
• Foreword • ’s strategic location • The new gateway port to • Facts and figures • Environmental breakwater • Offshore port island • The port’s causeways • Emirates Aluminium platform, causeway and cooling water intake • Highways and bridges • Dredging and reclamation • Khalifa Port and Marine Consortium • Halcrow Foreword Khalifa Port’s strategic location

And along the way, Halcrow helped ADPC receive its as consultants on the Shahama port project just erving the Emirate and beyond, Abu Dhabi’s access to global markets. Companies based in first international award. In 2008, ADPC was given a outside Abu Dhabi, where they will help ADPC build S Khalifa Port has been strategically located to Abu Dhabi have access to nearly three billion Diamond Award by the American Council of Engineering a bustling marina. meet the growing demands of global trade. consumers within four time zones, and with a Companies (ACEC), its highest honour, at the ACEC well-connected transport system, the quick 2008 Engineering Excellence Awards gala in New York. We hope that Halcrow employees who visit Khalifa Port As a dedicated enabler for the adjacent Khalifa Industrial and efficient movement of passengers and Halcrow won the Diamond Award for its excellence in the in the future will feel that it is just as much a part of their Zone Abu Dhabi (Kizad), the port offers unrivalled goods to and from Abu Dhabi is assured category of studies, research and consulting engineering work as that of ADPC. services in relation to the Khalifa Port Master Planning am proud to say that Khalifa Port fully project. The award was given to ADPC for creating I opened on 1 September 2012 with the “a major new port with minimal environmental impact”.

Ajman official completion of Phase One of the project. Tony Douglas Murmansk Sharjah As anyone can see, Halcrow has played a big part in the Chief executive officer Reykjavik Archangelsk Anchorage Bergen St Petersburg I would like to thank our colleagues and stakeholders success story of ADPC, part of the visionary team that Hamburg Quebec London who have helped us reach our milestone opening. One looked far into the future to help us build Khalifa Port. Abu Dhabi Ports Company (ADPC) Victoria Marseille Toronto Vladivostok Ras Ghanada Reef New York Porto of our long-serving consultants is Halcrow, who have ADPC is a leader in the development of world-class Portland Istanbul Tokyo Khalifa Port Al Maktoum International Airport Charlston been with the Abu Dhabi Ports Company (ADPC) since We have now come full circle with the opening of ports and industrial zones. Established in the Emirate Los Angeles Alexandria Khalifa Port Shanghai Miami Abu Dhabi Karachi Hong Kong those far off days in 2005, when some of the first the port and we would like to offer sincere thanks of Abu Dhabi in 2006, its mission is to create the right Acapulco Dakar Abu Aden Bangkok detailed sketches for the port were made. to the experts at Halcrow who helped us, and our environment to spur the economic expansion and Dhabi Lagos Colombo Singapore Belem many multi-national teams, form strong alliances to diversification of Abu Dhabi. ADPC operates and Abu Dhabi International Airport Guayaquil Boma Mombasa Jakarta Halcrow undertook an initial master plan and delivered build the Khalifa Port and develops commercial ports in Abu Dhabi and is the Salvador Darwin Antofagusta the full master plan in 2007, paying particular attention Abu Dhabi megaproject. Emirate’s port authority. Rio de Janeiro Brisbane Durban Adelaide Cape Town Perth to protecting the Ras Ghanada coral reef, lying adjacent Valparaiso Buenos Aires Sydney Auckland to the port. The dredging team, the Khalifa Port Marine We are glad to say that Halcrow continues to work With a population of around two million, * Hobart Dunedin Consortium, then asked Halcrow to undertake the with ADPC, creating this year the port’s operational Abu Dhabi is the capital of the United Arab detailed design. environmental management plan, and continuing Emirates and the largest of the seven emirates Major port

