festival of Faith sister stay one step ahead of 9:15P.M. play and counterplay Rush sings some of his old favor­ power struggles Mark Harmon. 3D - Newscenter nbt. turing a cache of arms. David < B irth d a (y 3D - W V Grant ites plus some new songs in this trouble Kristy McNichol, Dennis Vincent Gardenia. Morgan Fair- @ ) - Freaman Rapoitt Niven, Maain Balsam, Ben Gaz- between experts can be most Quaid. Mark Hamill Rated PG (3D - Six Great Ideas 3 D - News/Sports/Weather performance at Boston s Sym ­ child 1980 zara. 1965. interesting even though an - MOVIE: Raggedy Man' A 9:30 P.M. 12:30 A.M. phony Hall (60 mm ) (31) - Presente 3D unimportant overtrick is all January 9,1983 3D - Jimmy Swaggart (3D - Big Story divorcee with two young sons CED C £ - Alica Mel's mother 0 Sunidey «t the King'* (3D - Sports Probe House NORTH l-MS that is involved. You can,expect stellar support 3D - MOVIE: The Turning 11:15A.M. (3D - Pelicula (31) - Constitution: That has an encounter with a sailor comes to Phoenix to announce A 1097 6 Sissy Spacek. Eric Roberts, Sam her divorce. 0 - Evening at tha Improv 0 - News/Sporu/Weather South’s four-spade con­ from those to whose side you Point' Tw o women review the di (S ) - Health Week dD “ How To With Pete Delicate Balance Y84 Shepard 1982. 0 - 8 t v l a tract is not in dancer. The rallied in the past. The.markers rections their lives have taken and (3D " Sunday Review CJD - World Tomorrow 3:15 A.M. ♦ AJ96 question their choices Anne Ban 11:30 A.M. 4:00 P.M. 0 - MOVIE: Blow Out' A most he can lose w iu be two you have outstanding could be 6:30P.M. (S ) l a - Wall St. Journal Rap. 0 - M O V IE : 'CleofMtra Jortee croft Shirley MacLaine Mikhail CD - Face the Nation QD (d) - NFC Divisional sound effects engineer accidently AAKJ hearts and the king of repaid many times over. 1:30P.M. - ABC News SS) - El Oriantal end the Casino of Ookf A beau­ Baryshnikov 1978 Rated PG (3D (ID - This Week with David Playoffs dD 3D records a political assassination WEST EAST spades. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) (3D - MOVIE; Red Line 7000' and gets caught in a murder mys­ tiful but deadly undercover agent Something tn which you’ve - World Tomorrow Brinkley ClD - MOVIE: Gallipoli' Two 3D - Inside Business 10:00 P.M. sets out to break up a Hong Kong ♦ K * 4 2 Look at all the cards and Three young members of a slock Australian friends come face to tery. John Travotta, Nancy Allen YB>.' 1DMORRCNV MORNINS WETJ. been involved that has been dD - Morningtown OD - Box Humbard ( 0 (SO - NBC News CE) CE) - Trappar John. M.D. drug ring. Tamara Dobson. Stella HOWVE STRETCH ( TM K YltE AM/FUL 1WELL, A 8 SO O N ! T IM E YAKQJ107 Y53 you can see that South can car racing team'and thc'womon face with the brutality of war. Mel 1981. LET 'EM EAT ALU THEY WANT.' slow in coming to fruition could - A Gonzo has to tell an athletic father Stevens. AND HS BOVS V HUNGHy.YOUR^I^ 6KQ8 ♦ 10 0432 (iD - MOVIE: 'Dance With Me. they love reflect the tension and Gibson, Mark Lee 1901. Rated 0 MOVIE: Con ArtisU' drop West’s singleton king 7:30 A.M. unpredictability of the racing master practitioner searching for that his 'son' is actually a girl. (60 0 - Faith for Today DOmGI,OORFORAl.^r\ HlgHfOeSSi suddenly take a turn for the Henry' Costello owns amuse-* PG 3:30 A.M. * ’EM TO TH' (■ S E T IN - A964 ♦8753 andana make five, but the per­per- (3D ~ Spread Little Sunshine ment park and finds himself in hot world James Caan. Laura Devon the perfect scam has a change of min.) centage play favors taking better today. Order now The - Voice of Faith ( B - NBA Batk.tball: -Pbomitai EMEROSE I TO THE SOUTH NEW Astro-Graph Matchmaker (3D - Insight water trying to keep the two or­ 1965 — (35) luck on the way to jail. Anthony CSD - Newt 12:45 A.M. the fmesse and letting that Quinn M MihwMikM ♦ AQJI51 wheel and booklet which - Growing Years phans he has adopted 1956 d l) - MOVIE: 'Superman IT Su­ - New s (31 - MOVIE: Uar'a Moon' Tw o king score on this occasion. dD (3D - Jimmy Swaggart ♦ 902 reveals romantic combinations, 3D - MOVIE; To Be Announced perman's enemies are the three 33) - MOVIE: 'Slither' A man. 0 - Odd Couple teenagers try to run away from 4:00A.M . ( ^ - Tom & Jerry 0 - Indeperulent Network ♦ 7 West led out the king and compatibilities for all signs, 3D - NFL Preview . criminals that his father. Jor-EI. just released from prison. Iries to 7:00P.M. News Iheir parents. Matt Dillon, Yvonne G9 - Pro Boxing ace of hearts. Blast’s normal (3i} - Big Story banished from Krypton Christo­ fir}d the loot stashed by his part­ ^arlo, Broderick Crawford, ♦ Q102 tells how to get along with @ - WMk In Rwiow play would be to signal by 3D ~ Pox Humbard (3D ■ New Jersey Hispano pher Reeve. Gene Hackman, Ned ner and IS followed by a pair of dD GE) - 60 Minutes O - MOVIE: 'Suparmin II' Su- lated PG. others, finds rising signs, hid­ perman's enemies are th ^th re e / Vulnerable: East-West echoing with the five, then dD ~ Heritage Corner (3D - Newsmakers Beatty 1982 Rated PG eene-looking vans James Caan, dD ®D - Ripley's Believe It Or 4:15 A.M. den qualities, plus more. Mail Peter Boyle, Sally Kellerman. Not Tonight's program features criminals that his father. Dealer West the three. Had he done so, (3D - h^oney Week 1:00 A.M. ( 3 - MOVIE: 'W ho'. TfiM $2 to Astro-Graph, Box 489. 8:00A.M. 12:00P.M. 1973 the story of (he steamship, The banished from Krypton Christo­ West would lead a third 31) - In Performance .Knocking M My Door?' A young West Nartk East Soath Radio City Station, N Y 10019 ( D ~ Face the State Great Eastern, the world's largest pher Reeve, Gene Hackman. Ned (9 ) - Indapandant Natwoifc heart. Blast would be unable (3D “ Barrio ( 0 - Embajadores de la Musica man/fs'stiOed by his religious and Send an additional for your dD “ Superman musical instrument and a face­ Beatty 1982. Rated PG. Nawa IV Dbl. Pass 44 - Jimmy Swaggart CD ~ New England Woman Programa musical presentando la cultural tMliefs. Harvey Keitel, to ovemiff dummy's 10. Capricorn Astro-Graph predic­ (3D slapping rendition of the Hun­ (21 - CNN Haadlina Nawa (B ) - FIS World Cup Skiing: Pass Pan Pan CD - Dr. Robert Schuler 3D * Inside Business musica Y el folklore de Colombia ZitalBethune. 1969. Rated R. Expert Blast saw that this tions for 1983. Be sure to give (3D - Confluence garian Rhapsody. (60 min.) @ - Nawa/Sports/Waathar Man's Giant Slalom Coveraga of would tell declarer Uiat (l3) - SportsCenter Plus 2:00P.M. (3D ~ To Be Announced tha M e n '. Giant Slalom from M a­ 0 - Freeman Reports H r birthdate. (3D ~ Celebration/Eucharist dD - Madame's Place West held any missing ClD - Scholastic Sports Acad (D - George Plimpton's - MOVIE; 'The Users' Holly­ 1231 - MOVIE: Oaya of Fury' donna, Italy. Opening lead: T K AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Fab. ^9 ) dD - Dr CTm wood men's and women s lives (JD - ESPN SportsCenter Vincent Price narrates scenes of trump honors so expert East You'll make a very favorat: - Sunday at the King's Scrapbook ( 3 - NHL Hocksy: Hartford at 4:30A.M . AT LEAST d D - Frederick K. Price / (3D make the headlines Jaclyn global disaster while cameras re­ CARLSlE, SOU'VE VeS. rVE JU9T BEEN ^ 0UK60NIG^ plavM the three first. impression on persons you House (33) - Top Rank Boxing from (3D - 'You!' Mag. for Women Phlladalphis Smith. Toriy Curtis. Darren McGa- cord, in actual footage, the toll on 0 - Abbott end Costello CONCENTKATINS VERV SAAART' HE'S WORK­ THArS West led a club at trick encounter socially today, so (12) - ESPN SportsCenter Atlantic City, NJ 3D - News 9 ) - Nawa BEEN eO QUIET 3D - News/Sports/Weather vin 1978 j people and places. Rated PG. 0 - MOVIE; 'Honor Guard' HARP.' rM TAKING A ING ON SOMETHING NAAAE three. An ordinary declarer get out and mix The larger the (3D - Little Rascals (JD ■ Sunday at the King's 0 0 - Voyagers! Phineas and IN iiOUR RCX>M'" ( 0 3D - Meet the Press - MOVIE: 'Ruby Gentry' A (0 - MOVIE: 'Rollovar' An ax- ( 8 0 - Sign Off Rod Steiger, David Huffman. FOR IT.' would win in dum my and crowd IS, the better - News/Sports/Weather House UTTLE BREAK. CALLEP CDNNBCn\/E 3D girl from the wrong side of the Jeffrey attempt to prevent the movie star fights for control of a (S ) - Dsapadida Robin Mattson. ^1981. ARE SOU OKAV? By Oswald Jacoby PISCES (Fab. 20-March 20) (3$ - American Birkebeiner marriage of Princess Victoria and BALANCE.' take the spade finesse. ( ^ - Robert Schuller (3D - MOVIE: To Be Announced tracks marries a wealthy busi­ petro-chemical empire founded and James Jacoby Others are working on your (3D - Enfoque travel to Africa to help Albert by her murdered husband. Jane 4:45A.M . ' Expert South won in his (3D ( ^ - Sesame Street 3D - W eek In Review nessman and sets out to destroy behalf behind the scene today - MOVIE Swiss Family Schweitzer. (60 min ) Fonda. Kris Kristofferson, Hume ( 0 - MOVIE; 'Daad End' Skim own hand and ruffed his last (3 i those who snubbed her Jennifer 1:15 A.M. The refrain of a college regarding something important 3 D - El Ministerio de Jimmy Robinson' The adventures of a (31) - New Directions 0 - Nature 'Living Together.' Cronyn. life leads to frustration and rebel* - y , heart. When Blast failed to Swaggart Presenta Jones, Charlton Heston, Karl Mal­ (& )-M ika Douglas Psopls Now song of the last century to you. Their efforts could pro­ family who are shipwrecked on a 3D - MOVIE; 'The Trouble with den 1952 Tonight's program explores the 0 ) Ask the Mertager tion on an East River dead end ruff, declarer Ifnew where (3D * Oral Roberts and You deserted island Martin Milner. Angels' Tw o new students relationship between the beha- ® - MOVIE: "Tha Night tha street. Sylvia Sidney, Jo e l' sta^ with “When Greek the missing king was. He duce results even better than Pat Delaney, Cameron Mitchell create an uproar at a private 4:15P.M. Ughu Want Out in Qawgia' A McCrea. Humphrey Bogart. meets G r ^ then comes the you hoped for. (3D - Jim Bakker voir of animals and the kind of 10:30P.M. (0 played the trump ace and 1975 school Rosalind Russell, June (SI - Health Week communities they live in. (60 min. lalanted country singer and his 1937. tug of war.” dropped his majesty. ARIES (March 21-April 19) T ry dD ' Latinos Harding, Haley Mills 1966 ) (Closed Captioned] (X ) > Sports Extra sitter stay one slap ahaad of Translating this into to spend time today witn 3D - Sports America 4:30P.M. trooble. Kristy McNichol. Dennis (NEWSPAPER ENTERPRISE ASSN ) 8:30 A.M. dD - Welcome Back Kotler (3D ~ Soledad Sene dramatics. 0 - From the Editor's Desk “Biidgese” we find that the friends who inspire you through (S ) - Evans and Novak Qusid. Mark Hamill. Rated PG. (3D " Portuguese Around Us 12:30P.M., 3 D - Mystery! Quiet as a Nun ' Liberlad Lamarque. 0 - NBA Basketball; Seattle an interchange of ideas. You (3D - To Be Announced Jemima searches for the missing dg) - 300 Millones Anfilriones 0 - Starsky and Hutch pt Portland need to be around people who (3D - Dialogue Paca Galbadon y Kiki Ledgar pre- student only to have the black GD ~ Ovation Today's programs are "4jp” and positive. (3D “ Day of Discovery CD > MOVIE: Knute Rockne: sentan este programa de vane- 3D - All Creatures Great and 1:30 A.M. All- American' Notre Dame's fa nun catch up with her (60 min ) are 'Whicker's World; Cruising, TAURUS (April 20-May 20) dad musical producido en Small A. 3D - Bugs Bunny & Friends mous football coach is seen in ac (Closed CaptionedI The Comfortable Adventure,' 'In CD ® - ABC N.W. Persons you know socially Espana ST) - Crossfire tion Ronald Reagan, Pat O'Brien, 2:30P.M. 7:15P.M. the Mouth of the Dragon; Facing (9) - MOVIE: D.O.A.' When ■ could be of help to you today, - Robert Schuller: The Hour Gale Page 1940 ® ) - MOVIE: 'Just Tell Me You (3D - Sports Sunday the Dragon' and 'David Swan.' (2 man stumbles into th« Los An- FRANK & ERNIE'S elltier business-or careerwise (3D - . MOVIE: 'Nicholas Love M e ' Three people who are of Power (Closed Captioned) hrs ) Listen carefully if they offer you CD ■ High School Bowl Nicklaby' A r'^ung lad tries to on their way to Hawaii become 7:30P.M. 3Q) > T o Be AnrMHincad I T tAurr h a v 6 jB e N DINER ACROSS 52 Inaacticida Anawar to Previous Punie tips. 33) - MOVIE: 'Dot and the (32l - Women's Marathon Road save his family from an evil uncle unwitting partners in crime. Rob­ (3D ■ To Be Announced 53 Piophat GEMINI (May 21-Juna 20) Your Kangaroo’ A little Australian girl to the Olympics ' Sir Cedric Hardwicke, Jilt Bal ert Heeyes, Lisa Hartman, Debra- ( 0 - Rasuman Daportivo □ □ D D (3D - NHL Hockey: Hartford at 1 Small 54 Nipple judgment should be especially sets off on a fascinating journey ( ^ - Greatest Sports Legends colm. Derek Bond 1947 lee Scott 1979 0 - Indapandant Network J b M E O N E A i - O T QBDD in a kangaroo’s pouch Philadelphia whiripool Today's program features Rick ^ - MOVIE: 'Charlie Bubbles' News Food columnist James 55 Mt(^ay aignal keen today wtien it comes to 3Z) - Frames of Reference ■ Qrandes Series 5 Samits ( ^ - Robert Schuller Barry A writer has everything in life, but (3D Beard writes Tor more than 56 Exiatanca evaluating important issues 11:00 P.M. U|c6 6RNIE WHO 8 ParadiM (Let) Pay heed to your own counsel dD ~ Jewish Heritage - Crossfire cannot find happiness and peace 5:00 P.M. 7:45P.M. (3D of mind Albert Finney. Liza Min­ CD - Eyawitnaaa Nawa 200 new spapers in the 12 Indian tribe d D “ Kojak CANCER (June 21-Juiy 22) 9:00 A.M. ( 0 3D - NFL '83 nelli. Colin Blakely 1968 ClD - NBA Tonight United States. Read his 13 Arrival-tims CE) - Off tha Sat i N V f N T E P DOWN Today could offer you some (3$ - Magic of Oil Painting dD “ Those Amazir>g Animals gusta (abbr.) rather surprising twists. You'll v (3D - Up Front 2:45 P.M. 8:00P.M?D CE) d ? l a S I - Nawa remarks on food every - Telethon: Lukemia (3§) - Estudio de Lola Programa (J3) NCAA Basketball; “ Archie Bunke/^ Place Wednesday in the 14 Diacharga 1 Mscabra want to help others, but they ( (3D - MOVIE: -Robin And The Western Kentucky at North dD (3D CS) - Barry Farbar de vanedad tpusical con Lola Bel­ CB Rabinowitz may finally get his WS IM T H e P l| «T 15 Coating on may end up doing more for d D - Sunday Morning Seven Hoods' Tw o rivsl Chicago Carolina - Charfotta Manchester Herald. 2 Slavs tran y sus aTtistas invitados chance to say goodbye to client' (33) - At Tha Movlaa iron you. k §angs fight for supremacy Frank If you have an old photo 3 Taka waapont (3D - MOVIE: 'Count of Monte S S - MOVIE: Fiddlar On the (3D - Are You Anybody? Archie. d S - Fasthnl of Faith 18 Carry LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) Activi Cristo' After fourteen years in a inatra. Dean Martin. Peter Falk a : fc I ft«ibB«A,MR.1MfM»lU>MBt1M0a 4 So far Roof' Tevyo irys to marry off his you'd like to see appear In PG 17 Iriah king'a ties offering a bit of friendly dungeon for a crime he did not 1964 0 ) -* Festival of Faith (3D - Summer Solstice a - Wotfd Of Lova 5 Sat the Manchester Herald, — SHOWWAri honia 6 Luggagt item □ □ □ □ competition are likely to be commit. Edmund Dante escapes ( S ) - Sports 18 Mountain near and discovers a fortune in gems submit old photos to Focus 7 Carry on your most-fun pursuits today (8 l - Nswscsntar anciaiitTrov 25 Tired 40 Our (Fr.) Richard Chamberlain. Louis Jour- 8 Triton Seek opponents who know O -S If ln O f f Editor Adele Angle. 19 Mors foxy 27 Ram's mates 43 Racetrack dan. Trevor Howard 1975 ux* tw/WBoiotWE ujoyq 1$ wint 9 Saa plant how to have a good time, ♦ a - Paticula Photos, which will be run 21 Cl 28 Pelage term VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) if d D ~ Oral Roberts in the "Recognize These TOOTSIE Era 22 WhRaiilumad |0 Faux pat (pl.| 44 Bring to ruin ‘Square Pegs’ a rounded role a - Larson Sunday Night 11 Comat dots 33 Wh^rt^ there's an important matter (3D ~ Return To Planet Of Apes Faces?" column, will, of 45 Containers (B ) - FMng Una — — BHOIMIAri— 49 Furtive 34 Sheik's land you'd like to finalize, you could (iD - ESPN Special: NCAA Sarah Je&sica Parker stars role in ihe Broadway musical 24 Sm«lli course, be returned. 70 Highway edge 36 Slurs 48 Swift aircraft be lucky in.getting it tied down Football • 1983 Rose Bowl from as Ihe bespectacled Patty "Annie" 'Then in 1979. she 11:30 P.M. 2e MMttr of to your satisfaction today Get (comp, wd.) 37 Hydrophobia (abbr.) Pasadena. CA STAVDIO Greene ih the CBS Monday took over the title role. She -C B S Nawa ctrtmonlot going! CD so Noun suffix 28 Rotordt 23 OotMrt paatry 38 Tristan's foe d D ' MOVIE: Gallipoli' Tw o night comedy. "Square Pegs ” also danced with Mikhail Bar* CD - DavM Suaakind .BESTHHOnS LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23) Short Australian friends come face to 29 Authorititivt The show about students at y^hnikov at the Metropolitan w jaunts for pleasurable pur­ face with the brutality of war Mel CD - MOVIE: ‘I Want to Uva' A rulo Weemawee High was created Opera in "La Sylphide." beautiful girt, a tftM, a prostitute poses should turn out to be fun Gibson. Mark Lae. 1981 Rated 30 TrouMo today. If there's someo'r\e near­ PG by former 'Saturday Night The fourth of.eight children, and a rackataar become an- Have You immuV^ifflii 31 Pub bovtfogo Live" writer and two-fime mashad in murder, with falsa av- by you've been wanting tc visit , ^ - Superman she has appeared with four of pa 32 Somo (profix) Fmmy /(ward-winner Anne idanca pikrtg up. Susan Hayward. this is a good day to do M. (S)News/Sports/Weather her siblings in an eight-city tour Simon Oakland, Virginia Vincent. An 33 Stridti SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 22) Bea'tts of "The Sound of Music” with 0 - Oral Roberts and You 1958 35 Moro mollow Your material aspects are M iss Parker was born in 38 Aromatic gum Shirley Jones Aside from CD - MOVIE; *Kiaa The QMa extremely encouraging.' if 0 ' MOVIE: 'Julia' A woman Ohio 17 years ago and began doing voice-overs for many And Make Tham DIa* A C.I.A. tastrument la M s s ta s M H rooin there's something you ahve in learns that her husband murdered studying ballet with the Cincin­ 39 Singor Bob his first wife Dons Day. Louis .commercials. Miss Parker was agent learns that an industrialist MWM ...... mind that could reap you a nati Ballet Company when she in Rio has agreed to sen to tha Jordan, Barry SuHivan ]9 5 6 seen in the syndicated draipa I H A V W ' T THEY HAVEN'T profit, work on it today was eight "Do Me a Favor. Don’t Vote Chinasa means of makirtg tha STUOFTNE I SAW A 41 Formor S.E. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23-Dec. ( 0 (B ) - Sesame Street man of other nations starlla. ML e e a ^ A (5CT IN-RJfl»HT After parlicpafing in "The for My Mom,” Ihe feature film ARBAT Aaian 21) Si luations you personally chaal Connors. Dorothy Provina. NWHT AAOVIESRPR (S ) - Club PTL Nutcracker" and "Firebird,” AT M C M B IN ttaociatlon take charge of should work out "Rich Kids” and as Vanessa 1967 SMBWHATf 42 You havt - World Tomorrow A A O t E O BALLOON fortunately for you today Seek she expanded her activity .to Redgrave's daughter in the TV- T H r n v e x - i (9 ) - Odd Coupls ASCENSIONSYBr. ontr.) involvements which can 9:30 A.M. acting and appeared on Ihe movie "My Body. My Child." YK9TSROg p m — I w W n O w patriot croai es the Equator twice. S-Calabrata 0 - MOVIE:'The Jokoro'Two a - World WIdo Church/Qod brothara, raaanifulthat thair brill- taJKSftBlii&S!fiL2i£SUJSSL 10 - MANCHESTER HERALD. Sat., Jan. 8. 1983 MANCHESTER HERALD. Sat., Jan. 8, 1983 - 11 Obituaries Proposed Center parklet off to fast start