* source: Statistics Centre – Abu Dhabi The new gateway port to Abu Dhabi Facts and figures

halifa Port is the jewel in ADPC’s crown. With a semi-automated container and general K Hailed as a magnificent engineering achievement cargo facility handling bulk liquids, dry bulk, roll- ONCE COMPLETED and beacon of technical excellence, Khalifa Port’s on and roll-off cargo, Port Khalifa is one of the KHALIFA PORT engineering statistics are truly impressive. As Abu most modern facilities of its kind in the region AND KIZAD will be Dhabi’s largest-ever construction project, the ongoing building of the port is a major undertaking. The sheer Key size of it is staggering - its scale, state-of-the-art 6 7 8 facilities and handling capacity have secured its place 1 Port causeway (north) 9 4 amongst the world’s advanced marine ports. 2 5 Port causeway (South) 3 Highway and utility bridges 10 4 2/3the size of 3 Built over 4.5km offshore to protect the adjacent Ras Offshore port island 1 2 Ghanada coral reef, the port is being developed in five 5 Port basin planned stages over 20 years. Phase One, completed in 6 Ras Ghanada reef SINGAPORE September 2012, will see an initial capacity of 2.5 million 7 Wave attenuation breakwater 11 TEUs (twenty-foot equivalent units) of container traffic 8 Environmental breakwater 4 times bigger than and 12 million tons of general cargo annually. By 2030, as 9 Emirates Aluminium platform 12 Abu Dhabi island subsequent phases come on-stream, it is expected that it 10 Emirates Aluminium causeway and will be able to handle 15 million TEUs and 35 million tons of water intake 1/4 THE SIZE OF 11 general cargo per year. Kizad Zone A 12 Kizad Zone B Greater London Environmental breakwater Built at a cost of US$240 million, the breakwater rises 4m above water

Khalifa Port was oasting the only cactus coral along Abu Dhabi’s mainland B coast, Ras Ghanada coral reef is known for its biodiversity and reef development. Teeming with life and with a plethora of built offshore colours, the reef is integral to the Gulf’s marine ecosystem. Pink, yellow and orange corals of all shapes and sizes sprout from the for one reason sea floor, providing shelter to the many species sharing this alone: to protect unique environment. Port Khalifa’s 8km-long environmental breakwater protects this vitally 2 the 20km important underwater world. Built at a cost of US$240 million, the breakwater rises 4m above water. It has two main sections – an inner ABOVE: Revetment showing rock and acropod blocks. Ras Ghanada breakwater to protect the sensitive coral reef from contamination, turbidity and unwanted temperature fluctuation caused by port operations; and an MAIN LEFT: Wave attenuation and environmental breakwaters. outer breakwater to reduce the wave action within the port area. TOP and LEFT: The Arabian angelfish (Pomacanthus asfur) can coral reef be found in the Gulf. Its habitat includes sheltered coastal reefs with hard and soft corals, rocky reefs, crevices and the mouths The reef’s foundation is core material, covered with a strong synthetic of caves. It is timid, which makes it difficult to observe. geotextile like heavy canvas, covered in turn by rock originating from Ras Al Khaimah that has been cleaned to prevent contamination. The outer section has an extra layer of acropod blocks – man-made unreinforced concrete structures designed to resist the action of waves Rising some 24m from their foundations on OffshorePort island the sea bed, the quay walls are equivalent in height to six double-decker buses

ocated 4.2km offshore, Khalifa Port has been L constructed on a 2.7km2 reclaimed port island. With a platform, causeways and revetments formed from 45 million m3 of dredged materials, and designed to meet stringent seismic criteria, the port island is large enough to host some 340 football pitches. It is joined to the shore by the north and south causeways and the 1km-long road and utility bridge.

Rising some 24m from their foundations on the sea bed, the quay walls are equivalent in height to six double-decker buses. Formed from 12 blocks, with a maximum weight of 71 metric tonnes each, around 4m of quay wall is visible above the water line. With ABOVE: Placing of quay blocks. stringent specifications for block placing tolerances of +/- 20mm, the wall’s foundations vary in depth to accommodate a range of geotechnical conditions.

The port’s container yard features six ship-to-shore quay cranes, 30 automated stacking cranes and 20 shuttle carriers. The onshore port area, which connects the port with Kizad, will host customs, ABOVE: Cross section of quay wall. immigration, container freight, inspection and security facilities RIGHT: Quay wall and automatic stacking cranes. The port causeways

The seaward part Formed as a solid bund for most of its length, the causeway’s bridges allow water to circulate – ensuring of the causeway that the water quality within the port basin is maintained through a process of natural water leading to the port movement and flushing. It also ensures that water island is armoured quality around Abu Dhabi Water and Electricity Authority’s intake to the south of the port, and the Ras with rock, with Ghanada coral reef to the north is maintained. There marine dredged are areas of sea grass behind the port, and the open bridge sections allow the flow of the tide to maintain material as its water quality over the grass beds core The offshore port island is joined to the mainland LEFT: The port causeway’s highway and utilities bridges. T by the 3.2km north and south causeways and the RIGHT: Main causeway showing EMAL bridge and berth 1km-long road and utility bridges. on far right.