The parklet to be developed on the At a meeting Tuesday, Sedrick staff. The Memorial 'lYee Com­ town’s Center. He suggested a gar­ the park, has offered assistance in P eo p le Raymond J. FInnagan 8r. FOCUS / Straughn presented the check from mittee of the Greater Manchester den in the outline of the town’s seal. design and some funds for Raymond J. Finnegan Sr., 77, of site of old Odd Fellows building at the Center does not have a name the Odd Fellows and urged develop­ Chamber of Commerce will set up a The town’s Park Department landscaping. The company would 243 Oak St. died Friday at ment of a landscaped park with a separate fund for memorial trees to plans to get the land from the state like a strip of land to widen the Manchester Memorial Hospital. He yet, but it got off to a fast start this week nonetheless. plaque to mark the ■ site of the be planted in the park and to maintain it as a park. driveway around its building. was born in Manchester and was a historic building that yielded to a Most of those present said they The group did not decide on a park lifelong resident. The initial monetary'boost comes new intersection of the town’s main Both the Perennial Planners and hope a landscape designer will name. Odd Fellows Park was onp Before his retirement in 1976, he from a $2,000 contribution by the streets. the Manchester Garden Club volunteer to help in the plans. The suggestion. had been employed as office Odd Fellows and from a $190 gift expressed interest in flower garden park will be maintained by the The committee will meet again Bye, Arthur manager of the L.T. Wood Co., from the former PTA of Lincoln The PTA gift is for memorial plots within the park. General town’s Park Department. Feb. 3 at3 p.m. in the coffee room of Manchester. School, now a part of the town’s of­ trees in memory of former Manager Robert Weiss urged a well- The Southern New England the Municipal Ruilding to review a He is survived by a son, Raymond fice complex. members of the Lincoln School plann^ park at a focal point for the Telephone Co., whose building abuts design plan. J. Finnegan Jr. of Manchester; one ‘Sixty Days’ is Dudley Moore's first serious movie. daughter, Mrs.-Jean F. Warren of Manchester: two sisters, Mrs. Olive The character he plays, he says, is very much like Montovani of East Hartford and More Mrs. Marge Eagleson of \ Manchester; and three ‘e - / the real Dudley Moore. grandchildren. tax-ovvners Funeral services will be Monday Sssf.;. By Marilyn Beck girl was easiest of all. It is also the reason, he says, “I at 1:30 p.m. at St. Mary's Episcopal “Drama is very simple,” Dudley have never given much thought to Church, Manchester. Burial will be PS HOLLYWOOD - Dudley Moore g-a is now convinc^. “1 suppose it material possessions. Even when I in East Cemetery. Friends may call are found considers his starring stint in varies from actor to actor, from was younger, I didn't fantasize Suiiday from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. at Universal’s “Six Weeks” more “an role to role, but I would only choose about owning yachts, planes, fancy the Watkins Funeral Home, 142 E. arrival than a departure.” those roles 1 feel could fit me like a cars. I have noticed that people who Center St., Manchester. An additional 440 people whq almost got away with not paying Certainly British show business glove.” are involved with serious music are, Memorial donations may be made historians are aware the 47-year-old There certainly has been no shor­ in general, not tuned in to the m*. • back taxes will find the town stiU to the St. Mary’s Episcopal Church comic arrived as a star in his tage of roles for Dudley to choose in prospect of money. Like almost Book of Remembrance. looking for the money they owd,' General Manager Robert B. Weiss homeland back in the late ’50s. And the last few years. everyone in show business, it seems, told the Boai^ of Directors this he’s been a major .Hollywood name He’s completed “Lovesick,” a I wasn’t too well off as a lad. My Wilfrad L. Bordeaux week. since “10” led him to stardom in Ladd Co. production in which he mother was very careful of spending Wilfred L. Bordeaux, 90, of 159 Weiss said the Tax Collector’s, of­ several pictures, including the plays a psychiatrist. It’s scheduled money, and I suppose I have taken blockbuster “Arthur.” after her.” South Road, Somers, father of Mrs. i fice pulled the additional 440 people for release this winter.by Warner Diana B. Lenti of Manchester, died — owing $35,843 in unpaid taxes — But “Six Weeks” is, of course, Bros. Neither his mother nor father are Friday in Manchester Memorial off a suspense list of uncollectable different. It’s the story of a young He’s also completed a portrayal still living, and his older sister and Hospital. He was born in taxes. People owing personal girl’s battle with leukemia, and as a New York playwright in her family are his only remaining Sorinefield. Mass, and was a property and automobile taxes, but marks the first time Dudley’s big- “Romantic Comedy,” which MGM- links with his native land. “ She lives lifetime resident of Somers, He was a who cannot be found, are put on this screen talents have been utilized in UA will unfurl in July. in Essex, and did visit ine here, but I ; j T . ^ a film with a non-comedic core. don’t go to England very much former member of the Board of suspense list. And he goes before the cameras y ; Selectmen in Somers during the The Board of Directors rejected a There is humor to his character, this month in Dan Melnick’s “Un­ anymore. I’ve been in America 1940s to the 1960s and was involved suspense list presented to them in lots of it, and it makes the movie a faithfully Yours,” a roihantic com­ since 1973 — now it’s America joy. But, he says, “because no that feels like home to me.” in local politics for 50 years, having July, because they said many people edy that will team him with “Tess” ^ j served on various boards and com­ on the list could indeed be found. slapstick was involved, it was the star Nastassia Kinski. He spends most of his time in Los missions including the Board of Herald photo by Pinto The Tax Collector’s Department closest to me of any part I’veir After that? Angeles with his love, Susan Anton, » ■ Finance and the Zoning Board. then found 331 taxpayers on the lisT; played. I didn’t have to adopt a pose. “After that 1 want to rest,” sighs while his 6-year-oId son Patrick I could go before the cameras and be He is an army veteran-of World who could be located, reducing the; Dudley. “I didn’t intend to make resides with Dudley’s ex-wife War 1 and a charter member of the Lawn ornarnents? total amount of uncollectable taxes ^ myself.” four movies without a pause — it Tuesday Weld in New York. "But I "I' He actually does come off much Buck Dubiel American Legion Post. by $56,541. i just worked out that way. I do hope do manage to see him quite often,” like his “Six Weeks” character off He was the widower of Emeline It looks like somebody decided to do a little work on their cars engine, rear and front wheels and rear axle, and a couple of The Board of Directors finally ap*; to go to Germany this spring to film he stresses. "He’s a wonderful little (Field I Bordeaux and is survived by proved the suspense list in; the screen: easy-going, charming. a TV special on the life of Johann chap. He loves playing the piano and on this East dridge Street lawn. The Camaro In the foreground doors. Though thb humor he usually Sebastian Bach — a tri-centennia) is rather marvelous at it. That, of one son. Robert A. Bordeaux of (or is It a Firebird) Is Just about ready to roll. . . all It needs is an November, but instructed the adJ Somers, by Mrs. Lenti. and by four ministration to look for more namet", sprinkles throughout his conver­ piece I would narrate, and in which I course, delights me. I do hope he grandchildren. of traceable people who should npf; sations is noticeably absent today. would play some of the pipe organs grows up to do something in an area Funeral services will be held Sun­ be on the list. Weiss’ statement" Dudley is recuperating from a bout Bach played in various German like that which I can-relate to. If he day at 2 p.m! from the Somers Tuesday was the result of that ef-' of food poisoning, which has left him churches. chose basketball Instead, well, it weak and in a rather somber mood. Funeral Home, 354 Main St , Somers Concert to feature rare instruments fort. ; “And then there’s also the concert would be hard.” I’m supposed to do with the Los and burial will be in West Cemetery, Just because someone is on the HE SPEAKS OF his experience The diminutive Dudley offers a Somers. Friends may call at the suspense list doesn’t mean he is no - as the alcoholic Arthur, and says, Angeles Chaniber Orchestra, a wan smile as he makes his last funeral home on Saturday from 7 to The concert set for Sunday at 7 Connecticut State College in Dan­ jazz improvisation. Smith will be College, University of Hartford, and longer liable for taxes. If someone “There was also a lot of me in him. presentation of Beethoven’s "Triple statement — one of the few smiles 9 p.m. Memorial donations may be p.m. at the Second Congregational bury. assisted in the performance by Win­ is a percussion instructor at the on the list turns up, he can be billed He was a straight character, who Concerto.’ ” that escapes him during our made to the Somers Volunteer Fire Church, 385 N. Main St., won’t offer "They are extemely difficult in­ fred Saint, also percussion professor Hartt Summer Youth Music for the taxes, but appearing on the just happened to be often luncheon meeting at the Bel Air FOR MOORE, there will always Hotel. Department Ambulance Service or typical chamber music selections struments to play,” says Chatsky. at Western Connecticut State Program. suspense list ipeans active efforts to overwhelmingly plastered. But he be — as th^^re has always been — his the Somers Baptist Church. from Bach, Brahms and Beethoven. "They are often played using four College. He is the conductor for the recoup the taxes are stopped. was easier to do than broader The waiter approaches and all music. He practices his piano skills Dudley can bring himself to order is What it will offer, however, is a mallets, two in each hand,” he Selections will include two etudes Western Connecticut State College characters.” everywhere. Music Is his companion chance for music buffs to hear two explains. and a prelude by Clair Omar percussion ensemble, and has per­ And his “Six Weeks” work as a consomme and boiled' rice, “and IN “SIXTY DAYS” DUDLEY MOORE IS RUNNING FOR U.S. CONGRESS at his beach-front home at L.A.’s maybe a banana later — if I still Albert Warrington unusual percussion instruments, the Both the marimba and vibraphone Musser; “Toccata for Marimba” by formed with many orchestras in the congressional candidate who Marina Del Rey, In studio dressing . . . movie role resembles the real Dudley Moore, says Dudley Albert Warrington, of 26 have the stomach for it.” marimba and vibraphone. Tickets look something like the more Emma Lou Diemer; a sonata by state. becomes surrogate father to a dying rooms, on vacation. Woodland St., died Thursday at the are $2 at the door. familiar xylophone. But the marim­ Thomas B. Pitfield; three preludes Sunday’s concert is part of a Manchester Memorial Hospital. His The instruments, described as ba has wooden bars which are stuck by Raymond Helble; “Sea Journey” seriek arranged by the music com­ Fire Calta^ wife Helen (Happneyl Warrington "pitched mallet percussion in­ with the mallets; the vibraphone by Corea, and “Vibrations on Lost mittee of Second Congregational predeceased him in 1975. He was struments" by concert coordinator has metal bars. Love” by Dalvid Maslanka. The jazz Church. Six additional concerts are T-ProfUe- born in England and lived most of Herbert Chatsky of Manchester, The concert, which is expected to improvisations will follow. planned this year, including the The spaghetti to go went his life in Manchester. He was a will be played by David Smith, 36, a last a little over an hour, will in­ Smith has also been employed as a Voting Artists Competition Awards Friday, 9:37 p.m. — Medical call, veteran of World War I serving in the professor of percussion at Western clude both classical selections and professor of percussion at Hartt Concert. 378 Parker St. (Town) r.S. Army. The white wool coat hung in the has just had a side order of spaghetti Nothing, she said, just bring the Prior to retiring, he was employed bathroom, looking like it had just slide down her white wool coat? coat into the cleaners. as the yard foreman at Manchester been through a bullfight. Mine was to look down at the To me, that’s like telling someone Sand and Gravel and had worked for In ground and at the pile of spaghetti to recite the National Anthem while the company for 45 years. He was a And lost. First drug bust “Try milk,” my editor’s wife lying at my feet, and wonder what watching a man drown. communicant of St. Bridget Church. Focus It’s like telling someone^hoge— % suggested. the other people in the condominium He is survived by one son, Arthur house is on fire to invest in a fire E Warrington, of Manchester; and MILK, my mind screamed as I Adele Angle complex were going to think when five daughters. Miss Helen hung up the phone. I AM Focus Editor they saw the spaghetti on the lawn extinguisher. sentence: V/2 years It’s like... Warrington. Mary Warrington, SUPPOSED TO POUR MILK ALL next morning. Alice Warrington, Alberta OVER A COAT WHICH LOOKS This is probably something you Forget it. It’s not enough. Warrington and Mrs. Patricia The first man arrested on Oct. 20 Thursday night, pleased guilty LIKE IT HAS JUST BEEN " ^ a u g h t on to very early in life, but I grabbed a bar of Ivory soap and Tomkunas. all of Manchester, and in connection with the police Friday to sale of hashish. THROUGH A BULLFIGHT AND not me. prayed that all those commercials eight grandchildren. department’s largest ever bust of He has been released on a $10,000 The Devil of Overweight took LOST? It is simply impossible to pick up about youthful looking skin went for Funeral services will be held Mon­ alleged drug dealers in Manchester bond and has been scheduled for pre­ over. spaghetti with your hands. < ^ white wool coats, too. day at 9 15 a m. at the Holmes was handed a ,one-ahd-a-half year sentencing Feb. 4. It is probably best to start at the THERE IS something deliciously It was only AFTER I had con­ Funeral Home, 400 Main St., with a prison sentence Friday. 'Turner was also given three years beginning. I scrubbed. I swore. I scrubbed mass of resurrection at 10 a m. at probation and was fined $2,000 plus The beginning is that I had a wicked about walking home with a sidered my social standing with the some more. I swore some more. He was also given a five-year neighbors that I realized not all the St Bridget Church Burial will be in suspended sentence. court costs. perfectly decent chance to order a takeout order of spaghetti and half a Then the cat came along, yowling St Joseph Cemetery in Poquonock. Police said in October that the side order of tossed salad with the meatball grinder. spaghetti had landed on the ground. for dinner, and I swore at him and Christopher Turner, 20', of 19 drug sweep, which capped a year of Friends may call at the funeral meatball grinder I ordered takeout I was probably in a hurry, too, A good deal of it — and especially scrubbed some more. Winthrop Road, pleaded guilty in undercover surveilhuice, actually home Sunday from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 at Antonio’s on Main Street this thinking about the 5,000 calories I the sauce — was left on. my coat. Then I sat down and ate my meat- p.m Memorial donations may be Manchester Superior Court to one started with ’Turner’s arrest. count of sale of marijuana and one week. was about to consume. Me and the meatball grinder did ball grinder, made to the St Bridget School fund! Turner was picked up the night of. A tossed salad. A nutritious, Then the side order of spaghetti count of possession of marijuana. Oct. 20 for allegedly selling eight the 10 yards to my apartment in P.S. The coat is still at the vitamin-filled tossed salad. The kind somehow slid out of my hands; the Five additional counts of sale of pounds of pot to an undercover of­ milleseconds. cleaners. I’m afraid to go pick it up. marijuana, levied on him the day your mother wishes you’d eat at flimsy cover opened, and a side Mildred Hayee ficer. This arrest led police to uq- P!P,S. Somone at work told me it 7^^ after the was arrested, were nolled. least once every day. order of spaghetti slid down the NEXT DAY I loved what the ever- Mildred I Briggs I Hayes, 86, a cover 25 more pounds of pot that would have been even worse if I’d In a related appearance* Mitchell But,-you see, a side order of tossed front of my white wool coat. calm lady at DiRosa Cleaners said founder and charter member of night at another apartment on Cedar ordered a tossed salad. Oil stains, Community Baptist Church, died A. Manseau, 27, of West WilUngton, Street, police ^ id . ’This seizure salad and a side order of spaghetti Now, you ask, what is the im­ when I asked her what 1 should have she said. Friday at Pierce Memorial Baptist another of the men arrested when marked the biggest one-time grab ef- cost exactly the same. mediate reaction of a person who done. Home in Brooklyn, Conn. Manchester and state police marijuana iii the departm ent’s She was'^born in North Leverett, rounded up S3 suspects that history. Mass May 11, 18% and had lived in Manchester for more than 30 years. Before her retirement she had been Herald photo by Pinto employed at Sears Department Repeal move grows Come on, get to the point Store for more than 20 years. She has served in the President's Open house at Mahoney State Rep. Elsie L. "Biz” State Rep. James. R^ Namei Marcia Kenefick Grandmothers' Program at Swensson, R-Manchester, said she McCavanagh, D-Manchester, said' By Andy Rooney remote control from someplace , Roger Fessaguet, is One of the fine Mansfield Training Home. has signed onto the bill to repeal the he understands it is too late for hlnr Age: 42 - else. Tell the Russians exactly chefs in America and owner of La She is survived on a niece, Mrs. Lorraine Grasso, left, an Instructor In teachers displayed their work and controversial emissions control to sign onto the bill, but that ha Address: Hebron The best conversationalists are where the island is. Keep a few Caravelle Restaurant in New York. Beverly Colangelo of West Hartford, quilting, works at her demonstration table. demonstrated techniques. The public tur­ program. State Rep. J. Peter would have had he had the chance. Occupation: Principal, Washington School people whose stories or ideas have a nuclear weapons on board sub­ Roger invited several other chefs a nephew. Robert A. Briggs of Avon, At right, Barbara Silver and Laura Barrett nout was disappointing to Debbie Tfebron,' Fusscas, R-Marlborough, who On the Senate side, state Sen. Carl Favorite restaurant: Willie’s Steak House, Cavey’s and Three definite beginning and a definite en­ Andy A. Zinsser, B-Manchester, said be ia marines and heavy bombers. If the to Maine for a weekend and Pranas and several grandnieces and sign up Sherry Neuner of 6 Overlook Drive, center supervisor, but she said most of the represents part of Manchester, also Penny Pub ding. The bpres are the ones who Russians ever declare war on us, vyas asked to dinner. One of the grandnephews. considering signing onto the repeat iRooney for a class. It was open house at the people who came did sign up for the classes. joined the co-sponsors of the repeal Favorite Food: French talk on and on without-ever making they’d first. have to destroy that chefs, a reknowned w ine^pert, had Funeral services will be held Mon­ act. act. Mahoney Recreation Center and craft Favorite beverage: Coffee a point. Syndicated island with all our missiles “six- brought several rare ol^bottles of day at 1 p.m. at the Holmes Funeral The other night we had Pranas Home, 400 Main St. Burial will be in Hobby: Reading Columnist packed” on it. Bordeaux. When the first bottle was Lape, an old friend, to dinner and I East Cemetery. Favorite sport: Swimming and bicycling “Our missiles would be destroyed opened, each guest tasted it. Some got thinking afterward that he’s one Calling hours are Sunday f r ^ 2 to Gxilition on aging backs tax refoim Ideal vacation: Being on an island with no phones, no TV and but no American would be killed and expressed doubt about the wine. Cheese giveaway of the best conversationalists I Others, not wishing to offend their 4 p.m. and 7 to 9 p.m. Memorial con­ no radio. no city would be destroyed, but at tributions may be made to the P Members of the new General Assembly can expect to to co-payments for Medicaid recipients; Increase asset' know. the Instant the island was destroyed, friend who had brought it, withheld be lobbied by members of the Connecticut Coalition on limits for Medicaid reepients to $1,500; revision In thd Best way to relax: Reading, walking and listening to music, ierce Memorial Baptist Home, PO He has original ideas, serious When he speaks there’s no doubt we’d know we were at war with their opinion. Box 326, Brooklyn, Ct. 06234. Aging in favor of measures including tax reform with a tax freeze program; permanent funding for transportaf Preferred entertainment: Plays and operas. thoughts and usually punctuates about what lie means, although the tion programs for the elderly and disabled. Russia and we could strike with our When the chef who had brought scheduled Jan. 13 progressive income tax. Fqvorite entertainer: Luciano Pavarotti them with a twist that makes words are never arranged the way I The tax reform was the subject of one of a number of The Coalition also suppprts three priorities raised other weapons.” the wine tasted it, he quickly spit it from the floor; the continuation of a strong and taidepen^’ Favorite actor and actress: Rod Steiger and Katharine Hep- everyone laugh. would have arranged them. Everything at dinner reminds out. resolutions passed by delegates at a legislative forum Pranas lives a monastic existence The next distribution of federal surplus cheese and butter by the conducted in December by the coalition. dent State Department on Aging; continuation of fivq. bum ^ “He is already going for long time Pranas Lape of a story. He has a “Undrinkable vinegar!” he Manchester Area Conference of Churches will take place Jan. 13 at Card of Thanks Among Manchester residents attending were the Rev. regional Area Agencies on A^ng; the formulation of ^ Music: Opera and classical on the coast of Maine, painting huge with this program,” Pranas will say Lithuanian friend who exchanges declared. Center Congregational Church. Russell Kemp, a member of the Manchester Commis­ task force to develop a long-term care plan for the elder­ canvases of abstract art and living of President Reagan. “Yen vill it do letters with her family in her A second bottle was opened. Each The family of George Freemer There are no changes in the guidelines for eligibility. Anyone Favori|e ipagarine and newspaper: Newsweek and the Hart- wishes to thank all those who sion on Aging; Rep. Elsie Swensson, 13th Assembly ly. fonPCouraiSt ’ off the fish he catches, the something except bad?” Russian-dominated homeland. The chef tasted it and their reaction was who was eligible before and whose status has not changed will District; and Dr. Ben Z. Rubin, a member of the vegetables he grows and the expressed their sympathy with qualify to receive the food. Favorite novel: Carl Sandburg series on Abraham Lincoln I HAVE NEVER liked Pranas’s letters are often cenrored, so the good this time. Then the expert who cards, flowers, donations and other executive committee of Manchester’s Senior Citizen WELCOME WAGON mushrooms he finds in the woods. woman arranged a code with her brought it swished it around in his Mrs. Carol Katz, a coordinator of the program, said the only Center. Favorite store in Manchester: Leaf, Stem & Root paintings, but I think that's more my acts of kindness. Your expressions He buys an'occasional bottle of family. They include pictures with mouth. change is that when recipients sign for the food, they certify that Rubin said the resolution on tax reform'passed by an WANTS TO VISIT YOU Pet: Three weimaraners: Hildie, Bruna and Fritz shortcoming than his. I simply don’t of condolence were most ap­ Just engaged? New parent? ketchup toward the end of-winter their letters. If the picture shows "Magnificent,” he said. “ One of they are in need, that the food will be used for their families, and overwhelming majority. ’There were about 250 delegates Car: Chevette understand the ideas he’s trying to preciated. that they will not receive a contribution in January from another Moved? Td like to visit you with £ when the things he froze don’t taste the family standing, things are going the best I have ever tasted.” express with his shapes and colors. representing more than 80 organizations, government useful gins and Information. I'll I Favorite color: Blue as good as they did when they were cheese distribution center. and private. I’ve'never dismissed him as a well. If the family is sitting, things “So,” Pranas said at-bur dinner Mrs. Katz said the hours will be from 3 p.m. to.6:30 p.m. this also bring cards you can re­ Last bftok read: “I Knew a Phoenix” by May Sarton fresh. He can live, he says, on $3,000 The tax reform resolution calls for an income tax with painter, though, because I assume are not so good. table, “I taste both wines. I try first time, because of earlier darkness. A different entrance will be deem for more gHts at local Favorite quotation: “To thine own self be true.’’ a year. Air quality report personal exemptions for low income people and for he has as mgny good ideas when he’s "Last time she , get letter,” one, then other. I cannot tell used, still on the west side of the church. It is the double door to the businesses. It’s.a friendly vIsH Pranas left Lithuania as a young assurances that other taxes will not be raised. .. > Pet peeve: Pokey drivers. painting as when he’s talking. Pranas says, “they are lying on difference. Both sam e!” He roars HARTFORD (UPI) - The state rear of the sanctuary where there is a ramp for handicapped per­ Other priorities approved for the 1983 session were the to help you get answers about Best thing about Manchester: “Its Sbhool system.” n u n 30 years ago and he still speaks Department of Environmental sons. town, goods and services. All floor.” with laughter. following: Worst thing about Manchester: Nothing with a heavy accent. He uses the “Put all the MX missiles together Protection reported moderate air She also urged people to bring tbeir own bags. It is sometimes Funding for home care and adult day care; institution free to you. in one six-pack oh a remote island In WE HAD WINE with dinner and If every table had a conver­ awkward to handle the five-pound blocks of cheese and butter, she English language with great quality levels across Connecticut of programs to prevent crime against the elderly; the (Compiled by Filomena Muccitelli) the Pacific Oceah,” he says. "Make even that reminded Pranas of a sationalist like Pranas, we wouldn’t Friday and forecast similar con- said.. directness but with very little retention of rate authorities for nursing home patients; CaN Bim story. :,'jmmer neighbor of his. need television. dltlpns statewide through Monday. regard for traditional grammar. them so (hey could be shot off by support for increased housing alternatives; opposition MANCHESTER HERALD. Sat.. Jan. 8, 1983 - 13 12 - MANCHESTER HERALD. Sat., Jan. 8, 1983 Advice W eddings News for senior citizens Words from home Melton-Roth Variety show rehearsals start soon Debra Jane Roth, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Friday: Tomato rice soup, egg salad on whole wheat, Edilor'a note: this column is prepared by the staff ting winter programs very shortly. Please watch for Feb. 9 — 1:00-3:00 — Glaucoma screening — no ap­ M. Roth of Lauderhill, Fla., and Frank Evan Melton, dessert. son of Dr. and Mrs. Richard E. Melton of Manchester of the Manchester Senior Center. It appears in the starting dates. pointment necessary. eas^e lonely soldier and Mrs. Ruth V. Melton of Kansas Q ty, Mo., were Manchester Herald on Wednesdays and Saturdays. Joe would like to remind persons of the 8-baII tourney. Feb. 10 — 10:00-12:00 — Legal Aid Assistance — call married Jan. 2 at Riviera Country Club In Pacific Elach competitor has one week to complete his match for appointment. JAN. 5 PINOCHLE: DE\R NEIGHBOR; By Jeanette Cave 'and is responslblle for contacting his opponent and Lillian Lewis, 603; Dom Anastasio, 600; Nadine DEAR ABBY: Several Palisades, Calif. .... Senior Center Director . reserving their pool table. Check the bulletin board to MENJ^I FOR THE WEEK; Malcom, 599; Carl Popple, 593; Victor Turek, 563; No. The Catholic Church Rabbi Zvl Dershowltz of Sinai Temple, Los Angeles, >nday: New England clam chowder, hamburger on months ago. you urged find out the name of your opponent. Mond Frank Toros, 565; Floyd Post, 562; Peter Casella, 562; recognizes civil law, Calif., officiated at the double ring service. a bun, chocolate pudding. your readers to write to the On Tuesday, at 1 ;30 p.m. the center will be site for one • Seniors are reminded that free legal and medical John Gaily, 560. lonesome servicemen in therefore the children are The bride is a graduate of the University of Florida of a series of public forums on Issues related to the Tuesday: Tuna noodle casserole, buttered vegetables, , legitimate. and Stanford Law School. She Is employed by a Los elderly. Sponsoring the program is the Nortji Central assistance is available at the center. If you have any Korea, and you gave an ad­ legal or Medicare questions you need answered, call us roll and butter, fruit cocktail. dress for those who wanted Dear Abby Angeles law firm. . . Area Agency on Aging. Housing realities for the elderly JAN. 5 BRIDGE; An annulment does not for an appointment. Wednesday: Chicken chow mein, rice, shrimp egg tp initiate a cor­ mean Uie marriage never The groom is a.graduate of Yale College and Stanford will be the topic addressed by the following panelists: roll, jello with whipped topping. Rene Maire, 4,260; Irene Foesy, 4,470; Jack Owen, 3,- Abigail Van Buren Law School and is also employed by a lo s Angeles law The final notice is given to those wanting to go on the 920; Irene Walsh, 3,570; Kay Bennett, 3,500; Bill (kwper, respondence. took place. To annul means Ed Fidrych, Connecticut Department of Housing; Mary Florida trip. Seats are still available and a 1100 deposit Thursday: Ham, sweet potatoes, green bean firm. They make their home In Lot Angeles. Well, I just wanted you to to nullify, repeal, cancel, Barnes, Capitol Region Cmuicil of Governments and is required. Flyers are available at the center. For more casserole, roll ...... ’S V |,,, DEAR R.: The address: I hope your readers will had my eye on” or a clever Engagements Operation 'Dear Abby, c/o not judge too harshly five years a marriage can­ not be annulled. drawing is added. DilworthOornell-Guey Post 101, American Legion, Commanding General tl.S. widows and widowers who will have an executive board meeting Sunday at 10 a.m. OK, so her marriage is Perhaps as 8th Army, APO San Fran­ seemingly are "out and at the Post Home, 20 American Le^on Drive. erased, wiped out — it grows, our competitive, cisco, Calif. 96331. about” too soon. Tlw membership meeting will be Tuesday at 8 p.m. never happened — but what eager-to-please banks will P.S. And don't forget It certainly beats staying and on Jan. 23 the First District meeting will be at the Super Coupon home with a lump in your about her five children? have their checks printed there are women in the ser­ They happened? so if her local post at 2:30 p.m. vice. too! throat, looking at an empty with matching envelopes Fish nights are conducted Fridays from 8 to 9 p.m. armchair that stirs up sad first marriage never took for thank-you messages! Folgcr’s Coffee DEAR ABBY; I've kept place, doesn't that make and bingo is played Wednesdays at 7:30 p.m. in the up­ A ^ P VTCUUM PACKED memories. stairs lull. silent long enough, and now AN UNDERSTANDING her children ill^itimate? OVERDRAWN IN SOUTH 791-lb. I must comment on a nosy PROTESTANT NEIGHBOR CAROLINA On Jan. 28 at 8 p.m. there will be “a night at the Chn DAUGHTER races” in the upstairs hall. i^CiiiSH >•> tOrwchJM law The Color Guard Auxiliary has a bake sale on bingo ***,*? nffnffill'ttriir* ***** * ”*** A4» ncept >* J nights. iC P D i Recovering from stroke Bookmobile hours The Bookmobile of the Manchester Public Library takes time, patience will visit Crestfield Convalescent Home, Vernon Street, Wednesday from 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. be better informed about DEAR DR. LAMB: I strokes. They are almost was hospitalized with a as common as heart at­ Host families needed type of stroke and with dif- tacks and lifestyle is equal­ ^ficulty in speaking and ly important. American Scandinavian Student Exchange is seeking - walking which corrected J Your Health local families to serve as hosts for 15 Scandinavian and ‘ itself with bed rest and DEAR DR. LAMB: My German high school students who are part of the Debra Kosky Patricia Ann Young Suzanne Dugdale PORRlOMfLOMIMlBl PORK LOM -SIRIOIN PORTION oxygen. A , week ,1ater nephew, who is 38, plays nO H -^O M C R lV OMMNO CHUCR PRCSH-LESttR OUANTITKS U ’ LB and Robert Moore >lohn R. Bashaw exchange visitor program. 178 Pork I JO . paralysis of the leff’side Law rence Lam b, M.D. baseball. One day he slid The students, 18 and 17 years old, are fluent in Lean Chicken Pork Chops Roasts <0 -1- deveioped. into first base hitting his English. Ground Beef l ^ s SVS5 .78* Rib Center Cut I had therapy to learn to elbow on the plate. The FRESH(PIUWEDEVEAU-STEW2 79LB) « ^ 9 Kosky-Moore Young-Kennedy Dugdale-Bashaw All of the students are covered by comprehensive •»MMN 0 -W510U - i e T 0 1 3 m . « o Q FMBH 1 3 9 89 walk and use my left hand. next morning there was a medical and liability Insurance and have adequate Boneless SirMn Tipar’ Chicken Breasts i’* -. «. 1 I MoptoCurod :1 Boneless Ground Veal «, 1 FRESHlPlUMEOeVEAU-R«CHOP5?7^Bl ||J In about ^ix weeks I was ball of liquid on his elbow. William Kosky of 111 Bell St. and Mr. and Mrs. Ernest H. Young of Mr. and Mrs. David Dugdale Sr. of money for personal needs supplied by their parents. The BEEFFRAMKSlIABBEEFFRANRSM-LB PKO 1 «)_79) ^ t | f69 t 9 w a r ■NMRCT-lMTMMMCO-WHOlE-t TO tO L U . ^ -vq FRESH. MMELESS 199 walking on my own. What He went to his doctor and Margaret Barry of Hackmatack 438 Vernon St. announce the engage­ West Windsor, Vt. announce tbe host family provides meals and housing. Chicken Breast Cutk’Is lb 1 Oscar IVlayer Meat Weiners 1 he drained it. Now it has Boneless Fresh BiSkets c'S" .. I '” A Street announce the engagement of is the possibility of a ment of their daughter, Patricia engagement of their daughter, Families Interested in serving as hosts for the 1983-84 QUICK FROZEN-BATTER DIPPED OR DUTCH FRYE. AVAR WED THRU SAT recurrence and how much filled with fluid three times their daughter, Debra Ann Kosky, to Suzanne Dugdale, to John R. WFC5KICK /«7Q FRESH-hlHIEO FRYER PARTS rate as a guide to your strokes are from a clot Ann Young, to John T. Ketmedy, son school year should contact Sally Ingle, 82 KnoUwood St., ^x-O-Chicken . 5 9 ^ Weaver Chicktn ’57 2^’ Fresh Cod Steaks exercise and strain can I and each time the doctor Robert Edward Moore, son of Mr. of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Kennedy of Bashaw, son of Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey Boneless Top Blade Steaks ». 2 exertion. Try to stay at a from the heart or Farmington, 873-4821. FROZEN-ALL BCEF-SANDWTICH STEAKS AVAR YVED THRU SAtfPERCH FRLETS LB ) take in trying to build up has drained it. The doctor and Mrs. David Moore of North South Windsor. N. Bashaw of 48 Woodstock Drive. ,iVCNUCN*OOMEim-.LEAN FRESH|BRCAST14«L a i Q Q C :«C99 level at which your heart elsewhere rather than a pkg Fresh Flounder Rlfets my endurance? I maintain wants to operate on his Branford. BeefforStew Perdue Chicken Legs » W Steak Cmms rate does not exceed 120 single diseased artery in a walking program but I elbow. That will mean The bride-elect is a 1979 graduate The bride-elect is a 1978 graduate The bride-elect is a graduate of beats a minute. If that the brain clogging up with Fathering is topic .oAEFARAr notice difficulty when it is three days in the hospital. of Manchester High School and of Manchester High Scho^ and a Woodstock Union High School, makes you tired or uncom- fatty cholesterol deposits. slightly uphill. Should he let the dwtor attended Manchester Community 1979 graduate of St. Francis Woodstock, Vt. and Champlain GARDEN CMSP V1TA5RNS fortabie, try 100 a minute. This is important The Pastoral Ckninsellng Center will sponsor a STIWNMERRt BLUEBERRY OR RASPBERRY I try to keep doing the operate? My nephew does College and Morse School of Hospital and Medical Center School College, Burlington, Vt. She is program in fathering Monday evenings, Feb. 7 through Fresh Spinach ~n>r If you keep with your because these people may e m p tied at Vermont Hardwoods, Sweet & same amount and adding not know what to do. He Business. She is employed as a of Nunlng. She is employed as a FMM-REORIPC N program you will find your need anti-clotting Feb. 28, from 7:30 to 9 p.m. at tbe center, 387 Main St. Low Yogurt 3 = * 1 slightly to it as I progress. works every day and can­ material buyer/expediter at Elec­ registered nurse a t tbe Meadows West Windsor, Vt. The series will focus on roles and responsibilities of Salad Tomatoes I take four Persantine can do more and more and medicines to prevent not get three days off. trical Energy Systems Corp., Convalescent Home in Manchester. BVTT1RIM.R OR COUNTRY STYLE still stay within those heart recurrences. The clots fatherhood. The fee is negotiable, ^ r additional Infor­ PiDsbury Biscuits BUY BtG A SAVE* SALAD SIZE . tablets and two Bufferin a Southington. The prospective bridegroom is a mation, call Elaine Melsner at 848-3811. , rate limits. may be missed if the DEAR READER: You UQNTNUVtLV Family Pack Tomatoes day and gain strength each The prospective bridegroom is a Ibe prospective bridegroom is a graduate of Manchester High I hope you are getting BUTTERY FLAVOREO-LAROE SIZE week. patient isn't studied, have describetj olecranon School, class of 1978 and the Univer­ Cottage Cheese physical therapy. Exer­ visualizing the bursitis. This involves the 1976 graduate of North Branford 1978 graduate of South Windsor High California Avocados 2 ; . 89' High School and attended Quin- School. He is employed at the sity of Vermont, Burlington, Vt. He RRRHUAN OR ROMANO cises to improve flexibility arteries within a few little sac at the outer bend M CC has BA classes NUTRITIOUS S DELICIOUS-SUGAR SWEET DEAR READER: I’m nipiac College in Hamden. He is is a graduate student at the Univer­ Kraft Grated Cheese and improve range of mo­ hours after the onset of the of the elbow. When it is in­ Wagon Shed Nursery in South Wind­ ». ' glad to hear that you have employed as an operations coor­ sity of Maine at Orono. Eastern Connecticut State College will again offer Golden Yams 3 89 done so well. You were for­ tion are important. stroke. jured, and sometimes sor. dinator at American National Bank courses for a bachelor’s degree in business administra­ Kraft VeKeeta Cheese U S NO I-A IL PURPOSE Your story suggests that I’m sending you The without apparent injury, noRiOAjiM:Ysj«ET JufTibo c tunate. Some people are in Hamden. An Oct. 14 wedding at St. An April 23 wedding is planned at tion through Manchester Community College’s Adult Yellow Onions 5 i 88' seriously disabled after a you may have had an em­ Health Letter 16-6, What the little sac fills with Temple Oranges , s u e ^ ,. 99' A May 14 wedding is planned at Margaret Mary's Church in South St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, Wind­ Business Career Development Center located at Bennet I ro/cii .S[H'fi;ils U.S NO 1-NUTNTIOU8RUSSCT stroke and others recover bolus, such as a small clot, You Need To Know About excess fluid, like a cyst. It U.S NO 1-CRISP.JUICV. TENDER „ A Church of Assumption, Manchester. Windsor is planned. sor, Vt. Junior High School. Baking so well that no one knows that caused your stroke, Strokes. Others can send 75 may be about the sizie of a Potatoes j1 l w 5 J « * McIntosh 2 v, \ they have had one. It rather than one artery that cents with a long, stamped, hen egg. In case of injury, Courses offered for tbe spring semester will Include 1^ Pizzeria management of^rganlxatlons, finance, government and Appk?s Min. depends a lot on how much became occluded with fat­ self-addressed envelope for draining it may show Cheese Pizza = 9 9 ' A&PSokd business, and iMormal and formal organizations. brain damage occurred ty cholesterol deposits. Re­ it to me, in care of the bloody fluid. NOIBARO JOHNSONS White Tuna Students may register at Eastern by calling 458-2231 and what areas were cent studies using a stroke Manchester Herald, P.O. If it continues to fill after Herpes clinic doles out advice Macaroni & Cheese X 6 9 ' Cooked 3 9 9 affected. data bank have surprised a Box 1551, Radio City SU- several drainages it is or they may pick up registration forms at MCC Monday R ^ nB ran Roast Beef and Tuesday from 1 to 7 p.m. You should progress lot of people; probably tion. New York, N.Y. usual to have the entire sac NOOCRE.RMOONOOOLCS OR OIGOiE NOODLES C Q C gynecology at Baylor. million people. 1^waidJ(^nsonsIbasties '571 ’’ 7 29 slowly and use your heart more than a third of 10019. Everyone needs to removed surgically. HOUSTON (UPI) - Herpes suf- Upton Soup • 1st Prize Liverwurst lb ^ ftrers who go to the Baylor College Rosenfeld, who also bolds a doc­ "We’re going to try to correct REOUUUIORCRMKLE of Medicine Herpes Clinic for help torate in psychology, said a recent these incorrect thoughts she may Masons set open house A&P Freni^ Fries CHU$«(. CRUSHED OR SLICED _ e t \ C 189 Spruce Pineapple 5 9 Cokinial Cooked Salami lb 1 not only receive the standard study publiRied in the British Jour­ have about herpes; That she’s dirty, TURMX BEEF OR CMCKSN A LA MNO medical treatment, but also a hefty nal of Venereal Disease revealed that she can’t function socially any Square Circle Club of Manchester Lodge of Masons Banquet Cookin Bags 357*1 779 lb ^ Good vs. bad stress; dose of advice on how to reduce women who scored high in stress on more,” Rosenfeld said. will have an open house Monday from 9 a.m. to noon at Lights Corn Chips bt 8 9 Oilonial Ham^" stress that may worsen their dis­ a general health questionnaire were “A lot of people nu y feel they the Masonic Temple. ease. much more likely to suffer have the worst disease they could There will be card games, pool and refreshments. All t t U m H lB D E P RoM Gold Pretzels 79' Imported Swiss Chccsciu..-. » 2 “^ Masons and their friends are invited. KITCTKN SLICED OR FRENCH STVlE GREEN B f ^ 8 -D 7 A Because researchers believe recurrences of herpes than those ever have and they can no longer Vicks Nyquil"Csr 2s: *5 COFFEE CAKEJR.DEVR. DOGS OR «q q there's a difference stress is a major factor behind tbe who scored low a ^ appeared to function sexually. H someone feels Drakes Y^cls P-g 1 Green Giant I t , XM*" frequent recurrence of tbe-genital have less stress and depression. this, it will harm them the rest of N ibktsf^rn Vicks Formula 44D s » 2 version of the viriis in certain With this in mind, doctors a t the their lives. Church women to meet Sunshine Krispy Saltincs p., 8.^ t»T R A LIGHT DEAR DR. BLAKER: these soft emotions into women. Dr. Bernard RosenfeU saM Baylor herpes clinic have begun "A thought process like that could Hungry Jack Pancake Mix r 99' I've been an ad­ stress counseling has been incor­ testing their patients for streu and lead to depression. There’s no need Unitarian Universalist Women’s Federation of Bic Men’^ Shavers p2.*l Swiss Miss 139 bard ones like anger and t?< i 1 Facial Tis.sik’s 5 9 ' ministrative assistant in a Unitarian Universalist Meeting House, 153 Vernon S|., PA« M- 12-01 109 vindictiveness. Unfor­ porated into tbe treatment program teaching those with high stress for herpes to effect people like Hot Cocoa Mix ptottic 1 to Cl SI PLAM.MEATORMUBHROOM-HOAKSTVIE « q q Log Cabin Syrup high technology company tunately, even when we un­ for fenule herpes patients at the levels bow to reduce anxiety that,” Rosenfeld said. will meet Monday at 7:30. Bic Bht> Pens phe I for about two years. I've Ask through relaxation techniques and Rosenfeld said women have an un­ There will be a presentation by the Coalition Against Ragu Spaghetti Sauce » 1 derstand what tbe anger Baylor clinic. / . H M T K B C M B OR BATH B ^ ^ TetlCT 159 Gem Blended 3 9 9 always liked my job but I exercise. realistic understanding of tbe Sexual Harassment. This will include tbe- film, “Tbe lOOcl. • ■ BE&ARONELASAQNA OR Dr. Blaker really means, it’s dlffi^t “It looks like we m w ha.ve a Empire Brushes -«*1 Ira Bags boi Salad Oil X now find that I have a vicious circle with somejfee getting "Aerobic exercise helps reduce genital herpes virus, compared to Work Place Hustle.” Tbe film will give situations ChirfBoy-Ar-Dec „ to want to help and comfort showing the myths and attitudes of sexual harassment. crashing headache by the Karen Blaker, Ph.D. a person in that state of herpes. Because the rMl negative stren . Fast walking, j o g | ^ or any more serious venereal diseases. Spaghetn & Meatballs ». Jennifer Brown from the coalition will present the middle of every day and I mind. label (herpes) has, tbe patient will other continual exercise that lasts "Most women will come in and be Ocean Spray 169 OT film and give information on tbe laws and procedures M-Ot I feel frustrated all the time. Perhaps, when your hus­ suffer an increased amount of more than 20 minutes certainly Is terrified of having herpes and not be Grapefruit Juke Ml ,M. Chef Boy-Ar-Dec ^ that are available In Connecticut. Jtefresbments will be M uellers I can't figure out why. band comes home in such a stress, this stress then may lead ta not harmful,” Rosenfeld said. afraid at all aid. Srap di Pasta 5 served. DEAR REA D ER: I mood, you.could make a a recurrence of the disease which He said another way doctors at “But the major cause of infertility Spaghetti concerted effort not to let will lead to nnore stress and so on. Baylor hope to reduce patients’ is tubal dlsem and by far the TH # SMO., TWISTS, OB ELBOWS wonder if you aren't suf­ your personal control. Support 1 he Special Olympics fering from some form of can always tell when my him rile you, but just take What we hope to do is break up this stress about their illness Is to dispel leading cause of that is gonorrhea. I s u g g e s t th a t you 'SOS’ cancels meetings H¥ PUFICMASING ANY Or IHl IT( MS LISIFI) BfcLOW iSfF. STORES FOR DETAILS) stress. A certain amount of husband’s had a bad day at it casually. Try talking to vicious circle,” said Rosenfeld, an fears and myths about the hOT^ These are the things that women examine your work situa­ 1 RCOCEM YOUn PfiOCTOn $ O Am LE COUPONS AT AAP stress is healthy, of course. the office. He comes home him calmly and In a assistant professor of obstetrics and virus, which affects an estimated 5 need to worry about. “ tion in these terms, looking all bent out of shape and The SOS: Serving our Singles group has suspended its That's the kind of stress relaxed way and see If you weekly meetings for January and will resume them 75:1” Bounty Jumbo Towels 7 S 7 9 ' 2 *1 at both the external factors practically barks at me. can’t get to the bottom of BdM Detergent boxes that comes from — amount of responsibility, Feb. 8 at 8 pjn. at South United Methodist Church, Main /%JO •ItAhMrMMAhCt -c h 7 9 9 successfully rising to a Why does be have to take it what’s troubling him. It Pampers hoi / decision-making ability, out on me? Street. Ivory Liquid 5Sc 2” challenge, feeling con­ could prove very belpfiil to The group meets the first Sunday of each month at 8 recognition, autonomy — him — and you — to get Thoughts Era Detergent iiZ 1” Charmin Bath Tissue 89' fidence and a sense of con­ and their internal elements DEAR READER: Your p.m. It is open to single adults of all faiths and lifestyles trol ove: your destiny. If husband probably allows things out in the open and la directed by J. Stanley Heggelund of Storrs, a — your Job satisfaction, where they can be dis­ PSi^niQh^Tbok 2w*l Zest Bath Soap 2 ‘£ t M Bounce Fabric Softener - 2 ” you feel in control of your pride in your work, respect himself to let go at home This past week I came across a fact that everything we do affects For this very reason, Christ died graduate of Princeton Seminary. life, you can channel the cussed and dealt with. MBNOOMiaMniMMTJII M"Pf«tFWi ’5* 1” Folgcr’s Instant Coffee •?3” BJBUVI for youmlf in this par­ because it’s safer to do it statement that was so true. It Is other people, positively or negative­ and returned to life so that He might Mr. Clean Ckaner c o k e Rogutor DBposH stressful energy that ac­ Shy? Get help from Dr. ai^on^ans » sx. 6=r ticular job. there than at the office. It's this: Take in a great breath of air ly. ’That’s why it is foolish to say, be the Lord of both tte deiul and tbe WE RESERVE THE RKIHT T O L M T S A IE ANOTOCORRECT TYPOQRAPHMF L ERRORS ITEMS FOR SALE NOT AVAR.ABLE TO WHOLESALE OR RETAK DEALERS companies your drive to Once you determine also a sign of his trust in Blaker’s newsletter and then blow It out. Contained in* "Do your own thing if It doesn’t hurt living.” May this new year be a p e c # W flCIIVl MM BTH THW JAN. 11TKISB3 achieve and make yourself where the problem lies, your relationship, even "Shyness.” Send 80 cents' that single breath were at least anybody else.” wondierful one for you as yon trust healthier than those who though it is, admittedly un­ and a stamped, self- three nitrogen atoms that were As the word of God says, “For the Lord. "In all your ways to‘£ L * a ta ir? ^ Manchester Herald wiU p i^ A you can take steps to deal nhotoof you and your spouse to celabrate the o c c a ^ avoid conflict. with it with'the resulting fair to you. addressed envelope to Dr. breathed by every hunun being who none of us lives to himself alone and acknowledge Him, and He w ill make Bad stress, on the diher feeling that you’re in coo- Men have not generally Blaker in care of the ever lived. Including Jesus Chrirt, none of us dies to himself alone.” your paths straight.” order to have such a photo taken, make an appointinm hand, is tiinBi«d bY tlK tfol of your life, not vice been socialized to be able Manchester Herald, P.O. William Shakespeare, Winston We are not alone, we represent our by «H»"g Batbara Richmond at the MancbestOT MUion S. NIIsm i CAUMIR SHOPPING PLAU BURR CORNERS, MANCHESTER feeling that your decisions versa. to ask for help or empathy Box 475, Radio City Sta­ Churchill, and every president of the family, our church, our Lord. So R ' Herald, 8434711. You’re also welcome to submit a wed- are useless, that life Is when they are .upset or tion, New York, N.Y. United States. This illustrates the does matter what we do and are. Trinity Oovonaat OMTCh >"Htn|-[abto:.U one is available. ■ovarwhelming and beyond DEAR DR. BLAKER: I down. Instead, thev turn 10019. Aaaistoiit Pantar MANCHESTER HERALD, Sat., Jan. 8, 1983 - 15 I » - MANCHKSTER h e r a l d . Sal.. Jan 8. 1983