The southern causeway at the landward side is armoured with rock on both side and filled with land-sourced material. The seaward part of the causeway leading to the port island is armoured with rock, with marine dredged material as its core. Emirates Aluminium’s platform, EMAL’s plant is the largest causeway and cooling water intake single site greenfield smelter in the world

mirates Aluminium’s (EMAL) complex is a state- The 810m quay wall is formed from sections comprising 15 blocks, RIGHT: Typical section of EMAL’s trestle E of-the-art smelter supplying the world with high- each weighing around 73 metric tonnes. These are topped with bridge showing conveyor gallery. quality metal. It’s one of the largest industrial projects in pre-cast capping blocks, each weighing 108 metric tonnes. the UAE outside the oil and gas sector and one of TOP RIGHT: EMAL berth during the key initiatives leading the diversification of the A vacuum ship unloader transfers coke and alumina (the platform construction. UAE’s economy. primary raw materials for aluminium production) onto a wharf belt conveyor system. Once on the conveyor, the material is BOTTOM RIGHT: EMAL’s berth and EMAL’s dedicated berth became operational in November transported 4.6km along the trestle bridge and causeway running conveyor system. 2010 and receives four million tons of raw material cargo from the wharf to the shore, before being delivered directly to a year. The facility plays a key role in meeting the global EMAL’s storage facility. demand for aluminium. The causeway’s core was formed from land-based fill to a 4m Based in Kizad at Al Taweelah in Abu Dhabi, EMAL’s plant contour, with dredged materials used for the remainder. Rock is the largest single site greenfield smelter in the world. It and concrete armours have been used to protect the core produces 750,000 tonnes of aluminium annually, with an materials from erosion. expected increase to 1.3 metric million tonnes by the end of 2014 as a result of continued investment. EMAL’s 1.6km trestle bridge is the UAE’s longest bridge, whilst the seawater cooling facility for the aluminium smelter, which EMAL’s dedicated berth is 3.5km offshore. With space for runs through a dredged channel, includes 13km of 2.6m two 60,000 ton ships, it rises 23.7m from the sea bed. diameter pipe – wide enough to drive a large SUV through Each structure is built to last for 100 years and is Highways and bridges designed to withstand full exposure to adverse sea

ort Khalifa’s highways and bridges connect the Each structure is built to last for 100 years and was designed to conditions P main operational areas with the mainland. withstand full exposure to adverse sea conditions, whilst requiring the minimum amount of maintenance. To comply with local The port’s three bridges were built with minimum casting environmental regulations each crossing is designed to maintain in situ within a relatively short construction contract. With tidal flows around the causeways no access through land all manpower and materials were transported by sea. Highway and utility bridges EMAL trestle bridge Length: 1km Length: 1.64km

The 28.9m wide highway bridge carries three lanes of Width (highway): 28.9m Width: 19.5m vehicular traffic as well as a 2m walkway in each direction, Width (utility): 27.5m Number of piers: 84 while the adjacent 27.5m wide utility bridge carries pipelines Number of piers: 156 Weight of piers: 110 tonnes and services. A dedicated traffic lane provides access for Weight of piers: 115 tonnes Number of pier caps: 42 maintenance vehicles. Number of pier caps: 104 Weight of pier caps: 125 tonnes Weight of pier caps: 115 tonnes Number of girders: 205