/MACC news- Conard 61 Aquinas 74 Portland 56 Our thank you list runneth over SPORTS Manchester 52 East Catholic 51 Cheney Tech 38

M M m * Lflilor*H note; thiH column in prepareil by the you with their spirit sharing so willingly with those Gertrude Noren, John and Margaret Mussoni, and Beverly Strand to the Room-at-Uie-lnn. ’Thanks to ul the Manchester .Area Conference of who have less. Edmund Mikolowsky. Mr. and Mrs. Vamum J. Abbott Jr. and Lester and Churehes. It appears Saturdays in the Bless you one and all and may you continue to Also Robert and Pauline Madden, George and Ann French for generous unrestricted gifts that we Manchester llerald. celebrate Christmas each day of the rest of your Lois Garman, Barbara Gawle, Francis and Elaine have allocated to Room-at-the-Inn. Aquinas quintet lives. Sampson, Charles and Joan Hamilton, Barry W. By Nancy Carr 1 do believe we may now have received the last of Botticello, Betty Patnka, Concordia Lutheran and KING POTITJCK Executive Director, MACC the wave of Seasonal Sharing checks for a ^ an d un­ Victor and Murray Dubaldo. All of you are cordially invited to attend the Mar­ believable total of $20,524. 1 want to write it in caps The spirit of giving throughout Manchester was tin Luther King potluck supper this ’Thursday, Jan. What began three years ago .started on the so 1 would believe it myself. evidenc^ by the largest donations we have ever 13 at 6:30 p.m. at Concordia Lutheran Church, 40 proverbial shoestring, has 16 members (youngest As you know, any money left over after we pay received in December to our Fuel Bank and Human Pitkin St. Last year’s potluck was a delightful now 67 years old and oldest 88 years young) and the last of the Seasonal Sharing bills goes into the Needs Fund. experience. topples Eagles made a sizable donation to the MACC Seasonal Human Needs and Fuel Bank so that your money Our thanks to M. Michael Adler, Roger S. Grey, Please call Joan O’Loughlin (643-4031) to tell her Sharing A p p ea l will be helping keep families in crisis sheltered and United Church Women of South United Methodist, what you are bringing. The potluck is being planned Give up'’ to pace Aquinas with Carl Miazga warm during the next months. The Women’s Club of Manchester, Mizpah Spender by the Manchester Interracial Council and is co­ With the second half turning into transition game and it was the Josh A most exclusive, positively delightful group of adding 19. Doug Bond was the lone Circle Society of South United Methodist, Ma'ry L. sponsored by MCC and MACC. the Josh Farrell hour, St. Thomas Farrell show in the second half. He ladies who call themselves the Westhill Arts and VOli'K CIIRI.STM.AS gift may also be used to Eagle in twin digits with 16 points. Burke, Community Baptist Church Fellowship Aquinas whipped Ehist Catholic, 74- was dishing o ff and sticking it from Crafts Club. pay for needed prescriptions, or install a phone in BLANKETS AND CRIBS East’s next outing is Tuesday Club, Marilyn and Allan Turner, Ethel Barry, Lena 51, in HCC basketball action Friday the field,” Penders cited. How do they do i f ’ the home of a fam ily with no money and major We are always in need of used clean blankets and afternoon at Hartford Public High in Speed, Steven Starski and South United Methodist night in New Britain. Aquinas had a 15-13 lead at the All year long they knit, stitch, hook, paint, and health problems. We just installed a phone in a cribs a id baby clothes. Please leave at our Depart­ a 3:15 varsity start. who contributed over $2,000 to the MACC Fuel Bank The win moves the Saints to 3-1 in turn and the 32-30 advantage at the chatter up a storm. The end result of this beehive of home with a 3-year-old on a breathing monitor. In ment of Human Needs, second floor. Center just in time for the happily delayed onset gt cold the conference and 4-2 overall while half. The roof fell in for East in the cheerful activity is a display of artifacts you really many ways your gift will continue to say "w e care” Congregational Church. weather. the loss was the first in HCC play for final 16 minutes. have to see to believe to troubled people, Aquinas (7 4 )— Farrell 12 0-0-24, Also Samuel Pierson, Harriet Frazier and A P O L tlG IE S East and drops it to 3-3 overall. “ We shot well in the first half but Delicate lacy angels, a fairy-like ball that Miazga 8 3-5 19, Marzi 0 0-0 0, AS W E S T A R T into another year thank you to Russell Granniss for most generous gifts to the I wish we could, I wish we might, but unfor­ The homestanding Saints had a the second half we didn’t have good sparkles with a myriad of tiny electric lights, bright Misiolek 2 1-2 5, Loughlin 3 04) 6, the last of the contributors to l^asonal Sharing: Human Needs Fund, to Robert and Loretta Boyd, tunately we just can’t itemize all the olothing you slim 32-30 halftime lead before shot selection,” Penders cited. East hats and mittens, ’ sh cloths that look like puppies Solomon 3 2-2 8, Bauer 10-0 2, John and Carol Eddy, Ellen Laramie, Kerwin and Episcopal Church Women of St. George’s, Ruth so kindly bring us. What we can do is put a value of moving the margin to 48-37 after was 23-for-52 overall from the field. and jewelry cases that look like dolls — all on dis­ Kershaw 1 2-2 4, Roback 2 4-6 8. Harriet Spencer, Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Bayer and South United Methodist Church for con­ the clothing you itemize for us and send you a three periods. Farrell, standout “ Against a team as good as Aquinas play and for .sale at their annual fair. The proceeds Totals 32 10-17 74. Chambers, Grace K. Welches, Gertrude McCall, tributions to the Emergency Pantry. voucher for the estimated amount. point ^ r d , was 5-for-5 from the you have to shoot 50 percent. We go each year to the MACC Seasonal Sharing and to East Catholic (5 1 ) — Bond 8 0-0 Joe and Gail McCavanaugh, Raymond and Also Concordia Lutheran Church and Concordia Or, if you like, you may leave stapled to the bag field and also dished off for several took too many bad shots. the Sheltered Workshop. 16, S. MePadden 3 2-6 8, Callahan 0 0- Marianne Wilcox, Theodore and Margaret Parishioners, Henry and Grace Agnew, Martha your own estimate of the value of your donation. W l assists to lead the Saints’ attack. “ Aquinas had its quick team in the 0 0, Pacheinski 2 2-2 6, Dargati 2 1-2 TMKSK l.\l)IES celebrate Christmas all year Metheny, Emil and Carmelina Botti, and Edith Freimuth, Lena Schubert, Roger and Marcia Your copy goes in with your papers for income tax "W e played hard for 32 minutes; I second half and we were content to 5, Tucker 0 0-0 0, Brunone 0 0-0 0, long with the work of their hands and their hearts Vickerman, Owens, Beverly Strand in honor of the staff at Con­ deductions, if you choose. have no complaint about that,” said take perimeter shots. We had the Smith 2 0-0 4, Soucier 0 0-0 0, C. and spirits None of them are wealthy but the gift Also Roger and Jeanette McDermott, Lucille cordia and Elsie Werner in honor of Pastor and . What is the icing on the cake is your list or es­ Fast Q>ach Jim Penders, "(B u t) we size on them but didn’t get the ball MePadden 10-0 2, Theriault 1 04) 2, they give of loving and caring is priceless. I think of Finnegan, employees and medical staff of Beverly Strand. timate accompanied by a self-addressed stamped just didn’t play intelligently. We lost inside. We didn’t go to the foul line Kucinskas 10-0 2, Pemo' 10-0 2, them specially as we are ending our Seasonal Manchester Memorial Hospital, George and Other gifts were given in honor of Margaret and envelope. We will list contributors to the Pantry . poise and took poor shots to start the hardly,” Penders added. Galligan 2 0-0 4. Totals 23 5-10 51. Sharing thanks you's because there are so many of Marlena Wolff, Susan Allely, Milton K. Adams, Eld Wasilieff, Hank and Grace Agnew and Burt and and (Nothing Bank next week. third quarter. We got caught in their Farrell had a game-high 24 points

-•AS Portland outguns Tech Calendars in conference meeting

of Christian concern, Robbins Room; 7:30 p.m., Herald photo by Pinto Hitting the bullseye less often we didn’t play poorly defensively in and Yuri Westry each hooped 19 Emanuers schedule stewardship committee, church office; 7:30 p.m,, board than anyone would want, o ff target the first half but we couldn’t make points for the 3-1 young Beavers. The following events are scheduled at Emanuel of Christian education, 59A Congress St. CONARD’S PAT SNOW (22) CONTROLS BASKETBALL Cheney Tech succumbed to Portland too many shots. We also didn’t shoot Next outing for the Techmen is a Wednesday — 7 p.m., library committee, library; 7:30 Lutheran Church for the coming week: . . . despite attempt of Manchester's Ken Willis (32) to make steal High, 56-38, in Charter Oak foul shots too well,” Silvia con­ home test Tuesday evening against p.m.. Chancel Choir, choral room; 7:30 p.m., Center Monday — 3:30 p.m , staff meeting: 6:45 p.m.. scouts: Conference basketball action Friday tinued. Cromwell High. Church men executive board meeting, church office. 7:30 p m . Ruth Circle, troop committee. evening In Portland. Portland had a 10-6 lead at the Portland (5 6 ) - Caso 2-3-7, Thursday — 7:30 p.m., prudential board, Robbins Tuesday — 10 a m.. Beethoven Chorus; 1:30 p.m.. The loss drops the Techmen to 1-2 turn and moved the margin to 23-12 Coleman 0-2-2, S.Morrison 7-3-17, Room. Phebe Circle at Irma Young s; 7:30 p.m.. worship and in the conference and 1-3 overall at the half. The Highlanders’ lead Johnson 24)-4, B.Morrison 5-1-11, music while the win lifts the Highlanders was 41-25 after three periods. Smith 24)-4, Bass 3-3-9, Branstield 1- Wednesday — 3 p.m.. MARCH Inc.; 7 p.m.. Christian to 2-1 in the (X>C and 3-2 overall. The Morrison brothers, Steve and 0-2. Totals 22-12-56. education committee; 7 to 9 p m . MARCH class: 7:30 Rosary Society to meet “ Poor shooting hurt us,” said Bruce, paced Portland with 17 and Cheney Tech (38) - Nowak 1-0-2, p m . Emanuel Choir Tall Conard five Cheney Coach Aaron Silvia. "I 11 points respectively. Warren Elliott 3-1-7, Mitchell 1-0-2, St. Bridget Rosary Society will meet Monday at 8 p.m. Thursday - 10 a m , prayer group. 11:15 a m . care in the school cafeteria. The meeting will be preceded by would say we shot nnder 50 Strickland pumped in a season-high Strickland 7-0-14, Foran 2-2-6, and visitation; 11:30 a m.. Bible study, bring sack percent,” he added. Westry 24M, Weiss 04M), Hawkins 0- the Rosary and holy mass beginning at 7:15 p.m. 14 points to pace the Techmen. lunch. 3 45 p m . Belle Choir, 6:30 p.m., confirmation Wanda D'Agostino and Janette Sullivan of Birthright "W e came out and played pretty (5heney took an exciting jayvee tilt 0-0, Melendez 0-1-1, Velasco 1-0-2. Totals 17-4-38. classes in Hartford will speak. Birthright, which was organized good defense in the first quarter and in overtime,*^ 56-55. Melton Hawkins Friday — 9 .30 to 2:30 p m . Emmanuel Church Women. in this area eight years ago, in an emergency pregnancy Lutheran World Relief quilt making, bring bag lunch. counseling service that offers an alternative to abortion. Indians Saturday — 8 p m . Alcoholic Anonymous meeting in Society members are requested to bring a gift for a Luther Hall. 60 Church St Celtics defeat child newborn to age 2. Making a strong comeback bid in opening stanza elapsed. Smith had a dozen points to pace Owen Bolton hero the second half, Manchester High The elongated Clhieftains, led by 6- Conard with Redfield, McChie and Spurs, 116-113 fell short and absorbed a 614i2 set­ foot-2 sophomore jumping jack Pat Snow adding 10 apleces. Karl SAN ANTONIO, Texas (UPI) - back at the hands of Conard High in Floyd Redfield’s two field goals, Here s South s agendg Nazarene’s week Kallinich popped in 11 for the Cedric Maxwell scored 10 of his CCIL basketball action Friday night moved to a 14-8 lead at the turn. winners. The following events are scheduled at South United in win over RHAAA team’s last 12 points, including a at Clarke Arena. Manchester, which has yet to con­ Brophy hpd 14 points, Mark Methodist Church lor the coming week; The following events have been scheduled at the three-point play with 2:19 to play, to The win moves the Chieftains to 4- nect on 50 percent of its field goal Mistretta 9 and Jerome Owens and Sunday — 12 15 p m , beef stew dinner .sponsored by Churcii of the Nazarene for the coming week: adding 11 and Peterson 9. The lead the Boston Celtics to a 116-113 1 in the league and overall while the tries in a game, was a woeful 2-for- Eric Dupee 8 apiece to lead the In­ Having won its first game of the Chancel Choir Monday — 11:30 p.m., chapel service, the Cornerstone Bulldogs, according to Leete, did a victory over the San Antonio Spurs loss drops the Silk Towners to 1-3 in 14 in the opening eight minutes. dians. season last Tuesday, Bolton High Tuesday — 7:30 p m . women’s prayer and study, 337 Christian School, with Mrs, Bell. good job on the boards with Owen, Friday night. the CCIL and 2-4 overall. Matters went from bad to worse Manchester took the jayvee tilt In made it tw o straigh t with an W. Middle Turnpike; 7 p.m , youth choir rehearsal. Tuesday — 2 p.m., service at Crestfield Convalescent Brown and Bob Cusano each hauling M axwell’s three-point play gave Manchester has dropped four for the Silk Towners In the second overtime, ffi-56. Greg Turner had 16 exciting 49-47 decision over RHAM Wednesday — 9:30 a m., crafts group; 7:30 p m.. Home; 3 p.m.. service at Vernon Manor with Rev. Em- in 7 caroms. "Our size balanced out Boston a 113-109 lead, and in the last straight. canto. Their offense appeared great­ points and Glen Bog^ni 12 for the 2- High in Charter Oak Conference Chancel Choir; 7 30 p m . Bible study. 277 Spring St. mitt; 7:30 p.m., church board meeting. their size,” Leete said. two minutes the Celtics held San An­ The Indians, trailing badly by a 38- ly disorganized Chieftains, who had basketball action Friday night in Wednesday — 6 p.m., children’s caravan; 7 p.m., 4 young Indians. The clubs were deadlocked at 11- tonio to two free throws by Johnny Thursday — 6:30 p m junior choir. 19 count at the half, closed the gap to 6-foot-6 Mike McCue and 6-foot-5 Hebron. Chanoel Choir rehearsal; 7:30 p.m,, fam ily prayer time. Next outing is Tuesday at home all at the turn with Bolton taking a Moore and a basket by Artie Friday 10 a m . Al-Anon 46-38 at the end of three perils. Karl Kallinich plugging up the mid­ Six-foot-5 junior pivotman Keith against Hall High at 8 o’clock. 25-21 halftime lead. Gilmore at the buzzer. dle. Owen rebounded a missed Ted They closed It further to 49-43 with 2 Conard (61) — Redfield 5 0-0 10, Todd Farley had 11 points to pace Maxwell sank a pair of tree FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST SCIENTIST ON NORTH MAIN STREET 'A-minutes left before two turnovers Cktnard, using the height advan­ Brown free throw and scored on the McCue 4 2-4 10, Snow 3 4-9 10, RHAM with Tuohey, John Tar throws with 58 seconds to play to Thomas to le*ad group were converted into hoops by tage to control the boards, was sen­ Kallinich 3 5-7 11, Deslauriers 2 3-4 offensive rebound with three Marriage film series set box. MikO Clear and Gleason adding give Boston a 115-111 lead. Ckmard. ding its guards on breaks and the In­ seconds left to give the Bulldogs 7, Lachat 0 1-2 1, Brazel 0 0-1 0, 8 apiece. Larry Bird scored 25 points and The following events are scheduled at Center The Community Baptist Church, 585 E. Center St., dians failed to cover. Bill Smith off their second win in four outings. “ We played as w ell in the second Smith, 6 0-112, Roth 00-00. Totals 23 Maxwell and Quinn Buckner added Congregational Church lor the coming week: will sponsor a film series on marriage enrichment the bench had a pair of buckets off Brown, hitting the front end of a half, as poorly as we did in the first 1528 61. 20 each as Boston won its fourth Sunday — 10 a m . worship with Judith Welles, guest beginning Sunday at 6 p.m. at the church. Missionary to preach Sunday breaks. one-and-one situation, had drawn Bolion (49) - Peterson 2-5-9, half,” voiced Manchester Coach Manchealer (52) — Carmel 0 4-4 Brown 7-5-19, Ferguson 4-3-11, Ower straight game, all on the road. preacher, 11 15 a m , reception for Ms. Welles; 4:45 The series, with Dr. Carl Brecheen and Dr. Paul Doug Pearson. "The first half was The Chieftain edge went to 23-11 4, McCurry 0 0-1 0, WilUs 0 2-0 2, Bolton even with five seconds left at 3-0-6, Chisano 2-0-4, Fletcher 0-0-0. The Celtics trailed after one p.m.. junior and senior high youth meet at church for Faulkner, will explore the topics "Made for Each Dr. Judith Welles, (Amerikan Kiz Lisesi), a just awful. It was a steamroller before Kevin Brophy tallied the In­ 47-aIl. The Bulldog guard misfired the Hartford Seminary (Bennett Junior Keuka and Dupee 4 04) 8, Mistretta 4 1-2 9, Sheetz 04)4). Totals 18-13-49. quarter 31-29, and at halftime 64-58. Boar s Head Festival in Hartford. Other, ' "The Trouble With Us Is M e,” "W hat Husbands retired missionary school for Turkish girls in effect; everyone played awful. It dians’ first field goal of the second on the second attempt but Owen was Foundation (M.A. and Lake Erie Colleges), she Petersen 0 0-0 0, Turner 1 1-2 3, RHAM (47) - Tarbox 3-2-8, Qear With Boston leading 85-80 with Monday — 7:30 p m . personal journey on public Need to Know,” "What Wives Need to Know,” "How to teacher, will preach the 10 Turkey. The American was just a terrible lulf of basket­ period with 3:52 left. McCue, with Brophy 7 0-214, Owens 32-48, Hurst there to haul in the rebound and put B .D .) and New College accepted an ^ippointment 3-2-8, Tuohey 4-0-8, Gleason 441-8, 2:54 left in the third quarter, the speaking. Dirk Thomas, leader, in Robbins Room. 7:30 Kill Communication,” “ ’The Communication Lifeline,” a.m. service at Center ball. I gave credit to the kids in the four field goals, then led Conard on a it into the hoop for the winning Collegiate Institute was Eldinburgh University in from the U n iM Church 0 (M) 0, Sliver 12-3 4. Totols 20 1^24 Hyburg 14)-2, Babik 14)-2, Farley 5-1- Spurs outscored the Celtics 8-2 to pm ., personal journey on increasing interpersonal "Speaking Frankly About Sex,” and “ Renewing Congregational Church on founded by American second half they came back and 15-6 spurt that saw the visitors surge bucket. Scotland (Ph.D .) Board World Ministries. 52. 11. Totals 21-5-47. take an 88-87 lead into the final skills with Jane Curtis in Wmidruff Hall Romance in Marriage,” Sunday. made a real game of it. to 38-19 halftime bulge. The triumph moves the Bulldogs Board Missionaries in 1878. After 25 years of college, Dr. Welles whs bom in period. With the score tied 100-100 Tuesday — 3 30 pm . Pilgrim Choir, choral room; The publie is invited. The series will continue on the Dr. Welles is retired Manchester continued to to 2-1 in the conference and drops teaching (Bible and world Wethersfield and resides in "I can’t explain why we played with 7:03 left, Buckner and Bird 5:30 p m , confirmation. Robbins Room; 6:30 p.m , second and fourth Sunday evenings of the month through from the American experience shooting doldnuns in the the Sachems to 3-2 overall, 1-2 in the Dr. Welles is a graduate religions) and 19 years of Talcottville. A reception in the way we did in the first half. We Bucks 109-92 scored baskets tor a 104-100 lead sacred dance group. Federation Room. 7:30 p.m., board April. Collegiate Institute couldn’t do anything right and second eight-minute block and con­ COC. of Mount Holyoke College, work as dean of students. her honor w ill be held in before Maxwell took charge. nected on an aweful 3-for-17, giving M ILW AU K E E (U P I) - Sidney ‘'W e hadn’t been in too many the Federation Room everyone got frustrated. But we it a 5-for-31 reading from the field at Moncrlef and Marques Johnson each games like but the ones we have Nets 111-98 following the service. The went in at the half and regrouped. I \ the break. scored 23 points to lead the been in the last couple of years we public is invited. hope they'll remember that and not CHICAGO (U P I) - Mickey John­ Hanika winner we lost the gam e,” continued Pear­ McCue and. Redfield each bad 10 Milwaukee Bucks to a 109-92 victory hadn’t won,” re c a ll^ Bolton Coach son scored a season-high 25 points to Religious Services son. first-half points to pace the Chief­ over the Detroit Pistons Friday Dave Leete, "This time in a good, lead the New Jersey Nets to their over Mandllkova Due to an extended jayvee contest. tains, who were 16-for-29 from the night. close game —we won. I ’m really eighth straight triumph, a 111-98 that went into overtime, the Jayvee field at intermission. Johnson scored 17 of his points in excited and hope we can keep it decision over gthe Chicago Bulls WASHINGTON (U P I) - Sixth THf : going,” he ad d ^ . 5 15 0 m : Sunday 9:30 and 10:45 9'30 a m., Sunday school; 10:45 and Vernon streets. Eugene NORTH UNITED METHODIST SOUTH UNITED METHODIST Woodside St. Wayne 8. Taylor, game got a late start — delayed a Each side bad 20 rebounds at the the first quarter and the Bucks took Friday night. seed Sylvia Hanika gave third seed Andover a m holydays, 5 30 and 7:30 a m . holiness meeting; 7 p.m.. Brewer and Steve Holt, ministers. CHURCH. 300 Parker St. Richard CHURCH, 1226 Main Dr. bishop. 9:15 a.m., aacrament 8IBLE half hour. And it appeared neither half but Qinard had a 15-10 spread in. control, outshootlng the Pistons 57 Bolton’s next outing is Tuesday at The victory was the Nets’ ninth in Hana M andlikova a lesson in p m Confessions 4:30 to 5 p m. salvation meeting Sunday services: 9 a.m. Bible W. Dupee, pastor. 6:45 and 10:15 Shephard S. Johnson, Rev. meeting 10:15 a.m., Sunday Portland High. FIRST CONGREGATIONAL side was going to wake up with the the second stanza and used that to percent to 27 percent and taking a their last 10 games. patience Friday night to score a 6-7, SECOND CONGREGATIONAL UNITED PENTECOSTAL classes; 10 a.m. worship; 6 p.m. a m., worship, adult Bible class, Laurence M. Kill, pastors. 9 and school and primary; 11:26 a.m „ CH UR CH OF ANDOVER, Route 6 , pull further out front. 36-17 lead at the quarter’s end. Bolton had a 30-28 lead going into 7-5, 6-2 upset triumph and advance CHURCH. United Church of CHURCH, 187 W oodbridge St. worship. Wednesday: 7 p.m. Bi­ nursery, coffee between services; 10:45 a.m.. worship; 9 a.m., priesthood and relief society. score at 4-2 with 5 ^-minutes o f the Johnson scored 11 points in the se- Rev Richard H Taylor 9'30 a m , Christ. Rt. 44A Rev. Robert K. Rev Marvin Stuart, minister. 10 ble study. Nursery provided for all 10:15 a.m., church school, church school, nursery through ST. JAMES CHURCH, 696 c the final stanza before RHAM ccuid quarter after the Nets trailed to the semifinals of a $150,000 church school for all ages; 11 Bech told . 9 45 a m , church a m , Sunday school; 11 a.m., services. nursery; 5:30 to 7 p.m., Junior and grade 9; 10:45 a.m., nursery and Main St. Rev. Francis V. assumed a four-Point lead with not women’s tennis tournament. a m . worship, nursery care 27-20 in the first period. His hook school, grades nursery through 6; morning worship; 6 p.m., evening FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST. senior igh MYF; 7:30 to 6:30 p.m., senior high dasa; 6 p.m.. United Krukowskl. Rev. Robert Burbank. much time remaining. A Brown provided Frequontly I hoar poopio shot with 5:38 left in the first half Martina Navratilova joined 10 a m., worship service. 11 a m., worship, 7:30 p.m.. bible study SCIENTIST, 447 N. Main St. 10:30 junior and senior sacred dar$M Methodist youth fellowship; 6 Rev. Richard A. Lamore, team axpraot oarloua dlaagrao- hoop arid Jeff Peterson free throw church school, for grades 7 (Tuesday); 7 p.m.. Ladles' prayer a m., church service. Sunday groups. Holy Ck>mmunlon first p.m., S.O.S.; 7:30 p.m.. adult Bi­ minister Rev. Edward J. Reardon. put New Jersey ahead for good at 44- Hanika in the semifinals with an closed the gap to a single digit for Bolton through adult, coffee and (Thursday); 7 p.m.. Men's prayer school, and care for small Sunday of each month. ble study. * Saturday masses at 4 and 6:30 mont with tha church's Losing streak ends at 15 43. New Jersey held a 60-58 halftime easy 6-1, 6-2 victory over fellowship, confirmation class, (Thursday); 7 p.m.. Youth service children. SECOND CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST p,m.; Sunday m a sses at 7:30, 9, teaching and/or praetica. Bolton with Brown then hitting both margin. Czechoslovakia’^ Helena Sukova. CHURCH OF ST MAURICE. 32 activities for grades nursery (Friday). COMMUNITY BAPTIST CHURCH. 365 N. Main St. The OF LATTER DAY SAINTS. 30 10:30 a.m., noon, and 5 p.m.. avsn to tha point of dls- ends of a one-and-one for a one-point Hebron Road. The Rev. J Clifford through 6. and junior choir PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. 43 CHURCH, 585 E. Center St. Rev. Rev. V. Joseph Milton, pastor. 10 llluslonmam. Yat mora oltan lead. Joe Gleason’s hoop gave the Curtin pastor Saturday mass at rehearsal Spruce St. Rev. Richard Gray, Jam es I. Meek, minister. 9:15 a.m. worship service and church than not thaaa Individuals ra­ upper hand back to RHAM before 5 p m Sunday m asses a* 7:30, THE FIRST pastor. 10:30 a m., worship ser­ a.m., Churcji school for all a^es. school; 11 a.m. fellowship hour. for East Catholic girls isin thair prasant church a(- 9 15 am 11am CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH vice. nursery: 9:15 a.m., Sunday kindergarten through Grade 4 CENTER CONGREGATIONAL Brown and then Owen provided BOLTON UNITED METHODIST OF COVENTRY. 1171 Main St. school; 7 p.m.. informal worship. continuing during the service; llllatlons. What this moans Is CH u RCH. 11 Center Street Rev. / Windsor (41) - Bettez 7 2-4 16; three points —and the victory —for VanKruningen survivor fcHURCH, 1041 Boston Turnpike Rev. Bruce Johnson, pastor 11 ■ ST. JOHN’S POLISH 10:30 a m.. MornMg worship, Newell H. Curtis Jr., senior thst thsir rallglous davotlon Is Breaking into the win column for stretch to cUaeb the decision for f Rev Marjorie Hiles. pastor. 9;30 a m., worship: 9:30 a.m., church oompromisad. thair commH- Estevez 2 1-3 5, Corbett 4 2-5 10, Bolton. NATIONAL CATHOLIC CHURCH. nursery provided. pastor; Rev. Chet Copeland, the first time In almost two years. Elast. Palm er was 6-for-9 overall am . church school; 11 am., school In Church Lane House.. 23 Golway St Rev. Walter A. 1983- Year of the Bible Brown had a game-high 19 points CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE, associate pastor; Rev. Clifford O. mant baoomaa a tormaMy. Brown 5 0-210, Fullona 0 04) 0, Flynn worship service, nursery. East Catholic girls' basketball team from the foul stripe and had a game- Nursery care provided. Hyszko. pastor. 8:30 a.m., mass 236 Main St. Rev. Neale McLain, Simpson, pastor emeritus. 10 and thair Invdivamant virtually 0 04) 0. Totols 18 5-14 41. to pace Bolton with Mai Ferguson ST GEORGE’S EPISCOPAL in English and Polish. in Men's 35 net play senior pastor; Rev. George Em- a.m. Worship srvice. sanctuary; cesses. subdued Windsor High, 44-41. in non­ high 18 points. CHURCH. Boston Turnpike Rev. Manchester ST. BARTHOLOMEW'S mitt, minister of visitation and 10 a.m. Church School. ... to be spiritually minded S o m a d o c o n a ld a r a conference action Friday night in Donna Coulombe and Beth Caf- Top seeded Bill Cashman of John C Holliger, vicar. 10 a m., CHURCH. 741 E. M iddle Turn­ outreach. 9:30 a.m., Sunday TEMPLE BETH SHOLOM. 400 frey, defensively, did the job on There was plenty of tennis action Family Eucharist; 11 am . change, but lamlly and social Windsor. Madison topped Alex Sommers, 6-0, GOSPEL HALL, Center Street. pike. Rev. Martin J. Scholsky, school; 10:45 a.m., worship, E. Middle Turnpike. Rabbi Friday evening at the Manchester is life and peace lias, longstanding traditions, Windsor 6-foot center Celeste Nursery program and coffee 10 a m., breaking bread; 11:45 pastor Saturday m ass at 5 p.m.; children's church ar>d nursery; 7 Richard J. Flavin, Israel Tabatsky, 64) in the first round and then fellowship The victory was the first of 1962-83 Elstevez, bolding her to five points. Racquet (Hub as a N E L T A Junior a m . Sunday school; 7 p.rn-. Sunday m asses at 6fdb. 10 and p.m., evening service, nursery. cantor. Dr. Leon Wind, Rabbi and man's gsnaral avaralon to Conard girls, too, eliminated Ginieres, 6-1, 6-0. The for the Eaglettes after six losses and Veterans Tennis Tournament began BOLTON CONGREGATIONAL gospel meeting. 11:%j.m. UNITARIAN UNIVER8ALI8T Emeritus. Services. 6:15 p.m. altaratlon In any area of Hla Dominique Bettes bad 16 markers to No. 2 seed, Jack Dunmead, sidelined CHURCH. 228 Bolton Center FULL GOSPEL sT ^ R I D G E T CHURCH. 70 All Scripture Is Qod-breathed and Is oonspira to pravant It. The their first in 16 games dating back to action. SOCIETY: East. 153 W. Vernon Friday and 9:45 a.m., Saturday. pace Windsor. Jennings 6-2, 8-0. Road at the Green. Rev Stanley INTERDENOMINATIONAL Main St. Rev. Philip A. Sheridan St. Rev. Arnold 'Westwood. EMANUEL LUTHERAN coneclanca la atlllad by last year. The loss drops Windsor to There were 19 men's singles, five Eaton, interim minister. 9:30 a.m., useful for teaching, rebuKIng, correcting The bomestaiiding Indians had a Among the women’s matches. No. CHURCH. 745 Main St. Rev. and Rev. Emilio P. Padelil, co­ mlnist10:30 a.m., Servloe. CHURCH, Church and Chestnut various moans. 3-2 for the campaign. women’s singles and one men’s worship service, nursery and training Jn righteousness, so that the 16-12 lead at the turn before East Philip P. Saunders. Sunday 10:30 pastors. Saturday masses at 5 ST. MARY’S EPISCOPAL Streets. Rev. Dale H. Gustafson, I would dlsbouraga top Indian cogers 1 s ^ Judy Staknis of East Hart­ doubles matches played. a.m.. adult Bible study and Sun­ and 7:30 p.m: Sunday m asses at CHURCH. Park and Church pastor: Stephen E. Farwig, intern; man of God may be thoroughly rallglous shuffling on supar- “ It feels really great,” voiced took a 25-24 halftime lead. The ford, playing out of the local club, Coventry day school: 7 p m.. worship ser­ 7:30, 9. 10:30 and noon. the Rev. C. Henry Anderson, Among the men, Carl Frantz, Bob Street. Rev. Stephen K. Jacob­ equipped for every good work. fldal grounds. Only a serious Elast Cktach Donna Ridel, "T h e kids Eaglettes held the upper hand after It was a lost night for Manchester "W e had too many turnovers and defeated Betty Walsh 6-2, 6-0. vice. Tuesday at 7:30 p.m., JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES, 647 son. Rev. Frederick D. Moeer, pastor emeritus. 6:30 a.m., Corso, Clay Moore, Jim Balcome Mudy of one's rsMIonshlp three perlodi, 34-32. High’s girls’ basketball team In its were outrebhunded by a wide Ann Williams and Ann Garvin had COVENTRY PRESBYTERIAN special Bible studies; Wednesday Tolland Turnpike. Tuesday: curate. 7:30 a m.. Holy Eucharist; worship: 9:45 a.m.. church (I Timothy 3;ie.17) played unbelievably. We didn’t and Am ie Vance, all of Manchester, CHURCH. Route 44>A and Trow­ at 7:30 p.m., worship service. Congregation Bible Study. 7 p.m.; with Qod In the light of tha “ The key was we cut our tur­ (X3L engagement with Conard High margin.” Armstrong noted. opposite results. Williams lost to 9 a.m. first, second and fourth school, adult forum. Bible atudy, make the mistakes we had been were first round losers. Herb bridge Road. Rev. Brad Evans, Prayer line 640-8731 24 hours. Thursday; Theocratic School Sundays, Holy Communion and nursery; 11 a.m., worship, alter­ Sorlpturaa (Acts 17:11) novers way down. That plus we had In West Hartford Friday night. "Conard bad just too nnany good Phyllis Geneh$-3, 6-0 while Garvin pastor. Sunday. 9:30 a.m. FAITH BAPTIST CHURCH. 52 (speaking course). 7:30 p.m.; right along. VanKruningen of Manchester was Church school; third Sunday. ' native worship In chapel, nursery. should avsr ba tha baala for 45 rebounds against a taller team,” The locals went down to a 61-32 shooters.’’ defeated Eileen Woods 64), 6-0. worship; 10:45 a.m. Sunday Lake St. Rev.. Jam es BeNasov, Service Meeting (ministry morning prayer; 11 a.m. first, se­ CONCORDIA LUTHERAN such. But whan so dlctalad, the local entry to advance. school: 7 p.m. Bible study and pastor. 9:30 a.m.. Sunday school; training), 6:15 p.m.; Sunday: Use your Bible Ridel cited. lots and the scorebook was left on In the lone doubles m atch, the cond and third Sundays. Holy CH U R CH (LCA), 40 PHkIn 8t. Rev. oonvorslon should navsr ba While the varsity bowed for the VanKruningen advanced by sellowship. Wednesday. 7:30 10:30 a.m., worship service; 7 Public Bible Lecture, 9:30 a.m.; Burton D. Strand, pastor. 6 a.m.. DelSignore added 10 points for the the bus. tandem of Jack Redmond-Tom Communion; fourth Sunday, mor­ raaMad. A now year asMIs. "W e didn’t throw the basketball fourth time in six outings, third in defeating Milt Ossorio, 1-4, 741, 6-4. p.m. prayer meeting. p.m., evening service Watchtower Study, 10:25. ning prayer. Hoty Communion Holy Com m union, nursery; 9:16 away and put the' ball through the victorious Eaglettes, who resume Coach Steve Armstrong of the Rodden ousted Mort Glasser^Dan PRINCE OF PEACE CHURCH OF • THE ZION EVANGELICAL Don't spend H continuing to four league contests, the Tribe Frantz lost to Peter Ginleres, 6-4, 6- every Wednesday at 10 a.m. a.m., Christian growth hour, ,hoop when we had to,” she added. play Wednesday afternoon at Hart­ locals noted his team" trailed Martleau, 6-0, 64). LUTHERAN CHURCH. Route 31 ASSUM PTIO N . Adam s Street at LUTHERAN CHURCH (Mlseourl CALVARY CHURCH nursery; 10:30 a.m.. Holy Corn- padfy and aWla a troublad jayvees triumphed, 46-32. 7, 7-6 In a three-hour match. Corso and North River Road. Rev. W. H. oonsolanettlAets M:16). ford ^ b llc at S.15. throughout, Conard’s girls holding Action resumes Saturday morning Tl^pmpson Road. Rev. Edward S. Synod), Cooper and High atreets. (Assemblies of God), 400 munlon. nursery. Michelle Morianos led the point- fell to Peter Nelson, 1-6, 6-2, 6-2. Wllkens. pastor. 9 a.m., Sunday Pepin, pastor Saturday masses R^. Charles .W. Kuhl, pastor, 9 Buckland Road. Rev. Kenneth L. TRINITY COVENANT tiibles Books 'Hiat makes a difference. East Catholic (4 4 ) - Palm er 6 64 U-10, 29-18 and 50-26 advantoges at at 9:30 with matches scheduled tSChool; 10:15 a m., worship ser­ 18 makers with 15. Moore dropped a 6-3,7-4 duke to Art at 5 and 7:30 p.m.; Sunday a.m.. Divir$e worship; 10:15 a m Gustafson, pastor. 9:30 a.m.. CHURCH. 302 Hacatack SI. Rev. A bucket by Carolynn DelSignore , Revellese 1 04) 2, Barter 0 04) 0. the period breaks. throughout the day. Semifinals and vice. masses at 7:30, 9, 10:30 and Sunday School and Youth Forum. Norman Swenson. 6 a.m., OMNI If CMfT Next start for the Silk Town en­ Houle while Balcome was ousted by Sunday School; 10:30 a.m., bad given Elart the lead after Wind- Hearse 2 04) 4, Lupacebino 0 1-2 1, Standouts for the Red and White finals are set for Sunday, starting in ST MARY CHURCH, 1600 11:45 a.m. Holy Communion first and third worship; chil'j-care and nursery; worship; 9:25 a.m., Sunday tries will be Tuesday at Hall High in Tom Fayed, 6-3, 6-3. Vance fell to Main St. Father Jam es J. W illiam­ sor drew even and Liz Palmer made Coulombe 0 1-2 1, Calfrey 4 0-3 8, with nine points each were Patti the morning. SALVATION ARM Y, 661 Main Sunday. r 00 p.m , evening service of School; 10:25 a.m., coffee and West Hartford. Stu Jennings, 6-2, 64). son, pastor. Masses Saturday at Sf'Maj. and Mrs. Arthur Carlson, CHURCH OF CHRIST. Lydall praise and preaching. .fellowahip; 11 a.m.. worahip. S-for-4 from the foul line down the DelSignore 5 0-| 10. Totals 188-18 44. Wojnarowski and Lisn Chrisienaep. 16 - M ANCHESTER H ERALD . Sat., Jan. 8. 1983 M ANCHESTER HERALD . Sat.. Jan. 8, 1983 - 17 Patriots-Dolphins in rematch names in the news Bill Walsh

about the snowplow caper last YOUNGSTOWN, Ohio (UPI) - ’ Coach Bill as SO Patriots want to go elsewhere Scoreboard produce turnovers and may pull the of Mark van Eeghen, Tony Collins month when Meyer waved a tra cw Walsh m et with club owner Ekiward J. DeBartolo Jr. today about his MIAMI (UPI) — The Miami But that doesn’t mean New Patriot attack back Into its conser­ because of disagreement with and Mosi Tatupu until Sunday when onto the field to clear a place in the ' future with the 1981 champions. Dolphins and the New England England Coach Ron Meyer won’t go vative shell. M eyer’s coaching and strict dis­ M eyer unleashed quarterback Steve snow, allowing John Smith to k ltt Walsh, coach and general manager of the team for four seasons, has Patriots — the only two teams in the back to the grind-it-out approach ‘‘Their defense is equivalent to the cipline. Grogan. He responded with 20 com- the game-winning field goal in the indicated he wants to relinquish his coaching duties. His contract runs N F L that have gained more yards against the Dolphin defense, best in San Diego offense in making the big "When you’re dealing with 49 per­ through 1985. last five minutes. on the ground this year than through the league against the pass, or that plays,” he said. "W e’ve got a big sonalities, you probably have 49 4, Wayne Webb fBS.963 . 5. Ted Hannahs the air — slug it out today in an the Dolphin offense has solved all its concern about our ability to control varied opinions, particularly on run­ 191.975. 6, Art Trask 191.336. 7. Pete San Diego (5) at Pittsburgh (4), 12:0 Pelle Lindbergh' Weber 189,940. 8, Guppy Troup 187,888. 9, AFC playoff game billed as ‘‘son of problems. the ball, move the ball and score ning the football squad,” Meyer Shula, who lashed out at the p.m. Joe Berardi |80.(H5. 10. ^ v e Cook NFC Woodley's big day Sunday came Patriots after the game, now says, PHILADELPHIA (U PI) — Goalie Pelle Lindbergh, undefeated in snowplow." points against them.” said. “I’m not overly concern^, Basketball 177,915. Tampa Bay (7) at Dallas (2). 4 p.m. The Patriots, 5-4, have gained 1,- against the hapless Baltimore Colts, Intangibles also are working and yet I ’m not ducking the issue, “ I said what I had to say and I ’m not his last seven NHL games, will be lost to the Philadelphia Flyers for Hockey THOROUGHBRED RACING Atlanta (5) at Minnesota (4). 4 p.m. going to dwell on it.” (Compiled by Daily Racing Form) Saturday, Jan. 15 and Sunday, Jan. 16 347 yards rushing to 1,286 passing everybody’s patsy this season. But against New Ehigland this weekend. because if you take a laissez-faire at least three weeks with a possible broken wrist, the Flyers an­ JOCKEYS - 1, Angel Cordero Meyer said he would not do it Conference semifinals (lowest remain­ and the Dolphinj' infantry has Dolphin Coach Don Shula is trying to The Patriots have not won in Miami attitude about it I think that’s a blow nounced Friday. 19.702.520. 2. U f f i t Pincay |9;074 394. 3. ing seeds at highest remaining seeds; Chris M c ^ r r o n 97.362316. 4. Eddie picked up 1,344 yards compared to look on the bright side. since 1966, dissension has plagued to the particular individual who agaip. Lindbergh, who allowed only 14 goals b that seven-game string, was second-lowest seeds at second-highest Delahoussaye 96,969.367. 5, Jorge V e se^s). 1,314 on the arms of David Woodley ‘‘It looks like Woodley is coming the squad in recent wedts and the might have legitimate concerns.” injured b Thursday night's 5-1 loss to the Soviet Union all-star team lasquez IB.8B6JB62. 8. Don MacBeth SuiKlay, Jan. 23 back now,” he said. ‘ ‘For two weeks A victory against Miami would go "After revealing everything, and when he blocked a puck with his pad and a Soviet skater pushed his 1.763. 7. J eff F ell MM.887. 8. Pat Conference championships (at homes of and relief specialist Don Strock. snowplow incident in Miami’s S-0 N A TIO N A L B A SK E TB A LL ASSOC. NATIONAL HOCKEY LEAGUE aDay 94,746,066.------9.- Bill rShoemaker seeing the ramifications of it, I right wrist backward, a Flyers spokesman said. ^ United Press International highest remaining seeds). The difference is the Patriots did in a row, against the Jets and Buf­ loss at Foxboro, Mass., Dec. 12 has a long way toward solving any By United Press International 94A1.342. 10. Eddie Maple $4,470386. Sunday. Jan. 0 would just as soon, obviously, have (Late Gaines Not Included) (Late Game Not Included) 'mAINERS - 1. Charles l^ittingham it by design and the Dolphins, 7-2, falo, Woodley was inches away from the Dolphins riled. problems, Meyer concedes. Wales Conference Super Bowl X V II at Pasadena. Calif.. 6 pletions for 260 yards and two had John and the rest of the team Eastern Conference $4,568497. 2. U z Barrera $3.S37.M. 3. p.m. did it because their passing game big plays. It was good to see some of Meyer shrugs off a losing streak "If you win, that answers all the Barbara Potter Atlantic [Mvislon Patrick Division Wayne Lukas $3,SM,U5. 4. Bobby the plays start to happen against touchdowns in a win over Buffalo. clear the area o ff and gone ahead W L Pet GB W L T Pts. GF GA Frankel $2954.635. 5, Ron McAnally took all season to get on track. and said he is “ not overly con­ questions,” he said. Philadelphia 94 12 5 53 185 191 and kicked the field goal.” W ASHINGTON (U P I) — M ary Lou Piatek stunned fourth seed Bar­ Philadelphia 36 5.839 - $2.787 347. 6. Jack Van Berg $2,487,346. 7. Pro Football Writers of America All-NFL B»th teams managed to air it out Baltimore.” Meyer, however, is extremely cerned” about reports that as many Both coaches are trying not to talk W a s h i n g 19 12 10 48 157 145 Team bara Potter and Andrea Jaeger struggled to a three-set triumph over Boston a 8 .788 2 Frank Martin |z4lI,73Z. 8. Woody in lop-sided wins Sunday. The Patriots relied on the running wary of the Dolphins’ ability to N ew Jersey 21 13 .618 N Y le n d e r s 90 16 7 47 ISO 133 S t e p h ^ $2,169985. 