EMAL’s 1.64km-long, 19.5m-wide trestle bridge connects Number of girders: 700 Weight of girders: 90 tonnes each the company’s offshore terminal to a causeway leading to Weight of girders: 90 tonnes each Diaphragm walls ABOVE: Port causeway’s highway its onshore facilities. It has a 10m wide road as well as a Diaphragm walls Deck slab and parapets and utility bridges. heavy-duty bulk conveyor gallery. Deck slab and parapets Dredging and reclamation

n October 2007, ADPC awarded the Khalifa Port levels and weather conditions. Specialists using a dedicated I Marine Consortium (KPMC), a team comprising monitoring vessel worked to ensure that water quality Boskalis, Archirodon and Hyundai Engineering and was maintained and undertook regular dive inspections Construction, a contract to undertake the multi- of the coral reef. faceted design, procurement and construction of the construction of the port. Computer modelling was used to predict the turbidity and suspended sediment concentrations around the The commission included dredging for a 12km access work areas. This information was used to minimise the channel, 250m wide with a 16.5m draft; the 800m by environmental impact of the dredging operations. 3.6km port basin with a 16m draft; land reclamation; rock protection works; breakwaters and quay wall construction. Surveys conducted throughout the project indicated the In all, some 45 million m3 of material was dredged. The port impact of construction on the sea grass and the coral platform was delivered on 31 July 31 2010, 18 months reef was minimal. ahead of the contracted schedule. ADPC has won many international awards for the To protect the precious In order to minimise the impact of the construction works on Environmental Breakwater. In 2011, it received the Ras Ghanada coral water quality and to protect the precious Ras Ghanada coral Environmental Protection Award at the prestigious reef, the project team reef, the project team employed an extensive monitoring International Bulk Journal Awards held in Belgium. programme. Fifteen fixed monitoring stations were used to The award recognises ADPC’s commitment to protect employed an extensive provide real-time data on turbidity, waves, currents, water the Ras Ghanada coral reef Port basin and reclamation area enclosed by breakwater and revetments monitoring programme The Khalifa Port Marine Consortium A CH2M HILL COMPANY

Khalifa Port’s principal consultant n 2007, the Khalifa Port Marine Consortium In 2005, Halcrow was commissioned by the I (KPMC), a team comprising Archirodon ADPC, to undertake a pre-master plan for the Construction (Overseas) Co SA, Boskalis Archirodon is one of the leading international contracting Boskalis is a leading global services provider operating development of a new port. A year later, the Westminster Ltd and Hyundai groups. With a 50-year record of worldwide diversified in the dredging and earthmoving, maritime infrastructure company was asked to undertake the detailed Engineering and Construction as awarded the experience offering a full range of services in engineering and maritime services sectors. The company provides studies needed to develop a master plan. Including contract to undertake the multi-disciplinary design, and construction of major civil, industrial and marine creative and innovative solutions to infrastructure a marine infrastructure impact assessment report, procurement and construction works for marine projects and has a special focus in the Middle East and challenges in the maritime, coastal and delta regions of site investigations and an environmental impact structures, dredging and reclamation of the first North Africa. the world including the construction and maintenance of assessment, the master plan for Khalifa Port was ports and waterways, land reclamation, coastal defence phase of Khalifa Port. delivered to the client in July 2007. and riverbank protection. The commission included the reclamation for the alcrow delivers planning, design and Halcrow is part of US-based CH2M HILL, the employee- In the same year, Halcrow was retained by the port platform and its protection by rock revetments, H management services for developing owned consulting, design, design-build, operations, and contractor, the Khalifa Port Marine Consortium breakwaters, causeways and bridges to provide infrastructure and buildings worldwide. It program management firm. to perform the detailed design to Phase One, access to the port platform, dredging of the access contributes to the construction, operation and consisting of the marine structures, bridges, channel and port basin, quay wall construction and Hyundai Engineering and Construction is one of the maintenance of the built environment, and the Combining world-class experience with local presence, reclamation and dredging. EMAL’s offshore facilities. world’s leading global engineering and construction protection, enhancement and maintenance of CH2M HILL and Halcrow are more than the sum of companies, seizing the initiative in the field of next- the natural environment. their parts. Their combined capability provides more Halcrow continued to support the project after its Through innovative design concepts and leadership, generation green growth. opportunities to make a positive contribution to main commission was completed in 2010, and in KPMC has completed the works 18 months ahead The company takes on the big issues that affect us infrastructure development around the globe. 2012 was responsible for the port’s operational of schedule. all – water, transportation, energy, and creating places environmental management plan to live and work. Construction of the offshore and onshore port