9. Jerry Fanning Offense N Y Rangers 21 16 4 46 171 146 JoAnne Russell Friday to advance to the semifinals of a. $150,000 Washington 17 IS 881 $2X09923. 10, Jirfmny (jampo $1942,100. Wide receivers—Dwight Clark, San P itts b u rg 12 22 6 90 131 178 N ewr York 12 21 J64 IS H O ^ E S - 1, Perrault $1,197,400. 2, Francisco; Wes Chandler, San D i^ o women’s tournament. New Jersey 8 25 9 25 115 Itt Central Dlvlsiim Lemhi Gold $1,086 375. 3. Roving Boy Tight end-. San Diego Adams Division In the action at George Washbgton University’s Smith Center, Milwaukee S 12 8f7 - ».4Z5. 4. It’s The One 9723.«4. 5, Tackies-Anthony Munoz. Cincinnati; Boston 94 10 7 S5 186 119 Detroit 18 18 800 S ehmet $851960. 8, Gate Del Sol $688,779. Marvin Powell, NY Jets Piatek, of Munster, Ind., took advantage of numerous unforced errors Montreal 22 11 8 SZ UB 146 Atlanta 16 17 .«S Ws 7.S John Henry $688997. 8, M ajesty’s Guards-John Hannah, N ew England; Hoch leads Buffalo 18 14 9 45 161 138 by Potter to win the match 6-3, 6-4 in 66 minutes. Indiana 12 21 814 9^ Prince $672945. 9, Track Robbery Doug Wilkerson. Diego In an earlier match, Jaeger, whose service was broken four times in Chicago 11 21 844 10 QuebM 18 16 6 42 177 173 $531,732. 10, Blush With Pride $516,657. Center-, Pittsburgh C levebnd 4 a .US 17 Hartford 10 25 5 25 134 190 QuartertMck—, San Diego the first set, came back and lost her serve only oiice more while Campbell Conference Bengals-Jets surprised Western Conference Running backs—Freeman McNeil NY Tucson Open Herald Norris Division Jets; 6tercus Allen, LA Raiders scoring a 6-7, 6-2, 6-2 triumph over Russell. Midwest Division W L Pet. GB W L T Pts. GF GA KIckcr-. Washington ] Angle Kansas City 20 11 .645 - Cliicago 96 9 6 58 184 195 Defense TUCSON, Ariz. (U P I) - Scott San Antonio 22 14 .611 V% Minnesota 90 11. 9 49 171 151 Ends-Mark Gastineau. NY Jets; Lee St. Louis 14 91 5 S3 150 189 Hoch, starting his fourth year on the Earl Yost, Sam Wyche Denver 15 19 .441 6^ Roy ^Imon, Tampa Bay Dallas 19 19 .406 TVk Detroit 9 22 11 29 130 180 Tackles-Randy White. Dallas; Dan PGA tour, tied the course record of I Sports Editor BLOOMINGTON, Ind. (U P I) — San Francisco 49ers assistant Utoh 13 8 861 9^ Toronto 9 8 26 198 175 Hampton. Chicago 7-under-par 63 Friday to take the Coach Sam Wyche was named bdiana University’s football coach Houston 5 27 .196 ISV^ Smythe Division Middle linebacker - Jack Umbert. Pacific Division Edmonton S 12 8 52 216 187 Pittsburgh ^ , lead after the second round of the Friday and promised a wide-open passing attack similar to the one the Los Angeles a 7 .786 — Winnipeg 17 19 4 38 180 109 Outside linebackers-. being foes on Sunday ^ I g a r y 15 21 7 97 171 180 $300,000 Tucson Open. 49ers have used the past three years. Seattle 8 10 .697 3 NY GianU; Hugh Green. Tampa Bay Christmas came early for Rick Phoenix 8 14 .611 Vancouver 14 19 9 37 151 157 Comcrbacks-Mark Haynes. New York 8 Hoch toured the Randolph Park Wyche, 38, who was San Francisco’s quarterback coach the past Los Angeles 14 19 5 S3 128 156 Ley. On the night that his jersey PortUnd 21 15 883 6^ By United Press International Giants; Everson Walls. Dallas North Course in 31 and 32, which, McNeil, who suffered a hamstring seen,” Michaels said. “ People four seasons, replaced Lee Corso, who was fired last month. Golden State 14 a .412 12^ (Top tour in each division qualify for $300,000 Tucson < ^ n Free safety—Nolan Cromwell. LA CIN CINNATI (U P I) Cincinnati Both clubs have powerful offenses with' his opening-round 67, gave him number was retired by the Hart­ thought the Raiders would get San Diego x 7 27 806 19Vi Stanley l At Tucson, Ariz., Jan. 7 Rams _ , • but have question marks, especially pull in the final game of the regular ly’s Results (Par-70) Strong safety—E>onnie Shell, Pittsburgh ford Whalers, he said his ambi­ Coach Forrest G regg’s joy at being riddled against San Diego last week Friday’s Results a 36-hole total of 10-under-par 130. on defense, caused by Injuries. For season at Kansas City, also vows to Atlanta 110, DaUas KB N.Y. Rangers 5. Quebec 1 Second round: Punter—Dave Jennings, N Y Giants tion was to get into the coaching in the playoffs with a home field ad­ Punt Return Specilalst—LeRoy Irvin. Rookie Joey Rassett was one and look what happened. They won Phoenix lOB, Indiana 101 Boston 2. N ew Jersey 2 (tie ) Scott Hoch 67-63-130 Cincinnati, cornerback Louis be ready. Vancouver 5. Buffalo 5 (tie) LA Rams end of the sjrart. His wish was vantage is tempered by the quality the game. PhiUdelphia 106, Washington 89 Joey Rassett 87-74—131 stroke back, losing his chance for a Breeden and free safety Bryan “ I like the fact that people are Kansas Qty la. UUh 117 Pittsburgh at Edmonton, night Scott Simpson 8886—134 Kick Return Specialist—. granted prematurely this week of his opponent Sunday. Saturday's Games tie when his putt for par rimmed the Hicks have been out with injuries vowing to play,” Michaels said. “ I Ijke to think that we can control New Jersey 111, Chicago a Calvin Peete 6897-135 W a^ington when he was named to take over Gregg will send his Bengals, who Boston 116, San Antonio 113 (All Times EST) Keith Fergus 88^-135 Rookie of the Yeai^Marcus Allen. LA cup on the 18th. Alone in third at 134 “ This comes down to a one-week the ball more than they can. Either Philadelphia at Hartford, 7:35 p.m. finished third in the eight-team AFC but are expected back. Guard Max Bruins-Devils tie Detroit at Milwaukee, night Lanny Wadkins 8897—135 Raiders the last place Binghamton was Scott Simpson, who shot a 68 season. I like to call it a gut check. that or we have to put points up fast. Houston at Denver, night Boston at Mirntreal, 8:05 p.m. Johnny M iller 66 «-1 3 5 AFC Ckiach of the Yeai^Tom Flores, Whalers in the American League playoff field at 7-2, against the New Montoya, however, suffered a Detroit at Calgary. 8:05 p.m. Friday after an opening 67. You find out if you want It and bow But I don’t like 62-60 football games. Saturday's Games Gil Morgan 85-71-136 LA Raiders York Jets, who rank^ sixth with a hyperextended knee during practice EAST RUTHERFORD, N.J. and skating in to beat Bruins (All Times EST) Quebec at N .Y . Islanders, 8:06 p.m. Mark Hayes 66-70-10 NFC Coach of the Y e a r-J o e Gibbs. when John Cunniff was promoted That’s nqt football. Marvin Pow ell Los Angeles at Toronto, 8:05 p.m. Four-time Tucson winner Johnny and is questionable. bad you want it. That’s what we’re (U P I) — Ray Bourque scored on a goaltender Pete Peeters from a Los Angeles at New York, 7:30 p.m. Lindy M iller 8849-137 Washington to Hartford while Jacques Caron 6-3 record. is coming-back at tackle and that Kansas City at Philadelphia. 7:35 p.m. Chicago at Minnesota. 9:05 p.m. Danny Edwards 71-86—137 Miller was at 135, along with Lanny The Jets have two key injuries on playing to find out.” 40-foot slapshot with 3:11 remaining hard angle in the left corher. Washmgton at St. Louis, 9:05 p.m. is recovering from illness. Ley's “ I really didn’t think w e’d be should put ^is at full strength on Chicago at Atlanta, 7:95 p.m. CHarence Rose 88-71—137 Wadkins, Keith Fergus, Calvin their defensive line. Tackle Marty Gregg said he is preparing the Friday night to lift the Boston Cameron scored off a scramble b WashmgUm at Cleveland, 6 p.m. Sunday’s Games Peter Oosterhuis 6948—137 contract with the Whalers playing the New York Jets,” Gregg Hartford at PhiUdelirfiia Peete and Jay Haas. Miller shot a 69 Lyons has been bothered with a Bengals as if both K l ^ o and Lyons offense.” Bruins into a 2-2 tie with the New front at 14:21. Boston at Dallas, 8:96 p.m. Dan Pohl 8949-10 expires this season and if he said. " I thought w e’d be playing Utah at Houston. 8:95 p.m. Los Angeles at Buffalo Andy Bean 8949-10 Friday. Wadkins, Fergus and Peete will start. Gregg is looking for a strong per­ New Jersey at N.Y. Rangers turns the farm club around he Pittsburgh. The most Important Jersey Devils. Denver at San Diego, 10:90 p.m. Lou Hinkle 7048-10 each had a 67 and Haas a 69. “ I can only assume Klecko w ill be formance from his offensive line The Bruins failed on four power- Seattle at Golden state, 11:(B p.m. Detroit at EMmonton Jim Neltord 6949-10 may be on the payroll for at least thing is that w e’re in the playoffs B o t^ u e scored his ninth goal of Pittsburgh at Winnipeg Eighty players advanced to Satur­ back from everything I read,” and Improved play on defense. play chances in the first two Sunday’s Games Charles Coody 7948-10 another season...Speaking of the and we’re playing at home but I ’m the season after Keith Crowder set Detroit at New Jersey Minnesota at Chicago Bobby Wadkins 7246-10 Soccer day's and Sunday’s battle for the Gregg said. “ They’ve played well on him up w lb a cross-ice pass from periods. Boston finally scored with Phoenix at Milwaukee Buddy Gardner 7046—10 American League, the fine not overjoyed at having to play the Forrest Fezler 69-69-10 $54,000 first prize. The cut, to the defense all season, except for that “ I think w e’re going to have to Crowder notching his 18th goal of Seattle at Portland lebec the left faceoff circle. Bourque had 010-1 Woody Blackburn 79-68—10 Springfield Indians of the late Jets. They’re a great football tram. 8yY Rangers 113-5 low 70 and ties, was at 2-over-par last game, even without Klecko. play well on the offensive line. It’s b e season at 1 ;43 of b e b ird period Mick Soli . 7999-10 assisted on O o w d er’s goal earlier b First TCriod-1, NY Rangers, Do. 1940s and 1950s had more talented “ The Jets have developed a great PHOENlX (l«) ...... Jim Simons 7148—10 142. Mark Gastineaii has been outstan­ Important that we protect Kenny o ff a centering pass from Brad Maloney 21 (Ruotsalainen, Ftorek). 8:59. balance on offense ^ they’re the period for the Bruins, who have Lucas 8-15 24 16, Nance 8-16 (Hi 16, Fred Couples 86-73—10 MAJOR INDOOR SOCXER LEAGUE players than the current Whalers Penalty-Baker. NYR, 18:08. By United Press International Among those failing to make the ding on the other end and the fill-in and give him tim e to throw,” Gregg lost only once b their bst nbe Palmer. Adams 38 44 10, Davis 7-14 24 16, D. Frank Conner 7949-10 before expansion in the National probably the best balanced offense Elastem Division cut was defending champion Craig for Klecko, No. 77 (Kenny N ell), has said. “ I hope Max can make it since W ib 4:44 remaining. New Jersey Johnson 6-14 68 18. Scott 1-1 08 2, White' Second period—2, N Y Rangers. Nedo­ Larry Rinker 7348-10 in the N F L between rushing and games. 48 24 10. Macy 5-11 94 14. High 18 08 mansky 4 (Rogers. Da. Maloney), 5:55. 3. W L Pet. GB Stadler — the leading money-winner Hockey League. Dave Eichelberger 88-71—10 looked good to me.” the Jets are a tough defensive club. Bob MacMillan and Dave goalie Glenn Reach had bw arted 2, Cook 18 08 2. Totals 4484 19-19 108. (Quebec, Paiement 14 (unassisted), 7:94. Dave Barr 89-71—140 Cleveland 12 4 .750 — passing. Richard Todd was the No. 3 IN D IA N A (101) Penalties-Rochefort, Que, 9:21; Aubry, Baltimore 11 4 .733 on the 1982 tour. Stadler shot a 5- The key to the game most “ The defense also has to play a lot Cameron scored first-period goals Boston’s Rick Middleton's attempt Hal Sutton 79-70-140 ranked quarterback in the AFC. G. Johnson 5-10 08 10. K ellogg 742 68 Que, 5:46; Da. Maloney, N Y R , 7:16; Rod Nuckolls 7141-140 Chicago 12 5 .706 V* over 75 Friday and finished at 143. Off the cuff to tie b e score on a short-handed New York 9 6 .600 probably will rest with the Jets’ per­ better than in the last few weeks. / to give New Jersey a 26 advantage. 28. Williams 4-11 14 9. Carter 1240 08 Leinonen. N Y R . 10:15; Sleigher. Que. Ed Fiori 7249-141 2^ Freeman M cNeil led the entire N F L hamstring Injury for the past three Buffalo 6 6 .571 3 Hoch placed 16th on the 1982 Inside reports are that one We didn’t play w ell against Houston breakaway. The Devils managed no 24, Duren 28 08 5, Sichting 38 08 6, 12:50; Moller. ^ e , double-minor. 18:24; John Cook 7348-141 formance against Anderson, the MacMllbn scored at 4:02 of the first Memphis 8 8 .OT 4 in rushing. They’ve got an awful lot weeks but claims be will play. End Knight 8-17 34 19, C. Johnsons 24 08 4. Duguay. N Y R , double-minor, 18:24. Jodie Mudd 71-70-141 money list with earnings of $193,862, veteran starter with the UConn and the tact that we lost 50-34 to San shots on Peeters in b e final period. In ird period—4, N Y Rangers, Leinonen Pittsburgh of weapons.” NFL’s-_lpgding passer. Anderson period, picking up a long rebound Byrnes 14 1-1 3. Slaughter 08 08 0. Bobby Cole 79-71-141 despite missing 11 weeks with a Joe Klecko, the NFL sack leader 8 (Rogers, Baker), 5;S. 5, NY Rangers, Western Division basketball team may be playing Diego tells how we played in that Totals 4489 13-14 VII. J.C. Snead 71-70-141 Jet’s Coach Walt Michaels also threw for 2,501 yards and 12 Ftorek 8 (Do. Maloney, Ruotsalainen), pinched nerve in his back. and AFC Defensive Player of the Phoenix 3223 2825-108 Dan Pooley 71-70—141 Phoenix 10 his final game Sunday afternoon touchdowns this'season and com­ gam e.” 13:27. 6, NY Rangers, kontos 4 (Fotiu), J was surprised his club’s first round Indiana 29313021-101 Mike Donald 7348-141 Wichita 8 He said a fall trip to Japan, where Year last season. Is returning for 19:41. Penalty—Moller. Que, 16:11. in New Hampshire against the pleted an NFL record 70.5 per cent The weather, critical in the th reejM in t goal—Macy. Fouled out— A1 Geiberger 69-73—141 San Diego 8 opponent would be CincinnatL the first tim e since undergoing knee None. Total fouls—Phoenix 18. Indiana Shots on goal—QuebM 8-6-9-23. N Y Kan^s^City. . lasftC he won two tournaments, .‘‘was a Wildcats because of low of his passes. Last week against Bengab’ AFC Utle game against Rangers down Quebec < ^ r g e Bums 7249—141 “ We didn’t plan on being in Cin­ surgery after the second game of 19. Rebounds-Phoenix 47 (Nance 13), Rangers 8-11-13-31. Phil % incock 86-73-141 St. Louis great confidence-builder. 4 11 0 7 grades...Date of the annual Gold Houston, he set an N F L record with San Diego last January when the Indiana 51 (K ellogg 16). Assists—Phoenix Goalies—Quebec. Bouchard. N Y Ran­ Homero Blancas 7249—141 Golden^Bay cinnati this week but so what,” the season. gers. Mio. A—17,Cl. Los Angeles 3 16 .10 "F v e been hitting the ball well the Key Dinner of the (>)nnecticut 20 consecutive completions and hit wind chill reading plunged to minus . second period gave b e Rangers a 2- 26 (Davis 7). Indiana 31 (Kellogg 7). Michael Brannon 71-79-141 last two or three months," Hoch Michaels said. “ We didn’t have an Klecko said he w ill go as far as he NEW YORK (UPI) - Vaclav Technical—Indiana Coach McKinney. A— Mark Lye 70-73-142 Sports W riters’ Alliance conflicts 27-of-31 passes for 323 yards and two 59, should not be a factor; The f 0 advantage. It was Nedomansky’s 5gl2. said. "I didn't hit fantastically advance scout at their game can but how far that Is remains to be Nedomansky, reacquired by the Bob Byman 89-73—142 with a home date of the Hartford touchdowns. National Weather service predicted fou rb goal of b e season. Boston 0 03-2 Mark P feil 89-73-142 because we didn’t think w e’d be seen. He cut short practice Rangers earlier b b e week, scored New Jerseyley 200-2 today, but I had a phenomenal round Maloney’s 21st goal at 8:59 of b e DALLAS (KB) C^rt Byrum 72-70—142 Whalers on ^ n d ay, Feb. 13 at the “ A lot of people think w e'll get temperatures In the 30-40 degree First period—1. New Jersey. MacMillan there. But then they didn’t have Thursday after suffering muscle the go-ahead goal Friday night to Aguirre 1029 8-13 28. Vincent 7-14. 08 Tim Simpson 79-73—142 putting. That was the key to today.” Park Plaza in New Haven. The range with a slight chance of rain. first period gave New York a 1-0 9 (unassisted), 4:(B. 2. New Jersey, riddled but that remains to be 14. Oimmlngs 4-11 48 12, Blackman 5-12 Pat Lindsey 72-79—142 anyone at our gam e.” spasms in his leg. spark New York to a 5-1 victory over Cameron 1 (Wenslnk. Vautour), 14:21. Whalers are booked against lead. Quebec pulled to within 2-1 10-10 90. B. 5«vl8 58 24 12. Nimphius 08 Bill Kratzert 79-73—142 A b e Quebec Nordiques. Penalties—Cameron. NJ, 5:30; Hillier, ^Bowling when W ilf Paiemeiit beat Rangers 02 0, Thompson 18 9-4 5, Ramsey 28 58 J(^n Mahaffey 71-71—142 Toronto the same day...Ron Bos, 11:37. Richard Zokol 69-73-142 Cougars host Don Maloney bad a goal and two 9. I^ n a r k e l 14 08 2, Turner 08 08 0. Se^nd period—None. Penalties—Kitch­ Francis is headed for a 100-point goaltender Ed Mio for an unassisted Totals 3585 12-43 KB. John McComish 69-73—142 assists and Mike Rogers and R eijo en. NJ, 2:41; Lorlmer, NJ, 8:19; Boston Mike Nicolette 70-73-142 season. At the halfway mark, 40, Pro football playoff roundup powerplay goal at 7:24 of b e second A T L A N T A (110) brach, served by lOuzak, 11:42; Wenslnk, 9 R uotsabben added two assists each Roundfleld 11-18 10-13 32. Wilkins 4-11 4- Leonard Thompson 7349—142 games, the Whaler standout has period. NJ, 17:06. Failed to qualify hoop champs for b e Rangers, who are 4-6-1 b 6 12. Rollins 3-7 24 8. E. Johnson 7-15 48 l^ lr d period—3, Boston. K. O ow d er 18 53 points on 16 goals and 37 New York got insurance goals 18. ^ r r o w 48 08 8, J. Johnson 14 08 Gary Koch 71-73-143 their last five games. (Palm er. Bourque), 1:43. 4. Boston. Joe Inman 73-70—143 EASTERN BUSINESS- Dave assists. Blaine Stoughton will from Mikko Leinonen, Robbie 2, M cM ilUn 5-11 08 10. J. Davis 5-10 2-4 Bourque 9 (K. Crowder. Park), 16:49. Tunxis Community College of Nedomansky, a 38-year-old li. Glenn 88 08 8. Macklin 0-1 08 0, Jim Thorpe 73-70—143 Dynes 161-444, Bill Haberern 160, Ftorek and rookie Chris Kontos in Penalty—DuFour. Bos. 14:36. Jim Booros 73-70—143 Farmington, defending CCCAA have to come on fast over the se­ Hawes 08 08 0. Totals 4480 2240 110. Bill Colby 156-389, Ben Grzyb Jr. Pair of streaks on the line today veteran, s ta rt^ b e season w ib Shots on goa^BosUm 6-12-15—35. New Tom Jenkins 89-74—143 Dallas 25 963219-KB cond half of the NH L season to b e third period. Lebonen tipped in Jersey 11-10?^. champion and winner of the 1982 New York and scored a powerplay Atlanta 29 239028-110 Thomas Gray 71-73—143 156, John David 156, Denny Shooter a pass from Rogers 5:33 into be ( ^ l i e s —Boston, Peeters. New Jersey, New England NJCAA title, will visit reach the 100-point plateau. The Three-point goals—None. Fouled out— Bob E^stwoi^ 75-88—143 154-401, Dan Toce 154-390, Rich N The Raiders, 8-1, put their top goal b b e season opener. He was Resch. A—19,(B3. veteran winger has 38 points but in Miami and are in the p byoffs for haven’t thought about this as a period, Maloney set up Ftorek at Vincent. Total fouls—Dallas 94. Atlanta Mark O’Meara 72-71-143 MCC in men's basketball tonight at 8 By United Press International ben cbimed on waivers by St. Louis Gene Littler 70-73—143 Romano 151-394, Bruce Lavery 429, the first time since 1978. playoff game. It’s been a busier seeding on the line against the 13:27, and w ib 19 seconds left, Kon­ 29. Rebounds—Dallas 51 (Cummings 11), at East Catholic. leads the team with 21 Atlanta 00 (Roundfleld 14). Assists— Allen M iller 7449-143 Paul Giliberto 404, Ted Kowzun 395, week than usual because we have Browns, one of two pbyoff teams but returned to N ew York in a trade Vancouver 0 2 Undefeated in its last 27 games in goals...The Whaler-Vancouver A couple of abrming streaks are In other games on Saturday, it’s tos scored his fou rb goal in s b Dallas 16 (Aguirre 5), Atlanta 25 Buffalo 212-6 Craig Stadler 88-75-143 Pete Scott 395, Mickey Holmes 390, Detroit at Washington and St. Loub one less day to get ready. It seems (Detroit is the other) with losing Wednesday. games. (Sparrow 6). Technical—None. A—4,963. First period-1, Buffalo, Savard 8 Larry Ziegler 72-71—143 New England play, Tunxis is led by meeting Thursday night found 86 on the line in Saturday’ s AFC Tze-Chung Chen 71-73—143 Bill Munroe 388, Don Mathiews 385. like any other game, except we records (4-5). b the bst meeting His power-pby goal at 5:55 of b e (Peterson. Ram say). 6:X). 2. Buffalo. shots on goal being recorded, 48 playoff game between the Miami at Green Bay b the NFC. G evebn d Hamel 10 (Moller, McCourt). 19:55. Gary M i ^ r d 7549—144 Alex Hooper and Chris Canty. PHILADELPHIA (106) know that if we lose, we won’t play between the teams — a divisional Penalties-Van Boxmeer. Buf, 10:18; Mike Holland 73-73-144 Hooper averaged 20 points and 10 by the home team. Dolphins and the New England b at the Los Angeles Raiders b the EUving 7-U 98 23. lavaroni 28 08 4. Dale Douglass 72-73—144 GOP- Sandy Sawyer 190-484, Lin­ p b yo ff b 1981 — the Raiders won 14- Playfair. Buf. major, 11:34. next week.” Malone 10-17 2A 22. Cheeks 08 14 1, Gary Hallberg 79-74—144 rebounds a game in 1^1-82 while 6-8 Patriots. AFC. Second period-3. Vancouver, Hlinka 13 da L a tu lip p e 179-468, H a rrie t 12 en route to their Super Bowl Toney 8-13 11-15 28. Jones 48 44 12. Lyn Lott ‘ 73-73-146 For one of the teams, however, a On Sunday, Tampa Bay is at With wide receiver out Sabres/Canucks deadlock (Lanz, Bubla), 3:43. 4. Vancouver. Rote center Canty starred at Hartford One change ^chardson 48 04 8. Edwards 14 24 4, Haslett 202-470, Grayce Shea 461, triumph. 21 (^ b la , Lanz), 9:M. 5. Buffalo. Larry Nelson 75-79—146 victory will erase the bad D albs and A tb n U at M in n m b b with a broken 'bone, Charlie B p w n Schoene 14 0-1 2, Cureton 14 08 2, Mark McCumber 71-74—146 Public last season. Only change in this year’s Los Angeles is led by rookie Mar­ McKegney 16 (Andreychuk. Ramsey). Sally Heavisides 204-492. memories. the NFC, while the New York Jeb will move to Monk’s positiw with McNamara 08 08 0. Totals 98-75 2949 13-23 6. Vancouver, Gradin 16 (Sundrum, Dan Halldorson 74-71-10 MCC, 2-1, will be led by Jim Boston Marathon will be an in­ cus Allen, who rushed for 697 yards BUFFALO, N.Y. (UPI) - Tony lead w ib his second goal w ib 5:3? 106 Donnie Hammond 71-74—146 The Dolphins, in the p byoffs for are at Cbcinnati and Pitbburgh and split­ Smyi), 18:16. Pcnalties-Hait. Buf. 2:37; Florence averaging 18 points and 14 crease in the entry fee to |10. The and caught 38 passes for 401 yards. McKegney scored two goals and set left b b e game. W ASHINGTON (89) Gradin. Van. 10:05; Perrauft, Buf, 13:50; John Adiams 74-73—10 CATERERS- Joyce Lindsay 128- rebounds. Steve Emerson helps the n|ne of the 13 years Don Shula has enterbins San Diego. ting time at Brown’s wideout spot. Ballard 1046 34 23, Mahom 6-15 04 12. Williams. Van. 19:33. John Fought 71-75—10 141-375, Vickie Seedman 126, Marion course will be the same and the up r a i Housley’s score w ib three Goals by Andre Savard and Gilles Warrick 3-7 14 7. Batten 08 08 0, Paul Purtzer 74-73—10 b^n coach, have failed to win a Washington quarterback Joe Also, kick return specblist Mike Third perlod-7. Buffalo. McKegney 17 scoring with 16 points per outing date the same. Patriots Day to be seconds rem abbg Friday night as Hamel gave Buffalo a 2-0 lead after Grevey 6-11 08 12. Ruland 10-16 5-11 25. (Foligno, Housley). 14:23. 8, Vancouver, Lennie Clements 75-73—147 Kloter 138, Linda Tomaszewski 135, while Doug Leonard, with pin-point post-season game since capturing Thelsmann is taking the casual ap­ Nelms switched from the defensive Porter 04 38 3. C. Davis 38 04 7, Lucas Gradin 17 (Smyl, Bubla), 15:48. 9, Steve Hart 78-73^-10 Joan Baldyga 132-355, Mae Jenack celebrated on Monday, April b e Buffalo Sabres forged a ^5 tie one period, but Vancouver’s Ivan 0-1 08 0, Terry (H) 08 0. Haywogd 0-1 08 Super ^ w l V III on Jan. IS, 1974. proach to Saturday’s game. Vancouver. Williams 5 (McCarthy, Smyl), Bill Sander 78-73-10 passing, chips in with nine assists backfleld to wide receiver. Hlinka scored on a power pUy and 0. T oU ls 3881 1245 09. - a-Keith Goyen 75-73—10 134, Dorothy Mathes 127, Laine 18...Popular Lee Trevino will get w ib b e Vancouver Canucks. 16:19. 10, Buffalo, Housley 6 (McKegney. Since then, Miami is 0-4, including a “ I ’ve always thought it would be Philadelphia 9499 9429-106 Mike Peck 7^77-10 per game. more television exposure this Housley took a pass from Darcy Rota connected on a ^ foot Perreault). 19:57. Penaltyr-Follgno. Buf. Steullet 125-362. heartbreaking 41-38 overtime loss to very exciting to be b the NFL The sbth-seeded Cardbab, 54, Washington 16942594-89 Mark Rote 75-75-160 This game will present MCC with sbpshot to tie it midway through b e Three-point goals—Cheeks, C. Davis. 17 01. season than ever before. He has -TV McKegney from bphbd b e net and Shots on goal—Vancouver 6-10-14—32. Tommy Valentine 79-71—150 its toughest assignment of the young San Diego in b s t season's pbyoffs. pbyoffs, but it isn’t quite the way I meet Green Bay, 5-3-1, lor the first Fouled out—Warrick. Total fouls— Joe Huber 78-7!^151 signed with NBC to serve as the tallied his s lx b goal of b e year on a middle period. Buffalo 96-11-28, ^ , SYM PH O NIES- JoAnn Arsenault season at Tunxis looks to repeat its The Patriots, reaching the imagined,” said Theismann, the tim e since 1976, when St. Loub won Philadelphia 22. Washington 25. Rebounds Q ^lles—Vancouver, Ellacott. Buffalo, Greg Bolin 75-78-161 network’s main golf commen­ rls b g 15-foot shot. McKegney and Gradin traded -Philadelphia 50 (Malone 14). Washing­ 129. playoffs under first-year coach Ron lea se’s t^rated passer. “ I’ve been 2P6. SL Loub will be makbg lb Sauve. A ^ l l j ® . Barry Jaeckel 75-78-151 1981-82 performance that led it to an tator this season. Vin Scully will Trailbg 4-3 b be bird period, goals b te r in b e second period. ton 47 (Ruland 12). Assists—Philadelphia Mike McCullough 75-78-151 Meyer, have lost their last 14 games so busy preparing for Detroit that I first pbyoff appearapce sbce 1975. 19 (CIn ^ s 4). Washington 96 (W arrick. Dave Stockton 78-78—162 eighth place finish in the National be the anchorman in the booth for SATURDAY Vancouver took a 5-4 lead on goals Porter 7). Technlcal-None. A—19,095. a-Jon Rinkevich 76-77—163 CLINLIFEE- Don Logan 159-159- NJCAA Tournament in March in the dozen telecasts. 12i30 - NFLi Lion* v*. Rodskinst by Thomas Gradin and Dave Money Leaders Bill Johnston 78-78-154 Hawks 110-102 By United Press International 463, Scott Smith 154-427, Larry Hutchinson. Kansas. Channel 3, W POP WilUams 33 seconds apart. BUI Britton 78-79-10 (A ll 1982 final excM t men’s tennis) Seretto 151-424, Art Cunliffe 152-424, li30 • Baiketballi Pepperdine v*. McKegney had given Buffalo a 4-3 A T LA N TA (U P I) - Dan Round- B a s k e t b a ll PG A G O LF field scored 32 p ob U and pulled 1. Craig SUdler $448,482. 2. Ray Floyd Lee Prior 151-420, Steve Williams DePaul, ESPN I3BB9D9. Z. Tom Kite $341,081. 4, Calvin Ice Bowl game 15 years ago down 14 rebounds to pace b e Atlan­ DEANERY T i. 416, Mike Nicholson 154-411, Don 4 - NFLi Patriot* v*. Dolphin*, Peete $3179B1. 6. Tom Watson $318,4D. 8, Channel 22,30 ta Hawks to a 110-102 victory over St. Christopher turned back St. Lanny Wadkins $306927. 7, Bob Gilder McAllister 402, Joe Tolisano 399, $898968 8, Jerry Pate IW.141. 9. Wayne Football Bob Mike 399, Pat Irish 393, Emii 4 - NFLi Brown* v*. Raider*, b e D albs Mavericks Friday night. Rose, 26-24, in Deanery Basketball G R E E N BAY, Wis. (U P I) - U it had not been for Cowboys for their third straight National Football Levi I3BB.631. 10, Curtis Strange $KSJ78. Palmier! 392, Daryl Lukas 167. rs top WPOP AtbnU, 16-17, earned iU second League action. Julie Bister had 112 LPG A G O LF the man with an ice scraper— the kind used to clear League title. 76ers 106-89 1, JoAnne Cam er $310989. 2, Sandra 7 - Ba*ketballi Georgia Teeh v*. win b two nighU. The Mavericks p o b b for St. Chris and Margaret car windshields — the molders of sporb prose Quarterback Bart Starr, who scored the winning LANDOVER, Md. (UPI) - An­ Haynie $M5,4S2 3, Sally Uttle 4 Wake Forest, ESPN have lost 10 of their b st 12 games. Repass added 7. St. took b e Patty slw ^n W s A 5. Beth Daniel might have been wordless at the Ice Bowl 15 years touchdown with 13 seconds to p b y by plunging one drew Toney scored 28 pobts and 7il5 - NHLi Whaler* v*. Flyer*, A tb n U got 18 p ob U from guard jayvee tilt, lS-9. B83.te. 8. Amy Alcott $1899B1. 7, Nangr ago. yard behind Jerry Kramer, got frostbite. So did big, r— ’ Julius E rv b g added 23 to lead b e Eddie Johnson and 12 p ob U each hy Co m $188,474. 8, HolUt Stacy $161979. 9. ^Sports mean middle linebacker Ray Nltschke. WTIC Katoy Whitworth $138986. 10. Jan NFL Playoffs The anonymous hero skidded across the ouUlde Philadelphia 76ers to a 10669 vic- Dominique Wilkins and Johnny Stephenson $133912. By United Press International . team 8 - Basketballi Georgetown v*. Illing triumphs M E N ’S TE N N IS (A ll Tim es EICT) of the press box windows at' Lam beau Field, When the offense was on the field, the defense tory over the Washbgton Bullets 'C a le n d a r St.John'*, USA. Davis. Tom McMllIen came off the (Assn, of Tennis Professionals) (Seedlngs in parentheses) scraping off frost that kept reappearing b the 13- stood b front of big propane heaters blowing hot air Friday night. Illing varsit^basketball team 8 - NHLi Nordique* v*. Islander*, bench to score 10 p ob U and haul (1982 season ends Jan. 23) First round below-zero temperatures. b to m akeaW t wooden dugouta. Ditto for the ' The w b was the n b b b the last remaiiMMl unbeaten w lb a 61-47 1. Ivan Lendl. Czechoslovakia. Saturdav, Jan 6 NEW YORK (UPI) - Quarter­ the New York Jets, Pittsburgh SporUChannel down n be rebounds. Tree Rollins ' Some of the reporters, like the pbyers on the offense w ^ the defense was b action. 10 games for b e 76ers. Moses triumph over Rockville Friday at $1988960. 2. Jose-Luis Clerc, Argentina. NFC Saturday back Dan Fouts led a quartet of San center ' Mike Webster and guard 8 - Basketball I Providibnee v*. finished wib sb of AtbnU’s 15 $080,400. 3. Tomas Smid, Czechoslovakia. Detroit (8) at Washington (1). 12:0 flbld, wore gloves. Typewriters were sluggish. “ Paul Homung got too close to one of the beaters, Malone l^ad 22 points for b e Rams’ gym. p.m. liVSKETBALL Diego Chargers named to the John Hannah of New England. Dayton, Channel 12 blocked shots while taking 13 $668900. 4, Jimmy Connors $543950. 5. It was Dec. 31,1967— a showdown that fans of the and got his cape scorched,” remembered Bob Noel, PblladelpUa. Brian Milone and Manny Wojtek Fibak. Poland. $633986. 6. John St Louis (6) at Green Bay (3). 12:0 Tunxin at M('E* 8 offense of the 1982 All-N FL team an­ Record-setting Mark Moseley of 8 - NHLi Bruin* v*. Canadiens, rebound;. Mc&iroe $885,725. 7. Guillermo Vilas. p.m. Green Bay Packers and Dallas Cowboys still call now Packers’ equipment manager, then a part- Washington was led by Jeff MerisoUs each netted 11 pobts and ic f: i i ( u :k r y nounced Friday by the Pro Football Washington is the kicker. Channel 38 tina, $80,150. 8. Johan Krlek AFC the Ice Bowl. timer. Ridand w ib 25 pobts and Greg Phil Fedorebak chipped in 10 to pace I. 9. Vitas GeruUitis $340975. 10, (Tieveiand (8) at Los Angeles Raiders Manchester vs. East Catholic at Writers of America. On defense, Mark Gastineau of the 8i30 - NBAi Celtic* v*. Mavericks, Curren, South Africa. $iB8.427. (1), 4 p.m One sporb writer said not since Princeton and UPI photographer Ralph Scbauer got hb nose Ballard w ib 23. Suns 108-101 . b e 2-0 Rams. Dave Kelly pbyed B ir . 7.50 The PFWA also selected Tom J e b and Tampa Bay’s Lee Roy -Channel 4, WINF S WOMEN'S TENNIS New England (7) at Miami (2). 4 p.m. Rutgers bvented the game more than a century frozen to Us camera, and lost some skb prying it The Bullets trailed 86-78 w ib 7:46 well defensively for lUbg. (Women's Tennis Assn.) Sunday. Jan 9 WRESTLINC , Flores of the Los Angeles Raiders as Selmon were selected as ends and 9 • Basketball I Indiana v*. Ohio INDIANAPOLIS (UPI) - Four /pC ago had there been anjrthlng to compare with the loose. His picture of theirozen breath vapors of a .,,,1. to play, but consecutive baskets by 1. Martina Navratilova $1.475968. 2, Penney at East Catholic, noon AFC Coach of the Year and Randy White of Dallas and State, ESPN consecutive free throws by DennU Chris Evert Lloyd $089,488. 3, Andrea New York Jets (6) at Cincinnati (S). Ice Bowl. section of the crowd won a prize. Erving, Clint Richardson and Bonnet girls win Portland at'Cheney Tech, 11 a.m. Washington’s as NFC Chicago’s at bckle. Johnson in b e bst 30 seconds Jaeger $0915. 4. Wendy Turnbull 12:0 p.m. Now the Packers are getting ready to host their H ie fashionable color was deer-hunter red for a 11 • Basketballi Seton Hall v*. ^ Malone propelled PhUadelphla to a ir iv lM . 5. Pam Shriver $384,188. 6. Coach of the Year. Jack Lambert of Pitbburgh was capped a perfect night from the line Bennet girb’ varsity basketball Barbara Potter $270,015. 7. Bettina Bunge first pbyoff game since ttbt Arctic afternoon. They „ majority of the near-capacity crowd. Many were Boston College, SporUChannel 92-78 lead w ith f iv e m inutes Foub, hamed for the first time, chosen at middle linebacker, with 11130 - Basketballi Virginia v*. (or Phoenix and helped the Sons souad took a 2S-18 duke from Bolton $348908. B. Hina Mandlikova, Czechos­ meet the St. Louis Cardbab today b the first z l p ^ up b sleeping b i^ . remaining. lovakia. $831983. 9. Sylvia Hanika, West B & J joins teammates Kellen Winslow Lawrence Taylor of the New York Maryland, ESPN beat the Indiana Pacers 106-101 Friday at Bennet. Adrienne Chase round of the N F L pbyoffs. Hundreds of car batteries died b the parking lots Toney scored eight of Germany. $0,151. 10, Anne Smith (tight end), Wes Chandler (wide G ianb and the Buccaneers’ Hugh Friday night. had 8 pobts and 24 reboibds to pacie $212,754: AUTO REPAIR It w ill be a week b te r than the 1967 ganw, and during the game. Philadelphia’s first 10 pobU and •Conn licanud Appmiin receiver) and Doug Wilkerson Green at oubide linebacker. SUNDAY Phoenix hit on all 19 of iU free the 2-0 Bears. Shelly Factors added NASCAR Complete Auto Paint ft Body forecast conditions are comparatively balmy — A hospital treated 11 frostbitten fans, and one went on to kore 12 first-quarter 1, Darrell W altijp $W3.11B. 2. B o ^ v (guard) on the 26-man squad, with 11 The G ian b ’ Mark Haynes and 12i30 • NFLi JeU v*. Bengal*, throws b b e contest, while-Indiana 6 p o b b and Kelli Reyngoudt pbyed Allison $71M . 3. rochard Petty $CS9n temperatures b the 30s. An "electric blanket” woman for exposure. .z!«. pobU to lead b e TOers to a 2416 players retaining their . All-NFL Everson Walb of the C ow les were Channel* 22,30, W POP made 13 of 14 from b e line. well defensively. 4. Dale Earnhardt $375916. 5. Terry burled 8 inches under the stadium turf works better Most cd the players weren’t ready for the 1967 lead. Bobby Jones led the 76era b Labonte $HS970. 6. Ron Bouchard sbtus. picked as cornerbacks and li30 - Basketballi UConn v*. New n 6 9 8 l. 7. Harry Gant $ai,7fl9 8 ^ o ^ Flidey'i Sports Trantsetions than it did b 1967, when the fb id became muddy weather,'Noel said. Hampshire, WDRC ' be second quarter w ib eight pobts $8M9B G eoff Bodine | » 9 n . Joining Foub in the backfield are Pitbburgh’s Donnie Shell U the By United Press Intemstionsl 9, ^ FREE •Cov««o*r Con “ Some wore old cotton went gloves. I did have 10. Buday Baker $853975. and slippwy. 4 • NFLi Bueeaneer* v*. Cowboy*, u Philadelphia widened its m a r^ Hockey Los Angeles rookie back Marcus strong safety. Nobn Cromwell of CART TMit day began crisp and clear with the mercury everybody wrap their feet b plastic bags to keep to 5340 at halftime. The Sbers led NY Islanders — Recalled defenseman Channel 3, W POP 1, Rick M ea n $517.$83. 2. Gordon Allen and Freeman M cNeil of the the Los Angeles Ranu is the free Kings 139-117 Paul BouUUcr from St. Joan o f the •Vwyi t at 16 below. the beat b ,” he said. by 16 pob U midway through b e ae- Johncock $008949. 3. Bobby Rahal ESTIMATES 6IVEN 5 • Basketballi Western Kentucky MiMC Major Junior Hockey Leaiue. New York Jeb, the league’s rushing safety and Dave Jennings of the KANSAS CITY, Mo. (UPI) - Ray $27590. 4. Mario Andretti $36950. 5. Some reporters thought maybe the game would The wooden dugouta have been rebuilt and M g in­ r " ” cond quwter. F h U k * $ U a — Called up e x t e n d e r Call 643-7604 champion. Dwight Cbrk of San Giants b the punter. V *. North Carolina, ESPN Tom Sneva 02,437. 8. Kevin Cogan Washbgton cut b e lead to seven Williams, pbylng pbnt guard b Bob Fra*** (ram Maine of the American be called off. Whoever beard of football being dustrial beaters will substitute for the propane 7 • N H L i Whaler* v*. Flyers, 081.C7. 7. A1 U nier Sr. $173,771. 8. Francisco jobs Chandler at wide The Rams’ LeRoy Irvin was pbc« of be bjured Larry Drew, Hockey L**s«e; Remalfned forward pbyed b below zero weather? beaters. WTIC, USA . 4 poInU on a )»aket by Ballard w ib John PaddodT to Maine. Pancho Carter $1730. 9, Geoff 13 yean at location 367 Ooklond St. receiver. selected as the punt return Brabham $143,00. 10, Roger M ea n The wind chill was 46 below on the field, where “ In 1967,1 w a s ... glad when It was over. It should one mbute remaining b b e third collected 27 pobU, l‘4 assists and sb CoHege iohn Trocy Prop. M on ch ttof. Ct. Rt. 83 Fbnking Wlberson on the offen­ specblist and Waifungton’s Mike 8 • NBAi Suns'vs. Bueka, ESPN Wiifainfton — Offensive backfield $134.10. (W^men Nm's FnA Stwd ft NO) I the Packers eked out a 21-17 victory over the D a t o be much more pleasant this time,” Noel said. * 1.. quarter. The 76ers scored b e final rebounds to deliver b e Kansas City ^ PBA BOWLING • AM4 fM M f 13 k sive line are b ck les Anthony Munoz Nelms is the kickoff return lOiSO • NBAi Supers aides vs. coach M Roberts resigned to take a five p ^ U of the period to take a 77- Kings a 13$-117 victory Friday night similar post with Los Angelee of the 1, E arl Anthony tlM .70. 2, Dave Trail Blaaets, ESPN Husted I U B 0 . 3. M ike Durbin 0 0 o f Cincinnati and M a rv b Pow ell of specblist. 81IM bto the fourb quarter. over b e UUh Jazz. U 8FL I a - MANCHESTER HERALD, Sat., Jan. 8, 1983 MANCHESTER HEHALD, Sat.. Jan. 8, 1983 - 19

MWERTISING ilDVERTISIIK DEMLIIE Classified 643 RATES LOOK FOR THE STARS Minimum Charge n o t ic e s EMPLOYMENT 23— Homes lor Sate 35— Heating.Plumbing 46— Sporting Goods 58— Misc lor Rent 12:00 noon the day 24— Lols-Land for Sale 36— Flooring 47- Garden Products $2.25 (or one day before publication. 1 — Lost and Found 25— Investment Property 37— Moving.Trucking-Storage46 Antiques Look for the Classified Ads with stars; stars help get you better results. 13— Help Wanted 2— Personals 14— Business Opportunities 26— Business Property 38— Services Wanted 49— Wanted to Buy AUTOMOTIVE PER WORD Deadline lor Saturday is 3 - - Announcements 15— Siluaiiori Wanted 27 — Resort Property 4 _ Christmas Trees 26— Real Estate Wanted 1 DAY... 15$ 12 noon Friday; Mon­ 5— Auctions MISC. FOR SALE RENTALS 61— Autos tor Sale day's deadline is 2r30 EDUCATION MtSC. SERVICES 62— Trucks for Sale 3 DAYS . 14$ ^ Put a star on Your od and see what a difference it mokes. ★ 40— Household Goods 52— Rooms for Rent 63— Heavy Equipment lor Sale Friday. FINANCIAL 18— Private Instructions 41— Articles for Sale 53— Apartments tor Rent 64— Motorcycles'Bicycles 6 DAYS . 13$ 19— Schools-Ciasses 31— Services Offered 42— Building Supplies 54— Homes for Rent 65— Campers'TrailerS'Mobite Phone 643-2711 8— Bonds-SiocMs-Morigages20— Instructions Wanted 32— Painting. Papering 43— Pets-Birds-Dogs 55— Otfices^fitores tor Rent Homes 26 DAYS 12$ 9— Personal Loans * 33 — Building.Contracting 44— Musical Instruments 58— Resort Property lor Rent 66— Automotive Service HAPPV ADS $3.00 PER INCH 10— Insurance REAL ESTATE 34— Roofing-Siding 45— Boats & Accessories 57— Wanted to Rent 67— Autos tor Rent'Lease * Telephone 643-2711, AAondoy-Fridoy 8:30 o.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Help Wanted 13 Help Wanted 13 Home* For Sale 23 Home* For Solo 23 Homo* For Solo .ArtfelM tor Sato 41 Froo CtossfSatf Ads ilfNirtfiMfifs for Rent 53 eeeeeemeeeeemeeeeeeeeeee •aeeaeeaeeeaeeeaaaeeeaaa □ AUTOMOTIVE OPERATORS OPEN HOUSE - MANCHESTER CHILDS spring horse, WALL STREET - Hebron, Taking applications tor training level entry for SUNDAY 1:30-4:00 ★ suitable for ages 24). (Sood two bedroom apartment, Autos For Solo SI signal operators on: a l u m in u m SHEETS condition. $M.00. Call 646- heat and hot water in­ 12 midnight ■ 8 AM 4 PM - 12 midnight used as printing plates.-.007 4995. cluded. Appliances, 1979 FORD GRANADA - 6 | thick, 2Sz28w” .J0 c each. Job level requires one year answering service parking, lar« yard. $4l0 cyl., automatic, air- or 5 for $2.00. Phone 643- COLE(X)i [ame, even montbu. Phone 649- conditioning, 27,000 miles. "Your Community Newspaper" or telephone operator background. Must be 2711. They M l ^ be picked 2871 or 21^14. dependable with good Job references and be 43 X 23 with legs, i COD- Superb carl Many extras! up before 11:00 a.m. only. dition. $25.00. i 6496120. $6U5. 044-2942. available weekends. FOUR ROOMS - Two We offer a comprehensive employee benefit BEDR(K)M SET - Includes METAFRAME woodtone bedrooms in four family. 1976 TOYOTA CEUCA ST, program to Include training, free Indoor parking, double dresser with 20 gallon aquarium with Wall to wall carpeting, four speed, vinyl roof, AM- Help Wanted 13 Help Wanted 13 ill In a downtown Hartford office surrounding. 44 Hmry 8t. mirror, desk with chair, matching stand and appliances and garage. No FM. Mint condiUon. $1800. PLEASE READ 12 Devon Dr. ni^t stand, single head pets. Rent $395 plus securi­ For application call 522-8960 Throe bedroom contemporary with aqualogy power filter. 7426148. Three bedroom, 1 Vi bath, hnd footboard with frame. ty and utilities. References YOUR AD between 10 AM-2 PM e.o.e. Price $60.00/^11 742-5287. three baths, den, eat-ln kitchen 643-8319 after 4 p.m. required. 6496717. 1968 PLYMOUTH Fury, INSURANCE and more. $83,900. aluminum sided Colonial priced to Classiiied ads are taken sell at $65,500. MIRROR top dressing 318 engine, running condi­ ' PROFESSIONALS: SECRETARY - Downtown MAINTENANCE Directions: North on Main past W. Middle table, $25.00. Telephone MANCHESTER - W tion but needs work. over the phone as a con­ “It's Tim e To Stop Worshipping Tpke. Take 4!h right. Directions: Center to Adams, right on Ed­ Duplex. Spacious, three Hartford law firm seeks, MECHANIC - Third shift. mund to Devon. 6496131 aftw 6 pm. $200.00. Call 6466649. venience. The Herald is The Sacred Cow” secretary with some' Perforins maintenance, bedrooms, IW baths, first responsible for only one Robert W. MacDonald, CLU college or secretarial repairs,' installations and SEASONhiD FIREWOOD, floor laundry, full cellar cut, split, delivered. $100 a FOR SALE - Chevy three 1975 GREMLIN, good con­ incorrect insertion and President — ITT Life Insurance Corporation school background and modifications to ensure the speed standard transmis­ and attic, large yard and dition, no ru st. $700. In January 1982, ITT Life Insurance Corpora­ with 1-2 years experience. proper operation and con­ GROUP I • F.J. Spilecki, Inc. Realtors 643-2121 cord. You pick up, $75.00. one car garage. Sparkling then only to the size ot Call anytime, 649-1831. sion, all synchro, one Telephone 647-1242. the original insertion. tion announced that It would no longer sell Legal experience not dition of equipment, owner in very good condi­ neighborhood and centrally necessary. Excellent skills machinery and buildings. located. Gas and utilities 8 Errors ^which do not traditional whole life Insurance because whole life VERNON - Two family FLUORESCENT LIGHT tion. $80.00. (jan 649-1327. 1972 FORD Pick-up, good required. Call 249-9I2I for Must be able to operate ly, Building Contracting 33 Building Contracting SB not included. References running condition, $700 lessen the value of the no longer offered the consumer a competitive interview. machine shop equipment quietjuiet stree street, convenient to Flxtures;2ft.-$3.00;3ft.- 'and security required. advertisement will not return . . . that It had become an 'antl- $5.00; 4 f t.- $6.00.CaUJohn SNOWBIRD two stage n e g o tia b le . 1968 and portable hand tools. H artford. Income $830. $ ^ . Call II am - 6 pm, 643- Barracuda.h/ood running be corrected by an ad­ consumerlst’ product. To meet the contemporary Low down, owner ELECTRICAL SERVICES SKAPARAS HOME at 871-8640 after 3 30. snowblower, 22 inch path, CORRESPONDENT - Perform electrical and - We do all t j ^ s of Elec­ Remodeling - All types of (ood condition. $75.00. Call 8387. condition, $ ^ negotiable. ditional insertion. needs of consumers, IT T LIFE has created The Manchester Herald is millwright work including mortgage possible.i $55,900. 455-0212. . trical Work! Licensed. Call additions, interior and COLONIAL WING BACK 643-5713. SIGNATURE SERIES. looking for a part-time cor­ welding, pipefitting ana after 5:00 p.m., 646-1516. exterior, repair work. Free MANCHESTER - Main To hear what IT T LIFE can offer you In the way carpentry ^ to accomplish Sofa - Excellent condition, Street. 2-3 rooms, heated, respondent to supplement estimates. Reasonable round maple Uble with OO0*-Blrd*-Pot* 43 Truck* lor Solo 62 of competitive term products, commissions that machine repairs and FLORIDA’S finest adult " ‘‘O ••••>«••«■•••••••••••••• hot water, appliances. No its suburban coverage. FARRAND rates. Call Joe, 569-7572. four Captain chairs, rock more LEAD PROGRAMS, Some attending of night modifications. Apply in golf and country club com­ pets. Security. Parking.Parkl are than competitive, REMODELING - Cabinets, maple three piece bedroom FREE TO GOOD HOME - G.M.C. PICK-UP, four 3 1 \ r meetings required. Can­ person 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. munity. Trees, lakes, four mouth old part Terrier 523-7047. speed, insulated cap, runs aggressive marketing strategies, state-of-the-art security. Privatd, uniquely Roofing, Gutters, Room Roofing U set, 35 MM camera, and sales support and G.A. OPPORTUNITIES. C A L L didate must be .able to Rogers Corporation - Mill Additions, Decks, all types - part Beagle puppy. House good, covered wagon and Oakland Streets, designed manufactured miscellaneous household LARGE THREE ROOMS, fHm trbrstrr NOW FOR RESERVATION. write clearly and concise­ of Remodeling and broken. 6 4 ^ 7 ^ . mick, camper, flat bed, 16 ly. Call Dan Fitts, 643-2711 Manchester, Ct. E.O.E. homes from $36,900! Lake BIDWELL HOME Im­ items. Call 871-2606 for stove, refrigerator, first ft. trailer plank, four (203) 872-7570 or (203) 872-3699 Fairways, P.O. Box 4535, Repairs. FREE provement Company - details. in the afternoon. M/F. Estimates. Fully insured. COLUE PUPPIES, ARC, floor, two car parking. $290 wheel. 643-2371. H r r a ib JANUARY 12, 1983 N. Ft. Myers, Fla. 33903; Roofing, siding, shots, wormed, eye checks. monthly, $75. utiflties. You Can Earn or toll free 1-800-237-8909. Telephone 643-6017. alterations, additions. 60- MUST SELL! Camel Security. 6496896. RN DIRECTOR Of Nur­ Smooth and ro u ^ variety. Nonce OF PUBLIC HeARINU > LEAD PROGRAMS SEATING LIMITED sing Services for a 45 bed, Boon $$$ MHng 6495.______Tuxedo couch, with 6496210. • G EN EROUS ROBERT E. JARVIS •••###•##••••••••••••••• matching loveseat. TOWN OF MANCHeaTER high quality skilled nursing AvonI MANCHESTER, C T . SIX ROOM DUPLEX MANCHlSTeN COMMISSIONS' Building and Remodeling Flooring SB Matches any decor. In available March 1st. • SALES SUPPORT Call today for raaarva- unit. Pleasant working con­ For mora Inlormatlon Uusteol Instrumonta 44 raOkveLOFMCNT AOENCV If you fw itw TniJy fVfifipoMi Btoer Specialist. Interior and excellent condition! $475. > COMPETITIVE tion. ditions with a skilled and call References and security NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: exterior renovating, FLOORSANDING - Floor* 6476012 after 5:00 p.m. required. No pets. $3w PRODUCTS dedicated staff to assist S23-S401, or residential and commer­ MATTELL SYNSONIC That a Public Hearing will be held • G.A. Exquisite Custom like new. Specializing in monthly. CaU 6 tt-7 ^ , by the Mancheiter Redevelopment □ N O T IC E S ATTENDANCE BY you. Must possess 27S-2*4t cial, additions, garages, DRUMS - $100. or best OPPORTUNITIES RESERVATION ONLY older floors, natural and SNOW TIRES (2) - Agency at 7:30 p.m. on January 34, leadership ability and have Executive roofing and siding, offer. Brami new, never prior experience in ger­ AD $ $ $ TO Your income. (Contemporary stained floors. No waxing Firestone Town and Coun­ used'. Call 6436747, ask for FIVE ROOMS - Two 1983 in Um Lincoln Center Hearing Lost and Found Samlnar For Succaaaful Lifa Inauranca Profaaalonala A T QualU kitchens, bathrooms, anymore. John VerfaiUe, try, L78-1S, excellent. Used bedrooms in two family. Room at 494 Main Street, ty Inn, Routa 83, Vamon, Conn., 3-10 p.m. (203) 872-7970 or iatrics. Excellent fringe We need 50 people in replacement windows and Scott. Mancheater, Connecticut for the 12SO.OOO UUie. 521-5328. •••••••••••••••••••••••• AppUances, washer/dryer (203) 872-36M - Raaarvationa benefits including com­ Connecticut and Rhode 64^5750. purpose of receiving public com* have something to doors. 643-6712. FOUND - SET OF KEYS Wadnaaday, January 12,1983 pany paid pension plan. Island for pleasant, part 10 Room , (.800 S/F. Full* A / C & ment on a proposed Redevelop- al Lincoln Center. Gan be Carpeted. 5 Bedrcmmt, Baths. WOOD OR Coal burning IT T Life Insurance Corporation Please call Mrs. Blain, time enjoyable work in Lighted Tennis C oun. Deluxe Ma­ DESIGN KITCHENS by Housohold Goods 40 inent Plan. The Redevelopment icked up at the ture* in Every Rexjm. Plan Area U located at 1146-1180 Tht* hrwt itfiMiw arf ihf Itlfu* that help [M-oplf, RN, 646-0129. Manchester your own home. No J.P. Lewis! Cabinets, & t o ‘SSui,U^’tohS; “ JJwf„AIL Boat g ^ »«5 plusPti security and anchester Herald Office Manor Nursing Home, 385 experience necessary. Set fnugiiutivr Finoncini fo r Higti utilities. References Main Street. Copies of the Jnenmed fHirchtuer. vanities, formica, Wilson USED between 8 30 and 5 p.m. SECRETARY - For small West Center Street, your own hours. Samples REFRIGERATORS, home with water radiators. "’TeleohoL' 64^ required. 6496717. proposed Redevelopment Plan are Monday ■ Friday. NIGHT MANAGER 646-2030, MR. N OR M A N art, Corian counter tops, Asking $240. Please call Telepnone 613- available lor review prior to the office. Duties include and wanted for convenience Manchester. furnished. Free details. WASHERS, RANGES - J kitchen cabinet fronts, M 7 6 ^ ...... THREE ROOM Apartment hearing at the olllce of the sell for less than$99°° answering phone, typing, store. 12-8. Full time. Will Write P.O. Box 681, complete woodworking Clean, Guaranteed. Parts Mancheater Town Clerk. The LOST - Boys 20-inch BMX filing, kejmunching, Apply PART TIME - Clean up Charlestown, R.I. 02813. St Service. Low pricei! with heat, hot water, stove, bicycle, blue, with white train. Start immediately, service, custom made fur­ Froo CtossMsd Ad* f ______refrigerator, cam t. $300. Agency proposes to execute and in person Phoenix Audio, 91 633-4155. those holiday bills and pay niture, colonial reproduc­ B.D. Pearl St Son, 6 0 Main' administer an acceptable handlebars and seat; with Elm Street. Manchester. for vacation too! Sell at DENTAL SECRETARY - Street. 643-2171. THE PACK RAT -AnUques Adults only. No pets. lledevetopment Plan which will in­ pads. Norman St. area. □ BUSINES|i tions in wood, 9 varieties of SKI BOOTS, Henke, made Security deposit. Centrally 649-1199. FULL TIME PAY for part work, to friends or Assistant. Manchester of­ hardwood and veniers in. Switzerland, size 9W, & Collectibles, Open Sun­ volve the use of lunda received Reward If found, please neighbors. Avon, 646-2327. fice. Three days weekly. and SERVICES COLD SPOT 14 cubic foot days 12 to 5. 40 Fiore Road, located. CaU 046-7000 or from a revenue bond Issue for the call 643-4735. time work. Responsible NOW IN STOCK. Call 649- blue, $25.00. CaU 6496078. 6436388. purposes of the rehabilitation of NEWSPAPER DEALER Must be good typist. •••••••••••••aaaaaaaaaaa frostless refrigerator, $150. Bolton. CaU 6436680. ...till out the coupon man wanted for furniture •••••••••••••••••••••••• wanted, Vernon/Rockville 9658. ••••••••••••••••••••••a* the building and site im­ deliveries. Experienced RN'S - LPN’s - Full and Medical or dental Services Offered 3f Washer and dryer, $100 GRANITE HEAD STONE - provements which are located in Personal* 2 area. Call 647-9946. part time positions background helpful. 649- •••••••••••••••••••••••• TIMOTHY J. Connelly - each. All excellent. 6 ^ Wantotf to Buy 4$ FIVE ROOMS - Second truck driver with own Total building and im­ beveled face, suitable for floor, redecorated, waU to the above Redevelopment Plan available. We are offering 2272. 5478...... Area. A truck preferred but not C & M.Tree Service, Free provement services in­ Childs grave, 16”zl0"zl2” , NEIL YOUNG Tix, 201-851- ernployment Monday - OLDER SINGLE or multi wall carpeting. $390. CaU The Manchester Redevelopment 2882, Major Credit Cards. Personal* necessary. Call 646-7237 estimates. Discount senior cluding but not limited to $25.00. Telephone 649-9114 649-3379. after 3 p.m: - ask for Friday with an extensive WINTER BREAK- $1100 citizens. Company ArUcIo* for Solo 41 after 5 p.m. family unit for cash. Han­ Agency is acting hereunder in ac­ benefit package and com­ kitchens, bathrooms, ad­ dyman special OK. CaU cordance with Chapter 130, Section below Karen. per month full time; $450 Manchester owned and ditions, garages, roofing Strano Real Estate, 646- MANCHESTER - Three 8-124 through 8-149, Connecticut petitive salaries OR Satur­ per month part time jobs. operated. Call 646-1327. SEASONED Firewood, FRIDEN AUTOMATIC Of- _ „ TYPIST - Full time. Ver­ day's and Sunday's at an and siding, door and win­ 2000. bedrooms. IVk baths, 6 General Statutes as reviled Co-Op & Scholarship dow replacement, cut, split, delivered. $95.00 ...... iw m duplex. $495 monthly through 1982. 4 non area. Machine extremely high hourly Prowam . Interviews held LIGHT TRUCKING - Fen­ a cord. (Jail evenings and Phone 649-7375. p]yg ggg and. utUities. 646- TOWN OF MANCHESTER HAPPY 30th BIRTHDAY transcription experience remodeling, renovations rate. Call Crestfield Con­ with dealers Co-op on cing. Attics, cellars, gar­ and new construction. 646- weekends, 228-9101. MANCHESTER necessary. Send resume to valescent Home/Fenwood Thursday January 13th. at ages cleaned. All types TABLE T O . . P .H .I.I. • “ N ™ L 8 W ______REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY JOBS, P.O. Box H, Vernon, 1379. :::::fti%¥S5SWS5SS^^ Manor in uuanchester at 10 am, 1,4, or 7 pm at Blast trash, brush removed. Necchi sewing machine, MANCHESTER - Clean Jodi Conti Ct. 06066. 643-5151 Monday - Friday, Hartford Holiday Inn (Exit Picket, Split Rail, Stake Room* lor Rant B2 INVITATION TO UID N $10.(W. Telephone 643-1061. and moil to: Classic Styling five room duplex. No 9am - 3pm. 58 off Rt 84). No calls Fences installed. 528-0670. meeeeeemeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Sealed bids will be received In the Don’t forget your EKG LOCKSM ITH appliances or utilities. Office of Uie Director of General accepted. ONE TANK SHELL, 2W ft. MANCHESTER - Nice Immediate occupancy. Experienced preferred. EXPERIENCED NEED REPAIRS Done on Services, 41 Center Street, appointment... Rose Quilh long suitable for conver­ room with kitchen $425 monthly plus security. Manchester, Connecticut, until Apply Connecticut Safe and SEAMSTRESS for LIVE-IN Companion for your home? A window V » ting Into a lawn roUer, privileges. Gentleman L ock, 555 New P a rk 6466726. January 20,1081 at II :00 a.m. lor Love alterations on bridal gowns elderly woman in exchange fixed, or a door hung? CaU 649-2433. preferred. $50.00 weekly. the foUiiwing: Manchester Herald Avenue, West Hartford and formal wear. for room-board. Other Even roofing done, or in­ Security. Telc[dione 643- FIRE DEPARTMENT WORK between 9 and noon. MANCHESTER - New two Y S I L Telephone 643-4809. arrangements possible. terior painting done. Call TORMICA VANITY TOP 1878. bedroom townhouse, fuUy PANTS It SHIRTS One Herald Square 646-1I2L Joe 529-4324. ^‘No job too hnd lavatory assembled, appllanced kitchen, F U R N IS H It IN STA LL Manchester, Cenn. 06040 small”. 22" by 46” , aqua with gold, CENTRAL LOCATION, ALUMINUM STORM WINDOWS, carpeting, private deck, Y.W.C.A. (REBIDI Announcement* 3 Help Wanted 13 REGISTERED NURSES $05.00.%Call 646-4706 kitchen privileges, parking basement with washer and BOBJOB Handyman Ser­ anytime. available. Security aqd The Town of Manchester Is Windham Community Memorial Hospital Condominium* 22 vice is proud to announce .rdryer connections, im­ equal opportunity employer, and RUSSELLS BARBER CHRISTMAS BILLS are written references mediate occupancy. $495.00 r^uires an affirmative action has the right |ob — its January Sale. We offer PO UN D required. For appUcation SHOP is pleased to an­ coming in and savings need MANCHESTER - Two s I x t S e TT per month, uulities not in­ policy lor ail of Its Contractors and nounce Raymond Fogarty for the right nurse — one free complete oven Bowling ball, $10.00. CaU call 643-2693. Vendors as a condition of doing NAME...... replenishing. We have bedroom condo for rent. A- cluded. Peterman Agency, will be available for several openings in our right now. cleaning on any job of 6496314. 0496404 or 647-0000. business with the Town, a i per professional services, C. $575 with heat. 273-^13, $100.00 or more, PLUS a 10 MANCHESTER - Lovely Federal Order 11248. telephone sales program. 659-3008. Bid Forms, plans and sep- ADDRESS...... Tuesday - Friday, 8:30 - If you are available 5-9 Windham la a progrM aivf ahorl farm acuta cara hoapHal of lercent discount on all MENS COLUMBIA BU(e, large furnished rooms. EAST HARTFORD - Four 5:30 and all day Saturday. 175 bada. Saaklng raglatarad nuraaa (or tha night ahifl lr> tha labor. Offer expires 10-speed, $12.00. Telephone- Kitchen privileges, $50.00 clfications are avaiUble at Ite p.m. and Saturday AM, and MANCHESTER - Two room apartment in three General Services (Xfice, 41 Center CITY ...... 646-6659. madicai • aurglcal, obatatrict and critical cara araaa. Par diam January 31, 1983. Call 646- w e e k ly .'$200 secu rity family house on quiet would like to earn $67.00 pool alto availabla on all ahltta. bedrooms, two baths, pool, I8II. Insured. Street. Manchester, Oonneclicut. plus a week, call Gerry at deposit. 646-2204. street off Main Street. TOWN OF MANCHESTER sauna, extras. Adults. BROWN VINYL couth, 2IP ...... PHONE. 643-27 1 1, M onday - CHFA qualified. $40’s. Appliances included and CONNECTICUT □ EMPLOYMENT Starting salary $18224 - $17763 opens up to queen size bed, ATTRACTIVE ROOM - ROBERT B. WEISS, Thursday, 6:30 - 7:30 p.m. Owner 643-8649, 643-6591. I WILL DO IRONING in perking for two (»rs. No Experience a plus, but Commensurate with experience PLUS my home. For more infor­ good condition, $99.00 firm. Large clothes closet, pets p lease. $325 per GENERAL MANAGER $2080 night shift dlHerantlal PLUS private bath, parking. 007-01______Help Wanted definitely not necessary. mation call 646-6006. Ctdl 646-4305 after 4 p.m. month. Security requira. 13 $2080 night bonus CHFA LOW RATE - 5% Older gentleman. Will gladly train motivated down. Lovely two 646-4786. TYPE OR PRINT ONE WORD PER BLOCK. individuals. REWEAVING BURN FOUR 1980 TOYOTA W ton References. 649-7335. TOWN OF MANCNESTEN, LICENSED NURSE - Excellent fringe benefits bedroom, two full baths, pickup wheels, hubcaps CONNECTICUT Come out of retirement for facing south, overlooking HOLES. Zippers, um­ Homo* for Rant 54 10 vacation days, 12 bolldaya, 12 tick days and Inauranca con- Q u i/ f and nuts. Never used. ELDERLY Person - room NUVUNUl EHAMNO this one. No stress, no fuss, MUNSONS CANDY pool, private balcony. BuiU brellas repaired. Window FUnUC NOTICE alting of: HaaHh. major madicai, dantal, vision, Ufa, accldant, $50.00. 6496190. and board. Includesprivate FOUR BEDROOM CAPE, I ONE ITEM PER AD. I no bother. Call 649-2358. Kitchen is accepting liability, panaion and annultlaa. Paid aamlnara and tuition in 1970. $48,900. shades, Venetian blinds. The Town has submitted its report Keys. TV FOR RENT. room, laundry, telephone only blocks from all on the actual eipendltures of applications for full time sMiatanca. Additional pramiuma covar waakand, holiday, Owner/Agent 646-0505 or GE 19-inch TV black and and three meak. Minutes WANTED avaning, charga, and call-in. Fraa parking. 646-1960. Marlow’s, 867 Main Street. schools.Treed lot. Revenue Sharing Funds for Fiscal employment in our .white, seven years old, away from downtown Year 1931-82 to the Bureau of Cen­ IMMEDIATELY, chocolate packing Childcara A Housing' availabla al compatltlva rataa 649-5221. Available immediately. wiUi stand. Needs repair, RockfiUe. $U.OO per week. $M0 monthly plus utiUties. sus. This report and aupportlng 1 2 3 4 telephone solicitor. Apply departments. Hours are 9- ^ up. $40.00. CaU 568- 8726236. documentation are available for in person B runsw ick BRICK, BLOCK STONE - 6436286 or 646jU62. 4:30 Monday thru Friday. Paid individualized orientation •••••••••••••••••••••••a public InspecUon in the OHIct of Holiday Lanes, 39 Spencer Call for ap^intment, 649- Concrete. (Jhlmney the Director of Finance, Room 12, Call collect 423-9201, ext. 214 □ REAL ESTATE Repairs. “No Job Too THREE R(X)MS- Private OIBeoo-Sloroo Street. Manchester. 4332. BLACX WROUGHT IRON entrance. Ladies $25. Mena Town HaU, from 8:30 A M. UBlrU Windham Commiinlty Memorial Hospital ...... Small.” Call 644-8356. lor Rant SB 4:30 P.M., Monday through Friday. 630 and $25. Fur coat, s KIT ‘N’ CARLYLE^" by Larry Wright 112 MwwflaM Av*., wmimanllc 0*22* kitchen set, formica top, •••••••••••••••••••••••• Robert B. 'Vela, 6 7 8 EOE Homo* For Solo 23 Painting-Foportng 32 58z45W with extra leaf and dresses, suits, slacks etc. NEWLY RENOVATED General Managar four chairs. Very «»d con- 6496450. 310 square feet office NEW 2-FAMILY - Two INTERIOR PAINTING, M dlUon. $85.00. 648-7625- available. Main -^treet bedroom townhouses, Apertmoni* lor Rant S3 KEKP YOUR TV QUALITY CONTROL SE C R E T A R Y over ten years experience, location with ample PICTURE SHARP with INSPECTOR with 5 years country kitchen with low rates and senior citizen 1963 CHRYSLER parking. CaU 649-2391. e 10 11 12 I U*/€lbHeAR'jfc0 Bookkeeper - Coventry FOUR ROOM apartment frequent cleaning of the minimum experience for School Building Com­ appliances, carpet and discount. 643-9980. NEWPORT Ensile, 361 cu. vinyl floors, double glazed Q-135 in. You mutt udee engine with heat included. screen. Use a mild i first piece layout and final mittee, take official Walking dktance to Main START '83 in your new of­ 'ifaJ'tZje ANb CONTSKTep. inspection on aircraft sheet windows, aluminum storm INTERIOR-EXTERIOR out of car. $99.00. After 9 fice space. Prestige loca­ with water or a bit of aih- minutes at two evening windows and doors, full The colorful Calico Rose p.m., 64B-7719.______Street. First floor with metal parts, in an air con­ meetings/rponth. Ite light PAIN’HNG - Wallpapering is just one of the 20 private entranc^^4S0 per tion, corner Ekst Center monia in water. Be sure to ditioned jplant. Company basement with washer ami and Drywall Installation. and Pitkin Street. Great , dry thoroughly. M you have 13 14 15 16 bookkeeping and filing. lovely Rosa designs to SKI B(X)TS, men's Nor­ month. paU 049-21 iaid benefits and overtime, Average 12 hours/month. dryer connections, gas (Quality professional work. piece and applique in­ visibility. Rent Includes ' an extra telcnfUlofi aet no fnterviewing 8 a.m, to 4 fired, hot water baseboard Reasonable prices. FVee cluded with pattern piecei dics, size B. $35.00. beat, Im ts, parking. Keith i1ftaJ6«riT Call 742-7317 or write Dr. heating system. $98,500.00. I2V$-24V$ Telepiiooe 646-7407. . 3W R(X)M APARTMENT. one watches, why not .m. Dynamic Metal Arnold E. Elman, 78 Estimates! Fully insured. and fall directiona in Private home. Heat, Real Estate, 6 4 6 ^ . exchange it for cash with a* I M6At(T*tCtS roducts Co. Inc., 422 Summitt Village Con­ G.L. McHugh, 643-9321. Rose Qnllta. (O tW i ara Ripley Hill Road, Coven­ dominiums. New two Glsaaic Separates for the ANTIQUE TYPEWRITER appliances. Working aiiute low-coet ad in Clasalfied? North Main Street, try, CT 06238. Hiaaouri R ^ ; Wild half-sizer with a youthful 17 IS 19 20 s c t ^ c u T f a ^ bedroom townhouses $46,- Roae; Rambling Rose.) • Circa, 19K. Good cooiU- adult only. No ig? Manchester, 646-4048. PAINTING & P A P E R look . . . n e a t to mix and Telepbone— rto m A p:z3A'! 900.00. Peterman Realty, H a n g in g , Ceilings Q-ISS, Roae QoUts, is match. The Chanel-ityle tion. $a0.00. CaU 568-7953. CUT BAKING TIME IK | 649-9404/647-0080. $8.25 a copy. jsoket teams with a alim- HALF next time you fix a repaired. Reference*. Ful W(X)bEN WINDOW coi^ PROPEESIONAL ADULT W insured. Quality work! T* aider. Had $1.2$, lasisds* ming skirt and either with two well behaved meat loaf by baking In muf­ CELEBRITY CIPHER M A NCH ESTER - 6-6 iwstan sad kaadUag, bowed or tailored blouse. Dices with rods, doe 60”, MANCHESTER - One, CalsbrNy CIphar eiyptograma ara orsalad from quotaiona by famous paopts. past Martin Mattason, evening! two, three be and children is relocating. fin tins rather than the con­ and preeant. Each fenerMihedpheralande for another. redey'aekwPaoueliK. Duplex. Business zone. ^1-r 9 1 wiUrwemm Photo-Guide« HW»V-\alUa« two 42”, $18.00. Telephone 649^431. I let dAU a. _ Seeldng 3 bedroom duplei, Aluminum siding. 18 in Sizes 12% to 24U 64^7283.______townhouse apartments ventional loaf. Saves fuel Assumable mortgage. $W,- Size 14H. 87 Im it . available immediately. apartment or home. and makes attractive in­ Example: A) Washer good cond., *50.00 •••••aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaiaa vxi'o.inssr FIREPLACE SCREEN, $376, $435, $«6. Security Preferably Keenqr Street dividual aervliige. Uae a ••ARLIL NIL CE XQSF NCQVNBU 900.'The Hayes Corp., 646- Building Contracting 33 ZIP ' Call 000-0000. 0131. csss, ms aasMar. skirt, I H yarda; bowed $6.00. CaU 6196640. 'rM. Heat and hot School diititot. &oeUant low-cost ad in Classified ••••••••^••eeeeeeeeeeeee referencee. CaU S49-7U7 SPECIAL: Over 2M ae- blouse, 2% yards. S included. (kU Ren­ for quick response next B)Table with formica top, *20.00 Call 000^0000. ZCAQB VNC VNPLU ARLV UE.” — tal Office, 67M474. before 4 pm. MANCHESTER - Owner LEON CIESZYNSKI Isctiona and a FREE Pattern* available ardm MENS figure skates, ilae time you have something transferred. Immediate BUILDER. New homes, Pattara Section fai the eiaee shenm. B, Sheffield steel blades, V N IP AXNQC ALBUM. Just $1.06. all leather boot, new. MANCHESTER - Modem t o a ^ . occupancy. Four bedroom additions, remodeling, rec M$ When you caU Claaalfled to PREVIOUS J^U TIO N : "The world I* getting to be such a Cape, two baths, garage. rooms, garages, kitehens MsnarsMsnsa fsrp sst^ i $66.00. CaU 64M M . two bedroom, first floor N e tf repairs around the' NO PET ADS. ONE AD PER piece an ad, a Itleiidly Ad- dangerous place, a man It kicky to get out of II alive." — W.C.* Excellent condition. Great remodelM, ceilings, bath apartment. Close to ebop- home? Cali an expert. CVlaor wiU aniwsr your FAMILY PER WEEK. FM d* location. Price reduced to tile, dormers, roofing. iATHROOM link - piiig end busline. Heat and You'U find the help you ewrilant condition, $10.00. hot water included. No caU u d help you word your ClM8r«A.kig. • 19t2byNEA.mc. OM $69,900. Group I, Lomtardo Residential or commer­ need in Clesaifled. and Associates, 649-4003. cial. 649-4291. SlS^VSPJ'i! ***■ Og, usra^m CU164I6M4. pete. $435. 943-1671. ad for beet reepenae. i